#dream smp musical
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charbeloved · 2 months ago
I feel
I should make a blog for the dsmp muscials
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chocolate-milk · 1 year ago
i know the dream smp musical trend has kinda died down, but MAN would i love to see a live action production at a con. it would be the perfect place if you could get a panel at one of the stages, since- believe it or not- there are still TONS of dream smp cosplayers at cons
i know it probably wont happen, but it would be wonderful to see
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dsmpmusicals · 2 months ago
Mod Char here! I wanted to put a few things out.
So! Theres no set timeline yet. I'm thinking of including before the caravan, like BEFORE that man joins.
...but also, eh. All that I deem very important- and correct me if im wrong ive only seen the first 2 and a half vods and then after logsted- is the first bit of the discs.
Which makes it hard to make a starting point nut also. Its not that peaceful actually, but those actions go against either personal rules of my own boundaries or the actual life system.
....which makes it harder. Especially for a tommy-centric one to be the first one.
And then theres the shared moments, how are those gonna differ? My main inspiration for this is from EPIC the Musical and I wanna follow that lead. Not much of thoughts or sequillies [i dont think thats the spelling but oh well] will be sang, more of the singers will have [hopefully] raw emotions. But, that comes with the fact that shared moments across the different shots- November 16th, for an example- will have identical ones? Or should I change up things lyrically???? But then my plan for it falls??????
There is. A lot more problems with my plans right now. I'll take any and all feed back on this rn, all i know how to proper do is just lyrics. And storytelling. Ive made 4 unique genloss lyrics but. Uh. Yeah.
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painless-innit-colourful · 2 months ago
hey guys never kill yourselves. let cquackity do it repeatedly for you
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marvelousstrings · 26 days ago
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seabling supremacy
(I'm rewatching some Empires, can you tell?)
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catandmellohi · 4 months ago
c!Dream is so embarrassing. Like all it took was a 15 year old with some music discs who lived in a dirt mound to cause his downfall.
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noxiousmelody · 4 months ago
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This might have made more sense in my head
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moltengoldveins · 6 months ago
@clingyduoapologist made a really cool “what if DSMP were a stage play” post and basically the instant I saw it I was struck by the muse but I don’t want to just chain reblog the dang thing or make one huge reblog with all my thoughts so instead here are all my thoughts on this concept
i don’t think it’s a musical. I think the tone of the story doesn’t fit. But if it were, it would have a Lot of scenes of unsung dialogue, and that dialoge? Would be rhythmic poetry. It’s Shakespeare Appreciation Time baby.
i do however think there would be a live score and an orchestra. A lot of the music would need to be recorded but there’s at least be a few musicians.
different characters speak in different poetic styles at different times to communicate character and plot development.
to elaborate on that: Characters switch from loose ABBA or ABAB rhyme schemes and vaguely rhythmic meter when chatting back and forth to strict perfect iambic pentameter for tense scenes or political speeches.
Techno speaks exclusively in unrhyming dactylic hexameter, an extremely common poetic form for Greek and Latin poetry. It’s what the Iliad was written in. This has the interesting effect of making Techno sound, at first glance, unpoetic. His speech doesn’t rhyme, and doesn’t follow a common English rhythm scheme, so it wouldn’t immediately register as structured. However, dactylic hexameter is actually significantly harder to write in English than expected because of our syllable stress patterns. Speaking like that would be, objectively, a sign of extreme intelligence, but could easily be overlooked as coarse uncultured behavior.
Techno’s chorus - composed of audience members, background extras, and people (in safety harnesses) sitting in the theater rafters - speak largely in Greek and Classical Chinese, quoting sections of the Art of War and Homer’s work. The major exceptions to this are ‘Blood for the Blood god,’ ‘no,’ and ‘do it.’ They all wear a hat or some form of headband that has a glowing LED eye, hidden, but activated when they speak. The audience plants are all in dark clothes, and when the lights go down they don medical masks/sunglasses. Anything to obscure their faces.
The Chorus, a group of robed masked people who broke the fourth wall and often entered the audience, was a vital part of early Greek theatre. I am an intolerable nerd, and the thought of sitting in a dark theatre only to hear an low distorted voice beside you start to comment on the play as a whole choir of voices echo around you, then turning to see your seat neighbor is a masked person with a glowing red eye in your forehead? Literally incredible.
Dream is the only character dressed in even remotely modern clothes.
Dream is first seen as someone (again, in modern clothes) sneaking around backstage in a black hoodie: most of the audience probably assumes he’s a stagehand and not meant to be seen. Then, at some point, he moves from behind a set piece and enters the scene as an actual character, revealing his mask.
interestingly, this is really similar to what I believe is a bit of myth about why ninjas are dressed in all black in modern media. They wouldn’t have been irl, they would’ve dressed like civilians. But stagehands in Japanese theatre would dress in all-black, and were often completely visible onstage moving sets - it was common courtesy to ignore them. Then one day some playwright had the brilliant idea of having one of the stagehands enter the story as an assassin, and suddenly every actor in all-black was a threat. For the life of me I can’t remember where I read that but it’s a cool thought :D
Dream canonically can interact with set pieces, lighting, and curtains.
Dream actively directs lighting in scenes he is not in, sitting above the stage kicking his feet.
Dream is often used to hand off props to characters instead of having them pull them from a pocket and pretend they were pulled from their ‘inventory.’ This begins to get confusing when Dream is acknowledged later on as the he person giving, say, TNT to Wilbur, or wither skulls to Techno.
characters address the audience as ‘Chat,’ (English’s first fourth-person pronoun my beloved) almost constantly, especially for comedic purposes- most of their monologues are addressed directly to the audience as well. For Wilbur, it’s a sign of instability when he stops addressing ‘Chat’ and start addressing the sides or back of the stage.
philza enters from the lower audience, right by the stage, probably after pooping up from the orchestra pit and taking a reserved seat halfway through so no one sees the wings.
Tommy has by far the least structured or rhyming dialogue - if it weren’t for how carefully crafted it was it would sound like normal prose.
Tommy speaks to the audience by FAR the most. Wilbur only addresses them when soliloquizing. Techno barely addresses them at all: they address him. Ranboo speaks to the audience only when alone, and it’s usually phrased like he’s writing in his memory journal. Tommy speaks to the audience at first like a loud younger brother. As he gets older, it sounds more and more like a plea for help, a prayer for intervention that will never come. Exile is one long string of desperate begging aimed our way.
Tommy stops speaking to the audience so much after Doomsday. He starts again when Dream is imprisoned. He stops for good when he dies in there, beaten, alone.
Sam and the Warden are meant to be played by different actors, ideally siblings or fraternal twins. They wear identical stage makeup and costumes, but the difference is there. None of the characters acknowledge this.
the Stage would need to be absolutely massive and curve almost halfway around the central audience, largely because it should be able to be split at times into two separate stages to show different things happening at the same time. This could possibly also work if there were two stages, but getting people to easily turn from one stage to the other without loosing sight of what was happening would be rough.
Doomsday taking advantage of the scaffolding in the rafters and using them as the ‘grid’ for the tnt droppers.
actual trained dogs for Doomsday my beloved. Would cost a fortune but could you imagine.
the entire revolution arc ripped off Hamilton, we all know that, I think we can afford to have a stagehand step forward in that frozen moment in time when Tommy and Dream have that duel, grab the arrow, and carry it slowly across the stage right into Tommy’s eye. For morale.
throughout the execution scene Techno keeps slipping out of poetic meter, especially when he sees/is worried about Phil. After the totem (which would be freaking amazing as some sort of stage effect with like lights and red and green streamers or smthn dude-) he stops speaking in poetry. The scene with Quackity is entirely spoken dialogue. Chat is silent. It’s only when he gets back and sees evidence that his house has been tampered with that Chat starts up again (kill, blood, death, hunt, hunt, hunt-) and he starts speaking in rhythm again.
Every canon death, Dream marks a tally on something in the background. Maybe it’s in his arm? Like a personal scorecard. Or maybe it’s on the person themselves, a little set of three hearts he marks through with a dry-erase marker or something.
phil and techno have a lot more eastern design elements and musical influences than the rest of the cast, except for Techno’s war theme which is just choir, bagpipes, and some sort of rhythmic ticking or thumping. Phil’s also got a choir sting but it’s a lot harsher, the ladies are higher and them men lower, and the chords are really dissonant (think murder of crows)
Tommy’s theme has a lot of drums, but its core is actually a piano melody. The inverse of Tommy’s theme is Tubbo’s, but Tubbo’s is usually played on a ukulele. Wilbur is guitar, obv, and Niki’s is on viola.
Quackity is a little saxophone lick. He and Schlatt both have a strong big band/jazz influence.
None of the instruments that play dream’s theme play anywhere else in the music. I’m thinking harp, music box, and some kind of low wind instrument.
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cirrusea · 2 years ago
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Learning elytrian dances :]
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talos-stims · 5 months ago
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1wn8ure · 2 years ago
i'm not sure how many dsmp fans realize just how much fan music is out there. like we all know derivakat and cg5's stuff, and yeah it's fantastic but there is so much more
precious jewel amor has so many dsmp songs with the most heart-wrenching lyrics i've ever heard and beautiful music to accompany them. and they have music for characters that don't always get a bunch of recognition! cbad enjoyers, try listening to savior. cPuffy has Empty and Do It Again. cNiki? You bet! try Hidden in the Depths, Nothing to Lose, or the cNiki AND cJack song, Hate (Heal). ALSO PJA uses repeating motifs across songs to show relationships between characters which just. Amazing!!!
Amanda Fagan has the same range of characters, and her sound varies from sweet and simple ukulele to highly-produced. cCrimeboys enjoyers, listen to their relationship progress through Please Don't Make Me Choose, Play With Dynamite, and Sunken and Shattered. cJack fans, enjoy Bittersweet and Invisible. And I can't forget the SBI song, When Nothing Mattered More Than Friends, ft. other artists such as seiggel, butterscotch bread, and...
Mizz Fish! My god, their voice is so incredible, and they have some of the most creative songs I've seen! Try a song detailing cRanboo's inner monologue inside of his panic room. Or the most beautiful ballad mourning L'manburg.
this post is getting long but. seriously, if you enjoy fan-made music and/or are searching for more dsmp content to consume, check out kroh, megan shumway, Kanaya, ellienort, seiggel, butterscotchbread, Frankie!!, Hator, spirental, trashyinferno. there's so much out there, and you can hear the passion put into these songs. they deserve to be heard!
(Also, most of these artists have original music out too, which you should also absolutely listen to!)
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charbeloved · 2 months ago
thinkung of possible making a blog for this
okay! dsmpnmuscial time!
itll have 5 povs in drafts, i have 3 entire docs so i can do it in my google docs.
i have plans for tommy, tubbo, dream, techno, and phil. thats it.
im def. getting tommy, i may never finish this, and i hope to make this accurate. ill be watching everyone's pov for their story and whoever is closest to dream durong points of drea!'s life.
i currently have 5 sagas planned out. with some members getting fewer due to joining ij the middle of one or at the very end of one
ill try to dp it in order? idk
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bleue-flora · 6 months ago
“You know, I’m still alive and well, and ready to make your life a living hell for a change. Seems like the tables have turned… or I guess, chairs to be fair.”
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kylekreepsmeout · 7 months ago
Reblog for for greater sample size.
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pattonflowerinnit666 · 3 months ago
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sprontisdabest · 1 month ago
what Hamilton was to DSMP is what EPIC was to QSMP, in this essay i will
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