#early roman empire
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escapismsworld · 5 months ago
If you could escape to any other time period or world for one hour at a time, where/when would you go, and why?
Such a hard question to answer because there are so many different time periods to choose from.
If I could escape to any other time period for an hour, I would choose the turn of the century around 30 AD. I would love to experience not just the life of Jesus but also the rich interactions of the Romans, Greeks, Jews, and other Middle Eastern cultures and customs. Being able to witness these civilizations in their prime, with their buildings and structures standing as they were originally intended, would be awe-inspiring. The chance to observe the political and social dynamics of the time, to walk through ancient cities like Jerusalem or Rome before they became ruins, and to see how everyday life unfolded in such a pivotal era in human history would be an unforgettable experience. So for an hour I'd like to see all the hustle and bustle from everyone and everything.
So for 30 AD, I would be in:
The Early Roman Empire under Emperor Tiberius.
The Second Temple Period for Jewish history.
The Greco-Roman period for cultural interactions.
In a single sentence... I would like to visit 30 AD, the start of the 1st century during the early Roman Empire, in the midst of the Second Temple Period, when Roman, Jewish, Greek, and Middle Eastern cultures were thriving and interacting in ways that shaped the world.
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bigcitymac · 2 months ago
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the og yearner of loserboys is dennis reynolds actually
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moon-kissed-corner · 1 month ago
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Detail from the painting The Birth of Venus (1912), by Odilon Redon.
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uncleclaudius · 8 months ago
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Women's hairstyle popular during the Augustan era as evidenced by these portraits of Livia, Octavia the Younger and Julia the Elder.
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jesus-holding-your-fave · 5 months ago
Make him hold those dogs from Barbie and the diamond castle (sparkles and lily)
Today, Jesus is holding:
Sparkles and Lily from Barbie and the Diamond Castle
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blueiscoool · 7 months ago
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jeannepompadour · 9 months ago
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Portrait of a lady from the Arenberg family, possibly Isabelle Claire de Berlaymont by Guilliam van Deynum; early 17th century- before 1624
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vlarelythere · 4 months ago
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went a little insane over the Ancient Rome part of Infinite Realms and spent two days researching Rome oops
The Vlad and Danny piece is based off of Anton Mengs's painting called Jupiter Kissing Ganymede
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garvalhaminho · 4 months ago
sometimes i truly am doing fine and then i remember ty and livvy had never spent a day apart ......
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thesilicontribesman · 8 days ago
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Roman Bronze Sistrum (Ceremonial Rattle), 1st or 2nd Century CE, said to have been found in the River Tiber, Rome, The British Museum, London
This Egyptian-looking rattle was used by a priest or priestess of Isis in Rome. Some Romans thought worshipping this goddess was suspicious, even dangerous. The maker showed his loyalty to Rome by putting Romulus, Remus and the she-wolf on the top. The she-wolf is licking one of the twins with her big tongue.
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sulky-cabbage · 5 months ago
Hawks is such a pick me son (if that was a thing)
Imagine Enji and hawks visiting toya to talk with him as usual and then hawks says "I'll head out if you need anything call me", and Toya is just there tied up thinking to himself "he's such a pick me".
And once Hawks gets out Toya starts telling Enji every nasty thing Hawks did to earn the league of villains' trust lol
And Enji's like can we please stop talking about hawks? Tell me more about you..😭😭
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entropyvoid · 11 months ago
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Golden Hour (+ lineart below cut)
I took a picture of the lines for once and did some basic crappy photo editing on my phone, so you could probably print this out and use it as a coloring page or something if you so wish lol. Do with it what you will.
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moon-kissed-corner · 1 month ago
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Detail from the painting Le Cyclope "The Cyclops" (c. 1914), by Odilon Redon.
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gibbledygoo · 1 year ago
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Birthday planning, part 1/?
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The way the Romans thought about Christians is so funny to me cause it's like... well the way I've phrased it is that the Christianoi are Death Cult Hippies basically.
Atheists? Unclear.
Incestuous. They're brothers and sisters but the kiss each other all. the. time. IN PUBLIC!? Imagine what happens at night...
Early on Sunday Mornings and late at nights they rise together to hold "Love Feasts" aka Orgies, Cannibalism (of their god???)
Won't stop talking about torture devices. They have this weird magic ritual called "the Sign of the Cross"
Super into death (initiates must go into Death and come back out alive) and zombies (their god is a zombie? they wish to be zombies?)
Always hanging around cemeteries and tombs. They hold religious worship at gravesites and catacombs, writing on the walls for the dead to pray for them (??). So creepy.
Always. Singing. Also some of them speak in weird languages
Despite the constant singing they are very anti-social. Anti-music, anti-theatre, anti-schooling (??), heck, lots of them won't even wear jewelry or perfume or cosmetics!
They keep taking trash (i.e. infants, esp girls and deformed boys, that were left out to die) and raising them as children
Pacifist? Communist?? Anarchist??? Seriously like they won't serve in the military, won't serve in public office (insisting rather to "pray" for the nation to their god. For it's peace or it's fall, who knows?), the part of the cult in Jerusalem lives in common. By refusing to worship the gods they are in defiance against the cultural and political character and the very nature of Rome itself.
Their god is born of... a virgin?? And she consented!? And then their god died... the death of a slave... intentionally!?!?!
Religion of Women and Slaves. Like seriously. They are farrrrr too inclusive. Multi-ethnic, heterogenity, way to much focus on women's roles, disregard for social classes, etc. Also why do so many slaves (the basis of our economy) convert to this religion???
On one hand, obviously, never persecute anyone. Even if they are a dangerous hippie death cult. But also... like my religion sounds like a hippie death cult! I can completely understand. If i was a roman, I'd want these people killed too lol. These people clearly CLEARLY are "the cause of every public disaster, of every affliction with which the people are visited. If the Tiber rises as high as the city walls, if the Nile does not send its waters up over the fields, if the heavens give no rain, if there is an earthquake, if there is famine or pestilence, straightway the cry is, 'Away with the Christians to the lions!"
So... yeah. The Christians were goth and everyone knows the Romans hate Goths lol
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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Roman Glass Bowl 1st half of 1st century CE Early Imperial, Julio-Claudian
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