#p101 season 2
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thearkhail · 1 year ago
ᦈ all about jonghyeon the kim
He debuted in 2012 with NU’EST, featuring the title track ‘FACE’. In 2016-2017, he participated in a survival show by Mnet, Produce 101 Season 2. Unfortunately, he didn't manage to debut and secured the 14th position as his final rank. After P101, NU’EST made a comeback with their sub-unit NU’EST W and achieved their first win in 5 years with the song ‘Where U At’. NU’EST disbanded on March 15th, 2023, coinciding with the group’s 10th anniversary, leaving their fans devastated. Jonghyeon then signed a contract with EVERMORE Ent. as an actor and singer, making his solo debut on November 8th, 2022, with the mini-album MERIDIEM.
Besides excelling as a singer and rapper, Jonghyeon is also a talented actor. He officially debuted as an actor in 2021 with a KBS drama titled ‘Let Me Be Your Knight’. Before that, he also starred in a Japanese movie titled ‘Their Distance,’ marking his first venture into acting. His acting projects in 2023 include two new web dramas, where he takes on the main role in both, titled ‘It Was Spring’ and ‘Sound Candy.’ His upcoming acting project, titled ‘My Friend’s Graduation,’ is set to air in early 2024.
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nenasspot · 3 years ago
guess who's about to do a p101 rewatch
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emperorsaremytype · 7 years ago
Incorrect Wanna One Quotes #70
Jisung: Listen up kids, they've got a kids' party downstairs, so-
Daehwi: *whines* "Kids' party?!?"
Jisung: *sighs* Young adults'. Now go!
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gotlocks · 7 years ago
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» panwink like or reblog if you save please don't repost c @justrzght
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min-hyyun · 7 years ago
Pillow Fort Dates
summary: you and jinyoung have just recently gotten together, and your awkwardness is taking a little bit longer than you expected to go away. but, because he wants to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, he prepared a little surprise to help you guys come closer to one another.
genre: fluff (this may sound like smut towards the middle-ish but i swear there is absolutely nothing suggestive here bc i am a lil saint :)
a/n: @whatabrightplace this for u tuna !!!!! ilysm and i hope u like ur awkward!baejin hahaha !!!!! i added in a lil twist to make this funnier, btw this is a highkey ship scenario for baejina :)
→ so, you and jinyoung just got together. → previously you two were classmates, and frequently talked to one another because you were in the same friend group. → for a few months, you were good friends. → but then, one day, jinyoung did the unthinkable. → he kissed you. → everyone was shocked.
→ no one thought he liked someone until his lips were on yours in front of everyone !!!!! → it was magical to say the least. → everyone was really happy the you guys were together. → now, three weeks into the relationship. → it’s a fluffy type of awkward to say the least. → you both are trying so hard to be closer. → but for some reason. → there’s always something that makes it awkward in a way. → like once. → you and jinyoung were out with your friend group at a cafe in town. → he tried to sneakily put his arm around your shoulder, but failed miserably. → and by that, i mean he accidentally hit your other friend in the face and also knocked over your ice tea trying to stealthily take his arm away to act like nothing happened. → needless to say, his friends teased him about it for hours and hours. → you also giggled about it, because it was really cute that he tried to be all bf around you. → but because of that incident, he always found it hard to be more comfortable around you. → mostly because he was afraid that he would mess up again and make a fool out of himself. → which you wouldn’t mind, he was so cute all embarrassed and flustered → there was no doubt about the awkwardness. → everyone could feel it. → jinyoung was determined to make it go away though, so with his new courage. → he invited you to his house !!! → you’ve only ever been there twice, this being your third time, but you knew that his house was cozy and his parents were very nice and welcoming towards you. → so when he invited you to his house this time, you assumed that it was just to have dinner with family. → but boy were you ever wrong. → you were in for a big surprise. → so, that night you went to jinyoung’s house, you wore your favourite casual dress and some flats, as well as tying your hair into small bun at the top of your head. → but when you got to his house, you didn’t see his parent’s car out on the driveway. → “hm..” you mumbled, “maybe the car’s in for repair.” → walking up to the front door, you rang the doorbell. → every time you went there, his mother opened the door for you. → and because you were expecting that, you were surprised to see jinyoung opening the door slowly. → “oh, jinyoung?” you asked, looking up at him. → at that moment, you were able to look at him completely, and w o w ! → you were stunned at how good he looked. → he sported a plain white t-shirt, along with some black joggers and messy hair. → man did you just wanna run your fingers through it LOL. → “hey Y/N!” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking somewhat nervous. → you were curious, but brushed it off. → “hey!” he stepped aside, letting you walk into his empty home. → “oh, no one’s home?” → “yea.. its just us two tonight.” → your eyes almost bulged out of your head. → alone ???? with jinyoung ???? → you blushed and turned to him as you took your jacket off. → “just us??” he laughed at your nervousness. → “yes.. is that okay?” → you nodded your head quickly. → you’d never tell him no, especially when he already had something planned. → “so… what are we gonna do?” you asked. → smiling at you, he answered smoothly. → “well, i just wanted to spend some time with you, and we would just figure out what to do as the night goes on?” → the stuff he said made you nervous, even though you knew nothing big would happen tonight (hopefully). → eventually you guys ended up seated on the couch, talking about your day while a tv show played in the background. → “ill be right back, i’m going to the bathroom.” he told you. → so as you waited, you went on your phone and searched up fun things to do. → a couple things came up, but the one thing that caught your eye was to build a pillow fort.
→ just as you turned off your phone, jinyoung came through the doorway and sat down beside you again. → “jinyoung! lets build a fort!” → he smiled at you funny, “a fort?” → “yes!” you feigned a shocked expression. → “do you not know what a fort is?” → he laughed at your cuteness. → “of course i know. are you sure you want to?” → “yes!” you said excitedly, standing up and pulling his hand. → he followed you as you searched around his house for pillows. → after about ten minutes, you found enough for your fort and put them all in the living room. → “lets start!” and jinyoung chuckled at your cuteness. → after about thirty minutes, you two finally completed your pillow fort. → the process took much longer than you expected, mostly because you two were hitting each other with the pillows. → after finishing up, you suggested movies to watch in the fort. → “hmm,  christmas movie?” → it wasn’t even near christmas but you were in the mood. → “sure, sure.” he replied, bringing the popcorn into the room. → you both sat under the fort, watching a christmas movie and (slightly) cuddling under the blanket. → suddenly, jinyoung spoke. → “Y/N, can i kiss you?” → it was so sudden that you didn’t know how to reach for like two minutes after. → “really?” → “yes, Y/N. I want to kiss you.” → after he said that, you wasted no time in putting your hand over the back of his neck to pull him in. → it felt like the first kiss you two shared, and it was once again, very magical. → by the end of the night, you two were full on cuddling, feeding each other popcorn and frequently stealing pecks from one another. → (i love awkward!baejin).
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wokainight · 8 years ago
Daehwi: you know those signs when you really like someone and your hand sweats when you hold theirs?
Baejin: /shakes Daehwi's hands casually.
Daehwi, hand sweating: wHAT ArE U doING
Baejin: Yeah
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parkwoodamn · 7 years ago
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NU'EST watching a kissing scene is the biggest mood
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yo-thats-no-no-blog · 7 years ago
Imagine Woojin being your (now sentient) shadow
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kpoptatoes01 · 7 years ago
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Wanna One’s Park Jihoon Lockscreens
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kpopmemesnvines · 8 years ago
if you started supporting nu'est and hotshot from p101 you should also look into and support topp dogg
they might not have had as many members join but atom worked his ass off and made it into the top 35 and the rest of topp dogg are just as talented as he is. topp dogg needs this support just as bad as nuest and hotshot so please support them i dont want to see my ult boyband disband.
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emperorsaremytype · 7 years ago
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When your boyfriend insists on taking pictures of you when you're not feeling cute
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kimleegraph · 7 years ago
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Kwon Hyun Bin
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min-hyyun · 7 years ago
The Pal with a Pen
summary: you used to think that having a pen pal was old and out of the trends these days, but when you end up becoming one with a guy carrying the cutest eye smile, you might just be unexpectedly loving it instead.
genre: fluff
a/n: @deepdickdaniel DIS FOR U ARIANE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS AND ILYSM // *also a disclaimer: i don’t know much about penpals and how it all works, so if something is inaccurate or just completely wrong, please understand !! i had to make up the “site for penpals” thing lolol so i know thAT’S NOT TRUE* **the title for this scenario is rlly cringy im sorry forgive me**
→ it was a nice day, and lots of people were out meeting their friends, you included. → you were at a cafe with your friends having countless talks on whatever popped into your mind. → somehow the topic of penpals had come up in your conversation. → because it was quite old and technically out of the trends, you always thought that having a penpal was stupid. → like who could have the time to wait for a single letter and then have to write one back ????? → thats what texting is for lol. → at least that was your opinion. → anyways, your friend had started to talk about it. → “hey, i was doing research for a project and reading some things about penpals. having one seems really cool!” she gushed. → you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at her in curiosity. → “but all you’re doing is sending letters back and forth. is that not what texting’s for nowadays?” → “gosh Y/N,” you other friend started, giggling. → “don’t be such a party pooper. people used to always have penpals back then. and in all those cliche romance movies, the girl and the boy fall in love sending those letters…” she teased, bobbing her eyebrows up and down at you. → you scoffed and jokingly pushed her slightly to the side. → “that only happens in the movies.” → “but,” she began, “it could happen in real life too. don’t you think it’s cool?” → you shook your head firmly. → “you could literally talk to someone across the world and be really good friends with them! maybe even lovers..” → you shook your head again, tuning out of the conversation and looking outside the window of the cafe. →having a penpal couldn’t be that interesting, could it? plus, its a hassle having to get the letter to them. → your friend grabbed your arm and threw it around. → “why don’t you get a penpal? then you can see how cool it is! i swear, by the time you have one, thats all you’ll be talking about.” → “i doubt it.” you retorted back. → “you’ll see.” → to prove her wrong, the two of your made a bet about this whole penpal thing. → if you ended up liking this whole penpal thing, you would have to buy her coffee for the next month. → but if you didn’t, she would be buying you your favourite donuts for a month →it’s a win-win situation, you thought. → so fast forward to the next week. → you had found a website that connected you to many penpals around the world. → not wanting to talk to someone so far away, you chose someone in South Korea, where you currently resided. → you received their information, and started the letter after the site let you know that the person you paired with had been alerted that the two of you were matched together. → starting your letter, it was very awkward and embarrassing, despite being in the comfort of your own home. →  “hmm… what am I supposed to put? this is so weird, ive never done anything like this.” → finally, after a good few hours, you were able to muster up a short paragraph introducing yourself and how you were new to this whole thing. → “hopefully this’ll do, but im still not sure how much i like this..” you trailed off. → it was late, so you decided to send off the mail in the morning. → the penpal was in South Korea, so you expected that it wouldn’t take long for you to get a reply back. → and you were right. → about a week later, two pieces of mail had arrived at your doorstep. → one of them containing your bank account information, and the other being unknown. → throwing the known letter to the side, your eyes lingered over the white, small paper in your hand with an address you had seen before. → “hm?” and then you realized, it was your penpal’s address. → hOLY CRAP !!!!!!!!! → YOU WEREN’T EXPECTING THE LETTER TO COME BACK FOR ANOTHER WEEK !!!! → YOU WEREN’T MENTALLY READY FOR THIS !!!!!!! → your eyes went big, and you almost tripped over your own feet. → not wanting to open the mail yet, you examined the front of the letter. → you noticed that the writing was very neat and organized. → and the name read “Kang Daniel” in both Korean and English with a smiley face next to it. → interesting, you thought. → you grabbed the pair of scissors on the counter beside you, and opened the mail. → you immediately saw a pink piece of paper inside, and a blue jelly candy along with a blue sticker. → “huh?” you whispered to yourself, “how old is this guy?” → the colours and candy threw you off, and now you were thinking that you may have stated talking to a little boy and not someone your age. → if this was a younger boy you had began to talk to, there was no way you would continue this bet. → you would drop this so-called penpal right this second. → but because you were nice and didn’t like to judge, you decided that you would just open up the letter and choose then. → picking out the jelly, you examined it. → “hmm.. doesn’t seem bad.” you said, before popping it into your mouth and tasting the sweet flavour of blueberry. → you grasped the smooth paper in your fingers, swiftly flipping it open and beginning to read the continuously neat writing. → you read the words aloud. → “Hello Y/N! My name is Kang Daniel, and I’m excited to be your penpal..” you trailed off. → you slowly read the rest of the letter, and by the end, you unconsciously held a wide grin. → but once you realized, you immediately stopped grinning. → “no, stop it Y/N. you need to win the bet.” → you quickly wrote a letter back to Daniel, and waited about another week. → this time in your letter, you bluntly asked for a photo of Daniel, just so you know who you were talking to. → when you had received a reply, and small photo had fallen out just as you ripped opened the white packaging. → you eyes stared at the photo of Daniel. → WOW !!! → HE WAS A GOD ! → so he was nice and good-looking ??? → you scored a good one Y/N. → you just had to admit, he carried the cutest eye smile, along with his similarity to a bunny. → it made your heart warm, but that feeling wasn’t there for long. → you just happened to remember the bet, and how this guy might not be what you think he is. → as you read further on the letter, you noticed that he wanted a picture back. → you thought about it, and decided, why not? → taking your polaroid, you took a simple photo of part of your face, not wanting to show the whole thing. → slipping the polaroid into your envelope, you began your response back. → as you wrote, you didn’t forget to mention that he had a very nice smile. → and as you thought about it again, your heart tingled and you felt yourself getting hot. → stop blushing Y/N! this is so weird… → and as expected, his reply came within the next three days of sending yours out. → grasping the thin paper in the envelope and reading it, you almost fainted. → “he wants to meet me?! but we’ve only been talking for like, three weeks!” → your friend sighed, “just meet him. you saw what he looked like anyway. what if he’s even better looking in person?” → you blushed slightly at the thought, but brushed it off and responded back. → “even so, isn’t it dangerous? this guy could be a murder for all i know!” → she shook her head, grabbed you by the shoulders roughly, and turned you around. → “for some reason, i don’t know why, just trust me. i have a good feeling about him.” → because she was your closest friend, you had a hard time saying no, and in the end, you backed down anyway. → her puppy eyes and persuasive words got you every single time. → you got home that night, and had a lot of time for yourself to just think about what to do. → of course, you wrote a simple letter back to Daniel, giving him the okay and where to meet. → “hm.. maybe the cafe? yes, the cafe! okay, now, how do i make sure i’m not meeting a total stranger who could possibly kidnap me?” your night ended on those thoughts, as you wanted to complete the rest of the letter in the next day. → in the following morning, you rushed to complete the letter to Daniel. → “sit in the back corner of the shop, and ask for Jisung to make two iced Americanos for us..” you recited the words as you wrote them onto the page. → not long after that, you phoned Jisung. → it would have been weird if Daniel asked for Jisung without knowing anything, so you called him to let him know of the situation and who Daniel was. → (also to make sure Daniel wasn’t dangerous lolol). → “hey, Jisung?” → you instantly heard a cheery voice on the other end of the line, and knew immediately that it was him. → “Hey Y/N! What’s up?” → “so..” you started, giving him the instructions so that you wouldn’t die the day you meet Daniel. → after Jisung heard all of this, the only thing that came out of his mouth was, “how many Americanos?” → needless to say, you face palmed super hard. → Daniel’s letter got to you about a week later, saying that he was excited to meet you, and that he’d be expecting some good quality drinks when he got there. → (and so, about a week later, when you two were scheduled to meet, he did indeed enjoy the Americano, but never told you that). → the day you both met would forever be unforgettable, especially because it was the day you saw that Daniel was very very good-looking in person with a beautiful smile. → you walked into the cafe that day, with Jisung greeting you at the counter and pointing to the furthest table at the back. → you quickly strode over to him, and asked him a question as quick pep-talk. → “Jisung! is everything fine?” your words were quick because you were nervous, and obviously he noticed that and laughed. → “don’t be so nervous Y/N. he seems like a good guy, i swear.” you nodded and bid him a small smile, leaving the area and walking off towards the back of the cafe. → your eyes immediately caught the familiar sight of light pink, almost peachy hair. → your heart started beating, and you felt your face become very hot. → as well as your hands, which started to sweat profusely. → as soon as you got close enough, you called out to him, getting his attention straight away. → “Daniel…?” → oh my god. → his face was so much better looking in person. → “Y/N?” his mouth fell agape as you got even more nervous as he just stared at you. → “Yeah, its me.” → “wow,” he spoke, “the other half of your face is even better than I expected.” → you relaxed, and laughed at his cheesiness. → after that first meeting, there was no way you guys didn’t feel anything for one another. → it only took a few months for Daniel to ask you out at the same cafe, where Jisung happily congratulated you guys with muffins and iced americanos. → he would always back hug you, and kiss your forehead (its actually one of his favourite things to do). → he prefers to hold your hand, so whenever the two of you are out together he’ll always just randomly take your hand and intertwine it with his, saying cheesy stuff like: → “wow it’s like your hand was made just for mine.” → “your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you.” → and the best one: → “can i see your hand for a second?” → and whenever you mindlessly hold out your hand for him, he always smoothly slides his into yours. → “thanks, your hands looked lonely so i thought i’d keep them company.” → and one day, when you were out with your close friend once again, out shopping with each other, she popped a statement that made you laugh. → “so, when do i get my coffee for a month?” → you laughed and jokingly rolled your eyes. → “soon!”
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wokainight · 8 years ago
Daniel: ah it's too hard /panting.
Seongwoo, smirking: ...
Daniel: I mean the jar's hard to open and it's like 40 degrees outside so it's hot
Daniel: I hope you're not thinking of anything weird
Seongwoo, smirk falls slightly: ...
Minhyun, holding a bucket: let your soul be cleansed /pours holy water over seongwoo.
Seongwoo: /shrieking and writhes in 'pain'.
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parkwoodamn · 7 years ago
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Have these HNB edits that no one asked for. (like/reblog if you save/use)
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gotlocks · 8 years ago
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» jihoon like or reblog if you save please don't repost c @justrzght
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