#earth gang
gods-ipod · 2 years
“Talk to me now, speak loud and clear”
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ghett0-g0rgeous1989ad · 9 months
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mustasekittens · 6 months
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close up!!
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my sillies <3
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9franklin3 · 1 year
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dittohasadhd · 2 years
if you walk into a virgo's house, their mirrors will be perfectly polished and everything free of dust and all their plants perfectly misted and thriving and their bathroom spotless but they'll still be like "omg I'm SO sorry for the mess haha I haven't cleaned up at all today I'm so lazy" because there's a single basket of clean, folded laundry in the corner of the room that they haven't put away yet.
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brandonhixon · 2 years
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Gorillaz x De La Soul x Earth Gang - North American Tour
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royalarchivist · 2 months
Sneeg: ...Fit? What is that? WHAT IS THAT?
Phil: Fit came prepared, dude. It's a legit Minecraft nuke!
Techno: Wait– what the heck is that?
Phil: An End Crystal, he was about to use that to yeet someone.
Grunks (?): Techno is not aware of the 2B2T culture, I see...
Techno: Uh, I am not.
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Technoblade learns about End Crystal PvP from Philza and our favorite 2B2T veteran, FitMC! ⚔️💥
[Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Sneeg: ...Fit? What is that? WHAT IS THAT?
Phil: Fit- Fit came prepared, dude.
Fit: That's right!
Techno: OH– Fit has the nukes!
Phil: It's a legit Minecraft nuke!
Fit: I didn't get to use any of my weapons!
Techno: Wait– what the heck is that?
Phil: An End Crystal, he was about to use that to yeet someone.
Techno: [Laughs]
Grunks (?): Techno is not aware of the 2B2T culture, I see...
Fit: Ohhh.
Techno: Uh, I am not.
Phil: You see the obsidian he placed down over there next to that plane?
Techno: Yeah?
Phil: That was gonna be a blast radius of like, a huge Creeper– charged Creeper explosion.
Techno: Oh snap.
Phil: You know when you fight the Dragon and those towers have the explosive bits on the top?
Techno: Yeah?
Phil: Yeah, he's holding- he's holding one of those explosive bits.
Techno: I'm just gonna get launched.
[A black transition screen with text that reads: "1 year 7 months later..."]
Ranboo: There he is, there he is!
Techno: [Spots an End Crystal on the ground and picks it up]
Phil: I can't see him.
Ranboo: I can't- I can't–
Ranboo: Oh god– OH NO!
Phil: OHHH!!!
Squidkid: He's holding Nether crystals!
Ranboo: Wait, is he trying to Nether Crys– Or wait– is he trying to End Crystal us?
Techno: [Lying] I don't know how to do that!
Squidkid: If he tries, half of his dogs are gonna disappear!
Ranboo: [Overlapping with Squidkid] You're right, he wouldn't know how to do THAT.
Techno: More dogs, Chat! More dogs! It's the only way!
Clip sources:
SMP Earth: Battle of the Pit - Timestamp: 11m 30s
Minecraft But Viewers Control The Game (the charity event Techno did for the Sarcoma Foundation) - Timestamp: 2h 8m
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milesmorales99 · 1 month
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Friendly Neighbor (@kukukarina)
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Baby Come Back
➥ summary: miles misses his girl even though he won’t admit to to himself or anyone else, but when he sees her starting to move on without him, naw that settles it. It’s time to win his baby girl back
➥ a/n: this was inspired by @laaailuh fic “I Miss You”
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The tension in the air was palpable as Miles Morales, also known as the Prowler, and his girlfriend (y/n) stood face to face in his small apartment. Their voices were raised, and emotions ran high, as they found themselves entangled in a heated argument.
"I can't do this anymore, Miles!" (y/n) exclaimed, her eyes filled with frustration and hurt. "You've been distant, shutting me out, and taking your anger out on me. It's not fair!"
Miles clenched his fists, trying to find the right words to express the turmoil inside him. "I know I've been a mess since my dad died," he admitted, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But I'm trying to deal with it in my own way."
(y/n) took a step back, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. "I understand that you're going through a lot, but you can't just push me away and expect me to stick around," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I need to be with someone who can share their pain with me, not shut me out."
Miles felt a surge of guilt wash over him, knowing that he had been unfair to (y/n). He loved her deeply, but the darkness of his grief had consumed him, making it difficult for him to see beyond his own pain.
"I don't want to lose you," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I need you, (y/n). Please, don't leave."
(y/n)'s eyes welled up with tears, torn between her love for Miles and the toll his emotional distance was taking on her. "I love you too, Miles, but I can't keep being hurt like this," she said, her voice choked with sadness. "You need to confront your grief and find a way to heal, for both of us."
As the words hung in the air, the weight of their unresolved issues seemed to crush them both. (y/n) turned away, unable to bear the pain in Miles' eyes, while he struggled to find the strength to let her go.
In the following days, the silence between them grew heavy and suffocating. They tried to carry on with their lives separately, but their hearts longed for the comfort and love they once shared.
One evening, as the sun set over the city, (y/n) made her decision. She couldn't keep waiting for Miles to heal on his own. She knew that it was time to face the truth and let go, even if it broke her heart.
She went to Miles' apartment, her footsteps echoing with each heavy step. The door opened, and Miles stood before her, his eyes red and swollen, a reflection of the pain he carried.
"I can't keep pretending that everything is okay," (y/n) said softly, her voice wavering. "I need to put myself first, and that means letting go."
Tears streamed down Miles' cheeks as he nodded, his heart aching with the weight of their decision. "I don't want to lose you, but I know I've been pushing you away," he said, his voice choked with regret. "I'm so sorry for hurting you."
They stood there, facing each other, knowing that their love wasn't enough to mend the broken pieces of their hearts. Their bond had been strong, but the weight of grief had shattered it.
With one last embrace, (y/n) turned away, her heart breaking as she walked away from the man she loved. The tears flowed freely as she left behind the life they once shared, but she knew that it was the right decision for both of them.
In the days that followed, the void left by their breakup was a constant reminder of the love they had lost. Miles faced his grief head-on, seeking counseling and support from friends and family, determined to find a way to heal.
And though they had parted ways, the memories of their love lingered in the corners of their hearts. The road ahead was uncertain, but they both knew that their journey towards healing had only just begun.
In the days that followed the breakup, Miles Morales, also known as the Prowler, became even more withdrawn and closed off. The pain of losing (y/n) weighed heavily on his heart, and he found solace in isolating himself from his friends and emotions. He had always been good at hiding his feelings behind the mask of the prowler, but now it seemed like he was hiding from himself too.
At school, Miles tried to maintain a façade of indifference, a mask that he wore to shield himself from the questions and concerns of his friends. As he walked through the halls, he could feel the worried glances of his classmates, but he pretended not to notice.
During lunchtime, others approached him cautiously, their concern evident in their expressions. "Hey, Miles, are you doing okay?" Stu asked, his voice soft and caring.
He shrugged nonchalantly, trying to deflect their worries. "Yeah, I'm good," he replied with a forced smile. "It just didn't work out with (y/n), you know? It's whatever."
Stu exchanged a concerned glance with Anthony, realizing that Miles was trying to hide his pain. "You sure, man? We're here for you if you need to talk," he said gently.
Miles nodded, but he couldn't bring himself to share the turmoil inside him. "I appreciate it, but I'm fine," he insisted, avoiding eye contact with his friends. "I've got other stuff to focus on."
Just then the bell rang signaling that it was time for class.
As Miles sat in his classroom, his mind preoccupied with his own thoughts and emotions, he couldn't help but notice that (y/n) was just a few seats ahead of him. His heart clenched as he saw someone pass her a note discreetly.
Curiosity got the better of him, and he strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the exchange. He could feel a pang of jealousy stirring within him, a reminder of the connection they once shared.
Trying to focus on the lesson, he fought the urge to look again. But as the minutes ticked by, his mind kept wandering back to the note. He couldn't shake the feeling of being left out, of no longer being a part of her life.
When the class finally ended, Miles gathered his belongings, but his feet felt heavy as he made his way towards the exit. He knew he should be moving on, but seeing (y/n) with someone else reminded him of what he had lost.
As he walked past her, he couldn't help but glance in her direction. Their eyes met briefly, and a mix of emotions washed over him. He wanted to say something, to reach out to her, but his pride held him back.
In the bustling school hallway, Miles mustered the courage to call out to (y/n) as she was making her way to her next class. "Hey, (y/n)!" he said, his voice a mix of nervousness and hope.
She turned around, surprised to see him, but she managed a polite smile. "Hey, Miles. What's up?" she asked, her guard up, unsure of what he wanted to talk about.
"I was wondering if we could meet up after school," he said, his eyes earnest. "There's something I really need to talk to you about."
(y/n) hesitated, her heart still guarded, but she knew that avoiding the conversation wouldn't resolve anything. "Miles, I don't think there's a need for us to talk," she replied, her voice measured. "It's all been said, hasn't it?"
Miles took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words he wanted to say. "Please, cariño" he implored, "I just need a chance to explain and apologize. There's so much I want to say, and I can't keep pretending like everything's okay."
Her resolve softened as she saw the sincerity in his eyes. With a small sigh, she relented. "Okay, fine," she said, "but just this once, and only because I think we both deserve some closure."
After school, they met at a nearby park, finding a quiet bench to sit on. The air between them was tense, but there was an unspoken understanding that they needed to have this conversation.
Miles began, his words slow and heartfelt. "I'm sorry,cariño, for shutting you out and being distant," he said, his voice tinged with remorse. "I've been dealing with so much since my dad's passing, and I didn't know how to handle it. But that's not an excuse for treating you the way I did."
She listened attentively, the wall around her heart slowly starting to crumble. "I know it was hard for you," she said softly, "but it was hard for me too. I felt like you pushed me away, and it hurt."
"I know, and I'm sorry," Miles replied, his gaze downcast. "I never meant to hurt you, (y/n). I just... I didn't know how to handle my emotions, and I thought if I pushed you away, it would protect you from my pain."
Her heart softened as she saw the vulnerability in his eyes. "You don't have to protect me, Miles," she said gently. "I wanted to be there for you, to help you through your grief."
He reached out and took her hand, his grip gentle yet pleading. "I wish I had let you in," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I wish I had talked to you about everything, instead of shutting you out."
Silence settled between them, the weight of their emotions palpable. (y/n) finally spoke, her voice tinged with sadness. "I miss you too, mi amor," she admitted, her eyes welling up with tears. "I miss us, but I don't know if we can go back to how things were."
Miles nodded, understanding the complexity of their situation. "I don't expect things to go back to normal right away," he said. "I just hope that we can find a way to move forward, even if it's not together."
Her heart ached, torn between the love she still felt for him and the uncertainty of their future. "I need time to heal too," she said softly. "But I'm willing to listen if you want to talk."
And so, beneath the setting sun, they started to open up to each other, their words filled with both pain and hope. As they talked, they realized that they needed to be honest about their feelings, even if it meant facing the difficult truths they had been avoiding.
Their conversation was raw and emotional, but it was a start. A start towards healing, towards understanding, and towards finding closure. Whether their paths would converge again or lead in different directions, they both knew that they had grown from their experiences and that they would always cherish the love they once shared.
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
remembering that one q&a with maddie blaustien aka early meowth.. she has the most correct opinions ever actually
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i'm sure this has been done before but au where meowth gets custody of togepi in s1 ep52
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"You're a hero, kid."
I needed comfort
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mustasekittens · 5 months
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longtime fan of his | another one
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shima-draws · 2 years
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shannonsketches · 2 months
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I would kill a man for the bonus story of Bulma explaining to Jaco that she left earth one (1) time and wound up in a meetcute with Prince Pernicious Himself
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betta-phish · 7 months
besties again
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also love these screenshots
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scrumptiousstuffs · 4 months
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The introvert gang psyching themselves to join the GMMTV Outing party 😬🥴 (but it seems Earth and maybe Khao? are ready for bed 🫢)
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Source of translation on screenshot
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