#dr on demand
Wisconsin TeleHealth Services
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What is WI TeleHealth Services?
Wisconsin TeleHealth Services, or telemedicine, is a way for older adults to receive medical care remotely using a digital device like a smartphone or computer. Telehealth can be a convenient and cost-effective way for older adults to receive care.
It can also help those with mobility or transportation limitations who may have difficulty getting to a doctor's office.
Telehealth can be used for a variety of care, including:
Lab test or x-ray results Mental health treatment Recurring conditions like migraines or urinary tract infections Skin conditions Prescription management Urgent care issues like colds, coughs, and stomach aches
During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has been used in both home and long-term care settings. In long-term care settings, telehealth has been used to provide collaborative support for getting advice from multiple specialists.
Telehealth can also help reduce caregiver burnout. Caregivers don't have to drive patients to and from in-person appointments, which frees them up to attend to other responsibilities.
To use telehealth, seniors can:
Provide access to a device Make a virtual appointment in the doctor's online patient portal or app Practice online safety Prepare for a medical exam. Pick up medications. Provide assistive technology.
Virtual Urgent Care
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spirk-trek · 3 months
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lumiereswig · 2 months
One thing I'm not noticing anyone else talking about—the production value thing is not because they think it's what the fans want. It's not. They want to go for higher production value, it's important to them. That's not a bad thing. Ryan has stressed multiple times on podcasts, behind the scenes content, even the live appearance I saw him at that it's important to him their new media is better quality than Unsolved. I think part of that is just anxiety that what they make isn't good enough, but I'm also sure it's a natural artistic yearning to want to expand and grow. Shane and Steven probably feel the same way about their shows. Ryan has also mentioned how taxing it is for so much of the channel to be about him, which he mentions again in the video with the comment about wanting to expand with other creators. And there's nothing weird about that! That's just facing realistic burnout. The vibe in the announcement video from Shane and Ryan is extremely telling of burnout. They're growing the content because (1) it's exhausting for them to make the exact same style of content for the 8+ years they've been doing it, and one of the ways to get past burnout is by pushing your boundaries and growing creatively; and (2) just making the shows, all of the shows, with themselves as the camera-facing element has to be exhausting for them.
I still think this is a bad decision but I think it's one grounded in their own creative impulses and how hard they've been working for several years now, not some urge to suddenly live the high life. They want to make stuff they're personally proud of, and right now that's beyond their means. I'd make an argument that they should opt for scaling back instead of jumping forward right now, but that doesn't mean they're making this choice because they hate their fanbase or are suddenly a big corporation. They've made a mistake, and hopefully they'll be able to tweak the Watcher TV system in the next couple days to make it more affordable for all.
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griffinsoup · 1 month
marcille: (in ideal conditions) 12-step skin care routine, expensive conditioner, wears sunscreen/magical equivalent everyday, uses a silk pillowcase
falin: washes her face with 3-in-1
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jtownraindancer · 2 months
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Stolen Glances
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panic-flavored · 1 year
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robotnik didn’t realize when he was designing the merbot prototype that a lot of merfolk - stone included - have a thing for big, strong tails 👀
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logicalloony · 1 year
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May I present my favorite crash gooblies
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midnightcaptions · 3 months
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[Don't Stand So Close To Me plays distantly in the lab]
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scarperseus · 2 months
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oh dear, he’s turned neon..
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fideidefenswhore · 1 month
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the downfall and execution of a tudor queen (2023) / the boleyns: a scandalous family (2021) / the king's pearl: henry viii and his daughter mary (2017), melita thomas / anne boleyn (tv miniseries 2021) / the mirror and the light (2024) / elizabeth (1998)
#web weaving#sort of?#i never feel like my edits really fit#they're more like collages#anyway...me on my island with the one other tudor fan that liked AB 2021 lol#'our expectations were low but holy fuck' sounds like a lot of consternation about a pretty...solid script?#what i loved most about it was moments like the above#the ability to summarize really complex dynamics borne of circumstance#in such a way that you can believe in the world and it serves as its own 'previously on' that a miniseries inherently lacks#esp when it only covers five crucial months#tl; dr there's a lot of smugness evident in many books of this genre#when it comes to anne's attitude towards her stepdaughter#bcus she was quote proven wrong unquote; becaues mary got quote the last laugh unquote...#when really. as per the quotes i've been posting#it doesn't seem like mary's reconciliation with her father was the idyll many have made it#thus we have anne's letter#and offer. knowing that others are offering her better futures#but saying this is the best future you could have. limited time only.#and it seems the future proved her right; not wrong (at least the immediate future)#bcs while matters; had she accepted; might not've been substantially better than they were under the auspices of a 'more gentle' stepmother#it also doesn't really seem like they would have been substantially worse#anne was right that her enemy's supporters wanted her disgraced and/or dead. she was right in that they wanted elizabeth disgraced#and/or dead. she couldn't have predicted what happened to herself in the exact matter it did- mainly bcus it was unprecedented#but it seems she had a pretty clear view of what mary was doing: playing both sides. attempting to ingratiate herself to her father while#also conspiring against him. and she knew it would have been better to have her on side#(and in a more jaundiced view: have her where she could watch what she was doing; who she was seeing)#but perhaps underestimated how impossible it would be to get her there in the first place#('on side' ; that is. not at court. although probably not that either. with the conditions she demanded)#but her fears of mary were not paranoia. they seem to have been grounded in realism#and a clear view of the situation at home and abroad
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vashti-lives · 26 days
So like, I have a lot of complicated feelings about the whole discourse around comments and how people comment so much less than they used to but one thing I think people my age have forgotten and younger people have no idea about is that in the era of LJ and the height of ff.net there were A LOT more negative comments than there are today, at least as far as I can see.
For one thing, in the mid 2000s really fucking mean negative comments were so common there was a term for them "flames" and people would regularly mention them in the authors notes of their fics. "No flames or I will delete this story" "flames will be used to roast marshmallows and which Inuyasha and I will eat while laughing at you" "this story contains SLASH! that means boykissing!!! DON'T LIKE DON'T READ! NO FLAMES!!!!!!" etc. You get the picture. It was a different time don't judge. This happened more on ff.net than it did on LJ but it definitely also still happened on LJ.
If you've ever looked into the whole Ms. Scribe thing and puzzled over why anyone believed her, this is why. She was making shit up for fame and attention but lots of authors experienced similar harassment that was actually real. I know people like to be like ~in my day people knew how to use the back button~ but let's be real. Some people weren't using the back button they were going into the comment section to be homophobic and explain all about how you'd burn in hell one day.
I'm not saying nobody gets mean comments anymore but the fact that we don't have a special word for it now and people aren't constantly talking about it in their author notes strongly suggests it's less of an issue.
Even aside from that in 2024 we have commenting etiquette that just, didn't exist in 2004. Its commonly understood now that offering unasked for critique is bad but like, that didn't come out of nowhere. "Are people allowed to send critique to the author of any fic they read?" was an absolutely HUGE fandom fight that got hashed out again and again for years before finally settling on, "mmm let's not." In 2004 this was not a settled debate and imo leaving unasked for critique was much more common, and in fact people who were coming from closed forums and things like yahoo groups felt it was *good* etiquette to always leave critique because that's how it was done in their much smaller communities, which were often more focused on improving specific skills.
If it is true that people leave fewer comments now* we might be experiencing the reality that you can't have your cake and eat it too. The more rules we have about what kind of comments you can and can't make the more people at the fringes are going to decide its safer to just not comment because what if they do the wrong thing and make someone mad? Several years ago my dash was just awash with artists begging people to reblog their art and also awash with artists complaining about the tags people left on the art they were reblogging, it was extremely clear to me that this was a choose one situation. EITHER your art gets reblogged a lot and sometimes people say dumb shit or you shield yourself from bad tags and get a lot fewer reblogs.
There are a number of posts going around right now about how don't you know authors can SEE the comments you leave on bookmarks!! And I've often thought that the end result of this campaign is going to be even less engagement than people are already getting. It's not going to result in nicer comments in the bookmarks its only going to result in less bookmarks.
TBH I actually think getting less negativity in your inbox might be worth fewer comments? Like, I'm not sure fandom made the wrong choice here but I do think continuing to police the kinds of comments people leave is going to continue this cycle so if you really really want your readers to engage with your fic you are going to have to accept that some of those comments will be shit like "UPDATE PLZ" or whatever. I don't think there's a way to get less of the bad comments without getting fewer comments period.
*In addition to everything I've written above there is a part of me that thinks the biggest problem is just that AO3 has a hit counter and LJ didn't and so when people were primarily using LJ they just didn't know how many people read their work without ever interacting. Combine that with the fact that everyone is functionally writing for much smaller fandoms because there aren't mega fandoms like there used to be and you get authors who feel like they're getting less engagement without actually meaningfully getting less engagement, because their OFMD fic isn't getting the number of comments that their 2010s era SGA fic got. Even when they understand OFMD is tiny compared to SGA they don't have the hit counter for their SGA fic to see just how many lurkers there were. the ratio might actually not have been as far off as you think!
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 2 years
Gotta love how Zombieman has a repertoire of tactics to deal with all the troubled, superpowered people around him... he behaves so wildly different in every case and still he always seems so HIM.
With Isamu: be fatherly 
With Amai: Annoy the fuck out of him. Gently. 
With Genos, Fash and Tatsumaki: BE PATIENT. Don’t interfere unless they’re about to physically fight each other (again)
With Dr Genus: AXE
With Genus, alternatively: ‘you created me now you deal with the repercussions of me being ME’
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lunarmoves · 2 months
while i'm very very grateful that people like my drabbles, please please stop asking me for a part two. thank you <3
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quohotos · 8 months
dr. bat
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I hope you weren't looking for the kind of Doctor with any sort of degree...
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the--highlanders · 2 years
obvs I'm aware that disney just has the reproduction rights outside the uk, and the show will still be produced by bad wolf/the bbc, but ngl I am kind of concerned that there'll be some pressure on the show to fall into line and stay palatable. even indirectly.
like, doctor who deserves to be weird and out there!!! it deserves to be queer it deserves to be political it deserves to be challenging. and I'm not sure that's what disney would want it to be, and I certainly don't trust them not to throw their weight around in the interests of keeping it profitable
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not-poignant · 7 months
Hi Pia
Is Underline the Black gonna have close to 100 chapters like FFS? I've been holding off in reading because I wanna be able to binge read the entire story but I don't know if I can hold out for another 30 weeks 😭
Oh yeah it could easily have another 30 chapters. For reference, I've completed chapter 78, and we still haven't hit the four really major things that need to happen before this story is anywhere close to finishing.
While I don't expect it will have the same chapter count as Falling Falling Stars, I do think it will clock in at over 100 chapters quite easily. I'll have a better sense soon, but I do think this story will take me into at least March-June 2024.
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