#egyptian sun god
rhianna · 4 months
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history-verse · 9 months
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milky-rozen · 5 months
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I'm sorry, Set, I'm afraid Ra can't pause his beauty sleep rn but I'm sure he's very proud of you 😂
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blackrainbowblade · 1 year
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Ra, in his form as the Solar Child.
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simspaghetti · 6 months
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It's a baby boy! (Which is what everyone in the family was wishing for, so they're all very happy :D)
Ra Piccolo ♂️
🔷 Traits: Natural Cook / Genius
Hidden Trait: Egyptian Culture
-> Natural cooks are able to kick any dish up a notch, making their food the most delicious to eat. They learn to cook more quickly than others, and never burn down the kitchen in the process! -> Geniuses are brilliant logical thinkers, masters of chess and excellent hackers. They savor pursuits of the mind.
☑️ Have child(ren) with a local +1 Current Gen2 Points: 19
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sensitiveseal · 4 months
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devotional khepri stimboard! 🪲
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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tsalmu · 1 year
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So-called "Ivory of Shapash" (North-Semitic Sun Goddess) Origin: Syro-Phoenician, ca. 8th century BCE Found in palace of Ashurnasirpal II Nimrud, Iraq (Assyria) (Met Museum 59.107.7, Pub Domain, Enhanced) Built by the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II, the palaces and storerooms of Nimrud housed thousands of pieces of carved ivory. Most of the ivories served as furniture inlays or small precious objects such as boxes. While some of them were carved in the same style as the large Assyrian reliefs lining the walls of the Northwest Palace, the majority of the ivories display images and styles related to the arts of North Syria and the Phoenician city-states. Phoenician style ivories are distinguished by their use of imagery related to Egyptian art, such as sphinxes and figures wearing pharaonic crowns, and the use of elaborate carving techniques such as openwork and colored glass inlay. North Syrian style ivories tend to depict stockier figures in more dynamic compositions, carved as solid plaques with fewer added decorative elements. However, some pieces do not fit easily into any of these three styles. Source: The Met Museum
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teatrtenei · 6 months
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My interpretation of the Solar Eclipse. The next one will be August 12, 2026, this is a reason to go to Spain. Glory to the great and wonderful Lord Ra!
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mythos-soup · 8 months
Crossover hc tume-^-^-^~
Sun squad!
I think they like take shifts for being the sun
It would work on a monthly basis so the moon can change as well at the same time (yk would be whenever the moon cycle is abt to repeat)
And to me the idea of them just chilling while its someone elses turn is just so funny to me like Coyolxauhqui and Huitzilopochtli are doing their thing then Helios shows up like "alright guys cut it out cut it out now its my turn" and them just grumbling and going to go do their own things
Just bc of how funny i find that concepts have some silly made up situations:
Hati & Skoll: gggrrrfff bARK brrark bbbrfffAORK
Apollo: Yo Loki control your fucking dogs they almost bit my beautiful beautiful face >:(
Loki: first of all they are my grandchildren so dont you talk abt them like that and second of all its almost sunrise time so chop chop Sol and Mani are on their way
Ra, Sol, Mani & Huitzilopochtli: how come you guys can just do your job without fearing for your life or fighting your worst enemy this is really unfair :/
Helios, Apollo, (the many other egyptian sun gods i cant be asked to name), tonatiuh, nanauatl, amaterasu:.....what..????? Are you guys ok???
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Dring Dring! what's that i hear? a message from Ra himself! let's see what he has to say!
Ten of swords reversed:
It seems Ra is saying that you are recovering from a very painful ending or moment, do not fear my dear, things are ok now!
Eight of cups reversed:
You are walking away from something that no longer served you and that was causing massive issue to you in your life, keep going like this dear! Ra is with you all steps of the way.
Wheel of Fortune reversed:
The cycle is broken and has come to an end, you are ok now and do not worry, Ra is with you and supporting you and will help you heal!
Message from Ra
"My dear child, i am very proud of you for making it out of there, you are ok now and i'll be supporting you, things were difficult and i felt really bad at seeing you suffer like this, but now the cycle is broken so come with me and i'll help you heal."
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milky-rozen · 1 month
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Horus and Anubis in Cairo ✨
Based on my favorite picture ever:
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sinfullydivination · 11 months
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Offerings to Lord Atum
The story of creation goes, that Atum, Father of the gods, had emerged from the primordial waters of Nu. He found himself sitting on the primordial mound of Benben.
“It’s lonely being here in this darkness all by myself,” he thought to himself. To create his children, he used his sweat/spit and semen. He created the first forms of life outside of himself. His children are Tefnut, goddess of mositure, and Shu, god of air.
His children quickly became bored of sitting on this mound with just their father, so they wandered through the primordial darkness, looking for any sign of life. They soon got lost, not knowing where to go.
Atum became lonely after his children had left. He became worried because his children had been gone for too long. So, he plucked out his eye and asked it to find his children. He sent his eye out into the primordial darkness, hoping to bring his children back home.
When his eye returned days, weeks, months later it had brought back his wonderful children. Atum started crying tears of joy, thrilled he had his family back. The tears that fell from his eye, landed on the Benben. The fertilization from his tears brought through another act of creation, it brought out the world from it.
Atum is the head of the Ennead creation mythos. He is the creator and destroyer. Once the lifecycle of this universe comes to pass, he will be the one to destroy it- leaving only himself and God Osiris, in the form of sepents, so he can create the universe once again.
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[ HOUSE OF THE SUN ] Young Horus ep. 2/3
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[ Part I / Part II ]
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savagechickens · 1 year
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And more heat.
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RA THE SUN GOD - art by Christoph Peters
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