#dream atlantis possession
flats-for-sale-kalyan · 6 months
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stellar-solar-flare · 13 days
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by @bigtreefest, thank you!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
(I'm going to have to skip over the last part because I don't know enough people for my GIANT wip list but I will tag some! Limiting this to my MCU fics. Names used are file names.)
Currently In Publishing: (All Steve Rogers/Reader unless otherwise specified) x Astronomical Odds (AO3) x For Centuries (AO3) x A Fairytale Of A Disaster (AO3) x The Swan Alignment (AO3) x Equinox (AO3) x Brilliant Steel (AO3) (Steve/OFC)
Longfic Drafts: (All Steve Rogers/Reader unless otherwise specified)
x Aelin x Atlantis x Daggerlike (Bucky Barnes/Reader) x Duchess x Medieval Knight x Possess Your Heart x Predicates Of A Heart (Tony Stark/Reader) x Privileges of The Crown x Sunspot (Bucky Barnes/Reader, Steve Rogers/OFC) x The Alchemist x 'Til Year Does Us Part x Universal Constant x Unwearied Flame x Vampires x Vegas x Zombie Cap
Shortfic Drafts: (All Steve Rogers/Reader unless otherwise specified)
x 4th x Happily Married x Jealous Steve x Library Cute x NYE fic x Party ND x Shapeshifter x Sleep x Soulsign x Then It's A War x Waking Up Late I may have some more that I have accidentally saved elsewhere but I think this is about all of them.
No-pressure tags: @darsynia @anika-ann @americas-ass-writing @chase-your-dreams-away @ronearoundblindly @steviebbboi @thezombieprostitute and anyone else who wants to do this!
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luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
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Having trouble finding some films to watch, especially now that it's pride month?
Well have no fear, because I have some that is recommended, whether queer or queer-coded, these are movies you should watch.
Despite being forgotten or criticize being "woke", Strange World is a underrated gem that join the list of underrated and forgotten disney films such Lightyear, Treasure Planet and Atlantis.
It has an gay main character and a diverse cast including an 3-legged dog. Inspired by classic sci-fi adventure film in the 50's and 60's, Strange World is fun adventure film about an generation of a family dealing with their own faults, also opening a door of possibilities with it's lore.
Freaky is a fun twist on the classic "Freaky Friday" trope, telling the story of a teenager who swap bodies with a serial killer, thanks to a mystical artifact.
Co-written and directed by the guy who also made Happy Death Day, Freaky delivers some gore-filled kills and feel good laughs while offering some parts of queer identity along with a gay character who proud of who he is.
The Fear Street trilogy itself not only joined the list of amazing horror films in 2021 but also an spot of queer horror.
It follows an romance of two lesbian teens in the 90's not only dealing with homophobia but also a ancient connected curse of the town of Shadyside.
Chalked with nostalgia of classic horror films like Scream, Friday the 13th and The Crucible.
Fear Street wins fans over with it's violent kills, remarkable characters, talented performances, and great and relatable queer representation.
Jennifer's Body introduced an another horror icon and bisexuality.
Megan Fox plays Jennifer Check who was possessed by a demon and targets on guys after being sacrificed by an fame-hungry band.
Tho Jennifer is not a lesbian, but the films does show that she is interested in both boys and girls, claiming she goes both ways and has some interest in her friend Needy, even kissing her too.
The cult classic not only has an amazing bisexual icon but tackles heavy themes such as assault, exploitation and the female gaze.
Bottoms is a must watch masterpiece, chaotic, brutal and gut-bursting funny, the film follows two high school friends that made a fight club to just hook up with two popular cheerleaders.
With an ridiculously unhinged final act, meet cute romance, and jokes that have you laughing your butt off. This 2000's coded movie is a a treat to start off the month.
After rewatching it again, Arlo has queer heavy themes if you think about it. Looking back, one of the film's characters, has some queer-coded hints about him.
I'm not going to spoil on the titular character, I think you should watch the film in order to get what I'm saying.
Other than that the film has an amazing soundtrack and has colorful characters as well.
Luca definitely is a queer film without a doubt. Focusing on two young sea monsters, spending an unforgettable summer in the town of Portorosso on the Italian Riviera.
It's themes of self discovery, chosen families, homophobia and acceptance.
This emotionally sweet sea-filled tale is a instant classic with a pretty much Canon couple too.
Robot Dreams also has hints of queer companionship and also is a story of loneliness, the film's out now, you definitely think you should see it.
Based off the comic in 2007, Robot Dreams is set in the 80's of New York City.
A lonely dog assemble and befriends a robot in a dialogue-less journey of friendship, love and rusted parts.
There's no surprises are a lot of clear queer-tonic themes in the films, especially among the two main characters, Robot Dreams is a perfect way to spend your summer.
Last year, Nimona was not only one final goodbye from Blue sky studios but is a part of the best films of 2023.
No surprise that the creator of the graphic novel also did Netflix's She-ra, the film is heavy on not only disability but also gender identity and transphobia.
it's a film that everyone will enjoy, thanks to it's commentary and electrifying performances by the cast, combine with pretty metal animation, Nimona is the film you should definitely watch.
🏳️‍🌈Happy pride month, hope all of you have a great day, and let me know on what think of these films.🏳️‍🌈
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roipecheur · 4 months
Here's how to fix Frank Punisher.
First, retcon whatever happened in Punisher 2022. Say it was all a dream and Frank passed the test or whatever by not giving into the Beast at the very end, thereby defeating it. Or the Beast was possessing him the whole time, so none of that was really him, and also Maria was not like really Maria or whatever. I don't care, it's bad, it completely undermines everything that makes Frank as a character, and it needs to go.
So. At the end of Punisher 2022, he's in some hell dimension called 'Weirdworld'. That's fine, that can stay. This is the only good content in the entire run besides Frank's obligatory homoerotic moments with Daredevil.
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Frank should get forcibly adopted by wandering children and accidentally catapulted into Dad Mode™ between unimaginable bouts of violence. This is probably the only time that run got him right.
Now, to bring Frank back. He needs a new Microchip. This guy can have some connection to the original David Linus Microchip Lieberman who Frank murdered to death for betraying him back in the early aughts, or he can just be some rando who took on the hackerman name.
He appears to Frank in Weirdworld as some sort of spirit while the kids are sleeping. New Microchip has projected himself in there using magic. He offers to bring Frank out of Weirdworld, but in exchange, Frank has to grant him a favor. Frank tells him to go fuck himself with extra sauce. New Microchip offers to save the kids, too, and Frank is a sucker for kids. So he agrees.
(I'm picturing New Microchip kinda like that nerd guy from the animated Atlantis movie, but OG Microchip was also fat, so like Atlantis guy with a little extra pudge. Cute, though.)
Frank is back on Earth. The kids are free and get sent to someone, probably Natasha because Frank trusts her and she'd look at them and go "what the literal hell" and I think that would be funny. New Microchip has a very Frank-like backstory where his family got killed, and he wants Frank to kill their killers. Frank is opposed because His War Is Over and he doesn't like being forced to do things. But he has to go along because of the magic deal.
Punisher skull comes back. Frank mows the people New Microchip wants dead down in a very typical, Frank-like way. New Microchip also outfits him with a battle van and provides really good tech support. When it's done, Frank is automatically released and is no longer bound to New Microchip.
Naturally, Frank goes to kill him. He finds New Microchip sitting out back looking at the scenery of some sort with a loaded gun waiting nearby. Waiting for Frank. New Microchip's job is done, and he gave up everything to do it. He expects Frank to kill him.
Instead, Frank is like. Grudgingly impressed that this guy had the balls to take what's coming to him instead of trying to run. He also likes his new battle van and could get used to that sort of thing. So, he offers New Microchip a job.
Ok. Here's the crucial part. If this was a new run, Frank should be done with this round of gratuitous violence by issue 3-5, and he and New Microchip should be fucking before issue 10. It needs to be played exactly the same was as if New Microchip were a woman. He's patching Frank up or something, and then they start kissing, fade to black, next page shows them in bed together.
Marvel needs to really play up Frank being bisexual. Not gay. Bisexual. Frank loved his wife, and that's very important to his backstory. Also, gay and not bisexual Frank gives off this weird vibe like being gay helped make him the Punisher, and that would be a nightmare for the PR team and for me personally. But they need to make him SO queer. To the point where people see those stupid thin blue line Punisher skulls and go...isn't that the one who has a boyfriend now?
Angry right-wingers with guns will be burning their shirts and tearing the decals off their cars. Frank's fan base will return to where it belongs: with weird comic book freaks who think he's a funny little guy.
One other thing. There has to be one splash cover where Frank is bridal carrying New Microchip to safety. There should be an explosion behind them. The explosion should, inexplicably, be in the shape of a skull. Picture this. It's very romantic.
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Dark Nights: Metal
Well that was certainly an event.
I think the reasons to read this come under a handful of categories:-
Do you care about Barbat(h)os lore?
Do the words ‘Dark Multiverse’ sound like something you care about finding out more about?
Are you an event tragic and want to be set up to read storylines and events spiraling out of this?
Are you the sort of Batman fan who wants to see him curbstomp with everyone else’s powers?
If your answers are no, congratulations, skip this event, it’s a fever dream.
If your interest is piqued: look the best way to describe this uh thing is that a multiverse evil Justice League of Bruce Waynes comes to harass Earth-0.
Yeah. You’ve got:
Red Death (Bruce Wayne who absorbed the Speed Force from Barry)
Murder Machine (Bruce Wayne bonded with an AI of Alfred that’s infected Cyborg)
Dawnbreaker (Bruce Wayne who got a Green Lantern ring immediately after his parents were murdered and had so much willpower he could override the ring into letting him do murder)
Drowned (our gender-swapped Bryce Wayne who performed surgery on himself to turn amphibious to defeat Atlantis after they tried conquering the land)
Merciless (Bruce Wayne who was in love with Diana but ended up possessed by Ares’s helmet after her death)
Devastator (Bruce Wayne infects himself with the Doomsday virus)
The Batman Who Laughs (yeah you all know this one, is the Bruce & Joker combo)
It’s also a ‘collect the tv & movie references’ event, with specific visual references to things like: Star Trek Wrath of Khan; Mad Max Fury Road; Game of Thrones; etc.
It is also, I guess, stuffed full of in-joke references back to earlier events and storylines, both pre and post Flashpoint. Bart Allen gets name-checked. There's an Arthur's hook hand joke that lands quite well. There’s a comment on the street about turning Gotham into a No Man’s Land. Batman: Lost is just ‘how well do you recognise a bunch of classic Batman tales’. And so on.
Interestingly, the two titles that I enjoyed the most (in terms of both references and how their story was constructed) were Batman: Lost #1 (a Snyder-Williamson-Tynion combo book) and Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs #1 (Tynion, with Rossmo on art).
I know. I KNOW. But the Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs title, despite having literally everything working against it, had the most coherent storyline for how Bruce got corrupted, it was the only title that focused on the fact people would care, and as tends to be the case, it had Rossmo assigned for the art to do some really interesting things. Tynion can tell a good story and actually cared about the stakes of it.
While Batman: Lost #1 is far more understandable as a great event one-shot. It has Bruce hallucinating his future, being in his 70s at home in the Manor with a crowd of grandchildren running around (one has Gordon red hair! Another is called Janet!) and he's telling stories of his past battles to Janet. There's a library wall where the books are all his 'adventures' and of course they're all labelled with the names of various famous Batman stories (and it's fun to look through them and pick out the priorities) and as Bruce tells Janet the story she requested, how it went keeps shifting and other storylines are interposed (and also have oddities in them). It's a title that rewards knowing the original stories Bruce tries to tell. Dominique talks directly to the camera explaining how things will proceed in the Dark Night, Dark City scenes.
Finally there's actually a really lovely intro sequence to Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1 if you're a Bobo fan, which includes Rex, the Wonder Dog. I really loved that bit.
Either way, this was one of those events with characters stuffed into every possible panel for Meaningful Reasons and a load of nonsense (I'm not even going to bother understanding some of this, but I got the impression there was a whole pack of 'where has this character been' retcons put in place).
It's a very, very, very, very Bruce Wayne obsessed event. And while there was certainly good material to enjoy in it if you like playing spotto with previous events, the entire metal lore was just ultimately painful to read.
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eridanidreams · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagging the usual suspects: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, and anyone else (ping me if I missed you and I'll add you next time!)
from the WIP chapter of stars through my fingers like grains of sand
Turned out they were grounded for a week after all, but all in all, it was worth it. Cait loved the Razorleaf from the moment she went on board—which didn't stop her from planning some serious design modifications. The engines were fantastic, but the weapons, shields and reactors needed serious upgrading. In the longer term, the Deimos modules also had to go—oh, they had a ruthless efficiency to them that no doubt scared the holy shit out of the bad guys, but Sam's shoulders went up around his ears any time he looked at them.
Assuming he wanted to keep traveling with her. After all that had happened, he and Cora had settled in for a little of that 'down time' at the Lodge while the upgrades were taking place. She'd tried to do the same, but three nights running, she'd cried herself awake, tormented by inchoate dreams of longing for someone just out of reach. They hadn't been her dreams—she recognized that, just as she recognized the unmistakable flavor of them: earthy and male, a ribbon of warm honey wound about with turquoise—but that actually made things worse. It wasn't unusual for her dreams to be impinged upon by those around her; they couldn't help it, neither could she, and she lived with it as best she could. Never before, though, had one person's emotions so outweighed the others. She had no idea what it might mean. She couldn't block them out. Sam didn't want to talk to her—since they'd gotten back to New Atlantis, he'd found excuses to avoid her. (And what could she say about it, anyway? The fact that she was privy, however inadvertently, to such deeply personal knowledge would be mortifying for both of them.)
So, she retreated to the Eye.
The bright spot in all of this was, much to her surprise, Vlad. When she looked beyond her initial prejudice, she recognized a man with the same abiding curiosity as the rest of Constellation, possessed of a deep well of wisdom that rose from an even deeper grief. In just a few days of occasional quiet conversation, he'd taught her scanner tips and tweaks that it would have taken her years to figure out herself. She even found herself discussing the Artifacts with him—including her experiences—and he simply listened. Didn't press her for more details, or scan her without warning, or try to dig for theological implications… Vlad's quiet acceptance was a balm to her nerves that she sorely needed. She didn't know what circumstance had made him so utterly self-contained, but she was profoundly glad of it.
If nothing else, it meant she could sleep, knowing her dreams would be her own, and if she still woke with tears on her cheek—they were only hers to shed.
Cait sat on one of the benches in the viewing ring, wrapped in a ratty fleece jacket two sizes too big, and gazed out into deep space. The spaceport had messaged her earlier—the Razorleaf was ready. She could fly out any time she wanted. Vlad, too, had sent her a message: he'd identified a big energy source that matched one of the Artifacts, and he thought she should be the one to check it out. In short, there was no reason for her to stick around here any longer.
She'd sent a message to the Lodge, appending Vlad's readings and notifying them of her intent to pursue it the next day. That done, she went back to staring out at the stars, wondering why she felt like her heart was breaking.
She still didn't even know how things had gone wrong. Sam had been talking about—she groaned. He'd been talking about Lillian, and then—he'd said something about her, and then… he'd just clammed up, and behind the smile he'd put on for her benefit, he'd been afraid. And she had no idea what she'd said, what she'd done, to cause such a reaction. it couldn't have been that she'd made him stay behind in the puzzle room—he'd been angry, yes, especially when she'd invoked Cora's name, but she honestly thought he'd gotten over his upset, that he'd understood why she was protecting him. That she couldn't let Cora lose him because of her.
No. Be honest with yourself, she told herself sternly. Because you couldn't lose him. Another harsh truth. He's not yours to lose.
Was that what it was? Did he think she had some sort of design on him? She shook her head. Ridiculous. Maybe he hadn't been afraid of her at all; maybe just coming so close to death had made him realize what was important to him. She rubbed her temple against the ever-present headache. Maybe, maybe, maybe. She didn't need to know why he needed space; she just respected it.
She looked back down at the tablet on her knee; it was the long list of things she needed to follow up on. Helga had sent her a message letting her know the Marshal would be available in two days. She set a reminder for that; as for the rest of Helga's message, she had no idea how to answer it. However fantastic Sam's ass might be (regarding which she was trying—and failing—to avoid having an opinion), Cait wouldn't be running for it like the Red Mile. Or any other mile, for that matter. That brought her to another moment of stark honesty: Sam wasn't the only one who dreamed of someone unattainable.
The idea that she could fall prey to something so foolishly irrational irritated her to no end. "For the love of stars, woman," she growled at her pale, space-lit reflection, "pull yourself together. You're not some badly-written gothic damsel weeping in a damned attic window. Pick yourself up, put your damn spine back in, and get on with it." There were a number of things she needed to finish. First on her list was armor modifications she needed to finish—she'd been tweaking the Mantis armor for herself, but the Mark I she'd been customizing to Sam's measurements, a replacement for the armor that had been damaged in the lair. She hoped he'd accept it—he was pragmatic enough to realize, even if he were upset with her for some reason, he needed a good suit.
She managed to lose herself in the work for several hours before her tablet beeped. Cait gave the Constellation patch on the shoulder of the Mark I one final press to smooth it flat; for a moment, she considered simply ignoring the notification… but responsibility won out, and she opened the messaging program.
SC: still owe u a dinner. kays at eight?
Cait stared down at it, trying to decide how to respond. Finally, she sighed. "You were the one upset because he didn't want to talk," she reminded herself. "Now that he does, you gonna turn your back on him?"
There was a small, petty, wounded part of her that was still tempted, but in the end...
CL: Meet you there.
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volfoss · 2 months
If you told me when I was a show only that in the books, Lestat would open by having traumatic dreams of Atlantis sinking and ask his demon possessing him (who is also kind of a brain parasite) what was going on and that would kickstart his Atlantis adventure, I would not believe you. And yet that is how Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis, book 12 of the Vampire Chronicles begins.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Sierra Six/Court Gentry Masterlist
nsfw marked with 🍋
Late Mornings
Perchance To Dream
The Bodyguard
Wanted Man
Possession Is Protection
A Little Bit Too Much
Bad Desire
A Tolerant Man
Left Unsaid
There Goes My Miracle
Film Night
Little Games
Red Squadron Leader
Rules Were Made to be Broken By You
Non-Stop Conversation
Renegade’s Boyfriend
Guys Like You & Guys Like Me
Just a Little Help
Nightmare Wrapped in His Shirt
In Sickness & So On
Parties Are For Misbehaving
All Hot and Bothered
Share A Bed, Share A Kiss
Laid Back
Let Me Savour What I’m Waiting For - 🍋
Red and Rust
That’s What Happens When You Pick Scabs
Everybody Needs a Place to Rest
Just One Quiet Night, That Was All
Overpower Me and Devour Me
When I Need You The Most
It Just Ain’t Right
The Very Last Resort
Distracted By a Sharp Dressed Man
Disobedient - 🍋
Hardly Enough Time
Beg For It (When You Call My Name) - 🍋
I’ll Look After You
Just One Night - 🍋
Purity - 🍋
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riddlemethispoetry · 1 year
shoplifting from american hegemony
The first time I am caught stealing it is from an American Apparel, I pretend
I am on the way in, leave banned but triumphant, possess now a shirt with an
eagle on it. There is a holiness to praying for forgiveness, learning; to penitence.
There is a self-prescribed divinity to not, to taking oil drum day dreams and making,
breaking home out of houses wherever you want; autofictious arrogance, and I,
I feel like I'm saying a lot out loud, and nobody's listening not even me.
There's blood in my mouth from the grind, the beat, but it's better than biting my tongue,
cutting myself on my teeth. I'm writing poetry on post it notes,
postcard scrawl, the receipt rolls of sacrament halls, shopping docket
coupons buy one get one free, buy ten have your soul back;
my spirit is burning at a stake inside of me held there by hands I made myself
the fire starts inside of me, I watch as it comes out, watch it touch these flimsy
yellow paper walls where Wilde wrote Gothic and for a moment, I want
I want to watch it all burn, because if the bar burns down, then maybe
the stories disappear, and I disappear; I'm feeling homesick for a time I could say
I love you, to say I love you, to say I am sorry for the space between us, now
for the times you put your hands on my chest and burned them; my ribcage turned
boilerroom, smoking lounge caught fire when I left the light on, let shame
watch our shadow figures fuck; for when my inner child caught frying pan handle from
stove. We catch fire in the living room, held up by hands inside of me. The smoke
exhales, we breathe deeply of one another; start to drown. There,
we made a home on the sea floor, but some people can only hold their breath
for so long before they need to scream, ask for space; need to see
mountains carve up night sky, while I dream of writing wills on the walls Atlantis,
the things I would show you there, I write on yellow wallpaper, burn them up.
I don't write for other people anymore. The last time I stole, I took a book
from a shop in a part of town I can't afford. It was a copy of Howl,
I wrote in it, put it back. Don't believe what they tell you, I tell the person after me.
This was never ours, this language, you don't have to sound like they do.
Outside I am arrested, eating Subway naked in the middle of the day.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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As summer slowly comes into town, who will come with it? Enjoy making new friends with a swim in Atlantis Lake, soak up the sun, and fall in love with Swynlake's magic...
Nani Pelekai (Nani, Lilo & Stitch) - Work-worn hands, a musical laugh when you can manage it, and a big sister’s fierce love. Your little sister is your world and you’d do anything to make sure her uni dreams come true. You’ll make Swynlake your home, for as long as Lilo needs it to be.
Dory Tang (Dory, Finding Nemo) - Who is Dory Tang? No, seriously, you're asking! As your identity comes back to you little by little, you're enjoying your life in Swynlake and making everyone smile! You do hope to have answers, and hopefully soon, but you love the new life you've made for yourself in the meantime.
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo, Lilo & Stitch) - A bright smile, lake-damp hair, and a love for photography. You come to Swynlake with your sister so you can attend university here. You've always stood out, and not in a popular girl kind of way. Will you blend in here, or maybe stand out in a good way? Or will uni be another minefield?
Maru Akalana (Maui, Moana) - Your life seems to oscillate rapidly between something terribly confusing and something incredibly wonderful. Your parents gave you up, confusing. Your first foster mother was wonderful and remained with her, wonderful! Then she gets murdered? Sad and confusing. But you found a hook with magical powers in her belongings, super cool! Except, now you think you know what they were after...and now you possesses it...yikes.
Django Brown (Django Brown, Phineas and Ferb) - What's your passion? What isn't!? Django Brown does it all -- surfing, gymnastics, art, music, he's a real renaissance man. But where are you going with all of that? You -- your parents -- hope going to Pride University will give you some direction.
Pearl Beck (Pearl, Finding Nemo) - You were taught your entire life to hide It, It being the fact you are a merperson, which in case that wasn't clear, is your entire identity!!! Swynlake a magick-friendly town, and yet, you sure don't see any out merpeople here, especially not any out cecaelia. Well, then. You're just going to have to change that and show everyone how awesome merfolk are.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
*Insert all the Disney headcanons for that meme here* <3
Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong? 
Physically. She's strong in both ways but her emotions do get the best of her sometimes
Cinderella - Did your muse experience any childhood traumas? Did they overcome them?
Yes! She lost her mother at 15, her older brother when she was in her 20s and her twin in her 30s. She herself died shortly after due to suicide by Molly overdose. Her father died shortly after her.
Bambi - What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like?
Molly and Angel were both very close with their mother. Molly had a friendly relationship with her father but also resented him for how controlling he was with her and the way he treated Anthony.
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Molly is honest with most people but has no problem lying if she feels it's necessary.
Fantasia - Does your muse believe in magic? What is their view on it?
She has no choice but to! She knows certain demons possess magical abilities and she herself dabbles in witchcraft.
Mulan - Is your muse secure in their gender identity? Have they ever experienced sexism or transphobia?
Yes. Sexism was rampant in her time period but she refused to be made into a stereotype.
Dumbo - Has your muse ever been bullied for a physical difference?
Yes. During the 1900s, racism against Italians was rampant due to the war. So she was bullied because of her ethnicity.
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
1) To have her mother back
2) For her father and Arakniss to treat Angel right
3) For Angel to be free from Valentino. She's aware of what is happening but doesn't know the gory details.
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
She would immediately feel out of place. Things like that are eerie to her.
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Well, her family is mafia so it taught her how to fight and how to get away with a lot of shit.
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Nope and it's a mystery
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
Molly can be adventurous! Especially if she has her twin bro by her side
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Yes. Hello Kitty merch
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
Street smart. Not to say she isn't book smart but education wasn't great when she was growing up.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - What is your muse’s religious beliefs? Have they ever experienced oppression at the hands of religion?
She was raised Catholic and still holds some of those beliefs but not really.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - How trusting of strangers is your muse? Would they accept a gift from a stranger?
She is very distrustful of demons she doesn't know. Especially given what some demons would do to someone like her.
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
She would want to work for it herself
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
Spider xD I think this is pretty self-explanatory
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life?
Yes and no. She's capable of course but she doesn't really want to.
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Yes! She's a giant kid though she knows how to be mature as well.
The Little Mermaid - Would your muse change themself for love, or would they wait to find someone who loves them for who they are?
She would want someone to love her for her.
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
I don't have an answer for this
Lilo & Stitch - Does your muse have any pets? Do they want any?
She doesn't but she'd like one. She doesn't think she has time to though
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kathyprior4200 · 8 days
“SpiritSpeak” 2050 world where there is telepathic communication, energy healing, less fear of death and more connection to other alien worlds…but also where people are judged by their DNA and past lives, children can interact with spirit guides, and people can speak to spirits, elementals, etc. good and bad face to face and see them like on Zoom. (Ex. those who had been murders/rapists in past lives have less access to certain jobs, those who have been royalty are favored for the government etc.) People can now access everyone’s Akashic Records via the Ethernet.
Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Spirit Guiding 101” (Learn about the Council of Elders, Life Reviews, soul families, the Oversoul (fusion of a soul group) vs the Infinite Self (Higher Self with all past/future lives in it) and the various ex-humans, masters, angels, deities, and ancestors who guide our souls in the background of our many mortal lives)
Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Soul-Play” (How soul family chooses various roles on Earth)
Episode One: “Get An Afterlife!”
Or Sasha’s beginning…her beginning beginning beyond just her physical birth, back when everything was one with God.
Episode Two: “Eternal Allies”
Sasha, dealing with her parents potentially divorcing, discrimination at school, her older brother on drugs, and her grandparent’s death, soon finds hidden allies after nearly dying in a car crash. She learns about the spirit world for the first time and finds allies on her team: ancestors, pets, several ex-humans, two guardian angels, an animal guide, an alien, a deva, and even a Jinn/demon. She astral projects back in time to Atlantis to find out more truths about humanity…and about herself. She pleads to return to Source like all souls, but is encouraged forcefully to finish her mission on Earth. The one sign of the spirit world and one that Sasha always remembers is the monarch butterfly…it shows her spirit allies are near (ancestors, evolution, spiritual transformation).
Episode Three: “Past Life Possession”
Sasha learns of her past life selves for the first time and tries to amend some karma before she loses her known identity at death for the nth time. One of Sasha’s friends undergoes a hypnosis, with unforeseen consequences. One of her past life selves is an evil man connected to the Reptilians/Draconians. A cult tries to bring the evil past self back into her body to further their operations. It is up to Sasha to send the past self back to his timeline and help the spirit guides restore her friend’s current self.
Episode Four: “For The (Akashic) Record”
A gang of evil entities break into the Akashic Records, steal various memories and cause chaos to many mortal minds. Some mortals are tricked into believing they will die early or they were someone else they were not in the past. Can Sasha/Shasta and her team of guides restore their “Books of Lives”?
Episode Five: “Future Life Obsession”
During a Day of the Dead celebration, weird shenanigans occur when a psychic stranger claims his most recent past/parallel life took place in 2044.
Episode Six: “Falling To Your Birth”
Is reincarnation a soul trap? / A dull universe where no dreams and no religion and no spirits exist.
Episode Seven: “Sinister Spirit Guide”
When spirit guides are all supposed to be loving and nonjudgmental, one master guide plots to manipulate his mortal charge’s life behind the scenes to expand his status and move closer to the intoxicating bliss of the Source.
Episode Eight: “Eat My Pixie Dust”
Sasha and friends find out just how brutal many fairies and elementals can be. While a few elementals are willing to work and nurture humans due to being part of Gaia/Earth’s work, many rightfully hate humans for destroying the environment. When one of Sasha’s allies gets trapped in the Fae world, Sasha will need the help of an angel and a demon. Problem is, one of her friends has a bias against demons due to religion.
Episode Nine: “Source Off Course”
Encounter an alternate universe where God/Source is evil and not about Oneness and souls are made of darkness instead of light. Instead of being childlike and choosing experiences to learn from, inverted souls are about survival of the fittest. Here, they are all forced into new incarnations, with hierarchies and levels like Michael Newton’s portrayal of souls
Episode Ten: “Descended Masters”
Oh sh*t! In the same soul trap universe, the Ascended Masters, angels, spirit guides are all evil low-level archon entities that have trapped souls for eons by shapeshifting and making them feel guilty during their Life Reviews. Sinister secrets paint a gruesome picture which is the exact opposite of New Age and religious teachings. The only true trustworthy beings are Source (the original one) and one’s mysterious Higher Selves. But if Sasha can’t trust her own guides in this realm, can she even trust herself to get out of this parallel nightmare?
Episode Eleven: “Soul In Control”
A soul starting out as a guru, wants to heal all diseases and pains of people without recognition, even if it means going against the predetermined death points of souls.
Episode Twelve: “11:11”
Parallel lives, and how Sasha discovers another version of herself/Oversoul (a man in California) born in 2014, set to die in 2032. In the future, children can learn about their spirit guides and past lives if desired, and more acceptance of different races, genders, aliens and species. With some "SpiritSpeak" device, people can communicate with spirit loved ones and beings like a Zoom call as humans become more like spirits and advanced aliens moving toward Source. One issue, however, is people soon being judged less on their race and gender but more on their DNA and past lives! (Nothing can escape the Ethernet)
Episode Thirteen: Part 1 “Reborn Ready”
Sasha struggles with a new romantic relationship, a reincarnated rival and trying to help local souls cross over.
Episode Thirteen: Part 2 “Til Death Do We Reunite”
After a second Near Death Experience, Sasha has to figure out her next mission…she juggles many future tasks…astral projecting, saving the spirit and Earth worlds, and worse…preparing for college!
Bonus: “Forward To The Past”
Stories of past lives
“Leviathan’s Lady”
“Kaida, Bringer of the Sun – The Heroine’s Journey”
(unknown others)
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chewsyourfate · 1 year
R'lyeh - the Legendary Sunken City
there are more sunken cities than Atlantis. Here are some details about R'lyeh
Unfathomable Depths:
R'lyeh is located deep beneath the ocean's surface, hidden from human eyes. Its precise location remains elusive, known only to a select few who have stumbled upon its existence through cryptic clues and ancient texts.
Cyclopean Architecture:
The city itself is described as having an otherworldly and alien architecture. Its structures defy human imagination, with massive, cyclopean structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. The buildings and structures are composed of strange and ancient materials, giving R'lyeh an otherworldly appearance.
Incomprehensible Geometry:
R'lyeh is said to possess a geometry that is beyond human understanding. Its angles, dimensions, and spatial arrangements are disorienting and defy conventional notions of space and time. Explorers who have glimpsed the city often describe a sense of profound unease and dislocation when attempting to comprehend its layout.
Slumbering Cthulhu:
At the heart of R'lyeh lies the resting place of Cthulhu. The enormous and grotesque idol of Cthulhu lies in a state of torpor, with the entity itself in an eternal slumber. It is said that the city of R'lyeh serves as a prison, keeping Cthulhu confined until the stars align and the time of its awakening draws near.
Psychic Influence:
Despite its submerged state, R'lyeh exerts a powerful psychic influence on those who come near it. The city's presence can induce madness and visions, with haunting whispers and strange dreams emanating from its submerged depths. The Call of Cthulhu, an irresistible psychic summons, draws people towards R'lyeh, often leading them to their doom or madness.
Temporal Anomalies:
The proximity of R'lyeh to our reality creates temporal anomalies, warping time and distorting the perception of those who venture close. Time can appear to slow down or speed up, and individuals may experience disjointed and chaotic sequences of events.
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atlantisremodeling · 1 year
Standard post published to Atlantis Remodeling at July 15, 2023 19:00
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Looking for a remodeling contractor in Sunnyvale, CA, who can handle your project with precision and care? Atlantis Remodeling is the name you can rely on. Our team of skilled remodelers possesses the expertise and knowledge to handle a wide range of remodeling projects, from minor upgrades to complete overhauls. We understand that your home is your sanctuary, and we strive to create spaces that reflect your style and functionality requirements. With our commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail, Atlantis Remodeling is the remodeling contractor of choice in Sunnyvale. Reach out to us today, and let's discuss how we can bring your remodeling dreams to life!
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angelandgypsy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Natural Blue Cat’s Eye Hand Carved Gemstone Bangle Bracelet.
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hermeticphoenix · 2 years
The Knowledge of Atlantis
Atlantis civilization developed rapidly technologically and spiritually. Most Atlantean teachings were from Lemuria. Lemuria, therefore, was the Mother of Atlantis.
The bodies of the Atlanteans were somewhat different from the Lemurians. They had denser bodies which also made them somewhat separated from each other. There was still a great connection among the positive souls of Atlantis, much like in Lemuria. During the end of Atlantis, the shadow or the collective unconscious had risen, like what happened in Lemuria, and some Atlanteans chose to be possessed by this shadow instead of dealing with it with their light.
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The Atlanteans possessed great knowledge which can be found in ancient Egyptian mystery teachings as well as in some parts of Asia, such as in ancient India with its complex spiritual knowledge and Tibet. Others were in South America and Europe. The mystery teachings were so deep and advanced that even the simplest symbolism or analogy were difficult to understand for modern human beings.
In Atlantis, science and spirituality were combined, and the people saw no separation between the two. These days, most of us still have a difficult time connecting our religions and science. In the ancient times, science was more advanced and it can be understood using spiritual perspective. After all, the Atlanteans used what we call magic to create and understand their technologies and the hierarchies within their society.
The Atlantean spiritual knowledge was so vast that they understand the mysteries of the cosmos and consciousness. They were still exploring and experimenting like humanity today. An Atlantean said, "there will be a time where a planet will go to sleep to contemplate its lessons. That is what happening right now on Earth. Human beings need to remember who they are, for they have forgotten the Spirit which they came from. The Sun exists to remind us that there will be always light after the period of darkness, and the Sun is the portal to understand divinity which exists in the All."
The Atlanteans knew very much of the cosmic wisdom that they were meant to teach all over the universe, to all willing and deserving students. Indeed, the Earth is one of the greatest spiritual universities where every being can learn from experiences. Understanding and uniting with nature can bring divine wisdom that would make heaven on Earth. These things can be found within since human beings are the microcosm. Therefore, spiritual purification is needed in the beginning of every spiritual initiation.
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"We have learned to count the stars in the sky and dream and hear of its wondrous songs that echo throughout the universe. We have learned to communicate through dreams so that we may remember who we are. We have learned to control the rhythm of the cosmos so that we would ascend to the higher plane and unite with our higher selves. We have learned to read the parallel timelines to create the reality that we desire.
"Humanity is dreaming of a blank space for they have not found the wonders and powers of nature within their souls. The blind seek the power outside itself and the deaf pretends to hear cosmic knowledge that it cannot comprehend.
"What have we gathered? What have we learned from ourselves and our interactions with the world and beyond? Simple. To learn is to experience the truth within oneself, to understand is to realize the truth of the cosmos. We are mirroring each other, we are but reflections, and through this, we learn and understand, we realize and accept. The universe is full of joy and love and it will teach its mysteries to the rightful students, those who can attune themselves to the universe and God.
"Atlantis has beginning and end, but its teachings will continue, its mysteries expanding in different timelines and realities if the vibrations are matched. Atlantis has come and it is never lost within the human consciousness, it is only there, deep within the minds of men, women, and children. One day, you will realize that it is us all that we affect and influence each other. We are our own teachers and pupils. It is all the same. The gods, the stars, the angels and demons, the plants, animals, and dimensions, are all us."
From My Occult Journal
© J.A 2022
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