#double wammy posting
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micro-meltdown ¡ 1 year ago
Micro!Monty wip
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His character is fascinating to me
No, I will not be doing Chica, nor Roxy. Sorry, the autism pointed at him and Freddy and said "Only."
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bonezhead ¡ 2 years ago
bonezhead artstyle change ( again ( are you even surprised anymore ( this happens like every 2 weeks ) ) )
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do not repost my art blah blah blah you guys get it by now
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kira-sucks-lawlipops ¡ 5 months ago
Death Note Fic Hunt
Trying to track down an old fanfic I remember reading years ago. Might have been posted on fanfic.net and never made it to Ao3?
The basic premise is that Light gets a second chance at life. Ryuk gets bored again and makes a deal with the shinigami king for Light to be pulled out of Mu and reincarnated, on the condition that he must save as many lives as Kira took in the original timeline. Possibly the incentive is that if he succeeds he will have lived a life free of the Death Note and thereby avoid going to Mu after he dies again, and the punishment if he fails is that he becomes a shinigami or something??
So Light is reborn back in time as a baby but with his adult intelligence and memories of the previous timeline. (This fucks up his relationship with his mother who is extremely unnerved by her Weird Wrong Baby.) He relives his early childhood but as soon as possible he establishes himself as a detective and starts solving cases under the pseudonym Kira. This catches the attention of L, who becomes obsessed with trying to discover the true identity of the new challenger to his title of World's Greatest Detective. Light fucks with him by sending gifts to Wammy's House.
The fic was incomplete last time I read it, and I think it ended right around when Light and L were about to meet in person for the first time.
Scenes I remember:
Sachiko listening in horror from the hallway while baby!Light teaches himself how to talk. His real first word is 'Kira', but a few days later he pretends his first word is 'Mama' and she's like 'Why is my fucked up baby pretending to be normal?'
Light as a toddler or very small child approaching one of the detectives from the Kira Task Force (can't remember which one - possibly the guy who dies really early) and saying something like 'I'm a super genius who knows everything about you and possibly I have some kind of supernatural powers. Come work for me and tell no one.' And the guy is like 'What the fuck? Okay I guess.' and then he becomes Light's Watari figure, helping him set up his secret double-life as an international super detective.
At one point Light saves people from a burning building, because he remembered that people died there and every life he can save counts. This prompts him to realise that eventually he will have to save Misa from dying also, which he is annoyed by because he knows it will cause him problems in the future.
Ryuk is hanging around to keep track of how many lives Light saves and at one point he asks if Light is still planning to join the police. Light is like, 'No I'm doing enough detective stuff in my secret double life, for my day job I'm probably going to go into medicine, maybe become a cardiac surgeon' and Ryuk finds that hilarious.
L keeps getting gifts from Kira and it freaks him out because they're weirdly personal and no one is supposed to know who he is or where Wammy's House is. One year he is hanging around Wammy's in late October, half expecting Kira will send him a birthday present. Nothing comes on October 31st and after a few days L is still sulking about it, so Watari is like 'Okay, it's time to move on now' but then on November 5th an arrangement of flowers for a funeral arrives and L is like 'What is this supposed to mean???'
Please let me know if you remember this fic or know how to find it!!
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lizardbethparson ¡ 1 month ago
Prepare for trouble
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AND MAKE IT DOUBLE! MELLO AND MATT TEAM ROCKET RAHHH!! Pokemon AU inspo from @topthreedetectives take a look at their stuff I took a lotta inspo!!!
I don’t have any actual lore for this and I didn’t think about any other characters while making this but little lore yap
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MELLO! Left professor Wammy’s soon after getting his Torchic and promptly joined Team Rocket first and has been climbing the ranks with his Partner Pokemon, Blaziken.
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He stayed at Wammy’s a little longer that Mello, Waiting for Chespin to evolve once, then he joined Mello in his efforts to catch Kira
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PANCHAM! M&m’s version of Meowth, except he cant talk. He started following the two around and after a while he was invited into the group. He’s doesn’t have his own pokeball and isnt owned by specifically Matt or Mello. He has a reckless and bossy personality, a pancham with the attitude of a Pangoro. He doesn’t fight but likes to play “trainer” and give directions durning battles (Chesnaught will listen to him since she can afford to take more than a hit or two but Blaziken only listens to Mello, and Matt in emergencies)
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BLAZIKEN aka the hardest pokemon in the world to draw. Mello’s pokemon and his Starter. She’s the “leader” of her fellow Pokemon, giving the orders if for whatever reason they get separated from Mello and Matt. She can read maps and signs, use technology, and go on errands like shopping by herself.
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CHESNAUGHT Aka “Chessie” the heart and tank of the group. Matt’s starter. She’s very large for a chesnaught. She is the majority of the firepower of the group, hitting hard and being able to take hits (unlike Blaziken who specializes a bit too much in speed that she’s a little frail) She sticks with Pancham and Matt like glue. She’s super friendly (and a little gullible).
Uhhh There’s probably more I forgot to say BUT I just wanted to get this posted finally
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0sincerelyella ¡ 2 years ago
Hi! Can I please request Josh Allen at his wedding and you reveal yourself in your wedding dress and you see him and his tux for the first time. (Like those trends where the bride reveals herself to surprise her husband before going down the aisle) thank you!!!
I’m gonna puke right now -Josh Allen
Summary: y/n and josh have a private first look. full and full of surprises
there will be an insta post sorta thing at the end. this is also a double wammy sorta thing. 😎
he is absolutely adorable
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You’d think dating the woman of your dreams for ten years would make you less nervous on your wedding day.
not for josh. josh thinks that if he married y/n the day they met he would’ve been less nervous then now.
as he finished the last sentence on the letter he was sending y/n before they got married, a private vow swap as they like to call it, his hand was shaking more than it has before any football game he’s ever played in.
he handed his brother the letter and took a breath as y/ns sister knocked on the door
josh opened it, y/s (your sister) smiled and handed josh the letter. “your so handsome josh, she’s gonna cry”
“i’m gonna cry. and puke” josh said, running his hand through his hair. “josh no! don’t ruin your hair” jason, josh’s brother, said
y/s laughed, flatting his hair. “your gonna be fine”
y/s walked away after jason handed her the letter.
y/n on the other hand, was having an amazing time. she was twirling around in her beautiful dress, dancing to taylor swift as y/s walked into the room. “read the letter y/n, it’s almost time for first looks.” y/n sat down, opening the letter
Dear y/n, my princess
fr bro, i can smell you from here PLS take a shower before i kiss you at the alter, xoxo -joshy poo
ps: for real though I wish i got down on one knee the second i knocked on your dorm. it was love at first sight and the thought of having a life without you hasn’t even occurred to me since. I think the Lord wanted us to be married, not only because we’re perfect together but also because it takes a miracle for the bengals to win a super bowl. I can’t WAIT to see you in that dress princess. also, i’m seriously about to puke
love, joshy<3
y/n laughed, holding the letter to her chest. “joshy” she smiled even brighter.
Josh was beyond nervous to read the letter, or for y/n to read her letter. “josh, read the letter” jason said, putting his hand on josh’s shoulder. “if y/n wasn’t a hundred and ten percent sure about the both of you she wouldn’t have stayed with you ten years. i know i would’ve left you 10 years ago” he joked.
josh took a breath, opening the letter.
Dear Joshy,
Not gonna lie you are a butt munch and i want to punch you all the time. i can not wait to want to punch you everyday of the rest of my life. you are my everything, and i thank you for letting me find myself and my career, and now i get to work with you and be with you for the rest of forever. i really do love you so so much. except i actually hate you, love you babes :)
love, your princess
Josh felt the burning in the back of his throat. he shook his head with a bright smile. “jason, i really love her” josh said, folding the letter and putting it in his bag.
“i know you do josh, it’s time to go see her”
Josh stood, smoothing out his suit, and fixing his hair. “i’m seriously going to vomit” josh said, standing in front of the door.
“your telling me, when you open this door, my girl is going to be standing outside of the other door in a beautiful dress that i havnt seen and that’s the last time i’ll ever see her as my girlfriend?” jason laughed. “your both gonna be blind folded” he explained, putting the blind fold on josh’s eyes. “when y/n says, you’ll both take your blind folds off” josh nodded, completely sightless “in less than an hour she’s gonna be your wife” josh was holding his breath trying not to cry.
jason stood at the door with his hand on the knob. “ready josh?” josh nodded “i can’t wait” so jason opened the door, and josh stepped out of it.
“hi joshy” y/n said. y/n hadn’t told josh that she wasn’t blind folded, she had a surprise.
josh had a bag in his pocket, they were doing a present exchange. a forever gift as y/n has been calling it. josh reached his hand out. “y/n” he whispered under his breath, he didn’t know how to talk. “y/n baby, i love you” he said as she took his hand into her own. “i can’t believe we’re getting married today” y/n said, as her sister and jason went back into seperate rooms, leaving the two alone.
y/n wasn’t blindfolded, josh didn’t know.
“josh i want to open your present first” she said, her finger running over his hand “can you see me?” she giggled “yeah” josh scoffed “you suck!” he laughed, smiling at his future wife. he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small bag.
it was a small locket, y/n opened it, looking at the pictures inside of it. “joshy…” the pictures where the two of them in her college dorm, and the two of them on their first date at his football game. “this is beautiful” she whispered under her breath.
after skillfully putting the locket on, wanting it for the wedding, and she put her hand on josh’s face. “i’m gonna take your blindfold off josh” he smiled. “i want to see my beautiful girl”
she pulled off his blind fold and his mouth fell open. “y/n…” he looked at his fiancé, studying her entire body. “it’s so beautiful, your so so beautiful” his eyes welled with tears. “i’m gonna vomit” he said, making y/n almost fall over from laughing.
josh was full on face full of tears, “i never saw myself being married to anyone.” he held both her hands. “but the second i saw you in your bummed out clothes and your messy hair all i could think about was marrying you one day.” he pulled one hand up and wiped his tears away. “i am so happy, because,” he took a breath because of a sob irrupting from his throat. y/n pulled him into a hug. he buried his head into her shoulder. “do not ruin my dress joshua!” she laughed, hugging him close. “i’m so happy because i found the person who is going to grow old with me.” he looked up from the hug, putting his hand on her cheek. “and you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world
y/n” y/n smiled, then her eyes brightened up “josh!” she giggled, letting go of his hands and putting them into her dress. “it has pockets!!” she showed, twirling around with happiness as she remembered the main reason she bought this dress
“oh yeah” she then pulled out a stick, not wrapped, not bagged, just the stick it’s self, placing it into his hand.
“no your kidding” josh said, as he realized what she just placed in his hand. “this is your present?” his hands began to shake. “Y/n your joking, like this is really fake” his eyes welled with tears again, and y/ns did as well
“we’re having a baby josh” she whispered, he looked up into her eyes. “i’m gonna be a dad” she nodded, and he pulled her into a big hug. as josh cried, holding y/n, jason and y/s walked into the hall. “it’s time” y/s said, josh let go of y/n, kissing her cheek.
“i’ll see you at the alter beautiful”
y/n smiled, watching her future husband walk out of the room with jason, and she saw the exact moment josh told jason he was goin go to be a dad. josh turned once more to look at his fiancé one last time as his fiancé “i’m gonna puke right now”
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Liked by Joshallenqb, jasonallen and 123,456 others
Y/nAllen: peep the username change😎
joshallenqb: hey we match!
user5: is that A PREGNANCY TEST??
user7: stop you guys are my favorite couple to ever exist
jasonallen: he cried harder than i’ve ever seen anyone cry before
y/sinsta: i will actually break his kneecaps
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liked by y/nallen, y/sinsta and 734,567 others
joshallenqb: normalize men crying over their beautiful wives
y/nallen: normalize beautiful wives crying over mcdonald’s not having ice cream
——> user8: real
jasonallen: get y/n her mcdonald’s man
y/sinsta: he kept threatening to vomit but not even once did he puke, im proud
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secondaryflu ¡ 4 days ago
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This is a countryhuman I made when I was in 7th grade based on a country I made in the same year. But I put her in @universal-casey 's Sovime AU, this is before her ✨trauma✨
Her name is Yucktucha, a passion project of a 17 y/o turned state. (Her main caretaker until ✨trauma✨) I'll post the doodle page that includes them.
I'm reposting this on my second blog sorry for the double wammy.
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hesitationss ¡ 1 year ago
so the double wammy of posting news and RNN messages abt palestine AND posting cropping of my lesbian slice of life comic feat a trans woman has lost me over 10 followers on ig... ☠️
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bloofbloofbloof ¡ 1 year ago
It would solve a lot of problems if the hypnosis community would fucking tag their accounts and posts 18+ because christ none of you do. Double wammy tagging your posts sfw when they're clearly not. ERP is not sfw you dipshits.
At least hippie weirdos age restrict their weird tantric meditation bullshit.
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atlafan ¡ 2 years ago
HAPPY : svu fic
here's a double wammy
“Don’t you want her to be happy?”
“Of course I do. I just hate that I couldn’t make her happy."
send me a word and I'll post a line from the svu fic
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myaimistrue ¡ 2 years ago
the double wammy of post-logan succession sunday and the final season of barry premiere
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puropoly ¡ 5 years ago
Idk if this has been asked before, but do you think Beyond knew A didn't have much time left? He has the shinigami eyes (duh lol) and in LABB I'm pretty sure he could understand the times of death, iirc. Wouldn't he be reminded that A only had a few more years left everytime he looked at her? And if that's true, in the case of your AU, do you think this influenced his desicion to get close to her, despite her death rapidly approaching?
oh i LOVE this ask, your question is essentially the trigger for the whole story I’m trying to write. Sorry it took a while to answer, it always takes me a lot of time to answer these things, partly because im better at drawing than writting and because I still have a lot of gaps in this story of mine
Beyond can see everyone’s death dates as proved in the LABB novel (otherwise he couldn’t have pulled off his overcomplicated murder plan) and does know exactly when Abbie is going to die. He was somewhat reluctant to befriend her when she first came to Wammy’s (I have selected ideas of how they met and how their life was when they were little, but that’s for another post). He still saw her as an opportune assistant for his weird pranks though, and would most of the time convince her to help him with those, since she couldn’t understand the language at first (they communicated with gestures). I found it kinda funny that the only person who would befriend B when he was little would be someone who couldn’t understand what he said, haha
Over time they inevitably grew closer, becoming each other’s most trusted person. Not being able to use words at first would lead them to talk and get to know each other in different ways (games, drawing together, stuff kids do), leading to a very particular link between the two. I don’t know how to explain it better haha so you’ll have to wait for me to draw these scenes EVENTUALLY
Beyond knows the day approaches every year, but he can’t sacrifice his most valued relationship because he’s scared of the natural upcomings of human life. Does he not want her to die because of what she means to him? but wouldn’t that be selfish too? but is it this the only way things can happen? perhaps he can change their fate? no, that’s impossible and he knows it. But what if? you sacrifice your pet when you know they are no longer happy with their lives, but is it what’s happening here? what’s the right decision? am I a hero? a villain? who am I?
^this is the usual scrambled whirpool of thoughts that run through his head, it’s simply a mess. This leads to him being more and more erratic as the date of her death approaches, which she can’t understand, just as she’s working so hard! putting everything of herself to become a good ally of L, a good detective, a promising successor, a better person. Why is he doing this? 
This is the mess they’re in, and what my story is going to be focused in. I’m sorry if this isn’t (i know it isn’t lmao) a concrete answer to your question, my plot and thoughts in general are still very discombobulated and hard to express for me T_T
It’s also why in my latest comic he looks at her for a few seconds before giving a short answer. The fact that ‘just another day’ means to him something different than it means to her hurts. It’s never just another day for him, it’s a missed opportunity.
TL;DR: he wants to be close to her until the end, but he doesn’t know what to do with his own emotional baggage, which unfortunately happens to be extremely heavy and confusing
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craetor ¡ 2 years ago
L analysis / theory-ish
in the year of our lord 2022 because things don't make the bittest of logic & I'm here to serve autism conversation meme aka INTJ-to-INTJ brain sync connection, telling tumblr, once more, of Him. But fr yes here's another analysis of canon content hear me out
Recently I've come across the Death Note Short Stories books and with it, these panels.
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It seems odd how often L would state, just as bluntly: "I am justice", "L is justice", as if taking pride in some kind of double standard.
One could argue that this was his main goal during his early years (considering he might have felt somewhat high and mighty after preventing WW3), but that would mean L let go of the fact he initially wanted to use his intellect to benifit a larger good later on. Except... As recent as the beginning of the Death Note timeline, during the case of the LABB, a certain lightheartedness about his all-around approach was rather apparent, i.e. whenever he asked Misora if B "was cool", which anyhow quickly plummeted as his ideology came into question. It's inexplicitly stated that his motive for spending time on his work at all, especially on an extremely uncomfortable case as the one of a vengeful successor, or, you know, the ones involving crying survivors that reportedly haunt him daily, is following a code of "kindness", or perhaps even 'goodness' or 'justice'.
Was L forging the truth in the panels above to arise a response that would've been harder to get through full transparency? Giving the kids of Wammy's House a motif of casualness for what it means to step into L's footsteps is nothing but a making sure his successor is capable enough to have fun with it (be enough like him to use their anonymity in 'unfair', yet sufficient ways, enabling them to reach their goal with all the brattiness their smarts will grant them) and quelling the work towards a too high goal if they're not on board with doing well for themselves in face of The Burden (because, wouldn't you know, that was basically all this meeting was anyway. See end of this post for context).
I really thought it was odd for L to undermine the work he takes pride in.
In L Change The World (book one), L's literal dying duty is to save the world. It can't be ignored that it's s spin-off, but it can't be ignored that it'd be silly if the main goal of the book would be out of character. If it was his hobby, as he said, and his goals were selfish, he could've just set up in a comfy place somewhere, get his bearings, uncaring for the future of his successors (literally what he did care for in the panels shown above. This gathering is from the time he knew he might be killed by Kira soon) and watch the world crumble, but instead he went to, yes do what he loved, but fulfill a duty he felt he had. The unnecessary pain throughout the plot really can't be described as anything but passion and a sense of destiny. His ways aren't morally white, but they're well-meaning and genuine. Often arguably self-sacraficing.
It's more believable that L is splaying a facet he sees in his work & mentality. Being a detective is always bound to some sort of irony, to choose to call it 'righteous', and the measures necessary to reach a goal in such field. L recognizes this well and has no need to hide it, especially towards a room of potential proteges that will soon have to deal with that same irony by literally becoming him in the eye of the public. This actually arises the question if Near truly understands L's ways at this point. Short Stories could have served as Near's arc to understanding L's emotional side that, in the end, brought about his downfall and, for the lack of it, Near's victory. The announcement Near makes, addressing Cheap-Kira (which I adore btw) doesn't befit L at all. Yes, the new Kira has killed many (enough to warrant L's attention at the very least) and it's an honor thing for Near to go after them as L, but it's too experimental. It serves as a provocation and lure, but nothing deeply authentic. At this point the new Kira hadn't challanged L whatsoever, so the 'disinterest' thing just seems like Near shooting into the dark, less quiet & undercover than L really loved to go about things, mostly to evaluate how to go after certain cases in the first place & already semi solve them before even going public with it, at most prepping a provocation like this if something can't be clearly deduced by observing present events alone. (Read tags for fix-it-type criticism of this specifically)
Structure edit: 10.7.2023
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likeem-apples ¡ 2 years ago
avatar 2 spoilers leave now pt 2
I really hope that pandora has appointed therapists for the na'vi, todays topic is why kitty needs therapy.
First off, kitty has no idea who her dad is and gets teased about it, which isn't completely terrible. except for the fact that her mom is simultaneously unconscious and dead and the body that gave birth to her is just suspended in the middle of a science lab for anyone to see like its in a museum or smth.
Then when kitty goes to the eywa tree and gets to talk to her mother for the first time. she is robbed of any answers or time to bond (which would cause her questions to run rampant and be like torture for a her) by an underwater seizure. which is a double wammy because not only can seizures cause brain damage, suffocation can to. meaning potential double brain damage.
Of course theres also the whole being hunted down and forced to leave your home and move to a place where you are initially unwelcome and then being bullied for being curious and then tied to a railing and then watching your older brother die and then being tied to a railing AGAIN and then used as a hostage and then having to rescue your adopted mother and younger sister without being sure that your father and brother are even still alive situation but if I went on about that we'd be here for longer than is reasonable.
Kitty is a curious individual who I hope does good in future installments in the series. Someone please get pandora some therapists. Tune in next time for why tuk needs therapy
Also wth??? My first post of this got 54 notes! Thats crazy! My previous best was 3 notes and two of those were me. You all rock
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crypticfandomtrash ¡ 4 years ago
L Headcanons Part 3
Since the author confirmed L is the smartest character in the series (How to Read), I’m in full agreement. I’ll also take it further. He’s THE most intelligent person in the world but he never got his IQ tested. L finds IQ to be a poor measure of a person’s potential and capacity to learn because it’s a flawed system. That’s actually what IQ measures: capacity, not intellect. He is fully aware that creativity, social smarts, street smarts, and other skills are forms of intelligence.
L is definitely a child prodigy. He skipped most of grade school and graduated High School (or the French equivalent since L was in France at the time and their school system is different than the USA’s) at 6. He was also dual enrolled and taking college courses at the time. When his parents were murdered at age 7, he had to put his classes on hold for mourning and because the French orphanage did not let him (it made him too “different” and “intimidating”).
After Wammy took him in when he was 8 and moved him back to England, he made up for lost time by taking lots of extra classes (like 6 or 7 classes a semester) and summer classes. He graduated with his Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a focus in criminal psych at age 9. He got his first Master’s (upgrading the previous one) when he was 12. He turned that Master’s into a PhD at 15. He also has a Bachelor’s in IT (he got that at 17). 
He is naturally gifted different things (psychology/reading people, technology, and a few musical instruments). This allows him to be very skilled in hacking, playing video games, figuring out how things work, putting things together, taking them apart, and playing and composing music.
He is very knowledgeable about laws. He knows the laws in all major countries and most minor ones. If he doesn’t know, he finds out. He has enough knowledge about legal stuff to go to law school and become a lawyer (either a prosecutor or defense), but he doesn’t want to.
L has special permission to carry a gun everywhere, even in countries with strict gun control laws. This extends to Wammy and his other official agents/proxies. It does not apply to his informants or criminal employees. Being the greatest detective in the world comes with tons of perks.
As I mentioned in a previous post, he plays piano, flute, lyre, and duduk (a double reed wind instrument from Armenia that is ancient). He can also play organ (which is impressive since organs are the most complex instruments) and does so when there is one around. He likes big church organs.
He sees things as equations or puzzles to be solved. People are more complex, ever changing equations/puzzles.
Since those with autism (especially less severe versions like Asperger’s) can develop/learn the social skills they lack if they want, L is fully capable of doing that. He just doesn’t care about being socially acceptable unless he is in a situation where he has to. He has plenty of social skills and uses them when he needs to. He will also play up his autistic traits to annoy others and get them to make mistakes.
L actually gets irritated if someone mentions or believes the myth that autism is caused by vaccines. He’ll go into a long, scientific explanation on why that is false. If they don’t listen/believe him, he’ll just be like “well, I’m a genius but I can’t fix stupidity”.
He will also correct misinformation about autism and other disorders. He’s a psychologist, so he knows what he’s talking about. Most people realize this and just let him point out why they’re wrong.
He supports autism rights, disability rights, and LGBT+ because he was treated badly in the past for being autistic. He donates heavily to charities and he does research to make sure they ACTUALLY help people before giving them money.
He also supports scientific research (as long as it’s ethical) and environmental stuff (as long as it’s ethical and doesn’t screw working class people over). He has a lot of places that he gives money to.
In terms of politics, L is an independent voter. He’s not a Tory (conservative) or a Labour Party person (using the British English spelling, it’s the more liberal party). He is a mix of conservative and liberal. There are things he’d side with the Tories on and things he’d side with the Labour Party on.
L purposely suppresses his emotions during a case or other situation that requires him to be serious because he doesn’t want emotions to get in the way of hard facts and logic. He’s also British and is very familiar with “stiff upper lip” and “keep calm and carry on”.
Since he’s autistic, he also has trouble displaying his emotions in a way society deems acceptable and distinguishing between similar feelings (frustration and anger, for instance). This DOES NOT mean he can’t tell what emotions are. He sometimes can’t tell WHY he’s feeling a particular emotion (because I have this issue too).
He has a high level of empathy, though many people see him as cold. He can quickly tell what someone is feeling and why, although he is not good at comforting others and generally keeps people at a distance. It’s been shown through research that a lot of autistic people have higher levels of empathy than “normal” people do or a different type of empathy.
Wammy actually did adopt L, who does consider him to be his adoptive father as well as his assistant. As Wammy’s son, L will inherit all of his possessions and the orphanages (since there’s more than one) on top of L’s personal fortune.
No one but L and Wammy know how much money L has. He’s a billionaire and that’s all people need to know. L does invest in the stock market to get more money, but he won’t be concerned if he loses some (he’s super loaded, so losing a few million is nothing to him). He gets tons of money from working difficult criminal cases. He’ll get back whatever he loses and more.
When staying at one of his own houses, buildings, or bases, his bills are rather high. He cranks the AC constantly, he has a huge internet bill (since he uses the latest tech), his water bill is big... All together, it’s probably around $2,000 (or less/more depending on the currency of whatever country he’s in) a month. But it’s not like he can’t pay. He’s filthy rich.
L’s pillows and bed sheets are all made of nice materials. He likes to be comfortable. During Yotsuba arc, his sheets are imported fine linen. He put similar sheets on Light’s bed.
He does enjoy video games every so often. He’s very good at them.
He also likes reading and researching. L will research whatever is relevant and necessary to the case he’s currently working on. So if a serial arsonist was leaving codes in the the form of memes, L would research memes. He’s definitely done that. He knows about internet culture.
He also keeps up to date on world events (he has an information network, so of course he’s well-informed about whatever is going on).
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fictivesourcecalls ¡ 4 years ago
Hello Hello : ) ! I’m Matt or Mail Jeevas from Death Note. We also have a L (Same source.) in the system, but he rarely active unless he noticed one of the wammy’s kids are around. Body age is 21, I’m 22 and L is 29!! If you wanna chat, please interact with this post and I’ll contact you in a blink of the eye! I am sure we are both alright with doubles. (I’m okay with doubles but unsure about L!!) Happy gaming! M
calling all death note fictives !!
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vampyre666-archive ¡ 6 years ago
although the ending of the movie was kind of spoiled for me :/
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