#Their relationship triangle is sooo funny So much potential
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sulky-cabbage · 5 months ago
Hawks is such a pick me son (if that was a thing)
Imagine Enji and hawks visiting toya to talk with him as usual and then hawks says "I'll head out if you need anything call me", and Toya is just there tied up thinking to himself "he's such a pick me".
And once Hawks gets out Toya starts telling Enji every nasty thing Hawks did to earn the league of villains' trust lol
And Enji's like can we please stop talking about hawks? Tell me more about you..😭😭
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td-frog · 10 months ago
thoughts on dcas e8:
the challenge
tbh i thought this was one of the weaker challenges they've had so far. the 1v1v1 at the end was an interesting twist, although it kind of felt like it didn't live up to the potential? like obv it'll adds to the love triangle drama but it was literally "build a ladder. go up the ladder."
idk overall it was fine it just felt like less of a challenge and more of a setting for the characters to interact in.
magenta team
jake and ally fighting like kids is really funny to me. like it makes sense given jake's abandonment issues flaring up re:ashley but he's really being sooo hostile out of nowhere.
yellow team
i'm so glad the yulgrett plot is progressing. this man is so stupid. literally grett is the only thing standing between him and elimination since alec and riya so clearly hate his guts, and yet.
aside from that i really like alec's two confessionals about fiore and yul- i like that he acknowledged not wanting / expecting fiore out, and that he pointed out yul being a shitty boyfriend. like we know he was a shitty husband but he still has standards.
cyan team
so tom's boyfriend is 100% fake.
also i called it on ellie leaving. i have mixed feelings about gabby- on the one hand i like that she's maybe getting more to do now and it does line up with her previously established character, but the black-and-white friend-or-enemy thinking was something i never really liked about her in s1.
also i get that it's important for keeping the villain's alliance relevant given that they're all so dysfunctional, but i don't love this particular set of villains all that much.
also shoutout to tess for being the only reasonable person on this show
i don't think magenta will face another elimination before the merge, unless something major happens next episode. it's just that between the love triangle plot and the fighting for ashley's attention plot, it would have to be ally, which removes the tension from that second one so soon after establishing it.
i think yellow could lose next time, and i maintain my previous prediction: yul loses if grett figures him out and votes for him, riya loses if it goes to tiebreaker (or if yul survives via immunity idol).
i don't think cyan is likely because the obvious boot is gabby and she like just decided to be a villain. it makes more sense to me that they'd lose a villain from yellow.
again i have no idea when merge happens. all bets are off if that's next.
love triangle was less central to this episode but i expect it to come back next time what with jake tricking aiden. ellie not being around to influence it could also change up the dynamic.
would like tess and ally to connect again but idk how likely.
villain's alliance will probably take center stage- gabby has expressed the intention to join them and yul is starting to blow up his relationship, so they're ripe for drama.
ellie not reading names at the end maybe indicates she's coming back although i doubt it's next episode if at all.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for the tag!! This was so much fun!!
Trope List
age gap   0/10 
Neutral. I don't seek it out, but I also don't mind it. It fits for some stories and can be hot, like when you want to write a Dilf and the babysitter or something.
codependency   10/10
I love it!!! Give me that couple who lost everything but each other and now cling to the other because they are their only hope left in this world aaaah!!! Give me that couple that is like, "I will burn the whole world down for you!!" Give me that couple that has a pact that they will die together because there is no way one of them can stay alive if the other one is gone!!! (I hope this is what it means... a couple that completely NEEDS each other)
enemies to lovers   5/10
This one depends on how it is portrayed. Like for example, a lot of movies do that, and it annoys me so much. I see the first snappy interaction between a male and female char, and I know they will end up together and it is such a pet peeve of mine because it is always the same. BUT if I read it in fanfics it is often so good!! There are certain characters that are really amazing for this because they tease you and they love to bicker and it makes me smile so much!!
enemies with benefits   5/10
Sex between two people who cannot stand each other? Oh yesss it can be so good!! When the fighting and bickering turns into rough kisses and desperate fucking!! But again, depends on the dynamic and how much I like the chars. In a movie or published book, I won't like it. In fanfic, I will love it.
fake dating/relationship   10/10
It usually is so much fun and then leads to so much drama and to strong feelings aaaahh it's amazing!!
found family   -5/10
I find it boring tbh :( I prefer to read stuff that involves romance
friends to lovers   10/10
I am someone who wants my partner to be my best friend too, so this trope makes me super happy!!
friends with benefits   10/10
YESSS!! Has a lot of potential for drama because secretly both of them long for more but are scared to confess, and so they try to tell themselves it's ok just to fuck, but they are wishing so much for it to be more aaaahh!!
hurt/comfort   5/10
I like this trope combined with others. Seeing a character finding comfort in another person is so beautiful. But I prefer it as part of a bigger story.
love triangle   -10/10
I don't like it because so many published books use that trope and most of the time I like the guy better who doesn't "win" ahahaha. And tbh the whole trope seems so forced. Why does the mc have such a hard time picking one? Are her feelings for the one she chooses even true then?? And why don't they all just get into a relationship together??
mistaken/hidden identity   5/10
Can be super fun!! I think it depends a bit on the plot, though. If it gets too frustrating, it can be annoying. But I love to see funny scenes happening because of mistaken identity. Or drama happening because one tries to fool the other but then plays themselves and ends up falling for their "victim". Yes, this is the plot of Separation Anxiety lmaooo
monster fu… relationship   0/10
Neutral. If it is part of a longer story where we see historical Sukuna in his true form and we see reader develop a connection to him, I eat this up!!! But I am not really a fan of monster-fucking because most of it is too much for me? If there is too much violence, I cannot get turned on. Sooo yes to monster-relationship!! But not so much to monster-fucking.
obsession, possessiveness, etc   10/10
YES PLEASE!! I love strong emotions! I love characters becoming a bit insane because they are so obsessed with their lover and so scared to lose them again!! This speaks to me since I am a very obsessed person too, and while I know I have to hold back irl, I can enjoy it fully in fiction :)
opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    7/10
My ships often have that dynamic and I love it!! The sweet sunshine character melting the grumpy/cold ones' heart with their affection and warmth awwww. But I don't like it if it is overdone. When the grumpy one is too mean, I will dislike them and think they don't deserve the other one. And if the sunshine char is too hyper, they will annoy me. Lmaooo it is a fine line!!
poly   10/10
I love poly!! I love the thought of there being so much love and affection, and you have two partners who can give you different things, and so you have everything you could ever need! + I can have my fave ships and join in myself too ;) Watching Yuuji and Sukuna fuck in front of me and then letting me join is the best thing I could imagine!!
pregnancy   -5/10 
If it is just a part of a bigger story, I like it. Like showing in the last chapters that they have a family now etc. But I don't like stories where the main focus is on pregnancy or the baby. I prefer to read about the chars I love and see them interacting with each other. A baby story mainly focuses on the baby, and I am simply not interested in that.
second chance   5/10
It depends on why someone needs a second chance. If they cheated on the other partner, I don't want to read it, and I think they don't deserve another chance. But if it is something like "We belong together, but somehow it never works because there are circumstances that keep us apart, but now we meet again years later and we have a chance to finally get it right" then I love it!!
sex to feelings   10/10
Delicious!! Especially if it is with a character who has closed themselves off because they got hurt in the past and now they are scared of love, and so they just want some sex without the feelings, BUT then they suddenly start to feel again and aaaaahh I love it!!
slowburn   10/10
I am a sucker for this!! The pining, the longing, the craving, the drama aaahhh it's PERFECT!! When even just a small touch of their hands makes you cry because they finally allow themselves those feelings!!
soulmates   10/10
One of the tropes that make me super emotional!! The thought of a red string of fate connecting two people and making them meet again over and over again in different lives is so sweet and so comforting to me. I love it so much! I love to think of Sukuna and Yuuji as soulmates, and I could write a hundred different stories about them being bound together by fate!!
I am tagging: @supervaca @nymphoheretic @kiirschtein and anyone else who wants to join!!
tropes game
A friend linked me this on twitter and I’m stealing it making it my own aka adding tropes and my rules. The scale goes from -10 to 10 and the questions is:
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional… There are no points, you’re not marked on this, don’t worry :3
Add tropes that you think I missed XD
Tag others if you’re nosy like I am :D
Have fun <3
Trope List
age gap   ?/10 
codependency   ?/10
enemies to lovers   ?/10
enemies with benefits   ?/10
fake dating/relationship   ?/10
found family   ?/10
friends to lovers   ?/10
friends with benefits   ?/10
hurt/comfort   ?/10
love triangle   ?/10
mistaken/hidden identity   ?/10
monster fu… relationship   ?/10
obsession, possessiveness, etc   ?/10
opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    ?/10
poly   ?/10
pregnancy   ?/10 
second chance   ?/10
sex to feelings   ?/10
slowburn   ?/10
soulmates   ?/10
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theheightofdishonor · 4 years ago
Teen Wolf triads are something that can be so personal, so here’s a list of my faves 
The OG trio. The gang that dies together might not stay together, but they’re still iconic.
Any Scott/Stiles/X dynamic is brilliant, but few more than this one. These three have been there since the beginning and they’ve gone through so much together. There’s no Teen Wolf without them. 
They were the driving force in S1&2 and had some absolutely iconic moments together. Hate that there wasn’t more of them after that. 
Mostly based on S2/3. I was very invested in Isaac’s struggle to pick between these two. 
This triad’s dynamic completely changes between S2 and 3. In Season 2, Isaac, as part of Derek’s pack is a slightly antagonistic figure and it’s very much Scott&Stiles vs Isaac but in S3, Scott and Isaac grow closer while Isaac and Stiles erm, don’t. It’s very fun to watch. 
My ot3 and the only trio on this list that I 100% ship. 
Ayy, it’s the OG Hale Pack aka 3 teens bonding over being thrown headfirst into something they weren’t prepared for and Derek’s horrible leadership. Isaac should’ve ran away with Erica and Boyd for solidarity’s sake. 
Chris’s struggle between hating Isaac for dating his daughter and wanting to adopt him is hilarious. One of my favourites. 
 Who didn’t completely melt at Isaac joining the McCall fam? The scene where they’re ‘guarding’ Melissa was so cute. As a bonus, it made Stiles’s animosity towards Isaac that much stronger. Will forever hate that this trio was more or less non-existent in 3b even though I love Chris/Allison/Isaac. 
The non-dead Hales. Why oh why did Cora have to leave? Their family dynamic was great. 
I know they only had a couple scenes as a triad, but there was so potential. We love antagonism with underlying sexual tension. And ofc, the only thing better than 1 terrifying badass that can secretly be super sweet is 3 terrifying badasses. 
At one point, the only non-dead members of the Hale Pack (TW quickly amended that). I always think of the S3a Loft scene where Boyd and Isaac skip school to protect Derek. Despite how awful of an alpha Derek’s been, they still care about him and he cares about them (as actual people and not just betas that he needs for power like he did originally)
Yes it’s my 5th s3 based trio in a row, but can you blame me? This is 100% based off the classroom scene in 3x02. 
Although Lydia and Jackson were both awful in S1, their friendship with Allison and their immediately taking her under their wing was beyond precious. Additionally, it combines both the asshole-who’s-soft-towards-1-person- dynamic (jydia w/ allison) and assholes-who-secretly-care-about-each-other (jydia) And ofc, the underlying tension due to Jydia’s disdain towards Scott and later, Jackson and Allison’s experiences/knowledge of the supernatural. 
Comedy gold. Their scenes speak for themselves and we needed more. 
Their S6a dynamic is sooo underrated and should’ve been given more screen time. I loved watching Liam and Corey struggle to get along for Mason’s sake because they want him to be happy. It was all very wholesome and one of the few things that made 6a worth watching. 
Aka the best part of S4.Their dynamic is so fun and well-balanced and infinitely better because they’re a triad. You’ve got Scott and Liam figuring out their mentor/mentee relationship with Stiles co-parenting and preventing the Scott/Liam dynamic from turning unhealthy. (Liam and Scott’s S6 dynamic veered way too close to parent/child for my taste. They need Stiles to balance it out) It’s also hilarious how quickly Liam accepts being aggressively adopted by two idiots who are barely older than him. And Stiles takes so easily to playing older brother/co-parent. It’s adorable. They’re adorable. 
Very similar dynamic to Allison/Lydia/Cora due to Cora and Erica’s similar personalities but also not, which has a lot to do with Allison and Lydia’s reactions to Erica’s weaponized feminity. Also, there’s a lot more history between these girls and I want to know everything about what Erica thinks of Lydia after going to school with her for years. 
Of the top of my head, I can only remember that time where they were trapped under the Nemeton and that’s simply unacceptable. 
It’s a crime that this triad never got scenes. Especially after the Sheriff tried to arrest Kira. I know Melissa bitch slapped him but I wanted to watch these two badasses gang up on the Sheriff together. ( the Noshiko/Melissa dynamic would be so iconic.) 
Another triad that never shared scenes (obviously because Vic is dead) but their power would’ve been off the charts. I want to make a joke about milfs, but I’ll refrain. 
The Yukimura fam
Seemed appropriate since my last two also included. Noshiko.I love family dynamics and the Yukimuras are no exception. The attraction of this triad, for me, is mostly the dynamic between Kira and Noshiko and how Ken navigates between them. They’re also a trio that we didn’t see nearly enough of in S4 and 5. Like seriously, where were they? Noshiko’s on the dead pool, but she’s barely mentioned. (on a mostly unrelated note, how is the 900 yr old Kitsune worth less than a girl that just found about her kitsune powers?)
I don’t need to explain this one. The angst, the drama, Derek projecting Kate onto Allison and Allison trying to murder Derek and their evolution to reluctant allies with a good dash of Scallison and Scott navigating his own difficult relationship with Derek. Aka the complicated, tension fraught trio we all loved/should love. ( ok, I kind of explained it)
And here we have a two for one deal; two mentor/mentee dynamics in 1 triad. People much smarter than me have written about this trio in extensive detail, so all I’m saying is that Derek’s that one uncle who occasionally comes around and gives somewhat helpful advice. 
Braeden and Scott were great in S4. Braeden and Malia were great in S5. Scott and Malia are pretty great when they’re not in a relationship. Combine, and you get what had to be a kick-ass triad that’s sadly never canonly shown together (I think)
Not actually featured in the show, but Isaac deserves all the parental figures and I want to witness the surely epic custody battle between Chris and Melissa. 
That this trio is on here is actually pretty funny because I hate both Scalia and the forced Peter/Malia bonding in S6. But I loved the scene where Peter warned Malia not to fall in love with Scott because a) he has absolutely 0 right to advise her on anything and b) because of the history between Scott and Peter. In a way, a relationship with Malia is just another thing tying Scott to someone that’s repeatedly caused harm to him and his friends and was the initial cause for all the pain he’s suffered in the last couple years. I just find this dynamic worth exploring. 
The Hales 2.0. Derek and Malia deserve to bond over unwillingly being related to Peter, that scumbag. 
Stiles and Peter are so fun together and Stalia is my jam. Throw in an antagonistic Malia and Peter relationship and they’re entertaining as hell. Much more lighthearted than Malia/Scott/Peter.  
To clarify, this has nothing to do with a love triangle and everything to do with how their personalities play off each other. It’s one of those trios where together, they’re either terrifying or absolute morons. 
Admittedly, my version of this is very Sterek+Cora and the hilarity of Stiles and his attraction to Hales but it’s also 3x snark and you really can’t go wrong. 
It’s Melissa and her boys 1.0. This woman is by far the best parent on this show, and I love the specific dynamic among these three. Melissa might not always like Stiles, but she cares about him and there’s the mutual understanding that they both adore Scott and would do anything for him. Also, Mel being exasperated by the dumbass duo is always funny.  
Lowkey another custody battle because Kate and Chris do fight to be the bigger influence on Allison This is such a tragic trio to me, and the lesson here is basically that sometimes love isn’t enough. Chris and Kate both genuinely love Allison and she loves them too but can’t have both and at some point, she has neither. Kate and Chris care about each other, but that’s not enough either. In the end, they all lose each other. There’s no happy ending for them, at least not with each other. 
Stiles just has chemistry (not necessarily romantic) with all Hales and this trio really shines through in 3x01 and in S3 in general. “Chess is Stiles’s game” asgdhfjgh. I wanted more of that very specific dynamic. 
That was a hell lot longer than I thought it would be, but what can you do. Feel free to tell me your own opinions in the tags/comments.  
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masterthespianduchovny · 5 years ago
Steve, Bucky, and Peggy: The Love Triangle that Isn’t
There is a popular narrative among a certain crowd that Steggy only happened so Steve isn’t perceived as gay or having feelings for Bucky. And maaaaaybe this is true, but honestly, I don’t agree.
Peggy was supposed to be the great love of Steve’s life that never got to happen due to circumstance. And then comes along Sharon who is supposed to be his great next love. But, what happened is that not that many people were interested and, funny enough, more were drawn to Steve’s reaction about Peggy—him visiting her and her later dying than they actually have a fuck about Staron or whatever the ships name is.
Coincidentally, this is the SAME movie that Bucky as winter soldier is reintroduced in. The movie where they try to establish a new romantic relationship for Cap and have us met the new Bucky, which the former isn’t Bucky.
What happened is this: fans essentially completely rejected Sharon and salivated for Bucky and this devotion Steve had towards him. It was a shipper’s dream the way Steve behaved. BUT, Steve and Bucky was never on the menu and it was never teased canonically.
I cannot say if the actors or those connected to the MCU queerbaited fans, but actors and connected employees have the habit of trying to be supportive of fans and ships by entertaining things they aren’t necessarily invested in or care about all that much. Some of that is because they appreciate the fans enthusiasm and the other part is it being apart of the job to have enthusiastic fans.
It reminds me how how John Boyega supported two/three ships on Star Wars, but it wasn’t necessarily because he was a shipper himself. The only actor in the current series who seems like an actual shopper is the one who plays Poe.
So, after they got rid of Sharon in the third cap “movie”, they had to figure out what to do about his love interest. Again, the only significant and canonical one people gravitated to was Peggy, but she was dead. BUT, there was also a consistent thread about Cap’s feelings for her. Almost every movie that desires cap prominently has some small scene or moment that references her.
So, for people to act like Peggy was Sharon is dishonest. Or how they want to act like Peggy was some random girl. Peggy met Steve before he was cap—I know, I know, Bucky did too—but, this is important because it sets up their relationship about how she cared for him and took him seriously as a person even then. Her feelings grew romantic as did his, but their feelings was based on friendship and their mutual respect for one another. Peggy also helped Steve to defy orders to do what he felt was right, so they share values as well. I believe all this happened over a span of two years.
When she is in the hospital Steve regularly visits her and is distraught when she dies. His behavior is a call back to that old fashioned romanticized love in which one half of a spouse is loyal, dedicated, and (always) by their beside. Despite Steve still having g his youth and presumably young, interested women clamoring for him, he is devoted to Peggy and takes time out of his week to visit her. When she dies, he’s even her pallbearer.
This behavior is more than “a connection to the past.” I guess since it’s muted and not fighting to save someone you care about at all cost, it doesn’t read a love or romantic.
But, it’s clearly established that Steve’s love has never faded and even though he has young women interested in him, he’d rather sit by the side of his 90 year old (former) love.
We even see him carrying a locket with her picture in it as well. The MCU has gone out of its way to show how very real Steve’s feelings are.
Enter in Bucky.
When we first meet Bucky, we see he’s the best friend of Steve. The charming ladies man who exudes confidence. He looks out for Steve, esp because Steve likes to get up for trouble when standing up for his values. Yet, neither Steve nor Bucky are particularly attached to one another—meaning to subtext of homoeroticism that speaks to deeper feelings known or unknown.
We could argue that Steve’s feelings became prominences, but not known to him, when he saw Bucky again, but I’ll continue to lay out for my reasoning for not believing that.
Winter soldier sets for the foundation of how captain American went from a loyal patriot to questioning and distrusting his government. Despite his camaraderie with the avengers, he still feels alone and like a man out of time. He leans on his patriotism to get him through this totally unique and indescribable experience. But, I’m the second movie, he’s on the run from that very same government and is finding out about their secrets and lies.
During this time he runs into Bucky, his best friend who he thought died.
We must keep in mind that Cap’s two direct connections to the past in this moment are both Peggy and Bucky. We see his loyalty to Peggy due to reasons I mentioned, but there is another factor going on with Bucky: it’s him, but it’s NOT him.
It was completely disorienting for Cap to see a man who was supposed to be dead and in his 90s looking youthful and a unrelenting killer. There was no way they was the Bucky Cap knew. Cap has to get to the bottom of what happened to Bucky and, later, avenge his friend. His autonomy and agency was violated, he was experimented on, and brought back to life to be a trained killer.
Of course Steve feels that deeply, especially because he underwent a similar experiment, but willingly and retained his agency and independence. But, it’s also about corrupting the past for Steve. The way the government manipulates and pushes things forth for the agenda. There’s levels to this.
Then, when Bucky saved Steve, and then disappeared, Steve was largely fine, but concerned about Bucky. And why wouldn’t he be? Bucky almost killed him, saved him, and then left—he doesn’t know how Bucky is dealing and coping with what happened to him. How could he know?
Steve fighting and protecting Bucky in his third movie and, eventually, fighting against Tony is about how we shouldn’t punish an exploited person for something that were manipulated into doing. And how they’re being used as patsy’s to shift blame. Bucky was a victim in the second and third movie. Bucky needed someone to stand up for and advocate for him, which only Steve did.
I mean, did Bucky deserve to die for something he had no choice over? Or imprisoned?
That doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have been two men in love, but once Cap knows he’s safe and protected—meaning, he’s allowed to make a “full” mental and emotional recovery without further exploitation—Cap doesn’t worry or obsess over Bucky. Bucky was on the way to regaining agency and independence and that’s all that cap wanted.
Once Bucky looks happy and healthy when they see each other again, cap goes to treated him like he did in first avenger.
And I fill that this must be pointed out: some friends do go above and beyond for people who 1. Have mental illnesses, no systems in place to assist them, and no advocates other than them 2. Someone who has been harmed/manipulated/exploited, is triggered, and potentially down spiraling. 3. PTSD.
Steve is being a damn good friend and advocate to/for Bucky.
With that being said, some don’t feel that stucky was going to be canon, but that the MCU went out of its way to prove Steve was straight. As a reminder, the Steve and Peggy thread has been CONSISTENT since day one. Since Sharon failed, they wanted to find a love interest for Steve’s endgame, no pun intended. Personally, I think that they went Natasha/Steve because Natasha/Bruce doesn’t work. I understand Natasha and Steve has a great friendship for the “why can’t men and women be friends” crowd, but Natasha also has other male friends, sooo....
To use Star Wars as an example again, this isn’t Poe and Keri Russell’s character who exists solely to prove Poe is STRAIGHT.
Peggy was never created to be someone who existed to prove Steve’s sexuality, but she was someone he was in love with and never stopped loving. She was someone that we knew Steve loved deeply and could never get over.
I know people feel that Steve going back undermines his values both in the comics and the series, which I fee is valid. But, honestly, Steve has spent a good chunk of protecting others and putting his life on the line. We see many of the other avengers be in relationships, have families, and overall fulling lives and Steve just has the avengers.
Which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but he’s allowed to want more than that. His life shouldn’t be dictated by if he can be of service to others.
Steve didn’t “abandon” anyone. Most of the avengers are adults who don’t need Steve. He may have been the leader, but anyone in the group can be the leader. There are other heroes.
And Bucky doesn’t need him.
Bucky understand all that cap went through and sacrificed. He doesn’t need cap to always near and hold his hand. That’s not how friendships work. That’s not how families work or, at least, healthy ones.
I’m fine with people who ship stucky, but this animosity against Steggy and Peggy is ridiculous. No movie or show owes you an open ending so you can ship who you want. From what I can recall, there was no canonical queerbaiting (I believe Chris Evans supported both ships, but I think Steggy more). And Peggy isn’t some random woman or a woman he knew for three seconds, she was important to him and their relationship meaningful to him for the rest of his life.
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kevoreally · 6 years ago
#BuffyAt20 - S03E08 “Lover’s Walk”
> OKay, first thing’s first: is it Lovers or Lover’s? Wikipedia has the first one, Hulu has the second. Very confusing.
> Another fake-out opener where someone is being hyperbolic about the world ending but it’s just grades or something.
> Willow got a 740 verbal on her SATs. Like, I think she’s being too hard on herself, but I get not feeling academically fulfilled by that. I think I got 700? I don’t remember. My math sucked, that’s for sure.
> That Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel reference has endured the test of time.
> What is Xander’s score if it’s close to 740? We joke about his grades a lot but like. Get serious, son.
> Willow, that top is so loud.
> Omigod, I’m looking forward to going back to pretending Xillow never happened soon.
> Cordelia testing well is good continuity with “Band Candy.” And I loved them following up on SAT scores. I think these might have come out a little quick, but it’s fine.
> “That was my sarcastic voice.” “Y’know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice.” “I’ve been told that.” I feel you, Oz.
> Cordelia’s terror at the idea of double dating IS A DANGER SIGN, XANDER.
> I have Buffy’s SAT score memorized: “1430, Buffy, you kicked ass!” (A friend got the same score on her first take.)
> “Now you can leave and never come back.” I actually love Cordy here, a rarity for me lately.
> Pretty sure the shot of Spike crashing into the Sunnydale sign is just a retouched copy of the one from Season 2. Not a problem, just funny.
> I wasn’t sure I had the energy to do my #BuffyAt20 right now but this theme song is giving me life.
> I don’t get Spike’s obsession with Sinatra in this episode but sure.
> Oh man, remember the Factory? It’s a slot on my Buffy Monopoly board.
> Do we feel the flashback to when Dru left Spike that we get in Season 3 keeps in line with what we’re presented here? Dru accusing him of loving Buffy as far back as now? Hm.
> Literally the episode where Cordelia and Xander break up is the episode where it most seems like they’re a happy couple. And even then, they’re horrible to each other half the time. Sigh.
> Oz giving Willow the PEZ Witch is still one of the best things ever. I really wanted a wolf PEZ for Oz.
> Okay, a friend and I recently discussed a fan poll where people voted on their favorite mate for Willow and it made me uncomfortable that Oz was winning. But… I get it.
> There’s a lot of focus on Giles packing in this scene.
> Ooh! Worth noting: the guy who wrote this episode wrote three of my favorite #Daria episodes! He’ll also later write “The Zeppo.”
> This episode laid a lot of interesting potential for Buffy to be able to leave Sunnydale. Not forever, but, even if just for college. It was interesting.
> I wish I could make Buffy Now see how much Giles treated Seventeen Buffy like an adult over this Angel situation. He could’ve been SUUUCH a prick. And their relationship got really awkward for a while there, and I don’t think Buffy was entirely fair to him. Or probably him to her too. Fathers and daughters, man.
> I spent a whole dumb Xillow scene typing that last one. Not sorry.
> I’ve said it before but it’s wild that Buffy’s house never changes once in 7 seasons. The cinematography changes so much that it feels like a different house.
> How does Angel not hear, or even sense, Spike right outside the Mansion? Still recovering from Hell, I guess? Coz otherwise, wtf?
> I do love Spike waking up on fire.
> What happened to Spike’s car between Seasons 3 and 4 anyway? Where’s that story?
> “This is just too much.” Some real gentle language there, Spike.
> The Magic Box is, like, the same SHAPE we see in Season 5. But the layout isn’t totally right. And the back hasn’t been blown out yet. The storefront is the same. They moved the register away from the door. Hmm.
> Ooh, that Spike shot of grabbing the shop owner becomes his credits shot.
> Hey! It’s the Mayor! I forgot he’s in this one. And Allan! He’s pretty cute, tbh.
> “Boats did have canons. And a loose one would cause it to rock.” Lol.
> The way that the Mayor celebrates sinking that putt makes me wonder if he hadn’t been expecting it, haha.
> Where is Angel getting hair gel from in the Mansion? How is this a priority? Then again: same question at Derek Hale sleeping in a train yard.
> I’m not loving the dramatic beat when Angel tells Buffy she should leave. Like. Buff. Shouldn’t you? Sigh.
> Willow is trying to do magic on Xander without his consent. That’s actually an interesting portent for Season 6.
> Xander and Willow, like, really try and hold their own against Spike here. Mad respect.
> Alyson Hannigan shows such amazing vulnerability in the scenes with James Marsters, it’s bonkers. And then how it flips on a dime to be comedic. Wild chemistry, those two.
> OOOH, Dru accused Spike of going soft for teaming up with Buffy, eh? Interesting…
> HA! The “chaos demon, all slime and antlers” line was a favorite among fans, so we loved finally seeing him in Season 5.
> “I haven’t had a woman in weeks.” Blech. “Well, unless you count that shopkeeper.” Double blech.
> “I’m not a real witch, you know.” Heh.
> It. Is. SO. Clever. That Willow sends Spike to Buffy’s house. Holy. Shit.
> You know who else is a good version of Cordelia Chase? Valencia from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Becomes a good person in, like, half the time it’s taking Cordy…
> Ugh, I hate coincidence moments like that. Buffy heard Spike on the phone when her mom happened to call? Sigh.
> YAAS, the Joyce/Spike bond! We needed more of this!
> Joyce Summer is Top 5 TV Mom material.
> “You get out of this house or I will stake you myself.” GEDDIT, JOYCE!
> Lol, remember how Buffy is going to start sleeping with Spike? This show, man.
> Spike just called Angel a “poof.” Nice.
> “What if they were kidnapped by Colombian drug lords?” CORDELIA. STOP.
> Oz smelling Willow is… interesting.
> Buffy is so eager to kill Spike.
> Did Buffy rip off Sookie Stackhouse with this love triangle or vice versa? Angel being Bill, Spike being Eric. Hm.
> Buffy always made kicking in doors look so cool.
> What exactly are we supposed to make of Spike’s observation about Buffy and Angel being in love here? I mean, he’s right. But. Like. What, they needed someone else to tell them?
> “I won, right? Kicked his ass?” “You were real brave. Do you need to barf.” Classy.
> “Give me a third option.” “He’s so drunk he forgets about us and we starve to death.” HA.
> AAAAAnd they kiss, aaaand Oz and Cordy show up, aaaand it’s horrible. AAAAND Oz is the only one who composes himself maturely, like always.
> Cordelia getting skewered was… so weird.
> They’re having this vampire fight, like, in the middle of downtown Sunnydale right now. I get that it’s probably 3am or something but omigod.
> Oh yeah, the storefront is definitely the same a when it’s the Magic Box.
> Seeing Buffy, Angel, and Spike standing side-by-side is a hoot.
> The “let’s give baby a taste” stuff Spike does is… No.
“ “Baby like his supper?” No. No he doesn’t.
> The table Spike stakes this guy on is, like, probably the same table he and Anya bang on in Season 6, haha.
> The holy water bombs are so cool. Why don’t they use holy water more often?
> The resolution of this Spike story is… so Spike. You know, we probably would’ve never seen him again if they didn’t love James Marsters SOOO much.
> Remember when they made us think Cordelia died? Like, right after she found of Xander cheated on her? This story was, like, one of the lowest points of the show. I’m sorry but it was. I remember laughing out loud when we found out Cordy wasn’t dead. That’s not something you wanna get a laugh on.
> What was the point of this story arc, though? “Don’t cheat or someone could die?” This is a ‘Blood on the Pavement’ type parable here. Way more Dawson’s Creek than Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
> I remember thinking Cordelia was going to be blind, because of the “I can’t see you” thing. I don’t know how being skewered would blind her.
> Okay, CAN WE TALK about the nailed-up broken sheets of wood at the Mansion entrance? It is the weirdest thing, it looks like a child’s tree fort.
> Buffy, if you think you’re fooling Giles and your friends into believing you don’t want Angel, you are sorely mistaken.
> Angel, be a big boy, let the seventeen year old girl go.
> She has to step through his weird cobbled-together wooden doorway! And it’s gone, like, after this episode! Wtf!
> This maudlin montage of all the characters being despondent was, like, the biggest bummer. Why do I love Season 3 so much?? This is such a downbeat point for the show.
> And there’s Spike riding off into the sunset. See you in a year, William.
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