#lil refresher course ig
torao-chan · 26 days
since I've noticed a few people -both returning, long term, and new users- reblogging tumblr-know-how posts going 'ah, I didn't know that, thank you'- here's a gentle reminder from a long time tumblr user
remember to flick off the op out settings on each of your blogs that allows for ai training off your blog's content
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this allows tumblr to train ai off both your original and reblogged posts. so both art/writing/anything you post and the content of whatever you reblog.
Instructions for finding this setting are below the cut.
On PC (via web browser), this setting can be found by
1) clicking on 'Settings' on the left hand side and then
2) clicking on each individual blog's name. Yes, it has to be turned off for all of them individually.
And yes, after clicking on each blog's name you'll have to click on 'Settings' again to re-access the list.
On Mobile (via web browser) you have to
1) open the side menu available by the button on the top left of your screen then
2) click the down arrow next to 'Account' and your list of blogs will appear under the 'Likes'/'Following'/'Log Out' options. If it isn't already open
3) open a blog's options menu by clicking the down arrow next to their name. Then
4) click on blog settings and scroll all the way to the bottom. Above the options 'Blocked Tumblrs'/'Export'/'Delete Blog' you will find the slider you have to turn off.
Again, you will have to do this for each blog again starting from step one.
Again, this protects both your original content and the content of the creators you love and reblog. It is an op-out function which means that when you create a blog, it is automatically set to train AI off your blog.
This is a relatively new feature for returning bloggers- as in it was added in the last year or so- but not new-new by any means. It has not been changed since implementation as far as I know.
(Also I don't use the mobile app so I couldn't tell you if that layout is different but alskjklgf if it is, someone let me know and I'll get my friend who uses it to walk me through how she finds it and add it on here.)
Thank you for your time and attention! Happy blogging! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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kozykricket · 1 year
some ramblings on appreciating new updates in games
im a sucker for new things. oh im "afraid of change," yeah, IN THE SENSE THAT it takes me a while to *start* changing things, but like. new shit?? stuff thats changed in a viddygame??? i love it! i love new stuff, even when it sometimes feels like, gimmicky in a game or something. i love knowing about the new stuff... albeit sometimes just to be contrarian, but liKE I GENUINELY DO LIKE THE NEW STUFF TOO!!! its usually cool when games add new quality content and i get to learn aaaaalll about it and then nerd out to people (obviously to show my superior vast intellect /s /s /s) and I GET TO BE LIKE YEA THIS THING DOES THIS THATS SO COOL ISNT IT!! and share the joy of new things that like yknow, its like, im not gonna gush over how i love a feature from terraria 1.2 or minecraft 1.7, because. everyone KNOWS about that, they know the inner workings of those things. they know that stained glass is very cool for changing beacon colors. they know what a duke fishron is. yknow? that and... back then, i wasnt as deliberately following development, so its not like "i was there!!" yes, i will admit a flaw in that at least 10-20% of it is sometimes just trying to be cool and feel hip and in with the new stuff, to show off... im not gonna hide it, im contrarian too. when it comes to stuff in games. but im mostly just defensive of things that i find cool because ive seen them being made! i see a lot of time put into something shiny and cool and im like honestly? mad respect, i will put this on a pedestal. of course i know putting people you dont know on pedestals is dangerous, but you get what i mean. i love... like. this is at least 30% of the reason i love terraria 1.4+ ? because theres some terraria players who havent had the time to figure out stuff, and that means i get to nerd out about stuff that they havent heard before! woo! i get to be like okay peep this and IG ET TO SEE THEIR REACTIONS! i mean idc if their reaction isnt a big one, its still nice to just. know that its someones first time experiencing something. even if they hate it. if they hate it, then ill still just ride the joy of feeling Cool for Knowing Things because i love Knowing Things and Learning and - yeah. theres more reasons i love 1.4 though. like, the quality of the content, the way it feels more terraria-y, like its... EMBRACED the terraria energy, and... how it felt like quite a re-invention of terraria, so it sorta led to me deciding to re-invent my own playstyle, especially when combined with how i felt many playthroughs were getting samey. i took the opportunity to get more into building, and the game worked with me! not against me! because pylons are cool as fuck! they literally!! let you make one giant interconnected base of bases!! i could write a longer post on why i love 1.4, but it honestly just comes down to how quirky it all is, and how. FUN it is. i know it feels gimmicky. new stuff always does. and i cant shake that feeling sometimes, especially for like. i dunno, sniffer related stuff in minecraft, or ginger island in stardew valley... but i still find joy in them. talking about them. experiencing them. refreshing my experiences. sharing joy in them. or if people dont share the joy, just feeling happy to know a lil more than they do (though, i try not to let it give me an ego or anything. its my one little vice i'd say, though, that i let myself have. like that snack that you treat yourself to...)
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kumaonna · 3 years
hakuouki kyoto winds and edo blossoms thoughts no one asked for:
(spoilers; in order of play)
full disclosure, it’s been a few months since i played this but i can’t get them off my mind so… :) sorry it’s messy. the first few i just did as the choices led me, but later i planned out who i was going to do in order so i couldn’t just skip all the people i wasn’t looking forward to 😩
no okay hear me out i love him but i did NOT want his route first in Kyoto winds initially solely bc of his hair😭 with those bangs!!! no sir!!!
but of course he’s the first route i ended up on and he grew on me immediately
also didn’t realize there were actual routes in Kyoto winds bc all the reviews said it story-heavy, so i thought it was just one big story
very much incorrect
anyway his route is so 😔💔
i cried a Lot because it’s just so sad seeing him go through the fury stuff </3 and he tries to stay happy for chizuru but he’s so clearly in PAIN and ugh
anyway as u can see i got extremely attached and would now protect him with my silly little life (even with the bad bangs💀 plus now i have bad bangs too so we’re twins✨)
sanosuke and nagakura are so fun in this route too!! rlly a good time when they’re around despite how much they clown my boy🧍‍♂️
it’s just an innocent and lovely pairing in which they get to grow with one another
his design in the second game is so cute
and i just LOVED seeing him in all the routes i did after, it was like he was there watching after you 😭
solid 9/10, very glad he was my introduction to the series ^^
alright okay everybody make way, the king has arrived🤲👑
look. i know he’s a little dry BUT. that’s honestly exactly what i was expecting so i wasn’t disappointed
it’s very much a slow burn with you gradually earning his trust and worming your way into his heart
but even from the start he’s just… always there for chizuru. mans shows up for you every route anytime you need him and without reservation
he’s down bad idc idc
he’s also just. genuinely very kind in his own way, which is quiet but there nonetheless
also mega badass
cute how much he loves swords. sad he feels useless with the dawn of a new era of fighting :/
but chizuru helps him through it :)
and his ENDING SCENE where he’s just out in the snow unresponsive because you aren’t calling his first name💀 mf you’re going to die out there pls get inside
also the snowbunny 💔♥️
definitely hurt my feelings in like every route it happened, but was always happy to see him again
(im just randomly remembering bits of story this is so chaotic srry😭)
anyway. i love him
also a solid 8/10
liked how active chizuru is in this route!! the medic angle was refreshing
similar to saito, wasn’t expecting much in terms of romantic gestures, but he surprised me! it was an unexpectedly emotional ride
cute seeing him flustered. also seems down bad in most routes he’s heavily in💀
don’t have much to say about his, but i enjoyed it! it was nice watching his relationship with chizuru develop
he was very sweet. 7/10
this mf 😐
i was SO excited for his route
he seemed so nice and sweet
and then he goes and gets a demon hand and is SO MF MEAN
like i get that it’s bc he cares about chizuru and feels like he won’t be able to control himself otherwise but Damn 😭
i did like how unique his route was. you don’t really get his story in any of the others
even so, he remains a lil on my shit list. but he gets a pass ig
was also really excited for his route!! he’s just so considerate in all the other routes towards chizuru and his route was no exception
his scene when chikage comes to steal you and he protects you and checks on you afterward….. one of my fav in the whole game
very grateful for the tiddy window
still loved being around nagakura and heisuke! my boys
the way he f*cks you on the floor on a whim 😭 mans did not hold back
his route was a little uneventful tbh, but that’s mainly because of the role he had to play in the other routes i think
anyway. 7/10
nagakura bby where did it go wrong………
i kinda read some stuff about his route going in so i knew people weren’t crazy about it
but i was like “c’mon, it’s nagakura! how bad could it possibly be??”
there’s just like zero character development and very little romance
and bc of that it feels like there’s nothing learned at all in terms of an overarching theme
the difficulties he faces are either ignored or solved almost immediately with zero opportunity for reflection
the little sister relationship with chizuru is cute and funny for like the first three hours and then im like OKAY CAN WE PLEASE GET ON WITH IT
idk makes me sad bc his route could have been so good >:( i love him in everyone else’s route but his own
sigh. 4/10
was really not looking forward to his route tbh but it wasn’t half bad
it was nice getting a view of everything from the other side of things after him being a villain in the story for so long up to this point in my playthrough
was still kind of off-putting for most of his route though
which i think is intentional
but instead of making me more interested in sanan’s story, i was like can i please go back to heisuke 😭😭💔 he’s like right there with you for parts of it c’mon
anyway you do get some good insight into him and why he turns out the way he does, his tragic fear of uselessness and all
on the whole didn’t hate it but wasn’t in love with it either
absolutely not 😭
i am so sorry i feel like the last few have been so negative but this one just was not for me
i didn’t like him the first time he came around in saito’s route for me, didn’t like him in his own route💀
i think he’s just supposed to be like this dashing, morally-grey rogue but i was just like 😐 yes yes guns and trading and the rise of western technology, now are you going to pull me into a pyramid scheme or something?🤨
just. not a fan of his opportunistic nature and general disregard for others
FINALLY back to the good stuff
i really loved souma’s route for so many reasons
first his relationship with chizuru as a subordinate is so cute and the way he protects her is just . sweet. naïve, but sweet 
but god DAMN did this route destroy me
probably the saddest one out of all of them
this was also the first route i really saw what was happening to okita…. or like one of the first times it really hit me ☹️
you watch everyone die. like. EVERYONE
for several characters, this was my first time seeing them actually die or hearing about it officially i think, and it was just so much
it’s extremely heavy and hard to watch sometimes seeing how much souma is suffering because of it
like when he messed up and told okita to punch him and okita hardly left a mark? then souma is sent reeling?
yeah. i was weeping
and hijikata……. also absolutely wrecked me
the pressure put on souma just grows and grows and all chizuru can do is watch and try to support him, which is heartbreaking
the romance was obviously kind of stilted in some parts because of the heavy subject material, which is expected and appropriate, i think
in my mind, the lack of romance and emphasis on just being by his side really cemented the bond between the two of them so i think it served it’s purpose
my only actual complaint about his route was the ending? the whole tongue biting thing… just felt really anticlimactic and i was like? that’s all it took to get chikage to finally go tf away?
but in a way i think it’s kind of emblematic of the story itself
souma’s story isn’t some great romantic saga for the ages
it’s a story of pain and grief, in which the ending isn’t something grand and picturesque
rather, a woman patiently awaiting the return of her lover from the other side of these terrible tragedies
anyway. not to get too deep, i just really liked his route
9/10 :)
his route probably stuck with me the most, tbh
i put off doing it for so long out of fear i wouldn’t like him lol
because from everyone else’s routes, i saw glimpses of him, but it was never enough to pin him down
so when i finally got to his route and saw his story firsthand, i was kind of blown away by how much i liked him
a big part of it comes from uncovering his past, which was devastating because, as cute as he was in childhood, i couldn’t forget what would soon happen to kondou
seeing that relationship play out finally was also pretty eye-opening in my understanding of him in other routes
and suddenly okita’s childishness and spitfire temperament began to come together for me
because in a way, okita is still just a kid
he was forced to fend for himself from so young and clung on desperately to the one adult willing to give him the time of day
and he told himself that as long as he had kondou, everything would be okay. as long as he could prove his worth to a man he respected as a father, it was okay to be alive
so when his usefulness was slowly stripped away, it became more than a fight for his life against an illness. it became a fight for his right to be alive in the first place
it explains his extreme denial and anger at facing the truth of his illness, because to him, if he was truly sick, he was as good as dead
i think some of that was alleviated at becoming a fury, if only slightly. but being confronted with kondou’s death took any semblance of normalcy away entirely
now not only was he useless, the man he devoted his life to was gone. in a way, he was right back where he started all those years ago before he met kondou
and it’s this very vulnerability that accelerates the attachment he feels to chizuru significantly
and basically overnight the entire dynamic switches
and he clings to the one thing he has left: chizuru
which isn’t to cheapen his love for her; in my mind, it just explains why all of a sudden everything felt different, why he was suddenly willing to pull her close and bare his heart
regardless of the reason why, i found his childishness is very endearing given his usually sharp tongue, even with his pouting and reluctant acceptance at being cared for in any capacity
could not BELIEVE this mf still had tuberculosis after becoming a fury. 😭 i was like okay surely the regenerative powers of the potion can fix that. but evidently not :(
and when he lets you dry his hair….:: yeah
also in love with the way that he just like Shows up in some routes out of nowhere to save the day. like hell yes 👏
always enjoyed the scene when you’re on rounds in the city and run off and he has to come after you
well. idk if enjoyed is the word bc he was like hacking up a lung and whatnot. but his concern was genuine, which i appreciated
his ending was also very sweet. it’s so nice getting to see him happy. he deserves good things, damnit
anywayyyy there is much more i could say but overall, 9/10
alright was also kinda dreading this mf, but ended up decently enjoying the route
main takeaway was that i want a route for shiranui 😭
but really didn’t mind chikage in the end
his willingness to accompany chizuru and arrange things on her behalf in the latter part of the story was really nice to see
also his eventual respect for her own agency and her choices
not sure if it was this route or the previous, but i had somehow ENTIRELY MISSED the route where your twin brother and fake dad kidnap you up to now
don’t know how i didn’t see that even once until so late in the game, and it’s such a big part of the story??? anyway
the ending on his was melancholy, but fitting
overall not bad and even kinda romantic sometimes, 7/10
i wanted to go for this man IMMEDIATELY but i made myself wait because i KNEW if i did I would lose motivation to play all the routes
so i saved him for very last
it’s like a reward 😀 (90 hours later)
y’all….. i just. he’s so FINE like COME ON
idk maybe my daddy issues are just actin up but the immediate attachment i felt to this man lasted the entire mf game
not to be h-word on the timeline but god damn
i don’t even wanna KNOW how fine he was in his early 20s 😭🤚(how old is he in game again?? idk)
that man… haunts my dreams
it felt so dirty going with chikage bc i felt like i was betraying hijikata😭
but being able to be his lil page was so fun
like you could tell he was just trying to make you feel useful so you didn’t feel bad (though he’d never admit it)
and i think that is very sweet
the fear of disappointing him was real 💀 (come to think of it it was def my daddy issues acting up💀💀)
lowkey like how mean he is sometimes😳 so long as chizuru isn’t on the receiving end
always got SO jealous when he was flirting with kimigiku in the hotel or whatever
like YES you’re both beautiful YES you’re perfect for each other, stop rubbing it in
love how every argument with him starts with him super mad at first and then in the next sentence justifying whatever you did or didn’t do
like “You mean to tell me you ran into a fight without a weapon?! What the hell were you thinking?!……. Well, I guess you couldn’t help it. There are only so many weapons to go around, after all.” (an exaggeration, but im too tired to find real examples rn)
like he’s just so soft on chizuru and some of the boys, especially ones from the original dojo
it was so hard seeing all the pain he had to endure as the leader of everyone. and he just takes it and moves forward :(
with this situation especially, being on the losing side and constantly at a disadvantage, abandoned by supposed allies
having played through so much of the game, i feel like i was fr mad when shit like that happened to the shinsengumi😭 like you mean to say our backup retreated AGAIN?? the cowards!!!
very strong leader and pretty badass ngl
his ending….
many tears were shed
i just really liked his route
romance was pretty eh given how emotionally constipated this mf is, but there were still some really good moments
story was great, development between the two was nice to see. and when he insisted he go alone to the final battle but chizuru shows up at the last minute and everyone was saying how sad he was…… yeah:/
anyway, i think for the amount of story that had be told, the writers did a great job
on the whole i just really enjoyed playing this game, and i can’t wait until i get the urge to replay my favorite routes so i can experience it all over again :)
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@rvsiq: “hii, can I get a matchup (haikyuu-male), I'm 5'6 and I wear glasses. I have brown hair and blue eyes, I love reading and singing/playing the guitar. I'm introverted but once I get more comfortable with someone I talk a lot. I am very observant and I'm good at reading people. I like to make jokes and make people laugh. I am very optimistic and I love helping people. I am also the youngest in my friend group and they tease me because of that. I like math and chemistry and I like making nerdy pick up lines or something similar as a joke hahaha. My favourite colour is yellow. I love pastel colours/ I like soft aesthetic. In a partner I dont really have a type but probably someone protective and can seem cold but are softie ig? Also, I love nose kisses fejsksnd. I find going in a park with ice cream/ home hangouts cute date ideas (study dates as well).”
notes: thank you so much for entering!! you sound like such a sweet lil’ cinnamon bun and kuroo was honestly the first person who i thought of after reading your submission LOL so i sincerely hope you agree and enjoy your matchup! thank you for your support, and i hope to see you stick around ❥
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why i matched you:
» just like you, kuroo is also a bit of a nerd and often finds humor in any situation he’s in. i feel like you two would be so completely lost in each other when talking about your interests - chemistry, music, reading, coming up with the worst, dorky pickup lines. kuroo really values like-minded people, you lucky girl!
» kuroo finds your selflessness the most attractive quality about you (aside from how smokin’ you are, ofc). he loves that you’re always willing to help the ones you care most about with anything, and you always give so much of yourself to what you believe in. however, he won’t hesitate to remind you every now and then that it’s okay to be selfish, sometimes! he’s always there to help you take care of yourself once things start getting a little too tiring.
» kuroo seems like a suave, cold-hearted ladies man to most on the outside. but on the inside? HUGE softie, especially for you. he likes to pretend he’s a smooth talker when he’s always inwardly panicking over his approach with you. he just wants to make sure you feel comfortable in his presence without making himself seem like too much of a dork, y’know? you just gotta remind him that’s what you love about him the most!
» kuroo isn’t overbearing with pda but he does like having you tucked into his side when he can, both for his own selfish need to have you against him AND to let everyone else know you’re off limits. his favorite thing to do is wrap an arm around your waist or rest his hand against the small of your back while you lean into him with your head against his chest (since he’s literally too fuckin’ talk for you to reach his shoulder). this position always gives him the perfect angle to lean down and press a sweet kiss against your hair, sometimes dropping further to sneak a kiss against your nose or lips to make you blush in that cute way you always do.
» library dates? library dates. kuroo takes his studies seriously, and finds it so refreshing to be able to love someone who feels the same way about their academic goals. he’s always so willing to help you out with whatever subject you’re struggling the most with, and remembers to text you encouraging messages the morning of an important exam you two have been cramming for. his favorite reward to give you when you (inevitably) pass said exam is a big hug n’ kiss from him and a trip to the store to pick up whatever your favorite treat is.
» but even he likes to take breaks from learning, so he’ll often surprise you with an evening out to cute little cafe’s tucked away in the smallest parts of town or take you for a stroll in the biggest park he can find, holding your hand as you walk with whatever frozen treat your heart desires from the vendors there. and even if you do decide to stay in for the night, he’s more than happy to snuggle with you on the couch and watch that new movie you’ve been wanting to see. honestly, he’s willing to do just about anything as long as it’s with you!
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“So you really think this looks good? It’s not, I don’t know…” You eye yourself in the mirror, hands smoothing over the fabric of the garment in question, ”loose?”
Kuroo meets your hesitant gaze from the archway of the dressing room, curtain pulled back so he can peek inside upon your request, and his eyes instantly soften at the sight of you in the sundress he picked out for you. White, flowy at the bottom, thin straps that rested beautifully over your delicate collarbones. His knees nearly gave out when he caught sight of your gorgeous legs against the cotton fabric, hem resting at your mid-thigh. You looked like an angel.
“Wow, baby you-...” Kuroo brought a hand up to his chin, covering his mouth with his palm in an attempt to conceal his awe. Not that he didn’t want you to see his admiration, of course - he was just afraid of drooling all over the clothing store’s pristine, tile floor if he kept his jaw open any longer, “You look amazing. Really, you do.”
It took every muscle fiber in his body to not lunge forward and wrap his slender arms around your glowing figure, the heat rushing to your cheeks and the way you fiddled with the edge of the dress making his heart combust in his chest. The only thing that held him back was the fact that it was a dressing room, and, well, the employees that have been side-eyeing him the moment you opened the curtain for his opinion.
However, that all went straight out the window the second he saw you turn to yourself in the mirror once again, this time with a huge smile forming over your delicate lips. Kuroo knew that smile. It was the smile you showcased when you truly felt beautiful, when all the compliments and praise he sent your way had finally nestled deep within your thoughts and stuck to your consciousness like honey. It was his favorite smile, and you wore it so naturally.
Kuroo’s calloused fingers find their way around your waist as his chip lays atop your head, swaying with you in front of the mirror as he drinks in the sight before him for what felt like the millionth time. He couldn’t get enough of you in that lovely dress that he picked out.
“I think I’ve got pretty good taste, don’t you think?” He finishes the proclamation with a sweet kiss to the crown of your head and lips twitching into a smirk against your delicate locks.
“Hmm… yea, I’ll give you this one, Tetsu. But you’re paying for it!”
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deadline for matchups is (08/29/20)! be sure to submit your entry before this date and check the tag #tumplaysmatchmaker to stay updated!
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
A/N: Yeah. Idk how to stick with the word requirements for blurbs so here is a whole damn oneshot with Big Nasty and a black reader. Also, ya’ll know I love Amara and she’s my go-to FC, but feel free to ignore and imagine yaselves’! :p
Words: 3.4K
Warnings: Slight, like very slight, and shitty smut
Tagging the fellow Flo’s Hoes/Lil Nasties who I know share love for our manzzzz and expressed interest in this hot mess!
TAGS: @chaneajoyyy @forbeautyandlife @heyauntieeee @crushed-pink-petals @mimigemrose @thepinkjinx @honeychicana @sdcyumyum @babygirlofwakanda
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“Bitch, hurry up. I can only hold my stomach in for so long. Not all of us have abs like you.”
Your best friend and current photographer sucked her teeth. “What abs? I haven’t done a real workout in months.”
You rolled your eyes, breaking from your position to place your hands on your hips and look over at her, squinting from the intensity of the sun. “What are we about to do then?”
Maya mirrored your stance. “You know damn well we’re only going to make it about a block before we call it quits.”
You laughed. It was true. While Maya had a bit more stamina than you, neither of you were feeling like being healthy. Plus, between decorating your new condo that you’d purchased with your best friend since elementary school or getting in a negative calorie burning workout….playing interior designer sounded a lot more appealing.
“Well let;s at least get these pictures done. We look too bomb to not snap a pic or two.”
“Or 100.”
You fake sniffled. “You know me so well.”
Sharing a laugh, Maya instructed you on how to pose, snapping more than two photos before you switched positions.
“Ugh. Give me your height, please.” At 5’10 with a slim thick figure, your best friend could have easily been a model if you two hadn’t went into the clothing business, opening your own boutique.
Maya snorted. “Give me your booty.”
“It’s a trade,” you agreed as Maya gave you poses that made her look even that more angelic and bomb than she already was. “Work, bitch.” The two of you fell out laughing as she gave a little twerk before covering her face.
“Can’t take us anywhere.”
You wiped at your eyes. “Nowhere.” She came to stand beside as you two perused through the photos you’ve taken eventually settling on one for each of you to post on social media.
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“Franchise is going to love that one,” Maya murmured as you guys started to walk back toward your condominium, the decision to bypass the workout an unspoken agreement made among you.
You threw your head back and groaned. “You and that damn nickname.”
“I wouldn’t have given it to him if you would bless that man with some Rosetta Stone.”
“Now see, what we not gon’ do is talk about my baby.”
“That’s the biggest ass baby I’ve ever seen.” As her eyes fell onto you, she caught the sly and suggestive smile planted on your face. “Stop that!”
“You tell no lies,” you wiggled your brows as she grimaced.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” She pretended to gag as you pulled out your phone to check the post. Sure enough, he’d been one of the first to like it.
Smiling, you swiped to see he’d left two separate comments.  
Mine 🤪🙌🏻❤️
You quickly double tapped both to heart them before giving a quick reply.
Your boyfriend, Florian, was the definition of unexpected. You’d met by chance, both of you being on the same connecting flight that been delayed, forcing passengers to spend the night in the terminal. Your phone was dying, you foolishly leaving your charger in your suitcase as you hadn’t expected your battery to die before you reached your stop, Honduras.
Looking around the terminal, you noticed that there was only one available seat that was near a charging station. And it just so happened to be next to the tall, large, and handsome man who you could have sworn you’d caught staring at you several times. Never really into white guys, even you couldn’t deny the man was sexy as hell.
You’d overheard him talking on the phone and noticed he had a European accent to his deep voice, amping the appeal you were already having problems ignoring.
As your battery sunk into single digits, you decided to approach the handsome stranger, asking if it was alright for you to take the seat next to him.
“Of course.” Was his kind reply, his smile causing your stomach to do all kind of somersaults and walkovers.
While you’d initially planned to pretend to be busy on your phone, it seemed as though being in his proximity or being the first to make the move was the only thing he needed to start up a conversation.
An exchange of names and casual conversation quickly turned into you learning almost everything to know about each other. He was an actor who’d just been cast in a film he couldn’t tell because of contractual reasons and was going on a short vacation with close friends before traveling to the states to start filming.
You told him how you were heading to Honduras to celebrate your best friend’s 25th birthday. His favorite color was green. Yours was pink. He was the baby of his siblings. You were an only child. He was single….you were single.
You could definitely detect the flirtatious tone he allowed to seep in his naturally confident demeanor and surprised yourself with how you matched his vibe. Then again, how couldn’t you? The man was gorgeous and his body was delicious.
And that was just from what you could see through his sweats.
Contact information was exchanged as you two eventually separated, and what started as a long distance friendship easily transformed into something a lot more serious. He was away filming for three months, 90 days that comprised of constant phone and video communication, virtual interaction constituting the forming of your relationship.
Though you hadn’t officially discussed the status of you “-ship” as you’d gleefully ran into his open arms as you met him at the airport, making physical contact with him for the first time since you met…..you just kinda knew.
Then, of course, the fact that you two went through almost half a box of condoms the same night and you learning the real reason they called him Big Nasty probably helped as well.
So now, months later, there was no question about where you two stood. Florian was your man, and you, his lady.
Pulling down to refresh the comments, your smile dropped as you saw Maya’s reply on the thread between you and your boyfriend.
🤨 She been both fine AND mine long before you, Franchise.
Looking at her with the ‘really, bitch’ face, she busted out laughing.
“You know I had to.”
You maintained your annoyed expression before joining her in her cackling. “I hate you.”
“Lies,” she sang. “That’s like saying you hate Baby Arnold.”
She was right though. Though you’d always been hesitant about falling too deeply given your less than stellar track record with men, there was something different about Florian. Being with him made you feel like a teenager all over again. Hell, you were 25 and getting all giddy over a damn Instagram comment.
You didn’t want to say that you loved him. Not yet. Not out loud, at least. But….you definitely more than just liked him.
As you two made it back to your condominium, you decided to start unpacking the boxes that created a fire hazard in your kitchen. You’d had just about enough takeout and while neither of you could cook to save your lives, it couldn’t help to start learning.
After all, you wanted to try to learn how to make at least one of your man’s favorite dishes. All you needed was a recipe, ingredients, prayers, and a fire extinguisher.
“Would you get off your phone and help me put some of these dishes away?” You yelled at your friend as she waved you off, continuing her IG live as she ate the last bit of her Chinese takeout.
“You’re doing great, sweetie!” She snorted as you turned around to flip her off.
“Hey, Siri. Play my music on Shuffle,” Maya called out to the HomePod. You rolled your eyes and prepared to tell the music player to turn it off when you realized it was “Bust Down Barbiana.”
“Ayee!” You shouted, running over to turn the music all the way up as Maya jumped up as well. Going over by her, the two of you started to dance and sing along.
“Thank you next, Ariana!” You both yelled as you two twerked on each other, all desires to stay on task thrown out the window. You continued to dance, noticing as the viewers of the Live continued to go up and up as you remembered Maya had a good amount of followers.
For a second, you contemplated moving out of the frame but as soon as the next song came on, Tia Tamera by Doja Cat, you knew it was a wrap.
“Hair grow long like Chia. Money go long like Nia!” You sang loudly, moving to climb up on the half wall, dancing on there, dropping into a squat and moving your ass. “I am the big idea! My twins big like Tia!”
“Aye! Aye!” Maya continued to hype you as she grabbed her phone to better film you. “Get it, Thickems!”
Continuing to act a fool, you didn’t notice Maya roll her eyes until she shouted.
“Go away, Franchise!”
Hearing that, you looked at her. “Flo’s watching?” As she murmured a ‘you know he is,’ you grin widened as you blew a kiss. “Hi, baby!”
“Can ya’ll not be all romantic on my live!” Maya groaned. You ignored her and continued to dance, purposely moving your ass even more. Flo loved your booty, his big hands always going to grab or smack it every chance he got.
Especially during sex. His favorite position was any that allowed him to bend you over. The counter, the bed, a workout machine, anything really.
“He said get your ass down before you fall, Bee!” Maya warned, though you were unsure if she was just saying that or if Flo really was concerned.
“If I fall and hurt myself, will you come home?” You asked, half joking, half serious. Promo for the film Florian had been filming, Creed II, was at full force, your poor boyfriend having to partake in interview after interview and premiere after premiere. A part of you felt bad for him, but you missed your man more.
It’d been almost two months since you’d seen him in person, and he wasn’t set to come visit you for another month. Your shower head and vibrator could only do so much. You needed the real and much bigger thing.
But sexual desires aside, you really just missed being held by your boyfriend, joking around with him, forcing him to watch your “chick flicks” or the occasional trip to the club.
“Ooooh.” You finally jumped down and walked over to Maya. “Call him.”
Maya turned up her nose. “Hell no. This is a rated G live. Ain’t no freak shit taking place on my watch. I’m a Christian.”
“Bitch you a whole lie and 3/4ths.” You smacked your lips as you looked over her shoulder to see comments coming in left and right but focusing in only on his.
“Call me, baby!”
“It’s maybe.”
“Maya, I am about to punch you in your throat.”
“Come on then, bitch. I ain’t never been scared.”
“You are so ignorant.” You wiped at your eyes and elbowed her, walking away to get your phone out the kitchen.
“That ass though!”
Shaking your head, you looked at your reflection in the FaceTime before calling him. Ring, ring, ring, With each ring, your smile dimmed. Why was he not answering? Eventually, the “unavailable” screen came up and you frowned.
“He didn’t answer.” You told Maya as she walked over, having ended her call.
Maya shrugged. “Probably went to go beat his-“
As you finished applying your night serums, your mind was still focused on the day’s earlier events.
You’d tried calling Florian a few more times after that with each call being ignored. You texted him. No reply. Hell, you’d even resorted to more stalkerish tendencies by checking his IG activity to see if he was liking photos or whatnot. Nothing. He’d just gone ghost.
You tried to ignore it. You really did. The last thing you wanted to think about was him cheating, messing around on you. He was probably working, but as you thought about where he was and the time zone, what work could he be doing at 3 something in the morning?
Something just wasn’t right.
Of course, Maya called you stupid.
“Terminator knows I’ll kick his Russian ass if he breaks your heart.”
“He’s Romanian, Maya.”
“I don’t care if he’s Lettucian. He still gon catch this fade if he wanna be on some Tristian Hoempson shit and cheat on you.”
You chuckled. Your best friend was crazy, but you loved her.
Just like you love Flo-
“Oh hell no.”
Frowning, you walked to the bedroom door. “What’s up?”
“Ain’t this about a bitch.”
Sighing, you walked over to slide on your slippers and headed out your room. “Heifer, you better be dying.”
“Oh, someone is about to die.”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the top of the steps. “What-“
Mouth ajar, eyes wide as saucers, you completely blocked out Maya’s smirking, charcoal mask covered as she crossed her arms over chest, and murmured a small “gotcha.”
No, your eyes were focused on the giant standing at the bottom of your steps, bag on one shoulder, suitcase on the floor next to him, his magnetic smile on his handsome face.
As though his voice was your ‘on’ switch, you broke from your trance. “Baby!” Descending down the steps with surprising speed, you threw your body into his, legs wrapping around his waist.
“Now what if you had fallen? Hmm? Who was going to pay that hospital bill?” Maya wondered aloud as you flipped her off while crashing your lips onto Florian, his hands going to palm your ass as he held you against him.
“Hey, hey, hey! All possible baby making activities need to take place in the bedroom as per section G, paragraph 2, lines 8 through 11 of the contract.”
“What are you doing here?” You asked after having to break away for air, completely ignoring your best friend. “I thought you couldn’t get away for another month.”
“I’m done in a month, but everyone needs a break, yeah?” His finger traced your lips as you went to drop your legs so that you could stand up, only for him to tighten his grip. “You missed me, hmm?”
“You know what I’m going to miss? The silence!” Maya groaned. “Where are my Beats because if you think I’m going to listen to “fuck me daddy” and “don’t stop” all night-“
Florian chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, dropping your head on his chest. “It’s nice to see you too, Maya.”
“Don’t lie to her,” you mumbled into him as he turned to look at you, pecking your forehead, forcing a giggle as you clutched him tighter.
Maya gagged. “I’m leaving. Don’t beat it up too much. Tomorrow is the Lord’s day.”
“Hate you, mean it.” You groaned as she walked up the steps, finally leaving you two alone.
Hitting him on his shoulder, he looked over at you with a scowl. “Wh-“
“You had me worried sick about you.” You finally remembered the stress he’d unknowingly forced you to endure as the result of his surprise.
“I’m sorry.” You noticed the guilt in his eyes and voice and felt a bit bad about making him feel bad. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“I don’t like surprises,” you pouted as he finally let you down so that he could slide the bag off his shoulder, hands going to your hips. “I like being able to talk to my man.”
“Maybe I don’t wanna talk,” he hummed, head dropping down as he lightly nipped at your neck. “Maybe I want to touch…to taste.”
You released a mixture of a moan and groan, legs involuntary clenching together.
“You should be tired.” You tried to be considerate. As much as you wanted him, you thought about how he’d most likely been in the midst of traveling while engaging with you on Instagram. He’d been in airports and on planes for the most of the day. “At least, take a shower. Settle down.” Your fingers crawled up his chest. “Just for a bit.”
He sighed with irritation as you giggled. Standing up on your toes, you kissed his nose. “Go on. The sooner you get done, the sooner we can get started.”
Pouring the crystal light into the glass, you closed up the container and placed it back in the fridge. As soon as you turned around, you were ambushed with a passionate kiss, Florian grabbing you by the back on your legs and hoisting you up against his shirtless frame.
Hands holding onto his broad shoulders, you nipped on his bottom lip.
“I guess I don’t need to ask if you missed me, huh?” You teased as he sat you down on the counter so that you could grab your drink.
He chuckled and looked down, hands moving up and down your bare thighs. “I always miss you, Bee.”
Grinning bashfully, young nails lightly raked across his back as he netted his head into your neck. “Needy.”
“Very,” he absentmindedly replied, hands moving higher up your legs and under the big shirt you were sporting.
“Flo,” you whined, taking a sip of your drink as his fingers toyed with the waistband of your panties. “At least let me fix you something to eat.”
“I don’t want that.” He groaned, lifting and relocating you to the island. “And you can’t cook.”
“You know what,” You gasped and slapped his arm. “I-“ Your eyes fluttered as pushed him hands up your body, kneading your breast with one hand while using the other to carefully push you down on your back. “Not here.”
“Why not,” he murmured, kissing the inside of your thighs as he started to tug on your underwear. “Kitchen made for eating, hmm.”
You whimpered as his finger stroked your folds, a low groan leaving his mouth. You were already so wet for him. “You said you missed daddy, ehh?”
Nodding rapidly, you threw your head back and just as you felt his cool breath on your pussy, it fell out in breathy voice.
“Mmmm, I love you.”
Both of you froze. Your eyes stretched as you started to wonder just how you were going to get away from him, put as much distance between you two as possible.
Unfortunately, with the position he had you in, it was almost physically impossible for you to dash so you forced yourself to attempt to do damage control.
“I-uh-what I meant is-you know-uh-,” you stammered, finally gaining the courage to him to see that he was smiling at you. Like, genuinely fucking smiling. You wanted to smack him.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you snapped, turning your head when you felt his hand come to cup your cheek, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“You love me?” He questioned casually, like it wasn’t something you’d been trying to keep a secret for weeks, still unsure if it was, in fact, love or just lust. Maybe that’s what it was. Lust. Yeah. It’d been too long and you were speaking from your pussy. Not the heart.
That was your story and you were-
“I love you too.”
The silence that fell over you two was so thick that you could literally hear the sound of your gulp.
“W-wh-at you just say?”
He couldn’t have said what you thought he said. No. Your-your ears were playing tricks on you.
His gaze darkened as he gazed his lips over yours. “You heard me, frumos.” Beautiful. “You want me to say again?” He questioned, giving you no time to process let alone reply as he brought his head back down your body. “Or show.”
You moaned and released a shaky breath. “Baby-“
“Shhh,” he tugged your thighs over his shoulders, pulling you right into him. “Daddy needs to eat.”
And as your man finally indulged on the dessert he’d been waiting for all day and your mewling fueled his hunger, you realized that while your punani certainly loved the man feasting on you like you were his last supper…..so did your heart.
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Can you write the Connor x Internet friend! Reader as a fanfic. I would love it if you did.
Message Me || Connor Murphy x Reader (PART 1 OF 5)
requested : yep prompt: n/a pairing : connor murphy x reader warnings : suicide plan mention additional notes : reader is female, based off of a Connor X Internet friend reader headcanon by @watch-the-whole-world-disappear, they meet on tumblr, connor runs an Edgy™ Aesthetic Blog, WHICH I RUN BTW, NOT THAT THERES ANYTHING ON IT YET BUT YEAH FOLLOW ME AT @connor-fvckng-mvrphy lmao it’s a Connor roleplay blog
Bored. Bored. Bored.
Bored is such a boring word. In this moment, you’ve never heard a word that describes you so much.
You scroll listlessly through your tumblr, liking random images and quotes from this one aesthetic blog that you follow. Your eyes wander, not that you’re finding anything interesting, until you come across an interesting poem.   
I have to get this off my chest before I straighten every crooked object offensive clutter distraction OCD nervous as fuck I’ll pull out every hair or tear my fingers off If I don’t figure out how to look in your eyes without screaming
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I can’t remember anything before you I can’t imagine anything without you I want to live the rest of my life with you
But only if you think I’m cool We should just kill ourselves
‘Interesting,' You think, 'Edgy, but very interesting.’
This guy (girl? other?) seems interesting. Relatable. You click on their name, intrigued.
At one click, you fall in love with the account. You follow on first sight.
According to his bio, his name is Connor and he’s seventeen. His posts consist of black-and-white photos of chipped nail-polish, of pale wrists with even paler scars zigzagged across the stick-thin appendage. Quotes by Poe, little poems like the first one you read. 
He’s tortured, you know. But you can’t bring yourself to message him, like the little stalker you are.
Hours of pouring over his account turn into days, days into weeks, until finally you have been an avid fan of his for a month. 
And then it all comes crashing down.
One day, you refresh your page, bored, and there’s a new post from him. Literally must have been posted not even a minute ago. 
this is not going to be a great week or year or life or anything inbetween i thought for a millisecond that i had found a friend a kindred spirit but you fucking tore it up
fuck you, E.H. your friend too go ahead and laugh laugh all you want but will you be laughing when the school shooter is dead?
You’re worried.
This poem…was not like the others.
This was angry. This was raw. This was…this was real.
You bite your lip. Your eyes flick down to the tags.
#suicide plan #goodbye
Shit. Your eyes widen and you click on your inbox, typing in a message frantically
you hi I know you don’t know me but I just saw the tags on your newest poem and im freaking out please please don’t kill yourself I’m sorry it’s just your poems are really relatable and help me a lot and i feel like I’ve gotten to know you through them and oh my god you probably think I’m so creepy I’m so sorry
You wait, terrified, for a response.
One minute.
Two minutes.
There is no answer, and you bury your head in your pillow and try not to cry. You can’t help it, your shoulders shake with wracking sobs. You probably failed at saving this guy, you failed so bad. You suck, oh god, you suck.
After another five minutes of sobbing, you hear a loud ding from your phone, and you blearily stare at the screen through unshed tears.
connor-fvckng-mvrphy im flattered I didn’t realise that somebody actually read my poems or my tags or cared or…
You gasp in relief, fingers tap-tap-tapping out a reply. 
you OH thank god I thought that you had… Are you okay?? thats a stupid question omg I'm sorry
connor-fvckng-mvrphy im fine actually…i feel much better. thanks for, you know. caring.
you Anytime! I’m [y/n] btw
connor-fvckng-mvrphy connor
you i know thats creepy oh my god;sorry
connor-fvckng-mvrphy it’s fine ig I mean it is in my bio so??? its chill
you :)
connor-fvckng-mvrphy so this might sound weird but ???? you’re…pretty cool. i just looked over your account and wanted to know well you know want to talk more???
you wow im??? Really???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy yeah i mean you helped me there,,,like a lot,,,
you id love to !!!!
You talked almost every day. When you got down to it…he was a sweetheart. He was kind. He got you.
connor-fvckng-mvrphy do you think, like… well ever get to meet each other?? imean you’re a really great friend now and??? id like to meet you.
you i wish but we live like eight hours away from each other…
connor-fvckng-mvrphy ill drive to you!
you calm down, connor…lmao we don’t want you burning out on the way
connor-fvckng-mvrphy :( I don’t even know what you look like…
you i don’t know what you look like either! XD
connor-fvckng-mvrphy shit well if I send you a picture of me will you do the same?
you sure ig
connor-fvckng-mvrphyme.jpg my sister took the photo so,,,
connor-fvckng-mvrphy id prefer handsome but I’ll take it your turn, missy.
you hnnghhh okaybewarnedIlooklikeapotato.jpg
connor-fvckng-mvrphy … holy shit
you bad???
you no no no I am definitely not wtf you need your eyes checked?
connor-fvckng-mvrphy no way you’re fucking adorable i think /I’m/ in love you cute lil motherfucker
 connor-fvckng-mvrphy we should swap phone numbers
you and skype??
connor-fvckng-mvrphy fuck yeah
you oKay !!! im [skype/name] and my number is [number]
connor-fvckng-mvrphy my Skype is the same as my tumblr and my phone number is XXXX XXXXXX
you saved and I just texted you too :)
connor-fvckng-mvrphy 'hi Connor!!!!’ with a bunch of happy emojis? dude you’re just,,, thats really fucking cute
you wh y???? do you keep calling me cute I’m???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy because, as it turns out, i have a really cute best friend
you best friend?? awww connor!!!
connor-fvckng-mvrphy yeah yeah you’re literally all I have, [y/n]
you you’re my best friend too!! i really wish i could meet you…
connor-fvckng-mvrphy  me too…hold on a sec
you connor??? you okay???
connor-fvckng-mvrphy my sister just walked in and was being a dick, being nosy about who I’m talking to and not believing that it was a friend. She thinks I’m talking to my dealer. i fucking hate her sometimes
you do you?
connor-fvckng-mvrphy …no but she thinks I do. It’s easier to let her.
you *internet hug*
connor-fvckng-mvrphy Fuck…that’s cute.
 As time went on, you found yourself more and more drawn to Connor. His photos could always make you smile, and nothing brightened up a shitty day more than clicking on his Skype name and watching him answer a video call, smiling dopily at the camera.
And also as time went on…you slowly began to realise why.
You were in love with him. 
Fuck, you were in love with a guy eight hours away. A guy that you had never met in real life. What do you do?
…You continue pining for him over a distance, of course.
You watch yourself in the screen, waiting for Connor to pick up the Skype call. Soon enough, he does, and his grinning face fills the screen.
“Hey, [y/n].” He greets sleepily - it’s like, midnight over there - and rests his chin on his hands.
“Heya.” You wave at the camera, grinning sheepishly and a little shyly. The thrill of actually seeing him rather than just a message still gets you.
“It’s almost Valentine’s Day, huh?”
“Yep! Any special girl that you had in mind?” You ask, a hopeful smile plastered on your face.
“No, well…actually…” He furrows his brow, and your heart drops.
“Is she pretty?” You ask, concealing your jealousy. You could be there for him.
“She’s cute. Like, really fucking cute.” Connor says, watching you carefully.
Truth be told, Connor felt the same way. He was absolutely crazy about you, but he didn’t want to ruin this adorably heartwarming friendship you had.
To wake up and have no more *internet hug* messages or cute little reminders…it’d ruin his life. You were absolutely the only thing keeping him going.
You talked for ages, until it was about 2:30 on his end. Before long, he was getting tired. 
“I should go soon.” He says drowsily. 
“Mmmm.” You don’t want him to go. “Night, Con.”
“G'night.” He yawns. “Love you.”
You freeze. He freezes and hurriedly leaves the video chat.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Connor slams his head on his desk, pissed off. “I fucked up. I fucked up.” He mumbles.
A small chime comes from his computer and he bites his lip, glancing reluctantly at the screen.
you i love you too!!!!
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
U.N.I.T.Y: Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion Have An Epic Impromptu IG Live
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When a Barbie and a Hot Girl Link up, you never know what to expect! Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion randomly jumped on Instagram live together and it was all love. And all the shenanigans too.  Get inti it inside.
Last month, when asked her fav top 5 fav rappers in an interview, Meg listed the likes of Lil Kim, Missy, Eve and Foxy Brown and of course herself. Because Nicki’s name was missing from the lineup, you know the Barbs got their twitter fingers moving and accused the new rapper of not giving Nicki her props. But Meg quickly got the trolls together.
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  The rumor mill (or as Nicki would call it - the Nicki Hate Train) was buzzing, especially since there hasn’t been much unity amongst our female hip-hop artist in a long time. Last year, we saw how hot the Nicki and Cardi B beef got in public. It’s like the fans feel that they have to choose one over the other, and that shouldn’t be the case. Unless you actually just prefer one over the other. We’re allowed to like both Jay Z and Nas, right? No one ever said we had to pick one. For some reason, when it comes to female rappers, things seem to be a bit different.
It was refreshing to see Nicki show her support for Meg, as she congratulated her on her music career, encouraged her to finish college and even gave her some pointers on recording her album. Meg was literally gagging when Nicki popped up on her screen (after it took Nicki forever to figure out how to work IG Live). She confessed that she's loved the New York rapper since she was in the eighth grade and even expressed that the beefing amongst females in hip-hop needed to stop.  Meg said:
“Stop playing with Nicki Minaj like she ain’t the f%&*ing Goat. Like she ain’t that b%#@h. Don’t ever question me...People gotta stop being so sensitive and everybody taking shots and jabs, that’s not the vibes, that’s not what we doing. We all ladies, we all women and we all for that empowerment.”
We're sure everyone got their life watching this Live. It was like watching two girlfriends chillin’, acting up and talking ish.
During the lovefest, when Nicki said, “Congratulations on you doing your thing, rapping and writing and going to school.”  Meagan co-signed and emphazised the WRITING.  Oop.
The vibe between the two was dope and Nicki showed a side of herself that we rarely see, as she often giggled throughout the interaction. She received the respect from Meg that she deserved and threw some back her way as well. If these two can get it poppin’ like that on IG imagine what they would do on a track together? Meg said that she’s currently working on her album and Thee Stallion did not miss her opportunity to shoot her shot!
“I ain’t going to do a “Freaky Girl” song without Nicki Minaj...I’m finally going to start working on my album and we need the queen,” Meg screamed out.
  We are all here for this female bonding session and now they have us all feenin’ for a collabo.
Watch the IG live of the two rappers above.
  Photos: Instagram
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/07/28/unity-nicki-minaj-and-megan-thee-stallion-show-each-other-all-the-love-on-ig-live
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years
Do you have a little sister? I wish :( The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?  Too many times to count. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. Think a lot before you fall asleep? Always. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? Sort of. Are you guilty of flirting too much? Nah. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? Yeah, once or twice. Does virginity matter to you? Not really. Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes. Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? No. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Not if we are close. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Not really? Is there a difference between just love and in love? For sure. Are you good at admitting your problems? I find it hard to do. How many times have you dated the person you’re with now? Not with anyone currently. Has your cell phone ever rung in class? No, my phone is always on silent anyway. Do you ever feel like just laying down and giving up? Sometimes, but I haven't in a long time. Have you ever lied about your age? When I was younger. Lied about your name? No. Do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores? Sometimes. Are there some topics that you aren’t very open about? It depends on the person. Have you ever had an encounter with a very dangerous animal? Yes. Have you ever fed a wild animal people food? All the time. Would you rather die or eat another human being? Lmao ya’ll gonna think I'm crazy. Do you wish that animals could talk? Why or why not? Oh my god that would actually be amazing, imagine all the knowledge you’d be able to learn and all the deep friendships you could make. Who did you last fall asleep with? Ruth Ann. Now your cell phone, what color is it? Rose gold. Who were you last in a car with? Katelynn, her bf and Angie. What color was the last vehicle you were in? Silver. Have you had “the best night of your life”?  I hope not. Toilet papered someones house? No. Who was the last person you high-fived? A girl named Amy I met downtown last weekend lmao. Do you own a romper? Yes. What does your computer’s slow-loading cursor look like? Idek. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? I have both so. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? Don’t remember. Do you sell any products? If so, what? I don’t. If not, do you want to start a business? ^ Have your parents ever crushed your dreams? No. Do you own anything cheetah print? A pair of period panties lmao. Have you ever made a collage for your bedroom wall? Nope. Do you make DIY projects and gifts? No. Owls or peacocks? Owls. Lions or horses? Lions. Is your kitchen floor black and white checkered? Nope. What do you make wishes on? Shooting stars. What’s the best natural pain reliever? Hot water. Do you like trees? Yes, I love all plants :) What’s your favorite Paramore song? That’s a tough one omg but probably The Only Exception. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? Baby Pink or a pretty soft yellow !! Do you think you are pregnant? No. Do you like the ocean? I love it, water makes me so happy. Are you too shy to ask someone out? More along the lines of too insecure. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Yeah. Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon? Maybe, I wanna see The Nun. What are you listening to? “Reflection internal”- Nujabes. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Almost. Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? I don’t live with my parents so there’s no need for that, I'm on the third floor of my building though so if I ever did want to it wouldn’t work out lmao. Can you taste the difference between brand name food and store brand food? Sometimes. Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? Wouldn't be embarrassed to buy any of them. Do you still own a VCR? I have one lying around back home somewhere. Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Yep. Do you own a nightgown?  Yes lmao. Who is one rapper that just always tends to get on your nerves? Why? Cardi B. Has anyone ever made you breakfast in bed? Were they trying to suck up? No one has ever made me it :(( When will be the next time you’ll get a shot? What is this shot anyway? Idk. When will you next eat tacos? Do you even like tacos, or not so much? Idk when I'll eat them next but I like them. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Yep!! Would you or have you ever engaged in casual sex? I guess I sort of have engaged in it before but not really because it lead to a real relationship not long after lmao, however if I had no romantic feelings for someone I would prob engage in it now. What’s your favorite thing about spring? The rain, new life, the melting snow and the smell that’s always in the air. Have you ever tried belly dancing? If so, did you like it? Never tried it haha. Were you a part of any clique in high school? Nah. Have you ever given blood? No but I'd like to. Do you like the way you grew up? Yes I had a very happy childhood. Would you prefer to read or write poetry? Read. If you were to have a child, what would the last name be? Mine ig. Are you currently working? And if so do you like your job? I’m not working. Have you ever walked out on a job or just not showed up? No. Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No, I still am a teen haha. Would you rather be able to fly or walk on water? Fly. What’s the best club you’ve ever been to? Never been to one. Which sport are you the best at playing? Competitive swimming if that counts. Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? Probably. Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? No. What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? Trip to Alberta. What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? I can be kind of distant and very quiet at times. Have you ever kissed someone with a beard? Not a full on beard but they had a lil bit of facial hair. When you were younger, did you believe in Santa?  Yeah. Are you going to make your kids believe in Santa? Of course. Have you ever made your own calendar? No. What foreign language did you take in high school? French. Do your parents have gray hair? No. What’s your favorite Katy Perry song? Don’t have one What was the last thing you did that made you feel proud of yourself? Finished my English assignment and figured out the first two questions on my math. What was the last significant and great thing that happened in your life? Started university and met lots of great people. What is your favorite Starbucks’ drink? I don’t go there much but I like their pumpkin spice lattes and refreshers. Who are your last 3 missed calls from? They’re all from my mom haha. Do you like Skittles? Sure. Do you blow dry your hair? Yes. How do you like your eggs? Fertilized. What song is the catchiest song you know? 365 So Fresh! What is your greatest life accomplishment? Don’t know yet. Who is the last person you left a voicemail for? I don't leave those. Which is better: the Twilight book, or the Twilight movie? Neither. Do you enjoy crossword puzzles? Not really idk. Do you own any records?  Yep. Who was the last guy you called? Idk. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they? I’m too tired to think about this. What is the most unique or uncommon thing about you? My whole being is unique and uncommon. What happened the last time you were in a fight with someone? They hung up on me lmao :-) Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who started it? No. What is your favorite type of kiss/way of kissing? Sloppy and sexual with lots of tongue. Favorite form of affection in general/not sexual/etc? Cuddles. What do you think about anime? LOVE. Who is the last person you unfollowed on Tumblr, and why did you do this? I can’t remember who that would be. What are some upcoming concerts in your town/city? There is like a Christian one being held here thanksgiving lmao. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I know of. Would you rather have potato or chicken noodle soup if you had to? Chicken noodle soup. If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My nipples rn since they are newly pierced haha. Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Loved learning about Russian history. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair? No. Would you rather go to the movies, drive-in, or stay at home and watch a movie? Go to the movies. Would you ever be a race-car driver? No. What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret cool water lily, smells so good. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite sex? No. What was the last thing you spent a lot of time thinking about? My ex. What do you think about astrology/the zodiac? If you used to believe/not believe in it, what changed your mind? I’m not a super avid believer but I find it to actually be pretty accurate sometimes and I like to learn about it, it’s fun. What is one conspiracy you believe in? Or one you think is total crap? Idk I believe in so many conspiracy theories there are a lot. Where was the last place you didn’t want to go but had to anyway? Class this morning. When was the last time you yelled/screamed and why? I dunno. What was the last big decision you made? Do you think you made the right choice? To breakup with my ex, I think it was the right decision for both of us although it really hurt and still do sometimes. What Hogwarts house are you in? What do you think about the “stereotypes” regarding your house? I always say i’m Slytherin even though I don’t even read/watch Harry Potter. What is something you want to do, but you don’t think you’ll ever be able to? Travel the world. When was the last time you left somewhere for forever (or at least don’t plan on returning)? Dunno. What was the last thing you quit? ^ Do you like to help people? How about animals? Which would you rather help, if it applies? Of course I like to help both, it depends on the situation which I'd like to help more. As an adult, what is the most and least you’ve weighed?  Not sure. What is something you like that no one else you know likes too? No idea. What is something you don’t like that everyone seems to like? X. Do you follow a particular diet/meal-plan/ethic? Nah. What is a subject you tend to avoid with other people, for whatever reason? My sexuality. What is the longest (or most involved) thing you’ve ever written? An English research paper. Do you prefer to live with others or by yourself? Why is this? I have a roommate n I lover her :) the university put us together. What scares you about getting older? The physical effects health wise. What about something you’ve done that sounds too wild to believe? Raised up ducklings in my closet hahah. What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I don’t know. Do you have a member of the opposite sex you’ve told everything to? Pretty much. What color hair do you find sexiest on the opposite gender? Black n dark brown. Who last slept in your bed besides you? My ex (my bed back home) no one has slept in my dorm bed besides me yet. If the last person you had sex with asked you to date them, would you? I’d heavily consider taking them back but I mean. If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? BTS!! I’ve been on the Kpop grind lately. 
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junker-town · 7 years
The B Sides: 8 new reasons to love the NBA this week
The bonuses, the other side, the thing that make you really love the NBA.
It has already been a wild first two weeks in the NBA. From Gordon Hayward’s injury to Eric Bledsoe’s trade request via a tweet, the made-for-TV drama is well underway this season.
But what about all of the other stuff we love about the league? All the little things that happen on and off the court that make the NBA the beautiful league that it is.
That’s what we’re going to do here each week: celebrate the B Sides of of the league. They may have not been the breaking news on your TV, but they were definitely one of your favorite curiosities of the week. The bonuses, the extras, the things that make you really love the NBA. Welcome to the B sides.
1. These ridiculously pretty Nike jackets
Nike is trying to destroy my bank account far too early into their partnership with the NBA. These jackets are so nice. I would take one in any color from any team.
The picture that really sold me though.
i don't like the cavs colors or logo or city but lebron is making me feel like i need to own this jacket http://pic.twitter.com/Thz199AC5M
— Whitney Medworth (@its_whitney) October 18, 2017
2. Gordon Hayward’s recovery is going FINE
Hayward’s awful leg injury is one that makes us all sick to our stomach. No matter what happens now, this will always be a big moment in his career.
That said, he’s at home with his two beautiful daughters. These pictures melt my heart.
Gordon Hayward's daughters are supporting him during his recovery ❤️ : robynmhayward / instagram http://pic.twitter.com/bYPWDE5WHd
— SB Nation (@SBNation) October 24, 2017
3. Kyle Kuzma is on headband watch
Kyle Kuzma, easily one of the most exciting rookies this season, did the strangest thing on opening night: he inexplicably wore a headband! You won’t be shocked to learn he did not play well in his first ever NBA game, while adding a new accessory.
EAT! http://pic.twitter.com/bsjxw0ICKR
— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) October 20, 2017
You can’t just throw on a headband and expect everything to remain the same, Kyle. He scored eight points and went 0-of-2 from the three-point line that night. Since ditching the headband, he’s scored 15, 20, and 15 points, respectively.
If anyone ever sees Kyle with the headband on again, inform me immediately because we cannot let this kid fail. It is our duty to keep him headband free.
4. Eric Gordon got skinny and he is dunking EVERYWHERE
Listen, Eric Gordon has been through it. He’s also from Indiana, so I’m extremely partial to him, but this kid deserves so much success. Since arriving in the NBA in 2008, Gordon has missed more than 200 games due to various injuries.
But in the year-plus after signing with the Rockets, it seems like his career finally falling into place. He also did that offseason trend of losing a ton of weight, which one day I will also partake in (but not this time).
Now, not only is he one of the best three-point shooters in the league, but HE IS DUNKING ON FOOLS TOO.
We s you @TheofficialEG10! http://pic.twitter.com/k3QaMDTKnv
— Houston Rockets (@HoustonRockets) October 18, 2017
In Indiana, we call him “EJ.” Can we please bring that back?
5. Roy Hibbert has some great Kobe stories
It was so refreshing to hear from Roy again who is sadly out of the league. During The Ringer’s NBAPalooza preview extravaganza, Hibbert told an incredible story about Kobe Bryant predicting that Donald Trump would be President.
Roy Hibbert tells the story of how Kobe predicted Trump's victory and then texted him, "I told you so!" #NBAPalooza http://pic.twitter.com/bUtxvKAw6L
— The Ringer (@ringer) October 17, 2017
“We had a game in Washington and Kob’ wasn’t on the bus to go to the arena. He had lunch with Obama and everything like that in D.C.”
First off, of course Kobe is having lunch with the President of the United States prior to a game. But then Kobe went on to lay out what was going to happen in the election.
“He broke down why he thought, with the states, she [Hillary Clinton] needs to visit this place, this place, this place.”
This was all back in the summer of 2016. Apparently Kobe is a genius at everything?
6. Jordan Clarkson’s Instagram account is straight fire emojis
Clarkson has one of the best IG accounts in the league. I need to know what magic filter he is using on these.
My lowkey favorite of late, though, was this picture he posted (no filter) wearing an IN-N-Out jacket while eating Whataburger. The disrespect.
whataburger im on bs
A post shared by Jordan Clarkson (@jordanclarksons) on Oct 20, 2017 at 10:55pm PDT
7. LeBron needs to follow Jayson Tatum on Twitter
An old Jayson Tatum tweet resurfaced this week from when he was 14. He was out here asking LeBron to follow him back on Twitter.
@KingJames Follow back it's Larry Hughes nephew from st. Louis and Abe and Rj Lil cousin and Justin Son Follow Back http://pic.twitter.com/AnOnb7E8
— Jayson Tatum (@jaytatum0) April 13, 2012
LeBron still doesn’t follow him, so we have some work to do to make this happen.
8. Paul George is not great at carving pumpkins and he knows it
Paul George dropped a smooth 28 points in his debut in OKC — though his transition to a new city has been a bit rocky since. But earlier in the week, he hilariously admitted to a bad pumpkin-carving attempt.
Paul George, not great at the pumpkin carving http://pic.twitter.com/ap5J4lLrQE
— Whitney Medworth (@its_whitney) October 17, 2017
I can’t make too much fun, though. Mine would look worse.
My favorite photo of the week
This week’s honor goes to James Harden sprawled out on the floor celebrating Eric Gordon’s game winner over the 76ers.
A post shared by NBA (@nba) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:06pm PDT
That’s all for now. Send me your favorite NBA B-sides, too. Let’s hang and do it again next week.
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