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DAILY FACT #305: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka was not always as massive and powerful as he is now. He became this way as a result of almost dying during a surgery to save him after most of his brain and 30% of his skull was destroyed by a bolter shot.

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DAILY FACT #304: The Brinngers of Judgement Chapter of Space Marines find themselves as the judge of all the galaxy's residents. To them everyone is guilty and they will stop at nothing to bring their foes down. Their lineage can be traced to the Dark Angels Legion but the founding they were apart of is unknown.

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DAILY FACT #303: Annotekh is the current Overlord-Regent of the Suhbekhar Dynasty. During the War in Heaven he manuvered his forces to be in more advantageous positions than his peers which both increased his power and standing while putting tivals in dangerous situations.

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DAILY FACT #302: the reason for the Harlequin's proficent skill in battle dates back to before the fall of the Eldar. Members would have to defend against attacks from other eldar as they tried to warn them of their depraved actions.

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DAILY FACT #301: Necron Orverlords are some of the most powerfer in thier race, being able to command vast legions of undead warriors from Tomb Worlds under their control. The most powerful of these overlords rise to the rank of Phaeron and can own several planets in their own dynasty.

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DAILY FACT #300: Many in the Mechanicus believe that Hive Fleet Behemoth was not the first time the Tyranids ventured into our Galaxy. Some smaller proto fleets or beta Tyranids may have come and inhabited scattered planets.
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DAILY FACT #299: The T'au Navy is run by the Air Caste and contains all the ships used both for battle and exploration/expansion. In their language it is refered to as the Kor'vattra.

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DAILY FACT #298: Those in the ranks of the Death Guard have been so horribly mutated by the runious powers of Nurgle that they no longer feel pain and have been reduced to shambling tanks of flesh that id resistant to most forms of attack, allowing them to march steadily onwards to victory.

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DAILY FACT #297: Merek Grimaldus is a Reclusiarch of the Black Templars and a devoted and faithful servant of the God-Emperor. Grimaldus has seen battle on hundreds of worlds and is a vetted soldier because of it.

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DAILY FACT #296: The Dankanatoi are a group of the Custodes Guard are dedicated to hunting down and destroying Traitors in the Galaxy. They were formed in the later years of the Horus Heresy after one of its founders, Diolos Akrodius fo7nd of about the formation and disbanding of the Imperium Secundus.

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DAILY FACT #295: The Nachmund Gauntlet is one of the only two known safe and stable passages through the Great Rift that splits the Galaxy in two. Its located near the reamins of Cadia and The Eye of Terror ij the Segmentum Obscurus.

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DAILY FACT #294: The T'au Empire employ a vast amount of Battlesuits to counter the large amount of monsters and beasts in the Galaxy. Similar to Imperial Dreadnoughts they are able to be formatted with a variety of Weapons and gadgets to complete certain tasks on the battlefield.

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DAILY FACT #293: Lord Marshal Varnan Drier is a famous Astra Milliatarum Lord Marshal of Krieg. Alongside his steed ES819 the two have seen numerous battles and survived situations some would deem impossible to live through.

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DAILY FACT #292: Ork Battlewagons carry vast amounts of Orks into the Warzone at a time. Dispite their ramshakle appearance they can be quite the threat.

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DAILY FACT #291: Some groups of The Leagues of Votann will leave theire Leagues and venture out from the Galactic Core to earn wealth and Knowledge for their peers. These groups are called Prospects.
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DAILY FACT #290: The Haemonculi are groups of Dark Eldar Surgeons and mutilators who have mastered torture and genetic altering. Each one considers themselves a god and are followed by freakingly devoted members.

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DAILY FACT #289: Ultramar is one of the farthest loacations from Terra and the light of the Astronomican, however due to the rule of Guilliman it has prospered and thrived even through times where the primarch was in stasis.

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