#ed aggressive
God, I love the opening scene of Fun and Games. How Stede says "I thought I lost you," with the biggest, saddest, wettest puppy dog eyes, and Ed just fucking headbutts him, like "you did lose me, asshole."
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hamable · 4 months
Brennan: Blimey me once, shame on you. Blimey me twice, shame on me.
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peachfuzz-nygma · 7 months
”more like the way a peat moss organism grows. you know, laterally”
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i’m going to bite him and violently shake my head, flailing him around like a dog when it has a toy
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
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Ed and negative associations with dining
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eefaevie · 7 months
✨ my official good omens s3 prediction post ✨
which accidentally I guess comes with a side-order of analysis and a soupçon of meta because I can’t shut up
The quote "The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren’t talking." is intentionally misleading.
I think with Aziraphale gone, Crowley is going to become Grand Duke of Hell. He’s hurt, he’s tired, he’s got nothing to lose anymore. He’s also a bit of a dramatic petty bitch (affectionate), and after suffering what he considers the ultimate betrayal from Aziraphale, he wants to hit him where it would hurt equally by joining the “bad guys” fully. Crowley thinks of himself as unforgivable, and since (in his mind) Aziraphale refuses to “see” him for who he really is, he’s going to force him to by acting out like this (beside the fact that we know that this isn’t actually who Crowley is, but he’s injured and lashing out, even if it hurts himself, too.)
So, that quote. The plans for armageddon are going wrong. as in heaven can’t get it to start. And the only way they CAN get it to start is to get the Grand Duke of Hell and the Supreme Archangel to work together, which they are refusing to do. Think about all those meetings between Gabriel and Beelzebub — those definitely didn’t start off as dates, they were business meetings. And so Aziraphale and Crowley REFUSE to speak to each other (with MAXIMUM pettiness and passive aggressive comedy) because they’re both mad at each other for their mutual miscommunication, but also because they KNOW that if they do work together they’ll end up fucking it up somehow (and actually set the second coming back on track, which they obviously don’t want). The one thing that is a common thread through Good Omens is that Aziraphale and Crowley are actually kind of useless at their jobs, and they usually end up accomplishing the opposite of whatever it is they are supposed to do. Aziraphale is still in the grip of heaven, and can be manipulated — while Crowley is probably still terrified of Satan, and now that he’s kind of recklessly agreed to such a big promotion, that’s now his immediate superior.
(So really, if you’re useless at your job, and consistently do everything wrong, and you’re trying to stop a massive project — the best place to be would probably be in charge of that project, no?)
So anyways, cue Muriel being used for the most immature go-betweens (“Muriel, dear, please tell the Grand Duke that I won’t be able to make our dinner reservation this evening because he is a lying snake.” “Muriel, tell the Supreme Arseangel that I never made the reservation anyways and his holiestness was presumptuous to assume so.” etc etc)
I’m also betting that the Metatron orchestrated his offer to Aziraphale very intentionally, because he knows that they’re each other’s most precious thing, and he knew that raising Crowley would be the best possible offer to get Aziraphale to agree, but also, he knew that Crowley himself would never agree to it. Which left Aziraphale in a tricky position. He’s still too afraid of heaven to back out, and by separating him from Crowley, the Metatron thinks he has succeeded in both eliminating the biggest threat to the second coming (the earth’s only professional apocalypse-thwarters with extremely powerful joint miracles) and planted (what he believes to be) a huge pushover of an angel in the seat of power — essentially a puppet for the Metatron’s commands.
(I’m not even going to get into the alleged threat of the book of life at this point, but that’s it own big bag of worms)
Problem is, the Metatron severely underestimated how much these two are idiots, how far they’re willing to go for love (or how far they’ll go when they believe their love has been scorned), and again, I cannot stress this enough — how much they’re both idiots.
Crowley accepting the position of Grand Duke seems out of character, until you realize it absolutely is not. (The same thing goes for Aziraphale accepting the position of Supreme Archangel, btw.) With everything else happening, it’s going to be effectively Crowley’s only option — Aziraphale is gone, the second coming is coming, and there’s a convenient little vacancy at the top of Hell’s hierarchy. He’ll take it because he’s upset and hurt by Aziraphale, but he’ll also take it because he’s angry, and it’s the only way he can possibly have any impact on what happens next.
I’d go so far as to say that Crowley loves Earth primarily because he loves Aziraphale, and Aziraphale loves Earth. Crowley is always the one to suggest running away when the going gets tough, because his top priority is always Aziraphale’s safety. If the Earth ends up a casualty, well, boohoo, at least he’s got his Angel with him. Now, though, he’s got no Aziraphale — so what’s the point in sticking to Earth? Remember how he pretty much immediately gave up on stopping the apocalypse when he thought Aziraphale was dead? Yeah. (In fact, he probably realizes very quickly that if he wants any hope of having Aziraphale back and sharing their lives together — this time for real — he has to take drastic measures to make sure Earth and humanity survives. He’s an optimist, and he’s also selfish.)
So, surprise, Metatron! You just took these two will-they-won’t-they eternal virgins and made them business partners. Which is an issue.
Because remember, for one supreme archangel to fall in love with the grand duke of hell during dubious business meetings makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of… institutional problem.
We’ve taken the “workplace” in “workplace comedy” and dialled it up to 12. Now it’s not two salarymen from rival companies just kinda begrudgingly doing what they’re told until they don’t, it’s two high-ranking executives from rival companies who’ve decided they’re in love with each other, they’re done with this shit, and they’re taking the whole industry down from the inside.
Never forget that Good Omens is, at its core, a comedy. I believe we will get the romantic south down ending, for sure, but the path to get there is going to be a farce. They’re not talking — perhaps only in the business sense — so who knows the hijinks and shenanigans and making out they’re going to make everyone around them put up with this season. Aziraphale orchestrated an entire Jane Austen ball for Crowley before they’d even touched mouths. They’re going to be insufferable and I’m praying for Muriel’s sanity.
Finally, the final element of my prediction: Jesus will be there, probably. Maybe even Adam, too! Maybe it’ll even be lost celestial baby pt. 2: electric boogaloo. (as you can see my priorities are mostly regarding what happens with Aziraphale and Crowley lmao)
(and also, you know that dinky little half miracle they pulled together for jimbo? They were a couple of nobodies then. Imagine a full-powered joint miracle between a Supreme Archangel and a Grand Duke?)
(…Imagine a full-powered joint miracle between two supreme archangels and two grand dukes? 👀 ok ok who knows but also I’m not convinced we’ve seen the last of beez and gabe)
ok bye ❤️
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fuzzylogic-27 · 7 months
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gaypirateslife4me · 10 months
Stede Bonnet after saving his boyfriend from the 'posh knobs' party:
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Ed: . . . heart eyes emoji. peach emoji. eggplant emoji.
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hussyknee · 1 year
cant put my finger on it, but Taylor Swift feels like walking racial microaggression
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Summary: Just angst and depression, bruh. Remember, I let you guys vote for either this fic or the fluffy one and... well...
Platonic!Reader & Dean & Sam
Word Count: 1583
TW: Hospitals, ed, cancer, avoidance
“That was the hospital,” Sam said once he hung up. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Dean with tired eyes. “Y/N’s there again.”
It hurt, but it wasn’t a surprise. “What happened?”
“She collapsed. They’re running tests now to see why.”
Y/N had been getting worse for months now. She hid it, but after it got to a certain point, to the point where the hospital got involved, she couldn’t hide it any longer. Dean grabbed his jacket and keys. “Let’s go.”
The ride was silent and familiar. It was the third time in as many months. The first time was just to pick her up. Y/N had gone to get a sleeping pill prescription, and the doctors wouldn’t let her get behind the wheel, saying that she would be a danger in her current state. The second time, she’d been so sick that her roommate insisted she go. Sam and Dean had been called because they were still on file from the first time.
And now she collapsed.
If only she would tell them what was going on with her.
“They shouldn’t have called you.” I hated seeing Dean and Sam here. They shouldn’t have to take care of me. I was an adult. I could do this on my own.
Well, theoretically.
The Winchesters shouldn’t have to worry themselves about me. Sure, we grew up together, but that doesn’t mean they need to watch my destruction.
“They said you collapsed,” Dean said, pulling over a chair beside the hospital bed. God, I hated hospital beds. I hated everything about the hospital.
Okay, that’s not entirely true. I use to hate hospitals. Now though, I found a strange sort of comfort.
“I had them remove you as my emergency contacts last time. They shouldn’t have called.”
“Well, they did. Why’d you collapse?”
Why does anything collapse? Governments, buildings, organs… too much pressure.
At my lack of an answer, Sam sighed and came to sit on the edge of the bed. “We’re worried about you, Y/N.”
“They shouldn’t have called you,” was all I said. I’m an adult. I don’t need people looking after me. I should be able to do that myself. They could worry about their own problems.
“Why not?”
So far, my favorite part about living on my own was the independence. I could do whatever I liked. Whatever I wished. I just wish people would stop worrying about me because of it. I was on my own, so I should be on my own. I hadn’t talked to either Dean or Sam since the last time I was here. That was a whole month without any Y/N problems hanging off their shoulders. Now the hospital ruined that streak by calling them.
“I took you off my contact list. It’s unprofessional, really. And probably against HIPAA.”
“Why did you take us off your list?” Dean clarified Sam’s question with a sigh. He knew that I’d understood the first time. So he should also know that I wasn’t going to answer this time.
“They said they’re keeping me here overnight. You guys should go back to whatever you were doing. I’ll be fine.”
They shared a look and Sam stood up. “I’ll go find a nurse.”
He shut the door behind him. It was just me and Dean now.
“He’s going to get answers, Y/N. You might has well just tell me why you collapsed.”
Dean was raised right. Sam too. I suppose I was also raised right, but the lessons just didn’t stick for me like it did for them. The three of us. The fearsome threesome. A force to be reckoned with back in high school. Back when life was simpler.
“Have you seen the news? All those hurricanes and earthquakes? Man, I would hate to be there.”
He knew I wasn’t going to give him a real answer, so he just sighed heavily, pulled his baseball cap down over his eyes, and slid down the chair until he was comfortable enough. He was going to have to go to the chiropractor if he fell asleep like that.
“Dean, go home. Get some sleep in your bed. You have a game tomorrow that you need to be ready for.”
“Surprised you even know about that,” he mumbled, not moving.
The school sends out weekly emails about all of the events happening on campus I still get them even though I dropped out a month ago. Of course I know about the football games.
I’m not very good at being a real person lately. There’s just too much happening. Too many strings to keep track of. A to-do list that keeps getting longer and longer. More failures that keep piling up in the corner of my closet. I can’t do it all, so some things had to go. Dean and Sam just couldn’t see how much more free they were without me.
I guess they would figure that out soon enough.
“I forgot to eat,” I finally say out loud. It’s not completely the truth. I knew that I had to eat, but I just… didn’t.
Dean peeked at me from under the bill of his hat. “What?”
“That’s why I collapsed. They’re going to give me whatever I need then send me home. That’s it, okay? Nothing to worry about. You guys can go home now.” I closed my eyes, knowing that Dean was going to blow this completely out of proportion. If I had to hear it, I didn’t want to see it too.
“How do you forget to eat?”
It’s a lot of work. You gotta figure out what you want to eat, then see if you have everything to make it, then if you don’t you have to go to the store and spend money and time and be around people. And if your roommate is home, then you run the risk of having to be in the kitchen with her too and small talk is just something that I can’t do. Then, after all that hullabaloo, there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t just puke the food up in a few minutes.
It’s just easier to… not.
“Y/N, c’mon, what the hell?”
This would have been so much better if the hospital hadn’t called them. Dean was all about eating right. He cared about his body. It got him his athletic scholarships. It was his future. He was going to be in the NFL. He had to worry about that shit. And Sam? His future was all about being a personal trainer. It was his job to figure out the right way to eat and exercise and all that crap.
I was the brains. Well, I used to be. I used to think I was.
Funny how fast things change.
“Go home, Dean. Take Sam with you. The hospital’s got my back now. You have a game tomorrow.” I settle further into the bed.
“When was the last time you ate?”
The worst part of hospital beds was getting comfortable in them. It was impossible on a good day, but with wire and tubes sticking out of you? It was better to just resign yourself to a very uncomfortable night.
“And it’s not just the hurricanes and earthquakes. There was a giant tsunami too. It’s like the earth is trying to tell us that we’re not welcome anymore. Crazy.”
“I don’t care about that right now. Y/N, when did you last eat?”
I was so tired. And all this probably wouldn’t matter in a few weeks anyway. Dean had a game tomorrow. “If you don’t leave, I’m gonna call security.”
His mouth dropped open. I couldn’t stand to look at him anymore, so I stared straight ahead at the door instead.
“Y/N, what the fuck is going on with you?”
The door opened and Sam returned with a nurse and a doctor. It was never good when the doctor came back in. Especially with a nurse. I addressed them, rather than my friends. “Can you get them out of here, please? I don’t want them here.”
“Y/N, I don’t think that’s a good idea given—”
“Get them out of here!” I yelled suddenly, finding some hidden reservoir of energy to protect my friends from the ugliness that the doctor was about to tell me.
Dean and Sam protested, but they were too nice to fight against the nurse as she pushed them out the door. As soon as they were gone, I slumped back against the pillow.
“It spread, didn’t it?” I asked weakly.
The doctor nodded sympathetically. “The tumor in your brain that we found a month ago is growing faster than we thought, and the cancer has spread to your spinal cord.”
It didn’t take ten seasons of Grey’s Anatomy for me to know what that meant. “How long do I have?”
“It’s hard to say, but…” the doctor flipped through a few pages on my chart. It was just a stalling technique. It couldn’t be easy to tell a twenty-two-year-old girl that she was going to die soon. “I would say somewhere between three weeks and four months.”
“I can go get your friends, if you’d like. You don’t have to go through this alone,” the nurse offered.
I just shook my head. A single tear trailed down my cheek, but other than that I was able to keep all of my emotions buried deep. “No. They need to go. Dean has a game tomorrow.”
SPN Tags: @missthang2734 @hugwinchester @iamnotsaneatall @angelicshinigami @youtubehelpsmesurvive @sgarrett49 @mogaruke @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @sandlee44 @goldenolaf25 @smoothdogsgirl @ocholove @valisiofdauntless @emoryhemsworth @carryonmyswansong @percussiongirl2017 @x-waywardaf-x @babynovak05 @kleinkariertebetrachter @akshi8278 @calaofnoldor @mylovelydame21 @sucker-09 @idksupernatural @miraclesoflove @i-should-prob-be-asleep @all-will-be-well-love @blueaura @anthoniastark @buckys-estrella
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ededdneddy-artrefs · 8 months
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tv-moments · 4 months
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The Gentlemen
Season 1, “Refined Aggression”
Director: Guy Ritchie
DoP: Ed Wild
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
the way you can see the anger slowly leaving ed after he says "you don't get to say that to me" but stays where he is anyway instead of leaving the room just to hear stede say what he has to say, and at the end of it, because he also loves being near stede and breathing the same air, all that is left is this raw emotion with a hint of hope in his eyes
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
Wouldn't it just be delicious if in season 2 the show went out of its way to confirm Ed's literacy, like showing him casually doing captain things like looking at ship manifests or checking ledgers or whatever? I think that could be hilarious.
I'm already an Ed Can Read truther because beyond the likelihood that a captain would need to be able to read maps and charts and the like, the set for his cabin on his original ship included scrolls, and at the party we see him look at the dinner place card while sitting in the right place.
Also historically, it really wasn't that uncommon to be able to read but not write! So him signing with an X doesn't disprove that to me. It would be even funnier if later on we learned that he knew how to write properly too, or even had a lovely running hand that rivaled Lucius? I would just eat that up with a spoon.
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I'm watching Bluey for the first time and I'm just. Fucking speechless. Like I knew the show was good but I genuinely didn't expect it to be as amazing as it is. Like nothing's perfect but Bluey is as close as it gets. I have so many thoughts about this show but the main one I have right now is...
Bandit and Chilli are shown to consistently and actively play with their kids. WHAT OTHER MEDIA HAS EVER SHOWN THIS?? PLEASE THEY ARE SUCH GOOD PARENTS. THIS SHOW IS ONE GIANT GUIDE ON HOW TO BE A GOOD PARENT. T-T
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renamusing · 29 days
they really need to give this whole "dickmatized by another Sugden" some depth because it doesn't even feel like Aaron to me lol like who is this ?
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Really, really thinking some of yall don't know what masochism is tbh. If you think the toe scene was anything approaching textbook masochism then I really need you to pick up the book and start reading it. Where's the consent? Izzy may or may not be a masochist but that is not masochism on display in that scene. That was an act of one party seizing control, not a mutual exchange of it.
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