#don't mind me just theorizing
tildeathiwillread · 2 months
Look, Victor, I may not know the true extent of Eli's powers of regeneration, but I think copious amounts of explosives wouldn't be a terrible thing to try
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nattikay · 6 months
gentle reminder that the A2 script pages that have been going around from the Blu-ray bonuses are from an old/outdated version of the script, and anything that isn't shown in the final film cannot automatically be considered canon, whether it's scene/dialogue changes, character details, lore details, etc.
Stuff gets changed and/or cut for a reason, be it because they didn't have time for it, decided to go in a different direction for the character/lore, decided the scene should be moved to a later movie, or anything else.
It's fun to see alternate versions of the story that could-have-been, and if you want to play with concepts based on the script in headcanon or fanfiction, feel free of course...but be very very cautious about considering any of it "canon" until/unless another source confirms it (such as how the Tsu'tey's Path comics confirm some of the A1 deleted scenes).
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random-dragon-exe · 11 days
Ok, so I’ve rewatched Inside Out and I have a take on Sadness’s purpose and I’m sure it has to be for her comfort. 
For example, if Joy were to introduce her like with the other emotions at the beginning of the 1st movie, I think it’d go something like this;
“This is Sadness. Her job is to make sure Riley is comforted when she’s feeling down about something.” 
It makes sense considering that this area concerns compassion and empathy. 
Or as Google puts it: 
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It’s no wonder why Sadness actually likes to feel sad and have a good cry.
To her, it feels good to let it all out and release the sadness to feel better. 
She's like Joy in a way, just in a more subtle, soothing way.
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screechingfanprincess · 2 months
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Hmmm..... HMMMMMMMM................................................
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you know what I've been thinking about lately? (forgive me the subtitles aren't working)
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but basically yeah the whole mention that both Lilith and Alastor were gone for the same amount of time and this COULD mean she's the one on the end of his leash after all stories don't just give details out like that unless they're meant to be strung together somehow
but you know what I think
anyone know the whole "correlation is not causation" BS that companies like to preach about. Yeah drives me nuts too anyways
in my university science classes I finally got a better explanation for it and basically, it very frequently is a case of "yeah these two things seem to be connected somehow, WHAT IS THE THING THAT IS CONNECTING THEM?"
the hilarious example my professor gave was murder rates and ice cream sales going up, and the verdict is when it gets hotter, apparently ppl are more trigger happy on the violence cuz cranky, and also, more ppl are buying ice cream. I think she just said this to be ridiculous BUT
Maybe Lilith is the one behind alastor's leash sure
but MAYBE there's a third component going on. Alastor and Lilith have SOME sort of connection that caused this 7 year absence, but that doesn't necessarily tie them to each other? if that makes sense?
idk I'm just rambling, but I swear we're missing a third piece to this puzzle
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raredrop · 1 month
within a day i have learned that (mentions of: transphobia, religion, and zionism)
the pokerogue lead dev stepped down bc the game was in the way of his family and faith
also feeling guilty of the games addictive nature
caused the entire discord to explode with hate speech
mods of said discord banning people for saying "trans rights" but not the people being transphobic bc.....it was... making people uncomfortable (indirect quote from reddit so)
contributors in the discord using ablest slurs
contributor on the team is a zionist, allowed to stay bc "they needed all the help they could get"
lead dev had a private conversation leaked that was just a long-winded way of saying hes transphobic and homophobic bc of GOD'S WAY!!!!! (this probably lead to the above)
one of the reddit moderators getting banned bc he was defending Sam (lead dev) or whatever
ppl complaining about being banned from the discord for being zionists
everything getting shoved into the same no hate speech no politics ect rules no matter what side it was on
other classic reddit things like trans ppl getting told not to talk about being trans bc "its private information i wouldn't care even if you were my bf" (another indirect quote)
ppl saying to not trust the doc anyway bc the guy is apparently racist (all ive seen was a screen of him saying u cant be racist towards white men.....im white so uhhh no comment!) but this is all from reddit so you know how it is
hearing other things like the remaining dev team being incomplete or power tripping idk
the discord being deleted all together
heres the doc idk how long it will be up
i don't know who is still left on the team as it was handed over to others on the team when Sam left and i don't know anything about them that hasn't been mentioned
edit: jk a lot more of the devs are transphobic
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warabola · 7 months
lifebergs, lorn flukes, and the wax-wind alone would be logistical nightmare for any structure at zee. who scrapes the wax off?
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sorrygotthesesacks · 9 months
On the "Kalim is obviously the sultan but also has some Aladdin elements to him" front, I totally missed the obvious.
The magic carpet. The carpet! Which approached Kalim the way the carpet approached Aladdin.
Damn, I feel dumb for missing that one.
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ok so I might be drawing parallels where there are none but I'm rewatching c1 because of tlovm so.
when they're in the Feywild looking for Fenthras they find a hag's house in a giant tree that has a bit of a glow to it (in ep 62 Uninviting Waters). Pike and Scanlan go investigate on Vex's broom, and they roll shit, so we don't get much, but I'm thinking it might be Nana's house?
the episode transcript for the description is this :
MATT Okay. You don't pick up a lot of detail, but as you come up over the top, looking on the inside, it looks to be rather comfortable, surprisingly. It's a small home. There's a table, and there's a small hearth. There appears to be what looks to be a shelf of some kind, ramshackle, maybe, but still functional, with books pressed into it. You can see a number of small baskets hanging from the ceiling, containing various roots and other pieces of plant matter that are gathered and bundled together. You can see there is a fireplace by the hearth. There is also a series of drying animal carcasses hung in the corner that are all stripped, and they're being aired out in that space. You also see what looks to be a large chair that is facing the hearth, slightly away from you, and a small end table next to it that contains a little teacup and a little tea set.
TALIESIN What size person is the chair for?
MATT Actually, the chair is pretty large. It's tall. The tea set is small. And as you're making a look, you see one large crooked hand reach out from behind the chair with impossibly long fingers with hooked nails reach over. You can see what looks like dried wrappings hanging from parts of its wrist and elbow as it reaches over and wraps its gnarled fingers around this tiny teacup and pull it back behind the chair.
so I'm thinking either the hag/Morri just has a small tea set, or it's for a young Fearne or even for her second mouth on her stomach.
also the description loosely fits the one Matt gives of Nana's house in C3E45
MATT There, you're greeted by a low-lit, cozy entryway, a flat expanse at the base of where the split is. You can see it's decorated in knitted dolls, placed on little naturally warped tables. You can see animal skeletons that have been posed in dancing positions with each other that are placed up on little shelves and along the sides of the entryway. You can see alien-looking potted plants that seem to be taking root on their side of the room and guarding it fiercely. More of the staircases and rope bridges you can see begin to splinter off from here and lead higher and higher up through the tree.
The wide shoulders are thin. They come out like pointed, skeletal shoulders, the sleeves extending these long, thin arms. You see, around the top of the dress from where these shoulders are, they're obscured by a bunch of dark linen and chiffon that creates a mantle around it.
The tree's description isn't quite the same, but that part of the Feywild was weird(er than usual) because of Saundor, so it could have changed a lot between Vox Machina and Fearne bringing Bell's Hells to visit.
so we have this in C1E62 for the tree
MATT You see the tree, while it is thicker, it is not as high as the other trees. In fact, where there would be a top of a tree, it looks to be instead a tangled mass of branches that have been matted over and tied down to the top of where this tree ends.
and this in C3E45
MATT You step within the tree, and you can see the actual trunk of this structure, and you can see the actual trunk of this structure. This is probably the largest tree you've seen aside from the Sun Tree. It's comparable in its thickness. You can tell, about 30 feet up, it splits into two separate trunks that then wrap around each other in a corkscrew upward.
Now, none of those are 100% like the others, and I'm very likely reaching, but! I think it would be funny because it would make Nana Morri Artagan's ex :)
(as per C1E63: "She's many things, but she's not a hag. She's an ex.")
TLDR: I think Nana Morri might be the hag Vox Machina crossed paths with in the Feywild when they were looking for Fenthras which would make her Artagan's ex
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'if you have to ask who this is about, then the answer is probably yes.'
bent knees and edges -
cocky fingers shoot up
popped punk royalty at its most obtuse
lined my bedroom walls like notebooks, noses
dropping wide lines for my side lines, side kick.
ring up my ears, my fingers, my rowan.
i'm kissing the ring
and the prints of prince charming man posing
well-hung above me,
a liner away
from making dreams come.
- ellie revenge
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bipherpol · 11 months
lucci apparently just chilling with the straw hats at the end of 1089 i'm laughing not gonna lie
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riwooga · 1 year
Your Bailey post was a really interesting read lol a lot of it I didn't even think of! Characterization straight up 10/10. Have any other characters you have thoughts on in the same way?
Oh goodness thank you I'm so honored you think so!! 💕 I definitely don't think it's a 10/10, but I'm happy you do!
But I mean oof gosh I think I could probably go into rambles about pretty much all of them?? Some more of a long spiel than others sure.
It's one of my favorite pass times especially with my sibling to just sit and ramble over characters and why I think they are the way they are lmao.. The more complex and broken the more my heart latches onto them 🤧💕
But man idk i guess if anyone has someone they wanna hear my rambling about... Let me know?? Idk I guess I never thought anyone would interested in it!
Also unsure if you mean with the whole just diving into their character or making it a whole looking at their dynamic with PC thing?
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icharchivist · 1 year
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this event is having us get very hinged conversation in the group chat
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random-dragon-exe · 3 months
Lately I've been going down the Luigi's mansion rabbithole and I've been thinking of King Boo's powers.
So we all know that he's able to create portraits to capture people right?
But you know who else has used paintings to do evil things?
Bowser in Super Mario 64/64 DS. In there, Toad said that Bowser "stole the power stars and used their magic to create evil lands of monsters in the walls and paintings."
So because of this, I have a small headcannon/theory that King Boo took inspiration from Bowser's use of the paintings in Mario 64.
I mean he had to get the inspiration to use paintings somewhere. (Imo)
Real fast, whether you believe 64 DS or the OG 64 is canon, I like to think that either way, King Boo took notice of what Bowser did and wanted to build off of it.
I haven't played the first Luigi's Mansion, but if I recall correctly, King Boo used E. Gadd's portraitficationizer just in reverse to free the ghosts and Boolossus. Then he used it to trap Mario in a painting, however Mario could still move in his portrait prison (somehow).
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So he didn't do anything himself there, but by the time of Dark moon, we see him actually learn to create portraits via his new crown magic and make them still so his victims can't move or yell for help in them.
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Then by Luigi's Mansion 3, King Boo has basically perfected the art of prison portraits (pun intended) and even learned how to put more victims in them and to increase their size for larger traps.
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So it seems through his experimentation with them, he developed his portrait powers.
TLDR: King Boo liked what Boswer did with paintings and just rolled with it, just in a completely more deranged way and his use of them evolved over time.
IDK, I just noticed that they've both used paintings before then this headcannon/theory formed. Hope you liked my random rambling about my 2 favorite Nintendo villains.
Also, I'm sure this isn't the most well thought out, but still, it's kinda interesting to think about.
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smolavidreader · 2 years
Ok so I had an epiphany while watching the Tears of the Kingdom trailer for the nth time. What if all the rune abilities in this game are powered up versions of the ones on the Shiekah slate. I mean the reverse time ability we see Link using in the trailer is a more powerful version of stasis since that rune just stops time rather then reverse it. The Shiekah slate and the Great Plateau Shrines were ancient by the time we get to BOTW so the runes probably lost some power over the ages. That being said, it’s fun to imagine what the powered up versions of the other runes are. I thought it was possible that the turning Link into liquid ability seen in the previous trailer might be related to Cryonis. Instead of turning water into ice you can turn yourself into water. That might be a stretch but eh. Then there is the bomb rune. I don’t want to say that we are gonna get bombs with just bigger explosions cause that sounds kinda boring. What if we got an ability similar to the bomb mask from Majora’s mask (aka we blow ourselves up and everything around us)? Or maybe we can summon a hail of bombs? Or you know what would be cool but unlikely? Turning objects/enemies into explosives. As for Magnesis, what if we could Jedi summon metal weapons to Link’s corrupted hand? Or what if we could summon metal objects, they stick to the arm, and then we can launch them forwards with extreme force? Huh what if we could launch Bombs like that. They should just let Link shoot fireballs or some type of projectile from his new arm. Anyway, another cool option for Cryonis would be freezing clouds to make them into platforms. I have no clue how that would work but I think it’d be neat (if the water thing isn’t Cryonis) if we could use the upgraded version in the sky in some way. I’m not really sure how they would upgrade the Camera rune. For the sake of fun let’s just say that Link can use his arm as a phone instead of a Camera and call Zelda (where ever she is). And that’s my TOTK ramble.  
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iamnotdoingethelp · 2 years
What if Rick upgrade his ship so it can move through different realities? So far it looks like he still doesn't have a portal gun and after season 5 it seems like portal fluid might also be not safe to use anymore. In one scene in a trailer Rick says they're gonna vanish from this reality while trying to build something. After that you can see something that looks like this exact device but installed in the ship.
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Also @theresonlyzuul​ pointed out that in the scene where we see Rick’s old house the crystal thing in the device has the same colour as the memory crystals which Rick used to hop into Birdperson’s memories.
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Maybe it has one of these functions or both. Or none and we just read too much into it lol.
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