#earth empire
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gloomybadger4life · 4 months ago
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slutpoppers · 3 months ago
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Great Uniter Kuvira vs Avatar Korra
The Legend of Korra - Book 4: Balance
<-The Battle of Zaofu->
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beifong-brainrot · 8 months ago
While mostly find Kuvira a relatively straightforward character, I do love how the theme of rejection is just so ingrained into her character.
Of course we have Kuvira herself experiencing what many would call the cruellest rejection possible, being literally given away by her own biological parents.
Kuvira: [She angrily turns her head toward Korra as the shot cuts to a wide view.] Don't pretend you know what it felt like! [Wildly, waving her free arm.] The Avatar is adored by millions! I was cast aside by my own parents like I meant nothing to them.
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We also see that, while Kuvira is invited with a lot of love by Su, who clearly is open to taking Kuvira into her family, Kuvira clearly didn't feel like part of the family. It isn't exactly concrete why this is the case. We can be certain that Opal, who was most likely working through her own issues surrounding not being a bender and feeling that Suyin is replacing her.
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I know it's very easy to theorise that Kuvira was somehow isolated and ostracised from the Beifongs and while I can see this being the case, I haven't seen many people talk about just how avoidant Kuvira herself is.
I mean, Kuvira was horrifically rejected by the people she was meant to unconditionally trust and rely on. As a child who doesn't exactly understand why this is happening to her and that it wouldn't happen again, what better way to defend yourself if you reject them before they can reject you.
I think Bolin hit the nail on the head here. (When will we get a Bolin Kuvira argument i need it in my life)
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Kuvira fears rejection. She struggles to form proper relationships, even her one intimate relationship with Baatar Jr had a certain amount of.... padding? If you know what I mean.
I don't doubt that Kuvira had a lot of affection for Baatar. I just think that she still kept a healthy dose of diatance in her relationship with him.
Her relationship with Baatar Jr is actually really fun. It sort of mirrors Kuvira's own childhood disillusionment with relationships.
Baatar also suffers a brutal rejection from someone. Kuvira, the woman he loved, and to some extent, for whom he abandoned all previous relationships tries to kill him. Directly after he pours his heart out to her and and restates his love for her. And now it's him isolating himself, particularly from Kuvira, even when she does try to reach out. (I do giggle at how much Kuvira gets consistently swerved in the comics)
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The parasocial relationship Kuvira fosters with her Empire is also worth taking into consideration. Kuvira obviously is projecting her own childhood trauma onto the entire damn country which is my fave part of her character because who does that lol.
I've mentioned this in my comparison of the Earth Empire and Russia in the throes of Stalinism but I wouldn't be surprised if Kuvira cultivating a cult of personality to bolster her leadership is also her attempting to build connections that she deems "safe".
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She holds the power in these relationships, she's basically a celebrity and if someone does step out of line, they are betraying not Kuvira, but the Nation. Postulating herself as an untouchable emperess also, once again, allows her a certain level of distance from others.
I'm not sure if Kuvira is aware she's perpetuating her own loneliness. I wanna say yes, because when she is alone, she acknowledges to herself that Suyin indeed was there for her and that she can rely on her. But she's so good at manipulating and gaslighting that she may have tricked herself fully into believing she's the victim, like she had with her warcrimes at the beginning of RotE.
All in all, I think Kuvira is a very interesting character if not one that is simply putting an slightly new spin on tried and true tropes. I will say I find it quite odd how many people take what she says without a second thought when she clearly has a vested interest in lying, but she is very charismatic and fun to analyse lol.
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loklove48 · 2 years ago
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Just a quick messy Suvira
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hotpinkrathian · 10 months ago
ok so this has been in my head for days now and i hope it’s not too much of a spoiler for a united front.
i was thinking about when kya was bloodbending to save lin and su (and i might’ve accidentally missed it) but i don’t think it was a full moon? i know it was raining during lin and jia yi’s fight and that waterbenders get a little power boost during the rain but still. kya is literally so powerful and i love it
Spoiler Warning For A United Front
Hi, I have been waiting to hear from you in my inbox : )
In the final fight I purposely didn't draw attention to the moon because, and I explained this briefly in response to a comment on AO3, it wasn't about Kya. It wasn't about her power, but rather the effect her betrayal had on Lin. Earlier in the story Lin's internal monolog explains how she understands firebending forms better than she does air or water, because its fueled by anger and emotion. The struggles she faces throughout the story culminate into her final display of strength, a display that is catalyzed by Kya's betrayal.
Now, as for what I would say the moon phase was.... waning gibbous. Because the waning gibbous goes into the full moon, but it itself isn't full. So it could be said that this near-full moon, and the rain contributed to Kya's power but... to be honest, Kya is just that girl. She can bloodbend no matter the state of the sky.
I thought it helped paralell Kya to Amon, and make Lin see her worst enemy in "a new light" if that makes sense. Additionally, I kind of drew from ATLA in this respect: Lin loves Kya more than she fears bloodbending, and for someone who has forgotten how to love, that's a pretty big deal.
So yeah, the moon isn't full, and if they weren't so busy trying to stay alive, someone would have absolutely mentioned it, or marveled at it. Its a detail that made Kya all that more desireable to the United Front. They remember how Amon nearly destroyed the Avatar, and the idea was that these "combined" forces would be enough to take the Earth Empire once and for all.
I appreciate the ask, and the spoiler warning in the ask : ) I'm so happy you have given me an opportunity to talk about my writing it means the world to me!
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knightofthenewrepublic · 11 months ago
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hai-kazumadesu · 2 years ago
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Kuvira commission!!
Artist: Wolfbird art (facebook) and wolfbirdie (toyhouse)
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pluralzalpha · 2 years ago
Galactic Gazetteer: Orestes
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AKA: Braah, the Ogron Planet
Type: Planetary moon
Location: orbit of Clytemnestra in the Agamemnon system, on the edge of Mutter's Spiral
Native inhabitants: Ogrons, Ogron predator, "crab gods"
Immigrant inhabitants: humans, Daleks
Affiliation: Earth Empire, Dalek Empire
Visited by: the Third Doctor, the Eighth Doctor, the Master, Missy, the Meddling Monk
First appearance: Frontier in Space (1973)
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Fun fact: the Daleks used the planetoid as a base and used Ogrons as servants.
Another fun fact: colonised by the Earth Empire in the 30th century.
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lepucide · 11 months ago
April 19th, 1:00 cst 2:00 est, there will be a WAR between the Earth empire and the Sand soldiers, lead by mlp youtubers Eff minus (Dirty) and Star Strike (Sandy)
Watch their videos - Eff Minus EXPOSED by sandy spartan Star Strike And STAR STRIKE EXPOSED!! by muddy madman Eff Minus - for details
Make sand and dirt themed skins if you want, but it's not required! CHOOSE A SIDE AND SPREAD THE WORD!
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sihkaydah · 1 month ago
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Drew Antarctic Empire Phil in the technoplane as this meme I found. Does anyone still like SmpEarth Emeraldduo? Cause I have a whole file of e!Phil and e!Techno wips
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ruubesz-draws · 6 months ago
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Minus One is a menace
From (link):
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airyal245 · 18 days ago
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Antarctic Empire
Progress things under cut
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Last picture shows off all the shinies
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slutpoppers · 3 months ago
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Great Uniter Kuvira vs Avatar Korra
Legend Of Korra - Book 4: Balance
The Battle of Zaofu ->
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beifong-brainrot · 1 year ago
Sure we can rag on Bolin for not realising he joined the Earth Kingdom equivalent of the Nazi party and call him an idiot for it (deserved) but honestly I can't really fault him for it?
Like the ostrich effect is a thing and we are watching it in full effect here. We've seen that Bolin is a character that deals very poorly with conflict. Like it's super obvious he'd avoid standing up to Kuvira as much as he could.
One of Bolin's biggest hurdles as a character is that he is looking for a purpose, the rest of team Avatar having 'found themselves'. So it's not out of character for him to join Kuvira.
I feel like he's also compensating for the loss of Korra, who was in recovery at the time by following Kuvira.
It's very obvious that Korra had a huge impact on Bolin's life, as she did with all of Team Avatar. But Bolin had definetly attached himself very strongly to her. He's been following Mako around his entire life, been a follower for most of his life. And then his first real friendship outside of family follows a similar pattern.
Korra is like the perfect character for Bolin to project his weird codependency thing onto. She's an effortless leader, very forceful, decisive and straightforward. Someone who he can easily listen to and carve out a path he can follow. And following the Avatar around allows him to do something worthwile and good. To actually help. With the added benefit that it gets him people's approval, something he so clearly desperately needs and craves.
Then Korra becomes so injured that she has to be placed in physical therapy for an indeterminate ampunt of time.
So Bolin projects that need and codependency on someone else. Kuvira. In his argument with Mako he states it clear as day: 'I mean, Kuvira is basically just like Korra. She might seem hard to deal with, but just because she's so passionate and believes in what she's doing.'
He gets to continue doing good and making people like him while under very clear orders he can follow.
I mean, this boy is traumatised. Clearly, Mako took the brunt of the horrors of their childhood, but it would be incredibly stupid to say that Bolin isn't fucked up as well. Clearly in a different way but fucked up nonetheless. I think this codependency thing is something both brothers benefitted from as kids but that's a conversation for another day.
And the events of the first three books are also traumatic?
Like he's just been part of a civil war/end of the world so excuse him for hoping to catch a break. I will once again refer you to the ostrich effect. Another war breaking out is probably like worst case scenario in his mind.
I feel like for him, if he opens his eyes to what Kuvira is doing is accepting that there is once again a 'big conflict' in his life. And that his loved ones are once again in danger. And worse, that he's contributed to it.
I can also see it all being a case of 'well ive waded neck deep into this swamp, now i gotta see this through'. Like he's sunk so much time and energy into this cause, it can't be all wrong, right?
Sure, ego is probably a big part of his behaviour. Everyone is telling him that Kuvira is bad and that automatically puts up the defences. Bit I can see how these warnings feel like a direct personal attack at Bolin himself. He was also incredibly isolated from most of his friends when serving Kuvira. Other than Zhu Li and Varrick, who aren't exactly peers.
So he's lonely on a train most of his time and when he does reuinte with his loved ones they start criticising his life choices . I can see him getting defensive and automatically resistant to critisism.
And Kuvira is also shown to be very good at emotuonal manipulation and threats and stuff. And Bolin, a chronic people pleaser whith a lot of trauma is, like, the perfect victim for those shenanigans. Bolin is canonically bad at reading situations that are detrimental to him (look at the entirety of his relationship with Eska)
You know, sure, he's an idiot for staying with her as long as he did. But it's not as black and white as a lot of people make it out to be?
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fannoona · 8 months ago
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Happy birthday to my man 🔥
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viktorscane · 7 months ago
while most ppl think that techno is the more chaotic part of emduo, i think it’s worth mentioning that both in the antarctic empire and in the dsmp phil pushed and advocated for violence at the drop of a dime.
ae!phil messaging ae!techno that they should just kill everyone at the saint-malo trials rather than come to a peaceful conclusion.
c!phil pushing for the destruction of l’manburg at all costs and encouraging c!techno to destroy more & more & more even when the country lay in ruins.
when c!techno and the voices are satisfied, and the fire has dulled to nothing but sparks and ash; c!phil will always be the first one to add fuel to the fire.
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