#eh idk
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keferon · 5 months ago
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…..I should be working rn but one of the songs in my playlist hit harder than usual so
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civetcider · 1 month ago
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finally got some free time so i drew some apes, hell yeah
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discofama · 4 months ago
Hey has anyone written or drawn Ford, Fiddleford and Bill as a horribly dysfunctional throuple full of jealousy and confusion yet? Does anyone else wanna see that or is it just me?
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justaz · 3 months ago
wait,, in the lightning thief it was established that hades visited olympus on the winter solstice since it was the darkest day of the year and all the ancient/evil magic stirred, right? but in the titans curse, percy and co visit olympus on the winter solstice but hades isn’t present. it could be a moment of rick just forgetting his previously established world building but i propose that it was hades in mourning as his daughter just died like two days prior so he didn’t want to bother with his family and their bickering
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deutsche-bahn · 10 months ago
Wurde vergangene Woche auf Montage geschickt. Ja cool, schickt den 1.60 großen Vollidioten der sich exklusiv auf Sachen wie Vergoldung und Beschriftung spezialisiert mit nem Akkubohrer bewaffnet in's Feld. Ist ja nicht so als hätten wir Monteure, die den Kram tatsächlich können. Gebt mir den Akkubohrer, ich regle das.
Ich fand mich also auf der allerobersten, allerallerhöchsten Sprosse meiner scheiss Leiter wieder, an eine Tankstelle gelehnt. Was ich da tat ist irrelevant, ich wusste es selber wahrscheinlich nicht wirklich. Irgendwas mit nem Schraubenzieher, idk. Ich hatte dafür eine der Zapfsäulen regelkonform abgesperrt, um eine eventuelle Gefärdung von Passanten durch plötzlich fallende Handwerker und Schraubenzieher zu vermeiden.
Scheinbar hatte ich mich mit meiner Leiter an die einzige Autogas-Säule der Tankstelle platziert. Denn ohne jede Vorwarnung, ohne auch nur mal Hallo zu sagen, machte sich irgendein MItte 50er in Familienvater-Optik unten an meiner Leiter zu schaffen, zog den Zapfhahn zwischen den Sprossen meiner Leiter her und begann, sein Auto vollzutanken.
In dem Moment in dem ich den Ruck in meiner Leiter spürte hatte ich bereits mit dem Leben abgeschlossen und sah vor meinem geistigen Auge einen sehr ernüchternden Abspann meines Lebens. Dann bemerkte ich fast schon enttäuscht, dass ich noch oben stand. Entschloss mich kurzerhand dann eben doch für's Leben, wollte die Leiter runter, stellte mich fast auf den Schlauch des Zapfhahns. Der Herr ignorierte mich nach wie vor komplett, als wäre er nicht gerade an mehreren Leitkegeln, Werkzeug und einer fucking Leiter inklusive Person darauf vorbeigestapft, um dann mühsamst den Zapfhahn durch besagte Leiter zu fädeln.
Ich stand also zwei Minuten auf halber Höhe, starrte seine Halbglatze von oben an und überlegte, was man in so einer Situation überhaupt sagt. Letztendlich entschied ich mir für's Maul halten und abwarten. Funktionierte, er brachte mich beim einhängen des Zapfhahns erneut fast zu Fall und ging, ohne auch nur einmal nach oben geschaut zu haben. Als Monteur fühlt man sich immer so wertgeschätzt und wahrgenommen, keine Ahnung warum alle den Job so beschissen finden.
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asketchydomesticatedgremlin · 7 months ago
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standard sketch turned colored with effort story up here uhh
I'm also a bit let down by the immmortalis trailer, but I'm still hopeful for it being at least a little fun. I think it's gonna be an AU or a post queen ending where the protagonist gets off the island somehow. either way I do like to think it's taking place in a completely different kingdom.
anyhoo silly headcanons and doodles below
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soooo i think they'd all have slightly different fighting styles
- The Beheaded (in game) has the most varied style, jack of all trades type of guy, though they're the most cautious of the bunch with encounters, knowing when to run unlike the rest. - Bobby (trailers) uses the meme builds and pets, though they're ok with most weapons, they've got a deadly proficiency with pans. Bobby also rerolls for biters on all their weapons. - Official art, for them its kill or be killed, relentless and constant bloodshed. they never use shields and bows are only used if they can't reach their next victim. - Flame (immortalis) from what the trailer showed, he strangely keeps mainly to fist to fist, he used some light weapons but most of the trailer had his hands empty. He seems the kind to beat an enemy to a pulp with his fists and feet than any weapon.
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also flame being the only one that can speak is funny to me
one laaaaaast little thing
little little silly guy silly scrunkle tiny
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tiny man (derogatory to the highest degree)
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fraternum-momentum · 19 days ago
Have you ever considered streaming your art? I think it would be cool to draw while you're also drawing, I love the parallel play experience :]
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ive streamed before ! a couple of times actually,, and in the most recent one i got rlly drunk on soju and was just yapping to myself for an hour straight while drawing LMFAO but once i get a proper mic ill maybe do a test stream or smthn
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chibimochii · 2 years ago
Ooh conga-rats on the 400+ follows!! :D
If you're feeling up for it, no pressure, do you think you'd be willing to draw lee!Scaramouche with either ler!Kazuha or ler!Albedo?
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Ahh I don’t think I got to post them the first time, or they didn’t load- welp second times the charm✨
I’m thankful almost everyone agreed on the same Ler. The Kazuha revenge is real. And I also added a lil Heizou for good measure ✨(´∀`)
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alicornze7 · 9 months ago
”Reality can be whatever I want” ,and that includes fashion
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Don't ask what abomination I called clothing is this
(I miss my autistic gremlin sm...)
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tuziehr · 7 months ago
My SH Sunday post hit my goal of 1 note so I got more >:)
I feel like post-TB mission he’s gotta have a design change and his boss’s third phase mentions his little brush with divinity. That’s gotta have some impact on his appearance right? Sooo
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Rough concept sketches go!
I’ll make a better drawing when I get home but I’m having so much fun with this
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20001541 · 3 months ago
Do you think if All for One had taken Hana he would have made her dress like Nana just to hurt All Might more?
Oh definetly
AFO targeted the Shimura's in the first place because he wanted to break All Mights spirit so he can take OFA back. Not only would revealing that Hana is the granddaughter of Nana Shimura would be punch to the gut, but to also have her look like her own grandmother? That would make All Might fall to his knees.
Can I be honest though? Also found it weird how in 419 AFO said he skipped over her because she was too old and yet we see the back up orphan children he had in 350 look a lot older than she was and he still considers them to be good candidates so.... 🤷
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lemm-moxx · 6 months ago
Where is my guy Clay 🥺
oh shit sorry my bad, here u go man
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(also bonus undersculpt art bc i need to do something w it)
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ccrustacian · 7 months ago
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bluuscreen · 5 months ago
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redesigned an old oc from memory. i think she’s from when i was 16? she was much less pastel goth back then but i wanted to make her design a bit less generic catgirl. unfortunately i don’t think i still have much/any of my old art of her, rip
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 7 months ago
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just-call-mefr1es · 3 months ago
me when i pull up with the swaggest art for the smallest shit
[ warnign for bright colours & gun ]
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