#educator nina is busy
boxwinebaddie · 2 months
hey team! lead teaching kindergarten today and had to spend my week doing prep work so i apologize for the slowness! in the meantime, feel free to ask me anything you want in the box! i also have recently been trying to develop some of the other ncu aus so if you have any curiosities surrounding those, i would love an ask! otherwise as always we are ravesey/rmhq so send me anything you like about them ( i got weirdly hyperfixated on ec(lips)e as a song and mv concept for some reason the same way i did w/ late nite bite for a while ) or just say hi to me! asks are open, dms are open! ily and hyh!
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applecidersstuff · 11 months
Do you ever realize that the only person Crows can actually ask for relationship advice is Colm?
Like none of the crows have any experience in the area. And I’m gonna explain it.
Nina was about 13-13,5 when the SaB began, so by the end of RaR she’s about 15. And she is sixteen when she meets Matthias. When RaR ends Nina goes back to the little palace and finishes her education, it takes her about six months and after - she travels with Zoya, for about the same time. So she probably didn’t have any relationships in mind before the civil war, simply because she was focused on her studies and training, and she was a child, then during the war she probably was busy with staining alive, and after she was again studying. I think she probably had some little affairs, in Ravka after the war and maybe even in Ketterdam, but not long serious relationships. So she has no idea how it works.
I don’t think I have to explain this one, but I’d do it just for the record. Matthias became drüskelle(I hope I spelled that right) when he was 12, so obviously he was a child and didn’t have those thoughts in mind, and knowing how conservative and religious Matthias is I don’t think he had those things even when he was in his teens. So Nina is his first love and relationship.
I don’t think I need to explain him either, but anyway. Kaz was a child when he got traumatized, so no love. His first attempt was Imogen but they didn’t went further than flirt. So Inej is his first relationship.
The same thing goes for Inej, she’s 14 when kidnapped, and severely traumatized after the “menagerie.” So Kaz is also her first relationship and love.
And now for the fun part
Even though Jes is portrayed as a playboy(sorry but it’s true) I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship. You see, before coming to the university and Ketterdam he lives on the farm. Completely isolated by distance and Colms fears(I’m preparing a whole post about it). And when Jesper comes to Kerch he meets Kaz, gains a huge ugly crush on him, and doesn’t have any relationships before Wylan. Just like Nina he might have had some little affairs but not relationships.
And now for the hilarious part.
Wylan is the only crow who might have some sort of relationship experience.
Now when your shock has settled, I’m going to explain it.
Van Eck gave up on Wylan when Wy was about 8. And after that he hired tutors for him only for Wylan not to bother him. Wylan probably had tutors up until his father tried to kill him. During SoC Wylan is 16 going on 17, so when Van Eck “gets rid of him” he’s something about sixteen and a half(I need to specify this). And you know, rumors don’t start from nothing, in every rumor there is at least a little truth, no matter who started it. And sometimes it kinda sounds like Wylan just isn’t telling us some parts of his past life, like we know almost nothing about his teenage years. I think Wylans tutors wouldn’t be(at least not all of them) old grandpas, I think it would have been more likely for Van Eck to hire young, just out of university, people(because it would have been cheaper). If we believe that, we can also remember how desperate Wylan was for love(I mean he’s a traumatized baby), so I think he might have at least try to have some sort of relationship with his tutor. And I know that those kind of relationship would have been problematic, but keep in mind that we have a teen with daddy issues who spends about 8 hours a day with some guys. Greedy guys. (And I’m not talking about all eight years, just the last two)
So yeah out of all Crows Wylan is the only one who might have some sort of experience.
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ishimarusmxndx · 3 days
Fun facts abt Masky from my Au:
- He’s 17!
- He was adopted when he was 15 and it was emergency placement
- He has two biological brothers
- He can speak fluent Italian
- He hates how violent he can get and resorts to staying away from everyone when he gets like that out of fear of hurting them
- Masky is a junior in high school and he definitely hates it
- Even though he gets straight A’s at school he doesn’t see the point in education and says it’s:”A system used to brainwash Children”
- He’s really good in science but loves film class
- He has a few friends but he usally sticks to himself
- When he gets really upset he’ll call out for his mother even though he knows she’s gone
- He somehow got promoted to manager at his job???He Loves it
- Some of his coworkers call him big Bertha because of how nasty he can be to customers(he’s allowed to be mean he’s the manager and everyone is quite literally scared of him )
- His coworkers love him.sure he’s big and scary but under all that he’s comforting and makes sure everyone’s ok
- Will walk his female coworkers to there cars at night!!
- Masky works a lot and sometimes he’ll come home and start talking like he’s at work. He told Brian once he owes him 15.99 for that Box of Wings he took out of the fridge forgetting he’s at home and not at work
- Tim’s allowed to make the schedule at work so he’ll sometimes give himself extra hours or longer breaks (he’s so chaotic😭)
- Tim was trained in all departments.Cant Find a certain thing?hes got you ,Can’t find what came in from shipment ?he’s got it,Can’t count cash?he’s got you,Want time off?Oh baby just ask he’s got you
- He has a love hate relationship with his job
- He tries to get along with Toby but it’s overwhelming for him
- he’s got most of his siblings in for being the manager.(Ej worked there,Jane works there,and Nina works there)
- He hates the smell of Gasoline but loves a new house smell
- He can play the guitar!
- he has brown wavy hair that curls at the end
- He has a mean resting bitch face
- Tim hated the Marty at his job and stole it(It’s now in Ben’s room and roams the halls jump scaring everyone(DW he ordered a new one for his job )
- Slenderman calls him a busy dad.Most times when Tim’s off or just coming home or before work he’ll get calls from coworkers asking about stuff and it usally goes with him sighing and telling his family I’m not the only manager who works there
- Tired asf 24/7 
- he doesn’t Have a PlayStation and quite frankly he doesn’t know what a PlayStation is
- Very good at budgeting money
- Loves Radiohead,Slipknot,Iron Maiden etc
- His favorite song is Police by Radio Head
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 4 months
Hello again! I’ve been gone for a bit because I graduated from Monster High B) I was so busy with graduation and such ;-; hope you’re doing well! Thinking about this, what do you headcannon the creeps education level?
-🪱 anon
P.S have some boba 🧋
I'm just gonna put my most popular creeps because my brain would hurt if I tried to remember every single creepypasta ever <//3 (also ty for the boba ^^)
Jeff- Highschool drop out
Liu- Highschool Degree
BEN- Died before he finished elementary school
EJ- Master's degree in Osteology
Toby- Highschool Drop out
Masky- Associates degree in business managment
Jane the killer- College Drop out
Nina the killer- Highschool drop out
Hoodie- Bachelor's degree in film
The Puppeteer- College drop out
Clockwork- Highschool Degree
X-Virus- Highschool Drop out (But wanted to pursue chemistry and genetics)
Bloody Painter- Master's degree in film, and visual arts
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stromuprisahat · 7 months
Possible explanation for Tailoring: Healers restore the body to it's default state, Heartrenders change the body away from ita default state. So Heartrenders can change facial features but not change hair or eye color, only a true Tailor can do it. This makes me wonder if Heartrenders can produce insulin for diabetics or fix other autoimmune diseases🤔
You've managed to find that part of biology I've always hated- metabolism.
If I understand it correctly, Grisha can make organ produce substances, but immediately, not "reprogram" the organ permanently.
... Most Grisha Corporalki focused on the body—to kill or to cure—but Nina ... slowed heartbeats, eased breathing, relaxed muscles. She had a lucrative side business as a Tailor, seeing to the wrinkles and jowls of the wealthy Kerch, but her chief source of income came from altering moods. People came to her lonely, grieving, sad for no reason, and left buoyed, their anxieties eased. The effect didn’t last long ... Nina claimed it had something to do with glands ... “You make him feel better, ease his woe and all that … but could you compel him to do something? Maybe make him forget his wife?” “Alter the pathways in his mind? Don’t be absurd.” “The brain is just another organ,” Kaz said, quoting Van Eck. “Yes, but it’s an incredibly complex one. Controlling or altering another person’s thoughts … well, it’s not like lowering a pulse rate or releasing a chemical to improve someone’s mood. There are too many variables. No Grisha is capable of it.” Yet, Kaz amended. “So you treat the symptom, not the cause.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 5
But then again, this is ordinary teen Heartrender with unfinished education. We know nothing about old, highly specialized, talented, amplified Healers. Sure, brain's off limits- it has too many functions- but what about other stuff-producing organs?
Apparently, changing hair-colour is only about transporting pigment. Eyes probably work the same, but take more time- you don't want to fuck up your eyesight to look prettier:
... ordinarily Nina would have used pigments to alter her own hair color, but there simply wasn’t time. Nina bled the girl’s bright red color directly from the strands of her hair into Nina’s own, leaving the poor Kaelish with a mop of white waves that looked vaguely rusty in places, and Nina with hair that wasn’t quite Kaelish red. Nina’s eyes were green and not blue, but that kind of tailoring couldn’t be rushed, so they’d have to do.
Six of Crows- Chapter 28
My best guess on difference between a true Tailor and dabbling Corporalnik is something akin to aesthetics surgeon and dermatologist vs. general doctor. Plus Tailors have a sense for chemistry, so they should be able to draw from non-organic, or possibly toxic sources.
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Birdsong: The Moon Will Sing
Fandom: Grishaverse-Six of Crows Summary: They're technically there on business, but Matthias' only job is to look big and intimidating. No one can really blame him for letting his eyes wander towards the stage. Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical trauma and mentions of homophobia Word Count: 7,937 Ship(s): Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker/Matthias Helvar/Jesper Fahey/Inej Ghafa/Wylan Van Eck
Archive link!
Matthias Helvar had known Kaz for nearly five years and had been romantically intertwined with him for the majority of that time. He knew the other man inside and out, to the point where he was sure that he was more familiar with Kaz than he was with himself. He was able to point to the motions that the other man made when he was feeling self-conscious (tugging on the lapels of his shirt or readjusting his gloves so that they covered more of his wrists) or when he was upset about something (a cute creasing of his forehead and chin). He knew how to tell Kaz’s moods apart to the point that he was able to avoid the mindfield of anxiety, something that their boyfriend Wylan still struggled with despite having been together with Kaz for longer.
Despite this, trying to figure out why Kaz did what he did was still nearly impossible at times.
They were sitting in the office space of the apartment above the Crow Club, which was the bar that Kaz owned. Matthias worked for him as a bartender and bouncer when he was in between his set-building gigs, so he was very familiar with the space in both a professional and personal context. It had originally just been a spare room that was full of boxes and an abandoned desk that Kaz had inherited from his late brother. After Inej had finally snapped Kaz out of his brooding, he had transformed it into a place where he could work and also host his partners.
The desk was now pressed against the wall with the window so that plenty of natural light could illuminate the space when Kaz was working during the day. There was a simplistic brick fireplace on the wall kitty corner to the window, the mantle of which was now decorated with plenty of pictures of their partners. Matthias’ favorite was the one that they had taken when Jesper had finally graduated after clawing his way through the ableist secondary education system. They had all been hugging him, with Inej and Wylan kissing either of his cheeks while Matthias prepared to pick him up, Kaz standing slightly away from them but beaming one of the truest smiles he had ever worn.
The place that they occupied in the office at the moment was on the wall opposite to the desk, where two chairs were on either side of a low coffee table. It was currently covered in a stack of books that Jepser had no doubt left as he and Wylan cleared out their apartment so that they could move into the estate Wylan’s father had accidentally left to him in his will.
Matthias smiled softly to himself as he remembered the plans that they had been making to move into the vast mansion, so that all of them could finally be in the same place. Inej moved around a lot with her acrobatics troupe, especially since she was also following leads to try and get back in contact with her brother after the two of them had been separated by the cruelty of the foster system. Matthias missed her dearly, she had been in Germany for almost four weeks now, but he understood her desperation to find her family. If his hadn’t banished him from his home for simply admitting that he had fallen in love with a man, he would have been flying back to Denmark as often as he could just to visit with them.
“Are you listening to me?” Kaz asked, snapping him from his thoughts.
He turned back to his boyfriend and shook his head truthfully. Kaz rolled his eyes, though there was affection in the dark color of his irises. “I was simply detailing that I need to have you with me while I’m working today.”
“What do you need me to do?” he asked. It sounded more serious than the last couple of jobs that he had been asked to do, which mostly revolved around him listening in to conversations and scanning the types of people that were asking to be let into the bar so that he could find out whether or not the surrounding business owners were trying to bring Kaz down. It didn’t feel real, even without saying it out loud, more like his life had become half a movie. 
“I want you to come with me to look like the terrifying wall of muscle that you are while I meet someone for business,” Kaz replied.
Immediately alarm bells began to go off in the back of Matthias’ mind. He trusted his boyfriend with his life, that much was certain, but he was also worried about the kind of mischief that Kaz was stirring up. Inej had made him promise that he would keep their life interesting enough that their partner wouldn’t get into anything he couldn’t get himself out of, she had called it ‘Kaz’s enrichment time’, and with good reason. Whenever Kaz got more bored than he decided he was willing to handle, he stirred the pot and riled up the people around him. It was one of the reasons that he would never be able to settle with one partner and jumped right into a polycule with his two best friends.
He sat forward, threading his fingers together so that his hands were hanging low between his legs. He knew that Kaz liked it when he looked like that, chiseled and sullen and serious but putty in his hands. “What kind of business?”
“Calm down, it’s nothing that you’re going to have to tattle on me to Inej about. There’s an old bar owner that is thinking about retiring so I wanted to convince him that he should give his land and building to me,” he replied easily, leaning back in his chair. He was wearing a simple black button up with a pressed pair of slacks, his gloves off and on the table since it was just the two of them together.
“You want me to come with you so that we can convince the man that we are going to steal his bar from him because I am strong?” Matthias asked, half confused and half teasing.
“No, I want you there to show him that I’m serious. I know that you’re aware how much people think that they can underestimate me,” his nose wrinkled for a second as he said that. Matthias did remember what had happened the last time that a potential business partner had tried to undermine Kaz because of his disability. The ire that had flown out of his boyfriend had been both terrifying and the most attractive thing that he had seen to date. It had taken all four of their partners three hours to manage to convince Kaz that he didn’t have to go after the man and show him what it was like to have his disability, and Kaz still brought it up sometimes when he was in a sour mood. The smaller man rolled his shoulders as he said, “I don’t want him to think that he can take advantage of me because I’m smaller and disabled. I’m bringing you so that you can ward off any assholes that think they can schmooze up to him instead of waiting their turn and so that he sees someone with a more stereotypical masculinity during the meeting.”
“So I am eye candy?” Matthias smirked. He knew that the underlying message that Kaz was struggling to convey through his veneer of business was that he trusted Matthias. There were actual employees that he could bring with him on this trip that would likely be more helpful, but he had chosen his boyfriend, who had absolutely no experience in the business world, because he both wanted to spend time with Matthias and trusted him to know the more intimate details of his life. It made his chest feel warm, reinforcing that the life he had chosen for himself was the correct one despite all of the pain that had come with it.
Thankfully, his boyfriend had interpreted the teasing in the way that Matthias had meant it instead of in an actually cruel way like he had towards the beginning of their friendship. He leaned forward after carefully moving his knee to the side so that he didn’t bend it in a painful way. “For me and for him. But mostly for me,” Kaz replied with a smirk.
Matthias leaned forward the six inches over the coffee table that separated them and brought their lips together in a sweet kiss. 
Early on in their relationship, they had realized that they needed a way to convey where boundaries laid on certain days due to the trauma that certain members of their polycule had. Wylan, Inej, and Kaz would rate their ability to be touched out of ten when they were in a place where they could possibly meet up with their other partners. If someone rated themselves at a one, then it meant that they absolutely could not be touched unless it was life-or-death, and a ten meant that they were willing to do whatever with however many partners. Matthias and Jesper gave their own ranking as well, especially after finding out that they did have some boundaries when it came to touch that they had ignored by accident before getting together with the others.
That morning, Kaz had told them that he was tentatively hovering around an eight. He usually hung down around four or five on working days and had never quite gotten up to a ten. Matthias knew that he would love and cherish his partner no matter where he was on the touch chart, but he was glad when he got to have those intimate skin-to-skin moments with him.
Later that night, Matthias was waiting in the bar for Kaz to come down. He had dressed somewhat nice, but simplistic enough that he wouldn’t be standing out compared to his ‘boss’ for the night. He had chosen a pair of straight legged black jeans with the belt that Wylan had given him for his last birthday, an interwoven black and brown leather with a wolf carved buckle. He was wearing  simple black t-shirt underneath his favorite leather jacket, the one that Inej had helped him paint the back of. It was a series of runes that spelled out their names and his relationship with each one of them on five different roses. The edges were a little cramped on one side with the other empty, since they weren’t sure how big it was going to be when they started.
Matthias felt his heart jump in his chest when he heard the telltale thump-thump-thump of Kaz’s cane as he made his way through the quickly filling bar. Someone had turned ACDC onto the jukebox in the corner, they hadn’t been able to secure a band to play live music during that week, which was a strange dichotomy to what was in front of him.
Kaz was wearing a pair of black slacks and well shined shoes. He had on a red vest over the top of a white button-up shirt, tie-less, with his heavy overcoat resting over the entire ensemble. He had the uncanny ability to choose clothing that hugged his body in all the right places so that he could appear however he wanted to people looking in on him. Matthias knew for a fact that he had a simple knee brace on today, unable to make due with only k-tape, but it was hidden perfectly underneath the fabric of his pants.
“Are you ready to go?” the other asked as he stopped in front of his boyfriend. 
“I am if you are, boss,” he replied, ramping up his accent because he knew what it did to his partners.
Kaz tried to ignore it, but Matthias wasn’t looking at his face to tell if he was flustered. Instead he paid attention to the tips of Kaz’s ears, which had already gained their telltale red color. He smirked as he followed after the other man, a half step away from him so that there was plenty of room for Kaz to maneuver the busy sidewalk with his cane but not so far away that any of the passers-by could get in between them.
The bar that they were going to be meeting the future business partner at was a neutral-territory space that was more of an old fashioned lounge than anything else. The building was an old theater from the fifties that had been renovated to hold the kind of company it served to. The front of the building had teal tile on the of the walls and several signed vintage posters hanging where the advertisement for new films would have been back in its heyday. The large, vintage-styled neon sign read ‘The Blue Jay’ in a loopy font that strobed every so often. There was someone in the booth up front taking tickets from people, two of which Kaz was able to supply before he and Matthias stepped in.
The inside had the original hardwood floors, scuffed and marked up from when they hadn’t been taken care of but easily refinished. The walls were wainscotted with the same dark wood as the floor and the paint on the upper half was a soothing blue. The front foyer had a bar with two stools, obviously not a place that they wanted people to be occupying unless they were waiting to get their drinks from the tender. The outside of the bar was set up to look like the concession stand would have in the fifties, complete with candy wrappers from that time period. 
There was another worker that checked their coats, which allowed Matthias to ogle at the expanse of his boyfriend’s shoulders underneath the neatly pressed vest and shirt combo he was wearing.
“Would you like something to drink?” Matthias asked as he jerked his head over to where the bar was. The chalk menu behind him was intriguing, especially since there were several cocktails that he had never heard of before and wanted to try.
“We both need to remain as sober as possible during this job. If it’s going to result in me buying the property then I want to make sure that I don’t have the wool pulled over my eyes because you wanted a shot or ten,” Kaz teased. 
The first time that they had gone out, it was to a bar. Kaz spent most of his time in clubs and bars because of his job, so it only made sense. Matthias had thought that a little alcohol would lubricate the date a bit, but it turned out that his partner had a competitive streak a mile wide and a very low alcohol tolerance. A lot of things had happened that night, all of which Matthias remembered and none of which Kaz did.
They walked over to the theater portion of the club. When he finally got a good look at what the inside space had been transformed into, he was pleasantly surprised. They had kept the through line of the fifties style lounge despite it being an old theater, and leveled out the ground so that it was no longer sloped but was covered in the same hardwood as it had been through the door. Ten to fifteen tables littered the walls of the surrounding area, staggered so that people would be able to see up to the stage properly without others getting in the way. They each looked about identical except for the different bird feather and fake flower in each of the vases. 
“Come,” Kaz said as he walked towards an empty table. It was the third closest to the stage on the left side of the wall. It had a yellow tulip and a crow feather in the vase, both of which swirled when Kaz collapsed down into his seat.
Matthias could easily see how much his bad leg was bothering him that day. He wanted to be able to help, and he was sure that he could convince his partner to let him once they were back in the privacy of Kaz’s apartment above their own club. He took the seat next to his boss, pointed slightly towards the stage despite the fact that it was still empty since it was only seven in the evening. 
There were quite a few other people milling about the space, which was why it was a ticketed event, Matthias realized. They were all dressed nicely, as he and his boyfriend were, and chatting amongst each other. A couple of the individuals had even come to match the theme of the lounge, with bright colored tailored dresses that had huge skirts. 
“How did you find out about this place?” Matthias asked. While Wylan was a bit more partial to the Victorian aesthetic (a product of him leaning pretty heavily into the mad scientist title that had been used to tease him the entire time that he was in college), he was fond of all vintage buildings. They went on a tour of the historical homes around their town every year for his birthday and every person that worked in the vintage thrift shops around town knew them all by name because of how often they got him gifts from there. Matthias was sure that his boyfriend would be enamored with the lounge and would insist on them all dressing up. He would encourage their partner, of course, if only to see Jesper in one of the dresses that were swirling around the other tables.
“I heard about it from a friend of a friend,” Kaz replied cryptically. He was grasping the head of his cane, positioned between his legs so that the bird head was peeping over the nice white table cloth.
“I think that we should bring Wylan here, when we’re not on business,” Matthias suggested, trying to make it sound like he hadn’t been thinking about it for the last ten minutes since they stepped into the lounge.
A small smile slipped over Kaz’s face for just a moment before he gave a little nod. He quickly schooled his expression so that he was cold, calculating, and mostly blank. He continued to flicker between looking at either door at the back of the old theater, waiting for his business associate to show up. Matthias continued to look out over the crowd, assessing who might be the most trouble if the night were to go south. It was a bad habit of his that he was sure he was never going to be able to actually break, not that it was really hindering him when Kaz brought him along for tasks like this.
When the man finally arrived, they were able to identify who he was immediately. He was tailed by two men that were slightly shorter than Matthias and looked about half as competent as he did. They wore identical black shirts and slacks, boring and predictable. The man in the middle was wearing a gray vest over the top of a crisp white button up. He had salt and pepper hair and a full beard that was neatly trimmed to tie the illusion that he was a wealthy business owner up in a pretty bow.
When he arrived at the table, Matthias and Kaz both stood. “Pekka Rollins,” he greeted with a firm tilt to his head. 
“Kaz Brekker,” the other man replied, his accent heavy. He reached his hand across the table and Kaz hesitantly accepted it, obviously uncomfortable with touching a stranger even through the thick weight of his leather gloves. “I was going to apologize for bringing some people to help with the negotiations but I see that you’re already a man of wisdom.”
“This isn’t my first deal,” Kaz replied, sitting heavily back down in the chair that he had been in before. Pekka and one of the men that he had come with took the other side of the table, while one left to go get them something from the bar on the orders of his boss. Kaz and Matthias had both refused when Pekka offered to order them something. 
The lights in the lounge dimmed as three women and a man walked out onto the stage. Pekka turned towards the much younger man and asked, “You don’t mind if we wait to start the negotiations until the first part of their set is over, do you? I think that it would be rude to speak over them.”
“Fine,” he bit out. Matthias knew that he was beginning to wear down from being on someone else’s terf, it had always been a problem for him. That was why it was such a big deal for them to finally move in together, so that he didn’t act like such a wet cat whenever he had to travel to a different part of the city to visit one of them.
Everyone else was returning from getting their drinks and snacks from the bar outside, sitting at their table and facing the stage as they waited for what was yet to come. Matthias assessed the band first to try and figure out what it was going to be since he had entered into the lounge completely in the dark about everything other than the fact that Kaz needed him.
One of the members had long black hair that was artfully styled into an intricate braid on the back of her head. She had golden skin that matched with the green outfit that she was wearing perfectly. It was a baggy silk shirt that had intricate yellow and orange embroidery around the sleeves and collar, tucked into a pair of dress pants with a pair of matching heels. She walked over to one of the seats that were in front of the two bigger instruments with an acoustic guitar.
The next was a woman with dark brown hair that was tied back with two smaller braids to contain the other curls. She had coffee-colored skin and dramatic red lipstick. She was wearing a dark black button up shirt with a matching pair of pants to the one that the first woman wore. She moved behind the drums with a smirk flitting across her angular features.
The man was about the same height as all of the women even though he wasn’t wearing heels like they were. He had blond hair that was styled back to contain the curls a significant amount. He was wearing a teal coat so that he looked similar to the tile on the outside of the building. It hid the lower half of his body significantly, made worse by the fact he picked up the upright bass that had been resting on the back of the stage.
The last woman was the one that really caught his eye. Her rich brown curls were pouring down from the bun that sat squarely on the back of her head. They framed her face and illustrated her high cheek bones and perfectly accented her strong jawline. Her lips were painted with a beautiful red color that paired with the burgundy of her eyeshadow and rose on her cheeks. The curve of her neck brought attention down to where the sweetheart neckline of her shirt hugged at her body. It curved out in the same flow of fabric to that swooped over her arms to make sleeves around her upper arms. The dark red color brought out the undertones of her skin in a way that made her seem vibrant and full of life. She had a silver locket hanging around her neck, the bottom of the heart pointing towards her voluptuous chest. The shirt was complimented with a black pencil skirt that grasped at her hips and the bottom part of her stomach before falling down to her thighs. She had a pair of tall heels on, which would have made her just shy of Matthias’ height.
Her beauty was on par with the goddess that he had seen come out of Inej in the quiet moments that they had stolen away together. She was a walking deity and he couldn’t move his eyes away from her.
The woman with black hair began to play, her delicate fingers dancing over the strings of the guitar as her voice drifted through the now silent lounge area. “Tell me once again, I could have been anyone, anyone else before you made the choice for me. My feet knew the path, we walked in the dark, in the dark. I never gave a single thought to where it might lead.”
It was an interesting sound and not one that Matthias had guessed he would have heard in the kind of place that they were in. He wasn’t as familiar with retro and vintage music as Wylan was, but he preferred the classical stuff to the newer music that Inej and Jesper enjoyed. He wondered what the story behind the song was as he watched the singer leaning in closer to the mic, her eyes closed and scrunching around the edges with untold amounts of pain. She was pouring her heart out to an audience full of people that didn’t know her but were listening to her very soul.
The song continued, this time two voices harmonizing perfectly with each other as they edged closer to the chorus, “All those empty rooms, we could have been anywhere, anywhere else. Instead I made a bed with apathy. My heart knew the weight, ten years worth of dust and neglect. We made our peace with weariness and let it be. The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun. Bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own. I shine only with the light you gave me, I shine only with the light you gave me.” 
As soon as he had assessed the main singer, his eyes drifted back to the woman that had caught his eye when the band had first appeared. She was singing backup vocals with all of the grace and beauty that someone with that kind of gorgeousness could bring with them. Matthias was unable to tear his eyes away from her even as Kaz reached under the table to try and break him from the reverie that he was melting in. Instead, he just wove his fingers together with his boyfriend’s and continued to stare at the singer.
“Name your courage now, we could have had anything, anything else. Instead you hoarded all that's left of me, swallowing your doubt, like swords to the pit of my belly. I want to feel the fire that you kept from me.” As the song melted into the final chorus, he could almost swear that the woman’s eyes drifted towards him until they locked together. He couldn’t look away, completely enraptured with the woman on stage.
The song ended and the lights came back on, releasing the singers from the stage. They introduced themselves one by one and explained who they were for the patrons that came regardless of the stage draw. “Hello, my name is Alina Starkov.”
“I’m Nikolai Lantsov,” the blond with the bass said.
“Zoya Nazyalensky,” the drummer introduced herself, standing up so that she was visible after depositing her sticks onto the chair behind her.
“And I am Nina Zenik,” the woman that Matthias was still staring at said, giving a wink to the crowd.
The first woman that had spoken started again as she continued the introduction, “Together, we make Shadow and Bone. The song that you just listened to was called The Moon Will Sing and it’s part of our newly released album. We’ll be joining you on the floor and playing a few more numbers throughout the evening. Thank you all for hosting us in the absolutely beautiful Blue Jay.”
There was polite clapping from all the guests before the more traditional muzak that had been playing over the speakers when they first entered resumed. The band left their instruments behind on the stage and exited, two left and two right. Matthias watched Nina as she crossed over the empty space that made up the mostly unused dance floor and walked out towards the bar. 
“I am going to get us something to drink. It would be rude not to try their menu,” Matthias informed his boyfriend, trying to hint towards what he was actually getting at. Kaz gave him an unamused look but waved one of his gloved hands to tell Matthias that he was free to leave. The taller of the two did notice that his boyfriend shot a look towards the door where Nina had just departed, obviously cluing into the growing crush that he had.
Matthias hustled out of the main room so that he could join the other people milling around the bar. He felt slightly naked without his jacket, but it was the kind of place that had to check coats as part of their gimmick so he was putting up with it. He leaned against the counter as he ordered the drink that he was interested in and gin on the rocks for his boyfriend, the only thing that Kaz would drink after their vodka-filled first date. 
“Hello, love,” the sultry voice of the woman from the stage said next to him.
He felt his heart skip in his chest as he watched her fold her arms on the edge of the bar and lean forward to read the menu. The bartender told her to wait for a moment as he got to work on the backlog of drinks that he had now the the siren song of the band was no longer holding the patrons back from ordering.
Matthias shifted his attention back towards the blackboard as he read over the rest of the drinks and what was in them. He would definitely be bringing Wylan back to this place when he was finally able to pry his boyfriend away from the cage that was his most recent lab. He was watching Nina out of the side of his eye, paying attention to every shift in weight as she tried to figure out what she wanted.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when she turned to face him fully and asked, “What’s good here?”
“I am going to be honest with you, I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I was brought here to help someone out and I didn’t even know what this place was going to be until I was standing in it.”
She laughed at that, a bright tinkling noise that made a flock of birds erupt in Matthias’ chest. He felt like he was standing at the edge of the universe when he listened to her laugh, like he was looking out over all of creation, everything that could and would be. Something magnetic was drawing him to the woman, bringing them together despite the fact that they were basically strangers. He didn’t know what kind of a relationship he wanted to have with her quite yet but he knew that he had to get to know her if she would let him.
“What did you order, then?” she asked, gesturing her head towards where the class containing his boyfriend’s drink was already perspiring down onto the lacquered countertop of the bar.
“Gin on the rocks for the person I am with. I ordered myself that one,” Matthias pointed to the board. He had come a long when since he had moved to an English speaking country, better than he had been when he was learning it in school, but the cursive handwriting done with chalk was still difficult for him to decipher well enough to feel confident speaking it.
He felt a little bit guilty for holding out the hope that he might be able to pursue a romantic or sexual relationship with Nina since they barely knew each other, but he couldn’t help the hope fluttering to life in his chest. He was referring to Kaz as someone that he was accompanying and not his boyfriend to try and buffer the chances of them developing some kind of relationship. If he were to come right out with that information, he knew that it would result in something like when they had tried to get together with Wylan. The other man had been hoping for a romantic relationship with Jesper but then immediately thought it was off the table when he heard that Jesper and Kaz were together, despite him also having two other partners at the time. It was something that took a lot of work to disentangle and Matthias wanted to avoid that.
He couldn’t admit that he had a boyfriend for fear of driving her away from the idea of a romantic or sexual relationship springing up between the two of them, but he couldn’t come right out and say that he was in an open relationship because it would appear as though he were coming on to her. 
She hopped up onto one of the bar stools and then patted the one next to her with that same sly smirk falling over her face. Matthias moved the drink he had bought for Kaz closer to himself as he got up onto the stool. “So you’ve never been here either?”
“No. I have a friend that would be very interested in a place like this so I am surprised that it managed to evade me for as long as it has,” he replied with a light chuckle.
“Alina, she’s my bandmate,” Nina supplied quickly, as though Matthias hadn’t been hanging off every word coming from the people on the stage, “she loves places like this. We’re still a pretty small band so we decided that this was the perfect thing to get our name out there without having to perform in the back of a pizza parlor or at a private event again.”
“How long have you been a band?” Matthias asked. The way that she spoke was fixating, her accent causing the words to roll over and off of her tongue in a beautiful, intoxicating way.
“Almost four years,” she laughed. “It took us a while to really get things started, but I have a feeling we’re going to get a good start soon.”
He smiled at her as he tried to ignore the way that having her laugh and smile at him, because of him, turned his heart molten. “I think that you are going to do very well. Your band is talented.”
She beamed, though a teasing glint took over her dark eyes, “You’ve barely even heard us play.”
“I can tell already,” Matthias nodded confidently.
“I hope that you stay for a few more hours so that you can hear us play more,” she smiled. She ordered from the bartender when he finally turned to give Matthias the cocktail that he had ordered. 
He had been so wrapped up in her, that he had barely noticed the other people around them slowly slipping away until there were only three or four people lurking around the front entryway. A few more people were trickling into the front of the lounge, but they quickly walked towards the main theater part of the establishment. He was basically alone with her.
“I guess you have to get back to that person that you came in with,” Nina smirked. She took his glass from his hand and looked at the beverage that he ordered with a raised brow. “I think that there’s actually maple syrup in this, fascinating!”
She was so perplexing and wonderful at the same time, an enigma that Matthias was desperately looking to get to know better. “I was meaning to ask,” he cleared his throat awkwardly. She tilted her head to look at him, as even in her heels she wasn't quite as tall as he was. A blush had spread across his face while he was formatting the sentence in his mind, but it was gone as soon as he saw someone leaving the lounge part of the club.
It was one of Nina’s bandmates, the one with the black hair. She had her hand clamped over her mouth and the other wrapped around her abdomen in a self-soothing hug. Her face was red like people got when they were flushed from trying to hold back sobs, something Matthias was very familiar with seeing in his partners. Upon closer inspection, her shoulders were shaking and tears were streaming down her face as she barreled towards the door.
“Is your bandmate okay?”
Nina looked offended for just a moment, her mouth opened as she snarled, “I beg your pardon? Oh, you’re just like every other man I meet in this line of work. Here I am, thinking that someone could finally show some kind of interest in me and the only thing that you really have to ask about is Alina! Why can’t people understand that we’re two completely different people and I am not a gateway to her-” 
The look dropped off of her pretty features as she turned and saw Alina just making it out of the establishment and then collapsing against the wall outside of doors. Nina swore under her breath as she handed the drink to Matthias and then hurried towards her friend.
He was left standing there, feeling like a complete fool, as she basically ran away from him. He knew that she had to attend to the person that she was quite close to, but it still felt as though he was being abandoned. Every step that she took away from him made his heart feel heavier in his chest.
Before he had too long to brood about it, the sound of his boyfriend’s cane against the hardwood floors took up all the space in his brain as he turned to meet Kaz. “I thought that you were the good one when it came to flirting.”
“I am,” Matthias replied, his mind coming to a screeching halt as he tried to process what that implied.
“You know, that was the reason that I sent you out here. I was interested in her as well, more interested than I am in Pekka’s garbage deal,” his mouth turned down in a sneer. He took the gin from Matthias and then sipped it as he turned so that he was subtly watching the women from the other side of the glass doors. “I trusted you to be able to at least get her number.”
“I am better at flirting than you. When you tried to ask Wylan out on a date he thought that you were trying to fight him for Jesper,” Matthias shook his head. He sipped at his drink and then grimaced as the sweet cocktail coated his tongue. He enjoyed things that were slightly sweet, like the barest trace of powdered sugar on his waffles and the sour Jolly Ranchers that Jesper had stashed all over the house. The drink that he had ordered was dripping in so much sugar that he could already feel it eating away at his teeth.
Kaz muttered something into his drink that sounded an awful lot like, “I thought that it sounded fine.”
Nina had knelt down beside her bandmate, taking Alina’s hand in her own. She was holding the other’s arm with her free hand and taking deep breaths to coax her friend into doing the same. It made Matthias feel even more drawn to her to see just how kind and warm she could be to others. The scathing remarks and her quick tongue had felt like lashing against his soul, but he could understand where the confusion had come from when she was that protective of the other woman.
He set his drink down on the bar and turned away from them slightly so that he didn’t feel quite so voyeuristic. Kaz had no problems with continuing to stair at them as he worked his way quickly through the gin. “How did the deal go?”
“We’ve only delved into the very beginning of it. I can already tell that it’s crap. I told him that I had to use the restroom but I think he could tell that I was coming to speak with you,” Kaz placed the now empty glass of ice down onto the counter. The bartender dutifully filled it up again.
“Does he know…” Matthias trailed off as he reached out and linked the very ends of his fingers together with Kaz’s gloved hands. It was a risky move to do in public when they were trying to sort out business, something that might insight prejudice about them and start more drama than either of them really wanted to deal with.
“I don’t think so. He most likely just thinks that you’re some kind of hidden genius, which is what I wanted him to think,” he puffed up his chest with pride at having his plan go exactly how he had wanted it. He then turned to his boyfriend, a look of fear that only his partners would be able to recognize glinting in his dark eyes, “Not that you’re not intelligent, this just isn’t really your forte.”
“I know why you brought me here, min elsekde,” Matthias replied in a low voice. “I apologize for shifting the job so that I could flirt with that beautiful woman.”
“I hope that you can continue flirting with her after we’ve finished pretending that we can get scammed,” Kaz sighed as he turned his head back towards the lounge.
Neither of them really wanted to go back in there, but for different reasons. Matthias wanted to hang back close to the bar so that he could speak with Nina again, and Kaz wanted to avoid continuing a conversation he had already grown bored of. Still, they had to do what was going to be the right thing to do, so they took their drinks and walked back to the lounge.
The next time that Matthias saw Nina, she was back on stage. She had taken the lead on the second song that the band played and her voice was even more beautiful when it was crooning out notes on her own instead of backing up Alina’s. It had still sounded like a gift from the gods then, but it was highlighted far better in the second song that they had chosen.
He could barely even pay attention to the lyrics as he watched how her lips wrapped around the words and the way that her chest heaved for breath after a particularly challenging part of the song. It was hard to believe that someone was beautiful as her had even thought to give him the time of day, even if the last bit of their interaction had gone a bit sour.
The band gave the same introduction that they had last time, though Nina gave the song title and started off the process that time. They got off the stage and once again joined the thrawl of people, which made Matthias lose sight of the woman of his dreams once more. He felt a little bad for thinking so highly of her when he had someone literally carved by the hands of the gods waiting for him to get back home so he could text her goodnight, but he couldn’t help himself.
Kaz and Pekka had talked for the duration of the hour until Shadow and Bone came out to give their second performance. They had just about wrapped everything up prior to the song, so now that it was over they were giving their pleasantries before they left. “I’m glad that we seem to have come to some sort of agreement,” Pekka said as he offered his hand out to Kaz again.
The other man’s nostrils flared in a subtle enough way that Matthias picked up on it, but the failed business partner did not. He took the hand and gave it a brisk shake before he returned his hands to the head of his cane. “I am as well. Feel free to contact me again if you ever change your mind.”
“It is wonderful to see such young, precocious faces in this line of work,” Pekka chuckled as he walked off, is two goons following after him.
Kaz and Matthias returned to the sitting positions that they had been in before. The latter of the two got his phone out of his pocket and texted a quick goodnight to Inej now that he was free to do so. By the time that he looked up, someone else had taken the chair that Pekka had been sitting in only minutes ago.
“Sorry, I’m just going to steal him for a moment,” she promised Kaz before her brilliant eyes were focused entirely on Matthias. “I wanted to apologize for the way that I spoke to you earlier. I didn’t realize that you were actually looking out for Alina, I thought that you were…”
“Trying to get together with her through insidious measures?” Kaz supplied. “Sorry, I overhead. I’ll be getting us some new drinks, you two can talk,” he stood slowly, with the help of his cane. Matthias knew that he had recognized the awkward bite that always came out of him when he was interacting with someone new and was removing himself so that he didn’t ruin his boyfriend’s chances.
Nina laughed as she watched him go, the corners of her eyes crinkling cutely. “I think that he hit the nail on the head, actually. Is that the person that you’re here with?”
“Yes,” Matthias nodded. “We are coworkers.”
“This is an interesting place to come with a coworker,” she said, a bit doubtfully.
His stomach flipped with panic as he realized that she might have seen through his lazy lie and he had just ruined his chances with her. The panic quickly faded from him as she pulled her phone out of her lap from where her hands had been hiding underneath the table. She flipped it over and it was open to the Instagram search bar. “I don’t really text anyone other than my parents, but I would like to get to know you a little better. Give me your handle?”
For the first time, he was glad that Jesper had finally persuaded him to get an account on the app that he rarely ever used. He took her phone and then input his username, tapping the ‘Follow’ button for her so that it sent a request to him. She smiled as she took her phone back, the rosy color on her cheeks only deepening as the real blush underneath surfaced. “I’ll see you around?” she asked hopefully.
“Yes,” he responded, the only word that he could summon from the depths of his lovestruck brain. She gave him a cute wave as she got up and walked over to where the drummer of her band was talking with another person close to the dance floor. Matthias just sat back in his chair and watched her, barely even registering it as Kaz returned with one of the cocktails that he was actually going to like and another gin.
“Did you have a nice conversation?” he asked as he sat down.
Matthias took his drink and sipped it gratefully. He felt a dopey grin cross his face as he said, again, “Yes.”
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elementsofxcemre · 1 month
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BASICS: Name: Cemre Avci Age: 33 Gender & Pronouns: Cis female , she/her Place of birth: Chicago, IL Orientation: Bisexual
Previous occupation : General Manager (is a chef but on a break. Shehas also tried nursing, and was in the army). Skeleton: Avalon Powers : Elemental Shields - the ability to use the elements of fire, water, earth and air as a shield. Zodiac : Aries Height: 5'9" PINTEREST || INTERVIEW || SKELETON || CRYSTAL
About Nina
She is a child from an immigrant family, her father is from Netherland, and her mother is from Turkey. She could remember growing up in the small town of Turkey. With very few resources, the people had to work every day to make ends meet. She had found her solace, by visiting the lake Salda. She was given up for adoption when she was very young. However, still grew up in Turkey.
The world was hers to take, she never questioned her family or their values. She loved each and every one of them. Especially her older brother. He was her rock and solace, the person she could go to whenever she needed someone to talk to.
Her rebellious nature to explore places she's never been and often would get in trouble for. She was a free spirit, and even with that, she still felt like something was missing.
Whether it was unknowing about her true birth, that the people she grew up with were not her real family. She couldn't shake the desire to want to find herself. So she worked all kinds of jobs. The first is nursing. While she made it through the necessary education, at the end of her school year, she decided not to go through with it.
Cemre was the type of person to stay busy, and since one career didn't go as planned, she ventured out to the States at age eighteen, living in Chicago IL for some time. Of course, this separated her from her brother, but she promised to bring him to the States once she settled.
when she was about twenty-three, she managed to get her US citizenship and decided to enlist in the army. Specifically the military police and infantry. There she learned to hone her skills and discipline herself. She stayed there for three years when she finally deployed back to Chicago. The first person she wanted to contact was her brother. Her mother had informed her that he had passed away while she was in her military service.
That broke her heart, and she blamed herself for not keeping her promise. Three years later, she joined the career of culinary and moved to New York. It was there she met Zaid, working as a Chef and front of the house at the restaurant. There were ups and downs, and she always felt a push to lead, she questioned her life. Her goals and values- it wasn't until she woke up on the island that she truly began to wonder what this all meant.
She trusts very little about what people say about themselves. anyone can lie and pretend to be someone their not. She can be very stubborn and often may say things that come to mind. She is not the type to stay quiet. She is adaptable in trying to make a bad situation one of peace and calm. By no means should anyone underestimate her. She's lived most of her life surrounded by nature, and she damn well will survive it.
Fun facts
she likes to go on runs and keep in shape.
very self-dependent, and great at combat.
A good tracker and can find her way when she is lost.
doesn't like the beach atmosphere but enjoys lakes and tolerates the ocean.
can appear mean at first but she's laid back.
On the Island
Doing her best to try and read others, simply going with the flow.
already has a shelter or area that she's built (that's if the people don't already have a place).
she's a curious person in general, so she tends to wander in areas she really probably shouldn't.
she's not really being her authentic self because she doesn't trust the people that are there.
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Carnal | Ch. VI | Tell Me If I'll Ever Know a Blessing in Disguise
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Carnal (adjective): relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
Simon was born with what his father called 'The Curse'. A wanton craving for taboo meat. Since meeting the similarly cursed Johnny, the two had formed a bond. They didn't just fight together, they ate together, slept together, and shared everything.
When a favor to Price reveals another cursed person, Simon worries she could destroy everything.
A horror AU inspired by Bones and All and Raw among other works. TW: Blood, gore, cannibalism, smut, violence,
Masterpost | AO3
Title Credit: The Curse - Agnes Obel
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Price told Garrick and Ghost to take his car. He’d take Arthur’s car. He’d already made peace with getting blamed for this if it all went to shit.
MacTavish would stay at the house with Nina.
He didn’t know what to do with her sometimes. She was a sweet girl. The world had just not been kind to her. She was always strange. Fidgety and anti-social with a far-off look on her face. She haunted that house before her father ever died in it.
He’d been happy, initially, when she met Arthur. Good job, good education and he was good to her at first. He’d pick her up for lunch and she’d spend the whole meal blushing about him. He was gone for a couple of months and she was different. Arthur had moved in and grew in like mold.
It was never a happy house but with him there it was rotted. Price didn’t know when the degradation began but Nina had been swallowed up by something.
He didn’t blame her. He’d tried his best to split them up, scare him off but she said she loved him. Poor thing didn’t really know what love was.
He’d tried his best to show her. Be there for her in some familial capacity. He fit the awkward role between brother and father.
Her actual father wasn’t prepared to raise a child. Price had served under him for almost two years before he knew he even had a wife in the past. Captain Edmund Irons was a great leader and a horribly neglectful father.
Middle of a debriefing when his mobile started ringing over and over again. He finally excused himself
“It’s my daughter’s nanny.” No one in the room knew he had a daughter up until then. He stepped out but everyone could hear him arguing with the woman on the line.
“If she says she’s hungry just feed her! I’m busy! Fucksake Emily, if you can’t take care of her when I’m gone I’ll find someone who can!”
Nina had always been a sickly-looking child with a ravenous appetite. She was always small, with more bone than skin. In the brief time between her father’s death and Edmund’s arrival was when she finally perked up, filling out her face. Resembling a young woman rather than a skull. Her father had described her as ‘cannibalistic’ in his letter. Price had found it in his office and stashed it away and finally burned it after reading it. He thought it was an exaggeration, some metaphor about how her ‘emotional disturbances’ ate away at him till he blew his own brains out.
Nina had said she’d never hurt anyone before. Yet he was thinking about hte nearly dozen nannies he’d met in half as many years. A boy who went missing a couple towns away back in ‘14. Arthur.
Another poor little girl.
Nina didn’t hurt her. She couldn’t have. She was too young. That stream had always been dangerous. She wouldn’t. Audrey was her friend. They were inseparable. Audrey’s death is what started all of this. That was the reason.
Nina was his sweet little girl. The closest thing he probably would ever have to a daughter. He’d watched her grow up. He was the one that taught her how to drive. How to fish. How to ride a bike.
How to hunt. How to kill.
He left Gaz and Ghost by the cars as he dragged the body toward the ocean. He cut open his stomach so he wouldn’t float back up and dragged him toward the end of an old pier and pushed him off. Crabs, fish, and whatever else was in the water would take care of him.
They stripped the plates off the car, removed all personal effects, and poured petrol over the inside.
“Soap will be upset he missed this part,” Gaz chuckled as the SUV began to burn.
It was morning by the time they got back to the house. Price’s eyes burned in the light.
Nina had fallen asleep in the guest room. MacTavish was in the dining room where they left him.
“You lot take my car back to base. I don’t know how long I’ll be. MacTavish, I’ll call you when I need a ride back.” The tired Scotsman gave him a nod before heading back to the car. “Garrick, wait a moment.”
“Yes, sir?”
“You said you were able to access the cameras in the house?”
“I was. I turned them off and deleted all the old footage.”
“Good,” Price nodded. “I need you to turn them back on and give me access.”
“Sir?” Kyle knew when to question his judgment. It’s why he liked him.
“She needs help, Gaz. She just won’t accept it. I just need to keep an eye on her. Just the ones in the common areas. Any in the bedrooms or bathrooms, leave those off. I’ll take them down.”
“I’ll set it up.”
“Good man,” He clapped Gaz’s shoulder before sending him off as well. He watched them drive off.
Nina kept most of the cleaning supplies in the cellar. It’s also where the chest freezer was. It sat against the far wall. He thought about opening it to just to make sure.
“John?” She called from the top of the stairs. “I made coffee.”
Sweet girl
“I’ll be up in a moment, lamb.” An old nickname. Proof of innocence.
He grabbed the bleach and headed upstairs.
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Price loves saying "Good man" after asking someone to do something totally unethical. Next chapter is gonna be a small time skip, like month-couple weeks. Plus bonus jealous Ghost.
Tag list: @gogh-with-the-flow @queen-ilmaree
Comment or DM me if you want to be added.
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no-where-new-hero · 11 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Day 7 (Part 2, Ch. 1)
We've begun a new part! Accordingly titled "Now Here," this part is basically Polly Whittacker's School Days. Although most of the book operates on the real-world plane, this part probably intersects with the magic least of all (except, of course, for the fact that everything in the real-world resonates in Nowhere). The musical notation for this part means "slow and in a songlike manner," and the scenes do invoke performance several times. The part isn't long, and yet it covers a good deal of narrative ground.
In this chapter, Polly's literary education continues, and, of course, everything she reads come to bear on her own adventures--even though on the surface of it, she's just pursuing a literary education. There's something deceptively simple about everything that happens: Polly joins Nina's Superstition Club and becomes more interested in it than hero business--but that means she’s trading in the deep creative magic of hero business for the fake flashy social magics at school. Already the purity of her heroism from part 1 is getting muddied by the pressures of growing up. Polly fails at the violin--because she can't harness Tom's personal (cursed?) strength—though she takes that as the humiliation of not being able to hold her own against Mary Fields. She tries to go back to tomboyish and heroic sports, though they don’t consume her anymore, nor as other interests will later.
What this chapter (and the part in general) does really well is show how things kind of flow through you like water when you’re little and the random stuff sticks but it’s also not the stuff that ends up being meaningful once you grow up. And DWJ does it so seamlessly that although very little “plot” happens in these chapters, it’s never boring.
Spoilers under the cut:
It took me the longest time to realize that Granny giving Polly the opal was actually the worst possible gift she could have given. I've never been able to decide whether its tainted nature came from its hereditary connection to Granny and Granny's own involvement with Laurel through her husband, because of its physical properties (Polly can see the stone "in two lights" reflecting from Nowhere and Now Here), or simply from some magic that Laurel/Mr. Leroy performs on it. Or some combination of it all. I do find it’s FASCINATING how DWJ perfectly timed the gift to Polly’s own increasing distance from Nowhere. The necklace allows an interfering foothold, but also her growing up and thinking about “hero business” in a different way.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Birthday Scottish actress Siobhan Redmond, born in Glasgow on August 27th 1959.
Please note wiki give her d.o.b as July 27th, but two other sources say August.
Redmond was educated at Park School for Girls in Glasgow’s West End. She then studied English at St Andrews University, it is here she started acting in student productions and is said to have been discovered by oor Makar Liz Lochhead. She went on to complete a one-year postgraduate year at the Bristol Old Vic.
Siobhan might not be a household name, but she has some pretty impressive credentials to her portfolio, her first roles were in comedy shows, the most famous being Alfresco in 1983/84 alongside an impressive line up that included, Robbie Coltrane, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson and Ben Elton, as seen in the first photo.
She went on to become a regular character in the 80’s series Bulman, as Lucy McGinty. Perhaps her biggest TV role was in the 90’s cop show Between the Lines as Det. Sgt. Maureen Connell, after this she appeared with Alan Cummings in the underrated sitcom The High Life, a link to another post today, in 1997 we saw her onscreen with Billy Connolly in an adaptation of Deacon Brodie!
Redmond took on a role in the Hospital-soap type series Holby City as consultant paediatrician and clinical lead of Otter Ward, Janice Taylor. Since then Siobhan seems to have reverted to playing the role of a cop again, in The Bill, crime scene examiner Lorna Hart in 14 episodes in 2007 and in Taggart in 2010 she was Chief Supt Karen Campbell in 6 episodes. Redmond has also provided the voice of Ollie in the popular bairns animated show Nina and the Neurons. More up to date shows include, Queens of Mystery, Amazon Prime series Dark Sense and the Excellent mini series Unforgotten. We last saw Siobhan last year in The Nest and Grantchester, while she returned to Queens of Mystery this year, which also starred the excellent Julie Graham. Prior to that, there was a BBC Scotland comedy pilot, Beep, which aired earlier this year, and the opening episode of the latest series of Midsomer Murders, one of the first shows to return to filming last summer.
Siobhan Redmond has also been very busy treading the boards, as a regular member of the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon, playing among others Beatrice in “Much Ado About Nothing"a nd in a play called ‘The Trick is to Keep Breathing’ which debuted at The Tron Theatre Glasgow, before touring all over the country and in Canada. She also starred in "Look Back in Anger” that followed a world tour in 1990 with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson.
Siobhan recently appeared in the omedy-drama series Rain Dogs , she also turnedup in the sitcom Two Doors Down, whicha new series is in production just now.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
uncle nina please stop spoiling your ask answers in your shit posts/silly snippets challenge failed again, but my sides actually hurt from laughing too hard, bc i'm blocking this dialogue from the sp trip, where rm!ike is trying to figure out what is happening between jersey and raven of cd, and trying to be unbothered ( extremely bothered ) kyle is like 'literally nothing, he does not interest me' ( me when i lie )
to which aspiring investigative journalist ike who knows his older brother more than anyone, very professionally says 'bullshit bitch! i know you're lying because you're doing that weird thing twitchy thing with your nose!!!" ( jersey hc check, its very slight but his nose does twitch a little if he is lying hella...which he is, smh )
and to prove it, ike is like "okay, so you DON'T think raven is hot?" and jersey kyle is like "pfftstsppft!!! no, i don't!!!! Obviously!" ike shows him the literal video evidence ( little brothers really do have the nuclear codes to pissing you of all the time, huh ) and instead of saying something very normal...jk says...all...of *sigh* This.
tw for the most gaywadass loserly thing ive ever written.
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ft ike being fake but so real
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Update - re: Focus and Rags
So remember how I said I’d be working on my first original comic next, Rags, now that I’m done with TMA: Encore?
I haven’t actually worked on it in months. I’ve instead been hopping between other writing projects and working on a much less conceptually complicated video project.
And that makes me feel terrible. But the thing is, I’m not sure I should feel that way.
On this edition of I’m Having to Rethink the Way I Learned to Make Art and Am Posting About It to Organize My Thoughts and Maybe Help Someone Else, I’m gonna be considering the entire purpose of why I make art. Wheeee here we go.
POINT ONE: The Thing vs. the Making of the Thing
So I was raised to make art as an object, not an action. Any project needs to have a beginning, middle, and end, or else it’s a failure. I accepted that because people encouraged it. Having a finished piece that people would appreciate made me feel good. And I liked having a finished piece of art. The drive to see something sparkling and complete in my hands has pulled me through many a difficult spot in a project.
However, it was always framed to me as a business thing, extended as a self-worth thing. If you want to be an Artist, you have to produce art. You have to sell it effectively. It’s about proving that you deserve the role of making art in the first place. The second I started being “good” at art, people were telling me to cut out the “bad” pieces for my portfolio. And that’s awful. I can’t stand the fact that that’s something someone taught me before I turned ten.
And that’s what Rags is. Was. Is. I had a really low point a couple months ago where I never felt like I’d measure up in life if I didn’t start selling my art. Rags is a fully original idea with a finite scope that could be made into a book and sold, which might bring me closer to the role of Artist. The story and design of it are all tributes to things that I love emotionally and writing it brought me joy, but it was being made out of a fear of failure and inadequacy. That’s... also awful. Honestly. I don’t want to make art for that reason. I may never get to make art full-time or even part-time, but nobody can take away my role as Artist. That’s just not how it works.
Furthermore, I don’t think finishing things even why I make art. I make art because the act of making it does something for me. It’s interesting. It’s educational and a little bit spiritual. It’s a physical stim and meditation activity. Writing feels like a simultaneous act of building and solving a puzzle. Drawing, painting, and sculpting feels like a wild experiment with turning feelings into lines and shapes. Making art about bigger art may be a never-ending copyright firefight, but it helps me process why I like that art.
And therapy. Art’s a great opportunity for therapy. It is the only form of therapy that has ever helped me. Pouring my woes and flaws into the shoes of my characters and then having to research and conceptualize solutions for them to build their arcs is a kind of self-loving praxis that is slowly peeling back layers and layers of trauma and ignorance in me. I want to do it and share it with people forever.
In embracing this, I remembered that my childhood wasn’t all business anxiety. There was also this really cool person making the coolest videos I’d ever seen and giving it out for free on purpose. Her name’s Nina Paley. Go watch Sita Sings the Blues.
POINT TWO: Going in Circles
So having the object of art hasn’t turned out to be as valuable to me as doing the process of art. Which is why I can’t seem to finish anything. Which is because I rapidly switch between projects. “Rapidly” sometimes means spending months on something or an afternoon, it always depends.
This never happened to me as a kid, but it’s been a nonstop occurrence in my adult life. Maybe it’s just that I don’t have eight classes worth of homework to keep my ambitions down anymore, I don’t know. But I always felt bad about it. It’s the kind of thing the kids with ADHD in the seats next to me got yelled at for. And I should get yelled at, because it means I’m never going to get anything done.
Well, no. Because that’s not the point. And fuck them for yelling at people.
Also, I do get a lot done. I looked back at my personal website a few weeks ago and felt floored looking at all the little things I’ve made over the years. No big impressive monetizable comics, but a lot of cool ink drawings, some weird paintings, a big group project, and one music video that I literally still can’t believe I made. (Here’s a link to all that, if you wanna look at it, too.)
I through my docs and found so much fun writing that I’d given up on because I “failed” to finish it. So I went back to them, and now they’re a little bigger and even more beautiful than before.
I did all that amidst the circle-going. Because I’m not broken. That’s just how my brain works. Leaning into it works so, so, so much better than fighting it. I realized this while watching an anituber I like, Hazel, talking to her illustrator wife on a Q-n-A about how they get projects done (genuinely can’t remember which one, but here’s her channel). It turns out that they both cycle through projects like I do and have both made enormous and wonderful bodies of work (and careers) that way. I can’t tell you how good it felt to find that out.
POINT THREE: What now? / TL;DR
I’m gonna not latch onto big projects... declaratively anymore. I’m just gonna post updates to things I’m working on currently. If the thing I’m fixated on is a thing that’s already on the index, I might put a little flag to it so that people popping by can see what I’ve added to most recently.
But in short, I’m treating the blog as more of a living archive. I might even put up stuff from my website, too. If I make a poster, it’s a poster and not an announcement. I've always wanted to make trailers for big projects, but it would be better off interpreted as a stand-alone thing made for the sole joy of the art of a trailer. Dev art is dev art. Etcetera.
If I get something big all the way done someday, that’ll be icing, not the cake.
Right now, I’m working on an animatic entitled Chuncho, about Yma Sumac and birds and Peruvian festivals. Here’s some stuff from it:
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I’m trying to get it done by mid-September (Yma’s birthday). But if I don’t, that’s okay.
As always thanks for reading,
Rainbow / Carlie
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calyxthenerd · 9 months
Going to go into the character’s family background headcanons because yes
So, of course Luna and Ámbar’s, and Nina’s families don’t have that much leeway for headcanons so I’m just going to skip those
Now Simón, for me, his extended family is big, he has no siblings but lots of cousins, and they all live together in the family’s property a few hours outside of Cancún, but Simón ended up renting an apartment in the city at some point, and also, his and most his cousins’ parents had very demanding jobs with little pay, cleaning, floor level costumer service, etc, so they ended up spending all their time not in school with their grandmother, Carmen, a strict, but caring woman who was a retired teacher and taught them everything, from the work they didn’t understand from school, to life lessons and useful skills, like cleaning a house, survival in the wild (she had a crazy youth) and cooking
Then we have Matteo (+ Gastón) now, I’m not certain if it’s in my head or not, but I’m pretty sure at some point someone mentions offhandedly that Matteo’s mom died, maybe that’s just me, because if it didn’t happen, it’s one of my headcanons, she died (I’m not sure how yet) when Matteo was a kid and his dad German Castilloed it, constantly moving around, until Matteo’s high school years started, then he had to build the base for him to follow his own footsteps, which was when he met Gastón, who had everything he ever dreamed, loving parents, a permanent home, the works, and they became fast friends when Gastón saw him and was like “Geez, what a jerk, I need to stick with him to stop him from getting his ass kicked” and then every time his dad forgot he existed or was traveling, he ran off to the Peridas
Now, the separate paragraph for Gastón because he deserves it, this is somewhat inspired by the lovely @countessofravenclaw’s hcs because they just Get It, so, his passion for photography comes from his dad, who’s a local celebrity on this business, and his mom is a renowned biology professor, so yeah, both really hardworking people, but also huge nerds for their areas, who could not stop themselves from rambling about it to their kid, who sucked in all the knowledge like a sponge and became a huge nerd too, and since his mom was the first one on her family to get herself through college, they constantly enforced the value of education on to him, making him get the third best marks on his grade, only losing to Matteo with his daddy issues and Little Miss Perfect Ámbar
Next we have Nico and Pedro, yes, together, now, I’m a firm believer that Nico has two moms and that’s why he dresses like a lesbian, and you might be asking, where does Pedro come in? Well, to me, he’s in the foster care system, so he circled around a few homes, both good and bad, until he ended up with them at 14, getting officially adopted at 16, and also, both of their moms hate Gary but tolerate him because he’s his side of the family’s golden child, being rich, while Isadora, his sister and one of Nico and Pedro’s moms, runs an esoteric shop downtown and Luzia, their other mom, is the manager at the bar next door to it (yes I gave them names just to differentiate them)
Up next we have Delfi, whose parents run a very big tech corporation and the only reason they don’t have a child neglect case built against them it’s because Delfi and her younger brother, Leo, were raised by nannies
Now it’s Jazmin’s turn, now, I think her parents are celebrities, possibly models, who have stopped working when they had her, and spent her whole life with her, resulting in her being sheltered, and with their celebrity status, surrounded by media every time they left the house, making her internalize her love for cameras, her constant desire to have someone watching her and also her fear for what people think of her
Ramiro, for me, his parents are ballerinas, who moved to Argentina for better opportunities, anyways, they learned to dance in a super strict conservatory, making them super strict and him the way he is
Jim & Yam, their parents were those people in your high school that could never be seen apart, being friends since kindergarden and all, so they ended up having kids between them (artificially, so the girls aren’t related) and raising them together, and that’s how they became the dynamic duo they are today!
And lastly, Emilia, the queen of my heart, her parents were judgmental bitches and cared more about how they looked than about her, her entire life it was always like “Mom I got the highest grade in my class” “okay, and?” or “Daddy, I hurt my knee!!” “Get up, Emilia, you’re making a scene!” “My date bailed on me!!” “That’s what you get for going out with boys instead of studying like you should” and the worst one was “Mom, dad, I like girls” “Get out of my house” “But mom-“ “I said OUT!” And that’s when she packed her bags and moved in with her older brother and his wife, on the other side of town, transitioning into the person we met, a few months before she appeared on the show
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nina and 2, 7, 14, and 15 for the ask game! :D
Yee my girl!! So many thoughts
2. When did you start liking them?
I watched House of Anubis on youtube for season 1 (and was happy to find out there'd soon be a season 2 premiere) back in 2011/2012. I rewatched it (s1/s2) last year (and again this year). I can't exactly remember the exact time, I always liked her, but from a more recent stand point, I think my more recent fondness is probably based on how kind and compassionate she is. She immediately took off her school jacket to give to Sarah on the bench outside Anubis house. She's kind, clever, and brave (like Barbie!).
7. A quote you remember of her's
Besides all the funny ones "Hi, I'm Nina, I'm from America!""stop playing with your milk!" "Nothing that a year of counseling won't fix." Any of her more deep quotes or serious quotes "Will you free my friends and my family?" "I trust you." I might edit part of the amswer later because right now the only thing on my mind is the funnier things. Also when she gets her and Fabian out of detention with her French.
14. Favorite storyline
Back in the day, I probably would have said season 2 was my favorite, but now I love both s1 and s2 equally. I really enjoy her relationship with Sarah and her growth into the Chosen One throughout season 1. The search for the cup is iconic. So is the Mask. I enjoyed some of the whole house shenanigans as well (the cameras in s1, keeping Victor up all night in s2 (which was Sibuna business that ended up involving the whole house), confronting Jerome!! About the gem!!!). How she wrote the Mysteries of Anubis and threw some shade on Victor. When she insists on going back into the attic (she knows how to pick locks!!!) despite fear and unease because she wants to be certain about whether she saw someone and out of possible concern about the possibility of Joy actually being up there. "I need it because I'm going back up there tonight. I need to know." "Know what?" "If I saw something up there."
Also any Fabina plotline that is happy because those two are cute and love each other and fit so well together (if they had better communication skills especially!!).
15 least favorite storyline?
Honestly? Whatever mini subplot they had going on between her and Fabian in season 2. It was extremely obvious that they both still had feelings for one another, and even they managed that, but they always got in the way of themselves. Nina choosing to do the web task without Fabian, largely out of anger (but also urgency) was reckless.
Also her leaving in s3. While I appreciate and understand and know it is not my place now nor was it then to be mad about the fact Nathalia Ramos decided to leave the show in order to continue her education, I think they could have chosen a better route out than "the Osirian and the Chosen One can't be together..." when it is the Osirian's job to protect the Chosen One. Could this fact be proven by Rufus growing with Sarah and them being the Osirian and Chosen One respectively and him turning out the way he did? Maybe. But Rufus was power hungry, and seemingly had been that way for most of his adolescent/adult life. I think that wasn't too thought out, perhaps she just decided to stay behind for her Gran. This is less of a Nina problem and more of a behind the scenes cause and effect though.
Thank you!!!
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nerdykitkat123 · 1 year
I've played 7 Rotations of Pleasentview, here's what happened
So, I took a break from Sims 2 after my hood corrupted and started a fresh, I'm currently on rotation 7 and well, I love to share what goes on in my games so, lets break it down. The Lothario Family
Don left Cassandra at the alter as he realised that he loved Nina. They got together and Don changed his career path. He had always been quite athletic and dreamed of being the best of the best in the Athletic career. To say that he was good at it was an understatement as he got promotion after promotion. Nina also got a job in the Music career as she loves to play the piano. All was going well for the two, they had moved into a much nicer house with the money saved, and Don was surprisingly very loyal to Nina, calling of his fling with Kaylynn Langerak and limiting contact with Dina.
After a woohoo in the tub however, Nina found herself pregnant. She expected Don to panic and leave her, however, he stepped up and the pair got married before there Daughter, McKenzie, was born. Don completely fell in love with his daughter from the moment he had laid eyes on her. During this time he was a superstar in the Athletic career and bringing home a lot of money. There daughter, just like there mother, is a very creative individual. Just like her father, she is extremely athletic too. She is a teenager now and has the pleasure aspiration where she wants to go on 50 first dates. While McKenzie was a child, Don and Nina had a second baby, this time a boy named Raymond. He is very reserved and keeps himself to himself. He is currently still a child. Both Don and Nina have gotten to the top of there careers, and Don has just aged up into an elder, Nina is one day away from ageing into an elder. This is somehow one of my purest families. The Goth Family Cassandra moved out shortly left at the alter to figure things out alone. Mortimer however decided that Dina was the second love of his life, and quickly married her. They did woohoo a whopping one time before he passed away, and while he didn't complete his lifetime wish of maxing out all skills, he did die with platinum aspiration. Alexandra absolutely HATES Dina at this time and when Mortimer passes he immediately RUNS AWAY. Luckily, Dina notices in time and they do manage to find Alexandra. With the mass about of wealth Dina now owns, she sells the Goth Manor and buys an extremely lavish modern mansion, brining along Alexandra for nothing more than a legal obligation to take care of a teenager. Dina and Alexandra do become friends with a lot of time, however Dina becomes extremely career oriented in the Business sector. She rises to the top with time. After Mortimer she does mess around with a couple sims she met from work, however, she accidently falls pregnant when she's around 12 days away from ageing into an elder. She has a girl and immediately gives the baby up for adoption. At the time she could only think about her career, but when Alexandra moved out for collage she was very lonely for those couple years, practically begging Alexandra and his girlfriend he met in collage to move back in with her, to which he reluctantly agrees. Alexandra is now in the gamer career, his girlfriend doesn't have a job and dreams of having a large family. Will the sound of children in Dina's Mansion make her regret her choice? Alexandra takes Sharlene on a date to a restaurant downtown and proposes to her, she says yes and the rest of the date is spent getting steamy in Dina's sports car. They are now expecting a baby soon. The Copur Family
Cassandra moved into a small house after Don Lothario had left her at the alter, she quit her job in the science career and turned to education, becoming a teacher to try and fill the void of not having the baby she so deeply desired. This worked for a while, but after a while, decided it was time to go back into the dating scene. She calls up the matchmaker service and pays quite a bit of money for a blind date. She is set up with Warren Copur, to which the immediately hit it off and she could feel that he was the one. They go on a couple dates, all of them being dream dates. Cassandra asks Warren to move in to which he does and gets a extremely good job in the hospital thanks to the sheer amount of skills he has and that he went to collage. While on a date in the park, Warren proposes to Cassandra. She is ecstatic and agrees immediately. The wedding was a couple days later, where Cassandra invited over close family and Darren. Darren was extremely mad with Cassandra once she had wedded Warren and goes as far as to slap her on her own wedding day. Needless to say, after that day there friendship had ended. Cassandra fell pregnant shortly after the wedding, where the two sold there house with the money saved up and moved into a four bedroom house. She gave birth to twins, Allison and Austin. Allison and Austin were practically attached to the hip the moment they were born, there bond they share is unbreakable. Warren and Cassandra managed to get the twins into privet school, something Warren really wanted. Shortly after, Cassandra gives birth again to another baby, a son called Carter. However, with how busy Cassandra and Warren are at this point, Carter becomes that of an after thought. Cassandra finally becomes the Education minister the same day she ages into an Elder Broke/Dreamer Darren, heartbroken that Cassandra once again rejected his advances, turned his attention to Brandi Broke. He didn't love her per say, but he did see that she was a struggling single mother of three with her teenage son supporting the family and Darren was incredibly lonely. Brandi meanwhile had just given birth to her third child, a son she named Skip Jr, after her late husband Skip Broke. It was a loveless marriage, Darren using Brandi to make it appear that he had gotten over Cassandra, and Brandi was using Darren for money. Darren got a job in the Science career, the same career in which Cassandra used to work in before switching jobs, as he realised that he couldn't go on as a struggling artist with 5 kids now in the household. Dustin during this time meets Meadow Thayer, to which the pair immediately have a strong connection. Although he loved Angelica, they had shared there first kiss together and gotten together, he could feel his love was stronger for Meadow. He starts cheating on Angelica with Meadow, which goes on for a while. Dirk found out about this and was disgusted with Dustin. So, one evening he called up Angelica and asked her to come round, to which she was met with Dustin and Meadow making out with each other. Angelica broke up with Dustin there and then, Dirk comforted her after. Some time passes, Dustin and Dirk get into collage, Beau is now a teenager and Skip Jr is a child. A storm breaks out one night, Skip Jr is playing outside. Lightning strikes a tree and it catches alight, the fire spreads and kills Skip Jr along with one of Darren's friends, who tried to rescue the child. Beau managed to eventually get the fire under control, but it was too late. Brandi had lost there youngest child.
Darren didn't a tear at the news and went back to studying his research. Brandi on the other hand ended up having a mental health crisis. She is never quite the same. Beau moves to Collage, and now Brandi and Darren are left alone, in this loveless marriage. The Pleasant Family Mary-Sue walks in on her husband Danial Pleasant cheating on her with Kaylynn Langerak. Having just been fired and now walks in on her husband cheating on her she is PISSED. She doesn't even listen to him before kicking him out the house and divorces his ass. Danial moves into a depressingly small house, and only invites Kaylynn Langerak for a quick pick me up. He dies alone. That's the Danial lore. Mary-Sue meanwhile, now having to support two teenage daughters that absolutely hate each other thanks to her toxic parenting, gets a job in the medical field and works extremely hard. She works so hard in fact, that when she dies she is working still as a surgeon, surrounded by family. Speaking of family, Lilith works hard onto rectifying her grades and ends up graduating High School along with Angelica, both getting an A+ and both get into collage. Dustin, Meadow, Dirk, Lilith and Angelica all share a house together and it is CHAOTIC. Angelica and Dustin both take Art Majors ( which actually rekindles there friendship and Angelica forgives Dustin in the end) as Angelica wants to be a chef and Dustin really likes Architecture. Dirk takes Economics because he always has and will be interested in cold hard cash, Lilith takes Biology as she dreams of working in Law Enforcement and Meadow takes Psychology as she really wants to be a teacher. While in collage, Angelica meets Michelle Tse while shopping for clothes. At first she thought that they were just really good friends, however there love for each other slowly blossomed, after her final exam Angelica proposed to Michelle and the two got married shortly after moving back in with Mary-Sue. The two hear about a baby that had just been placed into adoption shortly after being born named Jasmin Goth (I wonder who the mother is) and the two adopt it, the baby taking the Pleasant surname. They manage to get Jasmin into private school shortly after Mary-Sue passed away and adopted another baby girl called Rosie.
The Burb Family I never really tend to do much with John and Jennifer, but they did get jobs. Jennifer got a job in the Business sector and John worked as a builder. Although John wanted another baby with Jennifer, due to there poor finances, they could never afford to have another child. Lucy for the most part keeps herself to herself although she does befriend Justus . When a teenager she picked the pleasure aspiration however, she was never allowed out, her parents were very controlling and limiting. In fact, Lucy doesn't get out of her shell until she leaves her parents (Jennifer had died shortly beforehand and Jhon would die, electrocuting himself to death when trying to fix his TV) and head out to collage along with Alexandra Goth. Whilst the pair didn't get along at first, they end up forming a deep friendship. The pair would dabble in juice and blowing bubbles, but near the end Lucy would pretty much function off of those alone. She also managed to gain 3 boyfriends to which she's woohoo'ed with all of them. Alexandra didn't judge as at this time, he had met his girlfriend. For the first time, Lucy was free, she had no one to tell her what to do. Despite Lucy now being a functioning Juiceaholic and avid bubble blower, she still had a perfect 4.0 GPA, something even Alexandra didnt manage. She moved into an apartment complex, the same that her childhood friend moved into and got a job as a freelance web developer in the slacker career. She makes more friends, she goes on more dates and gets promoted to professional party guest. Life cant get any better for Lucy, she is finally free.
The Oldies
Coral Oldie wanted to adopt another child to fill the everyday boring life she had been feeling since Mary-Sue flew the nest. Herb didn't really complain much, although he was slightly against the idea. They adopted a child, Justus Oldie. Justus did make a friend with Lucy Burb, but has never had any romantic feelings for anyone, nor felt the need to woohoo. By the time he was a teenager both Herb and Coral had passed away and he was left alone with the couples two dogs. During this time he discovered two things about himself.
He wanted to enrol into the military as soon as he was old enough so began to really work on his logic, mechanical and body skills.
He discovered that he really enjoyed stargazing at night.
Justus decided that he didn't want to go to collage and immediately enrolled into the Military, moving out the house and moved into an apartment complex. Every evening he searches for UFO's, wondering if there real.
The Thayer Family
After collage, Dustin proposed to Meadow, to which she immediately agreed. As a Family Aspiration sim, all Meadow dreamed about was marriage, children and the perfect suburban home. She absolutely loves children and can't wait to have her own. They move into a house that has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, its perfect for the large family Meadow dreams of. The day of the wedding and everything is perfect, the two share there vowels and sealing it with a kiss. Dustin takes Meadow's surname, no longer wanting to be reminded of his past. All goes well, and then Lilith and Angelica ruin everything by fighting twice.
Meadow quickly falls pregnant and the pair have a daughter, Diana Thayer. When Diana is a Toddler the pair find out the Meadow is pregnant again.
The Pleasent/Dreamer Family
Dirk and Lilith stay dating throughout collage and move in together after collage, the pair work hard to get in a good spot in there respective careers. Once both get to the top, they finally decide to get married. Lilith falls pregnant unexpectedly, at first Dirk was scared to be thrown into fatherhood, but once Travis enters the world Dirk falls in love with him and parenthood. They move into a large home where Lilith quickly falls pregnant again (this time planned) and she gives birth to twins, Ruby and Martin. With the trauma Lilith went though as the forgotten twin, Lilith is set on treating the twins equally. Will Lilith be able to right her parents wrongs?
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autumns1mmer · 1 year
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I have completed a full year in my Megahood! (Pleasantview and Strangetown + universities)
This is part 1 of my Megahood update! Part 2 will be covering Strangetown. (Apologizes for bad screenshot quality)
I will be going in order of the screenshots, but this is not the order I play in!
Caliente: It’s just Nina in this household, she’s pretty high up in the Athletic career and her LTW is to woohoo with 20 sims. There’s not much going on with her (I speed 3 her a lot), however she’s currently pregnant with Daniel Pleasant's baby (not showing yet).
Pleasant: Just like Nina Caliente, Daniel is alone in his apartment. He maxed the Athletic career, and completed his LTW of becoming a Hall of Famer. In the first round, Mary-Sue caught him cheating and divorced him right away. His daughters don’t talk to him anymore, and he doesn’t even know his grandkids.
Broke: Dustin and Angela moved into the trailer park after graduating university. Dustin is high in the Criminal career and has the LTW of becoming a Criminal Mastermind. While Angela is just starting out in the Oceanography career with the LTW of becoming the Hand of Poseidon. The couple had twins from a risky woohoo, Paige and Olivia Pleasant. Dustin and Angela are unmarried, but are still head over heels for each other.
Goth: Alexander and Lucy just graduated university. Alexander is unemployed with the LTW of becoming the Head of SCIA. Lucy is also unemployed with the LTW of sending 3 kids to university. The couple is just dating with no plans of getting married yet.
Oldie/Dreamer: Mary-Sue is the head of the house, she still works in the Politics career with no sign of retirement, and her LTW is to earn 100k. Lilith moved back in after university. She’s in the Military career with the LTW of becoming the General. After Dirk graduated university he moved into Mary-Sue’s house. He’s also in the Politics career, however he has the LTW of being a Business Tycoon. The couple quickly got married after having their twins, Mateo and Nadia.
Dreamer: Darren and Brandi got married right before Dirk went off to university. Darren works in the Architecture career and has the LTW of becoming City Planner. Brandi works in Education and has the LTW of becoming Education Admin. Brandi had 3 children with her late husband Skip Broke, Dustin, Beau and Ameila. Beau isn’t doing great in school because he’s more focused on playing the bass and drums. Ameila is unborn baby Broke, she recently aged up into a teenager and is doing very well in high school. The youngest member of the household is Landon Dreamer, the only child between Darren and Brandi, he recently aged up into a child.
Lothario: Don and Cassandra got married and very soon after had their son, Brooks. Don is in the Medical career and has the LTW of having 20 lovers. He has yet to be caught cheating. Cassandra works in the Science career with the LTW of reaching Golden Anniversary. After the couple got married, they very quickly had Brooks. Brooks is a lot like his mother, he’s more focused on making money rather than dating. After a very long time of Brooks being an only child, Cassandra got pregnant from risky woohoo. She gave birth to her second child, Tessa Lothario.
Burb: John and Jennifer have 3 children together, Lucy, Easton, and Grace Burb. John is high in the Education career with the LTW of having 6 grandkids. While Jennifer is only halfway through the Law career, her LTW is to Become the Law. Easton is the couple's only boy and the middle child. He is dating Celeste Curious and is doing decently in school. Grace is the youngest child, and she’s a huge mommy’s girl.
Goth: Dina married Mortimer and had their daughter, Delilah Goth. Dina is high in the Slacker career and her LTW is to become a Professional Party Guest. She’s not close with her daughter, due to Dina bringing strange men home every night. Delilah doesn’t have many friends, nor is she close to her half-siblings, Cassandra and Alexander. She spends her time painting and going on walks with her dog.
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