#dragoni language
s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 8 months
Dragoni language but, they don't have gendered pronouns, nor like pronouns at all, they do have something similar like a certain "title" such as "being (Oni)" and "being (Dragon)" and additional "small being" referring to humans and most likely any other humanoid being (only exception being the serpentine referred as "small being (Dragon) because of what they look like) FSM was referred to as something similar to the word hybrid and never had a name I guess.
Garmadon gets referred as either "being (Oni)" or "small being" or sometimes even "small being (Oni)" because yes.
Lloyd is often referred to as "small being" or occasionally even used the same sound what FSM was referred as.
Does anyone understand what the fuck am I even talking about
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hawkflame999 · 6 months
Ninjago Secrecy AU
So in this AU, it’s basically the same as canon, EXCEPT, the ninja stay secret.
it's not JUST their identities. It’s also their literal existence and history.
FSM didn’t want humans, who often misunderstood and killed Yōkai-kind, to know about the Elementals. So he kept himself secret, his two sons secret, and the people he’d later choose to become the first human-ish Elementals secret. Those people were street orphans and abused kids he’d rescued from other humans.
Elementals have basically been behind the scenes (and doing illegal stuff like underage driving) for several millennia, they’ve managed to keep secret all this time and continue to do so in this AU. 
When something big comes, like the Great Devourer, the ninja fix it but there’s only eyewitnesses and no camera footage and most of the time they somehow aren’t seen by humans.
Or Jay causes a blackout to make things harder for them to be seen.
Oh, yeah. And Elementals aren’t sure if they’re Humans with powers, something between Yōkai and Humans, or just full-blown Yōkai. 
They just don’t know, but they have the senses of Yōkai and they can see very well in the dark- they also have a keen sense of smell, they can follow trails. And their eyes glow, but they can control the glow when they need to. Among other things, like feeling vibrations.
Elementals also have feral instincts, though they can ignore those instincts and act human when the circumstances demand it. Lloyd, his father, and uncle all have Dragoni features like in my Headcanon #1, and they're the most feral.
If you saw my HC about the Elemental Bond, that applies here too.
The Elementals just tell people who ask that they’re a clan. They’re kind of common amongst the Realms, and to help the ninja, their clan is tiny, and sort of IS a clan, just a special one. 
Said clans that do exist either live off the land or live modernly now but they all started back in old times, and they keep touch and all nowadays. 
The Serpentine often receives a similar reception that Yōkai get, just less than that, so they don’t give the game up- they keep silent about the ninja. 
After meeting the ninja, the Formlings, the Geckles and the Munce, and others were asked to and agreed to keep quiet about the Elementals. So does Vania, (idk how that part of Master of the Mountain works but yeah).
In the AU, other Yōkai, (Kitsune, Kappas, Tanukis, Bakenekos, ect.) are more apparent and present in this, and even most of them don’t know about the ninjas, just a few friends know. 
The Elementals frequently attack and ambush Yōkai Hunters, and free the trapped Yōkai. 
There’s also more mountains around the Monastery, it’s a literal mountain range, and many Yōkai live in them. Years ago they all combined their magic to create a barrier, so humans can’t get in (they just get turned around and all,) unless they’re led, and it's really hard for someone to just find their way in, but it happens occasionally. 
Arin knows about the ninja ONLY because he’s from a village near the mountain of the Monastery, and his family is one of the few that the ninja trusted with the knowledge of their existence, because one of Arin’s ancestors, a few generations back, accidentally found a way into the mountains, and got caught in a storm, so the ninja of the time saved him. 
Also all the Elementals speak Yōkai. It’s their second language, and their first language is Japanese, English is their third language.  
Yeah, that’s it really.
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
Hello! Love your ogre research, first of all. So something weird here, in my English translation of Ariosto the monster that threatens Angelica (the orca) is translated as “sea orc”, and the blind ogre who acts like Polyphemus (the orco) is translated as “land orc”. (And by extension “sea orc” evolved into a dragony thing in some modern fantasy books). Any idea why that happened instead of just calling them “orca” and “ogre” or something?
Ah yes the Orlando Furioso. I meant to include this in my big "What makes an ogre" series but never got the time.
So... I have to admit I am not an expert on Italian language, especially old fashioned Italian language, and I also am no expert on the full Orlando Furioso (it is a very complex work I only got started on recently). But here's the thing...
It is well-known that the Orlando Furioso was put together by taking elements of Greco-Roman mythology and reinventing them completely. The Orco and Orca are this. The Orco is basically Polyphemus reinvented - but here with two eyeballs made of bone instead of one eye promptly gouged out. The Orca meanwhile is the sea-dragon of the Andromeda story given a new name. So far so good.
But "Orca" is not meant to evoke the sea animal of the same name, the "killer whale", and that's something everybody has to remind people of (even the Wikipedia article for the Orca in Italian points out it is NOT the "orca" as in the sea creature). Orca is used here as the male form of "orco" - and the "orco" is indeed the same name of creature used by Basile to designate his proto-ogres. The "uercos", which is just "orcos" spelled differently.
So should we translated "Orco" as "ogre" and "Orca" as "ogress"? Well... No, it wouldn't work. At least for the Orco it can work since he sports typical ogre traits and DID influence the rise of the ogre figure in France (I don't think it is a random choice if madame d'Aulnoy's ogres are cyclops). But the Orca clearly isn't the same kind of creature - it is a sea dragon, or a sea monster, or some big sea snake. So this hints at the fact that "orco/orca" doesn't actually translated, in the context of the Orlando, as "ogre"...
You see, by Basile's Pentamerone, the "orco" is clearly an "ogre" in the fairytale sense of the word - though some English translators decided to go for "ghoul" because they didn't understand why an ogre would have magical powers, unaware that ogres were originally sorcerers/fairies of their own rights. They preferred to evoke the shapeshifting Arabian demons, allowing for an easier explanation of "Oh yes the ogre turns into all sorts of animals and curses people when it can't eat them".
[Note: As I write this I realized "orchi" is apparently the plural of "orco"? Well... I'll keep calling them "orcos" for now, but another proof I am not expert when it comes to these things]
But the author of the Orlando Furioso seems to have had a different and more ancient meaning in head for "orco". If you ask me, what seems very likely (though I am no expert) is that "orco"/"orca" is here taken as meaning "man-eating monster". Not just a fairytale ogre, but any kind of creature that wants to devour human beings. As a result the "orco" is an ogre-like giant, while the orca is a sea monster-dragon. "Orco/a" is used in the same broad sense as how "fairy" could be used in the British Isles to refer to all sorts of creatures, or yokai in Japan - or at least, that's what it seems to me. This is probably why the translator chose to prefer the term "orc", more neutral and evoking the older roots and mysterious figures behind the word "orc" before Tolkien made it famous. Calling the sea creature "orca" feeds the confusion with the killer whale ; while calling the land monster "ogre" might remove the idea that he is another form of the sea creature met earlier. One could keep the cohesion by having "ogre / ogress" but it would be mistranslating to call the sea monster "ogress" when it is clearly not just a female version of the land creature. So ultimately I think this is why the terms "sea orc" and "land orc" were chosen - it keeps the unity, while pointing out that the term does not designate a specific type of being, more a large class of man-eating beings. You could easily go with "sea monster" and "land monster" too.
At least that's how I perceive things - but again I am NO expert and any actual Italian insight on this topic would be more than welcome.
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jester-jesper · 7 months
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i made a phylogenetic tree for one of my fictional worlds. (I do not recommend doing this without a physical book on phylogeny tbh, doing it with just google searches is tedious and feels like its missing crucial info)
In this world various types of “dragons” exist, as well as other humanoid species. The black branches belong to species that have actually existed, the red branches are how I added the dragons into the tree and the blue branches are how I added my humanoid species into the tree. (I added the dragon types according what worked for me and my fictional world, so it may not perfectly fit the mythology of every species.)
currently there are four types of humanoid species in this world:
Amphibae Sapiens - The Wise Amphibian, descendants of an amphibious species
Avialae Sapiens - The Wise Bird, descendants of an ancestral bird species
Draconis Sapiens - The Wise Dragon, descendants of a draconic species
Hominid Sapiens - The Wise Ape, descendants of great apes
Thanks to convergent evolution and coevolution, these sapient species have been able to intermingle and share a common language (tho with distinct dialects) as well as a common “religion”/culture (with distinct subcultures).
This common language and religion is viewed as irremovable parts of the other and therefore has only one name: Quilth  (i’d tell you it’s phonetic pronunciation but i dont quite understand the phonetical alphabet yet, sadge)
The Dragonis Sapiens are the newest additions to this coevolving group, stemming from a common fear of their ancestors: dragons. This fear is still present but less prevalent in these cultures today.
Additionally, draconic species’ populations are declining in size due to survival of the fittest (and them not being the best adapted to the changing environments) and having been hunted down by other (draconic/sapient) species (as revenge). This is relevant to my ocs themselves, some of which are helping to protect these species from extinction)
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the-history-chap · 8 months
top 10 favourite songs?
Alright, my ten twelve ten favourite songs in no particular order:
1. Sznurki władzy cover by Studio Accantus / Die Fäden in der Hand by Uwe Kröger / Master of the strings by Michael Lanning (this is technically the same song but in three different languages)
2. Gods of war by Dragony (thank you Nick)
3. Lullaby bye by Dr Steel
4. Childhood Don't A-Go-go by Dr Steel
5. The Attack of the Dead Men by Sabaton
6. Przez nieba wzrok (Through Heaven's Eyes from Prince of Egipt) cover by Studio Accantus
7. Piękno jak nóż (Le bien qui fait mal from Mozart [the musical]) cover by Studio Accantus
8. Planet X Marks the Spot by Dr Steel
9. Lament for a Toy Factory by Dr Steel
10. Tango andrusowskie cover by Mieczysław Fogg
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oolathurman · 1 year
so uhh that was the first watch through, let's go over it again
enemies can interact with each other and the environment
still convinced that ganondorf somehow corrupted that arm of link's.
the large chalk drawings on the ground i love them they're SO gonna be puzzles
ok the spotlights seem to be in multiple locations so i'm betting it's for like. wayfinding purposes when you're in the air.
i wonder how long after botw this takes place?
seeing encampments near hyrule castle is so cool tho ahhh ARE WE BUILDING UP AN ARMY????
giant cloud in the sky five bucks says it's also related to skyward sword shit
i should. probably finish skyward sword huh i never did whoops.
i got close!!!!
the way music is reversed and shit. while ganon's music is cued. mm.
like i know we saw evidence of the zonai last trailer but i'm still seeing traces of twilight princess. such as in this music.
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ok so you can't see it very clearly in just a screenshot but
one arm is like. corrupted compared to the right. or the arms different at least.
this continues my theory that ganondorf corrupted link's arm
if he didn't i will eat my shoe
still fucking horny for ganondorf
what is this SPARKLING that zelda's doing as she's falling
it's clearly related to the piece of amber or whatever it is she holds later in the trailer
i love the addition of quicksand in totk it's so 90s to have quicksand everywhere
this underground area where link's wearing the goron armor tho
it's not goron built, the architecture is different and i KNOW nintendo puts careful thought into that shit
but it's underground or otherwise not receiving natural sunlight
is this the temple in the ravine??? the forgotten temple or whatever????
[cues mission impossible music]
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heehee poncho boy
yeah you can def fight with villager and npcs now and i like that link's learned how to do the spinning spear trick that the bokoblins used in the previous game! that's such a fun touch
if this dragony npc is a zonai by god we are gonna introduce so much more furry bait into the fandom (i say this with amused positivity)
well we're getting so much more furry bait already with their existence but shhh
wait a second i'm remembering this like. weird conspiracy theory i had when i played oot where a sect of separate sheikah who defected from hyrule were like. corrupted by magic and shit. i suppose i forgot bc it's been uhhh ten plus years but uh
eyes emoji
wait a second what's the zonai theory anyway
bc if my old conspiracy theory lines up with zonai then that means i came up with the zonai theory separately and--
well anyway
what is this script that's being used on the gears and walls in this next scene. it's a new language/script. it's not sheikah, it's not hylian. what is it. is it zonai as well. idr if the twili had a script.
ugh the way this unseen npc dresses reminds me so much of. shit what's his face. the other twili person that isn't midna. him. the weirdo. i guess it's just how the clothes drape but i have so much thread on this spool for the conspiracy theory board ok.
that amber i talked about is around her neck THAT AMBER IS AROUND HER NECK also girl cute earrings!!!!
i will say that seeing link using magic 2 part epoxy to glue a shield to a sword is fucking hilarious.
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does anyone recognize this rito from the previous game
was she(?) the (modern) champion's daughter or smth idr
the corruption has spread to mount doom you KNOW this is gonna be a main quest
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obsessed with this look yas girl oh my god i just noticed the additional ear piercings I LOVE IT
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new 'hit the eyes' boss revealed in the thunder cloud
oh wait the arms thing was a torn sleeve
i mean we still see ganon corrupting link's arm but also i wanna see more of like how it connects
still horny for ganondorf
can someone give zelda a goddamn break like just fucking let her be with her gnc boyfriend already
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Stayed up way too late playing.
Made it to the centaur city, after finding the massive info dumps along the way with the caravan kind of boring.  I think it’s just a letdown after all the dragony goodness in the first zone.  Centaurs have never appealed to me much and it was a lot of information to take in regarding their legends and clans and such.  The zone is pretty, though.  I’ll probably like it more when I meet up with green dragons.
So many gay NPCs!  And a deaf NPC with a sign language interpreter and a service dog...er, animal.  Whatever those were called.  It’s kind of jarring after the scarce representation in the game in the past, but definitely not a bad thing.  (I love how it educates you about not petting service dogs on duty if you click on the dog-thing.  Such a neat touch!)
Leveled cooking and fishing a bit and just flew around finding treasures.
I finally made it back to Stormwind to dump stuff in the bank and AH.  The materials I had collected didn’t sell for as much as new expansion mats normally do.  Did I already miss the window of stupidly inflated prices by waiting until the second day of the expansion to sell stuff?  I hope not.
Anyway, I’m super tired and barely coherent so I’m off to bed, and will give the Oh’whatchamacallit Plains my full attention tomorrow.
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saltminerising · 3 years
I usually name my fodder hatches some random collection of letters and syllables which sound vaguely dragony (Deska, Wrix, Zepton, etc) and I’m a little paranoid that one day I’m going to accidentally name a dragon some horrible slur in a language I don’t speak (and that isn’t banned by the filters)
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ashleybenlove · 3 years
I’m looking up Britechester on the Sims 4 wiki because I’m thinking about what to do next in my game (I think it’s time to change some stuff up), and I’m discovering that University of Britechester has very dragony names for the dorms (Drake Hall, Wyvern Hall) which... I very much like. 
Though, Foxbury Institute is more STEMy (which is more fitting for Hiccup and Fishlegs, at least).
Foxbury Institute distinguishes in the following degrees: Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Psychology, and Villainy.
University of Britechester is more humanities.
University of Britechester distinguishes in the following degrees: Art History, Communications, Culinary Arts, Drama, Fine Art, History, and Language & Literature.
Though I still haven’t played with Outdoor Retreat, Jungle Adventure, or Snowy Escape. 
LOL, what if I sent Viggo and Ryker to Foxbury to get a degree in Villainy. I’m pretty sure they’re still in my game lol.
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pokemoncoloursplash · 4 years
What language(s) would you most want to learn if you could do it immediately?
The history nerd in me wants to say a dead language like Linear A, but that’s only really useful to historians and nerds like me.
I think I’ll go with Spanish, honestly. Maybe Mandarin.
- Dragonis
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 1 month
Something something the Oni using the word for "hybrid" as the word for autistic after the Oni hybrids start popping up, which means some of the Oni calling Garmadon something along the lines of "small Oni" is basically like calling an autistic person the r-slur.
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 years
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Is it weird that I actually like Homestuck 2, and am at the same time going “Oh Christ, I have to read it now”?
Regardless! New planet! New lore! Will we get a whole new species now? I really hope so, it’d be lame (and nonsensical) is it were just more trolls. I want to see what the natives of Universe C look like!
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I didn’t think about it enough in Chapter 1, but the fact that Terezi crash-landed the ship, apparently on purpose and for lulz, is really weird. This is a bit past “prankster” and more in the realm of “the player you stop inviting to DnD”. Wandering out in space for years and fucking John Egbert changes a person.
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New looks for everyone! Fun fact: That painting behind Dirk - which is a real painting Andrew Hussie owns - actually made a cameo appearance in Legend of the Hare! 
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Which was mostly a reference but also foreshadowing that Mary here would be the Horse Champion. Anyway, new looks for everyone! Homestuck characters used to change appearances constantly but it sort of stopped after Act 6, so it’s nice to see the return of Fashion. Apparently, Terezi ditched Jade’s shoes at some point for dragony ones and grew her hair out, while Rose is wearing a statue of liberty tiara, which is probably a reference to all the statues of liberty Alpha Dave made in that timeline for reasons that never seemed to matter at the time but now might. 
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This is a cute little subtle gag. Dirk’s “Terezi, you too” was extending the “Render yourself more symbolically” command, but Terezi thought it was a continuation of Dirk’s line from the previous page. She’s not as immune to his powers as she things. That green jacket is more than a little evocative of Lord English, and the color-loving Terezi could probably be convinced to trade the gold trim for flashing colors. Just a thought to keep in the back of your mind. 
ROSEBOT: At the very least, none of us succumbed to substance abuse. Or re-succumbed, I guess I should say.
ROSEBOT: The perks of not having an appetite or a liver, in my case.
ROSEBOT: In yours... I'm actually not sure. Perhaps the underlying cognitive dissonance or trauma you were originally trying to distract yourself from is no longer a going concern?
ROSEBOT: Or... ROSEBOT: No, wait. ROSEBOT: That's not right. ROSEBOT: I'm thinking of a different Terezi. ROSEBOT: Or maybe I'm thinking of a different me? ROSEBOT: Maybe the different me is thinking of a different Terezi, and I'm just witnessing the thought happen as a bystander. ROSEBOT: It's much the same thing at this point. ROSEBOT: ... ROSEBOT: And I suppose I'm also prematurely ruling out the potential of anime functioning as an abusable substance. ROSEBOT: In which case I've got very bad news for all of us.
The plot of Homestuck is so convoluted that even the characters can’t keep it straight anymore. Rose is referring to her struggles with alcoholism in the original Game Over timeline, but this Rose is from the post-Retcon timeline, and going Ultimate is causing them all to blend together in her mind. Also she seems to think that Game Over Terezi’s problem was being addicted to Faygo, not having an abusive boyfriend, unless she’s thinking of some other Terezi.
Also, as someone who was the treasurer of a college anime club despite not liking anime, I can confirm that Rose has some very bad news indeed.
ROSE: Where shall our allegory begin? DIRK: Beg pardon. ROSE: Oh come on. The cave? ROSE: I have to say I’m a little disappointed in you. Three years, and not once did I witness you replacing any parts of the ship. ROSE: How are we to jerk ourselves off philosophically if you don’t lean into your clumsy allusions? DIRK: It's a fair question. DIRK: But since the name you suggested was nothing more than a very juvenile play on words, I can’t say you’ve got much ground to stand on. ROSE: What’s juvenile about The Kant? DIRK: Nothing. DIRK: At least, not when you say it. ROSE: It’s not my fault you sound like a gay cowboy. DIRK: Sigh.
See, this is what the epilogues were missing! Bantz! Rose was practically comatose for the Meat epilogues, so it’s good to see her back. Maybe one day we’ll get Jade back, too. 
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Who the fuck is this? This isn’t Dirk narrating, it’s black text. Is this the same person who was narrating the last chapter with Calliope? That narrator didn’t address the audience like this.
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Dirk is naming the new planet “Deltritus”, which is a Homestucky portmanteau of Delta (As in “D”; It’s the fourth SBURB planet), and detritus. Kind of an insulting name, honestly. If this planet has SBURB on it, doesn’t that imply it’s inhabited? Do the locals not have a name for it?
DIRK: The point is, we will be building intelligent life on this planet from scratch. That was one of our key mistakes with Earth C. We should have started our guidance from the very beginning, instead of letting it grow organically in our image.
Oh, okay, guess not.
ROSE: Our own world was abandoned by its gods. Or, I suppose, its gods never reached it.
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I’d actually really love to see an AU where there trolls made it, and Vriska and Aradia guided the human race as immortal gods. Rose is right that it probably would’ve been way worse, especially given how the Alpha Earth went.
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I’m deeply curious about who this narrator is, who speaks in a neutral black text and uses more casual language than Dirk or Calliope. Is this Ultimate Dave, maybe? It sounds more like Dave than anyone else. But how?
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Oops, I was wrong. It was Dirk, all along. Well I guess you’ve made a monkey - yes you’ve finally made a monkey - you’ve finally made a monkey out of me. 
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Oh, that’s actually cool! Rose and Dirk are going to create their own species and let them compete to play the game! 
ROSE: There's something so delicious about the two of us being the ones to populate an entire planet from scratch. ROSE: The irony doesn't get much sweeter.
“From scratch”, you say? 
DIRK: Next step is adding mutations. DIRK: We can use any old shit for this. Literally any captchalogueable object can be added into the mix by inserting its card into one of the slots here.
So, they each clone themselves, and throw random items in the pot to basically alchemize a new species, the way they used to make weapons? The potential for absurdity here is immense, as is the potential for crimes against god.
ROSE: It's amazing what pieces of inconsequential information your mind can recall at a moment's notice, a whole decade after they were last relevant or interesting to anyone. ROSE: ... ROSE: I think I missed this.
I did, too. Behind all the angst and the melancholy and the sci-fi adventures, Homestuck is a profoundly stupid comic and I’m unironically glad they’re remembering it, and bringing back some of the fun of creation.This is a surprisingly impactful line.
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Incredible. This is all sorts of fucked up and I love it.
Oh god, Dirk is going to make Cherubs and Rose is going to make Squiddles and the long-memed 48-player Squiddle session is actually going to happen, isn’t it?
Edit: Any item that can be captachlouged can be made part of the species, and that includes John’s dead body that’s currently burning a hole in Terezi’s inventory. So Karkat’s shitty breeding chart from Act 5 can come true after all.
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dodiejinx · 4 years
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"Just a little tighter here, some blush there. Definitely more sparkle here. Voila! Tre Magnifique! You look so splendid. So-"
Amelle was cut off by a very uncomfortable little dragony.
"Pink. I look like a cotton candy had a baby with missus Pie's special crazy cupcakes. I look like if a Disney princess got drunk and made a confetti explode this dress and this make up on my body."
Lila made an effort to turn her head toward her sister, had to turn her whole body in order to make eye contact.
"Isn't this a bit much for a little miss buttercup pageant. I know it's held in Canterlot and all your big time friends will be there, but I don't think I have enough room to breathe in this thing, I can't even turn head without doing a whole 360 just so I can look at you."
Amelle whipped her sister around to face the mirror and finish
"Of course this is necessary. If we want to win you need to do exactly as I say and wear what I tell you to wear. Besides you were the one who asked me to help you. If you want to win and show those prissy, stuck up little pieces of shit- . . . "
The worked up dragony stopped herself mid rant, she was almost embarrassed using such language in front of her little siste. r. She composed herself and continued to place up her dress and touch up her spikes.
"That no matter if you are a pony, dragon, both or neither. You are still the cutest, the kindest, the most fearless, and the best little sister anyone could ask for."
" . . . Thanks Amelle, your the best sister anybody could ask for too! Even though you stuffed me into this Pink nightmare dress."
Lila attempted to hug tackle her sister like she always does, but she tripped on her dress and fell flat on her face
"LILA. OH MY GOODNESS! Mon doux ange are you alright."
Amelle picked her sweet sister up and held her in a tight big mama bear hug
"You keep hugging me while I got this death dress on, I won't be."
"Oh, sorry mon ange. Maybe you were right. I suppose this dress was a tad too, much."
Lila looks at her dress and back at her sister.
"You think?"
They both laugh and hug. Amelle picks her sister up and twirls around
"I'm sorry for putting through this grief honey. If you don't want to go through with the pageant we can back out now."
"No way, I'm gonna show those prissy bitches that I can walk and strut just as cute as any filly."
"Fantastic! Now let's throw away this travesty and create a dress that is truly Lila Dawn!"
They both walk to the fitting room, or in Lila's case waddle.
"And can we make it walkable, possibly breathable. Oh and fire proof!"
"Wait a mome- why fire proof?"
"I got a real showy talent for the talent portion of the pageant. It's gonna knock those prissy judges socks off."
Amelle starts to happy cry at how determined and devious she is.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so proud! I'll work on a spell for fire resistance then. This shall be my most fantastic piece yet. You ready mon ange!"
"Born ready!"
One of the sweeter moments with Amelle and Lila.
Hope you likey!!!
Link below:
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morning-starcrossed · 4 years
Annie rn: Hey if Lucifer can speak any language does that mean he can read any language too?
Me: Why don’t you wonder your dragony little ass into his ask box and ask?
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@dragoniisms has started following dexter!
A rift from an unknown cause has opened over avalar and a drop of pitch black liquid falls to the ground and makes a puddle while the rift above closes. A bipedal creature with a humanoid body and squid tents attached to the back of the head rises and shows himself and speaks in a clear language. "Greetings. I am Dexter. I come in peace."
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Thank you for tagging me, @brocflowers !
Nickname: ... Misha. It's not my birth name but I like it better
Zodiac sign: Cancer sun, Pisces moon
Height: 5'6''
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing I googled: the distance between Tollesboro, KY (where I'm from) and Isaban, West Virginia (where my great-grandparents came here from). I'm planning on driving there soon
Favorite musicians: Steely Dan, Stray Cats, Led Zeppelin, Talking Heads, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, The Police, Hall & Oates, Bob Dylan, Soundgarden, The Smiths, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush
Song stuck in my head: "Midnight in a Madhouse," Chick Webb (I've been playing a lot of Fallout 76 lately)
Following: 317 (I love everybody in the Fallout fandom)
Followers: 30 (I'm surprised I got tagged because I didn't think anyone noticed me)
Do I get asks? No. Feel free to inquire anything though
Amount of sleep: about 4 hours a night (a few months ago I got a 1st shift job after having a 2nd/3rd shift sleeping schedule for 5 years. I've been a plum awful mess)
What am I wearing? Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (no personal affiliation -- when I saw "you've been TANKED" on the rack I had to own it)
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Dream job: to have my own radio station. Basically the goal is to fully realize my destiny as Jumpin' Johnny Bumjel (Jumble) from Crashbox
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Dream trip: cross-country USA trip, from Vermont, down to Florida, west through the rest of the south, to Texas, the southwest, through California, up back through Utah, Idaho, Montana. America has a very diverse landscape and I would really love to intimately see it all.
Instruments: I am utterly obsessed with a gargantuan amount of music but as of yet I cannot play an instrument. I would like to be able to play steel/slide guitar (it's my favorite sound ever) and the piano.
Languages: I started at Berea College 5 years ago with the intent of learning German and going to Germany to teach English. I had a breakdown and dropped out in the first 6 months. So I only know English at the moment.
10 Favorite Songs:
- "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight" by Genesis
- "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails
- "The Great Curve" by Talking Heads
- "Do You Love Me?" Nick Cave
- "Hypnotized" Fleetwood Mac
- "Mexican Radio" Wall of Voodoo
- "Night Boat to Cairo" by Madness
- "Surgeon" St Vincent
- "The Art of Parties" by Japan
- "Going Underground" the Jam
Random Fact: I collect old novelty shit from thrift stores and happily clutter my entire home with it. From Goodwill t-shirts, weird mugs, wall decor from the '80s... In my dreams my future permanent home will look like a kitschy, cheesy version of the interior of Mr Krabs' Anchor house.
My aesthetic: a mix of everything I think is cool -- sentimental cheap jewellery, corduroy, work boots, unique Goodwill shirts, torn, rugged clothes, very messy hair, camo, turtlenecks, '90s faded jeans, muscle shirts, Dickie's jumpsuits and mens' work pants, round glasses. "Artsy redneck" is the look and general persona in a nutshell.
I tag @misterramen , @cowboygreasers , @yesjejunus , @socksual-innuendos , @r907 , @robco-official , @pistachiozombie , @fallout-new-vegas-2010 , @dragonie , @ravage-trash , @scuttlebuttin , @holorifle , @braintapes , @eitherfeline , @broccococcoli . Few of y'all are mutuals but I love your blogs and am curious nonetheless. I probably forgot a bunch of blogs on here I also admire
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