#download the fic for myself to read later
going through my old bookmarks on AO3 and seeing that some of them are fics that've been deleted hurts my heart, ngl. 😢
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zorosnavigator · 6 months
fanfic rec post tomorrow maybe???👀
me to all my fandom ships knowing perfectly i wont have the time to do even 1 for at least one pairing til next week 🤡
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wandanatsgf · 4 months
Sugar, Sugar Part 1
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Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: After losing your job, you are desperate to come up with some money. Your best friend Kate signs you up for a sugar baby app where you meet Wanda and Natasha, who eventually become your sugar mommies.
Authors Note: I've been reading so many sugar mommy!wandanat x reader fics that I wanted to make one myself. I know the beginning is a bit rough, but I'm just trying to set everything up. I promise it will get better!!!! There will also be plenty of smut in the upcoming chapters, this is just a warning for that now. And I plan on making many parts to this. I hope you all enjoy it!
Part 2
“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you dramatically exclaim. You drape yourself across the old and slightly musty couch in your small two person apartment. Your work uniform rides up your body a little as you lay down, which you quickly pull down, covering yourself again. You pull your right arm over your eyes, trying to block out the light and the horrible day you just had.
Your best friend and roommate Kate laughs sympathetically at your dramatics. “I know getting fired sucks but there’s tons of ways to make money.” She moves your legs and sits down next to you, placing your legs on top of her.
“Like what?”
“Well you could mow lawns, dog sit, babysit, just until you find another job,” Kate suggests.
“I guess I could but I just don’t know if that would be able to cover my bills and let alone rent.”
“Well there is another thing you can try.” The tone in Kate's voice has you sitting up, removing your arm so you can look at her.
“You remember my friend Darcy that I told you about?”
“Yeah the super rich, successful one.”
“Well when she was in college she was a sugar baby,” Kate says before she cuts herself off to scold you.  “And y/n don’t give me that look just hear me out!”
“Ok fine, keep talking.”
“Well she got a whole bunch of money from it. She was able to pay off her student loans and she had some money leftover that she invested and y’know now she’s rich and super successful and hot and amazing. But that wasn’t the point.” Kate shakes her head at herself, scolding herself for getting off topic like she always does. “Anyway maybe you should try being a sugar baby.”
“I don’t know Kate.” Sure this would be a great opportunity for you, if you find someone that is, but do you really want to use your body to get money?
“You could just look and see what’s out there. You don’t have to accept any sugar daddy or sugar mommy proposals,” Kate says and you’ve got to admit that she’s got a good point.
“Ok what the hell,” you say, agreeing.
“Let me just get the sugar baby app name from Darcy and we can do this.”
A few minutes later the app is downloaded on your phone. You feel nervous but also excited. This could be a way for you to not have to worry about money, at least for a while. Maybe it would be nice to be taken care of.
“Ok it’s downloaded, let’s set it up.” The two of you create your profile and pretty soon you’re looking at sugar mommies and sugar daddies.
“What about this one?” You ask Kate. You pass her the phone, and from the look on her face you can tell that it’s a no go.
“Definitely not,” Kate says, her nose wrinkling up in disgust.
“Why not?”
“I know you, and that’s not what you want.” You have to admit she is right, you don’t really want some 50 year old with a penchant for “parading his girls around” as he called it, but you’re desperate and he is the best looking person on there so far.
You continue to scroll through the men and women, none of them really catching your eye until you see the profile of a beautiful red haired girl and an equally beautiful auburn haired girl. You would recognize their faces anywhere, Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, the owners of the country's best security company.
“There’s no way this is real,” you say. “This has to be some sort of joke or something.” You pass her your phone and watch as her eyes go comically wide.
“There’s no way the Natasha Romanoff and the Wanda Maximoff are looking for a sugar baby,” you say. You practically scoff at the idea, but there’s still that little voice in your head that wonders if maybe the profile is real.
“There’s only one way to find out,” Kate says. She still has your phone in your hands and you watch as she types, until finally she stops.
“Katie what did you do?”
“I just messaged them,” Kate says innocently. You glance down at the message and it says, “Hi my name is y/n and I’d love to get to know you both and see if I’m what you’re looking for ;),”
“Did you have to add the wink Katie? They’re gonna think I’m like a whore or something now,” you whine.
“Oh relax you big baby. It’s fine. And besides maybe a whore is what they’re looking for,” Kate says, giving you a wink.
“Kate!” You exclaim. You lightly slap her on the arm.
“Owww y/n. You’re very feisty for such a tiny person.”
“Serves you right,” you mutter underneath your breath. The two of you continue to scroll through the app when you see a notification pop up.
Natasha and Wanda had replied to your message.
“Oh my god,” you say. You can feel yourself freaking out, even when you’re going into the texting part of the app and opening the message.
“Hi darling, we’d love to get to know you more too! We’re Natasha and Wanda, we’re both sugar mommies who are looking for a sugar baby to share. We work quite a bit, but we promise that we’ll still have time for you if things work out between us. Can’t wait to hear back from you,” the message reads. You show the message to Kate who responds with excitement.
But you can feel yourself freaking out on the inside even more now. However your doubts from earlier creep in and calm you down. There’s a big chance that this is just a catfish, but you still want to take the chance. Who wouldn’t want an opportunity to be with Natasha and Wanda?
“Help me come up with a response,” you tell the girl sitting next to you. After a few minutes of back and forth, the two of you come up with what you think is the perfect response.
“Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’m y/n, a sugar baby who is currently in college trying to pay off my loans. I normally have plenty of time on my hands and would be able to be around whenever you need.”
You cringe at the last part of the message, which was all Kate’s idea, but clearly it worked because a few minutes later you have a text inviting you out to get some coffee tomorrow afternoon and you say yes.
“You have to come with me though, just in case it’s like a catfish or something,” you tell your best friend. 
“Of course, I’ll sit in the cafe and just text me if you need me,” Kate says reassuring you. 
The next day comes too quickly and before you know it you and Kate are sitting in the cafe waiting for Natasha and Wanda. You’re sitting at a table in the back, while Kate is sitting at a table across the room from you. The minutes seem to drag on forever, making you even more anxious than you already are. Everytime the bell above the door goes off, you glance up, hoping it’s one of the girls walking through. You’re just about to lose hope when you see Natasha and Wanda walk in. They look so breathtakingly beautiful. 
“Hi Y/n,” Wanda says, being the first to greet you. She towers over you as she envelopes you in a hug, which you gladly reciprocate.  
“Hi,” you say back. It comes out quieter than you meant it to. You can feel your cheeks heating up, but gladly both women ignore it. 
“And hi I’m Natasha,” the red haired girl says. She also towers over you, but you like that about the two women. She also envelopes you into a hug. She smells like vanilla and smoke and it gives you a sense of comfort. The three of you sit down and the two women get straight to the point. 
“So as you know we’re looking for a sugar baby,” Natasha says, her voice a low tone. “We just wanted to meet with you today to go over some things and see if we’d get along,” she explains. 
“Ok that sounds good,” you agree. 
“Have you ever been in a dynamic like this before?” 
“No I haven’t,” you say, your blush coming back. You can feel your nerves getting worse as well as you fidget with a ring on your hand. 
“It’s ok to be nervous baby, we won’t bite,” Wanda leans in to tell you. She places her hand on top of yours, stopping your fidgeting. She places her hand in yours, which you gladly hold. 
“That’s alright, we’re pretty new to this too. But there are a couple of things we wanted to go over today. First, when do you have class?”
“Well Tuesday and Thursday mornings I have class until 11am, but besides that my days are wide open.” This answer makes Natasha smile, which in turn makes you smile. 
“What is it that you need help with?” You appreciate that Natasha is getting straight to the point, it’s doing wonders at calming your nerves.
“Mostly rent and some bills. I, uh, just lost my job and it’s been hard to stay afloat.”
“Well that won’t be a problem now that we’re here,” Natasha tells you, sending you a wink. The action sends a blush across your face, turning it a shade of pink. 
"I know this isn't exactly normal," Natasha says, "But we promise if today works out, which I think it will, we'll take care of you darling." Natasha's words make you smile. Normally you were never so shy around people, but the two women next to you really bring it out in you.
“Do you have any questions for us honey?” Wanda asks. 
“Yes actually. What is it exactly that I would be doing?”
“You would keep us company, go to some company functions with us, and,” Natasha says, her voice dropping low as she says the next part, “have sex with us when we want it.”
“But obviously we would work up to that part,” Wanda adds cheerfully. 
“Ok,” you say, taking all of that information in. You knew going into this that sex would be on the table, but it shocks you that these two beautiful women are wanting to do it with you. 
“I’m sorry if this is a weird question, but aren’t the two of you together? What exactly do you need me for?”
“Yes we’re together sweetheart, but we’re not the most compatible in the bedroom.”
“What Wanda means is that we’re both pretty dominant and we need someone submissive to fulfill our needs,” Natasha says. Wanda slaps her on her arm and lightly scolds her, making you giggle. 
“I can do that,” you say, letting both of them know that you want this. The thought of being submissive for both of them stirs a longing within you. You can feel a slight dampness in your panties and you cross your legs, hoping Wanda, who is still holding your hand, doesn’t notice. But of course she does. 
“You already feeling a little needy, baby?” Wanda whispers, her cockiness coming out of nowhere, but god does it turn you on. Her lips ghost on the outer shell of your ear, causing your breathing to become ragged. 
“Mhm,” you manage to get out. 
“You’re so cute when you’re needy. I can’t wait to see just how needy I can make you,” Wanda says. She leans away from you, but not before leaving a soft kiss on your cheek, making you go pink.
“Don’t kill the poor girl Wanda,” Natasha scolds. 
“I can’t help it, she’s just so cute,” Wanda says, like you aren't there, which just turns you on even more. 
“Yeah she is,” Natasha agrees. 
You don’t know what to say, too absorbed in your own lust, when Natasha speaks again, snapping you out of it.
“Here are our phone numbers,” she says, slipping you a piece of paper. You take the pieces of paper and program their numbers into your phone and you give them your number and they do the same.
“We’ll text you tomorrow to work out the details and set up a contract, assuming you still want to do this?” Wanda questions. 
“I do,” you reassure her. 
“Then we’ll talk to you tomorrow, detka,” Wanda says. The two women get up, both hugging you goodbye. You watch the two women walk out, having forgotten that Kate was also at the cafe until she comes up to you. 
“Oh my god,” Kate says.
“I know,” is all you say.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to get two sugar mommies.”
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burntheedges · 5 months
2024 Fic Reading Tracker - January
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So in December when everyone was posting how many books they’d read in the last year I started wondering, as I always do, how much fic I read in 2023. And there’s really not a good way of knowing because of my reading habits (a mix of ao3 and tumblr, downloading things to read in Books (iOS app) that I bookmark for later, etc.). So I decided to track it in 2024. So far, I’ve kept it up for the entire month of January. (If we talk a lot and you’re wondering why I haven’t mentioned this to you, it’s because I wasn’t sure if I’d actually follow through, lol. I wanted to see if I’d do it first.)
Note: I tracked every separate reading 'instance', so sometimes it's a whole fic, sometimes it's a new chapter, etc. I read A LOT and I read FAST. Don’t be like me. This is me telling myself to go outside more, y’all. And January was long.
Keep reading for more about what I read and some recs! There are actual bar charts below the cut. Feel free to send me asks about any of it. lol
January Fic Reading Stats
# of fic reading instances: 138 😵‍💫
# of words read: I’m not going to tell you. This number is so much higher than I ever imagined. I’m kind of embarrassed, to be completely honest. It’s huge. It’s terrifying. I need to go outside.
Fics by fandom:
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PPCU = Pedro Pascal cinematic universe
Fics by Pedro character:
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A few recs
I want to share some fics from each month, but I couldn’t think of a good way to select them other than completely at random (I don’t want to try to choose my favorites or do a ranking. I love too many things and I just don’t want to do that to myself.) So here are 3 random fics that I definitely recommend from my list of fics I read in January, 2024 (generated with a random number generator, 1 through 138):
Another Night by @goodwithcheese Fandom: PPCU, Frankie Morales x f!reader, 2.7k words, Rating: E This is a follow up to Megan's Santa Fe series! Read that first! It's so good!!
to sell your love for peace by @brandyllyn Fandom: PPCU, Javier Peña x f!reader, 27k, Rating: E (lovers to idiots is a hilarious trope)
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets (@asecretvice) Fandom: Supernatural, Dean x Cas, 56k words, Rating: M (this fic is so freaking good)
Hopefully I'll keep this up and see you for another update at the end of February! Cross your fingers for me. I know technically January has a few more hours, but my brain is mush so I'm not going to be doing any reading. lol
update: Ok I had a few requests for a blank version of my tracker, so here you go!
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bunniehoneys · 12 days
ko-fi update + early access to fics
Just a quick post to rundown what I'm doing with my fics from now on!
I was speaking about using Patreon. Due to high fees and only accepting paypal, I'm using Ko-Fi instead as they take my preferred method (Stripe!) which doesn't show my legal name etc on the internet, lol. Patreon also wouldn't let me pay out until late June, delaying what I want to do with the money i.e. fundraising.
It's now set up and ready to go - there are currently three tiers:
£5 / month: Just early access to fics when they're finished and ready to go. This will be two weeks before they upload to ao3.
£8 / month : early access, plus access to wips and planning stuff from me. Will also include scenes I write, but cut for any reason.
£20 / month (might turn this one off, depending on how it goes): all access plus a request per month up to 1K words. Currently limited to 5 people.
Just as a recap, all proceeds from my Ko-Fi until Coanda Effect is finished, or for the first two months, whichever is longer, will be donated to a family in Gaza via OOB. I will reblog this with the link to the family when I donate, and I'll donate the difference in fees myself (I'm not sure how much Stripe takes, but I'll even it out!).
This is not just early access for coanda effect, this is early access for ALL my fics going forward (apart from out of touch, in harmony). I'll do a post etc to let people know if anything about this changes. How I think this will work is :
you buy the membership tier of your choice.
this will give you access to my "shop", where the PDF file of the chapter will be available to "buy" (for free). you will only get access to this once you subscribe.
happy reading, you get to download it !
(for wips etc I will probably just do blog posts, which will show on a feed).
it's currently quite empty, but I'll upload a few wips later on tonight, and coanda effect chp23 will likely be live there by the end of the week. mwah
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musashi · 1 year
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I’d LOVE to talk about it!!!! There is NOTHING like holding a physical copy of a fanfic you love in your hands, whether it is yours or someone else’s. Though I do recommend you get a physical copy of your own work first and foremost, it really cements the fact that you wrote a whole ass novel, or a collection of short stories. The first few fics I ordered were ones I wrote myself and I still go out into my living room to pull them off the bookshelf and just hold them, sometimes.
There are a lot of websites that exist where you can print books without publishing them. The website I use to print fic is Lulu. There are other websites but this one is my fave. Some people have probably written beautiful guides on book binding but I would rather just have a service do it for me.  i thought it might be fun to make a whole ass tutorial on my process, if anyone is interested? Because I really think this should be something more people do, I am telling you it'll change your LIFE. Wanna re-read that old fave in your bookmarks? Cut down on screentime! go GRAB IT OFF YOUR SHELF and settle in all cozy :3
I use google docs. There are probably ways to do this in other word processing software but google docs is my friend. So this is how I do it. Google is also your best friend when figuring out how to make these adjustments in other word processors fghdg.
So you kinda want to set up the skeleton of your physical fic first. You wanna make a blank document, go to file > page setup and change the paper size to A5. This’ll put it in peak book format! Hurray. You’ll notice things are a bit cramped here but don’t worry, the margins are supposed to be like that. I like single spacing with the typical indent (.50) so thats what I do. I know some people prefer double spacing, so if that’s your jam do it! Just keep in mind it’ll make your book a lot thicker, it really depends on how you want to condense things. Font size is also a factor here. Personally, I LOVE to condense–12 point times new roman font and single spacing is my jam, heres what that looks like:
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But again, depending on how long of a story/collection you want to make, you can space things out too. 
Make a nice title page! Mine are pretty simple, just the title and the username. Sometimes I’ll put the fandom name like ‘a [fandom] fanfiction’ but for the most part thats just for PDFs i share of my own fic. When it comes to my own fic I also like to put little dedications at the beginning for flair. Again, that’s just for me.
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this is from my sicktember anthology, which is just all my sicktember fics in a neat little book. here's Down's:
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this is my favourite part of printing my own books. i like to get sappy with it.
Add page numbers! This is something you can do automatically in most word processors. You can put em anywhere, I always put mine as footers ‘cause I really just like my fic to feel like a real book. This is under 'insert' in gdocs.
If you’re doing an anthology collection or a lot of fics in one book, a table of contents is good to have! If you apply a heading effect to each story/chapter in google docs, you can automatically insert a table of contents. I usually have to play around with mine a little (and edit it after, pin in that for later) but it’s a good thing to have. But in order to make a table of contents you have to actually have the fic in the doc, so let me teach you how to do that.
Congrats @pictureswithboxes, you are hereby my guinea pig. Because your fic is a good length and it’s the first one that isn’t my own that I’ve turned into a physical copy. Everyone please watch as I turn Turnabout Substitution into a book.
There are many ways and many formats you can download an AO3 fic in. Personally I prefer the HTML format–don’t ask me why, it’s just the best one I’ve seen for keeping things easy to edit and intact. If you work better in PDF or EPUB feel free to download those, but it’s my tutorial so you get HTML.
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I drop the HTML file into docs. When you open it, you get this nonsense:
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'cause that's a whole ass webpage, obviously. so open it AGAIN, this time using this button up top:
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And that gives us… well, a lot more nonsense–it drops all the tags in, authors notes, whatever. You’re welcome to keep author’s notes if you like, personally I do without them (i love to read them digitally! I just keep them out of my physical copies) and everything is in 11 pt times font. The first thing I do is highlight the body of the fic and ONLY the body of the fic. I do this chapter by chapter.
Once I have chapter 1 highlighted, i change the font to my preferred size and typeface–in this case, 12 point times new roman. And then, with the body of the chapter still highlighted, i fix the margins/indent–left to 0, first line to .50, and right to 6.50. Then, with all of that highlighted, I paste it into my ‘book’ doc and all the indents/font choices carry over. Easy peasy.
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I go ahead and make a chapter header. I think when doing a proper manuscript a chapter is supposed to start at the mid-point of the page, but i usually have the title at the top and the body text starting halfway down.
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(my doc is in grey to avoid eye strain. if you do this, make sure it's white when you save it xD)
After a chapter–or any time you want to move onto the next section–use a page break! These are under the ‘insert’ tab. They will automatically jump you to the next page, and they will be necessary, for many reasons, but also because!!!
A new chapter should always start on the right page. In order to keep this correct, I take note of if my right pages are evens or odds in page number. Your first page will always be on the right. If you add a table of contents, it should also start on the right–so add a couple page breaks between the two to make a fully blank filler page. In my experience, because page 1 is always right, this usually means your right page will always be an odd number, but for some reason I'm having some weird mandela effect where i swear it wound up evens one time. huh. never hurts to double check! and triple check.
I ignore this all while I’m pasting the chapters in, but then at the end I go through all of them using google docs’ outline feature. Which is honestly NECESSARY for something like this, if you aren't already using it:
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(anything marked as a heading will show up here! or you can highlight something, right click, and add it to outline manually. It's great!)
If my right page is odd-numbered, i check each of them one by one to make sure they all start on odd pages. I add an additional page break in the chapter before if they’re not, to make a filler page. it might feel weird to have all these blank pages in your doc but trust me you will appreciate them when you are actually holding the book.
As I am doing this, I also scroll up to the end of the previous chapters to look for orphans/widows. These are single lines that wind up on their own on the page and look kind of awkward and personally irritate me. Most word processors also have a feature to get rid of these, in google docs you just have to highlight the whole paragraph the line is in (or the paragraph before it, if it’s dialogue or a single line on its own) and apply a heading to it. You can highlight it and click ‘update heading to match’ to do this without changing the font. Good as new! It’ll show up on your outline on the side, but you can delete it by hitting the x beside the lines.
Another thing I do with the body text is i scroll through the whole doc and look for line breaks. AO3 has built-in ones you can insert, and you’re welcome to keep those if they are in a fic you like. Personally i prefer the look of a space to separate, though, so I actually edit them out and replace them with 3 line breaks. Literally just hit the enter key 3 times.
TS here is a case fic, told in the style of the ace attorney vn, which means each chapter has a few locations and timestamps displayed. I do 3 blank line breaks before these, and two after. Because it’s what looks nicest to me. You can play around with aesthetics and see what you like.
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Once everything looks good, I scroll back up to update the table of contents if I have it. Google docs has a feature where you can ‘refresh’ it, but… I do not recommend this, because if you formatted your table (which you most likely did, it looks kinda terrible on its own) this will reset the formatting, and that will more than likely space out things or add unnecessary things (like those widows and orphans you marked before) which will add to your page count which means your TOC will be wrong ANYWAYS. So what’s the alternative?
Open your doc in two tabs. Same doc, two tabs. In one tab, stay on your TOC. In the other, click through your outline and input the new page numbers yourself. A little painstaking, but less prone to error. Easy peesy! Here's a bit of my finished TOC for my sicktember book:
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Like all things, you can play with fonts and margins.
Your book is READY TO GO. Save it as a PDF, you can do this by hitting the print button in docs and most other word processors. Then instead of choosing a printer hit ‘save as PDF.’ Scuttle on over to Lulu and make an account. Yes it is worth it. Fic!
Lulu is awesome because it has lots of customization options. If you wanna get fancy with it, you could insert images into your PDF and get a colour book! But I just order print books, basic black and white. Once you name and upload your PDF, you can choose EVERYTHING. What kind of paper you want. If you want hardcover or paperback. The world is your oyster. Lulu will then give you a template for your cover, fitted to the dimensions of your fic book based on page number and what options you choose. They technically have a guide that lays this all out for you, but I find it incredibly confusing, so here is the streamlined wendy version:
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There are a lot of options for how to make this cover. You can use an image editor, like photoshop, or you can draw fanart, or you can simply go into MSpaint and add some shitty little text to a solid colour if you don’t feel like anything fancy. A lot of people also use canva, which has tons of templates and assets you can throw together. I use canva so much i actually paid for a pro subscription lmao fsdghfgh but I also use photoshop a good deal. I made DTE’s covers in photoshop:
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And Down’s cover in canva:
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When I’m doing canva covers, I always just save the PDF, pop the template into photoshop, and then paste the images over it and rearrange them to my liking. I think Lulu also has an in-site canva editor but I don’t like learning new software. Photoshop is easy gfhfhg.
WHEN YOU ARE SAVING YOUR COVER. LISTEN TO ME. LISTEN THIS IS IMPORTANT ESP IF YOU NEVER TOOK GRAPHIC DESIGN OR HAVEN’T PROFESSIONALLY PRINTED ANYTHING. When you are saving your cover. SWITCH YOUR COLOUR PROFILE TO CMYK!!! Do not save it as RGB! RGB is good for digital graphics, but if you EVER print something you need to switch it to CMYK. I FORGOT TO DO THIS SOMEHOW when I printed my first two fic books, so their covers look a little washed out. When you do this in your photo editing software, they will look washed out there too–this is normal. They will print SO much better. Just trust me. 
Make sure you save your cover as a PDF and pop it onto Lulu! It’ll show you a preview of your book and cover which you can go by page by page to look for mistakes or anything you may want to change. In this preview the cover will ALWAYS look like a shitty, jpeggy mess. IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THAT IRL. I was so concerned fghfg but they print fine the preview just sucks.
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wow so cool. this is for Down's hardcover which has a lot of margin. the closest summation of what your book will be like is to turn everything here off but the folds:
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so cool. thats my book.
And you’re good to go! Enjoy your fic!!! PHYSICAL FIC IN YOUR HANDS!!! I got to experience the most magical thing recently: my friend bought a copy of Down, and then SHIPPED IT TO MY HOUSE, and i got to SIGN IT. I got to SIGN a copy of a BOOK I WROTE. They loved it that much. And I had the PDFs. PDFs I need to update, because I didn’t know half the shit I just wrote here when I made them. BUT I GOT TO SIGN MY FIC!!! SOMEONE LIKED IT ENOUGH TO BUY IT, AND THEN SEND IT TO ME, TO SIGN!!!
All the money here goes to printing costs, if that wasn’t obv. Paperbacks on Lulu can be under ten bucks depending on how thick they are, and hardcovers are usually under 25. It’s insane to me how cheap it is to print fanfic, and once you try, you WILL be addicted.
I tried to make this tutorial easy to follow, i hope it was! If anyone has any questions about the process, I am always happy to answer. Or, um, if you just want me to do all this formatting FOR you… I might be open to doing it for free. Mutuals get first dibs but I genuinely LOVE formatting docs for printing. I can’t help you with covers (i flounder even making them for stories I love) but I’ll always format a fic or several fics for you. Just HMU ghfghgf
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tk5reader · 1 month
Guys! I need your help finding an AO3 fic so so SO much! I know it’s been deleted cause it’s no longer in my bookmarks and I’m dying to read it again!
If anyone’s downloaded it or saved it any way I would so appreciate it to the max! Or if they know which author it was I’d love to know!
I don’t know the title nor the author myself, but I know plot points and some tags for it.
Fandom: Dark Pictures Anthology - House of Ashes
Main ship: Jason Kolchek x Salim Othman
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega; Omega Jason Kolchek; Alpha Salim Othman; etc.
Plot points that I remember:
- They use the concept of the Alpha Voice and Jason learned to ignore it from a beta woman at a college (?) party that his horrid alpha step brother forced him to go to : his immunity is shown a few times like when his superior in the army tried to call him out on the “impossible” ability he put in his military application, and when Merwin is being himself later on.
- Salim finds himself protective of and strangely jealous towards (lol we all know why) Jason in spite of enemy status and him thinking Jason is a beta (Jason is hiding his status)
- After they get out of the temple, Jason goes with Salim to England, but is later threatened and kidnapped/attacked (I can’t remember which) by his step brother who tracked him down.
- Rachel, Eric, and Nick became a trio with Rachel & Nick being Alphas and Eric being an Omega (he was actually pregnant at the time too I think)
- Clarice was also an omega, but she still died.
- All 3 Omegas were hiding their status, but they recognized each other for what they were (omegas) due to the same chemical scent of the
- I think the fic was completed by the end there.
- I also have some dialogue I saved from the fic for story idea purposes if that’ll help any
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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lost-technology · 2 months
Dear My Brain, I do NOT need to do another massive Trigun AU right now. However, just to make you happy, I'll toss out my ideas here for "maybe someday." Okay, I'm on a Fallout-kick lately. Good show for my games, yes? A rare pretty decent live action adaptation of a set of video games. Definitely nods to fans / players there. Also been doing a little playing of Fallout 4. (Fallout 3 is the only game of the series I've played all the way through main quest sadly (maybe I'll download the classics from Steam...) Anyway, I've played with this notion for Trigun before - but only in the "if they were players." I made perks / gameplay styles for the main characters. So, what are you doing, brain? Why are you starting to come up with ideas for an actual story for me to write as a crossover?!!! Especially when I do not know if there are enough people who like both properties AND read fanfiction to be interested in a crossover AU / fusion fic - then again, I tend to write things primarily for my own delight, anyway. I was telling myself "no, these two things are already too similar, there's really no need," but then came the idea that "no, there are some things unique enough to the Fallout setting that you could really have fun with the Trigun characters wandering a post nuclear North America rather than Planet Gunsmoke / No Man's Land." I could even interchangeably refer to the Wasteland as No Man's Land... Okay, Brain, so you're telling me that in this fusion universe, Vault-Tec had a subsidiary that worked closely with the budding U.S. space program, which if I am not mistaken, is canon (that satellite-dish quest in Fallout 3 and that experimental for space-colonisation front Vault concealing the real experiment in the Nuka-World expansion for 4). SEEDS was sort of its own separate thing, more benevolent than the Vaults and free from their wild secret experiments. Their mission was open: Developing a new, yet profitable, source of power for the cooperate overlords to profit from, being a failsafe for re-terraforming the Earth in the event of a nuclear war, and being a study for close-quarter scientist-living for potential space colonies. SEEDS Vault 05 (as distinct from Vault 5, SEEDS gets a different class) saw the successful bioengineering of life forms they called Plants. They were actually developed shortly before the war of 2077, but were not considered perfected. After the bombs dropped and the doors sealed, further study showed the Plants' potential as essentially living G.E.C.Ks (Garden of Eden Creation Kits). A living answer to the G.E.C.K, water-chips, cold-fusion... Even a potential way to divest from the atomic energy that America had been depending on since the end of WWII. (Fallout, for non-players, is an AU of reality diverging at WWII's end). And then Independents are born. Rem Saverem, a rogue scientist who rebels against Vault-Tec's lack of ethics managed to smuggle out the first Independent. Poor Tesla, being a little girl she had to send out, but the Hell of the Wastes were literally a better shot for her survival than for her to stay in the SEEDS-Vault. Sometime later, a pair of twin boys are born and Rem manages to convince the crew not to make them into test subjects. Until she can't. Cue big escape scene where she gets Vash and Nai out of the vault and dies in a hail of bullets right before them as guards cut her down and come after them... And so starts the journey of pair of living McGuffins who can either save the world or destroy it in search of their lost sister. Nai eventually becomes Millions Knives, a brutal Wasteland warlord bent on the destruction of humankind. Vash is on the run with bounties upon bounties upon him. He meets a ghoul named Wolfwood, dependant upon a certain kind of Chem to heal his wounds and to keep him from going feral and a couple of reporter-ladies from one of the larger settlement-cities intent upon uncovering Wasteland mysteries.
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therentyoupay · 1 year
Hi, I was just wondering if technical difficulties is abandoned?
I hope you’re doing well!
*drops in after 5 years and 4 months with a technical difficulties chapter update*
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cover art made by @angel-gidget ♡
03/08/23. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, ALL, LONG LONG LONG TIME, NO SEE. ♡ Can you believe it? When I first published this story (first to tumblr, then to ao3), I had just moved to Japan! When I posted ch. 7, I was still living in Japan, and would stay there for another 7ish months... and in the 5 years and 4 months since posting the last chapter, I have moved to three different cities in the United States and started a Ph.D. program. (I am currently halfway through my PhD program!!!!!) What a wild ride. Also, we lived through the pandemic?! And I bought a house! Over the summer! The market was vicious.
So, then how did I get the inspiration/time/energy/motivation to write Ch. 8, you ask? Marvelous question. I lied down in bed last night to go to sleep "early" and ended up reading an utterly hilarious play-by-play commentary on Bad Books, Good Times of a popular fantasy novel series—and I'm not quite sure what it was about "poorly written books explained by hilariously clever book lovers" but I suddenly had a craving for fanfiction, so I opened up my Books app on my phone, and my eyes fell upon a sudden recommendation for my downloaded copy of technical difficulties. And I thought, "Am I suddenly and weirdly in the mood to jot down some notes to start Ch. 7 right now? By golly, I think I am."
4.5 hours later, I'd written the whole damn thing from scratch on my phone in my Notes app. (Messily! Half-assed! But I wrote all of it down!) I then spent another 6.5 hours today filling in the gaps and "editing." This chapter (and the one that will follow it) has been in my head for more than half a decade, but I just haven't had the space to get it out until now!!
I think one of the most beautiful parts of getting a PhD is how completely it blows your perfectionism tendencies utterly to bits, and one of the really interesting byproducts that has come up in my acdemic writing is just how quickly I can crank out decent-enough writing (skill-building!!). In my case, I think so much of it has to do with just being able to word vomit fairly well while not trying to fix anything until the whole damn thing is basically done. So, I applied that knowledge here! Behold!
This isn't to say that I'll be writing the final chapter anytime soon—I may be on spring break right now and may have had a stroke of Writing Inspiration in the Wild™ last night, but I'm still finishing my last semester of classes and learning advanced Python and working on my milestone paper for my doctoral program and preparing to present at my next conference in June and preparing my proposal for my dissertation next fall. BUT! The important thing is that I will post the last chapter of this story (and all my other stories)! Eventually!! ;)
No BETA for this chapter because I gotta THROW this out onto the internet and get back to coding, so bear with! I may do minor edits for it in the near or distant future. Also, please note that I have not watched any episodes of Miraculous Ladybug after the finale of Season 1, so this fic is very much a ~time capsule~ from the past. If there is any additional lore that might otherwise apply to the plot of this fic, please know that I don't know about it, and I am keeping myself selectively ignorant on all matters of Miraculous Ladybug season 2 and beyond until after I finish this story the way I originally intended. ♡ Woo!
as for, tumblr, sadly, to be honest, I'm never really online anymore! I'll respond to comments here on ao3 ASAP, though. ♡ LOVE YOU ALL, THANK YOU. ♡♡♡
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fandomsaremykryponite · 6 months
May I ask you some questions about your writing process for your Boondock Saints, The Walking Dead crossover? I’m curious how you approached something that you knew was going to be a long huge story that would take forever to write. Did you plot everything out from the beginning to end? And do you schedule yourself to write a goal each day?
Hi @livingdeadblondequeen
Thanks for the ask! I really like this one.
Tbh, I don’t think I have a real writing process. When I first came up with my fic series, it was really just for fun bc I thought it would be interesting to imagine how things would be affected if the Saints were in TWD. Then, I decided to write my own series and it just exploded from there. It’s kinda the same thing with all my stories (that I’m still working on before I post). Adding my OC was basically me jumping in to the story as well bc why shouldn’t I have fun in all this? Lol.
As for the plot as a whole, it’s kind’ve a mix between plotting everything out and winging it. I did download a timeline app on my iPad specifically to track major stuff through the series as a whole. Specifically figuring out exactly how long each season lasted (timeline wise, not the show’s runtime). Like how long from the virus’s initial outbreak to when Rick was left behind in the hospital, where would all my characters go, who died when and where (and maybe how if the idea comes to me). Since as many of you have probably already read, there are several characters that I’ve kept alive who (at the point of my series) should already be dead. For a few of them, they’re still going to die, but I wanted to give them, I guess, better deaths?? It’s hard to explain as it’s been a while since I’ve actually looked at my story timeline.
Though, I’m gonna go back and make a bunch of new ones later one that follow the rest of the series that I haven’t gotten to yet. Hell, I still don’t entirely know how to finish off the last season. I know what I want, but I need to watch the last season to really see how it ended before I figure out how to work my way there. Though, that probably won’t be until much later. I’m still on season 4 of TWD, which isn’t new information since that’s where I’ve been since I first finished writing season 3 (part 6 which is currently being posted) like almost 2 years ago I wanna say??
If you’re interested in what stories I’m writing, I think I actually wrote it all out in a post long time ago. However, I have made additional stories that I’d like to post one day. Though, it won’t be until I’ve written up to certain points for each story. I like having a bunch already written out so that I have breathing room before I need to write more in case I let myself get caught up writing other stuff (like I am now lol).
As for your last question… I don’t really set a schedule. I just write when I wanna write whenever I can write (which was a lot of times now that I think about it). I don’t set a goal either. I don’t like adding unnecessary pressure that I don’t need. I write because I had a fun story idea that I wanted to make. I share my story online because I thought that there might be others who would enjoy it. And there had been bc I’ve been receiving nothing but love since I first started posting and have always appreciated the support and adored the comments that readers would leave in AO3.
Thanks again for the ask! I really enjoyed this one. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out! I love chatting with you all!
Thank you for reading my fic series this far. I hope you continue to enjoy reading my fic series as I have been writing them.
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hyuckswoman · 27 days
off topic but i’m planning on making my own SMAU but i fear cause my attention span is a bit bad so im scared ill end up getting bored of it halfway through. How do u keep urself motivated especially if it’s ur first ever post so i wont have really anyone that is alr a fan of anything ive posted 😭
no bc this.
I’ve literally started so many fics my whole life and never finished them so it feels sooooo weird knowing that i’m actually going to finish something!!
also abt the motivation thing it’s truly because of the people that have been interacting with my story and i!! like truly i think that if no one read it i would’vr given up bc there were times where i lowkey cba to post but knowing that there was one person expecting my update made me feel motivated enough!!
another main part of my motivation was like how fun it was to imagine every chapters as the week went by like there are chapters (esp in the 40s) where i felt soooo excited to make them like i was giggling n shit to myself lmaooo. so yea the motivation is really both the interactions and also the fact that i like my story (&mark) !!
down bad is my first ever work like i downloaded tumblr to be a reader and less than a month later i started this story so it warms my heart to see people interacting with it and getting to know it
(i did not have a following before so don’t be stressed!! i only gained a following bc of this story!!!!!!!)
so yea don’t be afraid!! literally all of my following know me bc of this smau. i do post written work here n there that don’t do as good but at the end of the day i remind myself that i also post bc i want to and it’s not abt the numbers!!**
but i can also understand the disappointment of starting something you like and flopping real bad but yea just throw yourself out there
**: also, a big part of my written stuff are requests so i end up not caring if they don’t do as good as long as the person requesting it liked it!!
my renjun fic wasn’t a request and it didn’t do suuuuuuuper good but who cares bc im delusional and this fic was written to put my delusions into words so yea remember also that number aren’t everything & as long as you’re satisfied with what you put out everything is good!!
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elegyofthemoon · 1 month
Hsr for the ask game thing! Or if it's been asked then hi3 :)
the first character i ever fell in love with:
sampo :) i actually started playing hsr because of sampo! he just seemed like a silly little dude and i do tend to like the "goof but has some big lore potential going on". it took like a day of resisting to actually download the game lmao
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Himeko..... I was actually really excited to get to know Himeko more when I had first started off. I mean come on: she's so beautiful! But laksjdfh I think overtime she eventually stopped standing out for me that I lost interest. That plus now that I've played HI3, the reason why I like HSR! Himeko feels like it's only because of HI3 Himeko and the importance of Himeko in the HI3 plot and for many characters' developments 😭 Sorry Himeko
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I guess KafHime tbh? I think aesthetically they're a very very pretty couple, but I just can't get behind it at all. Or I just have no reasons to get behind it since I'm not exactly invested in either characters. Though Kafka is definitely growing on me because I built her (accidental pull) and she's been doing such massive damage so like you know.
Even then I don't have anything to say about either characters aslkdjfa
my ultimate favorite character™:
surprise to no one it's Dan Heng ALKSJDFAKLSJH I can go on about why I like him, but tldr: I just got attached to him at a very very crucial point in my life and he's just a nice comfort character to me ^u^ I loved being able to get to know him further on the Luofu and all things about the High Cloud Quintet ! So... yeah :> also I miss him --
prettiest character:
it's hard T _ T its very hard to tell T _ T
my most hated character:
I don't really have a character I hate. Just more disinterest towards. Dr. Ratio is definitely up there though (I ramble about him later lmao)
my OTP:
listen.... i know it has been a while.... but I still really love Serval/Cocolia. I rarely read fanfics aside from if its written by my friends but Servalia had me clawing through AO3 and Tumblr just to search for more fics for them. No one posts about them much anymore but I sure love them so much okay.
my NOTP:
i'm not going to say which ship but its one of the dan heng ships.
favorite episode:
I'll write this as "favorite update". Penacony has been suuuuch a fun ride honestly. So I'll say that entire section has been tons of fun. As of now I still haven't finished it in its entirety, but I can sense 2.2's story will probably be my favorite because I've been waiting to get to know Robin more and the Watchmaker!! But 2.1 has been fun because I just love seeing Acheron's section of it heheh :)
saddest death:
UHHH as of now, I think Aventurine's death in 2.1 was really sad :/ Hoyo did a really good job writing Aventurine and his story that once you get to the finale of the 2.1, I found myself kinda torn on how it ended. Aventurine who placed his bets on his own death because that is what his good luck is good for - winning against all odds. The epilogue scene with Aventurine walking off into the Nihility's shadow kinda got me too. And this is coming from someone who is like very.... meh on Aventurine? I can't really bring myself to get super invested in him but objectively, he is a really well thoughtout and well created character. I just have no feelings towards him.
favorite season:
I'll write this as "favorite area". It's still Penacony askldjfahlsk There's sooooo many things happening in Penacony and I loved being able to put the pieces together to figure out what's going on. It's also the first area that I had nearly read all the readables in because I'd make it my goal to finish reading every readable and 100% every area before the next update in Penacony :> I want to better understand the area I'm in and give myself ideas for where the story can go. The second area would have been Belobog because it's the only other area I was trying to 100% and read all the readables for (are the readables important in Belobog? no but some of them sure made me cry a bit LMAO)
least favorite season:
"Least favorite area" Honestly... Herta's Space Station. But that could also be because when I first started HSR, I was still orienting myself to the new world, so the space station is the least i remember. It's not that I hated it; it's trying to orient you into the new world and I was just confused for majority of it. I just don't remember enough about it nor about the people within it to care for it.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Objectively: I'll say he's interesting and I am interested to see his development. But Dr. Ratio. I don't get it. I've seen people talk about him wanting education to be accessible to ALL which is GREAT but personality? Can't stand him.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Ruan Mei my most beloved. I want more of her and I feel like we didn't get enough of her. She's just so interesting as a character and while she may not be the most caring of characters - and reasons why people shit on her - I still feel like her view as a character is interesting. And even her motives of wanting to become an Aeon. I want to understand her better. Why? What drove her to want to become so? I WANT TO UNDERSTAND YOU MISS
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
not a beautiful cinnamon roll but she sure is beautiful but i love Jingliu 😭😭😭 one reason why i don't like interacting with majority of the fandom is because of their viewpoint on Jingliu's companion quest. I had way way clearer thoughts on the quest when it was fresh on my brain, but I actually liked it a lot more than the fandom let on about it, and I know that people were kinda shittalking about Jingliu afterwards and that made me Mad on her behalf because I think she's a really nicely thought out character. But then again, if you know me: white hair character who is defined by mourning and grief. you know the deal LKAJDHFALKJD
idk. I just feel like she deserves better than how the fandom treats her.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
I mean whatever the hell Rondo Across Countless Kalpas had going on, Black Swan/Acheron sure kinda has me feeling a way (in which i'd risk wanting a dance with Acheron. me too Black Swan LAKJDFALKS). Also in a way Servalia too I mean. You know.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
No one asked but I actually kinda lowkey ship Firefly/Robin. Like very very lowkey. My only reasoning is when 2.0 was fresh and i was in Mourning over Robin, I once sent a very giant and long essay to my friend N about me late night perusing and overanalyzing Firefly and Robin's deaths. like why specifically them ? Why did they have to die?
I took it in a very symbolic matter. I thought too much about Firefly's monologue about her answer to "Why do people slumber?" and her answer being "Because people are afraid to be awake" or something like that. And about how it was "If I can stop one heart from breaking" that played in the background of all this - a song that praises the comforts of a dream in the face of bleakness. In both cases, in my view, it felt like having both of them die at least in that update, the deaths also seemed to signal the idea of ceasing this concept of a dream and to face reality etc.
And that's something I'm super excited about based on where i am with HSR with arguing with Sunday over the concept of comfort vs freedom.
BUT BACK TO THE POINT OF THIS QUESTION: this concept and me fixating on their meanings, it gave me a reason to kinda put Firefly/Robin together. It's kinda nice parallel with each other in a way haha
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Hi, mate! Thanks to this account I now know that Cwr and Elementals had new works (if I can say that about September 2022). I read DCWT and I exploded in the street a few minutes ago after reading one of ur post about new texts. Can you help me to know in what order I need to read all the new stuff and where I can read/listen them? Is only Pacific Rim related or there is some other fandom and/or new original world?
@umbra-life HI SORRY hello! Yes! Welcome! I do need to update my pinned post one of these days - today is sadly not that day because it is 1am but rest assured I will be fixing it soon!
If you kept up with CWR’s work in Pacific Rim prior to 2015 or so, then you probably read Designations Congruent With Things, Out of Many Scattered Things, and the one shots such as Like The Twist of a Plot. If you’re looking for new CWR shenanigans in the Pacific Rim Universe since 2020 or so, the big New Addition is called Aftermath and it is gorgeous 🥹 You can download/read Aftermath on CWR’s blog here! If you want to reread everything in the Designations universe, I’d probably suggest just going in release order: DCWT, OOMST, Aftermath, and then the one-shots. The first three are all on CWR’s site for download, and I have a doc of the one-shots I saved in The Before Times here. As for audio- Elementals released a recording for DCWT Ch 20 and Ch21! No official word on whether we’ll get the rest, but their website does say audio for Aftermath is coming so fingies and toes are crossed 😇
The OTHER new stuff CWR has been/is currently releasing is all in the Stargate universe - before writing in Pacific Rim, CWR originally started a triptych of Stargate fics: Force Over Distance (complete), Mathèmatique (WiP) and Ad Noctum (WiP). In the last few years, CWR has begun to rewrite FoD, and rework/add on to Maths and AdNo. 🥹 Likewise, Elementals has also been releasing new audio for these updated/new chapters, available on their website - AND the newest update this weekend is Elementals is maybe now allowing us access to in-progress audio 😱 go look at their site for details. It’s ridic.
Figuring out the order to read the Triptych is both straightforward and complicated - you should read FoD first, and then can read Maths and AdNo in any order after that… but should someone reading FoD for the first time start with the original complete FoD first and then the new WiP version of FoD for instance? Or just jump straight to the new versions? I wish I knew for certain pal - my gut though says start with the new versions on CWR’s website and if you’re fascinated and want to take the time to compare to the OGs then I have copies of them in my google drive for your perusal! That’s just me though - Anyone else out there have an opinion on whether newcomers to CWR’s Stargate triptych should read the originals first or start afresh?
Tangentially related to the DCWT side of the ask……… This ask actually sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. And that rabbit hole is ‘what order do all the chapters of CWR’s Pacific Rim tale ACTUALLY take place in?’ And while part of me worries that reading them in chronological order would fundamentally mess with CWR’s intent (why do I get fractal vibes from stories within stories, drilling down and expanding on smaller and smaller sections? I could be reading into things…) I couldn’t help myself. And turns out untangling their order is mostly sort-of possible so I maybe put that list together below for anyone brave enough to attempt it lmao. Take the order with a grain of salt as some of these like The Twist of a Plot could maybe take place later or sooner than I’ve put them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m running this post so what can ya do ya know?
CWR’s Pacific Rim media in Chronological Order, for funsies and for insomnia:
Epistolary Empiricism & Science Charm (OOMST) - In Medias Res (One Shots) - Aftermath 2015 Ch5 & Ch11 - Kingmaker & Lady Stardust (OOMST) - first 1/4 of The Blue Guitar (OOMST) - Aftermath 2015 Ch21, Ch26, Ch31, Aftermath 2017 Ch4, Ch10, Ch17, Ch34, Ch40, Ch46 - the rest of The Blue Guitar & The Crystal Lake (OOMST) - Aftermath 2020 Ch8, Ch12, Ch19, Ch24, Ch29 - Geneva 2020 (OOMST) - Aftermath 2020 Ch33, Ch43 - Failing the Solo Trial & Things Exactly As They Are (OOMST).
(Pacific Rim Film)
DCWT Ch1-9 - Aftermath 2025 Ch2, DCWT Ch10, Read Receipt (One shots) - Aftermath 2025 Ch15, DCWT Ch11-22, Under Pressure(One Shots), DCWT Ch23, Double De-Clutch (One shots) - DCWT Ch 24 - Ch28, Aftermath 2025 Ch25 & Ch48, Like the Twist of a Plot (One Shots), Aftermath 2027 Ch23, Ch27, Ch30, Ch35, Ch38, Ch42, Ch45, Aftermath 2028 Ch3, CH7, Ch16, Ch22, Ch37, Ch41, Ch49, Aftermath 2030 Ch1, Ch6, Ch9, Ch14, Ch2, Ch28, Ch32, Ch39, Ch44, Aftermath 2035 Ch50
Will I ever take the time to read these in order? Only time will tell, but researching all day sure made it feel like I already did 🙃
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Oh, I meant to send an ask about the tagging things with each chapter matter but looks like the discussion is already going on. I'm one of those people who tag based on what's already up as the story goes along.
My reason to do that, especially for characters and ships, is that I've been there and had the frustrations of finding a fic with a good premise and my rare faves tagged only for them to barely appear in it. If I were to tag the characters and ships preemptively, unless they're the ship the work will be centred around and it's misleading not to tag them, I know that some people will read the WIP hoping to find what they are looking for and be disappointed when it's not there. They may consider it a mistag for more views and blacklist the fic or remember it as "ah, the tag's wrong, blorbo isn't in it at all" and never click on it again even when blorbo finally enters the scene and becomes the deuteragonist. It feels deceptive of me to tag for things that aren't even in the work yet and I will shoot myself in the foot doing so.
Same for certain specific tropes, especially in smut. I add them when the new chapter introduces them to avoid cockteasing people looking for specifically that act or kink to read. However, for thematic tropes and overarching themes and such, I tend to tag them from the start to give readers an idea of what will happen. You need at least some ingredients and hints of what's gonna happen to get people to decide on reading.
I'm aware there are enough people who can reason the character or ship simply hasn't appeared yet, but for every fic for which that's true, there are a dozen more where they were just tagged for a single background appearance.
The initial question I wanted to send was, do you (otnf and other readers) reread the tags every time a new chapter goes up in case something new was added, or do you just read them once and go in if you decide you like them?
I never reread tags if it's a fic I'm going back to from an update email or bookmark and I actually remember which fic it is.
I use tags to find fics in the first place, largely via filtering and not via reading the headers carefully. Once I have my selection, I download things onto my kindle and read them later. I skim past the tags there and mostly look at the title and summary to remind myself which fic this is.
Best tagging practice is going to depend a lot on how long your fic is, how long it's taking you to update, what the fandom is like, what kind of content is included, etc.
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java-dragon · 8 months
Bookbinding for Beginners by a Beginner Part 3
*braces self on a door frame* Right there's a lot of information I still need to cover so lets get into it.
I don't recall if I told everyone to set up the document to be booklet type or not but here's how to do that (I'm not re-reading what I wrote my brain stopped working at some point)
But Layout Tab, Page Layout, hit the little arrow pointing towards the document:
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I have the sheets per booklet set to 32, but this site is helpful for helping you get the exact number of signatures (a portion of the fic you are printing it is one section of the book, whereas a text block is the whole thing together)
That's if you want to print through the program you're type facing (the text within the pages all of the formatting and indents and everything we started covering in part 2 is type facing). I have totally done printing through the word processor but there is a different option that I will cover later down this post.
For now I'm going to try and remember all of the extra stuff I need to cover. A lot of this is trial an error and fiddling, farting, and sometimes sobbing your way through this.
OH! Right if the fic you're type facing has a fake email. Like.... I don't know "[email protected]" Word will sensor it automatically when you paste it onto the document. The only work around I have is to have the OG link to the fic you're working on, and try your best to locate the email copy it, and find it within the text of the document using the headers to skip to the chapter in question and scan for the brackets with [Email redacted] or some such, it's usually blue text with "[ ]" going on.
I can't truly think of anything else at this time pertaining to my tips and tricks for Word. There is more I may know but my mind is fizzling out I may circle back to this but I think I'll move on towards downloading and uploading fonts to use in your bookbinding adventures and some Canva stuff.
DaFont and 1001 Free Fonts work
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I'll be using these two Fonts as my examples cause... well I actually quite like them.
Hit "Download"
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This will pop up on your screen hit "OK"
Go to your Downloads or where you put your downloads,
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Right click on the file in question and hit "Extract All"
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Hit Extract.
Click on the folder post extraction. The file type you're looking for is "Open Type Font File" Right Click, "Install" or "Install for all Users" works as well and the font will be available to anyone that has a User key for the computer you're on.
Sometimes the file will look like this:
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The Greyed out one? That's the type file.
There will be a pop up that says "Installing Font" give it a few seconds and it will disappear.
You will now be able to open up your word processor and go to the font section and be able to find your newly downloaded font
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Enjoy your new found power in getting fancy pants fonts on your word documents!
Now... Canva...
You can download it for free like I said. I have it on my phone and on my computer as a software application:
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So I don't accidentally doxx myself this is all you really need to see- you can do much much more than bookcovers, I've done bookmarks, and logos and a few other things.
but for our purposes we'll open up a document and make a few pages:
At the very tippy top that I did not show there's "create Design" I usually hit either "Bookcover" or "ebook cover".
There will be a document with some template examples and you can scroll and see if you like any of those. OR You can just go down to "Elements" and start playing and toying around with that.
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You can also grab screen captures of decorative lines to replace the "***" on your document.
How to do this- in elements there should be a search bar type in "decorative lines" and you can refine it "Decorative Rainbow" "brush stroke" "ornate" then open up the application on your computer that allows for screen shots Snip and Sketch for Windows, I don't know for Mac. Sorry.
Select something you like and when it appears on the document click outside of it.
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open up your screen grab and grab the line in question
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Here's my example.
Now in your word document feel free to go into the Pages tab of the Navigation bar and find whatever the author has used to break up the text. Highlight, right click, hit "search" There will be a pop up on the right hand of word hit the tab that says "Search this document/file" you can see how many times "***" or the equivalent has been used. I would suggest opening this link and reading all of the other tips and tricks since they break it down better than I ever could.
Edit as of November 18th 2023: But the root gist of it all is to highlight the "***" or equivalent divider on the document. Right click, "Search" there will be a prompt that opens on the right hand side of Word hit the "In this Document" and it will bring up every instance of what you have highlighted.
Have the image you intend to replace "***" with right click "Copy". Back in Word, hit "Replace" there will be a box that pops up with "Replace with" Type: ^C . What this does is take the image you've just copied and will override the highlighted "***" Hit "Replace all". You may have to scrub through the document to center it properly but thankfully it's easier to find especially with the Navigation Bar on the "Pages" tab open.
End Edit
Though you can just scroll and find the breaks highlight and drag and drop the image to break up the text if you so choose. Do what works for you.
Now you can also do the same thing with decorative chapter headers, just choose or fiddle and make something that works for the fic in question. Remember when I made you do all of those "Next Page" breaks for the fic? Well on the top of that page with the chapter, double click the header insert an image and "warp image" to "Behind text" and you are free to resize and move the image around.
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Just so you know whatever is next to the image will repeat with this example it's the author's name, it will appear no matter the page number odd or even. I don't know the work around and it doesn't bother me much at the end of the day. At this point I'm just trying to pull all of the tips and tricks I've learned over time out of my ass to help people out.
Back to Canva. You can make your Covers if you'd like in this and you can do decorative cover pages. Just go to the page that you want the title page on, insert an image, and warp image to "In front of text" You will be free to stretch and fill the page as much as you please. I do the same thing with my logo placement for the logo page.
Now... if you're still with me... Congratulations I'm not sure I'm still with me or not.
So I'll move on to the "OK I like how this all looks and I've saved everything I've done"
GREAT you can calculate the right number of signatures and print from here OR you can take a few extra steps.
Hit File, Export, hit Create PDF/XPS. I hope you have at least a free Acrobat or PDF reader. Wait. Don't panic if it looks like the processor is freezing up on you. there should be a pop up of a PDF after that minor heart attack.
Now. With your new PDF you're going to go to Bookbinder JS
Upload the pdf file you've created and I'll walk you through the steps.
Letter 612 x 792 is your standard 8.5 x 11 paper.
Printer type- Duplex I hope you have a duplex printer. You'll need it or else you will be manually flipping the pages to make this book bind.
Folio- That is just 8.5 x 11 paper folded in half to make 8.5 x 5.5 booklets. Keep these numbers in mind.
Signature format- there you can select "Perfect bound" AKA Paperback. Or Standard signature. Here I select 20 page signatures. Keep in mind that there will be four pages per one sheet of paper.
Preview output ALWAYS preview output because it will tell you how many signatures will be with the upload. For example:
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What this means: Total pages of the file uploaded, since the fic I'm type facing is 300+k words I divided the chapters up.
so you know what a 100+k word fic looks like printed folded and the air compressed (I will cover this as well) Keep this in mind this was Celestial Navigation now add similarly stacked pages atop of what's here. 100+k fics it's wisest and best to split this in half. Keep in mind your wrists. 500-600 pages is comfortable holding. You can get to around 800 pages but if it's 900+ pages I would think about dividing the document up.
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After you are happy with the number of everything. Hit "Generate Output" wait for the popup for the save file to appear and hit "Save" this will be in a zip file as well. Head over to your Downloads and hit extract, open up the file and some terminology that will help with this:
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Aggregate book means "the whole damn thing" Signature 0 is the first signature.
To spare the wrath and protest of my printer- I print one signature at a time and fold it since I don't have to worry about getting the page numbers to line up.
Take however much time you please. Next post. Folding signatures, pressing signatures, stitching, gluing end bands and ribbons.
aka- welcome to the world little fic. We hope you enjoy your stay. You're going to be a real book soon.
If I wasn't running out of steam I would cover Quartos. But if you wanted to print a smaller fic know this- increase the text size through out the whole document, these things are SMALL. 4.5x5.5 all said and done. I would go to TikTok and Youtube and look up "Quarto Book bind" if you want to see the smallest, cutest most pain in your ass book you've ever wanted to try and make.
I've done those as experiments as well... they can be fun but my god I'm bad at mathing at times.
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