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lostdrarryfics · 2 years ago
Thank you everyone!
survival is a talent by ShanaStoryteller (WIP, T)
Here you go @dorabellatrix!
Hello! Can you please help me find a fic? It’s been stuck in my head for a long time but I can’t remember the name😑 I don’t recall much plotwise, but what I remember was Ron was an Alchemy prodigy but he refuses to join the class taught my Nicholas Flamel. And the Flamel’s have this polyamory thing going on with Dumbledore. Thank you so much!
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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sitp-recs · 4 years ago
Hello lovely! I was wondering if you could recommend fics where Harry or Draco are in auction? I just read Date of a Lifetime by DorothyAnn and I can’t let go of the image of Draco holding an auction paddle off my mind (not that I want to 😅) Thank you so much!❤️
Hi darling! I’ve read a few fics feat auctions but my memory sucks and I can’t remember if the boys ever hold a paddle, sorry 😂 I hope you enjoy these anyway!
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Malfoy Dildo by daisymondays (2018, T, 5k)
A Night For Good Fun by digthewriter (2014, M, 5k)
Bid (if you dare) by zuzallove (2020, E, 7.7k)
The One Where Draco Loses his Mind and Gains a Boyfriend by oldenuf2nb, sassy_cissa (2020, E, 19k)
I've Waited Here for You (Everlong) by heyitsamorette (2016, E, 23k)
100,000 Galleons by bixgirl1 (2017, E, 28k)
Going Once, Going Twice by VivacissimoVoce (2014, M, 39k)
For those wondering about DorthyAnn’s auction fic, here’s Date of a Lifetime. I also feel morally obligated to mention the breathtaking Buy a Heart by xErised, even if the auction is only quickly mentioned since more important things are happening lol🔥
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parkkate · 4 years ago
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Visual representation of me trying to hug you hahahahaha! OMG @dorabellatrix thank you so much for this sweet message!!! Koala!Harry started out as a joke. Well, more like... not crack, but... just very ridiculous. And then there was suddenly so much angst :D And then I was like... oh no, are we treating this seriously now? lmao! So thank you so so much for liking it and even FEELING EMOTIONS while reading it!!!!! *koala hugs you*
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faevorite-main-blog · 4 years ago
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I give youuuuuuu (drum rolllllll)
Thank you so much everyone for your suggestions!!! This idea was suggested by @dorabellatrix and @freakybb2
this is a bit of an experiment to see which style of coloring you all like!!! I’ve posted this piece twice with color and background variations! I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts!!!
ALSO: If you want to support me here are all my magic links!! I appreciate you all so much and your support is what helps me create more art!!!
ALSO MY COMMISSIONS ARE OFFICIALLY OPEN! Shoot me a private message if you’re interested! 
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No more diets. No more extreme mood swings. No more side effects. No more radioactive iodine therapy!!!!!!!!
A very special thank you to my Famille Baleine @lillie-grey @thisisamadhouse @onhowtobecrazy @dorabellatrix you put up with me through out it all! You gave me unconditional love and support! I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WANT TO HUG YOU.
Thank you @darthmelyanna for helping me process this. For listening and for sharing your story. It meant way more than you can possibly imagine.
Thank you everyone who stopped by to talk to me and show support. There are some special people I won’t mention here for privacy matters but know that you helped me a lot! THANK YOU!
I’m lucky to have found such a welcoming place.
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@lillie-grey @thisisamadhouse @onhowtobecrazy @dorabellatrix
I feel this whole post in my soul.
themes commonly found in international friendships
- ‘u dont have (insert food/music/restaurant here) over there??’ - ‘wait what time is it. shouldnt u be asleep’ - alternatively: timezoned/clockblocked again - ‘do u need a hug. have a virtual hug’ - weird slang terms - ‘i will fight everyone thats mean to u. i will fight them rn’ - vague embarrassment regarding ur accent - ‘dont maKE ME COME OVER THERE’ - ‘oh yeah i have a friend who lives in (insert country here) and apparently’ - no real hugs :(( - suffering - fahrenheit vs celsius - the measuring of things in feet fucks one of u up, probably
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secretsantaandsmores · 9 years ago
Hello, lovely Oncers & OQers! After we made this post about our dear Abelle ( @dorabellatrix ) being unwell, we had so many people sending good thoughts and submitting some lovely, fluffy drabbles. Everything you’ve done is so appreciated, and we’d like to especially thank some lovely folks for the drabbles they submitted. If we missed any on our list, let us know! We collected them all in a Google Doc to share with her so she can read them all anytime!
Thanks so much to:
@hoookedswan @swensicle @repellomuggletum15 @skepticpotato @lillie-grey @sanguineswanqueen @cest-toi-qui-vois @doublel27 @onhowtobecrazy
And a HUGE THANK YOU to the Oncer family for just being awesome, kind, lovely people always so willing to help and spread kindness to others. You ALL rock! <3
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lala-kate · 9 years ago
This is a sneak peek for the precious @dorabellatrix​ from me, your OQ Secret Santa. :D  @secretsantaandsmores​! This work is still in progress (This One has consumed my writing time for the past two weeks), so please forgive my tardiness in completing your story.
I hope you are recovering, feeling better and have been able to enjoy your Christmas. Please know you are continually in my thoughts and prayers as you recuperate.
*Outlaw Queen, Hood Mills family, Swan Queen brotp and Charming/Mills family moments. 
She’s never minded the cold, has actually embraced it over the years, reveling in the sensation of allowing it to soothe her inner fire and calm overheated nerves. And today is no different, even though no demons have resurfaced nor any fireballs been summoned. Regina’s nose and feet are a bit too chilly for comfort, but that’s nothing she can’t handle, not when she’s surrounded by laughter and the occasional stray snowball whizzing by, the three males in her life knowing better than to lob one in her direction.
 Then there’s a tug on her coat, and she turns to the youngest member of their family who now stands waist-high. She holds her gloved hand palm up, her lucid green eyes wide with wonder at the intricate patterns made by a cluster of freshly fallen snow.
 “No two are alike, Elena,” Regina explains, her movements fluid and sure as she smiles down at the child’s uninhibited awe, wiping snow from her daughter’s glasses with a gloved finger. “Every snowflake that falls is unique.”
 The girl stills and looks up at her, the question readable in her eyes before her hands move to speak.
 Just like people?
 Unique doesn’t begin to describe her daughter by choice and circumstance, and Regina swallows hard as she kneels to twirl long, nearly white-blonde locks through her fingers, watching dimples she adores peek out from hiding at her mother’s touch.
 “Yes,” she nods before withdrawing her hand so she can answer. “Just like people.”
 The spell that had accelerated Elena’s development in Zelena’s womb had marked the girl in ways that hadn’t been clear until she began to grow. Some of the effects were benign, such as the silver-blonde hue of her hair, vastly different than either Robin’s or Zelena’s but so like Emma’s had been when she’d put the girl on a path towards instant growth.
 But other effects, such as the child’s inability to hear or speak, those side-effects had been devastating to all of them. And Emma has never forgiven herself for inadvertently marking the child with dark magic.
 “Hey, Ellie!” Roland yells, prompting Regina to point over the girl’s shoulder in the direction of her brothers. “Come on!”
 Roland and Henry have effectively teamed up on Robin, a fact which is just as irresistible to a five year old female as it is to the two over-sized lugs pummeling a certain thief with a barrage of snowballs. Elena jumps and claps her hands, her snowflakes now all but forgotten as she dashes to her father’s rescue, getting covered by snow in the process.
 There will be hot baths and hotter cider for everyone tonight, it would seem.
 “Save me, Ellie!” Robin cries, his plea followed by a chorus of protests and shouts from Henry and Roland before more snow is thrown about. Robin belly-laughs as he picks up Elena and swings her around, the girl’s mouth open in a smile that covers her face. But no sound emerges from her little body, no squeals, no giggles. Regina aches with the raw need to simply hear her daughter laugh or scream, to finally know what her precious little voice sounds like.
 Her stomach clenches uncomfortably.
 Robin still blames Emma for the loss of Ellie’s speech and hearing, although he has put aside his overt hostility for Henry’s sake. But Regina can’t help but wonder if the muting spell she’d placed on Zelena had left traces of that particular strain of magic in her bloodstream, magic that had been enhanced by a certain batch of onion rings and absorbed by the one innocent in what had been a horrific situation.
 It was me, Regina, not you.
 Her hair, and perhaps her deafness, but her speech…
 Was all because of me. Her hearing loss happened because I was trying to shut out the voices when I cast that spell, trying to convince myself that what I was doing was for the best. And no matter what sort of muting spell you may have placed on Zelena, it would have never found its way into Elena’s DNA if I hadn’t...if I hadn’t brought about her birth prematurely. I did this Regina--not you. You’re not responsible for what happened to your daughter.
 Emma is certain. Robin is certain. But at times, Regina still has her doubts.
 They head home later, red-nosed and pink-cheeked, each of them receiving a mandatory brush-down before entering the house. Boots are discarded, coats are hung in the utility room before there is a mad dash into the warmth of home. The house smells of a ham and cloves, making four pairs of eyes stare back at her in exaggerated hunger.
 “Just a nibble, Mom?” Roland asks as she shoos him up the steps towards the shower.
 “That’s for dinner, and you know it,” she replies, snapping a warning glance towards her husband who has stealthily made his way towards the kitchen. “There had not better not be one pinch missing from that ham, or there will be no dessert for you.”
 Her hands fly--signing is second-nature for all of them now--and she watches as Robin gives an exaggerated shrug towards Ellie before wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at his wife.
 She’s making apple strudel, Daddy. Don’t cheat.
 Robin laughs and scoops up his daughter, kissing her cheek before setting her back down.
 “I won’t,” he assures her before tickling her belly. Her mouth flies open in a silent laugh, the joy on her features unmistakable. She pushes against her father until he stops and puts her down, placing her hands on her hips in a mock reprimand.
 Bath, Ellie, Regina signs, watching with amusement as a small pink lip juts out in a pout that rivals Roland’s.
 Can’t I wait until after dinner?
 Regina shakes her head before Ellie’s hands still in defeat.
“Now, young lady, before everyone comes over for dinner.”
 She may not be able to speak, but Ellie can stomp with the best of them, and she does so up the stairs, letting her mother know in no uncertain terms just how she feels about her fun being interrupted for something as mundane as a bath.
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dorabellatrixsecretsanta · 9 years ago
Hello from you OQ Secret Santa!
I was just wondering if you would answer the following questions for me?  I promise to put your answers to good use. :D Hope you’re having a great week. @dorabellatrix
What color does Robin love to see Regina wear the most?
What does Roland want for Christmas?
If Snow was in charge of bringing a side-dish to Christmas dinner, what would she bring?
What is Regina’s favorite Christmas movie?
What cologne drives Regina insane (in a good way) when Robin wears it?
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desperationandgin · 9 years ago
Is that Sullivan Stapleton??! WHAT IS THIS?!?!
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lostdrarryfics · 3 years ago
Thanks @krisytalis!
Radiowave (WIP, M) by LunartheDragon
This should be what you’re looking for @dorabellatrix!
Hi! I hope you can help me find this fic? It’s basically a retelling of the series but with Draco having muggle exposure. I don’t remember if Andromeda raised him or they wrote letters to each other. At one point, he got sent to the hospital wing and he was so out of it, he said “coolio” or something? And the twins always make it to a point to call him that ever since. Thank you so much!
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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queen-of-the-merry-men · 9 years ago
Fic Asks! #'s 10, 11, 13, 38
#10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic?
That’s a tough one. I am a fan of Forbidden Love stories. I’ve loved them since I was a little girl and I have never grown out of it.
#11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario?
I met so-and-so and my life was changed forever. I hate the idea that a protagonist’s life only started because they met their love interest. Love should enhance a character, not create it.
#13. Has a fic ever made you cry?
Not that I can remember. I have heard that I’ve made people cry with my fic though. Which makes me feel weirdly proud.
#38.How do you feel about genderbending? De-aging? Animalizing?
Genderbending is meh for me. I’ve never read any memorable genderbending fics. De-aging is more fun. I love a good teen romance fic. Animalizing, I have never seen.
Thanks for the questions! This was fun!
Send Me Fanfic Asks!
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thequeenstolemyheart · 10 years ago
You had me at REALLY good arms😍
lol, hope you continue to enjoy. This one has been super fun to write so far! I always enjoy the sexual tension part ;)
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secretsantaandsmores · 9 years ago
Hey I saw the post to submit fluffy oq drabbles because one of your shippers is in the hospital and I was wondering if I could submit one even though I'm not an oq shipper (I mean, it would be an oq fic, but it might not be super incredible). And if I am able to, how would I go about submitting said Drabble?
These are excellent questions! And first of all, thank you so much for reaching out and asking to be a part of it!
Yes, you are absolutely welcome to submit a drabble, regardless of whether you ship OQ or not! If you feel like writing OQ is not your strong suit as a non-shipper, I’m sure some Regal Believer or Dimples Queen or just generally fluffy drabbles would be just as lovely and well appreciated :)
Secondly, we have our submit link open and available on our blog, feel free to drop anything in there when you want and just make a note that it is for @dorabellatrix
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dirtymonstaa · 10 years ago
*whispers* kamatis 😎😎😎
BARF. WHy would you even??!? :’( 
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lostdrarryfics · 3 years ago
Thanks @dorabellatrix!
speak of the devil (and the devil shall appear) (87k, E) by mad1492, milkandhoney, and sophisticatedyet
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find this fic, if it’s not much trouble. I don’t remember very well the fic but I do remember there was a scene in which Ginny and Harry are talking about how their relationship ended and Ginny says one of the reasons was Harry’s obsession with Draco, and mentions a specific time when it was their anniversary or something and they had something planned and Harry didn’t go bc Narcisa had died and he had gone to Draco and forgot about his date with Ginny. I think he was coming out to her or something, and she was saying she knew all along.
I know it not much info to go on, sorry 😅 thank you anyway
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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