#we got it all
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Bunch of old (to varying degrees) drawings of sleuth Eclipse <333 I forgot to post them so now I’m lumping them all together. Him 💖
@naffeclipse so sorry idk when the brainrot will end 💔
The way in which the style changes in each drawing lmao </3
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teal-skull · 5 months
Käärijä fandom is having one of those days again huh?
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ressioo · 9 months
may i raise you a funny little ship i think you should draw at some point.... road rage/triple divorce (suns+pebs+sigs polycule)
Okay so i can't do that with my guys, simply because Peepaw doesn't want any part of what sunstone got going on
But. Allow me to present: 3sig+
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My man peepaw from (good timeline) Solar Flare + Sigs, Suns and Pibbles from @tenspontaneite 's Assembly They are so fucking good man. I love them so very much
Two gremlins exploded into Peepaw's universe and good things have been happening ever since
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wolveria · 1 year
The Raven's Hymn - Ch 44
Pairing: SCP-049 x Reader
Series Warnings: Eventual smut, dubcon, slow burn, violence, horror, death, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: “Whatever happens, I’m not going back to my cell.”
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Not being dressed in the orange jumpsuit of a D-Class gave you a slight advantage, but the white smock was still a dead giveaway. Your first goal: find a disguise. Or at least, a change of clothing so it wasn’t painfully obvious you were an escaped prisoner.
The corridor outside your cell was conspicuously empty, but the other corridors in Heavy Containment were not. You had to duck into more than one utility closet, waiting out guards and researchers who passed you by. But you knew the layout well, and the heavy footfalls of guards, the sharp click of heels, and the rhythmic tap of dress shoes gave you plenty of warning.
You also knew where the security cameras were, mainly focused on four-way junctions and places of gathering, such as breakrooms and cafeterias. That gave you a limited range of movement, and you were running out of utility closets until you found the one you wanted.
Boxes lined the shelves, and you opened them quickly, one by one, until you found plastic stacks of white fabric. You pulled the box down and sorted out the stacks, looking at the letters printed on the plastic indicating sizes. Finding one that would fit, you tore open the package and slipped on the lab coat.
You still wore the smock and leggings underneath, but the weight and familiarity of the lab coat was like slipping back into an old comfortable sweater. Even your posture changed as you searched the shelves and found a box of rubber bands. Wincing at the stray strands pulled out of your scalp, you tied up your hair, both to change your appearance and get it out of the way.
It would have to do. You might fool staff who didn’t know you, or guards that weren’t assigned to you, but you wouldn’t get out of the sector without a keycard. You wouldn’t even be able to get to a computer without one.
You waited until the hallway was clear before slipping out of the closet. If you were lucky, you could find a laptop in one of the staff rooms, its owner distracted while you swiped it. And then, of course, you had to figure out what was on the thumb drive and prayed it could help you in some way. You trusted 049, but he wasn’t known to be the most tech-savvy SCP. How he’d come into possession of the thumb drive, you could only guess. And your guesses weren’t many.
Your steps slowed when you realized where you were. You’d had to backtrack to avoid a T-junction with a security camera, and perhaps thoughts of him had brought you back to this area of Heavy Containment. Either way, the containment door was open.
Two D-Class were at work cleaning up the mess on the floor, courtesy of 049’s spilled bag. The doctor’s bag was nowhere to be seen, but there were plastic bins on the autopsy table where the D-Class were using as sharps containers.
A glimmer drew you to one bin, the overhead lights reflecting off the thin edge. It was the scalpel 049 had held to your neck.
One of the D-Class raised his head and blinked at you.
“Sorry, we’re not done in here yet.” He gripped the handle of his mop, nervousness in the width of his eyes. “We’re going as fast as we can—”
“Uh, no, no. That’s fine.” You forced out a smile and tried to remember what it was like to be on this side of the cage. “Pretend I’m not even here.”
The D-Class relaxed and nodded, turning back to sweeping up the mess, seeming all too glad to return to what he was doing.
But the other D-Class gave you a hard stare, as if trying to figure out if he knew you from somewhere. You returned the stare with an irritated one of your own. He quickly turned away.
Before either of them could come to the correct conclusion that you didn’t belong there, you quickly swiped the scalpel and slipped it into your coat pocket. Without a word, you left the chamber, unsure if you would ever return again.
If all went well, you wouldn’t.
Now with a weapon and a supposed means of escape, all you needed to find was a computer. But the staff rooms you found were either empty, or worse, contained people you recognized. Panic crept up your spine; you were trapped in this sector, and even if you tried to quickly move past the cameras, you couldn’t leave Heavy Containment.
Maybe you could find a keycard, steal one from a staff member. You had to do something before your absence was noticed. Every minute that went by was another minute more likely you would be caught, another minute closer to failure—
You were passing the communal bathrooms when you came to a dead stop. Only a few feet away stood Kenneth. He was too distracted to notice your presence, dabbing his nose with a tissue. It was stained red, and one of his nostrils still trickled blood.
“Goddammit,” he swore under his breath. Turning his back to you, he started down the other direction, moving slowly as he tried to stop his nosebleed.
It gave plenty of time for you to catch up, grab his free arm, and slip the scalpel against his side.
“Don’t speak. Don’t raise the alarm. Keep walking.”
Kenneth went stiff, freezing on the spot.
“I said keep moving,” you hissed, and he obeyed with a tiny jerk as the tip of the scalp pressed against his ribs.
“How did you get out?”
At least he spoke in a whisper, though it was nasally behind his pinched nose. His naturally pale face had lost even more of its hue, and anyone glancing his way would know something was wrong. If you weren’t so focused on escaping, you’d be more worried he was going to faint.
“Doesn’t matter,” you said so only he could hear. “You’re helping me escape.”
“I... yeah, okay.”
You frowned.
“Really? Just like that?”
Kenneth sighed and pulled the tissue away from his nose. Satisfied it had stopped bleeding, he slipped it into his pocket, careful not to jostle the scalpel.
“You think I wanted to follow those orders? Or help the Site Director torture you?” He glanced at you over his shoulder. “A lot of things have changed, but you’re still my friend. I’ll help any way I can.”
His words brought up a confusing mixture of emotions. Guilt, relief, and cautious but hopeful gratitude.
“Oh. I… wasn’t expecting that.”
A faint ghost of a smile appeared. It wasn’t quite the goofy one he used to give you, but it was nice to see again. He almost looked the way he used to, a little too carefree and relaxed, but you suspected that old version of Kenneth was rarely seen these days. His sandy-copper hair was too long, his framed glasses unable to hide the bags under his eyes, and there was a lot more stubble on his jaw than there used to be. He looked older than his years, and it was hard to remember he hadn’t yet reached his 30s.
“Not sure how much help I’ll be. My card can’t get you out of the facility.” His smile slowly faded, a grim flattening of his lips taking its place. “You know this place is supposed to be breach-proof. Even if you had the Site Director’s own card, there are other security measures that would stop you.”
“Let me worry about that.” You pulled the scalpel away from his side, but you kept it gripped in your palm. You didn’t want to hurt anyone, but you weren’t going to let anyone get in your way, either. “Just follow me.”
Kenneth nodded, and even though you kept him in the corner of your eye, he didn’t attempt to run or alert anyone to your presence. In the junctions and high traffic areas, you put Kenneth between yourself and the cameras, staying close to him as if you were two normal coworkers discussing the latest observation report.
“What happened to your nose?” you asked after pushing the elevator button. Thankfully no one else was waiting.
“Oh, that. Donno. Been getting nosebleeds lately.”
You made a sympathetic noise, but your gaze dropped to his hands where they fidgeted against his lab coat.
The elevator ride to the skybridge level was silent and filled with a tension you couldn’t quite pinpoint. You were relieved when the doors opened, and you continued onward to the large walkway that spanned the empty space between Heavy Containment and the administration section.
The two sections looked like skyscrapers placed deep underground. Heavy Containment was larger and built out of heavy concrete and steel. The administration building was a more flexible blend of concrete and stone. It had only been a few days since you’d last been in the admin building, but it seemed like a different lifetime.
Kenneth swiped his keycard to open the glass doors that led to the skybridge, and you crossed the covered tunnel, looking out of the glass walls into the darkness beyond. It was easy to forget all of Site-20 was underground. It had been a long time since you’d seen the surface, and your heart ached with the desperate need to see sunlight and smell fresh air again. It was painful to imagine that it had been even longer for 049.
“Did you watch us?”
Your question hung in the air. There was no need to specify exactly what Kenneth would have watched. His unhappy sigh meant he understood the question.
“I didn’t look at the monitors, but the Site Director was there. I couldn’t—he wouldn’t let me leave. I didn’t want him to do that to you. I didn’t... I wanted to stop it, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry, Reid.”
He sounded so sick to his stomach that you couldn’t be angry, not at him. Your rage was reserved for only one person.
“I know,” you said quietly. “It’s not your fault, Kenneth.”
His expression was pained, and his words surprisingly bitter.
“It sure feels that way.”
You entered through the glass doors into the admin sector and the halls remained empty. Judging by the lack of activity and how tired you were, you guessed it was the night shift’s turn to be on duty.
No one in sight, you slipped your hand into Kenneth’s. He gave a small start, his eyes wide, but then he relaxed, his arm brushing yours as you walked. He was the closest thing you had to a friend besides 049, and it was comforting to think it was a friendship that could be salvaged. Even if best case scenario, you managed to escape with 049 and never saw Kenneth again, at least you’d part on good terms.
It wasn’t long before you both stood in front of Dr. Puli’s office. Kenneth turned to you and released your hand, his expression folded into something tense, earnest.
“Reid, I... I want to say something first.”
You glanced both ways down the corridor; it was still empty but wouldn’t remain that way forever.
“Okay. What?”
His mouth worked as if searching for the words, or perhaps unable to voice them. He winced, his hands fidgeting at his sides.
“I didn’t want to listen to him, I didn’t. But he made me do things—I’m sorry. I did it, but I didn’t want to.”
You frowned and shook your head. Hadn’t you already forgiven him for what Leahy had forced him to do?
“I know, Kenneth. Like I said, it’s fine. I forgive you.”
Instead of looking relieved, he seemed more frustrated.
“That’s not... what I’m saying.”
A closing door followed by footsteps somewhere in an adjacent corridor drew your attention. You put a hand on his upper arm, forcing Kenneth to look at you.
“We can talk about it later, okay? There’s no time right now.”
To your relief, he nodded his agreement. You released his arm.
“Here’s what I need you to do.” You tilted your head toward the door. “I need you to get Dr. Puli to let us in. Don’t tell him I’m here, obviously. Once we’re inside, do as I say. Okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah.” He attempted to give you a ghost of his old smile, but there was sweat beading on his forehead. “I can do that.”
You kept close just in case something went wrong. Despite Kenneth’s nervous behavior, you didn’t sense that he was trying to trick you or lead you into a trap. His guilt seemed far too internal, his focus scattered. He seemed like a man floundering rather than one attempting deceit.
Kenneth pressed a shaky finger to the intercom button.
“Doctor Puli, are you there?”
You waited in tense silence, broken by the click of the speaker.
“Yes, what is it?”
He sent you a relieved glance, and you nodded your encouragement.
“Doctor, it’s Kenneth. I want to talk to you about... about Reid.”
Another beat of silence.
“Very well.”
The door clicked as the magnetic bolt slid free.
It had been easy, much easier than you thought, but then again, this wasn’t supposed to be the hard part. You took Kenneth’s arm and quietly bade him to open the door. He did with the click of another button, the door sliding open, and you both crossed through the threshold into Dr. Puli’s office.
As soon as the door slid behind you, automatically locking, you pulled the scalpel out of your pocket and held it aimed at Kenneth’s neck.
Dr. Puli hadn’t even looked up yet, too busy focused on the papers on his desk, pen scratching across the surface.
“What is it?”
When Kenneth didn’t answer, your former boss finally looked up. He froze, eyes wide as he took in the blade, Kenneth’s pale features, and finally yours, hard and determined.
“Get up.”
He didn’t move.
You positioned the scalpel closer to Kenneth’s neck, and he made a startled sound that didn’t seem part of the act.
“Please, do what she says.” Kenneth’s voice was unsteady but effective, getting Dr. Puli up and away from his desk. You watched his hands, making sure he didn’t press the emergency call button.
“Reid,” he said, slightly spreading his palms to show he wasn’t holding anything, “what are you doing?”
“Sit down. Over there, on the futon. Keep your hands in the open.”
He frowned but did as you demanded, cautiously crossing the office to sit on the green piece of furniture. His gaze flicked between you and Kenneth, as if trying to solve a puzzle.
“What is this?”
“You wanted to help me, right? That’s what you said?” you asked, some of your bitterness slipping through. “This is how you’re going to do it. Pull out your keycard. Toss it on the table.”
He moved his hands in a plaintive spread.
“Please. No one needs to get hurt.”
More bitterness poured through, no longer a trickle but an oozing wound.
“Little late for that.”
He winced but otherwise didn’t move.
“Yes, I will acknowledge that. But what you’re doing isn’t going to make your situation any better. Do you really think you can get very far even with my keycard?”
“The time for you to give a shit about my well-being passed a long time ago. Put down the goddamn card.”
His frown deepened.
“You don’t expect me to believe you’d actually hurt him.”
Your fingers tightened on the back of Kenneth’s neck, forcing out a small whimper.
“You want to test how far I’ll go to save 049?”
Dr. Puli’s gaze faltered, then fell, and with a defeated slump of his shoulders he pulled the keycard lanyard from his neck and tossed it on the coffee table.
“Take it and lock the door.”
This last set of instructions you directed at Kenneth, and he took the card, fingers slightly trembling. You walked him over to the door, keeping the scalpel close to his skin in case your old boss tried to play a hero. You didn’t think he would, but backing people into a corner made them desperate. You would know.
Kenneth used the keycard to lock the door from the inside. There was a keypad next to the door, and without his keycard Dr. Puli would have still been able to enter a code to leave. Now the door wouldn’t budge without the proper level of keycard.
You tugged on Kenneth’s coat collar, leading him up to Dr. Puli’s desk. On its surface sat a monitor, the desktop hidden somewhere inside one of the cabinets. But the monitor itself had USB ports, and you had to hope it was enough.
“What are you doing?” asked Dr. Puli, eyeing your progress. “I thought you would want to know where 049 has been taken.”
“Do you know where he is?”
Dr. Puli opened his mouth, and then closed it.
“Yeah,” you scoffed. “Didn’t think so.”
He was out of the Site Director’s good graces and had been for some time. He wouldn’t know where 049 was, even if he was willing to help you.
Needing both hands, you released Kenneth’s collar and slipped the scalpel back into your pocket. You fished the thumb drive out of your bra, the grey object innocuous and rather dull as far as escape tools went. Kenneth looked at it with confusion, but Dr. Puli seemed more alarmed.
“What is that? Reid, what are you—”
Fingers gripping the drive like a blade, you aimed it against the port and slid it inside. It clicked into place.
The dark monitor flickered, sporadic and unstable, and it wasn’t the only thing. The lights dulled and brightened, as if there was a brief fluctuation of power followed by a surge.
A long siren began to wail.
You exchanged a wide-eyed look with Kenneth. It was the most unsettling noise you’d ever heard, and by his expression, he thought the same.
Dr. Puli moved, and you went to grab your scalpel, but there was no need. He was pulling something out from his belt, something small that beeped out a loud, analog chime. A pager—old school but effective as an emergency broadcast receiver during containment breaches.
“What is it?”
“Something’s broken containment,” Dr. Puli said to your question. He read the scrolling message on the beeper and looked up at you both, his words thick. “SCP-106 has escaped.”
What? Had the thumb drive caused it? Why would 049 have something like that—
“Wh-what about the other anomalies?” Kenneth stammered.
“It appears to be just the one, for now.”
“What about 035? Is he still in containment?”
You frowned, a reflection on Dr. Puli’s face.
“As far as I know. But we need to get to the nearest shelter. Reid, you’re coming with us.”
You didn’t answer, your attention drawn to the monitor next to your arm. The screen had flickered briefly, but in that moment, you had seen something there. Something impossible.
“Where’s your laptop?”
Dr. Puli blinked, thrown by the non sequitur.
“In my desk drawer.”
You pulled it open, the drawer not locked. The disjointed klaxon hadn’t abated, and it was starting to grind on your nerves. The hairs on the back of your neck stood upright, each rise and fall of the eerie pitch giving you the sensation of being hunted by an unseen predator. Whoever designed that sound deserved a healthy raise and some therapy.
Placing the laptop on the desk, you hoped this would work. If you were right about what was on the thumb drive, you would need something more portable than a desktop.
“Go.” You raised your eyes when neither of them moved. “You both need to get to the shelters before they go into lockdown.”
“What about you?”
You met Dr. Puli’s gaze.
“Whatever happens, I’m not going back to my cell.”
He looked like he wanted to say something, but the words remained where they were, unspoken. He gave you a nod, something sad lingering in his eyes as he palmed open the door. It had been unlocked during the power fluctuation, a fail-safe measure that would keep people from being locked inside rooms without a designated keycard.
The door remained open after Dr. Puli disappeared through it, but Kenneth didn’t immediately head for the exit, his eyes pleading with you to follow.
“I’ll be fine,” you assured him, not wanting him to wait around. The sooner he got to a bunker, the safer he would be. “Go. Go.”
He finally moved at your urgency, glancing back when you called out to him at the room threshold.
“Kenneth… I wouldn’t have hurt you.”
The smile he sent back was tinged with a sad understanding.
“It’s okay. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had.”
Something ached in your chest, and you searched for the words that would soothe the discomfort. You didn’t find them.
“Good luck.” He gave you a two-fingered salute, a goofy gesture the old Kenneth would have made, and you almost called him back. It would be a relief to have an ally, to not have to do this alone, but it would only put him in further danger. You couldn’t do that to him, especially because you knew he would say yes.
And then he was gone. The door slid shut behind him, seemingly of its own accord. You certainly hadn’t shut it.
A face appeared on the screen, textured in black-and-white, its features blocky and obtuse.
“079,” you breathed out. You’d never met the SCP, but it could be nothing else.
“Identified: Assistant Researcher █████ Reid.” A stiff, digital voice spilled from the monitor speakers. “Proposed designation: SCP-6830, rejected. New designation found.”
It paused, and the computer inside the cabinet whirred. It spoke again.
“Identified: Assistant Researcher █████ Reid, SCP-001.”
Next Chapter
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vinecovered-mech · 13 days
when your only coping mechanism is making the most insane playlists
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And we also have some Volena hand-holding 🫶🥰❤️😍
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distant-velleity · 6 months
leona + yu interactions are so fun to write. i always write them when im in my evil chuuni moods, so their scenes always come across as “more experienced/‘tough love’ character leaves cryptic words/observations to antagonize the other one into growing,” very dramatic and all
but in reality itd probably be more like leona looking at this sad wet kitten of a boy and thinking “damn wtf get out of my sight” while yus fight or flight instinct kicks in
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roguelov · 3 months
listen I'm already busy watching and reading naruto, but seeing all the stuff you reblog about one piece (specifically law🤭) kind of makes me want to start watching it😭
*slaps down one piece* my dear friend I would never make you watch this long series and join this cult but if you do I will babble to you for hours on end
Unfortunately Law - the absolute hottie with those delicious tattoos - doesn’t come until later (and along with another character named Corazon aka the clown you may see with Law who I also greatly adore) but holy shit I truly do love every character to bits including Luffy and the entire crew (even the villains are fun despite wanting to punch some of them in the face) and … yeah again I could scream on for hours
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snow-system-wol · 5 months
Ultima Thule.
(warnings for. Ultima Thule? Near death experiences? There's some kind of intense vibes.)
By the moment that G'raha's time came, you already had known to expect it.
He'd promised – well, you had overwritten that by accident, hadn't you? After his stunt at the Tower of Zot, when you'd amended his anti-self-sacrifice promise to one that insisted he not solely burn through his own aether without drawing from yours first – you had not resolidified the prior one, even if it was implied that you still want him to never sacrifice himself again. And for your own part, you supposed he hadn't quite gotten what he wanted either – with you not truly having promised to be safe, but simply to not go to your death alone on purpose.
But regardless of promises made or not made, you could not do this again. For gods’ sake, not again. The sacrifices made thus far had not hardened you to the possibility of more being made, only made the sense of inevitability more agonizing.
Raha turned to you and asked you to make one more promise with him, and all you could muster was "please, don't do this."
What did he say, that the two of you had never broken a promise made? You supposed – on some small technicalities that did a lot of heavy lifting – that did remain true, so this gesture was…
What a clever use of that belief, begging you to promise him so many things that perhaps G'raha would simply never die before it was all fulfilled – if only that belief rested on anything. You didn't care about 'clever', this was not a godsdamned game. Unbreakable promises between you two were not some immutable law of the universe.
The desperation of this gesture – didn't he understand it only hurt more?
You promised, because what else was there to do? It was no hardship to promise to see the world by his side – but he damn well better return to you to see his part through.
You could hardly bear to watch. Your whole being wanted to look away at the moment that G'raha's form was engulfed, but you dared not miss anything – if somehow things turned out different. 
But then a crystalline path began to wind its way towards the dead star, and you knew with absolute certainty that he'd met the same fate as the others.
You must climb upwards, you knew that time was limited and there was little to waste. Your mind and body did not care about such a trifling consideration, though, and you'd dropped to your knees upon the unforgiving metal despite your best intentions. 
You needed to get up, and you would, you would.
You swore, you did not lack the strength not resolve to continue, but your body did not listen. Feeling half-outside of yourself, you shook violently. You'd ever been a quiet crier, and had tried to hide such things even with that, but now noisy sobs wracked your body beyond your control. It was a shameful display, and Alisaie and Alphinaud seemed completely at a loss on how to even handle witnessing you like this, and yet you still wanted to break even further and scream.
You didn't want to be doing this, and you didn't want them to be seeing this, but more than anything of those things – you wanted G'raha back.
You fought to get it under control. Within the next few minutes, you had everything settled enough to begin walking. Even if you had not truly managed to stop crying, the important part was that you were climbing G'raha's path upwards. Each step upon the crystalline arch felt equal parts comforting and agonizing.
You were…well aware that you were likely to lose these last two as well, but that could wait until it happened. For now, you would cling to them.
And cling to them you did, one hand held tightly in each of yours.
Your resolve to save Etheirys had not faded – even should you go on alone, you believed you could prevail. The world could be saved. 
And yet, should you be unable to work the summoning magic in a way that calls them back, you didn't think you would be able to bring yourself to return home with none of them by your side.
You had been hyperaware of G'raha's presence from the moment you brought everyone back, but you waited until Emet-Selch had finished his goodbyes. 
The gods knew you did not need some sort of judgemental lecture.
Once he was gone though…
You approached G'raha in a few quick strides, the bed of flowers parting under your feet. He looked afraid for a moment, and as much as you understood, it stung that he should ever briefly fear that you'd harm him in response to what he'd done. No, you certainly were not intending to hit him, nor did you intend to yell at him.
When you reached him, you cupped your hands around his face, your breath hitching in relief at finding a solid body beneath your touch. In the next moment, you'd pulled him up onto his tiptoes and bent low to close the remaining distance yourself.
Oh, it was all of the reassurance you wanted it to be and more – G'raha was so very alive. His lips were warm, you could feel the small breaths he took, and, if you moved one hand from holding his face to touching his neck, his pulse fluttered under your fingers. Alive alive alive. After a moment of brief shock, he responded in kind, clutching tightly at the safe territory of your back. Flower petals brushed past your cheek and landed in your hair, and you were both still living and breathing.
In any other circumstances, you would not have done this quite so…obnoxiously.
Yet despite the venue, a part of you still wanted to not stop, to keep going until you felt truly convinced he was safe and whole – but you pushed that selfish urge aside in favor of pulling away. That had already gone on long enough to be deeply inappropriate in polite company – had Alisaie not seen you become a sobbing mess over losing G'raha, you suspected she would've hauled the two of you apart herself.
You politely cleared your throat, regaining the attention of those who had decided to be looking in a different direction. “Welcome back everyone.” You didn't even attempt to hide the way your voice cracked. “Welcome back.”
You stared at the teleporter in your hand. You'd…promised, hadn't you? Not to go into danger alone, fully on purpose? And yet – if the others remained for even a handful of moments longer, surely they would die. It was not a difficult choice to make.
As much as sending G'raha away would break your promise in all conceivable ways, the alternative felt impossible. The eyes on you, the horrified shouts of your name – ah, it was so very clear what you meant to do. You should get a move on with it then.
You pressed the button on the teleporter, a warning beep letting you know that it would activate imminently. You looked at the others, a sad but relieved smile on your lips, and opened your hand to let your own teleporter fall into the void – almost casually, as if to say ‘oops. Looks like you'll have to leave without me.’
If you survived, G'raha may actually kill you for this one. 
And then it was quiet, no more yelling. Just you and The Endsinger.
You refused to truly be grateful. Or at the very least, you refused to express gratitude. Zenos may have saved the world by his intervention, but you knew damn well why he was here. A part of you considered following Meteion home, but you didn't know if he'd let you leave if you even tried.
Turning to face Zenos, you could not hide your shudder. It was not so bad as when he was suddenly there in Garlemald – you had feared you may simply pass out into the snow. This time you had warning – and seeing him in the draconic form had provoked none of that same fear as his human form did.
Looking at him now, it was difficult to suppress a reaction – the memories of that dinner, of the way you felt waking up later, of the nightmares you'd been having since, they were all crowding your mind. You did your best to shake those off before you could crumble.
Zenos claimed that you were free to go, should you not wish to fight him. You did not want to, and yet… you could not say whether it was that you didn't trust him enough to turn your back on him or whether you just wanted him to leave you alone forever. But you did not turn away after he spoke.
Your pounding heart began to stabilize – settling into something strong and steady, echoing in your ears. The numbness in your fingers left, replaced by a new tension in your jaw. Fray's presence settled, pushing your mind aside with a surprising amount of gentleness. Their anger felt so natural that it was hard to recognize it as not quite being your own.
Stay. Watch.
It was still disorienting, the way you and Fray sometimes disconnected. They tried again, and this time you got a jumble of thoughts and sentiments instead of true words.
(Stay here and look)(He will die I Promise)(You will see it happen)(You will Know you are free of him)(I will do the deed myself Just Watch)
You breathed easier stepping back from the situation, even as you felt your face twist into a snarl. Yes, Fray had always been the one Zenos was obsessed with, and Fray he shall get.
Even if the edge of it is blunted, remaining somewhat present meant you did still feel it, the pain of battle. And Zenos insisted on continuing to get back up, to come at Fray again and again and – it was a relief for him to finally stop.
Fray's voice was quiet in your mind. It is done.
And then they drew back slightly and all of the physical sensations hit you at once – it was… bad. You'd felt many things in your adventures, but this was just wrong. You stared at Zenos’s dying body, content in knowing that much, but your own body only held a few seconds longer before crumpling to the ground.
You rolled onto your back, trying to do anything to remedy the fact that you could barely breathe, but it did precious little to help. So many different parts of your body hurt that it was difficult to even tell what was injured, with a generalized haze of pain. Despite that, despite your poor attempts to draw breath, Fray borrowed your mouth once more to speak. (Before he dies, I must…)
“You…will never...hurt S'ria again.”
It felt good to hear out loud. Zenos made a raspy sound of confusion at the use of your name, said as if an entirely separate person, and you realized perhaps that was the true purpose. Not to reassure you that you were safe from him, you already knew that – but rather to make certain Zenos died with the sense that perhaps he never truly knew you at all. One final mystery with no chance for an answer.
A cruel act, perhaps, on Fray's part. But not one you disagreed with.
You sensed that he had finally gone still. Good. Those distant stars were now for your viewing alone.
As for yourself, you felt as though you were becoming numb – nothing hurt quite as much anymore. That would be a relief if you weren't quite sure that you were dying.
Oh, you wished you could've kept your promises.
They were all quite…loud, weren't they? And insistent. You'd have preferred to keep sleeping, but if there was truly something so important, you should rouse yourself and join them.
Though, in truth, you'd never been difficult to wake before – quite the opposite, often bolting upright at the slightest provocation. But not now, now you were…hazy and adrift, and Alisaie was screaming at you.
Your eyes opened, just slightly, and you immediately squeezed them shut over just how bright it was. You tried again, blurry-eyes and squinting, and you realized the brightness was the intense glow surrounding you. Your eyes cleared a bit more, Alphinaud and G'raha coming into focus on either side of you, intensely focusing on –
Oh, right.
Understanding came at the same moment that you woke up enough to feel pain again. You groaned and the room went briefly very quiet, and then there were more people speaking than ever. You glanced over at G'raha's face – his voice was nice, even if you weren't quite understanding it. His expression, less so – red-eyed from crying and seemingly furious.
Everything hurt quite a bit, and they seemed rather busy with their work, so you were content to slip back under for a time.
You'd made it this far, you were certain you'd be awake again before long – hopefully feeling much better than this. You trusted them to take care of you – a little more rest would not hurt.
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bishopsbelova · 1 year
It's perfectly normal for a multi chapter fic to just constantly grow in chapters as you continue to write it, right?
Cause this fic was originally supposed to only be like ten chapters and now my outline is roughly 20 with potential to change again if it keeps going the way it has been
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f1uff3rnutt3r · 6 months
I'm off work so if you wanted to talk for a little bit I'm finally free. Bleh working sucks. I know you really like your job but for those of us who just kinda tolerate it it's truly an Ordeal lmao. I can give you more muppets fun facts if you want :)
Out of curiosity and feel free to tell me if you don't wanna answer- what's it like now [puppet name]'s back? You guys kept saying it was really quiet and I know you couldn't see him posting but was that all you meant or is it something else? Again if you don't wanna answer you don't have to, I'm just curious
H1 4G41N‼️‼️‼️
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sylviesnrmts · 7 months
My favourite things about Ace Attorney :>
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~ Part 1 ~ Relationships
Narumitsu. // >:) It's my favourite ship ever atm, they bring me so much joy ahhh (I have thought about them non stop for 4 months omg)
Mia Fey x Lana Skye // In college they dated and or explored each others bodies so to speak. (not actual but that's my hc) (Also there's rlly good fanfics on ao3 that take place in a timeline where Mia didn't get conked and Lana didn't get Ganted which r rlly wholesome.)
The sheer intensity of Godot's love for Mia. // That is true passion.
Ron and Desirée DeLite // THE STRAIGHT COUPLE EVER. This is real love! At points you wonder if Dessie is just with him because he’s rich but no! She just really loves him. 🧡
Franmaya // Very swaggy. Wholesome and I LIVE FOR THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF THEM!! 🫶🫶
Klapollo // I haven't played Apollo Justice but I eat minor spoilers for breakfast. Klavier just decides from first sight. That is the one. "I've never felt this way about a man" And he just flirts with the short king while Apollo is oblivious but also is madly in love IDK AGAIN I HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET BUT I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM. (THE SHIP)
Faraskye // So cute, idk much about Kay Faraday but their designs together r rlly cute and I've seen a few edits of them which r rlly wholesome. 🫶
Doug Swallow.. x Feenie. // I read a fanfic about them and da bunch of objection.lols and I'm ngl they grew on me.
Maggey x Gumshoe // The age gap is iffy to me but they are extremely wholesome. (Weenie lunchboxes, anyone? :3)
Adrian x Franziska // They are similar, that's for sure. I can't help but feel the perverse power dynamic though that would likely be their undoing. Or maybe, They could change each other for the better. Adrian lets Franzy get more acquainted with her softer side, and Franzy teaches Adrian to be stronger and more confident! Ok now I have to write a fic about that. Feel free to use that idea, my treat.
April May x Ini Miney // I saw some fanart of them on Pinterest 😼 They both got a bit of an act goin, but they r very cute.
Dahlia Hawthorne/ Melissa Foster x April May // April and Ini's acts, dialled up to 11. I read a really good fic of them. I drew them too and I would do it again :)
Franziska x Ema Skye // (As adults) Pretty wholesome ngl.
Mia x Lana x Godot. // I dub them the hottest polycule in anime. This is assuming that Lana isn't lesbian (likely story.) and we would have to do some timeline gymnastics to give these three a happy ending but I think they would make a very good poly ship :)
Lana x Angel x Mia // Kinda popular on Tumblr, actually. (I just remembered I am ON TUMBLR right now...) Very cute. I want to draw them.
(I had a rainbow sherbet mother energy drink today 🤤 It tastes like nerds, would recommend.)
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Edgeworth and Franziska siblings // They are bouncing in my head like a screensaver constantly. I love Sound the turnabout melody because it shows us how much love Franzy has for Miles.
“Why’d you go and dress him (Miles’ dog) up?”
“I thought it would make you smile..” IMSOBBING
And when Miles becomes Manfred’s disciple, Franziska is off to the side, literally in the shadows. But what does she do? The sweet girl who wants nothing more than to follow in her beloved papa’s footsteps and become a great prosecutor, watching as her papa gives his attention to the boy he took in as his own? She gives that boy the biggest smile she can muster. Her little head is filled with nothing but love and admiration.
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Even as an adult, Franziska admires Miles. Her main motivation for even BEING in the second game revolves around him. It is made clear that she isn’t going after Phoenix because of her father, but because of Miles. She believed that Phoenix was the reason for Miles choosing death, and she was NOT going to let him get away with it. (I will add more later, I could go on about them for hours.)
Ema and Lana Skye // I think about them at least once a day, let Lana go see her sister PLEASE she's done her time ok let my girls be happy and investigate together... 🙏 anyway Lana risked and lost so so much to protect Ema..
Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne // Iris loves her sister so very much. Dahlia sees her as dirt. Been thinking abt them alot today. Iris was willing to help with Dahlia’s schemes despite not being evil herself.
Phoenix and Maya sibling relationship // They will forever be siblings to me lel.
By extension I feel like Mia and Phoenix were like family cuz they were like 🥲 all they had
Signal samurai trio // Especially as kids they r so fcking CUUUUTETETTEEE give me lifeee
Also narumitsu art where they are kids makes me so happyyyy cuz they r so!! adorable!! <3
Phoenix and Trucy being father and daughter // 🥲 Phoenix, can.. Will u be my father too? 🙏 (father issues) They are the adhd dad & adhd daughter representation we need but ya'll aren't ready for that information. (Direct quote from a post I made on my main 💀💀)
Gumshoe and Edgeworth friendship. // Trust. They have their own ways of showing their respect for each other 😭 but they work very well together and r close even if they don't act like it! (Or if Gumshoe's salary reflects it. 😭)
MIA AND MILES’ DYNAMIC. // I love how many interpretations there are of these two’s relationship. For one we got them being besties. I love this and yes I have drawn art of it. Then theres them hating each other’s very guts. This is reasonable! Also interesting. I wish we were able to see Mia’s reaction to the reason Phoenix became a lawyer. That would be very interesting. Anyway they live in my mind. Novice bimbos forever <3
Phoenix and Franziska friendship // When they manage to tolerate each other they r very cute and fun!
Trucy and Franzy auntie and niece relationship // This one is specifically because of the "How to court a fool in three months" fanfic. But they work so well together and I rlly want to see more ppl to utilize them :)
Miles and Gregory Edgeworth // All the art and posts about them are so very wholesome and Gregory seemed like a great dad. (I can't wait to learn more about him in AAI :3)
Manfred VK and Miles Edgeworth //
Drops this and runs but I run into a pole and get knocked unconscious 😵‍💫 I posted this btw 😵‍💫
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Will be adding more cuz VK fam r the only thoughts in my brain rn.
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Larry Butz.. and Maya Fey.. but their relationship is that of a fun uncle and silly niece. // This one may need some explaining. This is very much projection cuz these two remind me of me and my uncle (literally the funniest dude I know) Well not actually my uncle but a family friend. But yk.
Then I played... 😡 trials and tribulations 😡 And this bitch ass Butz was flirting with Maya! WTF?! Was that necessary?? Did anyone laugh at that? No! I could write a whole essay on how Larry's character got obliterated throughout the trilogy. He went from one of my favourite characters, to me actually cheering a little when he had something bad happen. (I still love him tho and choose to pretend that he doesn't become a shell of himself after the first game.)
(“Not exactly a friend… but yes, I know him” Cracked me tf up. Deserved lmao.)
---Not plot relevant spoilers for bridge to the turnabout ---
Going off from that I want to touch on Larry and Pearls friendship. // This had potential! Just kidding! It was ruined from before they even saw each other. Larry hears Pearl over the phone and goes "oH wHaT a CuTiEeE!" in a weird way. My c*nt that is a whole 8 year old child. But if we IGNORE THAT GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I like in the anime adaptation of farewell my turnabout, Larry is rlly nice to Pearl :) And in bridge to the turnabout, this could be a hot take but I think the whole 'loser shack' thing was hilarious. Larry was so enthusiastic and boisterous and Pearl was just like yeah guess I'm here.. and as soon as Phoenix comes around she turns her full attention to him. Idk I just thought that whole exchange was charming.
--- Spoilerz over ---
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-- Hints at sexual shit ahead if you don't want to read that then all g — I removed some cuz idk 😭
These ones are just for shits and gigs.
Phoenix and Larry college situationship. // Had to throw a bit of a curveball at ya. I don't fucking know why this is in the back of my head but it is.
Ema and Franziska // This was from like one person on twitter or Tumblr but I like it. Bitter exes, get it. 💅
If by some miracle Edgeworth isn't a virgin (and also isn't asexual of course!) by the time he actually gets with Wright then I think he would do it with Gumshoe or agent Lang. Trust. I refuse to believe he would ever think about a woman that way 😭 And also the man's just married to his work he don't got time for that.
But why Lang gotta go around telling him to be a good little pretty boy or whatever the fuck gay stuff he says to him. (I have only seen a few screenshots, I have yet to meet Lang in the game 💀💀)
Anyway I just had to get that out there lmao. Don't take this too seriously 🤣
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That's all for now! I was typing this for about 2 hours longer than I expected. Anyway please share your thoughts in the comments or tags!
Have a great day or night and if it is night then... please go to sleep. (5:22am 😻) Goodnight
Stfu tryna give people advice on when to sleep when I pulled an all nighter this week and got very disoriented the next night or maybe the night after (last night?!) because the last 48 hours had merged together to form a blur 😭
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belethlegwen · 2 years
The Rescue - Chapter 38 Updated!
Good morning lovelies and darlings and sinister fiends (no judgement, y'all are welcome here), I have some of the good kush for you this morning.
She's a big one, I hope you all enjoy!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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endusviolence · 7 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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panstarry · 6 months
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heads up: this games charity bundle was finally approved on itch.io! it opens this friday, april 12th, and will run for a week. all proceeds will go to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund.
you can check out the bundle on itch.io and follow @vgforpalestine on twitter for more updates!
EDIT: as of april 20th, 2024 this bundle is now live!!
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