#drawing and looking at this makes me want to gnaw on my arm gOD.
what wasnt being said in the poly poolverine storyline??? youve got me so hooked on this one
Enjoy a smut
"So, Angel baby," Wade demanded when you settled on the couch, "make with the details. What'd they say?"
You take a drink and a deep breath and Logan trades looks with Wade behind your head as they take seats on either side of you. "Well. My brain is still there, so that's good news."
"But," Logan prompted, feeling his stomach sink unpleasantly.
"But," you sigh, "they're going to try some new meds and if that doesn't work surgery IF I'm even a candidate for it. But IF they do that the recovery time is a beast and so is the therapy and-"
"We'll figure it out," Wade said.
You shake your head, "I don't expect you to-"
"Shut up," Logan said without any real heat, dropping an arm around your shoulders.
"And," you sigh, "there's still the risk that it could leave me worse off than I am now."
"We'll figure it all out," Wade said, kissing the side of your head.
"I still understand if-"
"Shut up," they tell you in unison.
Wade grabbed your chin and licked into your mouth, cutting off anything else you could say as he kissed you. His usual gentleness replaced with something like desperation. Days of pent up anxieties that had been gnawing at him bubbling up. And on your other side, Logan isn't about to be left out. Taking advantage of the exposed, tender skin on your neck to make his own feelings about it known. Scraping the flesh with his teeth. Making you whimper
"Aw hell no," Althea muttered, "Not this shit again."
You try to pull away from Wade to stammer an apology but Wade keeps hold of your hair and nips at your lip possessively, grinning when you close your eyes and shiver. "Poor neglected angel baby," he cooed, "Look at her, Peanut-"
The Apartment door slammed with Althea's exit and Logan's only response was to carefully shred your shirt. Leaving you in a bralette and your jeans on the couch. Exposing left over bits of adhesive and the bruises on your arms from blood draws and IVs. And he growls possessively. Burrying his face in your breasts and nuzzling briefly before he knelt in front of you and pushed your knees apart. Kissing the bruises on your arms.
"Good girl," Wade said, pulling off his shirt, "Just relax. Think you can take us today, huh?"
"Want to," you whine, letting your head loll back. "Missed my boys."
"You can do it, Princess," Logan growled, unbuttoning your jeans and trailing soft kisses down your stomach.
"He's so soft for you, baby," Wade purred. "Got us both so owned we're stupid. Not goin' anywhere, 'kay?"
"I just don't want you to have to take care of me," you protest, going tense.
Logan grumbled and pulled your jeans and panties down, leaving you exposed you him, and sank his teeth into your thigh. Sharply enough that you cried out, and he licked tenderly at the bite to soothe it. "Ours," he grunted.
"God that's fuckin' hot-"
"Wade," you whine. It's hard to focus. It's hard to think. It's hard to do anything except WANT when they're touching you like this. And when Logan smirks up at you, teasing your folds with just the pad of his index finger, almost lazily- you can only whimper.
"Angel baby," Wade crooned, "what's the matter, huh? You wanna play too?" He shimmied out of his pants and let his cock spring free, "Come to papa. Let's give you something to do, huh?"
And you do, licking at his tip to tease him. Satisfied when you feel his hands in your hair to stroke it. "That's it, Sweetie. Feels better, hu- Fuuuck. Yes. You know what I- Shit."
"Good girl," Logan growled. Giving you a little more now that you're starting to relax some. Losing yourself like you need to- to not think so much. To not worry so much. And your answering muffled mewl is like music to his ears. "That's it, kid. Gonna put two inside you, kay?" Better Music to his ears s that Wade is helpless in your capable hands. All he can do is sing your praises and try not to fuck your face.
Logan could sympathize- You had some super fucking human blowjob skills and he was willing to bet if Wade so much as twitched he was gonna lose it. But- there were rules. And when you were with them, they'd both agreed "Ladies First" was the first rule. It wasn't going to be fair if you hurt yourself and had to tap out before you got to come. They learned that the hard way.
He kept working you and kept at it, slow and steady. Enjoying the steady cresendo of your release. And when you did come, moaning incoherently around Wade's cock, his breathless little scream made Logan grin as he watched his other lover spatter come down your chest- careful not to get it on your face or in your hair.
"Christ," he panted, "What is this Prom night?"
Logan smirked and kissed you before he kissed Wade, "What's the matter, bub, she get the best of ya?"
"It's the fucking tongue thing. Every time- succubus." He pouted and leaned down to kiss you, wiping come off you with his discarded shirt, "Did you have a gay boyfriend or something? Fuck."
You snort, "If you learn to suck dick, suddenly boys don't care as much if you don't really want to fuck."
"Only because they don't know how to fuck," Logan growled, rubbing your hips.
"Such a DILF thing to say," Wade said, leaning over to kiss Logan, "as soon as I can feel my legs again-"
"As soon as you can feel your fucking legs, you pussy," he said, smirking, "you're sucking my dick while she sits on my face."
"So bossy," Wade pouted, "Guess I gotta get my kisses in now huh? Since Logi-bear decided he wants to be Daddy today."
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flowerakatsuka · 6 days
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the girl next door 37
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Steve’s glare follows you out the door. You don’t look back as you flit out with your roll of pencils and sketchbook. Peter stands casually at the bottom of the steps, his camera hanging around his neck. He smiles and you show your teeth. Your cheeks are tight. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asks as he walks behind you. 
“Fine,” you like. 
He reaches around you to open the gate and you lead him out. You turn down the pavement and he comes up next to you as the latch clanks shut behind him. You shrink down as his arms brushes yours. Your steps are wide and stiff as your clothing rubs against your pelvis. 
“You looked sad when you drove by so I thought maybe you’d like to see the frogs again.” He says. 
“Oh?” You peek over at him. 
“Uh, not that you don’t look nice. I like your hair.” He grins. 
“Uh, yeah, Steve... Steve took me to the salon.” 
“That’s really nice of him. Weird, he seemed a bit grumpy.” He remarks as he checks out his camera, walking casually without a glance ahead. 
“Mm, yeah. He was.” 
“But he still took you out for all that?” 
“Yeah...” you drone. “Thanks for stopping by. I... don’t go out much.” 
“Gets kinda lonely by myself. The frog doesn’t always show up, then it’s even lonelier.” He chuckles and you try to. You feel heavy. 
When you get to the bridge, he goes to the railing and works at adjusting his lenses. You perch yourself in the grass, just at the apex of the rise that leads down to the river. You open your sketchbook to new page but don’t bother with your pencils. You don’t feel like drawing. Usually, it’s what helps you calm down but now you can’t even focus. 
Peter snaps photos and points out the tadpoles rippling across the surface. You stare through the water, minnows speckling shadows onto the silt. It’s beautiful and peaceful. It’s a stark contrast to what you know awaits you at home. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Peter asks as he leans on the railing and looks at you. 
You nod and shrug. You can’t lie anymore. You bend your legs and toss your sketchbook beside you. You hang your head and cross your arms over your knees. The bridge creaks as Peter comes around. He lowers himself next to you. 
“Hey, you know, it’s been a while and all but you can talk to me.” He says. “Is it your mom? She bad?” 
“She... she has a nurse now. They take care of her.” 
He exhales softly. “Mm,” he hums thoughtfully. The water babbles gently as he fiddles with his camera. “Is it Steve?” 
You’re silent. Deathly so. Tellingly. You shift and grimace at the burn along your thighs. 
“You uncomfortable or something?” He asks. “You’re fidgeting a lot.” 
It's gnawing at you from the inside. You can't hold it in any longer. You're terrified.
“Peter,” you squeak. “I don’t... I don’t want you to judge me.” 
“Judge you?” He chuckles. “For what?” 
Your eyes glisten and you sniff, leaning your head back. You look at him slowly. “At the salon...” you quick avert your gaze and hunch down again. “They waxed me.” 
“Oh? Yeah, your brows look pretty good.” 
“No, my... my privates.” 
He makes a strange noise, “really? Uh, I think yeah, a lot of girls get that done.” 
“I didn’t-- I didn’t want it. Steve he... he made me.” 
He sighs and sniffs. “Why would he do that?” 
You raise your head and your tears spill out. His brown eyes are warm. You feel fuzzy. 
“He touches me. Says things. Does things.” 
“What?” He hisses. “Oh, god, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. I asked for it. I... deserve it but... my mom needs help and he can give it to her.” You sniffle and wipe your nose. 
“You don’t have to stay there. Oh god, you should come back with me. To my Aunt May’s. She remembers you.” He insists. 
You shake your head, “I belong with my mom.” 
He huffs, “you don’t belong there. Not with that. With him.” 
“Please. Please. I can’t leave her. But...” you quaver at the thought in the back of your mind. “I’m scared.” 
“Yeah, well, who wouldn’t be--” 
“Please, just let me talk. And I’m sorry because it’s going to be really strange.” You shake your head and chew your lip. You think of last night and the car ride and all the things Steve promised. You want to hurt him too and you don’t know how else to do so. “Will you do it with me first?” 
He garbles and winces. His breath turns shallow and he looks around, “do what?” 
“Peter.” You touch his arm. “I don’t want it to hurt and I know you’ll be nice.” 
“But... we... it’s a lot.” 
“Oh,” you cover your face. “I told you it’s weird. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just... I can’t stop him.” 
“Just come with me,” he pleas. 
“I told you, my mom!” You snap. “It’s okay. I’ll... I’ll just... hold my breath.” 
He wallows beside you. A tense silence rises between you, around you, consuming you. You’re embarrassed and you think he is too. You can hear him swallow. 
“I’m... I’ve never done it before either so... I... I’m nervous.” He confesses. You slowly turn to him. 
“Yeah, I just never got to it, I guess but maybe it’s not so bad knowing that neither of us... have?” His brows squiggle and he pushes his shoulders up. 
You nod, “is that... are you going to do it?” 
He bites his lips and his brown eyes scan around the grass and water. 
“My aunt’s at home right now, we can’t really sneak in so...” 
“It’s okay. We’ll do it here.” 
“Here?” He gurgles. 
“Yeah,” you reach for his hand and stand up slowly, “come on.” 
He blinks widely and gets up. He wiggles his hand free and lifts his camera straps from around his neck. He follows you with his head down. You carefully walk down the incline to the river and dip under the bridge. There’s just enough dirt to stand on. 
“How--?” He asks as he sets the camera on the wooden plank that braces the bridge. 
“It doesn’t have to be romantic.” You unbutton your shorts as you turn your back to him. “I just wanna get it over with.” 
“Hey, woah,” he draws your hand away from the denim and pulls you back towards him. “I don’t want it like that. Let’s take it slow, okay?” 
You look at him pout. “Okay, slow.” 
“Can I... can I kiss you?” He asks. 
“Sure,” you smile without thinking. It doesn’t feel so scary. Not with him. 
He guides you closer and puts your hands on his shoulders. He wraps his arms around you and brushes his nose down yours. His breath tickles you and he presses his lips to yours lightly. He’s shy at first. His tongue darts out then away, then out again. He grows bolder and you let him inside. He groans in surprise and delight. 
You sigh into him and your body relaxes. You slide your arms around his shoulders and cling to him. He kind and warm and nice. You like the taste of him. You like that you can feel his heart racing. You like that his touch makes you tingle that way. 
You can do this. That way when you have to face Steve, you don’t have to be there. Not in your head. No, you’ll just think of Peter and the river and the smell of pollen. 
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I Won't Lose You
I've been told by all my friends who have played bg3 that durge runs should not be the first run of the game but here I am, doing just that. In my defense, I want to go around as a fictional dragonborn trying to kill most things and save scumming on dialogue choices for approval ratings.
Summary: The dark urge takes over when Astarion gets injured in battle. In the aftermath, you flee, afraid of what the others think of you now but Astarion goes after you to bring you back to camp and reassure you that nothing has changed.
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When the arrow pierces through his shoulder, all you can see is red. Blood roars in your ears, a scream tears itself from your throat and you change. You become a different person, your legs move of their own accord, the dagger in your hand twirls and you stab downwards. Over and over again you stab, blood splattering all over you but you don’t care. You’re not thinking, everything is a blur except the one word that rings in your head.
And so you kill, your dagger tearing into flesh and drawing blood with each sickening squelch. The metallic taste floods your tongue and you grin. You feel alive, powerful, invincible. No one can stop you, no one can take anything away from you ever again. Laughter bubbles within your chest, bursting forth as you stand there, head thrown back. Blood drips from your clothes onto the floor but you barely notice it. Euphoria thrums through your veins, you’ve killed the being who tried to take the only thing you have left from you. It feels wonderful.
You feel as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and raise your arms towards the sky, laughing all the while.
“Try it! Try and take him away from me!” You yell. “I’ll kill you all!”
Adrenaline rushes through your veins as the goblins flee in terror from the figure covered in blood. Your legs begin to move, feet pushing off the floor as you hunt them down, a wild gleeful look in your eyes. Your dagger slices through their skin, ripping open arteries, tearing off limbs and you only laugh harder at their screams of pain.
You slam your dagger into the neck of the goblin leader, crouching on its back as the body falls to the floor with a loud thud.
“No one can take him away from me,” you growl. “Not even the gods.”
You look up to see your companions’ various reactions, but the only one you really care about is Astarion’s. As you take a step towards him, reaching out with a bloody hand, he takes a step back, ruby eyes wide with horror. For a moment, all he can see is Cazador, drenched in blood with a grin so wide it stretches his face, and then he blinks and you’re standing in front of him, a look of hurt in your eyes.
Before your name can fall from his lips, you’re gone, running into the nearby forest. Everyone turns to look at him, the same question in their minds: what did he do?
Back in camp, Astarion tries to ignore the gnawing feeling in his chest as Shadowheart heals his injury. He can’t shake the look you gave him before running away, the fear that filled your gaze. He recognised the look, after all, it was the same as the one he wore as Cazador’s spawn – the look of despair.
“I’m going out for a walk,” he says and leaves the camp before anyone can say anything. In all honesty, he has no idea how to find you, all he knows is that he has to. He can’t leave you alone to fend for yourself, especially not in that condition of yours. Letting out a sigh, he makes his way back to the battle site. He can try starting from there, track the scent of your blood and hopefully find you before anything else does.
When he reaches the site, he notices a lone figure sitting by the bloodstained rubble, their knees hugged against their chest.
“Y/N,” he calls out. You look up, and then quickly look back down, curled even more into yourself. Astarion feels his undead heart ache at the sight of your current state. You’ve always been the life of the party – cheerful, upbeat, optimistic. He’s the one who is broody, sitting in the corner and staring at everyone else and yet here you are, sitting all alone in the cold night with no fire to keep you warm.
“May I inquire as to why you have stolen my role as the broody rogue?” He seats himself next to you whilst maintaining some distance. You keep silent, staring into the distance.
“Come now, darling. Let’s head back to camp, the others miss you dearly, not as much as they miss me of course but –”
“Leave.” Your voice wavers. When he doesn’t move, you repeat your words a little louder. “I said leave.”
“But why, darling? You’re clearly cold and hungry, the camp has both fire and food. Don’t tell me you plan on freezing to death while starving? It’s not a very comfortable way to go,” he tuts. “You should choose a better way of dying.”
“I deserve it,” you mutter. “After what I did.”
“After what you did? You killed the goblins and protected the weak, I don’t believe any of that is deserving of such a slow death.” Astarion attempts to lighten the mood but your face remains sullen.
“You know what I’m talking about. I saw it, the way you looked at me. You don’t want me anymore, you shouldn’t. I’m a monster.” Your voice cracks, tears sliding down your cheeks.
“That’s not the worst thing I’ve seen,” his voice drops to a whisper. “And my feelings for you haven’t changed in the slightest. I still want whatever it is that we have, this weird relationship of ours. Nothing will ever change my mind about it. Your appearance simply…reminded me of something I’d rather forget in that moment, but the situations couldn’t be more vastly different.”
Astarion reaches out with a hand, simply holding an upturned palm towards you. A simple gesture, but one filled with so much meaning between the two of you. You stare at it, a hand slowly reaching out before pulling back again when you see how bloodstained your hand is.
Seeing as you are still in no mood to talk, he continues. “Whenever Cazador was covered in blood, it tended to be my blood. Usually it was after he had finished torturing me for whatever sick reason he had and he would smile at me, asking if I would be his good pet. You were covered in goblin blood, vowing to kill anyone even the gods if they tried to harm me. You were protecting me, not harming me, and I am forever grateful for that.”
Astarion takes your bloodstained hand and presses it against his cheek, leaning into the warm feeling, “I need you, Y/N.”
You feel a fresh wave of tears prick at the corners of your eyes, biting your bottom lip to stop the cascade. He shifts closer to you and leans in, ready to pull away should you flinch but you remain still, looking him in the eye and so he wraps himself around you, holding you tightly.
The dam bursts open and you weep, clutching at his tunic. Ugly tears dampen his sleeve, ruining his perfect appearance but Astarion doesn’t care. He’d do anything for you, just like how you’d do anything for him. The vampire spawn rests a reassuring hand on the back of your head while the other rubs circles on your back as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Right now, only you matter, and if you needed a shoulder to cry on, he would be that shoulder.
“I can’t lose you,” you sob through the tears. “I’ve lost everything else already, I can’t lose you too. WIthout you, I…I don’t know what to do. You’re the only one who keeps me going.”
Astarion presses his lips to your head, closing his eyes as he takes in your sweet scent, “I can’t lose you either, Y/N, and I promise, we will remain by each other’s side forever.”
His words make you cry harder and you bury yourself into his chest, crying until you have nothing left to give and lie there panting, cries reduced to sniffles. Astarion kisses away the tears that remain on your cheek, lips lingering longer than necessary with each kiss before pressing his forehead against yours.
“All these years, I’ve always wondered if anyone would ever care about me to the point where they would do anything to protect me, and now I’ve found my answer in you,” he murmurs. “I couldn’t be happier knowing that you would choose me over everything else.”
“I love you too,” you whisper back. “Thank you, for accepting me after seeing what I really am.”
“Any time, dearest.” He continues to cradle you in his arms, gently swaying from side to side. As your eyelids begin to flutter shut, he decides that tonight, it can’t just be you who is vulnerable. You trust him enough to drop your guard to this extent around him, he wants to repay the favour.
“I had a nightmare about you, just the other night.” He gently pushes your hair out of your face, tracing your jawline. He’s been wanting to keep this a secret, afraid of scaring you but since you had challenged the gods themselves, perhaps a vampire wasn’t that scary in comparison.
“Did I look hot in it?”
Astarion blinks in surprise. Maybe he was rubbing off on you too much. Amusement colours his face as he gives your cheek a poke and pouts. “First you steal my role as the broody rogue in the party and now you try to take my place as the residential flirt?”
“It’s all your fault,” you huff good naturedly, folding your arms across your chest. “You’ve been a terrible influence on me.”
He smiles softly, giving you a peck on the lips, “I suppose I have. Although I must say, you have a long way to go before you can ever reach my level.”
“I can’t possibly put you out of a job, can I? Whatever will I do to keep my vampire lover around then?”
“You simply need to exist, darling. That is all.”
Your gaze softens and you press your lips against his, kissing him deeply.
“Do you want to talk about your nightmare?” You ask once you reluctantly break away from the kiss to breathe. He nods, swallowing hard.
“Cazador had you. He threatened to kill you unless I returned to him, threatened to turn you into one of his spawn just like me and make you suffer for an eternity while I watched. You swore and cursed at me, saying all this was my fault, that it was all because of me that you were now on the cusp of being turned into a vampire spawn, and I –” His fingers tremble. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“Star –”
“I hesitated! I thought about putting myself before you, and I –”
“I want you to do that.”
His eyes widen, “darling, you can’t possibly –”
“Star, you’ve spent far too long putting everyone before yourself. You need to start putting yourself before others from time to time, to stand up for yourself. I want you to live your own life, not someone else’s. And if Cazador ever comes for us, well I won’t let him separate us. We’ll have each other’s backs as we always do, and he won’t stand a chance.”
You say it with such certainty that Astarion almost believes you, but a nagging voice in the back of his head reminds him of how strong Cazador is. Yet, looking deep into your eyes and seeing your resolve, a small part of him dares to hope again. Maybe, he really could stand up against his master with you by his side. Maybe one day, he really could be free, but for now, he’s more than content to simply hold you in his arms, feeling your warm embrace and his undead heart soaring.
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ughthisisntright · 1 year
Add Some Spice | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader x Jake Seresin
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Summary: In a surprise turn of events, your dear fiancé surprises you with a fantasy you'd had yet to voice to him... or so you thought.
My official submission for @sushiwriterhere threesomeissance 2023!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+, threesome (mmf), p in v sex, ass play, anal, double penetration, general sexual goodness.
Word Count: 2,326
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How did you even end up here?
Sweating, writhing, dripping - some fluids not even your own - and positively undone.
Even as your cunt is filled with Jake’s cock, mouth stuffed with Bradley’s, your mind can still replay the series of events that started this entire evening. What was a harmless fantasy you'd shared with a girlfriend of yours has turned into possibly the most erotic moment of your life.
Up until now, at least.
“Oh, my God!” Your friend - Alisha - cackled. “You're not serious?”
“No way!” You laughed before sipping your drink, rounding the bar at the Hard Deck to get a little closer to where Bradley stood playing pool with the guys. “I’d let each of them take their turn with me, hands down.”
“You’re filthy!” Alisha hollered, laughing at your frankness. “But…” She glanced out at the men, beginning to nod as understanding dawned on her. “Yeah, okay, I’d totally let them ping-pong me like the slutty thing I am. Or, at least, would be for them.” You playfully smacked her arm.
“That's my fiancé you're talking about,” you warned sarcastically. The two of you doubled over in giggles as you walked back to the group of aviators gathered around the pool table.
Bradley felt your warmth and slowly snaked his arm around your waist as you sidled up next to him, kissing the top of your head as he usually did. As far as you knew, the tall brunette hadn't heard a lick of what you and your friend were so brazenly daydreaming about. He sipped his beer, stared straight ahead, and his mind swam with exactly how he would pull this off for you…
Bradley approached Jake later that same night, the most uncomfortable look on his face that the Southern man had ever seen. Bradley’s hands fidgeted at his sides as he walked up to him at the bar, having excused himself to get another beer and using it as the perfect cover to talk. And, as he approached, Jake’s heart sank into his gut as the possible scenarios of what he was about to hear ran in his mind.
“Hey, man,” Bradley grunted. “Got a sec?”
“I dunno,” Jake turned to look at the bombshell wiggling her fingers at him in the corner. “Ah, shit, why not? What's up?”
“Got kind of a… Weird question,” he continued.
“Uh-oh, trouble in love land?” Jake drawled with a grin. “What happened?”
“Nothing! I just… I overheard her talking with Alisha and… Well,” Bradley shifted on his feet, gnawing on the inside of his cheek.
“Spit it out, man, I’ve got a clock here.” Jake seemed irritated already. Bradley wasn't sure if he could do this.
“She said something about… Wanting us to take turns with her. In bed,” Bradley looked like he was going to pass out. Jake stood there gaping at Bradley, searching his face for any sign of this being a joke. A cruel, sick, stupid joke. When he received no indication, he cleared his throat.
“Well,” Jake started, uneasy. “I guess… Uh, maybe you should talk to her about it?”
“Nah, see-” Bradley looked around to make sure you weren't near them. “I’m kind of down for it. Only if you are, though.”
Jake’s eyes seemed to light up at the suggestion. Was he down for it? He’s been down bad for you since he laid eyes on you, until he realized you were spoken for and stepped back. And then, when it was Bradley whom you were spoken for, it made it all that much harder.
Bradley couldn't help but draw into himself as his words hung in the air. He was sure Jake was about to laugh in his face, tell everyone, then move on. He was sure you’d be mortified that he’d overheard you. He was even more sure, though, that this would make you happy. After all, it’s nice to mix things up in the bedroom.
And then, just as Bradley was about to chuckle, clear his throat and suggest it was just a bad idea and tell Jake to forget about it, Jake’s voice cut through the agony in his head.
“I’ll do it.”
It was all a blur from there. Bradley approaching you, that warm, sweet smile you've loved for so many years. And hands - hands that weren't his - settling on your hips. You remember feeling anxious. But… With Bradley looking at you so sweetly, how could you resist your man?
“Heard you needed somethin’ from me, sugar,” Jake drawled against your ear. “Bradley told me everything.”
“What… What?” You breathed out the words softly, stunned.
“I heard you and Alisha, baby girl,” Bradley piped up. “Such a naughty little fantasy you shared. And so…”
“Scandalous,” Jake finished. “How could I refuse such an offer?” His hands traveled up your loose-fitting t-shirt and fingertips ghosted over the soft skin of your stomach.
Bradley walked up to you and placed a hand on the side of your neck. Looking back up at him, doe-eyed and stunned, he smirked and slid his hand down your face only to wrap it around your neck loosely.
“Let’s go have some fun.”
So now, here you are, a mix of sweat and cum and stuffed completely full of the two aviators. The lewd sounds of skin slapping together and your own choking radiate throughout the room. You’re positively delirious with pleasure and Bradley - sweet, sweet Bradley - knows exactly what you need.
Bradley looks down at you as he fucks your mouth and runs a big hand through your hair to pull it out of your face. You open your eyes to look at him, cheeks hollowed out, sucking his painfully-hard cock. He gives you the darkest grin you’ve ever seen on his beautiful face.
“So pretty,” he growls. “So full of us. You must be on cloud fucking nine, baby girl.”
Jake’s fingers dig hard into the flesh of your hips. You’re sure there will be beautiful bruises there come morning. And you're sure Bradley will kiss them with the tender touch he always showered you with. The bruising pace Jake set behind you reminded you of the delicate way in which Bradley loves you.
And you need that reminder.
“Mnh-nh!” Your moans fall around Bradley’s cock as he tilts his head back.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans. “Feels so good when you moan for me.”
“You're sweating, Bradshaw-” Jake hisses.
“So are you,” Bradley retorts. “How's she looking?”
“So pretty,” Jake grunts and slows down a little. He leans his head forward, letting some spit dribble from his mouth. You feel it dripping down the crack of your ass and you whine around Bradley. You know where this is going.
“Gonna get prettier, darlin’,” Jake drawls. He uses his fingers to spread his spit around your ass hole. Testing the waters, he presses the pads of his fingers to the opening and pushes them in just a touch. The way you clamped around him had him seeing stars.
“Oh, pretty girl, you're squeezin’ me so hard,” he groans. He feels you loosen up and continues pushing his fingers inside you. Knuckle-deep, he chuckles in satisfaction. Your mewls around Bradley’s cock were music to his ears.
He resumes his relentless pace and his eyes snap to meet Bradley’s. Bradley looks close, he can tell by the strain of the veins in his neck. A dark grin crosses the Southern man’s face.
“Gonna cum in her filthy mouth, Bradshaw?” Jake coos. Bradley lets out a huff of air and shakes his head. “Sure looks like it. Fuck, look at you,”
Bradley looks down at his own cock stuffed in your mouth, the tears in your eyes and hears the way Jake taunts him. His lip twitches and he lets out a shattered breath.
“Fuck-hhh you- Jake!” He cries out and pulls his cock from your mouth, squirting his hot cum all over your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, thankful none of it got in them. You drool as you feel the liquid dripping down your face, moaning softly,
“Damn, Bradshaw-” Jake hisses. “You made a mess,” he feels your walls flutter around his cock and simply holds his thick fingers inside your ass. They're in deep and you can only feel pleasure.
“Shit, she looks so pretty like this.” Bradley leans his head back against the wall and looks down at you, languidly stroking his cock as he watches his release dripping off your chin. “Never painted your face before, baby, I think I’ll keep doing that.”
You moan in response and feel Jake’s cock hitting a spot deep inside you that you've never felt before with Bradley. You assume it's because of his fingers being stuffed to the knuckle inside your ass. And you'd have to convince Bradley to do the same tomorrow night.
Bradley swipes his thumb across your cheek and smirks. He brings the digit up to Jake’s mouth and feeds him the cooling fluid. Jake happily accepts his cum and stares him in the eyes, establishing some kind of dominance.
“A-Ahhhah, Jake I-I’m gonna- Fuck! I’m gonna cum-mmm!” Your babbling snaps him from his trance. He grinds against you and forces his cock impossibly deeper which sends you into a tizzy.
Bradley brings his fingers down to stroke your aching clit and just like that - they’ve got you. You clamp down around Jake’s cock as he pumps in and out of you, cumming harder than you ever have. You shriek their names, throat ripped to shreds before Bradley's lips close over yours in a bruising kiss.
Jake’s hips slam into yours harshly and you can feel him twitch inside you, spilling himself inside you violently. He grunts an animalistic sound you've never heard before and squeezes your hips in his large hands.
You're left a panting, moaning mess. Bradley’s cum still on your face, growing colder by the minute. Jake sits inside you still and Bradley is soothing your burning skin with his gentle hands. Jake finally pulls out of you and you collapse into a heap on top of your fiancé.
“Oh, sugar,” Bradley chuckles. “You're cute if you think we're done.”
Your whine of exhaustion must be a secret code word for them, as Jake is gathering you up and laying back, pulling your back flush against his as he lays down. You feel his pulsing erection at your ass hole and whimper softly. You know exactly what this means.
“Gonna go slow, darlin’,” Jake whispers huskily in your ear. “Gonna make you scream again. Right, Bradshaw?” Another chuckle comes from above you - Bradley.
“She sounds so pretty when she screams for us, Seresin.”
Jake slowly pushes himself inside your ass, your teeth gritting and grinding as he stretches your hole wide open. You hiss in pain but the relaxation of your muscles brings incredible pleasure. You cry out softly as the full feeling begins to make you shiver.
“Oh, God, Jakey…” you whine. “S’Good…”
Bradley’s fingers poke and prod at your still-leaking cunt. You keen loudly at the feeling, already knowing now what the two had planned.
“Baby girl, fuck. You're squeezing the life outta poor Jake back there,” Bradley huffs. “Let's see how much more room you've got…”
He climbs over your body, and Jake's, and pushes his cock inside your cunt. Slowly, inch by inch, he seats himself fully inside you. Your strangled cries of pleasure are indication enough that they haven't hurt you. His hands are planted on either side of both your heads as he begins to pull out, only to snap his hips back to yours.
Jake moans as he feels you clench around him and Bradley, also loving the feeling of Bradley’s balls bumping against his. It's more intimate than he was planning on but fuck, if it didn't feel good. Your whimpering was simply music to their ears.
Bradley grunts and picks up the pace, Jake beginning to move inside you as well. You're overwhelmed with pleasure feeling their cocks slide past each other from the two angles they hit. Your eyes roll back in your head and you're babbling fucked-out nonsense as they fill you to the brim.
“Hah, baby girl, fuck,” Bradley grunts desperately. “So fuckin’ tight, I’m gonna cum again-”
“She's got a vice grip on me, Bradshaw, holy shit.” Jake’s voice is wrecked and you can tell he's trying to hold back. He’ll cum soon, too.
“Wanna cum baby? Need to cum?” Bradley teases. You nod your head in a daze and squeeze your eyes shut as his hand comes down to assault your clit.
“Cum, darlin’,” Jake hisses. “Fucking cum already.”
Your scream rips through your throat as your orgasm washes over you. It's the longest orgasm you've ever had, and by far the most intense. It causes your fingers to tingle and toes to curl. You're left a crying, drooling mess.
Jake cums shortly after you, Bradley in tow. They grunt and groan your name as they fill your body once again. Bradley, spent from the marathon he just ran with the two of you, folds over you, still seated inside you. Jake pulls out of you and whimpers in exhaustion. A sound none of you were expecting.
In a daze, you feel Bradley pull you off of Jake and onto his chest. You wrap yourself around him and bury your face in his neck. All you need now is him. Your loving husband-to-be.
“I got you, baby,” he coos. “I've always got you.”
Jake smiles down at the two of you before sitting back. Bradley looks over at him and gives him a knowing nod of approval, which Jake returns. As if this was a “bro” thing that they'd arranged. You, on the other hand, are just a jelly mess of limbs and tingling all over.
“Jake,” Bradley hums.
“Bradshaw?” Jake answers.
“Appreciate your time,” your fiancé says with a smirk.
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@roosterscock @kmc1989
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shuadotcom · 1 year
Irresistible | KMG (M)
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Summary: You love Mingyu's hands and arms, especially when he holds you and touches you in the most sinful way.
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Afab!Reader
Genres & AUs: Smut, pwp, established relationship au
Warnings: Fingering, a little dirty talk, body worship? (mc is in love with Mingyu’s hands and arms), public sex, outdoor sex (they’re in the woods 0/10 would recommend), pet names (sweetheart, baby)
Words: 1.2k
Note: A little drabble thingy I wrote in a few hours for Mingyu’s birthday! It’s not beta’d so please don’t tell me about the typos bc I’ll probably find them in like 6 months when I decide to randomly reread it lol. It’s also my first time writing a fic completely on mobile and posting on the app (very annoying btw 😒). I also have a different Gyu fic that I finished that I want to get beta’d before I post - hopefully in the next day or so! It’s a little fluff moment though and not like whatever this horny shit is lol.
Net tag: @kflixnet
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Mingyu’s hands are one of your favorite things about him (and yes it’s a very extensive list). His hands are so pretty and always so warm. The pads of his fingers are calloused in the best way but also always so soft.
He’s an expert at holding your hands and loves linking his fingers through yours and rubbing circles into your skin. You love watching him use his hands. Whether it’s when he cooks and you admire the skilled way he handles knives and chopsticks, or when he’s typing on his computer or phone and you watch how his nimble fingers glide over the keyboard and screen.
You love when he’s gripping something, especially something heavy, and you get to see the veins under the skin of his hands bulge, muscles stretching and flexing, reminiscent of pathways on a map; a map that trails all the way up his forearms to his biceps. His bulky, sculpted, wonderful biceps.
Those are a favorite of yours too.
You know he truly puts in the work to make them as big and defined as they are and you appreciate the hell out of him for it. You appreciate how safe and sound you always feel when he traps you in those arms in a hug, holding you like the most precious piece of glass. The limbs are so sturdy, so easy to naturally grab onto when you’re out in the world, relishing in the jealous looks people give you because you’re the one clinging to him, digging your nails lightly into the arms of the Greek god you get to call your boyfriend. If it was up to you, Mingyu would wear nothing but sleeveless shirts and tank tops.
Just like the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing today. It’s black and soft between your fingers as you cling to it like a lifeline. His hands you obsess over so much are doing another thing you love - grabbing at your sweaty, bare skin.
His right-hand grips the leg you’ve thrown around his waist, helping to keep you upright and keep you balanced. His left hand is covered in your sticky wetness as he drags his index finger in and out of your eager cunt.
The bark of the oak tree you’re pressed against digs into your back through your shirt and your jeans are dangerously close to falling off the leg that dangles in his hold, but you barely register it as Mingyu’s finger brushes your g-spot.
“Fuck! Gyu…”
“Feel good, sweetheart?”
Your bottom lip, already red and raw from how hard he kissed you earlier and how much you’ve been gnawing at it, is between your teeth again and you nod in response.
You’ve lost count of how long he’s been teasing you and drawing out this pleasure. It’s been at least fifteen minutes maybe. Definitely too long to be doing this behind a cluster of trees in the park in the middle of the day while your friends wait for you a few feet away.
“I can’t help it, you look so fucking good,” he grumbled into your ear as he crowded you against a tree.
“I’m wearing such a normal outfit!” You giggled, but it was short-lived when he attached his lips to your neck and began sucking on the skin.
“That’s how much you drive me crazy. You’re fucking irresistible.”
“B-but we’re supposed to be getting th-the drinks from the car.” You could barely get the sentence out as Mingyu’s wide hand reached up, grabbing a handful of one of your breasts through your shirt.
“The drinks can wait. Wanna make you cum first.”
He had said that what seems like forever ago, and he’s been doing the exact opposite. Mingyu alternates between lazily rubbing at your clit with his thumb and fucking you with one finger, bringing you so close but not giving you enough to tip you over the edge.
“Gyu, please,” you breathe out, holding in a moan that wants so badly to tumble out. Your ears pick up the sounds all around you - the sound of voices, the rustling of the trees, a dog barking in the distance, and the obscene squelching of your juices as Mingyu shoves a second thick finger into you.
“Hmm, I suppose I should let you cum. People may come looking for us.” He’s almost noncommittal with his words, still only fingering you with minimal effort.
“Please, please, please,” you babble as your fingers grab at his shirt so hard that you’re sure it’ll be wrinkled once you’re done.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please, let me cum, Gyu, please!” You’re desperate and punctuate your whimpers with open mouth kisses on his chiseled jaw.
Your boyfriend gives you a devious smirk and you can nearly hear the gears in his head turning, deciding if he wants to keep teasing you or not. Mingyu seems to take pity on you though as he readjusts your leg around him, hiking it higher. Your eyes rake over the prominent veins in his biceps, the skin looking as smooth and tan as always.
Then he’s drawing his other arm back and starts thrusting his fingers into you so quickly it takes your breath away. Your hands fly to his shoulders, grasping onto him for dear life as Mingyu pistons his fingers in and out, curling the tips perfectly.
“Ohhh fuck, like that, fuck!” The words leave your mouth in between more moans of his name, fire erupting in the pit of your stomach.
“Gonna make a mess all over my fingers, baby? Gonna let go for me right here with all these people around?”
A mix of words that you can’t understand comes out of you. He adds a third finger at some point, making your eyes roll back at the delicious burn of the stretch. Mingyu’s thumb rubs against your clit roughly, the pressure being exactly what you need.
He knows you so well and always knows when you’re about to release, so Mingyu brings his mouth to yours, capturing your lips and sticking his tongue into your mouth as you reach your peak. He swallows up your cries of his name as your body shakes in his hold, the tree bark scratching against your exposed skin where your shirt has risen up your back.
Your lips stay locked as you messily make out with him, his digits slowing down to let you ride out the rest of your orgasm.
Eventually, he pulls away and you let out puffs of air that turn into whines of protest when the stimulation from his fingers becomes too much.
Mingyu eases his fingers out of you and holds your gaze as he pops them into his mouth, sucking his fingers clean and groans.
“So sweet. My favorite flavor.” If your skin wasn’t already ablaze, you know you’d be burning up due to his little show.
Mingyu gently lowers your leg and leans down to help you steady your weak body. He gingerly lifts your leg to put it back through your underwear and jeans, even wiggling the denim up your legs and fastening the button for you.
He brings his right hand up, brushing some of your sweaty hair back and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Now, let’s go get those drinks!” He flashes you his signature wide, puppy smile before lacing his perfect fingers with yours and carrying on with your original goal as if he hadn’t just had those same fingers knuckle-deep in your pussy.
Not that you’re mad about it of course.
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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“Is someone sitting here?”
“I said, is someone sitting here?”
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Evan plucks out one of his earbuds and gestures broadly to the empty seat at his table, “No, take it.”
“Thanks,” I sit down and begin unpacking my school bag. I look up a moment later to meet his confused expression. 
“Are you not going to take the seat?” He says, “I mean, take it, as in, go bring it to another table?”
“Nah, I want to sit here.”
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“...With us?” He exchanges a look with Michelle, who shrugs. They let a long silence stretch on, but I won’t be intimidated. I’m here now. We will be sitting together for this class and there’s nothing they can do about it. 
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He clears his throat, “Well… usually you sit up next to Jill. She’ll probably think it’s a bit weird if you just switch seats.”
“I don’t care about that. Do you care about that?”
He hesitates, “Well, no.”
I shrug, “Okay then,” I rummage through my pencil case and yank out a fresh 4B pencil, “Do you need this? Yours is looking a bit gnawed on.”
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He scowls and slides his tooth marked pencil under his sketchbook where I can’t see it and I chuckle, “I was joking, I only have one 4B pencil, actually, you can’t have it.” And I swear that I can hear Jen’s voice in my head. That’s not the way to make friends with someone, she points out. Try again.
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I quickly look for something else to talk about and spot a scrawl of lyrics on the inside of his sketchbook cover. 'Smile like you mean it' next to a scratchy drawing of an upside down grin, “Hey, you like The Killers?”
“Uh, yeah I guess.”
“I love The Killers, actually, I just got Day and Age for Christmas and-”
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“Jude, shush,” Michelle hisses, “the teacher is talking.”
I glance quickly over my shoulder at Miss O’Reilly who is as usual saying something grandiose about art using broad, sweeping hand gestures. I listen for three seconds before I determine that it is not important.
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“Michelle Tengu,” I turn back to her with a smirk, “are you a teacher’s pet?”
“No, I’m just trying to listen.”
“To what? Draw a cross in the middle of an oval and put the nose there and the eyes there and bla bla bla, which, by the way isn’t even accurate. You’re going to have to unlearn it all when you go to art college.”
“Who said I’m going to art college?”
“You changed your mind?” 
“Okay shut up, she’s coming over.”
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Miss O’Reilly rests a hand on my arm, and I’m certain I’m about to get into trouble again, but she just says “...and Jude and Michelle, you can be the next pair.”
“For what?” I mouth to Michelle, and she shakes her head and mouths back, “I don’t know, you were talking over her, eejit.” 
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“And that leaves Evan, who can go up to the top and work with Jill.”
“Aw what?” He protests, “this is my seat, Miss.”
“Well today you are sitting with Jill.”
“That’s Jude’s seat,” He stabs an aggressive finger in my direction, “He moved today for no reason.”
“Miss,” I pipe up, “I’ll go with Evan, it’s fine.”
“No, I want boy-girl-boy-girl. Evan, just go and sit with Jill please.”
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I turn around and mesh gazes with Jill who is glaring at me with confusion and disgust. “Evan?” She mouths, “Why are you down there? I don’t want to draw Evan. Ew!”
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I ignore her and turn back to Michelle as Evan packs up his things and makes a big show of stalking away, “So I’m drawing you and you’re drawing me, yeah?” 
A weary sigh, “Yeah, I suppose.”
“Nice to have a challenge.”
“What do you mean?”
“As in, really ridiculously good looking people are the hardest to draw.”
“For God’s sake.”
I smirk, “C’mon, it’s funny.”
“Excuse me, I can’t draw your mouth when it’s moving, so keep it shut.”
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I snicker into my sketchbook and begin marking out the shape of her face, “You’re funny, Michelle. Did you know that?”
The corner of her mouth ticks up, “Yeah, and you’re a pain in the arse.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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electrosair · 1 year
Comforting you after a nightmare
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: albedo + zhongli + xiao (separate)
word count: 1k (more than 300 per each one)
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If you tell him you had a nightmare there will only be three options for him: 1 You tell him what happened. 2 He offers to make you a weird anti-bad-dream-potion. 3 Simply fondles you until you fall asleep again.
There's nothing wrong with that, but he would be able to stay up all night if the nightmare is very recurrent. Being there for you when you wake up in a lousy state is his priority.
Need water? You got it. More blankets? Four boxes of sleeping pills? Take it for granted.
In case you tell him what the dream is about, he'll do his best to find out if it has some deeper meaning, and if it's about some past trauma, insecurity or anything like that, he'll personally make sure you understand that everything will be okay in his arms.
The air hitting one of the windows woke me up, and honestly, I was more than grateful to the anemo archon for that. My heart was beating fast and every time I thought about it, the more it increased, the nervousness gnawing at me from head to toe. And just when I thought my breathing was calming down again, to make me forget that nightmare and go back to lying peacefully under the warm blankets, the door handle slowly moved. For a few seconds time stood still, but when Albedo's blond head appeared behind the door it returned to normal. His mere presence calmed me and, clutching a sheet, tears began to roll down my cheeks. "Oh, what are you doing awake?" through the darkness of the room he walked over to the bed, his new look of concern on me causing him to stop in his tracks. "Did something happen?" I shook my head and moved my left arm to wipe the moisture from my face. "Are you sure?" "Yeah…. Just a bad dream" "Do you want to talk about it? Maybe we can come to some conclusion" He pulled me into his arms and lay on his back, resting my head on his chest. "Maybe tomorrow, now I just want to sleep" "Rest well, if you wake up again and I'm asleep, wake me up, okay?" He left a kiss on my scalp and I closed my eyes.
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He would know perfectly well that you just had a nightmare, what can we say, he is a god, at least something out of the ordinary he will notice in you.
First he will try to calm you down if it was really bad, caressing your skin and saying nice words to calm you down.
Then he will ask you about it, and even if he already knows everything, he will listen attentively to you unburden yourself if that's what you want.
If after the incident you don't want to sleep anymore or you find it hard he will insist on reading to you, any book would be fine, he would use the sweetest voice to make you recover the lost sleep.
I rubbed my eyes, trying to forget the images that kept replaying over and over in my mind after the nightmare. As I was about to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, at least to wash my face, I felt a hand grab my wrist softly. "Is everything okay, darling?" his calm voice broke me from my thoughts for a few moments and I threw myself into his arms. He stroked my head gently, tangling his fingers through my hair. "Sure you don't want to talk about it?" I just shook my head, hugging him tighter and burying my head even more into his chest. He sighed and moved his hand from my hair to my cheek, moving his thumb over it, his other hand on my waist, holding me against his torso. "Then go back to sleep, it's still night." I shook my head simply. "Oh, don't you want to?" "I can't…" He sighed again and kissed my scalp. "Close your eyes, relax, do you want me to read you something?" Even if I refused, I knew he was going to do it anyway, so I let him pick out a book and he started with the reading, still caressing my skin and drawing patterns on it. All I knew was that the next morning there was the book on the pillow and the sun's rays illuminating his face.
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It was like some kind of weird instinct that alerted him that you had had a bad dream.
If he is not in bed with you at the time, he will simply run to where you are to protect you from yourself and your thoughts.
I doubt Xiao would know what to say in situations like this where you need a little comfort, so I think he would cradle you in his arms and not separate from you for a single second.
He would definitely look for some kind of ancient amulet or charm to make sure you wouldn't have any more nightmares like that again. And, in case you had one, at least that would make you feel more protected and closer to him.
Small tears splashed down my cheeks as I jerked up out of bed, sitting still and trying to breathe more calmly. Suddenly, the windows opened wide and the sound of something metallic echoed in the room, strong arms wrapped around me and pressed my head against his chest, so I could hear his heartbeat. "I'm here now." His whisper echoed in my ears and I hugged his body too. He held me there until I calmed down, making sure there was no more crying left, cupped my face in his hands and pressed a single kiss to my cheek. "Is it okay if we go outside?" he continued to whisper and pinned his gaze on my pupils, dilated so I could appreciate him in the dark of the night. Without waiting for much of a response from me, he took me in his arms bridal style and somehow, in a way I didn't quite grasp due to exhaustion, carried us up to the roof. He sat down calmly, leaning us on the tiles, and hugged me as he covered my body as best he could, trying to keep my warmth in. It wasn't the most comfortable position to sleep in, but the nightmares didn't return after that.
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thiefbird · 2 months
"tell me what's on your mind" in an angsty way for bridglar? (only if you want!)
oooooooh yes this is excellent!
Title from Henry Purcell's Cold Song
Far unfit to bear (on AO3)
What power art thou, who from below Hast made me rise unwillingly and slow From beds of everlasting, everlasting snow See'st thou not how stiff, how stiff and wondrous old Far unfit to bear the bitter cold I can scarcely move or draw my breath I can scarcely move or draw my breath Let me, let me freeze again Let me, let me freeze again to death Let me, let me freeze again to death
He and Henry had grown incautious, out on the ice and now on the sliding rocks. They weren't the only ones; there was no God here, no Articles to desecrate. Men clung to each other at night, taking comfort where they could. Hands clutched between two men hauling, leaning against each other while gnawing at hard — too hard for teeth loosened by scurvy — biscuit. A kiss, unafraid of eyes upon them.
"Tell me what's on your mind, love," he asked in that strange Arctic twilight of near-summer, their heads bent together — Captain Crozier was in with Captain Fitzjames, now, and he could do no more tonight.
Henry smiled, pressed his temple more firmly into John's shoulder, sighing as John's arm came up around him. "You'll think me silly."
"Perhaps I already think you silly, for thinking I might object to your humour." It was a poor attempt, and they both knew it, but Henry huffed out a laugh anyways.
"I shall miss this, when we make it back to England." They all said when still, though John doubted any among them believed it now. Not with men dropping like flies. Not with Hickey's mutineers. Not with that great demon of a bear chasing them.
"Sleeping on rocks and hauling sledges? I am certain we can find you something suitably sharp, even in London. Coal, perhaps." Henry's laugh was a little less halfhearted, a little less like he was indulging John in giving it, and John chuckled with him.
"Being so open, I mean. You won't touch me like this in England. You couldn't, not where people might see. It's wicked of me, but…"
John's eyes smarted, and he tipped his chin up to stare into the grey and unending sky lest he should begin to cry again. He would not shed tears for Henry till-
Turning his head, he pressed a kiss to Henry's hair, unheeding the grease that turned his curls limp and sticky. "Not a single sliver of you could I ever think was wicked," he murmured, grateful over all things for the freedoms granted at the ends of the earth. He would not give any amount of peace to be in London if Henry were not there beside him.
"I pray for our rescue," Henry continued, rolling his eyes at John's vehemence, "but I shall miss it, having had it."
If you live, Henry, John vowed, fierce in the privacy of his own heart, and then continued out loud: "I'll kiss you in St James's Park."
That startled a true laugh from Henry, twisting in John's arms to look up into his face. "You wouldn't. God, I don't know if I'd let you," he said, his smile wide enough to break John's heart with bleeding gums.
"I would, and you will. I'll kiss you in front of the Admiralty," if only you will live. He kissed Henry's temple, his cheek, tilted his chin until he could kiss him properly; Henry would not open his mouth into it, kept it chaste so John might not taste the blood. John hated him for it, even as his heart swelled with love for him.
John had cried when his captain collapsed on the rock. He cried for Captain Fitzjames, too frail to keep himself upright, and he cried for his Henry, so close behind. He cried for himself, too, and the loss of a man he considered a friend, and the loss he foresaw in Henry's bruises.
He thought he cried for Captain Crozier, most of all, and the tears he could not shed.
He had the luxury of weeping for his captain, for Henry. No man looked to him for leadership. He had the luxury, too, of touching Henry where men could see, under the open sky. He did not have to maintain his separation from the world the way a captain did, even now.
His Henry still walked, and smiled, and joked with him, and pushed him away for being absurd. He could kiss him on the shale, and under the sky, and — maybe, maybe, if God was merciful — in St James's Park in front of the ducks. He was luckier than he could imagine.
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marco-newgate · 5 months
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Marco X CisFem Reader
Ace almost always entered your room without permission.
Drawing your name out into a long irritating whine he threw himself on top of you. Your eyes snapped open in annoyance while you flailed under the comforter and your idiot best friend.
"God damnit Ace if it's earlier than 10AM I'm fucking kicking your ass." You grumbled.
"It's 9:32 yoi." Marco's voice called muffled by the door.
"Get uuuuup." Ace whimpered completely ignoring your threat and going limp so it'd be harder to fight his dead weight.
"Why are you awake right now? It's Saturday." You twisted yourself around to your back spreading your arms out.
Quickly you wrapped your arms (with the blanket) around the freckled idiot flipping him onto the mattress sitting on his chest victorious.
"What the hell F/N?!" He wiggled beneath you.
"You were warned. Now you must face - "
"N-no don't! I'm sorry!" He shouted.
"- the tickle monster!" You finished digging your fingers into his ribs and arm pits through the blanket.
"I- ah- h-hate yah-you!" He giggled and kicked eventually finding the strength to push you over.
"We're too old for you to just come in here whenever you want. I need privacy sometimes ya know?" You flopped down next to him taking your blanket back.
"Gross." He muttered, "I just wanted you to come out with us. You've been moping around for almost a month."
"So, let me mope. I just had my whole future turned upside down." You pulled the blankets over your face.
It had been three weeks since you beat Sanji up and you'd had zero contact. He still hadn't returned any of the belongings you had left at his apartment, some of which you really wanted but there was no way you were going back there anytime soon. Facing people was annoying; people who knew what happened gave you pitiful glances and clichéd advice while those who didn't know asked how he was sending your heart into a depressing spiral.
Now you were living out of boxes in the room you'd grown up in. Barely sleeping and having your obnoxious best friend invade your space without permission... just like high school. But you loved it here. It was home. And though you'd never admit to them you loved living with these loud idiots.
There was a light tap on the door.
"Hey F/N...you should probably come out front." Sabo said softly.
Ace had quickly passed out next to you.
So much for waking me up ass.
"Will no one in this house let me sleep?" You groaned.
"Uh.. Well Sanji is here." He added. 
A gut clenching wave of nausea rolled over you as you sat up.
"Ace wake up dumbass." You swatted at his freckled cheeks.
"Wha - when did-"
"Shut up... Sanji is here." You choked on his name.
Ace shot to his feet while you rushed to make yourself look presentable. Dabbing concealer under your dark puffy eyes, you couldn't let him see how sleep deprived you were. Somehow it felt like he'd win if he saw what a mess he made you.
After braiding your hair and changing clothes you made your way to the front of the house. Ace taking confident purposeful strides at your side as you reached the screen door that lead to the porch. Marco and Thatch had already stationed themselves on the deck arms crossed and stone faced. Sabo stood nearby not quite as protective as the others. Ace pushed through the screen his balmy hand engulfing your wrist.
Your stomach fell again catching sight of the blue sedan. Marco glanced down at you offering a crooked smile.
" Seems he's too scared to get out yoi."
"I wonder why." You breathed palming his elbow.
The car's engine cut off drawing your attention back as Sanji stepped out cigarette hanging from his lips. That was a sight you hadn't witnessed since you'd become official. You didn't even have to nag him about it. He gave up smoking almost immediately. It was a rough couple of months and he substituted with constantly gnawing on a toothpick but you gladly accepted the trade.
Before you could will yourself to go down the porch steps Luffy came barreling out the door throwing himself over the rail that framed the deck.
"Saaaannnnjjjjiiiiiii!" He launched himself onto the blond causing the two eldest brothers to facepalm.
Seriously Luffy? He's the enemy.
You couldn't really stay mad at the youngest, though watching him cling to Sanji made you cringe. He is one of his best friends and Luffy is capable of existing passed the limbo of your differences and loving both of you.
"Oi Luffy - you disrespectful little -"
"It's fine." You hushed Thatch.
You took a deep breath before descending the small stair case.
"Finally bringing my things?" You asked breaking up the reunion.
Luffy stepped back grinning, "I'll help you carry your stuff F/N."
"Thanks honey, but I think I got it." You managed to smile at the raven.
"Uh yeah... Hey." Sanji muttered rubbing his neck, "I wasn't really looking forward to facing a firing squad."
"Yeah well you brought that on yourself." You shrugged, "Let's get this over with."
"Sure." He sighed opening the back door and pulling out a medium sized box.
You took it placing it on the hood of the car to rummage through and make sure he got everything. Some scarves, your favorite hoodie, flat iron, DVDs and books. Tucked into the very bottom corner were a pair of red lacy panties. Not only were they not your style they weren't even your size.
"These aren't mine." You stuffed them into the breast pocket of his pinstriped vest earning a chuckle from Ace, "There's a box in my room marked for this guy can someone get it for me?"
Without a word Marco dipped back into the house returning with a moving box labeled "Liar". He approached slowly, expression unreadable as he just dropped the box at Sanji's feet and turned to you.
"We've got to leave soon and you need to eat." He smiled picking up your box and heading back toward his brothers.
You stood awkwardly for a few moments trying to keep calm.
"Well if that's it." You turned away from the chef.
He caught your wrist, Marco and Ace bristled.
"I just really want to apologize. You didn't deserve that." He said softly smashing the cigarette with his boot.
"Well, I'm not much for forgiving right now so you'll just have to feel guilty for a bit longer if at all." You jerked out of his grasp, "You should go...these guys are pretty over it."
He sighed and slid back into the front seat as you climbed the steps trying to keep the tears at bay. Why did you still have to cry over this guy? You just wanted to be over it already. Ace held his arms out only to have them filled with your box of junk. Marco wrapped his arm around your shoulders and lead you back into the house. Ace shot Thatch an inquisitive look only to have the eldest shake his head and follow you inside.
"You really need to eat yoi. You're wasting away." Marco sat you down at the table with a plate of eggs and bacon.
"When did you worry so much over me?" You rubbed the mist from your eyes.
"Just eat."
"Can I promise to do it later?" You whined.
He slouched down in the chair beside you and leaned over just inches away from your face unamused.
"Ugh. Fine." You nibbled at the food suddenly feeling nervous under his lazy gaze, "Where are you guys going today anyway?"
"The beach!" Luffy cheered.
"Not really beach weather. Taking pops fishing?" You guessed.
"No he's over at Linlin's place on the lake this week." Thatch replied, "We just thought it'd be a good day trip, Luffy has been begging to go for a while."
You watched the youngest bounce around with bacon hanging from his lips.
"I think I'm gonna take a raincheck."
Ace let out a deflated sigh, "We want you to have some fun though."
"I know, and thank you, but I'm no fun right now. I don't even wanna hang out with me." You let out a dark chuckle.
"She can stay home if she wants." Marco defended making you shift beside him, "I'll just stay here with her. Koala is going so there's plenty of people to make sure the babies don't drown."
He was referring to Ace and Luffy who had never learned to swim but were drawn to water. It never made sense to you. You'd even offered to teach them – both just sank like rocks.
"You're one to talk." Ace scoffed.
"Yeah hypocrite pineapple." You chuckled, "You just wanted me there to lifeguard."
"Shut up yoi." He nudged you, "Don't fucking call me that."
You offered your best pouty face.
"Well whoever is coming get your shit together." Thatch called, "I'm leaving in 10 minutes with or without you."
After everyone left you sat on the sofa wrapped in your blanket channel surfing before landing on a movie you'd seen a few times. As you let yourself get lost in your thoughts Marco plopped down next to you.
"Are ya gonna stick to me all day?" You yawned.
"There's nothing else to do." He chuckled.
"Then make yourself useful." You nestled into his shoulder closing your eyes.
Marco crossed his arms settling into the sofa. A few moments later you were snoring lightly against him. You really hadn't gotten sleep it took almost no time for you to be completely unresponsive. Shifting a little he pulled you into his chest so that both of you were more comfortable.
"Sweet dreams." He murmured giving your scalp a soft kiss before drifting off himself.
A/N : Happy Birthday Pineapple! <3 
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youandmedead · 2 years
ßµrñêÐ Öµ† - Rêñgðkµ x !Gñ! RêåÐêr
Warnings: Angst, burn out, swearing, reader is nicknamed 'my love'
Requested by: No one
Synopsis: Reader is feeling burned out from all of their previous missions so Rengoku tries to comfort them
Notes: Haven’t been feeling the best lately so I decided to come up with this. Sorry its so short.
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It was another one of those days where guilt, frustration and exhaustion were ganging up on you and preparing to make your life a living hell. Another mission had been complete yet another innocent soul being ripped away from your limp grasp. With a heavy sigh you took off your gear and laid your exhausted body upon the floor, not even caring that you were not in your bedroom. After a few minutes you tried to get up but it felt as if a huge weight had been placed upon your body. You tried to move your arms in order to rest your head upon them but it was also a useless endeavour, they felt like they had been sowed to your sides. Had a curse been placed upon you? Because that is surely what it felt like. That familiar gnawing feeling that constantly wore down your emotional barrier began to rise and that burning sensation in your throat and chest bubbled up. You so desperately wanted to cry, to scream, to vent any emotion that was coursing through you at this time but it was futile. It was all a one, big, useless attempt.
Suddenly, you heard the front door to your home close and footsteps drawing closer and closer to you.
“Y/n my love what are you doing on the floor? Are you okay?”
You managed to move ever so slightly to face the owner of that familiar voice. You were about to reply with a ‘not really’ but for some reason no sound escaped. Kyojuro kneeled down and placed a warm hand upon your cheek, “One of those days?”
You placed your hand upon his and nodded and let out a quiet, “Yeah”.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“I…I’ve just been having a really rough week. Everything just feel so out of control lately and I feel like such a failure. Another mizunoto had lost their life during a battle and I wish it was me instead of them…they were only 16 for god sakes!”
The tears that were able to escape, finally came pouring out. Kyojuro sat on the floor beside you and pulled you onto his lap and hugged you. The warmth that radiated from him whenever he hugged you was always comforting and it always made you feel loved and reminded you that for once you can actually experience what it is like.
“What happened on that mission was not your fault. Unfortunately, the risk of death is always there, especially for the inexperienced and under trained lower ranks.”
You gripped onto his haori tightly, that burning, clawing sensation in your throat and chest returned again. “Also if you were to die I wouldn’t know what to do…I’m grateful for you being here by my side, you’re the light of my life, I love you. I know that the world keeps trying to beat you down and I know being a hashira adds to all of the excess stress you have but you've helped save thousands of lives...you're doing an outstanding job to try and tackle everything that life throws in your way. You’re an amazing person my love, never forget that."
Kyojuro kissed your forehead and held you for a while as more and more tears cascaded down your cheeks. He then rested his chin upon the top of your head and softly rubbed circles on your back.
"I will be by your side through the good and the bad y/n," he whispered, "I would never leave you."
Eventually the tears stopped flowing and only a few sniffles here and there remained. You look up into your partners eyes and say, "Thankyou Kyojuro."
Kyojuro smiles warmly at you, "No need to thank me, love."
He then leaned down and captured your lips in a sweet, soft kiss.
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devoutpriest · 7 months
“ hm, SOMETIMES yes, sometimes NO. ” an EMPTY answer, words as AIR (as the BREATH of the trickster, of LOPTR) — floki knows it has not answered the priest’s question, and yet, why SHOULD he? is he BEHOLDEN only because he has drawn close to ragnar? he imagines that ragnar would want them NOT to clash SPARKS off each other, but RAGNAR wants MANY things he cannot have, and floki CARES not for making idle CHATTER with an ÚTLENDR, a foreign one who is NOT of them and whose voice, though he speaks their LANGUAGE passably well now, is still LITTERED with the SHRAPNEL of saxon blood, likening to these saxon soldiers who sneered at their runes, he fighting as a soldier with ragnar to bring peace and prosperity and protection to their village. the utlendr was not a viking warrior, he did not think valholl would think he one, the high one would not think that. for one who is not attuned to THEIR gods — IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR KINDNESS, PRIEST, he wants to say, the storm of thundering in his tree body, SCATHING and SHARP of tongue and gleaming COLD of ferine eye, "YOU WILL NOT FIND IT HERE." he shouts sudden, as athelstan continues to smile at his girl, and now wears a norse arm ring, he seeing ragnar give it to after their first battle together. The spit flying acrid from his mouth, and anger in his eyes. "BE GONE FROM HERE, I HAVE NO GENTLENESS TO OFFER YOU, I AM NOT A GOOD MAN, I AM A BEAST IN MAN’S SKIN AND THERE IS NO SOFT PLACE TO LAND AMONG MY BONES, LEAVE THIS PLACE, GO BACK TO YOUR MASTER WITH YOUR TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS."
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perhaps THAT is his struggle — that ATHELSTAN is KIND, still, and that FLOKI is NOT, and that against ALL sense, to his great and GNAWING chagrin, he can SEE why ragnar LIKES the priest so much, and it draws his spit acrid and VILE into his mouth. "AM I TO CALL YOU BROTHER, PRIEST, BECAUSE RAGNAR CARES FOR YOU? I HAVE BEEN HERE, I HAVE KNOWN RAGNAR, MUCH LONGER THAN YOU, ...AND YOU CANNOT TEAR UP MY ROOTS AND... DISPLACE ME WITH SOFT WORDS AND PRETTY EYES." he and ragnar planted and cultivated their farm in the village, watered the plants when the roots were drying. “ do YOU always ask so many questions, priest? ”
Such an EVASIVE answer, teasing it was, but that was Floki’s nature after all. It was one that Athelstan could not glean much from, to continue this conversation that he was attempting, with Floki.
He notes Floki's expression go darker as they spoke, even with his girl at his side, her blonde hair like flickering golden flames in the lit sconces in the fire brackets placed in the wall.
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“Does it depend on his mood?” He held the impression that Floki did not wish to speak as much with him, as–well, with Ragnar and the others.
He is momentarily without words, Why–Floki was stubborn, uncensored, to a certain point. He hears a guttural sound at length from the other as his hands tremble, cutting into the palm of his hand. he knows from norse linguistic it meant ; an anger of invasion. Leaning back in shock at the violent words scritching through the walls of the boatbuilder's body. His body was shaking with anger, the other, alluding athelstan to be an animal.
“Not always, no," his voice trembles, as he whispers. "I only wish to seek to get to know you better. Without all this animosity between us. I do not wish to get between you and ragnar."
0 notes
Superheroes with Secrets: A Cape and Nothing Else (Fic Part 183. Set in 2001)
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Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places. Please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts.
Tags: @tantamount-treason @piratewithvigor @thedollmaker16
Reference Posts: ‘Giantess’/‘Blacklight Bandit’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ’Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
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"You are so strong and sexy… Superman."
"All for you, my gorgeous Bandit."
"You should stop teasing me, you handsome beast."
"As you wish." He smirks, sliding into her slowly.
Kirby moans against his neck, wrapping her arms around his waist and scratching her nails down his back. He starts slow, his hips working against hers.
"Oh mon Dieu."
"Not God, just me." He chuckles, picking up his pace slowly.
"Never heard you complain about me moaning during sex."
"No complaints. Just teasing."
"You little beastie, Hurricane."
"I'm your beast." He smirks, bending down to bite at her neck.
"If you are my beast, then can I take off the mask?"
"If you want. There's, uh… a little makeup." He chuckles sheepishly.
"I know, raccoon boy." Kirby chuckles as she removes his mask and kisses him deeply.
"Still feel like kissing me when I look like a raccoon?"
"Very sexy raccoon."
"This raccoon can still fuck you senseless."
"Then why aren't ya?"
"Good point." He grins, picking up his pace even faster.
"Oh putain, mon amour." Kirby moans.
He's thrusting hard into her, licking up the dribbles of blood that dot her collarbone and neck.
"Oh my vampire king of love… oh fuck yes…"
"All yours, sweet thing."
"Oh Shaney baby… mon amour, mon roi."
"You taste so fucking good."
"Am I your favourite meal, mon ange? Is my blood your favourite drink?"
"Without a doubt."
"I like that, mon mari… I love being able to satisfy you."
"My love, you satisfy a hunger that gnaws at my soul."
"Have you been reading poetry, mon mari?" Kirby asks gently kissing him.
"Can't I be poetically brilliant myself." He chuckles.
"You can, but you don't usually say poetic things during sex."
"Do you like it?"
"The more accurate word would be love… I love it."
He smiles widely, quietly pleased with himself.
"You charmer, Hurricane… sexy husband."
"All yours."
"You gonna make me cum, superhero?"
"Damn right I am."
"I'm getting close, Shane… real close…"
"Cum for me, my love."
"Oh, Shane, I love you." Kirby murmurs as she cums, kissing him deeply.
"I love you too." He whispers.
"Are you just making sure I'm pregnant with Lilith."
"I think you're pretty certainly pregnant, but it never hurts to make sure."
"Cheeky little beastie."
"That's me." He grins.
Kirby chuckles softly, kissing him gently.
"God, you're perfect."
"Thanks for the reminder, my love."
"Less a reminder, more making sure you know it."
"I know it, my love, you keep telling me so I can never forget."
"You gonna talk to your little buddy?" Kirby asks gently.
"Yeah, just gonna get rid of the raccoon face."
"I got some more baby wipes in our en suite, they might be useful for you, raccoon boy."
"Good call. While I'm up, I'm gonna check on Shannon and the food."
"Good idea my love."
He kisses her quickly before grabbing his mask to go put it away. Kirby settles into the bed, getting under the comforter and yawning. Once Helms washes his face, he goes to hunt for Shannon, who's sitting in the living room to watch for the delivery guy and sketching quietly. Helms can't tell what it is offhand, but he can see Shannon's pencil moving.
"Watcha drawing?" He asks, leaning over the back of his chair.
"Nothing!" Shannon squeaks, slamming his sketchbook shut and nearly jumping out of his skin, going even more pale when he sees how undressed Helms is.
"C'mon, I've never known you to be shy. Or is it an artist thing and you don't want to show anyone until it's done?"
"It's the artist thing," Shannon decides, breathing a breath of relief to not have to show off his book, "You'll probably see it someday."
"Well, we can see the finished ones over dinner, right?"
"Maybe… Shane, I never really show people this book. I only agreed to it cause Kirby asked and I don't want her to be more pissed at me than she already is."
"She's not pissed. Just gets protective of me sometimes," he shrugs, "food coming soon?"
"Yeah, any minute now."
The gate bell rings, announcing the arrival of their food. Shannon heads out to pick it up, carrying in multiple boxes almost excited.
There's a small crash from upstairs, obviously Kirby falling out of the bed, "I'm okay." She calls.
No matter how okay she says she is, Helms sprints up the stairs, terrified she fell out of the bed onto her stomach.
"I'm okay, I fell on my ass, don't worry, I'm fine." Kirby reassures, leaning against the wall and giving him a small smile.
He exhales a deep sigh of relief, "thank God."
"I was trying to get comfy, and rolled out of the bed, but I'm alright, my butt hurts, but it's fine."
"I'm so happy you didn't land on your belly…" he whispers, helping her up.
"Lilith is okay, our baby is fine." Kirby whispers, kissing him gently.
She can practically feel his heart nearly pounding out of his chest as they kiss. Kirby strokes his hair gently, trying to calm his nerves.
"I don't want to lose you…" he whispers shakily.
"Shane, you won't lose me, nor will you lose Lilith… you're okay, we're okay."
"So much can go wrong so easily…" he's practically trembling in her arms
"It's okay, hey, Shane, look at me, I'm okay, Lilith's okay, you are going to be okay, my love." Kirby whispers, holding him close and trying her hardest not to cry.
"Stay okay. For me, okay?"
"Of course, my dearest, of course."
"Thank you."
Kirby kisses his forehead, stroking his hair and holding him close to her.
"I'm sorry I freaked out…" he whispers.
"It's okay, I'm here for you as much as you are here for me."
"I've just read about too many things going wrong with having a baby. All the ways problems could happen. I can't lose my baby again and I can't lose the mother of my baby again…"
"I know, I know, I'm okay, I'm gonna be okay," Kirby presses his hands to her bump, right as Lilith kicks, "she's fine, my love, she's still there."
He gets down to his knees and kisses her bump, "Daddy's going to keep you safe, Lilith, I promise. I swear so hard that nothing will ever hurt you, do you hear me? You're going to grow up and be a person and I'm not letting anything happen to you or your Mama. Never. I love you too much to let anything happen." He whispers, his voice cracking a little in desperation.
"Shane, you'll worry yourself sick, my love." Kirby whispers, holding him steady and pulling Helms into a gentle kiss, pushing him back against the wall softly.
"I feel sick. The five seconds it took to get up here, I could almost see the blood…" he whispers, trying his best to calm down.
"Stay, breathe… just breathe."
He breathes deeply, resting his forehead on her shoulder
"You will be okay, count to ten and breathe, I'm not gonna let you move until I know you're calm."
He counts to ten softly, whispering ten with a quiet sigh.
"Good, you okay or do you need to count to ten again?" Kirby asks gently.
"I'm okay. I'm all good."
"Good, very good, mon mari… I love you, and me and Lilith are okay, I understand the fear, but we're okay."
"I love you too. I always will."
"We should get food, and I need to make sure you don't leave my sight."
"Not gonna leave your sight. Just gonna pull on some boxers. Maybe sweats too I don't want to leave swampy ass marks on all the chairs."
"Thought we were gonna eat in the bed, ya sexy goofball."
"You think we can fit all the food on the bed?"
"As Shannon said, leftovers for days, don't have to eat it all now."
"Good point."
Kirby kisses Helms gently, messing with his hair. Her touch through his hair helps him relax slowly. She messes with his hair as they walk downstairs to get food.
"Thank you, my love."
"Just making sure my husband is sane."
"I'm sane. I'm very sane."
"Are you sure?" Shannon asks, earning a look of 'shut up' from Kirby.
"He's right to ask," Helms chuckles softly, stretching his arms above his head, "yeah, I'm sure."
"Fy ngwr, we're just worried about you, because you worry the most, aren't we Shannon?"
"Yeah, Kirby's right, we worry because you're grey with stress."
"I appreciate the worry. But it's my job. I'm the one supposed to take care of you. All three of you. Just a little jumpy when I hear Kirby fall or carry anything too heavy. I need to keep you guys safe."
"Look, if I say I'm fine, I'm probably fine, if I scream, then something's wrong."
"If screaming happens, that's probably when my heart attacks will happen." He chuckles sheepishly.
Kirby pulls Helms into a gentle kiss, leaning her head on his shoulder after.
"I'll be okay. I'm okay. I'm fine."
"Just making sure, and snuggling."
"Snuggling is good too."
"Shannon, you decide which things we eat, I'm gonna make sure Shane's snuggled up in bed."
"Honey, I'm okay. We can eat down here." He assures softly.
"I just want to make sure that you're okay, you were trembling."
"Adrenaline rush wearing off."
"Nice cover story, but I don't believe it."
"The real story isn't good dinner conversation…" He murmurs.
"I'm just saying I can tell that was fear and that's all, you shouldn't have to hide how you feel from me, I'm your wife for goodness sake."
He sighs softly before looking up for a moment, "Shannon, can you give us a second?" He whispers.
Shannon nods and leaves the room.
"Remember how I told you about Elizabeth?"
"Yeah." Kirby murmurs.
"He left her in the apartment. The guy who killed her. Just left her on the floor, bleeding. I had to get rid of her myself and keep the landlord from finding out she was dead cause her name was on the lease. All the while, Harleen just wanted her Mama. There's so many nights I just see her body in my mind and I'll wake up in a cold sweat and have to hold you until I'm sure you're alive…" he whispers, powering through the lump in his throat.
"Oh my goodness," Kirby whispers, the colour draining from her face as she pulls Helms into a tight hug, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I'm so sorry, mon mari."
He buries his face into her shoulder, "I can't lose you. She wasn't my wife, not even my girlfriend, but she was a special person to me, and I just… God, I just dumped her in the river…"
"You won't lose me, ever, I love you too much to let you lose me." Kirby reassures.
"I just can't imagine life without you…"
"You don't have to because it won't happen, I promise you it won't happen, you won't lose me."
"Please be careful. No more falling out of bed?" He chuckles weakly.
"I'll be as careful as possible, my love." She whispers, clearly on the verge of tears.
He kisses her softly, "she's in the past… but sometimes she invades my present."
"I know, I know… I love you so much, mon mari."
"I love you too. Beyond words."
Kirby pulls away slightly, hiding her face in her hands and trying to calm herself.
"We're both gonna have to be okay. We're both gonna see Lilith grow up." He whispers.
She nods, wiping tears away from her eyes and breathing deeply.
"You gonna be okay for us?" He smiles encouragingly.
"I'm okay, I will be fine, C'mere you." Kirby murmurs, pulling Helms into another tight hug.
He squeezes her tightly, "we'll be okay."
"I love you so much that I am so scared of making you more stressed right now."
0 notes
dariaslookalike · 2 years
I used to get called an 'old soul' when I was little. I was quiet, shy, reserved and smart. I knew how the world worked and I trudged on, ever so determined to push through. People don't say it to my face anymore, but when they first meet me, and I can't help but to tap my foot anxiously or look anywhere but their eyes, I think I still give them that impression.
But I was never an old soul.
I was lonely. God I was lonely. I suppose I still am; but my mum talks about speaking things into the universe, and I hope that if I say that I *was* lonely, maybe it'll be true. Maybe I won't have this aching hole in my chest, and maybe this persistent feeling of isolation will be a thing of the past.
It's odd to be lonely, yet to have people. I have my mum. My brothers. My friends. They make me feel loved and happy, most of the time. But not heard. Not seen. I feel like every insecurity, every gnawing fear, every anxious thought is brushed over and skimmed past by them. I feel like I am so widely unknown. Do they know that every time I read shitty poetry on a random person's account, I cry? Do they know that I want to lose weight but I love food too much? Do they know that I love drawing and painting and creating but I find myself in periods of time where I can't pick up a pencil or a paintbrush in fear of making something horrible? Do they know that I can't help but pick and pull at my skin for weeks until I get bored and let it heal?
Do they know that I think and fear that I'm unloveable?
I suppose, fundamentally, *that* is what loneliness is. Feeling unloveable. Feeling like everyone that you see and greet, everyone that you smile and talk to, they all think the same thoughts about you and wish for each interaction to be over.
I haven't been kissed. Or touched. Or even simply hugged. I get into these ruts where I feel horrible. Like right now. I feel like my carpeted floor could burst into flames and my mattress could dissolve into a puddle of acid, and I wouldn't blink an eye. I so desperately want what others have. I want someone to make me not feel so lonely.
I want someone to see every ugly part of me, every horrid thing in my heart and my mind and I was them to hold my head and say "It's alright it's alright it's alright it's alright it's alright.' I want someone to see me. To hear me. To know me. I want to know someone. I want to hug their ribcage until they gasp and have to tell me to let go. I want to bite their arm and their shoulder and their neck and anywhere I can reach so they know I love them. I want to make shitty plans with them but be excited nonetheless because it's with them. I want to talk about dreams and aspirations, and still wake up every morning to go to our shitty 9-5, but know that those hopes are still alive when we get home to each other. I want their shitty posters on my wall and my shitty artworks on their cabinets. I want to know their fears and their past and their future and I want to always be their present. I want to cuddle while we watch a shitty chick-flick and cringe into their chest everytime a bad line is said. I want to never have to ask if they also want a cup of coffee or tea but simply bring them one and kiss their head or their hand when they take the mug.
I want to know and be known. I want to stop being so lonely.
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gwendollin · 3 years
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:: 𝑳𝒖𝒔𝒕 ﹠ 𝑳𝒖𝒙𝒖𝒓𝒚 :: featuring 𝐁𝐚𝐧
♡. w//c. 1.5k
♡. t//w. [ SMUT. ] Fem!Reader. AFAB!Reader. Soft Dom!Ban. Size kink. Use of 'Princess. Good girl. Baby girl.' Praise kink. Multiple orgasms. Squirting. Cream pie. Slight dumbification. Cervix fucking mentions but not focused.
♡. sy//ns. You were his princess, and Ban could never deny his princess.
♡. a//n. Pure smut with the hot fox daddy
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He was big.
Not just in the way his massive, nearly 7ft frame dwarfed you. No, it was the way his cock spread your cunt's lips wide open, stretching and filling you deeply to the point you felt you might split in two. Your eyes widened as fingers entangled themselves into the sheets below you, sweat beading along your forehead with every agonizing inch of cock that sunk into you.
A kiss was pressed to your temple, the touch sweet and sending your heart fluttering. Words were warm against the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine; "You're doing so good, princess, taking all my cock like this."
You whimpered as a response but hips shifted back in an attempt to take the rest of him inside of you. You had to stop the moment the head of his cock met your cervix, the sensation deep in your gut and a delightful mingle of slight discomfort and satisfaction. Ban let out a little chuckle at your eagerness. You'd been laying on your stomach, the massive fox-like man coming into you from behind and craning his entirety over your frame. One of his hands kept him propped up while the other cradled your chin, drawing your head up enough to be able to look up at him.
"You look so pretty," he cooed, thumb brushing against the soft of your cheek. "You gonna keep being good for me? You gonna keep taking my cock as well as you are?"
You nodded in his grasp, a little 'mhm' slipping from your lips. Determination sat on your brows, a glimmer in your eyes as you gazed into slitted crimson irises. Ban flashed you a smile, fangs glinting.
"Good girl," he purred, pressing another kiss but this time to your forehead. Hand released you and your chin fell down to the bed, head turning to look back as soon as you felt his hips withdraw.
The slide back into you felt divine. Gummy walls clamped and greedily sucked him in, pleasure beginning to beat against your stomach and curl throughout your body with every pump of his cock. Eyes rolled up as your lips parted, gentle moans echoing from your throat. The pace was nice and slow at first, enough for you to feel every agonizing sensation that budded throughout your body.
"Oh god," you breathed, head of his cock rubbing up against your deepest core.
Ban's lips met the crown of your head, words murmured into the skin; "You're taking all of me in, baby girl. I'm so proud of you."
The words sent your heart into a tizzy, the praise practically making you glow with both pride and pleasure. You wanted to hear more, to know how wonderful you felt, how you made his cock feel. Yet you kept it to yourself, knowing full well within time you'd get what you wanted. Ban always gave you what you wanted.
You felt his hips rock, stretching your walls and scratching that itch that'd been gnawing at you. You couldn't help it; his cock felt too good, you couldn't stave the craving of having him back inside of you for longer than a few days. You'd clawed at his chest and jacket, fingers and hands kneading at the leather while you mewled like a pitiful kitten for him. Ban would always grin while a hand snaked itself around your waist, pulling you firmly to sit into his lap.
"A-ah, fuck," you'd gasped out. Arms reached out and hands clawed at the sheets, drawing the fabric to you as you felt his cock pound into the sweetest of spots within you. Vision was growing fuzzy, your mouth hanging slack as the pleasure ran hot through your bloodstream, igniting you from the inside out. Deep within your gut the pleasure bubbled until finally the heat rose and you were spilling around his cock. Your cum was slick and wet, oozing around the base of him and dripping down your swollen lips.
"You cumming for me, baby?" he cooed, feeling the way your walls gripped onto him like a vice, massaging him in every single way he so dearly loved. "You tightening up? You feel so damn good, nice and warm around my cock. Cum for me again."
It wasn't like you had much of a choice. He'd fucked you straight through the orgasm, leaving no room for reprieve. Your head laid down onto the mattress below, pants and moans escaping from your lips as the pleasure once again began to simmer deep in your gut. You could feel it coming, that blinding white feeling that exploded from within and coursed throughout your entire body, leaving it exhausted.
"You're so wet for me," the deep baritone of his voice continued to praise, the words showering you and feeling warmer than sunbeams on a Summer's day.
Ban had shifted so that his hands cupped over your own, relieving your digits of their tightening grip along the sheets and instead favoring the clenching of his own. Palms dwarfed yours and covered them almost entirely, your grip weak in comparison to his own as he clung to you.
Again, and again, you'd felt your pussy flutter around his cock and begin to lazily drool cum around him. Cock was slicked shiny and wet, the sounds of him pounding into your cunt filling the empty spaces your wails and moans didn't take up. Ban breathed a soft groan at a particularly heated cinch, your walls tending him in a way that made him bite down at his lip.
You could feel him throb within you, and the thought of his cum made your eyes roll up and cunt spasm around him. You echoed a soft moan laced with his name. Fuck, you wanted him to cum, to fill you so that it'd spill out in a steady stream from your hole when he pulled out. Wanted to feel the way his cock would grow hot and thick before pumping you full. It drove you nearly feral, your teeth connecting with your bottom lip so hard it nearly drew blood.
Just as you'd told yourself before; you always got what you wanted, and Ban was always happy to give it. However, you knew he wouldn't this time unless you said something.
"B-Ban," you whimpered out.
Your fox dipped himself down, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear before giving it a playful little nibble; "Yes, baby girl?"
You swallowed at the nickname, heart beating against your ribcage. Your words were a pitiful babble, lust's fangs sinking themselves so deep into your core it'd become hard to think straight; "W-wanna... Wanna be full."
Ban's lips curled into a grin, cheeks dusting a pretty pink. "Already? But you're doing so good, you've lasted so much longer this time."
You nodded, giving a squeeze to his fingers. "C-cum in me, please, I wan' it so bad."
There was no way he could deny you; not when his pretty baby was practically begging for him. Another kiss was laid to your temple before he'd lifted his hips enough to slide himself partially out and then back in, the act making you groan in delight. He fucked you lazily, taking his time, enjoying the way your ass bounced with every hit of his hips and body shifted against his weight along the bed. You were so cute, so lovely.
You came again, this time with a wail and the tensing of your body. Something had felt different. This felt white hot, burning, your cunt throbbing and aching with a need for release and you whimpered and wailed as mind came to a halting stop. Before you could stop yourself, you'd felt it; a gush of warmth splashing down across your thighs and his cock, staining the sheets and the mattress below. Ban echoed your moans, his deep and low in their bellow. Cock began to throb from within you, your mind falling blank save for a select choice words of, 'cum, please, cum, cum.'
The warmth flooded you and you gasped a little. Ban grew still, his sigh low and long as it escaped from his chest and he spilled deep inside of you. You felt so good, too good, he couldn't help himself.
It'd already begun to leak even before he'd slipped his fat cock out of you. Cum dripped in a steady stream down your pussy lips, soaking your throbbing clit and dripping down onto the sheets below.
You were left a panting mess along the bed, body spent and thighs wet and sticky. Ban drank you in, admiring your unravel with a slight smile before he sat himself along the side of the bed and scooped you up into his arms and lap. Feebly you curled up into him while he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"You did so good for me, princess."
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thatwildnya · 2 years
aaaaaaaand that's all of the dorms~ want to have the staff or other side characters done? commission me for them! link is in pinned post~
drake s/o with period teeth
in light of me having to get my wisdom teeth removed, i have decided to make these
context: you’re a drake fae whose teeth fall out about every few months to make way for newer, healthier chompers. the drawback? it’s extremely painful and you become aggravated and grumpy.
Ignihyde Diasomnia edition
tw: teeth, muzzling
to the secret lab! pull the lever ortho!
he’s making special teething toys and muzzles designed to keep your mouth chilled asap
this happens after he gets an sos from ortho that you’ve trapped him in your grip and were chewing his arm off
his anime merch and little brother are in danger with those teefies on the loose this is unacceptable
everything is fine until you electrocute yourself chewing on some of his wires for his computer
the room has been baby proofed and you’re only allowed to sit on his bed or lap if you’re in his room without the muzzle of shame
ortho has to be the one to muzzle you, he tried once and got thrown into his door so hard it broke he fears your power
but don’t worry he still loves you and thought it was kinda hot
You are FRIENDS. You are NOT DATING. F R I E N D S.
now with that outta the way, let’s continue
he goes to his onii-chan and asks him to make an arm specially made for you to chew on safely
when it’s completed he’s ecstatic cuz now you can hang out again
you spend a lot of time together in idia’s room watching anime, cat videos, and the two brothers playing games
he’s happy that he can keep you entertained and your mind off the discomfort for the most part, he hates seeing his bestie in pain
you chew on his tail, he needs both hands to play with gao gao
he can and will hire you a personal chef to make you foods that will be soft on your teeth
his body temp is warmer than average so that means you don’t like cuddling it makes your teeth even more irritated and that makes him very sad
he tried to enchant your mouth to completely erase the pain until you warned him that it was dangerous to do that
the pain was necessary, it helped with keeping you from swallowing a tooth by mistake
refuses to muzzle you, he sees it as demeaning and will do whatever it takes so that it will make it unnecessary for it
sebek walked in on you gnawing on his biceps/tail once and was nearly turned into minced meat
he is no longer allowed within ten feet of you when your teeth are bitching
oh you poor thing don’t worry let peepaw take care of you here have some homemade ice cream why are you crouched like that-
lilia can’t remember the last he had been tossed like a ragdoll through a wall
he’s not even mad, it’s nice to relive something so heartracing
after that he’s breaking out dusty books he had god knows where to look up potions and remedies specifically catered to fae having dental problems
unlike malleus his body is colder than average so cuddles galore
he lets you hide under his oversized clothes when you teeth on his arm
he might not look like it but his biceps are rock hard you’ll have to teeth really hard if you want to break his skin and draw blood
sleepy prince to the rescue
puts his newly obtained culinary skills to use and makes you tasty cold soups and salads that have a satisfying crunch that won’t hurt your teefies
you teeth on his arms and legs, it’s kinda weird to see him snoozing while you gnawing on his thigh since his arms are under him but hey it works
has had to pull you off of sebek more than once jesus crispy hakuna your tatas
you keep trying to eat his animal friends so he asks them to stay away when you’re going through this
his furry and feathery friends understand but have also grown to like you too so they bring him wild berries for you to snack on because they’re worried so cute
tried to drag you to his father’s business after you suddenly sneezed sending a tooth and blood flying from your mouth
after explaining that you’re basically on a period but for teeth he’s writing to his parents asking for some tips that can help you ease the pain
they send him a pair of special dental fae pliers and tell him to yank out any teefies that are close to falling out to speed up the process
after getting the okay from you he prepares for the battle ahead
and nearly gets his hand bitten off the moment that cold metal touches your tooth your jaws clamp shut
has to ask for someone to pull the teeth while he sits on your back and holds your jaws open
readily cleans up the blood and makes sure your mouth is carefully clean as his father instructed him
refuses to muzzle you like malleus, he also sees it as demeaning
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