#doors they're a Monster.
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hotasfahrenheit · 6 months ago
this kiss was stupendous
and not just because it looked great, which it did obviously but-
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-it's the pause in the first gif, the look in the second gif, it's the way that God glances up at Diew's eyes to gauge if this is okay, if Diew is comfortable, if Diew is enjoying the kiss and the physical contact, it's the way he leaves space in between the kisses and leans back just a tiny bit in the third gif to make sure that Diew is actively choosing to continue kissing him
it makes this scene just so good
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pharawee · 7 months ago
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My Diew is so cute.
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aousboom · 7 months ago
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The thing about the mask... I've been thinking about what you said. I don't want to be expected to speak or act the way others want me to. [...] But another reason is just in case you came to see it too.
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ayesukkhapisit · 3 months ago
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🎁: god x diew + couple profile ↳ requested by @thamepo
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kennyomegasweave · 5 months ago
Wan taking his shirt off for no reason just because Beer was taking his off.
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Wan finally letting out his insane jealously and acknowledging he wants to be Beer's.
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Wan asking Beer if he would kiss him now.
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Beer pushing Wan's hand back on the bed.
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Beer smiling multiple times while macking on Wan cause this is all he's ever wanted.
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Wan rolling Beer over so he could climb on top.
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I won.
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rolex-kaard · 5 months ago
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the weird cousins of the node monster family
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secriden · 5 months ago
ok so the beerwan dynamic is SO intriguing!! we're finally getting some solid insight into what's going on between them and its fascinating.
first of all, it appears that beer's feelings for wan is an open secret!? like... i mean its pretty clear to the audience, but the way god brings it up, it's not just known, but also well acknowledged.
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this says that beer's been aware of his feelings for a while, has had time to process them - not just alone but with his good friend(s? not sure if bew was part of this conversation) - and has made a conscious decision to not push for anything more with wan.
i don't think i've ever seen this before? either you get both parties wrestling with new feelings for each other OR you have established relationship where both already know they are into each other. but what we have with beerwan is a very lopsided emotional dynamic where beer has thoroughly accepted his feelings while wan appears to be completely unaware of them or his own potential attraction in return.
it makes for such an interesting development because whenever something happens where sexual tension is created, all the uncertainty is solely on wan's side.
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ole (beer's actor) does a really good job i think of subtly conveying this. there's something settled and accepting in the way he holds himself so precisely in place. like he won't move forward but he doesn't move back and it's just peak tension in a very different way as he stays precisely in place because he wants (he wants he wants) to kiss wan, but he won't let himself move forward and take it. there's something sweetly sad about how much he clearly yearns for more but how he won't let it happen unless wan initiates it.
and don't think it's because beer thinks his feelings would be unrequited, because surely that would've been addressed with the conversation with god. But the way god was encouraging him to be clear, it feels like there's some other reason (something in wan's past?) which is holding beer back.
it adds depth somehow to their interactions, because beer is so... quietly resigned that he loves wan and so even when wan is being ridiculous and honestly kind of a pain, he just gives in and accommodates him.
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it gives them the emotional energy of an old married couple who have been together for so long that they've learned how to work around their partner's specific quirks -- but juxtaposed with the peak sexual energy of teenagers who've never gotten the privacy to be alone with each other before and desperately want to fuck (or at least beer is aware of it; i think wan's just... confused).
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and meanwhile this lady is all of us:
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baby boy its okay, you'll figure it out eventually.
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oyeixcher · 3 months ago
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BeerWan Scenes because I love them (2 ¦ ??)
B: "Hey, Wan! I've told you many times to take off your clothes and put them neatly in the basket." W: "Oh, I have you. It's okay." B: "You! So do I have to clean them for you all the time?" W: "Did you just find out?" B: "I wish you would be haunted by a ghost." W: "Hey, hey! What are you saying? Slap your own mouth right now." B: "Oh. Do you shower without using a towel or something?" W: "You're right." ... B: "Why did you walk out naked? Aren't you embarrassed?" W: "Oh, aren't you embarrassed by me? I'm so disappointed." B: "Come here." W: "What? Oi!" B: "Hurry up, I'll go take a shower." W: "Thank you, Mr. Beer. Without you, what would I do? I'm going to take a shower first." ... B: "Hey, Wan! I'm going to wash the clothes. W: "Don't forget to take my stuff with you." B: "Yeah, I know."
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jaejoontrashpanda · 6 months ago
I literally cannot handle how cute God and Diew are together. I may not survive their boyfriend era...
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dribs-and-drabbles · 10 months ago
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #2
The Mustard Sneakers
I Told Sunset About You ep 2 (Teh) and ep 3 (Oh-Aew):
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Bad Buddy ep 1 (Pran), ep 2 (Pat), & ep 7 (Pa):
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Cupid's Last Wish ep 1 (Korn):
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Cupid's Last Wish ep 3 & 8 (Lin/Win):
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My School President ep 6 (Gun & Tinn):
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Our Skyy 2 x My School President ep 10 (Gun & Tinn):
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Step by Step ep 8 (Jeng):
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Hidden Agenda ep 3 & 11 (Zo):
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Cooking Crush ep 12 (Paeng):
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Wandee Goodday ep 1 (Dee and Yak):
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We Are ep 10 (Matt):
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Knock Knock Boys! ep 4 (Lukpeach):
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My Love Mix-Up Thailand ep 5 (Atom, two different pairs):
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Monster Next Door ep 1 (Biew):
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I Saw You In My Dream ep 4 (Ing, Yo, and Ai in three different pairs):
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Ossan's Love Thailand ep 1 (Heng) and ep 3 (Mo):
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+ bonus, Joke in Hidden Agenda ep 7 continuing the show's theme, and Yo in I Saw You In My Dream ep 4 doing the same, in the same Pull & Bear blue-soled shoes:
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rustedleopard · 2 months ago
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found this on reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/UndertaleYellow/comments/1hzetfe/is_this_correct/), what do you think
Yeah, pretty much (only minor critique, I guess, is that he was also risking Kanako, albeit very unintentionally. He didn't know what effects the serum might have on his connection to Kanako as a Boss Monster (luckily it seems like there was no effect). He didn't think about what effects a child Boss Monster losing their parent prematurely might have on their development. He didn't think about the effects of losing a dad so young would have on his kid overall, ignoring the Boss Monster angle. But he wasn't thinking about things from that angle at all....)
I can't speak much for the fanon sides of Cerojin. I try to avoid them as much as possible because the spike of irritation I get from seeing Cerojin be described as "Girlboss and Malewife" (and it's usually Fanon Cerojin 1 that I see more than anything from poking my nose around) isn't good for my health.
I know that I rag on Chujin a lot here, but both Ceroba and Chujin are responsible for how they ruined their lives and Kanako's life. They both suck. Chujin may have been the one to tell Ceroba where the tools are to fulfill his legacy and set her up on the path, but she's the one who took up the tools and broke everything. She didn't have to inject Kanako with the serum; Chujin tried to sway her from it in the instructions he left (though he also offered no other solutions. Finding a "pure" human SOUL and a willing Boss Monster is a one in a million chance so he set her up for failure from the gate) and Ceroba had her initial reservations about using it on Kanako as well. It's only when Kanako brings up how it'll make dad proud that her judgement as a parent is overridden by her desire to please Chujin. She didn't have to let herself be convinced! (And even before then, there were plenty of problems with their marriage like the lying and idolization and etc.)
The biggest takeaway from Cerojin should be that both parties contributed to how it failed so spectacularly. They're a toxic loving couple that enabled the worst in each other and were spiralling to their inevitable doom like two eagles in talon-lock. The only reason why Ceroba gets to try to redeem herself while Chujin doesn't is because she's alive enough to do that.........
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onbearfeet · 10 months ago
Whump Wheel request for our favorite werewolf!
✨ High fever ✨
but he's ambulatory somehow
"Sit your stupid ass down," Bucky snarled.
Jack shook his head, more slowly than usual. "I'm fine," he insisted, and it would even have been convincing if he'd managed to avoid slurring the second word.
"You are not fine," Elsa snapped from where she was fiddling with what she claimed was a ghoul gate but that Bucky could have sworn was a garden-variety pipe bomb with funny writing on it. "You're running a temperature of forty degrees, according to Barnes' arm sensors." She rolled her eyes. "A hundred and four in idiot units."
"Hey," Bucky warned her, then returned his attention to Jack, who had begun methodically pulling books off the shelves of the Newport mansion in which they'd gotten themselves trapped. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, stalking over to where his prey had managed to escape. "Do you wanna cook your brain or something?"
"I dunno, would it help?" Jack's eyes were glassy as he flipped pages without appearing to read. His cheeks and forehead were flushed with fever.
"What kinda stupid question is--hey!" Bucky grabbed Jack by his bicep and spun him in place so the werewolf had no choice but to face him. "Listen to me!"
"'m lissning," Jack slurred, staring at a point in space that seemed to be just off the end of Bucky's nose.
Bucky brought his metal palm up to press against Jack's cheek. Jack leaned into the cool touch with a barely suppressed moan.
"Hey," Bucky said, more gently this time. "You need to rest. You're sick."
"Don' get sick." Jack sounded offended at the very thought.
"He's right," Elsa put in. "Werewolves are immune to just about everything humans can catch." She paused. "Everything other humans can catch," she corrected.
"So what?" Bucky shot back. "Maybe he's got parvo or something!"
"Tha's racist," Jack informed him, swaying on his feet.
Bucky closed his eyes and silently counted to five thousand. Then he reopened then.
"Jack," he said, watching the werewolf's head wobble in response. "You want some water?"
Wobbly nod.
"Yeah, something to drink probably sounds good right about now. But you gotta sit down to drink your water, okay?"
Scowl. Wobble-nod.
"Good man." He gently guided the swaying man over to a chair near the cold fireplace. Jack didn't sit so much as collapse into it like his strings had been cut, but his head didn't hit anything on the way down, which was a win in Bucky's book.
"Try the drinks cabinet," Elsa suggested, still fiddling with her definitely-not-a-pipe-bomb.
Bucky grunted acknowledgment and headed for it. He'd give Jack alcohol if he had to--fluids were fluids, right?--but he wanted to find something low-proof if he could.
Good thing every rich evil bastard he'd ever net had kept the good stuff locked up and left the watered-down shit where guests and tippling servants could find it.
"Are you planning to blow us up with that thing?" he called to Elsa as he rummaged through the cabinet.
"If I can disable the sigils," she replied distractedly, "I can turn it from a ghoul gate into a perfectly ordinary explosive to use on the door."
The bottles were what he expected. Shit bourbon, shit scotch, fake cognac, real vodka... "Do you know how to disable the sigils?" he asked.
"Not as such, no."
Bucky paused, his metal fingers wrapped around a bottle of bitters. "Then should you be fucking with it?"
"Only if we don't want Jack to die."
The bottle shattered in his grip. He thought vaguely that he was going to have to clean the plates in his hand later.
"What?!" he yelped.
"Nobody gets a high fever in ten minutes flat," Elsa snarled. "It's a curse. Probably attached to this bloody gate. Jack knows more about most curses and sigils than I do, Barnes. He's had centuries to learn, and my education was rather more specialized. And now the curse is cooking his brain before he can break it!"
Bucky glanced over at Jack, who was slumped in his chair. "Fuck. I think he passed out."
"Bastards. Time for plan B." Elsa bit the fingertip of her left glove, tugged it off, and spat the glove aside. Then she bit the cuticle on her thumb, hard.
"What are you doing?" Bucky asked, in a higher register than he'd intended.
"Duct tape for curses."
"Duct tape fixes everything, right? Most curses break with either blood or true love's kiss. Do you see any true lovers in here?" She squeezed her index finger against the wound in her thumb and began smearing blood across the definitely-a-bomb-now. "Get Jack behind the davenport."
"The what?!"
"The couch, Barnes!"
The oh-shit-that's-just-a-bomb began to beep.
Bucky lunged for Jack, scooped his limp body up, and was up and over the dav--couch, it was a goddamn couch--in seconds.
Elsa landed beside them just as the beeping stopped and the world went white.
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pharawee · 5 months ago
Kongthup is making me cry again by being absolutely amazing and on point.
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stormyoceans · 6 months ago
I don’t want to take First Note of Love away from you but I am here to HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to watch this week’s Monster Next Door! It’s so cute and fluffy!!!! 💕💕💕
(And this week’s 4minutes was extra spicy 🌶️ but I know that’s not what really entices you lol)
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i may not be going crazy over monster next door but i need everyone to know that this is entering into my list of comfort shows. it feels exactly like this picture, like a warm loving cuddle after a hard day, a place where you can just BE without having to worry about anything else, and it really is so nice to see these two boys figure out how to love each other and build a relationship together one little step at a time. they're both so very tender and sweet and vulnerable, and there's something so very precious in that
shout out to my man diew for being stronger than i will ever be tho i would have already climbed that man like a tree (and the fact that he hasn't yet is exactly why i WILL be going insane when they finally kiss)
on the other hand im having such a weird relationship with 4 minutes and im currently so annoyed with myself about it, because on paper it seems like the kind of shows i would absolutely love and lose my mind over, and yet im not and it's SO INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING because i don't understand WHY. UGH. i still enjoyed the episode very much tho and im curious to see how things will go from here!!!!!
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that-bl-bitch · 5 months ago
You think we're gonna get a Game and Win spinoff?
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shshshshshowrunner · 2 years ago
Takes a sharpie bath in the white boy cabin just to piss them off
#listen okay i actually do have a set of criteria and you do meet them. from the outside it looks like you were nice twice and i caved but#thats not what happened.#i could give a kind of breakdown of a few of them i suppose.#'raise your standards' no.#i'm not stupid i picked you on purpose. like i knew at least vaguely what i was getting into here and i did it anyway.#this isn't a 'whoops he's evil! silly me' situation this is a#I saw your violence and your ruthlessness and i also saw your depth. and you're funny and theres softness there too i can SEE it you can't#hide it from me.#this isn't 'uh oh he's evil' this is 'i know what i'm getting into. he's not Hiding that part of him from me.'#i walk in and i know you kill people and i know you were in a cult and i know you're a dick#i'm surprised by the gentleness and consideration and care and the way you looked when you first saw the chirithy#it's on purpose i love you on purpose.#'raise your standards' love theres not. its not a ladder of standards that i need to climb. i'm not going to- like- what? what would you#rather my standards be? because someone can act perfect they can act like the kindest person in the world and when you get behind closed#doors they're a Monster.#here's my thing.#you go after a sheep and they're either a sheep or a wolf in sheeps clothing and you've been ambused.#you go after a wolf and they're either a wolf (which you were planning for) or a sheep in wolf's clothing (okay sure lmao).#either way the wolf wasn't Hiding.#you walk in awares and on purpose. on purpose. i love you on purpose. i don't want someone niceys and pleasant and oh so sweet#i want someone whos h o n e s t about it. someone who's not hiding.#sorry for the gd essay in the tags mon amour but 'raise your standards' literally they're like that on purpose#i love you.
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