dspre · 2 years
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I am here at ravenwood school of magical arts
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dspre · 2 years
here’s a quick little blurb that I’ve been working on for a little bit now!! it was sparked by Val’s brilliant dual schools post 🖤
this post is about a fire + life school combination!
They’re extremely passionate people. Always wishing and pushing for a future that they hold dear in their heart. The same heart they wear on their sleeve. Beating loudly for anyone who wants to listen; to hear their song of love and loss. To the beat of their past experiences and what they hold fast to.
They have the same gentle touch that is known about life wizards, but there’s some depth to it. Instead of a soothing wave of calm washing over you it’s more of drive that comes from them. A sense of adrenaline surging through you like a forest set ablaze by not arson, but with purpose. You can stand up now with renewed vigor, not by usual means, but with valor knowing that no one else can complete this task but you now.
They’ve been known to be quite stubborn in their opinions and way of thinking. But they don’t mean to come across that way. They just believe so fully with their souls that it’s true. Believing is without seeing and without judgement.
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dspre · 2 years
tag the oc with a name you stole from a person you met before
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dspre · 2 years
wait quick is HP health points or hit points in your head
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dspre · 2 years
happy omni day, I can't draw so please imagine an art of Slava in pride regalia instead of this message
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dspre · 2 years
yeah that's the au that we're in
au where cyrus drake is sexy
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dspre · 2 years
A while ago, some people were posting stuff about w101 fanworlds, and I made An Attempt at coming up with a world concept. I'm never going to finish it, so if someone wants to sneak in through my window and steal "vaguely Canadian fanworld with songbird NPCs and brightly painted triple-stacked birdhouse buildings" off my pile of discarded concepts, I have balanced it nicely on the top for your convenience.
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dspre · 2 years
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dspre · 2 years
have I mentioned I love Neza
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Commission for @dspre of the little man, King Neza from Wizard101 ❤️🦜
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dspre · 2 years
i realize its a Kid’s Game but Cyrus Drake from Wizard101 makes me go insane. he’s like “i hate you. you’re being groomed to kill my brother. he’s going to kill you. i can’t stop any of it.” and if you’re a myth wizard “i am training you to kill my brother. i’m too weak to stop him myself. the hands i am teaching to hold a wand will be the hands that end my brother’s life.” AAAA
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dspre · 2 years
wizard101 :)
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dspre · 2 years
1. do you create personalities for npcs that have like <10 lines
2. are/were you a theater kid 🤨
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dspre · 2 years
storms wizards be named calamity
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dspre · 2 years
Tag the OC who ages very slowly
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dspre · 3 years
starting aquila and as a massive star nerd™ it’s dealing me sm psychic damage because I read it as “ah-key-lah” not “ah-quill-ah” and have done for at least the past year :’’
no I Won’t change <3
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dspre · 3 years
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dspre · 3 years
And then Prospector Zeke and a half-dozen random Marleybonians are already there, and some side professor did his thesis on it.
wizard101 npcs be like "this world is LONG FORGOTTEN and MAY NOT EVEN BE REAL and/or HAS BEEN OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE SPIRAL FOR A VERY LONG TIME and it may be DANGEROUS and CHALLENGING to GET INTO" as if that wasnt the plot of several other worlds. just show me the way in and ill bust through with my obnoxiously large staff like i did every other time
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