my writing domain
13 posts
Krzeslicko on AO3 I'll post the things I write here, no spam (I promise).
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writing-domain · 5 months ago
Attention Ranger's Apprentice fanfiction authors!
I am hosting fanfiction writing event! In this event, every participant will write their own little story/statement/interview based on the prologue. Think of it as writing a ra fanfic Detective Conan episode but the plot is vastly different from Detective Conan.
So that you know what you are signing up for, I've added the prologue here. Also, the deadline for finishing your story wont be before mid September, so that everyone can enjoy writing the gathering prompts freely and without pressure!
If you like this and want to join, please DM me and I'll send you the rules.
If you have questions, also DM me!
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writing-domain · 1 year ago
Did I just come up with the silliest AU for one of my fandoms? Maybe. You'll never prove it was me.
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writing-domain · 1 year ago
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writing-domain · 1 year ago
An excerpt from something I'm working on:
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Yes, it's kind of an RPF but not exactly.
I kind of find this dialogue funny in a greater context, you'll see 🙈 Hope y'all like it as much as I do. It's a gen btw, although there is a lot of subtext and funny situations.
Will probably post in January, fingers crossed.
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writing-domain · 1 year ago
Can't decide how I should write my last whump piece of this year... Do I put a lot of suffering inside, or do I add a little comfort at the end?
If you want to avoid spoilers for this month, I put spoilers below the cut ;)
This month's fandom is The Witcher, by the way!
The theme I got (a randomiser picks me a theme each month) is *grief*. So, heavy stuff. I'm debating whether I should discard it. Don't want to write "whatever" and that is a very heavy topic. Available were:
grief | stranded | rescue
Do, I don't know. I have an inkling of an idea for the short story, though.
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writing-domain · 1 year ago
Thinking of opening writing comission, because unemployment hit me harder than I thought it would.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
Kaz carefully set the leather to the side with a flick of his wrist. They watched, mesmerised, as he flexed his fingers like an apt musician before the show.
“You know how to play?” Wylan was the one to end the silence, and Jesper was ready to grant him thousands more kisses that night. “Didn’t peg you for a type.”
Kaz shot him a glance from under his hideous haircut. “Talented?”
“Stuck up.”
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
I’ve got another fic in the works!
This time it’s a fandom I’ve been in for quite some time, although I’ve never written anything for it, and a new concept (for me).
I’m excited for it, hope you’ll enjoy it as well :D
Here’s a hint.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
Lay your weary head to rest
Summary: Will and Halt fight, Gilan’s there to pick up the pieces. It has to get worse before it can get better.
Characters: Halt, Will, Gilan
Read on AO3 here
Words: 3 173
Chapters: 2/2
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Referenced drug use, angst, touch-starved
Rating: Teen and Up
Excerpt under the cut:
There was someone lurking on Gilan’s porch. They were quiet, soft steps nearly impossible to catch even in the dead of night. It should worry him, this presence. And yet Gilan patiently finished his rapport, the stranger accompanying him from the outside. Putting away his quill, he stretched the sore muscles in his back, cursing the amount of paperwork that fell upon him. It has been a few hours past sunset, the full moon casting faint shadows on the clearing. The clouds were not letting through much light.
 Gilan looked outside and froze when the dark silhouette appeared for a split second. Hastily but silently reaching for a bow, he made his way to the door. The floor of his house had creaky floorboards that he cultivated and avoided if a need arose to remain silent. The door’s hinges worked on the same principle, every Ranger knew how to make their cottage move the way they needed. He grabbed his sword and pushed forward.
 From the crack between the door and the frame, Gilan had a good outlook on the glade backed in the moonlight. He had expected the stranger to lurk directly behind the door, ready and waiting. Instead, as he peeked through the crack, he saw a petite frame of someone curled up on his front porch.
 “Will?” the name came out in a whisper.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
There’ll be peace when you are done
Summary: Duncan overthinks his conversation with Halt after the Ranger's return from Skandia and comes to certain conclusions.
Mostly introspection
Characters: Duncan, Crowley, Halt and Will
Read on AO3 here
Words: 2067
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Introspection, anxiety, awkward conversations
Rating: Teen and Up
Excerpt under the cut:
Duncan wasn't a stranger to regret. In the course of so many years as a ruler, he had made enough mistakes to familiarise himself with the idea. No, what drew him into deep contemplation this time was different. It was an intense emotion he thought he’d got rid of in his early youth. As much as it pained him to admit it, the king of Araluen was ashamed. The sentiment burned him to the core with a fire he had no means of putting out.
 Shame wasn’t as easily swept under the rug - it crept up on Duncan in the moments he least expected it and demanded his attention. It sizzled in the back of his mind like a dying fire, only to burst into a full-blown inferno when he let his guard down. The worst thing about it was that he      knew     the cause of all that and still had no idea how to restore his peace.
 Recently, Duncan has taken to contemplating his situation during the quiet hours of the morning, although he also managed to doze off in any occasion that involved long hours of talking. It wasn’t unusual for Duncan to be lost in his own thoughts, although the king himself would be hard-pressed to admit that recently, he was becoming increasingly more prone to loosing his focus. It wasn’t that he was overworked, because despite what Cassandra seemed to think, Duncan was capable of setting his own boundaries.
 Now he found himself in a meeting with a few very influential individuals from Araluen waiting for him, as his mind wandered off and about. A few Rangers were present as well, giving off an aura of aloofness - their trademark demeanour. Most of them were familiar in the sense that he knew their faces and, in most cases, names paired up with their fief. In an unexpected turn of events, the meeting somehow managed to gather both Crowley and Halt.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
Carry on, my wayward son
Summary: Visiting Halt shouldn’t feel as surreal to Gilan as it did.
or: After Skandia, Gilan shows up unexpectedly at Halt’s doorstep and he notices some things. Namely, how his mentor changed over the years. There’s some rue, some yearning and some glee.
Hurt/Comfort & Found family
CW for panic attacks
Characters: Gilan, Halt, Will
Read on AO3 here
Words: 4,226
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: hurt/comfort, found family, anxiety
Rating: Teen and Up
Excerpt under the cut:
Dropping by Halt’s cottage was not part of the plan. Gilan knew this, all too aware that if anyone other than Crowley found out, they’d never let him live it up. As it was, his Commander knew better than anyone the joys of Halt’s company. Halt will be sneering all morning when he finds Gilan cosied on his front porch, Blaze in tow. Gilan found his lips being stretched in a smile, and he didn’t care enough to hold it in.
It wasn’t that Halt hated surprises per se, although Gilan suspected it played a big part in the older Ranger’s attitude. After many years, he would hope Halt at least tolerated him. No, what filled Gilan with glee every time was the familiarity between them. Oh, how easy it was to pull himself into the mindset of an adolescent again and pretend, just for a moment, that everything was easier.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
Family Ties
Summary: Halt and Will’s relationship throughout the years, through other people’s eyes.
Mostly found family with an outsider’s POV.
Alternative title: 5 times someone thought Halt and Will were a family, and one time they realised they really were.
Characters: Halt, Will, Crowley, Horace, Arald, Duncan, OCs
Read on AO3 here
Words: 10,281
Chapters: 6/6
Tags: 5+1 things, POV outsider, second-hand embarrassment, found family, dad halt
Rating: Teen and Up
Excerpt under the cut:
In the days following Morgarath's disappearance and the subsequent return to the status quo (only difference being the ruler and a destruction of one of the fiefs), Arald had little to no time to take care of his future wards. Instead, he delegated his most trusted personnel to oversee the construction of the orphanage. It was a daunting task, talking through the plans for the building and kid's futures, searching for potential mentors and caregivers. It was one of a dozen, if not a hundred, problems on his mind. All of them of similar level of importance as tending to the food reserves or paying compensation to those who lost everything during the war.
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writing-domain · 2 years ago
Hello, it is I.
You may know me from: nothing.
Here’s my AO3.
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