#dragon atlas
kottonashi · 2 months
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Jasmine dragon 🌱
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shutupcrime · 3 months
I feel like so many problems people have with tv at the moment could be solved if we just went back to the good ole days of 20 episodes a season that’s just sixty percent filler and character development. Give the people what they want- less condensed story and more meaningless shenanigans
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sevrinve · 6 months
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comfy casual firelord
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 2 months
Okay, so this isn’t really related to the larger parts of the season, but-
Can I just say I absolutely love how they introduced Callum’s dad?
Like, there are so many theories about him, that he was an elf, that he was a warrior who died, that he just up and left them, but in actuality? He was a poet. He was a poet with a sickness from birth and he died from that when Callum was young. He was kind and Sarai loved him. Harrow even respected him and I genuinely love that.
It also makes more sense that it would’ve been harder for Callum to connect with Harrow in the face of that. His dad wasn’t some warrior who died before he knew him, he wasn’t some elf that he never knew, or some deadbeat who left his mom. He was a kind heart poet who was born with a sickness that couldn’t be cured.
That’s extraordinarily tragic, but I love it.
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ursa-majora · 6 months
Everyone talks about how Appa is apparently obese for a sky bison and Aang is over feeding him. Undeserved in my opinion (hes just big boned obviously)
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But nobody talks about how Druk (Zuko's dragon) is a complete fatass compared to other dragons.
For example: These are pics of Roku's Dragon, Fang, and Sozin's Dragon
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Do you see how long and noodley they are. They're actual dragons too, not Wyverns like GoT dragons. (Note the 4 legs)
And heres Ran and Shaw:
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See, still very noodley. And these are quite old, large dragons.
And this? This is Druk:
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And Its not just the angle because even when he is sitting down he's fat
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Obviously Druk has lived a life of luxery, he's a pampered little prince
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crispyliza · 7 months
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I've got you all figured out fanartists
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chiptrillino-art · 11 months
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In the Spirit World, roughly 400 years ago.
When you are just a little blue guy. But the greater gods found a liking in you. And then you ended up as chewtoy for Koh.
Spirit shenanegans at their finest.
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ofswordsandpens · 4 months
I fear that "fire bending didn't come easy to zuko" and "zuko isn't a prodigy" (both true) has somehow snowballed into "zuko is a bad or at best average fire bender".... which simply isn't true, especially by the end of book 3
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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utter-dismae · 6 months
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so I'm writing a fanfic where I stick the Avatar characters in my D&D world cause idk I felt like it
these are the designs for the guys and honestly it was mostly just something to drag me out of art block lmao
You can read the fic on ao3 here if ya want
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
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strayconstellation · 5 months
"i need someone who can match my freak"
my freak:
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rennelelorren · 9 months
Hi~ I`m with some Aang and Zu
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oh and somehow this one was funnier like sketch or idk :_b
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makaira-art · 2 months
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The funniest what-if: Sokka finds The Jasmine Dragon one day and is like “I don’t trust prince angstbender one bit, I’d better keep an eye on him,” and visits every day until he realizes Zuko just wants to do his little job and keep his uncle happy so it slowly just turns into Sokka annoying “Lee from the tea shop” because he knows Zuko can’t do shit about it
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pinkiemachine · 1 year
I made something…
Figured that since Ozai looked so young in his portrait, that must mean it was made shortly after his coronation, or thereabouts, so applying that logic here, ZuZu stills looks young and handsome. The dragons, I know, that event was meant to be kept secret, but counter argument, this painting doesn’t necessarily say, “Hey, Dragons are still alive—here’s a map!” It’s just a bit of artsy-fartsy majestic embellishment. Also, I feel like Zuko might want to rebrand the Fire Nation, just a little, you know, after the 100 year war. So instead of just pure fire iconography, he brings things back to their roots, aka, the dragon. More dragon iconography!!! In this portrait, Zuko isn’t the one firebending, it’s the dragons, the first Firebenders. And in the meantime, he’s holding out a White Lotus. Now, I tried to use my Google Fu to find out if there was ever any symbol in Japan or Korea or China that meant “peace,” but my search results came up empty, so I figured that perhaps the lotus could become their version of, say, the olive branch. A discreet and tasteful way to include such a major part of the final battle while having a double meaning. Also, take note of the fact that he’s holding it with BOTH hands. In Japan, when one offers a gift, you always do so with both hands. And while I know it may look a little strange, Zuko towering over his friends—bro—this was always going to be Zuko’s Firelord portrait. He was always going to be the main focus. He just wanted to also include his friends and commemorate the day the war finally ended/his coronation. Anyway, that’s all for now… hope that wasn’t too much… and if anyone has any ideas for how to make it even better, pls let me know.
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And to all those who say the element order is backwards…
Japanese and traditional Chinese text layouts are read -right to left-
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dranktwocoffees · 1 year
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druk :D
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