#dont lie to me youve seen the posts
evilesbiautism · 1 year
Cannot take it with people saying ace hcs are infantilizing but aro hcs are demonizing. Will we ever know peace?
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loomingclouds · 2 months
im so serious ai needs to die and all ai generated images need to be scrubbed from the internet completely
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scatterpatter · 1 year
im normal
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the-fat-raccoon · 1 year
🌌 astro-gnomey Follow
Some of you don't want to hear it but at some point we're going to HAVE to acknowledge the effects of storm sorcerers (and keiromancy as a whole) on the environment. The wizard council has been pushing for regulations on these practices for years due to its large ecological effect on the realm, and yet it still stays unregulated because of misinformed petitioners who insist on preserve this harmful practice.
x x x
🌬 420haz3it Follow
hey ops ex here. they literally went through my family's tome of spells and destroyed every page that contained keiromancy. spells that were in my family since the Wizardry Renaissance, that saved towns from floods and droughts alike, are now lost to time and space
also as people in the notes pointed out all of those links are blatant misinformation that ignores what storm sorcerers have done to protect not only their local communities but the environment as a whole for centuries, and the people who spread this information are the exact same people who advocated to repeal the wishing star protection act.
hating keiromancy has always been a distraction so astrological mages can push for more unsafe practices in their own field. don't let them lie about their intent, and don't let the wizard council rush the process to earn an astromage liscense.
🪄 tradmage12 Follow
Being from a family of storm sorcerers puts a direct line from you to the Great Calamity that wiped out our magic for a millenia. You deserve to lose that tome and every last spark of magic in you.
🌬 420haz3it Follow
🌬 420haz3it Follow
theres no way youre serious. you dont actually believe that.
🪄 tradmage12 Follow
We all know it, the Great Calamity would have never happened if the sorcerer faction had listened to the wizard councils orders and steered clear of dragon hunting. But they didn't listen, and everyone suffered because of it. Don't act like there's no reason to not trust your kind with their own practices. You just can't help yourselves.
🌌 astro-gnomey Follow
I leave for the Berry Harvest and come back to this mess, really funny how you'll mention me taking action against your family's evil dark spells but don't mention that you only dated me for your weird gnomeplay fantasies. Also pay attention to the language used, very Anti Mage rhetoric being spread. What else would you expect of a storm sorcerer, of course they want to keep their powers, I'm going to shut off reblogs if people in the notes cant see how they're being manipulated by keiromancers. Quit trying to be 'progressive' when you just want to keep ruining the course of nature and keep down the mage class.
🌬 420haz3it Follow
get me off this fucking lichsite. there is no 'anti mage rhetoric', that's not a fucking thing. mages aren't some repressed class no matter how much you want to pretend that, they haven't had to deal with magical restrictions since before the great calamity even happened, meanwhile sorcerers to this day are still fighting to be seen as magical equals.
and while im at it 'keiromancers' is a made up term to put all weather magic users under one umbrella, as if forms of keiromancy arent so diverse amongst the realms that you cant even begin to compare them. it is not the same as saying necromancers. dont even start that bs.
also, gnomeplay is perfectly normal and acceptable between consenting partners, which we were, so idek why you bring that up. if i as a half elf want to have gnome partners theres literally no issue with that, youre mad because gneillielle has a more bountiful gourd harvest and far more whimsical tunes than you ever brought to our relationship.
storm sorcerers have done nothing wrong, you're the problem.
perhaps some shadow work could unlodge the staff youve got stuck up your cap and you could see the filthy fuckign system youre supporting as an astromage, im sick and tired of this.
🎱 claire-vances-fourth-eye Follow
op starts posting untagged wizard council x reader failed abjuration content in a year btw
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ceasarslegion · 9 months
Weve got to start treating tumblr misinformation posts like we treat facebook misinformation posts. Like just because its from a guy who claims to be lefty and it aligns with your own politics doesnt mean that blatantly false claims, especially in the form of memes, are to be believed on sight.
Like i get that you want it to be true and it sounds like it would be to what youve seen and experienced but that doesnt MAKE it true. And if you willingly peddle it and refuse to fact check because "the mainstream media cant be trusted" you really ARE no better than a facebook qanon antivaxer, youre just one who wouldnt call me a slur, but the basic premise is the same. And if youre about to respond to this post melting down at me about how i MUST be this huge neoliberal bootlicker for saying that trusting internet memes from total strangers whose intentions you dont know over peer reviewed and fact checked sources you are very much not helping your case here.
I hate to break it to you but just because that guy claims to be a leftist doesnt mean his intentions are good, that any of the information he shares is correct (which includes personal stories), or that hes even a leftist at all. People still lie on the internet to achieve their own personal ends when those claims happen to align with YOUR views. Thats literally how people get sucked into qanon.
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 months
nevermind! have just seen your stance on gazan genocide. racial conflict and racial power dynamics are above you, white supremacy eludes and/or invisibly benefits you, you have no qualms depicting palestinians as barbaric terrorists colluding to lie about thousands upon thousands of civilian casualties and deliberate famine reported straight from the strip by independent journalists watching their native communities being blown apart by fascists simply because theyre arabic, you have no grasp of israel's/the idf's continued bloody history of settler violence for generations before you and i were born, the humanity of gazans who have lived their whole lives enduring this deep suffering and humiliation, this soul-deep degradation, is just drivel and sob stories to you, and most crucially,
you lack the conceptualization to engage in discourse beyond fandom. so dont.
human lives arent 'discourse'. this isnt online drama. its not trendy, its not mascot horror, its not problematic fanfic, its not animation, its not a trope, its not a callout post. you cant understand the human elements of the palestinian genocide, you just see your gracious, god-sent mighty white murderers exterminating the brown vermin in a faraway land. my inlaws who have their house shot at every other day arent human to you. my fiance who shakes uncontrollably when they hear thunder isnt human to you. they are not afraid of hamas bombing their apartment. hamas flies no planes over their building, hamas sets off no raid sirens, hamas deprives them of no aid. the dignity of protest and resistance is not afforded to the average palestinian because the moment they speak out theyre threatened with loss of jobs, scholarships, expulsions from their schools. theyre immediately branded as unstable terrorists, dangers to society- that is, their israeli, white supremacist society. consider who benefits from you believing that ONLY a babykilling jewhating subhuman psychopath could ever POSSIBLY oppose and protest palestinians being sexually assaulted and humiliated in detention centers, murdered and treated as second class citizens in their own homes. it was never about religion (let me ask you if you have found it in your hollow heart to even read this far: do you truly think it is impossible for jewishness, for jewish joy and community to flourish without the blood of arabs on their hands? is that so outlandish to you, that you are so hellbent on seeing a word where jewish people are constantly that unsafe, that they lack homes, communities, safe havens, or the basic ability or agency to reach out for help and connection? do they really need to be sealed away in israel to shelter them from the rest of the nations where millions have already established meaningful lives? do you really think all jews are zionists and those who dont want to see palestinians killed for simply being born here are selfhating and deluded? do you think that zionists really care about holocaust survivors and nonwhite jews? again, please research before speaking on matters that may be out of your usual scope of fandom content...). it was just about eliminating as many palestinians as possible while the world turned a blind eye. israel was built on the mass killing and exodus of palestinians and the sustained oppression of the native population, and youll probably never understand this. but we can see. more than ever, we can see. if you did actually manage to read this youve already done more than most zionists ever have to understand how the average innocent palestinian suffers. i dont expect to have changed your mind on the conflict at all, really, but i do hope youll at least stop trying to tackle global conflicts the same way you post about media consumption. this is inconceivably real blood being shed, lives being ruined, and youre posting about it like youre giving your take on a cartoon or videogame. you dont even have to respond to this ask. just please consider stopping and sticking to fandom.
That is one HELL of an essay that I have no intention of reading given you started it talking about the "Gazan genocide" (a genocide is not happening) and tried to say I painted all Palestinians as barbaric terrorists who colluded to lie about thousands of civilian deaths.
You literally ignored what I actually said to create a straw man that supported your idea that I don't understand racial conflict and racial power dynamics (Israel vs Palestine is not a race issue, you freak, they're literally two groups of POC, their race means nothing, at MOST their nationality is the issue. XD) so yeah, fuck off. :P I'm not wasting my time on a straw-manner who is also a big fucking racist. :P deny that if you want, but you wouldn't be trying to argue "power dynamics" if it was someone being racist to black people, even if it was taking place in Africa.
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demadogs · 1 year
would love to hear more about your S5 Mike arc take
HELL YES!!! happy to share!!!! so some of these are genuine predictions with evidence from what ive seen in the show, but some of it is more of a fanficy kinda vibe of scenarios that are plausible but not influenced by genuine predictions i have. for those that i am confident in, i will link my posts explaining the evidence that supports my prediction. the first few parts are more genuine predictions and the later parts are just my brain making shit up.
also this isnt gonna be one of my “why i think this will happen” posts, im just going to write out mikes entire s5 story arc the way i see it in my head.
how it starts
so s5 starts out where we left off. mike and el still together but a little distant. theyre not fighting or anything but theyre not anything like s3 when they were constantly ditching their friends to makeout. people around them dont see an issue in their relationship but they both know its not what either of them want. (if youve read carry on i see them as how agatha and simon were portrayed at the beginning of the book).
the byers need housing back in hawkins and el wants to stay with hopper in his trailer while they work to fix up the cabin. the rest of the byers stay at the wheelers. jonathans sleeping in nancys room and will is sleeping in mikes.
mike and will have a couple more moments like we saw in s4 that could make it obvious that something might be up with both of them. maybe a conversation similar to the “hawkins isnt the same without you” scene. a scene of them both getting ready for bed talking about what they think is gonna happen next with vecna and everything. not the first night, but eventually maybe mike tells him to sleep in bed with him if will has a nightmare or something. little things like that.
the supernatural plot escalates and will and vecna have a deeper connection than anyone else. vecna is going to torture will in some way so im thinking maybe one of vecna’s methods of torturing will is to torture mike. vecna and will would have different interactions and conflict but mike would be vecna’d in the same style that max was.
how the audience and el learn mike is gay:
(this ones a genuine prediction. heres a post talking about why i think so but read it after you read this)
so now mike is cursed. no one knows including mike. everyones so caught up on protecting will because they all believe he is in the most danger so no one is looking after mike. then mike falls into that trance. (this is maybe 4 episodes in.) the whole partys there when it happens. el immediately puts on a blindfold and static noise and tries to piggyback into mikes mind to fight vecna the way she did with max.
mike doesnt know el is there while hes tranced. he doesnt see el the way max did. maybe el tries to touch him and mike feels a weird phantom feeling on his arm and he looks at it in confusion but he doesnt see el at all.
mike is in the mind lair and hes calling for will. he hears vecnas voice saying his full name. then he sees vecna and he starts saying shit about “friends dont lie” hes asking what happened to that motto and wasnt he the one who insisted that friends dont lie in the first place? “but youve been lying to everyone havent you michael”.
mike is shaking his head and vecna has him cornered and hes denying it but obviously terrified and he says he doesnt know what hes talking about and vecna says “you know exactly what im talking about. its not my fault you dont like girls”. and THATS the line that reveals to the audience that hes gay.
then maybe mike is able to run away but then he starts seeing shit. he ends up in his own basement and sees will and believes hes out of the trance and hugs will but he shrugs him off and tells him “dont touch me”. his eyes are all wrong and hes realizing hes not awake yet. vecna will starts calling him out on his feelings, telling him he would never love him back, that he doesnt even wanna be friends anymore. mike runs away and he just keeps seeing visions like this of everyone he loves. his family not accepting him. his friends not accepting him. el being mad at him for lying.
we are seeing els reactions to all of this too. shes been trying to use her powers to stop vecna this whole time. eventually in her pov everything goes completely black and shes in that weird void thing meaning that mike must be out of the trance. she hears mike panting and crying and takes off her blindfold and sees him awake with will holding his hand or shoulder and him looking at the ground.
eventually he looks up and sees el and at first his face doesnt change but then he sees her holding the blindfold and a pile of tissues with blood on them next to her and he connects the dots and starts to panic. will tries to reassuringly tell him that el was piggybacking trying to save him not realizing thats why hes freaking out. el says his name and tries to calm him down but he just gets up and locks himself alone in a room.
little pause for a second… listen. MIKE IS OVERDUE FOR A FULL ON PANIC ATTACK OK!!!!! we see will express his emotions every single season!! the last time we saw mike completely break down was in s2 when he was yelling at hopper. ever since then hes been trying so hard to bury his feelings and be someone hes not and make sure NO ONE finds out about him and now hes been outed to his girlfriend. he would completely break down. like full on sobbing, maybe throwing up. I WANT HIM TO EXPRESS EMOTIONS EVEN IF THEYRE TERRIBLE ONES!!!!!
el and mikes final breakup/ mikes first coming out:
mike is having a full on panic attack. hes on the floor crying and el is outside of it. he locked the door but el needs to see him so she tells him shes coming in and she uses her powers and opens the door. she closes it and sits next to mike on the floor. at this point hes silently crying and his hands are shaking but hes not as bad he was a few minutes ago. theyre both silent for a bit. mike speaks first and he whispers “did you see all of it?” el says yes.
mike starts to cry more and just starts apologizing profusely and el stops him by just pulling him into tight hug and he hugs her back for a long time. he starts telling her that he never wanted to hurt her. el tries to tell him shes not hurt right now but mike argues and tells her that hes hurt her so much in the past. he tells her that he made her feel like she was unlovable and that she was the issue when he knew deep down that it was him. that there was something fundamentally wrong with him. el tries to tell him theres nothing wrong with him but he insists that there is.
then el admits that she doesnt think she ever was truly in love with him either. she tells him that they both were just trying to do what everyone expected them to do. she didnt know any better because she had just left the lab and was still figuring out how to be a person, let alone a girlfriend. and people expected mike to like her just because she was a girl so he just went with it even after he realized he didnt feel that way. neither of them have ever been true to themselves for as long as theyve known each other. she tells him that he taught her what a friend was. and she missed her friend mike and wants to go back to that. mike tells her he wants that too and they hug again. (i want this scene to be the sweetest most wholesome breakup ever).
theyd also have a conversation of el being confused on whats wrong with him liking a boy. i think it would be really beneficial for mike to hear from someone who was never taught to hate people like him. it would give him so much relief to see potentially the number one person he never wanted to know just be absolutely baffled on why its a bad thing.
while theyre still hugging el says “for what its worth i think he likes you back” mike denies it and el insists that the way he looks at him says everything but mike wont even listen hes convinced he could never love him back.
then mike remembers something and asks a question. “what about the painting?”. els confused. she asks what hes talking about he tells her that will said she commissioned him a painting for her. “if you really didnt love me then whyd you have will paint me that?” she tells him she never told will to paint anything. mike is confused and telling her everything will said in the van. that he gives her the courage to fight on and he needs her. he asks what all that was about if she didnt feel that way and shes just confused. “he wouldnt even show me what he was working on. i told you i thought it was for someone he likes.”
“but it was for me.” el smiles and mike is still not convinced but hes kinda going crazy.
so now mike and el are broken up in the most wholesome way ever and theyre on better terms than theyve ever been but everyone thinks theyre still together. and mike for the first time thinks theres a chance will loves him back and he doesnt know how to act or ask him about it.
mike and will in the upside down:
(the only thing that led me to believe mike and will would be stuck in the upside down together was the upside down couch they sat on in the cabin. other than that this is entirely just what my brain came up with, not an actual prediction)
so skipping ahead, the vecna/upside down plot is getting spicier. shits going down. honestly im WAY better at imagining/predicting gay plots than scifi plots so i have no fucking clue whats going on with vecna and shit its just wild rn thats all you need to know.
i imagine almost all of them having to be in the upside down for some reason. then theres a scenario with some kinda monster like a demodog where they have to sprint to the gate back to real hawkins to be safe but the gate is closing back up. it would look like max’s running up that hill scene. theyre all getting closer and closer but then mike falls (classic) and will sees and goes back to him. the gate is closing more. he helps him up and they both start sprinting again but they dont make it. the whole gate closes up right when they get there and now theyre completely separated from all the friends and family and are alone in the upside down.
theyre able to defeat whatever was after them (will with a gun 👀) but now theyre stuck. maybe they get in a little argument where mike says “i told you to go on without me!!” and wills like “you think i would just leave you here!!!???” they both sit down against the wall the gate was on (like a brick wall or something). they try to come up with a plan and will brings up that maybe el help them some way and he mentions her being mikes girlfriend and mike tells him they broke up. wills very surprised about this. he asks if hes ok and mike tells him its better this way and he means it. (its now been a couple days since they broke up). they hear distant sounds of a monster and tells mike they shouldnt be here. theyre too exposed. (keep in mind mike is being kinda awkward because hes still thinking about the painting and what will said in the van that day and wondering if el was right and that will does love him back but he hasnt brought it up to him yet.)
they get up and make their way to the upside down wheelers house. they enter through the basement and its the same that it looked the day will went missing. the table is set up with the dnd campaign they were playing on november 6th 1983. mike tries to get comfortable on the couch but will just cant stop looking at the table. then he sees the dice on the floor with a 7 pointed up and they flashback to s1 of will telling mike it was a 7.
mike says his name and will remembers hes there and kinda startles and mike asks if hes okay and he just tells him that its just weird seeing everything from that day again. mike agrees. they get more quiet and tense thinking about that night will went missing.
mike brings up that they never finished the campaign. that he was begging his mom for the him and lucas and dustin to stay for 20 more minutes. he tells will he wonders if everything wouldve been different if he had stay. if vecna wouldve grabbed some other kid and they wouldve never known about this other world beneath them.
theyre thinking about that first night will went missing and mike asks if wills ok being back here again. he tells him its not as bad this time around because hes not alone. mike starts to get emotional thinking about when will was missing and he opens up to will about it. he tells him about how they all were there at the quarry when they found his “body”. will didnt know they were all there. he tells him that it was the worst night of his life because he thought he lost him forever. then he goes into talking about when the mindflayer had him and he thought he was losing him again, and then how will moved away. hes starting to cry because he has a deep fear of losing will for good and hes at a huge risk with vecna right now and hes so scared something will happen to him. will reassures him and tells him “im right here” and mike is silently crying and will just pulls him into a hug and they stay hugging for a long time. will tells him “im not going anywhere” while still hugging him.
they separate from the hug but still have their arms around each other and dont let go. its kinda awkward. mike is the one making it awkward. he looks like he wants to say something but isnt and is looking wills lips a lot and theyre so close to each other. will thinks he knows what hes thinking but doesnt dare say anything to ruin it so he just lightly nods his head as if to give mike permission if whats hes thinking is true. and then mike leans in and kisses him.
mike pulls back and at first he looks like hes about to panic but wills just looking at him with the biggest smile and it immediately puts him at ease. mike says “the painting was from you” and will doesnt know what hes talking about at first so mike continues “you said it was from el but it was from you” will confirms that it was. “and everything you said after…” “yes it was all from me” and mike kisses him again. (i also am imagining this as like the second to last episode)
(another more dramatic first kiss i have in mind is during a huge supernatural conflict and its just them and they completely believe theres no way theyre making it out alive and will is telling him that this is it and mike just kisses him right before all hell breaks loose)
post kiss byler
but of course we cant have nice things right away so theres a bit more angst before theyre a completely established couple. they fall asleep on the couch together in the upside down and in the morning they wake up and something chaotic upsidedown related is happening. again, i truly cannot even begin to guess/predict any of the actual scifi plot of the show so dont ask me what this is but its SOMETHING OK.
they dont even have time to acknowledge the kiss the night before or the fact that they woke up in each others arms. they have to fight whatever the conflict is in the upside down.
eventually they are able to escape the upside down and reunite with everyone. once theyre back with all their friends and family but mikes acting a little different again. hes shutting will out again and will is so confused.
(this is loosely inspired by the show the wilds. shelby whos very closeted and comes from an extremely homophobic family is on a deserted island with a bunch of girls and she falls for one of them whos out and she basically tells her “youre FREE here you dont have all that family trauma youre literally on a deserted island” so she kisses her. then later she sees a boat in the distance and she hesitates to make a signal with the fire because shes so scared to go back to her normal life with her homophobic family. mike is kinda experiencing that here. hes back in the “normal” world and is going back to trying to be who they want him to be, not who he just was with will.)
mike is kind of ignoring will when theyre around everyone. he deliberately doesnt sit next to him, he only talks to him when will talks first, hes basically scared that everyone can tell what they did. then will finally finds him alone and talks to him. at first hes hopeful and trying to be kinda flirty and make him laugh and mike barely has a reaction and then will confronts him.
“did that kiss mean nothing to you” mike immediately looks up from what hes doing and makes sure no one else is in the room and will notices. “what?” will tells him hes been different since they got back and hes acting like nothing happened and hes barely acting like theyre friends let alone anything more. and theyre both silent and will says “are we anything more?” and mike thinks before he speaks and then tells him that he did that in a world where there were no other humans. no laws, no expectations, no people to say that what they did was wrong. “thats not the case here.” and will gets mad at this and says something like “so what are you just gonna drop everything and be what everyone else says you should be?” mike doesnt answer and then will asks again “did it mean nothing to you?” and then theyre interrupted before mike could answer.
then later maybe the same day, mike is going somewhere to tell one of the older kids something or to get something related to what their big battle plan is and he sees robin and vickie through a window in a different room kissing and being super happy and flirty with each other. he stops in his tracks and just watches them and hes in total shock because he felt like there was no one like him his whole life and people like him couldnt be as happy as what hes seeing right now. he just continues watching them laugh while holding each other. i also think it would be great if steve was also there and he sees this former asshole douche being supportive of his best friend and letting them just be themselves so freely. he starts to tear up watching them. (this ones inspired by the book i’ll give you the sun this exact scene happens at a party).
that night mike and will are getting ready to go to bed in mikes room again not talking. will gets ready to sleep on the floor, a set back from when they were sleeping in the same bed. the lights are off and wills pretending to try to fall asleep and then mike whispers “it didnt mean nothing.” will turns and face mikes bed and then mike asks him to come up and will hesitantly joins him and mike sits up and faces him.
then this is potentially mikes most venerable scene in the whole show. he tells will absolutely everything. that when he and el moved he realized he was missing him the way he shouldve been missing el and it gave him the worst panic attack of his life when he figured out why. he stopped caring about himself and everything and everyone. he hated who he was. he didnt have the energy to hang out with his friends, to do his hw, to clean his room, to shower, to eat, and he stopped calling will. he just stopped doing everything. but what he continued to do was keep his relationship with el, and the more he did it the more guilty he felt. he didnt want to break up through a letter but he also didnt have the guts to do it in california and then when el confronted him about never saying he loves her he felt so much worse. he wanted nothing more than to actually love her. he hated that he loved will instead.
he tells will that he remembers how his dad would act when he went to wills house as a kid. how they overheard lonnie talking to joyce about them being “too close” one time and neither of them quite knew what he meant by that until later. he has so many little moments like this in his life of people letting him know that its wrong. that he is wrong. and he never ever thought will would be the same way and he never thought any boy could feel that way about him. mike whispers “i just want to be normal” and will says “since when are our lives normal?” and mike kinda laughs but hes also crying. wills holding his hands and tells him “mike, youve been through so much worse than being in love.” and then mike kisses him again!!! yes they have to kiss at least twice this is my mike arc and i make the rules. i could be more detailed in this whole scene but this has been in my drafts for weeks and i need to finally post it.
established byler/mike coming out:
then i really want mike to have a coming out scene with nancy or his mom but honestly id prefer nancy. i just think theres such a lack of wheeler sibling content and id really love if there was a scene like will and jonathan but for mike and nancy. i imagine them both being in the car on their way to somewhere related to the scifi plot and mike tells her that he and el broke up and they talk about that for a bit. and nancy asks if hes happy and mike says yes. and then mike starts to tell her why hes happy and eventually comes out to her but hes still terrified as hes doing it nancy pulls over just to hug him and its very emotional and sweet.
i also really want a scene of them coming out to the party but honestly im not sure if they will just because now there will have to be like 3 coming out scenes already. they might do the party instead of nancy or karen which id be ok with but they also might skip ahead and have them both already be out.
during the epilogue-ish scene they usually have at the end of a season after the supernatural plot has died i want another sweet byler scene. i love the concept of them going to prom with the whole party as a group but just mike and will find their own room to dance in and be themselves and feel safe. i need some fluff before the season ends.
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cowboy-robooty · 7 months
Will you ever make a discord server or do u have discord in general?
I DO HAVE DISCORD!! its what i usually give people if we end up messaging more than quick DMS ^_^ i wont lie i probably will never make a discord server because ive thought abt it but........ managing everything is so overwhelming and also uh. i dont join a lot of servers let alone talk in the ones im in often but if youve seen me youll know im not exactly. as gus and wiener put it "socialized for humans". im just no good at that stuff and also itd be a pain in the ass because i have people i dont like that i wouldnt want in the server and theyd make it a whole big deal even tho its like dude its a server centered around me trying to make friends and actually now that i say it out loud that sounds pretty concieted 😨 its like im trying to make my own anime harem.... YOU SEE HOW MY MIND RUNS IN CIRCLES?!?!?! but yah i dont think i could manage such a thing i have too many problems with it that i cant even fit it all in my average essay length inbox response... if u wanna be mai friend then check if were mutuals ^_^ because (with VERY few exceptions cuz... sometimes social obligation is strong enough to compell even me) i dont really tend to follow people unless 1) their art/content significantly impresses me and i wanna be their friend bc of that or 2) their posts and personality shown on da blog is insane and i wanna be their friend bc of that. i kinda subscribe to the older culture of only following people if i would be interested in having a connection (facebook friends style). THAT DOESNT MEAN I DONT LIKE YOU IF I DONT FOLLOW YOU!!!! theres a whole lot of people ive seen swimming around wif great shit and i dont follow em just bc i dont have feelings strong enough to do it (i legit only followed back gus like after 7 months of us being friends lol) yah idk....... feel free to dm me but no promises on replying fast or good n all... i desperately want friends but im so unsocialable its insane.... maybe one day ill change my mind but augh just thinking about it stresses me out im trying to make an effort to join moar public servers tho!
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plounce · 2 years
as someone whos played ffxiv for almost 8 years now i gotta say its SO exciting to see youve started playing. i really enjoy seeing you talking about trc and kurofai (unfortunately i know absolutely nothing about xmen so it goes right over my head) and so im excited to see any thoughts you have about the ffxiv story and characters!
HEEHEEHEE. most of my ffxivposting has been in a thread on my twt priv, but after the recent botslaughter im gonna try and move it over here.
im at the beginning of stormblood. here are my thoughts:
as i said previously, in ARR i was very meh on alphinaud. i have a grudge against his ARR va (due to critical role), i was like "WHY are we starting a PARAMILITARY ORG", and i was kind of like hey. im playing a 6ft tall elf lady with a huge axe. you fancy little twerp dont boss me around. the end of ARR was soooo crazy and good though, really kicked the plot into gear for me, and those cutscenes were like WHOA!! OMG THE GUY FROM THE BEGINNING CUTSCENE... and in heavensward he became my little boy. because he basically reversed all the things i didnt really like about him. new VA. constant regret and shame about the crystal braves. and everyone was like awww hahaha youre a nice little boy. and he is. he is a boy. and he's polite. and he got a new outfit that covered his midriff, which i appreciated.
minfillia... im sorry. her VA was so insanely bad. and i never really DID anything with her that made me feel attached to her. she felt very bland and generic. i was like okay cool 👍 see ya. i also think her outfit was so blaaaahhhh like it gave me girl next door final fantasy character, NOT leader of an NGO, which would have been more appealing to me.
y'shtola: one of my mutuals is constantly posting her very cute WoL/yshtola fanart and i thought i would like a bit more than i presently do... i like her! i just feel like she hasnt gotten to do very much that isnt going "hmm.. aether." i think it's delightful that she shares a VA with sera from dragon age. bitches with bangs 4 lesbians
urianger: when i first saw urianger i was aghast. i was like. PEOPLE ARE HORNY FOR THAT THING? but now that ive seen more of his shb/edw outfit im like aha i see. you have gender. you're either like "do not perceiveth me" or "dripping with gold in a lightweight backless gown". i really enjoyed his undercover outfit with the WoD. i don't think he did anything wrong. he was like "yeah i did lie to everyone and help manipulate events to send minfilia to a different data center. i feel absolutely awful about it, i wish my trolley problem principles had not made me deceiveth thou all, i am a horrible villain, pray do not feel compelled to forgive me" and i was like nah youre good 👍 like she isnt DEAD. plus he always tried to help me a little bit when he could. i like his funny voice. i like how in ARR he was voiced by fenris dragonage. take those goggles and hood off again mx tism
tataru: if lalafells didn't look like that. i would be shipping my WoL with her. i think she is so cute and fun and a delight. she is a joy. my girl JUGGLES!!!!! she makes OUTFITS!!!!!!!!! she has A KETTLE WITH A FANCY NAME!!!!!!!!!! and she works so hard. im so glad she got to come with us to ishgard. she is my joy. my light...
thancred: i have heard tell that he really leaves behind his initial lothario characterization, and i really have not seen it in forever, which made ARR thancred perfectly fine to me. i was prepared for him to be much more egregious. i wish i knew him a bit better before he got possessed. i was like oh okay! yeah i guess i havent seen him in a while. which made me sad because i love possession storylines i think they are so juicy. his ponytail and rattee (like a ratstache but a goatee) are funny to me. thancred nakey images were funny. there was a moment towards the end of hvw when he came back and i talked to him in ishgard between convos with nobles and he said stuff that was very commiserating and i was like okay i have decided you and my WoL are complaining friends. sipping the haterade together. i think he's like 5'7". like with alphinaud, the character development in this game has really surprised me with how effective it feels. i look forward to seeing him grimly yet compassionately fail forward even more. and to be a single dad. aforementioned mutual (who i know through klapollo) is into thancred/urianger so im also looking forward to confining them into the yaoi compartment
cid: HE IS MY FRIEND :) i love how he's a short king. i like how he was simply like "fascism and imperialism are bad. i am going to go fight against it by building big airships :)" no qualms no struggle just knew what was right and went and did it. he's like a gay older coworker who you go out for drinks with sometimes and invites you to barbeques. i enjoy him and nero's turbodivorce saga.
alisaie: i completely forgot to do all the bahamut raids in ARR so when she showed up post-hvw i was like oh it's time for the girltwin! and she was like "oh we've worked together already :)" and i was like oh god. we only had one conversation. oops. so far i think she's a delight. i have heard that she's a bit of a lesbo. good for her. love that she gets a sword and she gets to be the mean one of the two twins. i cant wait for her little red jacket. looking forward to more >:)
krile: have not seen much of her so far but i LOVE how she has a cloak with cat ears, so cute. LOVE how she teases alphinaud. im like yes... shared character history... quite fun...
ysayle: I LOVE YOU DRAGON ELSAGARD I LOVE YOUUUUUU BIIIIIIIIITCH... I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. i love her style. i love her political convictions. i love her gap moe with the moogles. i think my WoL had a crush on her. i think it's messed up that during the scene where the WoL and alphinaud are prying the eyes off of estinien, she touches alphinaud's hand. she should be touching MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!!! all love to haurchefaunt but I BONDED WITH HER.
estinien: i know many people like estinien. every time he spoke a word at ysayle i felt like a barking like her guard dog. DONT YOU SPEAK TO MY GIRL IN THAT TONE YOU BROODYBOY SMELLMAN. SHUT UP. i assume he softens up now that he is retired from All That. i thought his relationship with alphinaud was very sweet - i liked when he taught alphinaud how to gather firewood. i think my WoL only tolerates estinien because alphinaud is so attached.
haurchefant: i was still barely reading dialogue in ARR when he was introduced. so he showed up and was like OMG HI AGAIN BESTIE!!!!!! and i was like oh! that man! one of my friends is gaymarried to him so he's like my gay brother-in-law. i am a lesbian and my WoL is also a lesbian so we were hagging/tyking (dyke tyke) out with each other. the facial animation on the WoL when he croaks was astoundingly good. i call him horsey
aymeric: well he certainly is competent, principled, and nice. one of the more handsome elezen men in the game. i know he's implied playersexual so i really need him to stop inviting me to dinner because i have had conversations with dude friends like that before and it is so painfully awkward. i think it is great that he committed fratricide AND popecide. wahoo!
lyse: i really enjoyed yda. yknow. i thought she was such a fun cockney karate bimbo. i didn't know she was lyse. i've heard about lyse. and how she is conspicuously the only blonde blue-eyed ala mhigan. and how she is a source of some of the collar-tugging politics in stormblood. sigh. so. i am now burdened with her.
raubahn: I LOVE RAUBAHNNNNNNNNNN I LOVE HIMMMM i love how he has a small adult son. i love how he is trying so hard. i love how he is so righteous and hardworking. the misery lolorito and ilberd put him through during hvw made me so mad on his behalf. when lolorito was like "oh, how we laughed at how upset you were!" i was like RAUBAHN. HE IS THE PERFECT HEIGHT FOR YOU TO JUST PUNT ACROSS THE TOWN SQUARE. PUNT HIM RAUBAHN. YOU DESERVE IT. and i love a one-armed king. kurogane swag
lucia: i think she is cool and fun. hahaha dont potentially be in love with aymeric queen youre so hot and cool and butch
moenbryda: i thought she was so fun and cool. i was like cool!! new character!! big funny woman i love it!! and then near bluefog she dished about her childhood a little and i was like... is that a deathflag. and it was :(
okay thats all the npcs i can think to have anything to say about.
i was pleasantly surprised by the way that lalafells are not the lolibait/shotabait i had grimly prepared for them to be. they are just short funny guys for the most part. moving past that, i then got slammed into by the giant brick that says "BEAST TRIBES". i heard that the new writer has made their writing a lot better (apparently the alliance leaders acknowledge that they have been basically been doing genocide on these sentient beings, which is helping me push forward through stuff)! i do their quests really regularly because i like helping them out. i would really love to see someone with more expertise on the subject write about the presentation of indigenous peoples in ffxiv, because i think that there is a lot going on that is vital to critically inspect.
i have to go eat dinner now. but i will try to post more thoughts on here as i have them >:)
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t0byt3 · 9 months
why i think noels lament fits vil pre overblot 🫡
i started thinking about this and havent stopped so now yikes
anyways uhhhh im going to reference exact lyrics and how i think they play to vil
also i hc vil as gender fluid so i will be switching between he/she/they pronouns for vil throughout the post
this ended up being long af i forgot that i cant stfu jesus
anyways start !!
Uhhh i will say that i dont think the fact that this song is bascially just a fantacy of some sort relates to vil (for the most part). like i think some of the lyrics would pertain to vils imagination or fantasias or whtvr but ya
none of the things i mention are 100% cannon (they could be?? idk) ill go back l8r to see if i can find proof from the story/book or from the manga to see if some of the "points" i make are actually cannon or just me confusing my hc w canon (it happens yikes)
the whole "town bicycle" thing pertains to vil cause people sometimes take their anger/h8red of a character out on the actor whos plays them so for vil who has said that she has played a shit ton of villain roles (i think she said shes played only villain roles if i remember correctly) so if thats the case then she has definitely had to deal with whtvr h8 and name calling has come w that.
then the whole "dont knock it till youve tried my life of sin" refers to people shitting on him for playing the villain specifically the "my life of sin" being vil playing the villain over and over (many villains are seen as wrong or sinful so that also plays in)
lmaooo this just makes me think of his manager cause i feel like vils manager has def heard or seen vil loose his shit either on someone or just ranting about someone
idk if this is fact or not but i always thought of vils manager as being the same one hes had throughout most if not all of his acting career
tbh i see this as being one of those fantasy parts like vil fantasizing about harming neige and/or taking his place
idk thats all i feel like that line is self explanatory idk
"i sing songs until the break of dawn" while i feel like in the song this could be referring to actual sing or fucking all night or whtvr IN THIS CASE FOR VIL i interpreted it as actual singing in which she sings while getting ready for bed or in the morning or smthng) either practicing songs for the hero roles she never gets to play or just practicing in general (maybe even singing songs that she likes just for fun)
"i embrace a new man every night" again im aware this is referring to s3x IM interpreting it as like,, taking on new roles every night either for a new play or a new part or whtvr (this one is one of those lines that doesnt really relate but ya)
"my lifes one never ending carnival a whirl of boozy floozy flashing lights" SHOWBIZZ!! lame but ya thats all i just think that this would be just like in referrence to actor life or whtvr. the whole "my lifes one nvr ending carnival" part could be read as slightly sarcastic cause while everything is also new! fun! wow! its also just ick after awhile cause thats just how its is. the nxt line would just be referring to all the bright ass lights and camera lights and shit that go into acting and whatnot
another one that i feel is self explanatory tbh people tell actors they love them all the time so while vil probably gets h8 for playing the villain they probably also get fans telling they they love them (which i can imagine how annoyed that must make vil but not the point rn)
as much as it annoys them when random ass people say they love them, i do think sometimes, vil will give into it a go along, either for publicity or whtvr. especially as a kid i feel like vil would give into that lie more often (hence why they dont anymore as they have learned its false) but sometimes when the loneliness goes haywire theyll indulge someone for a bit (typically just simple "ilu2 :))" and conversing with them) to gain some sort of fake closeness to satiate the loneliness for a bit (this is 100% hc i feel like vil is seen as the best or the second best so its probably hard to make real friends or relations that dont just want to use them for money or fame or whtvr but once again,,, not the point)
skipping a few lyrics here 1- cause tw and 2- bc i havent found a way to word the way i feel they relate to vil (maybe ill edit when i figure it out maybe i wont idfk)
this just makes me thing of her overblot lol while i def think that the overblot has been building for more than eight months but it just shot forward from being to book six to when she overblotted. "i catch the typhoid flu" makes me think of how she "caught" the overblot "sickness" since its going around/being passed around similarly to how i feel a flu or sickness would be (obviously not very contagious and if overblot was some sort of sickness nrc would be fucked)
"DYING IN AN ALLEY, A PRIEST KNEELS DOWN TO ME- "My child, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?" "Oui. Tell Him that, like Him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!"
the priest in this scenario would be either neige or rook
if we're going w neige as the priest id says it because neige was trying to be nice to vil before vil tried to poison him. The line that noel says would be interpreted as vils words right before giving neige the apple which wouldve cursed him
if we are going with rook as the priest then i see it as rook talking to vil before she goes off to give neige the apple, like before vil separates from everyone, and noels part ould be like vil replying before she goes (i dont remember if they spoke before vil went to curse neige but ill look into it)
the other lines in this lil mantra dont really fit but thats okay
the whole shattered dreams thing like duh bros shattered dreams of playing a hero role and being chosen over neige
super crusty - idk for this one ill be honest
holy terror wild eyes and black mascara - yea so "terror" more like rage but terror may fit cause while he was full of rage he could have also had fear that hed never be able to be more than the villain or second to neige
and broken heart obvi bros broken hearted over this realization
in this case that fucked up girl could be in reference to neige
tbh that whole thing abt this song being abt some guys fantasy could also be in reference to vils fantasy of taking neiges place as the fairest of them all of the most loved and such.
anyways that was a lot and idk if any of it made sense tbh
thats all :3
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dimdiamond · 2 years
hi! i hope this isnt a weird thing to ask, but i was wondering if youve ever posted art/comics with greek writing in them? ive been doing duolingo for greek and realized i dont think ive ever seen handwritten greek - im curious to see if my attempts at handwriting it look anything like handwriting of someone actually from there
Oh not at all! I am not used to be asked about my country or find people learning the language and in general I try to avoid referring to my country or anything me about irl as much as I can because... I don't know really 😅
Anyway I don't mind being asked about my mother language etc and ΜΠΡΑΒΟ for learning Greek, I understand it's not an easy language to learn and grasp the concept of it and wish you all the luck! (Long post so I cut it here)
Now I won't say I have the best handwriting out there but I can tell you that even amongst us we differ the way we writing a letter. For example κ/k, Ω/one of our o and β/v:
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So don't stress over it and find a way to accommodate you!
But yes the comics! One is the well known now το γαλλάκι/the little french boy from Rastapopoulos 😂
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But to helps you more I translated two more so you can see more of my bearable handwriting
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I took the liberty of translating loosely some phrasing so it can make true sense instead of just translating word by word. The translation here is basically:
That count as stretching, alright! A for effort! Still better than Haddock but don't tell him that! / Αυτό μπορεί να μετρήσει ως τέντωμα, εντάξει! Α για την προσπάθεια! Και πάλι καλύτερα από τον Χάντοκ αλλά μην του το πεις αυτό!
Did ya scare away the blasted salesman?! Good job, Milou! Now let's continue training! Whenever ya see Catafiori what ya do? BITE! Exactly! Who's the best boy? YA'RE! / Τον κατατρόμαξες τον καταραμμένο πλασιέ;! Καλή δουλειά, Μιλού! Τώρα ας συνεχίσουμε την εκπαίδευση! Όποτε βλέπεις την Κασταφιόρι τι κάνεις; ΔΑΓΚΩΝΕΙΣ! Ακριβώς! Ποιός είναι το καλύτερο αγόρι; Σύ' σαι!
Salesman normally translates to έμπορος/πλανόδιος έμπορος (eboros/ planodios eboros) but we use the foreign word πλασιέ (plasie) in everyday life.
Also decided to translate ya're aka you are to σύ' σαι (si' se) instead of εσύ είσαι (esi ise) for making it sound more countryside you know.
I don't know if I will ever make comics or write something in Greek since I want to actually communicate with you all when I am sharing my work and also some things are better communicated in English terms, especially when we're talking about something foreign to the Greek language and culture. Not gonna lie, though, that some jokes and things would be great in Greek so who knows? I can use Rastapopolos as an excuse for now!
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izanyas · 2 years
Hello. I just saw your post about the epilepsy surgery 🥺 I'm very sorry you have to suffer like this and cannot get rid of the illness for good without damaging your life... is there no other method available? Some type of intervention/therapy that can help?
In the mean time, are you alright? Like, tge medicine that you are taking now is it working?
I hope i dont come across as too nosy. Wish you all the best! 💝
aw you are so sweet... my treatment works very well, the only issue is that if i forget to take it even for just one or two days, the withdrawals trigger seizures, including grand mal ones. i hate depending on meds like this which is why i'm in a dilemma haha
unfortunately therapy is no use for epilepsy since it's a neurological disorder, not a mental illness. my brain just fries itself sometimes for no reason. youve never seen a rave as epic as my neurons when the seizure starts
but i'm fine! i've had this illness since 2018, got diagnosed in 2020, and since then it's definitely improved. i used to get up to 3 seizures a day, now i almost never get any except if i'm excruciatingly tired or stressed or if i forget my meds. there's still symptoms outside of the seizures unfortunately (sleep issues... i sleep for hours any time i lie down) but it's manageable.
sorry for babbling i'm always wordvomiting about epilepsy because 1) i hate having it 2) i am so fascinated by it my neurologist has to give me full lectures every time i see him before my curiosity is satisfied
here if you're curious about the kind of seizures i get. epilepsy is insane
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y'know when i said drama whores i was joking no need to go straight for the block button, jesus- its true tho u guys are 💖
y'all i was defending the mod. not the queen. certainly not the royal family?? i guess i forgot this was a drama blog tho and y'all go kinda feral over that shit. sorta missed the mark on that one, maybe dont get into archery practice.
flight rising discord servers still have to follow the same rules as the site does, which means memes of sans sexy tumblr man dunking on the queen would not fly in a forum post bc and therefore you're gonna have to take it to the back alley. and then ping me cause i think thats shits hilarious but whatever. pretty sure it counts as politics adjacent (wild) so it aint allowed. also pretty sure you would have seen that in almost every other server you were in, too, dont lie (not that i would know im not in any others, y'all are kinda freaks! imagine not liking bones; you have 206 of them!) i like plague discord and i dont want it to go screaming into that cold, dark night. or whatever the saying is.
opinions on the queen aside. i was poking fun at the OP for blaming the mod for having to follow site rules, and keeping plague chat full of that feel good shit. i dont claim to know what the mod's opinion is and also i dont care. im only in the server to see you cry over the 50th goddamn project youve bought this week and talk about which cheese is superior (mature cheddar, do NOT @ me), i really dont want to think about the dumpster fire going on outside??
you can continue to believe im a sympathiser if thats what tucks you in at night tho bby i dont begrudge someone doing what they can to get a good nights sleep. personally i find warm milk helps but you do you.
tl:dr call me a germ (derogatory) again ill fucking sneeze on you 💋💋
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nanamis-bigtie · 1 year
i was wondering if you were going thru your likes bc you stopped following me about a year ago (presumably bc my hyper focus shifted and just hasnt swung back to op, i really dont mind bc who cares its tumblr) and now youve been reblogging some posts from me. its fun bc its been a while since ive seen them and im like oh yeah!!! i forgot about that!!
nooot gonna lie, it feels a little bit creepy to know that my moves are registered to the point of knowing when exactly I followed and unfollowed someone 😅 especially since this account is not a main one...
wish I could say something wiser, but you wrote to me on anon and all the blogs I recently reblogged from I am still followingn so uhhh, sorry for a possible spam? 🙏
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anzuhan · 2 years
Not even gonna lie your self insert art makes me feel comfortable about making my own self insert art, esp since it's so cute! You just seem so comfortable doing it. I love learning about your sonas and every time you post about smt or persona my life expectancy low-key increases. I'd love to talk about silly things with you but it's a bit intimidating :'))
OOOOOUHHHH i mean it should be comfortable to do self insert art...especially if im jus drawing it to fuck around and slap myself in an universe im even more open to do it bc its silly and fun !! but when it comes to selfship i still have some grudges over erm things ive been told and tend to avoid doing it with very popular characters... sometimes ! but yeah self inserting is fun and u should do it (now) (if you want to)
my sona lore isnt much, all there is to it is that theres sumika(/moth) aka me by default and sumik can shapeshift so i can look however i want to for whatever period of time. and basically all designs i have are still good to me ! if one day i wake up and feel like being a crab again i can and will do that (when i was first into enst i almost always went back to crab from time to time for art w kanata). i guess its just that sometimes i have designs i prefer more than others, like how now i jus made the catgirl one but use it insistently 😭 (if youve been around for longer you may remember there was also at one point just plain sumika but with cat ears... enstars makes me want to be a catgirl idk (its natsumes fault /hj))
and also i am trying my best to seem as less intimidating as possible but ig i can understand? sorry if tje amount of notes on my posts makes me intimidating, just remember im jus another person on da net as well though, i just happen to make awesom art (and be very funny) as well . i may not be very good at replying at dms but you can write me endless asks and i will prolly see them better anyway and we can just communicate just lik in the good old days like im writing u a letter after we havent seen each other for 60 years (i tend to do this anyway w like all asks i dont wanna leave stuff w more questions!!! if possible !!! but yknow
but yea sorry for breaking down all asks like im back in literature class and have to explain each portion of it. it will happen again 🫶
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 10 months
a03 writing wrapped: 17, 27, 29, and 30! 💕
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
wen kexing from woh from zhou zishu‘s perspective! youve seen some of my descriptions of his hair and body language and quirks already!! hes a character that i love a lot and learned to love even more this year, and i kind of kickstarted my own characterization of him when i wrote that one let wkx be cringe! post :D i havent really written him cringey yet but it was important to my perception of him
also: zhou zishu from woh. i found out what i enjoy writing about him the most this year. mostly i write from his perspective for some reason, and many of my zzs versions tend to be very similar. i tried something new this year and it was really fun
27. What do you listen to while writing?
i have several playlist from other writing projects and three (3) playlists curated specifically for tyk. lately ive been listening a lot to taylor swift even though im not a taylor swift fan. there is just smth about her songs that make it very easy to slip away into a good headspace. though i need to be in the mood for it. sometimes i will listen to artists that are recommended to me or an artist‘s radio. i also really like spotify‘s recommendation songs function based on the playlist im listening to. but i dont always listen to music, i need to be in the mood for it. sometimes i just want to hear the words flow or the background noises from my place
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
im sure there are several! but one im very proud of and that kinda showed me that yes, i can indeed write! is this one from good things that lie in the hand:
"pocket knives are actually very good at lying in your hand when you close your fingers around it. they have a good feel to them, like stones. and they have ridges. while u trace these ridges u can imagine all the little, smart, brilliant things that are tucked away in that pocket knife‘s little body."
generally im very proud of the entire thing. its silly and whimsy and unpolished and perfect to me. it showed me that there are words inside of me that can and will flow effortlessly when im in the right headspace, that writing can and will feel good and fun, and that there is skill and a sense for structure in me even when im not aware of it
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
see the above lmao!!
but to expand on this, im wowed and proud to see the signs of my own growth. sure, i was more confident when i started out, im generally an anxious mess 24/7 currwntly which is Not Fun. but i understand things about storytelling and my own preferences and skills, my own style, now that i didnt before. for a very long time writing was just me getting a feel of being creative with words in this way again after i thought i would never be able to bear it ever again. my priorities have shifted a lot since then, which shows how far ive come
ask me writing questions about my ao3 wrapped!!
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