70 posts
I like doing surveys and pretty things
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
What color is your favorite watch? I don’t own a watch.  Is anyone in your family over six feet tall? Yep. How long after graduating high school did you move away from your hometown? I graduated in May and moved in September.  Have you ever felt like you couldn’t fully trust a significant other? Nah. Do you find it unsettling that the world population has doubled since 1970? Not really? Do you want children? Why/why not? I do, I love kids and personally would love to have a family someday :) What was your last major purchase? I haven’t really made any major purchases lately.  Do you live alone? If not, would you ever want to? I don’t but I wouldn't mind living by myself.  How many relationships have you been in? One. Do you currently have any alcohol in your house? Yes. When was the last time someone put you in an awkward situation? Last weekend.  Have you ever called the police on someone? For what? I haven't.  Do you know how to make omelettes? Yep. Has anyone lost their virginity to you? Yeah. What improvement would be the most beneficial to your life right now? Getting some actual motivation and start attending class more/ study more. How old is the last female you texted? 40. How old is the last male you texted? 22. What was the last food you cooked that had bell peppers in it? Not sure. Have you ever merged finances with a significant other? No lmao. Where was the most remote location you’ve ever been to? Not sure, probably the lil community where my nana has her cabin.  What is your most unhealthy habit? I have too many I think.  Do you have an Instagram? If so, what was the last photo you posted? A picture of my Halloween costume.  How often do you wash your hair? Every 2-3 days.  Have you ever kissed someone with brown eyes? Nope.  What foods did you buy the last time you bought groceries? I can’t remember I need to buy groceries rly bad haha. Has your house ever been damaged in a storm? No. When was the last time you turned on the air conditioning? I don’t have air conditioning here in my dorm but I turned it on at my house last month I think? What’s the most useless talent you have? Not sure. What’s the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment where you live? ^ What’s the least amount you’ve weighed since reaching your full height? ^^ Do you live somewhere where you have upstairs or downstairs neighbors? Yep. Have you ever been on a cruise? If so, where did you go? I haven’t. What genre does your favorite TV show belong in? Shounen Jump.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Only the avatar master of elements could answer this survey...
- Earth:
Leaf: What’s your favourite season? Autumn.
Tree: What’s the highest up you’ve ever been? High up in the sky. 
Flower: What’s the prettiest thing you own? My aqua quartz. 
Grass: Do you prefer to be outside or inside?
Really depends on a lot of things, I'm mostly an indoor gal though.
Soil: Have you ever planted something? Yes.
Mountain: What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled? Florida I think?
Rock: What’s your favourite gemstone? Opal. 
Vines: What’s your aesthetic? Not really sure, I have multiple I think. 
Plant: What, in your opinion, is your best aspect? I am truly kind hearted at the end of the day, I'm also very funny. 
Forest: Where are you most calm? In my room or the bath with a heavy storm outside.  
Mud: Do you like to do hands-on things? Not usually. 
Bug: What’s your most irrational fear? Tv broadcast interruptions lmao. 
Cave: Where’s your favourite hiding place? My bed or the bath/shower.
Garden: Where were you at this time last week? Here getting ready for a Halloween party.
Spring: What’s your earliest memory? Getting my dog lady for my 3rd Christmas :)
- Water:
Tide: Can you swim/do you like to swim? I love to swim and I can do it well, I feel so at peace in water.
Beach: If you could be one place right now, where would you be? On a vacation to Greece withy best friends, that sounds nice. 
Coral: Do you believe in mermaids? Sure, the ocean is a vast unexplored place. 
Seashell: What’s a sound that soothes you? Rain and thunder/lightning. 
Seaweed: Favourite sea creature? I really like sea angels, they're so darling. 
Saltwater: Cold showers or hot showers? Hot.
Stream: When was the last time you had a bath? Last night. 
Ocean: Have you ever been sailing? Nope.
Hurricane: If you had to save one thing, what would it be? My loved ones. 
Rain: What do you do when it rains? Nothing really in particular, I just go about my day as normal. 
Thunderstorm: Do you like to be outside in the rain? If it’s warm summer rain. 
Dew: What’s your favourite drink? Water, cranberry juice, coffee, iced tea and bubble tea.
Bubble: Do you live near the water? Not currently, there is a giant river behind my house in my hometown though and a little swamp right along side it. 
Snow: Does it snow where you live? Yes.
Ice: What’s your favourite thing to do in the winter? Snuggle up and be lazy n cozy. 
- Air:
Clouds: When was the last time you were on a plane? Not since I was in 8th grade. 
Breeze: What’s your favourite dessert food? Cheesecake, flan/custard/pudding and this certain chocolate peanut butter cheesecake parfait thingy hehe. 
Smoke: Who’s your favourite artist? Musically Kurt Cobain and Matty Healy, art wise Claude Monet. 
Fog: Do you wear glasses? Yep.
Wind: What’s your favourite song to dance to? Idk.
Mist: Do you like fairytales? Sure.
Sky: Do you like to wear dresses? Yeah. 
Stars: What’s one wish you have? To be happy, healthy and successful. 
Flight: What are you most excited for right now? Christmas break. 
Float: What’s the first thing you think when you wake up? Depends. 
Breath: What type of music do you listen to? Alternative mainly. 
Bird: If you could fly, where would you fly to? I would fly all over the place. 
Feather: How long do you usually sleep for? 5-6 hours on average I'd say. 
Balloon: What’s your favourite carnival ride? Anything that makes me feel like I’m about to die. 
Space: Have you ever seen an eclipse? I think I have when I was younger. 
- Fire:
Bonfire: What’s one thing you lost that you want back? My motivation.
Warmth: Who is the person nearest to you right now? My wallmate.
Light: What time is it where you are? 7:10 PM. 
Volcano: What are you most afraid of? Death I think. 
Sun: What would the person nearest to you right now say about you? No idea. 
Lava: Do you like to do reckless things? Sometimes. 
Flame: Have you ever burned something? Yes.
Soot: Have you ever hurt someone you didn’t mean to? ^
Coal: Have you ever been hurt by someone? ^^
Ash: Do you have any birthmarks/scars? ^^^
Campfire: What’s your favourite childhood memory? Not sure I have lots of happy memories, probably summers spent at my nana’s cabin with my cousins though would have to be my favourite. 
Lightning: Are you afraid of storms? No I love them. 
Energy: Pick one word to describe your life. Stressful. 
Lantern: Are you afraid of the dark? Nope.
Summer: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? No idea, drugs maybe?
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
1. I share my last name with someone famous. 2. My birthday is on a holiday. 3. I have a job. 4. I have graduated college. 5. My favorite movie is not very popular. 6. I keep a notebook for writing/drawing/pasting things to inspire me. 7. I have a half-sibling. 8. Both of my dad’s parents are still alive. 9. I love seafood. 10. I have a boyfriend. 11. My car is red. 12. I love wearing nail polish. 13. I am guilty of internet stalking. 14. I take prescription medication daily. 15. I wish I was skinnier. 16. I have a memory foam mattress. 17. I love pale colors. 18. I typically like bands with girl singers. 19. I’m not the neatest person you’ll ever meet. 20. I prefer beer and wine to hard liquor. 21. I live in California. 22. I love the show Friends. 23. I usually sleep until I absolutely have to wake up. 24. I am subscribed to a magazine. 25. I have a cat. 26. My favorite color is a shade of green or blue. 27. I hate pickles. 28. Actually, I’m a really picky eater in general. 29. I cry a lot. 30. I am expecting my period any day now. 31. I have a fan in my room. 32. I use a MacBook Pro. 33. I am drinking something right now. 34. I prefer sit-down restaurants to fast food. 35. I prefer vanilla cake to chocolate cake. 36. But I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream. 37. I wish I could dye my hair pink. 38. I think tattoos look cool, but I have no desire to get one. 39. I’ve seen snow in the past week. 40. I’ve had four sexual partners. 41. I get headaches pretty often. 42. My hair is quite long. 43. And it needs to be dyed soon. 44. I have a Facebook. 45. I have a Tumblr. 46. I have a formspring. 47. My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. 48. I love mojitos. 49. I love to read, but I don’t get to very often. 50. I love Chipotle. 51. I am not religious. 52. I am registered to vote. 53. And I voted in the 2008 election. 54. I was born in an odd-numbered year. 55. I have a sewing machine. 56. My house is two stories. 57. And it’s on a corner. 58. Spring is my least favorite season. 59. I play guitar. 60. My eyes are blue. 61. I don’t have very many friends. 62. I have a lot of things on my wall. 63. I love my lips. 64. I have big boobs. 65. I bite my nails. 66. I don’t brush my hair every day. 67. I like making mix CDs for my friends. 68. I watch those dumb shows on MTV like Teen Mom and Jersey Shore. 69. A lot of my clothes are striped. 70. I absolutely HATE the sound of alarm clocks. 71. I hardly ever use my iPod. 72. I used to play soccer. 73. I love high heels, but I rarely find opportunities to wear them. 74. I can get jealous when it comes to my boyfriend. 75. I love tea. 76. And soup. 77. I have a pretty common first name. 78. And middle name. 79. I like scary movies. 80. I love makeup. 81. I’ve been proposed to before. 82. I think I’m in love. 83. I’ve been to New York more than once. 84. I’d kill for a massage right now. 85. As well as a manicure. 86. I wear glasses and/or contacts. 87. I used to have braces. 88. I can drink legally. (But I don’t) 89. My house has an ocean view. 90. I have gambled in Vegas. 91. I’m very ticklish. 92. My best friend lives far away. 93. He/she is older than me. 94. I’ve already had my birthday this year. 95. I’ve had mono. 96. I’ve never had surgery. 97. I had a date on Valentine’s Day this year. 98. I prefer to get my eyebrows waxed, rather than plucking them. 99. I slack off on shaving my legs if I know no one is going to be seeing them. 100. I never had a problem with acne.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Today you…
…washed your hair.
…bought hot chocolate.
…talked over the phone.
…watched tv.
…watched horror movie trailers.
…used black face mask.
…drank sprite.
…did the laundry.
…took out the trash.
…made the bed.
…wrote letters.
…washes the dishes.
…watched soccer.
…took photos of yourself.
…used selfie led ring.
…used your glasses.
…thought about your birthday.
…played video games.
…watched videos.
…had a decent day.
…thought about going to sleep early.
…used facebook.
…used tumblr.
…used instagram.
…checked the weather.
…ate breakfast.
…got angry at someone.
…tried to get rid of pimples.
…deleted photos from your phone.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Today you…
…messed up something three times.
…drank water.
…waited for something.
…waited for someone.
…talked with your boyfriend on the phone.
…talked with friends.
…talked with your dad on video chat.
…did the laundry.
…took out the trash.
…washed the dishes.
…played all day.
…updated your blogs.
…ate cookies.
…listened to music.
…watched videos.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
My username doesn’t say the word surveys in it.
I’m listening to music on full blast right now.
I haven’t been texting as much lately.
One of my family members is or used to be a pothead. (extended family)
^I’ve blazed with them before.
I really have no idea what I’m going to do with my life.
The only aspect of my life that I’m truly happy with is my love life.
Hobos don’t deserve to be given money, sorry. (depends on what they use it for..)
I’ve gotten a paper cut recently.
^Those are so fucking annoying.
The only website I’m currently on is Xanga.
I don’t spread gossip I hear about other people, even if I dislike who it’s about.
I can’t stand it when people are constantly texting while I am hanging out with them.
There is a person I’m really good friends with, but they annoy me when I’m high/drunk.
I could care less if people judge me from my answers.
I’ve met someone through someone else and I am now way better friends with them than the person who introduced us.
I can’t stand having long fingernails.
Hollywood is not a place I would want to live.
I love it when I catch someone doing something embarrassing and then they notice I caught them.
It’s really sad when people you once knew become strangers.
It’s so annoying getting bullshit notifications from Facebook. The kinds that are like ‘Take the What Animal Are You?’ Quiz!
My bathroom always reeks of pot.
I lol’d when I found out that Mariah Carey’s song ‘Obsessed’ is about Eminem.
There is a teacher at my school who is really hot.
I get headaches at least once a month.
I couldn’t tell you what my favorite song is. I love too many.
I do know what my favorite band is, though. (i have more than one too lol)
I like/don’t mind the Jonas Brothers.
The original song is usually better than the cover.
I would not want a boring job, like an accountant.
^In fact, I don’t want a job that requires me to work in an office.
CSI is one of my favorite TV shows.
I have unrealistic dreams of being a forensic scientist.
I don’t see why people don’t like it when people do this (^) when they’re making surveys.
^I only don’t like it when it goes on forever.
I don’t pay much attention to my pet. (WTF)
There aren’t very many good surveys anymore.
If I ever talk to my parents, it’s because I want something from them.
I’ve engaged in some sort of sexual activity within the past week.
I used to love FML, but it’s pretty boring now.
Fall is my second favorite season.
^My favorite is summer.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
(= ̄▽ ̄=)V
01. How often do you walk around barefoot? A lot.  02. When you eat take-out, do you just eat it out of the containers provided? Yes. 03. How do you prefer to travel? Plane, train, driving? Plane or ferry.  04. Would you need to sleep with someone before considering marrying them? Yes I think so.  05. How often do you make your bed? Everyday. 07. Do you carry condoms? Nope. 08. Would you date someone who has a hearing aid? Yes?? 09. If you were to be stuck on a deserted tropical island, how big would you like the island to be? Hmmmm. 10. How organized are the files on your computer? They aren't that organized.  11. Have you ever been to a strip club? No but I wanna go hehe. 12. Have you ever brought home a stray animal? All the time when I was a kid.  13. Did you have a childhood hero? Were they real or fictional? I absolutely adored Link as a child, he was my hero <3 14. If you are put on hold and the music playing is a song you know, do you sing along? This has never happened to me. 15. Are you physically strong? No lmao.  16. Would you date someone with braces? Yes?? What is w/ these dumb ass questions.  17. Does scuba diving interest you? Yep!! My dad was a scuba diver.  18. Would you ever ask your parents for relationship advice? I don’t like asking them that stuff tbh.  19. Do you think people look up to you? I doubt it, I'm a terrible role model to have. 20. How often do you have trouble sleeping at night? I haven't had much trouble at all since Ive been on antidepressants. 21. Can you drive a manual transmission? No. 22. Have you ever re-gifted a gift you didn’t care for? No I'd feel bad.  23. Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Not usually no haha.  24. You notice someone staring intently at you, what do you do? Depends on the situation.  25. Do you blush easily? My cheeks are always pink so idk, my face doesn't ever really turn red though.  26. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? My self for sure. 27. Can you name five current world leaders? Hahah not rn.  28. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? If they're friendly and start up a convo.  29. Do you like word games like Scrabble or Boggle? Yeah. 30. Would you consider dating a psychiatrist or psychologist? Sure why not, low-key have a lil student-teacher crush on my psych prof.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? Nope.
If I search your room will I find birth control? Yes.
Do you expect any of your ex’s to call or text you?
Have you ever witnessed a birth? ^
Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? In Hailey’s car or in my bed covered in blankets. 
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? I have class so not really. 
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Last night. 
Have you ever faked sick? Used to in high school sometimes hehe. 
Do you wear hoodies to bed? If I'm cold. 
Are you currently wearing jeans? Nope.
Do you buy eggnog around the holidays? Yes I love it.
Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? [i.e. Starbucks] Yes.
Would you like to be able to read thoughts? No that would be highly terrible. 
Do certain swear words just roll off your tongue? Yeah I guess. 
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? I’m usually the first one to understand them. 
Can experience be gained just by reading? Sure.
Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it? I’ve never given or received. 
Do you think baseball is a dying professional sport in America? Don’t know do’t care. 
Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive? I mean, yes.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? Yep.
What does your hair look like at the moment? Natural but very silky n pretty :)
Are you mad right now? No.
Who did you spend your summer with last year? Family and friends. 
Did you eat a cookie today? No but the night is still young. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? Cajun rice.  When was the last time your internet stopped working? Like an hour or two ago, the internet in my dorm is super crappy.  Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? Yeah. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? A ufo.  What’re some lyrics from the song that’s stuck in your head? Don’t have a song stuck in my head.  Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? Not right away but not too long after.  Are you currently listening to music or watching TV? Listening to music.  What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Vanilla.  Do you have an online game that you play often? Nah. What was the last thing you watched on TV? I haven't watched tv in like a month but I think it was the shape of water.  Is there a trash can near you? Yep. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? Me. Is your hair in need of a wash right now? Nope I just washed it a few hours ago. Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Nope. What was the last thing to piss you off? My mom lecturing me.  If it snows a lot where you live, do you experience cabin fever? Idk what cabin fever is oops but yes it does snow a lot here.  When was the last time you got stung by a bee? Got stung by a hornet two summers ago if that counts, haven't been stung by a bee since I was little.  When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? Last night in my friends room.  Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? Lmao no, a makeout sesh has always happened for me at the least.  What are you hungry for? Love :( Have you ever broken a bed or other furniture during sex? No lmao almost broke a laptop during a makeout sesh once though :0 Would you play naked twister? Maybe depending on who was playing.  What’s your favorite cookie? I love subway cookies. Who do you live with? My friend Katelynn.  Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often? I don’t oops.  Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they? I have three in each lobe, my septum, nipples and my bellybutton.  Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they? I have one on my left forearm.  Ever been skinny dipping? Nope.  Have you been told you can sing well more than once? When I was younger and used to sing int front of my relatives n stuff yeah.  Are you content with the current weather? Not if I have to go walk in it lmao. Do you own many pairs of shorts? Yes. Is there a place you’d rather be right now? For sure. Have you ever taken a close up shot of a flower? Yes :) Is there a situation you currently feel hopeless about? Yeah. When was the last time you wanted to do something, but couldn’t? Yesterday HAHA. Who was the last person you texted? Ruth.  Is there a fan going in the room you’re in? Nope. Have you ever relied on coffee to keep you awake? Yeah. Will you be going to the beach anytime soon? Nope. Have you ever made any kind of video? Yes. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
1. What makes you tick when taking surveys?
 When the questions seem to be never-ending for just one survey.  2. Have you ever started typing something and then someone spoke and you ended up typing what they said?
 I think it’s happened before haha. 3. What type of white-out do you use: bottled liquid, tape or pen?
 I like bottle.  4. What would you put on your perfect sub?
 Omg idk I don’t eat subs that often.  5. Do you have anything that’s limited edition?
6. What color is your hair tie?
 Not wearing one rn.  7. Ever heard of Uni-Qlo? Nope. 8. How do you feel about stickers?
 I like putting them on my Mac.  9. Do you have an air freshener in your bathroom? If so, what scent? I don’t.  10. Do you know anyone who goes by their first and middle names?
 Yep. 11. What is your favorite brand of pens?
 Not sure.  12. If you watch the Olympics, what events do you watch?
 I don’t watch them.  13. Are you one of those people with a million picture frames around the house?
 Nope. 14. Does your radiator make a lot of noise? Don’t have one.  15. Speaking of which, do you say rad-dee-ay-ter or ray-dee-ay-ter? The latter.  16. Describe to me your weirdest dream. I’ve had way too many weird ones to describe a weirdest one.  17. What do you use to hang things up on your wall (i.e. tape, thumbtacks, something else…) Sticky tact and thumbtacks.  18. Given a choice, what wild animal would you like as a pet? A fox or a dolphin.  19. Do you know any weird remedies?
 Sorta.  20. Do you have a home security system?
 Well the main door to my dorm is always locked up and there are security guards roaming around.  21. How skilled are you at Photoshop?
 I’m mediocre at best when I try.  22. What fascinates you?
 Lots of stuff, but the paranormal mostly.  23. Is there a movie that you didn’t like that starred your favorite actor? Not that I've seen.  24. How well can you handle vulgar things (i.e. gore, disturbing images, etc)?
 I have guts of steel pal.  25. Ever heard of the Bodies museum in New York? Would you ever want to go?
 I’ve never heard of it.  26. Don’t you wish you had smooth and shiny hair like they do in the commercial?
 Of course. 27. Given that the first few chapters were good, what would make you stop reading a book? Not having enough time to read it or putting my attention to other things.  28. Would you ever want to learn Dutch?
 Never thought about it.  29. Who was the last person to give you their number? My friend Ethan.  30. Do you have a patience to sit through someone painting your self-portrait?
 Yeah probably. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
were you a planned baby? Apparently but idk if I buy the story LMAO. 
are you single, taken, crushing? Single. 
who did you hug today? No one. 
what is your least favorite color? Bright Justin Bieber purple. 
do you think your parents will be together in the next 5 years? Yes for sure. 
what kind of phone do you have? iPhone 6s. 
what hospital were you born in? I’m not going to say.
how long was your longest relationship? Almost a year.
would you get back with you’re most recent ex? I mean yes I think I would if we both met up and talked it out properly but it wouldn't be healthy for either of us. 
what’s a line from the song you’re listening to? I’m not listening to anything.
have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven? Nope.
have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an R? ^
how about E? ^^
what shoes did you wear today? Combat boots. 
do you watch degrassi? Nope.
do you dye your hair? Yes.
what color is your natural hair color? Dark brown. 
is your family wealthy? We are pretty well off.
how many piercings do you have? Three each ear, septum, bellybutton and nipples. 
do you like skinny jeans? Yeah.
who currently owes you money? My friend Zach owes me 5 bucks lmao, I ain’t too worried about that though. 
do you ever TyPe LyKe DiSzS or l!k3 +h!$ ? No. 
what was the most funniest thing that happened today? Me n Ethan had a laugh. 
when was the last time you got hit with a snowball? Last winter. 
are you hungry? Not really. 
who was the last person who said i love you? My mom. 
what grade are you in? First year of university. 
would you date the last person who instant messaged you? Yeah if knew her better and if she was single. 
how about the last person that commented you? Nah. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
What is the easiest website to pass time on? Tumblr or youtube.  What’s the last place you left early, and what was your reason? I don’t remember.  Do you take your medications in the morning or at night? Mid day/afternoon. Would you rather visit London or Paris? Paris.
Have you ever bought a youtuber’s merch? Nope :-)
Pick a flavor: pumpkin or apple? Pumpkin.  Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Water.  What kind of milk do you usually use? Almond or cashew.  What is the best type of donut? Sour cream glaze.  What was your last great garage sale find? I haven’t been to a garage sale in years.  Do you like thrift stores? Yep. When was the last time you ran into someone that you didn’t want to see? Can’t remember.  Was anyone rude to you today? Nope.  What is your town known for? The giant lookout it has.  Who is your favorite set of twins on youtube? I don’t have a fav set of twins I'm not one of those girls lmao.  Do you like to watch DIY craft videos? Not really. What are you regretting right now? Nothing atm.  Who was the last person who was rude to you? Dunno. Would you ever let the barista at Starbucks make a random drink for you? Nah I don't even really like Starbucks. Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks? No. Have you ever left a note in a library book? Nope. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair?  Night. What is the worst job you’ve ever had? Working in a giant boring warehouse for my dad’s company all by myself.  What is the best job you’ve ever had?
Just a babysitter I guess lmao, I haven’t had many jobs.  What job do you want to have? Teacher :) What are you passionate about? Music. Have you ever tried vlogging, and if yes, did you stick with it? I haven’t and I won't.  ^Same question with blogging. Have you? Nope not unless Tumblr counts. 
Do you have to alter a lot of your clothes? No. What country do you most want to visit? Japan. Do you have chronic pain? No. If you go to church, what is your favorite thing about it? Nothing lmao. ^and what is your least favorite thing about it?
Idk, a lot of people in the church can be very judgemental.  Did you go to church this week?
Nah. What is something that’s bothering you right now? That I know I have to get up super early for class tmo.  Are you happy right this instant? I am very content, yes. What’s your favorite fall beverage? Chai latte or pumpkin spice cappuccino. 
Do you exercise daily? No hahaha.  What do you do for exercise? Shit all.  Is your room/house cluttered? Nope. Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, or dorm? Dorm. Were your college years the best years of your life? This is my first college year and so far it is.  What was your favorite class in high school? History.  Which class in high school did you hate the most? Math. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Nope. What color is your lava lamp? Don’t have one. Do you have an inspiration board? No but I have one filled with things that make me happy.  Where do you store old photos? Idk, on my phone? Do you have photos on the wall in your bedroom? Yep. Favorite scent for a candle? I love fall scents.  Would you ever film a youtube video with no make-up on and messy hair? I wouldn’t film one PEROIDT.
What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? I have these billowy homemade silk pants n they are for sure my most comfortable pants. Do you cry a lot? Yes, I have been calming down lately though.  Do you keep up to date with the latest technology? Yes.  Would you ever want to live in a big city, like New York or Chicago? Maybe, idk though.  What about a big city sounds appealing to you? How you have access to pretty much everything you could want there. Do you wish you had more money to do the things you want to do? Don’t we all.  Do you prefer college-ruled or wide-ruled? Whom? Pencils or pens? Pens. Favorite ink pen color? Red. What are you craving right now? Nothing. Do you have a sweet tooth? Sometimes . Do you need to lose weight? I could do with losing a few pounds but I don’t need to.  Do you need to gain weight? No.  Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? I don’t have a fav.  Have you ever won a prize at the age guessing booth? The WHOM?
What’s your favorite movie that you remember seeing in the theater? I saw the new Halloween movie Sunday and I loved it!! What was the name of your very first imaginary friend? Link from tloz was my first imaginary friend, I never made him up but I would always say I was hanging with my boyfriend Link hehe.  Do you know anyone who has ten cats? No, sounds like a dream though. Have you ever had a cat? Yes I love them very much <3 Have you ever had a dog? Yep, miss her always.  Have you ever any other kind of animal? Fish, frogs, chickens, ducks and I had a rabbit for a short time too.  Have you ever had a pet rock? Nope I didn't go through that stage.  Which Olympic sport would you most like to be a pro in? Have you ever played this sport? Swimming and yes I used to swim competitively every summer for most of my childhood/ early teen years.  What were you voted in the senior class polls? Most likely to become famous and most likely to fall asleep in class haha.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school? My French n math teacher, I also really liked my bio teacher too, I was taught by lotsa awesome teachers.  Do you own a bobblehead? No. What’s on your desk? My Mac, keurig, a couple binder, a phone, a mug full of pens and pencils, a case of thumbtacks, a mug full of makeup brushes and other beauty tools and a glass of water lol.  Do you love someone who treats you like a piece of shit? Nope don’t love that.  Isn’t loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way horrible? Of course.  What’s your favorite DIY Halloween costume that you’ve seen? Not sure.  What is your favorite gender-neutral name? Alex or Lee.  Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names? A little bit of a mix.  What is your favorite type of braid? I have no idea what it’s called but I've been seeing this braid trending lately and it’s so beautiful.  What is your favorite spice? Cajun and curry.  Favorite Spice Girl? Idk. Favorite Cheetah Girl? ^ Backstreet Boys or *N Sync? *N Sync  Were you a boy band fan? Yep. What decade were you born in? 00. What is your favorite coffee shop? Harbour grounds or Tims.  What is your favorite tattoo that you’ve seen? Not sure, I got one today and i’n in mad love w/ it. What is something you have too many of? Clothes.  What collection are you thinking of starting? None rn. Do you collect anything now? If so, what? I collect crystals n weird/random trinkets I find. When was the last time you painted something? Last year during senior year. Do you have any disabilities? I have t1 diabetes if that counts.  Do you have any unique or hidden talents? Not really. Do people call you gifted? Sometimes, depends on who you're talking to about me. Do people call you unique? Yes, quite often.  Do you get bullied? No. Do you own a dreamcatcher? I have one back home.  What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? Dynamite, garage, the X-store, and I can’t think of two more I love oops.  When was the last time you went to Michael’s? Never been there.  Do you knit or crochet? Nope. Do you enter craft projects in your county’s fair? ^ What modes of transportation do you use? Car.  What is your least favorite chore? Not sure, probably washing dishes.  What is the best gift you have ever given someone? No idea.  What is the best gift you have ever received? My Mac book hehe. Have you ever made a decision that you regret? Not really, I am not someone with regrets.  Do you make your own greeting cards? No lmao. What color feather boas do you own? None. Do you use colored hangers? All mine are white.  Do you organize your clothes by color? I only do that with my underwear.  What time does your alarm go off in the morning? 8:30 mon, weds, fri n 7:40 tues n thurs. What was your favorite toy as a child? My n64 and gamecube ,barbie dream house and littlest pet shops.  What do you want to name your first child? Lucy :) List ten favorite girls names. Fuck no bAby. List ten favorite boys names. ^ What season do you want to get married in? Spring or summer I think, I kinda want an ethereal eleven wedding with lots of green nature.  Is your Pinterest cluttered? No it’s extremely organized haha. Are you a trendsetter? You could say that. Do you want to be a trendsetter? I’m indifferent.  What was the last great book you read? Not sure. Are you a free spirit? For sure.  Has anyone called you a free spirit? Yes. Do you get more compliments or insults? Compliments.  Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Probably.  What is your favorite insect? Orchid mantis.  What bugs scare you? Big spiders, maggots, earwigs and other grubs.  What was your favorite vacation? I loved Disney world but also had a great time in P.E.I this summer.  Who picked your name, your mom or your dad? They both agreed upon it after meeting someone with my name. What is your first and middle name? U ain’t need ta know.  What were some other names your parents were considering when they had you? Cece or Virgina lmao.  What are your siblings’ names? ^^ Do you own any Lularoe leggings? Nope. What was the last thing you bought online? A moisturizer from Sephora.  Do you enjoy public speaking? Not at all. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?: My dog Lady.  Do you own any heirloom jewelry?: Yep, my nana gave me her diamonds as a grad gift. 
When did you last stay in a hotel, and where?: This summer in Moncton. 
What were you doing at this time yesterday?: Working on a paper. 
Do you own any kind of helmet?: Nope.
Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite?: The dill salmon my mama has frozen for me. 
Are your initials in alphabetical order?: Nope.
Which do you prefer: iPhones, Android, Blackberries, or something else?: iPhones.
Has anyone ever answered one of your surveys with a rude attitude?: I don’t them.
Are you strong-willed?: Meh.
Do you ever put fruit on your cereal?: Yes, sometimes. 
Have you ever fallen off of a horse?: No.
Have you ever been on a houseboat?: Nope.
Do you learn from your mistakes?: I try my best to. 
Do you learn from the mistakes of others?:
Have you ever played the game Angry Birds?: Yeah.
Have you ever eaten/drank something and then realized it was past the expiration date?: Yes lmao.
Do you own any jewelry containing your birthstone?: A pair of earrings. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
::: Top Four ::: 1. Hailey
2. Katie
3. Ruth Ann
4. Katelynn
::: 25 Questions About Your #1 ::: What is their full name? I won’t say. 
Are you dating this person? Nope.
Are you related to this person? ^
What did you do the last time you saw them? Last Monday. 
When did they last call you? Yesterday.
Have you ever kissed them? Only on the cheek. 
Is this person over 18? Yep.
Is this person’s birthday in December? Nope. 
Is this person taller than 5'6"? Yes.
Is this person blonde? No.
Does this person have brown eyes? Yep.
Do you know their middle name? Yeah.
Would this person be more likely to go to the beach or go camping? Beach.
Does this person work at a fast food restaurant? No.
Is this person left-handed? ^
How many siblings do they have? Zero.
Does this person have a tattoos or piercings? Zero of both haha.
Do you guys have a ‘song’? We have lots.
Would this person ask you to be in their wedding if they got married? She always says I'll be here maid of honour. 
Are you older than this person? Nope.
Does this person have any pets? Yes a really cute cat :)
Who is someone they look up to? A pastor who used to live in our hometown. 
Would this person be more likely to go to a country or a hip hop concert? Hip Hop. 
What was the last movie you watched together? I don’t remember. 
Describe one of your favorite memories of them: Pretty much all of them are favourites, I love her sm. 
::: 20 Questions About Your #2 ::: Is their first name longer than 5 letters? No.
Describe to me how you met: Through a mutual friend when we were like 4/5.
Where was the last place you went with this person? For a ride around our hometown.
Did you know them 6 years ago? Yes.
Has this person ever been in a relationship that lasted more than 2 years? No.
Does this person have a crush on anyone? Meh, I'm not sure she’s pretty indecisive when It comes to that stuff. 
Have you ever seen them drunk? Plenty of times. 
Is this person more logical or creative minded? Logical.
When is their birthday? July 1st.
Where do they go to school? I won’t say.
Do you share an ex with this person? Nope.
Would this person be more likely to go to a rock concert or a pop concert? Pop.
Name someone famous this person reminds you of No one lmao.
Have you ever spent the night with this person? Yep.
Do you know who this person’s first boyfriend/girlfriend was? Yes.
Would this person visit you if you were in the hospital? Yep.
Are they a brunette? ^
Do they have green eyes? ^^
Was this person born in May?
Describe a favorite memory of this person:
Same thing I said for #1 :)
::: 15 Questions About Your #3 ::: What is their last name?
I won't say.
Are they more shy or outgoing? Shy.
When did you last talk to them? Over text a couple of hours ago haha. 
Does this person like to dance? Not really. 
Can this person speak any other languages? Yep.
How far away from you do they live? 10 minutes. 
Where does this person work? She doesn’t. 
What kind of a car do they drive? She doesn’t have a car.
Is this person over 21? Nope.
Does this person smoke? ^
Are they a redhead? ^^
Do they have blue eyes? Yep.
Have you ever met their mom? Yes.
Does this person have any step/half siblings? Nope.
Describe a special memory you have with this person: When we first became friends and a big heart to heart with each other. 
::: 10 Questions About Your #4 ::: How old is this person?
Has this person ever told you a secret?
Who is this person dating? Her bf Noah.
Can this person play any instruments? Nope.
Would this person be more likely to live in a city or the country? City.
Did you know this person 8 years ago? Nope.
Is their hair longer than shoulder length? Yes.
Have you ever seen them naked? Just about lmao.
Where do you see them in 5 years? Married maybe, working as a teacher with a baby :)
Describe one of your favorite memories of this person: We’ve had so many hilarious memories and we only became friends last month, I love her. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
( ̄x ̄;)
When was the last time you did something you didn’t want to do, to please someone else? Yesterday I let my friend print off his chem lab using my printer even though ink is expensive and I was really sick n didn’t want anyone over. 
If you wear mascara, what brand is it? Do you have mascara in any colours other than brown or black? It’s Maybelline and no I don’t. 
Do you have a favourite outfit that you like to wear for nights out? Meh, not really. 
When was the last time you painted your nails? What colour(s)? Last time they were painted was my grad and they were like a mauvish pink colour. 
Do you know what you’re going to wear tomorrow? Yes I plan my outfits ahead each night. 
When you have a soft drink, do you prefer it in a bottle or can? Doesn’t matter to me, I usually get a can though because I don't usually drink a whole bottle. 
Do your parents get annoyed if you go out and come home drunk? I don’t live with them so. 
Do you like iced tea or coffee? I love both. 
Who was the last person to embarrass you? What did they do? Idk, I don’t get embarrassed easily. 
When you’re upset, do you tend to comfort eat or lose your appetite? Comfort eat. 
Do you have a friend or relative that turns into a complete ninny when they’ve had too much to drink? Yes lmao. 
Have you ever eaten so much of a favourite food that you got bored of it? Yeah, worse than heart break tbh :(
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today? Kraft dinner. 
Who was the last person to send you a message on Facebook? Does/did that person go to the same school as you? My friend Angie, and she goes to the same university as me but we weren't in the same hs. 
How is your hair looking today? Natural but cute. 
What is your favourite brand of haircare products? Don’t have a particular fav brand. 
Have you bought any alcoholic drinks in the past week? Nope. 
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? No, I've only just started going out to bars n stuff last month. 
Do you know anyone that talks constantly about themselves and never even bothers to ask you how you are? Probably, they aren’t coming to mind rn though. 
When was the last time you used a public toilet? I can’t remember. 
If the last person that hurt you apologized, what would you say to them? I would probably just cry. 
Did you go shopping today? Nope. 
What was the last thing that put a smile on your face? Gintama. 
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot? Food. 
You’re given an extra $10 and told to go and treat yourself. What do you buy? Not sure, I'd probably save it. 
Has anyone ever asked for your phone number, and you refused to give it to them? Yes.
When was the last time you used someone else’s phone to text or make a call? Whose phone was it? I don’t remember. 
Do you have a favourite comfort food, that you absolutely must eat whenever you’re ill or upset? My favourite comfort food is butter chicken poutine but it’s not an absolute must eat. 
If you were to decide now that you wanted to get drunk, what alcohol is available in your house? Red wine. 
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to? I dont have one. 
When was the last time you ate cake? What type of cake was it? Last week  and it was pumpkin cake. 
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? Matthew and yeah they're blue. 
What’s the last letter of your surname? N.
Whose Facebook timeline did you post on most recently? My dads. 
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? Lotsa anime openings I sing along with. 
Kinky question time … to turn you on quickly, where is the best place to touch or kiss you? My neck.
Do your grandparents ever ask you about your love life? My nanas do occasionally. 
Do you eat dessert after dinner? Usually only on special occasions. 
Does anyone send you messages to say good morning or goodnight? Nah. 
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behaviour the next day? No, I'm good at controlling myself. 
Have you ever gone into school/work with a hangover? No.
What was the last thing your parents gave you money for? Groceries. 
Who were the last people you had a group conversation with on Facebook? Hailey and Katie. 
The last time you were in a car, who was driving? Katelynn. 
Who was the last person you took a photo of? My cousin. 
What was the last thing that stressed you out? My history midterm. 
Tell me about your last night out. Did anything interesting or amusing happen? I can hardly remember it lmao. 
Who was the last new artist you came across, that you really liked? Not sure. 
What was the last video you watched on YouTube? A h3h3 video. 
What was the last song you listened to, that reminded you of someone? Slow dancing in the dark- Joji, it doesn’t really remind me of anyone. 
Have you ever told anyone that you were never going to speak to them again, but then you did? Probably when I was younger haha. 
How old is the last male you texted? 17. 
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink? Wine. 
What was the last thing a friend bought for you? Katelynn bought me an iced coffee and a croissant. 
What colour was the last mug you drank out of? Black.
Do you have a collection of anything? Manga and random lil trinkets. 
Is there a food or drink that you haven’t had before, but would like to try? Takoyaki. 
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Fall have u Evers :^)
Have you ever… ordered a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks ordered a chai latte from Starbucks carved a pumpkin baked a pie ate apple pie ate pumpkin pie jumped in a pile of leaves made a scarecrow gone trick-or-treating handed out candy on Halloween worn a wig worn a mask made your own Halloween costume
put your own Halloween costume together with clothes in your closet ate a caramel apple drank apple cider drank caramel apple cider ate candy corn made a haunted gingerbread house worn a witch hat dressed up as a witch worn black lipstick baked pumpkin bread walked through a haunted house been on a hayride been camping in the fall driven through country roads in the fall celebrated your birthday in the fall dyed your hair red worn fishnets worn striped tights painted your nails orange painted your nails purple had a picnic in the fall seen a harvest moon been to a cider mill been to a pumpkin patch been to an apple orchard been excited about going back to school drew a picture of a leaf picked up leaves you liked and brought them inside thrown a handful of leaves up in the air stargazed in the fall been on a haunted hayride walked through a corn maze ate corn on the cob covered your pumpkin pie with whip cream ate whip cream right out of the container been to a high school football game had fall allergies gone on a walk with your camera and taken fall pictures had a photo shoot of yourself in the leaves been to a Halloween costume party watched a scary movie on Halloween night walked through a cemetery at night experimented with witchcraft been to a bonfire slept under the stars baked bread been to a farmer’s market purchased something at a farmer’s market thought your house was haunted wondered if your house was haunted had nightmares after watching a scary movie had nightmares after reading a horror story been on a road trip in the fall ate Thanksgiving dinner with family made a list of things you were thankful for posted something you were thankful for every day in November on facebook done a craft in school that involved making a turkey out of paper ate all your Halloween candy in one night been trick-or-treating as a teenager taken a picture of the leaves in front of your house hosted a costume party set up a haunted house decorated your house or your room for Halloween decorated for fall knit a scarf worn a knit or crocheted infinity scarf worn an infinity scarf with a cardigan and boots worn fringe boots worn riding boots made something with squash watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade gone Black Friday shopping gone shopping on Small Business Saturday worked on Thanksgiving worked on Black Friday thought someone looked like a witch dressed up as a Disney princess dressed up as your favorite cartoon character dressed up as a superhero been wrapped up in toilet paper to look like a mummy been amazed by the fall colors purchased a fall-scented candle gone on a foggy morning fall walk been on a retreat in the fall ate a Thanksgiving meal at church gained weight after eating too much on Thanksgiving felt sick after eating too much on Thanksgiving dreaded seeing your family on Thanksgiving spent Thanksgiving alone not celebrated Halloween for religious reasons ate apple fritters painted a pumpkin wished people wouldn’t rake so the leaves would stay on the ground longer wondered why people rake leaves instead of leaving them raked leaves asked your mom why people rake leaves owned a strobe light thought someone was following you put a sheet over your head so you could pretend you were a ghost ate trail mix ridden The Haunted Mansion ride at Disney World watched the movie The Haunted Mansion watched a scary movie read a horror story read a mystery novel been paranoid felt afraid been to a masquerade party been to an outdoor fall wedding been to your favorite park in the fall
0 notes
honeybellsurveys · 6 years ago
Zodiac bold (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°
You love adventure.
You are very energetic.
Confident and enthusiastic.
You’re sharp and quick minded.
You can be self-centered at times.
You are quick tempered.
You take unnecessary risks.
Total: 5
You have lots of patience.
You are very determined.
Your mind is very secured.
It’s easy for you to become jealous.
You can be resentful.
You can become greedy at times.
You are rigid.
You want to go in the business industry.
You are extremely faithful.
Total: 3
You are very versatile.
You like changes.
You are talkative.
You seem to be very quick-witted.
You’re pretty smart.
You would consider yourself to be polite.
You are very inconsistent.
Prone to nervousness.
Total: 6
You are very loving.
Very sensitive.
You’re very nurturing.
You have an active imagination.
It’s not hard for you to be sympathetic.
Very indecisive.
You are very moody.
Total: 7
You are generous.
You believe you’re pretty creative.
You tend to be bossy at times.
Very outgoing.
You make sure you are 100% faithful.
You are intolerant.
You interfere a lot.
You are a loving person.
Open minded.
Total: 6
You are very modest.
You have the tendency to be shy.
You are practical.
You are very fussy.
You tend to worry.
You can be overcritical at times.
You are conservative.
Total: 3
Romantic and charming.
You are very easygoing and sociable.
You’re an idealist.
Very caring.
You get told that you are talented.
You enjoy change.
You are flirtatious.
You have a short temper.
Daydreaming is one of your hobbies.
Total: 5
You are determined.
You are powerful and passionate.
You are easily liked.
You are loyal.
You become jealous easily.
You tend to be secretive.
You have strong sexual desires.
Total: 7
You are optimistic.
You love your freedom.
You are very honest.
You are careless.
Tendency to be irresponsible.
You become depressed easily.
You are restless.
You take those around you for granted.
You care about the environment.
Total: 6
You are very cautious.
Very ambitious.
You stay cool under pressure.
Others say you are funny.
You are pessimistic.
You don’t show your sensitivity to others.
You are sometimes selfish.
Hold onto grudges.
You have great patience.
Total: 5
You are friendly.
You are lively.
Honest and loyal.
You crave to be different.
You are independent.
You are chaotic.
You tend to be unemotional.
Total: 5
You are imaginative.
You are very sensitive.
You are emotionally weak.
You are idealistic.
You tend to be careless.
You are easily confused.
You are sometimes immoral.
Receptive to new thinking.
Total: 6
You are:
Cancer and Scorpio
Your actual star sign:
Scorpio >:)
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