#soshina hoshiro x reader
maruflix · 1 month
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FEATURING: Narumi Gen x f!reader x Hoshina Soshiro
SYNOPSIS: Everyone knows by now that Captain Narumi Gen has the hots for you, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Unluckily for him, a certain Vice-Captain of the Third Division finds the whole situation very amusing.
CONTENT: [2,6k words] female reader, reader is a platoon leader in the first division, hoshina is a menace, pining narumi, manga version so hoshina has red eyes, sparring with hoshina and narumi, basically a collection of narumi and hoshina fighting over you, no beta we die like men
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You wish Narumi would just drop the act. 
Does he really think he’s being slick? He, the First Division’s resident lazy bum, who for some reason always asks you to spar with him out of all the platoon leaders? Maybe if he doesn’t act so weird about it, you’d be none the wiser — but who is he fooling when he continues to compliment your abilities and patch up your injuries, all the while flaming someone else for being a weakling?
Yeah, everyone caught on pretty fast that there’s something going on between you two.
This morning, he once again orbits around you with the excuse of “I’m also going this way!”, only to instantly be caught in his own lie when Vice-Captain Hasegawa drags him off to the opposite direction, scolding him for playing around instead of getting to the meeting room. 
Good God. All you wanted in life is a cool, steady job in the Defense Force. How the hell did you manage to catch the eye of your dashingly handsome superior?
Director General Shinomiya drones on in the background as you squirm uncomfortably in your seat. Narumi is sitting diagonally from you, his gaze burning into you as he mindlessly taps the desk with his long fingers. Out of the corner of your eye you see Hasegawa elbowing his arm for the third time that day. His head drops and he turns to glare at the man irritably before straightening his position — but before long, his eyes drift over to you once more.
In front of you, Vice-Captain Hoshina is smiling. 
Shit. Your gaze drops to your lap as you feel your cheeks warming up. In the middle of trying to steal glances at your Captain, you accidentally made the mistake of looking at the Third Division’s Vice-Captain while he’s looking at you.
Wait. He’s looking at you…? Surely not. His eyes are always narrowed into slits, it makes it hard to tell where he’s actually looking. You raise your head in uncertainty, only to see that Hoshina is now resting his chin on top of his intertwined fingers, his grin wide and his eyes still very much staring at you.  
Your heart jumps and you immediately avert your gaze elsewhere — as luck would have it, back to Captain Narumi, who seems to notice that you’re distracted.
He turns his head to follow your earlier line of sight, leaning forward in his seat to see who you were staring at. Shockingly, Vice-Captain Hoshina does the same. You watch in horror as the two men turn their heads in perfect sync and lock eyes, two sharp red orbs clashing into each other.
Narumi doesn’t even bother to hide the fact that he is fuming while Hoshina’s grin only spreads wider.
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Narumi is grumbling when he walks out of the conference room. He hates big meetings. He doesn’t need Shinomiya to talk his ear off to know that there has been a kaiju uprising in the recent months. He’s the one who’s fighting in the frontlines, god damn it.
“What are you doing?” As he leans against the wall, Hasegawa spots him and eyes at him incredulously.
Narumi shrugs, trying to act indifferent. “Nothing.”
Hasegawa shakes his head and leaves.
After having a few people salute him, Narumi finally spots you emerging from the room. He smiles and pushes himself off the wall. He’s about to make his way to you when he sees you turn your head abruptly. He pauses, watching as your figure retreat, obstructed slightly by the opened door. When you re-emerge, you’re no longer alone.
Hoshina Soshiro is folding his hands behind his back as he saunters out, walking next to you a little bit too close for comfort while smiling that creepy smile of his.
It’s cliche, but at that moment, Narumi Gen sees red. Watching you and Hoshina disappear into the corner, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and follows suit.
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Vice-Captain Hoshina is a very skilled combatant. You’ve heard the rumors, but still...
It’s amazing how you manage to narrowly dodge a slash before pivoting out the way from a kick he directs at your sides. You take a swing at him with your blade, but he’s much more skillful with weapons than you are — he deflects it with his own twin swords before bringing the hilt to your knuckles, hitting it in the hopes of disarming you.
You grit your teeth and clench your blade, jerking it his way so hard that it knocks both his left sword and your own weapon. Both fall to the ground, clattering away out of your reach. 
Hoshina smiles, throwing away his other sword and gesturing for you to come to him. You accept the invitation. Closing the distance, you bring your knee up to kick him in the stomach. It feels like you hit a brick wall as you connect with his body — but still, a hit is a hit, and landing a hit on the Hoshina Soshiro is an impressive feat.
You learn your lesson not to get distracted in a fight when he suddenly grabs your knee with his hands and pulls on it so hard that you lose your footing. The whole world spins before your eyes — (you have a sudden sinking feeling that he took that hit on purpose) — as you crash to the ground. Grimacing, you let out a shaky breath. God damn, that hurt.
Hoshina’s face appears shortly after. “Ya’ alright? Quite a tumble you took there.”
You relax against the floor, trying to catch your breath. “Uh-huh. That was…” Letting Hoshina pull you up, you almost fall forward at the sheer exhaustion but manage to stop yourself from colliding into his chest. “... that was very enlightening. Thank you, Vice-Captain Hoshina.”
“You’re welcome, Platoon Leader. It’s refreshing to fight with you.”
Receiving a praise from the Defense Force's strongest close-quarters combatant makes you blush. You force your gaze downwards, trying to avoid Hoshina’s eyes. Suddenly you realize that he is still holding your hand, causing you yelp in surprise and immediately jerk your hand away.
Hoshina merely laughs, running his now-free hand through his hair. “Say, Platoon Leader, ya’ wanna grab a bite after this?”
Before you can answer, a tornado sweeps his way into the room.
“Hoshinaaaa!!” You snap your head to the door, surprised to see Captain Narumi marching towards you, his expression twisted in anger, “Who the hell gave you permission to spar with my platoon leader?!”
“My, if it isn’t Captain Narumi.” Hoshina is unbothered even as Narumi glares at him like he’s a pesky bug, “I don’t see how I need your permission to spar against someone. It’s not against the rules or anythin’~”
Hoshina’s breezy tone only makes Narumi seethe more. “You— you— I— !” He struggles to make a comeback, finally settling his gaze on you. “You! You’re coming with me!”
With that, he’s dragging you away, leaving behind a thoroughly amused Hoshina who’s waving at you goodbye with a grin on his face.
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Eating is supposed to be a relaxing activity.
Instead, you’re squished between Captain Narumi of the First Division and Vice-Captain Hoshina of the Third Division, with everyone from different divisions gawking at your star-studded table.
There’s a blazing inferno on your left (Narumi stabbing his potatoes with his fork, fuming) and an icy chill on your right (Hoshina gulping down the remains of his green tea, unbothered by the whole thing).
Truth be told, your captain is intimidating as hell when he’s in a bad mood, so you decide to turn your attention to the lesser evil. Hoshina seems to be finished with his food as he opens his phone to play a game.
“Oh, Vice-Captain Hoshina, you play Kaiju Impact too?”
Narumi snaps his neck so instantaneously, he almost got whiplash from it.
“Ye~p! It’s fun, I just got the newest five star character.”
“Huuhh?! No way! You’re so lucky! I lost my 50/50...”
“We should play together sometime. Let me add you.”
“S-sure! I’m still new at this, though...”
Without warning, Narumi leans sideways to join the conversation, causing you to lean back in alarm.
“What level are you?” He questions, narrowing his eyes to look at Hoshina’s phone before chortling obnoxiously. “Ha! Still at Level 30?! I’m already at Level 60!” He turns his head to look at you, “You sure you want to play with this noob?! Play with me instead!”
Hoshina sighs exaggeratedly. “Your enemies are too hard for her, dumbass. She’s just gonna get 1-hit-KO’ed. Platoon Leader, you’re better off playing with me.”
Narumi sputters. “Huh?! I can carry you, you don’t need to do anything!”
“Then why play at all? You’re probably just looking for an opportunity to brag, right?”
“What?! Y-You’d rather play with me, right?! Right?!”
You massage your temples in exhaustion. Forget it. You’d rather just exterminate kaiju in real life instead.
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You liked having a new sparring partner. Hoshina doesn’t go easy on you, but he’s always careful with his movements. It makes you feel both acknowledged and taken care of.
Narumi, on the other hand...
You yelp as the full force of Narumi’s power pushes you to the ground, knocking both your weapon and your breath away. Panting to catch your breath, you can’t even bring yourself to move because everything hurts.
“Are you alright?!” Narumi is kneeling down as he studies you frantically. “You usually defeat kaiju like a pro, what’s wrong with you today?”
“Between a kaiju and you, Captain Narumi...” You cough before panting again, “You’re definitely the bigger threat.”
To your surprise, Narumi laughs. He’s delighted at your indirect praise — sure, he knows that he’s the strongest in the Defense Force, but hearing his crush say it to his face is something else.
He gently pulls you up, steadying you by holding your waist. When you look up to thank him, he has a calm face on, but his heart is actually beating 120 bpm per minute. “Careful.” He rasps out, bangs falling down to cover his eyes.
Your heart skip a beat. Narumi’s hands still rests on your waist as he gazes right at you. It’s like there is a magnetic pull between the two of you because the distance between your faces grow closer.
You have to admit that you find him attractive — who doesn’t? — and the special treatment he gives you is very endearing. Now that you really look at him, he’s very handsome. If you move forward just a little bit more, your lips will surely touch—
“Ya—hoo! Whoops, am I interruptin’ something?”
Narumi groans in frustration as Hoshina casually walks over while you jump, taken aback by his sudden appearance. You instantly break free from Narumi’s grasp, much to his dismay. “V-Vice Captain Hoshina!”
A phone comes sliding into your vision. “Gimme your ID, won’t you?”
Flustered, you reach out to take his phone and proceed to type your Kaiju Impact player ID.
Narumi glares at his rival. “Must you really stomp all over my territory, Hoshina?” His tone is hostile as he points a finger at the violet-haired man.
Hoshina only responds with a chuckle before ignoring him completely, opting to taking his phone from your hand. “There we go. Now let’s go and play, I wanna kill time before dinner~”
You can only nod as he takes you by the arm. The two of you don’t get far because you suddenly feel a hand on your other arm.
“Captain Narumi?!”
Hoshina turns back, grinning from ear to ear when he sees Narumi clutching your arm like his life depended on it. “What’s this?”
“We’re not done with training!” Narumi reasons, loosening his grip on you but not quite letting go.
“R-Respectfully, I don’t think I can go another round...” You pipe up in a small voice.
Hoshina clicks his tongue in disapproval. “You’re such a mean boss, y’know?”
“Anyway, I’m not letting you go with him!”
“Who are you, her big bro or something?”
“Know your place, you’re not even in the same division!”
“What does that have to do with anything? I enjoy her company, that’s all~”
“Well I enjoy her company more!”
“Why are you so intent on one-upping me...? Are you a child?”
Neither of your superior relents, holding your arm like a tug of war. In the middle of them, you can already feel your soul slipping away.
“I’m sorry, Captain Narumi, but I did make a promise...”
Narumi looks at you like he’s been kicked. Meanwhile, Hoshina rejoices, pumping his fist victoriously.
“I’ll wait for you at the library!”
When Hoshina disappears, you glance anxiously at Narumi. There’s an indiscernible expression on his face as he hangs his head, sulking. ‘Is it okay to leave him like this...?’
You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but you lean forward and peck him on the lips. It’s a quick kiss that makes you feel like you’re a lovesick schoolgirl. When you pull away, Narumi has his eyes wide open as he stares at you in shock.
Getting the urge to kiss him again, you decide to run before you actually do it. Luckily, he doesn’t run after you — or else he’ll see what a blushing mess you’ve become.
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After morning practice, it is finally time for Hoshina to return to his own base at Nishi-Tokyo. Upon his request, you’ve come to see him off.
It’s surprising, but you’ve grown closer to the man in the span of just one day and a half, even playing games together as you chat about life and trivial things. You’re going to miss his presence.
The same can not be said for Narumi.
“Hurry up and leave already, dammit.”
“If you’re busy you can leave. It’s not like I asked you to come see me off.”
“Then why did you get my platoon leader to accompany you, huh?!”
“What’s it to you? Why’re you so intent on hogging her all to yourself? Got a crush on her or somethin’?”
“Y-You’re one to talk, you little—!”
Not this again.
Once more, Hoshina flat-out ignores Narumi. “Well, take care~ Let’s go somewhere on your day off.”
There’s a tight smile on your face as Hoshina pats your head, making Narumi seethe in anger next to you. “That would be my pleasure, but... Vice-Captain Hoshina, it’s not good to tease me so much...”
For the first time, Hoshina’s playful smile disappears. “Who says I’m just teasing you?” The mischievous glint on his eyes are absent as he peers at you, “Next time, I’ll show you just how serious I am.”
You’re pretty sure you have the dumbest expression on your face as you freeze on your spot, blushing to the tips of your ears even as Hoshina’s figure disappears into the distance. For a while, you and Narumi stand in front of the gates, engulfed in silence.
Narumi’s annoyed sigh interrupts your train of thoughts as you’re snapped back to reality. Turning your head, you see him giving you a look you’ve never seen before.
“Platoon Leader, come see me after the day ends. I need to talk to you.”
“W-What about?”
Narrowing his eyes at your feigned ignorance, Narumi bites back the urge to hoist you over his shoulders and lock you in a room away from prying eyes. “I think you know what about,” He whispers above your ear, his voice husky, “Did you really think I’ll let you steal a kiss from me and not take responsibility for it?”
Narumi leans back, grinning in satisfaction when he sees you turning red and stuttering his name. Now that a formidable challenger has appeared, he’ll need to up his game.
Let’s see who will be the one to seize victory.
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END NOTES: I give in. The Kn8 brainrot is chronic. Also, Narumi and Hoshina’s rivalry will never not be funny! Writing this is so much fun, should I make this a series?
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Full time slave to the work force, part time writer, FULL TIME HOSHINA SIMP
I am not currently taking requests, will update when I am.
I will write almost anything, just don't do gore or nonconsensual sex.
Follow me on Twitter: @justwingingl1f3
Masterlist #2 (Other Characters)
Masterlist # 3 (Soshiro Smut)
Angst Smut Fluff Other
*author's favorites
Soshiro Hoshina
-How Soshiro Hoshina Broke The Internet
-Cross Your Heart
-Of All The Ways To Die
-Can I Come Home?
-Evidence Of His Love
-Lucky Shot
-In Pursuit
-High Score
-Red Alert
-The Best Of My Life
-The Waiting Game
-The Unstoppable Trio
-Because I Love You, Because I Still Love You,
Because I'll Always Love You
-Loud Love
-The Hardest Thing Of All- Living
-Game Night (Ft. Kaiju no 10)
-A Case Of The Butterflies *
-The Best Plans
-Thicker Than Blood Ft. Gen Narumi*, Part 2, Part 2.5
-Always You, Part 1.5, Part 2
-Fire & Ice (part 2 in progress)
-Plushie Hell
-Honest Pt 1, Honest Pt 2
-Painted With Love
-Whole World
-The Thing About Being In Love
-A Reason To Live
-Wait For Me Pt 1*, Wait For Me Pt 1.5
-Joy Of My Life (part 2 in progress)
-The Hoshina Brothers
-The Best Birthday
-Pregnancy Shenanigans
-In His Care
-Follow Me*
-Crushing Hard, Crushing Pt 2
-Half Human (part 2 in progress)
-No Matter The Distance
-Karaoke Shenanigans
-One Day
-The Happiest Day
-The Sound Of His Love
-Three's A Crowd Ft. Gen Narumi, Pt 2: Soshiro Ending
-Done Deal (An Arranged Marriage Fic)
-Betting Pool (Third Division Shenanigans)*
-Soshiro Gets Jealous
-Offense & Defense
-Carried Away
-My One & Only
-The Unwitting Confession
-A Man Worth Fighting For
-What Lies After?*
-Friends With Benefits
-Study Buddies
-Best of Friends, Best Of Friends Pt 2
-Civilian Life
-Girl's Night
138 notes · View notes
maruflix · 26 days
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FEATURING: Narumi Gen x f!reader x Hoshina Soshiro
SYNOPSIS: Nobody, not even the gossipmongers of the Third Division, can predict Vice-Captain Hoshina’s sudden interest in you. Unluckily for him, a certain Captain of the First Division proves himself to be a tough rival.
CONTENT: [3,3k words] female reader, reader is a platoon leader in the first division, pining narumi (idiot version), hoshina is a menace (no like, seriously), some iNnuEndOs🫣, manga version so hoshina has red eyes, the dumb idiots of the third division, more of narumi and hoshina fighting over you, no beta we die like kikoru’s mom
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“Stop! I’m gonna die!”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am! Slow down, will you?! I don’t think I can... ah—”
“Huh? You’re so wet...”
“How can I not be wet when the boss is literally a gigantic drop of water?!”
“Yeah, no wonder you almost died. I’m using an electric type character so you’ll also take damage if you’re wet.”
You furiously tap at your screen, trying to avoid the barrage of attacks from both the boss and your oblivious teammate. “Whatever! Stop using your skills, I’m gonna die...!!” As if on cue, your character does a little fainting effect and drops on the ground as the screen flashes red. “Ah... I’m dead.”
Narumi Gen lets out a disbelieved ‘haaah?’ before leaning over to glance at your phone, chuckling. “You suck at this.”
You glare at him. “Then don’t play with me!”
“Aww, don’t get so pouty, I told you I like playing with you.” There’s a surprising honesty in his voice as he smirks at you. “Anyway, don’t you feel cold?”
Now that he mentions it, you are cold. For some odd reason, Narumi’s room is always kept at freezing temperatures, one would think he’s using it to store meat.
He moves faster than you can reply. With one swift motion, he grabs the covers from his bed and drapes it over you.
“C-Captain Narumi!”
He grins and flicks your forehead gently. “I told you to drop the honorifics when we’re alone. Why are you calling me ‘Captain Narumi’ again?”
“Y-you don’t need to...! Your covers will get dirty!”
He shrugs before rolling on his stomach and lifting the remaining covers over his own body. “It’s fine, I do this all the time.”
At a loss for words, you can only gape at him. You’re well aware that this is a weird dynamic to have with your superior. Sometimes you feel guilty to be on the receiving end of Narumi’s obvious affection when he acts like a total prick to his other subordinates, but even the Vice-Captain himself assures you that everyone is just glad that you’re there to put him on a leash.
Meanwhile, the root cause of the problem is totally unaware, already engrossed in his game. “You want my help to defeat the newest boss, right? Let’s go.” He finally speaks, running a hand to sweep back his bangs as he tilts his head to look at you.
You bite your lip and look away. Literally everyone in the force (including you) knows that Narumi Gen is a handsome man, but lately you’ve started to notice him more. “I should probably get some sleep or I’ll be too tired for morning training.”
Narumi grunts. “So what? I always let you off.”
You’re once again rendered speechless. It’s true; whenever your movements get sloppy during morning trainings, he always pretends not to see anything (before proceeding to scold another person for falling behind).
— But to think that he’d actually admit to giving preferential treatments out loud!
“Y-you shouldn’t do that, you know!”
“Who cares? We always train together after that anyway.”
You look away, hoping the darkness of his room is enough to mask your embarrassment. “Whatever,” Scrambling to change the topic, you added, “I wonder what Hoshina is doing right now.”
“Haaah?! Why are you suddenly mentioning that guy?!”
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Hoshina Soshiro sneezes just as he’s about to enter the shared bath. ‘I must’ve trained too hard...’ he thinks to himself, rubbing his nose lightly.
After a long day of exterminating kaiju, he’s always looking forward to soak in the hot water. He slings a towel over his shoulder and steps in, only to see that it’s already crowded inside. Hibino Kafka, Ichikawa Reno, Furuhashi Iharu, Izumo Haruichi, and Kaguragi Aoi nearly jump out the bath as he slides the door open, acting like he’s caught them in the middle of murdering someone.
Hoshina blinks in confusion as the men instantly tries to act like nothing’s wrong. Ichikawa clears his throat awkwardly, Furuhashi and Izumo start whispering to each other, Kaguragi stares at the ceiling like there’s a kaiju stuck up there, and Kafka starts whistling loudly.
“O—kay, what’s going on?”
They immediately backpedal. Ichikawa shoves Hibino so hard that the man nearly stumbles out of the bath. He’s quick to recover as he looks up at his Vice-Captain, clasping his hands in front of his chest.
“Vice-Captain Hoshina...! Tell us the truth!”
Hoshina’s expression immediately blanks.
“What he means is!” Furuhashi interjects, elbowing Hibino away, “We really, really want to know!”
Izumo pushes the two out of his way. “Sorry, Vice-Captain. We were just wondering if you’ve got yourself a girlfriend.” He rubs the back of his neck as the other men nod in response.
“Yes, please tell us!”
Tilting his head, Hoshina wonders where they got such an idea. “Where’s this coming from...?”
“Well.. you’ve been checking your phone a lot and smiling at it...” Ichikawa answers in a small voice.
Hoshina blinks in mild surprise. Now that he thinks about it, he has been checking his phone a lot lately to see if he’s gotten a new message from you. The way you chat is as adorable as the way you act in real life, so he supposes he might have been smiling once or twice... or a couple more times... or maybe everytime...?
Smiling, Hoshina shrugs and hops into the bath. “Maybe, maybe not.”
“Ehh?! What’s with that answer?!” Everyone complains at his vague reply, although no one dares to force him to elaborate.
It’s not like Hoshina has to say anything, though; the smile on his face is answer enough. Oh, they can’t wait to share this with the entirety of the Third Division.
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“You look like shit.”
Narumi almost drops the can on his hand. Turning on his heels, he glares at Hasegawa, who’s standing with his arms crossed, eyeing him from head to toe. “Shut up.”
Hasegawa shakes his head. “Don’t spend all day playing games. Touch some grass, stay hydrated, bathe in the warm sunlight.”
“What am I, a plant?!” He yells as Hasegawa rolls his eyes and disappears out the door.
Opening the can, Narumi sighs and gulps down mouthfuls of coffee. For the first time ever, Hasegawa is wrong. It’s true that he usually spends his day off playing games, but today he has something else planned.
Kaiju Slayer II is playing at the cinemas right now and it’s the perfect opportunity to ask you out. His favorite series and his favorite person — oh, what a perfect day it will be.
One problem persists: how on earth does he go about saying it?! What if you don’t want to go out? What if you see him as a bother? What if you agree just because he’s your superior? (He spent all night staring at his ceiling until sunrise, stressing over the best way to ask you out.)
Just then, he spots you rounding the corner and his heart sinks to the bottom of his stomach. Throwing his empty can on the bin, he’s so close to chickening out but it’s too late — you’re already waving at him, walking over happily — so he watches helplessly, admiring how beautiful you look in casual clothes.
“Morning, Captain Narumi! Or should I call you Gen? It’s our day off, after all!”
Narumi melts at how sweetly his name rolls out your tongue. “Good morning.” He replies softly, “Are you going somewhere?”
You smile brightly at him. “Yes!”
Your cheerful reply makes him regain his confidence. If you’re already planning to go out, surely you’re okay with him tagging along. Mustering his courage, he’s about to pop the question before—
“I’m meeting up with Hoshina!”
Narumi’s world comes crashing down. His words are caught in his throat as he opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water.
Meanwhile, oblivious that you’ve just broken Narumi’s heart in two, you rattle on happily, “To celebrate their new movie, a cafe is doing a collaboration with my favorite show! Hoshina asked me to come with him, I can’t believe he likes that show too! He doesn’t look like the type of guy to watch movies, you know? Oh, anyway, the show is called—”
“Kaiju Slayer.” Narumi finishes, sighing in exasperation.
Your eyes widen. “No way, Captain Narumi, you watch Kaiju Slayer too?!”
Narumi massages his pounding temple.
Damn that Hoshina. Damn him to hell.
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You feel a wave of déjà vu wash over you.
Right now you’re sitting in one of the booth of the bustling cafe, decorated to the nines with the theme of your favorite show. You should be happy, right? Yeah... maybe if you’re not thrown in the middle of a battlefield, squished between Narumi Gen (who’s sulking as he pouts and crosses his arms) and Hoshina Soshiro (who seems slightly interested by the sudden turn of events as he glances at you).
“I’m sorry, Hoshina...” You bow your head at him, “He insists on tagging along...”
Hoshina smiles at you assuringly. “Don’t worry about it! Looking after such a man-child must be so hard on ya, huh?”
“Don’t talk as if I’m not here!” The man-child in question seethes before going back to pouting.
“You look as beautiful as always.” Hoshina has become an expert at ignoring Narumi as he takes in your appearance, his eyes twinkling. “Please excuse me.” He leans in closer and tucks a stray hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger on your ear just a moment too long.
You forgot how to breathe. Behind you, you can feel a surging tornado going berserk.
“Hands off, Hoshina! You sneaky lizard, you... you...!!”
“You look good as well.” You manage to breathe out, sweeping your gaze shyly over Hoshina’s attire. He’s clad in black — black turtleneck, black trousers, black boots — only his oversized jacket is the color of his hair, a deep dark purple.
He raises a hand to cover his mouth as he chuckles. His jacket moves slightly and you can see the faint outlines of his muscles. That turtleneck does nothing but highlight the shape of his body. You blush harder.
“Hey?! Hellooo?! I’m still here!” Your captain protests behind you, only to be cut off mid-way when a waitress makes her way to your table.
“Welcome to the cafe! Are you ready to or- oh!” She gasps, making all three of you turn to look at her. The waitress’s attention is on Narumi as she beckons her friend over.
“It’s Captain Narumi of the Defense Force!” One of them giggles, “We’re big fans!”
Normally Narumi would be happy to entertain his ‘fans’, but not right now, not in front of you! He can only nod tightly, grimacing as their excitement grows.
“Ohoho? Never took you for a player, Narumi.”
“What’s with you and wanting to make me look bad?! You wanna take this outside?!” Before he can grab Hoshina by his collar and drag him out, more and more people have started to crowd your table, swarming Narumi and asking to take photos with him. You watch in amusement as Narumi gets more and more dismayed. You’re aware that your captain has a lot of fans, but looking at the interaction in real life is quite comical.
Suddenly you feel a tug on your arm. Looking up, you see Hoshina smiling down at you, his eyes shining mischievously as he puts a finger in front of his lips. “Let’s abandon him here, yeah?”
He doesn’t wait for your reply, already speed-walking out of the cafe with a flustered you in tow. You gasp and managed to grab your bag, narrowly missing Narumi’s arm that shoots out to reach for you. “Catch you later, Gen!” Smiling at him apologetically, you take off as his yells are drowned out by the crowd.
Once you’re outside, Hoshina lets go of your arm before slipping his hand down to intertwine it in yours. Your eyes instantly shoots up to meet his own and he laughs. He laughs so beautifully at your obvious astonishment as he grips your hand tighter.
“Let’s lose him here.” He turns his head just as your cheeks explode in crimson to lead you in the direction of a shopping mall. Honestly, at that moment, you’d follow him anywhere.
“Oh? A purikura.” Hoshina suddenly stops, “Wanna take a photo together?”
Smiling, you nod and let him pull you to the photo booth. He excitedly taps on the screen, seemingly unaware that his arms are now pressing on the sides of your body. Your heart is pounding loudly. It takes everything in you not to combust at the close proximity. Somehow, you manage to pose a couple of times.
After stepping outside, Hoshina takes the results and hands you one of it. “We look so cute~” He coos.
Your first few poses are pretty normal, just the two of you smiling directly at the camera. On the next ones, though, you’ve boldly sneaked a peace sign behind Hoshina’s head. He seems to notice it because on the last photo, he is gazing down at you tenderly with a small smile on his face.
“Oops, looks like the camera caught me.” He sees you freeze and places a hand over your own, chuckling to himself. “I can’t help myself. You’re so cute.”
Exhaling, you’re about to tell him to stop teasing you when you see the serious expression on his face. You immediately bite back your tongue.
“’m serious about you,” Hoshina confesses, eyes opening slightly to reveal his gorgeous crimson irises, “so can you give me the pleasure of courting you?”
Being with Hoshina always feels like being whisked to a fairytale. He’s always so gentle, calm, and compassionate — but at that moment, you see the raw passion in his eyes. You can only nod mutely, barely registering his movements as he leans in and pecks your forehead. You blush instantly, slamming your hands to your forehead. “H-huh..?”
Hoshina smiles and takes both of your hands, bringing them down and holding them tight. “Sorry, can’t help myself. You’re so pretty, and-” He dips his head down, the feeling of his breath on your skin making you shiver, “you smell so good.”
His eyes are nothing short of predatory as he leans back to study you. You’re not sure what kind of expression you have on your face but it seems to amuse him because he moves forward, brushing his lips against your neck. “Excuse me,” He whispers before kissing it hotly.
Your mind is short-circuiting, only brought back to reality when he finally pulls away. “Heh, sorry, was that too much?” Tilting his head at your lack of resistance, he chuckles lowly, “Gonna have to speak up if you wanna stop me from doing somethin’, you know? Otherwise you’re gonna make me think you want me to continue.”
That’s the thing — you don’t want him to stop.
“That reminds me... Are you on a first name basis with Narumi?” Hoshina hides his irritation well, but this time you can see his annoyance slip through. “You’re gonna have to start calling me Soshiro from now on.”
It’s like you’ve been hit by a combo, a chain attack; first the confession, then the forehead kiss, then the—
Hoshina brings his lips to whisper in your ear. “So? Do it, call me Soshiro.”
If you are in a game, that move right there is definitely a critical hit.
He finally straightens back and ruffles your hair, acting like he hasn’t just made your heart run a marathon then stop it from beating altogether. “Good girl.”
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Your day off feels like a fever dream. You still daydream about it sometimes.
Holidays are few and far between in the Defense Force. You wanted to make the most of it by going to a collab cafe. Instead, you had to feel the full force of Narumi Gen’s jealousy as he stubbornly inserts himself into your plans, escape his fans by letting Hoshina Soshiro pull you with him, and...
Involuntarily, your hand shoots up to your neck.
Hoshina Soshiro is a dangerous, dangerous man.
“Platoon Leader?”
Narumi’s voice snaps you from your thoughts. Straightening your posture, you blink a few times. Right. You’re at work right now.
Narumi, Hasegawa, and the entirety of the First Divison Platoon Leaders are currently visiting the Tachikawa Base for a joint training program. After the formal introductions, everyone gathered in one of the huge training fields. You’ve become acquainted with the Third Division’s Captain, Ashiro Mina, and the other members of her division.
“My apologies, Captain Narumi.” You wince, shaking your head to get your focus back. Thankfully it’s break time right now.
There’s a flash of worry in Narumi’s eyes. He hands you a bottle of water, to which you take gratefully. Just then, a couple figures make their presence known.
Hibino is once again shoved forward by his friends. His eyes flit between you and Narumi nervously. “Umm,” he starts, twiddling his fingers, “May I ask you something?”
“Sure! What is it?”
Ichikawa gives him another push before Hibino finally exclaims, “Is it true that you and Vice-Captain Hoshina are dating?!”
The volume of his voice is enough to catch the attention of nearby soldiers. They all turn to look at you with interest in their faces. Meanwhile, you’re growing increasingly flustered. “U-uh, wha-”
“Oh, really? You never told me.” Even the stoic Ashiro Mina is interested, covering her mouth with her hand as she looks at her vice-captain.
Hoshina has the biggest smile on his face. “Oh my.” He comments, refusing to elaborate.
You feel another arrival of a cyclone next to you.
“H-Haaahhh?! This is the first time I heard about this!” Narumi yells, making Hibino and Ichikawa shrink back in fear.
“C-Captain Narumi, it’s not like that! We’re not dating!” Aghast, you blush in embarrassment at having to clarify the relationship you have with Hoshina.
“Platoon Leader, you’re so cold! I have the picture to prove it, y’know?” Hoshina says in a sing-song voice, walking over to the crowd.
The ambiguity of his sentence only made the situation worse. Judging by the sickly sweet smile on his face, you have a sudden sinking feeling that he’s doing it on purpose.
“What?!” You hold your breath as Narumi spins you around to face him, “What is going on?!”
“Captain Narumi, you can’t possibly believe-”
“Hoshina! I’m so happy for you!”
“Shut up for a moment, Ashiro!” After saying that, Narumi pulls you away to a more quiet space, leaving behind the shell-shocked soldiers.
Captain Narumi is scary when he’s angry. Right now, he’s glaring at you so hard, it makes you want to melt to the ground. “Come see me after the day ends.” He whispers as you feel another wave of déjà vu wash over you. The last time he calls for you, he let you off with a couple of kisses. This time? You’re not so sure.
“Ah, there you are!”
Hoshina walks over and pulls you free from Narumi’s grasp, meeting his furious gaze evenly. “You always hog her to yourself. It’s annoying.” He says sweetly, venom lacing his words. “Anyway, what’re you doing after this? I want to continue where we left off...”
You stare in terror as Narumi’s anger finally reaches boiling point.
“The hell do you mean by that, Hoshinaaa?!!! You, you-”
“So noisy. You wanna take this outside?”
“Hell yeah I wanna take this outside!”
“But we’re already outside, idiot.”
“Boys! Boys,” Placing a hand on their chest to stop them from mauling each other, you look at the sky and sigh in exasperation. “Let’s be civilized, please!”
“Then meet me first tonight.” Hoshina grins, “After that you can compare me with that idiot. I guarantee—”
“What, you think I’m afraid?!” Narumi has lost all his composure by now, “Okay, do it then! I promise you, I can show you a whole lotta better time than this guy!”
You gulp when the two men turns their head in sync to look at you, urging you to agree to their little arrangement.
Yikes. Looks like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew...?!
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TAGLIST: @bgyuus (send me an ask/reply if you want to be added to the taglist!)
END NOTES: Honestly, this series is too fun for me not to make a part 2. I think I fangirled 90 times while making this (Narumi and Hoshina are sexy, sexy men).
806 notes · View notes
maruflix · 17 days
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[ SMAU ] The Vice-Captain of the Third Division gets serious in the group chat... only to regret it 10 seconds later
[ FEAT. ] Hoshina Soshiro
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[ NOTE ] Rumor has it he’s still begging for your forgiveness :)
Anyway if anyone want to be added to the taglist shoot me an ask or comment on this! Please specify whether you want to be added to the written fic taglist, the SMAU taglist, or both :)
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maruflix · 7 days
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featuring: Yandere!Hoshina Soshiro x f!reader
synopsis: You weren’t supposed to find out... but you did, and Hoshina Soshiro had no choice. Surely you’ll understand, right?
contents: female reader, reader is an officer in the third division, yandere themes, obsessive behavior, suggestive at the end, hoshina soshiro is a scary yandere, i do not condone yanderes irl, no beta we die like kaiju number twelve
word count: 1,8k
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“Vice Captain, can you stop being so kind to me?”
Stunned, Soshiro looks up to find you standing nervously. He eyes the training field— everyone is either chatting amongst themselves or walking back to get dinner. His gaze shifts back to your trembling figure.
You probably said those words as a joke. But what if you really took notice of his affection towards you? Soshiro tries to keep his expression calm although his stomach is slowly starting to turn, He tried so hard not to let them show.
“I mean no disrespect, it’s just that... I fear I’m going to get the wrong idea.”
Your shy expression makes his head spin. “Yer’ not wrong,” Soshiro probes your reaction, standing up to gently scoop your hands when you blush. “I like ya’ a lot.”
He’s unsure how you will react. For a split second, the only thing he can hear is the own thundering of his heart. Then, you gasp and look up at him with eyes wide open, also catching him off guard.
“R-really?! Me too! I like you... too...” After bursting out those words, your cheeks turn red and your head drops to the ground.
No longer trusting his mouth to say the right words, Soshiro lets his body to do the talking, moving forward to pull you into an embrace. You giggle, and at that moment he knows—
There’s no way in hell he’s ever letting you go, so help him God.
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Soshiro is a hardworking man.
Born into a distinguished clan that left him with a legacy many claim as outdated and archaic, Soshiro has never stopped running. Everyone thought he couldn’t do it, so he proved them wrong. He surpassed Japan’s so-called ‘strongest anti-kaiju combatant’ and everyone has no choice but to acknowledge his abilities, granting him honor, wealth, and the position of Vice Captain of the Third Division.
In his division alone, Soshiro has seen many talented officers, but not many people can rival him in endurance. So when you enter his line of vision, he grows curious. You’ve always been working harder than the others, training for a bit longer, so eager to do your job well.
Soshiro admires your dedication, drunk on the way you hang on his every command while you study his movements with those beautiful eyes. Soon, he can’t help but to search for your face in every crowd, half hoping you’d notice him staring.
He knows he’s falling. It’s not a bad thing, he thinks, to fall for someone who shines as bright as the sun.
Unfortunately, he’s not the only one struck by your charm. He’s aware of the stares you get from male officers, their pathetic excuses to start conversation with you, how your name always pops up in their gossip. He took care of the impudent ones.
Slowly, carefully, he handpicks the people in your platoon, making sure to surround you with polite, respectful officers, mostly other ladies— because why would you ever need other men when you have him?
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Soshiro is a wonderful boyfriend. It’s no secret that he’s a reliable vice captain, beloved by his division, but somehow he’s even more attentive with you.
When Kafka accidentally injured you during training, Soshiro immediately drops everything to rush towards you, making sure you’re okay—and you are, just a few bruises and a gash—before lifting you up and carrying you to the infirmary, dressing your wound himself.
Kafka returns late that night, telling you that he received punishment for the small incident with you earlier. You’re a bit worried for him but he waves it off, laughing as he limps to his quarters.
You sigh, Soshiro can be such a worrywart.
Then a new recruit enters. Quickly, he’s enamored by you. Pretty senior, he’d always call you. Everyone mocks him and tells him there’s no way he can compete with your lover who just so happens to be their division’s vice captain, but he just laughs and tells them it’s a platonic kind of love.
He’s a good friend; it’s flattering to have a younger brother who always sticks so close to you, showering you with praises. Of course, you kept your distance. You don’t want to give the sweet man false hopes and you’re too in love with Soshiro to ever look at someone else.
You never noticed the weight of Soshiro’s gaze as it falls on the two of you.
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Your world crashed down when Reno breaks the news to you— a death in the third division. You knew what you were signing up for when you entered the force, but nothing could prepare you for the loss of a good friend.
Your platoon surrounds you, patting you on the back as you mutely stare at him on the hospital bed— the pale lips that would call you pretty senior no more.
After you return to the base, Soshiro quickly finds you. He takes you into his arms as you cry in his embrace.
“How did this happen?” You gasp in between sobs, “How..?”
The new recruits weren’t supposed to be in the area he was found in. It was supposed to be closed off, only for the more-skilled officers to enter because it was swarming with kaiju. Not a single person in the platoon knows how the heck he got himself there, with no one to accompany him.
Soshiro rubs your back comfortingly, humming. “’s an unfortunate accident. A miscommunication, perhaps? He heard the area code wrong and-”
“But that’s impossible!” You sob harder, resting your head against Soshiro’s chest in an attempt to calm yourself down. “Someone suspects he got a private comm from someone to go to that area, it’s just so weird...”
“Well,” Soshiro sighs, “it is a battlefield after all. Accidents are bound to happen. You hafta’ know that as unfortunate as it is, things can quickly get out of control.”
Your blood runs cold at his distant tone. Hiccups paused, you slowly look up at him.
Soshiro tilts his head, then he smiles. Dazzlingly.
You pretend your knees do not tremble— because no matter how hard Soshiro tries to act dumb, you know he’s always the one in control.
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Soshiro knows he doesn’t love in halves— it isn’t in his nature.
He does things earnestly, polishing all of his talents until they gleam and sparkle. He knows what he likes and what he dislikes— there’s no grey area when it comes to his feelings.
Soshiro loves you in extremes, but there’s a catch to that. His love is great, but his jealousy is even greater— it writhes like a great serpent, eager to be lashed out. He tries to hide his ugly sides from you, but everything always spirals out of control and he ends up with more blood on his hands.
It’s your fault— why did you have to be so perfect?
Soshiro wants to hide you away from the rest of the world, but he has his darned duties and responsibilities. Only in the darkness of your room can he fully show you how much he loves you, ravishing you until his name is the only thing that comes out of your mouth. It becomes a routine. But it’s not nearly enough.
Even now, as you caress his hair, sweat still glistening on your forehead, Soshiro still misses you. He wishes he can press himself closer to you, to feel you more, to become one with you.
“Soshiro, can I ask you something?”
You retract your hands from his hair and Soshiro fights the urge to sigh in disappointment. He gazes at you but you don’t meet his eyes, so he settles on kissing your forehead.
“Did you have something to do with Izumo’s recent transfer?”
His eyes narrowed. Well, duh. Of course he did.
The transfer was him being kind. If he had it his way, he would raze the Izumo Family to the ground along with their darned greenhead scion who dares to look at his girlfriend with lovesick eyes.
“I approved the request, yes.”
He dances along the edges of the truth, but you are having none of it.
“No, Soshiro. Tell me the truth.”
The defiance in your eyes awoke a fire in him.
“What do you want me to say, darlin’?” Soshiro challenges you, his voice soft but spiked with venom.
You shiver at the feeling of his fingers threading through your hair. “I want the truth, Soshiro.”
Your lover merely smiles at you. Innocent, taunting, daring you to find fault within him. Soshiro knows he’s a very careful man, he hides his true nature well— but you were no fool.
“Forget it. Let’s take a break.” You give in, rolling on your back to distance yourself from the violet-haired man. It breaks your heart to say it, but you were starting to feel suffocated with all his secrets.
There’s a sudden shift in the atmosphere as Soshiro—your gentle, loving Soshiro—grips your arm hard and gazes at you with an expression you’ve never seen before.
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STAGE V: R̵̪̾Ȅ̷̥̟̠͚̀͑͊̋͛̈́̓S̸͎̺̺̍̃̌̇̌̈́͘O̴̧̮͍͉̻͛͌̔ͅL̵̪̖̬̖̘̬͇̄̾́́̄Ù̶̻͙̏͆̋̉̉͝T̴̹̹̤̣͇̙̬͕̉̀͑̿͛̇͘I̵̻̥̫̜͖̲̓̍̐̑͗͊O̷̢̩̮͍͉̍͒͛̇̑̓̾̚Ṅ̸̡̢̻͉͂̋͑̔̓
“A break?” Soshiro’s voice trembles with anger. In one swift motion, he’s on top of you, pinning your hands above your head. “Yer kiddin’, right? And if I say I had somethin’ to do with it? What then?”
You look in horror as Soshiro’s expression changes several times in the span of a few minutes. He’s losing it, you can tell, and it’s all because you pushed him.
“I just hate it when a buncha’ nobodies stare at what’s mine. I tried to be patient, I really did,” he shakes his head mournfully, “but they never learn.”
“And what? You transferred them? Fired them? K-” the word kill lodges itself on your throat as your eyes burn with tears.
Soshiro stares at you blankly. “’m just lookin’ after what’s mine. Yer’ gonna leave me for that? Hardly seems fair.” his one-hand grip on your wrists doesn’t loosen even after a few tears escape your eyes.
Suddenly he pauses, like he’s recalling an important information. There’s something in his gaze when he looks down at you— something feral.
“Y’know,” Soshiro muses, “the seat of the next clan head is promised to whoever gets married first between my brother and I.” He runs his free hand down your body, stopping to gently rub circles on your lower stomach.
“I never really cared much about that crap, but I can’t have ya’ running away from me,” the hand that is previously rubbing your stomach now moves down to spread your thighs apart. “if I get you pregnant with my child, there’s no way yer’ gonna leave me, right?”
He words it like a threat, yet it makes you shiver in anticipation. You want to push him away, but every fibre of your body is screaming for him to continue— perhaps you’ve also fallen into the depravity of his love.
He slips a hand inside your underwear and you relinquish control, letting the pleasure cloud your brain. Your mewls only fuels Soshiro’s fire, his own breaths getting heavy as he trails soft kisses down your neck.
“No objections? Good,” Soshiro leans back and chuckles at the sight of you, so pliant under his touch, “then it seems the Hoshina clan will welcome their new madam very soon.”
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art by suou2280 on twitter
taglist: @bgyuus, @plsmarrymehioriyo, @o-sachi, @iamjellyfish, @vashyuu, @moon-cakiie, @17020, @eeiternity, @ryescapades, @vash-yuu
end notes: if narumi is a lovesick fool who embodies the original meaning of ‘yandere’ to the tee, then hoshina is the stereotypical, scary, controlling yandere that makes you shat your pants. hoshina girlies i hope i did him justice!! i’m gonna go to sleep now goodbye snork mimimimimiimimi
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maruflix · 5 days
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wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro 01. anonymous confession time! prev | masterlist | next
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synopsis: you are a promising new member of the third division who, for some reason, is always given a hard time by your vice-captain. to vent your frustrations you decide to reply to a twitter fanbase’s anonymous confession, only to find out that your post was not so anonymous after all...?!
note: the song on soshiro’s post is ‘the feels - twice’😭 ahh i love men who become losers when they’re in love. they will continue beefing in the next part lmao i’m alr so embarrassed for the two of them😭
taglist: @o-sachi, @iamjellyfish, @vashyuu, @yuudofu, @moon-cakiie, @17020, @nyxypoo, @kichiyosh1, @lunavixia, @ryescapades, @er1kaaaaa, @swivi, @equkki, @kaoiyeva, @tsubaki3192
← wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro →
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272 notes · View notes
maruflix · 13 days
💬 WRONG ACCOUNT!  ⓘ a social media au ╱ hoshina soshiro x female reader
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synopsis: you are a promising new member of the third division who, for some reason, is always given a hard time by your vice-captain. to vent your frustrations you decide to reply to a twitter fanbase’s anonymous confession, only to find out that your post was not so anonymous after all...?!
status: started 6/9 | ongoing | updates every week! next part 21/9
warnings: female reader ; language ; use of ‘kms/kys’ jokes ; suggestive jokes ; ignore the time stamps ; none of the art is mine unless stated
taglist: open! (send me an ask or comment to be added)
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💌 | contact list
00 | prologue: crush your enemies!
01 | anonymous confession time!
02 | on a scale of 1-10...
03 | tba!
04 | tba!
05 | tba!
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240 notes · View notes
maruflix · 12 days
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wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro 00. prologue: crush your enemies! prev | masterlist | next
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synopsis: you are a promising new member of the third division who, for some reason, is always given a hard time by your vice-captain. to vent your frustrations you decide to reply to a twitter fanbase’s anonymous confession, only to find out that your post was not so anonymous after all...?!
note: good morning from where i live! here have a small introduction of everyone’s dynamics! :)
taglist: @o-sachi, @iamjellyfish, @vashyuu, @yuudofu, @moon-cakiie, @17020, @nyxypoo, @kichiyosh1, @lunavixia, @ryescapades, @vash-yuu, @er1kaaaaa, @swivi, @equkki, @kaoiyeva, @tsubaki3192
← wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro →
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205 notes · View notes
maruflix · 13 days
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wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro 💌 contact list prev | masterlist | next
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✱ holding cell #3 y/n, kikoru, kafka, reno, furuhashi, izumo, aoi ✱ we hate each other hoshina, narumi, mina, eiji ✱ where it all began jakdf fanbase
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synopsis: you are a promising new member of the third division who, for some reason, is always given a hard time by your vice-captain. to vent your frustrations you decide to reply to a twitter fanbase’s anonymous confession, only to find out that your post was not so anonymous after all...?!
taglist (open!): @o-sachi, @iamjellyfish, @vashyuu, @yuudofu, @moon-cakiie, @@17020, @nyxypoo, @kichiyosh1, @lunavixia, @ryescapades, @vash-yuu
✱ cred: narumi gen art by @.ryuqzn on twitter
← wrong account ╱ hoshina soshiro →
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122 notes · View notes