#donald morden
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memelordotherblog · 4 months ago
"Superheroes are modern mythology" is a take i think about alot, because if you define morden mythology as solely being stories with the same group of characters and ideas being retold and remained by different writers who may add their own character or lore but all origining from the same place , technically speaking both mouseverve and duckverse comics would fall over this definition.
And honestly even as someone who think this take isn't very strong for various reasons, I do think it'll be fun to say, "Mickey/ Donald comic are morden mythology."
Just to confused the heck of everyone you know.
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rossimercenary · 7 months ago
Battle against Donald Morden. (MS1,LEVEL 8)
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months ago
Metal Slug Tactics launches November 5 - Gematsu
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Strategy RPG Metal Slug Tactics will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on November 5, publisher Dotemu and developer Leikir Studio announced.
Here is an overview of Metal Slug Tactics, via its Steam page:
Metal Slug Tactics brings the explosive charm and nostalgic fun of the cult Metal Slug series to the tactical scene! Get ready for an intense ride through the best of both worlds: classic arcade action and roguelite tactical thrills. Jump into the combat zone and revive your Metal Slug nostalgia in a whole new way!
Tactical RPG With Roguelike Elements
Metal Slug Tactics offers a fresh perspective on the iconic battles of the Metal Slug series. Lead your squad to victory through strategic guile and superior firepower in a perfect blend of classic action and tactical depth. Unleash powerful special attacks and shape the outcome of each encounter! Accumulate experience after each battle to unlock new weapons or bonus perks to upgrade your team’s firepower and tactical skills. Assemble your team and rewrite the rules in this modern tribute to a cult classic!
Get Your Gear, Soldiers! Mission Start!
Choose between iconic brothers-in-arms from across the Metal Slug series and create the perfect team to stop Morden’s devious plans. Determine the best weapon loadouts and mods to maximize combo efficiency on the battlefield. Launch simultaneous attacks with the “SYNC” mechanic to deal massive damage to the enemy! And if your team is in trouble, you can always call in some reinforcements and watch the big guns at work: heavy artillery, airstrikes, the glorious Metal Slug itself—you name it, you get it!
Fight Your Way to Victory
Embark on an exalting campaign through beautiful, hand-crafted maps to end the war and defeat the infamous Rebel Army once and for all! You’re going to face many challenges, so brace yourself for countless deaths, but don’t give up and push through. Whether you’re a skilled veteran or a new recruit, play and replay your favorite missions, learn precious strategic insight from each adventure and hone your skills with each hard-fought victory. Gain experience, level up your operatives, adapt to your enemies, and remember: every defeat is a lesson, yet triumph awaits those who refuse to surrender!
Donald Morden is back! After years of hiding in a country opposed to the World Government, the devious General patiently staged a coup. Now, he is finally ready to take revenge upon the World with the army he has secretly gathered throughout the years. The Peregrine Falcon Squad will have to do everything in their power to make it through the enemy lines and take down General Morden before the war escalates into catastrophe!
Key Features
Discover the first tactical RPG in the Metal Slug franchise.
Experience a huge replayability with its die-and-retry roguelite progression.
Enjoy amazing pixel art graphics, a heartfelt tribute to the series.
Battle Morden’s Army in 110 hand-crafted maps and 20 different mission types.
Bring the perfect setup for every mission with 36 different weapons and 176 weapon mods.
Choose between nine iconic characters from the series and create the perfect team.
Experiment with 36 loadouts and combos to outsmart your enemies.
Challenge iconic bosses from the Metal Slug universe.
Headbang all the way with an amazing soundtrack by Tee Lopes.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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korrektheiten · 20 days ago
Die Friedensallergie
Manova: »Skandale sind auch nicht mehr das, was sie einmal waren. Früher gab es in der Presse viel Gegenwind, wenn jemand Menschenleben riskierte — heute wendet sich öffentliche Entrüstung vor allem gegen jene, die versuchen, ein weiteres Morden zu verhindern. Da hatten sich die Europäer bequem in einem permanenten Kriegszustand eingerichtet. Die Rüstungsindustrie brummte, und die politische Rhetorik hatte sich ganz auf den Erbfeind Russland eingeschossen. Auch die ukrainische Regierung schien zeitlich unbegrenzt bereit, die Kinder des Landes zu Tausenden in den Schredder der Front zu werfen. Und nun das! Donald Trump droht den Krieg bald zu beenden — wenn auch nicht binnen 24 Stunden, aber vielleicht binnen Wochen und Monaten. Und Wladimir Putin setzt sich recht bereitwillig an den Verhandlungstisch, obwohl sich doch in den letzten drei Jahren alle einig waren, dass man mit dem nicht reden könne. Lumpenpazifisten inszenieren einen schmählichen Diktatfrieden — darf so was sein? Bevor es so weit kommt, dürften die Europäer ihre Kriegsbemühungen noch einmal verstärken. http://dlvr.it/TJ6xFQ «
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itsnothingbutluck · 2 months ago
Skandalöse und kontroverse Ereignisse weltweit im Jahr 2024 
    Donald Trumps erneute Wahl und Anschlag: Donald Trump gewann die US-Wahl, obwohl er während des Wahlkampfs angeschossen wurde. Dieses Ereignis löste eine Welle von Kontroversen aus.
    Einsturz der Carola-Brücke in Dresden: Der Einsturz der Brücke wurde als Symbol für die Probleme der deutschen Wirtschaft angesehen und löste starke Kontroversen aus.
    Zerfall der Ampel-Koalition: Die Ampel-Koalition zerbrach, was zu politischen Spannungen und Kontroversen führte.
    Daniela Klette gefasst: Die ehemalige RAF-Terroristin Daniela Klette wurde nach 30 Jahren im Untergrund gefasst. Dieses Ereignis löste eine Welle von Kontroversen und Diskussionen über Vergangenheitsbewältigung aus.
    Attentat in Krasnogorsk: Mehr als 130 Menschen starben bei einem Anschlag in Krasnogorsk. Der Kreml zog Verbindungen zur Ukraine und der IS reklamierte das Attentat für sich.
    Erdbeben in Japan: Mehr als 80 Menschen kamen bei schweren Erdbeben in Japan ums Leben.
    Flugzeugunglück in Tokio: Eine Passagiermaschine mit 379 Menschen an Bord stieß nach Landung auf dem Flughafen in Tokio mit einem Flugzeug der japanischen Küstenwache zusammen.   
    Attentat auf Weihnachtsmarkt in Magdeburg: Ein Auto raste auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Magdeburg in die Menschenmenge.
    Erdbeben in Indien: Ein schweres Erdbeben der Stärke 7,2 erschütterte Indien und forderte mindestens 10 Menschenleben.
    Sonnenfinsternis in Nordamerika: Millionen Menschen konnten eine totale Sonnenfinsternis am Himmel bewundern.
    Erdbeben in Marokko: Ein schweres Erdbeben in Marokko forderte fast 3.000 Menschenleben.
    Sturmtief in Libyen: Ein Sturmtief in Libyen führte zu Starkregen und Überschwemmungen und verursachte mehr als 5.000 Todesopfer.
    Erdbeben in Japan: Am 1. Januar ereignete sich ein schweres Erdbeben in Japan, bei dem mehr als 80 Menschen starben.
    Klonen echter Stimmen: Die KI-Entwicklerfirma OpenAI präsentierte eine Technologie zum Klonen echter Stimmen, die jedoch wegen Sicherheitsbedenken nicht auf den Markt gebracht wurde.
    Legalisierung von Cannabis: Am 1. April wurde der Konsum von Cannabis in der Öffentlichkeit bundesweit teillegalisiert.
    Tötung von Hilfskräften: Sieben Hilfskräfte der US-Hilfsorganisation World Central Kitchen wurden bei einem israelischen Luftangriff im Gazastreifen getötet.
    Kürzungen bei Agrarsubventionen: Die Ampel-Regierung nahm geplante Kürzungen bei Agrarsubventionen teilweise zurück, obwohl Bauernproteste weiterhin stattfanden.
Verschärfung des EU-Asylrechts: Die EU beschloss, Asylbewerber an den EU-Außengrenzen zu registrieren und Verfahren dort abzuwarten, was zu heftigen Diskussionen führte.
    Proteste gegen Rechtsextremismus: Deutschland erlebte im Februar eine massive Protestwelle gegen Rechtsextremismus.
    Bürgergeld: Seit der Einführung des Bürgergelds wurde über die Höhe, mögliche Sanktionen und Kosten diskutiert.
    Genehmigungen für Windräder: Der Bundestag gab grünes Licht für schnellere Genehmigungen für Windräder und andere Industrieanlagen.
    Gesetz zur Heizung: Der Bundestag beschloss das umstrittene Heizungsgesetz, das einen schrittweisen Austausch von Öl- und Gasheizungen vorsieht.
    Verschwinden von Menschen: Weltweit verschwinden tausende Menschen gewaltsam, oft als Mittel zur Unterdrückung in autoritären Staaten und internen Konflikten.
    Windkraft und Solaranlagen: In der EU wurde in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2024 erstmals mehr Strom aus Windkraft und Solaranlagen gewonnen als aus fossilen Energiequellen.
    Wohnungslosigkeit: 2023 waren 372.000 Menschen in Deutschland wohnungslos.
  Verurteilung von Irmgard F.: Eine 99-jährige Frau wurde wegen Beihilfe zu Morden in KZs zu einer Jugendstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt.
Vorgezogene Neuwahlen in Frankreich: Emmanuel Macron löste die Nationalversammlung auf und kündigte vorgezogene Neuwahlen an.
    Bauernproteste in Deutschland: Landwirte blockierten eine Fähre und protestierten gegen geplante Subventionskürzungen.
    Sturmtief in Libyen: Ein Sturmtief in Libyen führte zu Starkregen und Überschwemmungen und verursachte mehr als 5.000 Todesopfer.
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spiritgamer26 · 4 months ago
Metal Slug Tactics
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Metal Slug Tactics – Quand l’Esprit Arcade Revient en Force dans un Monde de Stratégie
Imaginez : vous entrez dans une salle d’arcade vers la fin des années 90. Entre les jeux en déclin et les consoles qui grignotent le marché, vous tombez sur une borne Neo Geo affichant Metal Slug : Super Vehicle 001. Alors que la 3D promettait d’être l’avenir avec ses DOOM et compagnie, voilà qu’un jeu en 2D imposait une leçon d’art pixelisé : des sprites énormes et magnifiquement animés, une bande-son survoltée, des boss gigantesques, et un chaos visuel spectaculaire. Ce run ‘n’ gun effréné est l’œuvre de l’équipe derrière Gunforce et In the Hunt, vétérans du genre, qui savent comme personne faire parler la poudre.Face à un tel succès, Metal Slug n’allait pas s’arrêter là. Même après la faillite de SNK, la série renaît sous SNK Playmore, avec pas moins de sept épisodes, sans compter les remakes et les versions alternatives. Mais qui aurait imaginé voir Metal Slug renaître en 2024 sous la forme d’un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour avec une touche de roguelike ? Oui, l’esprit d’arcade se mue en un jeu stratégique isométrique, sous la houlette de Leikir Studio (à qui l'on doit Rogue Lords et l'énigmatique Isbarah). Et la question, bien sûr : est-ce que ça marche ?La réponse est un grand « oui ». Contre toute attente, Metal Slug Tactics parvient à capturer la tension et la folie visuelle de la série tout en nous offrant une expérience tactique où chaque décision pèse, comme si la stratégie pure allait de soi dans cet univers explosif. Leikir Studio a réussi l’improbable en adaptant l’énergie brutale de Metal Slug à un jeu où la réflexion remplace l’adrénaline, tout en rendant hommage à l’iconique héritage Neo Geo.
Metal Slug Tactics – Un Retour Explosif… à Condition d'Aimer la Difficulté !
Dès le lancement de Metal Slug Tactics, le jeu nous met directement dans le bain avec trois personnages jouables : Marco, Fio, et Eri. Mais pas d’inquiétude, les vétérans de la série comme Ralf, Leona et Clark viennent bientôt compléter l’équipe pour enrichir la stratégie. L’histoire, comme toujours avec Metal Slug, ne s’encombre pas de fioritures : le général Donald Morden, ce méchant récurrent de la saga, refait surface à la tête d’une armée armée jusqu’aux dents, prête à semer la pagaille. Et nous ? Nous sommes là pour lui faire barrage. Ne vous attendez pas à des miracles narratifs – ici, le décor est posé avec juste assez de dialogues pour donner un prétexte à la mission. En somme, un Metal Slug fidèle à lui-même, avec juste ce qu'il faut de contexte pour lancer l’action.Le jeu démarre dans une zone centrale où les options sont d'abord limitées. On peut choisir son équipe, mais l’aventure dévoilera peu à peu une boutique et des menus d’améliorations pour personnaliser nos héros. Metal Slug Tactics s’enracine dans la tradition roguelike : des améliorations permanentes sont possibles, mais en cas de défaite, certains progrès s’évaporent. Les missions, générées de manière procédurale, sont réparties dans des zones inspirées des niveaux classiques de la série et offrent diverses récompenses : des fournitures vitales, de l’expérience, ou encore de nouvelles compétences pour étoffer le développement des personnages. Cette approche ajoute une vraie stratégie à la série et pousse les joueurs à choisir avec soin les missions en fonction des récompenses.Chaque zone nous mettra face à un boss, et le battre nous permet d’installer un nouvel avant-poste pour avancer dans l’aventure. La difficulté, cependant, monte en flèche dès les premières heures. Metal Slug Tactics ne se laisse pas aborder à la légère : un échec pourrait bien être à l’horizon si l’on aborde les batailles sans un minimum de planification. Mais c’est justement dans ce défi que réside tout l’attrait du jeu. Malgré sa difficulté, ce mélange de stratégie et d’action fait honneur à l’essence de Metal Slug et, à mesure que l’on progresse, chaque victoire renforce notre affection pour ce nouveau chapitre de la saga.
Metal Slug Tactics – Entre Run 'n' Gun et Stratégie : Une Révolution Tactique Audacieuse
Metal Slug Tactics relève un défi aussi intrigant que risqué : transformer le concept explosif du run 'n' gun en un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour. Pour beaucoup, cette combinaison peut paraître improbable, voire paradoxale, mais le résultat est bien plus captivant qu'on aurait pu l’imaginer. Les mécaniques de jeu innovantes ajoutent une profondeur surprenante et font évoluer le genre tout en conservant la tension propre à Metal Slug. Ici, la mobilité des personnages devient clé : plus ils se déplacent pendant un tour, plus leur capacité d’esquive augmente. Ajoutez à cela des bonus de couverture, une montée d’adrénaline et des caractéristiques de personnage bien pensées, et vous obtenez une défense quasi invincible – même à découvert !Les développeurs poussent l’audace avec un système de synchronisation d’attaques : dès qu’un membre de l’équipe ouvre le feu, ses alliés avec la même cible dans leur ligne de mire s’alignent pour l’offensive. Le jeu récompense ainsi une approche téméraire, incitant le joueur à adopter un style agressif où camper en retrait mène souvent à une défaite cuisante. Par exemple, un personnage qui reste immobile subira des dégâts amplifiés à chaque tir ennemi, ce qui punit sévèrement toute velléité de passivité.Les niveaux, de taille modeste mais riches en défis, sont conçus pour maintenir l’action frénétique. Le joueur est rapidement entouré d’ennemis, et les objectifs varient constamment pour éviter la monotonie : des missions chronométrées où il faut détruire des camions en fuite, des escortes à protéger jusqu’à leur point d’extraction, ou encore des cibles à pourchasser. La carte, générée de manière procédurale, renforce l’imprévisibilité et nécessite une adaptation constante.Les combats contre les boss mettent particulièrement à l’épreuve cette stratégie dynamique. Un blindé, par exemple, force les personnages à se déplacer en permanence pour éviter tirs et explosions, ou bien encore un robot géant qui traverse la carte en semant la panique – impossible de rester statique si l’on espère échapper à sa fureur destructrice. La progression devient vite gratifiante grâce à un système d’améliorations : des compétences à débloquer, des statistiques à booster, et de nouvelles armes à acheter qui ouvrent d’innombrables possibilités stratégiques.Mais attention, Metal Slug Tactics ne fait aucune concession : même au niveau de difficulté minimal, le jeu exige une compréhension précise du champ de bataille. Et si l’expérience reste fraîche et stimulante, certains bémols apparaissent sur le long terme. Le jeu devient parfois répétitif au bout de quelques heures, et certaines améliorations sont si cryptiques qu’elles en deviennent déroutantes. Un bonus défensif qui s’active après avoir frappé trois pigeons, avec des ajustements de 1 % par tir ? C’est le genre de complexité qui peut désorienter. Mais ces bonus, aussi obscurs soient-ils, influencent souvent les décisions stratégiques en incitant le joueur à planifier ses actions pour maximiser leurs effets.Finalement, Metal Slug Tactics réussit à offrir un hommage à la série avec un gameplay renouvelé. Le jeu allie légèreté et brutalité : sous ses airs cartoonesques, il cache une complexité impitoyable qui rappellera aux fans pourquoi ils ont tant aimé la saga Metal Slug à l’époque – une expérience intense, et loin d’une simple promenade de santé.
Un Retour Artistique Sans Fausse Note
Artistiquement, Metal Slug Tactics réussit un véritable tour de force : transposer fidèlement le style iconique de la saga Metal Slug sans chercher à réinventer la roue. Les développeurs de Leikir Studio nous offrent ici un jeu où chaque pixel, chaque animation, chaque explosion évoque instantanément l’esprit des chapitres d'origine. Sprites colorés et détaillés, animations soignées, et effets pyrotechniques à gogo – le jeu pourrait se résumer ainsi, à l’instar des premiers épisodes de la série run 'n' gun. Sauf que cette fois, le défi se joue dans un cadre stratégique.Si la perspective change, l’authenticité reste intacte grâce à un travail d’adaptation méticuleux. Les environnements conservent l’essence des niveaux arcade, chaque zone reprenant les éléments caractéristiques qui ont fait la gloire de la saga. Les décors sont non seulement magnifiques mais respectueux de l'héritage visuel du jeu original. On se retrouve face à des zones de combat familières mais retravaillées, où le soin du détail fait honneur à l’héritage de SNK. Quant à la bande-son, elle ne déçoit pas : les premières notes suffisent pour replonger les fans dans l’univers explosif de Metal Slug, chaque morceau étant une ode à la nostalgie.Pour les vétérans, Metal Slug Tactics n’est pas simplement un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour, mais bien un hommage authentique à une série culte. En conservant ce style inimitable, Leikir Studio réussit à combler l’attente de ceux qui suivent la saga depuis des décennies tout en offrant un renouveau subtil mais respectueux. Bref, une adaptation artistique à la fois audacieuse et fidèle qui fera mouche auprès des nostalgiques et de la nouvelle génération de joueurs.
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namelessfilmgeek · 4 months ago
Film Fast Review #019:
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(DVD + BluRay Unrated Mediabook Version mit DTS-HD Master 5.1 Sound - Sichtung der BluRay Version)
Story: New York in den 1980er Jahren. Der attraktive Patrick Bateman hat alles, was das Herz begehrt: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Broker, besitzt ein Appartement im richtigen Haus, genügend Designer-Kleidung und neben einer vorzeigbaren Verlobten auch noch eine Geliebte. Niemand ahnt, dass in Bateman ein American Psycho lauert, der anfangs noch kontrolliert, dann immer wahlloser mordet und verstümmelt. Nach dem Verschwinden eines Kollegen kommt ihm der Ermittler Donald Kimball langsam auf die Spur.
MakeUp / CGI / Computereffekte: Das MakeUp ist einfach gehalten, zeigt aber genau wie die Upper Class aussieht. Glattpoliert, aalglatt und nur mit dem teuersten in Gesicht und Haar. Blut gibt es auch zu sehen und sieht bei den Arten des Mordens auch sehr gelungen aus. CGI / Computereffekte gibt es keine.
Bild: Da es sich hier um eine remasterte Version handelt, ist das Bild ohne Filmkörnung sowie glasklar. Da der Film aber inzwischen 24 Jahre alt ist gibt es nicht so knallige Farben.
Musik / Soundeffekte: Die Musik besteht aus besten 80er Sound und die Soundeffekte sind nur bei der Kettensägen-Szene richtig laut und dröhnend. Ansonsten spielt sich alles trotz DTS-HD Master 5.1 Sound in einem normalen Rahmen ab was die Spielerei an der Fernbedienung nicht nötig macht.
Fazit: American Psycho ist ein Film den ich über die Jahre nicht nur des öfteren im TV, sondern auch schon des öfteren auf DVD und BluRay gesehen habe. Klar, er ist inzwischen 24 Jahre alt und genießt bei einigen einen Kultstatus, aber ich hingegen werde mit diesem Film einfach nicht richtig warm, da er für mich ein merkwürdiges Ende hat womit ich mich einfach nicht anfreunden kann. Trotz alledem hat er eine gute Story mit einem angenehmen Tempo und damit auch die richtige Lauflänge, aber um ihn als Kult zu feiern fehlt mir da einfach einiges an Feinheiten. Um ihn sich des öfteren anzuschauen geht er aber voll in Ordnung.
Meine Bewertung: 7,5 / 10 🟡
- dertypohnenamen (November 2024)
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pineas2 · 1 year ago
Donald Trump ist kein Apostel
Eine Kollegin von hoher Intelligenz konfrontierte mich mit der Auffassung, dass alle Bilder aus Israel nichts seien als israelische Propaganda. Ich schob es auf ihre Jugend. Da repetiert man noch, was man zuhause hört, und kommt nicht auf den Gedanken, man könnte anders denken und den Hijab ablegen.  Meine eigene Theorie ist, dass die Antwort auf das muntere Morden der Hamas ein nicht weniger…
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thesilliestrovingalive · 5 months ago
Updated: March 13, 2025
Reworked Character #12: General Morden
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, alcoholism, kidnapping, and torture.
Real name: Donald Humphrei Morden IV
Aliases: Devil Rebirth and Your Excellency
Occupation: General of the Rebel Army, Vice Admiral of the Marine Corps (formerly), Tactical Commander for the Intelligence Agency (formerly), Commander of the Middle Eastern Garrison (formerly), and Field Marshal of the European Garrison (formerly)
Retirement plans: Buy a secluded tropical island, build a cottage in the northern forests of New Brunswick, and raise more exotic pets
Special skills: Political science, wood carving, piloting the Hi-Do and The Iron, planning for ambushes and tactical assaults, and sniping with heavyweight firearms
Hobbies: Studying geopolitical events and romantic languages in his office during nighttime hours, reading classical poetry and Shakespearean literature, playing complex piano compositions, building wooden cabins, and hunting
Likes: His family, the Hi-Do, the fearless devotion of his army, finishing things straight to the end, and smoking Cuban cigars before leading off to a battle or going to bed
Dislikes: Ignorance, objectivity, people with no ambitions, governmental and military corruption, and a lack of proper etiquette and table manners
Favourite food: Creamed salmon spaghetti and maple walnut ice cream
Favourite drink: Scotch whisky
Sexuality: Heteroromantic sapiosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 49 (in 2022), 55 (in 2028), 57 (in 2030), 59 (in 2032), 61 (in 2034), 68 (in 2041), 70 (in 2043), 71 (in 2044), and 74 (in 2047)
Blood type: AB+
Weight: 249 lbs. (113 kg)
Design: He’s a 6’ 5” (195.58 cm) Canadian mesomorph with a chiselled musculature, an upside-down trapezoidal chest, and broad shoulders. He has limestone skin (it was once a rose beige), a cleft chin, a brownish mole on the left side of his nose bridge, sparkling sapphire blue eyes with flecks of blood red, and bushy eyebrows. He has wrinkles on his face, characterised by forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, and nasolabial folds. He has neatly trimmed, chin-length caramel blonde hair with sideburns, a similar moustache that the impostor Morden Robot has in Metal Slug 4, and an encircling band of silver-grey in the centre.
When Morden becomes a cyborg after he was assassinated during the White Baby Crisis, he possesses a revolutionary self-resurrection mechanism. A rhombic dodecahedron microchip embedded in his spine springs into action whenever his vital systems fail. The chip emits a low humming frequency and flashes a cyclical pattern of blue, white, and red for precisely 50 seconds. After this brief interval, he awakens in a newly prepared cyborg body, fully restored and operational with all of his memories intact.
His right eye has been brutally gouged out, which is indicated by the heavy scarring from six stab wounds. This would be replaced by a cutting-edge, cybernetic implant, expertly crafted by the Amadeus Syndicate. The cybernetic orb's sclera has a dark, polished chrome finish, adorned with crimson micro-circuits that mimicked the appearance of veins. At its centre, a pupilless blue-grey iris radiates a soft, luminescent glow. When it transitions to a fiery amber, its intensified brilliance signals heightened alertness and strategic recalibration. Equipped with cutting-edge scanning and data-processing capabilities, this cybernetic implant enables visual recall of critical information, threat detection, and instant recognition of key objects and individuals for future reference.
General Morden wears a pair of rusty orange boxer briefs, a glossy black eyepatch over his cybernetic right eye, and a Persian indigo armband on his left arm, adorned with the insignia of the Rebel Army. He wears a feldgrau military beret, distinguished by a scarlet band with white piping and an embroidered emblem featuring a black dragon's head swallowing a winged gold sword. He wears a white dress shirt and gloves, a flame-coloured tie, a metal dog tag necklace with his name, and a brownish-black leather belt secured with a gilded snap-on buckle.
His shoulders are draped with an ankle-length Persian indigo coat featuring brownish-black cuffs edged with scarlet piping, golden maple leaf clasps linked by a chain, and a prominent fur collar dyed a pinkish-orange. He wears feldgrau army cargo pants, tucked into black combat boots with spike soles and lined with coyote fur. He wears a feldgrau military coat featuring a left-side white aiguillette, two breast pockets, and a scalloped rear vent with flap pockets. It also features scarlet cuffs and a turned collar with Persian indigo piping, gilt-brass buttons, and golden shoulder boards adorned with two vertical white stripes.
He wears five badges: a black bar with two vertical golden stripes and a horizontal white stripe above his left breast pocket; a gilded skull with draconic wings on the pocket flap; a silver circle with a scarlet X on a white-edged red-orange ribbon and a gilt-brass roaring dragon's head on an ultramarine ribbon, both on his left breast pocket; and a gilded six-pointed star with a scarlet-edged white circle hung on a jade ribbon, secured with a gold clip on his right breast pocket. Morden's belt supports a sheath for his combat knife and a secure strap for his military baton, featuring a white elephant ivory shaft, a scarlet velvet-wrapped grip, and flat-topped gilt-brass end caps, each set with 12 circular rubies.
He wears a drop leg holster for his Chiappa Rhino 40DS revolver and a black bandolier, slung over his left shoulder, holding .357 Magnum cartridges for the firearm. His military coat pockets contain a rose gold lighter, keys to his personal Space Tank, a silver wedding band, a golden engagement ring with a radiant cut diamond, and a treasured photograph of his late family in Central Park. The pockets of his army cargo pants carry around a pack of Cuban cigars, the Ajirabian Teardrop, a copper-hued flask of Scotch whisky, and a walkie-talkie. He wields an M20 rocket launcher, designed with a leather shoulder strap and featuring an olive green, tan, and dark grey camouflage pattern, which fires anti-tank missiles.
Morden owns the greyish-green Space Tank, a floating tank saucer emblazoned with the Rebel Army insignia on its front. Constructed as a birthday gift and token of allegiance by loyal Rebel Army members and the Pipovulaj, this vehicle incorporates advanced Martian and Tuatha Dé Danann technology. The Space Tank's upper body bears a striking resemblance to the Dai-Manji, while its dark grey chassis is reminiscent of the Nop-03 Sarubia's. The tank boasts extremely thick armour, a silver antenna protruding from its left side, and a gold-painted rim accented with a scarlet edge. Primarily serving as his personal transportation, the Space Tank can also be deployed on the battlefield when necessary.
It features a built-in metallic blue cannon that can only be activated by inserting the Ajirabian Teardrop into a designated slot within the tank. This action opens the front compartment, revealing a large cannon similar to the Denturion's, albeit slightly under half its length. When deployed, the cannon extends, allowing Morden to tap into the laser power of the Ajirabian Teardrop. It's capable of flight by hovering above the ground. The two circular parts of the tank can open to fire three red homing missiles, each with a black stripe near the tip, at a time. Similar to the Dai-Manji, it can also open a hatch on its underside while hovering, unleashing a death ray that shoots fiery energy bolts at its targets.
Character summary: Previously, General Morden was a compassionate, dependable, and reliable leader who deeply valued the lives of every soldier under his command. However, the tragic loss of his family, compounded by the government's and military's corruption and culpable inaction, ignited a desire for vengeance and led him to view indifference as the root of all evil. He seeks to topple an unjust system, even if it requires dismantling all governmental powers. His vision for the New World involves unifying warring nations under a rigid, authoritarian regime, achieved by overthrowing the Earth Federation and eliminating its allies through forced assimilation and strategic neutralisation.
Despite being a charismatic and adaptable leader with a strong sense of justice, he ultimately descended into ruthlessness and megalomania, becoming a bumbling madman. Upon encountering his enemies, he frequently erupts into mocking laughter, regarding them as feeble-minded and ignorant foes. Nonetheless, even in the face of humiliation and defeat, Morden’s dignity, charisma, and commanding skill always remains the same. Thanks to the immense courage he developed over years of witnessing brutal horrors during his military career, he remains unfazed by intimidation, even when it's genuinely serious.
Despite being an atrocious person who comes across as mean and cold, he’s surprisingly sweet and kind, especially towards those who support his ambition, work alongside him or are part of his family lineage. He shows respect to neutral parties interested in supporting his cause and engages in friendly conversations with strangers who treat him with honour and kindness. His approachable nature and keen intelligence allow him to connect with others both intellectually and emotionally, making him skilled at forming friendships. He doesn't trust people easily unless they manage to impress him, come across as honest, and are willing to act on their promises. He particularly enjoys sharing a few drinks with a potential friend or ally, which helps cement his trust in them. He's always assertive with those close to him and his soldiers because he doesn't want to undermine their loyalty or give them reason to think he's a liar. However, he's not above lying to adversaries to keep confidential information about his plans for the Rebel Army and his alliances a secret, even if he's tortured or aggressively interrogated for it.
General Morden is a man full of pride, often boasting about his greatest feats on the battlefield. Depending on the situation, he'll abandon his position behind the battle lines and fearlessly charge into combat. He lives by a personal code of honour that prioritises restraint, avoiding unnecessary violence whenever possible. He sees no point in engaging in behaviour that involves unreasonably toying with people and damaging healthy relationships, viewing such actions as foolish and repugnant. He isn't afraid to make sacrifices when necessary and occasionally spares or even helps civilians, showing a glimmer of empathy beyond his military duties. He's a tough, efficient, and introspective individual who can be demanding of his soldiers, yet he feels genuine empathy and understanding for his troops. Although he's prone to frustration when missions don't go as planned, he never gives up. Despite the challenges, he consistently demonstrates resilience and determination, always pushing forward to achieve his objectives.
He's an exceptionally intelligent and cunning strategist, always thinking several steps ahead of his adversaries. A skilled manipulator, he expertly entices others to do his bidding through false promises and strategic persuasion. However, he's highly resistant to manipulation himself, and his sharp wit and worldly wisdom makes him immune to naivety. If he discovers someone attempting to deceive him, he'll confront them directly and give them a nasty glare that conveys a clear message: he sees through their ruse, and denial will only worsen their situation. When he's drunk, he becomes sorrowful, careless, and overly attached around Sagan and Logan, grows increasingly agitated, and frequently mumbles incoherently and gazes blankly upwards.
Whenever he encounters a pair of glowing red eyes, he's tantalised by their whispered promises of safety and growth. Yet, he hesitates to follow, unsure if the allure is genuine or just a product of his own fevered imagination. He's a melancholic, cautious, and headstrong individual who shows mercy to his subordinates, excels at evading capture, and indulges in life's luxuries. Loyalty and camaraderie are paramount to him, but betrayal from within the Rebel Army is an unforgivable offence. Morden’s intolerance for failure is absolute; those who deliberately falter face severe punishment or elimination. His ego is easily bruised by ridicule or underestimation from his enemies, threatening his self-image as a fearless warrior and exceptional leader. He has no qualms about torturing and executing enemies and traitors, whether publicly or privately, and considers advancements in military technology to be essential to achieving his objectives.
He struggles with mild alcoholism as a coping mechanism for the loss of his family, trypophobia triggered by honeycombs and decaying flesh, and the fear of dying a dishonourable and gruesome death. He views domestic cats as a far cry from their majestic ancestors and larger wild relatives, often going so far as to forcefully shoo them away. Although capable of aggression and violence, he usually maintains a calculating, serious, and calm demeanour. However, beneath his surface lies a volatile temper that periodically ignites into explosive outbursts when overwhelmed by intense feelings of rage, shame, and self-loathing. Despite his resolute ambition, he secretly grapples with the moral implications of his actions. His doubts are ever-present, but he consistently prioritises his goals over his conscience. His courage falters only when faced with extremely bleak circumstances or painful reminders of his family's tragic loss.
He generally tolerates his troops' actions against external parties, but draws a firm line when it comes to harming their own comrades. He's a strict disciplinarian, swiftly addressing conflicts and misconduct amongst his ranks. When issues arise, he demands accountability, forcing the offending soldier or group to apologise, backing this demand with the threat of demotion or public embarrassment. He finds it strange that his fanatic troops worship him like a god, but he tries not to focus on it, viewing it as a sign of extreme loyalty that encourages them to become better fighters. Although he cares about his soldiers, he's acutely aware of the rampant drug use among the cadets and fanatics. However, he pretends to be oblivious and unfazed, knowing it was their choice to use illicit substances. Nonetheless, he does occasionally intervene when the drugs distract his soldiers from combat, particularly when they engage in unnecessary property damage, violence against their comrades, slothfulness, and an intense libido that they desperately try to satisfy. Despite all of that, he views the Rebel Army as a surrogate family and enjoys celebrating victories and spending downtime with them.
He cherishes Allen's friendship, appreciating him as a trusted companion for casual nights out and lively conversations, but Allen's impulsivity and relentless drive for action often test his patience. He feels a pang of jealousy towards Allen, which he keeps secret, because Allen's family is still alive and well-connected, whereas his own family is either deceased or estranged. He considers Abul Abbas as a good friend and finds it inexcusable that many of his soldiers and commanders treat him with disrespect. Although he views Abul as a womanizing coward and is disappointed by his poor performance, he appreciates his loyalty to the Rebel Army's cause and willingness to fulfill his duties. However, Logan has made it clear that if he were to discover Abul's secretly committed atrocities within the Rebel Army, he would either immediately discharge him or order Allen to execute him on the spot.
He gets along well with Doctor Amadeus, who demonstrates genuine interest in his cause and the technological advancement of the Rebel Army. Although he admires her genius-level intellect, finding it captivating and beautiful, he’s sometimes intimidated by her calculating and enigmatic nature. He secretly harbours a deep-seated fear of Rootmars, knowing she has the power to effortlessly crush him and his army if he incurs her wrath. Despite this, he holds Rootmars in high esteem, admiring her leadership skills and formidable reputation, even if their visions for the New World greatly differ. He regards Ptolemaios with skepticism, stemming from his disdain for cults and religious extremism, compounded by their past confrontation during the Arms Deal Barrage. Additionally, Ptolemaios' reluctance to engage directly on the battlefield raises concerns. Nevertheless, he acknowledges his exceptional wisdom and deeply respects his unwavering commitment to leading the Ptolemaic Army.
He’s fiercely devoted to his younger distant cousins, Sagan and Logan, the only family members he remains in contact with, and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety and happiness. He’s extremely protective of Sagan and Logan, treating them like his own children. He goes out of his way to safeguard them, swiftly and aggressively defending them against anyone who poses a threat, causes harm or violates their personal boundaries. However, when Sagan and Logan disagree or get physical with each other, General Morden calmly intervenes, resolving their conflicts with a gentle yet firm, understanding, and patient approach.
He has zero tolerance for Sagan's habits of casually issuing death threats and making crude remarks about her comrades, whether jokingly or seriously. He's disgusted by her overtly sexual behaviour towards her platoon and enemies, but he chooses not to intervene, prioritising more pressing concerns. He also dislikes how Logan occasionally disregards Sagan's wishes, intentionally doing things she's explicitly forbidden, which often escalates into heated arguments or fights. Furthermore, Logan's tendency to engage in physical altercations with comrades and getting disoriented when exploring the wilderness consistently gets under his skin.
Morden and Tequila were once inseparable friends, sharing stories of their lives over drinks and exploring exotic destinations that Tequila had always wanted to visit. He deeply admired Tequila's worldly wisdom, courage, and profound insight into the human condition. However, their bond was severed when Morden's lust for global domination took hold, driving Tequila away and forcing him to turn against his former friend. The betrayal left a bitter taste in Morden's mouth, a painful reminder of the friendship he had lost.
He has a deep-seated hatred for Marco and Tarma as they foiled his nearly successful plan to achieve his vision of a New World during the Great Morden War. He especially despises Marco, who gouged out his eye at the end of the Great Morden War and played a role in getting the original Sagan killed during the Extraterrestrial Alliance Clash. He knows that Marco will relentlessly pursue him until he's no longer alive, driven by the actions he took against him and his comrades in the past. He particularly can't stand Tarma because he always intervenes to save his best friend whenever they confront Morden in battle and he tries to kill Marco or when Morden issues specific orders to his soldiers to eliminate Marco.
Backstory: Donald Humphrei Morden IV was born on January 24, 1973 in New Brunswick, Canada. He hails from a long lineage of hunters, courageous soldiers, militant commanders, esteemed politicians, and wealthy businessmen. However, whispers abound that he's the direct descendant of a legendary Tuatha Dé Danann sovereign, fabled to have played a pivotal role in the downfall of Atlantis. The Morden name originates from a British family that served as royal advisors, food merchants, and nobles in the 19th century. Although they were of British origin, they resided in Germany, specifically within the Fortress of Königsdrache. From this strategic location, they exerted significant influence on the country's politics and military affairs. During the Napoleonic Wars, the Mordens distinguished themselves as exceptional leaders and skilled soldiers, renowned for their strategic intellect rather than brute force.
Some members of the Morden family are biologically related to the Wildgrube family, although there are no documented family gatherings. In the late 19th century, a Morden businessman, who owned a jewellery-making company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, invested in a Wildgrube-led mining expedition in the Upper Harz to search for silver, copper, and iron. In the early 19th century, exploratory hunters from the Morden family joined forces with Wildgrube cartographers on a major expedition to explore and map uncharted territories in the Canadian wilderness. During World War I, a high-ranking officer from the Morden family served alongside a recently promoted Wildgrube soldier in the trenches of France. Canadian and British Morden soldiers joined forces with German Wildgrube resistance fighters during World War II to combat the Axis powers. They supported the establishment of the Earth Federation, providing crucial financial backing and expert advice on sustaining global peace and security.
He was born into a large, middle-class Canadian family, being the sixth of eight children with three older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother and sister. His siblings, from oldest to youngest, are Edmund, a successful woodcutting industry businessman; Quentin; Timothy, a Private in the Eurasian Garrison; Kourtney; Reynold; and Vanessa, a supervisor in food packaging manufacturing. His grandfather, Donald Humphrei Morden III, was a seasoned, worldly-wise veteran who retired after the birth of his fifth grandchild and subsequently pursued a career in hunting and sustainable meat production. His father, a Corporal in the North American Garrison, was known for his adventurous and carefree spirit. His mother, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps, balanced stern discipline with tender affection. Due to their demanding military careers, his parents had limited time with him and his six siblings, relying on his grandfather to provide regular care and support.
Although Morden keeps his childhood private, a few details have emerged. Remarkably, all of his siblings demonstrated exceptional intelligence, but Morden's rapid development surpassed them all. This stirred jealousy among his older siblings, who admired his swift intellectual growth, while his younger siblings looked up to him in awe. Despite this, he was incredibly close to his siblings, sharing countless hours exploring the nearby woods and enjoying board games together. Donald III taught Morden entrepreneurship basics, war history, and practical skills like hunting, wood-chopping, and shelter-building. Whenever his mother was home on leave, she would delight him with piano music, fostering a deep love for the instrument. At just 7 months, he spoke his first word: "papa”. Between ages 2 and 5, he demonstrated remarkable autodidactic abilities, exploring diverse subjects that he grasped with ease, including sociology and legal theory. By age 6, he had become a budding piano prodigy and began reading Shakespearean plays and sonnets.
At the age of 7, Quentin was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, a condition prevalent in the Morden family. Tragedy struck again a year later when Reynold went missing during a nature walk, and his father was fatally shot in combat. Six months later, he stumbled upon Reynold's mutilated, rotting corpse, infested with maggots and covered in fungal growth. The gruesome sight triggered his trypophobia, and ever since, the image of honeycombs infested with bees and decaying matter would evoke unsettling memories of that incident. Before Morden turned 10, Quentin died from health complications. Just a month later, his mother was tragically killed in an unexpected airstrike ambush. At age 12, Donald III mercy-killed Kourtney, who suffered from multiple sclerosis and debilitating complications following numerous surgeries that severely impacted her health and mobility.
As Donald III struggled with a terminal brain tumour, he made the difficult decision to place Morden and Vanessa into the Regular Army's orphan program to ensure their care. Meanwhile, Edmund relocated to Saskatchewan with Timothy and a substantial inheritance from their mother, seeking a fresh start and a brighter future for themselves. The series of tragic losses had left the family fractured, and Donald's remaining siblings lacked the emotional resilience to keep the family together. Morden felt deeply abandoned and betrayed as Edmund and Timothy departed, leaving their dying grandfather and younger siblings behind. Vanessa, overwhelmed by grief, deliberately distanced herself from Morden. In contrast, the Regular Army provided Morden and his younger sister with stability and support, covering their essential needs. He wondered if he had more relatives and set out to find additional family members while balancing his education, but eventually abandoned his search when he couldn't locate any direct blood relatives.
He met his future wife, Penelope, in grade 11 and began dating her, forming a strong romantic connection. After graduating at the top of his high school class with highest grades, Honour Roll distinction, and six prestigious awards (five scholarships and one bursary), he went on to study geopolitics, jurisprudence, and Marxist sociology at university. At 22, he married his high school sweetheart in a shotgun wedding after learning she was pregnant with their daughter, Dorothy. Three years later, they welcomed their son, Peyton.
After graduating at the top of his class from university, he relocated to Riyadh and enlisted in the Regular Army Marine Corps. His exceptional leadership skills and tactical expertise propelled him to attain the rank of Vice Admiral. He then assumed roles as Tactical Commander for the Intelligence Agency and Commander of the Middle Eastern Garrison. Following his transfer to Cumbria in North West England, he was reassigned to the European Garrison, where he achieved the esteemed rank of Field Marshal. During his time in the military, he earned a reputation as being a tough, efficient, and caring officer of the Regular Army, and is held in high regard by his troops as he treated them with equal amounts of respect. He was also known for being a devoted and compassionate father to Dorothy and Peyton, and a loving and supportive husband.
Alongside Sagan, Logan, and other key figures in the Arms Deal Barrage, he would learn about the Regular Army's deep-seated corruption, but he kept it a secret. He was primarily responsible for conducting investigations, planning attacks, and launching ambushes on the Serapion Fellowship. However, he did join the fight once his team reached the fortress. There, he and a platoon of his loyal soldiers faced off against Colonel Hilde Garn in his Metal Strider. Despite their efforts, they were unable to capture him in time, as a group of Serapion Fellowship guerrilla fighters caught them off guard.
In 2023, during a trip to Ottawa, the Central Park bombing shook the city, claiming the lives of many innocent victims, including Penelope, Dorothy, and Peyton. Having survived the devastating attack, Morden discovered that it was allegedly linked to an intelligence failure within the Regular Army and widespread corruption within the government and military at the time. After relying on alcohol to cope with his sadness and anger, he resigned from the Regular Army, retreated from public view, and began secretly planning a rebellion. Many loyal followers from his Regular Army days chose to stand by him, and with the support of Sagan, Logan, and his most trusted soldier, Allen O'Neil, he initiated plans for a coup aimed at rooting out corruption within the government and military.
He assumed the rank of General and formed the Rebel Army, drawing support from disillusioned Regular Army personnel and multiple radical organisations sympathetic to his ideology. During his time building up the Rebel Army, Sagan and Logan transferred ownership rights of the Fortress of Königsdrache to General Morden. As the last remaining Wildgrube family members, Sagan and Logan originally inherited the Fortress of Königsdrache, but chose to bestow it upon General Morden as a token of gratitude and respect. Morden was also gifted six exotic pets by his most loyal men: a serval named Othello, a Burmese python named Sycorax, a blotched blue-tongued skink named Troilus, an African grey parrot named Cymbeline, a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog named Banquo, and a capybara named Desdemona.
His mental state deteriorating, he amassed power and resources for a large-scale offensive. In 2026, Morden initiated his coup d'état, seeking to dismantle the Earth Federation and its alliances and establish global dominance. The Rebel Army, led by General Morden, swiftly defeated the Regular Army and seized control of all major cities worldwide within 170 hours. Upon receiving intel from Sagan and Logan that the Regular Army had begun mass-producing a Super Vehicle, codenamed “SV-001”, following successful testing, Morden launched a strategic attack. His objective was to destroy the factories manufacturing the SV-001 and capture the units already built.
He ordered some of the Rebel Army's inhumane and dirty war crimes during the Great Morden War. These included the prisoner abuse scandal and the doll bomb operation. He ordered his men to kidnap civilians and use them as human shields in the middle of the battlefield. Additionally, he orchestrated Operation Satchan, where young girls recruited by the Rebel Army were given dolls containing explosives. The girls, referred to as Satchan, would approach enemy soldiers and detonate the explosives, resulting in their own deaths.
Upon learning of Morden's betrayal, his ruthlessness, and his remarkably swift coup d'état as well as the destruction of the SV-001 factories, the US President declared him as the reincarnation of the devil. As Marco and his resistance approached the Rebel Army's base, he and his forces launched a surprise ambush, intent on halting their progress and clearing the way for Morden's plan for global dominance. By eliminating the resistance, Morden aimed to unlock the Metal Slug's full potential without further interference. He would be responsible for brutally executing Tequila, Gimlet, and Red Eye in front of Marco and Tarma, shooting them in the head with his Chiappa Rhino 40DS revolver. Before the execution, he gruesomely gouged out Marco's left eye and then ordered Allen O'Neil to sever his left arm.
In the final showdown of the Great Morden War, Marco gruesomely gouged out General Morden's eye, avenging the torture he and Tarma endured and the execution of his comrades and friends. The Great Morden War served as a stark wake-up call for the Regular Army, prompting a significant shift in their approach to counterterrorism. In the aftermath of the war, the Regular Army began to take terrorist threats with utmost seriousness, reevaluating their strategies and protocols to prevent future attacks. He felt a sense of pride knowing that his efforts had contributed to the Regular Army taking terrorism more seriously, marking a small but positive change.
After escaping imprisonment with support from the Rebel Army and Pipovulaj, he secretly allied with Doctor Amadeus to exploit her knowledge of Tuatha Dé Danann technology and bioweapon development. This alliance would pave the way for the mass production of specialised cyborgs and lethal mechanical constructs for Rebel Army use, the enhancement of Königsdrache Fortress through the integration of mechanical and defensive upgrades, the creation of Wysteria, the revival of Tequila, Gimlet, and Red Eye, and the development of terrifying creations such as the Flying Killers and Mutated Soldiers. He planned to utilise Wysteria as the ultimate bioweapon to achieve global dominance, and deploy Tequila, Gimlet, and Red Eye as super soldiers to serve the interests of the Rebel Army and Amadeus Syndicate.
When he formed an alliance with Doctor Amadeus, General Morden was gifted a canine experiment resembling the Flame Hound from Metal Slug 3D. The experiment that sealed their bond, named Enobarbus, possessed the ability to breathe blue fire. This gesture was Doctor Amadeus' way of showing respect and gratitude toward their newfound alliance. This is made possible by the dog's salivary glands, which produce enzymes that generate heat and flames when they react to oxygen. This canine experiment is a 8’ 1” (246.38 cm) burly wolf with razor-sharp silver-grey teeth, prominent fangs, glowing amber eyes, and a thick Prussian blue coat that gradually transitions to a watery blue and pure white at the ears, paws, and tail tip.
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human-monodam · 24 days ago
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"I see. Interesting." *he writes this information down.* "To change the subject, I'd like to ask about a former comrade of yours. Donald Morden. From what I've heard, he used to be a member of the Regular Army and turned traitor. What do you think could've happened to make him go mad?"
*Monodam walking through the woods by himself, slowly realizing that he's now lost and has no idea where to go. He continues to look around, trying to find any kind of landmark to get a better grasp on his current location. What will he see?* @human-monodam
Monodam continues to wander through a dense forest, where sunlight barely filters through the lush foliage. The air is filled with the optimistic chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves as a fox chases down a rabbit. Desperate to get his bearings, Monodam scans his surroundings for any clue that might reveal his current location. After a few more minutes of walking, the trees part to reveal a large castle in the distance.
The castle's four sides are flanked by four large dark red banners. Emblazoned on each banner is a white circle, outlined in scarlet, with a black dragon at its centre. The dragon, its sharp claws clutching a human skull, has its wings outstretched. In the distance, the castle rises from the rolling green landscape, its stone walls enclosing a front yard that immediately captures Monodam's attention. Before him stands a wrought iron swinging double gate, barring his entrance to the castle. Flanking the gate are two shielded soldiers, their eyes scanning the surrounding area, watchful for potential threats and unwarranted intrusions.
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satoshi-mochida · 9 months ago
Metal Slug Tactics launches this fall for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
From Gematsu
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Strategy RPG Metal Slug Tactics will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam this fall, publisher Dotemu and developer Leikir Studio announced. The PlayStation and Xbox versions are newly announced. A demo will be available for a limited time for PC via Steam from June 10 to 17 during Steam Next Fest.
Here is an overview of Metal Slug Tactics, via its Steam page:
Metal Slug Tactics brings the explosive charm and nostalgic fun of the cult Metal Slug series to the tactical scene! Get ready for an intense ride through the best of both worlds: classic arcade action and roguelite tactical thrills. Jump into the combat zone and revive your Metal Slug nostalgia in a whole new way!
Tactical RPG With Roguelike Elements
Metal Slug Tactics offers a fresh perspective on the iconic battles of the Metal Slug series. Lead your squad to victory through strategic guile and superior firepower in a perfect blend of classic action and tactical depth. Unleash powerful special attacks and shape the outcome of each encounter! Accumulate experience after each battle to unlock new weapons or bonus perks to upgrade your team’s firepower and tactical skills. Assemble your team and rewrite the rules in this modern tribute to a cult classic!
Get Your Gear, Soldiers! Mission Start!
Choose between iconic brothers-in-arms from across the Metal Slug series and create the perfect team to stop Morden’s devious plans. Determine the best weapon loadouts and mods to maximize combo efficiency on the battlefield.
Launch simultaneous attacks with the “SYNC” mechanic to deal massive damage to the enemy! And if your team is in trouble, you can always call in some reinforcements and watch the big guns at work: heavy artillery, airstrikes, the glorious Metal Slug itself—you name it, you get it!
Fight Your Way to Victory
Embark on an exalting campaign through beautiful, hand-crafted maps to end the war and defeat the infamous Rebel Army once and for all! You’re going to face many challenges, so brace yourself for countless deaths, but don’t give up and push through. Whether you’re a skilled veteran or a new recruit, play and replay your favorite missions, learn precious strategic insight from each adventure and hone your skills with each hard-fought victory. Gain experience, level up your operatives, adapt to your enemies, and remember: every defeat is a lesson, yet triumph awaits those who refuse to surrender!
Donald Morden is back! After years of hiding in a country opposed to the World Government, the devious General patiently staged a coup. Now, he is finally ready to take revenge upon the World with the army he has secretly gathered throughout the years. The Peregrine Falcon Squad will have to do everything in their power to make it through the enemy lines and take down General Morden before the war escalates into catastrophe!
Key Features
Discover the first tactical RPG in the Metal Slug franchise.
Experience a huge replayability with its die-and-retry roguelite progression.
Enjoy amazing pixel art graphics, a heartfelt tribute to the series.
Battle Morden’s Army in 110 hand-crafted maps and 20 different mission types.
Bring the perfect setup for every mission with 36 different weapons and 176 weapon mods.
Choose between nine iconic characters from the series and create the perfect team.
Experiment with 36 loadouts and combos to outsmart your enemies.
Challenge iconic bosses from the Metal Slug universe.
Headbang all the way with an amazing soundtrack by Tee Lopes.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Window Trailer
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korrektheiten · 1 month ago
Missbrauchtes Gedenken
Manova: »Wie erinnern wir uns „richtig“ an Auschwitz — auf eine Weise, die integer ist und zugleich mit dem „Nie wieder“ ernst macht? 2025 überstürzten sich ja Ereignisse, die mit dem deutsch-jüdischen Verhältnis zu tun hatten. Auschwitz wurde im Bundestags als Fanal gegen AfD und CDU ausgespielt. Donald Trump bekundete seine Absicht, den Gazastreifen zu „übernehmen“ während das Morden dort vorerst weitergeht. Vor allem gab es Gedenkfeierlichkeiten, bei denen einige Dinge auffielen: Die Befreiung von Auschwitz wurde gewürdigt, ohne dass die Befreier — also Russen — eingeladen waren. Als Schlussfolgerung aus der Erfahrung des Völkermords wurde eine weitere Verschärfung der Spannungen zu Russland empfohlen, als sei eine bedingungslose Unterstützung der Ukraine die natürliche Fortsetzung antifaschistischen Bemühens. Weiter wurde das Auschwitz-Gedenken in seinem Sinn so verdreht, dass nicht das Eintreten für die Opfer in Gaza daraus resultierte, sondern die Unterstützung der Täter, weil diese Juden sind. Auf diese Weise geht Deutschland wieder einmal den falschen Weg, der vermeintlich aus der Schuld heraus, in Wahrheit aber immer noch tiefer hineinführt. http://dlvr.it/THvrpZ «
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beautyinafruitfulworld · 20 days ago
"It's Donald Morden, but most people just call me Morden," he introduces himself with a respectful bow.
He takes another puff from his cigar before crushing it under his boot.
Wandering stars
Roleplay session with @beautyinafruitfulworld
After recovering from a hangover following a massive party with his soldiers, where he drank excessive amount of Scotch whisky, General Morden strangely finds himself near the entrance of a seemingly abandoned church. He slowly gets up from the ground, dusting himself off, wiping drool from his face, and putting on his beret. Noticing that nobody else is around, he decides the best course of action is to investigate the church, hoping that maybe someone might be inside.
*Lilith was writing in her star journal behind a statue of Mary, to into her writing to notice that she wasn't alone*
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dailydadzone · 5 years ago
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Today's Daily Dad, Who's Going In The Daily Dad Zone, Is Donald Morden [Metal Slug]. Mr. Morden Was A Very Good Man & A Was A Very Good Father... Till His Son Died, Then He Went Full Crazy & Tried To Take Over The World!
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crampdown · 5 years ago
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Inktober Day 2: “Peace Forever”
Metal Slug today because it’s Fio’s birthday
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mrtmo · 6 years ago
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Doodle of Morden from Metal Slug
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