#dr robert chase smut
satansapostle6 · 1 month
I Left The Light On And The Back Door Open For You | Robert Chase
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From the moment he first saw Margot Lange from legal, Dr. Robert Chase knew he was in for a wild ride that he never wanted to end.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
Chapter One
Chapter Two: Sick Day
“Margot, that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” Robert Chase said as he lie awake the next morning, staring up at the bedroom ceiling.
“Yeah… You were good too,” the beautiful attorney complimented him with a smile.
“Come on,” he rolled his eyes at her, chuckling softly, “You’re telling me that wasn’t the best sex you’ve ever had?”
He considered it for a moment, and then retracted his response.
“Okay, maybe it wasn’t the best sex ever for you,” he admitted, feeling she had more experience than he did.
“Chase, I’m just kidding,” Margot laughed at his naïveté, “You were… really good,” she emphasized.
“Yeah?” he asked cockily, rolling over on his side to look at her, his head still lazily propped up with his arm.
“Don’t get too cocky, now,” she chuckled.
“I thought you liked how cocky I was,” he murmured, a ghost of a smirk spreading across his face. “Ow!”
He nearly fell off the bed as a pillow was tossed at him.
“Aren’t you gonna be late for work?” Margot asked.
“Are you not going to work today?” he questioned, confused by the phrasing of her question.
“Well, I don’t know…” she coyly looked down at the bed, her fingers forming an almost cartoonish pair of legs that tiptoed across the bed and over his bare shoulder, “I can think of a few things I’d rather do instead.”
Staring at her in disbelief, Robert Chase silently considered his options.
“I think I need a shower,” Margot announced, lazily getting out of bed with absolutely nothing on. “I’ll let you decide what you wanna do.”
It took him less then .5 seconds to decide what he really wanted to do. He automatically jumped up out of her bed, hearing the water turn on as he peeled off his briefs and entered her now steamy bathroom. Grinning excitedly, he opened the shower door, joining her inside.
“Good choice,” she stated, turning to face him, her hair half wet. “Now. I think I’ll show you what you would’ve been missing if you’d gone off to play House’s errand boy.”
Chase watched her, barely able to contain his eagerness, as she quickly sank to her knees. He looked down at her in bewilderment, mouth agape as he watched her slide her hands up his thighs as he stood under the warm water.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure.
He sighed as he felt her lips wrapped around him, grabbing onto the walls of the shower for support.
That morning, after a particularly long shower, Robert Chase wrapped himself in the extra bathrobe Margot had provided him with. It was luxurious and soft, not unlike its owner. After calling into work sick, made his way downstairs, wandering Margot’s house until he found her in the kitchen, cooking.
“Pancakes?” Chase raised an eyebrow.
He had expected Margot to be cooking, especially not now.
“Please,” Margot Lange scoffed, taking offense, “Crêpes.”
He gave her a strange look as he took a seat at the counter, eager to try this woman’s cooking.
“Do you usually cook?” he asked her curiously.
Margot just shrugged. “When I’m in the mood. Besides, you gave me a pretty decent weinering, twice in the past twelve hours, so I suppose you could say I have an extra pep in my step.”
Robert smiled, an odd expression on his face. “I’ve never heard it described that way before, but I’m glad it was satisfactory.”
“Oh, it was more than,” Margot assured him with a giggle, “Next time, you should really consider setting up a tripod. Speaking of tripods, you’ve got a nice set of equipment there.”
Chase looked up at her happily, momentarily forgetting the other points she’d made. “So, there’s going to be a ‘next time’?”
“If you play your cards right, yeah,” Margot nodded as she scooped some homemade crêpes onto a plate. “I like to keep a good fantasy league.”
He found her crassness oddly charming as she pulled a glass container of orange juice out of the refrigerator, grabbing an extra champagne flute from her cupboard. Chase watched as she refilled her own mimosa, which was more so a glass of champagne with a splash of orange juice.
“Want one?” Margot asked him.
“Sure. Why not?” Chase questioned, figuring he wasn’t going in to work anyways.
Margot smiled pleasantly as she made him a mimosa, sliding it toward him across the counter. She went right back to cooking, fully aware that Chase was staring. It was difficult not to, as she was cooking in only a deep red satin robe with black undergarments underneath. Margot, Chase realized, was a Victoria’s Secret Angel who just so happened to be a lawyer. And judging by her house, her salary was more than supportive of that lifestyle.
“So, Rob,” she chose her own shortened version of his name, “Are you a cat person?”
He frowned at the random question.
Margot didn’t have to repeat herself as a fluffy creature with brown-black fur suddenly jumped up on the counter beside him. He flinched in surprise, not realizing that Margot owned a cat.
“Should he be on the counter?” Chase questioned nervously, leaning to the side so as not to get in the cat’s way.
He stared awkwardly as the fluffy black cat walked towards him, nuzzling against his hand.
“Garfield does as he pleases,” Margot assured him, which he didn’t question.
“You named him ‘Garfield’?” Chase observed her pet. “That doesn’t make much sense.”
“Oh, what, just because he’s black?” she demanded. “I never took you for a racist.”
“Never mind,” Chase sighed in defeat.
“He’s named after the fat orange cat that loves lasagna,” she told him, “But he’s also named after Andrew Garfield.”
“Fair enough,” Chase accepted.
“Here. Enjoy,” Margot digressed, setting a plate of crêpes in front of him.
He looked down at the appetizing plate of food, admiring the artfulness of the strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries resting on top.
“This looks delicious, Margot,” Chase complimented as she set two other plates of food down on the counter.
“Thanks,” she beamed, digging into her food.
They both wasted no time, in both eating and drinking. Chase demolished his plate quickly, not realizing how hungry their earlier workout in the shower had made him. He had also downed four ‘mimosas’ by the time he was done.
“Wait, why have you set three places?” he asked in confusion, noticing the third plate of food on the counter.
Before Margot could answer, a classy-sounding ring interrupted them. The doorbell.
“Coming!” Margot called cheerfully.
She practically floated to the door, drink in hand as she opened the door.
“Greg!” she exclaimed, as Chase’s jaw dropped.
“Hey, sweetie pie,” Dr. House said sweetly, entering the house with his cane.
House turned to see his employee sitting at the counter, in only his underwear under the robe, struggling to cover himself.
“There’s my employee of the month!” Dr. House beamed, thrilled to have embarrassed his employee. “Ready for work?”
“B-But I called in sick!” Chase protested.
“Well, I could use another pair of hands,” Gregory House announced, looking down at Chase’s hands.
Chase looked absolutely dumbfounded.
“Wash them though,” House told him, as he looked at a grinning Margot. “Who knows where they’ve been?”
“Crêpes?” Margot offered him the spare plate.
He took it enthusiastically, not unlike Chase that morning, and the night before.
“Don’t mind if I do,” House quipped, offering Margot a quick kiss on the lips as a thank you.
This was Chase’s last straw as he stared at the two of them in disbelief.
“What?” House questioned innocently. “You really thought we never slept together?” he demanded.
Chase was almost nauseous as he realized that he and his unsavory employer were, for the lack of a better term, eskimo brothers. The thought alone made him sick.
“Her with her cute bangs, and tight ass, and me with my salt and pepper beard, and cane?” House teased him, reveling in his horror as he kept an arm wrapped around Margot.
“Don’t worry, Rob,” Margot said sweetly, “Neither of us remember it. We just woke up next to each other after mixing Tanqueray and Vicodin at a sushi bar; we called it ‘Tranqueray’,” she provided as she sipped on her mimosa.
Chase sighed, distraught as he realized he had to go back to work even after finishing his fourth glass of champagne.
“Aw, look at you,” House cooed mockingly, “Drinking before work like a big boy. Now, get dressed. A man has cancer, and you get to tell him!”
In that moment, Chase wanted to murder him.
Chase went into work that day more angry at House than he had been in a long time. He refused to speak to him as they rode up in the elevator together.
“Oh, come on! It’s not that bad,” House made fun of his young colleague. “I didn’t dip into the Margot pool before you did.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Robert Chase exclaimed.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” House deadpanned, “I was too focused on the cosmos after we finished our mani-pedis!”
“You knew I wanted Margot, and you didn’t tell me you already slept with her!” Chase accused him.
“Well, I didn’t think you’d actually get to sleep with her,” Gregory House reasoned. “Honestly, I was probably a diversity hire!” he stated, looking down at his cane.
He infuriated Chase even further as he stormed off toward their office.
Dr. House beamed at the sight of an irate Lisa Cuddy, as Chase stopped in his tracks like a cartoon character. He had never drank at work before, and was mortified just at the sight of his boss’s boss.
“Yes, dear?” the older doctor joked.
“Did you refer to a woman’s aborted fetus as a glorified ‘kidney stone’?!” Dr. Cuddy demanded, even surprising Chase.
House pretended to think.
“Margot Lange isn’t here today, so you’d better cap off your HR violations,” the woman told him before walking past him. “Dr. Chase,” she said curtly.
“Dr. Cuddy,” he said awkwardly.
Dr. Cuddly stopped, turning to look at Chase. “Is that champagne on your breath?”
Chase looked her dead in the eye, mortified. “…No?”
Cuddy glared back at House, who just smiled and shrugged. She shook her head irritably, stomping away from the both of them.
Chapter Three
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julpernulper · 2 months
reading gay smut on the clock reblog if you agree
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deadxregulus · 6 months
!not my edit!
-This is my husband, guys !!!! <33
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heyitstam · 5 months
dr. robert chase x reader - the chase itself (smut)
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hi guys :D i know i haven't posted in a while, but i recently asked a VERY good friend of mine to cook me a fanfic of this very beautiful man, and HE DELIVERED. like all out jaws on the floor type delivered. i love this man fr, so i'm posting it here with his permission. it's his first fanfic ever, and in my humble professional opinion he overdelivered - so have fun reading this beautiful smut fic of reader and dr. chase <3
I. Humble Beginnings
Taking place in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, New Jersey, you are a fairly new nurse who pursued a medical career in quite a common way. The way being that it was more so your parents’ wish for you to go to medical school than your own, but you don’t necessarily hate that fact; at least it gave you a direction, so to speak.
It’s early in the morning, so there’s not a whole lot going on. You went around doing your usual checkups already and what not, therefore you decide to go on your well deserved coffee break. However, right as you are are on that, and you step out of the cubicle you are in, you glance over to an unfamiliar face through an operating room.
Some would call it love at first sight, but it really is more than that. It’s the kind of tingly sensation no one could forget. It’s almost shameful, but you can’t be bothered by that feeling right now. As if you physically couldn’t take your eyes off of them, you lose all sense of purpose, standing there, unable to think. Suddenly, someone bumps into you, which wakes you up from your total amusement. You feel the need to know more, so as you squint your eyes, you can read their name off of the shirt they are wearing.
“Dr. Robert Chase..?  I need to.. have a talk with him. I just need to.” – you think to yourself, ponderingly.
You go back to working with a saturated mind, unable to concentrate.
II. The Chase Itself
As days go by, you’re quite hesitant to reach out to him, but you seriously feel the need to. Why is that, really, you ask yourself. You ache to even have a talk with him at this point, but you long for more. Way more. You can’t think of anything else.
After contemplating for a good while, you decide to ask around to know what time he gets off from work, since you want to surprise him at the last minute. That’s the only way you see that you could have a one-on-one with him anytime soon.
With that out the way, you now know everything you needed to know. The only thing that divides you from your desire is to actually act up on it, so you gather all your courage. You look at the time, and you’re actually pretty shocked how caught up you were thinking about him. If you don’t hurry then you’re going to miss him that day entirely, so you start sprinting.
You notice him as he is turning around the corner, all dressed up, ready to leave, and you stumble right into him.
“I need to tell you something inside, it’s.. it’s important, alright. And it might just take a while” – you tell him, struggling with your words. “Great. I was just about to leave, you know. Whatever, show me, I don’t have much time for this. Is it really that important?” – he answers abruptly, being quite impatient.
You suddenly catch a rush of excitement. This is all that you were planning for the past few days or so, to get close to him, and it looks like you’re on track.
III. An Uneasy Start
Chase swings open the door of the office he’s just been in, ushering you in and closing the door behind him, since there’s quite the commotion even late into the night, it’s a hospital after all. It’s dark inside, the only light sources being a dim lamp he accidentally left on and the Moon seeping through the closed blinds faintly. The room has a surgical bed, a cabinet behind it with all kinds of training supplies, a desk with an office chair and a hanger stand. He puts his white coat on the stand, then undoes his tie, putting it into his pants pocket in a really apathetic way, with most of it hanging out.
Seemingly being quite contempt with the situation, he sits down onto the office chair, facing you, and he seriously doesn’t look like he wants to be there.
As a last effort at trying to ease up the situation, you grab the glass of water that is sitting on the desk and you splash it at him, in a playful way.  Not surprisingly, this backfires, since he doesn’t seem too happy about, not in the slightest. He stands up from his desk and goes on to wipe off his shirt to make it slightly less messy, all without even muttering a word. You do feel pretty stupid for that.
With another attempt at getting his attention, you arousingly start to cut the strings off of a few upper buttons on your blouse with a surgical knife, as he turns back to you, giving him a snarky look.
“Was that really necessary? What was so important about any of this? Can we get to the damn point?” – he asks you with a loss of temper. “I might have lied about that important thing.” – you answer him not so bravely.
He's visibly frustrated at you, and with a change of demeanor, he stands up and is now closing distance between you in a rush, as you are backing up. He halts as he catches up to you, towering over you.
With both hands on your shoulders, clenching them hard, he asks you, in an almost belittling tone: “Is this what you wanted? “ “I don’t know, is it?” – you answer him in a pretty similar way.
Like the kind of tease you tend to be, you start gliding around your fingertip on his chest, which he.. seems to enjoy, and lets you do for a short while, for then to push you to the nearest wall.
IV. Lust
Fueled by lust, you immediately grab his chin and assertively start kissing him, which absolutely catches him off-guard. In reaction to the advancement on him, he forces your body onto his as he caresses your back. After this goes on for a bit, he grabs you by the thighs, lifts you up and tosses you onto the surgical table.
With your arms behind you, you’re sitting halfway up as your legs are pulled up. You lock eyes while he is still holding you by your thighs. He leans over, drags you closer and is now standing between your legs.
You clumsily unbutton Robert’s shirt, one by one. In contrast, he carelessly tears off a few more of your buttons, making the blouse slide off your shoulders, which then falls onto your lap, flustering you in the process.
He then puts a hand on your lower abdomen, which feels surprisingly soft, even though his hands are quite firm. Most notably, it’s warm. So warm in fact, you feel like you could melt into him, and you are all about that feeling. Starting from your thighs, continuing to your hips, he brushes his both his hands across all the way up to your chest in a painstakingly soft and throughout way, but at the same it’s quite the calm moment.
An intrigued nervousness starts to pile in you as he suddenly starts to unbuckle his belt, which was undoubtedly the loudest noise in the room so far. In the meantime, like the obedient girl you feel like you are, with each rattle, you can't wait to obey. As if you were a household maid, you’re more than ready to satisfy the head of the house, as if he shook a bell around.
He tosses aside his pants and boxers and you feel like you can’t catch up with your heavy heartbeats as he rests his rigid cock on your stomach. It all just feels so sudden, and it’s starting to grow on you in a pleasurable way. He goes onto removing your bra, while you’re simultaneously stroking him slowly and briefly, before he goes down on you again.
You can feel it throb against you, and it’s just as, if not hotter than his hand is, which he has below your stomach again. He needily grinds against you over and over, lifting your skirt up with it every time, and rubbing against your inner thighs.
He doesn’t wait around before removing your panties, which are drenched by this point, and neither does he wait to penetrate you, as he is inside you now.
“Maybe I did need this.. “ - you hear him talk out loud quietly.
At once, as he is slowly, but forcefully thrusting into you, you see him pulling out the tie out his pocket, which he puts around your neck now, instead of his own.
It’s tightened real well, and he’s gripping it by the base, close to your neck. In the meantime he’s constantly pulling on it upwards, as it’s digging into the back of your neck, scraping your chin against it’s band, making your head tilt backwards considerably. With every moan you make, he tightens more on it, leaving your neck all bruised up. As he is fucking you, you’re nails deep in the sheets. You can’t help yourself but feel pleasured.
As he’s starting to get rougher on you, you begin to develop second thoughts and try to resist him, but as you’re doing that, he immediately tugs you closer, rendering your attempt futile. As you look at him, he seems to be way too into this, as his eyes lose all focus and glare, and you can only watch as his control over himself fades, railing you without a care in the world. This creates even more neediness in you, as you cross your legs behind his back, clinging onto him.
You can barely even keep your eyes on him, and you’re not even resisting his pull on your neck anymore, so you fully commit into tilting you head back in joy. All this sexual fulfillment demands you to do so, as you are slipping out of control more by the second. You feel like you could finish at any time, and as he’s also getting close, he’s painfully grazing your stiff walls more and more, with your moans sounding pitifully more helpless.
Ejaculating with a quiet grunt, he blasts the majority into you, leaving two strings across all the way up your body, all for you to feel ecstatic about. You really do feel like you owned up to it with your services, as if it was his way of rewarding you. Not to forget about you, he pushes you over the edge too, as you’re desperately gripping his shoulders. No matter you could barely take a break after your climax, he leans closer over your stimulation filled shivering body, and goes for a deep passionate kiss. Not even bothered by the fact you are still desperately panting and gasping for air along with him.
V. Not So Aftercare
After standing up from the bed, he comfortably hugs you by your hips, to which you endearingly put your hands onto his. After romantically rocking you slightly around with his hug, he leaves his hands off of you to start dressing up. It’s getting quite late.
As he is about to button back his shirt, he looks at you still standing there, still looking a bit shocked from everything that happened so far. Deciding to help out, he steps besides you, getting your bra back from your bed, and putting it on you. He’s slowly buckling the back together, and you are simply just unable to look him in the eyes, since you're becoming increasingly shy in a sudden way, blushing like you never have before.
"You.. didn't have to, you know.." - you tell him in a higher pitch voice.
You really enjoy his care, it does fill you with joy. Then you reach out for your panties, but as you are pulling them up, he slides his hands under yours, taking the lead again, which surprises you even more. You are so overwhelmed with emotions at this point, you shake right into his hand as he pulls it all the way up, giving you a slight friendly chuckle, and blowing you a kiss right above the lining of your briefs, gaining him an immediate gasp from you. You're truly mesmerized by him.
He continues dressing himself, and as you calm down, you rush into his arms, facing his chest. He caresses and pets your face and head with one arm, for him to go onto groping your ass, and going down to your thighs. His hand lifts your skirt away from time to time, letting colder air in. After he finishes clothing up, he swings you to his other side and pushes you right to the desk.
“I need more of you. I need to feel you in more ways.” – he tells you with a shaky voice.
You almost even stumble, and with an utterly scared look on your face, you glance at him. Without precaution, he pushes you down onto the floor. You look down onto your legs. Your knees are together and your feet are far apart, completely side-tracking you. You even put your hands on your knees in a cute way, but as you lift your head, his cock gets into view, poking through his pants fly, which takes you aback.
Your first and immediate reaction is to press your lips all around him, kissing and licking his shaft as it pumps against your mouth. After growing tired and wanting more, he puts his thumb in your mouth, and with a few fingers latching onto your chin, he pushes downwards on your jaw. With closed eyes, you stick out your tongue, waiting for him to enter. He lets go off of his fingers from your face, following up with exactly what you expected. It feels way bigger than what you anticipated, leaving your mouth sore in the first minute, already. He’s being frantic with you, mouth fucking you without relent. You’re huffing for air as you whimper, but you aren’t getting any. You start to sob as he goes deeper down your throat. As you move your tongue in a swing like motion, from side to side, you circle the bottom of his shaft as he shoves himself in an out. You soak his cock with your saliva, blending with his precum. No matter how much of it you gulp down, It’s flowing out your mouth.
Resting his elbows and head above you on the desk, he looks down at the top of your head, as you suck him off. From the table, as he rocks you around, all kinds of documents fly off. Not that he cares, really.
Without even telling, he comes into your mouth, throbbing against your lips. You stomach it all as you look up to him, initiating eye contact, and smiling. After spewing out his cock, you grab it by the base and gently rub it off with a napkin. He pulls his zipper up, and kneels down. He parts your hair slightly and greets your forehead with a last smooch.
Looking back at you for the final time, he waves at you, winks in a mocking, yet sweet way and leaves though the door. You can only wish to meet soon in a similar fashion.
VI. Reflection
You’re at a loss of thoughts. He’s been so careful, yet so careless with you at the same time, and that’s just messing with your brain right now, so you lean your head against the desk, you close your eyes and give into the bliss once again.
Even after he left, you’re sitting in the dark, in the same position he left you in, with his tie still around your neck. You feel embarrassed, but you can’t help yourself as you take in the scent of his tie, pleasuring yourself through your clothes, while thinking about him. He has a hold on you, and you know that well.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Tease - Robert Chase
Title: Tease - Robert Chase
Words: 1,567
Relations: Robert chase X Reader
TW: Sexual hinting. Sexualising hands. Sub reader.
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I pushed the office door open with my butt, careful not to spill the coffees I had just collected. I spun around as I stepped into the office, My eyes instantly landing on Chase as he approached the door. I looked up at him startled by his presence. From his body language, it was clear he was going to open the door for me, I blushed slightly, knowing he had a clear view of my ass pushing the glass door open. I gulped, admiring his freshly trimmed hair, subtle green eyes and furrowed brows. I could read from his expression he was confused and had a hint of another emotion. In others, I would say it was an attraction but the sexy, blonde, handsome, angelic, Australian, smart, did I mention sexy, doctor... wouldn't think that of me. I'm me. Just average me.
I smiled innocently at Chase as he continued to stare at me. His expression showed less of his confusion and more of the other emotion I couldn't place but (somewhere deep inside, I knew it was attraction) (Or maybe wishful thinking) he displayed this emotion more until the confusion had fizzled from his expression.
"Are you going to stand there all day or give me my coffee," House barked grumpily. I shook myself out of it and walked around Chase to reach the table. I placed the drinks down, serving them out to each of the team to make sure everyone had the right drink. I walked around the table, placing Chase's drink in front of him before occupying the seat beside him. He smiled at me, I swooned a little but smiled back. An attempt to play it cool when he makes my spine jelly without trying.
House began the differential by writing on the board the patient's symptoms. I placed my drink on the table as I picked up the file, sitting back to read it. I added comments briefly to dismiss someone's idea if the current test results didn't align with their diagnosis. Finally, I looked up to gather who House's snarky comment was aimed at. Not me, good. As Chase was leaning forward, his elbows on the table, his hands in front of his face, playing with them slightly. I, of course, was now only able to focus on them.
I gulped, my mouth seeming wrong. My breath quickening. The butterflies in my stomach twirling. I crossed my legs, my wetness growing as I watched my crush's hands, the way they moved, the things I had dreams about them doing. I couldn't peel my eyes away even when he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then smirked when he looked away. His hands didn't stop moving and if anything, they seemed to do more, slow and precise movements. There could be an earthquake in the room and I still wouldn't be able to look away. He has hypnotised me. I watched almost breathlessly as he sat back in the seat and his hand slowly travelled to his thigh. Oh, God his thighs! I took a deep breath, gulping as I watched his hands.
His hands gripped his thigh tightly, and a soft whimper left my lips subconsciously. I tighten my lips into a thin line, the rest of the world coming into focus as I looked around, recognising that everyone had heard me and was confused. I almost lost all of my ability to function as Chase turned to smirk at me. He did it on purpose, he was messing with me. I was annoyed for half a second it took till I realised that he caught me checking him out, sexualising him and he not only knew but teased me. My eyes widened, avoiding Chase's gaze. My brain instantly went into hyperdrive to dismiss this realisation with the most likely factor being that he didn't know and was simply smirking to not laugh at your whimper.
"You must really want to run the labs," Foreman commented sarcastically. I almost applauded Foreman and shook his hand for giving me an easy excuse.
"Yeah, I just don't want to deal with parents right now," I chuckled, realising quickly I was unsure of the files I had read only minutes ago. They all looked a little more confused.
"Our patient is a 32-year-old, male," Cameron clarified but confusion clear in her tone.
"His parents brought him in, it's in his file," I lied. I don't know who brought him in, they could tell me he flew in on a UFO I would agree, I don't know what happened during the differential when Chase's hands were more appealing than the conversation. Foreman looked confused but understood as Cameron flicked through the file. I smiled, my poker face clearing me of questions.
"Foreman and Cameron, you're with the patient," House instructed and everyone stood. Oh, okay we're done. I stood from my seat, and collected my things, realising quickly I would be alone in the lab with Chase. My eyes widened as I grabbed my drink and headed out of the office, Chase held the door open for me, his smirk still gracing his lips. I nodded softly to be polite and began approaching the lab. I gulped as Chase walked beside me.
"I didn't know you whimpered," He teased, his smirk still present. I blushed but rolled my eyes forcing a convincing chuckle.
"I just really want lab work today," I shrugged trying to play it off. A part of me believes the delusion of him possibly not noticing me sexualising his hands. He smirked rushing to stop in front of me looking a little confused but smug.
"I can think of five reasons that's a lie," He smirked, raising his left hand for effect and flaunting the knowledge that he knew what he was doing. My expression faltered at the shocking revelation and realisation he truly was teasing me with his hands, and did for a fact know I was affected. He grinned, turning back to continue his way to the lab. I took a second to compose myself before following. I stopped just before the lab entrance to prepare myself before I was in a room alone with Chase for presumably hours.
I walked in to see Chase already using the computer to get started. He smiled as I walked in, not looking up from the screen. I cleared my throat before taking a seat at the opposite station. I got to work on running labs, reading the file closely to figure out what labs we needed, and Chase offering tests I should take while he did others, basically letting me know what to do. I'm glad one of us was paying attention.
We were working somewhat quietly as we focused on the tests. I was just looking through the microscope when he spoke abruptly.
"Have you always been attracted to hands or just mine?" He asked, I was so startled by his question. I felt called out, seen. I staggered over my thoughts slightly.
"What?" I asked finally, the only thing I could manage to say. Though my tone should have been confused it was more panicked. I looked up at him, watching as he smirked. I gulped, watching as he slowly walked around the station, edging closer to me, my crossed legs subconsciously squeezing tighter.
"What is it about my hands that flusters you?" He asked rhetorically. His tone was mischievous and menacing. His smirk returned. I watched with shallow breaths as his hand trailed along the marble tops. I gulp again to try and maintain some control of my body. My breath quickened the closer he got to me. My breath fluttered as he stood right in front of me. "Is it that they're attached to me or that you can imagine what I'd like to do with them?" He asked, his hand coming under my chin to raise it so I was looking up at him. I breathed in as he raised my chin but suddenly my breathing stopped as I made eye contact with him. My mind cleared. My only thought was that he was going to kiss me. Please, kiss me.
I watched as his eyes trailed to my lips before he smiled. His eyes were deep and dark, full of want. I gulped. "I'm taking you to dinner," He instructed, not a question but an explanation. I watched intently as he searched my expression, it was clear, he could read nothing. He seemed to wait for my response. I nodded softly, his fingers still present under my chin. He smiled with half his mouth. "Good," He added, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. I waited, his eyes once again travelling to his lips as he held my gaze on him. "Your results are in," He commented. My eyebrows furrowed before the timer went off. I jumped at the sudden beeping. Chase chuckled as he walked away to his station. I sighed slightly, hitting the timer off and composing myself. "We'll go straight from work, that shirt needs to be shown off," He added, watching me between the stations. I smiled nervously as I slowly processed the fact I wasn't imagining it like usual.
I looked at the results to distract myself. I groaned as I showed Chase the results. Positive. We quickly headed to the others to inform them.
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y13evie · 1 year
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smut is tagged with ☆
harry potter:
call of duty:
first time w könig blurb ☆
sub! könig riding blurb ☆
simon ‘ghost’ riley
rough mission? give your bf some head! ☆
johnny ‘soap’ mactavish
john price
lust for life (professor price x student reader) ☆
alejandro vargas
alejandro vargas x thiccckkkk reader ☆
philip graves
oneshots + hcs
141 + könig react to you wearing thigh highs ☆
141 + könig, alejandro,n rudy with thick thighed s/o
141 + alejandro rudy konig graves with plus size s/o
house m.d:
dr gregory house
robert chase
your houses kid and he just wants to treat u good
james wilson
u just wanna have fun but james is mean :(
clear your mind ☆
allison cameron
house is spying on you, cute lovey dovey w my girl
spider-man atsv:
miguel o’hara
a jealous man ☆
riding miguel drabble ☆
brat ☆
hobie brown
music to his ears ☆
peter b. parker
miles morales
earth 42! miles x reader fluff
pavitr prabhakar
the outer banks:
rafe cameron
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 months
I went insane on this self indulgent run in trying to get back into writing so here, a House x Wilson and Male!Reader son fic cuz i see House as a.... complicated figure in my life 💀
Tags: Greg House/James Wilson, Son!Reader, A/B/O Dynamic, Alpha!House, Alpha!Wilson, Alpha!Reader, Younger Reader, Allison Cameron, Robert Chase, Eric Foreman, Lisa Cuddy, Fluff, Crack, No Smut, for shits and giggles, idk abt hospital rules whoops, inaccurate medical terms, medical malpractice, malpractice MD, Established Relationship, Between S1-S3
All those 'Wilson has a Wife at home!' thing was all an innuendo. They're married. and they have.... a son? Come read as the ducklings find out how much of their boss's life they missed!
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It was early in the morning. 
Foreman had just entered the office while Chase was eating a bagel. Cameron was making her morning tea and the three were catching up over the weekend. They saw Dr. Wilson passing by and they waved at him, the man nodded and smiled shortly before he continued to his office. Chase says something about last week's case which Foreman laughs at, Cameron rolls her eyes before she takes a seat at the filing desk. 
“We’re only starting the day and you're already filing down House’s stuff?” Chase tilts his head with a smirk, the brunette sighs while her hands are busy with a group of blue files. 
“It’s not like he ever does it himself,” She answers as she sits. “Might as well chip around it,”
The computer boots up slowly when Foreman approaches the mountain of files. He picks one up and flips it open, his face scrunches in confusion. “This was… 2 months ago?”
Foreman levels his colleague with a stare at which Cameron only sighs. He deems it a suitable answer so he drops the file, busying himself with Chase instead. 
Half an hour into meddling about, waiting for their boss to arrive, a sharp knock breaks the team's attention from each other's conversation. 
Standing outside their meeting room is someone they're unfamiliar with. Not someone new to their department judging by their leisurely clothes, it went straight to someone fresh out of high school. However, what caught them off-guard was the jacket the man was wearing. It was House’s jacket.
They have a tall stature, though with how they’re slightly bowing his head, he levels just at Foreman's height. Something about his eyes resembles too much of a doctor they know, sending a shiver down Chase’s spine.
“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, is this Dr. House’s office?” He asks, a small unsure smile on his lips. Foreman cocks a brow while Cameron and Chase shared a look. 
The boy blinks, holding a file folder in his hand. “I was just told to bring this to his office,”
He shakes the file slightly, his friendly smile unwavering. Cameron was the first to blink and immediately shuffled to handle the folder. When she approaches the boy, he stands straight once his anxiety ebbs out, and something oddly familiar suddenly flashes through her. The boy's scent has the burnt woody undertone House has. Her brain quickly connected it with House’s jacket he was currently supporting yet it was too strong and just different enough to not be another Alpha’s scent that stuck to the boy. Cameron subtly breathes to confirm it's the boy's scent. She stutters through her words, “I-i’ll get this through to him, he uh- he hasn't arrived yet,”
“Oh I know,“ He waves a hand. “I'm only here for a visit but I ran into Dr. Cuddy and she handed me this, she said she’s too busy to bother him herself,” 
The boy laughs, a slight crinkle on the bridge of his nose. Cameron had to choke back a gasp, suddenly digging blunt nails into the case folder. The whole room was silent aside from the melodic laugh. The laughter dies down eventually as the boy gathers himself. 
“Well that's my only reason to be here, I should get going,” he nods politely and bids them a short goodbye before leaving the room. 
Another beat of silence. 
Chase perks up. “I wasn't the only one that thought that was odd… right?”
“Why was he so…” 
“Tall? Yeah, I got that too,” Foreman continued Cameron's question. 
“Yes that but, who- did you guys hear what he said? When I said House wasn't here yet he said ‘Oh I know’,” Cameron drops the file on their meeting table. “How does he know?”
“Better question; was that House’s jacket?” Chase points an accusatory finger in the direction the boy went. 
“Hooker?” Foreman tries, immediately shut down by Cameron.
“House hasn't gone into rut yet,” She reasons, standing her ground. 
“Hey Alphas don't need a nice dicking down when they’re just on ruts y’know,” Chase crosses his arms. “Foreman's right, he could've been someone he slept with,”
“But that kid is way too young!” 
“We can't assume our boss’ type, Cameron,” Foreman smirks. “He might like someone years younger than him!”
“Seriously? Chase’s the one that kissed a child,” Chase immediately gasps, hands flying up at what his colleague said.
“It was one time! And she was dying for god’s sake!”
The two laughs, while Chase rolls his eyes before huffing. “None of this still doesn't explain who that guy was,”
“And he smells… almost like House too,” Foreman blinks at his confusion. The three doctors continuously stared at each other, sharing glances as if it would yield an answer to their questions. Cameron looks back to the door, then to the case file, before deciding to open it. She reads the case and Cuddy was right, it’s interesting enough that House would find interest in it but…
“He mentioned Cuddy, didn't he?” Cameron immediately announces. The two men pauses, before the realization hits them. They were about to exit the office when suddenly House stood between them and the door, motorcycle helmet in hand, donned in his usual leather jacket.
He stares at his team, all supporting various degrees of surprise and confusion before he rolls his eyes. “I’ve only arrived and you’re already going out to run tests?”
His team is still dead silent. House huffs before barging past them and dropping his bag atop the piles of folders. 
“Gimme here,” House reaches out for the file Cameron is still clutching. “Cuddy says this one will blow my cane off,” His voice heightens in pitch, mimicking Cuddy herself. 
Cameron reluctantly gives the file to her boss, the Beta watching for signs of anything from House. As the Alpha starts reading the file, his team slowly files into their normal seating. The room’s tension was apparent, especially annoying to House as he practically felt it with his sense of smell. He looks up from the file, fixing the group with a glowering stare. “Did you all see a ghost or did I miss the memo of being mute for the day?”
“We uh-” Cameron starts “It's just… Someone came by, he was the one that gave us the file…” 
“Huh,” He pauses before raising a brow. “I must be losing my annoying Cuddy streak, she didn't even come by to give it herself,” 
House shrugs and drops the file onto the table with a slap! “But she was right, this is an interesting case…” He turns to his board, his cane thuds dully. “Differential diagnosis, go.”
The next time the group spotted the mysterious boy, he was leaving Dr. Wilson's office in the middle of the day.
They had just finished going out for lunch, walking together when they saw the door to the Oncologist's office open to reveal the boy they had seen earlier. A wide smile on his face and an equally glowing smile from Wilson was what shocked the group. They know Wilson as a very patient and empathetic man, but to see him smile so carefree it almost scared the three.
Foreman was reluctant but Chase pulled at his coat first which led them into hiding behind a corner, ears pressed to hear what Dr. Wilson and the boy were conversing about.
“You should’ve seen their faces,” The boy laughs, House’s jacket draped over his arm. 
“They’ve never seen you come by before, I'm sure they were pleasantly confused,” Wilson replies, a coy smile on his lips as he pats the boy’s shoulder. 
“Maybe I should visit you two more often,” His tone was light, his head tilting at the request. They hear Wilson repress a laughter before it chokes out as a short chuckle. 
“If you’re not too busy, we won't mind seeing you here,” Wilson nods. “Just anywhere but the ER, got it?” 
At that, the boy sighs though it seems to be out of fondness if the softness of the man's next word could be an indication for the three; “I won't, I promise,” 
“Then we’ll see you at home,” 
“Awh but I'm bored! I don't wanna go home yet!” The two laugh.
They immediately plaster themselves to the wall, Chase’s eyes wide while Cameron’s eyes shoot in different directions as if connecting invisible strings. Foreman sighs, wiping a hand across his face, before concluding. “A polycule?”
“A- What?”  Chase balks. “You think Wilson and House and that guy…?”
“It makes sense, right? They share living spaces,”
“Wilson keeps saying ‘we’ I think he does mean it’s him and House.” 
Chase and Cameron cross arms simultaneously. “I can see House and Wilson being together.” the brunette concludes.
Chase blinks before he turns to the girl. “Sure but House only has eyes, and love for Wilson, what makes you think that–” 
Suddenly, all three of their pagers beep and god for once they wished their patient stayed stable. They quickly made their way to the room, passing by Wilson and the boy, the two sparing a glance at the hurried steps of the three before they turned back towards each other. 
“Is House and Wilson in a polyamorous relationship?” 
Cuddy blinks, closing the patient file slowly and placing it atop her desk. Her eyes glance up to meet Camerons. She manages a tired glare that only works on anyone but House, though it seems he’s been teaching his ducklings bad habits because Cameron only stood and crossed her arms, which makes the dean of medicine raise a brow. 
“What makes you think I’d know that information, Dr. Cameron?”
She shrugs. “You’re closest to them. They tell you first before us, and aren't you always on top of coworkers dating each other and all-”
“Yes, but that's in case it’ll affect the efficiency of our work. House and Wilson-”
“Are an exception?” Cameron’s eyes widen inquisitively. Cuddy promptly rolls her eyes. 
“No. House and Wilson would be the last person to inform me of their relationship,”
“And why aren't you asking them anyway? I wouldn't want to butt into whatever those two alphas are doing,” Cuddy shakes her head, placing her attention back into her files before Cameron sighs.
“Because we saw a kid earlier this morning. Not a staff, not a student. We don't even know who he is but he was wearing House’s jacket and talking with Wilson.” 
“So? Someone could be House’s hooker and Wilson’s patient-” 
“He said he knew you. You gave him a patient file for House because you were too preoccupied to give him yourself!” 
Cameron shot her arms up, exasperated, while the woman sitting in front of her deadpans. Suddenly, Cuddy’s brows furrow, before she belts out a laugh, tapping the hilt of her pen to her desk. The ímmunologist blinks, her arms hovering lamely, confused and slightly scared by what Cuddy is about to say.
Cuddy steadies herself, before easily replying. “Oh him. Yeah that's House and Wilsons’s son.”
“... What?” Cuddy will have to check the cameras later because the shocked face Cameron supported before running out of her office was priceless.
House and Wilson were in the diagnostician's office. The boy was leaning on the wall between them, the two doctors sat face to face, divided by House’s desk. They were enjoying a cup of coffee, House had his patient's MRI results in his hands and went over it with Wilson, seeing as his ducklings were off doing tests. 
House figured it would be another hour before they bothered him again when his expectations plummeted by the three bursting into his office. 
“You have a son?!” Chase shouts.
“He’s your son?!” Cameron pointed at the surprised boy. 
“You two are together?!” Foreman motions between House and Wilson.
House groans loudly. Wilson looks to the side. The boy takes a slow sip from his cup. 
The diagnostician drops the MRI scans, promptly putting his legs down from the desk, annoyance evident in his frown. “Yes, yes and yes– I thought I sent you three to do blood tests,” He extends a hand. “I’m assuming it’s done so now give it,” 
“The results will be done in another hour. You never bothered to tell us?” 
“You all never bothered to ask,” House replies easily. He grabs his cane and stands, making his way to stand between Wilson and the lanky boy. House’s son.
“For a group of diagnosticians you three are really bad at picking up very obvious hints,” He sighs. “Especially you, Chase. You’ve worked with me for years now! I'm very disappointed in you young man.” 
“Wha- How should I know? You and Wilson were always this weird… Thing,” His hand flairs to gesture to the two doctors. “And you never brought the kid around!” 
“That's because he was in high school,” Wilson shrugs. “A lot of after-school programs,”
He replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. The three doctors are still standing dumbfounded. House supports a smirk before he brings the boy to stand beside him, an arm around his shoulders. 
“Everyone, meet me and Wilson's adopted son.” The kid laughs slightly, waving at the group. “Oh and yes, me and Wilson are together, in case you all didn't get that,” 
“You two are married?!” “Oh yes, til death do us part and all, the whole gimmick,” 
Wilson sighs. “Gimmick it may be, you still cried that day,” 
“And you’re going to blackmail me, Wilson? Oh you wound me, pookie,” House pouts at the Oncologist at which he raises a brow. 
“Wait wait-” Foreman shakes his head. “You never wore a ring and- Only Wilson does!”
“Im allergic to gold,” House sneezes when the said ring Wilson’s supporting glints. “It also doesn't match my edgy, cool doctor outfit,” 
The boy beside him laughs, shaking his head. “You’re lame, Dad. Lame, not cool,” 
“My own family is against me!” Wilson chuckles at House’s reply, which also makes his son laugh louder. A beat of warm laughter before Cameron pushes another question.
“Is- is this true?” He gestures towards the boy. He smiles, patting House’s hand that's still resting comfortably on his shoulder.
“Yes. I am Dr. House’s and Dr. Wilson’s son. A couple of months after they got married, they adopted me. I’m pretty sure I was in middle school when they took me in,” He smiles, glancing between his parents. “I’ve been with them ever since.”
“It’s semester break right now, so rather than spending my time at home, i’d rather bother my dad’s here at work. I won't bother you all!” 
The boy flashes a false smile suddenly. “No promises though.”
Cameron sighs. “Oh god there's two of you…”
House met his son's eyes. Something glints between them, before the two Alphas turn to the group sharply. House levels them with a smug stare while his son grins, all sharp teeth and menace, the two oozing dangerous dominant pheromones. Cameron and Chase locks up, Foreman only sighs at the two’s display. Wilson, still sat with his warm mug in hand, only sighs and rolls his eyes. If his husband and son is going to scare the shit out of the diagnostic department, he might as well enjoy the spectacle. It’s not like his son would stay here for long, he’ll get bored eventually and spend his break elsewhere, right? 
What happens in the next couple of weeks into his son's break would prove him wrong.
reblogs save lives. Requests opened!
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bked0n-lorazepam · 4 months
My Requests are open!
Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I'm back, and with new people who I'll be happy to write for you; here's my list!
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Rhee, Enid Rhee, Michonne, Rosita, Simon, Abraham, Carol, Jesus "Paul", Shane, Sasha, Dwight, Beth
House MD:
Gregory House, Lisa Cuddy, James Wilson, Allison Cameron, Robert Chase, Eric Foreman, "Thirteen"
Jeff The Killer, Toby Rogers, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer, Hoodie, Masky, Liu, Sally
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, BeetleJuice
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Tara Lewis, Cat Adams, George Foyet
White Collar:
Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Alex Hunter, Diana Berrigan, Lauren Cruz, Clinton Jones
Hannibal NBC:
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Freddie Lounds
Marvel Universe:
Loki Laufeyson, Mobius Mobius, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfied, and Tom Holland), MJ Watson, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Okoye, Carol Danvers, Gamora, Peter Quill, Nebula
IT (2017 and 2019):
Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Pennywise
Stranger Things:
Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Jonathon Byers, Jim Hopper, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Karen Wheeler, Dr. Brenner, Argyle, Billy Hargrove
Once Upon a Time:
Rumplestiltskin, Emma Swan, Prince Charming, Snow White, Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Killian Jones, Baelfire, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Belle, August/Pinocchio, Ruby/Red, Zelena
Good Omens:
Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton "Newt" Pulsifer, Beelzebub, Muriel
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Kiri (No smut), Lo'ak (No smut), Neteyam (No smut)
The Boys:
Homelander, Billy Butcher, Becca Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie Campbell, Mothers Milk, Queen Maeve, Starlight, A-Train, Deep, Black Noir, Firecracker, Kimiko "The Female", Ashley Barret, Ryan Butcher (No smut), Victoria Neuman, Soldier Boy
And that's it so far! I'll add more as I go, I swear <3
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ereardon · 1 year
Friends Don't || Chapter 9
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Summary: Bob Floyd has been your best friend for almost a decade, ever since he quietly agreed to tutor you in college. The two of you have spent years chasing each other around the globe – Bob as a WSO, you as a travel blogger. You’ve always been the anywhere-but-here girl, and he’s been your rock. But when a surprise diagnosis threatens to crumble your picture-perfect life, you’re on the first flight back to San Diego, desperate to put down roots for the first time. Will Bob finally have it in him to admit that you could be the love of his life? What will he say when he finds out the secret you’ve been skillfully hiding from him? Or worse, what if he doesn’t find out until it’s too late? 
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x OC [Reid] 
Tropes: Friends to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, angst, SMUT
WC: 3.1K
Series masterlist here; previous chapter here; next chapter here
“Sunny?” Bob’s voice was light, shaky. “What is he talking about?” 
You stood with your mouth open, looking between the two of them. Bradley shook his head, pulling his truck into reverse. “You gotta tell him, Reid,” he said softly before backing down the driveway, disappearing out of sight. 
“Tell me what?” 
You turned. “I don’t know what he’s talking about.” 
“Yes, you do.” Bob’s voice trailed after you as you stomped inside, storming down the hallway toward the kitchen, leaning on the granite countertop with both hands, sucking in a deep breath, trying to calm your nervous system. He showed up behind you a moment later. “Sunny, what’s going on? What are you not telling me?” 
You closed your eyes. The incident at Dr. Kim’s office had tipped the scale. You were running out of time. And it had become glaringly apparent why you had picked up your life and moved to San Diego. You were dragging your feet, dating Bradley, sidestepping Jake’s increasingly insistent questions, all out of fear of confronting the truth. 
Opening your eyes, you swiveled around. 
Bob stood two feet in front of you, confusion clouding his handsome face. 
“Sunny,” he whispered. “What are you not saying?” 
Before you could think it through, you stepped forward, placing one hand on his cheek, leaning in, sealing your lips over his. His lips were soft and tender, and he kissed you back right away, despite the surprise. 
You would be lying if you said you’d never thought about it before. How could you be friends with someone for almost a decade and not wonder once or twice what it would feel like to be wrapped in their arms? 
It felt right. And suddenly, everything felt like it was falling into place. You felt grounded for the first time in your life. 
You pulled back, heat rushing to your cheeks. What if he didn’t feel the same way? God, you would be so embarrassed if he didn’t feel the way you did. It should have felt wrong or awkward or weird. To break the bubble of friends to lovers in one swift movement. But it didn’t. It felt natural. And you found yourself wondering why you had spent so long fighting what had been right in front of you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered quickly. “I shouldn’t have done—” 
Bob cut you off, both of his hands reaching out and cradling your face as he closed the gap between your bodies, his lips landing on yours instantly, one hand moving down and threading itself into the hair at the base of your neck, the other finding your waist, pulling you in toward him. You groaned into his mouth as he slipped his tongue past your lips. Bob walked you delicately backward until your back was pressed against the wall, his body engulfing yours as your fingers scrambled against his sides, pulling him closer, desperate to feel him across every inch of your body. He was a good kisser. Excellent even. You hadn’t expected that. Somehow, you had always thought Bob would be awkward or uncomfortable in any kind of sexual situation. 
That couldn’t be further from the truth. He pressed one thigh between your legs and you whined against his mouth, grinding down against his leg without even thinking and Bob pulled back, his eyes dark with lust. 
“Sunny,” he whispered, voice hoarse and husky and it sent shivers of desire down your spine. “Honey, what is this? Is this real? Or is this because you’re upset about Bradley?” 
You locked your hands behind his neck, gazing up into his perfect blue eyes. “I love you, Bobby,” you whispered. “I think I’ve been in love with you for a while. I was just too scared to admit it to myself.” 
His eyes searched yours, waiting. Waiting for you to call it a joke. Waiting for you to change your mind. But you didn’t. You wouldn’t. It was true. It was all true. “Honey,” he breathed softly. “I’ve loved you from day one.” 
And then his lips were on yours again, his hands on your waist, and all you could think about was that you couldn’t believe it had taken you this long. It felt so natural and right when Bob pulled his lips from yours, trailing wet kisses down your neck, his hands skimming over the front of your dress, cupping your breasts lightly as you moaned beneath him, pressing down against his leg that was perfectly positioned between yours, only a thin slice of fabric separating your bare core from his thigh. 
Bob walked you backward from the kitchen down the hall into his room, his lips never leaving your skin. He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you down with him until you were straddling his lap, your arms wound around his neck. 
“Bobby,” you whispered into his ear. “Is this really happening?” 
He looked at you with a small smile, one hand tracing delicately over your cheek. “God, I hope so, darlin’.” 
And then your lips were on his again, his hands pulling up the fabric of your dress to your hips, lifting it over your head and Bob bowed his head, lavishing kisses on your collarbone. You reached behind you, unclipping your bra, tugging it off and letting your breasts fall softly. Bob’s eyes went wide and you watched him blush before he reached out one hand, cupping your left breast in his large hand. You gasped as he dipped his head, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking hard, causing you to grow wetter between your legs, a hoarse moan ripping from your throat as he moved to the other nippple. You could feel him growing hard in his joggers beneath you, and you realized that you were about to see his cock for the first time. The thought made you giddy with excitement. 
Your fingers toyed with the hem of Bob’s shirt and you tugged it up and over his head, allowing yourself for the very first time to languidly trace the muscles of his abdomen, let your fingers grip the tight bulging muscles of his biceps as he skillfully nibbled at your earlobe. 
You ground down against his lap, eliciting a whine from Bob. “Oh, fuck.” His breath was hot against your neck.
You grinned, placing your hands on his shoulders and grinding yourself lightly across his lap. Bob practically whimpered before rolling you over onto your back, your head hitting the pillows at the top of the bed as he knelt between your legs, softly caressing your legs. 
“Thought about this forever,” he whispered, pressing a light kiss to your ankle. 
“Bobby,” you mewled as he kissed his way up your left leg, his lips teasing the soft flesh of your inner thigh. You were embarrassingly wet, you could feel it soaking the triangle of lace fabric between your legs. He stopped and leaned back, practically groaning at the sight. 
“Can I?” he asked softly, nodding toward your thong. 
You sat up on your elbows, looking at him. “I’m all yours, Bobby,” you replied quietly. “Everything I have, everything I am, it’s yours.” 
He reached down and ripped the thong in two and you gasped, unable to even wrap your mind around the fact that he had done that before his face was between your legs, tongue licking a thick strip up your folds toward your clit and you moaned, hips stuttering. Bob placed one hand on your hip, holding you still, as he leaned forward again, sucking and kissing across your folds, tongue darting out and licking a circle across your clit. 
“Oh, shit!” you whined, grabbing the sheets next to your boy with your fists. “God, that feels so good.” 
Bob nudged his tongue inside of your hole, his nose brushing against your clit with every movement, causing you to shake and whine and moan as he slipped one long finger inside of you, stretching you open. His tongue never left your clit as he worked in a second finger, pumping in and out of you with a steady rhythm that had you panting above him, a neat coil already starting to build in your low stomach. 
“Bobby,” you moaned as he sucked delicately on your clit. 
He lifted his head from between your thighs. “You taste so fucking good,” he whispered. “Could live between your thighs if you’d let me.” 
You closed your eyes, leaning back. “Don’t stop, please, Bobby, don’t stop.” 
“I got you, honey,” he murmured, tipping back forward, tongue darting out and circling your clit perfectly as his fingers curled at the ends, touching your front wall, causing you to melt. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted as your orgasm started to build again, the combination of his tongue and fingers working your core, tipping you over the edge. You cried out in blinding pleasure as Bob thrust his fingers inside of you one last time, tongue delicately working you through the aftershocks before he leaned back, wiping at his slick mouth with the back of his hand. 
You reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling his fingers into your mouth, and he moaned as you drew them back with a smile. “Fuck, Reid,” he whispered, leaning down and kissing you, your legs wrapping around his waist, his cock painfully hard in his joggers as you moaned into his mouth, trailing your hand along the warm skin of his back. He pulled away, sitting back and shucking his pants and boxers, cock springing forward, slapping his stomach. 
You looked at him with wide eyes. You’d seen Bob in boxers before and swimsuits. But you had never seen him naked. 
He was beautiful. You’d been told by countless guys, and girls, that you were beautiful. But looking at Bob in that moment, you understood what beautiful was. 
Bob laid on his side, head propped up on one hand, looking at you, his free hand trailing across your abdomen. 
“Sunny?” he whispered. 
“We don’t have to do this,” he said. “If you want, we can pretend this never happened. All of it. If you’re having any doubts.” 
He thought you pausing to gawk at his body was hesitation. You rolled onto him, pressing your lips to his before pulling back with a smile. “Never,” you said softly. “You’re perfect. I’m never letting you go.” 
And then you reached down, wrapping your hand around his warm, hard cock, stroking him. Bob’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment, his mouth open in a small “o” shape. “Fuck,” he muttered as you stroked him gently, taking your time, rubbing the sticky precum from his tip along the head of his cock with your thumb, pressing right below the tip of his dick on the underside, causing him to buck up into your hand. 
“Such a pretty cock,” you whispered, your lips ghosting over his forehead as he closed his eyes. You pulled your hand away, spitting onto your fingertips before reaching back down and taking him again into your palm, this time moving faster, Bob’s hips flexing forward with each downward stroke. 
You could feel him getting close, and Bob’s hand shot out, gripping your wrist. His eyes pleading with you. “Baby,” he cooed. “Keep doing that and I won’t be able to stop myself.” 
You released him, spreading your hand up onto his chest, playing with the chest hair between his pecs. “I want to feel you, Bobby,” you whispered. “Need you inside of me.” 
“Fuck, honey,” he groaned, rolling over until you were pinned beneath him, your legs spread wide. Bob ran his fingertips from your knees to your hips, looking down at your core, practically drooling at the sight of you dripping wet for him. “Condoms are in the top drawer,” he said. 
You leaned over, opening the drawer and fishing out a silver square, ripping it open and handing it to him. He rolled it down over himself, reaching forward and touching your hole gently with his free hand, cock painfully hard in his hand as he pumped himself while touching you. 
“Honey,” he whispered, leaning forward, grazing his lips across your jaw. “Are you sure about this?” 
You wrapped your arms around Bob’s shoulders. “As sure as anything in the world. I’m yours, Bobby. Always have been.” 
He kissed you softly and you felt his fingertips brush against your core as he lined himself up with your entrance. You took in a big breath as you felt Bob push himself inside of you. He was thick and long, and you were gasping when only the head of his cock was inside of you, splitting you open. “Doing so good for me,” he whispered. “Such a good girl.” 
The words made you blush. You had never expected Bob to be as experienced as he was. But he was still your Bobby. Calm. Protective. He whispered positive reinforcement in your ear as he sank slowly inside of you, stretching you to your limit, his cock stirring inside of you as you whimpered below him on the brink of pain and pleasure. Finally, he was fully seated in you and he paused, one hand brushing at the hair around your face, smiling down at you. 
“Doing OK darlin’?” he asked softly. 
You nodded feverishly. “Bobby, please,” you whined desperately. “Fuck me.” 
“As you wish, sweetheart,” he replied, pulling back and slamming his cock into you, eliciting a surprised half-scream, half-moan to rip from your lips. 
“Oh, God!” 
“So fucking tight,” he whimpered, pulling out and thrusting his hips toward you over and over, pulling one of your legs up high near his hip so he could angle his cock impossibly deeper inside of you. “Perfect fucking pussy,” he moaned as you leaned forward, grabbing his face with your hands, pressing your lips to him, forcing him to swallow your screams as he slammed his cock inside of you repeatedly until you were jelly beneath him, your clit rubbing against his pubic bone with each breathy thrust. 
“Shit, fuck, feels so good,” you groaned as Bob’s hands dug into your hips, hiking you higher against him. He was gripping you so tight there would be bruises afterward but you didn’t care. You couldn’t get close enough to him. You wanted him deeper inside of you and to never pull away. 
Bob released one hand, letting it float over to your clit, thumb expertly circling the bundle of nerves, never losing his rhythm as he buried his cock inside of you. 
“Fuck!” you cried as you felt your orgasm building. “I’m gonna come.” 
“Come for me,” he whispered hoarsely, eyes never leaving yours. “Please, Sunny, wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh, God, Bobby,” you whimpered as he pressed down hard with his thumb and you felt yourself shatter around him, the even pumping of his cock against your walls and the pressure from his thumb on your clit sending your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you gasped and moaned beneath him. 
Bob pulled his thumb away once he was assured your orgasm was over, tipping forward onto his forearms, pressing his lips to yours as his hips stuttered and he came hard, gasping into your mouth. You felt him filling the condom inside of you, your fingers digging into the flesh of his biceps as you swallowed his throaty moans. 
He pulled back a few inches and you smiled, dropping your hands from his arms, running your fingers up through his hair. “Hi,” you whispered softly. 
Bob chuckled and the movement jostled his softening cock inside of you, causing it to harden again. He groaned, pulling out and tying off the condom, dropping it into the waste bin next to the bed and pulling you back into his arms, your head resting on his chest. You wrapped one arm around him, nuzzling down against him. Lying there with Bob was so familiar. You had done it hundreds of times before. But never naked. Never immediately after sex. Never having known what it was like to watch Bob break into pieces, to feel him press himself inside of you, to know him as intimately as you could know a person. 
“What now?” you whispered against his chest. 
Bob’s fingers threaded through your hair softly. “I was thinking we microwave some pizza rolls.” 
You sat back and shook your head, laughing. “Bobby! I’m serious.” 
“Me too,” he said. “I love pizza rolls.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
He chuckled, pulling you back down, pressing kisses to your temple. “Honey, not to sound cavalier, but I don’t really care what’s next. I have everything I could ever want. I have everything I’ve wanted since I was nineteen, right here, in my arms, rolling her eyes at me. It’s always been you, Reid. You’re the love of my life. You’re always going to be the love of my life. If you’re in, I’m in. You’re it for me, sweetheart. You’re everything.” 
“I love you so much,” you whispered, tugging him in closer, pressing your eyes closed. “I never want to leave here.” 
Bob pulled the blanket over your intertwined bodies carefully, smoothing it over you. “We have all the time in the world, darlin’,” he whispered. 
You rolled over until you were on top of Bob, shifting your hips and you felt him start to harden against your stomach and you smiled. You pressed your lips to the column of his throat, grinding your wet pussy against his upper thigh, groaning against his salty skin. 
“Baby, what’s the rush?” he asked as you reached down, stroking him. “I mean, I’m happy to go again. I just want to know why we’re rushing it.” 
“I just need you,” you murmured. “I need all of you. As much as I can get.” 
“Like I could ever say no to you.” Bob grinned, rolling you onto your back, already reaching for another condom as you parted your legs beneath him, feeling him sink into you as the two of you moaned in tandem. “God, darlin’, feel so fucking perfect.” 
You wound your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “I want you for the rest of my life, Bobby.” 
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 1 year
Request rules and Character list
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
~here are a few rules~
I don't write:
anything to do with piss
large age gaps/ageplay
smut for characters under 18
crossover au
Fanfiction of real people
mlm relationships (it's not my place to write what I haven't experienced)
Incest (this includes anything to do with stepsiblings and stepparents)
Please don't:
harass me about my writing/schedule
critique my writing without permission
repost my writing (reblogging is okay and encouraged)
Characters/fandoms I write for:
Titanic (1997)~
Jack Dawson
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Peter Pan
Henry Mills
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Doctor Strange
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Peter Parker (All three of them)
Wade Wilson
Peter Maximoff (Pietro only by request if I feel like it. I don't like him that much)
Star Wars~
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Rey Skywalker (Argue with the wall)
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ashoka Tano
Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
Star Trek (The JJ Abrams version)~
James Kirk
Pavel Chekov
Dr. Leonard McCoy
House M.D.~
Gregory House
Allison Cameron
Robert Chase
Doctor Who~
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Clara Oswald
River Song
The Hunger Games~
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Young Coriolanus Snow (don't start with me)
Johanna Mason
Harry Potter~
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin (Mauraders and Golden Era)
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
My Babysitter's a Vampire~
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Rory Keaner
Erica Jones
Sarah Fox
Top Gun/Maverick~
Pete Mitchell
Bradley Bradshaw
Jake Seresin
Gilmore Girls~
Lorelai Gilmore
Rory Gilmore
Jess Mariano
Indiana Jones
Wilford Warfstache
Marty McFly
Ferris Bueller
Cameron Frye
Malcolm Bright/Whitly
~this is just a preliminary line up and more characters will be added~
All my works will use feminine descriptors and pronouns unless specified in the request. Feel free to send in a request and I'll be sure to get to it as quick as I can!
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satansapostle6 · 1 month
I Left The Light On And The Back Door Open For You | Robert Chase
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From the moment he first saw Margot Lange from legal, Dr. Robert Chase knew he was in for a wild ride that he never wanted to end.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
Chapter One: Office Tiger
Dr. Robert Chase was annoyed, to say the least. His employer, the cantankerous and sometimes chaotic evil Dr. House, had sent him all the way down to the first floor for something that didn’t exist, just for his entertainment during the work day. Intending on confronting him, Dr. Chase returned to the fourth floor of the hospital when he realized that the department of diagnostic medicine had a visitor, who was currently speaking with House. He had never seen this woman before.
Dr. Chase realized that the woman speaking with House was another Princeton-Plainsboro employee, most likely not one of the doctors, based on her attire. Lisa Cuddy was, in some cases, a very lenient employer, focusing more so on an employee’s skills and results as opposed to superficial factors, such as behavior or approach toward less important rules. This had been demonstrated on many occasions through her hiring and continued employment of Dr. House.
Chase was beginning to understand that this was also her approach toward the woman House was speaking with, based on her attire that normally would be somewhat frowned upon in a typical work environment. While the woman’s attire wasn’t exactly inappropriate in nature, Chase couldn’t help but find it somewhat distracting to him, even if he knew that that was more so his own problem than the woman’s. Chase couldn’t help but be distracted by the tall hospital employee, whether it was because of her pretty face, long dark hair, or full-bodied characteristics.
“Miss Lange, I seriously don’t have time for this.”
“And I ‘seriously’ don’t have time to go to court for ten malpractice cases in a week, but then again, here we are,” the woman, addressed as ‘Miss Lange’, retaliated firmly.
Her voice had a rather bright, airy quality to it that was oddly inspiring. Inspiring of what, Chase had no idea. He noticed that it was almost like she was speaking in a way that was oddly retro, to the effect of being almost transatlantic. She was a rather interesting and unique type of attractive, but this didn’t stop Chase from being attracted to her at all. She was unlike many of the women he’d been with before, and also unlike many of the women he’d seen before.
She was slender and tall, especially in high heels. In heels, Chase estimated that she had to be almost six feet. She was taller than him in her stylish black Louboutins, but he hardly minded. This was one of the most remarkably beautiful women he’d ever seen, with her long black hair, blunt bangs, and dark hazel eyes. Her skin looked like pale silk, and he was mesmerized.
“Did you know the legal department has employees, like myself, specifically designated as ‘House damage control’?” the lawyer questioned Dr. House.
“I’m flattered,” the man smiled sarcastically.
Chase then realized that the woman was part of Princeton-Plainsboro’s legal staff, and patiently stood with his arms crossed by the door to try and see how her argument with House would pan out. Most people who dared to go toe to toe with House either lost, or lost their minds in the process, but usually it was both. However, this woman didn’t seem to be budging.
“I’m telling you, House, the legal department doesn’t have the time or energy to deal with this. As much as I appreciate you almost single-handedly getting me that SLK I wanted, I’m gonna have to ask that you not violate the Hippocratic Oath every Tuesday, or at least wait until I’ve had my morning espresso.”
“Honey, if your arguments are as solid as your ass, I think you’ll be just fine,” he promised her.
“They are,” she stated, as Chase raised an eyebrow, looking around the room completely flabbergasted.
Dr. Foreman and Dr. Cameron, who were sitting around waiting, both seemed relatively used to this behavior between the two of them.
“I’ll tell you what. You cut down my case load by three a week, I’ll let you bounce a quarter off of it,” the attorney incentivized.
Robert Chase did everything in his power not to let his jaw physically drop to the floor.
“Oh, challenge accepted, toots,” the older doctor said immediately.
The woman, affectionately referred to as ‘Miss Lange’, who couldn’t have been older than thirty-two, turned as she left the room, stopping in front of Chase on the way out.
“Do you happen to have a lighter on you?” she said after a moment of thought.
“Erm, no, sorry,” he shook his head, snapping himself out of his trance as she walked by.
“Shame. Anyways. You gonna be at the casino thing tonight?”
“Yeah,” Chase smirked, glad there was a work event that night.
“Alright. Cool,” was all she had to say to him.
He looked out into the hall as she walked off, shamelessly fixed on the way she moved, her hips moving lightly from side to side as she walked.
“Who is that?” he asked excitedly.
“Hey. Don’t make me spray you with the hose,” House sarcastically interrupted his depraved train of thought. “She’s mine. Back off.”
“What?” Chase snapped back to reality.
Eric Foreman and Alison Cameron both shook their heads at him.
“That’s Margot Lange. I’m only gonna say this once: do not hit that,” House warned.
“What?” Chase questioned, shocked. “Why?” he complained.
“Because. She’ll eat you alive, like some sort of office tiger,” the man informed him, leaning on his cane.
“What does that even mean?” Chase stared at him.
House sighed at his hopeless employee. “You know how you can compare a woman to a shot of espresso?”
Robert Chase had no idea how to answer this particular question.
“I guess…?”
“Well, that woman is a double shot of warm Everclear,” House told him.
But Chase just stood there, staring at him with a clear lack of understand. House made a show of rolling his eyes impatiently, trying to reiterate his warning.
“Do not engage. No man who’s ever tried to pursue a relationship with that woman has ever succeeded,” Gregory House ignored him. “Or come out unscathed.”
“Who said anything about a relationship?” Chase scoffed, a slight insecurity to his response.
“Nice try,” Dr. House commended him, “But even if you don’t want a relationship with her, after a few nights, you will. Trust me. And then, that’ll go south really fast, and you’ll quit, and then I’ll have to find someone to take your place. So just, don’t.”
“Why, are you speaking from experience?” the thirty year-old doctor stared.
“Yes, but not mine. Dr. Wilson’s. ‘Nuff said.”
Chase thought about Wilson for a moment, fully aware of the man’s addictive ‘falling in love’ tendency.
“Yes, but that’s also Dr. Wilson,” he reasoned in his distinctive Australian accent, “He’d fall in love with a blowup doll.”
“Well, what about Dr. Michaels? And Dr. Bettencourt? And Dr. Gonzalez? And Dr. Yu?”
“How can someone even have that much free time?” Dr. Cameron murmured, as Foreman just shrugged.
“Who’s Dr. Yu?” Chase didn’t recognize the name.
“Exactly,” House frowned.
“What if I only get with her once?” Dr. Chase tried to bargain.
“Buddy. She’ll eat you alive.”
“But… What if that’s what I want?” Chase asked cheekily, only to be met with disgust.
“Ugh!” Allison Cameron practically gagged.
“I promise you, you’ll somehow end up with your heart on the floor.”
“Seriously?” Chase asked. “She’s that bad?” he said in disbelief.
“Yes, now can we move on? I’m getting bored, we’ve been on the same topic for a whole two minutes!”
That particular day working for Dr. House wasn’t necessarily the worst that Dr. Chase had ever experienced. They had all left the hospital at a fairly reasonable hour, in time for him to head home and get changed for the office outing to a casino that night. Chase had been fairly excited to get out and head to the casino, mostly because he hadn’t had much of a social life in the past month or so. He was hoping he’d meet someone, or at least have a fairly pleasant evening of socializing with his colleagues, preferably not involving Dr. House.
The casino seemed to be decently populated that Thursday night. Motivated to get the night going, Chase approached the bar, ordering himself a decent scotch. He sat down for a moment, finishing the drink so he could start to feel a light buzz. He looked at the seat beside him, pleasantly surprised to find it was already occupied by a woman. And not just any woman.
“Hey, blondie,” the woman teased him, downing an entire martini right before his eyes.
“It’s you. From earlier,” he realized, almost having forgotten she’d asked him if he was coming.
“What’s your name?” she asked, nodding as the bartender took her glass and offered a refill.
“Robert. Robert Chase,” he told her. “What’s yours?” he decided it best to pretend he hadn’t been told.
“Margot Lange,” she introduced herself confidently.
Robert had to admit he found her confidence attractive, to say the least. The more he drank, the more he couldn’t deny that she was a generally very attractive woman, with her wide, alluring eyes and her chic stature. Robert had to admit he was certainly not opposed to being with a tall woman, especially if that woman was Margot. She wore her height well, embracing it with high heels that had to have made her around six feet tall.
Unlike most men, Robert Chase didn’t feel emasculated by a beautiful, tall woman. If anything, he found her height to be rather attractive, in the way she carried herself as if she were something to be chased. Chase did love himself a tall woman.
“Nice to meet you, Margot,” he smiled charmingly. “Can I buy your next drink?”
“Sure,” she smiled, a seductive purr to her voice.
“So, what do you like to do in your free time?” he asked in turn.
“I’m a lawyer, and I deal with malpractice at the same hospital House works at, do you think I have any free time?” she crossed one leg over the other as she turned to face him.
“Good point,” Chase offered a good-humored smile. “So, what would you like to do in your free time?”
“Honestly, at this point, I’m lucky if I get to make cosmopolitans and watch TV or read a book for a whole day,” she explained. “I’d like to do that.”
“That does sound very relaxing,” he nodded in agreement. “My days off pretty much work the same way. I don’t get too much time to myself, so when I do, I tend to spend it on pretty simple things.”
“Do you like clubbing?” Margot asked.
“Er, I used to, sort of, when I was a little younger,” the young doctor thought. “I never went a whole lot, but when I did go out, that’s the kind of thing I would do.”
“What about raves? You ever go to one?”
“No,” Chase considered, “Not really. Honestly, I’m pretty vanilla.”
“I can see that,” she smirked, prompting him to reconsider the exact wording of that statement, looking embarrassed.
“You seem like you’ve really lived,” he chuckled nervously, feeling his own social life paled in comparison to hers.
“Wanna play a drinking game?” she asked, trying to put him at ease.
“Depends on what the game is,” he looked at her curiously, folding his hands in thought.
“‘Never Have I Ever’. If it’s your turn, you say something you've never done before, and if the other person’s done it, they take a sip of their drink. We take turns,” she concluded.
“Wouldn’t you end up way more drunk than me?” he wondered.
“Not if you guess right,” she sipped on her martini.
“Alright. Consider me game,” he smiled.
“I’ll go first,” she offered, thinking hard about her first turn. “Never have I ever… peed myself in public,” she watched him for a reaction.
“What—” Chase stared at her in disbelief, reluctantly sipping on his glass of scotch. “That’s what you went with?”
“I was curious,” she grinned at the humor of the situation. “Besides, you peed yourself in public, I don’t think you get to judge.”
“I was seven!” he complained defensively.
“Okay, okay, fine,” she agreed mockingly. “Your turn, then.”
“Okay. Never have I ever…” it took him a moment to come up with something he felt could be successful. “Done heroin,” he threw out satirically.
Margot smirked at him, pointedly dragging out her actions as she picked up her martini glass and dramatically held it out to him before taking a small sip. Robert Chase was in shambles as he tried to decide whether to cry out incredulously or simply apologize profusely.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to feel bad,” she promised him, “I’m still here. And a lawyer.”
Chase laughed as the two of them enjoyed the moment, continuing with the childish game as they drank together, both having a surprisingly good time. Robert knew that he’d have a good time with Margot. He knew that House had to have been exaggerating. Right?
“Never have I ever shoplifted,” she suggested eagerly.
“I’ve never done that before, actually,” he told her as she took a tiny sip of her drink.
“Really?” Margot asked nonchalantly, “It’s fun.”
Robert stared. “Why do I almost feel like you’ve done it more recently than, like, high school?”
She just smiled, not giving away her secrets. At least, not all of them.
“Never have I ever… been… in an orgy?” Chase said slowly.
“Define ‘orgy’.”
“Sex with at least three other people?” he decided.
Margot laughed. “That’s the only thing you could think of that you don’t think I’ve done?”
“Sorry,” he apologized quickly, feeling awkward.
But she still seem amused. “No, it’s fine.”
He watched, gulping as she took a sip of her drink. Soon enough, the two of them were out, and Robert ordered them another round. Although they both occasionally ran out of alcohol, he found that the one thing that didn’t seem to be running out, luckily, was conversation. Both of them seemed to lose track of time sitting alone together at the bar.
“Never have I ever… posed nude,” Robert baited, definitely feeling the scotch getting to his head.
Margot rolled her eyes at the basic question, as both of them took a drink. She seemed satisfied by this outcome.
”Never have I ever been leaked,” she stated.
Once again, both of them took a drink. Robert stopped for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts as he looked curiously at the woman across from him.
“How is it that you’ve lived such a life?” Chase wondered.
“That’s not the game,” Margot reminded him.
He just nodded, disappointed as he tried to think of something good. “Never have I ever… done it in public.”
Both of them scoffed and drank.
Margot grinned mischievously. “Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.”
“Well… there was one time,” he braced himself, earning a pointed eyebrow raise, “I didn’t actually do it, but there was a dare, at a party, and… I guess I kind of wanted to,”
“I just want to point out that that was definitely a lie, by the way. More so than anything else we’ve said. I have. Plenty of times. I just really wanted to know the answer,” she remarked.
“Never have I ever slept with a coworker,” Chase lied, as she took another sip of her drink.
He felt pretty confident, until her next quip. She looked him right in the eyes as she said it, and he could’ve sworn his knees buckled.
“Never have I ever done someone in an alley behind a casino.”
The subsequent taxi ride to Margot’s place felt unnecessarily long, but as soon as he’d front door closed, the clothes came off. They were both stripped down to their undergarments before even reaching her bedroom upstairs. Margot broke the sloppy kiss, much to Robert’s disappointment, sitting promptly on the bed as he looked down at her in confusion.
“Why’d you stop?” he almost whined, unable to take the way she looked up at him.
“I think… I wanna see you take over for a minute,” she told him, slowly leaning back as she spread her legs for him to see. “I wanna see how you fuck.”
Her words were so deliciously lewd they seemed to have their own unique resonance to them, and he was entranced.
“Alright,” he agreed quickly, tilting her face upward with his index finger.
He kissed her so softly, Margot thought, it was more like kissing a girl. She allowed herself to be entertained by him as he moved his hands, from just above her knees to her hips, the pads of his fingers gently digging into her soft flesh. She felt him passionately slipping his tongue into her mouth, smiling as she toyed with his hair for both amusement and support. He got up on the bed and rested his knees on either side of her, gradually leaning forward so that her body would move backward.
Eventually, she laid on her back looking up at him, eyes full of this feigned innocence. He thought for a moment about how truly good she looked.
“Take this off for me, love?” he asked politely, thumbs circling around the cups of her bra.
She wouldn’t have admitted it, but Margot felt herself growing desperate at the simple act. She then lifted her torso so that he could reach his hands underneath her to unclip her bra, gently putting it aside. She let a tiny, but still present moan escape as he leaned over her, hands holding her breasts as his thumbs tweaked her nipples. Margot pulled him closer to her as he kissed all over the side of her neck, suckling gently despite her gestures and signals for more.
Robert Chase smiled to himself, quickly reassured that he could keep up with a woman like Margot. After all, he’d had his own fair share of amorous exploits. His spike in confidence definitely enhanced his performance, noticeably. Margot smirked to herself triumphantly, realizing she’d chosen well for her midnight snack. Her subsequent responses were overwhelmingly enthusiastic for Chase as she pulled his body over hers on the excitingly large bed. Chase allowed his own animal instincts to take over, crawling on top of her as he kissed her almost harshly, guiding his knee toward her wet center.
“Take these off,” he huffed, slipping off her panties.
Margot chuckled happily as she slid them off, pulling Chase closer to her by the collar of his shirt. He let out a quiet groan as he helped her unbutton and throw off his shirt, thinking he felt more aroused than he ever had in his life. He couldn’t undress fast enough. It wasn’t long before he was stripped down to his underwear, gasping euphorically as he felt Margot’s bright red almond nails digging into the taut flesh on his back. He let out a soft gasp as she rose up from underneath him, flipping him over as he panted softly.
Chase looked up at her with widened blue eyes, heart racing as Margot grinned as she pinned him down. Chase could tell she took pleasure in seeing him helplessly defenseless, which seemed to only excite him more.
“Gotcha,” Margot taunted.
“You got me,” Robert agreed, not sounding particularly broken up about it.
Margot smiled at his eagerness as she slid his briefs down. He gasped as she sank down on top of him, gasping ecstatically. Margot all but pounced on him as she planted harsh kisses on his neck, forcing relieved moans out of him as he thrusted up into her, swearing he’d died and gone to heaven. His hands moved from her ass to her hips, massaging her as she bounced up and down so fast he could hardly think. He could hardly see as he felt himself getting hot.
“Fuck!” Margot sighed, tossing her head back.
Chase grinned, more than satisfied with himself as he watched her. She really was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, let alone slept with. She was confident, and sharp, and fiery. It made for some of the best sex he’d ever had, as ridiculous as it sounded. He even made sure to force himself to last even longer than usual as she clenched tightly around him, just to indulge in the unbelievably intense sensation for longer. He had no idea how long it had really been, but he knew they went at it for at least a solid ten minutes.
Chase suddenly felt the need to switch things up, to add an additional element of spontaneity. So, he took a page out of Margot’s book and pushed her off of his lap. She landed on her lap in the middle of the bed, looking up at him with an animalistic sense of fear in her eyes. She looked up at him with disappointment, pouting seductively as he stood over her on his knees.
“No happy ending?” she teased.
“Not yet, sorry darling,” Chase panted.
Before she knew what was happening, Chase pulled a Margot, flipping her over on her stomach as she let out a squeal of excitement. Margot chuckled as she arched her back. Chase sighed as he slid into her, groaning at the warm feeling. He felt himself twitch at the sound of her loud moans, her pleasure giving him more gratification than anything else.
“Oh, fuck!” he hissed, no longer able to contain his arousal.
“Shit!” Margot whispered, her walls tightening around him.
Chase grinned, feeling himself about to climax as she leaned down, kissing him hungrily as they both clung to one another passionately.
Chapter Two
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slxsherwriter · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my depraved little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of slasher and horror characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of these characters and potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Masterlist mobile friendly || Non-slasher writings blog: @rewritethisstxry
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Who I write for:
Michael Myers (primarily Rob Zombie based)
Corey Cunningham
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Rusty Nail
Eric Newlon
Jesse Cromeans
Asa Emory
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Ethan Landry
Mickey Altieri
Jedidiah Sawyer
Tex Sawyer
Thomas Brown Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Evan MacMillan
Frank Morrison
Caleb Quinn
John Ryder
Leslie Vernon
Ethan Belfrage
Dr. Richard Sommers
Lawrence O'Neill
Lawrence Gordon
Robert Englund characters
Wayne Jackson (A Good Day for It)
Stuart Lloyd (The Last Showing)
Dr. Peter Andover (Fear Clinic)
Professor William Wexler (Urban Legend)
Doc Halloran (Behind the Mask)
Dr. Anton Rudolph (Python)
Jim Bickerman (Lake Placid)
Mayor Buckman (2001 Maniacs)
Warden Kane (The Funhouse Massacre)
Inkubus (Inkubus)
Sheriff Richard Berger (Heartstopper)
Scratch Monahan (Windfall)
Detective Gassner (Criminal Minds)
Mr. Meredith (Natty Knocks)
Tim Wexler (MacGyver)
Vaughn (Hunter)
Lyle Eckert (Walker Texas Ranger)
Costas Mandylor characters
Mark Hoffman (Saw)
The Warden (Death Count)
John Shepherd (Bloodthirst)
Agent Cole Bennett (Night of the Sicario)
Cylus Atkinson (The Horde)
Raymond Crowe (Saints & Sinners)
Jim (Blackout)
Chase Harper (Primal Doubt)
Stephan Lang characters
Norman Nordstrom (Don’t Breathe)
The Party Crasher (The Hard Way)
Miles Quartich (Avatar)
Fred Parras (VFW)
Holt Ramsey (A Good Marriage)
John Korver(Gridlocked)
Tony Cobb (Monkey Paw)
Nathaniel Taylor (Terra Nova)
Richard Brake characters
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (3 From Hell)
Doom-head (31)
Dean Portman (Doom)
Otis Clairborne (RIPD 2)
William Colcott (The Gates)
Mr. Big (Bingo Hell)
Dr. Henry Augustus Wolfgang (The Munsters)
Norman Tyrus (A Good Day For It)
Bill Moseley characters
Otis Driftwood
Luigi Largo (Repo)
Darryl (Old 37)
Logan Burnhardt (Dead Air)
Frank (Fair Game)
Doc (Shed of the Dead)
Zach Garrett (Halloween)
Jake Spooler (The Practice)
Abner Honeywell (Natty Knocks)
Gimple (Minutes to Midnight)
Captain Harris (Welcome to Horrorwood series)
Farmer Sam (Hayride to Hell)
Bruce (Boar)
Jacob Sutter (The Horde)
Peter Van Hooten (The House of the Witchdoctor)
Deputy Henry Depford (Dead Souls)
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girls-alias · 7 months
Stop Everything - Robert Chase
Title: Stop Everything - Robert Chase
Words: 1,019
Relations: Robert Chase X Reader
TW: SMUT! Strong language.
Requested: @vacationbimboschool
"Please make more Chase fics 😍" "Hell yeah! It better be hot ASF 🙏"
Haha, Smut it is then. Hope you enjoy it. 💜
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I smirked as I felt familiar hands join my hips. I giggled as the hands explored my body before lips found my neck. I giggled as I rolled my eyes. Spinning around in his arms to face him. I snaked my arms around Chase's neck as I smiled at him. He smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. I hummed happily against his lips. He smiled against my lips. His tongue soon found my bottom lip. I giggled as I pulled back to look at him.
"Chase we're at work," I explained but he shrugged like he didn't care. I giggled against his lips, his tongue finding my lip again. I allowed him entrance, my lips moving against his. His hands held me close before a hand found my ass, squeezing harshly. I giggled against his lips.
"Chakras," He commented, his lips not leaving mine. I giggled, pulling away slightly but his hands pulled me back to kiss me again.
"We're at work," I repeated but he smirked against my lips.
"So, what?" He questioned. Chakras is our code word for stop everything and have sex. We both have high sex drives and it's a simple way to ensure we're always happy and satisfied. I pulled away, smirking as I looked at him through my eyelashes, a mischievous smirk on my lips. I grabbed his hand, using it to guide him as I walked inconspicuously to a supply closet we could lock ourselves into for a little privacy. As soon as we entered, he closed the door and the lock clicked. I bit my lip as his hands roamed my body. His lips finding my neck as he hungrily rid me of my clothes. My heart rate quickened as he gripped me tightly.
He pulled away from my neck, the back of his hand on the back of my neck pulling me in to his lips. Our lips crashed together, moving in sync as we made out. Lust filled the room. I put my hands under his shirt and started pulling it up before Chase and took it off completely. He came back and kissed me at the same lust filled pace. He lightly grazed his hips into mine. He looked down and admired every inch of my skin before I pushed myself closer to continue the kiss. We slowly grinded against each other before I unbuckled his jeans. He took the hint and pulled away to take off his pants before hurrying to take mine off me.
"You ready?" He whispered between the slow and sensual kisses. I hummed in response. He pulled back. His hand finding the condom in his pocket that was now on the floor and ripped open the packet. He pulled off his boxers, I bit my lip as I watched him pull the condom over his hard and throbbing member. My mouth watering as I admired his size. I pulled down my undies before he smirked at me. I giggled slightly as his hungry eyes admired me. "Ready?" He asked again. I reached out, pulling him in to kiss me. I leant back and he entered me. I groaned making him look at me worried. Instead of saying anything I just kissed him keeping him quiet. I adjusted around him before he slowly thrust into me. There was so much passion between us and love. He reached down, his hand snaking under my left leg to hold it up so he was hitting a new angle, a deeper and more pleasurable angle. He groaned softly against my lips.
"We have to be quiet," I commented breathlessly. He attempted to chuckle, his groans disturbing him.
"You're the loud one," He added, a devilish smirk on his lips before he pulled me back to his lips. His tongue entering my mouth as he pumped deep inside. As he slowly thrust into me he removed his lips from mine and kissed my neck so I could breathe as I was trying not to be loud. He began to speed up sending amazing sensations through my body with each thrust. I pulled his lips onto mine to conceal my moans and groans. He sped up faster and faster to the point of complete bliss the perfect orgasm. A loud moan barely escaped my lips, Chase's hand quickly coming up to cover my mouth as he came inside the condom. Still pumping into me as I breathed heavily through my nose. We rode out the orgasm, sweat making the hair in our face cling to our foreheads slightly. Breathing heavily as we came down from our high.
He smiled as he moved his hand, kissing my lips sloppily as he pulled out of me slowly. I whimpered, missing the feeling of not being empty. He chuckled as he pulled away. "You always do that," He chuckled as he shook his head. I giggled as I rolled my eyes. Chase stepped back, letting me go softly and pulling the condom off. Now where do we put it? We have got to start thinking ahead, we do this every time.
We talked about our current caseload as we got dressed and helped each other look presentable. We composed ourselves before I exited the closet first, looking as innocent as possible. My eyes instantly landed on House. He was sitting in a seat opposite the closet. I laughed as I shook my head, walking away as I knew it wasn't me he was wanting to speak to. He smirked slightly as he saw me, clearly trying not to smile. I chuckled as I heard Chase groan, clearly spotting House.
"God, you smell like sex," House announced loudly. I chuckled as I walked away. House loves messing with Chase, he learnt very quickly that he can't embarrass me so gave up trying. Chase, however, is an easy target. I can practically feel the heat coming off him all the way down the hall, clearly he's blushing and embarrassed. We probably shouldn't have sex at work again but we've said it about a hundred times and never stick to it for long.
Working On
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mt-musings · 2 years
Chapter 53
After being abruptly transferred to the BAU at what she suspects was Gideon's request, Cassie Boann struggles to find her footing. Shy and solitary by nature, the transition is made all the more difficult when Dr. Spencer Reid seems to take an almost immediate dislike to her. Unfortunately for them both, their respective areas of expertise leave them paired off more often than not. But when Cassie's past literally starts hunting her, Spencer is forced to consider that he might, in fact, not hate her at all.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Spencer Reid x OC
Warnings: Canon typical violence, kidnapping, stalking, drug use, blood, injury, death, PTSD, eventual smut, self-harming behavior, childhood sexual abuse, more tags to be added
Series Masterlist
Read on AO3
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53. Territorial Pissings
She didn’t feel any better by the time she arrived at the familiar Southwest Precinct Station. She glanced around as they were shown inside by a Detective Barlowe, who led them to a conference room that had been cleared for their use. She glanced around, looking for any familiar faces—Trevor’s dad should have retired by now, but she couldn’t be sure. 
It would certainly complicate things if he hadn’t. 
She didn’t want to be there, not after the last time—they’d hauled her in kicking and screaming and she was pretty sure she bit one of the cops before they’d ever tossed her in an interview room. She hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye to Trevor before Robert had someone sweep in and take her. She’d been on a plane to the east coast so fast then that her head had spun. 
It looked less shitty than it had fifteen years ago—it was clear the city had upped their police budget. Not that it made them any more competent, judging by the facts of the case so far. 
She’d read through the entire case file four times on the plane. The case against Trevor was circumstantial at best—they hadn’t even found enough to secure a search warrant to his apartment. Not that anyone seemed to care—had they all forgotten that the importance of the profiler was to be objective, to look at the evidence, to not fixated on one subject because they seemed the easiest to do so?
She paused as she felt a hand close on her bicep and turned to find Spencer looking concerned.
“Are you alright?”
“Just thinking. The file doesn’t quite make sense. I mean—doesn’t it seem a little, I don’t know, convenient? Why are we narrowing our pool down to one person before we even canvas? It seems like a big risk to me, especially when there’s a good chance Mandy’s still alive and out there. I mean, I know Hotch probably knows people here since he worked at the field office, but it seems strange.”
“I don’t know, I guess the locals are pretty sure.”
“So we’re just here to dig up the dirt they haven’t managed to find in the months since they discovered the first body?”
“I don’t—I don’t know, Cass. You’ll have to bring it up with Hotch. Maybe there’s something we don’t know yet that makes them so sure.”
“Maybe,” she said, though her tone made it clear how very much she doubted it. She told Hotch as much once the local detectives stepped out of the room.
“It feels lazy—I mean half of these so-called sightings were made by people who’s chases were dropped in exchange for their statements. I mean, isn’t it strange there’s no CCTV footage backing any of this up I really think it’s worth going back through and—“
“A lack of physical evidence doesn’t mean he’s innocent either,” Rossi said, raising an eyebrow.
“It does, actually in any court other than Kangaroo. I mean, if everyone’s already decided he’s the guy, why are we even here? Maybe it’s because there’s not even enough to hold him past 72 hours, never mind get a search warrant from a judge who’s ever opened a law book.”
“Listen, sweetheart, maybe you should stick to the CSI and we’ll work on the profile, alright?”
Cassie stared at him for a moment before turning to Hotch. He didn’t meet her gaze. 
“I need you to go to the morgue and examine the most recent victim,” Hotch said, nodding towards the door. She stared at him for a moment, brows furrowed before she turned on her heel. 
She went to the lab and compiled her report before asking someone to show her to the file storage. She often wished she could read as fast as Spencer, but found herself especially wishing when she saw the number of cabinets and knew how far she’d have to go back to prove her point. Still, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t gotten really good at speed-combing files since she’d started hunting through Soviet files for a trace of Hadeon. 
She opened the first drawer and began pulling files. She just needed to track down the evidence to make them believe her. 
He didn’t know how he knew, he just knew something was wrong. Maybe the house was too quiet—maybe Emma had seemed too quiet before going to bed, early, of her own volition. He usually had to force her, or else she fell asleep on one of her books. He thought maybe she was sick—it was almost April and everyone at school was getting one bug or another. That or she could just be trying to avoid his dad. He wasn’t usually home for dinner, whether he was working or not, but he’d made them eat ‘as a family’ and he knew she’d been on the verge of a panic attack the whole time. 
He crept upstairs to where Emma’s bedroom was, careful to avoid the creaky stair. She was probably just asleep, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to relax until he checked on her. 
The door was slightly ajar and he froze, decade old panic seizing him. Emma was fast asleep, the blankets pulled off her, one arm still holding the stuffed elephant he’d dug out of his old toys to help her sleep. His dad was standing over her, eyes intent on her sleeping form. He’d pulled down her pants to expose her underwear, was tracing the scars on her thighs with a sick sort of satisfaction.
Trevor didn’t think. He just pushed into the room and grabbed the lamp off the bureau. His father had enough time to turn before he brought it down, hard, on his head. He collapsed in a heap on the ground and Trevor threw the lamp on his head before crossing to Emma and pulling up her pajamas before crushing her in a hug. He started to panic when she didn’t quite wake, her eyes only half opening. 
“Memm? Fuck, wake up. Wake up.” He was shaking, his whole body was shaking and he felt like he was going to be sick.
“‘M trying,” she slurred. He searched her face, taking in the glossy expression, the too-big pupils and putting it together with how she’d seem to crash as soon as dinner ended. His dad had prepared everyone’s plates, making them wait at the table.
He’d put something in her food.
“We’re going, okay? I’m gonna pack you a bag, you gotta try and wake up, okay Memmie? Listen to me, you gotta wake up. Try really, really hard, okay?”
She nodded, blinking rapidly. He took a deep breath and stepped over his dad, kicking him in the ribs as he went, and threw open the closet. He grabbed the duffle bag she’d come with and shoved all he could fit into it—clothes, shoes, books, the few toys she had laying about. He zippered it as much as he was able before throwing it over his shoulder and grabbing her from the bed, wrapping her blanket around her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying in to his shoulder. He took her downstairs and packed his own bag full of clothes and all the cash he had on hand and whatever else he could fit. He’d have to leave the records, but it was a small price to pay to get out. 
He carried her for four blocks before he found a phone booth. He’d ripped out the page of his notebook that had Claw’s number scribbled on it. He’d never meant to use it—he ran with a much heavier crowd and even though he was fun to hang out with and drink, he didn’t want to get mixed up in whatever he was running. 
Still, he was the only person Trevor knew that didn’t live with their parents and would never rat them out to the police, no matter what. 
He dropped in the coins and dialed, listening to it ring and ring until he was convinced no one would pick up. He was just about to hang up when a voice answered, sounding either very exhausted or very stoned. Maybe both.
“Hi, um, this is Trev, I was looking for Claw?”
“Oooh the the Rat King guy, right? Yeah, gimme a second. CLAW! PHONE!”
“Hey, it’s Claw.”
“It’s Trev, um, I need a huge favor.”
“Man, you’re too young for me to sell—“
“No, no—I need somewhere to crash with my little sister. My dad—my dad was gonna hurt her so I hit him with a lamp and he might be dead, but we need a place to lay low. He’s a cop, so we’re fucked.”
“Fuck dude. Yeah, okay. Where are you? We’ll pick you up.”
Trevor gave him the address and hung up, scanning the street for oncoming traffic, for his dad’s beat up truck, for police lights. His heart was still hammering in his chest, his breathing too fast. He sat on the curb and squeezed his eyes shut, hugging Emma tighter to him as he tried to push away the flood of memories.
He’d almost been too late. 
He glanced down at her, smoothing back her hair to look at her face. She was fast asleep, her body limp, though when he checked her breathing it was normal. He smoothed his thumb over the scar on her cheek and hoped she wouldn’t remember tonight, wouldn’t have another reason to wake up screaming. 
He didn’t know what they’d do once they got to Claw’s—it wasn’t like he had a ton of money saved and he knew there would be people looking for them, people who would put Emma right back in that house with his monster of a father. He could figure it out though—he’d be eighteen in nine months and then it would be easier, by then they’d right them off as runaways. 
He just needed to focus on getting them through the next few days. 
Cassie walked back to the conference room, a thick stack of files in her arms. She was careful to obscure the names on the tabs, eyes peeled for any of the officers mentioned in the files. The last thing she needed to do right now was tip them off that she'd figured out why they were so insistent on pursuing their single lead, why'd they'd pulled in the FBI to legitimize and caver up the extent of what was actually happening.
“What are we doing wasting time with this, Hotch? She’s a glorified lab rat, what does she know about child abduction cases?” Rossi said, irritation plain.  “I’m sure she’s great in the lab, but the profile—“ 
Cassie stepped into the room and cleared her throat, schooling her face into something completely neutral. They’d both know that she’d heard what he’d said, but she wasn’t about to give anyone that satisfaction of an emotional reaction. She closed the door behind her to be safe, careful to keep her voice low and even and difficult for anyone passing by to overhear.
“I pulled the files of similar cases from the last few decades, I can have Dr. Reid go through them if that’s the most efficient use of time, they present a pattern that I believe excludes Boucher as a suspect and outlines something far more insidious. I also just got back the chemical analysis from the latest victim which shows a fairly nuanced use of forensic countermeasures, as I predicted, though I was able to isolate a single sample, which I’m running against VICAP. I’ll let you know if I get any hits,” she said, addressing only Hotch. He nodded.
“Hold off on the files, I want you and Reid to nail down the geographic profile as much as possible and run it against the places we know Boucher frequents.”
“Sir, I really think this deserves further investigation, it implicates—“
“Work the geographic profile for now. We’ll circle back if necessary.”
She stared at him for a moment, pursing her lips. Hotch had never cut her off like that, or disregarded what she had to say. Not until Rossi showed up. 
Still, she nodded before turning on her heel and walking back to the conference room where Spencer was working. 
“What’d he say about the files?”
“He wants you to nail down the geographic profile and figure out what overlap it has with Boucher’s routine.”
“Fair enough. Sorry, I know it’s not the angle you wanted to work.”
“I just—I’m going to get some air.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just need to cool down.”
“Okay. Just—let me know if you need anything, okay?”
She nodded, and walked back to the file room where she’d organized dozens of files, all documenting a frighteningly similar MO spanning nearly thirty years. A handful were unsolved—the ones that resulted in murder. But the rest, were the victims had survived—she’d really had to dig for them, because they’d all been dropped. Some had never been properly filed in the first place, just tucked away in the back of a file cabinet to rot. 
She was seething—of course it was easier to just go after Trevor, to follow the asinine little rabbit trail that seemed to oh-so-conveniently lead directly to him, outlined perfectly by the local-yokels. Why bother to look any deeper, to wonder why it seemed so obvious, why they’d be called in for such an obvious collar.
“I can’t wait until we can just haul Boucher in and be done with it. Fucking tired of all this federal profiling crap.”
Cassie froze. She recognized detective Meyer’s voice.
“As long as they find enough to book him,” came another voice, deeper. Detective Barlowe, then.
“We’ll make sure they find it,” Meyers replied and the pair laughed. “After that, no one will keep digging if he happens to, you know.”
Cassie’s stomach twisted. They were going to kill him. Pin it on him and kill him.
Sometimes she fucking hated being right. 
She took a deep breath, steeling herself. She waited until she was sure they’d wandered off before grabbing the stack of files and shoving them into her bag. She deposited her work laptop on the little desk in the corner of the file room and zipped everything up before taking the battery out of her cell phone, that way the last GPS ping would be at the station.
She stared at it for a long moment, knowing there wasn’t any going back. Still, if she stayed—she’d already tried to convince the rest of the team that Trevor wasn’t their unsub, had said over and over that the profile wasn’t right, that it felt like a frame job, but no one seemed to take her seriously. She doubted they’d take her seriously when she told them the department was dirty, that she’d heard Barlowe and Meyers laughing about planting evidence. Doubted even more they’d believe they were planning to murk him.
It was the same shit she’d had to put up with the last six years with her own case—how many time had she been brushed off for her ‘crackpot theories,’ how many reprocessing requests had been denied, how many requests to officially re-open the case had been all but laughed out of the higher ups offices? She was tired of it, tired of shitty police work, tired of negligence and apathy and downright sabotage. 
That was why she’d joined the FBI, after all—because no one gave enough of a shit to even attempt to solve her case. Because if she didn’t do it, no one would. Because she’d do the right thing, she’d always do the right thing—that was what she’d promised herself. It was why she first ended up in the Smithsonian lab, running samples the regular lab wouldn’t, doing basic evidentiary due diligence. It had started off with her parents’ case of course, but there were so many others that had been shunted to similar statuses, enough that she’d created her referral system, her work-around to circumvent unit chiefs that couldn’t think out of the box.
She didn’t have one of the highest solve rates in CASMIRC from fucking around and holding to methods and theories she knew didn’t work. No, she’d only invented an entirely new method to identifying remains, for widening the pool of reference, for turning dead ends into new leads. 
But then again, she was only a ‘glorified lab rat.’
And as long as she didn’t end up with a felony charge, she had a job waiting for whenever she wanted doing just that—Dr. Garvey would be thrilled. And it wasn’t as if the FBI had gotten her much closer to Hadeon. Sure, she had access to VICAP and files of possible suspects or more crimes, but the only true breakthrough she’d managed was because of her research in the lab. 
She hesitated for a moment, thinking of Spencer in the other room, diligently working on tracking down an innocent man whom he thought to be the obvious killer. She could tell him what she was about to do, tell him that she was going to walk away from it all. He’d try to talk her out of it, someone might hear, and then he’d either have to tell Hotch her plan and possibly give away any surprise advantage she might have had, or he’d have to lie and be made complicit.
It wasn’t fair to him, either way. Not when there was no chance he’d change her mind. She tried not to think about how her walking out without a word would gut him, how it would bring up all the awful memories of Gideon and his father, how he’d specifically asked her not to. 
She wasn’t leaving, not really. It would be a few days at most, a few days to put it all together, to find that little girl instead of wasting her time like everyone else on a wild goose chase. She wasn’t going to waste her time being hamstringed by protocol when she had a chance of preventing another death by doing what she knew was right.
Two, if she could manage it.
She scribbled a note, tucking it into Spencer’s cardigan pocket, which he’d left slung over a chair in the bullpen. She hoped it would be enough for him to understand.
She walked out of the station, bag slung over one shoulder. She didn’t look back, just kept walking until she was half a dozen blocks away, until she’d walked too far to turn back. This, at least, she could do. 
She could disappear. 
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. Please be aware that i write based on my current fixations. Fixations may vary in how much i want to write them so i’ll be ranking from the MOST interested to the LEAST interested but will write. Please be patient in waiting for your fics as i, sadly, have IRL work to worry about too! 
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
Kid!reader (ONLY platonic-parental relationships)
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
Current immediate fixation:
HOUSE MD (Up to s2)
Gregory House 
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Lisa Cuddy
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Tomas Vrbada
Dr. Ratio
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Less interested (but will write) Fixations:
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
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phr0ggie · 2 years
Now taking fanfic requests!
Yay submit them!!! >;))))
Can be smut No dark themes though
Fluff angst ect are all welcomed!
Can also be Platonic/sibling dynamics :DD
No female readers
characters must be apart of the list
Paul Dano! Riddler
Robert Pattinson! Batman
zoe kravitz! Catwoman
Adrian Chase
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker (all 3!)
Steve Rogers
Dr Stephen Strange
All the mooknight boys!
layla el-faouly
Pietro Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Frank Castle
Matt Murdock
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Jessica Jones
Stranger things!
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathon Byers
 List will be updated as I get into fandoms/remember characters!
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