#dsmp tags for reach
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dizzywhre · 10 days ago
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All my recent dsmp art !
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concorp · 1 year ago
Hey mcytblr! I currently have the wild opportunity to pitch an art exhibition to an actual real gallery with whatever theme I want as part of my intro to curatorial studies class this semester.
My plan is to put together a pitch for an mcyt fanart exhibition, with the goal to show that the genre is just as valid in the art world as traditional fine arts. I'm currently very early in the process, and am working on selecting which artists I want to reach out to to ask to include their work in this theoretical exhibition. However, of course, the community is huge and there's bound to be hundreds of artists here I've never even heard of! Especially those making fanart of series I don't watch. So here's where I'm asking for help from the community at large! Please reblog this post with the names of mcyt artists whose work you enjoy, with a link to either their portfolio or art tag! Feel free to link your own stuff as well!
EDIT: PITCH IS ALREADY COMPLETE. please look at the date something was posted before you reblog lol.
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the-king-of-lemons · 1 month ago
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y'all having a good time out there?
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khawla-gfm2 · 2 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 134📰
$50,658/$80,000 as of December 29th [10pm CDT]
Currently $342 away from $51,000 as a short term goal!
If 1,467 people donated $20 the fundraiser would reach it's set goal!
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help the fundraiser further along. And remember that reblogging/sharing to reach more people can help a lot!
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel
@slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts
@wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff
@one-cold-witch @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @ocipiala @zaminami @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @hananono @centi-pearl
@that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @kenniex2 @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker
@plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @louddragonphantom @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @wolfcubjim @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @strawberryglitterkiss @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim
@thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @half-asleep-star
@luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz
@therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulitoes @stonedustghost @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523
@killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @sentienceoverload-29 @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet
@this-deadgirlwalking @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ashkaranast
@wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @fireflyingaway
@blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @lampthehealthminister @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcakesposts @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @zimislockedinthefreezer @catboywillferal @yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon
@redpinejo @orphancat @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @ash24601 @willhelmthewhale
@cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzw
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rat-rosemary · 8 months ago
Ough, pushing my trauma into c!Dream, guys he's in such a bad state after prison.
Base after base dedicated to hoarding just one specific item (or type like Redstone in general). Sapnap tracks Dream down and finds nothing but a empty base where every chest is filled to the brim with regular apples
(So many chests. Walls of double chests filled with nothing but stacks of apples. Dream never touches it tho, if he needs it he'll get more. This is for emergencies)
Dream sitting on his makeshift kitchen in prison in the middle of the night (he thinks. He can't exactly tell the time here) staring at some easy to eat food that he really wants and he's so hungry but he can't eat it because what if he needs it later?
Carefully studying people's schedules and timing how long he can stay in the sun, even if he's far away from everyone
Comfort hidden so deep no one could ever find it. Hundreds of blocks from mainland there's a hole digged at bedrock level where Dream made a bed filled with blankets and plushies and pillows. It makes him sick to try to sleep in it but looking at it make him feel safer
(Not acting on major threats like the egg because it gets attention off him it helps the plan. Everyone is coming together to fight one threat. The fact that it makes them forget about him for a bit has nothing to do with it.)
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xec0re · 25 days ago
Hello, I am Imtithal, a dentist living in the north of Gaza,💔🇵🇸🍉 I would like to take your time to tell you my story and what happened to us during this war. I finished my university studies in less than a year and started working but the war happened suddenly, it destroyed our hopes and dreams at the beginning of this war, I lost my brother and I lost my beautiful home, we were 35 people living in this house and now we are homeless and have no place to escape from the war, the conditions are very bad, we have to let our young children work and they wait hours and hours to get some drinking water, I don't know what to say but I ask for your help by donating💔🙏🏻 by sharing, let everyone know our story, the story of our heart, your help can help us survive and not die, I am very sad that we have reached this situation, sorry for the noise but there is nothing we can do🇵🇸🍉
I sadly can't donate, but I hope me sharing this will help, even if I don't have that big of a following
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I still wanna try my best to help others, maybe even trough my art
If anyone seeing this has the possibility to donate, pls go help them out here
I wish everyone a great day and lots of strength <3
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smallltown · 1 month ago
URGENT: Abood’s wife has been injured and requires an urgent operation.
Please share and most importantly donate what you can. If you have never donated to a Palestinian fundraiser, now is your chance to change that. Even a small amount can make a difference but this cannot wait. Abood, his wife, and his baby daughter cannot wait.
VETTED HERE. @aboodonline1
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esatchithethird · 2 months ago
Hello 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Aziz, and I’m reaching out with a heartfelt plea to help my family find safety and reunite with our mother. 😞
The ongoing war in Gaza has torn my family apart. My mother and newborn sister are stranded in Egypt, while I, along with the rest of my sex family members, am trapped in the midst of the genocide in Gaza. We have not only been separated but have also lost our home and are enduring unimaginable hardships. 💔
Your support can make a difference. Whether by reading our story, donating, or sharing our campaign with others, you can help us reunite, find safety, and start anew. 🙏🕊
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your kindness, compassion, and solidarity during this difficult time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/58268669 🔗
I unfortunately can’t donate, but I hope everyone who sees this and can will!
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sircantus · 4 months ago
Hi, just been wondering about one thing. Why do you tag all of your fanfics with th dsmp fandom tag? Most of them have nothing to do with the server, other than maybe the names of characters that were in that story. I think majority of your fanfics would fit better as the general Minecraft (Video game) fandom tag. Of course, I'm not telling you to change, just curious about the choice and I think the general minecraft tag would give your works more attention and recognition
Hmmm. True, my fics dont have anything to do with the server, but its pretty clear that the characters are all inspired off said server, and even if its not the about the dsmp lore itself, i often include bits from it (refrencing lmanburg and such for place holder town names lol) plus the dsmp tag is more of a catch all for dsmp fandom works and while im not really writing about the Lore so much, im still in that fandom. im still dsmp category, bc im including Tommyinnit and Philza Minecraft and such in the storyline
The Minecraft tag itself is more general but i also feel like its less relevant to my fics bc of that, i mean, my fics have nothing to do with block game at all. Take for instance my pirate au. Where is the Minecraft in that. But they do have elements of dsmp! The characters and such. Hence, dsmp tag! Yay!
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lmanburgzslut · 10 months ago
c!wilbur wants to be fucked so bad but he is soooo shy in bed and it embarrasses him. hear me out guys. Hiding his face and blinking back tears as he gets fucked. Covering his genitals when things ramp up. Being nervous about taking off his clothes he unintentionally strip teases his partner. Hiding his moans and whines, softly whispering pleas under his breath. Tries not to make a big deal when he cums etc
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dizzywhre · 10 months ago
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THE Philza Minecraft (+ techno meme)
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supernatural-bias · 3 months ago
does anyone have that masterpost from a year or two ago on analyzing how the dsmp characters speak.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year ago
Okay, Charlie saying that made me realize I have never even considered a separate keybind for sprinting-? Which I guess is because I've played Minecraft since 2014, but like—that makes me curious!
EDIT: It should be *When did you start playing, sorry!
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khawla-gfm2 · 3 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 94📰
$34,272/$80,000 as of November 18th [10pm CDT]
Currently $728 away from $35,000 as a short term goal!
If 2,285 people donated $20 the fundraiser would reach it's set goal!
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help the fundraiser further along. And remember that reblogging/sharing to reach more people can help a lot!
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel
@slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts
@wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff
@one-cold-witch @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @ocipiala @zaminami @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @hananono @centi-pearl
@that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @kenniex2 @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker
@plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @louddragonphantom @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @wolfcubjim @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @strawberryglitterkiss @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim
@thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @half-asleep-star
@luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz
@therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulitoes @stonedustghost @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523
@killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @sentienceoverload-29 @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet
@this-deadgirlwalking @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ashkaranast
@wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @fireflyingaway
@blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @lampthehealthminister @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcakesposts @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @zimislockedinthefreezer @catboywillferal @yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon
@redpinejo @orphancat @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @ash24601 @willhelmthewhale
@cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzweigz @papus-clown-enclosure @montewave @chilewithcarnag
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hadesbullshit · 6 months ago
Hello 👋🌸,
I hope you're well. Dr. Farhat's family urgently needs our help due to the ongoing violence. Please share and support the "Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza" campaign. Every share makes a difference.
Link: https://gofund.me/e9f9ce20
Thank you so much for any support you can provide 💖.
With gratitude,
Dr. Farhat's Family 🌹
Verified campaign #248 by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi.
yep. anyone who donates to this gets a free drawing from @hadesmediocreart (my art acc) as long as they can give proof of donations
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^this sort of art. any fando. or OC.
even 5$ can help people.
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zorishy · 9 months ago
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Made a better Quackity design
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