#dracula space funeral
trinkaysdrawings · 1 year
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stoic--rose · 11 months
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sad fat man and his pile of limbs and his dracula
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gamequoteshowdown · 8 months
Quote 1: “Oh? Is that how it is? Yeah, okay, I like you too. Neat! Still going to kill you, but now we can both enjoy a mutual romantic subtext to the murder.” - The Razor, Slay the Princess
Quote 2: "I like to drink blood. . . and smoke the weed!" - Dracula, Space Funeral
Quote 1: I want to mention that the Razor is a woman with blades for arms and later on in the route she turns into a bunch blades, and TWO of the voices in your head find this incredibly attractive - Submitter
Quote 2: this comes from a casual conversation you have with dracula and objectively is one of the best moments ingame... also, weed and vampire? tumblr target audience - Submitter
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marquise-onion · 3 months
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✧ one of two pieces for a horror rpg maker zine
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marikedrawinge · 1 year
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Dracula of The Space Funeral 2022
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fizzie · 2 years
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everyone deserves to play space funeral
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doyouknowthisgame · 4 months
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muntdane · 1 year
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my next batch of fandomronpa shitposting official is of season zero specifically. guess thay makes it fandomflicker shitposting? they're all incorrect quotes bc im unfunny as shit
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somepsycho · 2 years
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Alright. Posted all the old art that i meant to. Time to never draw again. Image unrelated.
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cd-i · 2 years
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sometimes a family is just two Draculas and their son, kid dracula
i really hate how i drew space funeral dracula it was just a two min doodle next time i'll draw him more closer to the in game ver and make him smoke a big fat blunt to make up for it
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knightotoc · 1 year
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aristidetwain · 2 years
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In 2007′s Last of the Time Lords, Russell T. Davies drew our attention to the Master’s distinctive signet ring, inset with silver Gallifreyan writing, which was plucked from his funeral pyre by the hand of a mysterious woman who, in 2009′s The End of Time, would turn out to be one of the ‘Disciples of Saxon’, a cult formed by the Master in expectation of his death with the aim of enacting a ritual to resurrect him, still in the same incarnation at that.
This was a pleasant twist, and a fun tip of the hat to the method of Count Dracula’s resurrection in multiple Hammer Dracula films. (This is only fitting: as per The Book of the War, the Time Lords adapted their powers of regeneration from the Yssgaroth’s…)
However, I think there are two startling facts about this plot point which have been just-as-startlingly under-discussed in canon-welding spaces. 
Follow me after the cut to find out the truth about the Rings of the Time Lords — or should I say the Time Lords of the Rings? (This was terrible and I do not apologise.)
Fact #1: This pays off a Chekhov’s gun going all the way back to An Unearthly Child.
Much as it is sometimes entertaining to ponder the days when Dr Who might have been a lone human scientist, there is also a distinctive corpus of early implications about The Doctor’s Mysterious People as a distinct and mysterious civilisation with dominion over space and time. It started with the Doctor himself, but was followed through with other characters implied to hail from that same civilisation: I speak of course of the Meddling Monk and the Toymaker (who, I note in passing, is not actually meant to be Celestial with a capital C).
What did the Monk have in common with the Doctor, besides a TARDIS?
A conspicuous ring.
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As you can glimpse in the top left photograph, the Doctor’s ring was, to be exact, a sapphire ring. 
The Toymaker did not wear a ring in the TV story as broadcast — but he did use one in the novelisation, which brought back many elements that had to be cut from the TV version due to rushed production. There, he used it to manipulate the environment of his suspiciously TARDIS-like “Celestial Toyroom”. 
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Not coincidentally, in The Web Planet, the Doctor’s ring was revealed to have the ability to interface with the Ship, with the Doctor gleefully declaring that “this is not merely a decorative object”, without elaboration.
The concept seems to have persisted past The War Games. Sure, the Time Lords seen therein lacked the ring — including Edward Brayshaw’s Renegade. And Roger Delgado’s subsequent regeneration of the character also lacked the ring when we first saw him in Terror of the Autons. And it’s rare that we get the chance to check thereafter, owing to the Master’s predilection for gloves. But by The Time Monster…
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…he is wearing the very flat, green, gleaming ring to which RTD attached such significance in Last of the Time Lords and The End of Time.
The idea experienced a last, potentially-coincidental gasp with Kate O’Mara’s Rani, though she was similarly prone to glove-wearing.
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But the point is: throughout the first half of Classics, all the interesting Time Lords had Large Conspicuous Rings. These Rings clearly did some things, but the full extent of their power and cultural significance was kept artfully obscured.
And this is what Davies is coming back to with Simm’s all-important ring. The Doctor recognises it on sight as “the Master’s Ring”, and knows what it does. He fascinatingly describes it as “part of him”, setting all kinds of biodata-related alarm bells ringing. Given that the Rings are also related to the bond between pilot and TARDIS, could they be some kind of locus of the Rassilon Imprimatur? The thrill is of course in the asking…
Fact #2: This may not be the first time it’s happened.
A shorter but equally interesting observation: 
the Master has possessed this same green ring at least since his Delgado days.
the Doctor instantly jumps from “his Ring survived” to “his disciples must be arranging a ritual to resurrect him in the same incarnation”. This is something he knows Rings do and is relatively casual about.
at many points during Classic Who the Master was seemingly killed off for good, only to show up intact because “I’m indestructible… the whole Universe knows that”. (Or, as Missy later put it, “death is for other people”.)
Am I the only one who thinks that somewhere in Davies’s brain, he may have conceived of this as the secret way the Master had survived at least some of those past exterminations? Sure, the Disciples of Saxon were something set up by ol’Harold (the clue’s in the name), but it would be child’s play for a Time Lord with a working TARDIS to set up convenient cults for himself on a dozen worlds, just to be on the safe side. 
I’mt thinking, particularly, of the Tremas Master’s annihilation on Sarn in my beloved Planet of Fire, which seems particularly conclusive. We see him burn away on-screen; it’s not as simple as saying he teleported to safety in the nick of time. Either time was rewritten, or he was resurrected by… means unknown.
And here’s the thing, despite his panic, the Master does seem to assume he’ll survive. What does he say to express it? 
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Full circle, eh what? (Yes, that’s a cheap one, but fun nonetheless.)
And on that note, look at the imagery! Of course, having gone down in a column of flame, he would be reconstituted in the same way. 
“I had people who were clever enough… to calculate the opposite.”
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gamequoteshowdown · 9 months
Quote 1: "You lost the coin toss. We both did." - Catherine Chun, SOMA
Quote 2: "I like to drink blood. . . and smoke the weed!" - Dracula, Space Funeral
Quote 1: I am sooooo excited to play SOMA so I didn't look up anything for this lmao. Just vote - Mod Chaos, I seriously need more time to play games Im playing like 5 rn
Quote 2: this comes from a casual conversation you have with dracula and objectively is one of the best moments ingame... also, weed and vampire? tumblr target audience - Submitter
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soundclown · 1 year
i played space funeral: earth birth and i gotta say. i appreciate the work put into it but space funeral 1 is designed better in terms of things like map size, map design, music selection, and dialogue.
it's also way too self-referential. i don't need to see "It's too late for you!" more than two or three times. I get it. They said it in the first game. Haha. They made dracula a party member and now smoking weed is a core part of his personality, which is realllyyyy funny cause remember when he said he smoked weed in the first game. It lacks self control
There's still a lot of good stuff though. Libertarian enemy class, aquaman, phillip corpse with sunglasses, the classroom nightmare, collectable golden retrievers. Some of the imitations of space funeral's sense of humor are successful, or at least funny enough that the failure of imitation is irrelevant, though this is largely only the case when they aren't referential.
I have other thoughts but this is already getting pretty long.
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lantur · 1 year
I haven't posted in a while. My mom got into town on September 7, and she'll be here until the 20th. Preparing for her visit (tried to hang out with as many of my friends as I could before she arrived) occupied most of my brain space during the beginning of this month, and I've had my plate full since she got here, between work and spending time with her. We've had major, severe challenges in our relationship in the past, and I'm trying to keep things positive since this is the first time I've seen her since the week of my dad's funeral. It's challenging and tiring to be working and on mom duty. I miss just spending time with Derek, and having the time to listen to my audiobooks and podcasts.
I have been Fully in editing mode on my novel since early this month. I've cut out 10,000+ words. It feels so good to tighten up the story, polish, and refine it. I'm still waffling back and forth on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing, thinking through things like whether my manuscript would even be accepted, creative control, royalties, marketing, etc.
good things,
I got to see two of my friends last week before my mom got here ❤️
Derek and I have been re-watching my favorite horror movie series - the Scream series. I've watched Scream 1 several times, so we started with Scream 2 at the beginning of September and Scream 3 last weekend. Scream, Dracula, and reading Christine by Stephen King all sparked a lifelong love of horror, and it feels great to revisit Scream. Sidney Prescott is one of my favorite characters.
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minimumwagesoul · 4 months
for whenever drawing requests open up again
Dalv and Dracula (Space Funeral) smoking weed and getting high
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