#dracula headcannon
Hey, I have questions...
Since the whole Dracula hunting squad has a thing where they know shorthand with the Harkers starting first (cause I think they learned that the Count Dracula can't read shorthand), do you think that later on Alucard, who is Count Dracula, would learn shorthand?
Also do you think young Quincey Harker also was taught how to make shorthand? To continue the tradition...
There also is the fact I was wondering if Alucard would go back and read all the journals that the group made? To learn about the viewpoint of the other people and learn from his mistakes. Or maybe he does not....not wanting to relive everything that happened. But there is also would he have the opportunity to read the journals or one of the Hellsing group (like Abraham, Arthur or Integra) would try to stop him?
There also the question of if the group was okay with the fact that Abraham van Hellsing brought Count Dracula to England? Like maybe he could try and escape from the prison.
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codeearth · 4 months
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Little headcannon here, but I imagine that after announcing their engagement to Lucy, she insisted on getting a picture taken for them to remember the occasion. Naturally, they in turn insisted that she stand with them, and that in turn led to them doing a funny little photo shoot because they thought it would be a better memory to have.
I just really like Victorian photos where people are doing funny poses while looking completely serious or neutral. These three are two seconds away from laughing.
Also here’s a fun little extra, because that second part was a bit of a downer.
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RIP Lucy, you would have loved climbing on random things to take pictures.
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karmathenightowl · 3 months
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Summer's still here, so I figured I'd post my character designs for Steeplechase! Here's Poppy's Angels and Gravel! These were drawn in July last year when I was just starting to catch up on the series, and I'm actually going to do another re-listen because I miss it fondly
There's plenty more art of this to come so keep an eye out!
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angelinpiink · 1 year
castlevania masterlist ࿐ྂ。
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❥ camilla
carmilla with a fem! s/o headcannons
❥ dracula/ vlad tepes
dracula x fem! reader // modern AU | love you for you
dracula with a witch! s/o headcannons
❥ trevor belmont
trevor x fem! reader | drunk on your touch
masterlist main page!
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queeniethevampire · 2 months
“So, thanks to Mary Shelly I get the question a lot of ‘what about Prince Tepes, what about Dracula? He’s a vampire? He was made after the oath. Is he any good as a vampire? Or are the strongest ones around pre-oath vampires. So…. With Dracula in particular, we’ve met, we’ve fought. He likes to use his night creatures and is exceptional at it.” She put a finger to her lips. “His school of blood mastery confounds me to no end. And I don’t know what his deal is. He uses magic like a mage before the oath, but this is the time after and…”. She rubbed at her hair, stomping the ground. “He confuses me and I don’t like it!” So yes, Dracula is about as strong as her.
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spacedemodulator · 1 year
Still on my BS regarding the question of whether Dracula drank Jonathan’s blood.
I’m in the “no” camp simply because after June 30 Jonathan exhibits no symptoms of supernatural vampiric influence. Everything we know about his thoughts, feelings, and actions can be explained by ordinary trauma, desperation, rage, fear for loved ones, and adrenaline. If Dracula has fed on him regularly, including gorging himself the evening of the 29th, and if we grant Jonathan greater strength and endurance because of vampiric traits, then Dracula’s lack of influence on his mind is a major plot hole.
This conclusion is unsatisfying, however, because it fails to pay off the lines that “Dracula too can love” and “Tonight is mine.” It fails to acknowledge the queer subtext of the vampire’s kiss. And even if we set queer subtext aside, it seems out of character for Dracula to withhold from himself so tasty a morsel. 🤤 🦇
But it occurs to me that a third reading is possible, one that addresses the unresolved themes without creating more plot holes.
Maybe Dracula is capable of love. (Maybe he’s shocked, even dismayed to be struck by love for a man that he must use as a pawn to realize his ambition.)
Maybe Dracula understands that after he’s turned, Jonathan will no longer be the man he loves; instead he’ll become a resentful but servile thing like the weird sisters. So Dracula’s conflicted.
His pride won’t let him back off from his plans of conquest, so he can’t let Jonathan go free. Of course Dracula’s love is not so generous that it will place another person’s autonomy above his own goals; nevertheless, he cannot bear to end the life of the man he loves.
So he’ll let the sisters do it once he’s gone. When he returns in triumph, Jonathan will be waiting. A different Jonathan, but perhaps absence will mitigate the perception of difference.
He can’t admit this out loud, of course. It would be offensively unmasterful. But by asserting his proprietary interest until the last minute Dracula can enjoy his Jonathan whole and unspoiled for as long as practicable.
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asklisafromlupu · 1 year
Hey Liiiiiiisa, I found pictures of Vlad when he was younger! What do you thiiiiiiink? ewe
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"I swear I have yet to see an iteration of my husband where I am not taken by surprise at how handsome he is. Every rumor I heard of him before getting to the castle, every negative thing I heard said about him, all of it goes away because I know him. And I know him better than anyone else. I can't believe I have such a great love. Thank you for this picture. I believe he told me he went by Mathias when he was human? This has to be from that period of time."
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amaltheametalweld · 2 years
Arthur's solution to what if there are rats is terriers! Honestly it's hilarious that it takes 3 small doggos to break Dracula's evil rat spell.
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m3chanical-rhythm · 2 years
🎶🎵🎵 Catch Riot in 4K.
Get caught, dweeb!
Riot liked to play music while he worked at home, whether it was on potential weapon blueprints, cleaning, or cooking. It was nice to have background noise to help quiet his mind, and sometimes a song hit just right and he had to sing along. The good news? He was actually a pretty decent singer! The bad news? He was loud, and sometimes forgot he didn't live alone anymore;
Here we stand Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two... Sleepless nights Losing ground, I'm reaching for you, you, you... Feeling that it's gone, can't change your mind. If we can't go on to survive the tide, Love divides...
Someday love will find you, break those chains that bind you. One night will remind you how we touched, and went our separate ways. If he ever hurts you, true love won't desert you. You know I still love you, though we touched and went our separate ways...
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Thinkaboutit, a verrrrry teasy drac and a nervous, giggly and occasionally SHREIKY johnny- those long nails, and if drac is biting it's all those delicious endorphins, plus it tires johnny out so drowsy snuggles,
Heyyy this is such a late reply, but I want you to know that this was an adorable concept and I wrote a fic sort of based around it here, if that at all makes up for the wait lol
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burningstar-light · 4 months
How they comfort you
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Category: Comfort & wholesome
Character category: Hotel patrons
Charlie & Vaggie (Poly), Alastor, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Niffty and Husk.
Rating: SFW
Type: Headcannons
Charlie & Vaggie
Charlie wraps you up in the biggest hug, like she will not stop hugging you unless you ask.
Vaggie is less touchy but her way of comforting you is sitting next to you in a quiet soothing atmosphere.
Charlie sings softly to you, holding you as tightly as possible, her fingers sometimes sneaking down to tickle your sides.
Vaggie pats your hair back gently, whispering comforting words into your ears.
They both go on and on about how they love you so much.
Prepare to get absolutely smothered in kisses, ends up with the three of you curled up in a cuddle pile.
Our dear deer, will drag you up into his room, or if you are up to it to his radio tower.
His way of comforting is less touchy than the others but if you really want to be held, then he would do anything for his little deer.
Plays old jazz and showtunes for you, he hums along.
Lets you cuddle up to his side as he reads to you, he loves the classics. 'Moby-dick', 'The catcher in the rye', 'Dracula' and so on.
Keeps a spare coat around so you can wear it when you're upset, so you are surrounded by his scent... He also just really likes seeing you in his clothes, marks you as his so everyone knows not to touch you.
He his shadow makes you a cup of tea, he makes sure you drink it all before it goes cold, gently pats your head once you finished it.
Sir Pentious
He gives the best hugs, curls his whole body around you, rests his chin on the crown of your head.
He squeezes around you and chats your ears off, he will talk about anything and everything in order to distract you.
Gets the egg bois to put on a show for the two of you.
Will happily stay curled around you for as long as you need, in fact he loves it, absorbing your body warmth is so good.
Has definetly fallen asleep cuddling around you.
Tells you about all his new inventions.
Angel Dust
Takes you out for a night out on the town.
If you enjoy the club scene he will take you ou there, is very careful that you both avoid the people that he usually hangs out with.
Makes sure you both only indulge in alcohol, is very careful to not let you or him get swept up into his old drug habits.
If you dont like the club scene then to a bar it is, he asks Husk for some good bars.
Takes you to one where he can play slow music, he'll keep a sent of hands on your hips and the other cradling your face. Keeps your eyes on him and only him, doesnt give a single fuck if he gets looked at oddly.
Tells you shitty flirty jokes, just so he can hear you laugh, its his favourite sound in the world.
After you are both liqurored up, you'll both go home and cuddle deep into his soft warm bed. Fat Nuggets, joins you, snuggled in between you.
Niffty (platonic)
Bakes with you, please watch her carefully or else she is 100% putting blood in the bakes.
Happily chats with you about all the bad boys, she'll go on and on about all the bad boys and how she wants to punish them.
Sit on your head and happily plays with your hair, if your hair is long enough she'll twist it into braids.
Laughs happily as you two chase around bugs, well shes chasing the bug and you are chasing her.
He will get you to come sit at the bar with him. He'll gently hold your hand any chance he gets.
Will nuzzle against you cheek and purr softly, anything to get you to feel a little better. He doesn't particularly like giving into his animal instincts but for you anything.
Hums jazz songs for you as he cleans the glasses and wipes the bar.
Once all the others have gone to bed and he can finally leave with you up to his or your room.
But before that he curls his arms, wings and tail around you, his purring is so loud you can feel it in your bones.
Once you two are up in private, he'll put on a nice jazz record, fix you two both a drink to unwind.
He fluffs up the pillows, making a pillow mountain so he can lean back on, gets you to sit between his legs with your back against his chest. His wings wrap around you, cocooning you in a world of safety and warmth, his tail curling around your waist.
His purrs are embarassingly loud as he rests his chin on your shoulder, he loves your scent, keeps rubbing his cheek against your neck to give you his scent.
Shows you little tips and tricks with cards as you two relax.
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These are just my personal headcannons about Severus’s Clothing:
1. It is his armor against the rest of the world, a physical way to represent the shutting out of others, a kind of bodily Occlumency that makes him feel safe.
2. It is impossible as an adult to do to him what the Marauders did to him as a child, I.E strip off any part of his clothing. There are so many layers and buttons I image it makes him feel physically and sexually safe as well. No eyes where he doesn’t want them. No hands where he doesn’t want them. No Wands to remove what he doesn’t want removed. (Could he possibly enchant his clothing too; to make it impossible for someone besides himself to undress him?)
3. On a lighter note, it’s Victorian chic as hell. It’s Screaming Byronic Hero from a million miles away. Like something out of a Mary Shelly or Dracula novel, just so romantic and sweeping and refined looking. Goth King we stan.
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the-pigeon-queen · 2 months
I LOOOVVEEE your Primo, and your papa depictions in general. Very cute comic💜
Ah thank you <3 :]!
Idk who originally decided to give Primo long hair, but I'm in agreement lol I also opted to give him the pointed ears he's commonly drawn with to really lean into that vampire/dracula look :]
(my fun personal headcannon is that as first born, there's a little more demonic/dark magic stuff going on with him ^^)
Please accept this Primo:
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And a bonus peepaw with papal paint!
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Mihawk Headcannons
Some of the headcannons I have about Mihawk that have recently been eating a whole through my brain like a very persistent worm.
These are all just my hopes and dreams based on no evidence whatsoever so yeah the resolute language is just for jokes. - When we see Mihawk at Roger's execution he is 19 and has to wear Yoru across his back because she is too tall for him. Meaning that there was a good at least 5 years where Mihawk prayed every day that he would continue to grow so he could wear Yoru down his back and live out his aesthetic.
-Also, Yoru probably weighed more than 19-year-old Mihawk, and that weight is not distributed evenly, especially with how Mihawk was wearing her across his back. And Mihawk even then was masterfully skilled of course, but say, every now and again he'd be distracted, maybe by a certain redhead whose to say🤷🏿‍♀️, and forget to counterbalance losing him his ever-present fight with gravity. All this to say was that in the right circumstances, young Mihawk was very tippable and had to quickly become acquainted with the expert skill of picking yourself up while on the sand, with a sword bigger than you are strapped across his back.
- I don't really care how but it is imperative to me that Mihawk knew Rayleigh, Garp, Benn and Yasopp as a teenager/very young adult and they used to clown him relentlessly. Garp and Ray are too damn old to be scared of a teenage Mihawk, Yasopp has no self-preservation and Benn has always recognized Mihawk as the awkward, sarcastic mess he is and has had to scold him just as much as his Captain. It's why they are the two rhp he's most familiar with and Benn is his favorite (captain included) - He is Spanish. I know a lot of people headcanon Romanian because of the whole Dracula lives in a dark castle thing but I will stand by he looks like a Spanish Conquistador till my dying day. And obviously, because people don't have to be from just one place he can deffs be both! But yeah I think he's Spanish and should speak/understand Spanish solely because Doffy is also Spanish (can't believe people thought he was German his name is literally Donquioxte) and regularly tries to rizz people up at the Warlord mewting (namely Crocodile) in Spanish and Mihawk (the only other Spanish speaker) has to bare the burden of comprehension of the truly fluid and vile nonsense Doffy is spewing. And Doffy who of course also clocks this is trying to go for a record of what nobody is quiet sure, but whatever it is Mihawk will be damned before he loses at anything to that damn bird
- This one gonna be very brief because the rest of this has been pretty lighthearted and I don't want to harsh the vibes too much. But Mihawk definitely has scars on his back like not just one but properly multiple. And given the fact that he was supposedly betrayed, his mistrust and loner attitude, and the fact that his eyes are very rare and probably special all signs point to; he was definitely at one point hunted as a child till he turned hunter.
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sad-ghost-of-garbage · 3 months
Nicknames with the Lost Boys
Affectionate and Goofy nicknames for and from the boys
Author: SadGhostofGarbage Warnings: this is a crackfic! It’s only semi serious. There is some NSFW headcannons so MDNI!
David’s nicknames for reader: Kitten, Kitty, Kit Cat, Doll face, Beloved, and My Queen (Yes even as a male reader, David believes himself the King so naturally his partner is his other half despite gender. He regards his partner as the chess Queen to his King; here is a lil blurb of how I see the conversation going, the first time it happens.
Male reader x David: “Um David, why did you call me your Queen? I am a whole grown ass man?” “Beloved, you are the most important piece on my chess board, since I'm clearly the King, you are my other half.” The bastard has the audacity to say condescendingly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You do realize that means I should be protecting you right?” That wipes the smirk right off his face, and he narrows his eyes at you. “Absolutely not happening”. He says with teeth grit in a firm line. “You are not putting yourself in any danger ever.” “Then by chess standards that makes you the Queen”. It was your turn for the shit eating grin, the expression on his face was priceless. It is definitely one of your favorite ways to tease him from that moment on. If however it causes you discomfort he will refrain from using it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still tease him with it. You will be punished accordingly after every instance you jokingly call him “my Queen”, but teasing him is half the fun. Side note, Paul tries to help by suggesting you combine the two, “One of you can be, Quee-ing, and the other can be Ki-een. BOOM! Problem solved, you’re welcome!” Spoiler… It does not solve the problem.
Things that David secretly loves being called, its a “secret” because he “doesn’t do nicknames”: Handsome, Cowboy, My King, My one, My love, basically anything that has a possessive edge implying that David is readers everything (Daddy loves to be needed)
Things reader (and the boys) call him that he “hates”: Daviey (Paul’s go to mostly), Marko calls him Daddy as if he were confessing to a Catholic priest during confession; “Daddy I’ve been naughty” instead of “forgive me father for I have sinned”. Chaos ensues and you will catch David chasing Marko around the cave on multiple occasions for this very reason. David won’t admit out loud that he’s okay with his partner calling him Daddy but he does prefer Sir, but if it revs your engines then he will graciously allow you to call him Daddy. Moral of the story… David is a butthead.
Names David actually hates being called: Baby, And any nickname that is overly obnoxious like : Stud muffin, or Pookie.
Dwayne’s nicknames for reader; Darling, Sweetheart, Baby/Babygirl/Babyboy (if it is Babyboy, just know Paul is jealous), Mama or Nobi for a non gendered version (of a parental name that both he and Laddie call a parental figure reader), Prince/Princess/Princex
Dwayne’s nicknames from the reader and the boys, they are all fair game for D-man: Papa, Big man, D, Snuggle bear, Big Cat, Baby Daddy
Nicknames that are affectionate when it comes from reader, and jokingly when coming from the boys: Gigantus, Tall Dark and Dracula, Skater boy, Dork
Paul’s nicknames for Reader: Sugar, babe, bug, Beautiful/Handsome/Gorgeous, Hot Stuff, My cute lil capri sun! If you're still human. Bit will continue to call you that after you become a vamp as well, he just likes biting. (fun fact I looked up when capri-sun came out, the answer? 1969! its cannon!)
Paul’s nicknames from reader and the boys: Paulie, Puppy, Pretty boy, jellybelly~ Paul got high af and cried because his blood wasn’t jelly bean flavored after he ate 12 bags of them. “I wanna be a jellybean damn it” 😭 NSFW: I saw a post going around about sucking Paul’s dick and my brain went… ah a Paulie pop… and now it lives rent free in my head so have that too
Marko’s nicknames for reader: Angel, Dove, Love, precious one, Sunshine, Tesoro / my treasure (if you headcannon him as an Italian, as many do 😉) the Juliet to his Romeo if you're a fem reader (until you point out that Juliet was like 13 and Romeo was 16. And comparing your love to that of children was not as romantic as he assumed it was. Those names quickly get abandoned)
Nicknames for Marko: Cassanova, Italian Stallion, Stud, Angel (the first time reader calls him angel you both argue over who gets to call the other angel, and it ends with an intervention from David. “You are both little devils, you brats!” you both continue to call each other angel, and David continues to call you both little devils.)
Nicknames that will get get you (or the boys) in trouble and not the good kind: Cherub, bird boy.
side note, I'd love to hear what nicknames you guys think the boys like being called and call their partners
Taglist: @ria-coolgirl, @britany1997, @henhouse-horrors. If you want added to my Lost Boys taglist lemme know!
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spacedemodulator · 2 years
For Quincey
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