#each time I log on PC tumblr
spirit-x-ing · 1 year
*Me Looking at Tumblr's new layout.*
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christiansorrell · 1 year
RPG Read-through: .dungeon//remastered
For a while on Twitter, I've been doing read-through threads where I post my thoughts as I'm reading through a game for the first time. I recently did the same with Snow's .dungeon//remastered, a TTRPG where you are players logging in to a dead/dying MMO and exploring the digital fantasy world. I'm adapting those thoughts here for a proper Tumblr post! Enjoy!
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First up, credits! Good folks who do good work in my experience. Also, we get the first of what seems to be a common through-line here that I enjoy: an online fandom bent to this all being a sort of GameFAQ style guide for an in-universe game.
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My initial impression from most of the interior spreads I've seen just flipping through it is that I really love the style and layout. I think black and white layouts are underrated generally, but it really pops here with the pixelated text/symbols and the old school GUIs.
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It's interesting to have these kind of "no bigotry" rules you see in many games couched within an in-universe framing. I think this more personal angle actually makes them land better for me than they typically do in games.
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Of course, the author is still powerless to stop the players (just like with any instance of these rules, and all game rules in general tbh) BUT this is worldbuilding too, and it gives me a greater sense for the kind of in-universe fandom that's risen up around .dungeon.
Similarly, here's the game's unique version of safety tools - an in-game help menu that reworks things like lines/veils, x-card and more into the game world itself. I really like this.
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Once again, the art in this is just great. I love the Fez-like runes/symbols. My ARG brain wants to know if there's a hidden message here.
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I was surprised it was jumping right into the starter adventure, Tutorial Town, but I quickly found out that this is character creation AND a starting area/adventure all wrapped into one, video game-style, and that's so cool.
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Each room of the starting area introduces a step of character creation. It's interesting that stats are based on real-world (not you the player at the table real-world but your PC at the "real-world" computer playing the game) ability. Your game knowledge, response time, etc.
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As a long time Dota player, I also just really enjoy that the saving throw-like stat here is TILT. I have tilted many times and known many of my teammates to tilt regularly. Just fun to see that phrasing in a TTRPG.
There's more of the in-universe real-world player here than I expected coming in. Definitely has some really intriguing potential. I do wonder though if the intent is to be playing a "real-world" level character or if you are "playing" as yourself at that layer. Both would work.
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Monster statblocks. Easy to parse and straightforward to run as the GM (tho at time the layout does have one two many things laid on top of one another that can make them hard to read at first glance - like where "GOBLIN" is here):
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Health here is SYNC, and it's shared across the whole party - I'm interested to see how that full mechanic plays out and how it may affect play.
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Reaction rolls. I'm surprised to see them given the video game setting, cus mobs in MMOs just always attack you. I've gone back and forth on it with my video game-inspired TTRPG. Don't think it's a bad choice, just one that means the game world is more than a usual video game.
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So you have your real-world level Job (based on your characters' out of game job) and your in-game "Role" which follow the classic "holy trinity" of MMO design:
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PCs and monsters can team up to attack and can forego damage for stunts - potentially fun/interesting moments happening from that. Monsters deal dmg to SYNC but only per type is interesting, means a crowd of one-enemy is more a long trickle of damage than an overwhelming burst.
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Not knowing the ramifications of SYNC damage yet, I'm not sure what the Risk v Reward looks like for Respawns but it's intriguing. Letting your avatar die to keep the party in a stronger position overall (but being able to re-join after a fight) is definitely unique.
This is another fun room (and I like that other than saying late 90s/early 2000s it leaves appearance options open). I am not sure where to find the starting origins tho (they aren't on this spread and there's no page reference). Sadly, the PDF isn't bookmarked either, it seems.
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This feels like a smart roadblock to place in player's paths early on. It's unlikely they'll have a lockpick at this point so really, it's about getting players into that creative mindset. What is in the room for you to exploit? What gear do you have you can use in a new way?
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Might seem basic, especially to the OSR-experienced out there, but you'd be surprised how many players don't have experience with thinking more freeformly about the game in this way. No fault to them, most trad games condition you to use your PC's abilities/skills as a menu.
Another cool interaction between the layers of the game here (tho I do wish they all played more off of something more than just the tarot card being in the real-world layer). Still wondering if most folks play as themselves or as a real-world level PC.
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This is interesting. I wonder if there is going to be a real-world layer to play or if this is meant to be the amount your party can heal between sessions of play (like when the actual real you stops playing in actual real life - this meta layer stuff is tricky to communicate).
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I like this - a very short and sweet travel system.
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I continue to love this art. Also, this tease here around dual-wielding requiring the discovery of new Roles out in the game world somewhere first is really enticing (I added the highlighter there btw).
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This is fun - there are both in-game NPCs and PUGs which are other real-world players' in-game avatars. That extra layer to those types of NPCs is really fun and them running the gamut of fully out-of-character chatting to being hardcore RPers is fun to consider.
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Whenever it leans into the digital world aspects, I'm super into it. Very much my kinda thing. I do wonder though how often players can swap their Roles. I don't believe I've seen that said yet - my inclination would be once on the fly (like Final Fantasy's Job systems).
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And if these various layers weren't enough, .dungeon also features in-game collectible cards that are sort of enchantments and buffs. I wonder if my real-world level character can spend real money to buy Bytes to buy more packs from a merchant in town? lol
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I won't spoil/detail too many more of these but these kind of fun (and common to video games but rarely seen when thinking of the world of a game or the intended way to play) moments are really appealing. Also, this game has Goons in it. Oh no.
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Now I'm thinking the intention is the "real-world" level of play should be the real actual you, the person playing .dungeon the TTRPG (as opposed to a real-world level character still within the fiction of the game) since stuff like this would be tricky to track. Cool item!
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Tutorial Island is cool, a good blend of char creation, intro to what the game is, and just a fun adventure with a session or more of play to it. I'd have to run/play this to really see but I find the Sync being tied to essentially your real-world session length interesting.
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This stuff is cool and leans into that meta/fan-level play that only comes out of these big community-driven games, both MMOs but also things like Dark Souls.
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A lot of these kind of possible secrets come as comments in the text, possibly just to inspire the GM and to get players interested in ways that the table can build out on their own over time. So far, I don't see some of the more esoteric secrets to be laid out (which I like).
The rest of the book, as far as I've seen, is lots of resources, gear tables, monsters, etc. to build out the game after player's leave Tutorial Island. The game world here has that anything goes Final Fantasy bent to it. There's swords & wagons, but laser guns & skateboards too.
The setting here is also explicitly queer (mostly seen so far in the "real-world" PUGs) and includes things like sex workers and other elements that it maybe could not have had but that would certainly lessen the richness of its world, the fandom presented throughout, etc.
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The spellcasting uses the in-game money as mana points essentially. That's a cool way to limit spellcasting and motivate player's, especially spellcasters, to get out there and make some $$$.
Okay, here's the real-world explanation I was waiting for (after the in-game gear lists and such). This is cool - it's fun to have a real-life layer to this and to have the game's world support that sort of dropping in and out, doing things outside of a full party session, etc.
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I know a lot of folks do this with ongoing campaigns anyway, but this is one of those fun things to include here to build that in as an expectation in play. You have your raid nights with friends and you have your little solo sessions after work where you sell your loot.
Now, the rest is a nice collection of random dungeon, NPC, settlement, hexfill tables and more. Everything you'd expect from an OSR-like ruleset but occasionally with some fun added meta-layers.
Players getting a quest from an in-game Moderator and then being able to become a Mod themselves is a really fun idea and something I could envision becoming a long-term goal for one or more players at a table. The threat of encountering an Admin is scary as well!
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To finish it up, we've got a cool AASCII-style character sheet, complete with MingLiU-ExtB font (my beloved)!
And that's .dungeon//remastered! I really enjoyed reading this, and I think it has a strong core that's really enhanced by its real-world interaction layer. Gonna put this on "Play Soon" list. There are some smart rules in particular I'll likely steal for a future project.
.dungeon//remastered is available digitally NOW with, I believe, physical copies coming soon. I backed the Kickstarter to get this digital version. CHECK IT OUT HERE!
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
my work computer runs windows 10 and always has a link in the middle of the login screen, where if you accidentally click it you’ll end up opening an edge browser page related to it as soon as you log in.
it’s usually something about the rotating background images that’s different each time (would you like to learn more about capybaras? yes!!), and it’s not an ad so much as tricking you into opening edge, but for the last 3 weeks it has been stuck on “play candy crush saga now on your PC”
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i’m not that tempted because the dual factor login means i always have to have my smartphone right here and have the whole of tumblr dot com if i need to slack off, but after 3 solid weeks i do feel like my work computer is just begging me every time i return to my desk to not do my job
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torao-chan · 26 days
since I've noticed a few people -both returning, long term, and new users- reblogging tumblr-know-how posts going 'ah, I didn't know that, thank you'- here's a gentle reminder from a long time tumblr user
remember to flick off the op out settings on each of your blogs that allows for ai training off your blog's content
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this allows tumblr to train ai off both your original and reblogged posts. so both art/writing/anything you post and the content of whatever you reblog.
Instructions for finding this setting are below the cut.
On PC (via web browser), this setting can be found by
1) clicking on 'Settings' on the left hand side and then
2) clicking on each individual blog's name. Yes, it has to be turned off for all of them individually.
And yes, after clicking on each blog's name you'll have to click on 'Settings' again to re-access the list.
On Mobile (via web browser) you have to
1) open the side menu available by the button on the top left of your screen then
2) click the down arrow next to 'Account' and your list of blogs will appear under the 'Likes'/'Following'/'Log Out' options. If it isn't already open
3) open a blog's options menu by clicking the down arrow next to their name. Then
4) click on blog settings and scroll all the way to the bottom. Above the options 'Blocked Tumblrs'/'Export'/'Delete Blog' you will find the slider you have to turn off.
Again, you will have to do this for each blog again starting from step one.
Again, this protects both your original content and the content of the creators you love and reblog. It is an op-out function which means that when you create a blog, it is automatically set to train AI off your blog.
This is a relatively new feature for returning bloggers- as in it was added in the last year or so- but not new-new by any means. It has not been changed since implementation as far as I know.
(Also I don't use the mobile app so I couldn't tell you if that layout is different but alskjklgf if it is, someone let me know and I'll get my friend who uses it to walk me through how she finds it and add it on here.)
Thank you for your time and attention! Happy blogging! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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miraiq · 6 months
repost, do not reblog this
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NAME: Prince/Jehr/PJ. PJ is just a combo of the two alias' first letters. Jehr was my original when I first started out using aliases ever, which was created for me by my best friend at the time. I slowly tried to make a new alias for other muses I wanted to write without having them be associated with me-- for some reason? Wanted to hide or start fresh or something I guess? Same friend also made me take a HomeStuck quiz to get my... uh... vibe? I don't recall what it was, but the answer was Prince of the Light and I used that as my personal url for years, so I actually took the newer alias from that.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is the fastest way to get responses from me, simply because the app is always logged in on my phone and pc, while tumblr is only logged in to my personal tumblr via my phone. Any mutuals that would like to add me on Discord: princem0n
NAME OF MUSE(s): For my sanity, google doc for full list. Otherwise, main/actively in use muses: Severa/Selena(FE), Caelus(HSR), Serval(HSR), Kyo(Fruits Basket)
BEST EXPERIENCE: To be perfectly honest shit-posting/memes are always a welcome relief and the best way to destress. I recall previously that myself and group of fellow hooligans would constantly make photoshop edits of stupid things that would go around on the dash. Example(s) of something(s) I made during that time:
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But I also really enjoyed being able to deep dive into characters relations and how they worked against or with each other. Especially when it came to characters who didn't have their entire story brought to the forefront, like most videogame characters. You don't get to see the behind the scenes stuff with them, most the time, so it's fun to see how they could have gone about or reacted to different situations/after the fact/how it affected them.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Lack of communication. Sometimes I forget things, so I'll typically come ask for an answer or reconfirming that I didn't miss something or misinterpret anything. If there is an issue, I am begging, please just approach me. I often will do this if I have a problem, all I ask is the same in return. I can't stand constantly being left on read, especially when trying to discuss stuff plot related. We can't be on the same page if we don't have conversations going BOTH WAYS.
Other than that I'm pretty relaxed. I, as a slow writer, won't hound people practically ever for responses. We're adults, life happens, things come up, muses hide or aren't as strong as others. As long as you aren't actively ignoring me/our threads, there's no problem. If I don't see you posting at all then I know you just need a breather and that is A-OKAY. This is a hobby for fun. Why be fussy and cause problems due to impatience? I guess that is another pet peeve- impatience- lmao.
MUSE PREFERENCES: Bottoms. I notice myself writing of lot of "tsundere" types? Or redheads. I just love them. Misunderstood but fight against the world because they don't want anyone to know that they're broken.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both. Both is good. Everything in balance. I used to meme a lot, and I've definitely toned it down. But I don't know, sometimes getting too serious or having too many think-hard-about threads can be tiring, and lil shitposting is a good breather to be able to let you get back on with it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both are nice. I tend to overwrite, simply because my style will typically go into my muse's thought process(es), or if the thread is still being established, I try to set the scene or give background information. But, short replies are nice. Gives you a small thing to work on and take a rest between lengthier threads. That's also why I like random inbox prompts. Not all of them have to go anywhere- just gives you a space to do something else aside from your drafts.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I am absolutely not a morning person. Night owl to the max. You will see me up still at 3am more often than not. I typically wake up around 10am-1pm, so I'm usually writing right around dinner.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): In some aspects, sure. Not entirely like one-for-one with any muse, but there's always at least a piece of myself in each muses. Helps write them better, in my opinion. Only exceptions typically being any "self-insert" like characters. (ie. Robin/Avatar from Fire Emblem: Awakening). Most of those characters still have a base personality to them though, so unless you completely customize them, they're still pretty "how do YOU respond" choices change how they are.
Tagged by: Stealing dis from Rath Tagging: Yo who wants to let me know their lore?
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briefly-robyn · 1 year
Finally got a new phone a couple of weeks ago and haven't got around to logging into Tumblr on it. At the same time, I spend less and less time at my PC lately, and not being present here has two distinct feelings to it:
On one hand, I do miss the affirmation of faith that I've come to find here; finding people who practice religion in ways that make more sense to me has helped a lot contextualize my relationship with God, even when the particulars of that practice might differ from my own. Although not extremely active in posting here on Tumblr, I've used it with regularity for a long, long time, and some of the usernames on my dashboard feel like family. People who remain in my heart, with whom I've never actually had a conversation. I think that can be very very beautiful! It's like a snapshot version of my entire reason for being.
On the other hand, I do not miss meme culture or social media at large. Tumblr is the last social platform that I use. I don't feel a very strong need in my life for the type of consumption of other peoples' lives that social media can fool us into thinking of as complete... It requires a certain amount of interpersonal responsibility to each other that I think a lot of people lack, and an understanding that we are being shown only the parts of life that are the most photogenic, or remarkable. I don't like living in the kind of world that social media encourages, and I think that if I can make the choice to invite a different perspective of my world, it only makes sense to do that.
All of this is really just a very long way of saying that I definitely will be more active here again, but not quite yet. In the meantime, I hope that anybody who happens to be reading this is participating in Good, suffering little, and finding beauty in every brief moment.
In infinite Love, Robyn
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arjunasearth · 2 years
Insta Detox: Day 14
Logged in into IG yesterday for about 5 minutes. Felt an instant overstimulation again. Checked certain profiles of ppl I personally know. Nothing really interesting. Not very interested in watching Stories again, watched a few and instantly got bored. Didn't post anything nor had the urge to. Lets me reflect more about my relationship towards the people I whose profile Ive been checking out. Basically only girls. 2 girls living in my hood (they literally moved here), one of them was once a best friend for me (But not I for her, though). The other girl has a hairsalon right around the corner.The third girl also used to be a friend of mine but we stopped seeing each other after a conflict, yet we got over it and still follow each other, communicating every now and then (digitally). I haven't seen all of them for years, yet they really don't live that far away. Maybe a clear sign to meet up with one of them? I honestly don't know. I feel like our lives became too different and everyone is following her path, what is good and mature. On the other hand, none of them seems really to care about me that much neither , so maybe I just let it be and see what happens. Interestingly enough, I haven't seem them in person around my hood since they moved here but Ive been watching their stories almost every day, what felt kinda unreal to me, considering the fact, that we are not even real friends anymore. Tbh, a part of me misses the time we had together in our friendships and I think basically that's all there is to it.. also noticed that following them has been very one-sided (with 2 of them) as I was regularly checking their stories out while they were not checking out mine as frequently or not at all (Why would you follow somebody then, though, because you simply 'know' each other? Makes me want to unfollow them tbh.) Made me feel like a stalker in a way, although I know that I am not. But it's like watching parts of their life from a background position , without real interaction or trust. Makes me think a lot. Also about how they WANT to be seen, to perform, to polarize in a way.
I am thankful for this platform and the possibility it gives me. Being able to openly reflect about my feelings and thoughts towards IG without the need to perform. I can simply write my soul out as I always do. An open dialogue and also a constructive monologue in a way. I am honestly thankful for cutting my IG-consumption drastically, regulating it and protocolling it properly for the first time since I am doing this. The biggest difference I noticed so far has been in my concentration level, which has enormously increased since I stopped using IG on my phone or logging into it on my pc every day , every 2-3 hours. It's crazy . I also feel the urge to write more digitally on tumblr and go into other creative digital and non-digital tasks.I am also realizing more and more how much of a performative culture is surrounding me and that It almost became a sort of addiction for so many people to fragment their lives and perform these tiny bits to a digital audience. Of course I am aware that I am doing the same thing , yet not on such a large scale as big 'Influencers' do. IG is more about purely posting pictures and videos, while the writing part is definitely limited in comparison to the other aspects.On tumblr, it is pretty equally distributed and writing has been my biggest passion anyway. Privacy is mental health. Proper privacy is self-care. Not oversharing everything is self-care, as well. Moreover, when I regulate my digital performance, I do not have the urge to share everything or to capture everything after all. I am able to enjoy the moment again, being more aware of it. And if i wanna take a picture, I'll just do it. I can share it whenever I like, whereever I like. I don't HAVE TO share it instantly. It's an option, not an obligation. That's the difference.
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angelsonthesideline · 2 years
Good morning and I hope you are having a good Sunday ❤️ I have a kind of a question for you. So I'm a single father and I'd say within the past few months I met a couple girls the first one we hit it off really well and then all of a sudden out of the blue she has sudden depression ADHD and all this other stuff that she never really told me about which I understand you know you don't go into that when you first meet somebody but after a few months of talking, I think that's something that should be brought up to let that person know. my reason is this she started not texting back or responding unless she wanted to play and not have just a normal conversation. I called her out on it and she said that I was being too pushy and if I couldn't accept the fact that she can only respond when she felt up to it then it wasn't going to work but all I was asking was just for a text back hello Hi how are you doing I'm doing okay just in general because I would text her throughout the day just to check on her but I would not hear from her for days and then when I did hear from her that's when she insisted I was being pushy and all that so I guess my question to you is was I asking too much of this person just to text me back hello I'm doing okay etc.... Needless to say she blocked me and all that then.
The second girl I just met recently and it seems that it's starting to just head into not getting to know each other she just wants to play and I told her that if we can't have a normal conversation and get to know each other like you said you wanted to at the beginning I'm not going to continue this I'm not just a toy for you to use. She responded back with that I was being very gaslighting and pushy and the only thing that I asked for was like one or two selfies of her because she had asked for some and I had sent her a couple so I figured I could get the favor in return but she never reciprocated and I'm just to my Wit's end on trying to date nowadays it seems as though they just don't want to get to know me the actual me they just want to play and I'm a pretty good guy great father and do everything I can to make sure she's well taken care of I bust my ass everyday and I feel like these ladies just want to have play time with me but they all say in the beginning that they want to get to know me when in actuality it all just leads into sexual conversation when I want to have a stimulating regular conversation to get to know you so thank you for your time and I believe dating has actually come to a complete shithole.
I'm so sorry, I don't know how long this has been here (at least a week, since this says Sunday in it). I just happened to log into Tumblr on my PC and the inbox had a notification on it so I was going through what was in it, and this is the last one...
Firstly, I feel like there is a lot of detail I would need to really comment on this or give you any opinion. There are definitely two sides to this.
Secondly, I would say that if two separate women find you pushy, then there is a chance that your effort comes across in a way that they feel it's too strong. If they won't/wouldn't talk to you about it, then you have no idea what happened and no way to know what you do that triggers them... Although it is weird that they still wanted contact to play but nothing else...
I appreciate single fathers that bust their ass and make sure their child/children are their priority (as it is clear, since Mr. HTG is such a man), but dating for single parents is hard. I don't know if you are meeting these women online or irl. I know loneliness can really create the need/desire to connect with others, and sometimes wanting to move fast when you feel some sort of connection, but perhaps just avoid online connections for now? I'm sure your schedule makes it hard otherwise, but it is very easy for people to be dishonest or for miscommunications to happen when interactions happen through text.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
uhm,, can u please do some hcs with the love interests+Bailey where the pc gets jealous after seeing them around someone who has everything they’re insecure abt?? Thanks in advance !! I really love ur writing!! i literally check the tag first whenever i log in to tumblr to see if u posted some new stuff lol 😔😫💓💞
(DoL relationships and I think that's all there is to warn for?)
Alex doesn't really realize you're jealous, at first. 
Sure, you're hanging all over them even though you're both sticky with sweat and it's the hottest part of the day, but you guys are usually all over each other around this time. 
Yeah, Alex usually starts things, but that's fine. More than fine, actually. Alex quite enjoys how you can't seem to get enough of them. 
It doesn't even cross their mind that this might have something to do with the client that came by earlier. The one who touched Alex's arm and kept giving them hungry looks while licking their lips. 
The moment they find out, it makes them want to laugh. 
Jealous? Over them? Really?
They can't recall that ever happening before, and they kinda like it. 
Finds it a little cute, really. 
Won't dissuade you from getting all jealous, but they don't feed into any insecurities you may have. 
All night you've stuck to Avery's side like glue and Avery knows exactly why. 
Avery may not be a huge flirt, but stunning smiles and compliments can work wonders if used correctly. 
You've never seemed to mind Avery charming others while you were on their arm, but tonight is different. 
Tonight, something must have struck a nerve with you. Something, someone, must have made you feel like you had to act like this. 
And, well, Avery can't say they don't like you clinging to their side, but it can get a little annoying. 
It's cute, but don't go around scowling at anyone. Just stick to their side and look good. 
Of course, they’ll use this to their advantage. 
You’re jealous, right? Don’t want Avery looking at anyone other than you? Then you’ll do anything they want, right? 
Hell of an ego boost as well, knowing you get all worked up over them like that. But, they’re not ‘yours,’ you understand? You might be their pretty little plaything to take on dates and fuck however they like, but Avery is not your anything. Don’t forget that. 
Piss off.
What do you think you're doing, acting like a fucking brat?
Aw, did you see Bailey talking to a buyer? Did it strike a nerve in you? Big fucking deal. 
What are you, jealous? Of what? And why? You’re not anything to Bailey but another mouth to feed and another source of income. 
Acting like a little shit because you’ve got some misguided crush on your caretaker? Too bad.
But, well, if you’re going to go acting up, maybe Bailey can find a way to use this to their advantage. 
You’ve got feelings for them? Then why don’t you pay your dues on time and stay out of their way, huh? 
They’re not going to change themself, cut off potential clients, just because you got your stupid feelings hurt. 
Want to get into their good books? Then stay out of trouble and give them their money. Simple as that. Act like a jealous little shit and you might get their attention, but not in the way you want. Probably. 
It's rare for Eden to go into town, even more so now that you live with them. They hate letting you go into town but it's worth the risk. 
Until you don't come back and Eden ends up having to go into town anyway. 
It's only natural for Eden to kill two birds with one stone; to pick up both you and their supplies while in town. 
It's only after they talk to the cashier that you start acting all weird, clinging to Eden's side and glaring at any passerby. 
Why are you acting like this?
It takes a moment for it to click on Eden's head that you're jealous. Not only that, but you’re over them. 
It’s a bit of a boost to their ego, honestly. Though, the irony of the situation isn’t lost on them. You’re jealous over them interacting with someone, but your disobedience is the only reason they’re in town to start with. 
Of course, they’ll use this to their advantage. You don’t like them talking to other people? It makes you feel insecure and jealous? Good. Follow their rules, then. Only stay in town for so as long as they allow and then come scurrying back to them. Then they won’t have to talk to anyone but you, and that’s what you both want, isn’t it?
Threatens to use it against you, to go into town more often, but, honestly? Eden hates the idea of being in town longer than necessary, of talking to anyone else. Try to call them on that bluff though? You might end up in the dog house, literally.  
Kylar knows almost instantly that something is wrong.
The subtle shift in your body language, the small frown, the way you look at the other person.
Kylar was only talking to that other person for a second, telling them how you’re their partner. They didn’t mean to upset you!
While it gives them a little thrill when you snap at that person to back off, makes their heart flutter when you snarl how Kylar is yours, they don't want to upset you!
It makes them panicky, anxiety thrumming under their skin at the thought that you might think they don’t love you or that they might go after someone else.
Because they wouldn't do that! Ever! Don’t think that they would! Please!
They might get a little irrational, really. They don’t want you thinking that they don’t adore you or would ever leave you for anyone.
Also, why are you acting jealous? Don’t you know you’re perfect?
Robin’s always nice and polite when selling their drinks around town. Well, most of the time. It’s good for business, after all. Also, it’s just in their nature.
So, they don’t understand why you’re glaring at the person they just sold a cup to.
That person wasn’t rude or anything. Well, they don’t think they were rude. They didn’t do or say anything to you when Robin wasn’t looking, right? Is everything okay?
It takes Robin a moment to piece it together, but you’ll know when they do, a slight frown on their face as they question you. You’re jealous? What? Why? Because of that person they sold a drink to? Really? 
It is a little bit of a boost to their confidence that you’d get jealous over them talking to someone else, but, really, there’s no need. 
At lower confidence, they’ll try to joke it off. Might be a little self-deprecating. As long as they make you laugh, or, well, stop glaring at least. Though, if you’ve started standing closer to them as a way of expressing that jealousy, they want that to continue. They like your presence, being close to them, even if it makes them feel a little guilty to encourage your behavior. 
At high confidence, they take your face in their hands and tell you there's no reason for you to get jealous. High likelihood of Robin booping the tip of their nose against yours for emphasis.
They don’t realize for a while, honestly. 
You’re sticking close to them as they do chores at the Temple, that’s all. Sydney doesn’t give a second thought to the other initiate they’d been chatting to right when you arrived. 
This could go on for ages before something clicks in Sydney's head and they realize that you're jealous. Even longer to realize that you're jealous because of who they were talking to.
And they don’t like it.
When pure, they might chide you for your actions. No, you can’t help how you feel, but you can control how you act on those emotions.
The more corrupt Sydney is, the more likely they are to tease you. Just a little. 
Regardless, they’ll make sure you know that you have no reason to get jealous. You’re their beloved. They’re bound to you, and you to them. Forever.
Whitney knows what's happening. 
The moment they start talking to some random in the halls and you start pressing against their side, glaring at the poor bastard? Whitney lights up.
Oh, this is hilarious.
You’re jealous? Fuckin’ ridiculous.
Don’t you know that you’re just Whitney’s plaything? It doesn't matter if it hurts your poor slut feelings or whatever if Whitney talks to someone else. 
In fact, now that they know they can get this reaction out of you, they’re going to make you feel like this more often. Especially if it means you’re doing your best to keep Whitney’s interest by doing whatever they want, be that dropping to your knees or stipping in the halls. Less likely to intentionally make you jealous when at low dominance, though they still might try from time to time. 
Though, they do find it a little annoying. Whitney gets to do whatever the fuck they want in this ‘relationship.’ If you think otherwise, then they’ll have to remind you.
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drougnor · 2 years
More than just a quick few words on being Anonymous on the Internet in 2022
I’ve been known to share safety tips from time to time in the past and it’s WELL past time that I’ve done so. This time it’s something that I have to remind a lot of folks in meatspace, as part of my job is to keep people from doing stupid things with company resources in the IT space, but we’re at a point in time online that if there are enough resources to throw at finding you? You are going to be found. Most VPNs log their connections in and out.  It’s disappointingly rare that you are going to find an easy and inexpensive VPN resource that is TRULY going to keep you anonymous and private.  Free VPNs will flat out SELL their data to advertisers.  If you are sending messages through social media ‘anonymously’, no, you are not.  Your device leaves a trail that CAN and WILL be backtracked by law enforcement.  The packets that carry your data, by the very NATURE of how the internet works, have to have trackable addresses, or your information will NOT get to where it needs to.  The DATA inside that packet may be encrypted, but the destination and origination points can NOT be, or the internet ceases to work. Anonymous messages are logged by the servers they are sent through.  Esp on services like twitter, facebook, instagram and tumblr.  Your name or chosen name may not be appearing because you’re using a fake account or the ‘anonymous’ option that product provides, but their servers know exactly when and from where that message came.
Online services will and MUST, in order to comply with any laws in territories that they operate in, maintain a record of all postings made through what is called a ‘database of record’ so that if there is a complaint due to a legal incident, those posts can and will be pulled for the investigating authorities.  Even if you delete them from your front end dashboard. They will ALWAYS be stored on the database.
ISPs WILL respond to legal requests to identify the owner of an IP address during any given time frame - Be it phone or pc. It may take some time to backtrack if a VPN was involved, but, as I stated above, it’s a rare thing to find a TRULY anonymous VPN that doesn’t cost. And additionally, ad-tracking methods that are used to prepare to send you ‘pertinent advertisements’ add another layer of metadata that law enforcement forensics investigations can use.  It takes, on average, 3 pieces of information to narrow you down out of a few thousand others - OS, Screen resolution and browser are a commonly used set.  But each of those three can be swapped out for any one of thousands of other pieces of data our technology leaks about us.  These are all separate cookie pieces that can be assembled to locate anyone on the internet with just a bit of time and the proper information sets/authority and the results will be the same - You are NOT anonymous online without a MASSIVE amount of work/expenditure of energy. So, if you’re in the mood to send someone hateful messages that could be seen as containing threatening content and think you can do so with absolute impunity?  You REALLY REALLY REALLY may want to double and triple think that. 
Looking back on all this and thinking that I’m missing things . . . A LOT of things, but this has gotten long enough for now. I can always add more, and if anyone has any questions or suggestions for future additions, you know what to do . . .
Even KNOWING how to cover my tracks relatively well, I don’t trust that they’ll ever truly disappear from being tracked. Anyone who’s ever told you that it’s easy or they have a simple single tool/tool set that will accomplish EVERYTHING needed these days to disappear? Is either a fool, lying and hoping YOU are a fool, is trying to SELL you something, or is looking to help you get yourself in trouble.  I figured with DEFCON happening in LV, it was a good time to dig into the state of current art in stealth, and while there are a LOT of tools to help? There are a LOT MORE ways for someone to be found out.
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jade-palette · 2 years
Inscryption: scrybe gaming headcanons.
Author note: This is based on games I have played, and thought they would personally enjoy. I would suggest you to play them as well if you haven’t. Just going to pretend they have access to PCs and consoles lmao. I can imagine their minecraft chat logs being hostile as fuck.
If this is badly spaced, sorry! Something is up with my tumblr where no matter how many time I change it to nicely spaced it cramps together again.
Also my dumbass forgot the uberbots and students, they are next.
Warning: Language, minor spoilers for Viviette, advice for stardew ig? (?).
He prefers games with an interesting story or based around nature.
He loves Minecraft.
While playing, he is rather peaceful. Only really playing the game for exploration and mobs.
He is the type of player to tame as many animals as possible, having a pack following him as he travels the world.
Currently has 23 wolves, 17 cats, and 3 horses. The number decreases more than increase.
If anything ever hits him, it’s instant death by wolf.
When he stumbles onto a village, he doesn’t loot or commit mass murder.
He would also play Stardew Valley.
His farm is well decorated with plants and trees
Unlike P03, he doesn’t make bank each harvest. This is partly due to him choosing to focus on live stock and their quality of life than the money.
Because of this, he opted to marry Shane because of the blue chickens.
“I know, glorious isn’t it? My farm is a safe haven to the beasts of this game-“
“ Your farm is shit.”
“Your farm is shit.”
“I have put a lot of effort into this, why-“
“Just because you have a variety of animals and decorated the place, doesn't mean it’s good. I bet you’re broke as fuck. Your husband is a bum and-”
*Offended gasp.*
“And...how did you get a blue chicken?”
Grimora enjoys horror games and multiplayer games.
She also has minecraft, but doesn’t often play it.
This is because she prefers to play with friends, and the other Scrybes just do their own thing. So it isn’t as fun as it could be.
She loves realistic horror games, but she adores the ones with a cuter art style more as they tend to have better writing and gameplay.
This includes games such as Viviette and Inmost. The two games were adored by her due to the cuter art-style, and the gameplay.
In Viviette, despite having extremely difficult puzzles had been extremely fun. She liked how you had to run and hide, even if you were doing a puzzle.
Despite the game being short, she had spent about 7 hours trying to complete it.
Out of curiosity, she told P03 to play the game.
They completed it within four hours and had little difficulty.
Inmost’s art style and music did wonders to create a sombre mood.
The game had a lovely story as well…
She had recommended the game to Magnificus, as well as a few other things she tried.
“I feel as though you would enjoy this game.”
“You should try it.”
“I will.”
“When you try the game, tell me how you feel about it.”
“ You would appreciate the art-“
He doesn’t play video games of his own free will. He is either forcefully made to play, or bullied into trying.
Often, he wonders what he has done in life to deserve his treatment.
But if he had to pick his favourite type of game, he would pick something that focuses around visuals or has a interesting story. Genre doesn’t matter.
Once he was forced to play layers of fear by Grimora and ended up genuinely enjoying it. The visuals were great, especially when things started to warp.
Then he was forced to play minecraft by the other Scrybes.
He found the enchantments interesting, as well as the ender. However due to being shit at video games and the dumbass twins (Leshy and P03) being unhelpful and Grimora being offline, he hasn’t managed to get to the ender dragon.
“Everyone. I require assistance and resources. I need to find eyes of ender to continue and I do not have to necessary resources to retrieve them myself.”
“Sorry I do not know what that is.”
“Lol, noob. I’m not helping by choice.”
Then several days later.
“Hello, sorry. I do not have anything to spare.”
As mentioned in a previous headcanon post, they prefer to play games that make them feel productive, or that are challenging.
Other games not mentioned included Hollow knight and Minecraft.
With Hollow knight, they got pissed off at gameplay and were shit at first. But out of spite, they tried to get every achievement available and got them all within 4 days.
They hated god seeker mode with a vengeance.
But god was it worth beating it. He got bragging rights for a fairly unknown game.
In minecraft, they commit arson or they hack into Leshy’s world to kill his pets.
They find it funny because Leshy gets attached to his pets, even though they aren’t real.
The fool holds Stampy style dog burials.
Despite often being the murderer Leshy always invites them to the funerals.
They still attend to pay their respects… and to commit arson again.
“We have assembled here today, to pay our respects to one of the best boys of minecraft. My wolf Jeremiah. He-“
“Boo you whore.-“ *Pulls out flint and steel.*
“P03 stop disrespecting the grave.”
“Let the machine. This is more interesting.”
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emptymasks · 3 years
When are you planning to start your streams? Can anyone come?
Okay so I'm going to make this a stream FAQ/Q&A sort of post:
"When are you planning to start your streams?"
Soon!! I was waiting a bit to see how people responded to my last post about suggested times and dates. I'll be making a post soon that will list off all the dates and what musical we will be watching each week and I'll try and tag as many people who have shown interest in wanting to join.
"Can anyone come?"
Yes! You don't have to be someone I've spoken too before, you don't have to be someone who is mutuals with me or friends with me, you can be someone who literally just found my blog yesterday. Sure I would like it if you followed me, but that's also not a rule, the link will be public and anyone can join. You can send it to your friends or family who don't have Tumblr if they want to join, I know some of my Discord friends will be coming along as well as people from Tumblr. But it should go without saying if anyone behaves awfully I will ban you from the room, but I doubt any of you will. I will say as this is open to Tumblr there is a potential for minors to be in the chat so you know don't talk about explicit NSFW things.
Where will the streams be hosted, how can I join?
I host my streams through Kosmi and if you attended my birthday stream of Tanz Der Vampire then you're familiar with it. Kosmi can be watched on PC or Mobile, and it's free and you don't even have to make an account. It's also a website not a PC app so you don't have to worry about downloading anything (there is also an app version though if you would prefer to use that, but I've always just used the website). I would, however, recommend that you do make an account. Without an account you will show up as 'anonymous' in the chat box to the side of the video and if you want to chat and there's 10 different 'anonymous' people it can get confusing. I'd recommend you set up a username before the stream starts. The room will me marked 'private' which means only people with the link can enter, and not just anyone who's browsing Kosmi.
Do I have to take part in the chat?
No! There is no pressure to chat, and if you just want to lurk and stay silent and watch that is completely fine! If I get sucked into what we're watching I may forget about the chat anyway, ha. But the chat's just there if people want to comment on what's happening, react to things, hey maybe make friends I don't know, or just ask questions if you're confused on anything.
What if I'm late?
I'll likely start the video up to 10 minutes after the scheduled time for anyone who is just setting things up or slightly late, but I won't be hanging around for people for ages. Once the stream starts I will stop it in the intermission for 10 or so minutes for people to get snacks or drinks or toilet breaks. I'll get everyone to check in when they come back and once everyone seems to be back I'll start act 2, sorry in advance if I start act 2 and you're not back yet, it's hard to keep track of everyone if there's a fair amount of people. You can join in the stream at any time, the room will always be open and I'll be using the same room for all of the streams which means you can keep reusing the same link and the chat log from the previous nights will still be there. That also means you can peak in between streams so I'm trusting you all to not misbehave with the chat while the streams aren't running throughout the week. But yes you can still join in at any time during the stream, the room will not be closing once the video starts, I just won't be rewinding the video for you.
Kosmi is a really good website and I'd so recommend it! You can share videos in three different ways: screen sharing (but while screen-sharing internet browser keeps the volume, screen sharing programs does not) which I've used to stream Netflix shows with friends, from a URL like Youtube or Twitch or Vimeo, or directly from a file on your computer. Watch party is only one of three functions and while I've never clicked on the other two before there's a small range of games to play and console emulators.
Omg though while checking settings for the room, because I've just set it up, I realised you can also share music as well and I had the silly idea that I could have music running before the streams start for anyone who shows up early, you know like you have in cinema's before the trailers and adverts come on? (At least that's how it is in UK cinemas, they play music until the lights dim for adverts, then trailers, then lights go all the way off for the movie).
My TDV birthday stream went well and people came who I knew and some who I didn't and we all had fun! There is no pressure to talk, but if you want to everyone is normally very approachable and friendly.
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yahoo-geddon · 5 years
Yahoo Groups Will Be Shutting Down - What Each of You Can Do (Updated Nov 17, 2019)
This post will be frequently updated - check the Google Doc linked here for the latest version. Follow this Tumblr for more information in the days ahead.
Yahoo Groups will be shutting down key features and restricting access to Groups, with user-uploaded content being deleted on December 14, 2019. With this shutdown, decades of fandom history will vanish. But there is something that every member of the fandom community can do now - whether they’ve ever used Yahoo Groups before or not.
I am a member of a Yahoo group - what can I do?
Immediately contact the admins to find out what their plans are.
Submit a request to Yahoo for an export of your Yahoo Groups.  Do this before Dec 1, 2019 as it will take weeks to prepare. Don’t wait for your admins or other group members to act.
Tell your moderators and other Yahoo Group members about PGOffline, a Windows tool that will save the files, photos and messages. Any member of the Yahoo Group can use this tool - you do not have to be an admin to save the mailing list.  The trial version will download only 1000 messages...the license to do a full download is a one time fee of $25. If you cannot afford that fee, scroll down to Section 9 for a free Chrome tool that will download just the messages.
Since many admins are busy or inactive, install the PGOffline yourself and start downloading - focus on Files, Photos, Links, and Messages. A step-by-step walk through is available here and a video tutorial here.
 Export the messages and backup up the files and photos by copying them to another folder on your computer. Then contact Open Doors, the OTW preservation program. The OTW is open to providing storage of Yahoo Groups backups that are assembled by moderators and non-moderators alike. Details are here.
Let us know when you have downloaded the Groups: https://forms.gle/BHBGYT5qyvvynGyR9
If you are a member of a Yahoo Group and have downloaded the files and messages, and the admins do not respond, please contact your fellow mailing list members. Remember, any member can save a mailing list messages, files and photos and submit them to Open Doors.
If you need help from fellow fans, try asking on the “Save Yahoo Groups” Discord Channel
Mac Users (and PC users who cannot afford the $25 license for PGOffline):  try this Chrome based plugin which will download only messages   Instructions on how to use the Chrome plugin 
Alternatively, if you are familiar with Python, please experiment with the tools found at https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Groups
I am Admin - what can I do?
Communicate with your Group members - let them know your plans
Download your Group messages, files, photos, and links using the tools above. Don’t forget to download your members list.
Decide if you want to simply archive the old posts and disband the mailing list or start up somewhere else.
Please take a look at setting up a Dreamwidth community - it allows explicit material, threaded conversations, privacy locks and is free. Image uploading is limited to 500MB for free accounts and 1.5GB paid accounts. Also, if you are considering Groups.io as an option, please note that it does not allow any material that depicts sexual activity, even implied sexual activity or anything that could be considered a fetish.
I am not certain I have time to help download? Is there something else I can do?
If you are a member of a mailing list, submit the mailing list for consideration. It will help volunteers focus their efforts. Don’t forget check here to see if your group is already being downloaded.
Even if you are not a mailing list member, consider creating a page for the mailing list on Fanlore, so that there will be a place for people to talk about the mailing list, its history. Details here.
I can download, but I am not a Yahoo Group member.
As we said before, anyone who is a member of a Yahoo Group  can help download. If you are looking for Yahoo Groups to join for downloading, we have a spreadsheet where you can claim a group. Many Yahoo Groups have automatic membership (click once and join), so look for those groups.
Login Problems?
Has your “inactive” email been purged? Is your email email address not linked to a Yahoo Group ID?
An "inactive" account is one where you haven't sent an email or logged in for the past year. Receiving emails does not count as activity. The email address is then released, and can be used by someone else.
If you used your Yahoo email to subscribe to a mailing list, your access to the Yahoo Group is gone (along with all your emails). If your account was deactivated within the past 90 days, you may be able to reactivate it. (more here). Alternatively, you can try contacting Yahoo Mail support.
Outside the 90 day window: you can try creating a new Yahoo email account using the same screen name as long as no one else has snapped it up. Simply sign up as you would for a 'new' email account. Reclaim an inactive mailbox. Then log into your Yahoo Group.
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nctaezen · 3 years
Ndnanzjs i am a screaming because I didn't even notice your ask settings were messed up (im happy they are back to being ok! Smh remind me to slap tumblr with a fish) because I sent an ask EARLIER and turns out, tumblr ate my reply to you c':
*sigh* welp, I hope this sends this time around! Yes tis I, your glitch anon! I sadly don't remember what I originally wrote but I do hope you are doing alright in all aspects and are enjoying the recent new comeback!
Oh nooo why is this site acting up again :( sad that your ask got eaten but it's fine, I was wondering about you and your whereabouts these days. Actually when one of my moots sent me a dm that she couldn't find my ask button I was like? That's weird? But then I saw that everything was turned off. Before that it happened that I logged into another PC and I was kicked of from all my accounts and when I came back here it took me like 3 times to get back and I noticed that my theme was reset but didn't check the settings (should've done that). Anyway!!
Yes I'm doing alright these days, a bit tired than usual but I am ok. I thought it's some side effects from the vaccine maybe, but overall I felt tired, anxious, had no appetite and stuff like that. Might be some lack of vitamins, since usually I tend to be anaemic in the cold days, must be that. I haven't done a health check-up since winter 2019 so I guess it's time to book a new consultation. Just in case to be sure all is fine.
I will start this week to work in the office, we'll do like half month home half month office, since we can't get many people gathered together, my team will be the one to go first. Hahah it's funny because over this past year and half I almost forgot their faces, so I'm eager to see my colleagues again! Finally I'm back to socialising for real! Also like, half of my team are new people, we did talk a lot via zoom and skype meetings but I never met them irl hahah so it should be fun to hang out with new people at work.
As for the comeback, yes I'm enjoying it a looot! Love how stylish the boys are and even if the song doesn't appeal to many fans, I love it more than 2 other titles they had in the past to be honest. The flute might sound distracting at first, but with each listen and focus, you can clearly hear soooo much better their voices than their previous nct-noise-sounds, might be just me, but I love it. Overall I love the whole album and also Lemonade is hot!
Well I guess that's all for now, it's morning time here so I'm doing a couple of house chores, I'll have to pick some outfits for tomorrow's work day too, hope everything goes smooth with this new beginning!
I hope you're doing well, eating well and staying healthy and safe too! Talk to you soon ♡ ~
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starkerisendgame · 4 years
I'd like to show you guys something, and I really hope that it doesn't come across as ungrateful.
This is my notifications panel after checking my phone. The notification bar stated 27 new notifs since my last visit.
Out of 27 notifications, 1 was a reblog and 1 was a new follower. That means I had 25 notifications for likes.
That puts my like to reblog ratio at 25:1
I'm thankful for every single interaction, genuinely, but when you see posts from creators stating they don't feel like making content or that they don't feel like their content is being appreciated, this is why. Those posts about the imbalance of circulating work on Tumblr aren't made up. This is my notifications on a daily basis.
My last piece of fanfiction currently stands at a like to reblog ratio of 61:13. And here are the ratios of my last three:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I'm currently working on multiple pieces of fanfiction every single night. I'm writing, on average, over 150,000+ words per week. For the past two months my prompt box hasn't dropped below 30. I love writing, and I adore that people choose me when they have ideas. I absolutely live for it. I could not be more thankful.
But...It feels like wasted effort recently. And I know people have many reasons why they like and not reblog; valid reasons, but please. Think about just how often you like instead of reblog. Tally it up next time you log onto Tumblr.
It takes less than 10 seconds to reblog something on a PC and less than 4 to fast reblog on a smartphone. Your like means 0 people see a creator's work. Your reblog means every single one of your followers has a chance of seeing it, and a chance that they reblog it too.
My apologies if I sound ungrateful or rude. I really don't mean to be. I'm thankful for each and every one of my followers and supporters, I'd just like to share the perspective. I'm not perfect either; and I'm working on being better supportive of my fellow creators.
Thank you for reading ❤
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sycon-senti · 5 years
Not sure if it's mine but if it's my ask that Tumblr ate then it's just an ask if you make some headcanons about Herobrine from your fic, Hermitbrine =Pc
Ah! Of course! I can list the ones mentioned in the fic itself, and see if I can think of any more.
- Herobrine is Swedish. This is due to Notch being Swedish and Minecraft being a Swedish game.
- His voice is low pitched and surprisingly soft-spoken, to go along with a Swedish accent. However since he does not talk much this is not expressed very often.
- This means that he, Keralis and Iskall do have full Swedish conversations at times.
- His hair is super soft and fluffy, and he does enjoy having it petted.
- He's also slightly warmer than an average human, overall a very good guy to hug.
- A lot of his fears come from early day Minecraft. Social from the weird human mobs, water from the Minecraft classic infinite water spread etc etc.
- He is incredibly durable, able to bounce back from grievous injuries and circumstances that would easily kill a normal person. However, he can still be killed. It's just very very hard to do so.
- He is very much a rampant button presser, much like Grian.
- Also loves playing pranks on people like Grian. The two quickly become partners in crime, as well as pulling pranks on each other.
- He used to have more powers, but every time -Removed Herobrine was added to the change log, more and more of them were stripped away.
- He was the very first 'Steve?' That current Steve was based on. When you go back to play the very first versions of the game, it is him you are playing as.
- He also named Steve 'Steve?", hence the question mark.
- He loves mining and finds it very therapeutic. The day he discovered efficiency V Haste II mining changed his life.
- Has most definitely mined into TFC's Vault. And knows how to get back there.
- Magma blocks are his favourite Block as they're soft enough to lay on and emit a lot of warmth.
- He didn't understand at first why the Hermits freaked out when he went to take a nap on one.
I guess that's all I can think of for now. Any other questions about him I'd be pleased to answer!
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