#editing this made me realise how little screentime they had
lesbicosmos · 2 years
they were in love idc
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johanna-swann · 5 months
Did anybody else find this episode a little... Idk, underwhelming? Too simple? Because of course there were parts I liked and enjoyed very much, but I also felt like a lot of it fell flat. Maybe it's just that we already new a lot going in and that it was veeeery predictable, but still. In parts, it felt almost like a character study.
The first couple of minutes were pretty fun. With the bachelor party, Chim not wanting a bachelor party and Buck and Eddie going "well screw what he wants, we're having a party!". I didn't mind that this part was relatively short either, it just served as a little fun moment and as an introduction to the main conflict of the episode.
[On a side note: I feel like they're leaning heavily into Buck being an awkward mess this season. He has always been impulsive and doesn't always think before he speaks, but the second-hand embarrassment levels are off the charts this season. Might be just a me thing though, idk.]
Anyway. Once they realise that Chimney is missing, the reason behind his disappearance is cleared up quickly. It's not particularly mysterious or dramatic or complicated (he has a fever and got disoriented) and then nothing much happens anymore?
We see the other characters looking for him, but aside from a very small scene were Maddie worries she put to much pressure on this wedding there's not much emotion here? They're all very pragmatic about it, it feels like just another day on the job.
Meanwhile Chimney has some more hallucinations while wandering about. Tbh, I hate that they brought Doug back. What was the purpose behind this? He's been dead for five years, Maddie has been in therapy about it and Chimney dealt with his feelings about Maddie's first marriage last season before he proposed. Just. Why?
The actual wedding at the end also only takes up about 6 minutes. This part, again, is kinda sweet. Very much predictable though.
In general, not a single surprising thing happened in this episode (aside from Doug). We knew Chim would disappear. We knew the wedding wouldn't go down as planned and that it was probably gonna end in a smaller impromptu ceremony. We knew Buck would come out to the rest of the team, but that it wouldn't be a big deal. We knew that Madney still would get married this episode. We knew there was going to be a happy ending.
So yeah. There is an entire half hour in the middle of the episode where barely anything happens. We don't see the other main characters' feelings about their missing friend. There's not B- or C-plot drama with the Buckley parents or Chimney's father or anything. It's really just Chimney stumbling about and the others looking for him.
Which, as I mentioned, made this episode feel like a character study on Chimney. Even Maddie didn't have much to do this episode. I think maybe a lot of the emotional impact got lost in editing, they had to cut like 30 minutes of screentime off of 7x06?
TL;DR: Despite some rather heartwarming scenes, the plot felt very thin for an episode that was promoted as this huge mid-season event, the wedding we've been waiting for, especially because we waited 3 weeks for it instead of just 1.
Now, before I just send out all these sceptical, negative thoughts, here some things I really liked:
The Lees were such an important part of this episode. They are Chimney's family, he grew up with them, they're home. The importance of found family has been dying down a little bit during the recent seasons (Eddie trying to be better with his parents, the Buckley parents showing up more, even Chim's father is somewhat forgiven his shortcomings). But the Lees rightfully got their screentime here.
I do like that they establish how Chim's little adventure had nothing to do with the bachelor party. It's not that Buck and Eddie irresponsibly lost the groom, it's completely unrelated.
The coming out was also a little underwhelming, but then again this was Madney's episode and who knows, maybe they'll follow up on this at a later point.
Bobby officiating the wedding with their entire family huddled into that one hospital room was really sweet.
Chimney triaging that emergency was so cool. That's just who Chimney is at his core, even when he's hallucinating and thinks it's 2004.
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sheliesshattered · 4 years
Fic meme
I was tagged by @primarybufferpanel​ -- thank you darling, this was a ton of fun to do!
This got a bit long, so I’ll put the people I’m tagging here at the top:  @claraaoswald​, @ambitious-witch​, @someillplanetreigns​, and @junoinferno​, if you feel like playing!
My AO3, my old non-updating fanfiction.net
Fandoms I’ve made fanworks for: Oh lord. I’m only going to count fanfiction that has actually been posted, but if I tried to count up every fandom that I’d started writing for and left unfinished fragments languishing on various harddrives and googledocs over the years, it’d be at least double this list. I have two pseuds on AO3, with the fics roughly organized by fandoms that I post about on this Tumblr account (sheliesshattered) and fandoms that pre-date my time on Tumblr that I don’t post about very much (glasscannon). Putting all the fandoms together in one alphabetized list:
Black Sails - 5 Doctor Who - 8 Firefly/Serenity - 1 Game of Thrones - 1 The Hobbit - 1 The Hunger Games - 1 Iron Man - 2 Law & Order: Criminal Intent - 1 Mad Max - 2 Once Upon A Time - 1 Poldark - 3 Star Wars - 3 Twilight - 7 The West Wing - 1
Number of fics: 38, including a big unfinished epic that I never moved over from ff.n, and don’t plan to unless I finish it someday.
Fics I spent more time on: I’m not even quite sure how to measure this. I’m a slow writer, and a single story can easily hold my attention for years at a time, or be something I return to when there isn’t a newer fandom temporarily consuming me. I don’t tend to keep track of how many hours I put into a fanfic, though. The unfinished epic I mentioned is probably near the top of that list, and was a huge part of my life from 2009 to 2013. Other contenders would be the All Hands series (written with PBP!), and Truth Universally Acknowledged, particularly if you include all the massive world-building that went into that one. 
But really probably the one I’ve poured the most hours into, between research and writing, is a Doctor Who epic that hasn’t yet seen the light of day, called Home The Long Way ‘Round. Because I have such a habit of starting long stories and then not finishing them, I’m making myself get that one completely done before I post any of it to AO3, so I don’t have anything to show for it yet, but I’ve put a ton of time into it over the last five years or so. Hopefully someday I’ll actually get to share it. :)
Fics I spent less time on: Like I said, I’m a very slow writer, so any time I can turn out a story in a matter of days I’m just absolutely shocked. I wrote The Message over the course of about 24 hours, which is probably the fastest I’ve ever finished anything in my life ever, lol.
Longest fic: The All Hands series is sitting at 126,800 words, and PBP and I have more finished for it that we’re hoping to post soon-ish. The unfinished epic made it to almost 119,000 words before I ran out of steam. Truth Universally Acknowledged racked up about 54,000 words before my co-writer and I took a break from it, and probably triple that in world-building bibles and timelines, etc. On the works-in-progress side of things, Home The Long Way ‘Round is sitting at about 40,000 words currently and only about a third of the way done, and the For As Long As We Get series is at 21,000 words between what I’ve posted and what I’m still working on, and will definitely continue to grow.
Shortest story: 10 Seconds, at 208 words. Also one of the very first fanfics I ever finished and posted online.
Most hits: Truth Universally Acknowledged, by like a factor of 20 vs anything else I have on AO3. It’s the only time I’ve written for the main pairing in an active fandom (tho my purview in the co-writing was more on the secondary pairing), and that translated to a stupidly large number of hits. Fanfiction.net doesn’t count hits the same way, but the unfinished epic is sitting at about 3500 favs.
Most kudos: Setting The Stuns’ls, the first in the All Hands series -- which is SHOCKING considering that’s a tiny rowboat of a fandom, for a non-canon background pairing that has literally about 30 seconds of shared screentime, and the two romantic leads don’t so much as kiss over the course of 94,000 words (longing looks, significant hand-touches, mutual pining, definitely, but kissing, not so much).
Most bookmarks: Truth Universally Acknowledged, by a long shot.
Fic you want to rewrite or expand: I don’t tend to edit a story once it’s been posted, beyond correcting a typo or adding a missed word. Once it’s published, it’s finished and I don’t change it significantly. I do have quite a few (so, so many) unfinished stories that I would love to finish up at some point.
Total words combined: Counting only published fics, including the unfinished epic (and a companion piece for it) that lives only on ff.n, I’m currently at 376,542 words total.
Fav fic you wrote: How can you make me choose between my children like this, honestly?? Siiiigh. I’m with PBP, whatever I’m working on currently is usually my favorite. I’m having a ton of fun with For As Long As We Get, and can’t wait to publish the next part of that, hopefully sometime this month. I’m incredibly proud of All Hands, and that occupied such a specific time in my life that I’ll always think of it fondly. I’m exceptionally happy with the character voices and use of language in both Breathe Again and Upon This Rock Will I Break Myself, Until It Shows Me Your Beloved Face, and tend to feel like they don’t get enough love vs how much I love them. But my one true favorite is and will always be Home The Long Way ‘Round, and hopefully I’ll actually be able to finish it and post it someday.
Share a bit of your WIP or idea if you have anything planned: Again, how can I possibly choose just one?? Even just within the Doctor Who fandom, I currently have more than half a dozen stories actively in progress. But since I’ve talked it up so much without being able to link to it at all, and just declared it my all-time fav, I’m going to break one of my own rules and post the whole first chapter (eek!) of Home The Long Way ‘Round behind a read more:
Chapter 1: Orange Dreams
The sound of the wind is whispering in your head Can you feel it coming back? Through the warmth, through the cold, keep running ‘til we’re there. We're coming home now, we’re coming home now. —Home, Dotan
 The winds shrieked and howled around her. Clara had never been in a tornado, but she imagined it would feel like this to stand in the eye of one. She could see gusts lifting the tops off the sand dunes in shimmering ribbons, gold against the orange sky. The waves of airborne sand dissipated a few feet from her, leaving only a jagged grittiness in the air.
A woman with long blonde hair was yelling at her, her words ripped away by the wind.
“Tell me again!” Clara called back to her. “Tell me how to find home!”
“It’s just physics!” the other woman shouted, taking a step closer; they were nearly the same height. “No information can ever be lost! Start from zero, and run the math! We’ll be waiting on the other end of that equation!”
There was something Clara desperately wanted to tell this woman who looked at her with kindness behind the steel of her eyes, but in that moment, the words wouldn’t come.
“Look!” someone yelled behind Clara, and though she didn’t want to take her eyes off her, she instinctively looked up, following the line of the other person’s arm up into the gathering storm-whipped dusk. There, silhouetted against the last of the light, was the unmistakable blue boxy shape of the Doctor’s TARDIS, spinning quickly as it flew away—
Clara jerked awake, her heart hammering against her ribs, already sitting up and pulling off her sleep mask before she realised what had woken her was the sound of the TARDIS materialising in the sitting room of her flat. She took a moment to catch her breath, trying to hold onto the details of the dream. In the other room, the TARDIS’s familiar wheezing and groaning came to a stop with a soft thud, followed by the squeak of the door.
“Doctor?” Clara called, not bothering to hide the sleep nor the annoyance in her voice.
He poked his head around her bedroom doorframe, grey hair awry and his most innocent expression plastered on — which meant he knew he was waking her and felt at least marginally bad about it. “Hello, Clara. It’s Wednesday,” he said pleasantly, by way of explanation.
“Is it?” she asked, deadpan.
“You do know that I have to work today, don’t you?”
“Not for another six hours. So come on, up-and-at-‘em, plenty of time to go out and save the universe and still be back in time for your morning coffee. I’ve an adventure that simply won’t keep, so come on!”
His excitement was infectious, as he must have known it would be, but Clara clung to her annoyance a little longer, mostly for show. “You have a time machine: everything can keep,” she replied, but waved him off before he could launch into a lecture on all the ways that statement was false, at least from a temporal physics standpoint. He lectured anyway, hovering outside her bedroom door as she dressed, though Clara expected it was mostly to keep himself from pacing in anticipation. She followed more than half of it, and worried a bit over how often she let him babble on about the minutiae of time travel these days.
By the time the universe had been set to rights — or at least one small blue world, home to a race of sentient seahorses, that had been facing imminent extinction in the form of a rogue exoplanet — she had nearly forgotten her unsettling, vivid dream.
Given the recent events on Skaro, Clara was unsurprised when bits of her experiences there began to filter into her dreams. Truthfully, she had expected to dream of it more often than she did, but in the weeks that followed, more nights than not her sleeping mind instead conjured up the strange orange landscape. She revisited that screaming sandstorm so often it became almost comforting, and before long, other dreams joined it. 
Clara was leaned against a railing on a high balcony, overlooking a large city coming alight as dusk crept on, a rusty sunset that stretched the width of the horizon bathing the world in amber. The woman with the serious eyes and long, straight blonde hair stood beside her, in the middle of a conversation, as happened so frequently in dreams.
“Alright, but what about the last stage?” Clara asked, elbows resting next to hers on the railing. “That bit depends on us actively doing something, and you know we can’t rely on my knowledge. I can’t take any of the engineering or navigation with me, so it’ll be down to him.”
“And he loves a good puzzle,” the other woman said confidently, flicking her hair over her shoulder with a twitch of her head. “He’ll want to find us. He’ll figure it out.”
“Before I die of old age? Are you sure? My mother was one of his professors at the Academy, I’ve seen his test scores. I think we need a fail-safe.”
“He did graduate,” she pointed out reasonably.
“He passed his exams with a fifty-one percent on his second attempt! No, we can’t assume he’ll have all the baseline information to even consider such a solution, much less actually accomplish the maths. We have to find some way to hide it with me,” Clara said. “Or in his TARDIS.”
The woman was silent for a long moment, her mouth set in a thoughtful line. On the distant horizon, the sun had finished its slow descent, but below them the city was coming to life, the light not so much fading as changing sources, becoming ever so slightly more golden.
“By that point in the timeline,” the blonde woman said, speaking slowly, still thinking it through, “you’ll have been exposed to his timestream and to the crack in the universe, so some of your memories will probably start leaking through. If we structure the extraction the right way, we might be able to embed a particular thought or moment into your consciousness before you go into the Schism.”
“What’d you have in mind?” Clara asked, turning her head to look at her.
“This conversation?” she suggested, laughing, her broad smile transforming her face. “No, a phrase would be cleaner, I think.”
“‘Run the math, you idiot boy’?” Clara suggested, also giggling.
“Oh yes, that’d go over well! No, if you want him to do something, call him clever. Works every time!” she laughed, leaning her shoulder into Clara’s.
“The horrid thing is that I know the temporal physics for this is part of my mother’s coursework,” Clara groaned. “If he hadn’t slept through so many of her classes, this would be a non-issue!”
“Ah, but a Doctor who was always responsible? What a boring universe that would be!”
Above them, the stars were beginning to come out, though the glare of the city obscured them. Through the haze of the dream, Clara couldn’t find any constellations she recognised. “You don’t have to tell me,” she said. “I was the one who helped him steal that box in the first place.”
“And if he could take half a moment to remember that,” the blonde woman said seriously, “he might realise the role of his TARDIS in all of this, and start to think of the solution that way.”
“‘Run the math, you—”
“—boy, and remember when you met me’?”
The other woman nodded, considering. “That could do it. Your chronodeterminate conjugation won’t work until you come into contact with at least a little regeneration energy. Assuming you choose regeneration on Trenzalore, it might start kicking in then, in plenty of time for the last stage.”
“Run the math, you clever boy, and remember when you met me,” Clara whispered up to the distant stars, cradling her chin on her arms against the railing.
The woman mimicked her position, the golden light of the city and the silver light of the stars catching in her long pale hair. “It’s just physics,” she murmured back. “Start from zero and run the math. I’ll be waiting at the other end of that equation. We’ll all be waiting.”
As unsettling as they were, at least the orange-tinged dreams were better than nightmares of Daleks, of being locked in the Dalek casing, unable to convince the Doctor that it was her, it was her, she wasn’t a Dalek, she wasn’t a Dalek! Dreams of the Doctor peering at her down an eyestock, this face or the last, or any of the others buried deep in her subconscious, hearing her but not knowing her, seeing her but not saving her.
Clara grasped for that orange sky, let it carry her away in bronze sandstorms, golden cities slowly coming to life, and starlight caught in tawny hair.
Monday morning third period found her Year 10 students taking an essay exam while Clara doodled on a scrap piece of paper, trying to pull images and phrases out of the orange haze that had taken up residence in her slumbering hours since Skaro. There were bits that tugged at her memory, like a song she couldn’t quite place but whose tune was intensely familiar.
She’d written Run the math, you clever boy, and remember when you met me across the top of the page, and her eyes strayed to it every few seconds. The phrase had stayed with her after she woke, and had been on the tip of her tongue ever since, as though it was a message she was meant to deliver. Below it she’d rewritten the phrase, but crossed out six words: Run the math, you clever boy, and remember when you met me.
It was too close for comfort to the phrase that had, in retrospect, changed her life, sent her on her current course. The Maitlands’ mnemonic for their wifi password, which she’d said out loud during that first phone conversation with the Doctor, had caught his attention somehow, and it wasn’t until she jumped into his timestream that she understood. It was the last thing she’d said to him before sacrificing herself to save him. Every fragment of her scattered through his timestream had said it to him at some point as well, the words reverberating endlessly up and down his timeline.
Why her dreams would dredge it up now, and in such a strange context, Clara had no idea. They didn’t feel like random images, but more like memory-dreams, like the bits of echo lives that filtered through to her sleeping mind from time to time. It had to mean something.
Half way down the scrap paper she’d written: It’s just physics. Start from zero and run the math. Below this was the very helpful ??? and Clara idly traced over the question marks again. Physics was still a foreign language to her, despite how much the Doctor prattled on about it at times. She could bring this to him, she mused, but what was it, really? Her subconscious doing backflips in the wake of Skaro, that was all. No grand mystery to solve, no universe-altering secret code, just her. She wouldn’t bother the Doctor with this quite yet.
Besides, she was certain she could tease this apart on her own, follow the clues to their logical conclusion without his assistance. The dreams were insistent, and felt familiar, but Clara was sure she’d never dreamed of the blonde woman and the orange sky prior to Skaro. That was the next clue, then, and she jotted it down on her scrap paper. Something had changed after Skaro, something that caused her subconscious mind to dredge up these particular buried memories. 
She needed more information. Dreams about her echo lives were always stronger when she was aboard the TARDIS travelling in the Vortex, sharper and easier to remember. Maybe these orange dreams would be, too. And maybe the TARDIS itself would have some answers for her.
Of course, she didn’t sleep aboard the TARDIS very often, with her insistence on returning home for a week of Real Life in between their Wednesday trips. But the Doctor was never adverse to her sticking around longer than she’d planned, and in the end it didn’t take much to convince him: 
“I’ve a staff meeting at work that I’m dreading,” Clara told him on that next Wednesday, when they returned to the TARDIS after their latest outing. “So what do you say I have a little kip and then we squeeze in another adventure before you take me back to face my workday?”
She thought for a moment that the Doctor might question the change in their routine, but he seemed thrilled about the idea. When he announced that he had some tinkering with the engines he’d been putting off that should keep him occupied while she slept, Clara made an excuse to linger in the console room — “just going to finish reading this chapter, then off to bed” — until after he’d gone. Once he’d disappeared down the corridor and around a corner, she quietly set aside her book, then slipped out of her armchair and down the stairs towards the console. The rotors hummed overhead, and somehow Clara knew the TARDIS was aware of her, and was curious to see what she would do.
Carefully clearing her thoughts, she made her way over to the telepathic circuits, pushed up her sleeves, and slid her hands into the strange interface. Focus was the key, she knew, and she was nothing if not focused. She closed her eyes and held two very specific thoughts in her mind: the sand-whipped orange sky in her dreams, and the clear question, Where, please?
She hoped the please would help.
It was a long quiet moment with the circuits warmly cradling Clara’s fingers, and then something on the console beeped. Her eyes flew open and she carefully extracted her hands from the telepathic interface before pulling the monitor down to eye level.
Gallifrey the screen read in English, below an image of a startlingly red-orange planet. Immediately prior to the Time Lock.
Clara felt her heart thud painfully against her ribs as she read the brief text again. She’d been dreaming of Gallifrey? She knew she’d had an echo life on Gallifrey, but she remembered that interaction with the Doctor, and it happened indoors. She had never before dreamt of the Gallifreyan sky. Had it been buried somewhere in her subconscious with the rest of her memories of that life? Why surface now?
More confused than ever, she clicked the screen back to the desktop, unreadable Circular Gallifreyan floating idly across the display. Perhaps she should bring this up with the Doctor — it was his home world, after all. But the whole point of this had been to dream while they were in the Vortex, and if she didn’t get a move on, he’d be ready for their next adventure before she’d even managed to fall asleep. She could talk with him about it later. 
And if things worked tonight as she hoped they would, maybe she would even have a bit more information to bring to him when she did.
“Fire suppressant in Pod Four!” 
The frantic call was quickly overwhelmed by the sound of the requested suppressant dispensing from the ceiling. When it ended, the speaker, dressed in the dark red uniform of a technician, brushed soot and foam off his shirt. 
“It hates me, that one,” he said, nodding at the unassuming gray cylinder in the open pod in front of him. It was devoid of features, even its doors invisible now in the wake of the fire, two meters tall and one meter in diameter, just like all the other patients in the workshop. But somehow it did seem to be glowering at him.
“And it always will, stop wasting your time,” his coworker said flippantly. He was perched in front of a console on the other side of the room, deep in his own repairs. “Just get the Impossible Girl to do it, she’ll have it eating out of her hand by lunchtime.”
Their conversation occurred in the time it took Clara to enter the large oblong workshop and make her way to the far end where the two were working. “I heard that,” she said seriously, earning a guilty-looking jump from the man who had spoken most recently. She continued over to Pod Four and leaned against the outer casing, arms folded over her uniformed chest, one booted ankle crossed over the other. “What did you do now?” she demanded of the first technician.
He looked at her with wide eyes, more out of genuine fear than mock innocence, in her estimation. “I just told it—”
“You what?” she snapped, in a tone she usually reserved for misbehaving students.
He wilted a little but started again “…I told it to—”
“Told it?”
“…to give me access to the logs,” he mumbled, dropping her gaze.
“Told it to give you access to the logs?” she asked, voice harsh. “Well first off, Number Four here prefers male pronouns, respecting that might put you on better footing. And secondly, as with all TARDISes, you’ll get a lot further if you ask rather than tell.”
Behind her, the other tech scoffed. “They’re machines, we shouldn’t have to baby them like that. An access request is an access request.”
Clara turned her head to pin him with an icy glare. “Some days I cannot believe I let you work here,” she told him bluntly. “They aren’t just machines, as you very well know. Yes, there’s hardware we need to be able to work with, but that’s nothing more than a radio, at some level — only instead of radio waves, we’re using oswin waves to talk to pan-dimensional beings so large, they can’t have a physical form in this dimension. Who, with a little extra energy, can take us and an infinite amount of folded space to nearly any point in spacetime. Just think about the massive intelligences that speak to us through each of those machines!
“But more to the point,” she said, turning back to the tech still covered in soot, “you have to understand their viewpoint of the universe, and their understanding of time. A Time Lord telling a TARDIS what to do is akin to creating a fixed point in spacetime. It’s in their nature to want to avoid fixed points. Ask instead, let him find his own way ‘round to it.”
Before the beleaguered technician could reply, there came a polite knocking from the far end of the room, and Clara turned to see a soldier standing in the doorway of the workshop, looking a little out of his depth. “Sorry to interrupt, but I have a message for—” he paused to glance down at the datapad in his hand, “for the Oswin. From the Lady President. Top priority.”
Clara was moving towards him before he’d finished speaking, curious and concerned, her attention focused on the message in his hands. But the dream faded out before she reached him, her mind moving on to something more abstract, more difficult to hold on to.
When she woke in her bed aboard the TARDIS, she stared at the ceiling with fond frustration. “If that was your attempt at help,” she whispered to the ship, “then I do not understand the message.”
It still wasn’t enough to bring to the Doctor, she decided later that day, watching him spin around the console room in the afterglow of a successful adventure, people saved, the universe bettered. So she was dreaming of Gallifrey, what of it? Many of the details in that last dream matched up with what she remembered of her interaction with the Doctor in that life. And while he occasionally enjoyed comparing memories of all the times her echoes had met him, she’d found he wasn’t especially keen on discussing the one in which she’d helped him steal the TARDIS and leave Gallifrey. Susan continued to be a point of pain for the Doctor, all these centuries later, and Clara understood him well enough to know better than to pick at that particular scab.
Still. That phrase was on a loop in her head: run the math, you clever boy, and remember when you met me. The emphasis on their meeting hadn’t been part of the original phrase, and now she was dreaming of the life in which they’d met face to face for the first time, from the Doctor’s perspective. Clearly they would have to discuss it at some point. 
Eventually, but not yet.
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velvet-tread · 6 years
A theory, or wild speculation, or whatever; anyway there’s some Bellarke
Here follows a collection of thoughts that don’t quite add up to a thesis yet
Season 5 had one of the best runs of episodes I’ve seen on this show ever - strong themes, great setups, impactful character beats. 9 straight episodes of near-perfection.
But imo it fell short in the last couple of episodes. How short depends on your perspective, but my feelings about it range from mildly disappointed to Jane Austen mourning weeds and little weepy handkerchiefs. Either way - the collapse into fudgy incoherence and loose ends actually undid all of the great work the show did in the first 9 episodes.  WHICH IS FUCKING INFURIATING. 
The show painstakingly put together so much excellent character and relationship set ups which either never materialised or didn’t pay off or just fizzled out. And now I’m left wondering what it all meant, which not only frustrates me on a viewer level but also makes me feel like an idiot for wildly overestimating what the show was doing with the material.
*looks at the X Files forever*
Just to pick a few things out at random.
a) Bellarke were put in conflict, but there was no emotional pay-off, the framing was all over the place and the resolution basically a post-script. 
b) We spent the series agonising about the wisdom of going to war on a fragile planet, but the actual harbinger of Apocalypse 3.0 (I can’t believe I have to write that) was someone only tangentially related to that storyline, whom every single named character bar Kabby was trying to stop. So was everyone wrong? Or just ineffectual? The latter is far less interesting and more depressing tbh.
c) The worms
d) Memori
e) I could go on
I repeat, I would not be so pernickety if the run up to the s5 finale hadn’t been so good, and the set up so promising.  The idea of a reboot was genius.  The Bellarke separation was genius.  Blodreina = genius.  Mama Bear Clarke = genius. Eligius = genius. Spacekru = genius. 
But ultimately?  Can ANYONE tell me what s5 meant?  What difference did any of those things make in the end?  What conflict was resolved satisfactorily?  I’d argue that the Blodreina/Blake siblings arc worked the best (although *howl* Bellamy was never given any in-universe context for Blodreina) but generally I’m left with the feeling that very few of these stories or conflicts had any meaning whatsoever, and especially not Bellarke.
So I have a theory and I stand to be corrected as ever because I am very much processing.
I think there’s a strong possibility Jason and/or the 100 writers room began rewriting the back end of season 5 as they were filming the early season 5 material.
Given Jason’s comments immediately after the finale, I’m inclined to believe that the rewrites, if I’m right, were mostly around Bellarke and the Flame.  Specifically, I think that at some point when they were filming mid-season, Jason changed his mind about how Bellarke-y he wanted the season to be, if at all.  And on top of that, I think as he was pitching season 6 around that time, he realised that he wanted to go full-hog with the Flame in season 6. 
Those two things might be connected.  Perhaps Jason realised the full extent to which he coud “bring Lexa back” without actually bringing back ADC, around the Flame.  Perhaps he wants to recreate the show’s Clexa glory days.  And perhaps romantic Bellarke isn’t compatible with that vision. Dumb, in my view, but hey.
Perhaps, he just realised that he can’t doesn’t want to write romantic Bellarke.
If that’s the case, then well, *shrugs*.  Less satisfying for me, but I don’t own this shit.  I do, however, own the prerogative to speculate wildly on how and why they squandered all that promise in the last couple of eps.
Certainly, a mid-season back end emergency rewrite would explain a few things:
1.The loose threads and wonky framing
For example, Clarke’s fury at Bellamy for putting the Flame into Madi’s head was just...dropped?  Why? When it was SUCH A BIG DEAL in 509?  What were we supposed to the think about that?  What was she? And Bellamy, who didn’t appear to even remember who Clarke was until he saw her at the ship, being angry at her? Really? Where? Since when? And importantly - why? 
I’m a writer and it’s my experience that the best planning you do for a piece is when you approach it at the start.  You brainstorm.  You get your thoughts together.  You address each problem and question and mould it into a whole so it all makes sense.
But when you finish the thing and you look at it and you think - the thesis is wrong! I need to restructure the entire thing!  That’s when mistakes get made.  Especially if, for example, you’re up against a deadline or in this case a filming schedule, the threads that you would usually pick up at the planning stage or in the editing stage get missed.  And because they are part of the final editing process, there’s nobody around to pick them up and properly address them.
Result?  Fudge.
2. The curious ambivalence about Becho. 
Look I ADORE Becho. They are soft, and loving and real af.  I fully believe that was always intended to be the case. 
I think Becho was set up as a benchmark, for Bellamy in particular, a symbol of his peace and prosperity in space,. And, of course, I think it was also set up as a point of conflict for Octavia and Clarke. In the case of the latter, it was definitely a silent love triangle. How do you explain the love triangle framing on two separate occasions? How else do you explain the two separate interviews Jason gave about love triangles?
But here’s what Becho was not set up as: a relationship that was supposed to develop on-screen and take the audience with it.  Becho had no arc this season. It wasn’t “a story” per se, however much Tasya and Bob’s chemistry electrified me. It was the backbone to *other* stories. 
So, why, then, were Becho given every single Bellarke beat, especially towards the end? A background of forgiveness? Check. A steadying influence on each other. Check. The person they’re fighting for? Check. Plotting together? Check? Battle couple? Check.
Contrast with Bellarke. Forgiveness?  That’s something for Bellamy and Madi to discuss without Clarke!  Battle plans? Clarke will do that with Echo instead (oh my GODDD my ot3 came to life there *clutches hands and wishes upon a star*). A steadying influence on each other? Maybe! Until they forget each other’s names when they’re not in a scene together! People they’re fighting for? Definitely not each other.
Meanwhile bts, the messages were VERY confusing.  So the show was giving us a Becho that, while very real, was not the core of the story. Which was probably why, in early season 5, some deep Becho nods (the extra forehead touch, the “I love her”) found their way on to the editing room floor. All legit. But then, the script-to-screens then BROUGHT THOSE THINGS BACK to the viewer’s attention?  Why? Why give us those things even though they were cut? Was it because maybe, the show had changed direction after the fact?
And don’t get me wrong. I loved every second of the show’s affirmation of Becho. I still adore them.  But how does it fit into the jigsaw of the show as it stands?  It doesn’t really.  In fact, if you just swap Echo for Clarke in Bellamy’s storyline this season, you would have a hard time telling me that this isn’t exactly what romantic Bellarke would look like - the only difference is that in terms of screentime, Becho’s antagonism has had far more time, and Bellarke’s forgiveness/working together has had more time. IN-UNIVERSE, IT’S THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  It’s why shipping Becho comes so easily for me. And if the show wanted to frame that as Clarke’s personal tragedy, I would get it and probably relish it. But the trouble is, I’m having a hard time understanding what the show *is* saying about Becho and Bellarke, because it seems to be constantly changing its mind.
3. The Flame suddenly jumping to prominence as a tool rather than as a symbol late in the season.
The show went from framing the Flame as a threat to this kid, who had hidden from it her whole life, for whom it meant literal nightmares of people burning at the stake, something for Clarke to rightly protect her from, to something that turned her into a mouthpiece for Lexa, to Clarke’s hostility to it being framed as “wrong”. There was an abrupt change of tone imo, to Clarke’s fears being justified to Clarke’s fears making her, and I quote Jason from an interview that nearly made me choke on my cereal, a “helicopter” mum.
Excuse me while I punch the nearest object to smithereens.
The Flame “gave” Madi battle ideas (which were different from Octavia’s how, exactly?) by Gaia’s bedside, with just a MANTRA? That whole scene felt cobbled together at the last minute. Like a film student’s badly edited homework.
It’s giving Clarke life lessons, ffs! 
*clenches fist*
The whole thing feels like a season 5 retcon, hastily put together to justify Madi still having the thing in her head for season 6, when it can do it’s victory lap for real.
4. The scenes that were dropped
a) Bob and Eliza both referenced a big Bellarke scene that got cut.  My guess? Not a romantic scene but some kind of Hakeldama that allowed them to hash out their various beefs with each other and probably involved some shit talking about the Flame.
b) And like, if that scene had some tenderness in it? Too Bellarke maybe? No, Bellarke BAD BAD BAD *stern looks*
c) also, wasn’t Echo supposed to have a sad scene of sitting in the snow and remembering Azgeda? That was supposed to be at the snowy back end of the season, but Echo had no sads really.  Only fierce spacekru love and some cuddles and some good sexy time. Was there an Echo sad that got cut? What was it related to?
5. The writers room walkout
Yeah. I don’t know what that means, but it sure means something.
Just fyi...for some context.  I love Becho and they currently own my heart but until recently Bellarke was very much my otp. Probably, deep down, it still is.
But I’m getting tired of running this race. I have no problem with the show doing a slow burn. I have no problem with platonic Bellarke. But I need consistency and, importantly, I need the show to remember that Bellarke are the backbone of this show. Their relationship - however you frame it - is the heart and without it the show is nothing but a collection of Elon Musk conspiracy theories on reddit.
If you want them platonic, fine, you win. But gutting their relationship from the inside out to try to ward off the sniff of shipping is just counterproductive. It’s the lack of real, meaningful connection that really turned me off Bellarke this season, not the lack of kiss or lack of romantic framing. Early in the season? Yes, the set up was all there and it looked GREAT. But their conflict never got off the ground and we never got a cathartic resolution to show us the characters really, truly mean something to each other. 
Ultimately the show forgot that they were friends who love each other, and I just *clenches fist* can’t ship that.  Maybe that’s what the show wanted. But the flipside is that at this point I’m not really invested in their relationship in any context, which is why the end shot left me cold. I hope Bellarke hasn’t died in my heart forever but...idk it doesn’t look good.
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pharahsgf · 6 years
i know you really like she-ra so far, but do you have any points of criticism too? i quite liked it myself but i feel like it's not perfect and i can't put my finger on why
i did very much love she-ra! of course it's not perfect, because no show is, but for me the issues that stand out the most were:
the animation. overall i very much like the look of the show (bright colours! pastels! amen hallelujah!) but i can't deny that a lot of the actual movement seemed stilted and the framing was very basic, which was especially apparent during fight scenes. as a result almost none of the action got me hyped or was as interesting to me as the emotional drama. i know this is likely to be a budget problem and it didn't bother me as much as tdp's framerate so i won't complain about it too much, but it's still an issue.
the pacing of some scenes is entirely too fast. the last bit of ep4 (i think? perfuma's episode) went so quickly i felt like in later production someone just snuck into the editing room and cut three seconds off of each shot. i barely had time to process what was happening and it just felt really off
adora being a white girl protagonist in a show full of characters of colour.. lol sorry i'm just tired of all these Woke shows with white leads. they could've easily made her brown
spinerella and netossa were underutilised right up until the very last scene. i enjoyed the screentime they did have and it wasn't nearly as bad as The Review had me believe, but i do wish they'd gotten a bit more to do (and were a bit more explicitly in love).
the above also ties in with another issue i have, which is that for a season centering around the princess alliance, the princesses' relationships to one another are mostly underdeveloped. i feel like giving them a bit more of a dynamic with one another could have intensified the emotional weight of entrapta's apparent death and eventual defection, and could have made mermista's last-second return more rewarding and sensical.
also frosta allying herself with the alliance in the climax really came out of nowhere. they could have easily fixed this by showing like, one shot of her kingdom facing serious danger, or her facial expression shifting from stone-faced to pensive or regretful, but instead we just see her shielding her palace with ice and nothing else. she never had that emotional beat of realising she and the alliance need one another to survive.
this is more of a concern than an issue but i feel like bow is getting a bit sidelined in the glimmer/bow/adora trio (glowdora? the glimmer gang? idk) and i hope he doesn't end up just being the cute gay boy with no development. he got some focus already and i don't mind him being the more light-hearted counter melody to glimmer and adora's issues, but i'd enjoy seeing his own psyche explored a little.
i think most of the snappy dialogue is funny but oh my g-d how and why is swift wind so quippy. someone put him back in the mcu where he belongs
give hordak a personality
annnnd that's about it. the rest was good!
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theunit-mbti · 7 years
The Unit MTBI - Daewon MBTI
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Daewon (Madtown) – ENFJ
Cognitive Functional Stack – Fe Ni Se Ti
ENFJs are loyal, helpful, kind, compassionate, and group-orientated people, which is a relatively succinct and accurate description of Daewon.  Throughout the series we can see his extreme (although not always perfect) use of his dominant Fe.
Something that is clear with Fe users is how they respond to praise.  Praise from other people means the world to Daewon and it’s what makes him feel validated (Fe).  Unlike Fi users who are often less reliant or dependent on this praise, Daewon needs it to survive.  This is why he is so affected by Lee Geon having 6 boots but only having 1 boot himself and reads too much into how Lee Geon feels about this himself.  (Daewon assumes that Lee Geon must regard himself as superior to Daewon when in fact all Lee Geon cares about is that they both got through.)
However, the fact that he regards praise as being so important is shown in how he treats other people.  When he takes the MAS band members under his wing to teach them how to dance (altruism since it could lead to him missing the opportunity to be in a group that could win first mission – Fe) he praises them for every little thing, saying, “I believe words of encouragement work wonders” (Fe-Ni).  He’s also quick to share any praise that he’s given, always confirming that the rest of the group worked hard too.  “I love my team”.  ENFJs are good at making people comfortable, which MAS clearly felt under his guidance. Shy Giseok stated that Daewon was the first person he felt able to grow close to.
Daewon is known as the “angel” of the unit due to his altruistic and extremely polite nature. This is a result of his dominant Fe. ENFJs are types that are known for wanting to try to “save the world”.  Sometimes they get caught up in their good deeds and can get a sort of saviour-complex which makes them blind to decisions that they think they make in everyone’s best interest but actually aren’t.  Daewon sometimes verges on this trait, for instance when he calls out Lee Geon into the boxing ring.
As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, Daewon is quite naïve in how he does this.  If he truly desired for both of them to make it into the final lineup, he should have used that extra screentime much more carefully. However, he suffered from a lack of planning (inferior Ti) and didn’t realise how TV shows edit to portray the maximum amount of drama possible (underdeveloped Ni-Se).  He acted in haste (Se) because his feelings were simply ready to burst out (Fe) due to how hurt he’d been.
In spite of being friends for the majority of their lives, Daewon and Lee Geon’s functional stacks couldn’t really be more different.  Their friendship is based entirely on loyalty, companionship, and shared interests in things such as music and sport.  Their minds won’t connect in an implied understanding of each other through shared functional traits but rather only through familiarity of knowing what the other is like.  Their cognitive functional stacks are completely different;  Daewon is a Feeler, Geon a Thinker;  Daewon is an Intuitor, Geon is a Sensor.  None of their lower functions overlap with the other’s either.  They simply don’t really understand what’s going through the other’s mind and this led to their clash in the boxing ring.  However, Lee Geon, having Si and Ne, was more pre-disposed to be able to see what potential outcomes of this interaction would be for them and therefore took the opportunity not to say anything.  Meanwhile Daewon’s limited Ni thought that the future would be bright as long as they made up and then carried on working hard (Ni-Se).  He didn’t realise that viewers would remember this encounter and hold it against Lee Geon, even after they’ve made up (no Si-Ne axis).  Daewon should have used his Fe to be able to feel this from other people but I think that at that point he was so used up from his own feelings that he was blinded to other people’s feelings and how he should have interpreted them.
Daewon is inclined to look towards the future rather than the past (Ni), always talking about how he wants to walk “flower paths” in the future, with his friends (Fe).  However, he also makes connections that other people don’t, and “says random things at random times”.  Seyong thinks he’s one of the most “4D” people in the competition (Ni). It’s a kind of obliviousness to the current setting (inferior Se).
Inferior Ti can mean that in stressful situations, an ENFJ is caught up with asking questions like “why is this happening to me??” rather than actually working towards relieving the stress in a meaningful way.  Daewon sometimes gets a bit like this, notably when he experiences stress related to friendships such as his friendship with Lee Geon.  He is simply concerned with the “why doesn’t he like me?? Why isn’t he talking to me?  Why is this happening to me?” questions rather than focusing on how he can work on being friends with Lee Geon again, or actually considering the reasons behind Lee Geon’s recent decisions (which I’ve explained on the Lee Geon post).
Daewon is slightly immature for his age, but not drastically so.  This can be explained away somewhat by the tough conditions that he’s had to go through to get where he is, from living on the floor by candlelight in some empty office spaces, to having the burden of leading his best friend into a failing company.
His altruism is what makes the main part of his personality, almost consumingly so.  He almost uses it as a means of proving that he still has self worth after a difficult journey through life to where he is now.  This is proven when the Kingsman team are doing their introductions, and when it’s Daewon’s turn, Seyong simply says that he should just introduce himself as an angel from heaven.  Daewon obviously likes this because it’s validation for him that he is a Good Person, which is what he’s aiming to be in life.
Ultimately other people’s opinion of him is what feeds Daewon, and none more so than Lee Geon’s opinion, which means so much to him.  He loves his teams, and they love him in return.  He shows love for his fellow competitors by promoting their songs (said he was listening to Bigstar/IM/Snuper).  He enjoys receiving help and advice from other people and giving the same in return.  He’s on the same wavelength as fellow ENFJ Euijin for their choreography (mentioned 4th mission) and he tries his best to be kind and fair to others, saying, when asked for whom his rival was, “I do not know about rivals”.  As Hwang Chiyeol said, those who lower their head will be able to raise it later, and this is precisely what happened with Daewon. From one boot to the final lineup, he’s the member of UNB with the lowest original boot score.  
Let’s hope that Daewon can walk on many flower paths to come.
Song you should listen to: Madtown - OMGT
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bi-dazai · 7 years
okay here’s the 3 roots to all the problems in the writing in vld s4:
hi so right from the bat i was realising all these problems with uh. everything (including the art style?? who the fuck was in charge of drawing keith?? he has the same inaccuracy as fucking clone!shiro lmao). anyway if there are problems in writing, then you can actually trace it back to its roots and address the problem there, instead of just judging the outcome of the roots. 
there are also other tinier aspects of the show’s writing - like some moments of complete tonal whiplash (watch this video on star wars rebels if you’re curious about tonal whiplash) - which are just simply bad writing. but if you were wondering exactly what the fuck the vld writers’ deal is with s4, then this post will tell you. 
anyway, take this as a guide in how to critique s4, and how to not make these mistakes in your own writing.
1. loss of balance as the writers divert all writing to plot writing. 
so when you write a story, there’s a balance you have to find between character writing, relationship writing, and plot writing. depending on your story and your style, you’ll have more focus on one or two and less on another, but for a good story it won’t go to massive extremes and it will have a reasonable amount on each. for example, boku no hero academia is pretty much almost completely character writing, with a large focus on relationship writing from about the sports carnival arc onwards, but the plot is still really good because it isn’t forgotten about. avatar: the last airbender is character and plot-driven, but there’s still relationships built up and not forgotten about. 
so what is voltron: legendary defender? across s1-3, it had a HUGE focus on plot, a focus to the point that it was uh. risky. that focus is so much that you should only approach it if you know how to maintain that balance. vld’s focus on plot was toeing the line of too much - to the point that character writing was almost completely void, and relationship writing was extremely subtle. however, with keith’s arc in s2 and 3 and the developing relationships between keith and lance and lance and allura coupling in with subtle character development which allowed these relationships to develop and fuel the plot, vld actually handled it quite well. it’s why ive been saying this whole time to stop railing on the writers so hard because they chose a balance that’s extremely hard to keep and they actually pulled it off in a pretty impressive way when you factor in that difficulty. i regard s3 as a masterpiece - in 7 episodes the pacing was perfect despite plot accelerating massively and character relationships and development proceeding at a similar fast pace. 
where did s4 go wrong, then? well,  the writers forgot about that balance. they had plot points in mind, and they were sidetracked by these grand plans for t h e p l o t. pidge finding her brother, the introduction of the rebel alliance, keith leaving voltron, lotor being exiled, naxzala being attacked. all these plot points are really good!! and the plot was actually really good. but what went wrong is (mainly) the writers forgetting that they need that equilibrium, that balance (other reasons to do with plot are described below). they chose a balance that is much more delicate than many other stories, and this season they dumped a ten tonne weight on it because they forgot how fucking delicate it is. (i actually have a feeling this has to do with the way lok was written and i think they got used to that, send me an ask if you want me to talk about it more).
2. too much crammed into 6 episodes = destruction of pacing. 
i mentioned that the plot was good. it is. but it doesn’t feel that way, right? right. that’s because the ideas and the progression is good. but there is too much for this little screentime. lotor went from villain to “zuko” within 13 episodes, no, two episodes. that’s shit. do you remember actual zuko? that arc took years, and it began from the first episode. lotor? the redemption arc has taking uh. 40 minutes. and honestly, that is shit writing. 
another thing i had massive problems with - pidge’s episode. and that was my favourite episode for this season. this episode’s first bit is pidge finding and reuniting with her brother. and it’s really good! but i was watching it and thinking, “wow this is uh. this is moving a bit fast. we’re cutting away too soon on all of the scenes and shots. everything feels kinda cramped, time-wise.” well guess why!!??!!!?! the writers want to move the goddamn plot forward again!! the best episode of the season is completely ruined because instead of taking the entire episode to really dwell on pidge’s emotions and make us properly root for pidge’s journey (a la s3e5 - “the journey”), we take half the episode so that pidge and matt can reunite in two minutes and we can come back and do. PLOT RELATED STUFF. FUCKING CHRIST!!!! this is the episode that we have literally been waiting for since the first episode. and it’s fucking cut off by OTHER PLOTS. can someone please get briyan konietzko in here and explain to lm and jds what the fucking fuck CHARACTER AND RELATIONSHIP EPISODES ARE??!!?!!! HOLY SHIT!!! 
every shot in every scene in every episode of s4 isnt the full fucking thing!! listen - part of film language is how long you dwell on each shot, and how these shots are edited together. let me put this into layman’s terms - all the scenes and shots in s4 are just very vague, understandable descriptions of the actual scenes and shots. this aspect of the language of film is the difference between, “can i have water?” and “could I please get a glass of water?”/ “get me a glass of water now!”. you don’t get the emotion. you dont get the full effect. it’s just a summary of what happened. that was the entirety of how s4 was edited and put together, and it’s like that so that the writers could fit at least 13 episodes of plot into 6. with shortened, half-assed shots put together with cuts as transitions. i dont think i saw a single fade in/out/to in the entire season. all that i’ve described - it ruins pacing when it’s half-assed, and this was no-assed. the editing, the pacing - it’s close to fucking terrible b-movie standard. this is coming out of fucking dreamworks, out of tim hendrick, out of people from motherfucking legend of korra and avatar: the last airbender. the pacing of s4 is embarrassing.
3. getting too much into the current situation of the show, and forgetting about set-up.
after s1, 2, and 3, (particularly 2 and 3) people were making up theories, pulling from shot composition, pulling from hints. and guess what?! a lot of it paid off, or started to pay off! you know why? when writing s1, 2, and 3, every aspect of the writing (characters, plot, dialogue, etc) and even the film language referenced each other. voltron: legendary defender, across its first two seasons, established a subset of film language of its own. it’s because of that devotion to referencing past events and aspects of the show that things like @koganya​ ‘s massive klance masterposts could be made and believed. s4 is fundamentally not a vld season because it forgot its own fucking language. there’s no clever shot composition, no clever reference to past events or episodes, nothing. it’s so fucking flat. i don’t know what happened, but we got s3 - which spent the entire time pretty much worshipping its own film language to hint at stuff and then we got s4 - where the writers got tunnel vision of their own plot-related visions of grandeur that they forgot to write a season of voltron: legendary defender. this is so fucking ignorant of their own fucking show. fuck!!!
okay thanks for reading and please share!! this guide can help when critiquing the show and since there’s gonna be a lot of that then i feel it’s super important to have these posts!!
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But its not the show being the show there is no problem with Jack moving in and going on hunts, its Cas specifically that the show doesnt want with the bros. And im sorry but the show is about Sam and Dean so I Cas to primarly (not only) with them. I want TFW to be a family but they wont if they never build a life together, and deancas will certainly never date this way either, they essentially only work together but go seperate ways privately. Maybe I really should stop watching I wont ever
I’m sorry, I know it sucks for some people, but this is literally the format the show has, and I know we can HOPE for more but I’ve always worked on the basis of give the show a cookie when it does something I like, but don’t expect it to magically just turn into a comfy sit com no matter how funny it has been to joke about it doing exactly that. (And I really hope the jokes haven’t hurt people with expectations, because no matter how much I blabber on about how hilarious it would be or aggressively reblog bunker fluff, to me the idea of the Bunker Family is definitely more of an endgame dream because I know the show needs its drama and tension from somewhere.)
And I do think if you take the show as ALREADY thinking it is doing the best it can and then realising it was wrong and it can try harder in season 11 and 12 you CAN see improvement, because I was bitter and miserable after season 10, thinking the show was getting so bad at including Cas and so on, but in season 11 they genuinely seemed to care about him in the narrative and season 12 was a season Cas’s story took a huge fair share of the stage on. I genuinely believe they’re doing at least a little better and trying to give Cas more relevance and time to the story, but they’re working within their own bounds and not rushing ahead into any sort of happy soft set up.
The show isn’t soft, and if Cas was happily nestled at the Bunker they would have to do something HORRIBLE to him. Jack is a disposable character to the story at this point and has a completely different relevance to the plot where he is not just magically family and he’s not just magically going to get all comfy with them, and there’s threat and a mcguffin for having him around. He’s not stealing Cas’s spot and he’s not muscling in getting to the good stuff about the domestic happy life. 
Cas is a friend and him staying at the Bunker resolves all their emotional problems.
Jack is an uncertain potential ally/timebomb they’re entrusted with/etc plot stuff about protecting him from people who’d misuse him, and having him at the Bunker is uneasy, and probably creates more problems for them as long as they have him around. Even in the peaceful/best version of the story where they shape him into a good man and can trust him, the first part of the season he’s difficult and problematical for them to have around. Probably, really, most or ALL of the season where they don’t know if this is good bad or the end of the world, and it all depends on Jack’s malleable character which has been placed in their hands.
They don’t compare at all and the show isn’t doing anything with Jack which will usurp Cas’s place. If he seems to be rushing ahead then that’s probably a feeling they WANT you to feel, to be uneasy and worried about his position in this new version of the family. 
If it’s stressful for you to watch while it unfolds, perhaps it would be better if you paid less attention to spoilers or only watched the episodes in chunks of like 5 or something so you’d be less stressed about the weight and the issues which seem MUCH worse waiting for episodes like “where is Cas” - when you speed watch any of the seasons, even season 10, which mis-used Cas the most, you still get to see him regularly and you get a sense of his ongoing story, thin as it was at that point. Season 11 even shows us Cas on average every 3 episodes while he is possessed by Lucifer and watching those all quickly in a row you get a much better sense of where he is as a person and how he’s doing, but watching it unfold real time that’s 4 months with like 10 minutes total Cas. ( @tatltaelfairies would have the screentime numbers for you :P)
I don’t know, this does seem to me like a self-made problem (not really you specifically but fandom in general who are upset about these things), that it’s hard to take the show for what it is but you’re fixating on the desired endgame and the need to see the characters doing situations far far far out of the reach or current intention of the show. If you scale right back you can see Cas being treated very well by the writers and Cas and Dean being soft and building an incredible relationship in front of our eyes, and the evolution just in the last couple of years of that has been very positive and heartwarming to me. But then I try to go into every episode and every season expecting same shit, different day, assume Buckleming is writing every episode, and just get surprised by everything they do that’s better than that. And the rest of the writers are all far better than that baseline and even with wonky main plots I can SEE the effort they put in to do good by Cas and flatter the Destiel relationship. 
But then I have always taken the show as is, casual-viewered it for years until season 9 so I had a good background in that, and I just don’t *need* them to make it all fluffy and soft and stop the bad things happening to be able to enjoy it. And I’m worried that for the people who DO, like you, it would be so much healthier and less-stressful for you to back off from canon, enjoy fluffy fanon, and engage cautiously with canon when you were in a good place or had heard enough good things to power on through. People who put off watching and then hear about, like the mixtape event, and then watch 18 episodes to get there, will have a less stressful time than someone who slogged through 18 episodes taking every cas-less episode as a sign of doom and every time Dean and Cas didn’t just step out on a date as a sign that the show was never doing anything with their relationship, and the gesture when you finally get there is small and not enough to satisfy the hole. 
I mean, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to advise you, just that my need for the fluff is so much smaller than yours that we are viewing the show in utterly different ways.
How about you watch Black Sails? I’m currently obsessed and it’s got excellent canon queer characters and also hilarious pirate shenanigans. Which also involve cannons sometimes.
Yes I did come back just to edit in that bad joke. :P
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 10 (Quick Livestream Recap)
This post contains spoilers. 
We go straight up to the Regal Chair of Doom for the elimination opening.
There are a few hair changes! Minki is dark haired again, while Sanggyun had an ashy blond dye job and a trim.
They’re not sure what the cut off is because of the rumours and the doubt BoA’s script had provided last episode.
Hyunbin ambitiously wants to be first, and the trainees laugh their heads off at this proclamation.
Entrance pose time!
Pledis trainees come in by imitating Nu’est maknae Minki’s disjointed shoulder trick.
Little Lee Woojin does the thigh touching move from sexy concept song Open.
MMO trainees, Daniel and Jisung, dance to Sistar’s Touch My Body. It makes me feel low key bitter because my girls :(
RBW Lee Gunhee did some hip swinging.
Extra as hell, Fantagio Ong Sungwoo brought a bag with him to recreate his now iconic moment from the work out episode.
WH Creative Seo Sungyhuk did some of IKYK choreo. Cutie
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin did the robot.
Popular WinkDeep boys Maroo Park Jihoon and C9 Bae Jinyoung did twin moves
Ardor and Able hilariously recreate a reference to Noh Taehyun’s viral stomach scratching picture.
Starship Jung Sewoon did the world’s tiniest Nayana gesture.
CUBE chicks do a Twice Knock Knock reference.
OUI Donghan did a weird dance move on the floor. 
Only top 20 gets through. So this rumour was right. It’s like Mnet’s playing two lies one truth lol
BoA gets ajumeoni claps as she enters. That dress looks like something from Red Velvet’s closet though.
Fanservice to soothe the pain begins with cute dorm footage.
Snack time is abound in the dorms once again. One trainee carries what looks like a fuckin mountain of cup ramen across the room at some point.
They reveal a bit of first week footage with the HOTSHOT boys depositing their luggage in the waiting room. Sungwoon’s massive show insole falls out and he gets embarrassed, all ‘When did this come out??’
Sunghyuk has a bit where he comes into to visit his hyungs and gets scolded for his informality. He gets visibly scared by Jihoon’s sternness, leaving with his tail between his legs until Ong-ssi calls him back.
Ong-ssi: Why’d you come in here?
Sunghyuk (looking like he may cry): For...no reason.
All the hyungs: Oh, that’s good! :D I’m glad you came to see us!!! :))
Sunghyuk almost passes out in relief when he realises they were teasing him lol
There’s a cut of how the boys all pull out make up to touch up when production staff calls for a break, yanking out their compacts and pat-patting away at their faces.
Jisung eomma is the funniest of all of course, whipping out the compact with a flourish and patting his too red lips to blend them out.
Ong-ssi puts on a few dozen coats of tinted lip balm and gets ticked off by staff for the red lips visible across the hall 
Jaehwan touches up Baekho’s nose for him 
Another cut is product placement for face packs, its a sponsored bit (you can always tell when Samuel’s acting, bless him) but they play around well with the differently coloured mask creams.
Sungwoon gets 101 written on his face by his dongsaengs, Jihoon makes himself up like a panda while Baekho gets a beard. He’s very pleased with it. A universal cutie.
Deffo more natural PPL than the herbal supplement.
There’s a cut of early morning shower singing from vocal kids RIP FNC Yoo Hwiseung, getting screentime once he’s been kicked.
Sad practice shots with Jaehwan’s acoustic guitar backing and singing of Nayana. I ALREADY FEEL BAD FOR THEM FUK U MNET
Cut to more cheerful trainee time.
Noh Taehyun once again has to heatedly defend himself because of his stomach clip after already having to clarify he’s not a crybaby. He claims the clip was from after a rehearsal sesh, and he was hot and sweaty so, “I WAS FANNING MYSELF I WASN’T SCRATCHING MY TUMMY EVERYONE!!”
CUBE kids explain their initial awkwardness. Their company wanted them to be clear hyung-dongsaeng on the show, but they were friends while they were trainees earlier. This means Seonho can’t use banmal with him anymore and has to remember to call Guanlin hyung. It doesn’t affect Lai Guanlin, but Seonho is still adjusting lol 
Minhyun likes sweet boy Seonho, but the younger kid keeps hugging him and is really fond of skinship. 
Minhyun: It’s like he’s my girlfriend...he needs to dial it down a bit.
Seonho: It’s just because I love my hyung???!
Daehwi gets a stool to stand on for his individual bit, and is mildly indignant about it. He doesn’t think he’s that short and pulls out massive insoles from his shoes before also ratting out Sasuke Uchiha cosplayer Bae Jinyoung’s use of insoles.
His friend is not happy, and has to reveal his own massive foam shoe inserts.
Bae Jinyoung: They’re only 2cm!!
Staff: Only because you’re pressing down on them like that.
Auntie Jisung, true to form, mentions Daniel’s night talking. 
“Mom, you’re embarrassing me!!” - Kang Daniel, probably.
Red lip tint fans Daniel and Sanggyun get called out for their always pink lips, and Daniel gets his own back by pointing out that Yoon Jisung also always wears tons of it. 
Kang Daniel called my boy with his ludicrous pink lips an ajumma!!
Sewoon loves his awkward wink edited with post its on his face and the Jaehwan and Sewoon vocal ship continues to sail.
Hosts Auntie Jisung and Ong Sungwoo for basketball manga oppa times
Ong-ssi: Why are you here? Did you trainees only come to have fun here on the show?
Auntie Jisung: Yes. I did. 
They chant ONGSUNG ONGSUNG ONGSUNG for themselves. New comedy MC duo, I loaf
Speed quiz is first up, with sexy waves from OngSung MCs.
Showtime team do okay, Samuel flips onto his back to act out samgyetang. I died. How do you even think of that.
IKYK: Moonbok hard carries. He’s so pretty but that hairstyle...a topknot and scarf wrapped around his head..I wear my own hair like that for house cleans. Taedong quivers for a bit  when he gets his word, before dancing The Boys for SNSD. 
Open: Daniel does a piss poor imitation of Baekho, who laughs like a baby the whole segment. Seonho gets Ahn Junyoung (the P101 main producer) and wavers for a bit before yelling, ”Ah! PASS!” 
Oh Little Girl: Ayn Hyungseob has apple hair! He struggles to convey swag, imitating Baekho and Daniel to no avail. His team finally gets it only because Lee Euiwoong hears Noh Taheyun say, ‘Ah, Hyungseobie definitely has none of this at all!!’ 
Never: Lai Guanlin passes because he doesn’t know the word...twice; he can’t read Hangul well and the words are too difficult. One of them is an old fashioned Korean flute like?? It’s a hard word and how do you act it out? Poor kiddo
IKYK team wins this segment. 
Next game is a game where duos come forth from each team; one trainee does an elephant nose spin, and then runs to apply lipstick on his waiting teammate.
My heart soars at Sanggyun and Jisung representing Showtime
Sewoon falls multiple times and when he gets to Euiwoong,  he keeps shaking. Euiwoong gets more and more impatient and Sewoon finally gets shoved by an annoyed hamster.
Jisung veers off and falls like fifteen times before getting to Sanggyun. After, Sanggyun looks at himself and thinks it’s sort of sexy. “You look pretty!!” says excited Auntie Jisung, gleefully.
BNM Jonghyun has a scary determined look throughout.
Kim Yongguk can’t even spin straight, falling over every two spins like a new born puppy. He crawls to Kenta, who waits patiently to have his whole face attacked viciously with red lipstick 
Kenta, when the trainees go into splits and Yongguk is still stabbing his cheeks with lipstick: WHY? WHY??
Lee Daehwi remains perfectly, characteristically competent, calmly dabbing on Wartortle GodJonghyun’s lips like a seasoned make up artist. 
Yoo Seonho gets to draw again on a caring hyung picked by him, so he picks Daniel
Jaehwan picks Emperor Hwang for redoing the segment. Jaehwan runs lopsided and dementedly fast to draw on his hyung, frightening poor Gunhee on the sidelines.
Seonho applies eight hundred layers of red on Daniel’s mouth lol
The next game is team jump roping and posing for a photo 
This was hilarious - you have to look them up, I died laughing at their faces mid air. These are the pictures I’m getting blown up and signed if I ever see them in person. 
Open team wins overall, and receives the PPL face packs.
After this dose of healing (this is what Jonghyun calls the segment, with another of his ha ha HAs) cuteness, we go back to elims.
The rankings from last episode are finally revealed for the highest ranking from the live audience. To no one’s surprise, Daniel won the 220,000 benefit.
1 and 20 to be revealed last for the suspense
Jung Sewoon ranked 19. 
Woodam and Donghan have a depressingly self aware discussion about how they know they’re lucky to have this far.
Joo Haknyeon is 18. The boys are all shocked but he’s had awful press lately. He’s losing grace swiftly, and this is his first time falling out of top 11.
BNM Im Youngmin has fortunately made it at 17, despite the (totally undeserved) hate he received. He even apologised, for some reason
CUBE Seonho was 16, he almost fell out his seat with shock as his name was called.
Ren, Hyungseob and Jaehwan all make it in succession.
Minhyun’s apparent ‘mistaken’ reveal of his rank was at 12 but it’s Pledis Kang Dongho at 12. The trainees all imitate Baekho’s Boy in Love head bob lol
Pledis Minhyun makes it at 11. He’s handsome on the big screen, and sings at BoA’s request. All the trainees have a shim koong.
Lee Daaehwi at 10. I’m grateful he stays top 11 though a cutie 
MMO Yoon Jisung makes it at 9!! YES HE’S BACK IN TOP 11 I LOVE MY AUNTIE!!
So do the trainees, they’re all more excited than he is at his rank, there’s a veritable swarm as they congratulate their eomma.
Samuel’s having a breakdown from nerves.
Auntie Jisung’s ugly crying is slightly muted this time - his company must have scolded him. Daniel is super relieved his hyung’s back in top 11, and Jisung thanks people for supporting him and his dream.
Ong Sungwoo is safe at number 8. BoA asks him to do his Ong-slate bit, which of course, he does with every bit of over the top acting he can.
Nation’s leader Angel God Jonghyun dropped to 7, but at least Wartortle’s safe.
Good shot of the empty Nu’est seats as Jonghyun thanks the voters for supporting him and his fellow Pledis trainees.
Brand New Music Park Woojin makes it to 6! He still has an eye patch on, I hope he’s recovering well. BoA asks him to do his famous snaggle-toothed smile. A cutie.
Samuel’s proper freaking out but he makes it at 5. He thanks all his Showtime hyungs by name but forgets Jisung, adding him last when he realises. Jisung, my drama queen, pouts in mock offence 
Goodness, you can really see the relief on Samuel’s face when he sinks into his chair, my poor kid.
BoA calls out Ha Sungwoon and Bae Jinyoung for the next two possible ranks
Ha Sungwoon can’t stop yelling in shock for being in the top 5, he just screams endlessly. When the camera points at him for the shot right before BoA announces his name, he thinks it’s someone else in his row because he really wasn’t expecting it.
Bae Jinyoung is 4. The two pick voting helped him climb back up, WinkDeep sails. In celebration, he does the aegyo bit from his intro.
Sungwoon makes it at number 3 (more slightly muted screaming)
I’m that tear waterfall pokemon gif, and so is he, sort of. This caught me off guard but I love being wrong about this sort of stuff.
Popular kids, teen pick Jihoon and noona pick Daniel for top two. 
Daniel and Little Woojin exchange non-forced reassurance as they wait for his rank to be announced.
Sidenote while watching the livestream: That Cha Eunwoo kid is in a lot of ads for a rookie. He’s rather handsome.
MMO Kang Daniel ranks number 1. It’s his first time, he never thought he’ll be Jihoon’s rival, but he’s deeply grateful. 
Which puts Park Jihoon at a safe 2. He thanks his fans for their continued support. His consistency has been incredible, he’s never left the top of the pyramid. 
Last trainee for the cut off at 20. These shots of my eliminated talented boys makes me sad.
They draw out my pain by showing the ranks from 35 upwards, and having the trainees speak as they get booted.
Bye little maknae Lee Woojin, star vocal Park Woodam, RBW meme Lee Gunhee and musicial kid Kim Yehyun
All of I Know You Know got booted. My sweet boy WH Creative Seo Sunghyuk cries. The Vibe knight boy Taedong and blond pretty kid OUI Donghan are composed. They must have all expected this.
Oh, Donghyun. His BNM trainees look like they’re going to cry as he asks the voters to support them.
Sanggyun spits some sugar coated bitterness, Noh Taehyun and Takada Kenta are graceful.
Visual dark horse Moonbok, who got played by Mnet the most, leaves the show too. He really speaks very prettily. 3
BoA says this isn’t the end for their careers. I wish I can be that optimistic.
Yuehua Lee Euiwoong doesn’t make the cut. You can see Hyungseob’s face fall.
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin is eliminated at 22. He says a nice ment too, but lasting this long considering his background and skillset is just miraculous.
It’s between Kim Yongguk and Lai Guanlin for rank 20. 
Honestly, I’d never have guessed this in a million years. Kim Yongguk, maybe, because of his lack of clear broship, but Cube chicks must get a lot of their hype from teenagers. 
Lai Guanlin makes it by the skin of his teeth. 
We have to say goodbye to Arctic Fox Kim Yongguk. This feels so unfair, he had such a nice, melancholy tone. 
Daniel leads the ending salutations to the national producers.
Last voting period opens, and it’s one pick. This season has been super makjang for real. Far out.
We cut to a new day, the top 20 trainees have gathered for final evaluation mission. BoA reminds them this is the final, debut mission for the live broadcast finale.
The trainees will be split into two teams to perform one of two songs, Super Hot or Hands on Me. I’m keen to hear these songs, the composers are really well known. The choreography has to be created by the trainees themselves.
Harvey Mason and his team created Hands On Me, the demo sounds like a laid back jazzy track that will probably go the IKYK way (hashtag bitter).
Ryan Jhun, who composed Nayana and EXO’s Love Me Right, my favourite EXO title song by far, wrote Super Hot, which is more funky, fast paced. 
I take a minute to thank Mother Mary for the lack of EDM. Let’s hope it doesn’t jump out on me when I hear the full songs.
Positions depend on rank, with low ranking trainees picking first and the higher ones possessing the ability to replace them if they want the position.
Im Youngmin’s penalty for leaking spoilers is that he has to take what’s left over, so he picks first and can be replaced.
Seonho ambitiously displaces Haknyeon for sub-vocal 3 on Super Hot, pushing him down to 4.
Hyungseob pushes Joo Haknyeon further down to 5 lol
Then Daehwi pushes him to rapper 1
Jonghyun comes in to shove him to the other team, as vocal 6 for Hands on Me.
Dead. His fellow trainees seemingly have no faith in him at all. 
Jaehwan takes his rightful place as main vocal for Hands on Me.
Sewoon had picked sub vocal 1 on the same song earlier, wanting to sing with Jaehwan. 
Minhyun continues to be a Joseon level strategist by pushing Sewoon to a different team. Samuel moves him back but to a lower vocal position. 
Daniel changes Sungwoon’s team from Hands on Me sub vocal 1 to Super Hot but promotes him to main vocal  on there so it works out well.
Everyone on Super Hot understandably wants to be centre considering the timing of the mission and they all sing the main chorus line to compete. 
Samuel has to create the choreo and formations as the strongest dance trainee. His teammates come up with a bunch of unhelpful suggestions and he’s stressing out again.
Ong-slate opens on Hands on Me discussions.
They’re discussing leader, Ong-ssi surprisingly nominates himself and receives the position.
Again, everyone wants to be centre and audition with the ‘killing part’ but they don’t show centre pick.
We see the eliminated trainees crying at the eliminations again before next week’s trailer and ranks. 
Below is a comprehensive list of this week’s rankings. I’ll post the entire set this time, because we’re down to only 20 :(
Kang Daniel 
Park Jihoon 
Ha Sungwoon 
Bae Jinyoung 
Kim Samuel 
Park Woojin 
Kim Jonghyun 
Ong Sungwoo 
Yoon Jisung 
Lee Daehwi
Hwang Minhyun 
Kang Dongho 
Kim Jaehwan 
Ahn Hyungseop 
Choi Minki
Yoo Seonho
Im Youngmin 
Joo Haknyeon 
Jung Sewoon 
Lai Guanlin 
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almaasi · 8 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 12x12 “Stuck In The Middle (With You)”
well THIS is some delightfully interesting bullshit right here
frankly i am not ready and i don’t think i will ever be ready
i saw some shit on instagram and i went from being “scared but interested” to HYPED and now i’m scared again
i just want cas to come out of this okay
like that’s what i’m here for, just cas being alive and loved (by dean. but also sam and mary)
mr ketch is definitely cute, in a murderous stephen fry kind of way
cas: “cheese isn’t a carbohydrate”
i guess cas read up on the ketchup vs vegetables debate
give me a nutritionist!cas au stat
cas: “sunrise special please”
also flustered under mandy’s attention BECAUSE HE ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND
guess sam’s magic wifi hair doesn’t work any more
what i have learned here is that dean is turned on by the smell of food
give me cas bathing himself in strawberry syrup before bed
obviously there’s something else going on but right now it kind of looks like mary’s uncomfortable with either a) using mandy as part of a plan, or b) dean instructing his boyfriend to go flirt with someone else
edit: probably more like uncomfortable that they’re trying to make cas flirt and not focusing on the issue at hand
sidenote, cas was the only one who didn’t get screentime when mary asked if everyone understood the plan
dean: “when do you get off?”
mandy: “whenever i can”
woooowwwww go mandy
also i’m so concerned for cas right now DID HE CONSENT TO BEING USED AS A HONEY TRAP I DON’T THINK SO
edit: mandy wasn’t even part of the plan ?? i’m ????
and then a white guy BUT THEN THE (asian? native american?) LADY
y’know i’m just gonna have to let this go right now because i can’t even comprehend how ferociously problematic this show is
i just wanna enjoy it for my fave characters and i can’t do that unless i bundle the problems into a box and forget about them for now
still thinking about it though
this is trump’s america, where problematic bad things happen so often and with zero time to process that you just get to the point where it’s like “oh great another social apocalypse, must be thursday”
“the wounded angel” // “earlier”
i feel like i’ve watched a movie like this (certainly a lot of tv show episodes clearly all based on the same source material)
pulp fiction or something idk
something bizarre and character-action-driven that doesn’t make a lot of sense until the end
except dean, who stabbed him first, married him later
and while mary and sam are talking about yellow-eyes, dean is smothering cas in kisses and magic healing tears, yes? yes
aaaah the people who subtly and automatically support autistic friends are the best
also why is dean so determined to get cas to like other people?? CAN’T YOU JUST ACCEPT THAT CAS IS ALL YOURS AND WILL FOREVER BE YOURS
is this glowing yellow thing from the safe gonna be a hand of god or whatever
the men of letters are labelled as “hobbits” in mary’s phone
crowley arrives. “you idiots. you’re all going to die.”
@ people who voted for trump
mary: “touch me and i’ll kill you”
things everyone ought to say to crowley (and trump)
(quietly laughing bc bobby called cas that in my fic Lucid Nightmare which i posted yesterday cough cough shameless plug go read it if you haven’t already)
“name’s crowley, king of the crossroads”
(ba dum tiss)
ramiel (sp?) gives crowley the throne of hell
OH HEY LOOK AT THAT they just filled in a narrative gap that’s been empty for years
crowley: “hey, i was growing fond of the choirboy too”
was that a lowkey “cas is gay” joke??
mmmm yes give me dean so concerned about cas his voice goes all breathy
“three humans with one good liver between them, and a busted up angel”
that team free will season 12 aesthetic
okay but cas grunting in pain is kind of sexy in a way god help me
my faves being sick and dying is okay so long as they pull through and someone Cares About Them a lot
“the things we’ve shared together, they’ve changed me”
cas looks at dean when he says “they’ve changed me”
“i love you”
i cry
thanks richard speight jr that decision was an a++ decision
the slow zoom in on dean
i’m sweating
and shaking
............i just realised i’m watching this under the assumption that cas is getting out of this alive
that look dean and cas share, cas’ eyes are wet
black goop again
like i never thought i’d say this but
thank you crowley
thank you so, so much
i just
i want dean to go up behind cas and softly press his cheek between cas’ shoulder blades and wrap his arms around cas’ waist and breathe in deeply
oh god i’m so relieved
i can’t imagine what dean’s feeling
what the fuck was all the stuff with cas flirting with mandy about
dean saying he was looking for “teachable moments”
i guess maybe that was the point of this narrative, cas will always choose team free will, dean pretends cas isn’t in love but GODDAMN HE IS
edit: or maybe dean’s not actually trying to make cas interested, he’s legit just trying to teach cas how flirting works, and what a positive response is?? and mandy just happened to be there and flirty. i mean, sure, i’ll go with that. quick question though, why didn’t dean just flirt with cas himself, like in all the fanfics, that would be better
mr ketch is kinda crosseyed
mr ketch is so fluffy-haired and cute i don’t know what to do
i hate him
but he’s smol
idk idk idk
wait wait it’s the colt
where was the colt supposed to be
(real life interrupts)
ooh there’s lightning outside!! eee
the power may go out at any moment though, that’s the downside
IT’S MEANT TO BE SUMMER and all we’ve had is rain
(okay back to the show)
is that pellegrino!lucifer, i recognise the voice
yes it is
where to start
that was.... a lot of stuff
firsTLY CAS MADE IT OUT ALIVE AND EVERYONE LOVES HIM AND HE LOVES HIS FAMILY I’M SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA (actually no you probably know exactly how happy i am. if you’re reading this, you probably agree)
mandy made it out alive, and she had a name, a speaking part, and a character, so that’s +1 for everything
BUT... look i don’t think i even need to say it again, it’s a Problem
(my thoughts: here, and here)
i’ve never watched any other show with such a huge fucking issue with this
that aside, i think i just need to mostly ignore that specific problem until they fix it, because if i just focus on the bad shit i’m never gonna wanna watch the show again, and the characters are really important to me so i’ll come back anyway
and how well-formed and well-paced it was
and how i was actually legit terrified for a couple minutes
physically sweating with heart pounding
that was cool
9/10 probably
still confused about mandy and cas, that wasn’t necessary. same with dean and the lady in the bar last episode. as much as i’d love to see the “i love yous” in this episode as romantic between dean and cas, they clearly were only meant to be 50% romantic, interpreted whichever way the viewer prefers. so the showrunners are maybe adding in sidenote heterosexual elements that objectively mean nothing, but for those who like to see tfw as HetroStraight (TM), the info is just... there. but it’s not possible eradicate the bisexual/demi-asexual loVEFEST THAT’S BEEN BREWING FOR 9 YEARS THAT’S DEFINITELY THERE AND IS DEFINITELY ROMANTIC AND HAS BEEN ALL ALONG AND WILL ALWAYS BE, DESPITE SNEAKY HALF/HALF MAKE-UP-YOUR-OWN-MIND DIRECTING AND SCRIPTING
to be fair though, i’m learning a lot about how creators get the best of both worlds. this is the Bipartisan TV Show. this is the same way donald fucking trump and kellyanne fucking conway and all the other politics snake people manage to fuck everyone over and not answer questions. they present both sides of the argument, each “fact” contradicting the other, and the viewer picks the one they agree with, and explain away the other argument however they like.
which, admittedly, i’m currently doing when it comes to seeing romantic destiel as ever-present, because it’s the only way this show doesn’t make me lose my shit all the time
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asherlockstudy · 8 years
THE SIX THATCHERS: the deliberate flaw of an otherwise brilliant episode
This post is:
an explanation of the episode from my viewpoint
a review
an analysis of Mary’s character and its point in the narrative
a comparison with previous episodes
an analysis of the dynamics of the third series
my eternal faith in Moftiss being restored again
basically a lot of things
There are only two problems in the Six Thatchers or, better, two categories of problems. The first could be avoided and unfortunately caused frustration to both avid fans and more neutral viewers. The second is deliberate, not because Gatiss wanted necessarily to confuse the fandom, but simply because it couldn’t be avoided and it would longterm serve the main plot. Allow me to explain:
The first problem is the direction. To be completely fair, direction is not always bad and I certainly do not mean the imagery (the shark scene after Mary’s death is a piece of art). It certainly improves after the middle of the episode. But the first half of TST is a crazily paced, exhausting editing or perhaps butchering of various different scenes that the viewer would probably wish to enjoy for a little longer. I understand that the episode had to deal with a lot of different threads of the plot (the present and the past) but perhaps it would be a wiser choice to get a few extra minutes like they did with the Final Problem. The fast pacing doesn’t allow us to feel engaged in what is going on or get once again properly attached to the characters. It also complicates our earnest efforts to understand the plot, especially since TST is in no way one of the easiest Sherlock stories to grasp. I include in this category a slight fall I might have noticed in the chemistry amongst all the actors - hopefully it’s because of the lack of undisturbed screentime together. 
The second flaw is the cause of all the chaos in the fandom and beyond, the cause of all the vastly different theories and the cause of all the contradictory reviews. I think I might have never seen another movie or TV episode get so many 2 star and 10 star ratings at the same time! 
Well, without taking into consideration personal tastes (i.e. how much someone invests in Mary being a villain) the main objective problem that has caused all the mess is this one:  TST does not follow the plotline of His Last Vow. It does not bind well or even barely fits in the concept of HLV. It does not answer the questions His Last Vow raised. But you know what? No first episode of any Sherlock series ever did. 
A Scandal In Belgravia ended the pool scene of The Great Game in a rushed messy way and continued without ever bringing this issue back or analyzing Moriarty’s behaviour at the pool. 
The Empty Hearse joked around and frustrated the fans by completely avoiding to explain what truly happened in The Reichenbach Fall.
The Six Thatchers focused on Mary’s ambiguous character. Offered insight into her past and the ghosts haunting her, the inevitable conclusion of the life she chose and completed her story arc (?) with a, honestly, beautiful redemption scene. But, as ever, remained silent as to why really Mary shot Sherlock, why she was so terrified of Magnussen’s blackmails if she truly believed the rest of the agents had died, why she always looked so alarmed every time Moriarty’s name was mentioned. Basically remained silent about everything that truly confuses and intrigues the fandom - Why?
Could it be that Moftiss are so bad at creating decent first episodes? Nah.
I have made a post about it: The decompression of the Sherlock cliffhangers has not started yet. It’s the same old thing happening once again with The Six Thatchers.
What I think must be accepted is that Mary was never meant to be a main character. She was never meant to be a main villain either. She’s technically not even the main villain in her villain episode where the official Big Baddie is Magnussen and, then, both of them get beaten in a battle of impressions by an MP and a bad video of Jim Moriarty.
In my opinion, there is a nuance that is almost never discussed: Mary’s character is not as important for the story as Mary’s involvement to what maybe is what we call the main plot. What I mean is that Mary as a character couldn’t stay longer, she shouldn’t stay longer, because this would inescapably lead to an imbalance of the successful concept BBC Sherlock’s showrunners had and A.C. Doyle had before them. Even if Mary was meant to be a Big Villain, this would be a rather quaint twist of the story. In case the show ends in a romance, this suggests that Gatiss and Moffat couldn’t think of anything else but make every woman or romantic antagonist a villain just to desperately defend that Sherlock and John’s relationship is a good concept. I’m fully aware Mary being a villain is one of the most popular and beloved theories but excuse me for saying that this kind of plot twist seems a bit childish to me. In my opinion, they have already made villains (canonically established villains) romantic antagonists but if they also made a romantic antagonist obligatorily villain by default, this would be laughable at the least and would expose Moftiss’ panic to prove that this gay relationship is good and ideal. And that’s my problem. You should never need to prove such a thing, let alone make a (female) character look bad so that your love story can look better. In whatever way I look at it, it’s a bad idea.
So why did they introduce Mary in the first place?
 Mary’s introduction was the best (or least bad) idea for Series 3. You need to have in mind that there is an ongoing basic plot. If the plot is heavily dependent on characters such as Jim Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes or even Sherrinford, then Gatiss and Moffat couldn’t proceed with it in the third series. If Jim Moriarty returned back from the dead at the same time with Sherlock, the plot would end up ludicrous. If Mycroft Holmes revealed his ulterior motives in Series 3 or if there was the main villain introduced for the first time at this point, the character development of Sherlock and John wouldn’t be able to catch up on time. In other words, if the Main Villain appeared in, say, The Sign of Three, the viewers wouldn’t be able to buy the importance of the character or understand what makes this villain comparatively more impactful on Sherlock and John’s lives than Jim Moriarty was in seven episodes. Whether Moriarty is alive and the main villain or not, Moftiss needed the time to build up the expectations of the viewers and also develop Sherlock and John’s relationship accordingly for a next level of drama. In short, they needed a break in which they would focus on Sherlock and John and refresh the need and the interest of the audience for a specific, consistent plot. They want to top their own game.
But the plot shouldn’t go back to what Series 1 was because then Series 4 would give the impression that it jumped out of nowhere. Moftiss didn’t wish lack of plot for Series 3 - they wanted it to be subtle and eventually build the expectations for the very dramatic and plot-wise specific Series 4. So they still had to move on and change the data between Sherlock and John. That’s where Mary got in. Mary is the most important feature of the most understated part of the plot. Admittedly, this means something that some people hate; Mary’s character was used for the sake of Sherlock and John’s relationship. True, but it’s unfair to call Gatiss and Moffat misogynists for that. Technically, 95% of the characters and plot points in BBC Sherlock first and foremost affect Sherlock and John’s relationship. Since the core of this show has always been the relationship between Sherlock and John, it is absolutely normal that most parts of the plot orbit around them and there is no need to wave fingers and call everything misogynistic. In my opinion, Moffat and Gatiss tried to exactly avoid such connotations by making Mary a very interesting, flawed, complex, shady, ambiguous, intelligent and competent character that after all brought a lot of dramatic changes in Sherlock and John’s lives. Moftiss upped the game very much compared to the original Mary Morstan of A.C.D canon. If they made her an one-dimensional character that suddenly died in childbirth to leave Sherlock and John go on with their lives, then yes, that would be misogynistic. 
Gatiss even darkened John’s character a lot in order to give Mary a very bold redemption arc in an episode where both Gatiss and Abbington play with the viewers’ impressions about Mary’s allegiances until the very end (and beyond...). The episode was focused on Mary and brought out the complexity of her character exactly in order to show the appropriate respect for her contribution to the whole story - but she was never meant to be one of the three - four characters that actually are the foundations of this story. In this way, Gatiss kept everything balanced. 
The Six Thatchers was a beatiful tribute to Mary but didn’t address the links of her character to the basic plot as this would reveal the story and its climax before its time. 
The Six Thatchers purposefully ignored: 
Why Mary tried to kill Sherlock although she genuinely looked regretful in TST
Why Mary was so terrified of Magnussen’s blackmails
Why Mary looked so alarmed every time Moriarty was mentioned
Why Sherlock decided to help her after realising she did try to kill him
Why after that incident, Magnussen started blackmailing an incapacitated Sherlock instead of Mary
Janine’s role
Why Sherlock came up with lies to support Mary in front of John
John’s ambiguous behaviour when he forgave her
Why Sherlock remains so adamantly protective of her 
However the Six Thatchers still hinted at:
John never truly trusting her anymore
Mary always fearing that Sherlock would eventually confront her for something other than her Tbilisi past (meeting him with drugs)
Mary again looking worried at the mention of Moriarty’s name
Mycroft admitting that he controlled AGRA in the past
Mycroft implying that he knows about Mary’s enemies and problems
Mycroft looking amused by it
Mycroft lowkey indirectly threatening her in front of Sherlock
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So there are many things that I hope and think they remain intentionally untold.  Whatever is untold is what perhaps links Mary to characters like Mycroft, Magnussen and Moriarty (and Sherrinford maybe), so all these couldn’t possibly be addressed in the first episode because they would expose the core of the plot they keep so carefully secret for The Final Problem. Yet Mary as a secondary character with a predetermined end couldn’t stay as long as TFP and Gatiss dealt with this problem by giving the viewers a lot of insight into her character without answering the burning questions. 
Whoever Mary worked for, it doesn’t matter enough to change the validity of her redemption arc though. Think of it this way; it doesn’t matter who is a villain. What matters is whose pressure point Sherlock is. Whether Mary worked for Moriarty or Mycroft, by shooting Sherlock, both of them would eventually turn against her. Neither Mycroft NOR MORIARTY would want Sherlock dead, especially at this point. That’s why Mycroft looks almost amused at the thought of Mary having a permanent retirement and Sherlock darkly responds this will never happen while he is around. In a sense, Mycroft expresses his hate for what Mary has done but Sherlock keeps protecting and defending her. Whomever Mary was working for, she tried to weaken her boss by killng Sherlock. So perhaps she tried to destroy Moriarty or protect John from Moriarty that night. If Moriarty is alive, John is in constant danger as long as Sherlock is close to him and this fact doesn’t change, no matter if Mary worked for Moriarty or Mycroft. That’s the only way it makes sense to me but who knows. 
What’s important is that we will certainly learn more about her and how she was connected to the great scheme of things. This doesn’t mean that she’ll come back alive and I strongly doubt that the next episodes will make us change our mind once again about her allegiances. 
If this is the case, the plot of Six Thatchers couldn’t be better than it is. It is the evolution of The Empty Hearse for both episodes turn a blind eye to the requests for an explanation until the time comes for it. 
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19990417-blog1 · 7 years
[ENG TRANS] 170612 Kim Donghan's Interview with Ilgan Sports
Q: You were eliminated at the 29th place. How did you feel? Donghan: It feels sad to be eliminated but to part ways with the 101 trainees that I spent 6 months practicing every day with is more sad. During that time, a lot of bonds were formed. The feeling is like graduating from school. When you’re in it, it’s very hard but once you’re out, you really miss it.
Q: When you first started, what ranking did you have as your goal? Donghan: I was determined to at least survive up to 1/3 of the 101 trainees. So I expected to be in the 33rd place range but I am in the 29th place, so I’m satisfied. Honestly speaking, as compared to other trainees, I wasn’t seen as much on TV. So I’m very thankful to the fans who are supportive of me just by looking at my focus cams.
Q: You were being called someone with “little screentime”. As compared to anyone else, you yourself must’ve been upset. Donghan: To me, it didn’t matter, but it was hard (seeing) my parents or the people in my company to feel pitiful when watching (the broadcast). During filming, like everyone else, I get greedy for screen time, but when I watch the broadcast, there were some parts that were edited out.
Q: Don’t you think having more screen time will be more advantageous? Donghan: Wouldn’t there be someone who will rise in ranks if they were given screen time well, I just thought that “If I had just a little more screen time, won’t my rankings be able to rise”. During the 2nd ranking announcement, I came in 35th, but people were having reactions like “What did he do to go up?”, so I was upsey.
Q: How were you feeling at that time when you came in 35th? Donghan: The monitor showed the 4 trainees clearly. So I felt more nervous when the faces of trainees I’m close with came out on the screen. I teared up because I felt as if I would have to trample on them (the remaining 3 trainees) to go up.
Q: Do you realise or feel your popularity? Donghan: I haven’t been able to feel it yet since I couldn’t (have the chance) to go around (outside) yet. [Laughs] Just a few monthd ago, I was a normal boy. But after becoming someone who appeared on TV once, it feels like a dream to have people supporting me and even having advertisements on the subway for me. As much as words is not enough to express the kind of interest I’m getting, I’m thankful but it feels like it will all disappear once I wake up. (T/N: He’s probably saying that it all feels like a dream to him that will disappear once he wakes up.)
Q: The other trainees in the same company as you were eliminated first. Donghan: Our company isn’t that big, so at first we just wanted our company to be known and so we came out (on the show), but I managed to survive the longest. The friends that came out together with me were envious of me.
Q: How was the campus life like together with the 101 trainees? Donghan: Since there’s only boys, it feels like I just ended physical education class. (?)
Q: Even just by watching the broadcast, there’s a smell coming out. (T/N: Referring to smell of the boys) Donghan: In order not to hurt anyone, we brought deodorants. We all made an effort to use deodorants so we can get rid of any smell. [Laughs].
Q: There must be have been fights occuring. Donghan: Although there wasn’t any, I was quite worried before the filming. Between guys, there could be fights and hitting, so I thought I should be careful, but everyone was gentle. Even when deciding the center role, rather than going against each other, people give way to one another more. It was more collaborative/cooperative than a competition, thus it was very sad when we had to separate ways.
Q: The person you’re closest with is? Donghan: Although I’m pretty close with everyone, I hang around with Maroo Entertainment’s Park Jihoon. Our relationship continued from when we were in the B level together for “Pick Me” evaluation.
Q: During the concept evaluation, was there a song that you wanted to do? Donghan: Actually, when we first listened to the songs, the song that I wanted was “Open Up”. “I Know You Know” wasn’t that bad too. Since I wanted to show various sides of me before getting eliminated, and “I Know You Know” was a suitable song.
Q: Your hair colors kept changing (throughout the show). Donghan: At first I had black hair, during the middle, I had blonde hair, and now my hair color is close to being white.
Q: If there was something that you gained from participating in Produce 101? Donghan: I learned skills on how to look in the camera, and bow to do well in performances. I think it’s the same for everyone else as well, but my singing and dancing skills has made progress. It’s a really great opportunity for us. It’s important that we are able to use it (these skills) in the future.
Q: The hardest thing (while participating in the program)? Donghan: As soon as the mission comes out, we have lessons on the very next day. So, we need to be know the lyrics and dance steps on the day (when the mission came out) itself. I had to memorise the lyrics for the whole day, but it was too difficult. Everyone stayed up on the day the mission was announced. It was hard for me since I’m the type who’s slow when it comes to memorising/knowing, but I made progress after a few missions.
Q: You promoted in a dance team when you were in Daegu. Donghan: I was in a dance team for a little more than 1 year. It was a dance team made up with students from other schools. The reactions were great and we went to many school festivals here and there. I followed the direction of my dream after performing K-Pop cover dances on stage and receiving cheers from the audience.
Q: When did you meet with your current company? Donghan: It was in autumn, 2015. I auditioned for multiple companies but was eliminated. I went on a dance competition and caught the eye of my current company’s representative.
Q: There are many people saying that your company is a dirt spoon. Donghan: I didn’t know there were such reactions. When I was filming, I couldn’t look at my handphone so I only heard about it later on. I thought it was rather good for it to be a hot topic. Since the first goal of all was to let people know of the company.
Q: Could you say a word to the fans? Donghan: The love that you sent that was like a dream have given me strength. To ensure that the dream continues, I will work hard. I’m really thankful.
Q: Could you share your plans for this year if you have any? Donghan: I’m back to being a trainee now. Rather than having a (proper) plan, I just look forward more to the day of my debut.
+ Source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=241&aid=0002681188 + Translated by kimsdonghan on Twitter. May contain inaccuracies or rephrased for a better understanding. + Do not repost without credits, DM me first if re-translating to another language.
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theunit-mbti · 7 years
Analysis of the results of The Unit
So… many people have various comments and disappointments with how The Unit ended earlier this week. I do as well.  However, it’s not all doom and gloom and there are little pieces of hope which can be picked up from this.  Whether you read the rest of the analysis or not, please please please make sure to support the original bands that these artists belong to.
The narrative is under the cut because it’s rather long – apologies!
Edit:  Disclaimer - what I have written below is my opinion on the thoughts of the voting public, NOT my personal opinions on the candidates.  I will make this clearer with subsequent edits below.  None of this is “hate”.
Let’s start with Unit G
1.       Euijin
Euijin had always had a bit of a head start on her fellow competitors for two reasons.  Firstly, she had little chunks of extra screentime ever since she mentored Lee Bolim for the first mission.  These small but regular doses of “Euijin is a gentle saint” kind of medicine makes a HUGE difference on a survival show with so many competitors. Secondly, she was the only person from her band to be on the competition.  This meant that if any Sonamoo fans were watching, their focus was undivided and their voting would stay consistently aimed at her.  Sonamoo doesn’t have a large fanbase, due to TSEnt’s abysmal marketing strategems and poor concept choices and changes, but they are at least more heard-of than some of the other groups on the show, which meant she could have had a decent voter-base without the extra screentime anyway.
2.       Yebin
Interestingly, Yebin was actually my bias in DIA, from not long after their debut.  I thought she was talented and pretty.  It seemed that that’s what many other people discovered over the course of The Unit.  However, for me, Yebin grew less interesting to me during the programme because in spite of being the best singer in DIA, she was not the best singer in The Unit, by far.  Yet sometimes, she was treated as if she was! How frustrating.  Nevertheless, she was undoubtedly very, very pretty, and I think that’s what really swung it for her.  I reckon several people would have voted for her to prove a point about them “voting for Yebin because she’s the member in DIA with talents AND looks, unlike *ahem* Chaeyeon *ahem*...”  Essentially, voting to “prove themselves”.  Simple, yet effective, in terms of vote count.
3.       NCA
Obviously she’s one of the best singers of the competition, has worked very hard, etc., so is probably one of the most deserving of this top spot.  It helped that in terms of the super-awesome vocalists, she stood out for being the shortest and cutest of them all (although not fake-cute).
4.       Yang Jiwon
People have heard of Spica – this is what propelled Jiwon to take the no1 position in the rankings for the first few rakings of the competition.  She’s safe hands, and talented vocally too.
5.       Yoonjo
At this point in the proceedings, having heard the results for places 8, 7, and 6, as well, I started to have a dawning realisation.  The majority of the girls who ended up in Unit G were girls that the public would have heard of already – even without The Unit.  There was clearly a lot of “only watching the final of the Unit and voting for who I know” going on.  I’m glad that Yoonjo made it in, because she can sing, and this probably is her “last chance”, but I never expected her to be in as high a position as 5th.  
6.       Hyunjoo
As we know from the re-evaluation for My Turn centre, older men love Hyunjoo.  The voter demographic for the Unit changed during the final vote due to the text voting (see my explanation below) so more older men would have voted.  Hence Hyunjoo making it this high.  Similarly to Yoonjo, I’m glad she made it because of “last chances” etc., but at the expense of…?
7.       Woohee
Dalshabet was probably the most popular group to be involved in the whole competition, so it’s unsurprising that one of them made it into the final lineup.  Notably since Serri was eliminated, all Darling votes would have been focused on Woohee.  She probably wouldn’t have needed to do much and still would have made it, but she also managed to be centre for the final performance, so that would have helped too. A “safe vote”, and an unsurprising one. I was a little annoyed originally that Woohee had made it into the final lineup, for the simple reason that her group probably needed the exposure the least, but I’ve since read that she’s now the only DS member still signed with Happy Face so the possibility of DS continuing anyway would be slim… so I’m somewhat glad, in that case, that she can still promote.
8.       ZN
Like with Woohee, Laboum had a decent sized fanbase to be getting voters from, as well as the KISSME fanbase from labelmates UKISS.  This provided a reasonable pedestal from which ZN was able to work upwards.  With Haein and Yujeong eliminated in the previous round as well, there was now no division for Lattes to split themselves, hence the jump in ZN’s rank.  Many Lattes have actually been crowdfunding Laboum projects, mvs, etc., so it would have been in their financial interest to propel Laboum further into the spotlight.
9.       Suji
I’d like to hope that Suji had some people voting for her because of The Ark, and not just because she’s one of the prettiest girls on the show… but I do think that the latter could have a great deal to do with how she slid into the top 9 in preference of Euna. As I mention below, the voter demographic changed with the introduction of text voting for the final, and more older men would have been voting, potentially.  The people who just tuned in for the final would have simply voted either for someone they already knew, or someone who stood out to them, and Suji’s visuals would have done just that.  I’m glad she made it, but as she said herself, I would’ve expected her to be standing there with Euna Kim.
Why did Euna not make it?
People tuning in for the final would have been
a)      Annoyed that the survival-show maniac Euna Kim was on there – who does she think she is?
b)      Disappointed with her performance, since Ting gave her no valuable screen time or moments of glory
c)       Uninspired by rap because older men don’t really care for girls who can rap (have you noticed this?  I have. Misogynistic fear of powerful women? Idk, I may be taking it too far, but if you consider that Euna is somewhat the opposite of Hyunjoo, then you might understand what I’m getting at)
d)      Disinterested because she wasn’t as immediately pretty and as well-proportioned as some other contestants (if I, a Westerner, have noticed that Euna’s proportions aren’t as flattering as some of the others, then a Korean person surely would have)
e)      Stronger fans of the show would have assumed, like I did, that Euna was safe, and voted for someone else they were more worried about.  Note many netizens saying “how on earth did Euna Kim not make it” but no one actually saying “I voted for her”.
Unit B
1.       UKISS Jun
He’s a strong triple threat and handsome to boot, with a consistent KISSME fanbase – no surprises here.
2.       Bigflo Euijin
Here was the surprise! When Semmi didn’t make it into Unit G, I feared for Euijin’s safety, because like Semmi, he had only really made himself known through the show, and had negligible prior popularity. However, it suddenly became clear to me that voters for Unit B and G had voted in completely different ways – as explained below – which meant that Euijin was safe.  Not just safe, but bloody brilliant.  As a Wave, I was in shock at how high Euijin climbed but I really, really do think he had a great leg up, especially amongst the teen girl voters, because he bears a resemblance to BTS’ Jimin.
3.       Go Hojung
So a Hotshot member was going to make it, and Hojung’s performances lately have been better and more consistent than Timoteo’s.  What cinched it was probably when dance coach Hwayoung asked the Lead Me team if Hojung was a sensitive type and they all agreed.  Make the girls swoon over his hot bod and sensitive soul, and there are surely some votes to be found!  If Hojung hadn’t been in the competition, Timoteo would probably have done a lot better.
4.       Feeldog
Thank goodness!!!!! He’s cute enough to have grabbed the hearts of the younger teen voters but also talented and already had a bit of a fanbase through things like Hit The Stage.  He’s been pretty much the most consistently placed person in the entire show.  I think his fans knew not to take that for granted because he’d had such hard times previously, and really kept up all voting.  Being the only member of Bigstar left in the final maintained that position.
5.       Marco
The biggest shocker of the night?  Not if you consider what events led to this position.  Several fantastic rappers were eliminated in the previous elimination – notably Kanto and Heedo, as well as JunQ, Ungjae, and Hwang Jungha.  This meant that anyone looking to vote for a decent rapper was suddenly scrutinising who rapped in the final.  It’s no coincidence that the only members of DWTD team who rapped were the ones who made it into the final lineup (Jun and Hansol).  Let me repeat that again for those in the back. It’s no coincidence that the ONLY members of DWTD team who rapped were the ones who made it into the final lineup.  !!!  This was also true for Marco, Feeldog, and kind of Kijung in the Lead Me team.  And out of Marco, Jun, Hansol, Feeldog, etc., who did the most rap in the final?  Marco.  So it wasn’t just his new haircut, it was his looks and his rap.  The shame of this, I think, is that there were better rappers than Marco in the DWTD team, but they just didn’t get any rap lines to show them off with (I’m thinking mainly of Seyong here) and Seyong should have been able to outrap Marco, because although I don’t want to diss, Marco’s rap isn’t fantastic.  He just has style and humour.
6.       Hansol
I have mixed feelings about Hansol.  On the one hand he is a trainee and shouldn’t really have been promoting himself on this competition.  On the other, he was sitting in the SMEnt mixing pot for ages, on the cusp of debut, and really needs to debut.  His performance on the final wasn’t very polished, but his dance was always good and he rapped (see above).  He’d also been out of the top 9 a lot so voters were worried he wouldn’t make it – and therefore voted for him more.  The teen girl demographic probably loved his visuals too.
7.       Daewon
Thank goodness again! Daewon making the final cut restores some of my faith in humanity.
8.       Kijung
Should Kijung have been in the competition?  Probably not. I also really hadn’t wanted him to make the final.  However, his performance on the night was one of the best out of everyone – he was so charismatic on stage and you could tell how much he was enjoying it.  This was probably because he was full of love for the group he was in, unlike the My Story group.  This is his only redemption to being in the final 9 – he earnt it with that last performance.  Plus, teen girls could relate to him and hence voted for him.
Another thing that gave Kijung a constant leg up was Rain’s praise.  I wanted to kick Rain with the amount of praise he showered on Kijung, a relative newbie.  The focus should not have been on the newest, freshest person with his whole life ahead of him, but on the older, struggling, last-chance ones who this competition was about!  I’m bitter but I think Kijung did work hard and I blame Rain more than Kijung.
9.       Chan
This was my personal biggest surprise.  As an ACE fan, I’m hugely glad, and it’s an incredible feat for members of the same band to have made it into the top for MixNine AND The Unit.  Chan did really well to climb like that.  However, ACE has had the fastest-growing fanbase in the time the The Unit has been running, so it ought not to be a surprise, especially given the new demographic of teen voters who watched the final, mixed with Chan’s fantastic performance as a main vocalist of Lead Me team (RIP Lee Geon’s performance, it just wasn’t as strong, or as well-filmed as Chan’s).  Thank goodness at least one main vocalist made it into the top 9, even if it wasn’t the slightly more “deserving”, older Rockhyun or Jeup.
 DISCLAIMER:  What you are about to read about those who did not make it IS NOT my personal opinions of those candidates.  This is just me reading into what the voting public might have thought, and why they then didn’t receive as many votes as the top 9.
Why did Timoteo not make it?
a)      Voters suddenly rebelling and saying “I’m not going to vote for him just because he’s Taemin’s best friend” without looking at his further qualities
b)      Some people might not find him as attractive as others in the competition – so no hormonal teen girl vote
c)       He may have been one of the people giving the Devil team that weird vibe
d)      His performances hadn’t been the best out of everyone lately and he’s not the best singer
e)      He also had barely any lines in DWTD
[Disclaimer - as written in my post about ideal line ups, Timoteo should have made it and was an extremely worthy candidate.  He worked so hard and is such a skilled dancer and team player]
Why did Donghyun not make it?
a)      His expressions make me cringe – everyone says he’s fantastic at expressions but they’re so clearly learnt and not natural, and he does them with a sort of gentle arrogance that isn’t like an awful cocky arrogance, but more like a “oh yes, time to whip out the old smoulder again!” type of arrogance, and maybe people were starting to see that.  [Edit:  I cringe because I love him, not because I hate him.  He makes me squirm because I love him and he doesn’t need to do that expression stuff to be loved.]
b)      He’s “too old” for the hip young teens who would have been text voting during the final
c)       Everyone assumed he was safe because of the VAST number of hearts on his teaser vid on vlive – which we’d been told would count in some way to the final result
d)      He did better when you voted for a larger number of people in the app, because he was probably literally everyone’s 3rd – 9th choice, but when this was narrowed down to only voting for 1 person, he did far less well for the same reason.
[Disclaimer:  I believe Donghyun should have made it - he is one of my biases and I was rooting for him from the very beginning of the competition.  In fact he was one of the reasons why I started watching The Unit and I am shocked that he missed out, although an anon explained another reason why in a separate post.]
Why did Seyong not make it?
a)      Bad portrayal which he was always struggling to bounce back from.
b)      He should have fucking rapped.  He should have rapped.  Everyone forgot he was a rapper, so everyone who liked rap voted for fucking Marco. FFFFFS
c)       He should have rapped.
d)      RAP could have saved him!!!!
e)      DWTD should have had more rap breaks
f)       He had barely any lines in DWTD and SHOULD HAVE RAPPED
[Disclaimer:  I have been a strong advocate for the clearing of Seyong’s name from early on in the competition.  He was a talented man under stress and I believe he has suffered the most from this competition.  He was just trying his best and I feel for him, I really do.  He should have rapped because he is a fantastic rapper and I feel that by the end of the competition, no one knew that.]
Why did Jeup/ Rockhyun not make it?
a)      Younger voter demographic lost interest in them for some bizarre reason
b)      Rockhyun wasn’t “attractive enough” for the teen voters
c)       Jeup was too attractive and in some respects this diminished his fantastic ability (consider Jaehwan’s success in Produce 101 – his looks were much more understated)
d)      They were assumed to be relatively safe?
e)      Voters who wanted a main vocal in particular were split between the two
f)       They suffered dearly for the poor portrayal of the group dynamic in DWTD team.
[Disclaimer:  I fucking love Jeup and Rockhyun, for different reasons and in different ways.  They are both super talented vocalists with way more talents stacked on top of that to boot.  Rockhyun I have been in awe of ever since his debut in 2012.  Go and listen to the dance practice of 100% “Bad Boy” and hear him singing live in the dance studio to see what I mean, it’s literally incredible.  Jeup is my special son who is just TOO incredible in every possible direction and has too many talents to count.  The fact that neither of these fantastic young men made it into the final nine is a true disaster and as much reason as Donald Trump’s presidential win to not trust a voting public.]
 New voter demographics for the text voting system
The voter demographic for the girl votes will have been a different one compared to those who voted for the boys.  This led to totally different types of results for Units G and B.  The voter demographic for girl groups, via the text vote, will have been older men who may not have voted earlier on in the competition because they didn’t want to install the app on their phone, and who also possibly didn’t even watch the competition. This led to golden oldies being picked, such as Yoonjo, Woohee, ZN, and Jiwon, over the girls who had proved themselves particularly well over the course of the competition, including Yeoeun, Chahee, Euna, and in particular, as any fan of The Unit knows, Semmi. There was nothing to make Semmi stand out in the final – particularly since the camerawork was shoddy and never showed her doing her power vocals as a close up – and so she lost all her gain because of these new text voters.
However, for the boys, the demographic would have been more inclined towards teen girls.  This demographic means that voters for the boys would have been more likely to watch the programme without knowing some of the “golden oldies”.  This left them more likely to vote for younger, fresher idols such as Kijoong, Hansol, Chan, and Marco, and totally abandon the “golden oldies” such as Seyong, Donghyun and Rockhyun.  It’s a shock reversal of what happened with the girls.  Frankly, the “golden oldie” style boys who got in were extremely lucky (Daewon, Feeldog).
The boys also had the added pre-final setback of The Unit revealing the general atmospheric personality of the final teams meeting and greeting each other.  The cold welcome of Dancing With The Devil team contrasted dramatically with the beagle-ness of the Lead Me team, and that would have influenced several voters.  It did so significantly – Dancing with the Devil team were all but decimated and the only two from Lead Me team who didn’t make it were Lee Geon, who’d already had to battle a bad rep, and Dongmyeong, who presumably people didn’t vote for because he was from an instrumental band.
So what silver linings can we glean from the new final teams?
Unit G, although weak on rap, is actually overall quite strong on vocals, and could produce some really nice sounding songs, that look good too providing they work on synchronisation.  All 9 of them work hard so there is some great potential here.  My main worry for them is that Hyunjoo is a bit of a sore thumb and could spoil the overall vibe but this could be masked and corrected somewhat by some of the others.
Unit B is weak on vocals, as many have pointed out, BUT, they are no worse off than All Day team, if you think about it.  And look at what an outstanding performance All Day team gave.  So in some respects, they may actually become a stronger performing group than Unit G.  Who knows.   I await with anticipation.
 Whoa, this has been a long and wild ride!  If you’ve managed to get all the way through this, I salute you.  Just please remember, everyone, to support not only the final members of Units B and G, but also all the groups that featured in the competition, whether they made it to the final or not.
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