#don't worry rosalina's here too
epithetemporium · 5 months
reguarding the trixie mario kart post,
do you have thoughts for the other characters? like mains/ skill level/ play style that kinda thing
love ur posts sm :3
(Naww thank you <33)
she WILL hit you with that green shell
especially right before the finish line
in fact all that stored up anger makes her incredibly good at sniping people with items
Molly knows about a few shortcuts but doesn't really use them because she's too worried about ruining her race by failing them
mains Toadette (and Isabelle but technically she isn't really a Mario Kart character but I'll ignore it since she's in the game)
her favorite track is Maple Treeway
She's too nice to use the items
actually she doesn't even really RACE at all, because it's irresponsible to drive a vehicle at these speeds
Feenie tries to apply real world driving laws to Mario Kart
it does not go well
there are no laws in Baby Park, only chaos
She loves the Princess drivers the most and adores the Babies
Uses smart steering
ALWAYS picks Daisy Circuit because of the statues of Luigi and Daisy together (she thinks they're very adorable)
as said, she mains Drybones
Trixie knows ALL the important game breaking things. Shortcuts, best item spots, what would theoretically be the best combo, you name it
I think they'd prefer the bikes over the karts
favorite tracks are Coconut Mall (the Mario Kart fandom will understand why), Mushroom Gorge and Boo Lake
has to intentionally play bad so people don't stop playing with her at all
if anyone has a perfect rating in all cups at all speeds it's Trixie
he's terrible
I don't think he has fully figured out how a race works, even though he was told multiple times
this man right here plays as a Mii racer, you can't change my mind
he likes playing together with Phoenica. They don't race, they just drive around the courses and look at the pretty scenery together
if he ever gets any speed item in the item roulette he will cause chaos
probably drives backwards and against walls as we're speaking
the way he plays makes you think he's really bad at hiding that he lets you win
.....oh wait no, he's actually worse than thought-
he's oddly competitive even though his skills aren't the best but will intentionally play even worse when he knows someone is having a bad day
mostly uses King Boo, Waluigi and Birdo
favorite tracks include: Excitebike Arena, 3DS Neo Bowser City, Waluigi Pinball and Choco Mountain
he also has terrible luck in this game
loses most of his good items to shocks or gets hit over and over again
oh PLEASE he's way too adult for childish games like these
if you invite him over he'll spend the entire day infront of this game, experiencing inhuman joy whenever he gets a top spot, but he'll never admit it
I feel like if anyone were to cheat in Mario Kart it would be her
I'm not even sure how but she probably finds a way
actually this game would be terrible for her she will get so frustrated over this
she sometimes uses tracks like the Rainbow Roads, Rosalina's Ice World and Sky-High Sundae as inspirations for her Dream Bubbles
most likely likes Rosalina and Daisy the most
she will make your life a living hell here
sometimes she doesn't even drive she just...waits at the line with items....ready to ruin your entire game
she could totally win if she wanted to but she'd have fun in just targeting some player
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Results of Smash Bros Sexyman Tournament: Round 1!
Mario v. DK: Mario victory! (vanilla iss a great flavor too!)
Link v. Samus: Samus victory! (don't worry, they're still in love and still smooch.)
Dark Samus v. Yoshi: Dark Samus victory! (what did you expect on the gay and want to be stepped on be evil women site?)
Fox McCloud v. Luigi: Luigi Victory! (pathetic men enjoyerss defeat furries, more at eleven)
Captain Falcon v. Princess Peach: Princess Peach victory! (Yeah, Falcon was too conventionally attractive to win.)
Princess Daisy v. Bowser: Princess Daisy victory! (I'm kinda disappointed in the monster fuckers)
Sheik v. Princess Zelda: Sheik victory! (never trust anyone, not even yourself)
Dr. Mario v. Falco Lombardi: Falco victory! (and the furries finally pull through!)
Marth v. Lucina: Lucina victory! (And Girl Marth wins!)
Ganondorf v. Mewtwo: Ganondorf victory! (you're falling behind furries)
Roy v. Chrom: Chrom victory! (Melee fans, I am so disappointed in you girlies.)
Mr. Game and Watch v. Meta Knight: Meta Knight victory! (coughing baby v. nuclear bomb)
Zero Suit Samus v. Wario: Zero Suit Samus victory! (It occurs to me that maybe my roster building skills are imbalanced....)
Solid Snake v. Ike: Snake victory! (Well I suppose Snake is more pathetic than Ike...)
Sonic v. King Dedede: King Dedede victory! (Dededivorce here we come!)
Olimar v. Lucario: Lucario victory! (Theeeeerrrrre the furries are.)
R.O.B. v. Wolf O'Donnell: Wolf victory! (Poor robo-fuckers.)
Wii Fit Trainer v. Princess Rosalina: Rosalina victory! (I don't have a joke for this one)
Little Mac v. Greninja: Little Mac victory! (Mac-Mains are here to win, baby!)
Robin v. Robyn: Robyn victory! (Big fan of women)
Palutena v. Pac-Man: Palutena victory! (Another nuclear bomb v. coughing baby.)
Shulk v. Ryu: Shulk victory! (Shulk nation rise up!)
Ken v. Cloud: Cloud victory! (sad trauma boi beats sad rich boi)
Corrin v. Corrine: Corrine victory! (Big fan of women 2)
Bayonetta v. Terry Bogard: Bayonetta victory! (Yeah... this one wasn't remotely fair.)
Ridley v. Simon: Ridley victory! (Thhhheeeerrrreeee the Monster Fuckers are)
Richter v. King K Rool: Richter victory! (Aaaannnnd there they go.)
Isabelle v. Incineroar: Isabelle Victory! (Devour him alive Izzy.)
Piranha Plant v. Joker: Joker victory! (I'm kinda mad the plant lost, woulda been funnier if he'd won.)
Hero v. Banjo: Banjo victory! (Can't tell if this is the meme lords or furries)
Byleth v. Bealyn: Bealyn victory! (big fan of women 3)
Sephiroth v. Kazuya: Sephiroth victory! ("I will never be a memory.")
And that's Round One! Round Two coming soon!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
@freedom-aviators asked: "Second request if you don't mind? Princess Peach with a darling who is the ruler of another kingdom? Just a concept"
A/N: I would love too! Here you go :) Did a concept so I hope you don't mind! Let me know how you all feel about Super Mario World yanderes as they are a bit strange to write at times lol!
Yandere! Princess Peach with Ruler! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Deception, Drugging, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Trauma mentioned, Dark content, Dubious companionship but leans romantic.
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I'd imagine when it comes to rulers, the topic of alliances often comes up.
It's also not new in this universe for different kingdoms to exist, since I'm pretty sure people like Daisy, Rosalina, and Bowser count as rulers and that's not even all of them.
It would make sense if you also ruled over your own people.
Plus, the Mushroom Kingdom is one of the most well known kingdoms.
You probably decided to create an alliance with them, or maybe Peach contacted you due to her issues with Bowser.
Either way your first meeting with Peach is most likely via a royal meeting or something similar.
At first your feelings towards each other is professional.
At least... it's professional to you.
The meeting was called as it's believed your kingdom and the Mushroom Kingdom can benefit from each other in an alliance.
Peach is rather extroverted and sociable.
Through the entire meeting she talks to you in a sweet yet polite tone and speaking with the princess is a pleasurable experience.
Although, here's the yandere behavior I pulled for her from a request I did awhile ago;
Peach would be Manipulative, Caring, Obsessive, Delusional, Patient, Protective, yet Temperamental at times.
She's the type where you have no idea she's anything darker beneath all the pink and happy smiles.
She'd be the type to manipulate things behind the scenes, distracting you with a pretty face until it's too late.
Even when she has you in her grasp, your little room/cage would be just as pink as the rest of her.
She's that kind of yan, pretty and cutesy even as she does things out of character.
Peach would be charismatic with a ruler darling.
When she talks to you she just seems so agreeable.
To be fair her obsession starts when she meets you, it acts rather quickly.
But you won't know about it until much later.
Which means you won't regret the alliance until it's fully situated.
Peach would be one to often invite you to her castle.
Similar to Mario and Luigi, she invites you to a cake party to chat.
It's usually always alone but she invites the two brothers just to have you accustomed to them.
Your kingdom often sends soldiers to help against Bowser, that's primarily your alliance.
Peach is certainly a yandere who'd be hard to tell.
Nothing about her really screams yandere.
She just appears to be a fellow rule and friend.
She appears to just be close to you, sure she can feel demanding at times, but nothing too bad... right?
Honestly by the time something bad happens she'll already have you in your own personal room with the door locked.
With a smile Peach would drug your cake and allow you to enjoy.
Only for you to wake up somewhere with blindingly pink and white walls.
Peach can be temperamental which would make her jealous rather easily.
She tries to hide how much she hates others speaking with you.
Regardless on if she sees you as just a friend/ally or more, she feels there's only one way to keep you to herself.
Don't worry, the room you'll wake up in is big and comfy.
Perhaps all the times she was kidnapped has gotten to her.
She knows you don't deserve a cage like she was given.
You deserve a soft room, warm meals, and lots of affection....
She'll happily give you all you deserve with a smile!
She'll dress you in clothing with mushroom designs, covered in pink to match her.
She never tells anyone but maybe Toad, her servant, about the truth.
Your kingdom is told that you now live with Peach.
Which would mean they need a new ruler... but Peach can take care of that too, right?
She tells Mario and Luigi that you're just busy when they ask about you, always looking the door to your room.
Even the restraints she gives you are soft to prevent you escaping.
Peach plans to remove all personal autonomy from you.
Ironically she feels like a nicer Bowser.
Again, their past may have something to do with it.
But Peach throws a fit when you compare her to the beast.
She's so much better than him.
He'd throw you into cage like he did with her!
Here... in such a comfortable room... she thinks you'll be much happier.
She'll take good care of you...
All while you regret ever accepting her words and falling for her deception.
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nightcovefox · 9 months
I dunno why I wrote this- honestly I lack of inspiration to write-
Characters: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Beep-O, Mari (R.M), Peaches (R.P), Lu (R.L) [Nickname], Rosa (R.R), Yosh (R.Y)
Ships(?): Mario x Peach and Luigi x Daisy (A bit)
Warnings: Mention about Guns- (Not sure that’s a trigger?)
Enjoy reading?
“Honestly, I’m just worry about them Mario..” said Princess Peach concerned filling in her voice. Another beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Well, despite Rabbid seeking chaos. Good thing the Mario Bros along with Yoshi is here to help! Well.. They think-
“I know..” Mario muttered taking a sip of his tea. “They’re just small Rabbids, how could they do something dangerous?!” Daisy questions, taking a bite out of a plum tart.
Everyone at the table stopped what their doing. Daisy swallowed her tart, seeing her friends look at her. “What?!”
“ ‘Small Rabbids’?!” shouted Beep-O, “Princess! Two weeks ago Llewellyn got struck by lightning!!?”
“STRUCK BY LIGHTING?!” Peach shouted.
“What-?! HOW?!”
“Well.. It started on a raining day..”
“Are you sure..?” Lu mumbled holding a shovel.
Peaches scrolling on her phone, “Yeah!! Just go up there on Peach’s castle and say the exact words I told you! Then just climb back down, like nothing happened!! Got it?”
“But what about Beep-O..?”
“Him? Busy talking to Rayman,” said Peaches pointing at Beep-O calling Rayman.
“Hmmm okay..!” said Lu as he walked inside Princess Peach Castle.
“I will and bye Ray,” said Beep-O as he ended the call. “Peach? Where’s Lu?”
“Hmmm, I dunno?” she lied.
“Like at all?! It's pouring quite a bit.. I don’t want him to get sick-”
Beep-O and Peach look up and see Rabbid Luigi standing on top of the castle. Wait.. I’M SORRY WHAT?!?
“Oh! This is my cue!!” said Peach as she started taking a video.
“Beep-O you’re ruining the whole video!!”
Lu couldn’t hear them. He continues on, “YOU DON'T HAVE THE B@LLS!!!” he shouted, raising his shovel up.
“Wait what..?” Beep-O muttered confused.
“ALRIGHT! YOU'RE DONE LU!! THANK YOU!!” shouted Peaches.
That was not a good sound-
“Sure thing Beep-O!” said Lu.
…Until Lighting strikes down on him.
“Holy shit!!! I CAUGHT THAT ON VIDEO-”
“OH MY @&$/^*#!!!”
~~~(Flashback ended)~~~~~
“I don't know, how he’s fine.. that's why I keep Peaches and Lu apart…” Beep-O muttered.
“Oh dear..”
“Mama mia..”
Beep-O blink. “What??”
Peach looks at her friend unamused.
“Uhhhh.. Sounds terrible.. Really bad.” said Daisy changing her words.
“What about Mari? Has he gotten in some kind of trouble?” Peach ask Mario.
“Uhhh..he found a shotgun?” Mario mumbled. “Oh, I remembered that..” said Luigi, shifting his cap to cover his face. “OH MY GOD!! MARIO!! LUIGI!!-” Peach exclaimed, but was cut off by Mario saying, “No one got hurt!!! Just found it..?”
“Gosh, I’m so full bro,” said Luigi patting his belly. “Me too, I’ll drive you can sit on the fr-” said Mario but was cut off by his Rabbid counterpart saying, “SHOTGUN!!”
“Mari you have it on the way-” exclaimed Mario. As both brothers turned around seeing Mari holding an actually shotgun…
“AAAH!!!” they both screamed. “Guys!! I found a shotgun!! I also, want the front seat please!” as he charged it up. (I dunno how to explain it-)
~(Flashback Ends)~
“Still wondering, how does he know how to load it up…?”
“Well, I’m glad no one was hurt..” said Peach.
Mario and Luigi sighs as they both nodded.
“How about Rabbid Rosalina?” Daisy ask, “Did she cause some mischief too?”
“Actually no. She’s harmless. But somehow lock the public library..” said Beep-O, “Maybe I shouldn't let her watch Dective Toad..” he mumbled.
“Right… what about you Yoshi? Your Rabbid counterpart?” Daisy asks her reptile friend.
Yoshi’s head perks up.
>(Flash Back In Yoshi’s Head)<
(Play The Music If You Want)
“What do you have Yosh..?” Yoshi ask his counterpart.
“A KNIFE!!!” Yosh exclaimed, holding a toy knife.
Which Yoshi didn’t realize. “NOOOO-”
“Dear Nintendo… I did not deserve this..”
“Maybe you’re alright,” said Yoshi, patting Yosh’s head. “Does this mean, I could have Yoshi cookies!!” said Yosh. “Nope! :D”
“ :< “
~~~(Flashback Ends)~~~
“Yeah, he’s okay!” said Yoshi yawning laying his head back down.
“Okay.. How about that punk Rabbid? What was her name..?” asked Daisy.
“Edge?” answers Luigi. “Yeah her! Does he cause mischief?”
“No. She doesn't cause anything. She’s more mature than the other Rabbids..” Mario explained.
“I see..”
“Speaking of our little chaotic friends.. Where are they?” Mario ask.
“Outside the garden.. Last I check..” said Peach.
“Really? I saw them in the kitchen?” said Yoshi.
“The Kitchen?-”
The kitchen doors went open a Toad running out. “THE CAKE IS ALIVE!!!”
“KILL IT!!!” The Toads shouted.
“UNLESS WE EAT IT!! WHO’S WITH ME?!” Mari shouted.
“I AM!!” shouted Lu. “ME TOO!!” said Yosh.
At least, they didn't blow something up?..
Yes, I add some references/vines!
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theacedragon0w0 · 1 month
"Everything alright Bluebell?"
Sage lifted their gaze from their phone,
"I don't know, I just got a text from Benji that the Lion's Den is having a cookout next weekend."
Hazel rubbed her chin, "Ok, but why does your face look like you ate something that the boss cooked?"
Sage sighed, "Benji wants all of us to come."
Rosalina, overhearing the conversation, leaned against the counter, "I don't know what you are worried about Dear, Vlad and Velvette have been on good terms since the whole coffee shop ordeal."
Sage's ears flicked anxiously, "But that was Velvette, the last time they saw you, you were in your dragon form and they haven't even met Vlk yet."
"So this can be a great opportunity to introduce Vlk and us to an extent."
"Yeah Bluebell, and if they wanna cause trouble, we can handle them."
Sage exhaled, "I really don't want it to come down to that, I want it to go as smoothly as possible."
The limousine pulled up to the large club, the Lion's Den lights were off, as it was closed for the event, but it didn't stop Sage from sweating at the sight of it.
Everyone was well dressed, even Hazel was in a different outfit that didn't have her iconic suspenders. Rosalina and Velvette wore floral dresses as Benji gave Sage a heads up for the menu.
Sage was focused on Vlk, who wore a more casual sundress that matched her accessories, the same ones that symbolized each of her partners.
A part of Sage regretted wearing the black vest that Velvette had them put on, but with everyone's attire, they felt underdressed if they took it off.
The group was greeted by Stripes and Vlad, with the former being more bubbly than the other.
Velvette returned the same energy, "You better have brought some juicy gossip! It has been way too long since we had elevenses!"
Stripes couldn't contain his excitement, "Oh have I got some tea! I'll tell you when we all get to the penthouse, the boys have been dying to say hi to Sage."
To those words Sage's tail wagged, it would be nice to catch up with the dancers, especially Benji.
Vlad only nodded, leading everyone towards the elevator. Vlk nudged Sage's arm, "soooo, am I going to be introduced to them or are we keeping a low-profile?"
Sage wiped the sweat off their forehead, "I do want to announce us, I just need the right time."
"Worried that Vlad will have a sniper at the cookout?"
"I'm worried that he'll piss off Rosalina enough that this club will end up as a crater."
Everyone filed in the elevator, it was more cramped than the ones at the Vee Tower with Sage wriggling between the old couple and their partners.
Stripes thankfully broke the awkward silence, "We hope you gals brought your appetites, Vlad darling here spent hours preparing everything."
Hazel chuckled, "If anything, I'll be the one that can out-eat half of your dancers" which Stripes laughed at the remark.
Reaching the top floor, the polycule were greeted to a large patio. The smell of cooked meat was subtle as the grill was producing smoke. Lawn chairs and a long table were centered on the patio, with a simple square pattern for the table cloth. Sage barely got a second to process the scene when they immediately got swarmed by a cluster of stripes, spots, and fur. They can barely understand half of what the cats were saying as everyone was talking over each other but she couldn't fight off the smile that grew on her face.
Stripes clapped his hands to get the dancers' attention, "Give our Sage baby some space! It looked like you were mauling them!"
The cats deflated, each giving out a sheepish sorry and scampered away, some to help Vlad with the grill, others towards the penthouse for the other refreshments.
Stripes waved his paw to the polycule, "We saved a spot for you, granted, we didn't expect this beautiful vixen to be joining us but the more the merrier!"
Vlk's cheeks redden at the complement, looking at Sage for an appropriate response but Sage gave a small shrug.
The five made themselves comfortable at the table section that Stripes gestured towards, with Sage and Rosalina at opposite ends, Vlk next to Sage, Hazel next to Rosalina, and Velvette at the center.
Sage jolted as they felt something cold touch their neck, swerving their head they realized that it was Benji, who was offering them some cold sodas.
"If I knew any better, I swear you can pass as a blue sphinx by how you jumped."
Sage gave an earnest laugh, "and if I knew any better, it's considered bad manners to sneak up on people like that."
Benji waved at Sage's partners, "If it's not too much trouble, would you ladies mind if I borrow my sib from another crib? I need their help with something."
Sage looked at Velvette, they were apprehensive on the idea of leaving them alone with Vlad.
Velvette nodded, "As long as you don't take too long, Hazel-wazel here might not leave any leftovers."
Vlk squeezed Sage's arm, "We'll be fine Sage."
This gave them enough assurance to follow Benji to the penthouse.
The moment that the door shut, Vlad tapped one of the workers to take over the cooking, joining his companion across from the table.
"Now, call me nosy, but the last time we crossed paths, I distinctly remember Sage having three wives." Pointing at Vlk's hand that had a golden ring.
Vlk's ears drooped, but before she could retort Velvette spoke.
"Yes, and Vlk here just so happens to be a great addition, and I don’t think your opinion about the matter means jackshit. Is this why you invited us? Just so you can act all father dearest and say that we ain't good enough for them?"
"No, quite the opposite really, but I do want to tell you ladies when it comes to Sage."
"And what's that?"
"That there will never be another partner like Sage."
Hazel scratched her head, "Pardon the rudeness, but can you explain whatchu mean by that?"
Vlad exhaled, "I have run this club for decades now, and I can say that I have dealt with many of these boys' broken hearts or how they broke hearts themselves, they are selfish, they only see what they can get out of any 'relationship' they get into."
Stripes then rested his chin on Vlad's shoulder as he continued.
"Sage is the one soul here in hell that sees what they can give in a relationship, and regardless of how my views of this whole thing is, I want you four to never doubt Sage's devotion. Sage loves like someone who never learned what hate was, and she does it so freely, and it's so genuine."
Vlad looked up to exchange a glance towards Vlk, "and if you are going to take anything I say today, I guarantee that Sage will be the last person to break any of your hearts."
Sage's tail tumped hard on the bathroom tile, "You dragged me all the way here for a quick hairdo?"
Benji passed Sage a hairtie as Sage finished tying his mane into a tight braid.
"Well nobody does it as well as you, and I wanted to talk to you about something."
"And this something you can't say in front of everyone?"
"Yes, well at least I want you to be the first to know."
Sage crossed their arms as Benji turned his body away from the mirror, "what did you do?"
"Well it's more of who then what."
Sage sighed, "Benji, I am kinda dealing with something and I don't have the ability to listen to what one night stand you had-"
"I'm dating Lorcan."
Sage stood silent for a long minute, "Lorcan? As in the same Lorcan that works for you guys? The same Lorcan that looks like he will get himself stuck in a tree?"
"Yes, that same Lorcan."
Sage shook her head, "Ok so you did the horizontal tango with the bouncer, as long as you keep it subtle, I doubt Vlad will notice-"
"This is different Sage, we have actually dated for about two months now."
"I'm sorry what?"
Benji forced a chuckle, "so what happened was that we first agreed to make it just a one night stand, which turned into more night stands, and then he wanted to take me out to this band concert I was saving up to go see and I guess we realized that we enjoy hanging out on top of the sex. And we do old rom-com movie marathons every now and then."
Sage's expression soften, "wow, you really do love him."
Benji fanned his face as tears were forming on the corners of his eyes, "yeah, he's a dumbass but he is just so sweet you know? He like a hairless chihuahua that also likes glam rock."
Sage patted Benji's arm, "so what do you want to do?"
"I do want to let everyone know, and I figured since Vlad will be focused on your whole wife collection that he won't bat an eye on my whole situation."
"Oh fuck you!" Giving Benji a playful hard shove, "if anything, Velvette's the wife collector, not me!"
"Try to tell Vlad that baby."
The two returned back to the patio, with them seeing Vlad talking to Vlk, and he was being friendly?
Vlk looked up and beckoned the two over, "Hey guys! Vlad was telling us about you!"
Sage and Benji exchanged a glance, "oh, what did he tell you?"
Velvette gave a mischievous look, "Oh nothing, but he mentioned how Sage will chase a red dot and will try to fit inside cardboard boxes, but he's only joking,"
Velvette's then used Vlk's shoulder as an arm rest, "Ain't that right Sage?~"
Face turning a deep blush, they shot a finger at Benji, "Him and Lorcan are dating!"
Vlad looked over at Lorcan, who was in a loose headlock with Hazel as they were talking with Rosalina.
He shrugged his shoulders, "Benji can handle that one."
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cosmcther · 3 months
Do not mind the woman half-heartedly chasing after a handful of Lumas who have snatched her bow and are using it as a makeshift ribbon streamer. Jae's clearly had a lot on her 'wow my life's got a lot going on' plate and holds more exhaustion than usual in her eyes, but but no sensible person could get mad at a bunch of Lumas at the end of the day.
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     It's another busy day. By the Comet Observatory's library is the celestial mother to be found. A steady path of pacing is made back and forth, a book or four currently in tow as she strides. It's a veritable holster of knowledge she's housing, one of many dusty tomes in hand for eyes to scan across, finish reading some pages, close the cover, and swap the book in the chamber for another. Humming and hawing... she was looking for something, clearly. Here and there, sparks of cosmic energy would alight near the fingers.
     Swap texts, source some more magic, click her tongue, and then—
     —A whip of action at her front, leatherbound bindings jostled from the wind of rapid motion. Ah, it was children at play with some newfound streamers. Cute... There's a small smile that breaks through a face of placid focus. And to her point of focus is the woman seconds away from returning to. But at the sight of a naked-headed Jae lagging behind the game of chase, one she most assuredly did not sign up for, it didn't take much else to connect the dots. Just like that, her personal stock of books are all closed and done away with, a pathway of magic carrying them back into the library proper without a second thought. She would return to her business later, a more present issue needed her attention.
     From the floor and to the skies — It's a shuttlecock's launch as Rosalina's form flies with stardust tracing her movements~. A smooth rise, a quick coasting by Jae's side for a short and wordless nod before speeding up— saying don't worry, she'll take it from here.
     Mid-flight, as the Lumas' free-roaming drift further and further throughout their home, one Star Wand is produced by a pop of celestial energy. Its five-pointed head released a small and slight pinging noise upon presentation. It began to flash a slow pulse of yellow light. It... slowed the racing rugrats down as though it were magic. Yet it didn't seem like magic. At least, none that would directly force the Lumas to steady their roll. It looked moreso like an in-house signal of sorts...
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     Hmm, think Police sirens, perhaps.
     Fitting, too, for the children's bodies bobbed to the sound with that ever-familiar childhood wincing of 'Uh-oh... Busted...' as soon as they heard it. And starry-night eyes finally glanced around at their mother, knowing that the jig was up.
     After that? Compliance. A return of the snatched bow. A joint apology as their round bodies all bowed in remorse. 'Soooorry Miss Jaaaae' would they say, a nodding mother figure standing behind them all the while. And as they left, a few more Lumas would join the squadron now wandering off, those newcomers deciding to loosen some whistling bits of laughter at their friends who had gotten in trouble.
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     Rosalina sighed, attention returning to her visitor. "My apologies, Jae." Reverence laced her tone, a small apologetic bow of her own being ushered forth. "My attention was elsewhere at the time, otherwise I would have noticed sooner. I hope they didn't have you running ragged for too long. To chase is to play, and it was all but a game from their youthful points of view. Please forgive them."
     ...But to a further point, the phrase 'running ragged' did truly seem applicable to the woman at her front. With the trouble sorted and peace restored, only then did sights properly look at Jae. And for a moment, a mind would worry that her children honestly did have Jae running hither and dither for the better part of a day. But eyes pried— sights saw no signs of physical exhaustion: sweat, shortness of breath, what have you. Far from it, Jae was a fit girl with all of the tournament fighting and running about that island of hers. No, it all seemed internal.
     Now, she held the aura of 'tired but getting through it' in her day-to-day, the concept seemed a packaged deal with one such as Jae. But those half-lidded eyes spelled something more in this particular scenario.
     Her hair jostles with a tilt of the head. That brief examinatorial squint sees itself out, making room for sights of simple maternal concern. "Is everything all right, Jae?" Ah, the dreaded question.
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pyrrhicraven · 8 months
Write one headcanon for each of your fanfictions’ ships please!
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So I have a few different versions of some of my ships so I'll put the title of the story next to which version I mean :) Also the comfort edition??? Most of these are kind of soft so yeahhhhh... I just finished a chapter of Tangle Hearts so I'm feeling soft :)
Spike/Luigi: cooking together becomes a big part of their relationship, it can be slow and lazy sometimes, sipping their preferred drinks and sneaking in a kiss or two. They especially enjoy this activity when it's bad weather outside, cooking up cozy dishes that are perfect for gross weather :)
Raphael/Saki (Nova) They enjoy quiet time together, just cuddling and doing their own thing (Reading and knitting respectively)
Danny/Vlad (Unintended) They get bored just cuddling so they watch movies, and play video/board games together. It gets massively competitive and someone usually ends up breaking something!
Donnie/Saki: They share baths if they have the time to. You could hear the water drip if it were to do so. They don't have to talk to enjoy time with each other.
Cad Bane/Padme: Cuddling never hurts anyone but Padme gets too rarely as Cad is a paranoid bastard, but she does enjoy sharing new snacks with him in bed while a holo film is playing in the background.
Obi-Wan/Dooku: Drinking tea, it reminds them of when things were simpler, and on days they can relax together if on a planet with nature, they take long walks through the woods/fields/etc.
Cad Bane/Obi-Wan: Laying together in bed without a stitch on but not having sexy times. Just basking in each other (Or in Cad's case basking in Obi-Wan's warmth)
Obi-Wan/Ahsoka: Tea, stories, and hiking are these two's favorite go-to activities. But, Ahsoka likes to watch Obi-Wan haggle with vendors/merchants. Obi-Wan takes enjoyment from her contentment and haggles as long as he can.
King Boo/Luigi: Luigi likes to watch Boo Paint, and Boo likes to paint Luigi. Win/win here, except if Boo's in a bad mood then Luigi is left wondering if he'll get sucked into a portrait XD
Bowser/Luigi and alternately Bowser/Mario: after a long day of running a kingdom all they want to do is cuddle in front of a fireplace (Not too close in Luigi or Mario's case) and talk about anything other than work. (Bowser's tail sneaking in and wrapping around Luigi/Mario's middle)
Peach/Mario (Tangled Hearts): Waking in the morning to each other and sneaking in kisses while getting ready for the day before going their separate ways for the day.
Daisy/Rosalina (Tangled Hearts): Watching shooting stars and talking about whatever their hearts desire :)
Peasley/Luigi (Tangled Hearts): Luigi got Peasley into gardening and they would spend time in the gardens sometimes laughing and sneakily getting each other with dirt or worms.
Luigi/Peach (Tangled Hearts): While not a couple I thought I should mention their dynamic anyway :) They like being in the library together, trading stories of things they know as both grew up in worlds very different from each other. Girls' Night was Luigi's idea as Peach wanted a reason for Daisy and Rosalina to visit. The women all agreed Luigi was to have an open invitation as he was the one to suggest it.
Ezra/Kanan: Using the force to 'bump' each other, just knowing that the other is near is soothing.
Klaus von Reinherz/Steven A. Starphase/Leonardo Watch: All three of them in bed watching a movie and having snacks not having to worry about work at the moment :)
Brotein/ Clarice: They're my people watchers, they enjoy sitting together and watching everyone else have fun flitting in sometimes to grab a snack or hug.
Augustine/Quenchy: Using their skills together because creating things together is a fun activity for both of them and Quenchy is always happily reminded when using whatever they made together of the time they've spent together.
Bebop/Leonardo/Rocksteady: Competitive games, anything they can get their hands on because they enjoy pushing each other's limits.
Casey Jones/Raphael: They still sit around on rooftops with a case of beer now and then. Reminising about times they had done so in the past.
April O'Neil/ Venus de Milo: A good movie with wine and sneaky kisses during slow scenes or scenes with kissing :)
Clockwork/Vlad Masters: Hiking, as surprising as that might be. Clockwork enjoys his time away from the tower and Vlad enjoys Clockwork's commentary about wherever it is they are hiking.
Clockwork/Dan: Clockwork takes comfort from Dan watching his back as he watches time, not that he isn't also watching his own back but it's nice to know someone has it.
Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines: They also like hiking much to Bill's surprise. Taking out picnics and just taking in nature. Nothing will bother them after all.
Marinette/Felix: While Felix cannot bake to save his life he enjoys watching Marinette do so and she likes watching him cook. She can cook and they trade recipes here and there.
Marinette/Gabriel: They avoid fashion like the plague unless it's to make fun of costumes in movies. Because both know too much about fashion and the topic has gotten somewhat stale for them. Not to say that sometimes they mention something the other hadn't thought of.
Dracula/Johnny: Watching a sunrise until Drac can't anymore.
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1152: Taking Care of the Sick Space Princess (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
5:34 p.m. at Ryu and Rosalina's Bedroom.......
Rosalina: Ah....Ah.....Ahchoo! Achoo! (Sneezing While Laying on her and Ryu's Bed......With a Cold)
Polari: (Passes a Box of Tissues Next to Rosalina) Gesundheit, Milady.
Rosalina: Thank you, Pol. (Pulls a Tissue Out of the Box and Uses it to Blow her Nose) ('Sigh') Goodness.....It's been so long since I've encountered a col- ('Achoo') ('Sigh') This nauseating......
Polari: I believe it was back when you were a lot younger when ypu last have it. So young and adventurous you were during tjose times.....(Crosses his Arms While Giving Rosalina a Fatherly Glare) That being said, you would mind telling me what on the cosmic atmosphere possesses you and Master Ryu into thinking that meditating under a waterfall of all places, was remotely a good idea?
Rosalina: It was part of our training routine for the day. Ryu's been telling me about all the times he would visit Niagara Falls to train during his travels. (Starts Twiddling her Fingers Around) It was so inspirational that I may have suggested that we try our very first waterfall meditation........(Starts Blushing a Bit) as a couple~
Polari: Mhm. And I suppose you were so in love with the idea that you never thought about the potential consequences coming towards your direction until until was too late. ('Sigh') And here I thought you've grown out of your premature naiveté by now.
Rosalina: (Starts Pouting at Polari) I have!~ It just..... never really occurred to me at the time is all.....
Polari: (Shrugs) Whatever you say, dear. (Smiles a Bit) I hope you two had a wonderful with one another regardless.
Rosalina: (Smiles Brightly) We did. There's not a day in the world I would ever not want us to spend time together.
Polari: (Simply Nodded) That's good. It's nice to see him make you the most happiest as you've ever been in recent years. He's a good man.
Rosalina: (Places her Hands onto her Chest) He is. (Hugs Herself) And love him every fiber and soul of my body~
'Knock Knock'
Rosalina: It's open!
Ryu: (Outside of the Room) Apologies. I would open the door myself if I wasn't holding a tray in my hands.
Polari: Ah. I got you, lad. (Opens the Door For Ryu)
Ryu: (Bows at Polari While Holding a Tray Holding Two Cups of Tea) Arigatō- (Suddenly Felt Polari's Hand on his Forehead) Hm?
Polari: Oh don't mind me. Just making sure you're not coming down with a cold as our naive princess in bed.
Rosalina: I'm not naive, Pol!
Ryu: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-I appericate your concern for me, sir, but there's really no need for you to worry. I've been meditating my body and mind for so many years now that I hardly ever get myself sick these days.
Polari: ('Sigh') I question your training methods sometimes, but if you're really positive that you're fine, then i suppose I'll take your word for-
A red Luma suddenly zips into the room before stopping and starts whispering into the Elder Luma's Ear as he nodding to every word given to him
Polari: Hm.....Mhmm....I see.......(Turns to the Red Luma with a Surprised Look on his Face) Again with this? I thought the pudding incident was all settled days ago!
Red Luma: (Shrugs)
Polari: (Facepalms Himself While Sighing) Fine, I'll see what I can do. They better have good explanation for this......
Ryu: Is something the matter, Polari sir?
Polari: ('Sigh') Something mildly urgent came up with at the Luma Committee I must attend to. Would you be a sport and take care of my stubborn, baby starlight for the time being?
Rosalina: Pol!
Polari: I know, I know, you're not a little girl anymore.....But you're definitely still stubborn though.
Rosalina: ('Making Angry Princess Noises')
Ryu: (Chuckles Lightly) I'll make sure she's taken care of, sir. I wish you the best of luck with your meeting.
Red Luma: (Happily Nodded)
Polari: (Smiles Brightly) Why, thank you! Trust me, we are going to be needing one in the long run. Until then.....(Waves Goodbye to the Couple) Tootles~ (Vanishes into the Light Along with the Red Luma)
Ryu: (Puts the Teay Down by a Nearby Dresser Beside the Bed) Okay. (Turns to His Princess) How are you feeling so far, Rosalina?
Rosalina: (Smiles Softly at Ryu) I'm feeling okay so far, my dear. (Turns Away While Pouting a Little) Aside from being embarrassed by Polari as usual......
Ryu: I'm sure that his was his way of showing his care for you.
Rosalina: ('Sigh') I know. He did everything he could to raise during my years at the Observatory and I couldn't be anymore thankful. I just wish he would stop treating me like a naive child already.......
Ryu: I understand the feeling. Master Gouken used to see Ken and I as spoiled children who knows little to nothing about what the world will have in store for us down the line, but overtime, thanks to our years of fighting and honing our skills, he finally sees us as the men he's proud enough to train under every waking day. I'm sure it won't be too long for Polari to come around as well eventually. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Frowning a Bit) That being said.....
Rosalina: (Turns Back to Ryu) Hm?
Ryu: I want to apologize for earlier today. Had I known the temperture of waterfall was getting colder at the time, you wouldn't be sick right now....
Rosalina: (Gives Ryu a Soft, Reassuring Smile on her Face) It's quite alright, my dear. I had a great time with you regardless of what happened afterwards, so it was never our fault to begin with. If anything, I apologize for making you all worried in the first place.
Ryu: (Shakes his Head Before Smiling Softly) You don't need to do that. I'll always worry about you from time to time.
Rosalina: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Really?
Ryu: (Happily Nodded) Of course. Granted, I'm fully aware that you're more than capable of taking care of yourself just fine, but to tell you truth, I...(Starts Blushing a Little While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Can't really say I've truly gotten over how thrilled and..... ecstatic I am to have you in my life again. So I made a promise to myself: That I'll do everything I can to help and support no matter what comes our way....because I love you.
Rosalina: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Ryu.....That's so sweet~ I-I wanna make a promise to myself and to you as well!~
Ryu: A promise for the both us you say?
Rosalina: (Rapidly Nodded Her Head) I promised to love, support, and protect you with all my life. Yes, I know you're a fighter a heart and that you've trained for years to become the man you are today, but there's never been day in my life where I don't worry about you as well. So please, if you let me.....(Gives Ryu a Very Loving, Determined Look on her Face) I would want nothing more than to continue standing by your side as we both shall live!
Ryu: (Stares at Rosalina For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly and Gently Grabbing her Hand) Then a promise is a promise then, my highness~ (Starts Kissing the Top of Rosalina's Hand)
Rosalina: (Trying Her Hardest Not to Giggle Out Loud) Ryu, no, don't kiss meeee!~ You'll end up getting up getting sick too.
Ryu: (Chuckles Lightly) Don't worry. I'm willing to take the risk. Besides, with me being sick as well, you won't have to suffer being alone in this room for a while.
Rosalina: (Heart Starts Melting Even More Now Before Taking a Deep Breath) Please forgive me for what I'm about to do next, dear.......
Ryu: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) What are you-
Rosalina pulls Ryu in to give him a very passionate kiss on the lips. As much as it caught him off guard, it wasn't long for the veteran Street Fighter to accept his fate and continue making love to the woman he fell head over heels for.
The Next Day......
Polari: (Crosses his Arms While Sighing) Honestly. I left you two alone for a day and you each other sick by your lovile-making shenanigans?
Ken: ('Sigh') I know you two love each other and all, but at least wait until one of you gets better to dp all of that.....
Red Luma: (Nodded in Agreement)
Ryu/Rosalina: (Sighs in Defeat While in Bed Together......Sick) We're sorry......
Ryu: Cold Failure
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seikotakai · 9 months
Day 2 of Tekken 8 Demo
I just played the Tekken 8 demo again, this time mostly playing as Kazuya (as well as Jin and Nina for a bit). Kazuya has some special intros/interactions with Jun and Shaheen (Jun's determination to save Kazuya from his darkness and trauma; Shaheen wanting to avenge his friend like "you took everything from me" and kaz just looks at him like "i don't even know who tf you are"))...but why doesn't he have any special intros/outros/win poses with Nina, Asuka, Azucena, or Paul?!
>Azucena is pretty much probably his only ally (because Anna, Bruce, and Lucky Chloe are not in this game). Although Eddy Gordo was also cut from this game too, I guess Shaheen may as well be his replacement in a way (damn do e-sports players hate Eddy for losing to spam and cheese in player matches/ranked matches that much to the point where he got that joke ending in Tekken 7 and now he won't even be in Tekken 8?!).
>Paul was his OG rival back in the day before of course he keeps getting defeated by fucking Kuma (the blondie cocky extroverted rival who wants to be the best, you know like Sasuke vs Naruto or Ryu vs Ken).
>Coming to think of it, Jin Kazama also does NOT even have any special intros or win quotes with either Asuka or Nina. Like I was thinking Jin would be sad or angry about being betrayed again by someone (first Heihachi in Tekken 3, now Nina in Tekken 8...also Jin saved Nina from being brainwashed by Ogre in Tekken 3 and worked alongside him in Tekken 6, so her betrayal should sting). Also maybe Nina is perhaps actually just simply doing something similar to her role in Street Fighter X Tekken, maybe she's just secretly spying for Jin (and a special intro between her and Kaz would hint at this).
>Also once again Asuka being shafted and pushed to the side, like seriously no special intro for her with Jin or Kazuya?! It's disappointing because in her character episode with Lili, Lili mentions her being related to Jin and by extension the Mishima bloodline so she's worried that her friend (*cough* *cough* girlfriend) might get dragged into the whole Mishima conflict. So I was thinking okay surely Bandai Namco is building up to her finally being relevant in the next game right? I always had this theory in my mind that maybe perhaps why Asuka Kazama is treated like some comic relief side character ever since Tekken 6 is possibly all the backlash and hate she got from both Japanese and western Tekken fans for replacing Jun Kazama when she was introduced in Tekken 5. Same reason why Hinata Hyuga from Naruto gets so much love and favoritism from Studio Pierrot and the Naruto fandom (especially Japanese fans) over Sakura Haruno, and why Rosalina gets more attention than Daisy in the Mario Franchise lately (especially when Rosalina got into Super Smash Bros before her and Rosalina was also in Mario Strikers: Battle League at launch but not Daisy). Maybe it's because some fans strongly prefer the more feminine and introverted female characters over the confident tomboyish brash female characters. Of course these sentences are NOT meant to blame or slander Jun, Rosalina, or Hinata because I like all three of them as characters. It's just some coincidence I noticed.
>Although I do actually really like Steve's whole interaction with his mom Nina. Steve doesn't want to hurt his mom and even says that she is the last person he wants to fight, and Nina telling him to get out of here in her outro. I always thought Nina was cold to her son for similar reasons why Jin wants to live a solitary life, out of pure fear that Steve might get dragged into the either the Mishima conflict or her rivalry with Anna (ex. Anna Williams might kidnap him or something), she's just simply trying to protect her son in a way.
Anyways that's just my silly thoughts for now.
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minnesotamedic186 · 2 years
Me and my internet son Moqxie talking about this guy:
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Who we're calling Timber John until he gets a canon name in 5 days-
Me: You know for some reason I can't help but imagine Timber John being voiced by Will Arnett
Moqxie: I still have new father figure brain rot Me: Makes sense- Moqxie: I can't belive you actually make him a character o see as a gather figure Me: Hey blame Ubisoft for his design dude- Moqxie: T r u e I still blame you/j Me: >:>
Me: Okay you know something I've been thinking about unironically-? Moqxie: What? Me: You being adopted by Timber John- Moqxie: Who's that? Wait I'm dumb Me: The lumberjack Rabbid guy who you called a "dad trying his best"- Moqxie: I remember now I remember now lolll M dumb Me: No you're not-! Moqxie: Also I'd love to be adopted by him twll me about the thoughts please Me: It's not much though- Moqxie: I can nake ideas out of your ideas Please? Me: Uh- Moqxie: I'd just like ne found in the forest Lolll Random child in the forest Me: Okay that makes sense- Moqxie: He sees me and and takes me back and tries to cook some food loll It's like a stereotypical dad meal Lmaoo Me: Yes- Moqxie: He grills And fishes and would take me fishing He'd call me somethinf like kiddo or squirt Me: How are you better at this than me-? Moqxie: Way too much brain rot Lmaooo He would try and teach me how to chop wood but I couldn't bc I'm too weak to hold the axe But he'd give me a pair of safety goggles and let me sit and watch at a safe distance Bonfierz. Me: Okay you wanna hear this one idea I had-? Moqxie: Yes yes Medic: You know Over The Garden Wall-? Moqxie: No Me: Well dang it- Moqxie: I wanna hear it still thooo Idc if I don't understand it Me: Imma explain anyway- Moqxie: Okay lol
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Me: This is an edelwood tree- Moqxie: That looks scary Me: It produces extremely potent oil and comes from people who die in the forest- Moqxie: Oo Me: The wiki says these trees are "grown from souls" Moqxie: Ooo
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Me: This might be good- Moqxie: O h Kinda cool though Me: This is where Timber John comes in- Moqxie: Oh? How? Me: Say Timber John goes out edelwood trees since he heard about the oil they make. You go out to find him after he's gone for a while and uh, pretty sure you can connect the dots from there- Moqxie: KAJJWJSKSKSKSKSK NO, NEW FATHER FIGURE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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Me: Yeah you find Timber John like this- Moqxie: NOOOOOOOOOOOO Me: Don't worry you're able to save him-! Moqxie: Okay good- I actually nearly cied- Me: No I didn't that to happen-! Hug Moqxie: *huuggggJ it's okayyy Me: ~_~ Moqxie: How do I save new father figure? Me: Basically you'd break off all the branches and pull him out of the trunk- Moqxie: Is that all I have to do? Me: Pretty much, and you know that beaver that sits on Timber John's head-? Moqxie: 6eah? Me: He gets to help- ^v^ Moqxie: Yay! Waitwaitwait Me: ? Moqxie: This has turned into me using a persona instead of me, but hear me out. He finds them about to tough the oil on one of the trees Me: Huh-? Moqxie: Nvm loll it was dumb Me: What were you thinking-?/genq Moqxie: Like qhen new father figure first finds me in about to crouch the oil from the tree (bc I'm a little shit) Me: Oh- Moqxie: It qas dumb anyway loll Back to the better thoughra Bonfiers Me: Yeah bonfires-! Moqxie: With marshmallows and hotdogs over the fire He has like a few sticks reserved for smores Me: Yes-!
Me: Wanna hear how I think you and Timber John(Father figure Rabbid) meet-? Moqxie: Yes Me: Okay so first off,
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This is Darkmess- Moqxie: Ooooo Me: It's the result of this glitch
*Insert picture of Cursa here* Corrupting the galacy
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This glitch is corrupting the galaxy- Moqxie: THEYRE SO PRETTY6666 NSJNESNSMSMNSJEIEIEIE Me: Their name is Cursa, and there's a theory that they're actually Princess Rosalina, corrupted from the Big Merge(the Mario and Rabbids universes colliding-) Moqxie: Oooooooo Me: And with one of the exposition videos from Ubisoft, it's possible that Timber John(you're new father figure-) is the Warden, or ruler of his planet(which I'm gonna call Fall Forest-) Moqxie: :000000 NSNSNJSIEIKWKWJRJDJDJDKSIISS Me: My goodness-/lh Moqxie: FATHER FIGURE IS AMAZING JSJSKSKSJSKKSKWKEIEIDKDKKDJDKDKDKDKK feral noises Me: Anyway, with Timber John as Warden, he'd be in charge of getting everyone to safety when the Darkmess first comes around. This is where you come in- Moqxie: Oh? Me: Long story short your parents get taken by the Darkmess, Timber John finds you in the woods, and takes you to his home- Moqxie: Aweeeeeeee yes Me: An improvement if I've ever seen one- Moqxie: LMAO Me: I'm not wrong am I-? Moqxie: You aren't lol I wanna hug new father figure I'd call him to pick me up when I get too anxious "Dad- come pick me up there's people" "You need to get use ro people, Moqxie-" "Please?… and can we get ice cream?" "…okay I'll be there soon" Me: Pfft, yes-
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sunsetforkart · 2 years
Hamha, motherfucker✨️🔪✨️
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New fanart stickers premiering at GameOn Expo!!
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poxetsims-blog · 8 years
Part 2
Note: These Events were Inspired By Sims Games. They are random as fuck, dramatic, and a bit ludicrous.
Terri: I'm so close. I'm so close to having it finished. The deadline is looming over me. If I can get on with these people I can have a real life, a real job. I just want to work in an orchestra or teach little kids music. I don't want to write jingles forever. Nobody is here when I finally put down my violin. They've all gone somewhere.
I see the mail on the side table. An excuse to do something besides play that infernal song. There's a misdelievered envelope. I go next door and knock. The door opens and I'm bidden inside by two ethereal looking people. A woman with silvery white hear wearing a prom dress and a man wearing a fur lined suit and a yellow shirt. I've never seen them before. A child putters away at a computer in the same room.
The woman, Rosalia, takes an interest in my work. I agree to play a piece for her. It's sentimental. To my great surprise it moves her to tears. Are you thirsty, dear? Rosalia brings me tea and soon afterwards I go home, uniquely moved by the experience. When I get home Jay-la hugs me and Aurum made pancakes.
She sets down a rag near the stove and to all of our surprises it erupts into flames. Jay-la uses the fire extinguisher and quickly puts it out, but the stove and counter are charred. We all mend in our own way. Aurum with a slice of cake. I go out for a run. And Jay-la- I mean mom, takes a nap.
Aurum: I'm getting fat. I weighed myself on the toilet (yes, our toilet has a scale,) and my worst fears are coming to pass. Mom says there's nothing to worry about. Look at Terri, she eats like a horse. But I haven't seen Terri eat anything lately. I take the high road and get out some yogurt. Raspberries. Gross, but it'll grow on me. Everything tastes better if it comes out of the garden, I've noticed. The only thing doing well is the parsley, lol, so everything is saturated in parsley.
Terri approaches. She seems nervous. She asks questions about our neighbors. I know nothing about them, but she seems frazzled. I ask what happened, she says there's nothing. Just a strange conversation. She won't say anymore about it.
Terri: I try to get in the mood for the last jingle. I bounce and dance and play with the violin. I'm writing it, I'm writing it... I'm pregnant. Too hard to believe, right. How can a girl who spends all of her time around the house smeared with ink. But it's true. My stomach churns and every morning I am sick with it. I'm going to tell my mother, really I am. But she's so caught up in her games. She looks so happy. I can't talk to her when she's like this.
Aurum: Lately mom's been prancing around the house taking pictures. She says in 4 years I'll look back and sigh at how beautiful I am today. I think she's trying to cheer me up. Terri says she's addled. Mom says she's just got a good feeling about something. She's been leaving coffee cups on the floor and books all over the place. No common theme. One's romance, one's fantasy, ones... fanfiction. I wasn't aware they published these....? I open it. It's written by her. I close it, I put it away.
Terri: The contract is almost fulfilled. The song is almost done. I am not pregnant. I don't know what I am. And unexpectedly a visit from Rosalina, she gives me several warm packets of something the consistency of applesauce. She tells me it will make me well and when it does to return to her. My face looks fuller, almost radiant. My knees do not ache when I run. The nausea has abided. My focus is so crisp. My mind is so clear. At first I believed I've been drugged, but the truth is more ridiculous.
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theacedragon0w0 · 6 months
Red Fish Blue Fish
A Voltage aquarium dating fic, yes I'm normal about this ship
Vlk belongs to @imapuppy5000
"Sage I think I found your doppelganger, " Vlk pointed at a particularly large catfish, looking over to see Sage's reaction, unfortunately they looked more curious than offended.
"Huh, I can see the similarities."
Vlk cupped Sage's face, "You know you are impossible to insult?"
Sage with their mushed faced replied, "Yeah, sorry I'm not a lot of fun,"
"No don't apologize, and I'm having an amazing time with you."
It was nice that Sage invited Vlk to check out the new aquarium, with some sea creatures being showcased originating form the envy ring itself. It was nice that the two sinners were able to be alone, given the fact that Sage was put on a tighter leash after their past scuffle woth their old boss.
They made their way to a secluded part of the aquarium, most of everyone was at the large leviathan display so the two were alone.
"Vlk? You look a bit distant dear,"
"Oh, I'm fine, it's just," Vlk fiddled her thumbs, "I like it when it's just us you know? Don't get me wrong I love the others, Rosalina, Hazel, and Velvette to an extent, but you," Vlk cradled Sage's face, brushing her thumb across their lips, "You make me better, you make me want to be better, and fuck, you are just, the sweetest, funniest, biggest dork I have ever met."
Sage looked down, their face a deep violet, "you know you are pretty great too."
"Oh really? Tell me, how did I manage to woo you into adding me into your roster of lovers?"
Sage placed their hand under their chin, "Well for starters, you have an amazing bod,"
"Oh really?" Vlk grabbing one of Sage's belt loops, pulling them closer, "I know that's not everything."
Sage took a deep breath, "You inspire me, you don't take shit from anyone, even those that nobody would dare to talk back, your ferocity, your passion, and well," Sage grabbed Vlk's hands, "you put up with me."
Vlk closed the distance, wrapping her arms around Sage's neck as their lips met, Vlk giggling as Sage spun the fox in their arms. The couple stopped as Sage almost tripped over a trashcan.
"It amazes me that you can dodge punches but end up running into any inanimate object."
"What can I say? It's a natural talent of mine."
Sage ushered Vlk at one of the tide pools, pointing at an urchin, "This one is you."
Vlk sneered, "How so? I hope this isn't a joke Sage,"
"Just watch," Sage whispered, placing their hand into the water, after a few minutes, the urchin slowly crawled onto her hand, Sage held their prosthetic out for Vlk, which she begrudgingly gave her paw. Sage lowered Vlk's hand into the water, it was cold but Vlk quickly got used to it, watching as Sage carefully passed the urchin onto Vlk's paw.
"You see Vlk, like this Urchin, you have this spiky exterior that helps you defend yourself from predators, but given a gentle hand, you are open to the opportunity to be held without worrying about what others think."
Vlk's cheeks redden, "Fuck you know what to say in your weird analogies huh?"
"Yeah I blame Stripes, now hold still, I have to take a picture of this."
Which Sage posted on their Pensta, captioning the picture as "Aqua date with a foxy beauty! The little guy is the best wingman here!"
Vlk looked over and saw that Velvette was the first to comment to the post, "Adorable! The urchin looks like it's trying to steal your date lol."
Vlk scoffed, which Sage noticed, "you might not realize it but Velvette likes you too you know?"
Vlk flicked her fur, "Well I am irresistible like you said," but Sage squeezed Vlk's paws, "No I'm serious, Velvette pretty much stalks your posts and constantly asks me what colors you like and twists my arm about your music tastes."
"Huh, and what have you said?"
"I told her that she would have to ask you herself, which is why she is taking you out next week to that light performance."
Vlk's face was flushed, "I was under the impression that she wanted to use me for a scarf, given that I'm stealing you from her."
Sage stopped Vlk, "You aren't stealing me from anyone, yes the whole soul situation makes me hers legally but I have seen her around you, she wants you just as much as I do."
Vlk's shoulders relaxed as Sage pulled them along, heading towards the next exhibit that had glowing jellyfish.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1087: Ambushed (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Kingdom Hearts)
5:56 p.m. Outside of Smash Mansion's Entrance......
A giant ring appears out of thin air in front of the Smash Mansion's doorway as it shows Dark Pit and Yoshi, who are both visibly injured and bruised, walking out with Kirby, Hades, and Sephiroth, with Pichu strapped onto his chest in a pouch, follows behind them as the ring goes back to it's original size.
Yoshi: Well. We just got our butts kicked out there.
Dark Pit: ('Tch') More like eviscerated. (Throws his Hands Out in Frustration) Who the hell would attack us out of NOWHERE in broad daylight like that!?
Hades: That's what ambushes would do to you, kiddos. You never know who or what would try to go out of their way to annihilate you in the worst way imaginable. (Puts on a Bit of an Evil Grin on his Face) That and how oh so easy the process in doing so truly is in concept
Kirby: (Already Has a Worried Look on his Face) Poyopoyo Poyopoyo.
Yoshi: Yeah, I still don't have a lick of clue who any of those guys were who attack us.
Sephiroth: Can't say I know for sure who the four masked figures are.....(Grabs his Chin While Thinking) But the one in the black cloak, with eye pitch does look somewhat familiar.....
Yoshi: (Turns to Sephiroth) Is he another one of your past enemies or something?
Sephiroth: Perhaps, but the memory escapes me at the moment. (Smirks a Little) But it was mild entertaining seeing him run away with his tail between his legs. (Looks Down at Pichu) Isn't that right, son?
Pichu: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Pi Chu!~
Dark Pit: Well, whoever those bozos are, we're gonna get back at them one way or another. And we're keeping all of this to ourselves.
Yoshi: ('Sighs Heavily') I dunno, man....I'm all for going back for another round or a few as much as the next guy, but those guys were WAY too strong for our liking.....
Hades: Also, are you....(Raises an Eyebrow at Dark Pit) Absolutely sure about keeping this under wraps from everyone here? Especially from your MOTHERS of all people?
Kirby: (Starts Hugging Dark Pit's Leg in Plead) Poyopoyo Poyopoyo Poyo!
Dark Pit: (Kneels Down to Kirby's Level Before Wincing a Bit in Pain and Gently Rubbing the Top of his Head) Look, I know it's a dumb, risky move on my part, but it will only be until we find a way to beat those jerks in their own game. And besides, the moms aren't even close to being dine with their little shopping spree adventures. We have plenty of time to go in there, heal ourselves up, and act like none if this ever happe-
The boys turns around to see the Certified Moms stare and drop their shopping bags in horror, at Yoshi and Pitto's bruised state as they immediately rushes over to them.
Peach: What HAPPENED to you two!?
Yoshi: (Raises an Eyebrow at Dark Pit Beside Him) You were saying?.....
Dark Pit: We uhh....(Immediately Gets Up From the Ground While Wincing Some More in Pain) Just....got into an accident is all.
Tifa: What kind of accident?
Dark Pit: We tripped. O-Off a few staircases or whatever! (Chuckles Awkwardly) Long fall too I'll tell ya what. (Quickly Nudge his Shoulder Onto Yoshi's Side)
Yoshi: (Winces a Bit in Pain Before Speaking Up) U-Uh Yeah! Yeah, it's true. The.....stairs made us trip and fall.
Sephiroth: Pichu and I saw it from our own eyes.(Closes his Eyes) It was tragic.
Pichu: (Closes his Eyes as Well) Pi.
Kirby: ('Sighs in Defeat') Poyo poyo......
Hades: ('Groans') For the love of- The boys here were ambushed earlier by a group of masked hooligans and some guy wearing an eye pitch.
Lea/Aqua: WHAT!?
Aqua: Luxu and the Foretellers did this to you!?
Dark Pit: (Slowly but Surely Turns to Hades With a Sharp Glare in his Eyes) What the HELL, HADES!?
Hades: Look, I was doing you two a favor! Besides, this is leagues better than lying to and trying to cover your wounds up at the very last second.
Rosalina: (Covers her Mouth in Shock) Oh my god.......
Samus: (Glares at the Two Boys) You were about to keep this a secret from us!?
Yoshi: (Quickly Points the Blame at DP) It was his idea! I never WANTED to lie to anyone!
Dark Pit: (Turns to Yoshi Beside Him) You mother-
Yoshi: Look, I'm sorry alright! And as much as it pains me to say it, Hades is right! You and I both know that we're not any good at keeping any secrets hidden well for the life of us!
Dark Pit: I know that! I was just.....hoping it would last for....('Sigh') I dunno a few months or so?
Daisy: You were gonna to keep this from us for MONTHS!?
Dark Pit: (Turns Back to the Moms) I was thinking about it, okay!? I didn't know we were gonna get caught so soon! And maybe we would've gotten away with it if.....(Turns Right Back to.Hades With a Glare) SOMEONE didn't blurt everything out!
Hades: (Rolls his Eyes) Again, did you two a favor from making fools of yourselves, not like your already doing spendid job of doing that already.
Dark Pit: I'mma about show you who's a REAL fool in second if you don't-
Palutena: PITTO!
The loud, booming voice from the green haired goddess was more than enough to shut everyone up completely as she slowly, but very angrily approaches to her dark angel as the love of her life, Bayonetta, follows behind her, trying to calm her down but with little to no pervail.
It was no secret for Pitto that out of everyone in the Snash Family, Palutena is the last person you ever want to provoked, given that her title as goddess is not to be taken lightly by anyone. That and the powers she possesses are a lot more lethal than it ever was inside the tournament.
As the fellas, Hades especially, steps away from the potential conflict, Pitto turns away and closes his eyes expecting the worse, only to be greeted by a firm grasp on the shoulders. Once he slowly opens his eyes, he sees his mother on his knees, staring at him with tears falling down her cheeks as she tries her very hardest to keep it together, much to his genuine surprise.
Dark Pit: Mom...........
Bayonetta: (Kneels Down to Dark Pit as Well) Now Darling, why on earth would you try and keep this a secret from us?
Dark Pit: (Let's Out a Heavy Sigh Before Speaking) It was our fight. Or in our cases, an unexpected beat down...... And I just didn't want any of you to get involved or....waste your time worrying over us.
Bayonetta: And that's all well and good. But you and Yoshi know as well as I do that your mothers and I will always worry about you kids no matter what you do. And if this Luxu person really went out of his way to hurt you, then we must handle to the situation thoroughly and see it that him and his goons won't ever lay a finger on either of you again.
Peach: (Frowns Sadly) But we can't do that if you won't tell us what happened. (Tears Starts Falling Down From her Eyes as Well) Please.....
Pitto looks around see the rest of the moms staring at him and Yoshi with worry and sadness in each of their eyes as they patiently wait for him to give them details, even Kirby looking up and nodding at him to tell them everything.
Dark Pit: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay. So.....Yoshi and I were in Twilight Town, right? And were walking around, eating Seasalt Ice Cream and whatnot. Then suddenly, that Luxu guy you mentioned, and his four goons came completely out of nowhere and started attacking us. So we fought back as hard as we could, but surprise-surprise, it didn't go all that well.
Flashback to The Streets of Twilight Town
Dark Pit: (On the Ground in the Pain Along with Yoshi) Argh shit....(Turns to Yoshi) Hey, how are you holding up?
Yoshi: My arms and legs are starting worn-out on me as we speaking and I can't move without feeling immense pain. (Groans in Pain as He Rolls Overs and Starts Sitting Himself Up) See?
Dark Pit: (Tries Getting Himself Back Up on his Feet While Groaning in Pain as Well) Yeah. It's.....(Pushes his Back Forehead as He Winces) ('Crack') Bitch in a half. Did you call or text for back-up yet?
Yoshi: I texted someone, but....(Pulls Up his Now Broken Phone) My phone got busted up before i could even see who it was. (Phone Shatters into Pieces) What about you? You do have your phone on you, right?
Dark Pit: I......(Starts Looking Away a Bit) may or may not have it one me right now.....
Yoshi: (Gives Pitto a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Are you serious?
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Yeah, I forgot to charge it up earlier today. But with message received, someone's bound to come here eventually. Assuming we don't die by then.........
????: Well, now!
Without warning, the four masked Keyblade wielders appears in front of the boys. One is wearing a unicorn, the second wearing a snake mask, third wearing a white tiger mask, and the last one, whom the boys had the second most trouble with, I'd wearing a bear mask. And their supposed leader appearing before them is none other than the one eyed snake himself, Luxu.
Luxu: (Puts on an Evil, Cocky Grin on his Face) You boys are having fun so far?
Yoshi: (Glares at Luxu) We're having a misery time actually!
Dark Pit: Why the fuck are you doing this!?
Luxu: Oh come now. There's no need for the hostility here.
Yoshi: You attacked us on broad daylight, out of nowhere, how ELSE are we supposed react to that!?
Luxu: Fair point. But in our defense though, we have a perfectly good reason in doing so.
Dark Pit: (Already Losing his Patience) Oh I wanna hear this...
Luxu: (Points at the Snake Masked Figure Beside Him) You see, Invi girl here have been dreaming of meeting and examining an actual angel from up close. So I told her about meeting you back at Firelocks's place a couple of months ago abd here we are. (Grabs his Chin While Taking a Look at the Dark Angel) Though, I don't think I remember seeing your hair and wings all that black.....
Dark Pit: That's because I'm not the angel you were looking for, genius. It was my brother Pit you saw.
Luxu: Ah-haaa!......Gotcha. So like, what? Are you his broody, inferior twin brother or something?
Dark Pit: You mean less obnoxious of the two? Then yes I am.
Back to the Present
Bayonetta: Pitto!
Dark Pit: What? He's annoying! Most of the times.
Isabelle: (Put her Hands on her Hips With a Motherly Glare in her Eyes) But he's also your brother.
Moms: Yeah!
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Rolling is Eyes) Look, I apologize for being rude. Now can I please continue?
Back to the Flashback
Yoshi: Okay, so why are after ME then?
Luxu: Oh that's simple. See, Lil' Gula here been wanting a pet for the longest time now, and when we spotted you walking around town, I told "Hey, there's a green talking dinosaur you can take home" and he stepped out of the portal quicker than any of us did.
Gula: I wanna talking dinosaur.
Luxu: See? He knows what he wants.
Yoshi: (Couldn't Believe What He is Hearing Right Now) You....(Starts Getting Back Up on his Feet) Heartlees- ('Crack') Ack!
Dark Pit: (Quickly Made his Way to Yoshi) Hey, you Good?
Yoshi: (Glares Harshly at Luxu and the Foretellers) As soon as we pummeled these twerps to the grovel, I will be.
Luxu: (Casually Shrugs) Sure! We're down to go a few more rounds. It'll might cost you your own lives though. So-
Before Luxu could finish talking, a chili dog flew in out of nowhere and hits his face.
Luxu: .........('Tongue Click') 'Kay. Was not expecting that of all things to hit me. (Licks a Chili Off From Side of his Lips a Little as He Tastes It) ('Mm') The chili's pretty good at least. (Notices Something Behind Pitto and Yoshi) Say, was that giant ring portal always there or-
Dreamland's savor, Kirby, jumps out of the dimension ring ready for action.
Kirby: Poyo!
Dark Pit/Yoshi: Kirby!?
Hades: (Walks Out of the Ring as Well) Annnnnnnnnnnd HADES!
Luxu: Wait. That's the Hades? You look a whole lot different than from what I've seen. Where's the blue fiery hair?
Hades: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Bluey fire- Ohhhhh right. I forgot you have another version of me in your universe. I should really look up on that one of these days.....Anyways, we're here to take the boys back home now.
Luxu: (Starts Smirking Evilly) Or what? You're gonna fight us or something?
Hades: Oh not me. I just got back from getting my nails did for the month and I am not risking the chance of getting them broken. (Forms a Smirk of his Own on his Face) Buuuuut not to worry. Besides the pink puffball, you'll be fighting someone else to take my place in the meantime. Ohhhh Sephyyy!~
*Cue One Winged Angel (Advent Version)*
Another figure slowly walks out of the ring with long silver hair, wearing an all black attire, carrying a long sword and a Pichu on his chest pouch happily waving hello to everyone present. His presence alone may not effect the Foretellers in a way, but to Luxu however........it was stepping back into horrific nightmare he never thought he would ever return to after all these years. A nightmare that will continue to haunt him for the rest of his days.
Luxu: No.........No no no no no. Anyone but him......
Sephiroth: So.....these five will be our opponents for the time being?
Hades: Yep. The boys here is in rough shape, so it's gonna be a two-on-five fight. That won't be a problem for you, will it?
Sephiroth: (Forms a Small Smirk on his Face) ('Hmph') Please. (A Large Black Wing Emerges From his Back) This will hardly be a challenge.
Gula: So is he like a.....Half angel or something?
Invi: Fascinating.......
Ira: We must give it our all regardless of who this may be. Isn't that right, Luxu?
Luxu: .................................
Ira: (Turns to the Others Who Shrugs at Him Before Turning Back to his One Eyed Companion) Umm.....Luxu, is something the-
Luxu: Everyone retreat.
Luxu immediately summons a dark portal behind him, must to the Foretellers' confusion.
Gula: What.
Ira: Luxu, what are you-
Luxu: I'll explain everything along the way. Right now, we need to the get the hell on out of here before it's too late!
Aced: (Angrily Stomps the Ground) NONSENSE! We are Keyblade Masters! We do not run and cower from any-
Luxu: (Glares at the Bear Masked Figure) Look, I don't have the time or mentality to deal with your prideful bullshit today, Aced! So quit your yammering and get your ass into that portal before I drag you in there myself!! (Sprints Off to the Portal)
Aced: But-
Ira: (Place his Hand on Aced's Shoulder) Let's do what he says for now. There's no telling what this one winged angel figure is capable off.
The Foretellers did as Luxu commanded and retreat themselves back to their current headquarters with Aced giving Sephiroth one last glare before following behind them. It didn't take long for the portal itself gets smaller and smaller till it disappears completely.
Yoshi: ........Yeah, you better run.
Back to the Present. Again..........
Yoshi: And that's basically about it. They spotted us, beaten us to a pulp, and we would've been done for if Kirby, Hades, Pichu, and Sephiroth haven't stepped in at the last second.
Peach: And we couldn't be any.more happier. (Turns to the Four Beside Pitto and Yoshi) Thank you so much.
Kirby: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Poyo~
Hades: Ah it's nothing. Though.....(Starts Smirking) If you really wanna thank me, you could reward me something valuabl-
Smaus: Don't push it.
Hades: (Sighs Whille Rolling his Eyes) Nevermind. I'll treat myself to a vuctory drink or whatever. Care to come with, Selhpy?
Sephiroth: (Shrugs) Don't have anything else to do. (Looks Down at Pichu) Would you be alright without daddy for the remainder of the night?
Pichu: (Happily Nodded) Pi-chu.
Dark Pit: I wanna fight them again.
Everyone: (Immediately Turns Back to Dark Pit) WHAT!?
Yoshi: (Glares at Dark Pit) You're going back out there after EVERYTHING we've been through today!?
Dark Pit: (Glares Back at Yoshi) Not now obviously! I'm gonna heal myself up first, THEN, I'll go back and face them again.
Yoshi: Oh my freaking god.....Please tell me you're hearing yourself right now.
Dark Pit: Dude, they came out of nowhere, thrashed us, treated you like a pet, and me like some kind of test subject they can experiment on daily. I'm NOT going down without another fight!!
Aqua: We understand how you feel, Pitto, truly. But you cannot challenge him or the Foretellers again, especially now that you know how powerful they truly are.
Lea: Now, for me personally, I'm not sure how Luxu is now that he's the actually the apprentice of that Master of What-its-face, but I know for SURE how dangerous he was back at the Organization.
Samus: How dangerous are we talking here exactly?
Lea: Sneaky, conniving, and precise on almost ANYTHING he set his sights on killing. He was a menacing back then, and there's no telling kind of new tricks he got in his sleeves......
Palutena: ('Sniff') They're right, you know?
Dark Pit: (Looks Back to See Palutena Finally Calmed Down a Little) Mom, you okay?
Palutena: (Starts Wiping the Tears Away) Yeah.....I mean, I'm not completely happy, but I'll be fine. (Takes a Deep Breath as She Gently Grab Hold of Dark Pit's Hands) I know what happened to you and Yoshi earlier is upsetting and I am fully aware of how capable of a fighter you are, but there's a lot more to those people than any of us could imagine. And the last thing we want right now is for them to hurt you WAY more than they already have! So please, don't do this.....('Sniff') I beg of you.....
Pit: (Takes One Good Look at Palutena's Watery Eyes For a Brief Second Before Finally Sighing in Defeat) Alright. If you guys really have what it takes to beat 'em, then I'll back off. And whenever you do fight 'em, just.....(Immediately Gives his Goddess Mom a Hug) be careful out there, alright?
Palutena: (Giggles Softly) Awww~ Is our angsty, baby boi getting worried about us already? That's soooo unlike you!~
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes) Yeah, well, it was bound to happen eventually. I'm way too exhausted to try and hide it now......
Palutena: I know, sweetie. I love you so much.
Dark Pit: Love you too. And thanks.
A blue dust of light suddenly surrounds the duo for a few seconds before disappearing completely along with Pitto's cuts and bruises.
Dark Pit: What the- (Pulls Away From his Mother's Embrace as He Takes a Looks at his Upper Body) I'm healed?
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! I can any wounds in one's body with a simple touch of the hand. My hugs are no exceptions.
Yoshi: Ah dude. I wanna a healing hug! (Starts Walking Towards Only to Felt a Pain on his Pain') ('Crack') Ack! Dang it! Not again!
Daisy: I gotcha, honey! (Quickly Makes her Way to her Son and Helps Him Makes his Way to Palutena)
Peach: Once Yoshi gets healed up, we're gonna have ourselves a group hug session!~
Moms: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Dark Pit: Yayyyyyyyyyy..........
Aqua giggles softly at the Pitto's blatant sarcasm along with the others before noticing a worried look on Lea's face.
Aqua: Lea?
Lea: (Comes Back to Reality) Hm? Yeah, teach?
Aqua: Is everything okay?
Lea: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, just.......Thinking about Luxu and whatnot.......I know I shouldn't waste my time worrying, but......
Aqua: Hey, I get it. Today's been.....surprising to say the least, but we can't let boggle our minds forever, you know?
Lea: Definitely. But there's one thing for sure, and I never thought I would ever say this, but....I really need to train more.....
Aqua: (Place a Hand onto Lea's Shoulder With a Soft Smile on her Face) And Terra and I would be happy to help you.
Samus: (Wraps her Arm Around Lee's Other Sode of the Shoulder) Same here. Couldn't help but overhear your need to training and I want in.
Tifa: (Happily Chimes in) Me too. Namine and I could really use another sparring partner.
Lea: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Uhh! Actually, I'm....gonna have to take a pass on the whole hand-to-hand sparring invitation.
Samus: (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) What? You're scared of getting your ass kicked? Your gonna have to take the beating sooner or later.
Lea: (Glares at Samus) I know that! I just.....(Twiddles his Fingers Around) Being cautious is all.
Samus: Cautiously scared?~
Lea: You know what I mean, woman!
Tifa: I know it's a Intimidating, but I promise to do everything I can give you the best training exercise you could ever hope for.
Aqua: (Smiles Brightly) I think we should give this hand-to-hand combat a chance, Lea. I'll might come in handy one of these days.
Lea: I doubt it, but sure, I guess.....
To Be Continued
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #880: Halloween Party Bash! (Super Smash Bros X Kingdom Hearts)
7:40 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Hall.......
Lavenza: (Starts Looking Around the Room in Awe) I must say.....I am simply adoring the joyful and sinister atmosphere of this special gathering.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) I know, right? It's pretty spooky looking party if you asking me.
Sae: I remember going to a party like this in my teenage years.
Futuba: (Turns to Sae) Oh really? What was it like?
Sae: Lively. And noisy.....And crowded.....Not to mentioned irritating at time.....
Futuba: Not a fan?
Sae: Yep. I like business parties more in comparison.
Omega: I too enjoy attending occasional business gatherings. They are fun in a casual and professional sense.
Lavenza: I see.....(Turns to Futuba) Do you think we should attend those Business Parties in the foreseeable future?
Futuba: (Shrugs) I don't see why not. It could be fun.
Omega: I will be sure to invite you all to the next party that has yet to be scheduled or announced.
Sae: And I can always invited you all to mines if you like too.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) That would be lovely.
Peach: (Happily Waves at the Group While Making Her Way to Them Along With the Others) HI, kids!~
Futaba: (Happily Waves Back) Hiya, Mo-(Suddenly Begins to Gasps Loudly at Each Of the Costumes the Moms Are Wearing)
Morgana: (Eyes Begins to Widened Along With Everyone Else) No way....You guys play Dungeons and Drsgons too!?
Peach: (Happily Nodded) That's right!~ We started the campaign a few weeks ago and loved every moment of it. I play the role of the humble Spiritual Mage and the leader of my squad.
Rosalina: (Smiles Softly) I am a sorcerer who has access to a variety of spells and magic. (Gently Pat's on Polari) And Polari here is my faithful student.
Polari: (Happily Waves at the Gang)
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly) I'm the Druid of the group. Animal shape shifter and the Mother of All Nature.
Bayonetta: (Smiles Confidently While Doing a Dramatic, Fashionable Pose) And yours truly is known to be the baddest Rogue of all the land~
Palutena: (Put her Hand Beisde her Face in a Whispering like Manner) She's not the strongest the member of our party though. Her stats are pretty average at best.....
Bayonetta: (Immediately Glares at her Goddess Girlfriend) Paulie!
Palutena: I'm sorry, 'hon, but It's true. Peach has more stats than you and all she does is heal.
Peach: (Immediately Pouts at Palutena) Hey, I can fight too, ya know!? I'm just.....(Starts Blushing a Little While Twiddling her Own Fingers) choose to be the medic of the group is all.
Bayonetta: (Crosses her Arms in an Unconvinced Manner ) Uh-huh. And are you suuure it's not because you still have little to no knowledge of the rest of your movesets?
Palutena: And that the healing spell is the only you know so far?
Peach: I'm still learning , okay!?
Futuba: Don't worry, Momma Peach. I can teach a few things on how the Mage Class work.
Peach: (Turns Back to Futuba) You'd really do that for me?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Of course! Whenever I'm not traveling across the forest and grinding for levels and stats, I use my freetime to teach my apprentices everything they need to know about each classes skill set.
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) We can even help you catch up to date if you like.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) With our guide and assistance, you will be an expert Mage in no time.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) You three the most precious life savers I ever have. (Scoops the Trio Up into a Loving Hug) Thank youuuuu!~
Futuba: (Giggles Softly) No problem, ma'am. Glad to help.
Peach: Ooh! I almost forgot to introduce you all to our Female Bersserker: Dai-...sy?
The gang turn and stares in confusion at the sight of Daisy and Haru staring at each other in a complete, yet intensive silence.
Futuba: Uhhhhh guys? Is.....everything okay over-
Without any form of warning, Daisy suddenly begins to flex her well-developed muscles out in a fierce, dramatic like fashion while grunting in the process. It wasn't long before Haru does the same thing herself, impressing the fellow Berserker in the process. They continously flex at one another while everyone still stares in even more confusion in most of their faces.
Morgana: Do I even wanna know what they're doing right now?
Omega: I believe they are communicating with their strength and physical attributes.
Lavenza: (Starts Examining the Scene from a Distance) Yes.....I think I've seen this type of ritual before......(Turns Back to the Others) And it's just like what Omega-Kun has just said.
Futuba: What did you see it fro- Ohhhhhhhhhh!....The Armstrong and Curtis bonding scene... I loved that moment of the show!~
Palutena: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) The Armstrong and Curtis what now?
Futuba: I'll tell you all about it later.
Daisy: Incredible power! RESPECTABLE MUSCLES!
And with that, the duo give themselves two fist bumps before receiving a manly handshake from one another with a bright and respectable smile on each of their faces.
Peach: Awww~ They're bonding~
Sae: This is all well and all, but I gotta ask....(Turns Peach) Do you, by any chance, have a knight in your party as well?
Peach: (Happily Nodded) Oh absolutely. It's Sammy. She's suppose be wearing her Knight costume for tonight's party, but decided to weat her Power Suit instead.
Palutena: (Smirks Playfully While Pointing at Her Laughing With Chun-Li) Just to impress the lovely lady over there~
Everyone: (Gushes on How Cute the Couple Are in the Distance) Awwwww~
Lavenza: How very romantic~
???: (Playfully Covers Sonic's Eyes While Giggling) Guess who?~
Sonic: (Starts Smirking Playfully) Well gee. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a cute pink hedgehog with a cuter laugh~
Amy: (Giggles More Before Appearing I Front of Sonic While Wearing a Costume of Gum From Jet Set Radio) You guessed right!~
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, hello there, cute thing. What happened to wearing your vampire costume?
Amy: (Starts Rubbing Back of her Head Back and Forth) It..... didn't really work out as I thought it would. So I figured, since you're going as Beat, that I would go as the spunky, diva herself.
Sonic: Nice. Say, have you ever thought about rolling skating before? They can be pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
Amy: I've always wanted to give it a go one of these days. I thought about asking Shadow to teach me once, but I'd figured he would be pretty busy with G.U.N. related stuff.
Sonic: No worries. If he won't be able to be teach you, then I'll always available to help anytime.
Amy: (Smiles Softly) I wouldn't doubt that for a second, Sonic. Thank you.
Sonic: (Smiles Back at her Girlfriend) No problem. So I uhh...(Chuckle Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Quills Back and Forth) Guess I won't be getting those Vampire Kisses after all, huh?
Amy: Yeah....(Starts Smirking Seductively) But you wanna know what you're gonna get instead?~
Sonic: Uhhhhhh.....(Shrugs While Smiling Awkwardly) Regular kisses?
Amy: (Already Putting Pink Lipstick On) No. (Putting the Lipstick Away in her Costume Pocket Before Making a Small Pop Sound with Her Lips) Bubblegum Kisses. Pucker u-
Sonic: WAIT! Hang on a second. (Starts Doing a Little Stretches on His Legs, Arms, and Back For a Few Seconds Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay.... I'm ready whenever you ar- (Immediately Gets Hug Tackled by Amy as She Showers Him With Bubblegum Kisses)
Tails: (Smiles Softly) It is such an honor to finally meet you, Sora.
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and congratulations on getting into Smash! I bet it feels pretty great being apart of the family, huh?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) Are you kidding? I've never been more happier to be a part of something in my entire life! I'm making tons of new friends, I have more moms and dads than I can ever count, and on top of that, I- Hey, is anyone else hearing that beeping sound right now?
Tails: Wait. Beeping sou-
Tails and Coco starts hearing the sudden beeping sound before turning to the culprit who is none other than.....
Tails/Coco: Wave!
Wave: (Giggles Awkwardly as She Quickly Turns Off her Mini Power Tracking Device) H-Hey, guys....Uh d-don't mind me! I was only uhh uhhhh....(Quickly Puts the Device Away) Scanning for.....all the spoooky stuff in this entire room, ya know? ('Heh')
Tails/Coco: (Raised an Eyebrow While Their Arms are Already Crossed)
Wave: Uh speaking of which, I-I'm gonna....(Points at Something Behind Her) Get some punch to drink. (Turns to the Spikey Haired Boy) Uh... What's your name again?
Sora: Sora.
Wave: Sora! Right! Uh.... congratulations on getting into Smash and... I'll be.... right back in a few. (Quickly Rushes To the Punch Table)
Sora: ......(Smiles Softly) She seems nice.
Tails: ('Sigh') Sorry about Wave....We told her you and..... mostly the Keyblade before we got here and....well....
Coco: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) She never stopped thinking about that thing ever since.
Sora: Hey, don't worry about it, you guys. In a way, I'm kind of happy there's people out there who are curious about the Keyblade works. I can tell you more about it one of these days if you want.
Tails: Wait. You'd.... really do that for us?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. I mean, I don't really know a lot about it myself, but I can still try to explain a few things I've learned so far.
Tails: You know what? (Smiles Softly) That sounds like a future plan already.
Coco: (Smiles Softly as Well) Yeah. Thanks, Sora.
Isa and Sephiroth have been staring at each other in silence for almost a minute and a half now.
Sephiroth: So I take it you're going as me for this year's Halloween?
Isa: That's right. We decided to wear everything Final Fantasy 7 related, so I figured dressing as you for the night's occasion would suffice. Will it be a problem to you?
Sephiroth: No. Of course not. In fact....(Starts Smiling a Little) I think the costume looks good on you actually.
Isa: (Smiles Back at the One Winged Angel) Why, thank you. Though, in hindsight, I don't think I'll ever come close of being on par with the original design. You already look perfect enough in it as it is.
Sephiroth: Please. Your words are too kind.
?????: Pi!
Sephiroth: Ah. (Picks Something Up From the Ground Beside Him) I would like to introduce you Pichu. My son.
Pichu: (Happily Waves at Isa While Wearing a Sephiroth Costume as Well) Pichu!~
Isa: (Nods at the Yellow Pokemon) Please to meet you. (Turns Back to Sephiroth) He's adorable.
Sephiroth: That he is.
The duo continues to talk among one another while Lea and the others watches them from a distance.
Lea: Are you guys seeing this shit right now?
Roxas: I dunno, Axel....(Turns to Lea) Are you sure it isn't some huge coincidence or something?
Xion: Yeah. I know Isa can be scary at times, but he's nowhere near the same level as Sephiroth is.
Lea: True. But if you dye his hair completely silver, then maybe....JUST MAYBE these two could be long lost twins.
Xion: (Starts Wiggling her Hand in an Uncertain Fashion) Ehhh......
Roxas: That's still a stretch......
Barret: (Turns to Lea While Wearing his Old Sailor Costume) I gotta agree with your kids on this one, Lea. Isa's way too good of man to be compared to that pompous jackass.
Marlene: (Pouts While Sitting on Barret's Shoulder And Wearing a Sailor Outfit of Her Own) Yeah! Sephiroth's the biggest poopy-head of the making!
Barret: (Burst Out Laughing) Ahahahahahaa! You said it, babygirl!~ Truest poppy-head of a making right here! (Gives his Daughter a High Five)
Lea: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeah. J-Just....try not to let him hear you say that, yeah? Last thing we wanted is get on his bad side......
Marlene: (Happily Salutes to Lea) Sure thing, Uncle Lea!~
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Uncle Lea?
Barret: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah...... I've been telling her about you from the very beginning. (Turns to Roxas and Xion) I even told her about you kids at one point.
Marlene: (Smiles Softly at the Duo) It's so nice to finally meet you, Big Bro Roxas and Big Sis Xion.
Xion: ('Gasps') You really think of us as your older siblings?~
Marlene: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ I think you guys are so cool.
Xion: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness by Marlene's Cuteness) Oh my gosh. Thank you so much~ (Turns to Roxas) You hear that, Roxas? We're big brother and sister now~ (Starts Pouting) You better not be a bad influence on her!
Roxas: Oh come on! I won't be bad influence on her. I'll teach lots of important life lessons. Like how be responsible and respectful to others....maybe even teach her to pull off a few pranks here or there-
Barret: (Immediately Glares at Roxas) Boy, you BETTER not try and teach my little angel how be a no good delinquent or we're gonna have some problem! You got that!?
Roxas: (Immediately Salutes to Barret in Fear) Yes sir, Mr. Barret Wallace, sir!
Xion/Marlene: (Giggles Softly at Roxas' Dispense)
Barret: (Simply Nodded) At ease, solider. Glad we're on the same page.
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Dude, you gotta teach me your ways of parenting one of these days. That was amazing.
Barret: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, man. All in the day's work.
The gangs' eyes begins to widened in Fear as they slow turn their heads to Isa, Sephiroth, and Pichu staring at them with dark like Glares in each of their faces.
Sephiroth: Didn't anyone teach you that it is rude to stare at someone from a distance?
Isa: I know good and well that I raised you kids better than to be shameless lurkers. And I really don't want to get started with you right now, Lea.......
Pichu: Pi....chu......
Lea: Shit! BAIL!!!
And with that, the gang begins to run for their lives. All while Marlene happily enjoys the the ride on her father's shoulder.
Cloud: Terra.....(Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) is that you?
Terra: (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly) In the flesh. I take you're wearing a dress too, huh?
Cloud: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Pretty much. I couldn't think of anything else to wear, so I decided to go with the dress. What's your reason for wearing yours?
Terra: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) The costume Store from our world, has already ran out of your default costume. So the closest thing that affiliated with you is this dress. Which..... (Smiles a Little) looks pretty good on you by the way.
Cloud: (Smiles a Little) Thanks. The dress looks good on you too. (Turns to the Two Familiar Figures Staring at Him and Terra) And I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones who like them.
Terra: Aqua? Tifa?
Tifa: Oh! Uh....(Waves at the Duo While Smiling Awkwardly at Them Along With Aqua) H-Hi boys.....
Aqua: H-How's it going?
Terra: Pretty good.....
Cloud: (Raised an Eyebrow at the Two Ladies) You mind telling us why you two were just standing there this entire time?
Tifa: N-No reason! We were just admiring how the party looks is all.
Aqua: Yeah. I-It's not like we were admiring how lovely you look in your dresses- (Immediately Gets Bumped in the Shoulder by Tifa) I-I-I mean!......This is a lovely mansion. W-We should explore it a little more!
Tifa: Agreed! See ya! (Starts Speed Walking Away With Aqua in a Bashful Like Fashion)
Cloud: (Watches the Duo Walk Away With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Never thought I see the day to see our own girlfriends acting suspiciously weird.....
Terra: Yeah, but.....(Shrugs While Smiling a Bit Sheepishly) At least they're being cute about it, you know?
Cloud: ('Sigh') Yeah.....They are adora-
??????: HEY!
'Trumpets Playing'
Terra: (Raised an Eyebrow in Complete Confusion at What is Front of Him) Who in the heck is that supposed to be?
Cloud: That's Dedede. He's the former ruler of Dream Land. (Starts Rolling his Eyes Again) And the Self Proclaim Uncle of the family......
Terra: I see.....He...does know Elvis never sang that song, right?
Cloud: ('Sigh') It's best not to ruin his moment. He's actually having a good time right now.
Terra: If you say so...... He's pretty talented.
Cloud: Yeah.....To some extent at least.
Happy Halloween Boys and Ghouls!
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