#dwelling is what i do
delicatel0v3 · 3 months
i don't regret us but i kind of wish we had never happened
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lunrall · 3 months
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Are you one of us? Lonely like us?
Are you one of us? Lonely like us?
Are you one of us? Lonely like us?
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tubbytarchia · 1 month
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If you think there's context for this you're wrong
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gdn019283 · 25 days
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Have we taken into consideration that perhaps, the reason Merlin does not die, it’s because the Gods don’t want him to? They’ve been playing with him this entire time, and The Cailleach made it clear that even if Merlin wants to die, he can’t, and he cannot change the course of his life. Merlin does not say, “yes” willingly, but rather tests to see if the goddess in front of him knows about his destiny, and her answer proves him right. It’s not because she sees Lancelot going into the veil. It’s because she knows deep down Merlin cannot do anything now. Merlin is more powerful than Gods, and to prevent him to come to this knowledge, they constantly stop him from achieving his destiny.
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screwpinecaprice · 11 months
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Reposting a connverse I made in 2021. Well, specifically posting this again after editing a few stuff.
I had been so bothered with how I kept editing Steven until I made his silhouette floppy-looking. So I fixed it a bit.
And that this was suppose to be flipped in the first place (which was why Connie's nose piercing was on the right side on the original.)
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gerblinbones · 1 year
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yo what happened to your arm
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ushas42 · 1 month
I'm not sure I agree with Martellus's assessment here. Yes, I think he's right that this is an attempted attack on Mechanicsburg, but I don't think the Queen of the Dawn is behind it. I think it's much more likely that Patel is acting on standing orders from Klaus himself, regarding what to do if it looks like the timestop is about to be lifted. It being the Queen of the Dawn requires that Patel be either a revenant or loyal to Lu/Zola, neither of which I think are likely. It being Klaus only requires that Patel be more loyal to Klaus than he is to Gil.
Because we haven't really been dwelling on all the conflicting loyalties that are about to pop up once there are two Baron Wulfenbachs running around. I can't imagine that Gil hasn't given it a lot of thought, but what's the plan? How are they going to prevent Vole's predicted "messy, terrible, civil var"? I know Gil doesn't *want* the empire, but as things are he can't safely hand it back over to Klaus. They'd better have a way to yeet his ass back to Skifander or some such or this is only going to get worse.
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deepdwellingsteamboat · 9 months
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"To see an empire fall."
Sometimes the fire has to take you For you to burn them to the ground
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psychomusic · 23 days
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sith oc!
her name is (for now, but I'm not sure) Kalusna (attribute of the underworld domain in etruscan language). she is part twi'lek and her lekkus have more mobility. i have outlined most of her background but have still major problems on her period as sith alchemist and her late journey bcs i don't wanna break the eu continuity in any way.
backstory under the cut!
she lived on shili during a time of intense conflicts between the togrutas and other alien species (& their hybrids), back when the hydian expansion region was being discovered, (haven't decided the years precisely YET but probably around the great hyperspace war or earlier). shili was not very frequented at the times but it had visitors and was on its way to become part of the Republic.
she was ousted by her community after her parents' death, and was left behind in the grasslands with an albino akul who she tamed thanks to her force abilities.
akuls, for those not super familiar with the lore, are supposed to be the apex predator of shili, very powerful orange quadrupedals, prone to albinism, with which they make headdresses after a hunt, because it's a symbol of the hunter's capacity.
she then found many other people and full groups and decided to unite them under her powerful rule. they settled in a strip of land surrounded by a sea on one side and a lake on the other, and there they lived and trained, with the secret goal of taking over the key communities of shili. she guided her people and, starting with nearby villages, she quickly expanded her territory to the point where the main cities suffered from the many refugees who left their homes at the mercy of her army.
when they conquered a village, they usually took some of the villagers as prisoners and cavies for her experiments with the dark side. to create a more powerful army, she created hybrid monsters with a rudimentary sith alchemy and thus strengthened both her warriors and the animals they kept.
when the rejected reign got closer to a bigger city, the togrutas called the republic for help, and two jedi ambassadors were sent. as soon as they realized a dark side user was involved, they called for reinforcements, but the news of their arrival had gotten to Kalusna's hears. the outcasts quickly launched an attack on the city, but the jedi, scared of the threat, had already evacuated most of the citizens and prepared for their arrival. a bloody battle began, and it ended the togrutas and the only remaining jedi setting a trap for her and her avant-garde warriors, that initiated an explosive chain reaction that expanded and tore down most of the side of the city under her control.
as the jedi called in for reinforcements, the news got to the ears of the sith, who, intrigued, sent one of them to bring kalusna to the academy on korriban before she fell into the jedi's hands.
but, with her whole army gone to the explosion, and too many wounded to tend to, she was presumed dead by the jedi and left behind. the sith then found her, alive with burns, clinging to her best friend (trandoshan-togruta hybrid) who shielded her from the explosions, and took them to korriban, where she would keep on studying alchemy and sorcery, and got particularly interested in semi-sentient animals. her friend, though, died on the ship before having the chance to reach a hospital.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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"But I don't think I made the wrong call, back then."
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Sarah Sisko’s whole deal is so horrifying and messed up and DS9 just kinda. Glosses over it
#Imagine you are just a random Australian woman on Earth. Living your life minding your business#and then you get possessed by an alien force who have a Destiny they need to enact#And so controls you to go to New Orleans and hook up with a guy you’ve never met and you marry him and live with him for three years#And give birth to a son#And evidently that was what the alien wanted because once you have had a son the alien possession vacates your body#And you are in control of yourself again for the first time in three years#Married to a guy you didn’t seek out with a son you didn’t have a choice in#And the man is sweet and kind and in live with you! And thought you lived him! But you can’t bear it#So you leave him and leave the kid and hightail it back to Australia because what else can you do??#And eventually commit suicide because you can’t handle this. Your life was upended in an impossible horrifying way for three years#You disappeared from your life with no warning for three years and then showed up again to people who think you just left#It’s the Star Trek universe—‘I was mind controlled by an alien force’ is well known#But that’s not supposed to happen to you. You aren’t a starfleet adventurer you live on Earth. Why You?#I feel like. Sarah your life was so horrifying/tragic and it wasn’t even about you#And even DS9 just brings this up practically in passing and then never dwells on it ever#perpetual perpetual ladies night#Star Trek#Deep Space 9#ST:DS9
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lunarharp · 9 months
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figured i'd do this again..bit early i guess..
#to cheer me up.. i feel bad atm.. these things don't even make me feel very good tho bc i'm such a narrative/sketch-based artist..#but Proper Beautiful Finished Pieces are what grab attention and look good at the end of the year all neatly lined up lol.....#so looking at a “yearly review” where i can only choose 'the best image of the month' (??) is like...What have i even been doing...#i did a month by month look back on twt for myself instead..but even that doesn't express the quantity of comic-based stuff..#that i do put a lot of time/heart into..but alas i feel bad bringing even them back..RTing/reblogging my own art simply feels bad lol..#AND WHY IS IT ALL B&W...trying to accept that i LIKE doing that and sketching and scribbling..not like i'm trying to like..Get Artist Job..#this year was so profoundly lonely at times bc i spent all my time drawing instead of socialising and trying to find friends....#please please please have achieved more of your dreams in the future so you can look back at 2023 and think..#It was good that happened so that it got me further to the future. Or whatever i guess.....................#regardless i did have a great amount of fun drawing and improving this year and dwelling deeply & heavily on witch hat atelier.#art-wise and emotionally....march july & september were the best months i think..AUGUST WAS SO WEIRD SUMMER IS SO EVIL ALWAYS.#thank you very much if you are reading this for enjoying & leaving nice tags & such like <3 i've realised how fulfilling that is to receive#really keeps me posting stuff here instead of keeping it all to myself in my head#i wish everyone in this world could have a safe and happy end of year. i wish living in this world were easier
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dysthoepiadaily · 1 month
Could you tell us some about Phil’s vedic astrology?
So, a bit of a difficult question, because I do better with specifics... By that, I mean, when it came to Dan's chart, I was looking solely at his branding, and his fame, and that was the point. With Phil, I'm not sure what exactly it is that people would like me to talk about. A specific subject would be good to analyse, perhaps.
That said, if I look at Phil's chart, certain things do pop out to me, and those are interesting... So, lets discuss Phil's status as a niche icon, I think, because that is what his entire chart points to... This post is going to be even more technical than Dan's chart, because with Dan, I was only looking at Dan's branding, and the one single placement that impacted it (a lot I left out in that essay bc I could go on forever). Meanwhile, Phil's chart has more things going on, and I can't point to one single placement for one subject...
Once more, a disclaimer about how I'm uninterested in discussing whether astrology is real or not, and I'm mostly looking at the patterns and pointing out what could be coincidences.
So, Phil's first house contains Saturn and Venus, in the sign of Scorpio. These planets don't generally tend to do very well in the first house, because both of these planets are inherently related to those outside of you. As in, Saturn relates to society and community, while Venus relates to lovers and partners. These planets are friendly to each other as well, because Saturn exalts in Libra, which is ruled by Venus.
In a sense, Phil's chart is very Saturn led, with his Moon, Mercury, and Sun in the sign of Capricorn, and Jupiter in Aquarius (both signs ruled by Saturn). His Saturn is ruled by Mars in pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter, and his Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter sort of loop back to each other, making these influences strongest in his chart.
Saturn and Mars are malefic planets, both related to struggles and pain, so Phil has an extremely high tolerance for a lot of the problematic things that occur in his life. Because Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and optimism is also involved in this loop, he tends to take hardships as lessons, and tends to zoom past them.
Saturn is related to people who are marginalized, outcast, and somehow not accepted by the rest of society. A lot of times, it can indicate being part of a community that is somehow ostracized. The gay community is one of these communities. In the modern world, Saturn often presents as extremely alternative.
Saturn is often associated with ugliness in the ancient texts, but almost every beauty icon in the modern world has very strong Saturn placements. So, that is something that should be taken with a pinch of salt. What is more accurate to say is that Saturn gives people an unconventional look, which can be shocking to the eyes. They have something to offer that the rest of the world does not, something different. They tend to be trendsetters in their field, people who change the game.
Something I find very interesting that Phil has said is that he never related to the emo look, but that he had the emo look because he wanted to attract emo boys. This relates very much to his Saturn and Venus in the first house. I personally would interpret Venus in first house as him being attracted to people who he relates to, but because of Saturn (which numbs down ego and personal emotion, because it is about the other), he wasn't fully able to feel the way he felt.
Phil's first house is ruled by Mars in Pisces, in the 5th house, which is sitting with Rahu. This particular placement feels more to him like him, than other placements, because a Martian sign in first house is quite good. This makes him someone who gets attention (rahu) for his creativity (5th house). Phil's Rahu mahadasha (great rahu phase) was from 1993 to 2011. During this time is when I suspect baby Phil's habit of lying for attention really came into the picture, like when he lied about having a very cool twin brother (Rahu rules glamour and fakeness, which, in babies, can come across as lying to look more glamourous).
Rahu gives a sort of temporary fame and virality, and the fame given by Rahu doesn't usually last for too long. However, there is a way that fame can last for a longer time, and that is through Saturn, the planet of time, community, and public reputation.
I'm going to guess that 2004 to 2005 (his ketu antardasha, sub ketu phase within the greater rahu phase) was a difficult time for Phil, because he lost a lot of what he built, maybe he was exposed in a way he didn't want to be, but it was also a time when he learnt to be more true to himself, which is something that he took with him when his next phase of life (venus antardasha) started. I suspect this was the time when he was outed to his friends.
Phil's Venus antardasha was from 2005 to 2008, which is around the time where he established his aesthetic, based on what he was attracted to. To actually feel like himself, Phil always will have to figure out what he's attracted to, and become that person. When he does this, he finds that the kind of people who he wanted in his life were just flocking to him without him doing anything about it.
Phil made his youtube account during his Venus antardasha, and his Venus is sitting with Saturn, their qualities intermingling. Anything that he does in pursuit of love or relationships is likely to last for a long time for Phil. He won't be able to do casual relationships, whether with people, or with work, they'll fizzle out almost immediately unless its meant to last.
Saturn's downside, to a large extent, comes from the fact that... People with strong Saturn associated with the self, are often not treated like full people, but rather, as icons. A lot of times, because Saturn is such a stoic planet, people do not feel as attached to Saturn. Parasociality is hard to build with a planet like Saturn. Saturn tends to show up most as a planet that rules servants. It is associated with fame, because, in many ways, celebrities provide a service to society, through sharing their talent.
Saturn as a planet of service is interesting, because something that Phil would do with his fame as a young youtuber was to be a strong part of the community, collaborate a lot, and even with youtubers who weren't as big a deal as he was. Showing off his creativity with his videos is one aspect, but another, bigger aspect, was the community he was part of, and he was sort of a pillar in that community. He would encourage other youtubers, and give them exposure (like he did with Dan, LOL).
However, Saturn becomes such a part of the community that, outside of their field of interest (where they garner a LOT of respect and appreciation), they tend to become just another face in the crowd. A lot of what is special about them is taken away by the masses they serve, and there usually isn't enough personality left to keep an audience hooked. The 7 second challenge, and the toilet tag are prime examples of this, kind of. Popular concepts invented by Phil, but taken by so many people that it can't be traced back to him.
Something to think about is that with Phil, it's not JUST that he is creative. I mean, of course he is, but actually, his bigger strength is timing, and keeping up with the current trends, and the need of the hour. His Rahu in 5th house is very prominent, and is what makes him creative, however, his real strength is Ketu in the 11th house of community, which gives him a sort of intuition with what the audience will be most receptive to. 11th house is also associated with Saturn, btw.
Saturn does create icons, but it creates niche icons. Icons to people in the know, sort of. The inspiration for a lot of those people who gain much more popularity than they do. To gain mainstream popularity, what you need is not just Saturn, but strong Sun (which is being EXTREMELY good at doing something conventional) or strong Moon (very good branding, gets the audience invested in you as a person). Phil has a weaker Moon, and an okay Sun, however, Dan has a very very strong Moon. So, a lot of the mainstream flowers that Phil gets in the public are also due to Dan standing up for him in the public eye.
Right now, Phil is not in his icon era (maybe a bit. His Mars and Rahu antardasha will be going from 2024 to 2027, and that will make him go viral A LOT). He was from 1993 to 2011 (yeah, he was an iconic baby, ig. His creativity made him very popular with people who knew him), and will be again in 2027 (Saturn Mahadasha, where he will be known more for himself, and maybe for his relationship. which is lowkey the same thing to him).
Right now, he is in his Jupiter mahadasha, which is Jupiter in Aquarius, in 4th house. Jupiter gives wisdom and luck, but doesn't really relate to fame in the same way, and in the 4H, it gives a blessed home life. Unfortunately, his Jupiter and 4H is the sign of Aquarius, which relates heavily to the public, just as Saturn does. Not the best sign for a house that is about comfort, home, and emotional security. During his Jupiter Mahadasha, Phil has dealt a lot with the concept of the public, the private life, striking that balance, and creating his boundaries. The public feels entitled to his private life, and they show it. Phil cannot be away from the public life, the way Dan sometimes can, and he knows it. But, navigating his private life along with his work is something he's been dealing with, and will be dealing with until 2027.
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anarkhebringer · 2 months
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Zenos, who is relying on vague advice about "love languages" after hearing his boyfriend mention a cheesy obscure eroge a single time while he was in the room
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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(Shoutout for muh Patreon supporters!)
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imagionationstation · 6 months
*Slams open the door to your inbox very, very loudly*
But this one is a little bit deranged.
AU where only Donatello and Karai are raised by Splinter and the rest (Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo) were raised by the Shredder. (Or vice versa idk which would be funnier)
It's stupid, I KNOW— but wdnsixjsks—
Just imagine the lone turtle being raised by the opposite side of the other three, accompanied with just as fierce + overprotective older sister who'd drop kick anyone who ever attempt to claim the title as 'Donatello's older sibling'.
Donnie'd be so confused to suddenly have a group of the same species as him suddenly thrusted into his life after spending years of beliving he's the only one— and oh look they're now claiming him to be their brother, how neat.
Karai is NOT happy because that's HER little brother and they have to pry him out of her cold, dead hands.
Leo and Raph would be, "You're our master's daughter and that's OUR little brother", to which Karai would be, ">:0".
Cue to Mikey and Donnie arguing who is older.
I'm not sure about you, but I am also a sucker for (over)protective Mikey. It's a neat concept, one that hasn't been explored much by the fandom— but arhwidnsidnsi.
I just love the purple genius, okay?
This AU is purely crack and self-indulgent at this point hahah.
Donnie didn’t consider himself to be a bad son, per say.
Sensei always had a list of rules to keep him safe. Never go down to the ground floor unless the dojo was closed for the day. Never open the curtains because he might be glimpsed. Never go out into the yard unless he got permission or had one of them with him.
And never, under any circumstances, was he to enter New York City.
Sensei was always very careful when it came to his safety. It’s the whole reason that he found a place outside the city for him to grow up, miles away from people, but close enough to the city that Miwa could visit to terrorize socialize whenever she feels cooped up.
Donnie’s never had that luxury, but now he was fifteen.
Fifteen was practically driving age. Fifteen is old enough to be in a high school and get invited to parties that sounded unsafe and rent adult movies behind parents backs and get to buy things at stores or check out books at the library!
He’s definitely responsible enough to borrow some books on his own.
Fifteen is also the perfect age for sneaking out and breaking rules.
It’s not really his fault. It’s the hormone and teenage ritual stuff. He couldn’t help it, probably. That’s what Miwa always says. Sensei buys it sometimes. He goes easy on her. So when Donnie wakes up to a carpeted floor and a splitting migraine, he knows he’s been caught and he’ll need every reasonable excuse that he can get his hands on.
It’s his birthday, anyway. Sensei can’t be too mad.
There are muffled voices around him as he lifts his head, immediately regretting it when pain spikes from his skull and scatters across his forehead. He clutches at his skull, groaning miserably. He’s never had an all-nighter migraine this intense before.
He supposes that this is what Miwa would call a personal problem as remains on the ground, forcing his eyes open to get a read on the situation. He expects to see his father hovering as Miwa goads him into a punishment because the consequences of his actions was never enough for her.
Somehow, his father usually ends up letting him off the hook instead. A perk of being an extinct species that can never see the light of day, he supposes, is endless sympathy points.
Donnie’s greeted with three shells, four blinding overhead lights, five individual weapons, and six eyes, all balanced out by a truckload of confusion. He stares, blinking sluggishly, as one of the turtles announces, “Well, he’s not dead.”
And just like that, this has officially slotted itself to be the weirdest dream Donnie has ever had.
So anyway, feel free to assume that he’s in pain and kidnapped for any number of reasons because I have about twelve different ideas and they are all equal GREAT for the crack AU atmosphere that is in development in my brain.
I’m just imaging a backstory where Shredder fought the Kraang (cause he was hangry or something, who knows) and the turtles (sitting abandoned in the alley, maybe?) are corrupt with mutagen.
Absolutely dumbfounded but not stupid enough to leave the little freaks of nature behind, he (still human) snatches three of them, accidentally leaving one behind.
Hours/days later, Toddler Miwa hear Donnie crying, barely alive and all alone. Obviously, dad and daughter care for him.
Shredder and Yoshi are still human, but neither is on guard for the other. They both think the other remains in Japan.
Their sons don’t grow up hating each other’s guts. They are both trying to leave their past behind. Yoshi is raising his family. Shredder is growing his empire.
So Donnie didn’t grow up knowing he had other brothers because no one knew they existed. Ergo, I imagine Donnie would be confused at first, but after fifteen years thinking that he’s alone in the universe, he’s eager to learn everything about these three fellow turtle mutants in ninja gear. He’s a bit perturbed about the fact that they keep making excuses to keep him from leaving, but he’s not to concerned about it. He has brothers! How neat is that?
And since it’s a crack AU, it would be absolutely hilarious if Donnie seems like this naive, learned soul, who cannot social in the slightest- but the second that the need calls for it, he knows how to use several different type of weapons and can take all the brother down single-handedly. He had fifteen years of no brotherly distractions and a sister who takes training very seriously. Why wouldn’t he?
It’s why he’s not concerned with technically being held hostage. He’s reasonably certain that he can take them. And he proves it when Karai finds him and tries to take him home, only for the brothers attempt to stop him from leaving.
Of course, he always feels bad about his supremely awesome and instinctive skills. He prefers his studies.
No, but your “pry him out of her cold, dead hands” comment made me think that she’d need a reason to feel threatened. If they bond before she finds him, Donnie will begin looking at his older brothers (yes, even Mikey, who adores being able to feel in charge of someone) like, well, eldest brothers, and Karai will sense the change.
And, obvs, be completely and utterly ticked off by it.
Donnie’s spent his entire life admiring her and everything that she does- how DARE she have to share his attention with these three random strangers that literally kidnapped him?!
And his older brothers will all immediately decide that this lost child is theirs’ for one reason or another. And obviously, the safest thing to do when you find a stray mutant like you is to take it home and give it care. Heck, if it turns out to be your brother, even better!
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