Hello! This is my blog where I write things. I'm currently writing for: Haikyu 125 followers NSFW BLOG: http://whosaskingwritesnsfw.tumblr.com
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Fickle Love (Akaashi x Reader x Bokuto)
A/N: So this was supposed to be for Akaashi's birthday...whoops. But its here now lmao ngl I just kinda wrote with no idea in mind and this is what ended happening so yeah. Hope you enjoy and happy late birthday to Akaashi 💞
Details: 7.8 pages 2,758 words
Date: December 8th, 2020
Warnings: Mentions of poly relationships I guess, angst if you squint, Gn! Reader not really a warning but I didn't know where else to put it
Theme: Akaashi wasn't the best when it came to love. Having a habit of ignoring you and burying himself in work. Leading you to turn to Bokuto which leads to some revelations and a question for Akaashi.

Love was a fickle thing Akaashi knew. People fell in and out of love all the time so he never trusted love. He didn't want love he wanted to avoid it. Avoid the heartbreak he was positive would follow. But instead he met you a bright-eyed student in his class. It took almost nothing for you to mesh yourself into his life completely and making yourself comfortable like you belonged there.
It took even less time for you to weasel your way into his heart and make yourself comfortable. Only a year after you'd met and he asked you out deciding that love may not have been as fickle as he thought.
Four years later and he knew he had been wrong love was indeed fickle and his proof was in the sight across the street from him. There you stood hands clasped around Bokuto's as he kissed your cheek. He waved before running off and Akaashi rushed home preparing for the worst.
A few hours later you slipped through the door "Keiji? I'm home!" You called hearing the soft pads of feet come up to you. Love was fickle he knew you were going to lie when he asked his next question "Hey Y/n. What did you do today?" You suprised him though. Only after you'd gotten over the shock of being called Y/n and not darling.
"I went to lunch with Bokuto today," You said happily slipping off your coat and hanging it up. He certainly didn't expect you to be honest about what you did today. He loosened up a tad bit in response "Oh? Why?" You laughed at his question "Bo needs contact with us you know that. But you haven't been answering his calls so we went shopping and I filled him in on how you were. Afterwards I treated him to lunch as a thank you," You smiled up at him eyes bright with nothing hidden.
"Yeah? Did you guys hold hands so he wouldn't lose you?" He joked and you shook your head "He grabbed my hands at the end of lunch because I promised him I'd bring you next time," you had laughed remembering the incident. Relief flooded him then no of course you weren't cheating on him that'd be insane. You were as loyal as Bokuto was plus he couldn't keep a secret to save his life and neither could you. He relaxed as he realized how wrong he was to assume something.
"Im sorry," He said suddenly while you tilted your head in confusion. "What for?" You had asked before Akaashi leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I forgot to give you your welcome home kiss," He rolled off casually hiding the fear he'd felt earlier. This fear had only continued to grow as the days went on but it was his fault anyway.
"Keiji are you free today?" "No I'm busy," "Oh...Okay,"
"Keiji we haven't gone on a date in weeks!" "Im not stopping you from going out somewhere," "I want to go out with you though,"
"Keiji-" "Im busy Y/n,"
Two weeks this cycle continued as you walked to Akaashi's at home office. Two taps against the door and you opened it "Kei-" His eyes snapped up frustration was on his face but he took a breath before it faded. "What?" You sighed turning to leave again "...Im going out to lunch with Kotaro again. He says hi by the way," You left the room quickly and Akaashi blinked 'Kotaro?' Surely you meant Bokuto but there was no way you two were on a first name basis it'd only been a few days since the last lunch.
His eyes landed on the calender and he froze what had only been a few days to him was actually two weeks but still too short for a first name basis. You'd only know Bokuto for a few months and he'd known the male for years and still never used his first name.
He sighed returning to his work. He'd question you when you got back from lunch he didn't have the time to right now. Nor did he know your location so going to find you was like a needle in a haystack. A very big bustling city of a haystack and the needle being you with a slightly bigger needle in the shape of a volleyball player next to you.
He continued work for a few hours before his office door was thrown open. He expected many things when he looked up but he didn't expect Bokuto. But what got him was the fact that Bokuto was furious it was a look he'd never seen before on him. The glare he had on his face was enough to make Akaashi freeze.
He knew Bokuto was typically happy like a dog but right now he felt fearful since now he staring down an angry German Shepard who was defending their owner. It was silent for a long moment before Bokuto spoke. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Akaashi felt his blood turn to ice at the tone Bokuto used.
"W-what?" He cursed silently at his own stutter Bokuto would latch onto the weakness he showed. "Whats today Akaashi?" Bokuto had asked in that same icy tone. It was so razor sharp and cold that Akaashi was convinced the room cooled and ten degrees.
"...Its December 1st Bokuto-san," He elected to answer the question instead of ask why Bokuto didn't call him Keiji. Based on the mood Bokuto was displaying he didn't expect to be called Keiji. However supplying the date only seemed to rile him up more as his glare sharpened.
Akaashi shivered involuntarily at it "Are you forgetting something?" He barked out and it was then that Akaashi realized Bokuto hadn't blinked yet. "No," he was confident in the answer. Your birthday wasn't until b/d and his was in four days. Bokutos had already passed but said male wouldn't have been mad at him. Sad maybe but not mad.
"Oh really? Then tell me why Y/n is at my place crying because you forgot that today is your anniversary," Bokuto had stepped towards him in anger and Akaashi took in involuntarily step back in fear. "They're at your place?" Akaashi asked and Bokutos jaw clenched.
"Yeah. And they are going to stay there until you sort yourself out," Bokuto growled turning and slamming the door closed with enough force to crack it. Akaashi stood frozen for a few extra moments trying to regain his composure after being afraid. He shook his head as he processed Bokuto's last sentence.
No you'd always come back to him, even if a fight had broken out between him and you, you would always come back. You had to come back he was your fiancé and the wedding was going to be in the upcoming w/f/s/s so he continued to work shaking off his encounter with Bokuto that had manage to worm a tiny bit of fear back into his heart.
Akaashi didn't fully leave his office again until December 5th. He'd left it plenty of times before then but only for something quick eat or the bathroom or something to drink. In these moments he never bothered to look around the place but now on his birthday he did.
He expected to be greeted by your sparkling voice like you had done for the past four years but instead the house was silent. "Y/n?" He called out walking around the house was still perfectly clean. The last time he could recall hearing you was on the first with the vacuum running and the patter of your feet running around.
Since then he realizes the house had been silent except for his movements. As he walked into the dining room something glinted on the table in the early morning light. When he turned to look he froze there was your engagement ring. The thin band of silver sat there almost mockingly on a yellow sticky note.
He picked up the note and written on it were a few simple words. 'They aren't coming home - Bokuto' his brain filled in the missing words Bokuto had told him a few days ago "Not until I fix myself," he mumbled thumbing at the sticky in his hands. He knew what Bokuto meant he'd been borderline ignoring you for weeks to work.
Thoughts of your anniversary had left his mind but he didn't think it was that bad until right now. Forgetting had been the final nail in the coffin for you but he still had a chance. You weren't gone forever just temporarily misplaced. He rushed to shower and go buy flowers his brain running a mile a minute trying to figure out how to get you back and apologize.
He felt nervous and he was unsure of why until he remembered where you had taken up residence. Bokuto had never been scary to him, just a bright ball of happiness but the fear Bokuto had instilled in him a few days ago had lingered, and he was about to walk right into the lion's den.
He couldn't see you as he approached the door. Maybe you were tucked away upstairs or in a place the windows didn't show but he'd seen Bokuto. The male was pacing clearly on edge and definitely dangerous but Akaashi would have to face him sooner or later so with a shaking hand he knocked.
Only half a second later the door swung open and Bokuto stood there mouth set in a hard line. Akaashi fought to supress the shiver that wanted to trail up his spine. "Is Y/n here?" He asked and once again cursed himself for sounding so meek. It was just Bokuto he wouldn't hurt him the man couldn't even hurt a fly! Although that sentiment didn't hold much when he felt like he was staring down the loaded barrel of a gun.
"Yes," Bokuto answered after a few beats of silence. His eyes raked over Akaashi's form judging him and seeing if he was ready to have Y/n back. "Can I see them? I'd like to talk," He was definitely playing with fire when Bokuto looked back up at his eyes. "About what?" He asked lowly Akaashi noted that Bokuto was staying quiet which meant you had to be downstairs. "I'd like to apologize for ignoring them and forgetting our anniversary," Bokuto nodded once before swinging the door closed.
He blinked in mild suprise "Bo-Bokuto-san?" He questioned wondering where he went wrong that warranted the door being closed. He was about to knock again when the door opened revealing you. Your h/c hair was slightly messy and e/c eyes half lidded in sleep.
What Akaashi didn't like was the MSBY jersey that swallowed you figure. The number 12 emblazoned on the front and long enough to cover your thighs. He couldn't tell if you were wearing pants but he hoped you did. You never walked around his house like this unless it was after a fun night but he couldn't assume things. Not now and he especially couldn't accuse you of cheating when Bokuto was on the staircase right behind you.
He could see that the golden eyed male was poised to attack when the conversation would start heading south. You tilted your head in confusion "Hello Akaashi," You had mumbled and he did flinch then. No pet names or his first name no, you had decided on formal. "Hi darling," He whispered the pet name but you merely shook your head.
"Why are you here?" The genuine confusion on your face made Akaashi feel a lot worse about everything. "Im here to apologize and seeing as its my birthday id like my present from you to be going on one date with me," He said slowly "Please," was tacked on as an afterthought. You turned your head eyes meeting Bokuto's and Akaashi hated the jealousy that crawled up his spine when his eyes softened.
"Um actually Akaashi I wanted to talk to you about something," Your hands had balled into fists tightly gripping the hem of the shirt you wore. A nervous habit you had whenever something scared you. He felt his heart drop in response to those words and you shook your head. "No no! It's nothing bad- well I guess that depends on how you feel about it," You were quick to try and sooth him and Akaashis heart swelled at the fact that right now even if you weren't getting along you still worried about him.
He didn't even realize you had led him inside until he was on the couch. His eyes trailed over you figure as you sat across from him. The shirt rode up enough exposing part of your thigh and Akaashi could see the hem of a pair of shorts. They followed their path until his eyes rested on the new gold band around your ring finger. It was decorated in a series of small gems that were the same blue as his eyes and he took a deep breath.
"What is it?" He lightly questioned when the silence began suffocating him. Bokuto was behind him somewhere he felt the stare being burned into his back. The second this conversation possibly turned south Bokuto was ready to jump in. "Well...I was wondering how you felt about the two of us becoming um...three of us?" You looked down afterwards hands nervously ringing together.
"...three of us?" He wanted more clarification were you implying a kid or something else? You hummed meeting his eyes before they flickered to the male that was behind him 'oh' it pieced itself together then. You were implying a poly relationship with him and Bokuto. He must have been quiet for too long since your hands began rubbing at your sides.
He scrambled for an answer he knew he was unbothered by it but this was...The two of you were only a few months away from getting married and you wanted to add Bokuto into the mix? Now of all times? He took a shuttering breath as he thought.
"Well...I guess I have to call the restaurant and tell them to change the reservation for three people then," he offered a small smile and your head whipped up. "Really?" You whispered and he could only supply a nod.
"Yeah now when I'm busy with work the both of you can harass me into taking a break," it was a poor attempt at a joke but you had laughed anyway. He heard a chuckle from behind him as well and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Keiji are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything...," you trailed off and he smiled "im sure but are you sure about Bokuto? Hes a little chaotic," He asked "Hey!" Bokuto had an immediate reaction to the accusation.
You laughed reaching out and taking his hand "So is it a fancy dinner place?" You asked as Bokuto came over to take your free hand. He watched your thumb move back and forth across Bokutos hand a comforting gesture and he noticed the minute shake of Bokuto's hand. Unconsciously he reached out with his free hand and took Bokuto's which seemed to startle him slightly as wide gold eyes met his.
Akaashi gave a light squeeze and Bokuto settled with a sigh. "Its the restaurant I originally proposed at so yeah I'd go with fancy," he answered after a second. "You're making me get dressed up for your birthday dinner? Despicable really," you dramatically sighed and he found himself laughing. "Well I suppose we don't have to go since you've already given me the best present I could ask for today," He smiled tilting his head to the side and looking at Bokuto who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a look of concern on his face.
"You alright Bo?" He looked up at the unfamiliar nickname eyes meeting Akaashi's once again. "M'fine just...I don't own a suit," He said quietly. The silence that stretched afterwards for a long moment before you broke it. "Kotaro what do you mean you don't own a suit you're a professional athlete!" "It wasn't an issue until now!" He shouted back love was fickle yes but as he watched you and Bokuto interact he knew
It was fickle but he wouldn't trade it in for anything.
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingfluff#akaashi x reader#koutarou bokuto#keiji akaashi#bokuto x reader#bokuto fluff#akaashi fluff
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The request is out 💞 here
I’m feeling very angsty. I’d like to request an Oikawa angst but with a good ending. Similar to the Hanahaki disease, when a person goes through heart break it causes their heart to literally form into glass and break. It will result in the person never being able to love again or die through the agonizing process. The symptoms of one going through a what I call “Glass heart” syndrome include; Dark cracks on the chest stemming from the heart that spread and grow darker the worse the heartbreak is, the victim becomes physically weaker, and they’ll cough up blood. The reader handles it differently.
The summary for this is that Oikawa seems honestly into the reader. Cozying up to them, getting to know them, turning down his fan girls as he dumps for the reader, and seems to be wholeheartedly in love with the reader which of course made the reader fall for him. However a few days later, he becomes distant, stopped messaging them, and just ignores them. The reader overheard him talking about how it was something he did out of boredom and was planning on moving onto a new girl. This causes the reader to feel an internal strain on their heart as said organ turns black. The next few days, the reader becomes emotionally detached, has empty eyes and an emptier smile, and simply endures their agonizing pain. Oikawa learns of this but the reader simply tells them how they heard he didn’t mean any of the kind things he did and thanked him for helping them realise that love is worthless and lets their heart shatter as he watches in horror.
The reader recovers, emotionless and empty causing everyone to read Oikawa for filth. His guilt consuming him as the days go by seeing it was his fault that the reader lost their heart and as much as he wants to fix things while falling in love with the reader from their past kindness and love, the damage is done. Let’s timeskip a few years and when Oikawa sees the reader again, he’s surprised to see their happy and normal again only to see them smiling again. He wants to talk with them and be close with them after realizing his feelings after all these years but he sees them with another man (Kageyama or Ushijima) and when they see Oikawa again, they give him that dead, empty look before leaving him again.
(Shop boy this is unnecessarily long and detailed but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I just had to drop this idea at least and you can shorten it if you want too)
I asked for detailed asks so...Im gonna start it rn 😤 I can't guarantee it'll be out by tomorrow since I'm writing chapter 19 of my story on quotev and an Akaashi bday special which is already late 💀 But it will be written!
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Glass Heart (Oikawa x Reader x Kageyama)
A/N: This was the only request that came in for the follower event which by the way I've extended so its still open. So thanks for requesting this it was fun to write! Full disclosure the Akaashi b-day one was supposed to be uploaded first but I haven't finished it yet so...Also I went a little feral on this cause its the first ever request on the blog 💞. I even added it a small thing from one of my favorite movie series. Also I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted but I did my best to fulfill the request. Some things are changed in it but this is the final product.
Details: 9.4 pages 3,305 words (she long)
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, angst, heartbreak, there's a happy end for Mc tho, manga spoilers??? Kinda not really???
Date: December 7th, 2020
Theme: Glass Heart Syndrome- Similar to the Hanahaki disease, when a person goes through heart break it causes their heart to literally form into glass and break. It will result in the person never being able to love again or die through the agonizing process. The symptoms include dark cracks on the chest stemming from the heart that spread and grow darker the worse the heartbreak is, the victim becomes physically weaker, and they’ll cough up blood. (Taken directly from the request)
Sachi- means miracle. Thank you @msecchi for requesting 💞 hope you enjoy!

That's what the doctor said to him. "You can't sleep because of the nightmares!" Thats what he was told by them. For ten years doctors told him its just nightmares. But he knew it wasn't nightmares no...He was being haunted by her. Dead and cold e/c eyes stared at him from the darkness as they dulled. A faint shattering sound accompanied it as he watched shards of glass fall.
His heart was cracked black lines trailed against his skin hidden under his shirt. It had cracked all those years ago when he thought she was gone. She had recovered though it was a miracle really that she had. After all he was there when her heart shattered.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa still looked at him with disgust. They supported him sure but they only supported him because they wanted him out of Japan. Iwaizumi didn't look at him the same either, there was always something hidden behind his gazes. He could take the anger from them though it was worth it to know she was still alive.
He loved her. He knew that, Iwaizumi knew it. For ten years he asked Iwaizumi how she was doing "she's fine," was the only response he got. Now he could see for himself if she was fine. The Olympics were here and he was currently on his way to Japan with his team. It'd been a long time since he'd been back. Almost nine years now but he wasn't worried. He curled into the plane seat shutting his eyes and trying to catch some nightmare free sleep...
"Y/n-chan! You look really pretty today!" He threw an arm around the h/cette's shoulder pulling her roughly into his side. She stumbled a bit peering up at him through long eyelashes. "Can you let me go please Oikawa-san?" She asked shifting to pry his arm off. He held on though and gasped "Eh? Why Y/n-chan!" He shrieked and just like that his arm was thrown off her shoulder and Iwaizumi stood there.
"Dumbass she doesn't like people touching her!" He yelled flicking him in the forehead. He whined and rubbed at the spot "Iwa-chan you're supposed to be on my side!" Iwaizumi simply shook his head before turning towards Y/n. "So Y/n have you decided on a high school yet?" She merely hummed "I was thinking Shiratori-" "No you can't go there!" Oikawa cut off quickly throwing himself infront of her.
"...Can I finish my sentence?" She asked sending a pointed look towards him. "Please do," Iwaizumi supplied as he covered Oikawa's mouth. "Shiratorizawa but my cousin convinced me to go to Aoba Johsai instead," She finished sending a pointed look towards him. He pried Iwaizumi's hand off to speak "You're going to Aoba Johsai!?" She laughed then smiling at him and he felt his heart rate speed up in response.
It'd been a few months since then he was a third year now and her a sparkling brand new first year at Aoba Johsai. Since day one he'd been around her constantly. Walking her to her classes or sitting with her at lunch sometimes bringing her an extra piece of Milk Bread. Of course the team knew he liked her it stared them in the face everyday. He'd smile at his phone everytime she texted or his face would flush slightly when she complimented him. Not that she ever noticed but they knew she was falling to.
She no longer rejected physical touches from him she leaned into them instead. She always smiled at him whenever he appeared in her line of sight. She even started using his first name! Halfway through the school year everybody knew Oikawa Tooru and L/n Y/n were attached at the hip. Fangirls confessed all the time but he rejected them without fail thinking of the girl with s/c skin and e/c eyes. He wanted her confession but it never came to him. He got tired of the team making fun of him one day. They always picked on him so why should they be allowed to do it when it involves the girl he liked?
"Oh please! Like I even care about her! She's getting boring anyway i'll just move on to a new girl. One that's more exciting and not some bright-eyed first year," He had said crossing his arms and looking up indignantly. "Oikawa...You don't mean that," Iwaizumi said slowly looking at him. "Of course I do. She's boring now," He pushed refusing to crack under the pressure.
Of course how was he going to remember that all of this went down a minute before she was supposed to walk into the gym to watch him practice like everyday? He really should have remembered that if he had things might have gone differently. Practice had ended as usual though it had been quieter than he remembered. Something was missing and he knew it.
He shrugged it off as he left the locker room walking towards the front gates to wait for Iwaizumi with Y/n. "Hey Y/n-chan what'd you think of practice?" He waited a moment to see her rush around the corner in a flurry of excitement but it never happened. "Y/n-chan..?" Rounding the corner of the gate he saw the spot they normally waited in was empty no sign of the beautiful girl anywhere.
There was however a piece of paper trapped against the bars. It was a small thing easily loseable but the way it was crumpled and felt soft meant the paper he held was old and probably had been thrown away. He opened it slowly and glared at what he saw on it. 'Kageyama Tobio xxxx-xxx-xxxx' What were the odds he'd find his enemies number here of all places? Astronomically low he knew as he chucked the paper away.
Iwaizumi had come up then pushing him along while he struggled. "Iwa-chan! Y/n-chan isn't here yet!" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "She went home. She was feeling sick today," He responded easily while Oikawa's nose crinkled. That was impossible he'd been with her all day except for in class. She was perfectly normal in every way today, he'd have know she was sick.
Maybe if he said something to Iwaizumi instead of keeping quiet he'd have seen her and fixed everything. Maybe if he had made them stop at the park like he did everyday instead of being consumed by his thoughts he might have seen a familiar h/c haired girl sitting with a boy that had blackish blue hair and vibrant blue eyes.
He might have seen the boy give her his jacket and a carton of milk when she started crying. Or how he awkwardly patted her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. But instead the duo walked on with him thinking about how to ask Y/n why she lied. Of course for the next two weeks he wouldn't receive a response since she avoided him at every turn.
Eventually though he cornered her right outside the gym after she dropped off Hanamaki's water bottle. He didn't question why she had it or the black and blue jacket she was wearing that was slightly too big for her. Instead he ran after her stopping her before she got to far. "Hey! Y/n-chan why are you avoiding me!?" He shouted towards her.
She and everyone else nearby stopped people whispered as they looked at them but he didn't care. He watched her turn and froze as dull e/c eyes met his own. "Just speeding things up. After all you said I was boring Oikawa-san,"
He jolted awake sitting up rapidly as he tried to slow down his racing heart. "Hey you okay man?" He turned his head looking at his teammates who looked startled. "Yeah I'm fine...Just a bad dream," He smiled at them before looking out the window. Japan was spread out below them lights twinkling in the dark.
The smile fell from his face as they landed replaced with a sense of displacement and nostalgia. He gripped his bags tightly tomorrow he would be facing his biggest rivals on the court all to see who would win the gold. He didn't have time to think about what happened to the girl he used to know.
"Wha- who said you were boring?" He asked stepping towards her. She took a step back in response "You did. Two weeks ago when I went to the gym. I heard you," His eyes widened dramatically as he looked at her "No- That's out of context!" He tried to save it but she just shook her head.
"Don't lie Oikawa-san," Her eyes became more dull as she spoke. "Don't- dont call me Oikawa please. Dont do that please," he begged reaching out towards her. She coughed then putting a hand up to her mouth. As she did the sleeve of the jacket rolled down and he saw them. The thin black lines trailing across her skin and decorating her pale s/c arm.
"Y/n-chan...," he trailed off as his eyes focused on her arm and the thin trail of blood coming from her mouth. She smiled but it wasn't anything. Only a slight twitch upwards no warmth behind it. "Its okay Oikawa-san you helped me you know?" He paused as he looked at her "Helped you..?" She nodded slowly "Yeah! You helped me realize that love is worthless so thank you," He could only watch in horror as the black veins spread further and widened being accompanied by a cracking sound.
Like someone had thrown a ball threw a glass window she collapsed at the same time a shattering sound filled the air. A girl nearby screamed as Y/n fell while someone else yelled for emergency services. "Y/n!" He was shoved backwards as Hanamaki and Matsukawa ran past him.
"What happened!?" Matsukawa yelled as he lifted her head. He looked at him while blood dripped from her mouth. "I- I don't know. S-she said she heard me a-and-," Hanamaki whipped around at that "She heard you!?" He stood blood had left a red stain on his white track pants.
"If she dies from this I will never forgive you," Hanamaki hissed. "Makki she's- she's not breathing!" Matsukawa screamed pressing a hand on her heart. Paramedics rushed into the area skittering around as the pushed Matsukawa and Hanamaki away. "What happened?" One of the medics asked. "Glass Heart Syndrome," Hanamaki answered back glaring at Oikawa as he spoke.
"We need to get her out of here right away! Lets go!" The medic had run back over towards Y/n helping to pick her up onto the gurney. They paramedics left quickly with her denying Hanamaki and Matsukawa's attempt to go with her. They raced into the gym grabbing their stuff before running back out. Hanamaki shoved Oikawa out of the way and down to the ground as they ran.
He sighed as he jolted awake for the third time in a row. This was ridiculous she wasn't even dead so why couldn't he sleep without seeing dead e/c eyes? Guilt that's what Iwaizumi told him. He tilted his head to see the time five am was what the clock told him. He needed to meet the rest of the team at seven thirty so he changed and went running.
The streets he ran on seemed so familiar but so different to him. Of course he stopped at the nearby park it was similar to the one he used to stop at with Iwaizumi and Y/n. Those trips long since abandoned after what he did his eyes flittered over the park until they landed on a h/cette. His eyes widened as he looked at her so similar to the last time he saw her.
Slightly taller and figure slightly rounder perfect to him but it hurt to realize it was a pregnancy bump. The h/c hair on her head sparkled and her e/c eyes glittered with a warmth he hadn't seen in years. He began walking towards her almost starting to run until a voice stopped him. "Y/n!" He stopped immediately snapping his head to the side. Barreling towards her was a male with silver and black hair and golden eyes sparkling. He knew who that was...Bokuto Koutarou wing spiker for the MSBY Black Jackals and he was his opponent in the upcoming game.
He slunk closer and it was then that he noticed a little girl hugged to Bokutos chest. She couldn't have been older than five from what he could see but he noticed that running through the girls h/c hair were streaks of silver. He certainly didn't expect her to take the little girl from him and kiss his cheek. His shock was palpable when she reached a hand up to run through his hair. A thin sliver band with a small diamond on it glared back at him glittering in the sun.
Bokuto had lifted his own hand to run it through the small girl's hair the silver came through more prominently as well as exposing dark navy almost black streaks he hadnt seen before. The little girls head turned revealing a single e/c eyes. His eyes however zoned in on the gold band on Bokuto's finger. He was excitedly talking to her while she shook her head and started walking off. He watched Bokuto's eyes widen comically as the wing spiker ran off after her.
He stood frozen as he watched the scene anybody could see a cute family scene. That should have been him handing her their kid not Bokuto. But it wasn't him no it was someone else. So of course he called Iwaizumi to complain.
"Iwa! You didn't tell me Y/n was married to that- that wing spiker!?" He yelled into the phone while Iwaizumi scoffed. "One I shouldnt tell you anything about Y/n since you ruined that. And two thats not your business," He returned the statement with a scoff of his own. "Not my business? Shes married! You know what Iwa. I'll win her back," Iwaizumi laughed then it was laced with disbelief much like his voice was.
"Sorry you are gonna try to win back a married woman who has a kid and another one on the way?" Iwaizumi was right that sounded wrong out loud but he couldn't back down. "Yes! I'm gonna win her back from that Bokuto guy!" Iwaizumi snorted "Sorry how'd you figure they were married?" Iwaizumi asked with a laugh "I saw the rings and her daughter has silver hair like him!" He stated indignantly.
Iwaizumi did bust out laughing then "Silver hair? Must have dyed it then," Iwaizumi mumbled quietly. "Iwa what are you going on about?" He asked not being able to hear the male on the other line clearly. "Oh nothing just suprised you don't pay more attention to your sworn enemies," He called uninterested. "I pay enough attention to know they're on the same team and will be playing against me," He hissed and Iwaizumi laughed. "I gotta go. See you later Oikawa," He hung up and Oikawa sighed as he put the phone away.
"Oh are you all here for Ms. L/n?" The team turned eyes landing on a doctor with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was clearly foreign but they didn't have any questions other than about her. Looking at them all he could see the fear in their faces and sighed. "Well its a miracle really that she lived. One of the worst cases of Glass Heart Syndrome I've seen in years," Oikawa froze as he felt the numerous glares on his back.
"Thank you doctor...?" Hanamaki walked forward looking at the man. "McCoy. Leonard McCoy," He said holding out a hand. "Thank you Doctor McCoy. Can we see her?" Hanamaki shook his hand while the doctor sighed. "Im afraid not. She still needs some time to recover we're going to try some beta blockers but until we try them I can't allow you guys in just incase," He said turning back around and leaving just like that.
The next week was spent waiting for the news. It came during practice one day for them "The beta blockers worked. She starts school again tomorrow at a new school," Matsukawa said as he walked back into the gym. The team cheered in excitement "Wait a new school? Shes transferring?" He asked stopping everyone while Hanamaki scoffed "she lived which was a fucking miracle and now you want her back here at the school that she almost died at with the person who almost killed her?" He flinched at the tone.
The game had ended with Argentina's victory them winning the gold. He smirked at the wing spiker on the other side who only tilted his head in confusion silver hair following the movement. Iwaizumi smacked him as he approached "Stop looking at Bokuto like that," He said with a sigh. "I won against him and now I'll do it again," He was determined as he huffed. "Also Iwa how could you! Did you even know they got married!?" Iwaizumi scoffed in disbelief.
"Of course I knew she got married. I was a groomsmen along with Ushijima and Bokuto. Hinata was the best man," He processed the words "Sorry did you say Bokuto was a grooms-," before he could continue his questioning the patter of running feet interrupted him. "Daddy!" He snapped his head to the side seeing the little girl again only this time his jaw dropped.
The girl was pulled into a pair of arms which he followed to their owner. Kageyama's side profile glared back at him as he smiled down at the little girl. From this side he saw her other eye was a vibrant blue shade and sparkled in joy. "Hi angel what's going on here?" He lifted the girls hair in his finger and Oikawa saw the silver band around his ring finger while silver hair slipped through his fingers. "Uncle Kashi took me to the hair salon while he was watching me! I got my hair done to match Uncle Bo!" The little girl threw her arms up with a smile.
"Eh? Why not Uncle Tsumu kid?" Atsumu had asked joining the conversation. The girls nose crinkled "Uncle Bo is better than you!" Atsumu threw a hand over his heart and gasped mocking hurt. "Sachi Kageyama what did I tell you about running off?" Everyone turned seeing Y/n walking over with her arms crossed Akaashi stood next to her carrying her bag of stuff a ring of gold stood out prominently on his finger. "M'sorry mama," The girl now identified fully as Sachi frowned looking down with big eyes.
"Sachi. Just because Uncle Bo's sad face doesn't work on me doesn't mean yours will," She tapped her foot twice and Oikawa felt it the black veins trailing on his skin getting bigger and darker. He could hear the crack in his heart as Kageyama leaned over to kiss Y/n. The two of them fitted together perfectly while Bokuto bounded over to Akaashi and threw an arm around his shoulders. "Alright we get it. You two and your miracle are cute!" Hinata claimed as he shoved the two apart.
Y/n laughed as she looked up her eyes flittered over the other team stopping on Oikawa for a moment. He froze under her gaze. The warmth in her eyes faded replaced by the same empty and dead eyes he'd grown used to. The group had headed towards the exit as he felt the cracks happen rapidly. The last thing he could remember was the loud sound of something glass shattering before he collapsed to the ground.
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingangst#oikawa x reader#oikawa angst#oikawa tooru#kageyama x reader#kageyama fluff#kageyama tobio
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I’m feeling very angsty. I’d like to request an Oikawa angst but with a good ending. Similar to the Hanahaki disease, when a person goes through heart break it causes their heart to literally form into glass and break. It will result in the person never being able to love again or die through the agonizing process. The symptoms of one going through a what I call “Glass heart” syndrome include; Dark cracks on the chest stemming from the heart that spread and grow darker the worse the heartbreak is, the victim becomes physically weaker, and they’ll cough up blood. The reader handles it differently.
The summary for this is that Oikawa seems honestly into the reader. Cozying up to them, getting to know them, turning down his fan girls as he dumps for the reader, and seems to be wholeheartedly in love with the reader which of course made the reader fall for him. However a few days later, he becomes distant, stopped messaging them, and just ignores them. The reader overheard him talking about how it was something he did out of boredom and was planning on moving onto a new girl. This causes the reader to feel an internal strain on their heart as said organ turns black. The next few days, the reader becomes emotionally detached, has empty eyes and an emptier smile, and simply endures their agonizing pain. Oikawa learns of this but the reader simply tells them how they heard he didn’t mean any of the kind things he did and thanked him for helping them realise that love is worthless and lets their heart shatter as he watches in horror.
The reader recovers, emotionless and empty causing everyone to read Oikawa for filth. His guilt consuming him as the days go by seeing it was his fault that the reader lost their heart and as much as he wants to fix things while falling in love with the reader from their past kindness and love, the damage is done. Let’s timeskip a few years and when Oikawa sees the reader again, he’s surprised to see their happy and normal again only to see them smiling again. He wants to talk with them and be close with them after realizing his feelings after all these years but he sees them with another man (Kageyama or Ushijima) and when they see Oikawa again, they give him that dead, empty look before leaving him again.
(Shop boy this is unnecessarily long and detailed but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I just had to drop this idea at least and you can shorten it if you want too)
I asked for detailed asks so...Im gonna start it rn 😤 I can't guarantee it'll be out by tomorrow since I'm writing chapter 19 of my story on quotev and an Akaashi bday special which is already late 💀 But it will be written!
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100 Follower special 💞
We've hit 100 followers! It may not be a huge deal to some of you but it is to me so for the 100 follower special requests are open!
Of course there's a few ground rules that must be stated first.
I will write:
Soulmate aus
Any au really
I can write the request as headcanons, a short blurb, or a full length one-shot depending on what the prompt is. The more descriptive you are the better for me writing a full length. You can send also just say a character, genre, and a sentence you want me to use.
Ex: "Bokuto, angst, No. You love him,"
Specifically for the soulmate ones as you know I'm already writing some but I don't have what soulmate au it is on the masterlist. So if a request happens to land on what theme I'm using for that character.
Ex: Akaashi, Soulmate, red string of fate
I will not write it for the special but I will tag you in that post when it comes out. And if you request it as anon ill mention the anons in the A/Ns.
So remember try your best to be descriptive it helps more with my writing! But you don't have to be and requests for the follower special will be closing on November 26th. I will of course be writing them as I receive them. Once again requests are open! And I appreciate all 101 of you 💞💞
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingangst#whosaskingsoul#whosaskingfluff#whosaskingsmut#akaashi keiji#kuroo tetsuro#tsukishima kei#satori tendou#sakusa kiyoomi#atsumu miya#osamu miya#nishinoya yu#oikawa tooru#hajime iwaizumi#koutarou bokuto#bokuto x reader#akaashi x reader#osamu x reader#atsumu x reader#nishinoya x reader#tsukishima x reader#kuroo x reader#sakusa x reader#tendou x reader#iwaizumi x reader#oikawa x reader
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Forever Is A Long Time (Akaashi x Reader)
A/N: I'm alive. And finally starting my soulmate one-shots. 😔 sorry if you've been waiting for these i wanted to get the angst ones done first. Also im almost at 100 followers which means ill be having a follower special soon! So be ready for that. Anyway have a good day!
Date: Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
Details: 6.3 pages 2,308 words
Theme: Red String- There is a red string tied around your ring finger that connects you to your soulmate. It becomes visible when you are close to each other. You can also tug on the string so your soulmate feels it. When far you only see it as a red ring around your finger.
Warnings: cursing. Barely implied sexual stuff its just one sentence and its nothing explicit.
Soulmate masterlist

For as long as I could remember I had a pale red ring around my finger. I never asked questions about it since I knew what it was. My soulmate was out there somewhere but I was never curious about them.
I would have been but my mom stressed to me that I needed to be successful. Not worrying about some silly soulmate so I did. Every thought about my soulmate was pushed to the back of my mind and I slowly forgot about them. My friend Hinata always tried to get me to find them but I denied.
I ended up becoming the manager for the MSBY Black Jackals. I considered it the perfect job I wasn't as successful as my mom wanted me to be but I was happy with what I was doing.
I was always busy so my soulmate had never crossed my mind. My days were spent corraling Bokuto and Hinata while keeping Atsumu away from Sakusa's stuff. The rest of the team members like Meian and Barnes didn't need watching but they also never helped me.
Today was no different of course. Well unless you counted the fact that it was the Black Jackals versus the Schweiden Adlers. Hinata was bouncing around in excitement and Bokuto wasn't much better. Currently I was helping Sakusa fix his knee pads deciding to let Hinata be excited this once.
"Y/N!" I jumped throwing a hand over my heart as I stood up. I looked at Bokuto who was staring at me eyes wide. "Don't do that Bo!" I yelled smacking him on the back of the head. "Owww sorry it's just your hand!" I looked down at my hand and looked back up raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I asked in confusion Bokuto sighed reaching forward and raising my other hand. There around my ring finger was a thin red string. "Y/n's soulmate is here!?" Hinata yelled rushing over to see the string. "Oh cool I guess," I took my hand from Bokuto's grasp bringing it back down with a shrug.
"You're not excited about it?" Atsumu asked "Not really? Mom raised me to not worry about my soulmate so," I trailed off before I felt a strong tug on my hand. Looking down I noticed Hinata pulling on the string before someone pulled back.
I smacked his hand as he went to tug it again "quit doing that," I said moving to pick up my clipboard. "But thats how you find them! The stronger the tug the closer they are!" He shouted while I shook my head. "Hinata I'm not worried about my soulmate. The game is in 10 minutes so let's get you guys to the court," I stated looking at them.
"I don't get it how the hell are you Omi and Samu not interested in your soulmates!" Atsumu shouted as we left the changing room. "I'm just not big on the soulmate thing," I said with another shrug "I don’t really care if I find them or not," Sakusa added on with his own shrug.
"You guys are so boring! Y/n you're the first outta of the five of us to be close to your soulmate and you don't wanna meet them!?" Bokuto shouted in exasperation. "I dont see what the big idea is. I'm not interested in meeting my soulmate right now. Now go warm-up," I gently pushed the boys towards the court while I went to the bench.
I shook my head as Hinata mouthed "Find them," at me. I sighed as I watched them feeling a gentle tug against my finger my eyes drifted to the red string before I cautiously tugged back. It brought an odd sense of comfort to feel every tug on the thread and it almost seemed like a habit for them to nervously tug the string.
My eyes shifted back to the court as the game started. My hand made notes that occasionally got messed up when a tug shook my hand. I quietly hummed when I realized they were trying to find me.
Halfway through the game the tugs had become annoying. They started hindering my writing the closer they got and the boys had most definitely noticed my annoyed state. They had come over for water and towel during a short timeout while I was finishing a note for Bokuto when my hand was suddenly tugged sharply to the side scratching a mark across the sentence id just written.
"Son of a bitch!" I quietly cursed though it was loud enough that the four boys heard me. "You alright Y/n?" Atsumu asked and I glared at him. The boys froze at the icy gaze.
"No I'm not okay. Everytime I try writing these damn notes my soulmate tugs on the fucking string and ruins it. I'm fed up with it and quite frankly I really don't want to meet them at this point," I stated angrily. "Come on Y/n its just notes-" my glare shifted to Hinata as he spoke causing him to shiver.
"Just notes? It is my job to write notes. If the notes are unreadable I have failed at my job and you know what these notes are?" I held up my clip board before slamming it back down on the bench. "Unreadable!" I yelled before taking a breath. "Now finish your game boys and if you lose. Ill kill you," I sent them a threatening smile before they ran off to the court in fear.
"I just don't get it man! How is she not excited!" I paused as I entered the shop. Hearing Bokuto yell as soon as I walked in. "I mean I get it. If my soulmate kept me from making Onigiri correctly I'd be mad," Osamu supplied waving to me as I walked in.
"Whats going on?" I asked looking at the guys Kuroo rubbed his forehead while Bokuto looked at me. "Please don't get him started on his damn manager again," Kuroo mumbled while Bokuto spoke up. "Hey Akaashi what's your idea of a soulmate?" I blinked at the sudden question "Someone who will be with you forever I guess," I said after I thought about it.
"Our manager doesn't care about meeting her soulmate!" Atsumu yelled out throwing his hands up while Kuroo groaned. I came over and sat down across from Bokuto. "You guys are making a huge deal out of it," Sakusa said rolling his eyes.
"Well she should care! I can't believe she went home instead of celebrating just to fix her notes," Hinata stated with a huff. "What happened?" I asked my eyes flickering to Osamu when he placed a tray of onigiri down in front of me.
"Y/n's soulmate was at today's game! They even kept tugging on the string but she said she didn't care!" I paused as I processed Bokuto's words. I had been at the game when my string appeared. I tugged on it whenever I got nervous during the game.
I had eventually followed it during break only to discover it led me to the doors on court and suddenly it all made sense. "Oh," I said when I realized. "What?" Hinata questioned and I shook my head. "Nothing just...my string also showed up during the game," I stated looking back at Hinata. "Oh," he said but then his face lit up "oh!" He stood up suddenly and Bokuto joined him.
"Oh my god! You think-?" Bokuto trailed off excitedly looking at me. "You guys saying he's her soulmate?" Atsumu also stood up in excitement. While Kuroo sent me a look that screamed 'What have you done?' "Guys there was a lot of people at the game," Osamu said rolling his eyes.
"Yeah doesn't mean Y/n is his soulmate," Sakusa also said with an agitated sigh. Bokuto snapped his head over to me with a wide excited smile. "Did you follow the string?" He asked bouncing in his spot. "A little bit during break yes," I said as I automatically started playing with my fingers.
"And?" Hinata drawled out leaning towards me. "...It lead me to the doors leading on court," there was a brief moment of silence before the three boys started screaming. "Someone get her over here right now!" Atsumu shouted while Hinata pulled out his phone.
It went dead silent as he called the boys seemed to freeze in place staring at the phone that was on speaker. "What the hell do you want?" All four boys flinched at the angry tone and Kuroo shivered at it. "We think we found him Y/n!" Hinata excitedly yelled.
"Found who?" She asked in confusion causing Atsumu to sigh in irritation. "Your soulmate Y/n!" He yelled in exasperation. "Fascinating. I don't care," She had responded back in annoyance. "Y/n come on! Just come to Onigiri Miya please!" Bokuto begged his eyes got big as he stared at the phone.
"No. And don't throw puppy eyes at the phone I know you're doing it," Bokuto sighed when it didn't work frowning as he tried to figure out what to do. "Please Y/n! Five minutes! I'll do anything you want!" Hinata joined in with a frown.
"I already said no. Now leave me alone or I block you," She stated before hanging up the phone. The three boys turned their gazes to me after staring blankly at the phone. I looked back at them slowly "...what?" I asked nervously before Atsumu smirked at me. 'Oh boy' I thought worriedly.
'How the hell did I get here?' I thought as I stood infront of an apartment door. I assumed it was Y/n's since Bokuto had shoved me here and rang the bell. I was still getting my bearings when the door swung open revealing a girl with h/c hair and shiny e/c eyes.
She was wearing a black jackals hoodie and a pair of leggings. I noticed the red string trailed from her hand to mine confirming she was my soulmate. "Can I help you?" She asked with a sigh.
Her voice snapped me out of my reprieve and I gave her a shaky smile. "Hi um I think your my soulmate?" What I said came off as more of a question as she blinked at me. "Who are you?" She didn't check the string before she asked. Establishing that she wasn't lying on the phone she really didn't care. "Im Akaashi Keiji," I said holding out my hand.
She hummed as she took it shaking my hand as her eyes finally traced the string. "So. You're Bokuto's elusive friend and the one who made me ruin my notes," I flinched as she let go of my hand immediately going to play with my fingers.
"Sorry about that. I tugged on it whenever the game made me nervous," she was watching my hands before she suddenly reached out and took one. I froze at the unexpected move as she held my hand. "Sorry you were distracting me. Continue?" She asked as she laced her fingers with mine.
"I..um," I had lost my train of thought looking at the pale pink flush that had appeared on her cheeks. "A-anyway why are you against soulmates?" She shook her head at my question. "Im not it's just...my mom raised me to put finding my soulmate on the backburner and focus on my career so I did,"
She continued after a brief pause "She focused on her soulmate and ended up working as a waitress as her career. She wanted me to be successful and that meant no room for a soulmate," She shrugged like it was the most casual thing in the world to not care about a soulmate.
"So...Where does that leave me?" I questioned quietly while she hummed. "Depends...are you gonna ruin my notes again?" She asked with a small smile. I smiled back when I realized what she was implying. "Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the day," She laughed as I spoke her eyes drifted to the side sparkling in mischief as she spotted something.
She leaned forward to whisper in my ear "Seems the three musketeers stayed to keep watch," She mumbled tilting her head as she pulled back. I turned my head slightly seeing Bokuto, Atsumu, and Hinata hiding around the corner. They were excitedly holding on to eachother and I shook my head looking back at her.
"Unfortunately," I supplied while she giggled. "Im sure you already know but my name is L/n Y/n," She said and I nodded confirming I did already know. Her eyes still held mischief as she leaned forward again. "I think we should give them something to watch," she whispered lowly.
My face flushed at the implication of what she said. "Y/n-," She cut me off with a kiss. They were soft and fit against mine perfectly much like her hand did. My eyes slipped closed as I kissed her back. I vaguely heard the screaming of the three guys.
She slid something into my free hand before pulling away. She smirked at me letting go of my other hand "Have fun with that," she threw a vague hand gesture to the boys before going inside and closing the door.
Looking down at my hand she had left a small white business card in my hand. Her number was stretched across the front and I pocketed it before walking away. As I got closer to the three guys I was suddenly tugged backwards and fell.
I looked at my hand to the string following it to see Y/n holding the string with a smile on her face. She winked at me before disappearing while I quietly chuckled.
'This was gonna be an adventure'
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingfluff#whosaskingsoul#akaashi keiji#keiji akaashi#akaashi fluff#akaashi x reader
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How To Get The Girl Bokuto x Reader
A/N: Hi yes this is a song fic I wrote for Bokuto. Thats all really. The song used is What A Man Gotta Do by The Jonas Brothers edit: I wrote this for my sister and she hasn't even read it. See if I write her anything ever again.
Date: Monday November 16th, 2020
Warnings: None just fluff for the best boy
Details: 8.2 pages 3,037 words

Caught my heart about one, two times
Don't need to question the reason I'm yours, I'm yours
"Who's that?" Bokuto asked the first year next to him. Akaashi followed Bokuto’s finger to see it on his classmate F/n L/n. "Her? She's L/n F/n she's another first year in my class. Why?" Bokuto was watching the h/c haired girl as she talked to her friends with a huge smile on her face.
"It's just...She's really pretty Akaashi," He said watching the girl leave the classroom. "I guess so...She told me she's going to try and be a manager for the team," Bokuto rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he looked at Akaashi. "Really? So I get to see her more!?" He excitedly asked. While Akaashi could only sigh and nod in response.
I'd move the earth or lose a fight just to see you smile
'Cause you got no flaws, no flaws
A year. Akaashi had been watching Bokuto pine after F/n for an entire year. To make it worse he had also bore witness to the fact that she liked him back but neither of them made a move. They of course were now at the training camp and F/n was getting progressively more annoyed.
First the boys knocked over the water bottles after she had just finished filling them. Then Karasuno's two loud second years knocked over the ball cart spilling volleyballs everywhere. Then Kuroo had decided it would be funny to dump cold water on her. When she was wearing a white shirt.
It became less funny to everyone when she back handed him across the face and frustrated tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Bokuto of course had been ever cognizant of F/n's declining mood and had ran over as soon as Kuroo threw the water. He wrapped his team jacket around her carefully while she hid her face by pressing it against his chest.
While the other female managers berated Kuroo for having a stupid idea Bokuto scrambled to find a way to make F/n stop crying. "Hey F/n?" "Yeah?" "You're Owlsome," "...What?" "You're Owl that," "Bo are you telling me owl puns?" "I think you're really talonted," A slight giggle left her mouth and Bokuto smiled in response.
She started laughing more once the first laugh had left her and Bokuto was happy that he made her smile again. "Hey Bo?" She asked looking up at him with that brilliant smile on her face. Her E/c eyes glowing in joy. "Yeah?" He breathed out while another round of giggles slipped past her lips "I think you're really talonted as well,"
I'm not tryna be your part time lover
Sign me up for that full time, I'm yours, all yours
"Akaashi what do I do!" Akaashi sighed for the nth time at Bokuto's question. "Ask her out," Konoha said suddenly. "I cant just ask her out! It has to be special! Like her!" Bokuto threw his arms up as he spoke almost smacking Akaashi who ducked to avoid the flailing.
"Look man I don't know write her a letter or something!" "Or you could ask her about her future and casually mention you see her in yours," "Ooo make her food!" "Take her on an aquarium date!" "Or a trip to the park!" Bokuto sighed at the others suggestions. "I cant remember all of those!" He said slumping his face against the table.
"How about we write them down as a checklist would that work?" Akaashi suggested looking at the rest of the team. Who all nodded in agreement before Bokuto sighed "Okay we can try it," he relented nervously looking at the team.
So what a man gotta do?
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you
What a man gotta say?
What a man gotta pray?
To be your last "Goodnight" and your first "Good day"
Plan 1: Write A Letter
He sighed staring at the envelope in his hand. It was so small to contain everything he wanted to say to her. He talked about how beautiful she was and how he knew he loved her from the day they met. Everything he could think of he wrote from how pretty her eyes looked to how amazing her h/c hair was.
He quickly slipped the unsuspecting white envelope into her locker and ran off to his own. Washio stood nearby F/n's locker looking for the s/c skinned female. As soon as he saw her he crept further away nodding at Bokuto and Akaashi who had joined his senior in waiting.
They watched her open the locker and the note fell out her friends squealed about the prospect of her getting a love letter. She shook her head as she read it over. "So?" One of her friends asked and the girl snorted. "It's a cute letter but there's no name on it...and nothing about meeting them anywhere," Bokuto immediately slammed his hands on his face muffling a groan as he heard what she had to say.
He always forgot something. Why did he have to forget the most important thing in the letter? He watched on in despair as she tore the letter in half and threw it away with a shrug. His mood only worsened when one of her friends made a comment. "That letter seemed kinda stalkerish didn't it?"
Plan 1: Failed
So what a man gotta do?
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you
What a man gotta do?
What a man gotta prove?
To be totally locked up by you
Plan 2: Aquarium Date
"Hey um F/n?" She looked up from her task of filling waterbottles her e/c eyes meeting the liquid gold of Bokuto's. "Yeah Bo?" She asked sweetly. His eyes darted to behind her where Konoha was giving a thumbs up with Washio also giving a half hearted one. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the aquarium with me today...since practice ends at noon and all," He was beyond nervous but he thought he hid it well when she just smiled at him.
"I'd love that Bo!" He smiled back at her "Great and um by the way...I don't mind if you call me Koutarou," He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. She hummed in thought for a minute "Can I call you Kou instead?" She asked. Bokuto had the vague idea that he may have nodded too fast in response but she just laughed.
Leaning up she placed a kiss on his cheek before running off to go do something else. Bokuto's face lit up and flushed red before he also ran off with the hope that time would fly by for them.
Time did infact fly by only for Bokuto it seemed to be way too fast as before he even realized it the date was over entirely. They stood infront of her house now and she sent him another smile. "Thanks for today Kou. It was nice hanging out with you today," She said. "Yeah it was nice hanging- hanging out?" He did a double take at her words. "Yeah? It was nice going to the aquarium with a friend," He forced a smile "I had fun," he said and she giggled waving bye as she walked inside.
Plan 2: Failed
You ain't tryna be wasting time
On stupid people in cheap lines, I'm sure, I'm sure
So I'd give a million dollars just for you to grab me by the collar
And I'll come build us, build us
He sighed as he rested face down on the table. "Bokuto you alright?" He held up a thumbs up slowly. "Fucking fantastic thanks for asking," he mumbled and Konoha hissed through his teeth. "Yeouch he pulled out the big boy curse words," He said watching as Bokuto tried to further melt into the table.
"She thought we were hanging out," Akaashi sighed as he heard. "Did you specify it as a date? After you forgot to put your name on the letter. I don't think its far fetched to think you didnt specify it as a date," as if to prove his point Bokuto sank to the floor "Do you know how hard it is to not kiss her?" He mumbled. While the guys made various noises.
I'm not tryna be your part-time lover
Sign me up for that full-time
I'm yours, I'm yours
"F/n likes you Bokuto," Akaashi said again. "If she liked me she would've assumed the aquarium was a date," He mumbled as the duo walked home. "Maybe she thinks you don't like her," Akaashi suggested with a shrug. "No way! Everyone tells me its so obvious!" Bokuto yelled and Akaashi sighed. "Yeah its very obvious when you write Bokuto F/n on all of your notebooks," Bokuto flushed pink at the information Akaashi shared. "Shhh that's-" "Everyone knows you do that Bokuto. It's not a secret,"
So what a man gotta do?
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you
What a man gotta say?
What a man gotta pray?
To be your last "Goodnight" and your first "Good day"
Plan 3: Park Date
"Hey F/n!" She turned a smile lighting up on her face. "Hey Kou what's up?" She asked him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park with me?" She blinked a few times. "Today?" She asked placing a finger to her chin. "Yeah!" He said excitedly. While she frowned "M'sorry Kou but I'm busy today. I'll talk to you later," she ran off when Yukie called for her. While Bokuto turned towards the boys and gave them a thumbs down.
Plan 3: Failed
So what a man gotta do?
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you
What a man gotta do?
What a man gotta prove?
To be totally locked up by you
Plan 4: Mention her in your future
Bokuto walked towards F/n feigning all the confidence in the world. Today she was eating lunch with the team as they asked her too. Probably to avoid him embarrassing himself in front of her friends but she didn't need to know that. 'Alright you got this just tell her you see her in your future' He thought to himself.
He slid into the seat next to her and opened his mouth "Hey F/n? What do you think our kids will be named?" Konoha's eyes widened as he spit out his juice while Akaashi choked on the onigiri he had been eating. While Bokuto had no outward reaction on the inside he was screaming at himself for saying that.
She hummed for a second continue to eat peacefully like Bokuto didn't just indirectly ask her to have his kids. "Depends...," she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What do they look like?" She asked. Causing Konoha to once again spit out his juice and choke on it.
"Um...I," Bokuto didn't know how to answer as he turned scarlet. She giggled "I'd hope they have your eyes," She stated casually before standing up and going to throw out her trash. "Bokuto what the hell was that!? We said mention being in her future not ask her to have your kids!" "Im sorry I got nervous!"
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
"Im giving up," he said staring at the table. "No you're not," Akaashi said smacking him lightly on the head. "Akaashi all I keep doing is embarrassing myself!" He shouted throwing his arms up before bringing them down across his head.
Akaashi sighed in annoyance "You aren't giving up. I'm sick of watching you pine after her. So get it together," he stated rather harshly. "Damn Akaashi tell us how you really feel," Konoha said laughing. "Im tired of it and frankly I don't see how you aren't," Akaashi pointed the chopsticks at him while Konoha shook his head.
"One he's so busy making heart eyes at F/n he's actually quiet. And two I like making bets with the team on which idea works," Bokuto merely groaned as his face met the table for the nth time that week.
So what a man gotta do? (what a man gotta do?)
What a man gotta do? (what a man gotta do, yeah?)
To be totally locked up by you (totally locked up by you)
What a man gotta say? (man gotta say?)
What a man gotta pray? (what a man gotta pray?)
To be your last "Goodnight" and your first "Good day"
Plan 5: Cook For Her
Bokuto was for lack of better words a horrible cook. It's not that he couldn't infact he was pretty average at it but the problem was he didn't know how to cook. He could cook instant ramen and microwaveable dinners or put something in the oven but from scratch was difficult.
So what in his right mind compelled him to offer to cook dinner for her? Who's idea was this anyways? Probably Komi's but that didn't matter. What mattered was that Bokuto was panicking with burnt food scattered everywhere and a messy kitchen.
He didn't look much better covered in various cooking ingredients. Eyes big and watery out of frustration that this wasn't working and fuck its five minutes till she's supposed to be here. He threw away the burnt food going to find something simple until the doorbell rang.
He walked over and slowly opened the door F/n stood there her hand covering her mouth as she saw Bokuto. "Kou what happened?" She asked reaching a hand out. "I tried cooking and I just kept messing it up im sorry," He pressed his palms into his eyes trying to stop the frustrating tears.
"Shh Kou its okay," she cooed ignoring the mess as she hugged him. He hugged her back on instinct nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. While the tears of frustration finally welled over. She let him cry in silence for a minute or two before speaking.
"Hey Kou?" "Yeah?" "I think you're owlsome," "...Are you using my own puns against me?" "You're owl right," He laughed against her shoulder. As she walked forward Bokuto was forced backwards since he didn't want to let go. "We can cook together Kou. How about that?" She questioned lightly running her hands through his hair. He hummed softly into her skin. "I'd like that," he whispered.
Plan 5: Semi-Successful?
So what a man gotta do? (what a man gotta do?)
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you (totally locked up by you)
Bokuto slammed the ball down with enough force to probably knock someone out and Akaashi was greatful no one was over there. "Im frustrated Akaashi! I like her- no I love her! And every idea was unsuccessful!" He yelled spiking another ball down and Akaashi could almost see the indent the ball would have left if the floor wasn't polished.
Actually now that he looked closer there was visible indents in the floor and he shivered. Those would hurt to recieve he thought plainly. "I just want...To be able to call her my girlfriend! And to kiss her and tell her I love her!" "Bokuto she-," "-and I want to go on actual dates with her!" "Bok-," "I wanna call F/n mine so why is it that every damn plan fails!?"
Akaashi sighed at Bokuto's antics as he continued spiking. "I want her to wear my jersey and support me!" "...Kou," "And I want to be able to run over to her and kiss her after we win a game!" "Kou," "I want her to tell me she loves me too!"
"Kou," "and I want her to grab me by the collar and kiss me breathless! And yet nothing-" "Kou," He froze. Listening to the sound of the volleyball ricocheting off the ground and bouncing a few times. He gulped quietly but he refused to turn.
"Y-yeah?" He silently cursed Akaashi out for one not telling him she had entered the gym and two for currently abandoning him to go do something else. Of course his throat felt dry as soon as he heard her voice.
He listened to the small deliberate footsteps until the familiar h/c haired, e/c eyed girl appeared in his vision. She stopped infront of him with a small smile on her face. "You look tense Kou," she said giggling at the male.
He relaxed slightly seeing as she laughed at him. She was laughing which was a good sign. Before she suddenly grabbed him by the collar and brought him down in a kiss. It took him a few seconds to recover from holy fuck she's kissing me. But he let his eyes drift closed as he stepped forward placing his hands on her b/t waist while her hands curled into his hair.
She stepped towards him trying to press impossibly closer and he placed one foot back to brace himself. However the ball that had previously ricocheted had other plans. As his foot hit the ball he fell backwards body colliding with the hardwood floor.
F/n landed on top of him both of them were panting slightly after the kiss. Her eyes drifted upwards meeting his and she smiled. "I love you too Kou," She said softly. His face turned red but his eyes lit up looking the happiest she'd ever seen. He hid his face into her shoulder making a noise she'd never heard him make before but she giggled when she realized.
"Kou did you just chirp?" She quietly asked. She only got a whispered response back "...Shut up," before he pressed his lips to hers once again.
Plan 6: Accidental Confession: Successful
What a man gotta do? (hey, baby)
What a man gotta prove? (what a man gotta prove?)
To be totally locked up by you (totally locked up by you)
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingfluff#bokuto fluff#bokuto x reader#bokuto koutarou#koutarou bokuto
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The Sound Of Love (Tsukishima x Reader)
A/N: Um I don't like this one as much as the others but I did my best. It honestly took forever cause I didn't want to write it and I had no idea what song to use but I eventually decided so here we are.
Date: Saturday November 7th, 2020
Details: 5.3 pages 2,000 words
Theme: Musicalia- The victim will hear a song constantly playing in their head until it drives them insane. The person of affection will only hear the music when they are around the victim.
Angst Masterlist

Clair De Lune
A simple, beautiful piano melody that had been repeating in my head for weeks. There was never a reprieve from the beautifully haunting melody. My mind followed the sound like a moth to a flame and deteriorated the closer it got to the music.
No amount of holding my hands over my ears stopped it. It had become a part of me like the backround music in a video game or movie. However this wasn't a video game or a movie this was real. Every day was the same never a rest I couldn't even sleep some nights.
This was my last week at Karasuno before I was put in the hospital. My mind was too far gone to stay out I couldn't really hear anything anymore to distracted by the music and of course I hummed it on occasion. Everyone in my classes knew I had it...Musicalia but they didn't know who caused it.
I walked to class with a sigh Yamaguchi was following and as we walked I heard a gentle piano melody that got louder. I spotted a familiar H/c haired girl fast walking past me like she'd done since I pushed her away. Yamaguchi followed my eyesight and the music faded the further away she got "you should apologize you know. This week is her last at Karasuno," I blinked 'her last week?' I thought "Shut up Yamaguchi," I said keeping my emotions off my face "Sorry Tsukki," I continued watching the S/c skinned female rush off down the hall.
I was walking up to the roof ready to reject another girl. Why they felt the need to confess to me of all people id never understand. As I rounded the corner someone ran into me and with a short shriek they fell. I was about to say something when I noticed who it was...Y/n she looked paler than I remembered and eye bags were prevalent on her face. I heard the piano again it was louder than ever.
"Do you need to listen to music that loud?" I asked though it was harsher than intended. Her eyes widened and I held back a frown as I saw she was afraid. "S-sorry," she stood up quickly and ran off down the hall the music fading the further she got and I watched 'why was she afraid of me?' My eyes caught something on the floor which I turned to. Picking it up I realized it was a simple gold bracelet with a dinosaur charm on it.
"This is...," It was the bracelet id given her three years ago on her birthday. It was still in perfect condition looking like it did on the day I'd given it to her and it caused a small smile to pull at my lips as I pocketed the familiar bracelet.
Everytime I spotted the e/c eyed female in the hallway and approached her she would turn and run the music following her. Nobody ever seemed bothered by the piano it was almost like they didn't hear it and Y/n was never wearing headphones when it was playing. "Does she ever stop listening to that song?" I mumbled to myself as she ran away yet again.
"What song?" Yamaguchi asked next to me I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. "What do you mean what song? That damn piano music she's always listening to it's annoying," I said and Yamaguchi’s eyes widened "Tsukki...She's not listening to any music...," He stated.
I blinked as I processed what that meant "No ive heard it-," Yamaguchi cut me off before I could continue he had a sad look in his eyes and as he spoke I realized why. "She's got Musicalia Tsukki...," He whispered as he looked at me. "She...She what?" I asked. "She's got Musicalia and if you can hear it that means...," my own eyes widened as I realized what he was implying. "Oh...,"
Cornering someone who was avoiding you was much more difficult than you'd think. Everytime I ended up even in the same room as her she ran before I could even get near her. "Yamaguchi," I stated causing him to jump. "Yeah?" He nervously asked. "Can you convince Y/n to meet you on the roof?" I asked. He didn't ask any questions he just nodded mumbling a quiet yeah as the teacher walked in the room.
I stood on the roof looking out towards the gym. I heard footsteps come around the corner and stop before they slowly started backing away. "Can you stop running? I need to talk to you," I said. The footsteps stopped and I turned around. Y/n stood a few feet away nervously shuffling on her feet.
"When were you gonna tell me?" I asked and she sighed "Preferably never," She answered and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Never? This could kill you!" I took a step toward her while she took one back "So what?" She spit bitterly rasing her head up to glare. "So what? So everything!" I shouted.
"So everything? You dont even fucking like me! You made that pretty clear last year!" She yelled back. She was referencing an argument that I barely remembered and that she hadn't forgotten. "Do you even know what its like to have your heart crushed in seconds!?" She screamed. "You still should have told me you have Musicalia!" I glared back.
She just gave me a bitter smile "I suppose my dear this was how it was meant to be," she stretched her arms out as she spoke and tears dripped down her face at a slow pace. "You dying isn't how it's supposed to be!" She only shook her head in response. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out the bracelet. "Here...just take this back," I said holding it out. She walked forward and I heard that gentle and haunting music get louder.
She stopped closing my hand around the bracelet and leaning up to press a kiss against my cheek. "Keep it I won't have a use for it much longer," she mumbled before turning and walking off. "Y/n!" She stopped but didn't turn around and I continued speaking. "I love you," she sighed and turned her head. The sunset cast her in an ethereal glow and sparkled off the remaining tears on her face.
She gave a sad, watery smile in response. "No you don't Tsukki. If you did...You would have come back to me a lot sooner," she turned and left I knew she was right but god it hurt to hear her say that. My hand was still tightly closed around the bracelet the metal uncomfortably warm against my skin as she walked away from me.
She avoided me even more. I never saw her but I heard the music following around on occasion. After yesterday I had looked for the melody finally hearing it long enough to search for it. The results had told me the song was Clair De Lune I should have known. It was Y/n's favorite song though I doubted she liked it now.
I had tried to find her when I heard the music but even if I followed it I never found her. I was walking toward my locker keeping an ear out for that melody. As I opened the locker a f/c envelope fell out as I picked it up I noticed it was sealed with a gold wax stamp. Flipping it over my name was written on the front in flowing cursive. I put it away in my bag before heading to practice.
I flipped the envelope around in my hand staring at it before sighing. I pulled open the envelope and slipped the contents out. The first was a photo of me, Y/n, and Yamaguchi we were standing in the park in the photo. Y/n and Yamaguchi had their arms over eachothers shoulders while I stood in the background glaring towards the camera.
The other thing was a letter that I was hesitant to flip open. I knew the letter was from Y/n but I for the first time felt afraid on what she had to say. Sighing I opened the letter ready to read it.
Dear Kei,
It's been awhile hasn't it? Though That's what happens after fights. You give each other time to calm down and then you come back. Only this time...There is no coming back. You already know I have Musicalia and I'm sure you know I love you. It's weird to write that to someone you know doesn't love you.
Don't lie either. You don't love me the way I love you. You may think you do but if you had we would have been friends again by now. But you were perfectly content with not having me in your life so I know you'll be fine when I'm actually gone.
That's the issue isn't it? I'll be gone soon really, truly...gone. I'm not afraid knowing my death is approaching im...content and at peace with it. My death won't be glorious. I'm not going out with a bang. Or any final inspirational words. I'll go quietly in my sleep hopefully. Sleep however is hard when there's music constantly playing on loop in your head.
When I'm gone Kei...Will you visit me? Tell me about your day or the volleyball team! Yamaguchi told me about the team you should go easier on them. You should also learn from them you know? Anyways if you ever can't make it to me...Play Clair De Lune and I'll go to you! I'll listen to you talk at your place instead of you coming to mine!
I'm sure you know by now that this is my goodbye letter. Don't act so suprised of course I want to say goodbye to you. You're important to me you should know that. I've written this for awhile but I wanted it to be a good final goodbye since its immortalized forever in a letter. If you share this with anyone I'll kill you by the way. Even in death I still have a reputation. Anyway...
Goodbye Kei
I love you
—Y/n L/n
A month had passed since she said goodbye I moved forward even though it hurt to not see her around school. It almost felt like she moved but that imagine was ruined whenever I visited her grave. "Hey Tsukki I didn't know you liked dinosaurs!" I sighed in irritation my eyes flicking towards Kuroo who was pointing at my wrist.
"Wow that's cool!" Bokuto joined in and my eyes drifted to the golden bracelet around my wrist. "It's not mine," I stated drinking my water. "Whos is it?" Akaashi asked and I sighed again. "My friend Y/n’s...She's gone now and I'd rather not talk about it," I said standing up and heading back to the net. None of them said anything more about it and I was grateful for that.
Later that night I closed my eyes and played the song that I had grown very familiar with. It was quiet except for the soft melody playing through my headphones. While my eyes were closed I felt the familiar pressure on my body like someone was laying on my chest. If I listened through my headphones close enough I could almost hear her soft voice humming the song.
I knew in my brain it was impossible but for now I let my heart believe that it was her. I talked quietly about anything and everything that came to mind. The team was sleeping so I knew I could talk freely most of them slept like they were in a coma. I sighed as I reached the end of my story before I spoke once more.
"I miss you Y/n,"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingangst#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima kei#haikyuu tsukishima#tsukishima angst
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but like who started the idea that fanfiction writers are somehow bothered by enthusiasm for their work???? cause i see posts all the time like “do writers really want to talk with us about their fics? Do writers really want long comments? I dont want to bother them” and i just think its absolutely ridiculous????
ofc i want to talk to you about it, and would love to hear you go on about it. i took time out of my real life to write this stuff down so we could all share these characters!!! the idea that you’re bothering a fanfiction writer, a fellow nerd, is absolutely crazy
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A Thousand Times (Osamu x Reader)
A/n: I'm gonna be real this took so long because I just didn't know what to do? And then I started a various! Haikyu x reader. But I got this done finally so if you've been waiting for this one here it is. Also I just really like putting Osamu through the ringer huh? I'm so sorry bby. And Forget You beat out Unrequited for top one-shot recently!
WARNINGS: Angst. There's one mention of assault as well. Told from third person Osamu p.o.v
Date: Friday November 6th, 2020
Details: 5 pages 1,800 words
Theme: Star Tears- The victim cries tiny star-shaped tears. They are extremely painful and eventually cause the victim to go blind. They produce a dim glow and make a light 'Tinkling' sound when they hit the ground. The blindness can be cured if the person the victim loves makes a statement of love and means it.
Angst Masterlist

It wasn't supposed to be like this.
There were so many other ways this was supposed to go. He thought while he looked at her. She stood twirling around the white dress catching the light and sparkling. She was beautiful to him and of course someone else thought so or else they wouldn't be here right now.
But here they were. 'Maybe' he thought if he hadn't been a coward then it would have been him dancing with her in a suit while she wore a white gown. It would have been him telling her he loved her. It would have been him calling her Mrs. Miya as they danced. Maybe he should have told her the day of their first date. While he helped her pick an outfit she had been panicked.
"Calm down Y/n," She scoffed in response "Calm down? Samu you and I both know I've never been on a date before. And now I'm going on one with my childhood best friend!" He watched her his heart rate picking up as she held up different clothes in the mirror.
"It's not that big of a deal y'know? He's known you pretty much your whole life," He stated feeling uncomfortable helping her. Maybe making her more nervous would be a better idea so she'd cancel and they could spend the day together. "I guess you're right but still! It's different now!" She stated. "Okay just...Treat it normally and you'll be fine,"
She went into the closet coming out in a cute outfit that fit her b/t figure just right. "Alright Samu I'm off. Wish me luck!" He waved by as she ran out the door a bright smile on her face and excitement in her eyes. He stood heading back to his own house with slow steps.
Arriving home he closed the door to his room intent on hiding away from everyone. He laid down staring at the ceiling as the familiar burning sensation built up behind his eyes.
"Fuck," he mumbled when he heard it the soft twinkle of a star tear and the pale glow that lit up a small area around his bed. More of them fell sparking pain in his eyes and across his face. The pain followed the trail left behind by the glowing stars and despite his best efforts to shove his palm into his eyes and stop the tears it didn't work.
"You know I didn't even think they liked each other!" Osamu tuned into her moms voice and then he heard his own mother speak and he sighed. "I know! I always thought she'd end up with Osamu not...," He tuned out knowing what they were talking about. He didn't need to listen anymore.
"Samu what's wrong with ya?" Atsumu was looking at him with judgement. His arms were crossed in front of him clearly upset and honestly he didn't blame Atsumu. "Nothing's wrong with me," He answered him. "Bullshit," His own eyes narrowed at his brother "I just don't like it okay?" Atsumu rolled his eyes "I told you you wouldnt," Atsumu voiced.
"Osamu," He looked to the right his eyes meeting the blank pair of Kita's. "Kita," he answered back watching Kita gesture with his hand. He stood following Kita outside throwing one last glance over his shoulder at Y/n as she danced around with Aran her dress sparking like freshly fallen snow.
"What is it Kita?" He asked when the two of them were outside. "You have to let her go Osamu," Kita voiced quietly. "I cant let her go," He said back. "Osamu...You shouldn't love her...Not when it causes this," Kita gestured to his face where the star tears were already prevalent.
"And you especially shouldn't love her now that she just got married," Kita sent him a pointed look. "I would go blind over and over if it meant I could love her," He answered the male staring forward. The wind softly brushed them causing their hair to flutter. "Osamu...We all know we didn't expect it to go this far...but he loves her so you have to let her go," They heard a series of dull thumps against the ground turning they saw Atsumu jogging over.
"Hey what are you two doing out here?" Atsumu stopped as he got closer a wide smile decorating his face. "Oh we were just catching some air y'know," Kita easily responded handing Osamu his handkerchief as he stepped infront of him, blocking him from Atsumu's view. He wiped his eyes quickly hiding the star tears before they could give him away.
"Shouldn't you be inside Tsumu?" He voiced at his brother while said male hummed. "Ah they don't need me in there right now. Sakusa’s getting drunk and Bokuto’s dancing with Y/n," He flinched at the last part of the sentence. Though Atsumu never seemed to notice "Isn't Bokuto drunk? Are you sure they should be dancing?" Atsumu shrugged at Kita's question. "I think they'll be fine," Atsumu adjusted the sleeves of his button up with a hum as if he was truly thinking it over.
"You know maybe I should go-," "There you are!" The group looked past Atsumu. Y/n was there a bright smile on her face her hands were wrapped into the skirt of her wedding dress. Her head was tilted to the side eyes crinkling in pure mirth. "Hey what are you doin' out here?" Atsumu asked turning to face her. "Ah Bokuto passed out Akaashi and Hinata are sitting him down now. But I think the party is wrapping up soon," she giggled it was a light sound and God did Osamu love it.
"Alright we'll be back over soon. Kita can you bring the lovely bride back to the party?" Atsumu asked with a small smile. "Alright ya flirt," Y/n said with a laugh taking Kita's arm as they walked back. Atsumu sighed as he sat down. "So...I know you're upset about this...," Atsumu started off quietly.
"Im not upset Tsumu...I had my chance and I blew it," He voiced. Atsumu sighed as he stood up heading back to the party. "Hey Tsumu," He said looking at his brothers back. Atsumu turned back facing him with a questioning look. "You told me that if at any point I wanted her you'd back off...I know that deals off the table now so just...don't hurt her okay?"
Atsumu shook his head "Im not going to hurt her Samu...She's everything to me," He raised a hand up to push his hair back the light from a nearby lamppost reflected off his ring. "You didn't even like her at first," He scoffed.
"Look Samu we all know you like her!" Atsumu claimed with an eye roll. "No i don't. You're just being stupid," He denied quickly just like every other time. "Alright fine Samu. I'll give you a deal," he rolled his eyes at his brothers provocation. "What?" He asked "You either ask her out by the end of the week or I do," Atsumu challenged.
He scrunched his nose in distaste "You don't even like her why would you ask her out?" He asked. "To spur you on. If you tell me to back off at any point I will y'know?" Atsumu said. "So you're just gonna string along our childhood best friend for this?" He asked incredulously. "No she'll get over it," Atsumu shrugged. "No. I'm not letting you string her along," He stated.
"You're right I didn't," Atsumu hummed in agreement. "But I love her now and that's what matters," He stared off into the distance with a smile. "You remember the day I told her I loved her? It was an accident too," he laughed.
They were playing at nationals. Atsumu and him were third years now and Y/n was watching from the stands. She wore Atsumu's jersey and everytime they looked at her she made a face at them before trying to get away from the guy next to her. Atsumu glared at the guy mumbling something under his breath "Let's finish this game," he angrily said. Sending one last glare at the man.
They finished the game with a service ace from Atsumu and as soon as the whistle blew Y/n raced down to the court the strange guy following her. She showed up on court with a smile "Tsumu!" He turned and on instinct Atsumu smiled as well. "Y/n," she hugged Atsumu while his nose crinkled. "Babe I'm all sweaty!" She pulled away placing a kiss on his cheek. "Dont care! I'll be outside okay?" She said skipping off.
Only five minutes later they were leaving the building looking for Y/n. Only for the team to pause as they spotted her. She stood trying to get away and the stranger that was in the stands with her was harshly gripping her wrist. "Come on baby I just wanna show you a good time!" "No thank you!" Atsumu moved first separating the two while grabbing the collar of the man.
Osamu grabbed Y/n holding her close to him while she held on just as tightly. "Hey! Why are you putting your hands on my girl!" Atsumu yelled. He wasn't paying attention too busy trying to sooth Y/n the handprint already forming on her wrist. "You're okay," he whispered into her hair line.
"Y/n," He was thrown back into reality then remembering that no he wasn't the one dating Y/n. "Tsumu," He let go of her watching her throw herself at Atsumu and he held on to her just as tightly. "Fuck you alright babe?" He said catching her arm and seeing the bruise. "Im okay now," she smiled at him. He didn't know what his brother was thinking in that moment but he just watched Atsumu kiss her and pull away. "Im glad you're okay...I love you Y/n," she gasped then and smiled again. "I love you too Tsumu,"
"I remember," he got up following his brother into the party he stood off to the side watching them as Kita and Suna came over. Atsumu reached Y/n and kissed her Atsumu's voice carrying as tears started to drip down his face. "Ready to go Mrs. Y/n Miya?" She laughed taking his arm. "Of course Mr. Atsumu Miya," and as they walked out the last image he could see was Atsumu and Y/n looking at each other matching smiles on their faces.
Her dress sparkled next to the black suit Atsumu was wearing. They were holding hands matching rings sparkling on their hands. His vision faded until it was just black but despise that he smiled.
"Take care of her okay Tsumu?"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
#haikyu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#whosaskingangst#osamu miya#osamu x reader#osamu angst#atsumu x reader#atsumu miya
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See You Again (Tendou x Reader)
A/N: This was supposed to be uploaded awhile ago but first I got stuck on how to write it and then we I figured it out halfway through writing it the entire thing got deleted. So I prolonged rewriting it from scratch. So many other things went wrong while writing this too. But I got it done so here is the final product.
WARNINGS: Angst. One mention of abortion nothing to explicit.
Date: Thursday October 29th, 2020
Details: 7.1 pages 2,530 words
Theme: Stranger- when you get heartbroken you have the option of forgetting the person who caused the heart break as long as you say the word stranger with enough conviction while thinking about the person you want to forget.
Angst Masterlist

He was tired.
Visiting his old team had taken a lot out of him. It was weird not seeing you among the group. He missed your e/c eyes and how they always lit up when you saw him. How every time without fail you always hugged him and said hello reminding him silently that he wasn’t alone. How could he not fall in love? Soon enough word got out Y/n L/n and Satori Tendou the famous Guess Couple of Shiratorizawa Academy. While he was known for his guessing ability on the court you were know for your guessing ability in pretty much anything else.
You always knew just by looking how someone felt and knew what was wrong. You could watch the boys train and no matter what new tricks they tried you always knew what they were going to do. Hell you even knew Karasuno's every play as they made it despite all of this neither of you could guess what happened toward the end of the school year.
He thought about it a lot that moment he destroyed his own paradise watching tears well up in your eyes and roll down your face. He always remembered how Semi looked at him when you went to him for comfort telling him what happened. Semi still looked at him that way even though it’d been fifteen years since then.
“Excuse me sir…You look sad what happened?” He turned looking at the girl next to him. She was clearly a high school student a white blouse tucked into a black skirt. She wore black leggings and a simple pair of white shoes a grey jacket and a blue striped bow-tie. His eyes spotted the gym bag a pair of volleyball shoes dangled out very obviously well worn and he noted that the gym bag had Fukurodani labeled on the side.
“I let her go,” It was then he looked at the girl and he froze the high schooler in front of him looked like you s/c skin and slightly full cheeks, a nose that was curved just right l/c lips and big beautiful eyes. But what caused him to freeze was not the fact that the girl looked like you but she looked exactly like him as well.
From her long arms and tape wrapped around her fingers. To her wide slightly crooked smile the resemblance strongest in the girls dark red eyes and in her h/c hair that had fiery streaks of red running through it. It was then he realized that the girl in front of him was studying him much like he studied people during a match. She sat down next to him “Who'd you let go?” she hummed and god did it hurt him seeing the girl next to him.
Just as kind-hearted as her mother and insatiably curious like her father. She looked at him he hummed debating on how to answer the girl. “My paradise,” he finally settled on turning to stare off in the distance. “Paradise huh? Can you tell me about her?” She was attentive and didn’t push things like her mother. She was waiting for him to talk he sighed before opening his mouth.
“Well it started when we were high school first years…,”
He sat in class bored out of his mind. He watched the teacher easily predicting what they would do next as he kept up his mindless tapping against the desk. He wasn’t the only one bored of course but he was the only one crazy enough to do something about it. However, before he could open his mouth the door was thrown open.
A girl stood there panting heavily she had on the girls uniform black stockings and shoes a plaid purple skirt with a light purple blouse tucked into it. The white jacket over top and her purple bow tie. The girl jolted up looking at the teacher “I’m so sorry I’m late!” She pulled a pass out of her bag handing it to the teacher while he observed the girl. Now that he got a good look at her face, he saw she had slightly full cheeks, a nose curved just right, big beautiful e/c eyes with s/c skin and h/c hair held back by a distinct owl pin.
“Ah! So you’re the transfer student eh?” The teacher said while the girl blushed “um yes sir,” she said. “Well introduce yourself then!” The girl turned bowing to the class “Hello I’m the new transfer from Fukurodani Academy L/n F/n! I hope we can all be friends!” She looked up smiling while Tendou looked away. A new transfer huh?
“Eh!?” He was startled from the story turning to look at the girl on the bench. Her eyes were wide in wonder “You…you knew my mom!” She shouted in excitement and that confirmed all he needed to know. The girl in front of him was infectious in her excitement and he smiled “I did,” Perhaps in her excitement the girl had forgotten what this story was about so he decided to let her find out.
“Good morning Tendou-san!” Everyday like clockwork y/n's voice hit his ears as soon as he walked in. She always greeted him and for the life of him he couldn’t guess why when it came to her he couldn’t read her and guess her actions he just didn’t know. He decided it annoyed him enough “Why do you always greet me?” He asked suddenly placing his stuff down. Before placing his hands on the girls desk. She hummed as she looked at him “Am I not supposed to?” she questioned and he was confused “No one talks to me so why do you?” He narrowed his eyes at her and suddenly she giggled. It was light and carried across the room seeming to light up everyone who heard it.
“Because I want to be your friend Tendou-san!” he blinked. “Friend?” he repeated the word like it was a foreign concept to him. “Yeah friend! So, what do you say wanna be friends?” She held out her hand with a cheeky smile that he reciprocated “Sure. I hope you know what you’re signing up for,” He took her hand it was small in his own and he couldn’t help but notice that they fit almost like puzzle pieces.
“You were her friend? Mom never really talks about high school with me,” She sighed. “Said she’d forgotten most of it,” the girl clicked her tongue a habit formed from annoyance and one she’d picked up from her mother. “I believe her…whenever I ask, she always looks confused so most of what I know comes from Uncle SemiSemi,” He smirked at the nickname she really was his daughter through in through.
“You play volleyball?” He asked motioning to her bag. The girl brightened up “Mhm! I’m a Middle Blocker though my team gets upset when I guess block...It’s not my fault though! It’s instinct and I block the ball so I don’t see what the problem is,” A soft smile etched its way across his face when he'd heard that she guess blocked and was a Middle Blocker. “Why do you tape your fingers?” He asked and the girl hummed “I dunno mom tapes them. She said it’s because it reduces the risk of injury,” She raised her pointer finger scratching her nose slightly.
Then he noticed the necklace she wore it was a small eagle with a red gem clutched between its talons and he remembered that necklace. It was the one he confessed with during their second year.
“Y/n!” He shouted towards the girl. She spun around h/c hair fluttering around her as her eyes met Tendou's. “Yeah Satori?” She questioned as Semi left the conversation he returned to cleaning the gym while Tendou grabbed the team manager and pulled her outside. “Hey Satori what’s going on!” He let her go when they reached outside and he faced her.
He pulled out a black box while watching the girl she had a look of confusion it was something the two guessers learned early on. They couldn’t read each other but it never bothered them and made their days more exciting. “I wanted to ask you if you’d um…go out with me?” he questioned opening the box. Her eyes widened at the little eagle pendant and her finger brushed against the red gem in its claws. She smiled softly at it while Tendou waited for a response.
“Satori the gem it’s the same color as your eyes you know?” She stated looking up at him he blinked in confusion. She turned around lifting her hair up to show access to her neck “Can you help put it on?” He let out a sigh of relief and knew what she was implying.
He passed the cold metal across her neck and let his fingers lightly skim across the exposed skin. She shivered lightly at the touch and sighed as she let go of her hair. Letting it fall back to its normal length she turned wrapping her arms around his torso. “I would love to go out with you,” she whispered into his chest and suddenly a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
“That’s a pretty necklace,” He stated “Thanks…it was a present from my mom to celebrate me getting into Fukurodani Academy!” The girl chirped with a bright smile. “…What has your mom told you about high school?” She frowned and shook her head “Uncle SemiSemi told me mom doesn’t remember…because she used her stranger and since they were in most of her memories she’s forgotten a lot of high school,” His eyes widened never had he considered she used her stranger on him.
She forgot him on purpose after what happened he supposed he wouldn’t blame her. He almost used it himself in France but he always knew deep down he’d come back for her. He loved her after all but it seemed she didn’t believe the same thing but how could he have blamed her? He remembered that day well it was forever etched in his mind as the worst day of his life.
“Satori!” her sudden shout made him stop his rant about France and the wonderful time they’d have. He looked at her but she was already watching him her eyes showed she was afraid. The air smelled like rain and fresh cut grass as she stared at him. “I…I can’t go to France Satori,” she whispered and his smile fell “Why not?” he asked as she looked down.
“Satori…I’m pregnant,” she whispered it so quietly that he’d almost missed it. “I can’t go to France because we wouldn’t be able to support three people,”
Though that day may have been the worst because they argued he had been so angry that he doesn’t even remember the argument but he knows it was stupid. He knew from the moment he walked back into her dorm after the fight.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” He paused in the door way his eyes meeting the cold ones of Semi Eita. “Semisem-,” “After what you did don’t call me that,” he paused mouth still open letting the words process before he formulated his own response. “She told you?” he sighed out. “Yeah she did. Telling her to get rid of the child so you could go to France together? What the hell is wrong with you?” He didn’t have a response he knew how bad that sounded.
Especially when someone else was saying it to him and suddenly the reaction of you immediately crying made since as he grimaced. “Well?” Semi stated arms crossed over his chest. That’s when he saw you laying down on the chair behind Semi blanket covering you and the little eagle plushie that Goshiki had bought you held tight in your hands.
“Please Semi I just need-" He tried appeasing the other male but Semi didn’t back down “You need to get your shit and get out. I'm not letting you be here when she wakes up even if I have to throw you out,” Semi snarled and he had a brief moment that Semi almost seemed like a dog protecting its owner from a home intruder. He knew he wasn’t going to win this and just sighed “I’m leaving for France tomorrow…Can you tell her for me?” Semi's eyes narrowed but he nodded and with that Tendou left the dorm hearing it lock behind him.
She never showed up that day and vaguely he wondered if she’d already forgotten him by then. “Hey mister um…,” He looked to the side the girl next to him was nervously playing with her fingers a habit he wasn’t quite sure where she’d acquired it though. You certainly never played with your hands when you were nervous and neither did he.
“What is it?” He asked softly and the girl looked at him again big red eyes wide in curiosity. “You…You know a lot about my mom don’t you?” He hesitated before nodding. “Then…Do you know my dad?” He flinched at the girls question “You don’t know who your dad is?” he guessed he shouldn’t have been surprised the team probably all knew you used your stranger and didn’t want to dig up unwanted memories.
“Well…Uncle Ushijima told me his name but they wouldn’t tell me anymore than that and made it clear that mom shouldn’t know,” he hummed and supposed that it was okay to tell her. “Tendou Satori,” He said simply and the girl gave him a confused stare. “Yeah I kno-,” “My name is Tendou Satori,” he said again and he watched the girls eyes widen “You’re my dad?” she asked. He could only provide a nod “What…happened between you and mom?” He sighed as he looked at her.
“I said some pretty messed up things the day she told me she was pregnant. In fact not a day goes by that I don’t regret saying those things to her…or trying harder to get past Semi and talk to her. I was an idiot and now she forgot me,” He looked off in the night the street light behind them blinked a few times every now and then the buzz filling the silence left behind.
“You know…Maybe you could try again?” the girl asked and he whipped his head towards her “What?” he voiced. “You could try and win her back again since she doesn’t remember you,” A car pulled up and he saw her stand up “Maybe I will,” he stated sending her a small smile. “Good but you better not hurt mom again!” he laughed then “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he saw Goshiki get out of the car to open the passenger door. He didn’t say anything to Tendou but Tendou saw the hopeful look in Goshiki's eyes and knew that the younger male was on his side.
“Before you go…what’s your name?” the girl turned to face him one last time and smiled. “Nara L/n,” Tendou smiled as the car left before he chuckled.
“Paradise huh?”
Nara- means extraordinary blossom from paradise
TAGLIST- @wonhomarshmallow
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Just so everyone knows
I'm still writing the angst pieces. Unfortunately, I got stuck slightly on Tendou's and when I figured it out all of my work got deleted when I was seven paragraphs in 🙃 so I've been prolonging re-writing it as a result.
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Lost Without You (Sakusa x Reader)
A/N: People visited today so I had to write between interactions. No uploads tomorrow as I'm going to a theme park and this one was cute to write ngl. Its one of my favorites so far.
WARNINGS: Loss of senses, angst, lowkey fluff end
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 5.6 pages 2,070 words
Theme: Senses- you slowly begin to lose all of your senses. Most people die quickly after the loss of their fifth sense. To gain them back one has to admit their love or forget about them.
Angst Masterlist

Smell was the first to go.
I hadn’t even noticed at first nor do I really know how long it’d been gone. I didn’t notice until one day my mother asked me about perfume.
“Y/n what do you think?” I turned my mom had two glass bottles in her hands. One was a pale blue the other a mint green. “About what?” I asked “Which should I get? We are going to see the Sakusa family today,” I blinked. “We are?” “Yes Y/n now which one?” I hummed “Can I smell them?”
“Sure,” She spritzed the blue one first “This one’s Ocean Wonder,” I sniffed and shrugged when it didn’t smell like anything. She then sprayed the green one “This is Mahogany Apple,” I sniffed and realized I couldn’t smell it either. “Umm Ocean Wonder,” I said “Something wrong?” My mom asked me. “Nope!” I chirped sending her a small smile.
As we continued I discreetly smelled things freezing when I realized I couldn’t smell at all.
Taste was next it happened quickly after smell since they were linked together.
“Thanks for the food!” I said with everyone else a smile on my face. I sat next to Sakusa doing my best to avoid touching him as I knew he didn’t like it. I hummed as I ate the food was bland it had no taste only texture. I blinked schooling my features so I didn’t make a face. “How is it?” I looked at Sakusa's father as he asked “Its good!” I said matching the smile he sent me. “Im glad,” he went back to quietly discussing something with my mom.
I took small bites of the food not really paying attention to what was going on. That was until a hand touched my thigh under the table. I jumped slightly my eyes shifting to Sakusa's he was studying me dark eyes watching my moves.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered trying to avoid drawing the adults attention towards us. I turned red the longer he stared “I don’t know Omi,” I whispered back. He hummed the adults had stopped talking so he didn’t bring it up again.
Touch was third to go I had noticed that one quite quickly.
“Hey Omi where are we going?” I was trying to keep up my feet hitting the ground at a quicker pace then him. He stopped letting me catch up to him “A park,” I reached him with a smile “Even with all the germs?” He rolled his eyes at my statement. “I only see one germ,” he stated flicking me in the forehead. I scrunched my nose as he took my hand “Let’s go,” I held on as he gently pulled me along.
We reached the park fairly quick and I realized he’d taken me to the cherry blossom park. I watched the petals fall as we walked around but I blinked when I noticed multiple petals stuck to me. “I didn’t even feel those land on me,” I whispered swiping the pale pink petals off.
“Y/n?” I turned Sakusa stood behind me with an eyebrow raised “Yeah?” I asked blinking. “Did you not feel my hand on your shoulder?” I hummed as I thought “No I guess I didn’t,” I shrugged holding out my hand towards him. His eyes narrowed slightly before he took my hand it was weird I saw his hand clutched in mine and yet I couldn’t feel it.
We walked slowly and in silence for awhile before he spoke up “You’re losing your senses aren’t you?” he asked suddenly. “How did you-?” I trailed off. “At dinner you hardly ate and kept making a face. I also caught you sniffing things before making a face,” I hummed “I am losing my senses,” I whispered “That’s okay I am too,” I looked at him wide eyed “Omi you’re in love!?” I whispered shouted avoiding attracting attention to us. He rolled his eyes “I am yes and so are you,” I frowned.
“It’s too bad we can’t do anything about it though,” I said looking forward and this time he hummed. “Yeah it is too bad,”
I didn’t lose my hearing until a few months later it was a few days after my wedding when my hearing went.
I woke up stretching my muscles waiting for the popping of my back but nothing happened. I shrugged at that slipping out of the covers of my bed. I skipped to the kitchen I had grown used to my missing senses they didn’t bother me anymore as I knew they were unrecoverable. Unless I found a new love or told my current one but I couldn’t I had no way of contacting my love anymore and even if I did the world knew I was married.
Sakusa suddenly appeared in front of me causing me to jump. I placed a hand over my heart and noticed his mouth moving as his eyebrows furrowed in concern. My eyes widened when I realized I couldn’t hear him. I tried telling him as much but I couldn’t hear myself either. He nodded his head at me despite that I began panicking Sakusa reached forward pulling me towards him. It made me feel better even though I couldn’t feel it he pulled back and lifted his hands ‘sign language’ I thought as I watched his hands move
“It’s okay We’ll be fine,” I nodded at him “Find something to focus on and calm down okay?” I moved forward hugging him. It provided comfort for us both even if neither of us could actually feel it. I focused on the gold ring on Sakusa's finger it matched my own but it brought joy to neither of us.
Merely a sign that we had no choice in the manner they felt more like weights to us. I took a deep breath and pulled away looking at him I raised my hands “I have to find him. Just to clear everything,” He nodded “I understand,” Sakusa told me he had to go and I reached out and pulled him back suddenly. He turned to look at me with a questioning look “Im sorry I never told you,” He shook his head then “Don’t say sorry…Just come back,”
Sight was the last to go. I had never found my love and I couldn’t see Sakusa anymore. I knew he was there he'd been giving me medicine keeping me alive. Things were different now. My life was fading and I thought of my memories causing me to smile.
“Hey Omi what’s your favorite animal?” I asked getting ready for dinner with my parents. He hummed before he answered “I don’t know I’ve never really thought about it,” He said fixing his tie before a smirk settled on my face “Is it a fox?” He snapped his head towards me and narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare suggest that again,” He stated and I just smiled at him mischief in my eyes. “Ooo what about an Owl?” I watched him stand up and head to the door. “Im leaving,” He said walking out of the room as I started laughing. “Wait Omi what about a crow!” I heard him sigh from the hallway before he answered “Im divorcing you,”
That was one of my favorite memories another one was from Sakusa’s first game on the Black Jackals team.
I looked at my phone ringing noting the caller I.D from the stands. I picked up the phone immediately “Omi? What’s wrong?” I asked into the phone “Nothing…I just wanted to talk to you,” I frowned “Omi…You’re five minutes from your debut game you never want to talk before a game,” I stated. I heard a deep sigh on the other line and I knew it was instinct at this point knowing what was wrong with Omi. “Its okay to be nervous Omi. I still get nervous just watching your games,” I chuckled. “You get nervous watching? Why?” I shrugged “I’m scared you’ll get hurt or something will happen,” I said “You should have more faith in me then that,” Sakusa said. “I’ve got plenty of faith in you Omi. It sounds like you don’t have faith in yourself,”
He was silent for a moment before he chuckled “I guess you’re right. Thanks Y/n,” I smiled “You’re welcome Omi! Make a service ace for me okay?” I chirped “Will do,” he stated back hanging up the phone.
I smiled he did make a service ace that day even going as far as to look at me afterwards. Ever since he started volleyball he dedicated one service ace to me and I was always in the audience cheering him on. I blinked or at least I think I did choosing to bask in one last memory.
“Hey Omi?” I hummed from the couch. I heard a noise from the kitchen before he hummed letting me know he was listening. “Do you think our parents would have cared if we had said something about the marriage?” I voiced twisting the gold ring on my finger. I heard footsteps before Sakusa crouched in front of me he looked at my hands before taking them preventing me from messing with the ring.
“Honestly? No I don’t think they would have and gone forward anyway. I know what your thinking…That guy you love he wasn’t good for you he left as soon as he found out not even bothering to ask you and instead chose to leave with no notice. He’s making you suffer right now,” Sakusa spoke and I stayed quiet he rarely talked this much unless he was making a point.
“What about the person you love Omi?” I whispered “They left too…But I’m glad our parents did this we might not love each other but…We at least know each other,” He sent me the faintest hint of a smile and I smiled back “You’re right Omi…Thanks,” He let go and stood up heading back to the kitchen “You’re welcome,” He said quietly.
I realized then that all of my favorite memories had Sakusa in them but never the person I loved. The longer I thought about it the more I realized that I couldn’t even remember their name and just like that it hit me hard. I didn’t love that person anymore. I loved Sakusa I hadn’t used my voice in a while but I knew I had to say it so I did. I couldn’t hear myself but I knew what I said “I love you Omi,” only four words but they were enough.
I felt something touch my hand and I flinched before I realized that I could feel. I relaxed again in curiosity and I realized it was Omi's hand he was using his fingers to write letters into my hand and that was enough to know what he was saying. “I love you too Y/n,” I smiled feeling Omi grab my hand. I tangled our fingers together and the smell of Lemon hit my nose and my smile got wider knowing my senses were coming back.
That’s when the unexpected happened I felt something soft hit my lips and vaguely tasted mint before I realized that Sakusa had kissed me. He pulled away letting my senses come back slowly and hoping to not overwhelm me. I heard a faint buzzing noise that got louder before it vanished. I listened there wasn’t any noise besides the fan moving and Sakusa’s breathing and the occasional shuffle.
“Can you hear me Y/n?” Sakusa asked quietly. “I can hear you Omi,” I heard how scratchy my voice was and I flinched. He chuckled quietly and helped me sit up he pressed a glass into my hand helping guide it to my mouth as I drank. I closed my eyes as the cold water traveled down my throat when I opened them again I realized I could see. The edges of my vision were blurry but I could see everything again.
I turned my head looking at Sakusa the sunlight was dying outside casting him in an orange glow. The lights in the room were off probably so my eyes didn’t suffer when I opened them. He smiled at me then one of his rare smiles and holding on to my hand before he spoke.
“Welcome back Y/n,” and suddenly those rings on our fingers felt weightless.
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I Remember (Bokuto x Reader)
A/N: Bokuto is my absolute favorite in Haikyuu so this physically pained me to write. But I personally love this one its my favorite and its told entirely from Akaashi's point of view. Also this one ended up being the longest one so there's that.
WARNINGS: ANGST. Hospital is mentioned so mentions of needles. There's fluffy moments scattered in but do not be fooled it is angst.
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 7 pages 2,518 words
Theme: Hanahaki Disease- The victim begins to have flowers grow in their lungs leading to them coughing up flowers petals this continues getting worse until it causes their death. There's a surgery option to get rid of the flowers but it comes at the price of never feeling love again.
Angst Masterlist

I was twenty three years old when the first petal appeared. It was a pure white rose petal as it sat in my palm. That was the same day I told my best friend Akaashi.
I answered the phone holding it to my ear and before I could say anything Y/n’s voice came through. “Keiji I’m panicking I don’t know what to do and I’m scared-,” I interrupted her talking trying to understand what was happening. “Y/n slow down what’s wrong?” She took a deep shuttering breath as she responded “…I’ve got Hanahaki Disease Keiji,”
I was twenty four years old when I had to be rushed to the hospital during a MSBY game. I was hooked up to machines Akaashi by my side. He held my hand when I cried and admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Keiji I really love him…And I don’t know what to do…,” I sighed looking at her before I spoke “You two have been friends for years im sure you’ll be okay no matter what,” She shook her head eyes wide in fear “Keiji…loving him is different I can’t tell him!”
Bokuto was the reason for those snow white rose petals.
I was twenty four when the first petal appeared. It was a f/f petal clutched in my palm. That was the same day I told my friend Kuroo.
“Kuroo I’ve got something to tell you,” Kuroo heard Bokuto’s voice over the phone speaking as soon as Kuroo had answered the phone. “Aw are you about to express your undying love for me?” He snickered at his own joke but Bokuto didn’t laugh with him “I’ve got Hanahaki Disease...,” Kuroo took a sharp inhale of breath when Bokuto told him what was wrong. “Oh fuck,”
That same age I was rushed to the hospital during my match. I was hooked up to machines with Kuroo by my side. He sat next to me when I admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Kuroo it hurts. Why does it hurt so much?” Bokuto’s hand was pressed against his heart a fresh trail of blood on his face and trashcan overflowing with f/f petals. “Bokuto…,”Kuroo said staring at his friend feeling sad just watching him. “I love her Kuroo so why does it hurt?” Bokuto looked up then locking eyes with Kuroo and Kuroo gasped as for the first time he saw Bokuto’s normally bright gold eyes were now dull and lifeless.
Y/n was the reason for those f/f petals.
They fell in love with each other at different times. She fell slowly not willing to jeopardize everything they’d have for years.
“Keiji I can’t tell him! It’d ruin everything even if he felt the same,” She was nervous as I spoke her eyes looking everywhere but my face. “It wouldn’t ruin everything Y/n,” I soothed her rubbing gentle circles in her hand “I can’t risk everyone’s friendships for this,” she whispered finally looking me in the eyes. Her eyes had lost their normal spark and I knew she was missing him.
He fell fast but unwilling to put their relationship on the line.
“Kuroo I’m not telling her,” Bokuto’s arms were crossed over his chest his iv needle jostled slightly causing him to hiss in pain. “Bokuto nothing will change!” Kuroo mirrored the arms crossed position as he looked at Bokuto. “Everything would change!” He threw his hands up trying to emphasize his point.
It was a funny thing though back in high school everyone always assumed they were dating.
“Y/n!” She turned in her spot her eyes catching Bokuto’s “Kota!” she cheered as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up in a hug “Aw they’re so cute together,” A first year said while everyone nearby stopped to watch. “There goes Fukurodani’s power couple,” Konoha said from next to me with a chuckle. “I wish I had a relationship like theirs,” Another third year girl said. “We aren’t dating!” Y/n claimed still holding on to Bokuto. Its not like he helped though “Yeah!” He yelled pouting as he rested his chin on top of her head. “Yeah right,” A second year whispered nearby.
Those last few days in the hospital though…Those would stick with them forever.
I walked her to Bokuto’s room she had finally cracked and decided to tell him her feelings. We walked in her holding onto me and she held onto the pole holding her I.V bag. She looked at him he was sitting up in the bed looking no better than she did.
Both of them looked so tired. With eye bags and skin discoloration everywhere. They both bruised so easily now and were malnourished and dehydrated. Both had been unable to really eat or drink anything since they often threw up flower petals.
Bokuto’s hair was down and messy and I shivered at the depressing aura in the room. She moved forward and nudged his feet to get him to move them. Both of them seemed aware of the other’s fragile states being very soft in their touches. It however was very obvious both of them wanted to hold each other.
She sat when he moved his legs and Kuroo went to stand by me. I noticed he was taking pictures and he smiled when I noticed. “So they remember how dumb they are,” he whispered. She reached forward and took his hands holding them lightly “Bokuto please listen I love you,” He pointed at me then and offered her a shaky smile. “No...You love him Y/n,” he was trying to convince himself she didn’t and she knew that.
“No Kota I love you,” his eyes widened then knowing she was telling him the truth. She never lied to him when she used his nickname. He would have been able to tell if she was lying anyway. For once his gold eyes returned to their normal brightness as he leaned forward.
I remember how they hugged sobs falling past their lips and tears running down their faces.
“Kota I’m so sorry!” her head was buried in his chest as she cried arms wrapped around him. “It’s okay I’m here…and I’m sorry too,” He placed a kiss on top of her head as he whispered his response. I didn’t know why they were apologizing to each other but then again. I didn’t need to know they were happy and that’s what mattered.
I remember how they kissed hushed I love yous falling past their lips and their tears mixing together everytime they kissed.
“I love you so much Y/n,” Bokuto said pressing soft kisses to her face and multiple against her lips. “I love you too Kota…so so much,” she had replied back in-between the kisses. Her hands were in his hair running her fingers through the silver and black strands. “I feel like we shouldn’t be here,” Kuroo whispered to me as we looked at them.
His hand was holding tightly to her hospital gown the other hand was on her hip rubbing small circles into it as she sat on his lap. Their foreheads rested together at this point both of them closed their eyes basking in silence and finally being able to hold eachother.
“Maybe…But they deserve this Kuroo-san,”
I remember her sitting between his legs as they talked about the future. They talked about their future son.
“His name is gonna be Keiji Tetsuro Bokuto!” Bokuto had exclaimed Y/n was leaned back against his chest. His arms around her waist and she was holding his hands. Bokuto would occasionally press kisses to her neck and shoulder blade but it never seemed to bother her.
“Wait wait wait! Why is my name the middle name?” Kuroo asked looking at the pair. “Because Keiji is mine and Bokuto’s best friend,” Y/n responded with a smirk. “So will they be a middle blocker since Y/n chose his first name?” Kuroo asked wanting something besides a middle name.
“I think he’d make a good setter,” I voiced smirking at Kuroo while he glared at me. “You’re both wrong! He’s gonna be a wing spiker like his father!” Bokuto exclaimed looking at us with a proud smile.
I remember how all four of us argued and how they described how their son would look.
“He’s gonna be 6’1 and just as cheerful as me!” Bokuto said with a smile gold eyes bright as he talked. “I hope he has s/c skin like me,” Y/n said leaning back against Bokuto’s shoulder while he hummed looking at her. “I think he’ll have shiny h/c hair like you!” Bokuto suddenly said looking at Y/n with a bright smile. “Well Kota I think he’ll have big golden eyes just like you,” She said as she turned back to look at him.
A hand hit my shoulder causing me to flinch as I looked away from the paper I was writing. Kuroo stood their a small smile on his face. “Ready to go Akaashi?” He was wearing a dress that barely reached his knees unlike myself where I was in a suit. Normally we didn’t dress up on weekends but this weekend was special.
I remember how Bokuto proposed on his hospital bed a thin silver ring placed on her finger when she accepted.
Bokuto was laying down now Y/n pulled on top of him. His arms were still around her and the sun was setting. Kuroo and I had assumed by the soft breathing that the two of them had fallen asleep. Until Bokuto spoke up breaking the peaceful atmosphere
“Hey Y/n marry me?” He whispered. She lifted her head up and looked at him her eyes were wide in shock as she spoke.“W-what?” “I want you to marry me,” He said again looking at her with so much affection in his eyes.“Kota I…Of course I’ll marry you,” She whispered kissing him he reached beside him and put a small silver ring on her finger. Sakusa had brought it for him earlier when he asked.
“Can we get married in the spring? The cherry blossoms always look so pretty then,” She requested as she placed her head back on his chest. “Anything for you Y/n,” He whispered burying his nose into her hair.
We reached the hill that the two of them had met on. I always remembered that day too unaware that in a few years we’d be back for a different reason.
“Bokuto-san slow down!” I called watching him run towards a hill. He turned to face me now running backwards his school tie fluttered out behind him and a wide grin was on his face. “I can’t Akaashi! I’ve been sitting still ALL DAY,” He shouted back towards me. I saw behind him a girl with h/c hair walking by seemingly unaware of her surroundings.
“Bokuto-san watch out!”I called pointing behind him with wide eyes. He turned suddenly but couldn’t slow down in time “Wha-?” He ran into the girl knocking them both down. I winced as I got closer hearing a groan from them. Bokuto sat up suddenly looking at the h/c girl “Ah! I’m so sorry!” He shouted helping her back up. The girl rubbed her head and waved a hand at the apology before speaking. “No um it’s okay really!”
“Hey what’s your name?” Bokuto had a curious look on his face head tilted to the side. He was staring at the girl with wide gold eyes and yet she didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest. “Me? Oh I’m L/n Y/n!” She chirped smiling and holding a hand out. “I’m Bokuto Koutarou!” He said matching her smile before he shook her hand. “Nice to meet you Bokuto,”
I sighed as I got there looking at the cherry blossom petals that fell down around us. “Today’s the day huh Bokuto-san and Y/n to of course,” Kuroo came up next to me.
I remembered them talking about the wedding wide smiles on their faces and holding onto each other tightly.
“I think we should have a dog bring the rings!” Bokuto stated throwing his hands up from where the rested on Y/n's back. She scrunched her nose at that. “No Kota the dogs should be the flower girls!” She said back her voice clearly indicating she was tired. Bokuto hummed in thought it must have been pleasant as she burrowed closer to his chest.
“I like that! Can Kuroo be the ring bearer?” Bokuto asked putting his hands back and tracing soft circles into her skin. She sighed in content at the action while Kuroo scoffed. “Wait why me? Why not Akaashi?” He stated with arms crossed “Im Bokuto’s best man that’s why,” I answered the question for them as the fatigue was beginning to wear on them both.
“Yeah and Yukie is my maid of honor! So you can be the ring bearer,” Y/n mumbled from her position. “Can I be a bridesmaid instead? I’ll even wear a dress,” Kuroo called. “Fine but only if you find a replacement ring bearer,” She whispered and I stood “Good night you two,” I said looking at Bokuto and Y/n.
Kuroo got up as well as Bokuto and Y/n whispered a good night. “See you tomorrow,” Bokuto mumbled nuzzling closer to Y/n his eyes barely open as he looked at us. “See you tomorrow,” Kuroo called back. Bokuto’s eyes closed then and he sighed. The last thing we heard before walking out were Bokuto and Y/n talking to each other quietly.
“I love you Kota,” “I love you too Y/n,”
“Sorry we were late there was some traffic!” I turned seeing my old volleyball team and the MSBY team everyone in suits or dresses. Sakusa had a pair of rings in his hand after he was made the ring bearer. Iwaizumi had brought Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki. Each of them had a dog with a basket of flowers. “Well let’s get this started then,” Kuroo said as he took his place on Y/n’s side while I moved to Bokuto’s side.
Two hours later all of us were leaving to go a restaurant. I sighed as we left Bokuto and Y/n behind their rings sparkled in the sunlight. We left them with a bouquet of white roses on Y/n’s side and f/f on Bokuto’s side. I stood for a minute facing the two grey slabs of marble side by side like they deserved and let my final memories of them go as I stared at the photo of them Kuroo had left.
It was of them holding each other with tears running down their cheeks and smiles on their faces.
I remember how they admitted their love for each other when it was too late to save them.
I remember them at twenty four leaving the world curled up in each other’s arms unaware that they wouldn’t wake up again but they left knowing one thing.
They knew they loved eachother.
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
#haikyu#haikyuu!!#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#bokuto koutarou#bokuto x reader#bokuto angst#WhosaskingAngst#bokuto fluff
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I Remember (Bokuto x Reader) sneak peek!
This is the sneak peek for tomorrow's update! Hope you guys like it!
Date: Saturday October 24th, 2020
His hand was holding tightly to her hospital gown the other hand was on her hip rubbing small circles into it as she sat on his lap. Their foreheads rested together at this point both of them closed their eyes basking in silence and finally being able to hold eachother.
“Maybe…But they deserve this Kuroo-san,”
#bokuto angst#bokuto fluff#bokuto koutarou#bokuto x reader#haikyu#haikyuu!!#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#whosaskingangst
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I Remember will be posted and it is my favorite by far. I'm really excited to post it so I hope people love it as much as I do 😊 I'll post a sneak peek of it in a few minutes!
#bokuto koutarou#bokuto x reader#bokuto fluff#bokuto angst#haikyu#haikyuu!!#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader
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Your angst is *chef's kiss* E X A C T L Y what I need in my life thank ya so much snowgem ♡♡♡

Thank you! 😭😭 I'm glad people like them they've been rewritten quite a few times till I was happy with them.
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