#dont worry about like. the speed of this either. i don't care if it takes a month to get around to
gemsbian · 2 months
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Interested in an art trade?
Hello all! Recently I've been thinking a lot about art trades, and I'd like to start doing them again! I'm mainly interested in pokemon OCs and Pokemon Horizons
Don't worry about any perceived difference in art skill, as I'm fine with any level of experience ^^
My DMs are open for anyone who's interested, and I can also respond to asks privately, so long as they aren't anonymous. I'm not setting a time frame for this since I know a lot of us have finals soon, so I'll just edit this post whenever I feel like closing art trades
More info and art examples below the cut!
I'm fine with drawing OCs and Pokemon Horizons characters for my half of the trade! Personally I love drawing OCs. I only ask that they have a colored reference for me to look at.
With my own OCs, I'm open to art of any of them! Namely Frankie, Paprika, Omen, and Amelia. For anyone who doesn't like drawing humans but still wants to do an art trade, don't worry, I am sick in the head and have pokemon versions of all of my trainers
Details can be settled via DMs, but I'm cool with either posting the artwork or just exchanging it privately, both are fine ^^
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^ some of my recent art, I can draw more dynamic poses, too, but full-bodies are good to share (i also LOVE drawing chibis)
to be honest i mostly just want to draw people's OCs
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royaltozaki · 2 months
save your love
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synopsis: y/n is susie in allie x & mitski's susie save your love song - if u dont know it go listen :P (but also u dont have to lol synopsis is y/n calls bsf sana drunk and sad and angry abt her bf and you don't know that sana is in love with you)
warnings: cursing, sexual harassment, alcohol, slight cheating, gonn repeat sexual harassment bcs its there and its potentially triggering so err on the side of caution and dont read if ur worried - take care🙏
w/c: 3.7k
a/n: still not over the fact that sana used susie save your love in that one ig post like wdym ur a mitski - qpoc ICON - listener and u post a song abt how u wish ur bsf would leave her dumb bf and be w u instead - a quintessential wlw experience like HELLO???? i also think i projected a liiiiiiil bit accidentally maybe im so sorry but writing this shit works better than therapy ngl
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"y/n where the fuck are you."
you're cursing as you almost drop your drink, phone between your ear and shoulder.
"i dunnoooo one of marshall's friends' places i think. he was supposed to be my ride home but i can't find himmmmmm."
sana's already got her keys in her hand, heading out towards her car, cursing under her breath, "can you share your location with me sweetie? or is there anyone else there that you know?"
you look around at the various stragglers in the living room either smoking, high out of their minds, or completely passed out. loud music, bass thumping hurting your head as you feel the vibrations shoot up your body. "mmmmm noooo but-"
"hey! marshall's girl right?" a deep voice comes over the phone and sana squints to try and make out what's going on, unlocking her car and turning her engine on.
"y/n? hey y/n you still there?"
"mm yeah sana sorry one sec- you guys know where marshall is?"
"think i saw him headed home with someone in the passenger seat, thought that was you cutie."
"someone else? huh?"
"you doing okay? you look a little pale let's get you upstairs in the bathroom yeah?"
"w-wait no-" sana can make out multiple voices talking to you and a little scuffle as you drop your phone, voices fading.
"fuck!" she's about to call your boyfriend marshall and demand for your address when she sees you were able to start sharing your location with her. she sets it into her navigation app and starts speeding to the destination.
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"umm guys where are we going? i don't think marshall's up here..."
"oh don't worry babygirl. marshall's our best friend he's okay with whatever we wanna do."
"mm okay but like- what are we doing? if we're singing you guys have to know i suck at karaoke so don't laugh."
the three guys holding you up laugh, "nah nah baby we're just gonna get you cleaned up a little before marshall comes to pick you up okay?"
"oh okay~ mmm wait where's my phone? i was just talking to my best friend-" you start to fumble for your pockets while the guys lead you into a dim room.
they shut the door and close in on you, you’re still cluelessly looking for your phone when one guy starts kissing you, shoving his tongue into your mouth.
"w-wait! what are you doing?!"
he's pushing you onto a bed and climbing on top of you kissing your neck while the others slip your top off and unbutton your jeans. "shhh we're just cleaning you up like we said. want you to be nice and ready for marshall right?"
"no what-"
the door slams open and sana's there, breathing heavily from clambering over the steps.
"get the fuck away from her."
the guys exchange annoyed looks when the one who was at your jeans stands up and walks towards sana, "you the best friend? you're welcome to join us if you'd like." he's pulling on her hand and dragging her towards you.
she doesn't give him another second, yanking him back and bringing a knee up into his crotch, letting him fall to the side groaning as she rushes towards you.
you realise belatedly she's got her phone out and the flashlight on as you squint, trying to make out her face.
"get the fuck off her right fucking now. i've got all you shits on camera and the cops on speed dial."
the two guys glance at each other, looking like they want to pull a fight but then they're cursing and moving away, picking up their friend off the floor and stumbling out the door.
her flashlight turns off, and you feel her tugging your clothes back into place before lifting you bridal-style and carrying you out, down the stairs, and into the passenger seat of her car.
you watch hazily as she paces around outside for a few minutes on the phone with someone, stopping to snap a picture of the house and then hanging up and getting into the car, slamming the door close.
you flinch at the sound, shrinking into your seat, pulling the jacket she's draped over you closer.
she starts the engine and pulls out wordlessly.
you don't dare speak yet, letting the soft hum of the engine and the late night radio music fill the silence as you listen to her heavy breaths slow down.
finally she sighs and glances over at you, "what would you have done if i didn't show up y/n?" her voice is gentle, it always was with you.
you can't look at her, tears welling up in your eyes as you stare out the window, shrugging in response.
she's frowning, "did they manage to do anything to you? are you okay? do we need to get you to a hospital?"
you're shaking your head, the movement making you dizzy, feeling gross in your own skin as you pick at your nails. "can you take me to marshall's? i don't wanna talk about this right now." you're voice is croaky when you speak, on the verge of tears.
sana grips the wheel hard at your request, instead, pulling over on the side of the empty road and putting the car in park.
you sigh exasperatedly, "sana please i just said i don't want to talk about this right now."
"that's fine but if you think i'm taking you to that asshole's house then you've got to be fucking kidding me y/n."
you turn your head to look at her then, her eyes are dark with barely concealed rage, fists clenched so tight her knuckles were turning white. you falter under her gaze, "he's not an asshole."
she scoffs then, "are you fucking serious? what kinda boyfriend takes you to his rapist friends' house then leaves with another girl without so much as a text. it should be enough proof he’s a dick that he's even friends with those assholes." she spits.
and you can't help it, you start sobbing uncontrollably.
"oh shit y/n i didn't- i'm sorry-" she's shuffling around trying to get around the console, and you sob even louder at her outstretched hand, careful and wanting to comfort you but making sure you were okay being touched first.
you're diving into her arms and then she's all there. pulling you into her lap and adjusting the position of her seat so you can squeeze in between the wheel and her torso. soft hands running through your hair shooshing and whispering gently into you ear. arm wrapped tightly around your waist while your face is buried in her chest, heaving and letting out your disgust.
she never stops running her fingers through your hair, letting your sobs wrack your body, hearts beating in tandem as she just holds you.
eventually, your sobs reside to sniffles and you feel a little silly, rubbing your eyes onto the material of her betty boop pyjama shirt.
she's still combing fingers through you hair, rubbing your back lightly, and laying soft kisses along the side of your face, resting her forehead against the top of your head and breathing you in softly.
"i-i'm-" your voice cracks as you try to speak up weakly but she hushes you quickly.
"we don't have to talk if you don't want to. we can stay here for as long as you want. i'm not going anywhere."
you feel your eyes well up again, but you swallow it down, speaking up after clearing your throat, "i'm sorry-" your voice cracks again, almost breaking, "i'm sorry you had to see me like that."
you feel her lifting her head off yours and looking at you in disbelief, mouth open and about to protest but you put a finger to her lips, still not able to look at her.
"no let me finish. you were right. i had no idea what i'd have done if you didn't come. i'm sorry that you did have to come. i'm just so sorry for fucking up sana. if i'd- if i hadn't got so drunk maybe, or if i'd followed marshall home-"
she licks the finger on her lips and you yelp, looking at her out of reaction and cringing, wiping the finger on her shoulder in faux disgust.
she chuckles, "can i talk yet?"
you nod shyly, "as long as you don't lick me again." avoiding her eyes.
she's smiling and a hand is on your cheek, brushing the skin there gently and you can't help but lean into the touch.
"y/n... you don't have to apologise for anything. i'm sorry if i made you feel like you did. but i don't care about all of that. i'm just grateful i was there, if anything, i'm angry at myself for not being there sooner." you look at her as she takes a shaky breath in, eyes wet, "but you have to know none of that was your fault. there's no what if. it was no one's fault but the guys who decided to take advantage of you while you were drunk."
you're crying again, head in your hands, "n-no but- like i know that but i just- like i trusted them. i trusted them because they were meant to be marshall's friends and i trusted marshall."
she's rubbing her hands at your lower back, "that doesn't make it your fault for trusting them. they broke that trust the moment they started thinking of you in a way they shouldn't have. you can't blame yourself for something like that y/n."
"i just feel so gross sana. i can't stop thinking about how their hands felt on me, and i want to scrub off every bit of them."
she's clutching your waist, anger building up again, "i'll fucking kill them."
you let out a choked laugh, "yeah? you and your 163 centimetres? against three buff gym rats?" you poke the skin at her arms, "with these muscles i assume?" (it was SO funny and adorable in the ready to be tw-log finale ep when jeongyeon was poking at sana saying how she has zero arm muscles)
she's pulling away from you with a pout and a whine on her lips before her gaze darkens and she says somberly, "i have a car."
you laugh seriously then, a big hearty laugh as your head falls to her shoulder, and she's whining and trying to pull you up. you're so grateful for her.
eventually you come up, wiping at your eyes and catching your breath, "well i'm glad i have someone who'd commit manslaughter for me."
she's pouting adorably and you get a sudden rush of want, and you blush, scrambling away, wondering why the fuck you just thought about how easy it'd be to kiss the pout off your best friend's lips.
sana's confused and pulling you back into her, "what's wrong? where’re you going?"
you come up with the quickest excuse you can think of, "gonna puke."
she yelps and quickly opens the car door, almost falling out in her rush to avoid being covered in sick. you're out the door in seconds, heaving in the fresh air and shivering slightly at the cold, hoping it'll at least cool down the heat in your cheeks.
then you're giggling, and then laughing again, turning back to face her look of disgust. her face morphs as she watches you though, and soon enough she's doubled over laughing as well.
to anyone driving past, you'd both look insane, laughing at absolutely nothing. but to you, you've never felt more free, more relieved. you're safe, and okay, and you're favourite person in the whole world is here with you. you collapse onto the hood of her car, and she follows suit, giggling and breathy.
the two of you lay here, looking up into the night sky, counting the stars. you shiver slightly and move closer towards her until your bodies are touching. she's turning slightly, wrapping an arm around your waist loosely, and watching you watch the stars.
you turn to face her, breaths mingling, coming out in wispy white clouds of heat in the chilly night air. you find your eyes dropping to her mouth again, and you can't hide the blush that adorns your face this time. if you'd just leaned in a little more, you'd be able to answer the burning question in your head of what exactly sana tasted like.
the slight quiver in her lower lip entrances you, the soft breaths she's taking as her warmth fans over your face, smelling of jasmine and the toothpaste she’s used just before bed. you're inching closer and closer, her eyes are on your lips as well.
you lose it though, when a tongue peeks out and licks across her bottom lip, and you're pressing your lips against hers softly, eyes closed, and humming at the warmth she provides.
she's kissing you back gently, lips slotting against yours in the perfect way, and then she's gone, pulling away leaving you chasing after her, but she places a hand on your chest, pushing you back lightly.
"you're drunk. and taken. this is wrong."
you whine, trying to pull her back to you but she's firm, sitting up and walking away.
you're blinking and what the fuck just happened? dazed as you stand up as well, moving back into the passenger seat dumbly, peeking at her expression trying to get a sense of what was going on inside her mind.
she starts the engine and pulls out from the kerb, staring straight ahead, giving you nothing.
you can't help but think you've fucked everything up again.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
the storm brewing inside your head doesn't stop when she pulls into your driveway and parks.
you muster up the courage to apologise but she beats you to it, "i'm sorry y/n. i shouldn't have done that. can we just forget it about it please? i don't want to ruin anything between us. you're the most important person in the world to me and i can't lose you over these stupid feelings and i'm so sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable at all i-"
your inebriated mind is playing catch up, rolling her words in your head over and over again trying to figure out why that sounded like she was saying she had feelings for you? that couldn't be right. sana was the it girl. she was the girl that everyone wanted. she was the girl that sat through your nerdy rants about space and eels. the girl that bought you ice cream when your first boyfriend broke up with you in grade 3 because he didn't like the way you cut your hair. the girl that cried when she found out you weren't going to the same high school because you were moving away, but then managed to get her parents to enroll her anyway and spent the next 6 years taking the 2 hour commute to school just to be with you.
and holy shit. sana was in love with you.
"sana..." you interrupted her rambling, "i... i kinda have a massive headache right now and i'm more than a little drunk but… this isn't going to change our friendship at all."
her eyes are wide and shining, looking at you in fear, you grab her hands and squeeze them over the console, "i promise i'm not leaving you but i don't want to give you an answer yet when i'm in this state. but if it helps, i'm pretty sure i'm the one that kissed you first." you grin, and she lets out a shaky breath.
you let go of her hands and shyly rub the back of your neck, "i kinda need to get inside and get clean but i'll call you tomorrow if that's okay?"
she's nodding, wiping at her eyes hastily.
you open the door and step out, closing it softly behind you. but you lean back down and gesture for her to roll down the window which she does.
"and sana... thank you for tonight. seriously. i don't know how i can ever show you how grateful i am for you being there."
she purses her lip and is firm again, "stop it. i'm glad i was there. and thankyou for letting me be there for you."
you smile gently as you wave and head towards your door, she waits for you to get inside and the door to shut before she pulls out and drives home, heart thumping, thoughts messy.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
you wake up in the morning with a pounding headache, stumbling to your kitchen to pop a few painkillers and squinting as you adjust to the morning sunlight spilling through your windows.
thank god you remembered everything that happened last night, you set your lips in a line as you got ready. you had a strict plan for today, and nothing was going to ruin it.
you quickly get dressed, thumbing out a small letter and grab your keys, driving over to marshall's house was step one.
once you arrive, you slam your car door loudly, taking satisfaction in the fact it probably woke him in his self-induced hangover he was no doubt soothing. you stalk up his front door, rapping on the wood loudly and tapping your foot impatiently as you wait for him to open the door.
it's not him though, and you scoff at the sight of a half naked girl, probably barely legal, pushing her aside despite her weak protests, and letting yourself into the space.
you storm up to his room, flinging open the door, grabbing the vase next to the bed, and dumping the water all over his sleeping head.
he wakes up with a start, "WHAT THE FUC-"
you slap him across the face, bringing his attention to you, "we're done." two simple words and you're back out the door, going down the steps, and back into your car.
you're halfway down the street when you spot him in the rearview mirror clambering after you in his underwear, soaking and pathetic.
you can't believe you had stayed with that man for as long as you had.
the relief you feel after your first action of the day is freeing. you're chasing after the feeling you had last night when you were doubled over laughing like madmen with sana on the side of the road. adrenaline pumping as you pull up to your local florist, purchasing a big bouquet of pink hydrangeas and then grabbing 2 coffees and a few bakery goods, shoving everything back into your car and speeding away again.
you arrive at sana's front door in record time, knowing her, she was definitely awake already and probably anxiously waiting for you to call. you grin as you grab the flowers, the letter you wrote before you left the house, and the breakfast you've gotten for the both of you, placing it down on her front door mat and arranging everything nicely so it looked picture-worthy.
then you ring her doorbell and duck, running over to her side fence that you knew she always left unlocked, entering her house through the back door, and sneaking back towards the front.
sana's bent down over the flowers and you can see the slight crease between her eyebrows from her confusion as she reads the letter you've left in the middle of the hydrangeas.
i'm sure you don't need me to tell you what pink hydrangeas represent because you're a huge flower nerd and i love that about you but i'm going to write it out anyway to show you i did the research.
in japan, hydrangeas are used to show you're sorry. and i'm sorry for not realising sooner, for letting you suffer for so long on your own. they also represent heartfelt emotions and gratitude. i'm eternally grateful for you sana. you're the most important person in the whole world to me too. i'd also commit manslaughter for you.
in europe, hydrangeas mean vanity and arrogance. i'm sorry i was so self-involved with my stupid boyfriends. to tell you the truth, i always thought you were too good for me, and that you'd realise that one day and leave, so i clung to anyone i could find, waiting in fear of that day. that was selfish of me, and i see that now, because you could never leave someone you love. because i realised i feel the same way about you, and i could never, never leave you.
pink hydrangeas are the most romantic of the bunch. (they’re also your favourite colour) i'm obviously trying to tell you that i love you too in a more than platonic way. and this time i'm not drunk or hyperemotional, i'm certain.
you silently creep up behind her while she's reading your note, and then grab her waist lifting her up into the air as she squeals, turning her in your arms and planting your lips on hers.
she's caught by surprise, lips unmoving against yours, until she realises it's you and wraps her legs around your waist, arms around your neck, and kisses you back.
you can finally taste her. and there's no way to describe it. you don't know why it took you so long to realise your feelings for her, but you'd never felt the way you feel about her for anyone else. you'd chalked that up to being best friends and that that's the way all best friends feel about each other, but best friends don't sigh into kisses. best friends don't feel like their hearts would explode with each soft press of skin against each other. best friends don't love each other the way you loved sana.
you break away when you feel wetness glide along your cheek, and salt touch the tip of your tongue. "sana?! oh my god i'm so sorry, i shouldn't- i should've asked first- oh shit i'm so-"
she's chuckling brokenly and you can't tell if she's laughing or crying or both but she pulls you back in, melding your lips together again speaking against your mouth, "i'm sorry. i'm just so happy right now."
you smile against her, kissing her again, you think you'll never be able to get enough of this feeling. "i'm sorry it took so long for me to catch up."
you feel her laugh against you, "i'm just glad you've still got some love saved for me."
"always." kiss. "it's all for you from now. i love you."
"i love you too idiot."
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
hi!! can i ask for hanako, kou, tsukasa, nene, teru, and sakura reacting to y/n who bops their head like they're listening to music when they're happy? like there could be dead silence and then we have y/n bopping their head happily. and if its not too much to ask can it be a gn y/n? im so sorry for the long ask <//3 if u dont wanna take this request thats fine! love ur work :D! - 🐝
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Hello my first emoji ayon! Apologies for this being late. This was also the only image I could find with all of them.
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Hanako/Amane Yugi
-He finds it cute.
-Honestly, he really likes it since he can tease about it later.
-Every once in a while he'll float over to you and lift the headphones out or lightly tug on your earbuds to pull them out.
-"Whatchu listening to?" He asks.
-He's not really looking for answer, he just wants your attention.
-If you close your eyes while listening, he'll go in for a kiss just to see your surprised face.
-If you wear earbuds he'll ask if you can share.
-If you're ok with it, he gives comments about the music you listen to.
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Nene Yashiro
-Honestly, she doesn't really judge you since she's just so happy she actully got a relationship, so when she sees you listening to music and bopping your head, she doesn't mind.
-She might every once in a while ask what song it is.
-If she knows the song she'll either talk about it or fawn over the band members/singer.
-You introduced her to a lot of diffrent types of music along with new bands and singers.
-Every once in a while she gets a sticky notes and writes songs she likes so you can listen to them. (Along with a few doodles in the corner.)
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Kou Minamoto
-He's concerned.
-He thinks you're going to hit your head or something else since your not really paying attention to your surroundings.
-He usually has a hand wrapped around your waist just to make sure your safe.
-If you offer to listen to music with him, he'll accept. Perhaps you could dance together.
-I don't think he'd be a very good dancer so you might have to teach him if you know.
-If neither of you know, well you can just look like two idiots having fun.
-When you two dance im the school (if ever) Hanako is going to intervene. He'll probably trip Kou so he'll fall on you making him look like a pervert. And nobody else can see Hanako so they Kou is in the wrong.
-Hanako truly doesn't mean any harm by it, he's just trying to poke some fun.
-As long as you tell Kou he doesn't need to worry about you and you can handle your surroundings, he's a lot more comfortable.
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Teru Minamoto
-Same thing with his brother, he worries you're going to get hurt and tries to avoid anything happening to you.
-He always had a ton of fangirls and the fact he choose means you matter to him more than you could imagine. (Same thing with his fans if you know what I mean.)
-He might even go as far as taking you things away if you don't listen to him.
-Don't worry, just give him puppy dog eyes and he'll give in faster than the speed of sound.
-Or cry, if you can cry on command good lord. He HATES to see a person he cares for in pain, so he'll do almost anything to make it stop.
-If you walk around while listening to music, he's right behind you with his hands on your shoulders to make sure you're safe. This does not change if your eyes are open.
-And if you do happen to have someone bump into you, are they going to have an earful from your boyfriend.
-So, just be careful around him and when you listen to music.
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Sakura Nanamie
-It doesn't bother her in the slightest.
-She enjoys the stillness of sound, she's usually caught up with Tsukasa being loud, so just being in the same room as you, but not talking makes her enjoy these times together.
-She knows your not paying attention so she sometimes go up behind you and give a little kiss on your cheek. (Or on the lips depending on how far the relationship has gone.)
-When she wants your attention for either a question or because she simply wants affection, she'll lightly tap your shoulder or rub the back of your hand.
-She ALWAYS asks if you can give her attention beforehand, since she is very much aware of what it's like for someone to be forced into it.
-This also makes it very rare for her to ask for anything, but I'm getting off track.
-It's not a huge part of her life but she still thinks it kinda cute you do it
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Tsukasa Yugi
-All he can think is, "Perfect opportunity".
-You're distracted AND can't hear him. He wants to prank or surprise you as much as possible. Having your attention on something else other than him (Which he is a bit offended by) Gives him the chance to shock you.
-At this point, it's not as surprising. The most shocking part is what he tries and do to gain your focus.
-He's given you things he's killed, which the offer is nice, the corpse is not.
-He'll incessantly bother you asking if he can listen to music with you.
-If you refuse, he'll do one of three things.
- 1. Continue to cry and complain
- 2. Take whatever you're listening to music on.
- 3. Get Sakura involved. Which ends up with your device getting confiscated.
-As fun as it is to mess with you, he gets super annoyed if you ignore him completely. And that leads to one of the items above.
-Just as long as you devote your time to mostly him, he's fine with whatever else you do.
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shyreviewgladiator · 2 years
Lord please forgive me for writing this but since I can't find anymore Newt smut I have to write it myself 😔😔😔can y'all leave requests I take them fluff, smut(obvy),angst
Plot:you and Newt are dating and he finally pulls out his Dom side
Warnings: Smut (he rails the absolute shit out of you)after care 😘✋ dirty talk/praise overstimulation (maybe)
You and Newt share a hut btw
Everyone is asleep except you and Newt your up reading
You got off your bed looking at him "I'm gonna go take a shower" you got your clothes and walked into the bathroom closing the door (let's pretend you have your own bathroom since your the only girl in the glade) you undressed stepping into the shower sighing as the warm water hit your back you stayed in there for about 30 minutes stepping out and wrapping a towel around your body you opened the door a crack to see Newt still awake you shouted quitley thought the crack "I forgot my clothes I'm gonna be quick dont look" he replied a simple okay and continued reading his book you walked out trying to hold the towel over your body as you made your way over to the hangers holding your towel on your body as you made your way around Newt he grabbed your towel and it fell down you instantly grabbing a blanket to cover your body "What the fuck is wrong with you" you half shouted "my arm slipped" he says biting his lip eyeing you up and down "I don't give a shit what slipped"
He smirked at your words getting up and pinning you to the wall "w-what are you doing" he whispered in your ear his voice husky his breath sending goose bumps down your spine "I just want to see if you give a shit what's gonna slip" your eyes went wide realizing what he ment before you knew it he was over you your legs on either side of his waist and he was slowly pushing in you let out a soft whimper. He whispered in your ear "don't worry I'll go easy on you" he says as he bottoms out he slowly starts thrusting in and out you gasped and he kept a very slow pace he started to speed up as you clenched around him slamming in harder you let out a loud moan "yea moan like that let every one know your mine" he whispered in your ear roughly as he pounded harder and faster if that was even possible you were a whimpering mess he was grunting and letting out a string of profanities in your neck "fuck y/n you feel so fucking good when you clench around me like that" he said through a breathy moan starting to pound you mercilessly
Your climax was approaching rapidly "N-newt i-im close" you said through breathy moans, he leaned down and whispered in your ear "yea go ahead cum on me" he said reaching between you rubbing your clit harshly you were a moaning mess and he started sucking on your sweet spot his tip brushing over your good spot you moaned loudly as you reached your climax you expected him to stop but he continued he rode you through your high he started to slow down his thrusts getting sloppy you can tell he was getting close. He bit down harshly sucking on your neck Ashe came deep inside of you he pulled out walking to the bathroom and wetting a cloth cleaning off both yours and his juices from your cunt. You squeezed the sheet as he brushed over your sensitive clit he cleaned off his shaft and cuddled next to you, you both fell asleep
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
can i request og soap and roach x ftm reader fic ? if you dont do poly, either one is good =] i just wanna take care of them so bad, cuddle up to them, be their civilian house husband!! wanna smooch them when they come home on deployment, and talk about retirement with them. all the cutesy domestic stuff <33
Sure, let's do two separate short fics in one post instead
Welcome Home, Dear!
Chapter 1: John "Soap" Mactavish x civvy FTM!Reader
Chapter 2: Gary "Roach" Sanderson x civvy FTM!Reader
Content: fluff, SFW, brief mentions of funerals and death in Roach's part, yeah literally that's it. Talking about your future with Roach and taking care of Soap! Former 141 member!reader for Soap
Chapter 1
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*chop* *chop* *chop*
You push the knife down one more time, cutting the fruits into bits before it's ready to cook. Music was playing in the background from a music station you randomly picked. You didn't focus on it at all, it was simply background music to you. A TV channel was on too, the war had ended a couple of weeks ago or at least that's when it was known to the public. You remembered in the newspaper, in the page where they showed the names who died in the war, his name was there but you didn't cry or anything, he always kept you up to speed, you were and forever will be part of 141 even if you've retired to be a househusband. He wasn't dead, almost died? Sure but not fully six feet under. He was wounded horribly and considering their last base was shot out by Makarov's men, it's best to stay hidden until they're sure every one of those bitches are rotting in hell.
And that brings you to today, it wasn't directly mentioned but "few corrections have been made" was stated on the new list, mostly ones who were MIA being found and John's name was discreetly taken out of the dead man's list.
You were cooking some apple pie, it was getting cold in the UK, not like it's always cold here. But baking was one of the ways you could warm up. Great thing about having a husband in war? You don't have to worry about someone else finishing your food. Mixing the chopped up apples into a pot with brown sugar and cinnamon to let them caramelize, you suddenly hear a knock on the door. You quickly unlocked it and yelled for the visitor to come inside, you can't take your eyes away from the cooking after all.
All of the sudden, two large yet familiar hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. John pressed his forehead to your head, resting and leaning against you. You could feel how tired he was. "Oi, you shouldn't just surprise me like that! I could've clocked you ya know?" You leaned back, your shoulders to his chest. "Aye, i would like to see you try" a soft yet tired laugh coming from John.
You sighed, filling the pie crust up and quickly putting it in the oven all while handling the weight of your husband leaning against you. "John...johnny...you can't sleep like this you know? Why don't you take a bath first? I already prepared it for myself but i can always take a bath later" humming something under your breath, you were strong enough to carry John via piggyback ride and carry him into the bathroom. "Ya know, you don't have to help me with everything..." He moved your hand away as soon as you reached for his gear to help him get out of it "nonsense! You're tired, i haven't seen you for...almost a year, just let me take care of it okay?" Knowing how stubborn you can be, he gave up with a soft sigh, letting you take his gear off and cleaning it up. Taking out all the random brass casings, pens, scraps, shrapnel and even stitching it up before throwing it into the washing machine with all of his other clothes.
Seeing him melt into the tub made your heart warm up, he looked so calm and in peace. You dipped your hand into the water and used it to wipe the grime off his face. "Oh fuck, your hair is all oily...and...Shit, that looks horrible, i'll bandage it up after you bathe...ugh that bruise too and what happened here? It's healed but...Jesus Christ what happened?" You were staring at his newly acquired scars and wounds that you didn't remember him having before.
Soap noticed how concerned you are and softly held your hand "i promise, i'm fine, just another flesh wound right? You survived a hail of bullets and you're fine, i'm not as resilient as you but i can take a couple of hits before dropping"
"Oh shut it, you're way more resilient" a playful punch to his shoulder and a kiss on the forehead from him was all that you need to lighten up the mood.
Squeezing some shampoo on your hand, you ran it through his mohawk "i still can't believe it, they let you get away with this haircut" rubbing the shampoo into his scalp, he leaned into your soft and gentle touches. The water ran black from all the dirt he managed to soak up from the battlefield. Finishing up, you hand him a towel and fetch your med kit from under the sink. Letting John dry off, you soaked some cotton with iodine, it soaked through the cotton pad and stained your fingers but that's fine for you, you were in a rush after all, don't want your husband to get all infected. Pressing the iodine soaked cotton onto his wounds and soon after you stitch him up. As expected, no reaction came from him, he looks relaxed rather than tense like you when Soap had to stitch you up after your chopper got shot down. You were cowering from the needle and here Johnny seems to enjoy this, it feels therapeutic to him.
After finishing up his stitches and Soap getting dressed, you held his hand and guided him into the dining room, serving him some food "i know you're baking a pie, ya can't hide it away from me ya know?" you hushed him and pouted "i'm making sure it lasts longer than 10 minutes, you never leave a slice for me" Soap laughed and pets your head "what can i say? Your cooking is the best, better than any MRE that I've tasted" you scoffed and rolled your eyes "oh please, anything is better than MREs, a can of paint tastes better than MREs"
He only chuckled and started to eat, you already ate before he went home so you only watched. You're still confused how he eats so damn fast, at this point he's just trying to get to the desert as fast as possible. "Fuckin...hoover, fine i'll bring the pie but you better not finish all of it!"
"Fine i'll finish half"
"That's still too much!"
He helped you get the pie out of the oven and you started to cut it into slices. You always wanted to have this life and now you have it, you didn't know what you did to get a life this perfect but you're not complaining. Just making sure to make the most out of the little amount of time you got before Soap gets sent into another mission
Chapter 2
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(Using his MW19 design because i don't wanna use the same pic over and over again...)
You were waiting patiently on the couch, the TV acting as a white noise generator. Your boyfriend should be home by six but it's been an hour and he still isn't home. Maybe he's dead, Ghost told you that the mission with Shepherd didn't really end well but you don't know what he means by that.
You heard a knock suddenly and the door quickly getting unlocked. You were laying down on the couch, staring blankly at the TV, not paying attention to the noise coming from the door. You were pissed. Pissed at your boyfriend. For all you know, he could be dead. And what if he died? You could just move on right? It's not like you've been with this man for three years straight.
That's when you suddenly saw Gary, leaning against the couch, softly looking at you. He was covered in bandages, some part of his body was burnt but you were just glad he was alive. You quickly shot up and sat up, your palm against his masked face. "Bug...you're alive..." He smiled and nodded. "I. Love. You" he signed. You nodded as well "yeah i...i love you too"
He hopped over the back of the couch and sat down next to you. Without a thought, you hugged him. "Did you think of me when you were deployed?"
"Every damn moment...i thought about coming home to you" he replied.
You kissed him on the lips, you didn't care that he was still masked and in full gear, you didn't care that you could taste blood and dirt on him, he was here and that was all you needed.
"I thought about you as well...i thought about our future..."
He tilted his head, curious.
"Retirement..." You continued. Gary laughed when he heard that. It was so sweet and a stark difference compared to the absolute hell that he just experienced. Pressing your face into his chest, he ran his fingers through his lover's hair. You could feel his breathing, he was relaxed, soft breaths as his heart rate slowed down knowing he was finally safe at his home with you in his arms.
"Go on, continue, tell me everything"
"I think...we should live somewhere quiet, you always hated the city. You are always overstimulated when you're surrounded by so many people...let's hide away...together...get away from war and fighting. Let's go somewhere only we know"
He leaned back sighing, thinking about the things you just said. It would be amazing, so so amazing. The thought of spending his final days with you and you alone is nothing but heaven to him. He would stop worrying about all of this SAS bullshit with Makarov and Shepherd, just you and him.
"Will we have kids?"
"Hmm...yeah...i could imagine us having a family...one girl one boy...the girl is named Nina and the boy named Jackson"
You two laughed at the thought. Imagining Roach as a father was so...odd but adorable. Your children would have Simon, Johnny, and Price as uncles and imagining THEM hanging around children was hilarious. The things they'll do. Oh to see Simon trying to be all soft and family friendly would be amazing.
"Our wedding, what will it look like?" You asked Gary, holding his hand softly as you looked at the engagement ring that he gave to you before he was deployed.
"At the beach would be good, i want to watch the sunset with you. Decor, flowers, everything else is up to you, just having you by my side forever is enough for me. We can even skip the ceremony. I don't mind" you looked up at him, watching him sign his ideas out. "What do you think i should wear?"
Gary hummed, thinking about it "how about a nice suit...or a dress, your choice...or maybe i can wear the dress?" You saw his idea and laughed "we should make your team into the bridesmaids, imagine Price in a dress" you added and Gary bursts out laughing. "Ghost in a white dress, still wearing his mask and sunglasses"
"OH GOD don't put that image into my head...you're so...precious you...little bug"
You two slowly calmed down. "But anyway...i already have my vows ready...and i think we should stop thinking about our future, let's focus on the present, what do you want for dinner? Or what do you wanna do in general?"
"Let me have you in my arms for another minute, i missed you, you know? I don't think i can handle being deployed again if it means i'll spend another minute without you being near me"
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
Hi i requested before and you did so good could i request a steve harrington x diabetic male reader where the reader bloodsugar is low and steve just takes care of the reader
a/n- i dont know much about diabetes but i hope you enjoy!
The pumping sound of music is going to make you vomit. No one seems to care about your flushed face as you make your way through the crowd.
You thought going to a party with Steve would be fun, and it was until you felt your pulse weaken. You could feel it immediately and knew trouble was coming.
You sat in the corner of the room on the couch, putting your fingers to your wrist to feel your pulse. Your brain was going everywhere as you tried to tell if your pulse was weakened or getting rapid. The air in your lungs was either too much or not enough, sweat forms on your palms as your head feels like it's cracking open.
“Hey, are you ok?” The sweet sound of Steve's voice breaks through your panic as you shake your head no. Words can't seem to form as Steve helps you stand up. The world spins as he helps you through the crowd of people asking what's wrong. You can't hear what Steve tells them as he helps you into his car.
Steve has a worried look on his face as he quickly starts the car and speeds towards his house. You try to relax against the car seat as you take deep slow breaths. Steve seems like he wasn't to say something, but you're too focused on keeping yourself from passing out to notice.
You don't even realize it when you get to his house. Steve helps you out of your car, wrapping his arms around you as you practically fall onto the couch the second you get in the house. Steve puts his hand on your forehead as you close your eyes to try to get your brain to stop feeling like it was splitting in half. “God, you're cold.” Steve murmurs as he rushes to his kitchen.
He returns a few seconds later with a juice pouch as he helps you drink it. The sweet feeling of liquid in your symptom feels like heaven. Your throat finally stops closing as you fall back against the couch. “Are you ok?” Steve asks. Finally looking at him, you can see the amount of worry in his eyes. You give a weak smile as you reach for the juice again. “Yeah, I'm ok.”
Steve sits in silence with you as you finish the small box, feeling yourself slowly get better. “I'm so sorry, I had no idea this would happen.” Steve apologizes as he goes and gets another juice. A small laugh leaves your mouth as you prop yourself to lie on the side of the couch. “It's ok Steve, I didn't know it would happen either.” Steve gives you the juice as he sits on the floor in front of the couch. “You really gotta check your sugar more dude.” You chuckle as you take a sip. “Yeah, I know.”
“Let's just watch a movie.” He says as he turns on the tv. You smile to yourself as you feel him eventually move to sit at your feet on the couch. He takes your shoes off as he slowly rubs your calf lovingly. Getting a moment of peace feels better than anything at the moment as you and Steve doze off on the couch.
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uwowrites · 2 years
Ok sooo
I saw requests for fics where open, so i hope you dont mind me requesting one. But well, could you perhaps write a fic with Boss being a protective dad to Eugene?
It's actually been a year since i played Underworld Office, so i dont remember alot 😅 (i plan on replaying it after i finish Charlie in Underworld tho), but like, after the events of the game, from the true ending. The the time between UWO and CUW, if after the events, Boss got worried and more protective over him and all that but wont admit it
So take maybe Eugene getting in another dangerous situation, not as life threatening as before, but still something bad and Boss coming to rescue him
And add mom River to the mix maybe, bc she does mother him alot lol.She'd be more open on caring about Eugene and tease Boss after everything I'm sure.
But yeah, obviously all platonic, duh. But i thought it be nice and all. Just a small oneshot of that
It can either be the part of the dangerous situation and the aftermath, or to make it quick and short if you need it to, just the aftermath maybe. I'd like angst and fluff, hurt/comfort if you will
All in all, just need some comfort after playing my first round in CUW, and possibly more soon as i continue to play it YwY
But yeah, hope it aint much trouble to ask either, take your time!
(Platonic River, Boss and Eugene)
Eugene listened carefully for the monster, closing his eyes as he tried to concentrate on finding out where the monster was headed. Opening his eyes, he looked down at the child in his arms, who looked no more than four years old. They had never expected their patrol would include having to save a kid from a monster, the latter extremely dangerous and bloodthirsty. Knowing that they couldn't risk endangering the child's safety, they opted to hide.
The monster growled and roared in frustration, annoyed that it couldn't find the two that had been hiding from it. The child flinched and hid it's face in Eugene's shirt, the mortal held the small of their back and held them closer. Holding their breath, Eugene waited for the monster to move along, praying that it moved in the opposite direction of the office.
Hearing the monster's footsteps fade gradually, Eugene immediately booked it for the office, praying that there would be someone who could help them contain the monster that was currently loose on the streets. The child giggled in their arms and Eugene felt themself smile at that.
Phasing through the walls of the office, Eugene looked around and noticed that the others weren't present. He wracked his mind to come up with a plan and decided to leave the child and a message with Sean while he tried to ensure that no other ghosts got hurt by the monster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Eugene! You're hurt!" Sean exclaimed as he noticed Eugene fly towards him. As the ghost took a closer look, he saw a small girl in the mortal's hands.
"I'll be alright. But I wanted to ask, could you take care of her? And if you meet the others, could you ask them to fly South towards Blair corner?" Eugene rushed in one breath.
Placing down the flower basket, Sean took the kid from Eugene's hands, "Wait, you are still hurt. You-"
"I'll be fine! Don't worry!" Eugene yelled as they flew away.
As Sean was about to call after them, Eugene had already slipped out of his earshot.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eugene was drained out from flying at their top speed. And although it took a long time for them to catch up to the monster, they still managed reach the place just in time. The monster was still thrashing around, and roared once it caught a glance of Eugene.
Eugene gulped and dodged one of it's oncoming tentacles. They were still at a loss of what to do when Boss' words came up in his mind.
'First, ensure all civilians have been evacuated. Determine the monster's preferred range of attack. Next, see if there are any nearby sources of light. Like ghosts, monsters are weak in the presence of light.'
"Alright. Let's do this." Eugene said with determination flowing through their veins.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "That was tiring." River stretched, placing her hands behind her head.
"I didn't think that it would have taken this long to seal the monster." Joan stretched and winced in the process as she felt her back ache from the bruise she earned during the fight.
Boss, noticing her facial expression change, suggested, "Ma'am, we could go and meet Sean. He could help relieve you from your pain."
"That sounds like a good idea. Plus, it's been a while since we asked about Linda." River pitched in, as she hovered over the ground while her partners walked.
"I guess we could go and see the boy then." Joan agreed. She disliked the idea of having to burden Sean but she could feel her back pain worsen.
"Speaking of boys, how do you think Eugene is doing on their patrol?"
"I am sure they are fine. I have confidence in their abilities." Boss spoke with a hint of pride in his tone.
"If only you could speak this positively about me behind me back." River wiped a fake tear from her face, prompting Boss to roll his eyes at her in amusement.
"If you didn't always start fights, then maybe I would."
"You say that like I pick fights as soon as I step out the door."
"You don't?"
The two engaged in light banter while Joan shook her head fondly. Boss and River, although very experienced in fighting monsters and helping ghosts, were children in her eyes (even though they may be in their late twenties and are mature). Children who died at a young age while having their whole life ahead of them.
Once the flower shop came into view, Joan noticed Sean's absence and found it odd.
"That's weird. Sean normally distributes flowers in front of the shop." River said, confused but deciding to not think to much about it. "He is probably inside-"
"I am so glad to all are here." Sean spoke, accidently interrupting River in the process as he phased through the wall of the shop. "Please come inside. I really need your help."
Boss frowned at the statement. 'Something must be really bothering him since he isn't hiding from me or stammering in my presence. But did it really have to take a crisis for him to not be afraid of me?'
The three followed Sean inside the shop and saw a small girl sitting on the floor, with flowers in her hair. River cooed as she walked towards the child and kneeled down, "Hey there. Those flowers look really pretty. Did you pick them by yourself?"
"N-no. Um, he gave them t-to me." she stammered nervously.
"Ah. Well, I think they look nice on your hair. What is your name?" River asked, offering a gentle smile.
"Ezra." The girl smiled back.
"Well Ezra, my name is River. The granny's name is Joan and he is Boss." River pointed to the ghosts as she introduced them.
"Sean." Boss called.
"Y-yes sir." replied Sean, wincing at his stammer.
'So much for not stammering.' Boss thought, "Where did you find her?"
"That's, uh, what I needed your help for. Eugene brought her in before going off again to fight a monster. At least, I think he is. He seemed to be in a hurry to fly there."
"Wait a minute. Eugene is fighting a monster on his own?" River stood up.
"I am not sure. He asked me to tell you to fly to Blair Corner."
Boss gripped his fan instinctively. Trying his best to control his worry, he ordered, "River, you and I will be going to help Eugene. Sean, could you help Joan? She got hurt while we were fighting a monster."
"Yes S-sir."
"Hold on a minute. I am coming as well." Joan stepped forward.
"I am sorry ma'am. But in your current condition, I cannot allow you to come with us. If the situation becomes too much for us to handle, we will call you." Boss countered.
Knowing that there was no way of convincing Boss, Joan decided to stay put. The ghost knew that there would be a chance that she might end up becoming a burden since she was hurt.
Boss marched out of the shop with River following suit. As soon as the two were outside, they took off and flew as fast as they could.
"Eugene will be okay."
"I hope so, River." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'The area is clear and no one is around. Except of course, me.'
Eugene continued dodging the monster's attack, praying that they wouldn't end up getting crushed by it.
Seeing the stadium come into view, they let out a relieved sigh, "Finally!"
Eugene could feel their body scream in exhaustion as they flew, the monster hot on their trail. The monster, sensing the mortal's exhaustion, swept it's tentacle at them, knocking them out of the sky. As they fell, Eugene close their eyes and tried to summon all the energy they had left, hoping they could try to catch themself from falling.
"Got you!"
Eugene opened their eyes as they felt a pair of arms catch them midair, looking up, they saw River smile at them in relief.
"Glad to see you still in one piece newbie. Gotta admit, I am impressed you held your own against this thing."
Eugene chuckled as they wrapped their arms around River, thankful that the female came just in time.
Eugene's attention was drawn to the monster as it let out a scream in pain. They turned their head to see Boss mercilessly wrapping the ends of his hanbok around the monster and using his fan to chop off it's tentacles one by one. As they watched the fight go on, they noticed Boss growing tired.
'Must be because he was sealing other monsters in that haunted building tonight.' "River, take Eugene and get out of here!" Boss yelled, as he dodged an attack from the creature.
River nodded and took off.
"Wait, River-"
"Eugene, You are hurt and tired. No way I am letting you fight."
"We can't just leave Boss to handle that monster on his own. He looks exhausted. Which is why I am asking you to just hear my plan out."
River stopped in their tracks and looked at Eugene. In a split second, she saw Eugene's 15-year-old self. Perhaps it was the way their eyes flickered with determination, similar to how they were when they fought Jack.
'The newbie really has come a long way, huh?' River's face broke into a grin, feeling proud of their newbie.
"All right. Let's hear it newbie."
Eugene smiled briefly before speaking, "So, there is a stadium nearby. If we turn on the lights, that should be more than enough to weaken the monster. The only thing is, we got to lure it all the way."
"Pretty sure I can anger it enough for it to wanna chase me." River said proudly.
Eugene chuckled before he noticed a tentacle come towards her, "Watch out!"
River turned around just before Boss's hanbok cut the appendage off.
"Come one Newbie!" River said, keeping a firm grip on Eugene as they flew closer to the monster.
"Hey!" Eugene yelled, trying to catch the attention of the monster.
Boss, annoyed that River and Eugene were still there, yelled, "What are you-"
"Just trust me!" Eugene replied.
Although he was confused, Boss chose to trust Eugene's judgement and started to float from the ground towards the pair.
"Follow us." River told Boss as she flew straight towards the stadium, feeling tired but still determined to stop this monster.
The monster pursued them, Boss hoped that whatever plan Eugene had would work out.
Once they reached the football stadium, River let Eugene down while Boss landed. The monster phased through the bleachers and screamed, causing Eugene to cover their ears.
"I'll try to find the light controls. Could you two distract it in the meantime?" Eugene asked, hoping they didn't come off as bossy.
"We will be fine, Eugene. Just be careful." Boss replied, snapping his fan open.
Eugene ran, knowing they no longer had the energy to fly anymore. They frantically looked around for the control panel as Boss and River fended off the monster. Their head was throbbing but Eugene knew they had to pull through it.
After what seemed like an eternity to them, they finally found the room. Phasing through the wall, their eyes darted around the room before landing on the controls. Sprinting towards it, Eugene immediately hit all the buttons, hoping that at least one would turn on the lights.
The sound of the monster crying in pain captured his attention and he looked up to see the monster squirming about.
River took this as an opportunity and wrapped her hair around the monster, Boss did the same except for with his hanbok. The two of them pulled the monster as Boss readied his fan. The two of them were weak as well, since lights were a source of weakness for ghosts.
Eugene flew out of the room and closer to the pair battling the monster.
"Eugene, Catch!" Boss called out as he threw his fan.
Eugene caught the fan and looked at Boss, who was struggling to hold the monster down, along with River.
"Remember our training and use it!"
Eugene's eyes widened in surprise, "But... I- I can't."
"Newbie, Boss isn't-" River nearly lost her balance before regaining it again and continuing, "Look, if he is sure you can do it, then you can. I believe you can do it too!"
Gripping the fan, he looked at it before opening it. Boss and River stood at the opposite sides of the monster, trying to restrain it from moving. Gathering his courage, Eugene charged towards the monster. Bringing their hand back, they swiped the fan with all the strength they had left, effectively absorbing all of the monster's mass into the keepsake.
Once it disappeared, Eugene snapped the fan close and laughed in relief. Boss retracted his clothes and River, her hair. River fist pumped the air in triumph while Boss brushed his hair with his hand. As Eugene swayed on their feet in exhaustion, they felt their last ounce of energy drain away. Feeling the world spin, they fell back on the grass.
"Eugene!" the ghosts called out.
"I'm... okay. Just... really tired." Eugene panted. The two of them looked down at them, concern etched on both their faces. Eugene spoke up again, "Do you mind if we just... you know, sat for a while?"
Boss disappeared, and Eugene worried if they accidently upset the male. River plopped down next to the mortal and laid on her back and yawned. A few seconds ticked by and the stadium lights turned off. Confused, Eugene looked at River who shrugged in response.
"The longer the lights stay on, the more we risk garnering unwanted attention."
Eugene turned his head and jerked in surprise as he saw Boss staring at them. The head of the office sat down next to them, before slowly lying down.
The three lied down in silence. Taking advantage of the quiet after their tiresome battle. The events of tonight replaying in their heads as they relaxed.
"You did well, Eugene. I am proud." Boss said, looking at the sky.
"Yeah, newbie! Color me impressed." River nudged Eugene's shoulder.
Eugene laughed, exhaustion still eating at him, "I couldn't have done it without you both. Thanks for helping me out."
Ngl, I really wish there were more family moments in ciu.
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forwantofacalling · 8 months
hi bestie, i want to know your opinions for that lab partner/elevator/employee trainer ask game! you don't have to answer all/any of these but. i am so curious hehe
jing yuan, fu xuan, qinque
march 7th, dan heng, stelle/caelus
aak, hung, waai fu
furina, neuvillette, arlecchino
oh this is so funny okay
fuck/marry/kill except its get them randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester, get trapped with them on a broken elevator for ten hours, or they’re your employee trainer for your new job at McDonalds
jing yuan/fu xuan/qingque:
first order of business i dont trust qingque in the lab OR in a kitchen so into the elevator she goes. I'd love to say jing yuan for that one because then i could probably just take a nap for the full ten hours but hey she can teach me how to play celestial jade or something. at least there's nothing to set on fire.
fu xuan and jing yuan is honestly a toss-up based on how much fu xuan cares about the task. she would be so very insufferable but i trust her to get the job done when it matters...that probably means I'd perfer her as a lab partner. honestly not a bad option ive probably had worse partners than her. at least she'd do her half of the report.
that leaves jing yuan to teach me how to work a frier. sure, i'd let him do that. he'd probably teach me the ropes and then come to work like 30 minutes late and once in a blue moon. i wouldnt be killing myself with any of the machinery though so i think thats a win.
march 7th/dan heng/stelle
i would let dan heng do any of these things. so the real question is with the other two.
...I'm not letting stelle in the kitchen. im also not letting march in the lab. she would drink the chemicals and i would be responsible. come to think of it i shouldn't let stelle in the lab either. shit. that leaves me with her in the elevator.
that's probably fine. its a closed metal box. i trust my ability to deal with stelle more when its not around dangerous tools or chemicals.
dan heng would get me an A in every lab no questions asked. he'd be the guy i never talk to outside of class and we'd speak in like five word sentences max but i'm not failing unless hell freezes over. he's probably actaully interested in the material too. 10/10 please introduce me an archiving job pleeeeeaseee
i want march to be able to cook. i think that would be cute. let her teach me how to stack a hamburger in the most aesthetic way i would absolutely let her do that. i would pose for her instagram stories. I would listen to her gossip. this job would never get boring.
aak/hung/waai fu
easy. hung mcdonalds, waai fu elevator, aak lab partner. now hear me out.
hung can cook so fucking well that if hes in somewhere as close as a mcdonalds im sure as HELL jumping for the chance to learn from him. also hes so goddamn nice. and strong. he can do handiwork and also beat the shit out of assholes i dont see any issue with this. 10/10.
waai fu is just friend shaped have you heard that girl talk i wanna be her friend. we would be so chill in that elevator yessss tell me all about your deadbeat dad and your found family i hope you kick that man's ass one day. good for you!!!! also she would let me take a nap without disturbing me. hung would too. honestly she and hung are interchangable i just worry that waai fu would end up being sued for punching someone during customer service.
okay look being lab partners with aak sounds like a terrible idea this boy is a genius pharm student who acts like a litearl child and would absolutely stab me in my sleep with a concoction from his mad scientist lab. BUT. he's a genius pharm student. as long as i DO ALL THE WORK and he agrees to answer my questions we're fine. we're fine. also i have his entire family on speed dial if that syringe gun gets anywhere near me waai fu would have him in headlock in two seconds flat sir i am calling your DAD.
i feel like im being called out for not playign the fontaine quests yet 😭😭😭i only have a vague impression of what these guys are like pleaseee
furina i do NOT want to be stuck in an elevator with. i dont want to be in a closed space with arlecchino either. i feel like theres a good chance i would be fucking dead in the first two hours. or incredibly annoyed. ill take neuvilettte. this guy is fine. talk to me about water for 10 hours id listen.
now the question is who's mentee do i want to be. I feel like i should refuse arlecchino just on principle of whatever shes got going on with the siblings. she can be my lab partner. as long as we dont talk about anything except the work and she doesnt freaking kill me for messing anything up i think i'd survive. once the semester is over i can book it out of there. if furina was my lab partner i think the teacher would HATE us and i'd be dead by glitterbomb explosion by the second week.
that leaves furina at mcdonalds. i would not enjoy this and i would also not learn anything but its the lesser of three evils. i love furina but if i had to deal with her in real life i don't think there would be any way to win. i would just have to have her dragon on speed dial.
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thoughtcock · 3 months
self manifestations for 2023/24 (progress)
[X] rent an better actual apartment, by myself or with someone else: I am currently here now :) sitting by myself in the comfort of my living room, while listening to lofi music on youtube as background. And boy, what an amazing feeling it is. it is merely just over 400 sq ft, a small size by most standards. yet its just enough for me and the bf who comes over.
I used to feel like I don't do well in the ordinary, life had to always be happening or I have to be on some unconventional route (i mean it kinda is but still) to be happy or whatever. But lately, I really do appreciate the peace and the ordinaryness. I now romanticise the chill/hiding away to my safe space. I love doing my silly little home decorating and just feeling present at this apartment. my safe space.
I gradually became a much more neater and organised person. seriously, i started making my own bed more regularly and you could point a gun at me and i would find it so pointless to do it. its just going tog et messy again so who cares? but now.... i see why people do it.
i thought me being messy was just a personality trait of mine and i hoped people around me will accept it. but i dont know... i guess there's this new-found form of respect i have for my space now, and keeping it tidy just makes it so much more pleasant for me. the only issue with that is i spend significantly more time tidying, and my boyfriend still hasnt caught up to speed yet.
But still... I finally get ikea catalogues and how they are always selling this idea of a beautiful home enriching your life. because its true. and i get why people buy picture frames and decorative tissue boxes and carpets and all. to make a space much cozier, which in turn makes u happier and more at peace. And I get why people buy extra practical things like a water filter, storage space for your appliances, a speaker, a standing desk. because why wouldnt you? it boosts your quality of life in different ways.
Yes, its not cheap to rent, but damn I would rather pay with money than with my mental health. for seven years i've lived with the bare minimum. mostly stuck to buying necessary stuff for my home, or barely buying anything at all for fear it will eat up the little space i was allocated to. and now to have the space(!!) and options to buy something just for the aesthetics is suddenly new to me again. for 8 years i've been living in cramped dorms/subdivided rooms/flat share. i am so grateful and i cant wait to make more and get an even bigger space maybe (i still wish for a bigger kitchen, and an actual designated to hang clothes without taking over the living room space).
In the meantime maybe i can start thinking about owning a home. though i still dont feel ready, need to save more haha
[ ] get my first tattoo: still in the works. all the artists i like are either based far away, or i am still undecided and frankly procrastinating. slighly worrying about the fallout with the mother. also there is a bit of inertia to just fuck it and out trust in an artist for a tattoo that im not sure of yet.
[ ] adopt a cat: unlike getting a tattoo, i dont think i can just bite the bullet and bring an animal to my life full-time. since having a family dog, i realised how important it is to consider how I really have to be responsible for a pet. And making space for said pet in your life. my family dog came to us in a "yolo" way of sorts, and while he is amazingggggg, i know if it were up to me i'll do so much more to give him a better life. and so, i would like to carefully consider everything before fostering one. and also because my new apartment is so great as it is, how can an animal live in it well without destroying the space i worked so hard for?
[X] adapt well in new job: giving this an X because so far i've performed better than how i did in my first year. but there's a lot of self-pressure and probably managerial pressure to step up and do even more, learn even more etc. tbh sometimes it feels like my brain is swimming from all these new things i've learnt or am expected to learn. i dont want to disappoint people, but i am also trying to give myself the space/patience to improve and be better. after all im paid much better to live in this nice apartment.
[X] buy fancy decorative stuff for said new apartment (eg. plates, candles, artsy fartsy stuff)
[ ] be reading more: definitely falling back on reading... sometimes its hard to get the attention span to do so. i've been told i should get back on self-help books. so far i've read more autobiographies. there are some books i own that take me back to chaotic times (Eg. 2019) and i'm sure if i even want to touch them for fear of bringing up not so great memories and how this city is quietly turning to shits. well at least i have my nice place as it turns to shit... privilege much?
[ ] continue to choose myself: i feel like its a half-half on this...
[X] be okay with change: something i read recently is how because nothing last forever, its best to appreciate things are they are now before they are gone. the glass is already broken. impermanence makes things more beautiful.
[ ] have more reflective alone times: unfortunately not doing as much of that, but i hope that will change!!!! sometimes i live life on autopilot mode, and i could feel myself living in that mode for months since i've stopped going to therapy. autopilot mode isnt bad, but yeah i know i dont truly reflect on my feelings much if that is so. and i find my thoughts so muddled and messy at times. its like what the fuck do i want sometimes, why am i overthinking this and that, am i doing enough of this and that bla bla,,, but i dont know WHY im thinking like that. sometimes writing this in word vomit mode helps to rationalise and write out all the things in my head which is great... although i feel like a terrible writer because everything is so messy and word vomity
[X] solo travel (either a beach getaway or city gal holiday, or both): my first solo trip coming up soon! a beach getaway is something i always want to do. im not going to plan much or keep everything to a schedule, just see where this trip takes me. im hoping to just chill and be rejuvenated, and yes try to be more reflective
[ X] turn off my brain when work is over: a WIP but i would say i've gone heaps and bounds since leaving my last job. work stops at 6 and i try not to open my emails/messages, but i guess with more responsibilities sometimes i cant help it. but i can safely say i do have more time for other things without feeling like some manager will find me to settle a story or whatever. it feels nice to have no one bug u after work hours!!
[X] maintain close relationships with the people who matter: not sure whether to tick this since i've become a lot more introverted this year. i no longer do big parties or try to organise one anymore. in that sense i do feel more distant from people now, sometimes i dont even know who matters and who doesnt. but this time, i feel perfectly okay with it. i think its the new house effect, i just want to stay home all the time. maybe the person who matters most in my life is me, after all.
[X] restart seriously saving and investing again: getting paid more helps. though i do need to re-evaluate my investing choices. i jsut need to be careful about lifestyle inflation and balance things properly. i started budgeting again this months so hopefully i can stick to it.
[X] stay away from people with bad energy: its actually easier to do that when u have a significant other and u are okay to be alone. no longer interested in clubs or gettign fucked up, or getting on dating apps anymore.
-[X?] feel valued in a workplace/relationship: yes for work, thanks to great managers and great benefits. relationship, i would like to think my friends value me, and as for my boyfriend? i guess he does in his own ways, though i would like to feel more of it.
New goals:
learn diving
solo travel/travel to more unconventional places
romanticising life more
take a chill hobby like coloring
exercise at least 1x a week
0 notes
malleusbutcursed · 2 years
When you said you love them first!
Dorm leaders x Gender neutral Reader.
Warnings: commitment issue--- fluff
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♡Riddle Rosehearts♡
He was shocked.
And very happy knowing how you feel. He ever was allowed to express his emotions and being able to with you is everything to him.
He's really glad you're patient with him and is making the first move.
Once he hears your words he smiles slightly. Be prepared to see a gift in your room with a tart inside he asked trey to help him make.
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Leona Kingscholar
He smirks at you and just makes you flustered. And then teases you for a few minutes.
You can tell his ego has boosted over to the charts and you don't know if you are going to have to be teased everyday because of this.
At the end of his teasing he slightly gets quieter, puts his head in the crook of your neck and then hugs you tighter while you both were cuddling and mumbles a quiet 'i love you' to you. You almost couldn't hear him from how quiet he was.
You knew that he was gonna force you to cuddle him alot now because of this. And you don't mind. (Until Divus yeets your as---)
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Kalim Al-Asim
How was he not the first person to say i love you?
Either you said i love you right after you both got into a relationship or maybe just because he didn't think he needed too.
He always showers you with gifts, says how amazing you are, and tightly hugs you as a greeting when he sees you in the hallways. (Floyd? Lol)
But when he heard you say 'I love you' to him
He was ecstatic.
Jamil is going to be so annoyed about how Kalim gushes over this moment.
He hugged you super tightly and said it back to you excitedly. (He's gonna probably swarm you with MORE gifts after this.)
He's just a ray of sunshine and he lights up your life.
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Vil Schoenheit
He's more calm about it than the others. (cough kalim)
He will smile and say he 'loves you' aswell!
He takes care of you the whole day because of this. Be prepared for your skin to be cared for.
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Idia Shroud
He dies.
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Malleus Draconia
His eyes widen then quickly he smiles at you.
He holds your hand gently and kisses it while saying 'i love you too child of man'
Accidentally flusters you.
Then sebek was walking then SPEED RUNNING. As if malleus's life was on the line and quickly separates you and starts scolding you both. (Mostly you)
Don't worry though Malleus visits you when it turns nighttime so you both can stroll together talking.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Some may think he would be calm and collected like Vil, or teases you to oblivion. But actually he gets rather shy.
He always been bullied for his weight, tentacles. For just being a kid who was awkward.
The only real love he had was his mother .
So hearing you say that brought tears to him. But that doesn't mean he'll go out fully being emotional like crying.
He does smile and hugs you and puts his head on your neck.
Normally he would be a bit shy, but hearing those words gave him a boost to do it.
And thats when he lets the tears out.
Luckily you both were in the VIP lounge alone. Or else Floyd and Jade would tease him daily for this.
He's glad he has you in his life.
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Secret Voight Season 3 Part 3 (J. Halstead)
Summary: Its been a year and a few months since Olive showed up announcing that she was pregnant with Justin's kid. You were working on a case that involved Justin. Is Justin back doing the same old things or is it something else?
Words: 3.9k
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N: Guys, I appreciate the love and support yall are giving me again with this series but please dont keep asking me over and over again if I'm continuing it. I think there will be at least one more part in season 3 and there will be one more chapter for s3. There also maybe be one more chapter that will be special. Idk yet. Well see.
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You were smiling at your nephew in his high chair while wearing a birthday hat. It was Daniel's first birthday. You, your dad, Olive and Justin were all singing happy birthday to him as Daniel was just looking around and babbling. "Happy birthday, kiddo. Come on, blow out that candle. Ready? One, two..."
Your dad had put the cake on the food tray as Justin walked closer to his son and they both helped Daniel blow out the candle. "Good job,"
You looked from Daniel and then to Olive. "I can't believe he's a year old already,"
Voight nodded and went to grabbed a present. "Ooh, wait. Time for presents. This one is from me,"
Justin reaches over the table and grabbed the bag and opened it up. He pulled out a toy horse that he seemed to recognize. "All these years you kept this?"
"Your mom did. She kept all your baby stuff upstairs in the attic, just, you know, hoping one day she could pass it along,"
Olive puts her hand Justin's back. "Hank, it's perfect,"
"Yeah. Thanks, Pop. I wish Mom was here too,"
You got up from your seat and walked around to where your brother was and placed your hand on his shoulder. "I didn't know Camille but from what I've been told of her. She would be so proud of you,"
It had been an hour or so after you were done with giving Daniel his gifts. Justin and Voight were in the living room catching up. You and Olive were still in the kitchen with Daniel cleaning up. "So when are you and Jay getting married?"
Justin and Olive got married about six months ago and ever since then everyone has been up yours and Jay's ass over it too. Or well besides Voight. Voight told you over and over 'to take it slow'. You chuckled as you had a secret but it wasn't an engagement. Jay didn't even know about this either. "Whenever he proposes, I guess,"
"I'm sure, it'll be soon,"
You shrugged. "I'm just going with the tides. In this line of work, its difficult to worry about things like that,"
She nodded. "You guys did move in together right?"
"Yeah, a couple of weeks ago,"
"With two bedrooms right?"
You cocked an eye at her. "Yeah? Why?"
"Just asking. How's it going?"
"It's going good. It's a lot easy on the both of us since Jay would take me to work,"
Voight walked into the kitchen with Justin. "Sorry to break the girl chat up but we got a case. Team is already there,"
You walked over to where Daniel was and kissed him on the top of his head. "Goodnight my sweet boy,"
You and Voight drive to the scene separate but arrived at the same time. You saw Kevin and Antonio were waiting for us at the police line which they lifted up when we walked up to it. "Hey, Serge. We got one dead female found in the trunk,"
Antonio looked at his notepad. "A park district employee was closing the gates. He was about to have the car towed when he noticed blood on the rear of the car and called the police,"
You and the others walked up the car, Jay was already there at the car holding up the trunk. "Victim's hands and feet are tied with barbed wire. Throat's cut. Fingernails are gone, too. I'm guessing she fought back against the assailant. He knew there'd be DNA, so he yanked them off,"
"Cartel hit?"
"Or Russians. They've been known to use barbed wire too,"
You got a ping on your phone and looked at it. "Car's registered to the victim. Her name's Melissa Wilds. She's 26 years old. We got an address,"
"All right, call Ruzek and Olinsky. Tell them to go over there and do a knock-and-talk,"
It was the next day and you didn't have much to go on as of yet. Al and Ruzek knocked at the address but no one answered. Her neighbor came by and they found out she had a daughter. You were sitting at you desk while talking about the case. "Melissa Wilds. Her husband was an Army private killed in a training exercise last year at Fort Bragg, along with three others when their chopper went down,"
Antonio took it from there. "She had an associate’s from Roosevelt and worked as a paralegal for the law firm Sawyer & Sawyer,"
Antonio was still in the outs with you. Yeah, its been a year but you still didn't trust him enough to let him back into your life. Jay, on the other hand, just didn't care because no one was gonna tell him what he can or can't do. Ruzek swung around in his chair to look at Antonio. "Yeah, I've seen those commercials. They're just high-profile ambulance chasers,"
"Bigger than that. They do seven-figure class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies or schools with asbestos,"
Jay was looking into Melissa's background and to see if she got any priors. "Except for a few parking tickets, Melissa has zero priors. She's a working, widowed mom, so the more I'm digging here, I can't see any reason why she'd be associated with cartels or any Russians,"
Voight walk to where he was standing in front of everyone. "Well listen. This girl was tortured with barbed wire. That means the killer either wanted something from her, or it was personal. So I want to know where she was before we found her, who she was with- if she was seeing someone new,"
Your phone of your desk rang while Voight was saying what he was saying. "Voight,"
"Roger Simpson is down here. Says he is Melissa's father,"
You pulled the phone away from your mouth and looked up at Voight. "Hey,"
"Roger Simpson, Melissa's father, is downstairs,"
Voight looked over at Al. "Al?"
"We should start drawing straws,"
It had been about an hour since Al met with Roger and he said that Melissa was acting strange the past few months and that she was asking him to watch Tigan more and more which was no problem but it was hard cause he lived two hours away. He had asked her if something was wrong but she wouldn't tell him. You were engrossed with your digging that you didn't hear Jay walking up to you until he tapped on your desk. You looked away from your computer and up at him. "Hey handsome,"
He slightly smiled before dropping it. That concerned you. "What's wrong?"
"We got Melissa's phone records,"
"Follow me,"
Jay started to walk towards Voight's office and you got up from your desk and followed him. "Hey, we got, uh, Melissa Wild's phone records,"
Voight looked at you confused and you just shrugged as you walked into his office. "Okay?"
Jay closed the door and hand a copy to you and Voight. He kept one for himself as well. "She and Justin, um-- they knew each other. Looks like there's maybe 20 phone calls and twice as many texts between the two of them last month. The last phone call she made was a half hour before time of death,"
Voight picked up his personal phone from his desk and started dialing Justin. "He said he was in town to help a friend. Maybe it was her,"
You walked up to Voight's desk. "Where is Justin now?"
"He should be at home with Olive and Daniel,"
Jay looked from you to your dad. "Did he ever mention this girl to you, to either of you?"
"Don't you think I would've mentioned it if he did? Straight to voicemail,"
You and Voight rush to his house and see that Olive is there with Daniel but no Justin and he looks worried. "Where's Justin?"
"He left over an hour ago,"
"Have you tried calling him?"
"He's not answering. I texted him too. Hank, I'm worried,"
"We'll find him,"
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Al. "I need you to track the GPS on Justin's car now,"
It took about ten minutes to find the location of Justin car which was parked on the side of the road. You and Voight both jumped out of the car and speed walked to the car. You looked into the car and didn't see anything. You walked around to the trunk where Voight was already opening it up. "Oh, my God,"
You find Justin the same way you found Melissa. Bound with barbed wire. "Justin. He's got a pulse!"
You pulled out your walkie. "Lincoln 5021, emergency. I repeat, emergency,"
Voight was trying to see if he had anymore injuries. "Oh, my God, he's been shot!"
You pushed the button on your walkie again. "I need an ambulance at my current location. We have a gunshot wound victim,"
You and Voight ran into Med with Justin and the paramedics when Maggie came into view. "We have incoming. You're with me. Talk to me,"
"It's my son!"
The paramedic started talking to Maggie. "GSW to the neck. GCS 3, tubed in the ambo. Pupils fixed and dilated. Sinus tachy on the monitor. He was bound in the trunk of a car,"
Maggie pointed into a room and started directing them. "Rotate. Get ready to transfer. Three, two, one--transfer,"
Sharon came up to Voight and started to pull Voight away. " Hank, let's step outside,"
"Is he breathing?"
"I need a CT head. Someone call neurosurgery!"
"Is he still breathing?"
"Checking right now, Hank,"
"Come on, let them do their job,"
Voight had called Antonio and told him what happened and the next thing you knew he had brought Olive and Daniel to the ER. Voight didn't look to pleased at Antonio.
Voight looked at you. "GET everyone back to 21,"
You had texted everyone in the unit that if they were at 21st to get there. You couldn't call them because you knew if you called them you'd break down. You stood outside the door of 21st for a few minutes before walking into the precinct and then up the stairs to Intelligence. Jay saw you and walked up to you and pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear. "It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay,"
You let him hold you for a few minutes before you pushed him away. Antonio looked at everyone in the unit before speaking. "Everybody needs to hold on real tight, and you all know what I mean. If at any point you're not comfortable with something, you come tell me,"
You were all looked at Antonio when Antonio stopped talking when he looked at something. You all turned around and saw Voight standing there with a duffel bag in hand. He throws in on Jay's desk and throw out money. "I want you to put word out to all your C.I.'s. That's 90,000 for any information on who did this to Melissa Wilds and my son,"
Kevin slowly got up and walked towards Voight. "Hey, we got this, Serge. Think you should go to the hospital?"
Voight nodded but didn't say anything for a good minute. "All right, let me be clear. I don't need condolences. I need commitment from each of you. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to find who did this. Anybody not comfortable with that should take the next couple of days off,"
You nodded and walked towards the detail board. While holding back tears, you looked at everyone. "So, turns out Justin went through basic training with Peter Wilds
at Fort Campbell before Peter got shipped to Fort Bragg. That's how they knew each other. They stayed close friends. Melissa started reaching out to Justin about four weeks ago.
"Still doesn't tell us how they were mutual targets,"
Jay who is now sitting on his desk, talked next. "Maybe there's a nexus with her job- the law firm,"
"Check it out,"
Voight had started to leave but you had grabbed him and stopped him. "Hey. You have a grandson now, okay? That is counting on you. Just remember that,"
Voight looked at you for a few seconds before nodding.
You were going out of your mind in the car when you and Jay were driving to the law firm. Jay placed a hand on your knee and squeezed it. "It's gonna be okay. Justin is going to wake up and everything will be fine,"
You looked at him and smiled. You appreciated the thought but that's not the biggest thing on your mind. You were worried about what your dad is doing.
Jay pulled up to the law firm and you put everything about your dad and Justin in the back of your mind and put all your focus on the case itself. You walked up to Melissa's boss' office. "Melissa used to be a great employee. Never complained about the hours
or working weekends. But there was definitely something off with her these past few weeks,"
You shifted on your other foot. "How do you mean?"
"Her demeanor. Melissa was always outgoing always had a smile on her face, even after losing her husband, Peter. But lately she'd become withdrawn..distant. To be honest, that's when I started to get suspicious,"
Jay didn't look away from her boss. "Suspicious of what, exactly?"
Her boss didn't answer for a minute thinking about what to say. She held up a finger to signal that she needed a minute. She got up from her desk, shut her office door and then sit back down. "We worked a class action suit last year. Several dozen plaintiffs were awarded mesothelioma cancer pay-outs, all over a million dollars each. three of the plaintiffs were robbed in home invasions, some of them badly injured,"
"Was Melissa the only one with access to this information?"
Her boss shook her head. "Well, no. But the way she was acting, and now what's happened to her, it can't be a coincidence,"
As you were leaving the office, Jay called the unit and told them what Melissa's boss, you got in his truck and he got in his truck after he finished the call. You were driving to the precinct when you got a call telling you to meet the team at a location they think Ginger is at and to suit up. Apparently while you were out, the team had learned the suspect's name. You were also texted a picture of him.
Jay parked a little ways down the street and you guys suited up and walked the rest of the way to meet up with the team. Voight saw you and as soon as you got next to him, he started talking. "This one we don't announce. We hit it and we hit it hard,"
You all nodded. Jay grabbed the battering ram and hit the door. Antonio was in first, Al and Ruzek was next, then you, Voight and Jay. You could hear a woman screaming. You saw three males trying to get up and run. You pointed a gun at one of them. "Don't move!"
Jay pointed the gun at the other. "Right there!"
Voight goes past you to point a gun at the three suspect.. "I'll blow your head off! Let me see your hands. Don't move,"
Antonio looked at the girl. "You, get your clothes. Get out of here,"
When everyone was under control you finally looked up at the three suspect and saw that it was Ginger. " You got a warrant?"
"Melissa Wilds,"
"Never heard of her,"
Voight didn't say anything for a minute then didn't take his eye of him but address the team. "The stove. Cover the door,"
Al and Antonio grabbed Ginger and pulled him over to the store as he turned on the store. "Wait a minute,"
"Justin Voight is my son. You shoot him and wrap him in barb wire?"
"No, man, that wasn't me. It was all Kevin!"
"Kevin who?"
"Kevin Bingham, a guy I work with sometimes. He...he used to bang
that girl Melissa when they were younger, started forcing her to give up info on who was getting big pay-outs from her law firm,"
"Yeah, and you did the home invasions.
"I just do the safes, man. He handles the people, then we split it down the middle,"
"Why did he kill her and shoot my son?"
"Melissa wanted out. But Kevin wouldn't let her, so she went to Justin for help. wanted me to meet him at that social club to broker a deal for her safety for five grand. I told him, leave it alone. He had no idea who he was messing with. Kevin knew Melissa was gonna rat him out, so he called Justin to meet to tie up loose ends!"
"Where's Kevin now?"
"I don't know. I swear! He only calls me when there's a job!"
Voight grabbed Ginger's head and forces it down on the hot burner so he could burn his cheek. Ginger screamed out in pain and you looked away in disgust.
Antonio came up to Voight and tried to pull him off of him. "Voight, we can do this at the district!"
Voight shrugged. "We're fine right here. Relax. Relax. Where's Kevin now?"
"Hiding cause he knows you're after him. I swear to God, that's all I know,"
It's been about two or so hours since you talked to Ginger. You had finally found some information on Bingham. You printed off a picture of Bingham and what you found on him. You also made copies for the team. "Kevin Bingham. He's been racking up felonies since he was 18, armed robbery, assault, battery, burglary. Five years ago he got popped for attempted murder. A guy spilled his drink at a bar, so Bingham stabbed him 16 time,"
Antonio looked up from the sheet. "Yeah, and he got out of jail three months ago,"
Al who was leaning up against the file cabinet talked next. "Melissa's father said she and Bingham dated six years ago back in high school and after her husband died, he started coming around again,"
Jay pointed at the photo that was sent over. "So these were sent over, all of these are from recent home invasions where the victims were tied up with barbed wire,"
Kevin looked at the phone. "That is definitely something he picked up in prison,"
Ruzek comes into the room with a paper in his hand. "So Bingham's parole officer said he stopped showing up-- violated him, but he's got no LKA. Yeah, so we've been running an extensive check on all his known associates, including those off his prison visiting list. All right, this is Dillon James. visited him all the way up until his parole, putting money into his canteen account. He's got priors for methamphetamine and a thing for stealing UPS trucks and selling the stolen goods,"
Voight turned and looked at him. "Where is he?"
"We got a possible house in Rogers Park,"
Voight nodded. "Let's roll out and suit up. Oh, Antonio. You stay here. Just call us if you get anything,"
You hit the house and found his brother but all his brother told you was that Bingham came by last night and took some cash and guns that he was holding for them. He only told him that he needed to get out of town until something blew over.
*Justin was moved to ICU and Sharon will call in an hour with an update*
Dillion: I ain't--I ain't seen him *point the gun at him* All right, he was here! He came by last night. He was picking up some cash I was holding for him and some guns. He also gets a call from Antonio saying Sharon called and told him that Justin came out of surgery and that
You were in the unit for an hour or so when Voight gets a call and goes into his office and he was in there for a few minutes before he comes back out. "I got an address on Bingham. I want everyone rolling there now. First two to arrive, breach. This guy's on the run could be leaving any minute. Let's go,"
You didn’t ride with Jay or anyone else. You rode by yourself so you could have some time by yourself just to think about everything that was happened. You heard your phone go off and you looked down and saw that it was Jay. "Hey, I'm two minutes out,"
"Bingham's not here. No one's here. Not for a while,"
"Is Voight there?"
"Not yet,"
That's when it hit you that Voight sent you to a bogus location and that whoever he was on the phone with, found Bingham and he was at the Silos.
You heard Jay on the line calling for you but you dropped your phone in the seat and as soon as you could turned around. You drove as fast of you could to get to the Silos before your dad could do anything stupid. You drove up and saw that Kevin was digging a hole. You got out of the car and Kevin started talking to you. "Oh, thank God. Thank God. This guy tried to kill me. I didn't do anything,"
You walked up closer to your dad. "Don't do this. Think of your grandson,"
"Get back in your car, Y/N,"
"Do not throw it all away over him,"
"Get back in your car,"
"Dad, please. Justin is still alive and he wouldn't want justice like this,"
"Get out of here,"
You looked at your dad to Kevin and then back to your dad and knew you couldn't get your dad to think straight. You slowly backed up and got in your car and left. You were halfway down the road when you finally heard the gun go off.
You didn't even go the unit after, you went straight to the hospital and you saw Sharon coming out ready to go home. She saw you. "He is in room 12. Say that I allowed it. Talk to him, he can hear you,"
You nodded and said a silent thank you. She placed a hand on your shoulder for a second before removing it. You walked up to the room and no one bothered you. You took a deep breath before opening the door. You opened the door and saw your brother in the hospital unconscious and Olive sitting next to him. She looked at you. "I'll give you two some time together," You walked to the chair and sat down. You finally let go of all the emotion you've been holding on too since you found Justin. You reached out to grab your brother's hand. You sat there and cry until you couldn't let anything else out. When you were finally done crying, you sat there in quiet thinking of what to say. "I don't know if you can hear me, Sharon says that you can. Do you remember when we first met after dad transferred me into Intelligence. We didn't like each other at well. We hated each other at first. Bickered all the time. Yes, we always had bad times but we also had god times and I want...I need more good times with you. I need you to be in my life..."
You trailed off with what you were about to say because you haven’t said it out loud. "Your niece or nephew is gonna need their uncle,"
You put your head on the side of his bed and just sat in quiet once more. "I'm gonna make them my partner in crime,"
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Glass Heart (Oikawa x Reader x Kageyama)
A/N: This was the only request that came in for the follower event which by the way I've extended so its still open. So thanks for requesting this it was fun to write! Full disclosure the Akaashi b-day one was supposed to be uploaded first but I haven't finished it yet so...Also I went a little feral on this cause its the first ever request on the blog 💞. I even added it a small thing from one of my favorite movie series. Also I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted but I did my best to fulfill the request. Some things are changed in it but this is the final product.
Details: 9.4 pages 3,305 words (she long)
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, angst, heartbreak, there's a happy end for Mc tho, manga spoilers??? Kinda not really???
Date: December 7th, 2020
Theme: Glass Heart Syndrome- Similar to the Hanahaki disease, when a person goes through heart break it causes their heart to literally form into glass and break. It will result in the person never being able to love again or die through the agonizing process. The symptoms include dark cracks on the chest stemming from the heart that spread and grow darker the worse the heartbreak is, the victim becomes physically weaker, and they’ll cough up blood. (Taken directly from the request)
Sachi- means miracle. Thank you @msecchi for requesting 💞 hope you enjoy!
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That's what the doctor said to him. "You can't sleep because of the nightmares!" Thats what he was told by them. For ten years doctors told him its just nightmares. But he knew it wasn't nightmares no...He was being haunted by her. Dead and cold e/c eyes stared at him from the darkness as they dulled. A faint shattering sound accompanied it as he watched shards of glass fall.
His heart was cracked black lines trailed against his skin hidden under his shirt. It had cracked all those years ago when he thought she was gone. She had recovered though it was a miracle really that she had. After all he was there when her heart shattered.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa still looked at him with disgust. They supported him sure but they only supported him because they wanted him out of Japan. Iwaizumi didn't look at him the same either, there was always something hidden behind his gazes. He could take the anger from them though it was worth it to know she was still alive.
He loved her. He knew that, Iwaizumi knew it. For ten years he asked Iwaizumi how she was doing "she's fine," was the only response he got. Now he could see for himself if she was fine. The Olympics were here and he was currently on his way to Japan with his team. It'd been a long time since he'd been back. Almost nine years now but he wasn't worried. He curled into the plane seat shutting his eyes and trying to catch some nightmare free sleep...
"Y/n-chan! You look really pretty today!" He threw an arm around the h/cette's shoulder pulling her roughly into his side. She stumbled a bit peering up at him through long eyelashes. "Can you let me go please Oikawa-san?" She asked shifting to pry his arm off. He held on though and gasped "Eh? Why Y/n-chan!" He shrieked and just like that his arm was thrown off her shoulder and Iwaizumi stood there.
"Dumbass she doesn't like people touching her!" He yelled flicking him in the forehead. He whined and rubbed at the spot "Iwa-chan you're supposed to be on my side!" Iwaizumi simply shook his head before turning towards Y/n. "So Y/n have you decided on a high school yet?" She merely hummed "I was thinking Shiratori-" "No you can't go there!" Oikawa cut off quickly throwing himself infront of her.
"...Can I finish my sentence?" She asked sending a pointed look towards him. "Please do," Iwaizumi supplied as he covered Oikawa's mouth. "Shiratorizawa but my cousin convinced me to go to Aoba Johsai instead," She finished sending a pointed look towards him. He pried Iwaizumi's hand off to speak "You're going to Aoba Johsai!?" She laughed then smiling at him and he felt his heart rate speed up in response.
It'd been a few months since then he was a third year now and her a sparkling brand new first year at Aoba Johsai. Since day one he'd been around her constantly. Walking her to her classes or sitting with her at lunch sometimes bringing her an extra piece of Milk Bread. Of course the team knew he liked her it stared them in the face everyday. He'd smile at his phone everytime she texted or his face would flush slightly when she complimented him. Not that she ever noticed but they knew she was falling to.
She no longer rejected physical touches from him she leaned into them instead. She always smiled at him whenever he appeared in her line of sight. She even started using his first name! Halfway through the school year everybody knew Oikawa Tooru and L/n Y/n were attached at the hip. Fangirls confessed all the time but he rejected them without fail thinking of the girl with s/c skin and e/c eyes. He wanted her confession but it never came to him. He got tired of the team making fun of him one day. They always picked on him so why should they be allowed to do it when it involves the girl he liked?
"Oh please! Like I even care about her! She's getting boring anyway i'll just move on to a new girl. One that's more exciting and not some bright-eyed first year," He had said crossing his arms and looking up indignantly. "Oikawa...You don't mean that," Iwaizumi said slowly looking at him. "Of course I do. She's boring now," He pushed refusing to crack under the pressure.
Of course how was he going to remember that all of this went down a minute before she was supposed to walk into the gym to watch him practice like everyday? He really should have remembered that if he had things might have gone differently. Practice had ended as usual though it had been quieter than he remembered. Something was missing and he knew it.
He shrugged it off as he left the locker room walking towards the front gates to wait for Iwaizumi with Y/n. "Hey Y/n-chan what'd you think of practice?" He waited a moment to see her rush around the corner in a flurry of excitement but it never happened. "Y/n-chan..?" Rounding the corner of the gate he saw the spot they normally waited in was empty no sign of the beautiful girl anywhere.
There was however a piece of paper trapped against the bars. It was a small thing easily loseable but the way it was crumpled and felt soft meant the paper he held was old and probably had been thrown away. He opened it slowly and glared at what he saw on it. 'Kageyama Tobio xxxx-xxx-xxxx' What were the odds he'd find his enemies number here of all places? Astronomically low he knew as he chucked the paper away.
Iwaizumi had come up then pushing him along while he struggled. "Iwa-chan! Y/n-chan isn't here yet!" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "She went home. She was feeling sick today," He responded easily while Oikawa's nose crinkled. That was impossible he'd been with her all day except for in class. She was perfectly normal in every way today, he'd have know she was sick.
Maybe if he said something to Iwaizumi instead of keeping quiet he'd have seen her and fixed everything. Maybe if he had made them stop at the park like he did everyday instead of being consumed by his thoughts he might have seen a familiar h/c haired girl sitting with a boy that had blackish blue hair and vibrant blue eyes.
He might have seen the boy give her his jacket and a carton of milk when she started crying. Or how he awkwardly patted her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. But instead the duo walked on with him thinking about how to ask Y/n why she lied. Of course for the next two weeks he wouldn't receive a response since she avoided him at every turn.
Eventually though he cornered her right outside the gym after she dropped off Hanamaki's water bottle. He didn't question why she had it or the black and blue jacket she was wearing that was slightly too big for her. Instead he ran after her stopping her before she got to far. "Hey! Y/n-chan why are you avoiding me!?" He shouted towards her.
She and everyone else nearby stopped people whispered as they looked at them but he didn't care. He watched her turn and froze as dull e/c eyes met his own. "Just speeding things up. After all you said I was boring Oikawa-san,"
He jolted awake sitting up rapidly as he tried to slow down his racing heart. "Hey you okay man?" He turned his head looking at his teammates who looked startled. "Yeah I'm fine...Just a bad dream," He smiled at them before looking out the window. Japan was spread out below them lights twinkling in the dark.
The smile fell from his face as they landed replaced with a sense of displacement and nostalgia. He gripped his bags tightly tomorrow he would be facing his biggest rivals on the court all to see who would win the gold. He didn't have time to think about what happened to the girl he used to know.
"Wha- who said you were boring?" He asked stepping towards her. She took a step back in response "You did. Two weeks ago when I went to the gym. I heard you," His eyes widened dramatically as he looked at her "No- That's out of context!" He tried to save it but she just shook her head. 
"Don't lie Oikawa-san," Her eyes became more dull as she spoke. "Don't- dont call me Oikawa please. Dont do that please," he begged reaching out towards her. She coughed then putting a hand up to her mouth. As she did the sleeve of the jacket rolled down and he saw them. The thin black lines trailing across her skin and decorating her pale s/c arm.
"Y/n-chan...," he trailed off as his eyes focused on her arm and the thin trail of blood coming from her mouth. She smiled but it wasn't anything. Only a slight twitch upwards no warmth behind it. "Its okay Oikawa-san you helped me you know?" He paused as he looked at her "Helped you..?" She nodded slowly "Yeah! You helped me realize that love is worthless so thank you," He could only watch in horror as the black veins spread further and widened being accompanied by a cracking sound.
Like someone had thrown a ball threw a glass window she collapsed at the same time a shattering sound filled the air. A girl nearby screamed as Y/n fell while someone else yelled for emergency services. "Y/n!" He was shoved backwards as Hanamaki and Matsukawa ran past him.
"What happened!?" Matsukawa yelled as he lifted her head. He looked at him while blood dripped from her mouth. "I- I don't know. S-she said she heard me a-and-," Hanamaki whipped around at that "She heard you!?" He stood blood had left a red stain on his white track pants. 
"If she dies from this I will never forgive you," Hanamaki hissed. "Makki she's- she's not breathing!" Matsukawa screamed pressing a hand on her heart. Paramedics rushed into the area skittering around as the pushed Matsukawa and Hanamaki away. "What happened?" One of the medics asked. "Glass Heart Syndrome," Hanamaki answered back glaring at Oikawa as he spoke.
"We need to get her out of here right away! Lets go!" The medic had run back over towards Y/n helping to pick her up onto the gurney. They paramedics left quickly with her denying Hanamaki and Matsukawa's attempt to go with her. They raced into the gym grabbing their stuff before running back out. Hanamaki shoved Oikawa out of the way and down to the ground as they ran.
He sighed as he jolted awake for the third time in a row. This was ridiculous she wasn't even dead so why couldn't he sleep without seeing dead e/c eyes? Guilt that's what Iwaizumi told him. He tilted his head to see the time five am was what the clock told him. He needed to meet the rest of the team at seven thirty so he changed and went running.
The streets he ran on seemed so familiar but so different to him. Of course he stopped at the nearby park it was similar to the one he used to stop at with Iwaizumi and Y/n. Those trips long since abandoned after what he did his eyes flittered over the park until they landed on a h/cette. His eyes widened as he looked at her so similar to the last time he saw her.
Slightly taller and figure slightly rounder perfect to him but it hurt to realize it was a pregnancy bump. The h/c hair on her head sparkled and her e/c eyes glittered with a warmth he hadn't seen in years. He began walking towards her almost starting to run until a voice stopped him. "Y/n!" He stopped immediately snapping his head to the side. Barreling towards her was a male with silver and black hair and golden eyes sparkling. He knew who that was...Bokuto Koutarou wing spiker for the MSBY Black Jackals and he was his opponent in the upcoming game.
He slunk closer and it was then that he noticed a little girl hugged to Bokutos chest. She couldn't have been older than five from what he could see but he noticed that running through the girls h/c hair were streaks of silver. He certainly didn't expect her to take the little girl from him and kiss his cheek. His shock was palpable when she reached a hand up to run through his hair. A thin sliver band with a small diamond on it glared back at him glittering in the sun.
Bokuto had lifted his own hand to run it through the small girl's hair the silver came through more prominently as well as exposing dark navy almost black streaks he hadnt seen before. The little girls head turned revealing a single e/c eyes. His eyes however zoned in on the gold band on Bokuto's finger. He was excitedly talking to her while she shook her head and started walking off. He watched Bokuto's eyes widen comically as the wing spiker ran off after her.
He stood frozen as he watched the scene anybody could see a cute family scene. That should have been him handing her their kid not Bokuto. But it wasn't him no it was someone else. So of course he called Iwaizumi to complain.
"Iwa! You didn't tell me Y/n was married to that- that wing spiker!?" He yelled into the phone while Iwaizumi scoffed. "One I shouldnt tell you anything about Y/n since you ruined that. And two thats not your business," He returned the statement with a scoff of his own. "Not my business? Shes married! You know what Iwa. I'll win her back," Iwaizumi laughed then it was laced with disbelief much like his voice was. 
"Sorry you are gonna try to win back a married woman who has a kid and another one on the way?" Iwaizumi was right that sounded wrong out loud but he couldn't back down. "Yes! I'm gonna win her back from that Bokuto guy!" Iwaizumi snorted "Sorry how'd you figure they were married?" Iwaizumi asked with a laugh "I saw the rings and her daughter has silver hair like him!" He stated indignantly.
Iwaizumi did bust out laughing then "Silver hair? Must have dyed it then," Iwaizumi mumbled quietly. "Iwa what are you going on about?" He asked not being able to hear the male on the other line clearly. "Oh nothing just suprised you don't pay more attention to your sworn enemies," He called uninterested. "I pay enough attention to know they're on the same team and will be playing against me," He hissed and Iwaizumi laughed. "I gotta go. See you later Oikawa," He hung up and Oikawa sighed as he put the phone away.
"Oh are you all here for Ms. L/n?" The team turned eyes landing on a doctor with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was clearly foreign but they didn't have any questions other than about her. Looking at them all he could see the fear in their faces and sighed. "Well its a miracle really that she lived. One of the worst cases of Glass Heart Syndrome I've seen in years," Oikawa froze as he felt the numerous glares on his back.
"Thank you doctor...?" Hanamaki walked forward looking at the man. "McCoy. Leonard McCoy," He said holding out a hand. "Thank you Doctor McCoy. Can we see her?" Hanamaki shook his hand while the doctor sighed. "Im afraid not. She still needs some time to recover we're going to try some beta blockers but until we try them I can't allow you guys in just incase," He said turning back around and leaving just like that.
The next week was spent waiting for the news. It came during practice one day for them "The beta blockers worked. She starts school again tomorrow at a new school," Matsukawa said as he walked back into the gym. The team cheered in excitement "Wait a new school? Shes transferring?" He asked stopping everyone while Hanamaki scoffed "she lived which was a fucking miracle and now you want her back here at the school that she almost died at with the person who almost killed her?" He flinched at the tone.
The game had ended with Argentina's victory them winning the gold. He smirked at the wing spiker on the other side who only tilted his head in confusion silver hair following the movement. Iwaizumi smacked him as he approached "Stop looking at Bokuto like that," He said with a sigh. "I won against him and now I'll do it again," He was determined as he huffed. "Also Iwa how could you! Did you even know they got married!?" Iwaizumi scoffed in disbelief.
"Of course I knew she got married. I was a groomsmen along with Ushijima and Bokuto. Hinata was the best man," He processed the words "Sorry did you say Bokuto was a grooms-," before he could continue his questioning the patter of running feet interrupted him. "Daddy!" He snapped his head to the side seeing the little girl again only this time his jaw dropped.
The girl was pulled into a pair of arms which he followed to their owner. Kageyama's side profile glared back at him as he smiled down at the little girl. From this side he saw her other eye was a vibrant blue shade and sparkled in joy. "Hi angel what's going on here?" He lifted the girls hair in his finger and Oikawa saw the silver band around his ring finger while silver hair slipped through his fingers. "Uncle Kashi took me to the hair salon while he was watching me! I got my hair done to match Uncle Bo!" The little girl threw her arms up with a smile.
"Eh? Why not Uncle Tsumu kid?" Atsumu had asked joining the conversation. The girls nose crinkled "Uncle Bo is better than you!" Atsumu threw a hand over his heart and gasped mocking hurt. "Sachi Kageyama what did I tell you about running off?" Everyone turned seeing Y/n walking over with her arms crossed Akaashi stood next to her carrying her bag of stuff a ring of gold stood out prominently on his finger. "M'sorry mama," The girl now identified fully as Sachi frowned looking down with big eyes.
"Sachi. Just because Uncle Bo's sad face doesn't work on me doesn't mean yours will," She tapped her foot twice and Oikawa felt it the black veins trailing on his skin getting bigger and darker. He could hear the crack in his heart as Kageyama leaned over to kiss Y/n. The two of them fitted together perfectly while Bokuto bounded over to Akaashi and threw an arm around his shoulders. "Alright we get it. You two and your miracle are cute!" Hinata claimed as he shoved the two apart.
Y/n laughed as she looked up her eyes flittered over the other team stopping on Oikawa for a moment. He froze under her gaze. The warmth in her eyes faded replaced by the same empty and dead eyes he'd grown used to. The group had headed towards the exit as he felt the cracks happen rapidly. The last thing he could remember was the loud sound of something glass shattering before he collapsed to the ground.
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Hello Bestie, I have a request for a song fic with bayverse Donnie with the song Gotta Be Somebody By Nickleback
I dont really have an idea for it, maybe fluff if ya could
Thank you!
Hello, bestie ! Thank you for your ask! I hope you will like it. If you don't like it, message me anytime 💜💜
Sorry for any mistakes in song fic ♥️
Words: 1,037
Here we go
Donnie x Reader
Somebody to love
When Donnie met Reader, he never thought that he fall head over heels for them. The Reader was from the start very polite and nice to them. They were so happy that they are not with the people who thinks that they're freaks or monsters. Donnie immediately befriend them, cause both of them share the same interests and Donnie find finally somebody who understands him and his nerdy stuff. Of course, soon he felt more for them. He was completely amazed by them and he wanted really badly tell them how he feels, but he was afraid of that what they would think. He don't want them to think that he's weird or something.
Here he is, hanging out in his lab with them. But he can't focused on project in front of him, he just can't. The Reader and Donnie acts more like couple than best friends. They always cuddle, they share really big and long hugs, sometimes they give him little kisses on his cheeks. Donnie put his favorite song GOTTA BE SOMEBODY by NICKELBACK. Little bit more louder, but both of them love this song and they don't mind. Reader was lost in the thoughts. They don't focused on project either. They just stare at it.
This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
Donnie noticed and after few minutes he asked them; Okay, what's wrong? Something bothering you ? I'm fine,thanks Donnie. He don't take it from them. No, you're not! Are you sad ? Are you hurt? Did I do something? I said something to you ? He asked with inhuman speed. No,it's not you. Then what ? You know how you helped me study on that exam from Biology we had today. He don't forget. Yea, of course. Well, in school kids were laughing at me, calling me names cause I had from that exam 100%. Only me. Oh man. Y/N, come here. Donnie pull them into a hug and he rubs their back. Don't worry Y/N, those people don't appreciates how smart and intelligent you are. You know, the thing about smart people is that they seem like a crazy people to dumb people. Heh, you're right. Thank you Donnie. He kiss them on hair and rested his head on top of their and replied : Anytime Y/N. Anytime.
So I'll be holding my breath
Right up 'till the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with !
He took them to his bedroom, he closed the door behind them. Both of them say down on his circle bed and Reader after some minutes said : Can I be honest? Please, he replied. I've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be. This sentence made Donnie laugh that adorabl dorky laugh with his snort that make the Reader's heart melt. They always had thing for the nerdy turtle. They start to laugh with him. He makes them happy and they really appreciates that from him, even if he don't know what they feel for him.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Out on the street, out in the moonlight And, damn it, this feels so right
It's just like Déjá Vu
Me standing here with you
Donnie and Reader can clearly hear that song from his lab and as the big fans of this song they start to dance around the room and lip singing to lyrics. They have great time, Donnie twirl them and they giggled with that giggle that got him everytime.
So I'll be holdin' my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Ooh! You can't give up
When you're lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you'll never know when it shows up
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Donnie pick them up and he twirl them in the air. They only laugh and when he slowly get them back on their feet, both of their chests touching, they both feel chemistry between them . They look into each others eyes and in the heat of this moment, they leaned in and he kissed them slowly.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh!
Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
When they pulled away, big grins on their faces, he told them:Y/N, you're really amazing and beautiful, I love you with all my heart, will you do me a honor and will you be my girlfriend? Ohh, Donnie. I love you too and I will be more than happy to be your girlfriend. They said and he only smiled and hug them with one more, twirl. They lay down on his bed and they were cuddling and talking now as a couple. Soon, they fall asleep with big grins, dreaming of each other.
Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There's else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
The end
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I hope you like it 💖💖💖
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ssimay · 3 years
Hi love, hope you dont worry yourself too much over this sighting. Just remember that we always find out why in the end. May be months down the road but we always figure it out. I specifically remember when the entirety of 2016 suddenly made sense. So try to ignore this if it makes you anxious. You can't speed things up. All we can do is wait. And this isn't random at all. Louis is finally starting to move with new music and new projects and NOW he decides to go and see his son? Look at it this way. These things always happen when there are other things also happening. We hadnt seen louis for MONTHS and now we wee him? A month before his biggest project yet? Even tho we don't know WHY they're doing it we know it's intentional so we just have to wait and see.
Hope you're well and please take care of yourself, even log off if you need to. I'm not happy about it either but when you don't let it affect your life it's way easier to handle. Lots of love ❤
i know, i know all of this but i just can't /not/ react to it. it doesn't make me anxious because it's not really about me or my life (i also can't get seriously anxious unless it's like a life threatening situation, don't know why i'm like that) i'm really not anxious about it i'm just someone who likes making a lot of posts when i'm fired up about something fkdkkddk don't worry really <3 this is sweet of you 💗
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So if you subscribe to the idea that Steve started a new timeline (Some do, some don't) does that mean we could have an AU where Steve picked up that scrawny abused kid from the midwest and basically force adopted a teenage Clint? Or that angry Russian orphan? Where Steggy has the mismatched adopted kids who deserved better?
I do love the theory that hes in an alt timeline.
He would adopt both Clint and Barney. He'd have everything timed perfect and of course Peggy knows the truth that hes from the future. He arrives just the day after the Barton brother's parents die and immediate uses his [and Peggy's] contacts and power to immediately foster [eventually adopt] these two boys.
They're so confused as to why Captain America adopting them but they go along with it. Steve still hires professional trainers to help them get into archery because thats their talent. He wont take that away from then.
They would give the Barton brothers the life they deserve. They would want for nothing. They wont have to live through the horrors of their past.
With Natasha its tricker. Peggy had been keeping a watch on the Red Room organization and with Bucky being rescued and no longer the Winter Soldier, they're not as powerful as they were in Steve's timeline. [Or they found a new Winter Soldier and are behind. Either way a win for them].
This is dealing with both Hydra and foreign politics. Steve has to go in alone as Peggy is the face of SHIELD. [Even if they choose to work more undercover, there are people who still know]. Bucky joins him on the rescue mission because even if hes not the Winter Soldier, he still feels like he has to stop history from repeating itself. [And perhaps he has a metal arm that Steve miiiightve used specs from Wakanda to sorta speed up the prosthetics process]
This is more tactical than a show of power but its Steve and Bucky together again. Peggy gave them [reluctantly] one week of radio silence. If she hasnt heard from them by then, shes sending a rescue squad. [It was a weekend because Peggy is human and a worried mother and wife. But Steve talked her into more time.]
It takes exactly 6 days, 23 hours, and 32 minutes. Peggy was 28 minutes away from sending in a rescue squad to cross over the country borders and charge in on Steve's last known location. [Yes she uses a tracker on Steve. A shield only traceable one. This is Steve we're talking about.]
Peggy pretends tears dont prick her eyes when Steve's voice comes over the radio.
"Steven? Steven, is that you?"
"It's me, Pegs. It's so good to hear your voice. We got her. We're coming back now."
"I knew you would. Bring her home."
Rather you ship Clint and Natasha or not, they grow up together. They so do not trust each other or like each other growing up but slowly they trust one another. Especially when Clint and Barney fight [as brothers do] Natasha is there to comfort him.
With Steve alive, Howard is a MUCH better father and doesn't turn to alcohol. Hes an amazing and pure father and husband. Tony grows up happy spending his days with his family and weekends + summer + school breaks between the Carter-Roger household and the Jarvis household. He grows up loved and cherished. And obviously spoiled.
He grows up with Steve's adopted kids. And loves them like siblings
When the time comes to Bruce being a teenager or perhaps younger [i will admit i know little of his history] or before his father kills his mother, Peggy intervenes on behalf of SHIELD. She uses a rue that presents Bruce's mother with an amazing job + shelter in SHIELDS facility and gets her and her son help they need. Bruce's father is immediate arrested and locked away for good.
Bruce grows up safe and healthy. He grows up able to persue any interest.
Minus Thor, the Avengers grow up together with PaPa Steve [a nickname Bucky started] taking care of them. The Steggy family might not have biokids of their own but the kids they do have grow up loved and whole. The Howlies visit quite often and Dugan taught the kids how to cheat at poker without getting caught [something Bucky still hasnt picked up on.]
And Steve? Every once in a while he will stand in the kitchen, watching his kids outside around the firepit talking and laughing in the setting autmn sun. Peggy with her arms around his waist. A tear will roll down his cheek as he holds his wife close and breathes in her rose water scented hair.
They're safe. He got to do as he promised himself. To make sure his friends have the life they deserve.
I should be writing for steggy week but nowww i am thinking about this.
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the-hotter-otter · 3 years
Strangers || ATEEZ Fanfic
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Seonghwa X OC
Mafia/Crime AU
3.7k words
Part 3 || chapter list || previous chapter || next chapter
Hyejin can’t fully commit to Seonghwa’s tempting offer, meanwhile Hongjoong continues to keep secretes.
Warning: blood, minor death, injury, violence, knife use
Angst, fluff, smut, cussing, violence, death
note: ayo shit will start moving soon I promiseee, I seriously don’t know where this story is gonna go but fuck it we’ll see. 
No pov
Hongjoong wasn’t at all surprised when Seonghwa came into his office late at night. He could tell there was a lie in between the lines Seonghwa spoke when he confronted the two last week. Being best friends for years with a bit of blood, death and guns on the side really did bring people together. 
“What’s her name?” Hongjoong asked, he couldn’t stay mad at Seonghwa. Hongjoong knew punishment wasn’t necessary on the eldest who was already racking his brain on it, as a leader he could tell when further discipline was needed and when it was best to leave it to their own self conscience. “If she’s staying here, I should at least know.”
“Lee Hyejin,” Seonghwa said, cursing the weird feeling of familiarity he felt after saying her name. 
“Lee hyejin?” Hongjoong quirked an eyebrow, he’s definitely heard of the name from somewhere, he just couldn’t pinpoint where. “Sounds familiar.”
Seonghwa merely nodded, somewhat glad that Hongjoong didn’t directly question him. “I’ll take responsibility for her.”
Hongjoong liked the sound of that, though it didn't change the fact that he was overlooking one more person. “That means a lot of things hwa, keeping her in line, taking care of her, watching her and protecting her if shit goes down.”
“She isn’t 5.” Seonghwa sighed, “I’m not spoon feeding her.” 
“But she knows.” Hongjoong reminded him, “and she knows she has you wrapped around her finger, people take advantage of that.” 
“I can always shoot her.” Seonghwa said as if it were so simple.
Hongjoong looked him up and down, silently judging the older one. Hongjoong sighed, he wasn’t exactly up for this kind of conversation at 2:30am, “Dramatic much... Aish don't waste the bullets, the suppliers have been shitty to us lately.”
“What I’m saying is you won't have to worry,” Seonghwa said, “you’ll barely notice her.”
Hongjoong looked Seonghwa up and down, “you want her to stay that badly?” 
Seonghwa was taken back by the other’s awkward perspective, “yes? There really isn’t any ulterior motive.”
Hongjoong gave a dawdled nod as he chuckled, “I’m playing with you hwa. Bring her in, I’ll let the others know of our latest addition.”
Seonghwa was about to step out of the office when Hongjoong suddenly spoke up again, “don’t forget about that task I gave you.”
Seonghwa gave a sharp nod, “I'll see to it by the end of the day.”
“Dont fuck up!” Hongjoong noted loud enough for the other to hear, he could imagine the rise he got from it. Deep down he was just joking, after all, Seonghwa never fucks up. 
Hongjoong enjoyed the tease he gave his best friend, more often than not, the former was in tight situations with serious consequences, loosening up was often the last thing he’d find himself doing. 
His smile was short lived when he suddenly felt the vibrations of his phone, and it wasn’t from the bold red one that was sprawled on the desk with the many papers. His face dropped drastically upon realizing that someone was calling the phone hidden deep in his pockets. There was only one person who’d be ringing. 
Mazaki Meiyo.
“Yes?” Hongjoong cautiously spoke up, his eyes darting around the office. He got up and opened the door to check if anyone was giving his conversation a listen. 
“They moved the deal.”
Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, “when?”
“In an hour. You know just as well as me that this isn’t going to end smoothly.”
“Your deals rarely end well.” Hongjoong scoffed bitterly, he pulled the phone away from his ear when the other line went dead. He had to go now if he were to make it in time, he couldn’t afford to be late, not for these kinds of deals. 
Hongjoong pushed off his seat and swiftly buckled his hidden artillery onto his thigh and around his torso, making sure that his best weaponry was in close reach, ready for whatever conflict he was about to get into. Pulling the hood over his masked face, he checked the location Meiyo had sent him. 
The leader eyed the pile of paperwork that was due in a matter of days, he dreaded the inevitable all-nighters we’ll have to pull because of it. 
As Hongjoong left the household in silence, he turned his main phone off completely and stowed it in a hidden compartment. No one was going to find him tonight.
Hyejin pov
I stared at the phone screen in dismay, the loan shark has been after my ass for the debt I’ve yet to pay. I've been trying, but even after much struggle I only possess half of what I owe. 
I hated to take that offer from Seonghwa, the money from that deal would have covered my debt and rent from my residence long enough for me to make something out of a scrubby part time job, he just had to ruin me once more.
Then again, what other choice do I have? I leaned back on the wall of the alleyway, I don’t know anyone in this world. I was forgotten years ago, Seonghwa is the last person I’d go with, but he’s also the only one. 
My eyes drifted to the tall buildings around, they blocked the sunlight from ever entering these shabby alleys with large bins and locked deserted gates and doors. I met with the gazes that had been watching me for a while now, in a building a few blocks away yet still in perfect view, two middle aged men who most likely reeked of cigarettes and alcohol admired me from their apartment which could easily come off as an abandoned building left to collect dust and grime.
I squinted my eyes as I felt my vision start to give into fatigue, unrealistic hues of blue and neons started bouncing around. Every now and then, the migraine in my head would dust my eyes with a cloud of grey that blurred my sight ever so slightly. I sighed as I began seeing four instead of two weird men. I tried to refrain from focusing on anything, the lack of good sleep and food had me feeling all sorts of murky effects. 
Their stalkerish behaviour had been creeping me out for the past few days, despite it, I never saw a proper reason to leave the little spot I've claimed for rest. Plus, the odd duo hadn’t made any advances that had worried me thus far. 
The day continued, and the city had been busy as usual. Bikes raced down the side of the roads and paths, scaring the uptight mothers into a slur of curses. Teenage girls carelessly skipped around in their tiny croptops, powdery make up and flaunty shoes with boys their parents have no idea existed. Cars drove with their temperamental owners honking and anything and everything, then there were the workers who were either strolling around after their shifts or sprinting in swerves around people in effort to not be late.
Yet here I was sitting in a slump not so far from the hoards of people, absorbing the natural noises of the city that started to sound more like blaring megaphones instead of white noise. 9pm had crept faster than I expected, truthfully I wasn’t sure whether or not to go through with Seonghwa’s offer. I still had a chance to reconsider, perhaps I could deal with the information for money? After all, a controversial topic surrounding Seonghwa would no doubt bring in a big sum. 
I shook my head from the ludicrous thoughts, there was no guarantee in shady business, ever. It's a far-fetched plan, and the fact that I didn't have a name to my face meant I was that less convincing. 
Though I knew this offer would mean gambling my safety and if I were to stretch the possibilities, my own life. I still wasn’t 100% on board with the whole moving in with Seonghwa and whatever team he’s apart off, neither could I fathom the thought of that sinful man working with people, and that’s without mentioning his sudden change in attitude towards his victims.
It was yet another reason why I’m so reluctant to associate with him, because this isn’t the Seonghwa I was familiar with, he was a stranger, and no one is at ease when they’re affiliated with someone they don't know, especially when that person had guns, knives and all sorts of deadly possessions in their grasp. 
I groaned as I got up with a hazy mind. I looked up and to my suprise the stretchy men were back to watch me, it started to feel uncomfortable now. “Nice knowing you too I guess…” I keep my voice to a murmur. Soon I found myself heading to the meeting spot. 
My heart feels enraged with regret, and it’s impossible to ignore. There was a mere few minutes till the clock struck 9, I can get out of here now or never. 
The Central Train Station was quite grand. With multiple steps just to get to the entrance, neatly trimmed gardens surrounding the place and ancient pillars that held up the building. It was one of the older buildings that turned into a modern utility. 
“Fuck...” I muttered under my breath, “no, fuck this.”
Before I could think I was already speed walking to get the hell out of here. I had pride, I could at least preserve that after losing everything else. 
No pov
Blood coated the blade and splattered across the floor and walls of the office, the books on the shelf were drenched and soaking up every bit of red fluid. If only the man had just followed through with the deal, he wouldn’t have ended up dead. 
“What a hassle.” Seonghwa sighed, as he wiped his blade clean on his way out, though it was satisfying seeing the horrors painted on his face as Seonghwa taunted him, revenge for the knife he flung at Hongjoong during their last deal not long ago. 
Seonghwa analysed the slash along his shoulder area, it wasn’t serious at all but it sure did look ugly and soaked his dress shirt in a dark red, in the midst of the tension it felt numb but as his heart rate came down he could slowly feel the stinging pain emitting from the open flesh. He let out a relieved sigh after knowing that none of his own blood had ended up dripping anywhere. 
If it weren’t for the man’s sleeping family in the other room, Seonghwa could have easily finished it off with a bullet but he had to move silently. In turn, it cost him when the man felt fit to fight back with his own blade.
Seonghwa felt Hyejin was partly accountable for his injury. 20 minutes was a bit of a rush for a mission like this, but he had no choice if he was going to make it to the station in time. There was a chance that Hyejin wouldn’t even show up, and that chance made seonghwa unsteady and tense. 
As he pulled up to a red light he felt a distant memory unfold, one that brought a sense of discomfort.
Laughter bubbled up in the front of the car, toothy smiles that twinkled despite the gloomy rain outside. The lull of the music had been turned down for a while now as the soft chatter continued. 
“Hyejin, I told you I don’t need anything for my birthday.” Seonghwa insisted once more with a light chuckle, his one hand on the wheel while the other tried to hold her hand back. He watched in helplessness as she clipped the dangling toothless charm around the rear mirror of the car, her little laugh escaping her lips as it dangled between them.
“It’s cute! I’m telling you, you look just like him.” Hyejin insisted, “and that’s not even the best part.”
Seonghwa couldn't help but smile when the toothless unclipped in half to reveal a small photo framed inside, the details were minuscule but clearly contained the two of them on one of their more memorable dates. 
“Ya, this looks expensive, how much did you spend on me.” Seonghwa diverted the conversation as he observed the matte black of the green eyed dragon. 
“It wasn’t much, don't worry hwa.” Hyejin patted his hand, “I’ve got something else, it's more personal since I made it myself.” 
“So you have something else now?” Seonghwa sighed, though his stupid grin betrayed the annoyed look he tried to show.
The red light cascaded from red to orange to green and before hyejin could whip out the other half of her gift seonghwa sped off, “fine! I’ll accept your gifts, love.”
Seonghwa sneered at the Toothless charm he had yet to take off, if anything it became part of his car’s identity, making it slightly easier to navigate the garage of small black cars, specially on the days when all the vehicles would be together. 
Seonghwa had pulled to a slow stop in front of the station, hiding the charm was his first and foremost priority, Hyejin would most definitely recognize it. 
As he was about to yank the chain off, the corner of his eyes caught a sudden shadow appearing at the window.
Completely forgetting about the charm, Seonghwa halted in his seat, his hand already clasped around the gun latched onto him. It wasn’t until a hesitant Hyejin peered through the window did he relax his grip. On the other hand, Hyejin was feeling anything but relaxed, especially after seeing the bloodbath of a man in the driver's seat.
“So you’ll take my offer?” Seonghwa asked as if it wasn't already obvious enough, Hyejin scoffed. Her response was seen through the way she snuggled down into the passenger seat in a strained sigh of relief after being situated on the hard concrete for days on days.
Throughout the ride Hyejin had kept a careful observation of the roads they had been speeding across, if worse came to worse, she could make a run for it. 
Hyejin silently and subtly glanced around, the car itself hadn’t changed at all, not even the peppermint scent it gave off from the gum Seonghwa had been loyal to for most of his life, though it was currently heavily overpowered by the stench of blood. Hyejin didn’t want to know how and what got him that gruesome injury.
However, the most prominent and unusual feature that had still existed in the car was the all too familiar charm that dangled and swung around underneath the rearview mirror. The dragon's bright green eyes and toothy smile didn't go unnoticed, especially since Hyejin was the one who got it for him years ago. 
Hyejin had the decency to stay silent about it, the stiffness of the air was already far too overbearing, there was no need to intensify it’s sour atmosphere.
“It’s not just me who lives here.” Seonghwa brings up, 
“I figured.” Hyejin sighed, she had heard the many rumours over the years of how a certain group had been overturning the criminal world with unrivaled skill and accomplishments, they became big in the industry. This group of young, skilled men made a name for themselves and it became one feared by many, ATEEZ. 
Though it wasn’t just their skill that had made them the talk of many circles, it was the people within the group, the majority of which already had a reputation high on their shoulders. Hyejin had heard of the promising sniper who had joined their ranks, the insanely witty dealer who knew how to smooth talk his way to riches, the stealthy man who snuck into and claimed dangerous possessions without a single sound. 
Then there was the hitman who possessed the skill of 100 men, he was a young and promising lone wolf who had been rumoured to have joined ATEEZ.
Hyejin didn’t want to believe it was Seonghwa, in fact she didn't want to hear about anything related to Seonghwa, but it wasn’t possible when she was involved with loan sharks and illegal exchanges for the money she was in dire need for. Of course, because of her interactions with others, Hyejin was aware of Seonghwa’s growing skill and relevant changes, it disgusted her to say the least, how much better he had gotten at taking lives.
However the failed deal from last week confirmed her denial to be wrong, Seonghwa was well and truly closely associated with a group, and that group was no doubt ATEEZ.
“Dont try anything stupid.” Seonghwa warned, Hyejin rolled her eyes slightly, “I’m serious, I see the way you're memorizing these roads.”
Hyejin froze momentarily, she eyed Seonghwa who had removed his eyes from the road after stopping at a red light. Hyejin had forgotten how sharp he actually was, the intellectual from highschool still existed within him.
Hyejin got the chance to really see how much Seonghwa had changed, even underneath all of that stained blood and light smears of dirt, she could easily tell that his facial features had sharpened immensely, he wasn’t the same soft faced charmer that made highschool hearts throbs on a daily. If anything, Seonghwa now resembled a high class heartbreaker with a body count worthy enough for a world record. 
Of course some things don't ever change, like his lush lip and stunning eyes that stared back at her. Before the awkwardness could settle, Hyejin looked away, subconsciously glancing at the toothless charm. Seonghwa noticed the glare she gave it, his hands went to take it off but was ultimately stopped by the swat Hyejin gave.
“What’s the point of taking it off now? You had years to do that.” Hyejin raised an eyebrow. 
Seonghwa did not respond and merely sighed as he began moving on the road once again. Hyejin was taken back when they suddenly verged off into a bush area, what was a simple scenery of grass turned into a splatter of greenery. Trees towered high, vines and dense bushes had taken over, it was an untouched forest and they were driving right through it.
Hyejins eyes squinted in growing concern, she wanted to believe they were just passing through to get to another town, but her panic only continued to rise as they got deeper into the maze of nature. Her eyes glare at Seonghwa who seemed to have already expected her to build up doubts.
“Jump out and you’ll be as good as dead.” Seonghwa warned, as he quickly glanced at her stray hand reluctantly reaching for the handle.
“Where are we going Seonghwa….” Hyejin glowered at the driver who was rather unfazed. Even when the subtle sound of a knife being drawn was heard, Seonghwa didn't look away from the road.
The driver pushed his head back against the seat as soon as he caught sight of the fast approaching knife. With the blade a finger's length away, Seonghwa sighed, “I’m not gonna hurt. We’re going to the house, so put the knife down and have a little faith.” 
“Who the hell lives in a goddam forest?!” Hyejin hissed in a raised voice, her eyes teared up from staring so intensely into his side profile. 
“Put the knife down or we’ll both die.” Seonghwa lowered his voice, and Hyejin did not comply. The male halted the car to connect his eyes to hers, in one swift and unnoticeable movement, he grasped her wrist tightly, causing the knife to be let loose and drop to the pit of the car. Hyejin suddenly let a sharp exhale out as Seonghwa pinned her hand down in between them. She cursed her hazy headaches for causing the drastic disadvantage against Seonghwa.
“Stop panicking, we’re almost there.” Seonghwa said as he began driving once again, Hyejin didn’t attempt to squirm out of his hold.
“Your a fucking joke,” Hyejin hissed, “I’ll never put faith in you, not after all the shit you’ve done to me.” 
Soenghwa pinched his lips together at the indirect upbringing of her family’s murder. He wasn’t about to smooth that mess out now, it’ll require a calmer Hyejin and a better situation to explain. 
Hyejin tried to compose herself, but she knew the only way to soothe her panic was to see proof of what Seonghwa was saying.
As they pulled into the driveway of Horizon, Hyejin's tense shoulders melted into the seat. Seonghwa scoffed as he got out of the car first. The jerking of his head signalled for her to get out, hyejin sneered at the man, “give me a damn second will you?”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes before heading inside momentarily, most likely to check if anyone was still up in the early stages of the night. Hyejin took the time alone to get a good grasp at what she had just gotten herself into.
A house, full of dangerous men, in the middle of a forest and a single long ass road back to civilization. 
This wasn’t ideal at all, and Hyejin started to regret this more than ever.
As she took in short breaths her eyes trailed back to the rear mirror charm. All of a sudden, curiosity had her fiddling with the Toothless till it unlatched. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of the blank frame. It wasn’t that she was disappointed, it was merely confusion.
“But you keep the charm…” Hyejin glared at the Toothless that was once a gift of love. In the back of her mind she wondered if her other gift was still intact.
Hyejin could worry about that later. Right now, she needed to stay sane and alive, she knew well enough that she would never be guaranteed a way out of death's grasps. Relish in the house and slowly pay off her existing debt? Yes. Get comfortable and trust that your back will be safe in a distant place full of criminals? Hell no.
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