#dr oakley
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urayuli · 1 year ago
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funny interactions posting
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prince-less · 2 years ago
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Childhood is a hell of a thing
Scout is about 8 in this, Pyro about 6, and Medic about 10-11
This Pyro uses they/them !!! Also trans scout rights :]]]]]]
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cookiemonsterpajamas · 8 months ago
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moonshynecybin · 1 year ago
What are your thoughts on rosquez as parents and how do you think they would raise their kids?
i think their baby's wardrobe would have the most god awful color scheme heretofore seen by man
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the-wild-nerdy-gay · 8 days ago
First Time Meeting my OC’s
Naevys Torlana 🪻🐍
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“There you are.” A smooth almost teasing voice says behind you as a tall woman appears behind you, she had a purple dress that seemed to be closer to a long shirt and a black corset that laced up the front on. She was also wearing brown boots had a brown belt on with a yellow bag, a magical looking necklace on, and a sharp look to her eye. But the part that surprised you the most was the gray markings on her legs, the pointed ears, and the snake that hung around her neck that seemed to perk up at your presence as if it recognized you.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know who you are.” You reply quickly. This woman seems like she’s not of this time at all as all of her legs are exposed and then you realize there is an energy around her that seems to make the air prickle with what can only be described as magic. It was then that you realize that they must be one of those fae creatures you had heard legends about in your village. You knew you should have stayed away from those blue bells, especially since you heard something ringing. The ringing of blue bells was said to be a warning of the fae and you should have listened. You did the only thing you could think of to do and started running as fast as you could in the opposite direction.
”Wait! I mean you no harm!” The fae calls out after you before.
It was then that you look ahead once again and see a trap meant for deer set up by one of the hunters in your village and it was far too late to stop. You try to make your peace with the trap capturing you and potentially getting injured when vines burst from the ground and activate the trap before it can injure you.
”Darling are you alright?” She asks as she catches up to you.
”I’m sorry, you don’t know who I am, do you?” She asks as she takes a respectful step back to give you more space. ”Allow me to introduce myself, you may call me Naevys Torlana and this is Asphodel.” She says with a flourishing bow and a sweep of her arm. The snake around her neck slithering onto her outstretched arm at the mention of its name.
“What may I address you by?” She asks respectfully as she straightens back up, intentionally phrasing her words to show you that she is not trying to trick you in anyway. She didn’t even try the most basic of fae tricks.
In an abundance of caution you choose not to answer them and they smile understandingly with their berry colored lips. She moves her voluminous coffee colored hair out of her face and tucks it behind her pointed ears.
”I understand. May I accompany you to the edge of your village to ensure you get home safely?” She asks as her warm brown eyes meet yours. You nod in response and she smile widens before she gestures for you to lead the way.
By time you get to the edge of the village you call home the sun is setting and it catches in her eyes making them glow like amber, there is something about it that seems slightly familiar to you but you just can’t place it. As you turn to face your village you can’t help but glance back to thank her and she is gone with nothing but a patch of grape hyacinth growing where she stood and a slight weight in your pocket. You reach your hand in and pull out a small green stone with what looks like a carving of her snake, Asphodel, on it and you can’t help but feel as though you will see her again and yet you can’t find yourself being upset about it.
Ghewnah ‘Gwen’ Reh ☕️🗡️
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It was a warm afternoon on the college campus you attended, there was a light breeze and everything was in bloom, a perfect spring day. The bards were all out either acting, singing, painting, or writing outside working on their respective skills after being inspired by the nice weather. Some of the paladins were out worshiping or practicing their magic or ensuring their weapons were ready. You were on a walk around campus just enjoying the nice air, the breeze ruffling your clothes and your hair as you walked. Unfortunately you should have been paying more attention to your surroundings as one of the barbarians at your adventuring college crashed into you. She was this massive 7’6” orc yet when you both landed on the ground you weren’t crushed in the slightest. See the barbarian had wrapped her bulky arms around you in a tight secure hold and rotated so that her back is what had hit the ground instead of yourself.
”I’m so sorry dude, are you alright?” She asked immediately upon landing. Her voice was up beat yet concerned and she looked down at you with a charming, lopsided smile. Her eyes shone like honey as they looked down at you and you were a bit stunned by her dark red markings near her eyes, her green skin, and her crystalline tusks sticking out of her smile. She had such a sweet demeanor about her even though she was huge and clearly one of the barbarians on campus.
”Hey, can you hear me?” She asked looking more worried now and it was then that you realized that you hadn’t answered yet.
”Yeah, I’m okay.” You respond after shaking your head.
“Do you mind if I take you to one of the cleric or druid professors to make sure?” She asked as she very carefully shifted to sit upwards with her arms still wrapped around you, honestly her core strength was a little or a lot impressive considering she just sat up with your entire weight on top of her.
“I suppose-“ You started and she was already carefully shifting you in her arms into a cradle and started carrying you to the Druid and Cleric buildings.
”Do you have a preference on which professor I take you to?” She asks as she continues walking as if you weigh nothing.
”Ummm, Dr. Alahan please.” You say slightly alarmed but remembering one of the Druid professors that had given you a tour when you stated at this campus and had actually had several conversations and tea with him. He was a human with curly dark hair that was starting to go gray on the sides, he had dark skin and shockingly golden eyes. This was a man that brought you a lot of peace in your time at the adventuring college so if someone was to heal you, you wanted it to be him.
“Oh I love Dr. Alahan! I help him carry things in for his classes from time to time and he helps me with any injuries I get out adventuring.” She says in a chipper tone as she makes her way to the Druid building, which was a bit more like a courtyard surrounded by several greenhouses and just on the edge of a forest.
You got checked out and were deemed to be completely fine but when you left his office you were surprised to see that the Barbarian had waited outside for you after setting you down on a stool and left.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about running into you and I’m glad you seem to be okay.” She said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“It’s alright, I wasn’t hurt or anything.” You said with a shrug as you looked up at her.
”I”m Ghewnah Reh but you can call me Gwen.” She said as she stuck out her hand to shake yours with a smile.
”It’s nice to meet you Gwen.” You respond with a smile as you accept her hand.
”I have a class now so I have to go but I’m really glad you were okay.” She says as she grabs her bag.
”I’ll see you around.” She calls out as she raises a hand to wave to you while walking backwards in the direction to her class.
Captain Nova ‘Devil’s Charm’ Oakley ⚓️🌊
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The sky darkened dangerously and thunder rolled over head warning you of the storm that threatens to flip the ship that you were on. You couldn’t help but be nervous as the waves picked up and began to rock the ship aggressively. It wasn’t long until the ship was being tossed around by the violent ocean. You crashed into the railing of the ship as your fellow crew members yelled information to each other and were also tossed around about as much as you were. There were some that were tying themselves to the ship rigging to remain on the ship and not be tossed overboard.
Suddenly a wave crashed over the ship and you were thrown over the railing and into the ocean. You struggled to make your way to the surface but luckily got ahold of a barrel that was knocked over with you. You clung to it like a lifeline as the storm raged on and you looked up to see your ship sailing off into the distance. You managed to strap yourself to the barrel with some rope that was attached to it and as the storm raged on you passed out while floating adrift in the ocean.
You woke up to hear yelling of multiple people and as your eyes blinked open you saw that the storm was over and that there was a ship sailing closer to you. You tried to yell for help but your throat was too dry to even speak. It was then that you saw a woman standing near the railing of the ship and it seemed like she was the one in charge. She was barking orders as her dark brown hair blew in the wind and her hand held her hat to her head. She was in mostly green and blacks and she seemed to speak with a bit of an Irish accent. She turned her head to the ocean and seemed to see you as she yelled to her crew.
”Man overboard!” She yelled over the crashing waves before she lifted her hat off of her head and shoved it onto a blonde tan man’s head.
”Soren, You’re in charge while I’m gone.” She said matter-of-factly to the man before she proceeded to jump off of the railing and into the ocean. She swam to you with great speed, even though it was clear she was wearing multiple skirts and a corset it seemed like it wasn’t weighing her down at all. Once she reached you she cut the rope that was around you with her dagger and she wrapped one arm around you a before swimming you to the side of her ship.
”Are you well enough to hold on to me?” She asked with some concern as she reached her ship. You nodded weakly and she seemed as if she didn’t really believe you as her crew threw down some rope to you both.
“Cap’in! Are you alright?” One of the members called out to her, confirming your suspicions as she tied the rope around you both, securing you to her. A dark haired man started pulling the rope to pull you both back onto the ship and she began climbing the rope pulling you both up even though your body and both of your wet clothes weighing you down. She was clearly strong and a hard worker as you were both pulled onto the wood of the deck.
She untied the rope from you both and your head was spinning before everything went black. She managed to catch you before you hit the floor though, She was clearly quick and incredibly skilled.
When you woke up again you were in a bed covered by a green cotton blanket. You sat up and looked around only to see your savior sitting in a chair next to your bed.
“I was beginning to think you would never wake. How are you feeling my dear?” She asked, accent making her voice seem almost softer.
“I’m alright.” You reply just before your stomach growls loudly causing the Captain in front of you to laugh. She reached past you to grab something from a shelf that was near the bed which was imbedded into the wall. A plate came into view that had bread, cheese, fruit, and some cured meats on it and a cup of water.
“Eat as much as you like.” She tells you with a charming smile as she hands you the plate and the cup of water. “I’m sure your hungry after your ordeal.”
As you ate she watched over you with an observant eye, she didn’t say much and waited for you to finish. Soon you ate your fill and she took the dishes from you, standing to set the plate on the large desk in the room set with it’s back to the window. It was then that you realized that you were in the captain’s quarters of the ship.
”I am so sorry!” You say slightly panicked as you tried to get up and out of her bed.
”Don’t you dare think of standing.” She all but barked out in a voice that sounded like that of a captain barking orders to their crew and you couldn’t help but immediately sit back down.
”My name is Captain Nova Oakley, and for now you will reside on my ship until we either reach our first port or we get you back home.” She says as she offers her hand for you to shake. You shake her hand and she smiles. “Until then you will be treated as my honored guest here upon The Rose’s Revenge, thorn in the side of the East India Trading company.” She said that last part with an air of pride before releasing your hand.
”Now I’m sorry to have to leave but I have a ship to captain.” She apologized before quickly leaving the room, her skirts flowing behind her dramatically before the heavy wooden door closed behind her. You couldn’t help but smile at her kindness and you had to thank your lucky stars that this ship was also a pirate ship instead of one of authority. The names she mentioned rung a bell but her freckles and warm copper eyes stuck in your brain far more.
Dr. Jeanine ‘Gene’ Travis 🧪🧬
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You were in the process of an insane research paper that your professor at college required for this stupid science class. The assignment was to research a current scientist that was pushing the bounds of science and you were assigned some random Dr.Travis that seemed to be a bit of a recluse. It took you forever to even find their first name let alone find a way to contact them. You finally managed to find an email and they luckily emailed you rather quickly. The email said that they would love to have you come visit their lab and answer any questions you might have. The email actually made it seem as if they are really excited to talk about their research which did actually make you a little excited to talk to them.
You were sent an address and you hopped on a bus before walking to the direction of the address they had sent you. As you got closer to where you think you were supposed to be going the plants seemed to be overgrown and wild. Then this incredibly odd looking little robot that only came up to your middle came rolling up, it honestly looked like something straight out of Star Wars but also like something hobbled together from scrap, it even had some moss growing in some of the gaps of the metal it was made of. It beeped in a friendly way and it’s spindly little arms beckoned you to follow it.
You followed after the little robot to an old house in the woods that was covered in ivy and other plants. There were also a lot of partially built projects scattered about. Honestly it kinda looked like the place you would have found a witch in this house or something. There was a loud crash from inside and smoke seemed to start pouring out of one of the windows that seemed to be to a basement or something. The neat little robot you were following beeped in a frantic or worried way. It’s little arms flailed as it beeped before it sped up the stairs on its treads, leaving you in the dust. You quickly ran after it and found yourself at the start of some stairs on the way down to a basement and a person with dark hair and a white streak in it, they had a scar on the left side of their face that looked like it was from some sort of electricity, on that same side they had one gray eye and their other eye was purple. They had some reddish-purple markings on the other side of their face, some sort of shimmer under their skin in their eye bags and black lipstick on. Their shirt, which was tied up showing their upper stomach, said “Professional Thembo” on it like himbo but you assumed it was because they are non-binary that it said thembo. They were also wearing a lab coat and funky plaid pants as well as six inch tall platforms. They were climbing up the stairs and coughing while the little robot that led you here was frantically wiping soot and ash from their face and neck.
“I’m okay, Lume.” They say as they wave off the robot before patting it on it’s little head. They look up and seem to notice you seeming slightly shocked. They glance down at their watch before looking back up.
”That is today, isn’t it. shit.” They curse under their breath.
They smile brightly at you as they stand up to their full height, “Hi, I’m Dr. Jeanine Travis but you can call me Gene.” They say as they take off one of their gloves and offer a hand to you to shake. You take it and shake their hand.
”I’m sorry, I got to work on one of my new experiments and lost track of time.” They say as they rub the back of their neck. “Well anyway, I am ready for any questions you might have and I am more than willing to take you down to my lab to show you what I have been working on recently.” They said excitedly as they straighten up, eyes bright and an ecstatic smile on their face.
You start asking questions about their early works and learn that they have two different colored eyes because of an experiment that they did on themselves to improve eyesight. They had glasses previously but instead of getting contacts or getting laser vision surgery they invented a pill to correct vision permanently over a couple months. The pill did work but it did change the color of their eyes permanently, they personally didn’t mind much but most other people do so that’s why the pill isn’t more widespread. They talk quickly so you do have to record the interview so that you can slow it down and get all the information but they were very open with everything they were working on.
After the interview they grabbed your hand and drug you down the stairs to their lab and showed you so many different projects that they were working on, it was honestly really impressive and this was the first time you had been excited about science in a really long time. Dr. Gene was really excitable and bright and fun. You actually lost track of time and by the end of everything it was dark and Dr. Gene sent the little robot Lume to walk you all the way back to the bus stop. Lume waited with you until the bus came. On the bus ride back to the city you couldn’t help but want to talk to Gene again.
Gakhael Gozzgen 🔧🪨
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You stepped off of the bus and onto your college campus, this was your first day at the adventuring university that you joined and you couldn’t help but feel a buzz of excitement as you walked toward your first class. You got to your first class and your excitement quickly faded as you saw your professor. There was just something about him that told you that this class would be super boring but unfortunately it was a required class for your major and this is the only professor who taught it.
By the end of the class you were practically jumping out of your seat to leave, it felt like he just droned on forever but as you were getting your stuff to leave he stopped the class and told them that everyone needed to visit the second year artifessor classes to talk to them about any devises you might need for your specific uses as a bard. So you grabbed your stuff and trudged to the other side of the campus to talk to one of the artifessor students about some upgrades to your instrument. Once you got there the professor pointed you to one of the shops and you headed in.
Once you stepped into the shop you were directed to you saw a green little goblin that was maybe four and a half feet tall but you couldn’t really tell because they were sitting down, fettling with some sort of mass of gears from what you could tell. They wore a blue denim jumpsuit, some heavy looking black boots, some work gloves, and what looked like jewelers glasses. You knocked on the doorframe you were standing in and they jumped slightly, their mass of dark hair, that was tied up and their long pointy ears flopped slightly with the motion as they turned around and took off their glasses.
”Oh I was expecting you.” They say in a chipper voice and it is as they turn around that you can see a bright yellow tank top on under their jumpsuit and several necklaces around their neck. They hop off of their chair and walk up to you before taking off their glove and extending their hand. “I’m Gakhael Gozzgen and it’s nice to meet you.”
As you shake their hand you notice that they have half of the rainbow painted on their thumb, pointer, and middle finger with the ring finger and pinky being white and black respectively. There are also some oddly shaped tan lines on their fingers, likely from wearing a ring on every finger.
”So what instrument do you play?” They ask as they pull out a notebook that was clearly full of plans for several different devices they have made.
“The Kalimba-” You answer and go to explain what it is until they interrupt you by excitedly cheering.
”I LOVE those!!! Alright so what I’m thinking is a devise that can amplify the strength of the vibration that comes from your instrument as well as makes the sound go further so that you can cast your spells at a further range.” They start explaining quickly as they sketch something that sticks to the back of your Kalimba with little pads that connect to wires which lead to a little box that you can clip to your belt.
”Something like this, small and compact and not to likely to tangle.”
”That seems perfect.” You respond with a smile, surprised that Gakhael could immediately anticipate your needs. They seemed oddly charming in this bright full of life kind of way.
”Alright then, I will get that started as soon as I can. I can email you when the first prototype is done and then you can come down and test it with me and I can adjust to any changes that you might need made.” They say, starting to seem a little excited about this new project. They then start climbing up some of the desk drawers and onto the top of the work desk and grab some wires from one of the boxes on a shelf above.
”If your want you can stick around and watch or list off some other things you might need but if you have to head out you can.” They call over their shoulder to you as they continue to almost scramble around their workshop getting things and putting things together. “Also there is a thing of fruit snacks near the door if you want to grab some when you leave.” They say as they jump off a shelf and land on a cushion underneath it. You turn around to see one of those old gum ball dispensers but it’s altered to dispense fruit snack packages and has a thing in it so it will just spin instead of you having to put in a copper piece to get one.
”Thanks, I have a class I need to go to so I will get going but email me your number so we can text back and forth on this.” You reply, smiling to yourself as you can’t help but find this chaotic little goblin rather cute with their odd little habits that they clearly have. You head out the door and spin the fruit snack dispenser to get a bag of them before heading out to your next class. Gakhael’s bright and fun nature plus their odd little habits couldn’t help but endear you to them. They seemed to be fun to hang out with and you found yourself checking your phone at every buzz to see if they had texted you. The pang of disappointment in your chest when you didn’t see a text confused you slightly but you assumed it was just because you were hoping to make your first friend at college in Gakhael.
Alright this took me literally forever and I need to get back to writing for these guys since I love them and I need to do videos and such for them but I need to get more green body paint first. Special thanks to @lovinkiri for all her support when I am doing things like this, I honestly probably wouldn’t be writing at all right now if it weren’t for them. Thank you all for reading and I hope to continue to bring these characters to life for you all.
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liminalpebble · 1 year ago
Hey my loves,
So, I'm really enjoying this experience of writing short drabbles based on requests or as a therapeutic outlet (for me, or you, or both). This is new for me, but I would really love for you to drop some requests in my ask box for short works from fluff to smut, good to dark, whatever floats your boat. Even letters from the character. Feel free to ask. It gives me a lot of joy in a weird way, in a weird time.
Characters I write for: Loki and most of Tom's other characters , Eddie Munson, Hux
Have at it hoes. I love you 😘
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@mochie85 @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @lokihiddleston @little-wormwood @littlestabbyelf @smolvenger @lemongingerart @marcotheflychair @acidcasualties @sweetsigyn @hellfirenacht @leelei1980 @loz-3 @icytrickster17 @loopsisloops @holdmytesseract @josephfakingquinn @elegantkoalapaper @eleniblue @coldnique @peachyjinx @peaches1958 @sailorholly @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @use-your-telescope @take-everything-you-can @fairyysoup @lesservillain @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lexr86 @alexakeyloveloki @goblingirlsarah @muddyorbs @jennyggggrrr @jennyvampblack @mischief2sarawr @mischiefmaker615 @the-haven-of-fiction @unlucky-number-13 @gigglingtiggerv2 @ladyofthestayingpower @itsfreakingbats @infinitystoner @tripleyeeet
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transmimir · 4 months ago
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The holy f/o trinity 🙏🙏🙏
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madrabbitsociety · 2 years ago
I can't believe that happened. I am so very happy. I walked on stage and got to play Watson in front of a real audience and they all said what a nice job I did.
And Holmes told me I was the Perfect Watson. If it weren't for this sinus infection I'd be on cloud nine.
Maybe even with this sinus infection.
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Rehearsal Stills - Sherlock Holmes & The American Problem
Photo Credit: Markham Luke
Kentlands Community Players in Partnership with The Gaithersburg Arts Barn
9/16/2023 - 10/1/2023
Dr. John Watson - Avery Morstan
Sherlock Holmes - Corey Estoll
Phoebe Ann Moses - Rachel Brightbill
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She looks so happy!
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jamaalw · 5 days ago
Chiropractic Practice Came From the Demonic World
Red Flags About Chiropractic Therapy Chiropractors usually deal with back or neck problems by manipulating the spine and have become an established part of the healthcare system. However, many will be surprised to know that chiropractic therapy is largely deemed dubious or questionable. Still, many conventional doctors refer third patients to chiropractors, and many insurance plans are willing…
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urayuli · 1 year ago
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best friends who get lung cancer....together <3
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jinwoosbabyboo · 4 months ago
Holidays w/ boyfriend Zayne
Random posts on the TL w/ boyfriend Zayne during the holiday season. Dr. Noah makes a quick appearance :)
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♥️ liked by misshuntermc, gray.sun, yvannamama and 55k others
_thedrzayne: The weather outside is frightful, but the treats are so delightful
tagged: misshuntermc
yvannamama: @/misshuntermc did you come up with this caption? 🤔
↳ misshuntermc: He actually came up with this by himself ↳ _thedrzayne: Yes I did 😌
_thedrnoah: Please Zayne limit your sweets intake this year
↳ _thedrzayne: My girlfriend told me I can indulge this month ↳ misshuntermc: can you please not get me beat up? 😅
gray.sun: Let me get one
↳ misshuntermc: You should know he devoured these right after the photo ↳ _thedrzayne: They were gone before I uploaded this ↳ yvannamama: Okay big hungry did you taste them?
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♥️ liked by thedrzayne, yvannamama, talkthat_tara and 78k others
misshuntermc: Step 1: take your man to target with you Step 2: buy him a parfait to keep him happy
tagged: _thedrzayne
_thedrzayne: You know all my weaknesses
↳ misshuntermc: im sure everyone knows how weak you are for sweets
gray.sun: please tell me you’re gonna decorate his office 👀
↳ misshuntermc: You already know 😜 ↳ yvannamama: I want to help !
_thedrzayne: Not my office
↳ misshuntermc: definitely your offfice ↳ gray.sun: Boss has spoken sorry Zayne
liiisa_: Take me with you next time 🥺
↳ talkathat_tara: im sayin ! why is she acting like we don’t love a good target run? 🤨 ↳ simonesays: damn you two are needy as hell (I’m actually hugging my pillow with tears in my eyes does she hate us?) ↳ misshuntermc: Drama Queens fr 🙄
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♥️ liked by _thedrzayne, _thedrnoah, gray.sun and 92k others
misshuntermc: Chocolate Croissant 🤝Toasted Marshmallows
tagged: _thedrzayne
_thedrzayne: I will happily go into a sugar coma with you
↳ misshuntermc: Im going to stuff you with real food later 😁😁 ↳ _thedrzayne: I knew there was a catch 😒 ↳ misshuntermc: should’ve read the terms and conditions 😚
gray.sun: I know the dentist HATES to see Zayne coming
↳ _thedrzayne: No these chocolate croissants hate to see me coming ↳ yvannamama: @/misshuntermc take his phone please ↳ misshuntermc: He just said it out loud and I think my spine just curled in on itself HELP 😖
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♥️ liked by yvannamama, simonesays, talkthat_tara and 97k others
misshuntermc: Black diamond for him ; Bunny slopes for me
tagged: _thedrzayne
_thedrzayne: I’ll stay by your side and hold your hands on the bunny slopes
↳ misshuntermc: thank you for taking pity on me ↳ _thedrzayne: you have to start somewhere
liiisa_: No LV goggles this trip?
↳ misshuntermc: No I left them at home so I had to use the Oakleys luckily I had four pairs in the car
talkthat_tara: I hAd tO uSe tHe oAkLeYs talking like those are $20 goggles or something
↳ simonesays: how much are they? ↳ liiisa_: at least $225 ↳ simonesays: these can’t be the same checks….. ↳_thedrzayne: She used my card
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saubrimbor · 29 days ago
Happy Pokemon Day!
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(Oops, I know it was yesterday, I'm just posting this one day late here.)
Drawing silly little chibi drawings of Charles Edwards characters for Pokemon Day! Combining my two fave things.
Cubchoo with Dr. Alex McDonald from The Terror, Meganium with Louis Oakley from Under The Vines, and shiny Umbreon with Celebrimbor from the Rings of Power.
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insanityclause · 4 months ago
National Geographic is freshening up its programming slate.
The network has ordered four new series including The Real Finding Nemo and Surviving Pompeii with Tom Hiddleston.
It is the first slate of programming since it emerged that a large number of Nat Geo titles including Life Below Zero and Wicked Tuna were coming to an end.
Surviving Pompeii with Tom Hiddleston is a historical exploration about the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and the preserved Roman city it left behind. Hiddleston, who studied Classics at Cambridge University, exec produces alongside his Loki executive producer Kevin R. Wright.
It comes from Plimsoll Productions, which is behind Nat Geo series including A Real Bug’s Life and The Devil’s Climb. Grant Mansfield, Alan Eyres, Helen Flint and Tom Barbor-Might exec produce for Plimsoll and Carolyn Payne exec produces for Nat Geo.
Hiddleston is the latest celebrity to front a Nat Geo series after Chris Hemsworth, who hosted Limitless and Will Smith with Welcome To Earth.
The Real Finding Nemo (w/t) comes on the back of A Real Bug’s Life. It will explore dynamics of life on the reef and beyond via a clown fish.
The series comes from Our Great National Parks producer Freeborne Media, whose James Honeyborne exec produces alongside Tracy Rudolph Jackson for Nat Geo.
Elsewhere, Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort and BBC Studios Science Unit have teamed on Meet The Planets (w/t), an astronomy series that brings the galaxy’s most famous family to life, with the sun as the matriarch, surrounded by her unruly planetary children. It will feature comedy and animation.
Andrew Cohen exec produces for BBC Studios Science Unit alongside Betsy Forhan for Nat Geo.
Finally, the network is expanding its One Day In strand with Diana: One Day In Paris. The three-part series will explore the tragic death of Princess Diana on the 30th anniversary of that paparazzi car chase through a Parisian motorway tunnel.
It follows 9/11: One Day in America and JFK: One Day in America and comes from 72 Films.
It will feature rare archives and interviews with witnesses who have never spoken publicly as it looks at the 24 hours before and after Diana’s death and follow the story through to her funeral one week later.
David Glover and Mark Raphael exec produce for 72 Films alongside Carolyn Payne for Nat Geo and TJ Martin and Dan Lindsay.
All of this comes after Nat Geo axed Wicked Tuna earlier this summer. The Pilgrim Media Group-produced series, which follows a group of fisherman from Gloucester, Masschusetts as they rod and reel fish bluefin tuna, had been airing on the network since 2012 and 13 seasons.
Nat Geo’s Emmy-winning series Life Below Zero is also ending after its 23rd season, per star Chip Hailstone. Spinoffs including Next Generation, First Alaskans and Northern Territories are also ending.
Other titles not returning to Nat Geo include The Incredible Dr Pol, after 24 seasons, and Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet, after 12 seasons.
“These new unscripted series epitomize everything National Geographic stands for — bold, captivating storytelling rooted in world-class research and expertise,” said Tom McDonald, EVP of Global Unscripted and Factual Content. “National Geographic is building on its reputation as the home of the most distinctive factual series from the very best storytellers in the world.”
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longwuzhere · 8 months ago
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
WHAT A FANTASTIC FINALE! HOLY SHIT! I TEARED UP SEVERAL TIMES AND MY GOD WAS THIS SUCH A GOOD FINAL EPISODE FOR SEASON 2!!!! This may be the last Easter Eggs post, episode wise, but we still have the other 4 issues of the comic so come back here each month for that and also at the end I'll give you some recommendations to keep you occupied til season 3 gets a premiere date.
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode
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Starting things off the episode title is My Adventures with Supergirl. An obvious nod to the show title, but also good way to acknowledge the journey we had with Kara whether its seeing her past, what she did under Brainiac's control, and what our trio will do to help Kara be free from Brainiac.
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Makes sense that Henshaw is part of the Human Defense Corp (or Squadron in this case) and it looks like the fool dies so maybe Cyborg Superman in the future who know, but I talked about the Human Defense Corp here and Hank Henshaw here.
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As Superman and Kara lie on the street thanks to the Metallos and Brainiac's control over them, we see them get saved by the Intergang and Livewire and Heatwave! I talked more about Intergang here and Livewire and Heatwave here and here respectively.
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Later in the scene Roughhouse makes a subtle reference to Lobo, but "the Main Man" in this case is referring to General Sam Lane. But if Lobo shows up in a future season, I'll talk more about him, and god I want to see him show up so bad!
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Over where Lois, Jimmy, and Steve are, the Metallos chase after them and are saved by Dr. John Henry Irons a.k.a. Steel! I talked more about him here. I'd love to see him wear the helmet like his comic counterpart and the red cape in a future episode.
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Later in the episode Superman, Kara, Intergang, Livewire, Heatwave, and Steel attack Brainiac's station and were able to break though his defenses and as they enter Brainiac's chamber, Brainiac activates Kara's brainwashing saying "Eradicator Override"
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If you know your Superman comics, the Eradicator was first mentioned in Action Comics Annual #2 (1989) [W: Roger Stern, Jerry Ordway, George Perez, P: Mike Mignola, I: George Perez, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley] where it was a weapon that was used to kill the Cleric on Krypton who was spreading his message about peace and the unethical uses of cloning on Krypton.
The weapon would later be found by Superman and it caused more problems for him until he threw it away in Antarctica where it created the Fortress of Solitude.
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Later during the death of Superman, the Eradicator would emerge as an energy being who takes on the visage of Superman, take Clark's body back to the Fortress so he can heal, and would be one of the four Supermen who took over for Superman at that time. This version of the Eradicator first appeared in Action Comics #687 (1993) [W: Roger Stern, P: Jackson Guice, I: Denis Rodier, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley]
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When we see Kara fight Superman under the control of Brainiac later, she has red eyes just like the Eradicator in the comics as shown here in the panel from Superman #82 (1993) [W&P: Dan Jurgens, I: Brett Breeding, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: John Costanza].
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Later in the episode, Clark, Lois, and Jimmy try to calm Kara and help her fight against Brainiac's influence and they succeed (also had me tear up in that moment too) and shout out Kara's Canary Cry! Black Canary would be proud AF!
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After pushing back on Brainiac's station Clark and Kara battle Brainiac in space and Brainiac monologues about Krypton's destruction and his excuse of existing. He activates the weapon that destroyed Krypton, the Black Zero Protocol.
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The first and only known version of Black Zero that destroyed Krypton was in Superman #205 (1968) [W: Otto Binder, P&I: Al Plastino] where the saboteur was hired to destroy Krypton by accelerating the internal planetary stresses that caused the planet to explode. He was planning on doing the same to the Earth before Superman stopped him. Other iterations and uses of the Black Zero name include, a Kryptonian Terrorist Group that created a computer virus of the same name that infected the Fortress of Solitude, a clone of Conner Kent, and a Kryptonian military group.
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After Kara took the hit and plunged into the sun, she and Clark are saved thanks to their Kryptonian physiology because they get their powers from the Sun. You notice their Kryptonite scarring/veins glow a gold color bringing to mind...
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Superman Prime One Million from DC Million #4 (1998) [P: Val Semekis, I: Prentis Rollins, C: Pat Garrahy & Heroic Age] who is OG Superman after outliving all his family and friends traveled throughout the DC universe and absorbing the Sun's radiant energy for like hundreds of years where his powers are now near infinite levels giving him this gold look. This version of Superman according to Grant Morrison is the same as the one in All-Star Superman.
In a Kryptonian religious sense, you could argue that Rao, the sun god of the Kryptonians, saved his last two people from death and giving them power to fight against Brainiac.
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The MAwS crew really love their DBZ cuz the sun aura Clark and Kara give off is the same vibe as what Super Saiyans have when they power up.
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We then see Kara and Clark glow a red and blue aura respectively which, I might be reading into it a lot, could be symbolic of Nightwing and Flamebird, the Kryptonian gods/heroes/dragons and the identities that Clark and Kara took up at one point in the comics with Clark taking up the Nightwing name and Kara taking up the Flamebird name. Also maybe its Superman Blue and Superman Red sorta deal who knows. It was cool though.
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By the end of the episode we see people tuning to the aftermath of what happened and we see Channel 52 on display. I talked more about that here.
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We then see Lex and Slade looking up on the LexCorp building. I talked more about LexCorp here but its first appearance in the comics is in The Man of Steel #2 (1986) [W&P: John Byrne, I: Dick Giordano, C: Tom Zuiko, L: John Costanza] as shown below:
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Shout out to Clark still wearing the Stussy S/the cool S
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and finally we close out the episode with Clark and Kara going to stop the fire at Perez Plaza, named after legendary artist George Perez.
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George Perez is well known for his Wonder Woman run and being the co-creator of the Teen Titans in the 80s with Marv Wolfman. He helped design Lex Luthor's iconic battle suit (I really hope to see it in MAwS someday). Perez also had a run on the Superman comics too. He worked on Action Comics for a short while as penciler and did some breakdown work on the title. He also wrote and inked on the Adventure of Superman comics. Perez wrote, did the layouts, and drew the cover art for the 2011 Superman run. If you love the Teen Titans/Titans, like me, you gotta give thanks to this man.
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DC in 2022 did a really awesome tribute to him by collaborating with other DC artists to show how much of an impact his career was on the DC universe give both images a look cuz its beautiful and you can see which artist did which character. Also check this video out and see George Perez work his art magic:
And with that our episodic look at the Easter Eggs and references come to an end, but we still have the other 4 issues of the My Adventures with Superman tie-in comic so come back here again in August for that.
In the mean time when we get a date for season 3 I highly recommend reading the My Adventures with Superman comics, read The Man of Steel (1986) limited series because a lot of pop culture's understanding of the Superman mythos and characters comes from that limited series, read the Death of Superman, A World Without Superman, and Reign of the Supermen because you will see how much of an impact Superman made defending Metropolis from Doomsday, his death affecting everyone he met, and his glorious return. Also give the DC Rebirth era of Superman comics a shot too because you get to see Lois and Clark raise a son. The DC Infinite Frontier Superman run that came after the Rebirth era is just as good that I highly recommend reading too. Out of continuity wise definitely check out Superman: Secret Identity, All-Star Superman, Kingdom Come, the current World's Finest run, and Superman vs the Amazing Spider-Man.
In terms of watching highly recommend watching Superman the Animated Series because that series is equally good to MAwS and it helped build out the DCAU which I also highly recommend everyone to dive into. Shin Ultraman (and hell basically all of the Ultraman media) because like Superman its an alien who defends the Earth, hides amongst the population and actually thinks human beings can live up to their potential. Tsuburaya's Ultraman and Superman would be damn good friends. If you need some goofy fun, the Super Friends is a fun watch if you need light hearted cartoons.
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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queenmeriadoc · 3 months ago
Bed, Wed, or Give Head?
The only rule is you can’t pick the same character for all three 😏 doesn’t have to be TROP, I’m just obsessed at the moment.
I got tagged over at my sideblog @merryverse by @fantasyquests
So there are no rules that says I CAN'T use the same actor for them all sooooo,
Bed: (Louis Oakley)
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Wed: (Lord Celebrimbor)
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Give head: (Dr Alexander McDonald)
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[Original post]
Tagging: @that--elf @haladriel @helenvader @fornrandir @starladyy @mcpayne and anyone else who wants to <3
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