#this is peggy as director
widowkills · 6 months
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Peggy Carter as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
PEGGY CARTER APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 day one. favorite appearance
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autumnrory · 7 months
really and truly unless it's a discussion about why peggy/steggy fans shouldn't like endgame, at this point idk why people feel the need to continually make the argument about her having a family as if that's the biggest problem about the ending especially when i figure most people are of the belief that it was another timeline or whatever idk what the current consensus on that is in the mcu and i don't care
but what about the fact that it destroyed steve's family? does that not matter because it's not the standard spouse and children but is instead a family he built for himself with sam and nat and bucky? because it's easier to decide steve is a selfish asshole and always has been instead of acknowledging that that storyline did more of a disservice to him than to anyone else? like oh maybe peggy's family was erased and that's horrible but it doesn't matter that steve's family was abandoned in the midst of the kind of trauma he knows very well?
i've said it before but it makes me so sad that so many people just turned on steve and decided a decade of movies don't matter in the face of one shitty desperate attempt of a movie to make him look like a pathetic creep just so they could justify their heterosexual nonsense ending
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pegs-carter · 1 month
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STEGGY WEEK 2024 @steggyfanevents
day six — WIPs and updates
sneak peek of the first chapter of my WIP, The Second Time Around.
tags Established Relationship, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Post-Avengers: Endgame, Alternate Timeline, Time Travel, Chief Peggy Carter, Howling Commandos, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,  POV Peggy Carter, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Sexism, Period-Typical Racism, will add tags
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Peggy wasn’t transferred to LA, in the end. She actually had started working as Chief of the DC office four months ago.
She took over from the previous one, Chief Kevin Kelly, after an early retirement due to a cardiac arrest he barely survived. Phillips pulled all the strings for that to happen, masking her name as M. Carter in all the paperwork to deceive the higher-ups.
It wasn’t a difficult task in the end as of all four US SSR offices, the national headquarters had the worst performance. Meanwhile, New York had the best, and to no wonder considering it had Peggy Carter among their men until recently. Emphasis on men, as Peggy was still the only female operative in the whole agency.
Despite her being great to the NY office, the NY office wasn’t great to Peggy in her final days there. Following Jack’s assassination attempt, Chief Flynn took over and it was like she got back to square one when it came to her job prospects.
Worse than square one, perhaps. Chief Dooley, for all his flaws, was somewhat protective of her. In a very condescending way, yes, mostly due to his respect for Captain Rogers, but protective regardless. Eventually, he started to respect Peggy because of her own merit. Then he died.
Jack Thompson, her second SSR boss, was… Jack Thompson. In all that name meant, whatever it meant. She wasn’t sure to this day, years after knowing the man. It never felt like he was her Chief, it felt more like Dooley took the day off and had Jack temporarily take his place like he used to when he was alive.
Thompson never treated her as a subordinate, either. It was more like a big brother who relished his momentary authority over his little sister as their parents were out of town, something she experienced for the first time in her life. Jack was no Michael, that was for sure.
She liked him better than Flynn, still. Her last boss simply thought she was stupid, which is something Dooley or Thompson never even considered. He made sure she was useless in the office, almost out of spite. Combining his treatment of her with her engagement with Daniel, Peggy couldn’t wait to be transferred to LA.
She had no idea she wouldn’t end up in New York or Los Angeles, but rather in Washington instead. As a Chief instead of an Agent, no less.
The transition wasn’t easy. The translation, neither. The D.C. men didn’t take well to having to respond to a female Chief and moving was always stressful. Nothing would beat the hassle of moving countries, but in the span of a year, Peggy lived in three different places in three different cities.
No matter how inconvenient it was to move once again, living alone in her own house made it worth it. No rules like in the Griffith and no need to depend on other people like when she lived in a Stark residence.
Technically, she still did in that last regard as the house was actually Howard’s. She was leasing it from him, but only technically, as Peggy made sure that her rent would amount to the price of the house after a period of time.
Howard was unhappy about this but yielded. Granted, she was quite certain that he lied about the cost; if depended on him, she wouldn’t pay a dime. Howard was like that when it came to gifts, he would buy you a house like it was nothing. And it was, for him. It really was.
Besides her modest house, he owned a mansion as he was living in DC as well. If you would ask him, he would say he was bored of NY and LA and wanted fresh new air. A lie.
The truth was, he was working with Peggy and Phillips to create the SSR’s successor. It was a complete secret and the rest of the staff was unaware their agency was in its last days.
It was time; the war was over. War was different, too. It wasn’t a fight between soldiers anymore, now it was between spies. With rumours that the Soviets were close to making their own Bomb, the necessity of a new agency suited for modern times was greater than ever.
However, while the government had no plans to continue the SSR, it didn’t have intentions of developing a replacement for it either. That was entirely Phillip’s idea and he recruited Howard and Peggy for it to come to fruition. He would take advantage of the SSR’s timely death and repurpose its corpse: adopt its orphaned agents, retake its abandoned structures, and continue its interrupted missions.
For that, Phillips would use his military connections and his new ranking of General. Peggy would take care of the spy-craft and Howard would be responsible for the technology and the financing. Mostly, though, Howard Stark and his Stark Industries were a leverage card in diplomatic relationships.
Leverage was needed because, unlike the SSR which was just a governmental collaboration between the USA and the UK, the new agency would be international and semi-private. Countries that joined in would have the incentive of access to cheaper and exclusive Stark technology, something irresistible in the ongoing Cold War.
There was a long way to go until that, granted. For now, Peggy would train to be one of the heads of a spy agency by being Chief of an SSR office. That was why Phillips was so determined to help Peggy with her promotion in the first place, having that position in her resume was a way of selling the idea of a female Director.
It was really a tough sell. Not because Peggy in particular wasn’t up to the task, but rather because men already have a hard time considering women their peers, let alone their superiors. The agents in her office would say so, plus a few jokes behind her back.
She had heard them all. Betty Carver. Serving under the Captain. Red, white, and blue love bruises. Raising his American Flag. The list went on.
At first, everybody hated her except Agent Kermit Kelly, Chief Kelly's younger son, and she suspected his obvious crush on her played a part in that. With time and her professionalism — not her personality —, the men started accepting her more and more. Far from enough, better than nothing.
Things got way better and somehow way worse when Dugan and Jones moved there. The Howling Commandos were disbanded and its five remaining members were relocated: Dugan to DC, Sawyer to Houston, Falsworth and Pinkerton to London. And Jones…
Gabe moved to DC, but not because of the SSR. He decided to join civilian life alongside Morita, another Washington resident, and start a doctorate at his Alma Mater Howard University right there in the city.
Things got better because, after a long time, she would be among friends that were fighters. As much as she loved Angie, the Jarvises, and Howard, there were some things in her life they couldn’t even grasp. She missed that type of connection, that understanding.
Things got worse because she had yet another man, Dugan, ‘under her sheets’. According to the bullpen, she had slept with Captain America — true, but it was none of their business —, Phillips — so she could get the job —, Howard — for money — and the Commandos.
All of them. During the war and after.
And Timothy… He didn’t help. He was all heart, all little restraint. Every comment about Peggy got under his skin, which didn’t help the affair allegations. He even punched the worst wanker in the office, Kelly’s other son, after he had enough of him, which was actually very little. Peggy had to punish Dugan because of that.
Nevertheless, she would be lying if she didn’t appreciate the gesture.
It’s not like she could punch Agent Kenneth Kelly herself being his superior, no matter how much she wanted to. One of the downsides of being Chief, bummer.
She liked where her life was at, at the end of the day, regardless of all those nuisances and obstacles. She had her own house, she was her own boss, and she was forging her own path, all by herself.
On her own.
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randomnessoffiction · 22 days
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
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Summary: Steve pays a visit to the Smithsonian’s new exhibit honoring Captain America, and a little bit of sunshine unexpectedly breaks through his cloudy day.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning/Disclaimers: Disclaimer for a candid depiction of depression and its symptoms, and brief depictions of PTSD
A/N: I wanted to start this new one-shot collection off with a look into Steve’s POV, specifically when he meets (Y/N) in the Smithsonian. It was my favorite moment to write in The Winter Soldier and I had so much fun revisiting it from a new perspective! Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy!
Sunshine March 2014 Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C. (Fanfiction Masterlist)
Although it had been over two years since he’d been discovered alive and frozen in time within the wrecked remnants of Schmidt’s plane, Steve Rogers still didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had work, of course; completing missions on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. was familiar, reminiscent of his past and all the work he’d done alongside the SSR as the leader of the 107th tactical team throughout the war. But outside of work, he struggled to find ways to keep himself occupied. The notebook he filled with seventy years of various pop culture references kept him busy but as his understanding of the 21st century grew, so too did the disconnect he felt from the people and places that surrounded him.
So, on a beautiful spring afternoon that others were no doubt spending with their friends and family, Steve found himself sitting alone in the screening room of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum’s ‘Captain America: A Living Legend and Symbol of Courage’ exhibit. The filmed testimonials of various men and women who’d been directly or indirectly impacted by his actions included an emotionally-charged interview of Peggy Carter from the early 1950’s, several years after the creation of S.H.I.E.L.D. and her promotion to its first Director. Her hairstyle was different and her brown eyes had the hardened look of someone who’d seen far too much pain in such a short span of time, but to Steve she looked exactly the same as she had when they’d fought through Schmidt’s mountain fortress together in 1945.
“That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve…Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a Hydra blockade that had pinned our allies down for months.”
Steve remembered the battle, just as he remembered each and every battle before and after. His elevated body temperature and high metabolism kept him from feeling the chill of the blizzard that raged on as he fought, but nothing in the super-soldier serum could keep his body from going numb when he saw the frozen and broken bodies of hundreds of soldiers scattered amongst the snow. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop himself from visualizing the explosions ripping through Panzers and hearing the roaring gunfire ricocheting off his vibranium shield, and he took a deep breath before opening his eyes and refocusing on Peggy.
“He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would…who would become my husband, as it turned out. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life.”
He looked down at the compass in his hands and studied the black-and-white photograph he’d clipped out of a newspaper back in ‘44. He was happy that Peggy had gotten to live a long and happy life surrounded by loved ones and he made sure to tell her every time he visited her in the nursing home, but he couldn’t help but envy her a little; she’d lived the life he’d always wanted back before he took the serum and became Captain America, but after all he’d seen and done since, he wasn’t even sure what sort of life he wanted to live. He was lost in an unfamiliar world filled with people who believed he should be grateful for a chance at a new life and who didn’t care to know how he truly felt about his situation. It didn’t take him very long to learn that only one thing remained constant after seventy years: the rest of the world only saw Captain America, the Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan, and not Steven Grant Rogers, the kid from Brooklyn who hated bullies and who only wanted to do the right thing.
The video continued to play as Steve stood and exited the screening room, slipping his hands into his jacket’s pockets and bowing his head while he went. The rest of the exhibit was filled with tourists eagerly examining artifacts from his life before and during his time of service, and Steve felt a familiar twinge of discomfort at the sight; it’s like they don’t understand that they belonged to real people and not characters from a story, he thought to himself as he walked past a group of young adults snidely critiquing Dum Dum Dugan’s combat gear displayed on a mannequin along with the rest of the 107th tactical team. There were far fewer people near the display dedicated to Bucky, so Steve gravitated towards it and studied the old photograph of his best friend; he was smiling and there was still a sparkle of life in his eyes, eyes that hadn’t yet seen the brutality of war, the unspeakable horrors concocted by the Nazis and the gruesome torture inflicted on him by Hydra while he was a POW.
Steve’s memories of Bucky and that fateful mission in the Alps were suddenly interrupted when the young woman standing in front of him turned and collided with his chest, dropping her notebook onto the ground and scattering its loose papers across the floor; she immediately knelt and began gathering up the sheets and Steve winced at the accident he’d inadvertently caused. “Sorry! Here, let me help you with that.” He kneeled on the ground before her and assisted her. “I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry-”
“I’m the one who should say sorry, I was so wrapped up in writing that I didn’t see…” The young woman’s voice faltered when she looked up from their shared work and her (Y/E/C) eyes widened in recognition. “Steve?”
Steve’s own eyes widened as he finally recalled just where he’d seen the woman before. “(Y/N), right? From yesterday morning?”
(Y/N) nodded. “That’s me.” She took the papers and tucked them inside her well-worn notebook as they stood. “What brings you to the Smithsonian?”
He shrugged and took a moment to adjust the bill of his baseball cap while he thought up a suitable answer. “I had the day off, and I guess I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. What about you?”
“Research,” She answered with a smile as she proudly brandished her notebook. “I’m writing a novel, so I was looking up information on Soviet Cold War-era missiles. Then when I finished with that, I thought I’d also see what all the fuss was about. I actually had another spark of writing inspiration before I smacked into you just now.”
Steve’s brows rose with interest. “You’re a writer? Have I heard of any of your work before?”
“Well, this novel I’m working on is actually my first.” They both stepped aside to let a group of schoolchildren read Bucky’s display. “I’m trying to become a historical fiction novelist, and I chose to write about the Cold War for my first novel.” Steve couldn’t help but admire the brightness in her smile and how the simple gesture illuminated her entire face, so much so that he nearly missed her question. “So, what do you think? Is everything here historically accurate?”
“Pretty much. What do you think of it?”
(Y/N) considered his question for a moment before answering. “I don’t know yet; on one hand, I think it’s great that an exhibit like this exists to educate people, especially children, about history, but part of me can’t stop thinking that it’s also an invasion of privacy.” Taken slightly aback by her reply, Steve frowned in confusion and watched as she gestured towards the many display cases surrounding them. “Like these, for example. These are private sketches of your family and friends that I’m sure you never meant for others to see. And over there, they have your underwear on display, for God’s sake!” A nearby middle-aged couple threw her a disapproving glare at her exclamation and Steve did his best to stifle his chuckle. “I don’t know, I think that they should show more respect when they create exhibits like this, especially if the person they’re about is still alive. You may be Captain America, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little privacy, too.” The earnestness and underlying indignation in her words of defense took him by surprise, and it wasn’t until her head tilted to the side in curiosity that he registered the small smile playing on his own lips. “What is it?”
“Nothing…you just sound a little different from most of the people I’ve met since coming out of the ice.” Steve looked over at his best friend’s display and awkwardly cleared his throat as he struggled to keep their conversation going. “It’s lucky that I ran into you, actually, I was gonna try and stop by the VA today but I have no idea what the address is.”
“Oh, I’ve got it right here!” She reached into her pocket for her cell phone and began tapping away. “Let me see, where did I-ah, found it! It’s 50 Irving Street Northwest. All you have to do is go down North Capitol-wait, it might be 6th Street instead…and of course, no signal in here…” A small line formed between her brows as she frowned. “Urgh, if I had my car with me, I’d just give you a ride since I’m going there later anyways but Sam took it to work this morning…”
“I could always give you a ride, if you want?” Steve blurted out, praying that he wouldn’t start blushing as she considered his abrupt but sincere offer. “It’d be no trouble at all.”
(Y/N)’s smile brightened her expression and she nodded. “Okay, then. I’m pretty much done here, so just let me know when you wanna leave.”
“Let’s go.” They walked out of the exhibit and Steve snuck a clandestine look at the writer walking beside him; she was undoubtably pretty, with strikingly intelligent (Y/E/C) eyes and lips that seemed perpetually ready to curve into a teasing smile, and just as he’d done the day before when they’d first met by the National Mall, he compared her to sunshine breaking through a cloudy sky. She was vivacious and so full of life – a shining example of a modern 21st century woman – but at the same time, something about the way she talked and carried herself reminded him of a different time. He’d gone on a couple of dates since coming out of the ice but up to that point, the only woman he felt comfortable being around was Natasha, his coworker and occasional mission partner at S.H.I.E.L.D.; with (Y/N), though, he felt unusually at ease and the only discomfort came from the shyness she brought out in him. C’mon, Rogers, there’s nothing scary about just talking to her, he scolded himself before swallowing thickly and speaking up. “So, how far along are you with your novel?”
“I’m actually almost done with it, thank God. Not that I don’t enjoy writing, of course, but some days it feels like I’ve been writing this thing for a decade.” (Y/N) hitched the strap of her messenger bag higher on her shoulder and flashed him a thankful smile as he held the museum’s front door open for her. “Today was my last day of research. All I need to do is finish writing the last few chapters and then I can send them to my publisher for final approval.”
Steve smiled at the enthusiasm he detected in her voice. “Have you already chosen a title?”
“It’s called For Queen and Country, but there’s a funny story about how that came to be. I originally titled it The Détente Paradox, because the novel chronicles how a female MI5 agent discovers a plot to infiltrate and destabilize peace talks between the United States and the U.S.S.R.; my publisher argued that even if American readers knew the English translation, they wouldn’t understand the story from the title alone-”
“The Relaxation Paradox; makes perfect sense to me.” Steve felt himself flush as (Y/N)’s brows rose in surprise. “I, um, speak a little French. Sorry, you were saying?”
She looked impressed as they made their way towards the museum’s parking lot. “The criticism got under my skin and I couldn’t think of anything else until one night, my publisher called me after binge-watching some classic James Bond movies with his wife. In a couple of them, James Bond sometimes says he does the things he does as a spy ‘for Queen and country,’ and-wait, do you know about James Bond?”
“Nope, but I’ll go ahead and add him to the list,” Steve replied as he pulled out his notebook and jotted down the fictional spy’s name.
“So anyway, my publisher convinced me to change the title to For Queen and Country. I’d hate to boost his ego, but it sounds a lot better than anything I thought of.”
Tucking the notebook back into his pocket, Steve scanned the parking lot for any potential threats while he remarked, “In my day, authors usually sent a completed novel to a publisher instead of sending it in separate parts. I guess that’s changed, too?”
“No, that hasn’t changed; this publishing company’s co-owned by one of my old friends from high school who also happens to be the only person I trust to edit my writing. My situation is a little unorthodox, though; to convince his publishing partner to give a first-time novelist like me a chance, he’s been giving him some of my short stories to read. His partner likes them so far, so as long as I keep sending in things that he enjoys he might agree to publish my novel once it’s finished.”
Steve hummed to himself, even more impressed by the writer walking beside him than he already was. “Sounds stressful.”
“Well, it’s not ideal but it makes balancing research and work a little easier, and I’m not about to quit now, not while I’m so close to being published.” (Y/N) shrugged and looked over at him with a kindly smile on her face. “But what about you? What’re you doing to keep busy these days?”
Hastily deciding that (Y/N) didn’t need to know how he spent his free time alternating between visits with his ninety-three year old first love and moping alone in his apartment, Steve replied, “I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Whenever I have some free time I read the internet and go through my list to mark things off. I didn’t have much to do this morning, so I listened to some of the soundtrack from American Graffiti; it’s not what I’m used to, but I liked it. All the songs sound unique from one another.”
The writer’s eyes lit up when he mentioned her music recommendation, and he felt his heart stutter at the beautiful sight. “Right? My mom was born in the sixties so she grew up listening to that type of music. Whenever my brother and I had to help on chore day, she’d put on her old records so that we’d have something fun to listen to while we cleaned the house.” They walked through the parking lot and as they turned down an aisle, Steve subtly checked that they weren’t being followed while an unaware (Y/N) continued to talk. “Sam thinks that music from that era is too cheesy, but this is also the guy who thinks that Marvin Gaye’s better than Jimi Hendrix so what the hell does he know?” He stopped beside his motorcycle and she sucked in a quick breath. “Is this yours?”
“Yep, it’s a Harley-Davidson Street 750. The one back there in the exhibit’s a Harley, too, a modified ’42 WLA Liberator. I’ve always preferred motorcycles to cars, so it was nice to see that they haven’t changed too much over the-” The rest of his sentence died in his throat when he caught sight of the unreadable expression on (Y/N)’s face, and his heart instantly plummeted in his chest. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you that I didn’t have a car. If you’re not comfortable with-”
“No, no, it’s okay, I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle!” (Y/N)’s exclamation took him by surprise, but he managed to return her excited smile with one of his own. “Do you have a spare helmet?” He pulled a helmet out of the bike’s back compartment and tossed his baseball cap into it, trying his best not to think about how cute she looked when she placed the helmet on her head. “Wait, what about yours?”
Steve flashed her a teasing grin. “Super-soldier, remember?” She rolled her eyes as he swung a leg over the bike and sat, giving the empty space behind him a pat before placing his hands back on the handlebars. “Hop on.” She followed his direction with less than perfect grace, doing her best to respect his personal space while also trying her hardest not to fall flat on her face, and Steve bit back a smile as he watched her progress in the rearview mirror. “I’ll be able to hear you over the engine noise, so feel free to give directions as we go. And make sure to hold on tight, okay?”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
Chuckling, Steve revved up the engine and backed out of the parking spot; the writer seated behind him predictably panicked at the sudden movement and involuntarily moved her hands from beneath her seat to rest on his waist, causing Steve to blush as he gently took hold of her hands and guided her to wrap her arms around his torso. If he weren’t a super-soldier with heightened abilities, he almost certainly would’ve crashed the motorcycle because of how distracted he found himself by (Y/N)’s presence. He could feel the warmth of her body through his jacket and smell the faint scent of her perfume as she clung onto him and on a wild impulse, he sped up and grinned when she shrieked in delight and tightened her hold on him. True to his word, he heard her give him directions amidst her laughter and much to his disappointment, they reached the VA in under fifteen minutes.
Steve parked the motorcycle in front of the building and switched off the engine before turning in his seat to look at his beaming passenger. “So, how was your first ever motorcycle ride?”
“Amazing!” She held onto his shoulders as she clambered off the bike and removed the helmet. “I might even have to trade in my baby for one!” Steve’s eyes widened at her remark, and she hastily shook her head. “No, no, that’s just my dumb nickname for my Volkswagen Bug! I don’t have an actual baby, of course, and if I did I certainly wouldn’t trade it…um, so yeah, no baby…and no guy, either, in case you were wondering. I’m single, single like a Pringle.” (Y/N) cringed at her own words and dropped her head in her hand to avoid eye-contact. “You can stop my dumb rambling anytime now, Steve…”
Steve’s grin widened. “Don’t worry, it’s not dumb. Entertaining, yeah, but definitely not dumb.”
The writer shot him a glare that would’ve intimidated him if it hadn’t looked so adorable on her. “You know, you’re a lot more of a pain in the ass than the history books make you out to be.”
Just as he was prepared to say something flirtatious, his cell phone chimed with a notification and when he looked to see what it was, his heart sank in his chest and reality came crashing back down on him.
Nurse Alia: Mrs. Carter’s been having a rough day. Might do her some good to see an old familiar face.
Steve tucked his cell phone back into his pocket and looked back up at a confused (Y/N) with an apologetic expression on his face. “I’m sorry but I’ve gotta go, something just came up. I’ll try and make it for the end of the meeting, though.”
“Okay, I’ll be sure to let Sam know!” Their fingers brushed as he took the helmet from her and stowed it away, and she gave him a half-hearted wave as he revved the engine and backed out of the parking spot. He returned her wave and sped off down the street, the image of (Y/N) standing by herself on the sidewalk with a befuddled expression on her face burned into his memory while he navigated the streets of D.C. to reach Peggy’s retirement home. But while he drove, he recalled the way his heart lurched when (Y/N) smiled at him, how lovely her laughter sounded as he gave her her first ride on a motorcycle and just how – for the briefest of moments – he hadn’t felt so alone and unseen. Like sunshine breaking through a cloudy sky, he thought to himself once again, resolving to see the writer who uncovered Steve Rogers from beneath the façade of Captain America again as soon as he could.
A/N: This was my first time writing from Steve’s POV, so let me know how you liked it so I can decide if I wanna write from his POV in a future one-shot! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part I)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist
Stumblin’ In Book I: “The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​ @lahoete​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​ @momc95​​​ @savedbystyle​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​ @brooke0297​​​ @hufflepeople​​​ @becausewelie​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​ @capswife​​​ @lilmschild​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​ @groovy-lady​​​ @ljej95​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​  
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doctorhelena · 9 months
I love the MCU! Some of my favorite films are
Peggy Carter's Boyfriend: The First Avenger
Peggy Carter's Boyfriend: His Best Friend Is Brainwashed But We Can Save Him
Peggy Carter's Boyfriend and Peggy Carter's Rich Friend's Son Duke It Out in Airport Parking Lot, Because Everything Falls Apart After Peggy's Gone
Peggy Carter's Boyfriend is 10 Years Late to Their Endgame (aka Peggy Carter Gets to Put a Ring On It)
MCU obviously means Margaret Carter Universe, isn't it beautiful
I'm not really sure what to add to this excellent analysis, but long live the Margaret Carter Universe!
Oh, wait! No. I have the perfect reaction image!
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jimothys-custom-funkos · 10 months
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Made a new light box to toy around with and decided to test it out with my custom Director Carter.
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justabarbiegirl05 · 5 months
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tremorsmackenzie · 9 months
Im just interested in how popular each version of the character actually is. Personally I definitley prefer the canon, main timeline peggy, but id rank what if captain carter second.
anyway, lets see what everyone else thinks!
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hjbirthdaywishes · 6 months
April 5, 2024
Happy 42 Birthday to Hayley Atwell.
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Natasha followed an agent through SHIELD HQ nervously. Just a month ago she was still under the command of the Red Room, now she’s being made an agent of SHIELD and is on her way to meet the director. Outside the director’s office she takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.
"Come in." a pleasant, British accent replies through the door.
Peggy looks up and smiles warmly. "You must be Natasha. Agent Barton speaks highly of you." her eyes crinkle at the edges.
"Please have a seat, may i offer you some tea or water?"
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tenderjock · 4 months
very vivid scene in my head. thompson's future wife, barbara, is confronted by opposition senator's aide with pictures of her husband cheating on her! with a hot mystery brunette! Who Could This Be!
only problem is the only pictures they could manage to sneakily get of jack and peggy's clandestine dinner together are 1. peggy baring her teeth at him in aggravation while he smirks at her, 2. jack with his eyes bugging out, frozen in the middle of loudly arguing against something while peggy looks mildly annoyed, and 3. a single shot of both of them sipping their drinks and glaring in opposite directions.
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maggotmommy · 11 months
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Silver-Fox!Peggy appreciation because she currently holds me hostage 🤭 How can people not love her?
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kuri-kushmia · 4 months
@xoxotifia , this is 'The Creature Cases'
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Jack did not die he literally got shot in his left shoulder he's FINE. Idk why he was so still and unconscious at the end . Just to be dramatic literally bc he's not dead and he's fine
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sonofcoulson · 8 months
1957 The Blue Marvel
The movie is set on the west coast of America. That is where we first meet Adam in Agent Carter s2, so it makes sense that he and his family would settle somewhere familiar.
We open on a homeless veteran, disheveled clothes and an unshaven face, but has kept himself in shape. He is begging for money.
A young man of colour drops a coin into his cup but it phases through, landing on the sidewalk. He is confused but the vet explains it happens sometimes.
The young man is verbally abused by some racist douches. He is in the middle of sticking up for himself when the veteran intervenes. The situation gets violent causing the vet to dissociate because of his PTSD. He is in full flashback for a moment. When he comes back to himself, one of the douches is beating him up (he also has douchey views about homeless people). He reacts instinctively and strikes the man and he flies across the road, crashing into a vehicle. The driver is shaken but unharmed.
Local police take notice and chase the veteran and the innocent man, who run together initially. The young man is angry because he felt he had it under control. The vet then draws attention away from the young man and manages to get the police to pursue him instead, then disappears after rounding a corner.
Cut to a family scene at the Brashear’s new home. Adam Brashear, Marlene, now Adam's wife, and their young son Kevin are still trying to come to terms with civilian life after Adam was told to stop superheroing by the President. Marlene has changed her name to Candace to hide that she is ex-S.H.I.E.L.D., but has a good fake CV which includes telephone exchange operator and talent agent. So she is quite employable whereas no one will touch Adam with a barge pole except for offers to be a super-mercenary, which would mean he was breaking the law.
She is therefore the sole wage earner and Adam stays home to look after Kevin. They are both frustrated because they know they could be doing more, but the family unit is a happy one nonetheless. Trying to do the right thing no matter the cost.
Peggy Carter, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. makes an official visit as she has volunteered as Adam's ‘handler’ to ‘make sure’ he isn't superheroing. They joke about whether he is superheroing, chat about family life and Peggy coos over the baby. While she is doing this she writes a note to say their place is bugged. Candace had figured as much. She gives them each a tiny in-ear communicator, newly invented by Howard Stark. She then takes her leave.
She leaves Adam changing Kevin's diaper and Candace reading a magazine, whilst they secretly await instructions. After she is safely on her way she communicates the incident with the homeless veteran, the young man and the racist thugs. Adam can respond to some of it as he can pretend he is talking to the baby. Candace will respond while pretending she is fascinated by what's in the magazine.
Peggy goes on to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. examined the thug and found traces of zero matter on him. She adds that the veteran was reported to have ‘simply disappeared’.
When Adam comes back he sees that Candace has written ‘Conner?’ on the bottom Peggy's note. He silently concurs.
Peggy tells him there will be an advert in the paper tomorrow for a factory worker and that Adam should come for an interview.
In this “Interview” Peggy and Howard make an agreement that Candace will search for Conner in communication with Peggy while Adam and Howard try to recreate the machine that cured Adam of his intangibility back in Agent Carter s2.
Both teams succeed in their task. Candace and Peggy locate Conner and convince him to come in peaceably when they mention Adam’s name. They bring him in and Adam and Howard stabilise him. They theorise that further treatments may cure his intangibility.
Seemingly more stable now, a freshened up Conner goes out for a walk with Adam and Candace. Conner wants to superhero with him and is very angry about the racist Presidential edict. A racist incident on the street towards Adam and his family causes Conner to flip out and accidentally disintegrate a guy.
Police arrive quickly on the scene while Adam is trying to talk him down. However, Adam is arrested for it after Conner disappears.
Conner reappears and goes ape when he finds out what happened to Adam as it wasn’t his fault and destroys the police station, freeing Adam but killing, maiming or hurting many. Conner tells Adam that they can stop this, end racism, make the world a more equitable place. Adam asks how many lives that would cost and knows it wouldn’t achieve Conner’s aims anyway. This leads to their first battle. People see the return of the Blue Marvel and see that he is trying to stop this destructive character.
Conner disappears again. Adam is now a fugitive too.
Conner tries to make up for his mistakes and tries to superhero but he is starting to become unstable again and needs more treatment, but is stressed and fuelled by guilt. Every time he uses his power more zero matter damage is caused. Adam manages to track Conner down with Candace and a Howard gizmo, but realises he is unwittingly causing a zero matter singularity to emerge putting the city in danger and possibly the state and beyond if it can’t be controlled. It is starting to pull things into the dark dimension as it is essentially a wormhole between the two.
He warns Conner, but Conner wonders if it would be such a bad thing if the human race was wiped out, reasoning that people are the problem with the world. Adam tries to talk him down while they battle. But as the fight goes on Conner’s readings show that it is too late to cure him and he will explode and the singularity will continue to grow.
As per Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel;
"if i can sync with his energy and release a large enough positive plasma charge I might be able to initiate a chain reaction causing him to implode.”
The gang realise that Adam's plan could well work, but may cause a large antimatter explosion. Adam and Candace revisit doing the right thing no matter the cost. He takes Conner out of earth's atmosphere and he implodes, ending the Dark Dimension singularity. Everyone thinks the Blue Marvel died in heroic sacrifice, but S.H.I.E.L.D.’s advanced tracking equipment shows that he is re-entering the atmosphere. They allow the world to go on thinking he died (“Anti-man defeated by Blue Marvel sacrifice!” scream the headlines).
S.H.I.E.L.D. do get reprimanded for ignoring the Presidential edict but the White House accepts there were mitigating circumstances.
Adam returns and the Brashears realise they will have to live their lives on the run. They are sorry that their son won't have much of a life, but are glad they can go back to making a difference (covertly, of course).
Post credits:- Namor shows the Brashears to their new underwater base. It was called in as a favour by Peggy and the Talokanil were happy to build it for him as a thank you for his help at the Battle of Wakanda. Namor questions why he doesn't ignore the disrespectful edict and use his powers to rule the surface world. Adam and Candace explain that they have a calling to do the right thing, no matter the cost, to help those that cannot help themselves.
Namor concedes that he would do the same for his people.
We end as they check out the (secretly) provided S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment that will allow them to monitor world events.
There will be rumours of The Blue Marvel helping those in need for years to come.
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