#drabble numbers
otaku553 · 10 months
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Ok so I have been stewing this crossover au in my brain nonstop for the past few days and. I am nothing if not committed to the bit, so. Volume cover redraws :)
Here are the originals:
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If you want to read more about my one piece spy x family crossover, keep reading!
So the idea is simple! Crossover reincarnation au where ASL is reborn in Spy x Family. They’re each born separately and none of them are born with the same names as their previous lives, and with no way of finding each other, they each find their own thing to do in the world.
Sabo, too used to the dangers of being a spy, eventually finds a cause to devote himself to again, in preventing war from engulfing the country he was reborn in. Ace, drawn to fire as he was in his previous life, used arson as a means to rob rich people for sustenance and survival, and is eventually scouted and hired by Garden as a fire specialist and assassin. And Luffy, though born in perhaps the poorest condition, grows up happily and takes whatever part time jobs he wants to do.
The thing about Sabo is that, as much as he seems like a young man of good repute and high standing within society, everyone in WISE knows that he is a massive nuisance. Nobody knew in the beginning how a child less than half the age of most of their veteran agents could have the same skills and knowledge in their profession. Sabo was— and still is— hyper competent, and by the time WISE figured out just how much of a menace to society he was, it was too late.
Ace forgot for the first few years of his new life that he wasn’t made of fire, and consequently, received multiple accidental burns. This did not deter him, however, from growing up to be a very skilled arsonist, well-practiced in every which way to start a dumpster fire or house fire. As a teenage he would use this often to draw attention as he robbed rich people blind. When he was caught, he was given an ultimatum by Garden: join them and receive payment for starting fires and causing problems under contract, or face the government and authorities for his crimes. Begrudgingly, he joined Garden, but eventually comes to appreciate that he can make substantial money in his element.
Luffy is Luffy. No telepathy or experimentation, no fancy schools, no gimmicks or secret identities. But he has still lived an extremely colorful life in this world, full of fascinating and kind individuals who have helped him grow up healthy and relatively happy. He goes where he is free, and he takes whatever part time jobs he wants in order to make the minimum he needs to survive.
Ace and Sabo find each other first, in their late teens, and neither of them realize that the other remembers their previous life, but both refuse to separate. (Sabo thinks Ace doesn’t remember, because Ace didn’t recognize him. Ace never saw Sabo grow up past 10, however, so he doesn’t recognize older Sabo immediately. By the time he does realize who exactly Sabo is, Sabo has backtracked and pretends to know Ace from a dream, or from somewhere else.)
Sabo’s attachment to Ace, predictably, causes problems between Sabo and WISE, but by then, Sabo is indispensable to the organization, and they make an exception for Sabo to be able to remain with Ace, so long as Ace never finds out what Sabo’s actual job is. Ace, on the other hand, hides his job because he doesn’t want his brother, who he has just found and who does not know Ace well enough yet, to know that he makes a living from killing people.
And they find Luffy sometime afterwards, prior to the beginning of the Spy x Family canon. Luffy figures out, not long after moving in with his brothers, both of his brothers’ secret occupations and the fact that both of them remember their past memories. He thinks it is common knowledge, however, and so he never brings it up.
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okay so i saw this tiktok and immediately said 'but what if steddie?' so here you go!
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Steve honestly can't believe he let Robin convince him to go to this goddamn haunted house...attraction...thing.
He also can't believe that they somehow got separated. Them! The two peas in a pod who share the same braincell!
Now he's wandering the place alone, and in the goddamn dark. Following whatever sparks of light he can find, though he knows that's just gonna lead him to more scares.
'and to the exit, Dingus.' Robin's voice says in his head.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm almost out of here anyway, right?" he says aloud to no one.
"Wrong you are, pretty boy." a husky voice says into his ear from the dark, and Steve's running.
Running, running, running, somehow not tripping over shit in the dark, just letting his instincts take him wherever they want while some freak in a mask and wielding a machete follows close behind, cackling all the while.
The thing also says things like, "They're so much sweeter when fear courses through their veins!" and "The pretty ones always die first, that's why I'm still around." each followed by more unhinged cackles.
Finally, Steve turns a corner to find blinding light. Well, blinding to the rest of the place at least.
A steady light comes from a lantern beside a chainlink gate. He dashes to it, thinking its salvation, only to find a blank black wall behind it.
It was only another set piece.
"Oh fuck."
"Hello sweet thing,"
Steve spins, pressing his back against the fence behind him, heart hammering through his whole body.
The creature, in a bloody pig mask, as Steve can see now, chuckles hoarsely when he comes around the corner..and in the way of the only exit.
"Oh, fuck."
"Oh darling, there won't be time for any of that, now will there?"
Steve registers everything he can about the thing as it stalks closer. He's about Steve's height, slighter in build from the legs he can see under the ratty gown thing he wears, and he's immediately got a plan.
"You would look so sweet under me, though, wouldn't you?"
Damn, this guys' been flirting with him this whole time. Weird, unhinged haunted house flirting, but flirting nonetheless.
Another piece of the plan slots into place.
"C'mon darling, why so quiet? Lemme hear those screa---"
The thing surges forward, machete raised, so Steve shoots out an arm, catching his wrist and gripping tight.
With the other, he shoves at the thing's shoulder and spins them, pinning it against the metal fence with a clang.
Finally, Steve sets his moves to stun; dropping the thing's arm and using both hands to lift the plastic pig mask up over the actor's face, everything slows to a crawl.
Steve takes in the face of the actor pinned under him in a split second. He's just about the same age as Steve, with long dark hair that frizzes out under the lip of the mask where it's caught between it and his face. His face, thoroughly sweaty and flushed from chasing people around all night, is looking up at him in shock with big dark eyes and...holy shit..
Is it ethical to fall in love at first sight at a haunted house? With the thing guy that was chasing you?
Time speeds up again and Steve surges forward this time, locking his hands along the man's jaw instead of on the mask, letting it fall down onto his face as he kisses him.
Deep, quick, and with a quick flash of tongue before he's spinning and racing back out the way he came, this time being lucky enough to find the exit along a path he had taken the wrong fork in last time.
"Holy shit, Steve! There you are! What happened??" Robin catches him as he clambers though the curtain covered exit.
"I..." he takes a deep breath, holding himself up by his knees "I fell in love."
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ehehehe there's a part 2 to this :o)
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fbfh · 9 days
leo valdez with a breeding kink… i’d literally give that man anything he wants 😫
OHHHHHH FUCK ME. I WANNA KISS YOU ON BOTH CHEEKS FOR THIS ONE. Leo does not realize he has a breeding kink until it hits him like a fucking semitruck. you're with some family and friends at a little get together, and you end up looking after a baby cousin to give their parents a break. you have the kiddo on your lap while you chat with your friend, and when Leo gets back with drinks he nearly drops them. Boom. Light switch on, breeding kink in full force. He doesn't even realize what's happening, not quite yet, but all he knows is that it's going to take every ounce of self control he has to wait until the party's over. after a physically painful eternity that he suspects is his eternal punishment from the gods worse than pushing a boulder or being strapped to a boulder or holding up a planet sized boulder (it's maybe an hour and a half max) you're finally on your way home. He nearly pulls an irish goodbye just to get his beautiful beautiful hands on you sooner, and Leo is NOT the type to leave without at least a dozen hugs and cheek kisses and leftovers and plans to meet up next time, so you know something must be going on with him. the only reason he doesn't fuck you in the car (and he is this fucking close) is because he knows that he wants to take his time with you. Also, he can get pretty vocal. Also so can you. (anyone would with him jfc) so he keeps his hand on your thigh while he drives. He rubs it, inches it up higher and higher, higher than he ever has outside the bedroom until he's practically fingering you in the passenger seat. Honestly you wouldn't complain if he did. The sound of your flustered, surprised giggle when he pick you up and carries you into your house over his shoulder, all unga bunga like something primal has woken up inside him. And it has. When he lays you down on your bed which is still descheveled from the fun you'd had that morning, when he kisses you like he's hungry and strips you down like he's unwrapping a christmas present, neither of you know what's gotten into him yet. But he knows one thing for damn sure.
There's no way in hell he's pulling out tonight. Or ever again, if he's being honest.
So really, you'll both find out what's gotten into him (and you) in about nine months
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Ok hear me out😬
Yandere five x reader but the reader is the more dominant of the two. But because Five loves the reader so much he doesn't mind
This reminds me of Spike's "I love the kind of woman that would actually just kill me" line🤭
I went a little different route This was requested before he told Lila 'I prefer a woman who won't kill me' [Dec. 2021 so before Season 3]
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You were staring at each other, your eyes wide and his were passing between you and the dead body behind you. It was silent for a few minutes and there was a part of you that knew it was over for you.
"That's it? That's all you have to say is 'Hmmm'?"
He looks up at you, tilting his head, "Um... I guess I'm a little surprised, but uh- it's just a dead girl, not a dead president."
"Oh?" You look back at the body, "I think it's close enough. A dead body is still a dead body."
"So how were you planning to get rid of the body?" He crosses his arms, giving you an annoyed look.
You bite your lip, "Uh... I didn't think that far ahead."
Five rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "Okay, I'll handle it."
"You always do."
You yawn, before looking over at Five, who was reading a book. "So what did you do with her body?"
He doesn't look up at you, instead flipping the page. He hums in acknowledgement, but doesn't answer your question, maybe it was for the best. You flip over on your side, which catches his attention.
"You're going to sleep.''
You look over your shoulder, slowly blinking at him, "Yeah? Is that okay?"
"I guess. Pretty early. Murdering makes you sleepy?"
You roll your eyes, groaning, "It was an accident."
He laughs, causing you to glare at him and he quickly hushes up.
"Turn off the lamp when you're done."
"Yes ma'am." He mocks as you slowly drift to sleep.
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Wayne loved Eddie more than anything else in this world. That kid was his son, sister and her shit husband be damned, and he had been for almost eight years now.Wayne would do just about anything for that kid, and he liked to think that Eddie knew that by now, so he couldn't quite understand why he was trying to hide something so obvious.
That being whatever was going on between him and the Harrington boy.
The two had been attached at the hip for months, and while Eddie was no stranger to having friends, having one that slept in his bed nearly every night was certainly new. And if that wasn’t a dead giveaway to what was really going on, then all of the touching sure would have been. He had never seen his boy be so tactile with someone before, and that was saying something considering how freely Eddie liked to give out touch. But with Steve? It was like he couldn’t go five minutes without being all over him, whether that be an arm draped around his shoulders, a hand on his thigh, or pressed against his side, if Steve was within arms length, then Eddie was reaching for him.
At first, Wayne worried he was keeping quiet because he was scared of his reaction, but he had been more than clear with Eddie growing up that being different in any way was nothing to be ashamed of, despite what the world may tell you. And Eddie seemed to be living up to that advice in every other aspect of his life, so that couldn't be it.
Then, he thought it was because he knew Wayne didn't like Steve. Or at least used to not like Steve. In hindsight, he was a little ashamed of his mistrust of the kid, but could he really be blamed? It wasn't so long ago that Steve Harrington was on the list of jackasses Eddie would complain about after school, a smarmy smartass just like his father.
But then Eddie went up and almost died, and suddenly Wayne was met face to face with just how much the kid had changed, and just how much the kid loved his Eddie. Slowly but surely, Steve wiggled his way into his good graces.
Like the way he made his boy smile wasn't enough, the kid basically became a live-in nurse during those first few awful months of Eddie’s recovery. And if Wayne thought Eddie was obvious with his feelings, Steve was on a whole other level. The kid was walking around with heart eyes whenever Eddie was around, always giggling like a high-school girl at whatever lame jokes his boy made, always leaning heavily into any touch, always obsessed with wearing his clothes. And as much as the cutesy behavior made Wayne roll his eyes, it also melted his heart a bit, knowing his kid was with someone who loved him just as much, if not more.
He just…wanted Eddie to know he was safe to be himself, both of them were, in any way that was. Eventually Wayne just let it slip, on one of those rare nights when Steve wasn’t there for dinner. He was working a late shift, and as Wayne watched Eddie wrap him up a plate for when he got off, he just let the question fall out of his mouth,“So…you and the Harrington boy huh?”
Eddie almost dropped the plate in surprise, spinning to stare at Wayne with wide eyes, “Huh?”
“You and Steve,” Wayne reiterated, “Not that there’s anything wrong that Eds, really, I don’t care-”
“There’s nothing going on between me and Steve!” Eddie interrupted, face bright as he put the plate down, “Why would you think that?”
Wayne sighed, “Eddie, you don’t got to hide anything from me.”
“I’m not!” Eddie insisted, face still insanely red, “Steve’s great but we’re not-I’m not like that, okay?”
Wayne blinked at him. He knew what his Eddie sounded like when he lied, and this wasn’t it…but Wayne also knew what he saw, and he couldn't help but feel his heart break a bit for Steve. Maybe his boy wasn’t in love with the kid, but Harrington sure as hell was, “My mistake then,”
Eddie gave him a nervous laugh, running a hand through his hair, “You bet it is, really letting that imagination run wild over there huh?
Wayne sighed as he stood up, “But Eddie?"
"Try and let him down easy when the time comes." He patted his shoulder as he made his way to his bedroom, already wondering if there was any way he’d be able to help the poor Harrington boy out when his heart got broken, leaving a shell-shocked Eddie in his wake.
Let him down easy when the time comes.
Eddie didn’t know what to do with that. He trusted Wayne, respected him too, but there was no way in hell that Steve felt anything towards him that wasn’t friendship. King Steve wasn’t gay, if anything he was a flaming heterosexual considering his insane number of flings in highschool.
Not to mention the fact that Eddie wasn’t gay, or at least…he didn’t think he was gay. But then again, he wasn’t thinking about much these days that wasn’t Steve, Steve, Steve. But they were best friends, new best friends, so wasn’t that normal? And okay, sure, Eddie had never felt like this for anyone ever before, but that didn't mean it was romantic. And so what if the thought of Steve with a girl made him ill? He was just a needy guy who loved having all the attention on him.
And so what if Steve was objectively attractive? Was it gay to know that a man was pretty or was it just having eyes? And okay, sure, Eddie had had a few wet dreams about him, but dreams didn’t mean anything. Right?
Eddie flopped face down onto his bed, groaning into his pillow. If, on some very off chance that Wayne was right, then he was going to have to put a stop to it wouldn’t he? It’s not like he and Steve could just drive into the sunset together as gay lovers, not in this town. No, Eddie would just have to lay down the law, put up some boundaries, do something to make this relationship make sense, because now that he was actually thinking about it, they were nowhere even close to normal.
Eddie could hear the front door unlocking, the tell-tale sign that Steve was finally home. Eddie wasn’t sure when their shitty trailer had become Steve’s home, but he hoped it stayed that way, even after they managed to put their friendship back into the strictly platonic category.
He kept his face in the pillow, mind racing on how to even start this bizarre conversation when he heard Steve laugh behind him, “What’s got you so dramatic?”
“Wayne,” he mumbled into the fabric, listening to the sounds of Steve puttering around the room. He could tell everything he was doing from the sounds alone, so used to the little night routines they had developed together. He was digging through Eddie’s drawers now, definitely looking for something clean to sleep in.
Shit, would Steve stop wearing his clothes after they talked? Would he stop sleeping in the same bed as him? Eddie was really starting to question the worth of useless things like boundaries if it meant having his Steve around less.
His Steve. Platonic friends didn’t call each other that did they?
Eddie could feel Steve start to crawl onto the bed, laying right beside him, “Are you ever going to come out of there?”
“Never,” Eddie grumbled, because that would mean he would have to look at Steve. He’d have to acknowledge all the stupid shit going through his head and things would change. And he didn’t want things to change.
Steve laughed at that, and Eddie could feel warm hands start to poke at the side of his face, “But what if I want to see you?”
“Then that sucks for you.” Eddie mumbled. He could feel Steve getting closer, close enough that his breath was tickling his face. Close enough that Eddie felt like his heart was going to escape his chest from how hard it was pounding.
“You’re such a shithead,” Steve giggled right into his ear, “Come on, please? I missed you today.”
Eddie sighed, finally turning his head to look at him, only to be met with that stupidly pretty face. Was it legal for men to be this cute? Steve was smiling, the small kind that Eddie was almost sure was just for him, and he was so close. Eddie glanced down at his mouth, realizing it would take almost nothing for them to be kissing.
And from the look on Steve’s face, he just realized the same thing. They stared at each other, all of the playfulness from earlier gone. Steve was biting his lower lip, and Eddie knew that he was watching him stare at it.
“Do you wanna?” Steve finally whispered, leaning in the slightest bit closer, so near that it was making Eddie’s head spin.
This was it right? What Wayne was talking about, the perfect opportunity to let him down easy. He should just sit up, tell Steve to stop joking around, and start talking about what the hell they were even doing.
"Sure," he said instead. Vaguely, in the back of his head Eddie remembered he was supposed to be having reservations about this whole thing as their lips finally met, but whatever they were vanished into thin air the second they touched.
Because kissing Steve Harrington felt fucking amazing.
The thought of saying no? Of never kissing him again? It wasn’t going to happen, not after he'd gotten a taste. Eddie gripped his shirt and pulled him in closer, relishing in the little surprised sound Steve made when he slipped his tongue into his mouth. He wanted to do this forever. He couldn’t even remember what the argument against it was, not when Steve was moaning against him, not when he was too busy scrambling to move and get Steve in his lap, definitely knocking multiple things off the nightstand in the process.
If this is what being gay meant than Eddie was on board, himself from half an hour ago could go to hell.
He should have realized that they were making too much noise, noises that his very protective uncle, who just found out Hell was a real place and it lived below Hawkins, was not used to hearing from his room.
They both jumped when the door slammed opened, a frenzied Wayne standing in the doorway with Steve’s favorite bat over his shoulder, He let it drop at the sight of them, half relieved that they were fine and half shockingly amused to see what they were doing.
Steve tried to scramble out of Eddie’s lap, an apology already on his lips when Wayne started to cackle, “I really let my imagination run wild huh?”
Eddie laughed right along with him, rolling his eyes as he kept an iron tight grip on Steve’s waist, forcing him to stay in place, “You win this round old man,”
“Damn right I do.” Wayne laughed, turning on his heel, “You kids have fun now, just not too much.”
Steve could still hear him cackling as he went down the hall as he sat dumbfounded in Eddie’s lap, “What the hell was that?”
Eddie shrugged, “My uncle approving of us. Now kiss me again.”
And well…there was no way Steve was going to say no to that.
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
If the Owl House was released in 2016 the very SECOND Caleb was confirmed to have been a character that existed we would’ve gotten 20 Hamilton animatics within the week. Don’t look away. Look at me. We’d have had countless animatics to The World Was Wide Enough with the Wittebane brothers and some would go hard. There would be that one It’s Quiet Uptown animatic about Evelyn after Caleb died and it’d send everyone into shambles. Aaron Burr, Sir would be Luz meeting Eda with the hexsquad done 8 different times and they’d all be made in the same month. Burn. Do you know how many would be made from Burn. I could go on. I need you all to understand that Little Miss Perfect was the tamest plague we could’ve hoped for
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Personal pet peeve: adaptations where Ariadne is scared or freaked out the first time she sees Dionysus' madness. I mean for one it feels kinda weird and gross but also you think Dionysus wouldn't marry someone who was 1000% down with all his faces?? you think the Lady who danced in the minotaurs labyrinth wouldn't be able to handle her hot malewife husband who goes feral every now and again??? boring!! it's just boring!
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rayveneyed · 3 months
cw; violence, gore, angst with a tinge of hope, god!au, power imbalance
the reputation of the war god, sukuna, casts a monstrous shadow over the land.
four arms and two heads and a gaping, snarling maw carved into his stomach — a host of violent magic at his disposal. he is the boogey-man beneath the bed, the shadow lurking around the corner, the glinting edge of cold steel. he is the pang of hunger in the stomachs of marching soldiers; the cold sweat of fear in women and children, cowering low in their homes as their village is ransacked by enemies. he is pain and adrenaline and strength, cleaved in half and sewn shoddily together. he is all of this and more, and yet you serve him.
you have never seen your patron god. you have never hoped to see him. to devote yourself to the two-faced one is to fear him. thousands of years have passed without a single sighting of him, or any god, for that matter — you are poorly prepared to stand in his presence.
and so, when the war god sukuna looms above you in the crushed remains of your home — a temple once grand, once mighty — with his coiling muscles and gargantuan size, you repeat this to yourself. a comfort of sorts.
pain and adrenaline and strength. the glinting edge of cold steel. the boogey-man beneath the bed.
to have him stand above you is enough to have your breath curdling in your throat. he eclipses you completely, his size almost indescribable — in your fear, in your grief, you can only gape up at him, teary-eyed and shivering like a kitten in the cold. your vestments have all been torn, or burned, or bloodied. this is not how you should present yourself to your god.
you shouldn’t even dare to meet his eyes. you’re simply too shaken to right your wrong.
“my lord,” you manage to greet, though most syllables catch like treacle in your throat.
you are insignificant. you realise this, in his shadow. your life is minuscule, paltry, meagre in his presence. he is a god and you are a girl, bones and veins and flesh that gives, and he may as well be obsidian. diamond, perhaps. he has seen thousands of years pass — empires rise and fall. the follies and infightings of man are entertainment; the deaths of millions are nothing but numbers lost to time.
he hums, and it’s like your brain is snapped from its shackles. you feel the blood drying against your cheek. the smell of burning flesh dizzying your mind. viscera beneath your palms. the entrails that were once your sisters give a sickening squelch, and all at once bile rises in your throat. you try to temper it, to focus on anything except your life that is crumbling to pieces around you — but the only thing to ground you is the cracked marble underfoot, cool and hard where your skin presses against it.
sukuna regards you as if you’re nothing but a speck of dust; there’s that sort of bored amusement about him, a cat batting idly at a squirming, broken-winged bird. he tilts his head, and raises a sharp, dark brow.
“woman,” he speaks, and his voice is a thousand drums beat in unison, the roar of a moving war-front. echoing and sonorous and enough to have you shivering where you sit. “it seems you are the only survivor.”
you make a sound like the wind has been punched from you.
“pity,” continues sukuna, seemingly ignoring your squeak. his gaze rises to the shattered pillars and rubble of your home, the smoking piles of fabric, the fires that rage even now. “you were minutely more valuable than cockroaches, at least.”
again, those eyes — four of them, unerringly dark — drift down to you, his brow furrowed in what you suppose might be curiosity. his lips twitch upwards in the cruel imprint of a smile. “oh? you protected yourself. how quaint.”
as if to make a point — or perhaps just to startle you — he reaches one grand hand out, and moves to flick you with a razor-sharp nail — only it never makes contact with you. you watch, wide-eyed and sick-stomached, as the air around you shimmers with a blue reflection. his finger bounces right off, though the force he first hits it with is far more gentle than his limit — the next time he flicks, seemingly finished with his demonstration, the paper-thin barrier cracks and shatters into a thousand shards, all eventually carried off by the wind. it is all too easy for him. you are once again reminded that you are nothing in comparison.
one of those monstrously large hands lunges forward, grasping your chin roughly. those sharp nails prick painfully against your cheeks. your god clearly does not care much for the blood and tears that scar you.
“i still desire some modicum of worship,” declares sukuna, glaring down at you. “i have lost 59 priestesses, and i must cull those who worked against me. you will have to do.”
a tear tickles the side of your nose as it migrates further from your eye. “yes, my lord.”
“my mercy does not strike twice,” he warns — and though his voice is so amused you have no doubt he is being truthful. “a hair out of line will see you joining your sisters.”
another sudden burn of tears. his grip on your jaw is still quite painful. “y-yes, my lord.”
silence reigns once more. the crackle of fire reminds you of the snapping of tree branches. the flicker of flames reminds you of the dances you and your sisters once performed in devotion to him, intertwining and spiralling, ceremonial swords and daggers and spears. you never would have danced had you known this fate would once befall you. you would have left this temple as soon as your girlhood ended.
sukuna tilts your head side to side, suddenly, as if to inspect you. his eyes trail from your jaw, to the curve of your cheekbone, to the roundness of fat that forms your cheek. they finish at your eyes — teary, bloodshot eyes, squinting in pain and sorrow and discomfort.
“hm,” he says, releasing you to turn on his heel. the muscles in his back ripple with each step he takes away from you, and the ground seems to tremble in time. “yes. i suppose i’ll keep you.”
he disappears through the crumbled archway, and your lungs seem to collapse. you suddenly feel very frail.
the remaining priestess of a war-hungry god. you suppose that a purpose is exactly what you need, now that your home is destroyed. now that all you have loved has been reduced to ash.
death may have been a mercy for your sisters, but should this be your last task before you join them, you can only do what you have always done: worship.
you can only hope you survive long enough to do them proud.
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sanguinesweets · 1 year
syzoth x reader brainrot below the cut
• Your first kiss is kinda weird. Syzoth isn't used to giving/recieving affection in his human form, so your faces bump into each other a few times before you finally meet your target. His eyes are open the whole time, and you try to hold back giggles as not to discourage him.
• As he becomes more accustomed to kissing you, makeout sessions also become a thing you tutor him on. He seemed curious the first time you slipped your tongue into his mouth, not disliking it but also not really understanding it. So you guide him in moving his mouth against yours, and it doesn't take long for his prehensile, forked tongue to slip past your lips as he wraps his arms around you.
• Sometimes his long, scaly tail makes an appearance out of nowhere, even when the rest of his body is visibly human. You have learned through accidentally petting it before that it is... a particularly sensitive zone for him. You still blush when you think about the soft moan that escaped his mouth the first time you ran your fingers along the individual scales, hard muscle lying underneath.
• Syzoth is gentleman when it comes to kissing and caressing you... until you ask him to do otherwise. When you urge him to be a little more rough, to leave marks along your neck and grind down into you like an animal in heat, well, he can certainly deliver.
• Foreplay is also a newer experience for the Zaterran, at least in his human form. When your encounters start to get spicier, you have to show him the ropes a little here and there, but he's a quick leaner.
He takes immense pleasure in fingering you, the smell of your arousal driving him wild as he elicits whines and moans from your slackened jaw. Eating you out also becomes one of his favorite activities (and yours as well), as his tongue can drive you absolutely wild and make you cum like no one else ever has.
As for recieving, he's a little shy about it at first, but with time opens up to your gentle caresses and strokes, being driven wild whenever you have your hands on him. It's a constant struggle for him not to cum immediately when you take his length into your mouth, his pale green eyes rolling back into his head and legs shaking beneath you.
• He's very versatile when it comes to sex. There aren't any complaints if you want him to top you (though you do develop a system of how hard you want it, after a while, as some days you want to get dicked down like it's mating season, others, you want it nice and slow). Although he'll blush bright green if you point it out, he absolutely loves it when you're on top, and enjoys holding on to your waist as you ride him.
• He's a cold-blooded boy, so he'll definitely choose to snuggle close to you after activities, or during the night, to share some of your heat and take a little nap.
• Taking him to Walmart and buying him a tupperware of live crickets from their fishing section (his fav snack).
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saeist · 2 years
"i give up"
rin closes the math book in front of you shut, making you wince. you dropped both your head and pencil on the table. you can feel your head steaming by the way it was overloaded with so much about math that's probably worth the whole semester
"rin," you cry, "i still don't understand shit" you wail, turning your head to the side to look at him with puppy eyes. rin catches that and rolls his eyes as he looks away
no, he's not gonna fall into that little trap of yours. not again, for the third time today
you reached out for his free hand under the table, tugging it so he turns his attention back at you. "rin" you drawl out.
"what?" he snaps, giving you the side eye
"can we go over it again, please?" you plead. lips jutted out for more emphasis. you know he's sick and tired of your shit asking him to tutor you
rin bites his lip and contemplates. he resists the urge to teach you again an entire semester's worth of math. but with that face, he just can't seem to keep it together.
with a deep, heavy sigh and another eye roll, rin collects himself and once again opens the same math textbook from earlier.
"lesson one, how to solve binomial equations.."
"yay! you're the best, rinrin" you cheered, promptly giving him a small little kiss on the cheek. rin chokes up on his words and starts a coughing fit.
rin is down bad and that's a fact
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jayflrt · 1 year
𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐒 12. crazy gets u bitches
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SUMMARY ▸ in which you work at the starbucks where heeseung is a regular at (and considered a public enemy). also he only goes when he’s stoned off his ass.
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z-socks · 1 year
Who's Older?
We all love our Domino Twin boys, but a very important question remains: who's older? TW: very brief clinical mention of fetus termination “That’s Bantha osik and you know it!” 
General Anakin Skywalker couldn’t help but sigh as he caught wind of the argument still going on. Fives and Echo had been at it since leaving Saleucami and appeared to have yet to resolve the matter. He cast a look at Rex who seemed so exhausted he almost felt bad for making him deal with it. But these were his men and they couldn’t risk a petty disagreement getting in the way of their next mission. 
“Alright, boys, what’s the problem?” Anakin asked, approaching the ARC troopers with Rex only a few steps behind him. 
“This di’kut thinks he’s older than me,” Fives accused, shoving his shoulder into Echo’s. 
“I am older than you,” Echo insisted. 
Anakin stared at them in disbelief. This is what was causing such a stir? 
Rex sighed beside him. “Not this again,” he muttered. 
The ‘again’ worried the general. If this was an ongoing issue, he’d have to put an end to it once and for all, no matter how trivial and petty it was. 
“Echo’s number is lower. I think that makes him older,” he offered. 
The three Clones stared at him. 
“Or not?” 
Rex stepped in. “Our numbers come from our growth-jar tree designation. But not all infants on a tree are decanted at the same time. Like, if a fetus is terminated, the jar is emptied and a new embryo takes its place.” 
Well that was all very informative, but not helpful in resolving the matter. Anakin crossed his arms. “Why does it matter who’s older?” 
“It’s a matter of principle. We’re twins, sir,” Fives answered. 
Anakin raised a brow. “Is that some kind of joke?” 
“No, sir,” Echo replied. “Split zygote. A rare but not impossible anomaly.”
Fives cut in, “Like Rex’s hair.”
The captain glared at them.  
“All that means is Echo here got moved to a different jar,” Fives went on. 
“Thereby making me the oldest.”
“Transfer is not decanting!” 
“I left the jar first!” 
“To go to another jar!” 
“Okay, okay, stop!” Anakin sighed, understanding Rex’s exhausted look from earlier. “Echo, Fives is right.” 
“If we’re going from decanting-“
“The general agrees with me!” Fives cheered, throwing an arm around Echo’s shoulders and tussling his hair. “You lose! I’m right! Ha! I won! Against you. In semantics!” 
Echo growled, shoving out of Fives’s grasp and grappling for him, the argument turning into a physical fight until Fives escaped and ran off, Echo running after him, still belaboring his point, now with rather colorful language. 
Rex rested a hand on the general’s shoulder. “Rule number one, sir. Don’t pick a winner.” 
Anakin shook his head. “It’s a dumb argument.” 
Rex offered him a small smile. “Just hope you never have twins, sir.”
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self-indulgent-devils · 2 months
Valentino becoming attached to a reader that is nothing like his whores and stuff. I explored this a bit in my shy reader drabbles, but like. He ends up running into a demon and finds them so precious, but they're also nothing like what he usually sees in his business. And especially with Angel being a little bitch to him, he becomes absolutely fascinated by you. He wants to know more about you and if he can't get it directly from you then OF COURSE he's going to have his precious Voxie get information on you. And every time he learns about something you like, Val just becomes more intrigued. Bonus points if you're secretly super horny too and just don't show it. He loves the idea of a "secret slut."
But he just becomes more and more intrigued by you and obsessed with you. Val tries to find ways to guarantee he will just accidentally "run into you." It's totally random, what a coincidence! And he'll strike up a conversation. Not much for talking? Oh well. He's going to try to get you talking. If not, he wants you to at least be listening. Always making sure you're paying attention and not ignoring him. If he thinks you're ignoring him especially if you're like autistic or adhd or something and so it SEEMS like you're not paying attention when really you are, he will become somewhat domineering. Leaning close regardless of your size and using that sickly sweet threatening voice, asking you if you're paying attention. Because he would HATE to be ignored. You better make it clear you are too because he even well may not be it. He's used to people lying to him just to save their own skin and he hates people doing that.
After a while of talking or multiple instances of talking, he'll probably ask if there's a way to get in contact with you. Acting as if it's a choice and you have an option when honestly, he already has your socials and your number and even your address if he was that obsessed.
He'll want to invite you to his work at some point. Or maybe to some event celebrating the release of one of his films. Or an award ceremony for one of his films. If you don't have anything to wear then he'll buy you it. Valentino would LOVE to send you clothes. He could easily figure out your size, but he'll let you tell him it instead. Or he may just ask to *personally* measure you himself~ And Val will make sure it fits PERFECTLY. And if it's messed up at all then someone is getting fired. (Or torn apart and shot.) He wants his new little obsession to look good anyway.
Valentino may be a major sugar baby with Vox, but with someone he's obsessed with, he loves to be a sugar daddy. He will spoil you, dress you up, treat you like his personal doll. He wants someone that looks good. It's okay if you don't know how to do that, he can handle it. Even if he's dressing you up, he'll still let you choose your style. If you want to be more goth or emo or any alternative subculture, he will just get you the finest clothes in that. If you want to wear clothes you're more connected to due to cultural reasons, he will ensure that he gets you exactly that. You can look good in ANYTHING you wear so it doesn't matter what your specific style is, as long as it's luxurious and makes you look like a darling little prize.
And as terrifying as Valentino is, he WILL protect you. No one is going to lay their hands on you. If someone even says something rude or gives you a funny look or so much as steps out of line, then he's going to lose it. You will stay in arm's reach of him almost all of the time when he brings you anywhere. You're his new baby. It doesn't matter if you CAN take care of yourself, you better let HIM do it anyway. Because you're his. And he takes care of things that belong to him.
One last bonus thing is Valentino painting you. Oh if he can paint then he will ABSOLUTELY take a chance to paint you. He doesn't paint often because of his horrible moth vision, but we can pretend he can still paint well. He will make you a masterpiece and hang it up in his private room so even when you may be away, he will have a way to look at you. And you better believe this man knows and loves art. Valentino is a fine artist that enjoys quality. That's why his films can do so well after all even if they are just porn. Even if he doesn't care about some, but when it's something or someone he absolutely cares for then he is going to ensure the finest quality in everything.
And right now, that's you. You're that special thing to him. It doesn't matter if you're bigger or smaller or the same size. It doesn't matter if you're fat or thin or average. It doesn't matter. You're different than most of his whores. Whether it's cause you're shyer or if you're less sexual or even asexual or if you're just far more ballsy than most of his employees. He is absolutely fascinated with you the way you are and no way in HELL is he going to let someone else get to you first. Valentino doesn't care what it takes, you WILL be his. You WILL belong to the one and only Valentino himself.
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crying because i always have imagined when writing reader x five was for reader to be a stoner and five just rolls his eyes and stops them from getting high regularly
five : is that a cigarette?
reader : noooo…. its klaus’ cigarette…..
five : give me the cig.
reader : cmonnnnn whats better then being high? you????
five : [sigh] ask yourself that, hand it over.
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Been in the drafts since July.... 2022
Five didn't want you to end up like his brother. He saw how it destroyed his brother's life and he would be damned if he'd let you go down that same path. He may not have been able to stop his brother from falling into that pit, but he sure as hell will help you.
Klaus indulges/enables you, which annoys Five to no end. He tries to keep you away from Klaus and have as few interactions with him as possible. He doesn't know how to express his emotions/feelings, so he has a hard time expressing himself to you and telling you he worries about you. You think he's being aggressive when in reality that's his way of showing he cares.
Whenever he catches you smoking with Klaus, he's quick to put a stop to it and pretty much scold you like a child. You are never alone with Klaus; Five is always there, no matter where you are. When Klaus does end up getting better, Five is more than excited, because for whatever reason you look up to Klaus and will take after him.
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badkitty3000 · 4 months
Can you please do a soft physical touch five x vivi story? Not smut, but just sweet stuff, like laying together watching tv, or reading together, or just little handholds in public ykwim
So, this was a fun request! I really enjoyed writing this. I wasn't quite sure how to connect a full story together, though, so I made a few little vignettes of Five and Vivie during their normal day-to-day married life. I hope this is still along the lines of what you were hoping for. Let me know! 😽❤️
Your Touch
Five x OC one shot, 3,318 words
Warnings: Swearing
It was early in the morning and the dark clouds covering the sky were blocking out any of the morning sun that would usually be casting cheery rays across the bed. The sound of the rain just beginning to fall and the wind the storm was bringing in could be heard just overhead on the roof above them. It was cozy and warm under the covers and Vivian blinked a few times into the dimness of the room. When she realized it was early but she didn’t have to get up for work, she nestled deeper into the blankets with a relieved sigh. Then, about two minutes later, her eyes popped open again. Of course, she couldn’t fall back asleep now.
“Figures,” she muttered angrily.
Then she turned to where Five was sleeping peacefully and undisturbed next to her. A bolt of lightning flashed outside the darkened window and a loud clap of thunder quickly followed it, shaking the panes in the frame. Viv jumped but Five never even moved. She looked over at him with a frown.
“Man, that’s annoying,” she said to herself.
Five might have terrible nightmares some nights and would wake up in a blind panic, but the majority of the time he slept like a rock. He told Vivian it was because he had to get used to sleeping in all kinds of conditions, both in the Apocalypse and during assignments with the Commission. When Viv had questioned him as to how a supposed assassin could sleep that soundly, he explained that if there were any real danger, he’d be sure to wake up. She had her doubts.
Seeing as how it looked like she wasn’t going to be able to sleep any longer, Viv decided to get up and make some coffee. She tossed the covers back and sat up. When she put her feet on the floor, she felt an arm slip around her waist. She looked behind her to see Five, partially awake, but with his eyes still closed.
“No, stay,” he murmured as he tugged her back onto the bed. Viv smiled and let him pull her in closer, wrapping both of his arms around her. “You’re so warm,” Five said with a sigh.
“Are you just using me for warmth?” Viv teased, even as she snuggled into him.
“Yes,” he answered with a tiny upturn of the corner of his mouth.
“If that’s the case, I’m getting up,” she said, pretending to pull away from him again.
Five immediately grabbed her tighter. “Nope.” Then he opened one eye and smirked. “It’s dark and there’s a storm. Didn’t you hear that thunder? You’re staying right here.”
“Faker!” she cried with a giggle. “I thought you were sleeping this whole time.”
“I’m very good at playing possum. It’s a defense tactic,” Five said as he adjusted his body so Viv could rest her head on his chest and he closed his eyes again. “Have to catch your enemies off guard.”
“I’ll remember that the next time you’re supposedly napping when I need you to take the garbage out.”
“Damn it, I just blew my cover,” Five chuckled. Then he kissed her on the forehead and sighed happily. “Let’s just stay here all day.”
“I won’t object to that,” Viv answered. Then she looked up at Five with a smile. “You’re so cute, you know that?”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “I am not cute.”
“Yes you are.” Viv poked him in the chest. “You’re adorable.”
Five had no response to that except for a huffy exhale. They laid there in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to the patter of the rain and the distant rumble of thunder. Five stroked her hair idly and Viv traced patterns with her fingertips across Five’s chest and arm. He rubbed his cheek across the top of her head.
“I think if this were my last day on earth…again…and I got to spend it like this, I’d be ok with that,” he mused.
Viv smiled and snuggled in closer. “While I certainly hope we have many more days ahead of us, I think I’d be pretty ok with it, too.”
“What are you reading?”
Vivian walked into their living room where Five was intensely studying the book in front of him; a glass of whiskey sitting on the side table next to him. He didn’t look up when she came in.
“A book,” he answered.
Viv rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I got that. What’s the book?”
Five glanced up quickly. “Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity.” He looked back down at the book again.
“Sounds like a real page turner.”
Five shrugged, not picking up on the sarcasm, but didn’t look up. “Not really. It was published in 2007 so it’s pretty antiquated. And some of it is just laughably incorrect, but every once in a while, I stumble across something interesting.”
Viv snorted, trying to contain her laughter. “It’s a good thing you’re hot, because wow, are you a giant nerd.”
He gave one more quick glance up at her, his eyebrows knitted together. “Is there something I can help you with, or are you just here to bust my balls and interrupt my quiet time?”
She shrugged and plopped down onto the cushion next to him. “Pretty much just to bust your balls. But I was going to put a movie on unless that’s going to annoy you too much?”
Five gestured vaguely in front of him. “Knock yourself out.”
Viv looked over at her husband, who was deep in concentration while reading a book no other human alive would ever want to read, and she smiled to herself. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back off his forehead and flipped the page. She loved these little candid moments when she could just watch him and all of his little quirks that made him undeniably Five. And she loved that he never felt the need to hide them from her.
She turned the TV on and chose an old movie that she’d seen a thousand times before. Settling in, she swung her legs up and propped her feet onto Five’s lap. He moved his book out of the way to make room, giving her the side eye, and sighed dramatically.
“Must you put your stinky feet on me?” he grumbled, although he made no move to push them off.
“They’re not stinky!” She wiggled her toes to show off her purple cat socks. “They’re cute.”
Five made no comment, just gave an exaggerated eye roll and returned to his book. His free hand came to rest on the top of her foot, which she noticed with a small grin but didn’t say anything.
After a few minutes, he started to rub her foot with one hand, while holding his book in the other. Viv didn’t turn away from the TV screen, but she let out a soft little sigh as he massaged her sole and applied pressure with his thumb. After another few moments, Five finally set his book down on the table and turned his attention to the TV.
“So, what dumb movie is this?” he asked, as he started using both of his hands to knead her feet in earnest.
“Talladega Nights. Haven’t you ever seen this before, it’s a classic!”
Five just gave her a withering look and when Viv saw, she winced and smiled sheepishly. “Right. Apocalypse. Well, I keep saying you need to catch up on pop culture, so watch it with me. It’s hilarious.”
“It looks moronic.”
Viv sighed. “Yeah, that’s kind of the point. Now shut up and keep rubbing my feet, old man.”
“Pain in my ass,” Five grumbled under his breath, but continued his foot massage and shut up like instructed.
Halfway through the movie, they had moved so that they were both sprawled out on the couch, with Five spooning Vivian from behind. An old, soft blanket was thrown over the top of them. He rested his hand on her hip and would occasionally run his fingers up and down her arm or give her a quick peck on the shoulder.
Even though he mentioned several times how dumb of a movie it was, Viv caught him laughing during a few parts, which made her laugh even harder. She loved when he could finally relax and admit that even stupid shit like this was funny.
“Ricky Bobby reminds me of you a little,” Viv said with a giggle, referring to the idiot main character of the movie.
“What in the world are you talking about?”
“When he says ‘I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence’. Sounds just like you.”
As she snorted at her own joke and cracked herself up, Five huffed and pretended to push her off the couch before catching her at the last second when she shrieked. He pulled her in tightly against him, his arm around her waist, giving her a squeeze.
“You know, you’re not nearly as hilarious as you think you are,” Five told her as he poked a finger into her side, making her squeal. “I do piss excellence, though, that’s not a lie.”
“Oh boy…” she answered with a loud exhale. Then she took his hand in hers, drawing his arm even tighter around her. Five nuzzled his face into her hair.
“So, what bad movie are you going to make me watch, next?” he asked her with a soft kiss on top of her head.
“You want to watch another one?”
He nodded, closing his eyes with a smile. “I’ll watch whatever inane thing you want me to if you stay cuddled up with me like this.”
Viv turned her head toward him, putting a hand on his cheek and kissing him. “My sweet, snuggly, teddy bear of a stone-cold killer,” she said with a soft laugh, before turning back again and getting comfortable.
Five chuckled. “Don’t you dare tell anyone.”
Viv squeezed his hand and brought it up to give it a quick kiss. “Your secret is safe with me. Now, let’s watch Anchorman. You’ll love it.”
He sighed that sigh that meant he couldn’t believe how this woman had turned him into such a soft pushover. “Ok, darling. Whatever you say.”
“Do we have to go to this thing?” Five asked with a slight whine to his voice. He was standing in front of the full-length mirror in their bedroom, putting on his tie. “You know I hate this shit.”
“Yes, we have to go,” Viv told him for the tenth time as she fixed her earring. “We can’t be the asshole neighbors that ignore everyone else and don’t socialize at least a little bit.”
“Why not? I have absolutely no problem being that type of neighbor.”
Viv walked up to him, turning him to face her with hands on his shoulders. She started to straighten his tie and fix his shirt collar. “May I remind you that you are the one that wanted to move to the suburbs? This isn’t like the city where you can just blend into a crowd and not talk to anyone. We are expected to be cordial here.”
Five scrunched his eyebrows together. “Well, no one told me that. That may have factored into my decision, had I known.”
Viv smiled and shook her head as she patted his chest. “You’ll be fine. It’s just for a couple of hours.”
“And what kind of adult throws themselves a birthday party for turning 50? It’s absurd.” There was a pause and Viv braced herself for what she knew was coming next. “Do you know what I was doing for my 50th birthday?”
“Christ, here we go…” she whispered under her breath as she turned away.
“Digging a fucking hole in a dried-up riverbed with a worn-down stub of a shovel and my own two hands! Just to get some water to drink. Not throwing myself a stupid party.”
“Well, maybe you should have. Dolores probably could have used a break from your bitching,” Viv muttered before turning around and seeing his face. She broke out in a grin when she saw him standing there with his arms crossed, his head cocked to the side, and his lips pressed into a thin line. “Sorry. But I really think you’re over-reacting. It’s just a party.”
Five stalked over to the bed and grabbed his suit jacket, shoving his arms through and shrugging it on. “Fine. But when I want to leave, we’re leaving,” he barked with a finger pointed in her direction for emphasis.
Viv approached him and took his hands in hers, looking up at his stressed-out face. “I promise we won’t be there too long, ok?”
Five’s muscles relaxed a little. “Ok, but don’t leave me alone for too long. I get…twitchy.”
She nodded and rubbed her thumbs over the backs of his hands, feeling the raised map of tendons and veins that traversed over them. “I know you do. But I won’t leave you. And if I see you’re getting too anxious we can leave.”
He gave a terse nod. “Alright. Now let’s go to this stupid fucking thing before I change my mind.”
The party was at a house down the street, so they walked over. As soon as they entered the crowded house, Viv heard Five groan next to her. Everything was decorated in streamers and colorful balloons, like a kid’s party, and many of the adult guests were wearing paper party hats. She grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze as a warning. The host of the party had started making their way over to them, wearing a giant sash that said “Birthday Girl” on it, at just the precise moment that Viv felt the staticky sensation of Five’s powers prickling against her skin.
She leaned in a little closer to Five and whispered through clenched teeth. “Don’t even think about it.”
He grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, but then the brief electrical pulse faded away and he plastered on a fake smile.
“Happy birthday!” Viv told the newly 50 year-old as she gave them a hug.
“Yes, happy birthday,” Five echoed dryly. “What a great idea to have a party like this. Like a toddler.”
Viv shot daggers at him, but their neighbor apparently wasn’t picking up on Five’s sarcasm.
“I know! I figured any excuse to act like a kid again and pretend I’m not old as dirt is a good one. There’s even a pinata in the back!” they laughed while clapping excitedly.
“Fucking hell,” Five exhaled quietly, with only his wife picking up on it.
Viv quickly intervened. “Thank you so much for inviting us, we’ve really been looking forward to it.”
“Of course! Now, help yourself to anything. There’s plenty of food and drinks. The bar is over there,” they pointed to an area towards the other side of the room that appeared to be staffed with a professional bartender.
“Thank you,” Viv answered.
“First bit of good news tonight,” Five said out loud, forgetting to be quiet.
Luckily, the host had already turned away and was on their way to greet someone else, so they missed the snarky remark. Viv looked up at Five with a scowl.
“Would you cut it out? You’re being rude.”
He sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. But can we go get a drink?”
She nodded. “Yeah, let’s go. I could use one, too. I hate to admit it, but this party is a little weird.”
About an hour and two Manhattans later, Five was being cornered by another neighbor from across the street. The man was trying to sell Five on the importance of having a legal will drawn up, in the event of an untimely death.
“You don’t want to burden your loved ones with all of that responsibility when the time comes. And you never know when that will be, either, that’s the kicker. You could be walking down the street one day, and BAM!” He clapped his hands loudly for effect. “You get hit by a bus.”
Five took a sip of his drink with glazed over eyes. “Or you could watch yourself die right in front of you while the world collapses in on itself and you have an existential crisis.”
The man paused and tilted his head. “I don’t get it. Is that like a metaphor or something?”
Five swallowed and looked around the room for Vivian. “Something like that,” he answered blandly.
He finally caught Viv’s eye across the room. She was in the middle of a conversation with someone, but as soon as she saw Five’s situation, she excused herself and walked over to him. He had been standing with one hand in his pants pocket, and when she approached, she looped her arm around his. She immediately felt the tension in his body release. Five smiled down at her while the other man seized the opportunity to unleash his sales pitch onto another victim.
As Viv stood there, politely smiling and nodding along, she crept her fingers up under the cuff of Five’s jacket and slid them onto the inside of his wrist. Finding the area she knew was tattooed with the faded black Umbrella Academy symbol, she traced light circles over it. Five let out a quiet breath of air as some of his anxieties started to wane. After a few minutes of listening to the man’s ramblings, Viv cut in.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I just remembered we have to go let the dog out.”
The man frowned. “I didn’t know you guys had a dog. I’ve never seen it.”
Five jumped in, more than happy to play along with his wife’s lie if it meant he could get out of there. “Oh yeah, had it for years. Big giant thing, barks its head off all day.” He turned to Viv. “Well, dear, should we get going? Don’t want to keep Mr. Pennycrumb waiting.”
Viv blinked up at him with a smile and bit her lip to stop from laughing. “No, we don’t.” Then she turned back toward the very confused looking neighbor. “It’s been really great talking to you. Very informative.”
After a few hasty goodbyes, with Viv still attached to Five’s arm, they finally made it back out into fresh air and on their way home. Five slid his clenched-up fist out of his pocket and unfurled it to intertwine his fingers with hers. Viv briefly leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked along.
“You survived. Just like I knew you would,” she told him.
“Barely,” Five answered.
They were silent for a minute, their dress shoes clipping along the pavement while they walked hand in hand.
“Thank you, Vivie,” Five said quietly as he looked over at her. “I don’t know how you do it, but thank you.”
Viv stopped, standing in front of Five. She reached up and brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
Five took her hand and held it to his cheek before kissing her palm with a smile. “You know I’m a mess without you.”
She shook her head. “No you’re not. Sometimes you just need a little reminder that you’re not alone anymore, that’s all.”
Five drew her in for a hug and she wrapped her arms around his waist. “No, it’s more than that,” he said. “More than you’ll ever know.”
He leaned down to kiss her before they started back on their walk home.
“Just so we’re clear, though. If we’re ever invited to another one of those things, it’s been nice knowing you, because I’ll have jumped as far into the future as I can manage.”
Viv grinned up at him and took his hand again. “Well, take me with you next time, because that really was a horrible party.”
Thanks for reading! I'm open for requests or just to shoot the shit about Five. Please reblog if you like it! 😽
Here's a link to my Masterlist
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katescorner · 3 months
but imagine popstar!hinata who debuts in a boy band, and his group finds success immediately. his rise to fame is fast but definitely well-deserved. he quickly becomes a fan favorite (some people were just meant for the stage!).
it's mid-day and popstar!hinata is craving protein, so he sneaks out wearing a beanie to cover his orange hair and a black mask for his nose and mouth. realistically, a fan could spot him a mile away, but he just needed a corndog or sausage or maybe a meat bun—something quick before people get on his trail.
popstar!hinata who always underestimates his popularity and only makes it down a couple blocks before he's mobbed. but he's fast, and he's able to break free from the crowd of fans and reporters and who knows who else. he's abandoned the mask now, and his beanie is shoved into his pocket haphazardly as he sprints down the avenue.
you're working a part-time job at some dinky little place. your shift has been unbearably slow, and you're convinced you won't survive it. you glance at the clock. your lunch break starts soon, and you hope no one comes in the next five minutes.
popstar!hinata bursts through the door just as you're about to punch out for lunch and immediately dives under a table to hide. eyes blown wide with surprise, you're about to ask him if he needs help when he shakes his head and quietly points at the door. you watch as a mob runs past the store. some are holding cameras, others banners, but everyone's shouting one name—shoyo.
popstar!hinata who feels extremely bad as you say fuck all and close up shop early (your manager only agreeing because he gets an autograph out of it) and promises to buy you lunch as a thank you for this. and it definitely doesn't hurt that he finds you super cute.
"if you take me out for lunch, am i going to make the front page next morning?"
"you mean when."
"no, i mean if."
"you don't believe i'll come back to treat you for lunch?"
popstar!hinata who's amused by you and decides to save his number to your phone (even though his publicist might kill him if anything happens) to show you he's not lying. he makes sure to take a selfie right then and there for his contact photo, and he names himself 'shoyo🍊🧡' (he debated putting the heart for two minutes; you pretended not to notice). similarly, he saves your contact with similar emojis (again you pretend not to notice the heart emoji).
"pick up when i call. i'm going to be looking forward to lunch."
"we'll see."
spoiler alert: his publicist lost her mind when she saw the two of you make headlines the morning after your lunch (date).
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