#edit: just wanted to add that i too am a lesbian
unluckycryptid · 19 days
ngl i love how we all looked at chloe charming and collectively went: yup thats a lesbian
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pippin-katz · 1 year
The 5 specific details of Red, White & Royal Blue spicy scenes that make me, a demisexual, feel: 🦋🫣🦋
(not ranked in any order)
I need to write an essay about this because I want to see if I'm not the only ace-spectrum person out there that has this weird- I don't want to say "exception", but that's the only word that comes to mind- when it comes to characters. But that's a topic for another post lmfao
No. 1 - Henry shoving Alex onto the couch:
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Could you tell by how I keep bringing it up and using gifs of it in my essays?
Henry being confident suits him, even if we don't get too see it much. I love how Alex's smile drops because of how surprised and shocked he is by the action.
My stomach does a flip whenever I watch this clip lmfao
No. 2 - Alex tilting his head back with these expressions when Henry starts kissing his neck:
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Look, I am not immune to an attractive human, being attractive; it's men like Taylor (and Nick) that keep me from being a lesbian lmfao
No. 3 - this:
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I don't think I need to say anything; this feels like it should be illegal. The fact that you know when Henry actually starts *clears throat* doing what he's doing, because you can see Alex's eyes roll underneath his eyelids. Like... what the fuck Taylor? Was that really necessary??
No. 4 - Alex pushing against Henry so hard that he ends up lifting him onto the table:
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Then he continues to hold his leg and pull him back towards him. It's Alex's only real moment of leading an interaction. He's controlling where they go here; Henry is going/staying where he wants him.
No. 5 - Alex's movements & Henry's facial expressions:
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This whole scene was shot/filmed/edited so well. It shows everything without even showing anything. It's also very clearly "making love" rather than "having sex". It's soft and slow, and it's so clear that they truly cherish each other in every way.
All you see is Alex's body rolling, and that's all you need to see. Then you add in Henry's expressions that show how good he feels, but in a genuine-feeling manner.
They didn't need to show anymore than this for the viewer to understand what they're doing. There's no cut to Alex's hips to "show the action" or whatever. Henry's faces aren't unrealistic or pornographic. Neither of them are portraying over-the-top pleasure that feels like it was filmed just for the audience to get their kicks.
It feels genuine, and emotionally intimate as well as physically. It makes my little demisexual heart ache, and butterflies fly around in my stomach lol
Okay that's all! There won't be a part 2 cause there's nothing to put on it, and that's kinda the point of this post lol
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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justmediocrewriting · 6 months
Are you open to writing Nami for your NSFW prompt list? I scrolled down to #13 and was like "yep, that sounds like something she would do" lol!
I’m so sorry for the late reply nonnie!
And can I just say that um HELL YES! I am soooo open to writing for Nami for the prompt list. I’m pretty swamped at the moment and I’m editing/finalizing certain things bit by bit, but doing something for Nami does sound quite fun! And I do agree with you that #13 seems like something she’d do.
Post edit note: I didn’t expect to divulge into NSFW headcanon territory with this response, but because it does get a bit spicy and explicit I wanted to add the “read more” tag for those who don’t wish to see it.
For some reason, I see Nami as more of a femdom; I imagine she’d be very assertive in the bedroom, and would probably get more pleasure out of being the one in charge. I do also like to think that she’s a fan of pushing her partner into overstimulation and reducing them to tears — and her own pleasure sort of sits on the back burner for a while.
I also see her as being the queen of eating pussy. She’s super ruthless with it, likes to alternate between taking her time and then just devouring you like she’s starving, only doing enough of one of the other that you just start to get used to it before she’s flipping the script.
I get the distinct feeling she’s also the type to spell your name with her tongue.
She’ll pull at least three orgasms from you before the session is over — but don’t get too comfortable when she finally relents, because then it’s her turn, and she doesn’t take it lightly. Like this chick will downright smother you between her legs, praising and degrading you simultaneously while doing it. She doesn’t really care you eat her out or not, or if you’re too tired to; she will just ride your face until she’s satisfied. I think she’s got a thing for like light hair pulling, both with receiving and giving.
To me, Nami just exudes big “experienced lesbian” energy and my bisexual ass is fucking down for it!
I’m not too sure if you had a specific gender in mind when you asked this, but because I am a woman it’s a bit easier for me to envision fics from the perspective of a woman; though I wouldn’t shy away from attempting to write from a male reader’s perspective — before writing reader inserts, I wrote a lot of gay fanfic, so it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the male anatomy. I just don’t have a male brain so I’m not sure if I’d be able to correctly articulate a male reader. But as I said, I’m down to try!
I really appreciate this ask, because girl/girl is something I’ve actually NEVER written about (but I’ve wanted to) and I’m just excited to see that there are some who would be open to reading it.
I love you lots dahling!
❥ mama k
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blood-choke · 10 months
Hello! I just wanted to say that I really appreciate this game and how it portrays butchness. I'm a huge fan of lesbian lit and there are so few butches in media that to see a game have not one, but three, makes me feel a certain kind of way.
Aside from that, I was really drawn to how you portrayed the differing relationships between all the characters. Everything feels so visceral and real, it just feels so crunchy that I find myself wanting for more. I really look forward to seeing how it will turn out for everyone involved.
Additionally, (if this is too spoilery, has been answered, or insensitive pls feel free to ignore) is it ok if I ask how you decide the dialogue and event flow of the choices? I was mildly and pleasantly surprised that flirting with Clear and staying with her in ch 3 would lead to "that" scene, and I'm curious on your writing process on how it lead to that.
Ultimately, I just really want to thank you for sharing your game with us. Im just really glad to be able to experience this game and I hope that you stay safe!
thank you!
overall when it comes to structuring dialogue & choices i tend to write a linear path first & then double back to add more branches.
i had a basic outline of the chapter & knew what i wanted to touch on with each route & what scenes needed to happen, and then i just kinda started writing from there. Clear's was actually the one i wrote first, her sex scene was what i wrote first, and then i went back and built a lot of the route around it.
i wrote Clear's and Hana's routes simultaneously since they were so intertwined, but i ended up rewriting Hana's three times, whereas with Clear i just had to edit it a bit. i knew i wanted them to have that conversation at the table about Clear not having any friends, and then i wrote the scene where mc finds the vampire erotica book. it took some trial and error until i was happy with the dialogue & choices at the table, as well as how i wanted to split the following variations. i tend to do the romantic variations first, and then work my way down, and sometimes i have to go backwards and edit as i write because i'll add something on a whim to one variation and decide that actually i want this to be in all of them.
i am definitely someone that's a bit of a "planster" meaning i do minimal planning and write a lot by the seat of my pants. sometimes it works, other times it puts me in a bit of a bind. like i said i tend to set out with specific information/dialogue/scene/etc in mind that i know has to happen, and build up around it.
with Hana the main focus in her route was that conversation with mc; i wanted mc to get overwhelmed at the store, and for her and Hana to talk about it afterwards, and for Hana to be frustrated at her situation as this person who suddenly has to comfort and take care of mc after being replaced by her. again, minimal planning, i wrote almost her whole route before i started working on Valentina's & i mentioned Standard and his proclivities towards Chinese antiques. this made me realize i needed to rewrite a lot of Hana's dialogue to be more inclusive of her race. i went back to Clear's route, and ended up writing a lot of the conversation with Hana there after she gets back from the store, and then i adapted it to the other routes.
Valentina's route was all about the painting. again, i wrote that initial scene of walking into her room, the description of the painting, and then her first sex scene, and built up from there. there was also the brief meeting with Joan, which was mostly just for fun and to introduce those characters early for anyone that went on V's route, so the next chapter those players will have a little jump on who they are. but the main point was that painting & i think it's pretty obvious with how the whole route plays out, and the fact that the painting is always seen by all players.
this is still a game, so it is gamified quite a bit, with all 3 characters having a potential sex scene in the same chapter at the same time. i planned it that way to make it easy for myself and because that's just how i wanted it to go. i put some stat checks in place to add variations, like if you went with Hana or Valentina in ch2, if you flirted with Clear or not, and again, it was a lot of jumping around and trial and error. i wrote a significant part of Valentina's route out of order, and i finished hers last before i finalized the council meeting (which i had written very early on but like Hana's route i had to rewrite a few times)
i like to describe my process as building a tree. i write the core of it all first, one linear path, the trunk, and then i double back and add in all of the possible branches. it doesn't mean anything that i wrote the friendly, romantic variation of Clear's route first, it just allowed me to use that single variation as an anchor and build up around it without straying too far and losing the plot, hahahaha. i still sometimes stray a little too far... but it's fun that way. it was fun trying to figure out a way to make the rival route different, how to change it while still telegraphing the same overall ideas about Clear & her situation. it's also very frustrating, but it's all part of the process....
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palsqueerflagsblog · 1 month
Requests are currently open.
Welcome. I'm Screaming Pal (Or just Pal). [He/Him] 🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁 Check out below the cut for info of the blog.
How do I find posts in this blog?
I tag posts the following way:
Is it a flag?: [#flag]; [#not flags]
What is on the flag?: [#the beatles]; [#george harrison]; [#pokemon]; [#arcanine]; [#birds]; [#crow]; etc.
What flag is that?: [#queer]; [#lesbian]; [#gay]; [#bisexual]; [#transgender]; etc.
I do also have the [#help] tag. When I can't make a requested flag for any reason, I ask for help to finish it. The tag will stay on the post until the flag is done (Or remain there forever if it never gets done). If you find a post in which I ask for help but the tag isn't there it means the problem is already solved.
How do requests work?
Requests can get closed indefinitely sometimes. It depends on how busy I am.
Only one flag per request. You can send as many requests as you want.
On the request tell me which flag do you want, what things to put on it and add as many specs as you need to. Remember I may not know much about the things you're telling me to put on the flag.
It can take from a few days to a week for requests to be anserwed. Even longer sometimes. It depends on how hard it is to find fitting pictures, how complex the flag is, and how busy I am. Be patient.
If for any reason I can't make your flag, I will still anserw your request (To let you know I'm not working on it anymore). I would give you a short explanation on why I couldn't.
If your request doesn't get anserwed for too long (More than a month), you should send it again. I make mistakes. Maybe I misclicked and deleted it.
Why are requests closed?
Request overload: I got more than 10-15 requests in line. I close them to work on the ones I already have. And to not get more in line. That way the waiting time won't be excesive in the future. I don't have time: I don't always have time to make silly flags. This means I won't be posting. And also that I don't know when I'll open requests again. You can check under the "requests closed" when I think I will open them back. (In case I know)
Why aren't you posting?
I don't post regulary. Sorry. But the blog is still active. I will update if for any reason the blog goes inactive. Until then just be patient.
What do you use to edit the pictures?
Secret ending:
I love this post. Putting it here to see if it gets some love from the people in this blog.
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greypetrel · 7 months
1, 11, 15 for Aisling Raina and Alyra? :3
Hello Laya! :D
Thank you for asking!
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since number 1 was already answered here, I'll do 11 and 12! :P
Tis the prompt list
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
With a premise that my characters all start by default as bi or pan and I pinpoint later on the exact sexuality...
Aisling: She stayed bi, so yes. She gained a Templar kink along the way. (I started her playthrough with Cassandra as a LI. it didn't turn out *waves fist against Bioware* so yeah, by then Cullen was the most coherent option. She likes Templars, what can I say xD) Raina: It was when I realized I accidentally triggered Anders' romance that I realised she really stroke me as definitely a lesbian. Polyamory came later when I couldn't choose between Isabela and Merrill, I saw her with both and I asked myself: "Why choosing?". Alyra: I have zero idea whether I had any idea on the matter when I first created her. As per Aisling, I started by actively choosing every dialogue option to please Morrigan. Was disappointed when I discovered that at 100 approval, many children robbed and corpses along the way, she just defined Alyra as "a good friend"... and @diesvitae told me the harsh truth. In the meanwhile, I accidentally triggered Alistair's romance and well. It was already there. (in this case I refused to step down from Morrigan, tho.)
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Aisling: already answered here! Raina: I struggle drawing such short hair. Also her nose. I can't get it right on first trial, ever. Also: I don't write her much because she's too close to me, as a character, and it's always treading on very delicate ground, LOL. (also: DA2 is the game I feel I have the least to add to) Alyra: I was stupid and forgot to note down her faceclaim. I have ONE picture, but I had no luck in any reverse image search, so far. I'm getting crazy about it. I also am constantly fearing her skin colour is too grey. I know she has the Blight and it's done on purpose, I don't want her to look healthy, but... EH. My mind keeps reading it as "wrong". Writing-wise she's a delight.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
Aisling: Experiments with Dorian, hands down and the dynamic between them two and Solas. Also, from the AU, how she loves every animal... But penguins? EVIL AND MALEVOLENT. (i got her a reason for it... But her horse hurt her more than penguins did and she looks at him as he's the best thing after sliced bread). Raina: She's trash. Drawing and writing trash characters is fun. It's just... A layer of boundaries less. Alyra: She's a young version of Yzma and I laugh at putting her in difficult situations. Like sending her to Kirkwall. I should write more about her in Kirkwall.
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ocean-sapphics · 1 year
what are ocean sapphics? & flags!
'ocean' is the umbrella grouping term for presentation labels that lesbian & bi/pan sapphics can use regarding femininity, masculinity, and androgyny.
these terms were initially coined by strwbryfemme on twitter, using their gimmick account sapphicimagines back in january of 2022. both accounts have since been deactivated and therefore this thread is long gone. i found them in an old flag hoard album on my camera roll recently and decided to respectfully reupload them in case anyone else would enjoy.
NOTE #1: i will not be putting the rest of this, admittedly quite long, post under a ‘read more’ cut due to the fact that all the information would be lost if someone decided to reblog it and the original post ended up gone sometime in the future. you would not be able to view anything under it, since whatever is there can only be seen on the original page. i apologize if you have to scroll a lot because of this, but that’s unfortunately one of the many inconvenient ways tumblr works.
NOTE #2 (MUST READ): i felt it would be best to swap their usage of 'pearl' to mean masc, not androgyne. this is because these chosen words feel unbalanced in their meanings to me. 'ocean' feels too broad and vague to cover just one category (hence why i made it overarching instead), and doesn't fit its place in the hierarchy of the theme. it'd be like saying, for example: 'cat' is fem, 'animal' is masc, and 'dog' is androgynous; instead of saying 'cat' is fem, 'dog' is masc, and 'furry' (lmao idk ok? bear with me) is androgynous. i then turned what was previously 'pearl' into 'coral' as a replacement, since that made more sense from my perspective. if this confuses you while reading the tweets below, i have put my corrections for the labels/flags in alt text, which you can click on each image to access. if that doesn't help, feel free to ask questions. i tried to make this as easy and least complex as possible, so i apologize if that didn't work.
NOTE #3: if cat (strwbryfemme) and/or atlas (ilikegaycookies, who designed the bi flags btw) finds this and would like me to take it down, i will do so upon request, directly or indirectly, and also delete this blog. i intend no disrespect to either of you and i'm posting this because i like your ideas and don't want them to rot and be forgotten anymore than they already have. i edited the words themselves because i thought they would fit better, but i can also revert them back to their original versions if need be.
with that out of the way, let’s get onto the flags first!
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any and all help with IDs/PTs are appreciated! i do not have the spoons to write them out as of now due to the rest of the work i'm putting into this post, but if someone wants to volunteer then i can put all the text into a rentry (or multiple) and edit it here to make the images more accessible to disabled readers. thank you!
here is some more stuff i would like to add (please also read these too if you are interested in claiming, or even if you are not on board with all this):
you should keep in mind that i am a white tme bi sapphic who knows my history and claims 'butch', so i will not argue about butch/femme discourse because i strongly support the terms not being lesbian-exclusive. however, it should be understood that i still know my place and privilege regarding other applicable aspects and do not wish to offend anyone or start discourse here. this post is simply a reupload and attempt at re-suggesting cute terms for personal use only, entirely by choice. they are not designed to be forced on anyone or become mainstream, especially not to replace femme/butch/futch or even the infamous doe/stag/tomcat. you do not have to like these or agree with them. you are allowed to dismiss the idea and move on as it wasn't made to erase or hurt anyone. please hold anyone who does spread these in bad faith accountable, thanks.
with that being said, it is my opinion that we should grant their wishes for wanting to keep this series exclusive to the sapphic community. i do not personally consider either of these individuals to be overall 'bad people', even if we disagree on some things heavily. they still deserve respect for the positive contributions they have made to our community, which is why, again, i will remove all of the above without hesitation if asked by a credible messenger.
one last thing to be reminded of ─ if anyone else ends up playing around with the theme of these terms + flags, for any given reason (such as designing pan/trans/enby/etc. versions), please do not use the word 'fish', especially if you are also white, as that already exists within a Black-exclusive context to be a cultural identity adjacent to 'femme'! i will not speak or give an opinion about what to do or not if you are Black, as i'm sure you will be able to take it from there.
this is not necessary to read, so you can stop now lol ─ anyway, thank you for your attention, and enjoy! reblogs are appreciated, and comments will be listened to. if you have any complaints directed towards the content itself, then i unfortunately cannot help you with that as said content is not really mine. however, i will try to respond to stuff related to my act of reuploading and/or adjusting the terminology. remember that i self-identify as butch and am critical of coining ideas with a similar purpose to doe/stag, but obviously i am not against it. as long as you can understand my point of view, your opinions will matter, even if they (respectfully!) dissent. have a lovely rest of your day/night!
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sylviesnrmts · 7 months
My favourite things about Ace Attorney :>
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~ Part 1 ~ Relationships
Narumitsu. // >:) It's my favourite ship ever atm, they bring me so much joy ahhh (I have thought about them non stop for 4 months omg)
Mia Fey x Lana Skye // In college they dated and or explored each others bodies so to speak. (not actual but that's my hc) (Also there's rlly good fanfics on ao3 that take place in a timeline where Mia didn't get conked and Lana didn't get Ganted which r rlly wholesome.)
The sheer intensity of Godot's love for Mia. // That is true passion.
Ron and Desirée DeLite // THE STRAIGHT COUPLE EVER. This is real love! At points you wonder if Dessie is just with him because he’s rich but no! She just really loves him. 🧡
Franmaya // Very swaggy. Wholesome and I LIVE FOR THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF THEM!! 🫶🫶
Klapollo // I haven't played Apollo Justice but I eat minor spoilers for breakfast. Klavier just decides from first sight. That is the one. "I've never felt this way about a man" And he just flirts with the short king while Apollo is oblivious but also is madly in love IDK AGAIN I HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET BUT I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM. (THE SHIP)
Faraskye // So cute, idk much about Kay Faraday but their designs together r rlly cute and I've seen a few edits of them which r rlly wholesome. 🫶
Doug Swallow.. x Feenie. // I read a fanfic about them and da bunch of objection.lols and I'm ngl they grew on me.
Maggey x Gumshoe // The age gap is iffy to me but they are extremely wholesome. (Weenie lunchboxes, anyone? :3)
Adrian x Franziska // They are similar, that's for sure. I can't help but feel the perverse power dynamic though that would likely be their undoing. Or maybe, They could change each other for the better. Adrian lets Franzy get more acquainted with her softer side, and Franzy teaches Adrian to be stronger and more confident! Ok now I have to write a fic about that. Feel free to use that idea, my treat.
April May x Ini Miney // I saw some fanart of them on Pinterest 😼 They both got a bit of an act goin, but they r very cute.
Dahlia Hawthorne/ Melissa Foster x April May // April and Ini's acts, dialled up to 11. I read a really good fic of them. I drew them too and I would do it again :)
Franziska x Ema Skye // (As adults) Pretty wholesome ngl.
Mia x Lana x Godot. // I dub them the hottest polycule in anime. This is assuming that Lana isn't lesbian (likely story.) and we would have to do some timeline gymnastics to give these three a happy ending but I think they would make a very good poly ship :)
Lana x Angel x Mia // Kinda popular on Tumblr, actually. (I just remembered I am ON TUMBLR right now...) Very cute. I want to draw them.
(I had a rainbow sherbet mother energy drink today 🤤 It tastes like nerds, would recommend.)
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Edgeworth and Franziska siblings // They are bouncing in my head like a screensaver constantly. I love Sound the turnabout melody because it shows us how much love Franzy has for Miles.
“Why’d you go and dress him (Miles’ dog) up?”
“I thought it would make you smile..” IMSOBBING
And when Miles becomes Manfred’s disciple, Franziska is off to the side, literally in the shadows. But what does she do? The sweet girl who wants nothing more than to follow in her beloved papa’s footsteps and become a great prosecutor, watching as her papa gives his attention to the boy he took in as his own? She gives that boy the biggest smile she can muster. Her little head is filled with nothing but love and admiration.
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Even as an adult, Franziska admires Miles. Her main motivation for even BEING in the second game revolves around him. It is made clear that she isn’t going after Phoenix because of her father, but because of Miles. She believed that Phoenix was the reason for Miles choosing death, and she was NOT going to let him get away with it. (I will add more later, I could go on about them for hours.)
Ema and Lana Skye // I think about them at least once a day, let Lana go see her sister PLEASE she's done her time ok let my girls be happy and investigate together... 🙏 anyway Lana risked and lost so so much to protect Ema..
Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne // Iris loves her sister so very much. Dahlia sees her as dirt. Been thinking abt them alot today. Iris was willing to help with Dahlia’s schemes despite not being evil herself.
Phoenix and Maya sibling relationship // They will forever be siblings to me lel.
By extension I feel like Mia and Phoenix were like family cuz they were like 🥲 all they had
Signal samurai trio // Especially as kids they r so fcking CUUUUTETETTEEE give me lifeee
Also narumitsu art where they are kids makes me so happyyyy cuz they r so!! adorable!! <3
Phoenix and Trucy being father and daughter // 🥲 Phoenix, can.. Will u be my father too? 🙏 (father issues) They are the adhd dad & adhd daughter representation we need but ya'll aren't ready for that information. (Direct quote from a post I made on my main 💀💀)
Gumshoe and Edgeworth friendship. // Trust. They have their own ways of showing their respect for each other 😭 but they work very well together and r close even if they don't act like it! (Or if Gumshoe's salary reflects it. 😭)
MIA AND MILES’ DYNAMIC. // I love how many interpretations there are of these two’s relationship. For one we got them being besties. I love this and yes I have drawn art of it. Then theres them hating each other’s very guts. This is reasonable! Also interesting. I wish we were able to see Mia’s reaction to the reason Phoenix became a lawyer. That would be very interesting. Anyway they live in my mind. Novice bimbos forever <3
Phoenix and Franziska friendship // When they manage to tolerate each other they r very cute and fun!
Trucy and Franzy auntie and niece relationship // This one is specifically because of the "How to court a fool in three months" fanfic. But they work so well together and I rlly want to see more ppl to utilize them :)
Miles and Gregory Edgeworth // All the art and posts about them are so very wholesome and Gregory seemed like a great dad. (I can't wait to learn more about him in AAI :3)
Manfred VK and Miles Edgeworth //
Drops this and runs but I run into a pole and get knocked unconscious 😵‍💫 I posted this btw 😵‍💫
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Will be adding more cuz VK fam r the only thoughts in my brain rn.
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Larry Butz.. and Maya Fey.. but their relationship is that of a fun uncle and silly niece. // This one may need some explaining. This is very much projection cuz these two remind me of me and my uncle (literally the funniest dude I know) Well not actually my uncle but a family friend. But yk.
Then I played... 😡 trials and tribulations 😡 And this bitch ass Butz was flirting with Maya! WTF?! Was that necessary?? Did anyone laugh at that? No! I could write a whole essay on how Larry's character got obliterated throughout the trilogy. He went from one of my favourite characters, to me actually cheering a little when he had something bad happen. (I still love him tho and choose to pretend that he doesn't become a shell of himself after the first game.)
(“Not exactly a friend… but yes, I know him” Cracked me tf up. Deserved lmao.)
---Not plot relevant spoilers for bridge to the turnabout ---
Going off from that I want to touch on Larry and Pearls friendship. // This had potential! Just kidding! It was ruined from before they even saw each other. Larry hears Pearl over the phone and goes "oH wHaT a CuTiEeE!" in a weird way. My c*nt that is a whole 8 year old child. But if we IGNORE THAT GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I like in the anime adaptation of farewell my turnabout, Larry is rlly nice to Pearl :) And in bridge to the turnabout, this could be a hot take but I think the whole 'loser shack' thing was hilarious. Larry was so enthusiastic and boisterous and Pearl was just like yeah guess I'm here.. and as soon as Phoenix comes around she turns her full attention to him. Idk I just thought that whole exchange was charming.
--- Spoilerz over ---
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.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * .♡ *:・゚.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ .
-- Hints at sexual shit ahead if you don't want to read that then all g — I removed some cuz idk 😭
These ones are just for shits and gigs.
Phoenix and Larry college situationship. // Had to throw a bit of a curveball at ya. I don't fucking know why this is in the back of my head but it is.
Ema and Franziska // This was from like one person on twitter or Tumblr but I like it. Bitter exes, get it. 💅
If by some miracle Edgeworth isn't a virgin (and also isn't asexual of course!) by the time he actually gets with Wright then I think he would do it with Gumshoe or agent Lang. Trust. I refuse to believe he would ever think about a woman that way 😭 And also the man's just married to his work he don't got time for that.
But why Lang gotta go around telling him to be a good little pretty boy or whatever the fuck gay stuff he says to him. (I have only seen a few screenshots, I have yet to meet Lang in the game 💀💀)
Anyway I just had to get that out there lmao. Don't take this too seriously 🤣
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That's all for now! I was typing this for about 2 hours longer than I expected. Anyway please share your thoughts in the comments or tags!
Have a great day or night and if it is night then... please go to sleep. (5:22am 😻) Goodnight
Stfu tryna give people advice on when to sleep when I pulled an all nighter this week and got very disoriented the next night or maybe the night after (last night?!) because the last 48 hours had merged together to form a blur 😭
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feuqueerfire · 8 months
January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows, movies, and shorts I’ve watched or am watching in January 2024, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month(s): Bottoms (2023), so fun
Beyond Evil (rewatch)
Bottoms (2023) = Twinkling Watermelon (2023)
Death's Game S1 (2023)
Palm Springs (2020)
Love Class 2 (2023) = Death's Game Part 2 (2024)
Skimmed: Bon Appetit (2023)
Average Rating: 6.75/10 [really quite high! Didn't count my Beyond Evil rewatch and Bon Appetit doesn't have a rating]
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Rookie (2023) - a Phillipino lesbian movie, saw this tiktok and wanted to give it a try
Bon Appetit (2023) - Originally didn't have this on my list because it has a meh MDL rating but this tiktok of guy 1 liking girl liking guy 2 like guy 1 is fun
Kiseki: Dear to Me (2023) - I've seen it mentioned sooo many times that I thought I'd give it a try.
The Guest (2018) - I haven't yet liked a supernatural/fantastical kdrama but maybe this will be the one. Also apparently it's a good bromance that starts off antagonistic
Through the Darkness (2022) - Also a thriller investigation with strong bromance
My Perfect Stranger (2023) - Saw this Tiktok and ended up watching a few more and idk, it reminds me of 18 Again somehow with like younger version and family stuff
Twinkling Watermelon (2023) - same reason as above in terms of plot, it's also in the same tiktok, and it seemed to be very popular among the kdramas this year
Lucky My Love (2023) - wanna watch it cuz it's a GL but unfortunately people don't seem too keen on it :/ oh well, I'll keep it on hand for when I'm craving a GL
Death's Game (2023) - Hadn't heard much about it until I saw Pocha Playlist podcast covering it but I didn't listen to that episode. Then I find out that Lee Dohyun plays a (reincarnation) character in it and now I'm like hmm maybe + the rating and reception seems really good on MDL.
Last Twilight - hmmm people have very polarizing opinions on the last ep (both the disability aspect but also the general storytelling aspect), so I'm cautious but people reallllly love the first 9 episodes. Just adding it here in case I wanna see what the hype was about
The Worst of Evil (2023) - It's in a lot of people's 2023 favourites lists and it seems like a show I'd be into based on genre
The Dude in Me (2019) - a movie about an adult in the body of a teenager, found it from this tiktok with 18 Again and Twinkling Watermelon.
Our Beloved Summer (2021) - I had had this on my to-watch list for a while because I like a post-breakup story and people seem to love this show but had taken it off because I kept not watching it and heard some meh opinions but now it's back again because in Twinkling Watermelon tiktoks, this showed up a couple times in the tiktoks or comments bc people were mentioning Yi Chan and this guy as green flags and shows they loved etc
I Hear Your Voice (2013) - a 2013 drama lol but the Eun Gyeol/Se Kyeong tease in Watermelon Sugar made me remember that I kinda wanna watch noona romance sometimes, so this is for that time. + it's like mystery/suspence plot I think
Death's Game Part 2 (2024)
Youth of May (2021) - Obviously I've heard about this because I was looking for Lee Dohyun shows to watch after 18 Again but idk if I'm up for a tragedy :< but yknow he's in the military now, so maybe I'll watch one of his shows a year to tide me over. Thought of it again because I saw this tiktok when going through LDH tiktok tag
The Good Bad Mother (2023) - This was another case of "When will Lee Dohyun finally again star in a show I wanna watch?" But I saw like 2 mins of this edit on youtube of dude being 7 and ahh it's humorous (Ik it's supposed to be really heavy and traumatizing actually so I avoided it but idk if there's some levity as well and it's really beloved w the 8.9 rating and stuff maybe I'll give it a try to see Lee Dohyun - esp as he's in the military rn). After all, it's not like I knew 18 Again was show/concept I love like this
Lesson in Love (2022) - (240129) Sometimes you just want an uncomfortable and gross relationship... student/teacher noona (well jiejie?) romance and the comments talk about a plot twist (i saw the spoiler lol) anyway... might watch. Saw it first in this Certified Noonas Coming Up live. The student is an adult irl, so I'm gonna just pretend it's that in the show too. Also side note but he was also in Red Balloon and apparently his sister is a lesbian.
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 49
To Watch List At End Of Month: 62
Removed from To Watch List:
Removing these on June 30 because now that I’m getting into kpop as well, my interest in watching dramas isn’t as high and I know I’m probably not gonna get to these.
Nothing ig 
Completely Watched
Bottoms (2023)
Country: USA
Release Dates: Sept 1, 2023 
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Jan 1, 2024
Rating: 7.5/10
Overall Impression: First movie of the year! Very, very funny and wacky, thoroughly enjoyed it. Hazel is sooo attractive lol, as is Isabel. Loved Josie being a sweetheart and reluctant to go along with antics except then going in wayyy too hard with the juvie stories lol. PJ was insufferable but like in a good way? like yesss, high school girl who says things before thinking and is an asshole! Also lesbian movies where they kill men is always fun, this time it being an actual funny comedic part. The whole movie was ridiculous and I'm glad.
tags: bottoms 2023
Palm Springs (2020)
Country: USA
Release Dates: July 10, 2020
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Jan 7, 2024
Rating: 6.5/10 [Mar 11, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars: 7 -> 6.5]
Overall Impression: In 2019, I binged Brooklyn 99 like 2-3 times and was obsessed with it and then watched some of Andy Samberg's other stuff and added this to the list of things to watch once it comes out a year later and does its festival tours or whatever... anyway it's now 2024 lol but it was fun! A good mix of the romance and interpersonal relationships with the sciency aspects. I was expecting it to focus more on the characters rather than the science or plot and that struck true, though there were definitely a few interesting bits to chew on in terms of worldbuilding. Funny and charming but not life-changing and predictable but not in a bad way.
Rewatch Beyond Evil: Jan 8 - 12, 2024
It's so fun to rewatch because I catch things that I hadn't before, not just about the case but about the different characters and their storylines. Also, all the stuff from 20 years ago that is repeating now which I'm catching onto earlier because I remember things that haven't been revealed in the show yet.
Han Joo Won continues to be way too naive and self-rightous, even if Lee Dongshik really was the killer. His methods are careless and reckless despite trying to seem rational.
Since I'm watching this after a year and it's a show with many storylines, I'm still extremely engaged lol watching this at 1x speed and watching it all when I expected that I'd be skimming through. I also forgot a lot of the smaller stuff and some of the kinda big middle stuff, so it's fun to rediscover them. Ep 7 ending & Ep 8 beginning are a fucking great combo fr even still.
Rating: still 8/10
Bon Appetit (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Sep 27, 2023
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Jan 13 - 14, 2024
Rating: -/10
Overall Impression: Started watching because the guy1 likes girl likes guy2 likes guy1 tiktok was funny but not high hopes for the actual show. Skimmed through this so hard, honestly shouldn't have even watched it because it didn't seem too good from my skimming. The main two characters were cute-ish in the first half of the show and the Yoon Seobin surprise cameo for 2 minutes was fun, but meh otherwise. Skimmed even the main couple scenes in the last 2 eps because random fighting and misunderstandings. Not rating it because I skimmed through like 60% of it lmfao
Twinkling Watermelon (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates:  Sep 25, 2023 - Nov 14, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Watch Dates: Jan 19 - 22, 2024
Rating: 7.5/10
Overall Impression: I'm fucking obsessed with this sort of concept: Parent and child being the same teenage age through some magical concept. It's got a good storyline, hilarious yet touching. I was afraid that they'd make Yi Chan's hearing come back but I'm glad it didn't; it's just something that has to happen to him for no reason the way these things just happen sometimes. The characters were well-crafted and the acting was great. Kinda slow paced, there were certain episodes where I was like nothing really happened, but I guess that's the point of the slice of life aspect in some cases; just watching the characters exist alone and together.I was into the ChCh romance from the get-go and thought they were sooo cute whereas EunEun were a more fun menace pair who I just liked to watch fighting before it gradually became a couple I shipped Very Much. Also, a shoutout to my Se Kyeong (OG, not Eun Yoo) and Chung Ah ship, I can't believe Se Kyeong's first love was her husband instead of Chung Ah. A well-crafted show, good acting, hit some feels and I expect some attachment to it (I'm rewatching and skimming certain parts as I write lol).
tags: twinkling watermelon
Also Appears In: Twinkling Watermelon Live Blogging
Love Class Season 2 (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates:  Aug 11, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Watch Dates: Jan 26 - 27, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: I liked the main couple: a younger, insistent pursuer to an older, reluctant hyung who was also his tutor when the younger was in high school. I do wish the random stalker, weird hyung wasn't haunting them for so long though because the premise of this couple is so good. I came around to the second and third couple even though if the show was longer or deeper, I might not have. I was bored by the last 2 eps though, so ehhh
tags: love class 2
Also Appears In: Love Class 2 Live Blogging
Death's Game (2023)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 15, 2023
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Watch Dates: Jan 29, 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: Weird to rate just this half-show 4 episodes but really good and interesting, I'm enjoying it a lot. My favourite eps are eps 2 and 4, they balanced a good amount of heart with excitement (for ep 2) and plot progression/answers (ep 4 + ofc Lee Dohyun my initial reason for checking out the show). The 18 Again characters/actors are haunting me with this fr.
tags: death's game
Also Appears In: Death's Game Live Blogging
Death's Game Part 2 (2024)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jan 5, 2024
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Watch Dates: Jan 30, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: Firstly, fuck the message of the show. In shows like this, where they treat suicide as a personal, moral failure of selfishness and weakness rather than due to systematic issues in society, mental health struggles, or treating the characters with kindness, it's of utmost importance to just roll your eyes and see the story/acting/etc. Eps 1 to half of 3 were interesting and exciting but in the way of "I'm watching a show with murder and gore and people trying to outsmart each other" rather than about this specific show. The ending is... okay, I guess, expected it. In Part 1, Death just left something to be desired for me and this kinda continued here. Don't think I'll think of this show much (except maybe Lee Dohyun?) and the 2nd part didn't have the excellent pacing of the first one. Not as good as part 1.
tags: death's game
Also Appears In: Death's Game Live Blogging
Post created this month: 2023 Series Overview + Stats
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pebble-ink · 1 year
A little thing about me!
Hello! My name is Alice and here's a little post that i made for my blog. It's an introduction for this blog. I hope you enjoy! I am a demigirl lesbian, i go by any pronouns, but I prefer she/they if you don't mind. And i like coloring manga panels for anime's that i like. Here's the list of the following that you can ask me about coloring! And the list of Bands and Artists that i listen to as well!
Bungou stray dogs
Demon slayer
Komi can't communicate
a silent voice
Heartstopper ( I know it's not a anime it's still one of my favs!)
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Heavens offical blessing
the promised neverland
chainsaw man
spy x family
Yurri! On ice
Sk8 the infinity!
This is the list of stuff that you can recommend me to color. Along with a comic/manga panel of your choice. Don't forget to add colors for the panels.
If your going to repost my work please use the #shoko colors. I check that tag every day, so when you repost use it!
Also here is a list of bands/ artists that i like. So you can recommend songs from them to be added in my next time lapse on YouTube!
Lovejoy (Obvi)
2.Arctic Monkeys
3.Sir Chloe
5.Girl in red
6.Billie elish
7.Penelope Scott
8.Lyn lapid
9.Frances forever
11.ghost and pals
13.Wilbur soot
you can recommend me artist or bands that i should listen too as well! And if you want any of their songs above just message me or send an ask and i'll tag you in that post. Same thing with submissions or asks for coloring manga panels!!!
I will update this page whenever i can. So just be prepared for different messages when you click on my blog!
Thank you for sticking along, have a nice day or night where ever you are at. See you soon!
I update this blog every single day, so i hope you guys can check it out. Also i post time lapse of my manga panels on you tube the link will be below. I stream on Mondays around 12 or 1 pacific time. So come and check it out if you want i'll link that too.
ps: Here is the you tube link and the twitch. The twitch would work so here's my user: mygayazs
Have a nice day now!
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mybrain-fanficedition · 4 months
Intro <3
it's long past time i do this lol
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Hi! I'm Dandelion Flowery! (i mean not really but i'm not sharing my real name on here- if you do know my real name feel free to use it though, idc)
I am 16, french, neurodivergent (probably) and dyslexic (almost certainly-- "frenhc" oops)
I'm also lesbian oriented aroace (...i think) and nonbinary/genderqueer/gender extremely apathetic
You can use any pronouns you want for me!
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This blog is for posting Harry Potter and/or marauders stuff I think of (example: fanart, fanfics) and for reblogging writing tips usually (sometimes i screw up which blog i mean to use lol)
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I have not been tagging things well up to now (...read: not at all) but i will try to tag writing tip reblogs as #d.flowery reblogs advice, my posts as #d.flowery posts stuff! and anything else as #d.flowery reblogs... idk what
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As you may have guessed from the tags i just came up with, my main account is @dandelionflowery, I also interact with stuff from @dandelionflowery-reblogs (I'm very creative for names, I know.)
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Speaking of names: I absolutely suck at coming up with names for stuff: see my AO3, specifically 'i have no idea right now' lol
I have other fics too, go check them out! ... i have to post a lot of them in fairness lol, i'll edit this when I do actually post some of them
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dividers by @saradika-graphics and wow are they gorgeous
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Oh also before I post this: as you may notice a lot of this is sentences within sentences and too many parentheses and whatnot; i would like to say that I do technically know how to do normal sentences and my posts are reread and reformulated most of the time lol
and did I add this as a new paragraph and not a tag mostly to be able to use another one of @saradika-graphics's AWESOME dividers? ... mayyyyybe lol
0 notes
asexualenjolras · 2 years
Robin Buckley is autistic-coded. And I love it.
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The line: "I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues" is such an important line. It's always so refreshing to see such positive neurodivergent representation in female characters. Robin is highly intelligent, highly empathetic and struggles to contextualise and understand social situations but she is shown to be genuine and honest.
It's realistic that she doesn't have a diagnosis of ASD, given that this show is set in the 1980's and autism in females is so misunderstood still today, in 2022.
She says she is aware that her coming across as "mean or condescending" is a "flaw" because her "mother reminds (her) me everyday", which is something so common in undiagnosed autistic people.
We know from season three that Robin wasn't overly popular at school, and was the sort of student that played band and got high grades. We know that Robin doesn't do well when talking about her emotions and she can be quite straight to the point in conversations. She struggles to make friends and has quite a monotone way of speaking. I think it's been hinted at that her special interests may be movies, languages and band.
Additionally, she's shown to have sensory issues with particular textures when she talks about hating wearing certain clothing.
Robin is so well-liked, too. So having her coded to be autistic is such a lovely reminder that being autistic is okay. I think we all need that sometimes.
I headcanon she also has Dyspraxia because she says, and I quote, "I should warn you, I have terrible co-ordination. It took me like 6 months longer to learn to walk than the other babies." She can't run. I can't run very well. She has Dyspraxia. And that's co-morbid with ASD.
Also, there have been studies to show that autistic people are more likely to be LGBTQ+, so it makes sense. Robin is 100% an autistic lesbian and I love her.
Anyways, I haven't seen autism portrayed in a female character this well since Phoebe Spengler in Ghostbusters: Afterlife; these 80's set series and films really are giving us the most incredible representation.
Thank you, Stranger Things. This is such a genuine portrayal of autism. Thank you.
Edit: I'm seeing a lot of people saying that Robin wasn't neurodivergent in season three and I just wanted to add that masking is a thing. Robin didn't know Steve well enough to feel comfortable to lower that mask before. There are hints that she is autistic even in season three, like when she really struggles to find the words to describe how she's feeling and rambles when faced with difficult situations.
In fact, Steve even has to tell her that she "wasn't helping" when El was trying to sort out her leg in the mall scene. The hints were there all along but season four gave us an unmasked Robin and I am so grateful for that.
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burneddownthegym · 4 years
When do you think Buffy and Spike started developing feelings for each other? I think for Spike it started in season 2 which has been kind of confirmed by Dru, but what about Buffy? Their relationship seemed to change after Spike let Glory torture him to protect Dawn, but I like to believe Buffy had unregistered feelings for Spike way earlier. I don’t know what’s true though. She let him live many times when she shouldn’t and that could just be the writers wanting to keep Spike but it could also be read as Buffy not wanting to kill him for some reason. If I were Buffy I would have at least been attracted to him from the start but I’m not Buffy. What do you think?
oh god. i started writing this and it just got more and more unhinged until i was left with a novel. but here’s my headcanon under the cut.
i think for spike it started in season 2, yeah. kind of immediately. i mean in his second episode he already has like ten tv’s mounted on the ceiling to obsessively watch buffy fight? ok weirdo. obviously the writers weren’t planning on spuffy at the time but it all fits with the dru retcon in “fool for love”. i think any feelings he had were super repressed in him for a while though, and were probably closer to obsession than anything (where does one draw the line between obsession and love? much to think about!!). tbh, and maybe this is controversial, i kind of think it’s not until “intervention” that he really understands just how in love with her he is, or what it really means to be in love with her. he definitely thinks he’s in love, he has a raging, identity-crisis crush, but i don’t know, something just feels different after that episode. i feel like it’s when his feelings for buffy really become less about him and more about her. like, less about having her or wanting her to recognize him, and more about wanting to be what she actually needs. less about *loving* buffy and more about loving *buffy*, maybe. so even though his feelings before then are real, they feel real in a different way to me after “intervention”.
buffy is harder. personally, i don’t think she was ever consciously attracted to spike until maybe s5. (buffy being immediately attracted to him in fic is actually a huge pet peeve for me; it doesn’t feel in character at all and can even make me stop reading). i think there was latent attraction, but spike was just so far outside the bounds of who she thought she would be attracted to that it doesn’t register that way (reason #34095 spuffy is a lesbian ship, obv. also it’s why her being attracted to him immediately can turn me off in fic, bc it makes the relationship feel less gay, and that’s kind of important to me). i think she finds him tacky and annoying and lame and just not a sexual object. he’s a soulless vampire and you don’t sexualize those. and so anything sexual she felt toward him she dismissed the way you might dismiss a weird sex dream about someone you’d never want in real life (jane espenson apparently had notes on her desk pre-s5 saying buffy had sex dreams about him, which i totally buy, especially after “something blue”). i think one of the reasons she freaks out so bad in “crush” is that suddenly spike isn’t in the non-sexualizable category anymore. like, what, vampires and slayers are sexualizing each other now? like in real life not just innuendo? you broke the rules, what am i supposed to do now? it’s why she’s so weirded out when he tries to kiss her in “fool for love” and goes on about how people can’t love without a soul in “crush”. spike isn’t fitting his sexual category and she doesn’t know how to deal with it so she tries to stuff him back in. long story short, i think it’s only after “crush” that she actually consciously thinks about his attractiveness, because before then he just wasn’t someone on the table for her to think about that way.
(oh i should also add—i think spike’s “crush” moment with buffy is “who are you?” when faith comes onto him. because it was sort of a similar thing for him. even though he was attracted to buffy before that episode, it was something he repressed or treated as kind of a game. innuendo and eroticism as a battle tactic but not something you’d actually follow through on in real life. but he thinks buffy breaks the rules in “who are you?” and suddenly makes herself real-life sexualizable. so i think his attraction becomes more conscious after that, even if he’s still trying to act like it’s something that disgusts him, like buffy post-“crush”.)
(also, this is why it’s so easy to read violence and murder as sublimated desire in a gay way with spuffy. it’s not really about murder and violence. it’s about them expressing romantic/erotic desire within the bounds of what their roles allow, because they can’t conceive of each other in other roles.)
but i do think buffy did still have some sort of draw to spike before s5. i feel like instinctually she saw him as more of a person than other vampires pretty early. definitely not consciously, and definitely wasn’t love. but she talks to him like he’s a really annoying guy more than she talks to him like some sort of mindless enemy. she doesn’t bother telling other soulless vampires that she violently dislikes them, or mock them about their breakups. i think the only other soulless vampires she sort of treats that way are harmony and holden in cwdp, which makes sense since both of those are vampires she knew before they were vamped. she didn’t kill harmony either, and wasn’t excited about having to kill holden. but spike is the only “stranger” vampire she sees that way, and i think that’s interesting! i think a lot of her conflict over him is due to this too, tbh. he instinctually feels like both a person and not-a-person to her, and that’s hard for her to process.
i have zero canon to back this up, but i think the first time buffy kind of sort of falls in love with spike is in “the gift”, when he says he’d protect dawn until the end of the world. i mainly think this because i don’t think it can be understated how important dawn is to buffy, or how telling it is that she kisses spike in “intervention”. other people have said this, but she just doesn’t kiss people every time they do something nice for her. i don’t think she would have done that unless she felt some sort of latent *something* for him, and unless he’d done something that really deeply affected her. him being willing to sacrifice himself for dawn’s sake, or protect her above all, affects buffy first: because of how self-sacrificing she is. she’s always the one who has to die or put herself on the line for other people. and second: she’s the only one who cares about dawn the way she does. no one else goes into a coma or threatens giles or vows to protect her until the end of the world…except spike.
so the fact that spike would understand the self-sacrificial and protecting-dawn parts of her, or help her with them in the same unthinkingly committed way, when no one else is, i think hits her where she lives. he understands and is not just supporting, but *embodying* this hugely important thing to her at the time when it counts the most. so she falls a bit in love with him. maybe just a second, or a minute, and then she ignores it and saves the world. but that’s the first time it happens.
then as far as s6 goes, i pretty much take buffy at her word when she says she has feelings for him, but that they’re not love. i think she has really intense and confusing emotions around him and for him, but they just don’t cohere into something that could be called something clear-cut like love. and that’s sort of the tragedy of that season? it has all the potential and intensity and chemistry for love, but she doesn’t like or trust herself and she doesn’t trust him, and he isn’t in a place where he can understand the guilt and self-hate she’s going through, or be moral without her guidance, and so in a lot of ways her lack of trust really is justified. so it just can’t quite reach the realness of love, where you want and want to care for the other person’s whole self. but (adding this edit based on a comment by marinxttes!), i totally agree that a lot of her breakup with spike is about her feeling enough for him that it doesn’t feel right to use him anymore. i think that’s the decisive moment when she stops being confused about whether he is or isn’t a person (and whether *she* is or isn’t), and decides he is one. maybe not one she thinks she can love yet, but one she genuinely cares about doing right by, and that’s a huge shift.
i believe her in s7 too when dawn asks if she loves him and she says she feels for him. i don’t know when exactly that whole mess starts cohering into something that really is love for buffy, but i feel like it’s happening the whole season. like air condensing into water. all the pieces have been there, amorphously, for a long time, and finally they’re allowed to take form. so when she says “i love you” in “chosen”, it’s at once something new, and also something that’s been there all along.
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lesbianflaghistory · 5 years
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Seeing a lot of misinformation flying around regarding lesbian flags this year, particularly the pink one, so here’s my attempt to set the record straight!
FAQ/Common Misconceptions and Sources are listed below the cut - if anything in this post contradicts what you’ve heard, I’d encourage you to read through them before responding.
Please DO NOT promote flag redesigns on this post :)
UPDATE 2 (2021):
First of all, a long-overdue note that @moral-autism​ kindly transcribed the bulk of this infographic here, for anyone looking for a text-only version!
Secondly, I have been contacted by @kiloueka, who created/uploaded the high resolution “Pink Flag” to the Pride-Flags DeviantArt account in 2015. They clarified that they did not independently leave out the lipstick mark to create a general lesbian flag, but had previously seen a kiss-less version in a tumblr post (likely one of the ones linked in the update below).
UPDATE: New Information
@deadicateddeath brought my attention to the existence of this pride flag compilation post on Tumblr, published 8 December 2013. This is now, to my knowledge, the earliest record of the pink stripes featured without the kiss mark. The same blog made another post (10 January 2014) which featured the pink flag and claimed that it was seeing use at the time.
I am extremely interested to know if there is any evidence of pre-2015 use of the pink flag outside of this blog, as I was unable to find any during my research.
Additionally, some people feel I have downplayed the extent of the labrys’s usage. As above, I included a note to acknowledge the prevalence of the symbols used in the labrys flag (separately and in combination), but this post is specifically focussed on flag designs, and I can’t find any indication of a labrys flag itself (whether Sean Campbell’s design, or a separate design) seeing much use pre-2015.
I would be extremely interested to see any evidence of this flag being used pre-2012, something which I did hunt for but could not find.
If you have any sources regarding either of these issues, please send them my way! I am 100% open to correction and clarification, provided it can be factually backed up.
FAQ/Common Misconceptions & Source Requests
So... what flag should we use?
My primary motivation in making this was to clear up misinformation, not to tell anyone what flag to use. Use your own judgement, even make your own if you want, just don’t get stressed out if your flag isn’t “the” flag and remember that flag colours are not the only avenue through which to show pride!
The lipstick lesbian flag is an edited version of the pink flag, which is the original.
There is no evidence to support this. The lipstick lesbian flag had been documented online for years prior to the pink flag, as explained above.
The lipstick mark was removed to make the flag more inclusive.
There’s no proof of this - as explained above, the first instance of the mark being “removed” (i.e. not included) was due to it being too complex to easily convert into a high resolution image.
The pink flag is, and has always been, “the” lesbian flag.
The pink flag has only been in semi-common usage since 2016, and its use is still mostly confined to younger online communities.
The rainbow flag is the gay (man) flag.
The rainbow flag [32] was created by Gilbert Baker in 1978 to represent the LGBT community as a whole (I used his original 8-stripe design in the final panel). It does not belong exclusively to gay men, and it does represent lesbians. Please stop framing it like this:
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when it’s actually like this:
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This doesn’t mean we can’t have a specific flag for the lesbian community, but it’s not the case that we need to scramble the fill the gap left by a “missing” flag. Stop reading malice into my words... lmao.
The creator of the the lipstick lesbian flag/the labrys flag is a TERF.
I can’t find any information on Sean Campbell that would suggest this, and while a cursory browse through Natalie McCray’s social media did turn up some casual cissexism, nothing indicates she was a TERF. If you have sources that show otherwise, please send them my way!
What is a “Lipstick Lesbian”?
A feminine lesbian, and by many definitions, one who only dates other feminine lesbians. Natalie McCray’s edits to the Lipstick Lesbian Wikipedia page under the name “Nmdesigns” [7] show that she subscribed to the femme4femme definition.
Why don’t you want people to promote flag redesigns on this post?
This post was created to dispell misinformation and explore the online trails of lesbian flags prior to 2017. I don’t want to tell other people what flag to use, nor do I want others to use this post as a platform to tell other people what flag to use, because that’s not the purpose of this post.
I’m not a lesbian, can I reblog this?
I don’t mind who shares this, but if you want to add commentary as someone ouside the lesbian community, please think carefully on whether or not it is relevant or appropriate.
Can I repost this on Twitter/Facebook/etc?
I don’t mind, but I’d strongly recommend including a link back to this post in order to preserve the sources.
Actually, there is an official/agreed upon flag! It’s ______.
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Scupham-Bilton, Tony. "Putting Out Sean Campbell’s Flags”. The Queerstory Files, 21 June 2012. [archive]
Bayley, Clare. “A Field Guide to Pride Flags”. Clare Bayley, 27 June 2013. [2014 archive] [2015 update archive]
@lovemystarfire. “LGBT Community Terminology and Flags”. DeviantArt, 18 April 2014. [archive]
Volcano, Del Lagrace. And the March Stops. 1988. Photograph. Lesbian Herstory Archives. London [archive]
McCray, Natalie. “Lipstick Lesbian Pride!!!”. This Lesbian Life, 28 July 2010. [archive]
File:Lipstick Lesbian Pride Flag.jpg @ Wikimedia Commons [archive]
Lipstick lesbian: Revision history @ Wikipedia [archive]
LGBT symbols: Revision history @ Wikipedia [archive]
@darciam. “Pride United - Button Set”. DeviantArt, 27 August 2012. [archive]
@LeiAndLove. “Ultimate LGBTQ Flag Guide”. DeviantArt, 17 July 2011. [archive]
McCray, Natalie. “The Official Lipstick Lesbian Flag”. This Lesbian Life, 4 August 2014. [archive]
McCray, Natalie. The Official Lipstick Lesbian Pride Flag, retrieved 1 June 2016. [archive]
@Pride-Flags @ DeviantArt [archive]
@Pride-Flags. “Pride-Flags’s DeviantArt Gallery (page 138)”. DeviantArt, retrieved 5 June 2019. [archive]
@Pride-Flags. “Lesbian”. DeviantArt, 7 October 2015. [archive]
@Pride-Flags. “Lesbian Labrys”. DeviantArt, 7 October 2015. [archive]
@Pride-Flags. “Lipstick Lesbian”. DeviantArt, 25 December 2016. [archive]
@emtmercy. “the lesbian flag is so cute...”. Tumblr, 11 March 2016. [archive]
@sappharah. “the lesbian flag is so cute...”. Tumblr, 27 March 2016. [archive]
@sappharah. “the lesbian flag is so pretty...”. Tumblr, 8 June 2016. [archive]
@allukazaoldyeck. “sorry this should be my last...”. Tumblr, 30 June 3017. [archive]
@allukazaoldyeck. “Lesbian Flag Poll Data Results”. Tumblr, 7 June 2018. [archive]
@which-lesbian-flag. “The Lesbian Flag Survey”. Tumblr, 21 July 2018. [archive]
@taqwomen. “Lesbian Flag Colors”. Tumblr, 26 July 2018. [archive]
@official-lesbian-flag. “Official Lesbian Flag Poll”. Tumblr, 30 June 2018. [archive]
@creatoroflesflagisracist. “Commercial Lesbian Flag Poll (please only lesbians vote)”. Tumblr, 14 December 2018. [archive]
Lydia. “A Lesbian Flag for Everyone”. Medium, 27 June 2018. [archive]
McCray, Natalie. “My Worst Date Ever”. This Lesbian Life, 18 July 2010. [original archive] [2018 updated archive]
@thislesbianlife. “The second season of the real l word has too many butches”. Twitter, 16 May 2011. [archive]
@thislesbianlife. “Why don’t butches shave their armpits!!! IT’S DISGUSTING! Even men trim it!”. Twitter, 8 January 2011. [archive]
McCray, Natalie. “The 10 Worst Things About Being A Lipstick Lesbian”. This Lesbian Life, 18 July 2010. [archive]
Baker, Gilbert. Rainbow Flag. 1978. Nylon. Museum of Modern Art. New York. [link]
Font: Pixellari by Zacchary Dempsey-Plante [x]
Pile of Flags:
(NOTE: This is by no means an exhaustive list of recent redesigns, nor am I interested in curating such a list. I am having difficulty tracking down the original posts for 17 and 31, if you recognise them please get in touch!)
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[x] *
[x] *
* Indicates that the original post has been deleted, and a reblogged version of it has been archived instead.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Feu's October 2022 BL/GL Wrap-Up
A little monthly wrap-up of all the shows I’ve watched or am watching in October 2022, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month: 
No Touching At All the 2014 JBL Movie, it’s 1.5 hours and it made my brain melt.
The Eclipse = But I’m A Cheerleader = No Touching At All
Do Revenge 
Vice Versa = Star and Sky: Star In My Mind = Old Fashion Cupcake = He She It
Minato’s Laundromat
Ai No Kotodama (Words of Devotion)
My Dear Loser: In-Sun
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them
More than Words
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (starting the month by adding 2 sad queer stories than fluffy BL rip)
Once Again (adding 3 sad shows in the first week wtf)
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 47
To Watch List At End Of Month: 41 (b/c I watched 7 shows from To Watch, added 4, removed 3. so decrease of 6)
Removed from To Watch List:
Restart After Come Back Home (It was next on my to-watch list from japan but then was like... I just don’t want to and don’t think I will)
I'm Tee, Me Too (just randomly heard 2 different people mention not liking it this week + that it was boring and i realized idc about it)
Watching On-Air
The Eclipse
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 12, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022
Dates Watched: Aug 24 - Oct 29, 2022
Rating: 7.5/10 7/10 [Jan 24, 2023 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating my top BLs] [Jan 25, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating my top shows: 7.5 -> 7]
Watched Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
General Thoughts: I enjoyed the middle few episodes immensely (like 5 - 10, with #9 being my fave), as well Ayan/Akk + the acting + how the plot and themes were handled for those episodes but the ending definitely took a hit and I wish it had tighter/cleaner writing and editing in general. The show tackled interesting topics, including societal expectations and the status quo, fighting back, how characters we want to root for can be doing bad things and how they grow from it, mental illness, all the intersectionality of like queerness and financial situation and mental illness. It didn’t hit the mark for all of them because I think the script needed to be tightened and the editing needed to be stronger but it was well enough considering the budget + them filming and doing post-production while it was airing. I loved Ayan/Akk soooo much, definitely one of my favourite couples of the year.
tags: the eclipse (+ special ep)
Also Appears In: Live Blogging For Ep 9, Ep 10, Ep 11, Ep 12
Completely Watched
Vice Versa
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jul 16, 2022 - Oct 1, 2022
Dates Watched: Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
General Thoughts: This show worked for me while binging in a way that it wouldn’t have worked if watched weekly. I enjoyed watching it while watching but I fast-forwarded sometimes and don’t care enough to be upset at its pitfalls because I came in knowing many of its flaws (draggy middle few eps that went better bc i binged, insufficient world building that i didn’t get to theorize about or scruitinize, I knew there’s not much OhmNanon after the first two eps, that there’s nothing from the original universe, that they worldbuilding isn’t very expansive, etc). 
tags: vice versa
Also Appears In: Vice Versa Live Blogging
But I’m A Cheerleader (1999) (non-BL more like queer with a focus on lesbians)
Country: English
Release Dates: 2000
Dates Watched: Oct 3 - 4, 2022
Rating: 7/10
Watched Via: Criterion (free with uni access)
General Thoughts: This was so good, moved me in a way oof Also, this paralleled the “I know I’m queer, you know I’m queer, but I gotta pretend because of circumstances” vibes from Episode 8 of The Eclipse. Loved the queer adults taking the kids to the gay club + taking them in when they have nowhere else to go. The parents saying ‘you’re choosing to cut us out of your life if you choose to continue with that lifestyle’ when in fact they were cutting out Megan struck a chord. The ending made me teary eyed and the 2 second after-credit scene with Megan’s dad going to the Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays meeting and saying “My name is Peter and my daughter is a homosexual” made actual tears fall lol
tags: but i’m a cheerleader
The Graham and Megan dancing with diff people and getting jealous scene reminded me of History 3: Trapped, so I’m skipping certain parts of that too. Ep 5 (Shao Fei and Tang Yi making each other jealous dancing with other people at the club), Ep 9 (Shao Fei jealous of Andy/Tang Yi, the doctor/Tang Yi, and then asking “is your body for people to line up to touch? should i do the same” and tang yi replying by taking off his jacket and saying "go ahead, feel away”), Ep 15/16 (Tang Yi sending those messages and voicemails, going to Shao Fei’s workplace, Shao Fei playing the messages back), Ep 20 ending part
Do Revenge (non-BL more like queer)
Country: English
Release Dates: Sep 16, 2022
Dates Watched: Oct 6 - 8, 2022
Rating: 6.5/10
Watched Via: :>
General Thoughts: I watched it because Camilla Mendes is sooooo  attractive to me - everytime I saw her in Riverdale I was like :0 Thought this was about college kids though, lol they’re 17? Also, knew it had queer stuff. After PS I Hate You last month, maybe I should have a new “girls who are interesting and evil and their rocky, rocky friendships” show/movie to read everything month lol Anyway, this was fun and entertaining and off the rails. I’d thought that Eleanor saying “Carissa accused me without reason” and them running with it was too easy, so I was glad to see it again come up in the twist. The twist was great but I think the writing and character/relationship development went a little wonky after that. Regardless, still fun
tags: do revenge
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Apr 8, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Dates Watched: Oct 8 - 9, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
General Thoughts: Fine, cute enough. Got annoying in the middle with the Phoon thing and then got boring after they got together. The start was the strongest part, the way they portrayed being awkward around one another but still having giddy, cute moments was great. It’s kinda like Vice Versa in the sense that it’s a fun show to binge but you mustn’t think while doing so.
tags: star in my mind
Also Appears In: Star In My Mind Live Blogging
After watching 2 episodes of Minato’s Laundromat, I got distracted and watched  The 354 Squad’s reaction to Squid Game on Oct 10 and 11. Sigh, it’s just a good show that I loved. TODO Gotta find that Squid Game fanartist who drew sooo well and gave me some favourite Sangwoo fanart. Update: Unfortunately despite downloading my Twitter archive, I couldn’t find it in my retweeted media nor could I find it in my likes after scrolling down to around Oct 10, 2021. Very frustrating and sad, I think the artist maybe deleted
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Minato’s Laundromat)
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Jun 29, 2022 - Sep 14, 2022
Dates Watched: Oct 10 - 17, 2022
Rating: 5.5/10
Watched Via: GagaOolala (paid, so :>)
General Thoughts: I am who I am meaning my fave character is Sakurako, Shin’s younger sister, who is soo cute, a little doll. Also, Shin’s actor has suchhhh a beautiful face :0 I wish I felt more for this but I don’t. My comment from ep 5 is still true at the end “tbh i don’t have much to say about this show like it’s fine, it’s handling the age gap interestingly, it’s very slice of life, Shin is very beautiful, I’m a little bored.” I’m not even invested enough to feel anything about the characters’ actions even though I feel like I should have loads of thoughts. I think I get bored with longer Japanese shows, the next few will be movies, so maybe I’ll like them more?
Also Appears In: Minato’s Laundromat Live Blogging
PARTNER IN CRIME - YINWAR - a concert trailer that’s a heist bl and is directed by P’Jojo ahh
No Touching At All
Country: Japan
Release Dates: May 25, 2014
Dates Watched: Oct 18, 2022
Rating: 7/10
Watched Via: Youtube
General Thoughts: Watched it at the perfect time to give me brainworms with its tropes and dynamics. Whenever it’s boss/employee, it’s often like young CEO and an intern or their secretary (at least in the fics), so it’s great fun when it’s like regular ass job with raw, jaded people. yknow I like that this movie has so many longshots and still shots. the actors have to work double time with their body language (bc we can see their whole bodies) + their voices because we’re not getting their facial expressions as closely. I think my only major criticism of this is just that the last big conflict and reason for breakup was different instead of transferring + shima thinking tugowa. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it itched the same part of my brain that AO3 fics often do. Girl it had me writing down every scene in the live blogging at one point bc it was all doing smth that i loved.
tags: no touching at all
Also Appears In: No Touching At All + Ai No Kotodama Live Blogging
I’ve been reading a whole bunch of VegasPete fics again the past 2 weeks or so. So good
Ai no Kotodama (Words of Devotion)
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Jan 25, 2008
Dates Watched: Oct 20, 2022
Rating: 5/10
Watched Via: Youtube
General Thoughts: agh just today we were talking bout how established relationship shows tend to mostly focus on jealousy/cheating/etc and yeah this movie also just focused so much on unfounded jealousy that it wasn’t fun. It was cute when the two of them were messing around and being chill but it kept being ruined by jealousy like agh
Also Appears In: No Touching At All + Ai No Kotodama Live Blogging
Old Fashion Cupcake
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Jun 13, 2022 - Jul 4, 2022
Dates Watched: Oct 21 - 23, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: Viki (free)
General Thoughts: I’m very annoyed, why did I not enjoy that as much as I wanted to? There weren’t any glaring issues I had with anything but I just, once again, did not care. I recently liked No Touching At All with a similar boss/employee dynamic and that one gave me brain worms but this one didn’t make me care at all ?? I really don’t get it. Maybe it was the timing? At least unlike Minato’s Laundromat (which I also should’ve really liked), I didn’t wanna DNF this nor did I have to resort to almost 2x speed because of boredom.
Also Appears In: Old Fashion Cupcake Live Blogging
My Dear Loser: In-Sun
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 9, 2017 - Sep 13, 2017
Dates Watched: Oct 23 - 25, 2022
Rating: 4.5/10
Watched Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
General Thoughts: definitely got the early BL vibes. I guess this probably stood out a lot more when it was released but I was bored as hell and didn’t care about anything/anyone. I wanted to give it a watch because P’Aof said he put a lot of personal experiences when he wrote this + I wanna finish up Our Skyy but yeah, idc and don't care to watch Our Skyy either
He She It
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Oct 31, 2019 - Jul 1, 2020
Dates Watched: Oct 27 - 30, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: Youtube (free)
General Thoughts: my BL for the spooky season! I was spoiled for the major plot point (Jeff kills Gameplay in a pool) and the OST Comedy but didn’t know about anything else. Something about low budget shows I love is how raw and real it feels sometimes, like the “She” episode’s beginning while hanging out with friends and then Mike and Peam hanging out are just such good scenes. They feel like a college student’s project but that makes it realer and idk a different kind of feeling to more polished and higher budget shows but still good in a different way. Part 3 initially confused in regards to Part 1′s but I rewatched it (I originally watched that on the 27th before watching the rest on 30th) and rewatching that definitely helped. To me, it seems like Part 2 happened, Peem just disappeared and nobody knew why or that he was dead (thus the actor teacher’s questions about what’s wrong and Mike being like aw why’d you disappear in the skit), the skit was paralleling Mike/Peem’s current situations (Peem disappeared, Peem ~almost~ drowning) but also maybe Mike’s wishes (him confessing, him saving Peem)? Then, when they kiss, the drowning aspect is also passed onto Mike and that’s when he maybe realizes Peem’s a ghost and between this scene and part 3 is when people figure out that Peem’s dead or something. Although the last part when the teacher and the students all were smirking and were acting fishy at the end while Mike was hyperventilating was sus and I couldn’t understand that beyond them thinking Mike’s doing this for attention.
Not currently watching anything but probably gonna watch a bunch of Thai stuff + some Taiwanese stuff next month and then in December gonna rewatch my faves, along with any airing shows (like GAP)
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gaytobymeres · 3 years
Rating some of Raffles’ outfits based on how much gender envy they make me feel
Because I am once again bored <3
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Brown suit no. 301
He has so many brown suits. I think it must be the 70s’ influence. Despite the brown I actually rather like this outfit, huge fan of the fit and if you know me at all you know I’m a slut for a waistcoat. The shade of brown is very lovely actually. I also really love the chain and the wee flower he always wears (pocket watches and flowers are two things we should bring back into everyday fashion asap). Makes me feel a fair bit of gender envy, and bonus points for the pose. 8.5/10
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Drama Queen
Love this look but it makes me feel very little gender envy. The cloak looks cosy af though. 5/10 because of how he procured it.
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Grey Suit
Big fan. Looks classic. Simple. Clean. The slightly darker shade of grey used for the trim adds interest and definition (though it does remind me of my school blazer a wee bit, except that was black with optional purple trim. Gross, I know). I like that this suit is light in colour and also that it’s not brown. Makes me feel a fair degree of gender envy. 9/10.
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Ronald McDonald
Now I know how Jeeves feels. -5/10. The only time this blazer would be cute is if Bunny were to wear it (because they are bfs obvs).
EDIT I HAVE SEEN THE ERROR OF MY WAYS my lesbian self wants this blazer. 9/10 because it still makes me think of Ronald McDonald lol
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Green Smoking Jacket My Beloved
I want this So Badly you don’t even know. It’s looks so plush and lovely and it’s green which makes it even better. Very flattering. Tbh I don’t feel much gender envy so much as I feel just envy in general for the jacket itself. 7/10 because most of my envy is actually just regular envy.
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Another brownish suit. Ngl this probably only makes me feel gender envy because I love waistcoats and want a made-to-measure or bespoke suit more than anything. Might need to turn to crime to afford one tho :/ I like the contrast of the cravat with the lightness of the suit, and I adore his wee flower as always. As usual he looks stunning and I want to look like him. 9/10.
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Why is this so sexy and why do I want to look like him???? Why?! I think it’s the hair. It has to be. Eboy middle part bangs before it was cool. I love his necktie thingy, and the overall dishevelment is so exquisite I love it. 10/10.
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2 grey 2 suit
Okay I’m not entirely sure that this isn’t the same grey suit as earlier, merely it’s sans jacket. However I would like you to consider: sleeves. I’m obsessed with this look. With no jacket in the way I can freely admire the waistcoat, and admiring waistcoats is one of my favourite hobbies. And also to reiterate, SLEEVES. Literally his sleeves were all I could focus on in this scene lmao. He looks very elegant, kind of like a racing greyhound maybe. 11/10.
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Cosy Contortionist
He looks so delightfully cosy and rumpled here I love it. Love his hair so so much too. I’m a huge fan of wearing a jumper over a shirt, great simple classic comfy combo. Perfect for any occasion including bank robbery. 12/10.
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Evening Wear <3
He’s so graceful and elegant and handsome ugh!! I can’t fully articulate my thoughts on this one my brain is just repeating “I want to look like that” over and over again. He just looks So Good in formal evening wear it’s unreal actually. I’m not into men but for him I would possibly reconsider. Most of all though I just want to look like him. Obsessed with him. 15/10.
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