miryel89 · 4 months
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mimisempai · 2 years
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grecianheart · 2 years
Smurch Prompt: Day 19
flirting | inappropriate | "is that a threat or a promise?"
@staroftheendless my very late submission for today's prompt.
Dream had become very good about dragging himself away from his work to spend time with Hob. It took a few difficult, frustrating conversations, but they were worth it. Because now he got to see his lovely husband almost every day, even only for a few hours, and he couldn’t be happier with their relationship. Unfortunately he didn’t consider the potential consequences it would have on his own work. So when he felt the weight in the air that meant the King of Dreams was paying him a visit, Hob raised his head to where Dream lounged on his office couch, took one look at the mischievous glint in his eyes and groaned.
“No, absolutely not. Not today.” Dream draped his arm over his own chest and beckoned Hob closer with one elegant finger.
“No, I have papers to mark, a class in less than an hour, and-”
“I assure you, it will be quick,” Dream crooned. He rolled onto his front in one smooth, sinuous motion. Hob’s breath audibly hitched as he watched the long lines of his lover’s body move. Dream, with his head now propped up on his hands, fixed Hob with smouldering look. “You know well I can be quick.”
“That’s what you said the last time.” Unfortunately, his resolve had wavered, and Dream knew it too, giving one of those tiny smug smiles he had when he knew he would get his way. “And this is hardly the place, anyone could walk in here at any moment. It’s unprofessional and inappropriate.”
“It was unprofessional and inappropriate last week too, but that did not seem to deter you from laying me out on your desk and filling me with your ardour.” Hob shivered lightly at the longing in Dream’s voice. He watched with slightly heavier breathing as Dream got to his feet, walking soundlessly towards him. His head tipped back to maintain eye contact with Dream ad he rounded his desk and stood over him in his office chair. “It was inappropriate and unprofessional the week before too, when you stripped bare and begged and pleaded for the honour of pleasing me with your mouth and for me to take you afterwards. Right here on your office floor.”
“Yes, well, it wasn’t a week before finals last week,” Hob grumbled. “You know, I’m beginning to think you only want me for my body…” He ended on a low exhale when Dream trailed his cool fingers across his neck.
“Oh?” Dream pulled his chair to face him and slowly sunk to his knees, looking every bit the entitled King even with his face in Hob’s lap and his hands working at his fly.
“Yes, oh. Because now you’re finally making time in your busy schedule for me,” Hob gasped when his cock was exposed to the cool air, and buried one of his hands in Dream’s feather-soft locks. “And all you want to do is fuck and disrupt my job.”
“Is this not what you wished for, dear husband?” Dream spoke directly over his groin, and Hob’s hips bucked at the feeling of his breath on his heated skin. “Do you wish to see me less? Do you want me to leave now?” And he made the motions of getting up and stepping back, only to be yanked back to Hob’s face. He looked at his husband passively, only the tightness around his mouth betrayed his restrained mirth.
Hob groaned helplessly and joined his lips to those of the beautiful entity in his grasp. “I hate you, you frustrating creature." He mumbled against his jaw as Dream folded his knees to sit on Hob's lap. "I really do.” Dream perched elegantly on him, pressed his chest to Hob's, rocking against Hob’s exposed prick and placing wet kisses all over his face and neck. “I should - ah - retaliate,” he rasped as he gripped Dream’s hips. “I should fall asleep whenever I can and disturb your work, see how you like it.”
Dream waved a hand and his own clothes fell away, letting Hob feed his eyes on smooth white skin and corded muscle. Another rock from his hips drew Hob’s eyes to his petal-pink cock, pressed between both their stomachs. Dream dropped a kiss right on the tip of his nose. His face was soft with amusement and fondness. “Is that a threat or a promise, my Gadling?” and Hob felt the warmth in his chest he always felt when Dream called him that, when he acknowledged him as his companion, his partner, worthy of his attention and affection and to be by his side.
“I don’t know, let’s finish this up and I’ll think it over. My class is in 30 minutes.” And he pulled Dream’s smiling face down to his to kiss him again.
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Dreamling medieval Royal AU PART 11
So where we left off, Hob called them friends, Dream got upset and Hob waited him all day the next day and Dream didnt show up
Fast forward now to current times, in celebration for Spring Harvest, the annual tournament is held in the Dreaming for political reasons; wanting to showcase how well theyve recovered and their strength, Dream's first official appearance etc.
The Dreaming really is a very beautiful and bountiful kingdom.
In the tournament, each of the monarchs of the Endless Empire would have 2 or 3 favoured knights to represent each kingdom. Hob had been selected for the Sunless, along with Johanna from the Constantine Family.
If youre curious, Dream had chosen the Corinthian, Matthew and Gault.
As part of respect to the monarchs, the first morning if the tournament, the knights would bow to seek blessing from each of them, which-lo and behold-seeing HIS STRANGER on top of a throne NEXT TO THE QUEEN was EXACTLY their very next meeting. This was how Hob learned hes been making friends (and subtly courting) the KING OF THE DREAMING the last couple of months.
When Hob goes to bow for Morpheus, Morpheus bestows him a gift for good luck-which in itself is scandalous, since Hob isnt even HIS KNIGHT-but more than that, its the RUBY HE WORE FROM HIS OWN NECK. Hob kisses it, and Morpheus lets him kiss his knuckles as well.
The scandal is atrocious. The court is DEAD SILENT. Desire is hiding a gasp behind a fan. Destiny has pursed his lips. Destruction is looking confused. The Corinthian switches from being unimpressed of this newbie, to shocked, to completely enraged.
To be clear this is not a Corintheus ship, but theres definitely some unspoken jealousy happening here. Morpheus is a just king but his demeanor is cold and dismissive. It took him and the rest of the knights YEARS for the priviledge of looking him in the eye, and this fucking nobody upstart from the SUNLESS LANDS gets to kiss his hand??? And get a ruby??? Sure he and Matthew and Gault got gems as well, but nothing so PERSONAL, an OBVIOUS show of favouritism!!
I want it to be made clear Hob has no idea what any of this means or implies. This is his first time in the tournament, and he hasnt been home in years. He gets that its a sign of favour-so what? Dream's knights get gems too?? Whats the big deal?? I think that this is very funny.
To be fair, Death ALSO thinks this is very funny. The court thinks she should be offended or scandalised her own knight is being shown personal favour by her brother, and that she should take it as some sort of insult but this is the most alive she's seen her brother in MONTHS. Shes INTRIGUED.
End of Part 2
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 5 months
PunkxHistory!Dreamling Master Post
tags: #obsessive_dreamling #Punk Dream #Punk Dream of the Endless #PunkxHistory!Dreamling
Back to Main Master Post
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Emoji Meanings ⚠️ - Trigger Warnings (they will be warned at the top of the post as well) ⚠️❓ - Possible Trigger Warning (they will be warned at the top of the post as well) 🔞 - Sexual Themes/Smut/Porn 🧓 - Mature Themes (nudity that's nonsexual or partial nudity) 🅾️ - Omegaverse 🫄 - Mpreg
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- Punk Dream | Sketch & Digital - Drama Queen | Sketch and Digital - Punk Dream 2 | Sketches - Punks Smile When Given Silly Names - Punk 💍 History - Matthew, Lucienne, & Cori - The Wedding Photo
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wolfgirl-valentine · 1 year
@miss-wolffie to make more easy to see my old works :3
Art Masterlist
I decide to put all my fanarts and fics in one post :)
Ferdinand Kingsley study #1
Dream of the Endless(cw semi nudity) "fixed" version
Ferdinand Kingsley study #2
Fanart inspired by @fractalspaces amazing fic
Little Fanart
Fanart+Drabble of Retired!DreamxHob
Quasi-obligatory Hob Rescues Dream fanwork. 2nd version
Star Wars AU
Dreamling Week 2022 Drabbles : 1 2 3(nsfw) 4 5 6 7 (SW AU #2)
Star Wars AU #3 (fanart+Drabble)
Dreamling Selfie fail
Kiss in the cheek Watercolor
Hob and Meowpheus nap
Meowpheus and Hob Jumpscare
Star Wars AU #4
Oils pastel drawing
(Dreamling con ñ week entries:)
Dream asking for Hob forgiveness (Shitposting)
LatAm AU they meet in the Metro
Dream as "El Charro Negro"
Dreamling Kiss +Desire Telenovela style
Dreamling Nation's House of horrors entry (watercolor)
The Outsider watercolor
High Chaos Corvo quick sketch
• Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur fanart (I need to correct this one)
Arthur fanart 2
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
18, 19 and 24 for the end of year ask meme? 💕🌟
18. Fandom that you never expected to get into:
Honestly, Dreamling. Because to me the Sandman was an untouchable thing and Dream a character above all shipping. I didn't even ship DreamxHob when I watched ep.6. I just saw two very good friends. Then someone pointed it out, I sadly don't know what the first thing was that made me aware of the potential - and then I was sold forever.
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
Doctor Who! I stopped watching somewhere in Thirteen's first or second season, but when the master returned I returned too and caught up with it again. Now I'm sad I'll have to wait a year and try not to hype myself up too much about Russel T. Davis coming back.
24. already answered this here <3
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Bi Hob topic, in the comics there are some implicit shit between them (won't spoil no one here) I remember thinking if they were explore that side of Hob at the end and seeing Ferdinand's acting I want to believe even if Neil hates dreamxhob and that won't happen I really hope we explore Hob's sexuality. A man who lives forever, who saw the struggles and riches, who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of life and loves humanity so much.... cannot be hetero.
I seriously doubt Neil "hates" Dreamling in any way, since it is his creation and he said that Ferdinand played Hob just the way he imagined. Even if they're not made explicitly canon, ie with a declaration of feelings or whatever, they still exist as written and certainly not by accident.
Re: the comics, the only thing I know of re: Bi Hob is the whole thing with Jim/Peggy who prefers to be Jim. But TV canon is still not quite the same, and has already been changed, so we will see where that goes!
And. Like. Yes. The man has lived over 600 years and he eyefucked Dream like that. There is no way in HELL he is straight.
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Just want you to know that whenever I’m reading any DreamxHob fic, I picture things happening in your art style cuz all you comics and stuff love rent free in my mindscape
AW GOSH im honored that your brain is making comics lolol
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miryel89 · 2 years
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mimisempai · 1 year
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Naked truth…
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hrshlandfunkypics · 2 years
So dreamling is DreamxHob, I thought it was like a sort of thing created by Dream that are like the same as him
Like younglings or smth
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mimisempai · 2 years
I wanted to go back to their meet cute. The exchange of glances is so rich in this part. There is a constant game of ping pong in their attitudes from the moment Dream speaks to Hob until the end. It's just so so brilliant (Tom and Ferdie are gods). Already, the way Dream arrives, in a position of superiority, him standing, Hob sitting, and this kind of mocking arrogance. The kind of smug little smile you just want to wipe off his face.
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But Hob being Hob (a loudmouth who assumes himself completely and never backs down) doesn't let himself be intimidated and answers with this little smile at the end, like, yes I said that, so what?
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Dream starts to set off his bomb, quietly and Hob does not take it seriously and chuckle in response.
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And there Dream will say two words that will make Hob understand - even if he doesn't know the extent of what Dream is telling him at this moment - that it is more than a joke. "Robert Gadling" His first and last name, how can this stranger know them? And it shows on his face, it's not the meeting here in 100 years that calls to him but the realization that the stranger seems to know him.
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All the others burst out laughing and laughing at the side but Hob does not laugh, he feels something, it is so obvious. Well, and Dream adds to the drama with his face becoming super serious and his voice even deeper.
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What I missed the first time around and love here, the way everyone else keeps laughing and Hob has that special smile here, it gave such a playful expression, when he tells Dream not to pay attention to them. Like, "it's between you and me."
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Once again no turning back, Hob feels something isn’t ordinary, it's clear because he has this look as if he is trying to decipher Dream.
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And once he has the confirmation, he took Dream's challenge to return it to him. Like he's the one challenging Dream now.
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If you hear a loud noise, that's me falling off my chair every time I watch this gif. That little smile at the end kills me. I put the last two gifs one after the other because Hob and Dream are just mirroring each other. When Dream walks away, each one looks at the other with a defiant smile, neither one looks down, BUT at the end, each one becomes serious again.
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Once again thank you for bearing with my rambling 🤓
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mimisempai · 2 years
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Telling a lie to get the truth, Matthew?
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mimisempai · 2 years
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mimisempai · 2 years
I just realized something. In every encounter, there is a moment when Dream will let his guard down, let himself smile or show emotions and as if he can't stand it, it's usually right after that his face closes, he gets up and after bidding Hob farewell leaves. Each time, it is as if he puts on this sort of impassive mask again. (1589 and 1689 are excluded, because the circumstances are different)
Looking amused, playful and bam immediately after, the mask
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Can't hide his astonishment and bam immediately after, the mask
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Shows concern and bam immediately after, the mask
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Shows a kind of endearment, receiving from the empathy, and bam immediately after, the mask
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And of course the only time it doesn't happen is at their meeting. Already, he doesn't leave, he chooses to sit and stay. And there's no mask. The last gif the perfect example. As if the smile that erases the impassive expression.
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Cry with me...🤧🫠
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