#peggys orders
thelaurenshippen · 1 year
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meidui · 11 days
so confused when people hate miss agent margaret carter because what do you have against a woman with big beautiful brown eyes who pummels people with her entire body weight
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altschmerzes · 11 months
everyone knows that being in fandom can give you shrimp emotions (wailing, laying on the floor, left staring out the window for hours, will never be the same again, read some of the most beautiful writing on this green earth, etc) but the thing is that sometimes being in fandom can also give you Evil Shrimp Emotions (bore witness to opinions you didn't know a human being could have and then a couple hundred to a couple thousand people went yeah i'll also put that on my blog)
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postthiscat · 1 year
some killer frequency whiteboard doodles :3
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Okay Anju and Kafei round two here we go dawn of the first
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asparrowdraws · 4 months
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Here's my Mermays 2024 (With the exception of Nyx who was posted separately)!
I used a different inspiration for each day so the mermays turned into a sort of diary. I watched Epic and Kipo and King of the Hill, played Animal Crossing, listened to a great talk by Kyle Webster (7 was inspired by one of his pieces), dealt with a tornado warning and cicadas, took my sick kitty to the vet(15), went to a local glass shop's anniversary event and got a vase I thought my mom would enjoy (Since I struggled with mother's day I greatly enjoyed the '2nd chance'- 19). By the end of the month I finally did a therapy and so I drew my 'ideal life',(30) and then I'm trying to get back to my book TCO so I drew Jordyn as a mermaid (the most mermaid of the cast-31).
A couple times I did groups of mermaids or a specific fish because I got to them late or couldn't figure out what to pull from that day (4, 20, 22, 23, 24).
It also rained a lot! (1, 13, 26). And I've been on a hot cheeto kick (21).
I've been struggling to enjoy drawing, which sucks especially as I'm starting to work on my illustration business again and hope to find clients. I'm still learning how *everything* has changed for me over the last couple years, so this project was a great way to practice and sort of relearn how I make art.
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Can we agree that even Steve x Peggy definitely problematic but at least Peggy look interest and like with Steve and they both look like each other while loki x sylvie, yeah they keep saying they in love but look likely only loki and sylvie look disgust with loki
If you put polling which ship that more good and more have chemistry between Steve x Peggy and loki x sylvie, I believe that Steve x Peggy will become winner
I understand where you're coming from but in a way, I think that's all due to framing.
Both are similar characters in that they were framed as always right and any wrongdoing on their part was either swept under the rug or directly framed-to-deceive in order to paint it as right even when it was wrong. And of course in both cases the men were shown drooling over them (and they were the only women around and/or the women surrounding them were written as enemies or villains. It's funny to point out though that even in TFA when Steve disagrees or downright ignores Saint Maggy, the MCU still tries to act like he followed her like a lost puppy? It's so freaking weird? Watch your own movies?)
The main difference is Sylvie was introduced as an enemy or a foil. Loki and her were supposed to go from enemies to friends (or lovers), whereas Saint Maggy was introduced as perfect and she has always been the only woman Steve was allowed to get close to or show any interest in. Sharon only made it so far before they turned her into a villain.
I never saw any love in either of those two relationships, if I'm being honest. In both cases we were told that, as long as the women in those two are happy and the men follow them, it is a perfect relationship... and then we're shown two occasions in which the men don't agree with the woman (Loki in the S1 finale) or they do something they don't like (Steve being kissed by Lorraine), and all hell breaks loose. And not only that, but we're told to agree with the women in those situations because apparently, it's feminist to do so? "Look how badass they are insulting the men or shooting at them! Girl power!" 🤦‍♀️
I just don't see any love there. I see possession and self-righteousness and a desperate need for control... but no love. We only think there's love in TFA thanks to the framing, they did a terrible job of writing that romance. And in the Loki series, Sylvie is absolutely awful to him (In S1, can't speak for S2) but we're told he deserves it anyway.
All in all, what I want is something like what Christine and Stephen had. Even though they didn't end up together, they have (and yes, I say have and not had because screw Waldron and his MoM) so much love between them. Or Wanda and Vision. Or Thor and Jane. Or Quill and Gamora. In fact, in that last one they're also introduced as enemies at first but their relationship evolves brilliantly because BOTH characters grow and change and improve. The problem with Saint Maggy and Sylvie is that we were told they were perfect from the get-go despite that not being true at all... so it is pretty tough to buy their romance with Loki/Steve since their core characterization is so defective to begin with.
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a little comic of my nonhuman au
in case u can't read my writing
ANGELICA : oh, eliza, a letter from a 'hamilton'?
ANGELICA : wait isn't that the guy who...
ELIZA : he's just a friend...
ANGELICA : nooo ur blushing! ELIZA HAS A COURTER~
PEGGY : wait really???
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forcebookish · 6 months
god it says so much about steve's character that he fought tooth and nail and didn't hold back AT ALL fighting bucky when the lives of millions (billions? idr) were on the line, was willing to sacrifice them both to his cause and didn't let himself be distracted at all before the mission was complete - but the moment the day was saved, the moment he knew he had done his duty, he was willing to stand down and die for bucky. he knew that bucky was in there somewhere, but he knew the risk for backing down and he did it anyway, after all that fighting. he even dropped his shield, he stopped being captain america so he could be steve again. steve facing bucky, not the winter soldier.
like, yes that shit is love. but the way he's able to compartmentalize it first, and genuinely doesn't let it distract him from saving all those lives, is SUCH an interesting character trait. so much more interesting than whatever the fuck they were doing with him in the avengers movies. because in the end, steve is always about doing what's right FIRST. it's one of the few things that works in ca:cw, because he's not sacrificing anything for bucky. he fundamentally knows that the sokovia accords are Bad and the incarceration of bucky is unethical, and his conviction is so strong that he doesn't hold back - even against a teenager!!! even against his friends and comrades!! what a fascinating character!!!!!!
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daydreamerdrew · 7 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #94
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alexreadssomeshit · 1 year
Hamilton on crack: Part 8
(how are y'all not done with me?)
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Credit to Szin on YouTube for her art
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Midnight Snacks - Kim Greylek/Peggy Bernardi
A/N: Day 23 of @fluffbruary part 1. Gif below by my bb @notsosecretlyalesbian​.
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  “What are you up to now Kim?” Peggy’s voice breaks her focus and Kim glances up as she finishes her snack, smiling slightly. “Finishing paperwork… you do want me to actually have a weekend, right?” “You’ve been snacking too.” “I skipped lunch.” Kim shrugs and Peggy sighs, moving to plate up a few more snacks, taking in the slim younger woman she’d fallen for. “Don’t starve yourself just for work babe, it’s not that worth it.” “Tell that to my boss.” “How about I just make you a snack for tomorrow?” “That sounds… good.” Kim admits softly and Peggy smiles, kissing her softly. “That’s my tiny badass.”
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orderoftheavengers · 1 year
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I Know My Value 
Summary: Pegasus Carter put her House's mascot into the emblem of the Order of the Shield • House: Ravenclaw • Blood Status: Half-blood • Wand: Apple, 12 inches, unicorn tail hair • Patronus: Cocker spaniel • Broom: Bletchley Bark • Specialties: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Legillimency and Occlumency
Sorting: Pegasus Carter is certainly brave and chivalrous enough for Gryffindor, but her true specialties are information and craftiness. The Sorting Hat asked young Peggy which House she would prefer, and she stated she wanted whichever one she'd best serve her community in. But don't you care which community that is? the Hat quietly asks inside her head. Wouldn't you like a gold lion on your chest, for all who doubt your abilities to see? "I know my value," young Peggy replies softly. "Anyone else's opinion doesn't matter." That was how the Sorting Hat knew Pegasus Carter belonged in Ravenclaw. After graduating Hogwarts, she even convinced Howard Stark to put the Ravenclaw Eagle in their new organizations' coat of arms, as the Order of the Shield operates around all of Ravenclaw's defining traits. Even after her death, Peggy's wisdom and wit lived on in the back-and-white wizarding photograph that Steve Rogers kept of her in his compass. She was his guide. The War of Grindelwald: ...is where Peggy met her first great love, Stephanos Rogers. They fell in love learning magic and Hogwarts together, and assisting their professors in undercover missions. She mourned when Steve was turned to stone, but her Ravenclaw resolve kept her going. Along with Howard Stark, she co-founded the Order of the Shield, and continued fighting dark magic. One Last Dance: Peggy's romance with fellow Auror Daniel Sousa was just beginning to bloom, when she received a heart-stopping visit at her cottage one night: Steve, back from the dead. Steve somberly explained that he couldn't explain, because he had to preserve the timeline. But he also knew he'd never be able to move on until he had that dance. Choking back tears, Peggy pleaded for an explanation. His voice also cracking, Steve replied, "I'm sorry Peg, but the future, and your life, is one mystery you'll have to solve slowly. But I'll tell you this: I'm gonna be okay. And so are you. You're going to have a legacy, in more ways than one. You have too much love to give and life to live for it all to go to me." They shared a bittersweet dance, a passionate kiss, whispered promises of love, and then parted. Peggy married Daniel Sousa, had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and one fickle niece. She reconnected with Steve in her elderly years; but in her deteriorating state, her recounting of his final visit and dance went dismissed even by him as a fantasy. All of Hogwarts listened to Peggy's eulogy over the wizarding radio, and raised their wands at the end. Peggy Carter's portrait hangs in Professor Nickodemus Fury's office, continuing to offer advice and banter to every new Auror that enters. Wand: "Applewood wands were powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixed poorly with Dark Arts. It was said that the possessor of an apple wand would be well-loved and long-lived, Garrick Ollivander often met customers of great personal charm who found their perfect match in an apple wood wand. Apple wand owners often had a talent for conversing with other magical beings in their native tongues." ~ the Harry Potter Wiki Patronus: Cocker Spaniels are thought of as a "ladylike" breed. But these cute, elegant dogs canines original bred as hunting dogs, and shouldn't be underestimated.   AN: I initially planned to do Peggy only after watching her series. But as much as "Agent Carter" intrigues me, there are so many shows I'm trying to keep up with. And in the end, I don't think anything in the show would affect my Sorting or the AU story I cooked up.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
I finally picked up majora’s mask again (it’s been like four months), and after reminding myself what the heck I was in the middle of, remembered I’d finished the bay area and was going to go to the desert/canyon/whatever place.
But first I did the quest where you reunite the two seahorses, because when I first went through the pinnacle rock area I just wandered around the place with all the arrows and somehow managed to get through it without the seahorses.
But they’re reunited now. And very cute.
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
Seven years since Peggy. 💔
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