#drago negativity
atlas-affogato · 2 years
This might be an unpopular opinion within the JCA fandom but...I hate Drago. He got on my nerves. And the Ice Crew, oh my god I just can't with them.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
the notes on that poll are making me feel insane half of them are like "voting for drago because at least starline isn't an abuser 😌" YES HE IS ????????????? DID YOU READ THE COMICS ????
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Yandere Malleus kidnaps his darling and takes them to an abandoned castle/cave/whatever really. Instead of being mad his darling keeps cooing and petting his dragon form. Not even mad about the kidnapping they just think his drago form is adorable and wants to cuddle and pet the "big scary dragon" as people call him
Yandere Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would definitely kidnap you because he would be really jealous.
He couldn't stand how close others would be to you…
they would do horrible things like.. talk to you, look at you or breathe in the same room.
Oh how terrible…
A perfectly reasonable reason to kidnap your partner because of this.
* Sarcasm *
Malleus would look for a suitable place where he could take care of you.
And eventually he would find one.
The kidnapping would happen immediately.
Okay since Malleus is a dragon and a fae he sees his actions as completely normal.
There is nothing strange here.
Of course, Lilia would have warned that your reaction might be… a bit negative.
But Malleus wouldn't believe it.
He would be sure that you love him.
So your reaction would be normal in his opinion.
Malleus would really enjoy it.
He would indeed introduce his dragon form to you.
In his opinion, this is a "healthy relationship".
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vixnarts · 1 month
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Sorry that I haven’t been posting on Tumblr. I’m not active on here because the platform isn’t my favorite. But since I’m hated by the dragon artist community in the HTTYD fandom on Instagram. I’m going to post my drawing here. I’ll come back to posting more of the creepypasta proxy x supernatural AU soon. Now without further ado, let’s start off with my opinions on both Httyd movies.
HEADS UP: if you do not like these opinions about the third movie, please do not attack me or anyone else that agrees. I will block (depending on the comment) or delete the negative comments.
Toothless (THW): There were so many things with this movie that pissed me off, starting off with Toothless himself. He stood out like a sore thumb. His design is atrocious with the squished eyes and the eyebrows. The few things that were good were the Deathgrippers and when Toothless was angry. That’s it. Also the light fury was shit and she looked like a condom. Anyways, Toothless was butchered so bad in this movie. He was a slobbery horny fuck and made out with his own shadow. He was disgusting to the Light fury (Thanks for smacking him in that scene when Toothless was being a creep doing those tropical bird dances). Now with his markings, they’re vaguely there. When he’s flying you can kinda see em but not really. Aside from the deathgrippers and Toothless’s angered expressions, the entire movie was shit. And DO NOT get me started with the light fury and those ugly ass looking night light things. I preferred the old storyboard where Toothless was reunited with a pack of night furies and Drago returned. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Side note: I also liked the soundtrack of this movie. With this atrocious movie, it’s like DreamWorks took away all Toothless mysterious aspects and made him act like a rubbery mutt (no offense to dogs, dogs are way smarter than what DreamWorks did to Toothless)
HTTYD (2010): Oh boy, I loved this movie since childhood. The animation, the dragons actually looked intimidating, and my favorite of all Toothless. I loved him, his design especially. He actually scared me as a kid while watching this on DVD. Toothless in the first film was by far the best (as well as HTTYD2 Toothless, tho I like the first movie better) he was sassy, protective of hiccup even when Astrid was gonna attack. What I loved about Toothless’s design was his tiger shark leopard print markings and that he acted like a cat. I loved the way he moved in flight and walking. Another thing on what I loved about Toothless was that he was actually mysterious and unknown. No one never knew about his species it was all unknown. It would’ve been cool if DreamWorks added the concept light furies in the movie. That would be dope.
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twisted-confessions · 2 months
I just found this really cool picrew and wanted to try and make an Overblot version of my Twst/HTTYD OC Bella and it turned out SO GOOD!!! (Lore dump about her Overblot below the cut)
Anyway, new tag game! Use this picrew to make your own Twst OC's before and after their Overblot then tag some fellow twst friends to make theirs as well!!
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Tagging: @oyatochie @oya-oya-okay @boopshoops @sweetbunpura @kirexa @valy-gc @winterwriterstudios @hyp3rf1xat10ns @idiazhroud @masked-tornado @patchyegg87 @teapot-tyrant @unity-obj
And then Open Tags for whoever wants to try!!
In my au, Bella's Overblot is inspired by a few different characters, however the main elements for her outfit are Dire Crowley and Toothless while her attitude would match Drago Bludvist since all three of them triggered major life changing impacts, 2 negative and 1 positive. She also gets two set of wings (Night Fury and Raven) to mimic her mother Valka's dragon, Cloudjumper, while gaining some white horns to match Valka's Alpha Bewilderbeast. In the Overblot image she's doing the hand pose Crowley does when he pulls someone out of the coffins and I can totally hear her saying "Aren't I just sooo kind to lend you all a helping hand?" to mock the Bird man lol. The first one is ironically just her genuinely wanting to help someone out lmao. I love making parallels.
I can imagine her Overblot rampaging including her Bewilderbeast Abilities with her commanding all dragons nearby (including Malleus rip-) to capture NRC students so she can steal their magic to force the Mirror of Darkness to send her home, as well as to capture Crowley so she can kill destroy him for using her and lying about letting her go back to New Berk, while also using her Ice Breath to tear down the entire school. Her Phantom though, despite her Night Fury design and wings, would actually be The Bewilderbeast soul inside of her taking physical Blot-form so unlike the other Phantoms, this one is tied to her life in a very different way, keeping her soul(s?) protected while still draining her life force the more she uses it's powers. So destroying Bella's Phantom might have some very negative consequences...
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10blue10 · 8 months
HTTYD continuity: Are there two Hiccups?
First of all, thank you for all the likes and reblogs on my ‘there are two Hiccups’ post. It’s seriously blowing my mind how popular it is. So, if you read it and thought “what? There are two Hiccups?”
Well, no… but actually yes. I wasn’t being literal (I know, on the reading comprehension website? Shame on me), but the thing is, I’m actually kind of right? Just look at these examples from the wiki:
The entire series is based on the six main Dragon Riders moving away from Berk for over a year. However, in commentary, Dean DeBlois has said that they all lived on Berk between the first two films. The second film’s Art Book elaborates on this saying that they all had responsibilities on Berk which prevented them from leaving.
In other words, as far as Dean is concerned, RTTE never happened.
The series also focuses on the six main Dragon Riders exploring lands outside the Archipelago together, while both Dean and the second film’s Art Book state that only Hiccup and Astrid ventured outside the Archipelago as they were the ones drawing up Hiccup's map. The other four stayed much closer to Berk.
Again, we have a direct contradiction between what Dean claims happened pre-HTTYD2 in his (head)canon, and what we see in RTTE.
Numerous other "dragon riders" are introduced throughout the series, when the second and third films themselves stress how Berk is the only community who rides dragons. Dean elaborated on this during a convention panel explaining that that’s why Eret and Drago were so alarmed when seeing Vikings riding on dragons, and why Eret assumed Valka was one of them.
In an interview with the series creators Art Brown and Douglas Sloan, it was mentioned that the show was originally meant to have 4 seasons, spread out over the span of a year and a half, leading up to the second film. Following the many clues and mentions regarding the passage of time within the story, the last 7 episodes of season 4 were supposed to have happened during the same summer as the film. However, when seasons 5 and 6 were ordered into production, the show writers had to carry on with the timeline they had set up, which inevitably lead to the series continuing into negative time; going past the second film.
In other words, the last two seasons of RTTE aren’t meant to take place before HTTYD2 - they take place after it. If there’s better proof that RTTE is on its own separate timeline, I don’t know what that is.
The majority of film characters are portrayed severely out-of-character in the series compared to the films and film-verse media; most arguably Hiccup and Astrid. Aside from having similar appearance and even voices, their personalities and behaviors in the series portray them as drastically different people than their film counterparts.
I would argue that they are more in character during RTTE, especially Snotlout, the twins and Fishlegs. Isn’t it amazing what being fleshed out characters instead of comic relief can do? But there you have it. RTTE!Hiccup is portrayed as drastically different to his film counterpart. When push comes to shove, there are two Hiccups.
Or, you know, three, if we count the one from the books 😂.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to lamenting the fact we live in the timeline where THW exists and not the timeline where the writers of RTTE were allowed to make a full length conclusion movie.
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kittenpinkamations · 2 months
The more I think about it (this post talking about Hiccup having a bit of an “I’m always right” ego) the more HTTYD2/3 & even RTTE Hiccup seems so fascinating to me actually. Not a negative critique, I genuinely think with this bit of perspective I can enjoy these movies more than I already do (which is a FEAT for someone as httyd obsessed as me)
Like he feels more believable as a 20 year old person instead of just an older version of his teen self?? If that makes sense??? I think it helps that I like. Kind of managed to make a connection comparing him to Phoenix Wright except AA actually more explicitly addressed Phoenix’s ego.
(For those unfamiliar with Ace Attorney: Phoenix is a very similarly snarky though idealistic protagonist who in the first game establishes himself as a bit of a hero in the legal world and as a defence attorney, serves as a devil’s advocate for the persecuted and proves their innocence through his sheer undying loyalty and faith. But in the second game his “I need to be the hero I’m the only one who can do it” complex comes to bite him in the butt and another character essentially says “Listen to yourself. We’re not heroes, we’re only human you and I” and the message is instead of the defense trying to be the sole hero saving everyone, he has to trust the prosecution and they need to work together for justice to be served, guilty or not.)
And like. Back to HTTYD. One of Hiccup’s defining traits is that he’s stubborn! That is a great boon to him in the first movie when he sticks with his beliefs in the dragons not being monsters, in brains being better than brawn. But after being the one used to being right about certain things when everyone else was wrong for so long, is it really that unbelievable that his fatal flaw is, shown time and time again, not listening to the words of those who care about him until the consequences come to bite him?
The entirety of that Thawfest episode.
Astrid and Dagur in Enemy Of My Enemy trying to get through to Hiccup’s thick skull that he shouldn’t have to do all this alone, that revenge will consume him.
Midnight Scrum where, in return for not wanting to open up and take Astrid’s advice to tell Stoick what’s going on because that means being a burden, Hiccup gets kidnapped and targeted by a bunch of people.
HTTYD2 where it turns out: He cannot just go talk to Drago! His parents were actually right!
HTTYD3 has its flaws but it had this message too!
Hiccup is kind, inventive, empathetic, and optimistic. He is also, knowingly or not, biting the hands that didn’t feed him. Only now the hands are trying to feed him and he’s still biting. (Which. Hooooo sounds more like a trauma response now that I’ve said it aloud) And that is such a fascinating trait to me (affectionate) that I wish the fandom explored more because it makes him more of a balanced character! (And also relatable as someone who was also bullied as a kid then had to gradually learn to let go of my own ego because the world does not revolve around me)
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Trader Johann RTTE Season 3
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Hello Lovely People! About a year ago, I mentioned how my sister and I were working on a list of all of the references and head-canons that we had noticed regarding the Johann betrayal in the seasons and episodes leading up to the reveal, and I had posted wondering if anyone else would be interested in see that list. The response was overwhelming, and we set to it.  
This was such a fun process, and we got to rewatch a huge portion of RTTE through working on this list. It has been such a labor of love, and I am so proud of it. HOWEVER 
Here is our disclaimer. We do A LOT of inferring and connection of head cannon dots in this post. Therefore, please DO NOT fill any re-posts with anger or negativity if you strongly disagree with a head-canon that we have included in this list. We would love to discuss them, but please don’t simply repost “wrong” or anything else related if you don’t agree. We would love for these posts to be a place where the community can discuss the craziness that is Traitor Johann and not argue about who is “right” about one connection or head-canon or another. It is also highly likely that we missed something that disproves any details or head-cannons in a different episode or time, and if you notice that, please let us know!  :)
Season 3 Notes:  
Episode 1: The Enemy of My Enemy 
Johann knows exactly what will draw in Hiccup, a dragon hunters’ ship might be the only type of ship he would even stop to investigate. It was also placed close enough to the Edge that anyone who was on patrol would have found it. The ship was obviously a trap.  
Headcannon: Dagur never knew that Johann was involved, which is pretty much proven later. These men shown are not Viggo’s, and this is maybe the first time in the series where this is the case. The branding also could prove that these men are not even Johann’s but Krogan/Drago’s. I think there is a lot left to individual interpretation as to when and how Viggo, Krogan/Drago, and Johann came together to try and take down Hiccup with the King of Dragons.  
Episode 4: Turn and Burn   
(This is one of my favorite episodes because I am a huge fan of Snotlout, and this episode has a TON of Hiccup and Snot bonding) Nothing related to Johann though.  
Episode 5: A Buffalord Soldier 
Viggo admitted that he killed the people on the fishing boat to poison one of the riders. This is similar to the dragon hunters’ boat from episode 1. Placed just enough in the reaches of the Edge’s water space that one of the riders was guaranteed to find it. He also knew that Hiccup was capable of finding the dragon and he was not. Viggo’s respect for Hiccup was used over and over again to lead to benefit for Viggo.  
“I knew where to get the supply, if I could only generate the demand.”  
Viggo didn’t even know for certain that the dragon existed, but he knew that Hiccup would search for it until the end of the earth and there was a better chance than Viggo himself to find it. This is similar to how Johann uses Viggo and Hiccup to lead him to the King of Dragons. I also think that Viggo might have used the Scourge as a way to make his men search harder for the Buffalord, and when they couldn’t find it, tried to tap Hiccup’s brain – which worked for a short time.  
“Supply and Demand” is also a phrase that Johann has routinely used in the show.  
“That’s a loss I’m not willing to take.” Hiccup’s line to Viggo. I believe that this was what clued Viggo into Hiccup’s affection for Astrid, that he had romantic feelings for her that were deeper than even the extreme friendships that he had with the rest of the riders. Viggo had not previously known that and used it against him once he had the chance in S4E10.  
Episode 7: To Heather or Not to Heather  
There is a shot here that the dragon hunters were tipped off that the Riders would be aiding the Nadder migration by Johann. My sister and I believe that he was working totally in the shadows and pulling strings to try and create accidents or incidents for the Riders during this time, but never took bold actions because he was trying to maintain the relationships that he had built for as long as possible. I think there is a solid chance that this was one such planned incident.  
Episode 8: Stryke Out 
The man in charge of this ring hates Ryker, and is confident in his job enough to say that which means that he could be employed by someone who he believes would protect him even if that comment got back to Ryker. The island that Hiccup and Snotlout found was a trap, and a linkage island for traders to meet up, maybe even run secretly by Johann for his wares too.  
“Tell me where they are!” is one of my favorite moments of the entire series.  This is one of my favorite twin sub-plots of the series as well!  
Episode 9: Tone Death  
Mysterious dragon trader/hunter, who slips in and out and has amazing knowledge of how to get to place to place.... Could this be Johann? Or another one of his goons under specific orders?  It is never really again mentioned, but the Death Song egg is certainly in the "rare and valuable" category that Johann flaunts.
The egg could have been planted as a trap for the Riders. The hunters tried to protect it for a time, but it was very easily abandoned over the threat of their own capture, something that is fairly uncommon in the rest of the series. “They want the egg? Give it to them.”  
Episode 10: Between a Rock and a Hard Place 
Losing the quarry and the stronghold was not in Viggo’s plan, this was a time he underestimated the Riders, and led to a big loss. We think this could have been one of the first times that compounded Johann’s eventual decision to come out of his shadowed leadership and break his cover.  
Episode 11: Family on the Edge 
Hiccup: “Viggo doesn’t defend it because he thinks we don’t know about it.”  
Dagur: “Hiccup, you’re too gullible. Why attack now...did the number of ships go up?”  
Hiccup: “Well-”  
Dagur: “Of COURSE IT DID. Because eight ships wasn’t enough to draw you in! Use your brain Hiccup!”  
Viggo and Johann have a deep understanding of exactly what pushes Hiccups buttons, and Johann would have heard enough conversation to understand what the riders were comfortable taking on. I think a lot of people forget that this man was akin to a yak to the Berkians and the Riders. He was part of their community, and his personality was enough to equally make you forget that he was there, yet never forget him. That is part of his genius and mentioned in the reveal. Behaving as a “buffoonish fool” made him invisible in important conversations. They assumed he wasn’t listening or understanding but he was always doing both.  
“That it was a trap. All along.”  Excuse me while I sob over this episode again even though he lives.
Episode 12: Last Auction Heroes 
The whole thing at the beginning was doubly staged if you can think through that irony. All three parties playing different “decieving” roles in order to maintain an image for another. It’s crazy to think how easily the riders were played here in Viggo and Johann’s perspective.  
“Are you sure he is coming?” “Positive.” This could have been the first time Johann put Krogan and Viggo togehter to try and open them to the idea of working together to defeat Hiccup, or even be aware of each other on a deeper level. We know that Krogan and Viggo were enemies at one point, and this could have been the first show of trust for both of them to try and form a truce in the name of taking down the Riders, or finding the King of Dragons.
Johann is the one who convinced Hiccup to bring the gold, and it is never shown that anyone else displayed wealth, even though he told Hiccup that was the only way into the auction.  This could have been the agreed upon way between Viggo and Johann that the rider in disguise could be pinpointed.  
Episode 13:  Defenders of the Wing Part 1 
Terror-mail: Its a 50/50 that either Johann or Viggo came up with this strategy of the line where Viggo and Hiccup would “split” the archipelago. Either way Johann benefits.  
Tag Gang:
@camille-the-space-ghost @valiantdust @autisticlittleman @little-bullheaded-shit @g4laxy-drag0n @idontknowreallywhy
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causticcorvus · 1 month
The argument for a Masquerade in ‘New Vestroia’ AU (+ other details)
Disclaimer: This was originally written only for myself, as a way to organize my thoughts on Alice, Masquerade, and the potential that New Vestroia wasted, along with things I'd clarify or do differently. However, I wanted to know what the fandom consensus was on some of these topics, so I'm posting it. This is, a mess. ____________________________________________________________ -In canon, Masquerade seemingly re-integrates with Alice after their final battle alongside Dan. However, after this, Alice is largely sidelined, and the show doesn't really have much time to explore the implications of this. Despite carrying Masquerade within her, she is largely ineffectual in her remaining appearances (which is a shame, as a more badass Alice could have been a great deuteragonist). So, we’re going to fix that.
-option A) Alice becomes a whole person with a combined personality of both halves -option B) Masquerade is still around, and Alice draws on his power for important fights -I am fairly unbothered by some of the other core characters being sidelined in newer seasons, but Alice, being effectively the second most important character in the show, needed to stick around. Largely, these are the changes and clarifications I would make; -The two cores of Vestroia do not combine into one; Hydranoid fuses with the Silent Core in the same way that Drago fuses with the Infinity core, as a way to give the two equal importance. (even if the cores did fuse, they would still need two ‘vessels’ to do so) -Masquerade has always been a part of Alice. Masquerade wasn’t created from nothing- The darker aspects of Alice’s personality were stripped away from her and melded into him. Alice, after Masquerade’s creation, is half of the person she used to be. She’s such a doormat, to the point that her friends don’t even notice she’s not there half the time, and she’s too ‘good’ and forgiving of their treatment of her. There’s just something not right there. -The mask only changes their appearance, nothing more. This.. is zigzagged in canon a lot. Alice seems to transform into or revert from being Masquerade depending on if the mask is put on or taken off. However, there are also times where Alice is still Alice, but Masquerade seemingly has some degree of control over her actions. There’s also the implication of how she would be compelled to put the mask on or take it off and never realize this in the first place, so he definitely has the ability to act as Alice without her remembering it. -Masquerade can see what Alice sees at the same time she is seeing it. This is evident in that he can act on knowledge gained while Alice is in control, and very quickly at that. He’s not just reading her memories later, because some of his appearances are very punctual to Alice seeing or learning something. Masquerade either has some sort of mental block in place to prevent Alice from doing the same when he is in control, or, the trauma she experienced causes her to repress the memories of his actions herself immediately after. There could also be some level of brainwashing or mental programming involved here, as someone else created Masquerade and is pulling the strings, but that is a whole other thing. -Alice definitely had a harsh enough life to have harbored the negative emotions to create Masquerade. Alice’s parents are both dead. Alice was a loner, homeschooled, and had no friends. She spent most of her life under the care of her well-meaning, but neglectful grandfather, out in the middle of nowhere. When she would get to go out, she’d be the target of sexual harassment, and she lived in a society that did not value her as a person. The latter examples could even explain why Masquerade is a male persona, because she resented the ways she was treated as a female; (think Naoto from Persona 4). Oh, and I imagine the first time her grandfather disappeared, she spent time in the care of a relative who didn’t want her.  (He was gone for half a year, and it’s mentioned that she stays with her aunt and uncle later in the season- she likely jumped at the chance to stay with Runo due to this, but after her secret came out, she was forced to go back to them.)
-So how does the mask actually work? The mask establishes a neurolink with the wearer, and alters their molecular structure on the fly to match their perceived image of their ‘self’. If someone other than Alice wore the mask, they wouldn’t look like Masquerade- they’d look like whatever their inner self would manifest as. -Masquerade is not truly gone after the mask shatters. Canon proves this in New Vestroia itself, when she hears his voice in her head and manages to channel his power in the fight against Shadow Prove. It however, is unclear if she would still even be capable of transforming into him, despite her fear of him taking over. Him existing as a separate entity able to talk to her, however, means that she hasn’t accepted him and re-integrated him in all that time. In fact, she seems to have largely avoided battling out of fear- though this battle proves that they are capable of working together. (So, has she just been hearing his voice in her head, telling her to fight, this whole arc? I agree, those who are capable, should; he berates her for trying to run away). Unfortunately, canon never does anything with this, despite the fact that seeing Alice channel Masquerade’s power and battle the villains like Yugioh would have been amazing, and this is largely the last we ever hear of him.
-So, all this said, we can establish an AU of New Vestroia (or even skipping that, Gundalian Invaders) where Alice is very much involved, and assisted by Masquerade. The two would fight together, alongside Dan and their new allies, all the while Alice learns to get over he fear, and accept herself, and Masquerade gets to go all-out with a new purpose. (You can say redeeming villains is old hat, but 1, the og series already sorta did it anyway, and 2, Masquerade just wants to fight for fighting’s sake, like a blood knight.)
Now, this is the part where I say I’d have to actually research more of the sequel seasons to write anything, because I never actually watched them all. ;-;
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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Invasion U.S.A. will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on July 30 via Vinegar Syndrome. Produced by Cannon Films, the 1985 action movie features reversible artwork.
Chuck Norris stars and co-wrote the script with James Bruner (The Delta Force). Joseph Zito (Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter) directs. Richard Lynch, Melissa Prophet, and Billy Drago co-star.
Invasion U.S.A. has been newly restored in 4K from the 35mm original camera negative with HDR. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Joseph Zito
Audio commentary by The Cannon Film Guide author Austin Trunick
Audio commentary by director Joseph Zito, moderated by film historian Michael Felsher
Interview with director Joseph Zito
Interview with screenwriter James Bruner
Interview with editor Dan Loewenthal
Interview with composer Jay Chattaway
Interview with actress Melissa Prophet
Interview with actor James Pax
Archival interview with screenwriter James Bruner
Cannon Carnage - Featurette on the film's make-up effects
Original trailer
Matt Hunter thought he had put his fighting days behind him when he retired from the C.I.A., preferring to live in the serene solitude of the Florida Everglades. But when notorious Soviet terrorist Mikhail Rostov decides to exact revenge against Matt, this one-man-army has no choice but to dust off his martial arts skills and face off, Uzis in hand, against his deadliest enemy. However, as Matt tries to remain one step ahead, the insidiously evil Rostov begins deploying bands of guerrilla fighters across the state to terrorize innocent civilians and force Matt out into the open and compel him to face off for one final, bloody showdown.
Pre-order Invasion U.S.A.
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sweetestofchaos · 7 months
Welcome to the World | M.YG
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The birth of a dragon is a wonderful thing...
p. Jaseg x Panny (agust's parents)
w. stillbirth, crying
r. 18+ (for topic sake)
wc. 1k
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❥ i spent most of my day writing this while working on chapter 15 and i realized that as it doesn't fit into the plot of blackthorn. it's a wonderful backstory but holds not really meaning in terms of the plot.
❥ divider/support made by @hitobaby
❥ you can read Blackthorn here and ask questions here
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Eons in the past the sun had only risen and set a handful of times. The world was new and powerful beings roamed freely between land, sea and air. Humans had yet to be thought of, a pressing need in the future for those who wanted to be loved and feared. A need that had not struck in most hearts of the beings that woke with the sun and danced with the moon. In this time, those who breathed easy enjoyed their days in groups and others explored the vast unknown alone.
In the southwestern lands, a flock of birds known to control lightning and rain lived peacefully with another flock of birds that controlled fire. The ones that controlled fire built their nests in the treetops of marula trees while the birds of lightning kept to the higher ground of the giant baobab trees. They shared a land that thrived and kept to themselves to avoid any negative impacts to their circle of life.
That was how things were until the dragons came. Gigantic scaled creatures that didn’t seem to fully grasp just how large they really were. The first to come were Jaseg and his mate Panny. The birds helped them adapt to the new land. They carved out a series of tunnels in the mountains nearby and created a den. Two winters later, Panny laid four large dragon eggs near the end of the bird’s mating session. As birds started to lay their own eggs, Jaseg and the other caretakers of their mates spent long hours outside of the nest.
They hunted games and took turns keeping watch over the land. Jaseg’s heart was alight once eggs started to hatch around him. Soon his hatchlings’ growls and chirps would echo in the tunnels of his den. Jaseg’s closest friends among the birds was Dillet, a female lightning bird that acted as the leader of her flock and Pire, the male firebird that was the leader of his flock. They had yet to find themselves a mate and thus never had a brood of their own. They stayed by Panny’s side and helped the dragoness keep her sanity. They were true friends and Jaseg found it fitting to name his first hatchlings after them. Panny had agreed and tears were wept when the news was shared. Though both birds refused, the honor of a name was meant to be your own.
The following spring, Panny’s devastated roar vibrated throughout the night air from the inside of the mountains while Jaseg was out on night watch. One of the fire birds took his place and Jaseg flew to his mate, his golden eyes were bright and a fire burned in his chest. At the mouth of the cave, Jaseg heard his mates calls and he rushed inside. At the center of the den, Panny was curled around a large nest and the tops of the eggs were no longer visible. Large tears fell from Panny’s eyes and Jaseg knew that something was wrong. 
He inched closer to the nest, the fire in his chest now a smoldering dread. He looked into the nest and all four were hatched. Four hatchlings laid in the nest unmoving. There were no swishing tails, no soft chips, no heartbeats. Jaseg’s anguished cry pierced the night air and Dillet was in the den with the leader of the firebirds, Pire beside her. Together the birds approached the nest and Panny snapped but Jaseg was quick. He protected the birds with his tail and held his mate back with his body. He looked at the nest, his golden eyes wet and broken.
Pire flew into the nest and tilted his head to the side. Four heartbeats should have been heard but there was only one and it was faint. He settled down beside the smallest of the four hatchlings, no bigger than a newborn elephant and looked to Jaseg for help. Jaseg carefully craned his head into the nest and nudged the little hatchling over onto its back with his snout before he moved away. Panny watched as the firebird jumped onto the hatchlings chest and started to glow a pale yellow-red. The color of a starting flame. The light grew brighter and brighter until all the creatures in the den closed their eyes in fear of being blinded.
The sudden smell of smoke filled the den and two trill cries cut through the air. One was deeper than the other but small all the same. In the nest, the tiny black hatchling was stuck on its back, like a turtle and on top of it an even smaller chick sat on its chest. Outside the sky filled with dense clouds that smothered the moon and stars. Rain fell in heavy drops as tears fell inside the den. 
Dillet hopped into the nest and clutched the chick in her talons. She nodded her head to her friends and flew out of the mountain with Pire chirping away. Panny slowly leaned into the nest and nudged the hatchling onto its legs before she scrufed it by the neck and removed it from the nest. Jaseg watched as his mate carried the little dragon into their own nest and curled around it. Jaseg inhaled, his heart was torn between endless joy and overwhelming melancholy. He had a hatchling and for that he was thankful but the lifeless bodies of his other three made the experience bittersweet.
Jaseg’s chest burned, his throat rumbled and smoke spilled from his mouth before he blew the flames into the nest before him. He wept silently as his babies turned to ash before his eyes and pulled himself to the nest where his mate and hatchling were waiting. Panny’s eyes were still wet with unshed tears and Jaseg nuzzled into her neck. A chirp pulled Jaseg’s attention to the tiny black dragon by his feet and he lowered himself to the ground. Tiny golden orbs blinked at him owlishly and Jaseg licked his hatchling as a pleased rumble vibrated in his chest.
Welcome to the world, Agust
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alaughingcrow · 4 months
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Katya Drago portrait! Was originally going to include the lower half as an excuse to start a ramble about Strega/Stregoya/Witch bowing etiquette in my world-building but I didn't like they way they turned out so I cut them. World-building ramble below the cut anyways.
So first some context for the rest of this: the first skill that any Strega learns is empathic resonance interfacing - not just a fancy way of saying psychic empathy though that is the root of it. Not all learn the resonance of every emotion but the cultural norm is to learn the resonance of deceptive intent. As such there is a strong emphasis on honesty in Stregoya societies, even overriding the typical placement of white lies and niceties that would fall under normal diplomacy.
And now to the rules of the bowing system:
Dominant arm forward for positive regard, back for negative
Both arms together for emphasis
Dominant leg back for being on guard, forward for trust
The default bow for a new person is D-Arm forward, D-Leg back (basically saying 'I don't know you well enough to trust you but I give you the benefit of the doubt). Friends & family would bow with D-Arm and D-Leg both forward, rivals & enemies with both back - though a particularly strong disdain could result in no bow happening at all, indicating that the non-bowing party regards the other as being beneath their notice.
A fun if not commonly used insult option is D-Arm back, D-Leg forward: indicating that you disdain the person but also consider them to be too weak or incompetent to actually bring you any harm.
If you've got this far and you're wondering about what they do with ambidextrous people - the answer lies in whichever one you use normally/more often being treated as the dominant limb. If you somehow legitimately use both limbs exactly equally in frequency and skill - it's assumed that you're doing that on purpose to be a little shit.
Katya here is left handed - and if I hadn't cropped the legs she'd be doing the bow with both D-Arm and D-Leg forward.
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ask-healthy-light · 9 months
When Nox felt Inferno's breathing and heartbeat slow down, her smile steadily became warmer, as she figured it both surprised and relieved the Dragoness in her arms to hear that Light had been in the exact same place as she was; but to make sure that Inferno was as calm as she could be, Nox quietly told her that neither Light nor Boom would comment on her crying, save for offering her their help.
After Nox let go, she reminded her Captain that she would have to be the one to let the others know if she needed any help, as she was certain they would be there for her, like she was; but since she had promised Inferno not to tell anyone that she had been crying to let out her emotions, they knew very little about how she felt, if anything at all, and she had to be the one to reach out to them.
Fortunately, it swiftly became clear that Inferno understood, as she took a deep breath, wiped away her tears, and firmly nodded to Nox as she got up from the ground; though before they rejoined Boom and Light, who had been patiently waiting for them to finish talking, Inferno warmly smiled to Nox, and politely thanked her for her help, to which Nox merely replied that it was a pleasure to do so.
As they walked back to the others, Inferno felt her heart start beating faster again, but when they were only met with a polite nod from both Light and Boom, before they asked them if they were ready to depart, she breathed a great sigh of relief; and when Nox and Inferno both nodded, Light smiled, and gestured for Boom to lead the way, knowing that he was the only one able to understand the map.
In return, Boom quietly scoffed, before he added, in a sarcastic tone, that he had to do everything at this rate, for not only did he have to bring all of them here to begin with, but he had to bring them around the Dragon Lands as well; but when Inferno cleared her throat, she managed to stop Boom before his overly sarcastic complaining could get out of hoof, and repeated Light's gesture to him.
With a quick glance to Light, Boom said that their new friends clearly didn't know how to have fun, before he grabbed the map from his satchel, called out to Courage to make sure he followed him, and trotted off; but just as Nox and Inferno headed Boom's way, Light slowly got up, and politely asked them to wait, but when Nox asked them why, they only said there were a couple of different reasons.
Though one would become apparent in a few moments, Light simply wanted to reassure the two that all of Boom's sarcastic reactions were rarely meant negatively, but they admitted with a deep sigh that it would take some time to get used to his brattiness; but when it came to battle, or defending the beings he cared about, Boom was terrifying, and they warned the two they had to keep an eye on him.
When Nox quietly asked Light what they meant, they asked her to wait, before Boom trotted past them again, grumbling quietly as he kept his focus on his map, which he had tried to follow upside-down; and after Courage barked twice at the others, he happily followed Boom, who slowed his pace for the little Pup, while Light merely laughed, and shook their head, and asked Nox to repeat her question.
In turn, Nox asked Light to explain why they had to keep an eye on Boom, to which they just let out a deep sigh, before they said that when they last met Boom, and had travelled to the Valley, a dark presence had taken over him, that they narrowly managed to defeat; but though they had not seen any sign of that foul power lately, Light wanted to make sure they knew what they had to watch out for.
There was a moment of silence as Nox and Inferno looked at each other, during which Light said that they were free to return to the Empire at any moment, and that they and Boom would understand their choice; but when Light solemnly bowed to the two, as if to bid them farewell, they heard the sounds of a sword being unsheathed, and they looked up to see both Nox and Inferno wielding great weapons.
As Light did not know what to say, Nox placed her paw on their shoulder, and confidently said:
"We will not back down. We shall fight."
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
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Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43
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myriadium · 1 year
Hello!! I really like your AU and character design, but I would still like to know about the relationship between the Bakugan and their partners (about the very first six). I would like to know more about everyone) sorry for my bad english 👉👈
YES I LOVE TALKING ABOUT INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, in my opinion it's more interesting than the strategy of the actual game (although I do have some ideas on that).
So I actually like how Dan and Drago's relationship progressed in the show, at least in the beginning. Unfortunately I think in later seasons Dan's brain rot finally got to Drago and they don't really have anymore conflicts between them. People definitely change, and are influenced by each other, but the show really favored Dan’s influence over Drago, until they both basically share a brain cell. Part of this is why I want to give Dan a new Bakugan in later seasons to freshen things up. When the two of them are introduced to each other, Drago was extremely uptight and dismissive of Dan, thinking him as a lesser species and is frustrated to be confined in such a small form and needing to return to Vestroia NOW. Basically like the show. On Dan’s part, he honestly doesn’t believe Drago at first, thinking this must be some event to kickstart the launch of Bakugan or something (“this is just a game, it cannot be that serious”) until he meets up with Marucho to talk about it and sees the Doom Dimension. At that point he’s basically with the plan one hundred percent! The only issue is Dan has really grown into the rebellious teen phase, but in a way that shows that he stands true to his ideals. I’d like to think that Drago is a big picture kind of guy, at least in the beginning; he thinks the ends justifies the means. This translates to Drago refusing to fight certain opponents if he decides that they won’t help him achieve his goal of fixing Vestroia. But Dan stays steadfast in his beliefs and they clash over the best way of saving their universes.
Runo didn’t start off as an avid player, only joining in once she heard that her dimension is about to be torn asunder by negative energy. Because of this, her relationship with Tigrerra starts off like coworkers lmao. Tigrerra teaches Runo the basics and Runo’s tactician brain goes haywire and she easily impresses Tigrerra with her strategy. Obviously they grow much closer over the span of the story as Runo gets used to talking to a mechanical ball and Tigrerra gets used to being one. Out of all of the Bakugan, I like that Tigrerra would be the most knowledgeable on the workings of Vestroia, mostly so that I can do exposition dumps without it sounding too weird. Any conflict that happens between them would probably be Tigrerra frustrated that Runo doesn’t seem to really put a lot of time or effort into saving their dimensions; while Drago and Dan both work around the clock on finding a way to stop the Silent Core, Runo still goes to class and to work and seems to treat this “saving the world” business like a side gig. Of course they work it out in the end, since Runo is fiercely collaborative in everything she does, she probably has connections to underground Bakugan rings or some shit, and Tigrerra and her scout it out to see if there are any sus shit at play. So while Marucho has the legal means of acquiring information, Runo and Tigrerra have extensive connections through the people (the two of them are a very menacing presence in the Underground scene, even if they both think they’re being super subtle). Through all this spywork, the two of them grow to be a very efficient team.
Preyas is definitely Marucho’s friend and therapy dog or something. At first, Marucho thought that Preyas was probably some fun feature his extremely scary and adaptive program came up with, so he sort of talked to Preyas because he’s lonely and bored all the time. In my AU Preyas stays a lighthearted goofball, but let’s not forget his original name was called Predator, so he can also be manipulative and works very selfishly. In fact, I’d say that Preyas and Drago, at first, agree on pretty ruthless plans to prevent the destruction of their world (Drago believes himself to be pragmatic, while Preyas just really wants to go back home). Marucho, who is very selfless and sensitive to other people’s attitudes, gives Preyas rants about doing things for the greater good or whatever, while Preyas laughs him off. He plays along though, because he knows that being on the programmer’s good side is a surefire way for him to get back home. However, as time goes on, Preyas starts to see how nice it is to do nice things, and that actions that benefit other people can also benefit him, and that doing good things for other people can help him too. After his brief stint as Klaus von Hertz’s plaything, Preyas realizes the error of his ways and starts to treat Marucho as a role model. At the same time, Marucho sees Preyas as a good friend who always lent an ear to his troubles. He was aware that Preyas could be self-serving, but my boy is so much of an empath that he’s willing to continue to be kind to Preyas in the hopes that he learns to do things for the greater good.
I liked Julie’s and Gorem's relationship back in the first season. The golem in Jewish lore has always been a strong, oft gentle protective force in their community (definitely check out Jacob Geller’s video essay on the Golem, it’s a very interesting compilation of Golem interpretations). In the beginning, before getting Gorem, Julie is feeling pretty lost in life; constantly comparing herself to her girlboss older sister, she and Billy are in a bit of a rocky part of their relationship due to it going long distance, she’s currently stuck on what her next steps should be. Gorem really grounds her (heh) and he lends an ear to her insecurities/problems. Like her therapist or something, except Gorem doesn’t know what college is. And the other way around, Gorem is now stuck in a new world and he has this childlike appreciation of the world. He wakes up to watch the sunrise, he loves the little birds that flutter around the city (in his ball form they’re humongous). Gorem is very easy to get along with; he prefers to listen rather than talk but when he does it’s very insightful. I think the two of them would have a harmonious relationship, I definitely see Gorem being the most mentally stable out of everyone in the group. However, while he’s very slow to anger, when he does it’s definitely scary. Julie isn’t an avid battler in the beginning, mostly because she was trying to learn three languages at once, but once the world’s at stake she definitely becomes a very fearsome battler. Oh, it’s also important to point out that Gorem is kind of the perfect Bakugan in-game; high atk, high def, absolutely broken moveset, etc. Julie isn’t half bad at strategy either, but after picking up journalism, she got too busy to brawl. And I guess Gorem passes those days with her and Billy in their cute little cottagecore house or whatever.
ALRIGHT SO SHUN AND SKYRESS, my favorite duo. Much like Julie, Shun is working through some intense shit before meeting Skyress. As the last thing his mother gave him, Skyress basically acts as Shun’s parental figure. She and Gorem would be the group’s wisest members. Shun has recently lost someone he was very very close to, and now he’s grappling with the grief of it all. I think at first Shun might be unhealthily reliant on Skyress. He looks to her for guidance and comfort, which she provides up until she finds out that her dimension is going kablam. That’s when she pushes him out of his comfort zone. He cares a lot for her and part of his character development is to learn to move on (truly hurts my heart but I think Skyress would be the first Bakugan to leave her Brawler, I think it would be good for him). I like to think that Skyress was actually his mom’s Bakugan while Shun has a different cool one like Monorus or something. Of course, Shun doesn’t wanna lose Skyress to the Doom Dimension so he actually holds off on battling for a bit, until Skyress calls him out on being a wuss and that he’s wasting his life away in his grief. In battle, obviously the two of them have great synergy and rise to number two on the leaderboards. I really liked Shun’s endless sunset trial, and I think it’ll be fun to have him slowly move on from his mother’s death, only to be confronted with her at the very end as a test of character. When offered the chance to be with his mom, who he didn’t have enough time with, he chooses to leave the past behind him, and to look towards the sunrise. God I’m so corny I love Shun so much.
Hydranoid with Masq is a very professional relationship. Masq has a single minded goal of destroying Earth, and Hydranoid kind of plays along with him. I’d like to say that Naga’s Silent Core affected him too, making him a more obedient thing to be puppetted with. Hydranoid is the youngest (however you measure Bakugan years) of the main six’s bakugan so I imagine his true self to be quite insecure and unsure of himself (a little like Alice). Sometimes in fights Masq would hurt Hydranoid so that he becomes stronger, and for a brief flash the true Hydranoid returns, scared and confused. When both Alice and Hydra are freed from the Silent Core, they both agree to give this brawling thing another go, of course after a therapy session or three. After the pain they inflicted on so many Bakugan/people, both of them are afraid of their own power, but they work hand in hand to manage it and shape it into something less destructive. Alice and Hydranoid's relationship is one between two siblings that had to endure a tough childhood together. They understand and empathize with each other deeply, and their bond is unbreakable. They support each other but are also able to let the other know when they disagree. Their relationship would be the strongest of all the six.
Whew that was a long essay. Anyway here are some random relationship facts between everyone:
Skyress and Gorem are the mom and dad of the group
Tigrerra has that monotone way of talking where you're not sure if she's being sarcastic, she's angry at you, or if she's maybe a robot
Drago's first meeting with Dan was in the middle of a battle, like in the show
gorem's Vestroian energy affected the wood carved toy Billy made for Julie, which is how Gorem's ball form manifested
I know i shit talk humanoid designs but I quite like Preyas'. But I will make him run on four legs to really show how feral he is.
Drago was a bit of a wild card in the beginning, opting for manipulation tactics to weed out traitors and cull the weak.
Tigrerra's first impression of Preyas was that he was working for naga and tries to kill him on sight
Alice is lowkey scared of Tigrerra
Once in a battle, Preyas tried to see if he could eat a Brawler. In Marucho's game boundaries he couldn't, but he suspects that if a person wandered into Vestroia they could be eaten.
Skyress and Tigrerra go on covert spying missions whenever Runo's busy
Drago spars with Skyress for fun. The two of them also do flying races
Hydranoid is highly unnerved by Preyas
This took forever to type. Good night.
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beyblade-6-3 · 5 months
Ryuga Backstory + Story
There is no backstory in the anime, only for the Manga. Since these two are different People assume you cant use them together. But i found that they not only work together but could explain some things which were not explained in the anime. So this is a Headcanon which will only use the source material and logic ( to fill in the blanks which were not given ) to give Ryuga a backstory ( No rewrites of the given Plot in the anime ).
Given facts of the Manga:
There is a Dragon Clan who act like the Uchiha Clan from Naruto ( same looks, Traditions, Power related to blood, a clan head who has to keep the line pure and be the strongest, etc. ). Ryuga is a ancient king of this clan, over 100 but no time given. He was always destined for L Drago. He slept for a long time until Doji and Ryuto woke him. No explanation how he got to sleep. Sakyo is from the same line as Ryuga and the next dragon Emperor, but considered an Halfling. His father nor any other relatives before him where Halflings. This is actually hindering him from reaching full dragon Power. No explanation why this was allowed to happen when blood purity was this important to power and for the clan until this moment. Sakyo met Ryuga after he had Dragoon. Ryuga and Ryuto actually got along for a moment.
Given facts from the anime / Manga:
L Drago had created the dark power by absorbing the negativity of humans. He was used by many evil People who were not related to Ryuga. He was locked away after his influence kept coming into the way of Coma village. Ryuga used lightning L Drago for the first Time. Ryuga changed Character between all 3 Seasons. His opinion of Doji changed as well. ( worked with him, called him crazy, hated him ). Ryuga has special Powers. There is no mention or working together of the Dragon Clan. Sakyo got his Dragoon from a legendary Blader with hints of Ryuga.
How everything fits together:
Before the Sleep:
L Drago came from the Sky with the Power of absorption, which includes emotion. He bonded to a human who would become influenced with Dragon Power and the founder of the Dragon Clan. L Drago used his influence to get more Dragons to come for these Clan Members and change them too. After a while the Human died and the L Drago couldn’t bond with any other member. He would remain as a Symbol and during the years the clan grow, still help but miss his Person. Ryuga ,who was an reincarnation of the Founder, was born and L Drago publicly showed he wanted to bond with him. It couldn’t work right away since Ryuga was still a child and should wait until he is older and stronger before taking L Drago power on. Some evil People were afraid of the Power the Clan would get and decided to trick Ryuga into a trap and lock him up. After that they attacked the clan and stole L Drago, but were smart enough not to use him. They left to `the other side of the world` to keep as much distance between them and the Clan.
During the Sleep:
L Drago didnt want to lose his Human again so he started to drain live energy out of his captors and give it to Ryuga. They started to slowly die one after the other until another evil Person, who didnt know about the Dragon Clan, saw this power and stole L Drago for himself. He was the first Person to use L Drago after the Founder. L Drago couldn’t teleport yet and would stop spinning before ever reaching Ryuga. So he decided to let this Person keep using him and try to influence him into moving where he wanted to go. At the same time he kept draining Power to keep Ryuga alive. His Plan was to show enough power so that his users would get replaced ,after he drained them and to influence them until he was close enough to Ryuga that he didnt need them anymore. During that he excedently drained the evil emotion as well, until he was overran with them. He started taking more and more lives he didnt need and lost his memory’s. But still gave the now corrupted Power to Ryuga and kept on going into his direction ( Instinct ). Pegasus stopped him before he arrived, but he had enough live forced stored to continue keeping Ryuga alive until Doji found him.
Doji / Fusion before Battle Bladers:
He found a corrupted Ryuga with the Help of Ryuto and the knowledge of the Clan. Ryuga couldn’t understand the language, lost his memory’s and immediately collapsed after his releasing. Doji saw this opportunity ( that Ryuga wouldn’t ask for the Clan and would have to relay on someone ) and decided he wouldnt share Ryuga with the Clan. He attacked Ryuto and the Rest and made sure nobody would follow him. This is why the Dragon Clan didnt work with Doji. Ryuga mentality was that ne needed Doji but had no normal emotion left to actually build a bond with him. It was mutually using of each other only. Than Ryuga located L Drago and with both corrupted, not understanding their bond, they made each other worse.
Battle Bladers Preparation until end:
The clan knows where Ryuga is but saw that this is not the King they wanted to get back. So they kept their distance. After Ryuga left they wanted to leave him alone. The reason why Ryuga killed Doji was nothing personal. Doji lost his usefulness and Ryuga was incapable to build an actual bond with him. So there was no reason not to get the one thing he cared about from Doji, which was Power.
Ryuga gets Meteo L Dragon:
When Ryuga freed L Drago of the darkness his Memory’s came back. He reverted into a Person who knows a lot and was raised to lead his Clan. However he had no time to actually progress what that means for him know, nor did he know what happened to the clan. His opinion on Doji changed in retrospect. Ryuga was under the darkness power for wanting to destroy the earth. Doji always had this Plan. In Ryugas eyes Doji was crazy and not someone he wants to work with again but he didnt hate him.
After the Spiral Force:
Not only did Ryuga prove to the world ( Dragon Clan ) he was no longer insane, he also wanted to confront his past now ( had some experience in fixing his mistakes with Gingka and Tsubasa ). He traveled to one of the Clan Gaathering Places and found out he was not alone. He was asked to retake his place as the head but he had to refuse. Ryuga was not of this time and would not make a good leader because of it. This caused a Problem since the last Clan Head died without getting a pure blooded child, like it was normally tradition. Usually the head is protected until his decendance is guaranteed. However since they saw Ryuga they just assumed the Head would be replaced anyway so they led him go without protection and he died. He wanted to go since he loved a different wife and had a child somewhere. Ryuga is against getting a child of his own but promises that he can look out for this Halfling and they should do the same. During his travels he locks halfhearted for the child and more specific for other clan members. He wants to fight strong bladers so they are the perfect opponent. He also now knows his Purpose. He is the technically still the Clan Leader and should prove to the rest of the clan as well as the world how strong he is. His obsession of Power comes from his reasoning that the Dragon Emperor is still a thing and as such he has an obligation to prove his power. He traveled to the Vulcan a dragon was supposed to live in to see if it was really true. Or to be more specific it a clan Member was there. He stayed a little since it was a good training place until the Star Fragment happened. From there on he had stronger opponents to beat and prove his power to. After all he has to stand for his Clan and for his Titel now. His Mission is to destroy.
Metal Fury:
Ryuga has reason to go after power and prove himself to nemesis. This doesn’t envolve the Clan who are still locking for the child. He hates Doji because the Clan told him about what Doji did to them. After he lost to Rago he not only was reminded of his Promise ( he should already have fulfilled the moment Kanta damaged L Dragon ), but he had a duty to protect his clan / save the world. He gave Kenta his power and teleported back to the clan.
Immedently After Fury:
Ryuga is now a humbled Person. He has an obligation to Protect the clan but knows now that Power alone doesn’t make him a good Protector. He needs to relie on others ( This probably was hard for him since the trap in the beginning was probably made based on his trust ). This Trust did evolve thanks to Kenta journey and the clan healing him. The clan inform Ryuga of all infos and of the child they found named Sakyo. Ryuga is still to beat to meet the kid himself but used L Drago to call a new Dragon Bey into existing just like the Founder did all those years ago. He ordered Kenta, who was told Ryuga is still alive, to bring this bey to Sakyo. The clan friends will take care of Sakyo learning of his power and destiny. Should he prove he is able to become the head, even as Halfling, he will be allowed to become fully part of the clan. Ryuga meanwhile will heal and with his new understanding will evolve L Drago Destructor into L Drago Guardian.
Before Zero G:
Ryuga is fully healed and travels alone and visits other members from time to time. When he sensed Sakyo is nearby he fights and talks to him. Sakyo understands his destiny now better than ever.
This facts of the Manga actually fit rather well into the Anime. What do you guys think. Did i miss anything which could ruin or evolve this Backstory further.
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 months
Returning to really ponder Httyd2 since it's the 10 year anniversary and I believe that I actually could have liked it - as in, it would have been a fundamentally different & more positive viewing experience for me - if the lighting hadn't been so dramatically off.
See, to me, Httyd2 carries a very distinct "unfinished" touch. I know next to nothing about professional animation, but I can tell that...
a) there is one layer missing on the final character/environmental render (the 'glow', as I like to call it for lack of a better term of description)
b) the writing can be very cardboard-like at times and seems not very fluent or dynamic. Notice how the conversation comes to a stark halt and dies down the moment Hiccstrid meets Eret. Everything is reduced to "what are you doing", "what are you talking about", and robotically echoing what Eret explains. It shortly gets better again when Hiccup meets Valka, but becomes boring once more in the sanctuary when the curious new dragons are used to distract from the rather bland exchange of a lot of information between Valka and Hiccup. Sure, they need to catch up, and it's fascinating to them - but there are more sophisticated ways of telling this stuff if you need to keep an audience engaged at the same time. Anyway.
c) there is a huuuge contrast between the lightest and the darkest scenes in the movie. And it's blinding, to be honest. The "Where No One Goes" sequence is sooo bright. The sanctuary as well. When confronted with Valka's cave reveal and Drago's scenes, the switch to darkness is very uncomfortable on the eyes of the watcher. The colors often seem bleak and watered down too. It takes away from the ability to immerse oneself since the individual scenes don't blend into a continuous, harmonious viewing experience. All kinds of color tones are thrown together without a common "filter", so to speak - the missing "glow" which I was talking about.
So all in all, Httyd2 is really good, it's just somewhat edgy - as edgy as Hiccup's chiseled jaw.
One can tell that they developed this absolutely amazing new technology for this animation and then kinda got lost playing around with it. They had so much fun trying to get to know the new tools that they forgot they had an actual movie with a coherent plot and proper design to make. Httyd2 feels exciting and cool, but the making of feels somewhat empty and rushed.
My eyes were opened to this by a certain gifset which I can't seem to find right now, but it somehow tweaked the saturation in a way where suddenly there was depth being created in many of the Httyd2 scenes that had just felt flat to me before. It's interesting how color influences the ability to immerse oneself. EDIT: This is not the one I meant, but it comes close!!
Anywho, I don't know, I didn't mean for this to be so negative or whatever... it's just something that I keep and keep noticing... in a rather technical, educational manner... where I can't help but think to myself what a shame it is that they had to meet an early deadline with Httyd2. Cuz being granted nine months more, give or take, would have made the difference for the team to develop this 'good sequel' into an actual M A S T E R P I E C E. Good things take their time.
It's all there. In the beginnings, in the vision, in the trenches. The amazingness just didn't quite make it to the surface. The last finish, the final gloss, is missing. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh. Haha.
That said, I'm learning to love Httyd2 as it is. It did not carry the message I needed back then either. We're slowly growing on each other, as the message becomes more apparent now. Eh. Lol.
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