#Ra Piccolo
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Lazy Sunday in the Piccolo household :)
#TS3#TS3 Legacy#TS3 LEPacy#HIXCompletionistChallenge#Sims 3#Simblr#Piccolo Lepacy#Piccolo3#Sims Gnomes#Maggie Piccolo#Ra Piccolo
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Face it, Darth Vader, Zuko, Piccolo, Vegeta, Magneto, Loki and Venom did far worse, unforgivable things yet when they were redeemed to varying degrees, fandom gave them free passes. Yet when Catra ,a child soldier who was physically and mentally abused by her mentor, realizes how much she has hurt the people around her; strives to be a better person; saves her childhood best friend and the entire world with the literal power of love (in spite of the series being cut short), fandom screams for her blood, yelling that she was "the real villain" and "should've died".
I have nothing against either Vader, Zuko, Piccolo, Vegeta, Magneto, Loki or Venom. However, when fandom declares a queer catgirl to be "the face of unforgivable evil", that's when we need to call out the blatant sexist, and kind of queerphobic, double standards.
And no, don't even give me that "BuT BaD WrItInG" thought-terminating rubbish. Funny how everything seems to be "BaD WrItInG" only when it involves some form of media made by and/or starring women, queer people and other minorities. Don't you think?
#star wars#avatar#alta#dragon ball z#dragon ball#marvel#thor#x men#spider man#darth vader#magneto#erik lehnsherr#piccolo#vegeta#loki#venom#she ra#spop#catra#anti anti#anti anti spop#anti anti she ra#spop critical critical#fandom#fandom double standards#double standards#fandom discourse#anti hatedom
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saw a pfp in my notifications that my broken eyes didn't see correctly
#handsome squidward#spongebob squarepants#piccolo dbz#dbz#thefaeriecreekart#art#truthfully i have never seen a full episode of dbz#i'm actually a fan of she ra tho idk how i saw it so wrong sladfkj;
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vabbè mi è passato il sonno e ho voglia di fare un rant.
lucio corsi fa musica da un sacco di anni ma per far parte della scena indie e essere praticamente sconosciuto al grande pubblico arrivare secondo è un risultato stratosferico; certo avrei preferito ci arrivasse se a vincere fosse stato brunori, per dire.
non me ne frega niente dell'esc, nel senso che per me sanremo dovrà sempre essere sanremo e mai una selezione per il contest europeo.
detto ciò, proprio perché sanremo è(ra) sanremo mi auguro che questa edizione non sia la prima di una lunga serie di noia, conformismo, nemica di ogni guizzo o espressione di dissenso, perché sì, senza complottismo alcuno la svolta meloniana è stata chiara anche nel far svolgere le esibizioni come una catena di montaggio, un po' per rispettare i tempi e un po' perché se agli artisti lasci due secondi sul palco c'è il rischio che li impieghino per dire cose altamente problematiche e estremiste come "stop al genocidio".
(plauso infinito al maestro d'orchestra che contando sul grado d'ignoranza del soggetto medio ha sfoggiato un BDS glitterato di cui nessuno si è lamentato)
insomma, la vita è faticosa e questa settimana all'anno in cui possiamo memare, emozionarci, ascoltare roba bella e brutta e costruire ricordi che magari tra un ventennio si sbloccheranno e ci faranno ridere è una cosa piccola, ma senza fare troppo la drammatica, nel suo piccolo preziosa; mi dispiacerebbe vedere che si sfilaccia fino a distruggersi.
di questa edizione salvo davvero poco, ma mi porto a casa il concetto che le lune senza buche sono fregature. lo so da tanto ma non sapevo come dirlo, adesso invece sì.
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Storia Di Musica #360 - Manuel Göttsching, E2-E4, 1984
Dal 13 marzo 2024 la Cultura Techno di Berlino fa parte della lista del Patrimonio Immateriale dell'Unesco. Oltre l'aspetto musicale, la decisione è stata possibile, riporto le motivazioni, perchè recupera e valorizza gli spazi urbani industrializzati e crea comunità libere e sicure dove ogni persona viene accolta allo stesso modo a prescindere da genere, etnia, orientamento sessuale, età o provenienza geografica. Il movimento, che ha il suo culmine nella Love Parade nata nel 1989 a Berlino Ovest (dal 2022 ha cambiato nome, in Rave The Planet) e poi esportata in tutto il mondo.
Uno dei papà nobili della musica techno berlinese è il disco di oggi, che ha una storia bellissima. Autore è il chitarrista e compositore Manuel Göttsching, fondatore degli Ash Ra Temple, una delle più importanti formazioni del kosmic rock tedesco. Quella band fu attiva per tutti gli anni '70, con alcuni dischi fondamentali del genere (l'omonimo Ash Ra Temple del 1971, Schwingungen del 1972, il bellissimo Inventions For Electric Guitar del 1975), Göttsching affiancò all'impegno negli Ash Ra Temple anche delle attività soliste.
E la leggenda del disco di oggi nasce proprio per una questione del genere. Nel 1981, organizza con il suo amico e componente della band Klaus Schulze, altra figura mitica della musica tedesca di quegli anni, una serie di concerti. Decide quindi di registrare della musica che lo accompagni nel walkman durante i viaggi per incontrarsi con lui. Nel suo studio di registrazione di Berlino, che si chiama Studio ROMA, inizia a suonare un accordo con la chitarra mi2 e mi4, che nella trascrizione delle note dei paesi anglosassoni e tedeschi si scrive in E2 e E4. Suona così, con effetti e sovraincisioni, per circa un'ora, dove, e lo racconterà lui stesso dopo, va tutto per il meglio: tutte le attrezzature funzionano alla perfezione, non c'è nessun intoppo, lo studio era così piccolo che se fosse suonato il telefono il trillo sarebbe stato registrato per poi dover iniziare tutto da capo. Prende quella registrazione, la riporta su una cassetta e rimane per anni solo una cosa privata.
Tutto cambia nel 1984, quando il catalogo degli Ash Ra Temple viene comprato dalla Virgin di Richard Branson. Tutti gli album vengono ristampati con il nome della band ridotto ad Ash Ra, e Manuel Göttsching invitato da Branson sulla sua barca, fa ascoltare quella cassetta al discografico, che nel frattempo stava cercando di far addormentare sua figlia. Ci riesce con quella musica, e Branson lo spinge a pubblicarla: piccola nota simpatica, la prima edizione del disco sarà comunque pubblicata dalla Inteam, la casa discografica di Klause Schulze.
E2-E4 oltre che l'accordo, è anche una famosa mossa di apertura degli scacchi: pedone davanti al re in avanti di due caselle, mossa che il padre di Manuel gli aveva insegnato da bambino. Ma E2-E4 è anche una possibile codifica del programma Basic che lo stesso Göttsching usava sul suo Apple II per le sub-routine dei programmi.
Pubblicato nel 1984, con l'iconica copertina a scacchiera, è considerato il primo album di dance elettronica: alla sua chitarra di sottofondo si innesta la drum machine e pochi interventi ai sintetizzatori. Ne viene fuori una sorta di suite di un'ora, che per convenzione viene divisa in 9 brani dai titoli tutti legati dal riferimento agli scacchi, dove non c'è un vero e proprio sviluppo nella melodia e nell'armonia quanto piuttosto un uso della musica quasi come un tribale induttore di stato di trance tramite la ripetizione della complessa interazione tra strumenti e ritmo. Diventerà un disco icona: la base verrà saccheggiata e campionata da decine di artisti, ma l'esempio più famoso rimane quello che il gruppo dei Sueño Latino (che sono in realtà tre ragazzi bolognesi Riccardo Persi, Claudio Collino e Andrea Gemolotto) che nell'omonimo singolo del 1989 campionano il disco a cui aggiungono una voce sensuale femminile. Diventerà una delle prime hit del cosiddetto stile balearico, poichè divenne un must delle discoteche di Ibiza ma anche dei rave party berlinesi.
Nel 2006, dopo essersi dedicato per lo più a colonne sonore e musica per documentari, Manuel Göttsching registrerà un'intera esibizione di E2-E4 in Giappone, che verrà pubblicata in un disco, E2-E4 Live In Japan nel 2009. Il grande chitarrista tedesco morirà nel 2022 di Sars Cov2.
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Sun Ra - Lights on a Satellite - Live at the Left Bank - previously unreleased set from Baltimore, 1978
Available for the very first time, the intergalactic icon Sun Ra and his Arkestra’s Lights On A Satellite: Live at the Left Bank was recorded on July 23, 1978 at the Famous Ballroom in Baltimore, Maryland by the Left Bank Jazz Society. The limited-edition 2-CD set contains audio from the Sun Ra Archives and was researched and compiled by Sun Ra archivist Michael D. Anderson. The critically acclaimed independent filmmaker Robert Mugge has also provided audio from the recordings he made at the Left Bank which was featured in his 1980 film Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise. The deluxe package includes liners notes by veteran music critic J.D. Considine, plus interviews with the centenarian Arkestra saxophonist Marshall Allen, NEA Jazz Master saxophonist Gary Bartz and pianist Craig Taborn. Sun Ra – piano & electric piano June Tyson – vocals John Gilmore – tenor saxophone & clarinet Marshall Allen – alto saxophone, flute & piccolo Danny Davis – alto saxophone & flute Danny Ray Thompson – baritone saxophone & flute Walter Miller – trumpet Michael Ray – trumpet & vocal Eloe Omoe – alto saxophone & bass clarinet Craig Harris – trombone Dale Williams – guitar Damon Choice – vibes Richard Williams (Radu) - acoustic & electric bass Michael D Anderson – drums Eddie Thomas – drums Atakatune – congas James Jacson – ancient infinity drum & bassoon The Jingle Brothers – bells & percussion
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" "Chi sono io?". Bisogna dire che questa è una domanda che mi facevo fin da piccolo, quando mi svegliavo la mattina presto e rimanevo a fissare il soffitto. Poi, quando ero già un po' più grande, cominciai a chiedere spiegazioni a scuola, ma l'unica risposta che ho sempre avuto era che la coscienza è una proprietà della materia altamente organizzata, secondo la teoria leninista del riflesso. Non capivo il senso di quelle parole e così il mio sconcerto e gli interrogativi restavano gli stessi di sempre: com'è possibile che io vedo? E chi è questo «io» che vede? E in generale che cosa significa «vedere»? Vedo qualcosa di esterno o guardo soltanto in me stesso? E che significa «fuori di me» e «dentro di me»? Spesso avevo l'impressione di essere sul punto di arrivarci, alla soluzione, ma quando stavo per fare l'ultimo passo, a un tratto perdevo di vista questo «io» che solo un attimo prima avevo chiaro davanti. Quando mia zia andava a lavorare spesso chiedeva alla vecchietta vicina di casa di venire a darmi un'occhiata. Con una specie di piacere sottile, la tempestavo di tutte queste domande, sapendo bene la fatica che le costava rispondermi.
«Dentro di te, Omotchka, c'è l'anima» diceva lei. «E l'anima guarda attraverso i tuoi occhi e vive nel corpo come il tuo piccolo criceto vive in quella vecchia pentola. E questa anima è una parte di Dio, che ci ha creati tutti. Così anche tu sei questa anima.» «E perché Dio m'ha messo in una vecchia pentola?» chiedevo io. «Non lo so» diceva la vecchietta. «E lui dov'è che sta?» «Dappertutto» rispondeva la vecchietta e allargava le braccia tutt'intorno. «Quindi, anch'io sono Dio?» «No» diceva lei. «L'uomo non è Dio. L'uomo è fatto a immagine e somiglianza di Dio.» «E anche l'uomo sovietico è fatto a immagine e somiglianza di Dio?» continuavo a chiedere io, pronunciando a fatica quell'espressione incomprensibile. «Certamente» rispondeva la vecchietta. «E ce ne sono molti, di dei?» continuavo a chiedere. «No. Solo lui.» «E allora perché nel manuale c'è scritto che ce ne sono molti?» insistevo io, indicando il manuale dell'ateista che stava sullo scaffale della zia. «Non lo so.» «E qual è il dio migliore?» Ma la vecchietta rispondeva di nuovo: «Non lo so». E allora io chiedevo: «Allora posso scegliermelo da solo?». «Fai pure, Omotchka» diceva ridendo la vecchietta, e io mi mettevo ad armeggiare con il dizionario, dove di dei ce n'erano veramente a bizzeffe. Mi piaceva soprattutto Ra, il dio che adoravano, migliaia e migliaia di anni fa, gli antichi egizi. Forse mi piaceva perché aveva la testa di falco e spesso alla radio i piloti, i cosmonauti e un po' tutti gli eroi venivano chiamati ��i falchetti». E così decisi che, se anch'io ero veramente simile a un dio, allora avrei assomigliato a quello. "
Viktor Pelevin, Omon Ra, traduzione dal russo di Katia Renna e Tatiana Olear, Mondadori (Collana Strade blu), 1999. [Libro elettronico]
[Edizione originale russa: Омон Ра, casa editrice Издательство Текст, Mosca, 1992]
#Viktor Pelevin#Omon Ra#letture#leggere#libri#distopie#Letteratura russa del XX secolo#URSS#CCCP#anni 1990#Russia postsovietica#citazioni letterarie#Russia#narrativa#letteratura fantastica#romanzi brevi#pianeta Terra#coscienza#racconti distopici#cosmo#cosmonauti#Antico Egitto#vita#esplorazioni spaziali#sistema solare#stelle#spazio#luna#letteratura contemporanea#superstizione
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Best Green Character Tournament
The first round of voting will begin at approximately 3:30 PM EST on Thursday, March 16, 2023. Each round will last 24 hours.


Our Lineup:
Round 1-A
Peridot from Steven Universe v. Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes
Roronoa Zoro from One Piece v. The Saint from Rain World
Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street v. Choromatsu Matsuno from Osomatsu-san
Gon Freecss from Hunter x Hunter v. Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
N Harmonia from Pokemon v. Phonegingi from Dialtown
Gir from Invader Zim v. Heather Duke from Heathers
The Onceler from The Lorax v. Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls
Bulbasaur from Pokemon v. Jolly Green Giants from Green Giant Commercials
Round 1-B
Midoriya "Deku" Izuku from My Hero Academia v. Steve from Blue's Clues
Shintaro Midorima from Kuroko's Basketball (Kuroko no Basuke) v. Disgust from Inside Out
Zim from Invader Zim v. Green Mage from Everhood
Creeper from Minecraft v. Slimer from Ghostbusters
Pidge Gunderson from Voltron: Legendary Defender v. Hinomori Shiho from Project SEKAI
Louie Duck from DuckTales v. Ferb Fletcher from Phineas and Ferb
Shego from Kim Possible v. Grovyle from Pokemon
Fiona from Shrek v. She-Hulk from Marvel Comics
Round 1-C
Link from The Legend of Zelda v. Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Green Lantern / Guy Gardener from DC Comics v. Calliope from Homestuck
The Green Knight from Arthurian Legend v. Edd from Eddsworld
Gumi "Megpoid" from Vocaloid v. Amity Blight from The Owl House
Nepeta Leijon from Homestuck v. Rantaro Amami from Danganronpa
Retasu "Lettuce" Midorikawa from Tokyo Mew Mew v. Green Goblin from Spider-Man
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives v. Leafy from Battle for Dream Island
Shaggy from Scooby-Doo v. Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog
Round 1-D
Willow Park from The Owl House v. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings
Green Arrow / Oliver Queen from DC Comics v. Chara from Undertale
Yoda from Star Wars v. Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist
Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. v. Aisha (Princess Layla) from Winx Club
Lloyd Garmadon from LEGO Ninjago v. Rohan Kishibe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 v. Grantaire from Les Miserables
Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls v. Kanna Kizuchi from Your Turn to Die
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from TMNT v. Qi Rong from Heaven's Official Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu
Round 1-E
Luigi from Super Mario v. Duo from Duolingo
Marina Ida from Splatoon v. Vylad Ro'meave from Minecraft Diaries
The Grinch from How the Grinch Stole Christmas v. Nao Midorikawa / Cure March (April / Glitter Spring) from Smile Pretty Cure! / Glitter Force
Fern Mertens from Adventure Time v. Ben Tennyson from Ben 10
The Riddler from Batman v. Piccolo from Dragon Ball
Grogu (Baby Yoda) from The Mandalorian v. Basil from OMORI
Poison Ivy from DC Comics v. Midori / Sou Hiyori from Your Turn to Die
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon v. Mei Dragon / Long Xiaojiao from LEGO Monkie Kid
Round 1-F
Toph Beifong from Avatar: The Last Airbender v. Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks
Rock Lee from Naruto v. Dimple / Ekubo from Mob Psycho 100
Duck from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared v. Frog and Toad from Frog and Toad Are Friends
Yoshi from Super Mario v. Sprigatito from Pokemon
Beast Boy from Teen Titans v. Scourge the Hedgehog from Sonic
Loki from Marvel Comics v. Fjord from Critical Role
Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck v. Jet the Hawk from Sonic
Jake English from Homestuck v. Riz Gukgak from Dimension 20's Fantasy High
Round 1-G
Kermit the Frog from The Muppets v. Morro from LEGO Ninjago
Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales v. Brian Yu from Monster Prom
Green M&M from M&Ms v. D'Vana Tendi from Star Trek: Lower Decks
Green from Animation vs. Animator v. Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice
Jade Harley from Homestuck v. Plankton from Spongebob
Hulk from Marvel Comics v. Green Ranger / Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers
Double Trouble from She-Ra: Princess of Power v. Madame Vastra from Doctor Who
Snufkin from The Moomins v. Netzach from Lobotomy Corporation
Round 1-H
Marcy Wu from Amphibia v. Vera Oberlin from Monster Prom
Tinker Bell from Peter Pan v. Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom
Ralsei from Deltarune v. The Creature (Frankenstein's Monster) from Frankenstein
Tsuyu Asui / Froppy from My Hero Academia v. Surge the Tenrec from Sonic
Shrek from Shrek v. Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon
Gumby from Gumby v. Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy
Elphaba Thropp from Wicked v. Martian Manhunter / J'onn J'onzz from DC Comics
Marie Cuttlefish from Splatoon v. Rayquaza from Pokemon
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Son Goku:
Goku is cheerful and nice,he literally likes everyone(I have a funny idea,that whenever he said he doesn't like someone, everyone else Will automatically dislikes them, it's like Goku has a sixth sense that tells him who to trust,though sometimes it isn't as affective)
he's the number 1 hero of the world, he's hero name is 'ozaro',he was found by grandpa Gohan,he didn't hit his head as a baby(he's very smart, and very creative),The reason why Goku didn't destroy the planet because he still remember his parents words and after the accident(when he transformed to an ozaro and killed grandpa gohan) Goku was put in a foster home(aka master roshi since he and grandpa Gohan were friends).
anyways,as I said in the first chapter, Goku met Chichi, when they were very young and he made it his job to keep her safe (king ox approved of him at the spot,oh did I forget to mention,they start dating when Goku went to ua, and got married after 5 years when Goku started his agency)
He wanted to be strong so he could defeat Frieza, and that's how he decided to take the entrance exam in ua, there he met toshinori yagi (all might)and enji todoroki (endeavour)Thier rivalry began (he also became friends with the z fighters there, and no piccolo was treated nicely since you know quirk and everything,he also live in the look out, with kami),at first it was nice, but then toshinori started to get cooky and arrogant,he started to focus on fame and glory, enji on the other hand started to feel jealousy towers the two mostly Goku (because he's the number 1 hero of the world)this get Goku to confront them, and the way they responded was shocking to him, that moment he realised that toshinori and enji has changed and there no going back (this is where Goku started disliking all might, and enji, to him it's like being stabbed in the back)
Goku got to go on special missions by Kami, often on the other side of the world where he fought the red ribbon army,so when all for one showed up,all might Took the chance to turn the public view on Goku (aka Ozaro) and so all might become the symbol of peace in Japan, when Goku came back he got a lot of out lash from the public, after he explained the situation for his absent to the public,he found out that all might was behind it,he know he can't do anything without a proof, luckily aizawa was not fund of what all might did, but decided to stay quiet (for now), the z fighters work at the agency and are all pro heroes
Goku gives all his kids nicknames, for example gohan is little warrior, goten is mini me and izuku is little senzu bean
Likes and dislikes
Likes: Goku likes to train and fight (like in the original, but in this au,he removed his tail so he won't
accidentally hurt anyone),I like to think Goku has abandonment issues, that's why he's very protective of his family and friends, and boy your a one poor unfortunate soul if you hurt them,he'll go into kill mode in seconds,(he doesn't really care what people think of him)he also has a soft spot for children
Dislikes: he hates liars and fakers,he finds them untrust worthy,he dislikes villains (he thinks some can be redeemed)he used to dislike All might, but when he found out what he and his family did to izuku, Goku started to hating him, same thing with endeavour.
Vegeta, raditz and nappa :
Just like in the original, Vegeta, raditz and nappa were working for Frieza, when raditz went to earth and fought goku,he noticed how strong he became (of course he was defeated)so he sent a message for both Vegeta and nappa to come to earth, and so they did(in this au Goku was as strong as he was when he first went to namik in original) anyway,they started training and some how Frieza found out about the dragon balls in namik so they travel there and beat him use the dragon balls and wished for everyone back.
They stayed on earth with king Vegeta, Bardock and gine and soon enough tarbul and his wife.
Vegeta and Bulma got together and got married, so did raditz and launch, nappa is still single,they slowly started to work with Goku in his agency,of course it took them a while to adjust and learn but they got the hang of it.(At that time the agency was still new and not many employees, so it was easy to get them in)
They prefer to call goku with his Saiyan name 'kakorat' when someone asked them about it,they just say it's a nickname (they don't want to blow their cover,no nobody knows that they're aliens,they just say they're Goku's cousins)
Vegeta isn't as prideful as in the og, seeing how powerful Goku became, and how powerful humans are,it kinda reminds him of planet Vegeta in someway,he doesn't really care about the heroes or villains at first, but then Started to side with the heroes often, when he first saw all might,he thought he was some idiot who likes to pose,he didn't really know why kakorat(Goku) hated him, and never bothered to know,it wasn't easy for him to work in the agency, especially since Goku was the boss(he hated it, just because he isn't as prideful as og, doesn't mean he doesn't have any pride)
Nappa is very smart compared to the og,and knows when to control his anger,he finds it funny how heroes put on those silly costumes (he started to like them afterwards), he's like an uncle to all the z kids (aka, gohan, goten, izuku, trunks,bulla,Maron,pan, ranch) and good friend with yamcha,I think yamcha buy him a lot of wigs, and I mean a lot, for nappa to try on and see which one is the best,they hang out together and play video games.
Raditz married launch and had a daughter named ranch, he's a loving uncle to his nephews all three of them though he usually spend time with Gohan more due to Thier love and interest in bugs,he usually works in the agency more than the other two,he thinks it a way to spend time with his brother, his suit it similar to Goku's but in green.
Likes and dislikes
Likes: just like Goku,they like to train and fight,they don't often work in the agency (raditz does), Goku only calls them when it's a universal threats, which they appreciate, don't get me wrong they would help as much as they can, but They're more into physical damage than, helping hand, but if you hurt someone they care about well your simply dead
They hate Frieza with every cell in their body,they hated interacting with humans, but slowly started to let some in
Bardock and king Vegeta:
to me I think they're good friends since before the planet exploded,I believe king Vegeta knows that Frieza was going to destroy the planet that's why he sent Vegeta away with nappa along with raditz (he trust nappa to take care of his son),And allowed Bardock to send Goku away too,the plan was as follows, king Vegeta will try 'to talk it out' with Frieza,in the meantime Bardock will gather up the warriors to fight, but the plan went south, Once they were wished back they decided to 'retire',of course they still training and keep an eye out once in a while, they're are very affectionate towers Thier grandkids,king Vegeta calls bulla princess,he spoiler her sometimes,he spend time with trunks to show him how the internet works and ask him to explain some memes for him,king Vegeta tries to make mends with his son tarbul it's still in the process, Bardock love training with his sons,he missed on a lot with the two of them,he tells stories about his missions to his grandchildren and he love them all equally.
Like the others,they like training and fighting,they love their grandkids, king Vegeta still trying to make mends with his son tarbul.
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Poll list part 2
Rouge the Bat(Sonic) vs Raphael Santiago(Shadowhunters)🎉
Death The Kid(Soul Eater) vs Tsubomi Takane(Mob Psycho 100)🎉
Berdly(Deltarune) vs Nausicaa(Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)🎉
Din Djarin(The Mandalorian) vs Anzu Hoshino(Romantic Killer)🎉
Amethyst(Steven Universe) vs Steven Stone(Pokemon)🎉
Talfryn(The Penumbra Podcast) vs Stanley(The Stanley Parable)🎉
Clay Terran (Ace Attorney) vs Buttercup(The Powerpuff Girls)🎉
Sei Handa(Barakamon) vs Xu Xialing(Shangchi and the legend of the ten rings)🎉
Sunny(Wings of Fire) vs Beta(Horizon Forbidden West)
Dr. Sylvester Ashling(Epithet Erased) vs Marcy Wu(Amphibia)
Perry the Platypus(Phineas and Ferb) vs Lancer(Deltarune)
Serana Volkihar(The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim) vs Charlie(It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zhongli(Genshin Impact) vs Tatsumaki(One Punch Man).
V1(Ultrakill) vs Aziraphale and Crowley(Good Omens)
Shaggy(Scooby Doo) vs Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Reigen Arataka(Mob Psycho 100) vs Pyuko(Dannganronpa: Hope’s Chains)
Marie(Splatoon) vs Rose Cookie(Cookie Run Kingdom)
Joan D’arc(History) vs Morgana(Merlin)
Murderbot(The Murderbot Diaries) vs Royce Bracket(Transistor (game))
Ryland Grace(Project Hail Mary) vs Hollyleaf(Warrior Cats)
Wolf(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts) vs Savathûn(Destiny video game)
Damian Wayne(DC Comics) vs Dr. Miranda Jones (Star Trek The Original Series, season 3 episode 5 Is There In Truth No Beauty?)
Keagan Máistirúin(Na Daoine Maithe (The Good People)) vs Sweetheart(Omori)
Kaitou Joker(Kaitou Joker) vs Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
Roach(Our Flag Means Death) vs Alex Fierro(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Aradia Megido(Homestuck) vs Hestia(Greek Mythology)
Zane Julien(Ninjago) vs Agatha Wellbelove(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell)
Yelena Belova (Marvel) vs The Bear/Brent/The Pusher/The Fool/Shah Zaman(Ghost Quartet)
The Witch Queen(Old Gods of Appalachia) vs P03(Inscryption)
Lord Havelock Vetinari(Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett) vs The Knight(Hollow Knight)
Power(Chainsaw Man) vs Jetstorm(Transformers Animated (2007 cartoon))
Athena Cykes(Ace Attorney) vs Grumbot(Hermitcraft)
Yuki Rurikawa(A3!) vs Anonymous/Someone(Our Dreams At Dusk)
James(Pokemon) vs Dipper Pines 1 Mabel Pines1(Gravity Falls)
Charles Emerson Winchester III (M*A*S*H) vs Chaerin Eun(Surviving Romance)
Yamori Kou (Yofukashi no uta) vs Zenyatta(Overwatch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) vs Entrapta(She-Ra Princess of Power)
Simon Snow(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell) vs Sabo(One Piece)
Silver(Sonic) vs Gin Akutagawa(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Kankri Vantas(Homestuck) vs Madhouse Mike(Cryptid Crush)
Darius(Owl House) vs Jason Todd(DC)
Emerald Trio:Willow, Hunter,Gus (Owl House) vs Artemis(Overly Sarcastic Productions' Miscellaneous Myths)
Jo March (Little Women 2019) vs Daryl Dixon(The Walking Dead)
Bakura Ryou(YuGiOh!) vs Professor Balaam(Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)
Granny Smith(MLP) vs Cyborg(Teen Titans)
Maki Katsuragi(Hoshiai no Sora) vs Kaladin Stormblessed(The Stormlight Archive)
Jess(Loveless) vs Asui Tsuyu(BNHA)
GIR(Invader Zim) vs Xiao(Genshin Impact)
Alexa(Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs Selah Summers(Selah and the Spades)
Felix Hugo Fradarius(Fire Emblem 3 Houses) vs Sunil Jha(Loveless)
Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) vs Maya Fey(Ace Attorney)
Kim Dokja(Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs Noé Archiviste(Vanitas no Carte)
Eleven(Stranger Things) vs Jinx(Arcane League of Legends)
Fitzroy Maplecourt(The Adventure Zone) vs Pidge(Voltron)
Volo(Pokemon) vs Cole Brookstone(Ninjago)
Traveler(Genshin Impact) vs Madotsuki(Yume Nikki)
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I think this new town is already full of some good luck, because Ra managed to create the Magical Gnome of Sculpting
Our Gnome collection is starting to look pretty hefty, as Maggie also dug up another basic one with her miner the other day :)
#TS3#TS3 Legacy#TS3 LEPacy#HIXCompletionistChallenge#Sims 3#Simblr#Piccolo Lepacy#Piccolo3#Ra Piccolo#sims gnomes
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Death Battle Ideas
1. Captain America vs Kamen Rider #1 (Warriors of Justice FIGHT!) 2. Simon Belmont vs Blade (Vampire hunter fight!) 3. Space Ghost vs Birdman (Hanna-Barbera Hero fight!) 4. Skeletor vs Mumm-Ra (Evil version of the He-man vs Lion-o fight) 5. Kamen Rider Wizard vs Devilman (Heroes who tamed the monster inside FIGHT!) 6. Catwoman vs Black Cat (Cat fight #2!) 7. Fantastic Four Battle Royal 8. Emperor Belos vs Makuta (master manipulators who wield incredible power and steal the body of a god) 9. Winx vs W.I.T.C.H (cartoon magic girl group fight! Winner can fight the Sailor Scouts/Senshi and yes I know the Sailors are OP) 10. Kamen Rider Kabuto vs Blue Beetle III (Bug themed warriors who fended off alien invasions FIGHT!) 11. Xena vs Red Sonja (warrior woman fight) 12. Takeru Shiba (Shinkenger) vs Ryou Sanada (Ronin Warriors) (Fire Samurai FIGHT) 13. Piccolo vs Super Skrull (Alien warrior fight!) 14. Hellboy vs Etrigan the demon (unholy hero fight!) 15. Underdog vs Hong Kong Phooey (cartoon dog hero fight!) 16. Tiger Mask vs Kinnikuman (Anime wrestler fight!) 17. Freakazoid vs The Mask (Wacky vs Crazy) 18. Sting Eucliffe vs Sun Wukong (Michael Jones fight!) 19. Winston vs Gorilla Grodd (science primate fight!) 20. Blanka vs Kamen Rider Amazon (Warriors from the Jungle FIGHT!) 21. Apache Chief vs Bravestarr 22. Firestorm vs Kamen Rider W (Two in one FIGHT!) 23. Master Splinter vs Master Shifu (Animal martial master fight!) 24. Gokai Red vs Kamen Rider Decade (Heroes who use the power of others fight!) 25. TMNT Battle Royal Rematch (Use up to date info and treat Mikey seriously) 26. Kamen Rider Shin vs The Guyver (Toku East vs West) 27. Darkwing Duck vs Gizmoduck (Duck heroes fight to the end) 28. Tarzan vs George of the Jungle (Lord of the jungle FIGHT!) 29. Oma Zi-O vs Lord Drakkon (Fallen heroes who stole the powers of others FIGHT!) 30. Jenny Wakeman vs Sari Sumdac (Robo girl fight!) 31. Luz Noceda vs Anne Boonchuy (Female disney isekai protagonist FIGHT)
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Constantine: Distorted Illusions by Kami Garcia and Isaac Goodhart
Thursday, 23 March 2023
Let me first start by saying I LOVE this line of YA DC comics. It’s a solid introduction to iconic characters for younger readers and serves as a great bridge to the comics. I’ve devoured Beast Boy and Raven, which Garcia wrote.
That said… I’m a bit ambivalent about this one.
I’m a big John Constantine fan. Like annoyingly so. But while I think it is a fun idea so tackle his younger days and explore his relationship with his father as well as his propensity for getting himself into messes (this recreating the pattern he’ll encounter as an adult), I think this was a slight miss for me. Because he didn’t feel like a teenage John Constantine.
He felt like a generic teen boy protagonist who is stubborn and does magic and accidentally summons a demon and causes trouble. There was none of the nuance and grit that makes him so unique. He didn’t feel like there were traces of the adult he’d grownup into. As a result it didn’t really feel like a Constantine book. Which was a bummer because I really wanted to like this! (Maybe if it had been a different author? One who could set the story in the U.K. and let Constantine stay true to his rough and tumble roots? Maybe something set at a school he eventually is kicked out of for doing magic? I don’t think there was much value in sending him to the U.S. Though I was hoping he’d meet teen Zatanna.)
Even the whole thing with him and his dad and how all that was resolved felt very… safe and teen. I’m glad this story was told but I think it could have been told more subtly and less on the nose. There was a lot more declaring of feelings and history than gently guiding us through it.
The art of this was interesting. Not sure if this is the style I’d pick for a Constantine YA comic. It reminded me of animation from the 80s, like She-Ra esque? Something about it felt just a bit too sleek for this character, though I really appreciate the poses and overall drama of the composition and the various character designs. It’s cool because it really highlights how comics needs to be a real marriage of medium to be most effective. The Teen Titans books work because Gabriel Piccolo’s art captures the big energy of characters like those and so those books feel further like the stories of those characters.
That said. I really dug when we saw Constantine in the teen version of his future outfit. I’m a sucker for that beige trench coat.
I’ll probably read the next one that comes out and will keep reading this whole line because I love what they’re doing. I’m giving it an extra star because it’s Constantine.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
#rust and ruin reads#Constantine: distorted illusions#John constantine#dc comics#kami Garcia#ya books#book#books#reading tracker 2023#comic stuff#book stuff
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#maccadam#maccadams#anakin skywalker#don’t hug me i’m scared#doctor who#super natural#Jason Todd#ollie akana#Arachnid tfp#sam winchester#she ra#shadow weaver
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This came with such worrisome ease.
Ra's al Ghul (DC Comics).
Firelord Ozai (Avatar the Last Airbender).
Vergil (Devil May Cry).
Dracula (Netflix's Castlevania).
Demon King Piccolo/Piccolo Jr. (Dragon Ball).
Lady Maria (Bloodborne).
Template under the cut-

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ciao a tutti.
volevo iniziare con delle lezioni di giapponese.
voglio subito iniziare col dire che non sono un esperto, ma sto imparando anche io e trovo che questo sia utile per aiutare sia me che gli altri a capire un po' di più la lingua.
spero possa piacervi l'idea!
metodi di scrittura - HIRAGANA:
si usa per:
•indicare particelle che formano frasi
in giapponese
•completare i kanji
•scrivere alcune parole
•scrivere la pronuncia sopra o
a fianco dei kanji
direi di iniziare a vederli insieme
dividiamoli per vocali:
a, i, u, e, o
あa かka さsa たta なna はha まma やya らra わwa
いi きki しshi ちchi にni ひhi みmi りri
うu くku すsu つtsu ぬnu ふfu むmu ゆyu るru
えe けke せse てte ねne へhe めme れre
おo こko そso とto のno ほho もmo よyo ろro をwo
extra: ん n
alcune sillabe cambiano leggermente la pronuncia se si aggiungono due virgolette o un pallino. è più facile se ve le faccio vedere
がga ざza だda ばba ぱpa
ぎgi じji ぢji びbi ぴpi
ぐgu ずzu づzu ぶbu ぷpu
げge ぜze でde べbe ぺpe
ごgo ぞzo どdo ぼbo ぽpo
ad alcune sillabe è possibile aggiungere le sillabe ya, yu, yo, scritte in formato più piccolo, per formare sillabe composte
やya きゃkya しゃsha ちゃcha にゃnya ひゃhya みゃmya りゃrya ぎゃgya じゃja びゃbya ぴゃpya
ゆyu きゅkyu しゅshu ちゅchu にゅnyu ひゅhyu みゅmyu りゅryu ぎゅgyu じゅju びゅbyu ぴゅpyu
よyo きょkyo しょsho ちょcho にょnyo ひょhyo みょmyo りょryo ぎょgyo じょjo びょbyo ぴょpyo
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