#don't mind me i'm just ranting about baseball
kvzbrekkrs · 1 year
the worst part about living in northern california, is that when the dodgers play the g*ants (or the a's but mostly the g*ants) i can only see the games if i watch them on youtube tv, and the announcers are hometown guys and i have to listen to their snide anti dodgers remarks
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
I'm making Tyler x Logan propaganda but for now take another ship ask thingy whatever (shoots my fucking brains out) <3
This is also...long... 🫠
1. How did they first meet?
They knew *of* each other since elementary school, but they met officially when they got grouped together for the Savannah project.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Tyler: Nerd. Wished he'd stop mumbling all the time, it pisses him of.
Logan: internal crying. Jocks are scary lahdhosjdjd- (thought he was handsome tho)
3. Did any of their friends/family want them to get together?
They had never thought about them like that haha. Logan pretty much periodically told the whole squad except Tyler 💀 so they were all like very subtly encouraging him. Taylor was VERY excited. Aiden would be SO obvious about it but luckily Tyler is kind of oblivious. Ash and Ben are just watching the whole thing go down.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Tyleeeeeer. Dork.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
You know they would 🤡 Whatever let me have my angsty gay pining leave me alone 😭
6. If you had told one of them the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Logan: He would combust into flames and melt into a pile of stuttering and blushing.
Tyler: he'd probably punch you.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension! Tyler would probably get a baseball scholarship to some nice uni and Logan would get a scholarship cuz he's super smart. I think they'd be alright but probably a lot more emotionally stunted
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Tyler because Logan Gen/ thought he was straight so he'd legit never brought it up. Ngl Logan prob got injured and Tyler was just ranting and confessed on accident hihi ❤️
2. Did they have an official first date? What was it like?
I think yes. I think Logan would ask him and they'd do smth very low pressure :) Go out to eat somewhere (not a fancy place) and then walk around the park or smth until night time, so Logan can geek out about the constellations. Normal friend stuff...but they both know it's a date so they're freaking out. Then Tyler holds his hand and- *slams my head into a wall*
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward. They bumped their foreheads together since they tried to do it at the same time. Tyler instigated it :)
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Logan: Tyler's first kiss (with a boy) and first relationship
Tyler: Logan's first kiss (In general) and first relationship
5. What's their height and age difference?
Tyler is 187 cm (he did not get those short boy genes lol) and Logan is 164 cm, so I think that's like, 9 inches? Tyler was born in August 2000 and Logan in December 2000, so only 4 months.
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friendgroup?
You know they share a friend group lmao.
Logan gets along very well with Marianna :) she thinks he's super sweet and he doesn't mind her eccentricity. Taylor loooooves having Logan as a "brother in law" ^_^
Tyler's relationship with James and Mary is...testy 💀 they don't mind the fact that he's dating a boy but they HAVE heard Logan venting about how insecure he is in the friendship because he thinks Tyler hated him. Tyler doesn't really appreciate being reminded of all that and the fact that they might antagonize him. They're working on it for Logans sake.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Tyler usually, he's not afraid to call somebody out on their shit :) Logan is better at mediating tho.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Logan is more insecure than jealous. Tyler is just normal jealous 🤡 he's a little itty bitty bit possessive...👍🏽
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others ear?
Technically Tyler does, but not like, on purpose. They might just be out somewhere and some guy will be being mildly irritating or whatever and Tyler will mutter "this fucking clown" to Logan. Logan is always "!!! Ty!" Lmao
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Logan! He definitely cried while saying it too haha. I think Tyler would say it back...after kissing him mwah mwah.
2. What are their primary love languages?
For Tyler absolutely acts of service. It's what he's used to haha. Likes to cook for Logan and help him around the shop (while James and Mary are watching him like a hawk) :) Receiving, tbh, he just likes when Logan wants to spend quality time with him.
Logan...also acts of service; for a long time he valued himself on how useful he was to somebody and its still how he evaluates his relationships. He helps Tyler with homework he doesn't understand, helps him with chores around the house, etc. He really appreciates words of affirmation, makes him feel more secure ^_^
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
In the beginning it was Logan, he bought a book and everything 🤡 he always fumbles the delivery tho help him. After a while Tyler says them cuz he likes messing with Logan and watching him get flustered lol.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
It is 2016 in Georgia, they don't engage in any PDA 🤡 as if Logan needed another reason to get harassed. They like cuddling in the privacy of their houses tho, but just the standard amount ^_^
5. Who initiates kisses?
Tyler will generally ask Logan to kiss him, since he's a little awkward about initiating.
6. Who's the big and little spoon?
Tyler is pretty protective so he likes being the big spoon, but if Logan asks he's also fine with that. He likes rubbing Ty's stomach due to the injury he got there U_U
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Logan: STARGAZINGGGG. Nothing makes him happier than infodumping :D Ty likes listening to him anyways so. He also likes going to Tyler's games cuz, you know, he wanna be supportive and all that. Plus he thinks he looks sooooo cool while playing.
Tyler: Something chill, he's like, consistently tired lmao. He just likes spending time with him, he doesn't mind if they're just laying down studying or listening to music, or just talking to each other.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
Tyler is, surprisingly. When Tyler is upset he's just generally mad and needs to cool off alone, plus Logan isn't really good around people who are angry haha ":). When Logan's upset he tends to be more teary eyed, so Tyler just hugging him and reminding him to breathe is enough.
9. Who is more protective?
Tyler 🤡 I don't think I need to elaborate aldhoshd
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Tyler: physical because verbal affection flusters him a lot.
Logan: verbal because physical affection flusters him a lot.
....Help them, lol
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
*Points to Red's Spotify playlist*
(This doesn't really make sense but Campus by Vampire Weekend reminds me of them by proxy because I was listening to it while I drew them lmao)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Logan: Will usually call him Ty. "Babe" if he's up to it haha. When they're older he probably calls him the usual ones like honey or sweetie :)
Tyler: probably something real cringy considering that carrot-top nickname he gave Ash. I mentioned Starboy and Cielo before. I think he'd call him "Bizcochito" (porque le quiere comer a besos jajajajaj)
13. Who remembers the little things?
They're both very detail oriented so they remember all those things.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Since gay marriage was legalized in June 2015, for most of his life Logan pretty much never thought he would be able to get married. So he proposed to Tyler. Was crying profusely the whole time and dropped his cards haha.
2. What's the wedding like?
They couldn't find a church that would bless their marriage even tho Mary and James had asked for it. So they just got married at city hall. BUT they did have a super big after party with all of Tyler's extended family >:) Logan has no idea what "gringo" means but he's not thinking about it too much.
3. How many kids do they have, if any?
It was really fucking hard to adopt one :") one girl because I said so and this is my list
4. Do they have any pets?
They have a few cats because for a long time they couldn't adopt any kids. It's good for Logan's enrichment, even though the cats don't really like Tyler lol
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Tyler loses his temper easier, but he's also way more likely to indulge their daughter so like, he is stricter, but he's not very consistent about it lmao. Logan is better at disciplining Tho.
6. Who worries the most?
They're both worrywarts kkkkk Tyler a little more tho, it's the ✨️anxiety✨️ kicking in.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Tyler will scream if he sees a bug so 🤡 Logan is very used to bugs because there's usually a few in the plants, so he'll catch them and throw them outside.
8. How do they celebrate the holidays?
Tyler isn't really big on holidays, but he'll help Logan put up decorations and stuff if he wants to. They generally go visit their family and friends U_U
Tyler does celebrate Día de Los Muertos as an adult tho, he spends most of the day at his dad's ofrenda. Logan is there for moral support, and they'll call Taylor and Marianna if they can't come over for any reason.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Tyler's naturally an early bird and Logans a night owl, so Logan will pull him back into bed haha.
10. Who's the better cook?
Tyler's the better cook and Logan's the better baker.
11. Who likes to dance?
Tyler! He's a bit reluctant to admit it tho, but he's a good dancer and he loves pulling Logan by surprise to dance bachata or cumbia hihi
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What sort of jobs do you think the mercs would have if they weren't, y'know, mercs?
What Would The TF2 Mercs Jobs Be If They Weren't Mercenaries?
Ough, I love this. It's a very cool suggestion, Anon. Thank you for asking! I've thought about this a couple of times, and I'm glad to get a chance to rant >:)
Demo would get into pyrotechnics for a while, (shocker I know, but bare with me) he'd find himself setting up fireworks shows, making fireworks, teaching safety courses and all that fun stuff, but I don't think he'd be fulfilled in the same way being a merc would. He'd find himself being bored with the monotony of it all, only doing it for the money. After a while of this he'd finally just say fuck it, and try and look for other work opportunities, found an animal shelter in desperate need of new hires, submitted his application, and with in two weeks had become absolutely enthralled with his new job. He finds out he loves working with animals! He makes friends with every animal in the shelter right away, and gets a good chunk of them adopted each year or so.
Engie would have most likely gone on to become a very successful engineer. Shocker, I know. He would have probably specialized in biomedical engineering. I think he'd go in with no particular job in mind, but then would be introduced into the idea of building prosthetics and become a prosthetist. He likes being able to help people with his creations. (MINI HEACANON / STORY) The first time he ever made a prosthetic was for a little kid who lost his leg due to a car crash. He was super traumatized from the accident and refused to let anyone near him, Engie spent about a year working with the kid to, one be able to measure and fit him for his prosthetic, and two, to just make the kid smile and make him less scared. When the job was done the kid was so happy, grinning ear to ear, he hugged Engie and was literally crying out of joy, that's when Engie knew he loved his job 😭
Heavy has a doctorate in Russian literature, so I'd assume he'd go into the teaching field with that as his specialty. He'd find a university in need of a professor and work with students to help them better themselves. He just likes being able to share his experiences and perspective with those who want to learn. Very much a "Tuesday's With Morrie" type of teacher. Will literally do anything for his students by the way. He love each year he spends teaching, also loves hearing from his students after they graduate. Really just wants to make an impact on peoples lives anyway he can. He'd probably end up being a writer if he couldn't go into teaching for some reason. He'd write fiction mainly, maybe some life experiences too, for the same reasons above.
Medic would have found a way to get his medical license back, legally or illegally (most likely the latter). And went on to continue practicing medicine, most likely in a country with more lax laws on human experimentation. If that failed, the local morgue is always hiring graveyard shifts, and when no one really cares too much about what happens to the corpses, Medic would find ways to keep himself very entertained. I also think he could be content working as a librarian! I don't know, like the gap between librarian and doctor is huge but I can just imagine him and Archimedes running a little library together, (Kind of like uh Blue and Linda from Rio, I'm really pulling out random media this prompt, 😭) I just feel like even though he's batshit insane nine times out of ten he can still enjoy a quiet, peaceful life if he wanted too. Probably still does a bit medical stuff on the side though, you just can't stop him.
Scout is another case of me being unsurprising. He'd be a baseball star. It's really a toss-up on whether he gets super famous or just enjoys quiet success. If he's super famous you bet he's signing contracts for advertisements and other things you'd expect multimillionaires to be doing (He'd also be so thrilled to be a multimillionaire he'd be giving his mom her dream life) and just generally enjoying the fame. If he didn't make it into the big leagues, he'd still be successful in minor leagues. I'll even go as far as to say that even if he didn't make it big or even semi big, he'd become a coach little league/ high school /college and love it. Honestly, he would cry if one of the kids he coached went pro one day. (Maybe a Twitch streamer would also fit, but that's silly, right?)
Sniper has always been into wildlife photography. He absolutely loves animals. He's naturally good at photography. I think him having good aim and a steady hand are a mix of a natural talent and years of training. His years of training would have just gone into photography instead of, you know. He gets very good very quickly, takes pictures you'd see hung up as decoration pieces, and definitely had a fair share of curious animals wandering up to him to check out his work. For a guy who loves animals, he's living the dream. Haz had a few less than steller run-ins during his time, but generally appreciates being able to enjoy nature and animals as part of his job.
Spy being an actor would come naturally for him. He's great at switching his style, mood, character, etc. So he'd naturally be interested in a job where that skill would be valuable, then he finds out about how much money he can make off of acting and just goes straight in. I think he would end up being a really popular actor, people liking him in almost any role he plays, and would generally have little to no hater or bad press. He loves going over every new script and building up his character in his mind, then giving them a place off the page. He also loves going to fancy parties, so... Also, the first time he got a bad/negative review or comment on his acting, he cried lmao.
Soldier would so be a historian. Like, hands down, only job I think he could have outside of being a merc. He can rant for hours about American history and knows so much about other countries too due to their involvement with America and a general curiosity, that he'd be a perfect to teach about history in museums, classrooms, or even just uploading videos online. Just put someone who needs to learn about history of any kind in front of him, and they'll learn more in the time with him than they ever have. Also! I'm not sure what these people are called, and I'm way too tired to look it up, but I think that Soldier would help new immigrants with leaning English and with getting their citizenship. Solider would also help refugees. Also also, he'd hold support groups for veterans.
Pyro is normally headcanoned as a fire fighter or ex-fire fighter I'm pretty sure, but I think it's easy to forget that while Pyro likes fire, they like making firsvl, you know what else they like? Making art! So naturally, being a glassblower would be a great fit for Pyro. They love the job! The molten glass is mesmerizing to them. The artistic freedom is liberating. It's all just so great to them. They make a lot of flame themed pieces that and animal themed pieces. They mainly do pieces and sell them at markets instead of taking commissions for them. They're super happy with this life and have multiple pieces of their work displayed in their home. They sometimes get this feeling of missing something, like a vague memory, but they just continue to make new art to fix that, but oddly enough, they end up reminding them more of those distant memories. I wonder what that's about.
I swore I'd get this out today, and I held myself to that, even though I almost passed out. (Not me posting this 5 minutes to midnight lmao) I only had three paragraphs left, and I was not giving up on them. I swear I'm trying to get better at consistency 😭
Anyways enough of that, I hope you enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. Trying to come up with different jobs for them is both really fun and oddly difficult. Anyways! The schedule for new posts will hopefully go as follows:
Mercs favorite books
Medic and Creepypasta
How the Mercs would react to a close teammates death
(Then any asks that come in would follow!)
So yeah! Busy weekend, but I'm not complaining:D
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
I know you're not taking request but I needed to share this idea and maybe your sweet followers might write it out? I know I wouldn't be able to lol.
Steddie au of little Freshman Steve Harrington being taken under the wing of sophomore Eddie Munson instead of Tommy Hagan? Like he's still a jock by way of playing baseball and being on the swim team but he plays DnD and acts like he dislikes metal just to see Eddie go on a rant about it.
(Also Eddie gives me the vibe of that one kid who was really smart in elementary/middle school, who just got everything instantly, so he didn't learn good studying habits. So then in high school and it was actually starting to challenge him, he was adrift and never got his sea legs. (Me. I was that kid lol.))
Sorry for rambling! <3
these are those thoughts 
I made this a whole thing. I'm not sorry about it because it was too much to try to do in a ficlet and it grabbed a hold of my brain and didn't let go.
Please keep in mind that since this is a high school AU, nothing will be explicit until they are adults. Nothing will even be mature until they are adults. They probably won't even kiss until they are adults because this is also a slow burn.
Don't forget to check my Posting Schedule to see when I expect to have updates. I will definitely update it if I think there will be a delay, but as of right now, everything is on schedule.
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
Hey I am needing some like, Affirmation of some religious trauma by somebody with equally strong beliefs about it
Can you give your breakdown about why the Mormon Church is terrible again. Free coupon to angry rant because I remember you had a good breakdown about why they aren’t even Christian let alone a Religion worthy of respect. And I’m going through some spiritual wrestling’s and could use seeing that breakdown again. It was forever ago and I can’t find it
If you just, don’t wanna deal with the inevitable whining in the comments tho feel free to ignore this. You don’t gotta put up with a Hornets-Nest Baseball-Bat situation today if it is a terrible day for it. I just am looking at the hornets nest internally and needing help finding a bat
Thank you for being so keen minded and cutting through the doubt and nonsense on so many spiritual and theological topics btw
I don't believe I've posted an actually in-depth breakdown of the Mormon church's many faults, flaws, and fucked up facets that I've written. I don't really feel qualified to speak authoritatively on Mormonism in that sense. My theological training is in Catholicism.
That said, I know I've reblogged several long and information-filled posts criticizing the Mormon church, platforming actual ex-Mormons. I don't want to speak for or over them; I've never once been negatively effected by the organization directly, though I've seen what it does to people firsthand.
I welcome any of my followers who might be better equipped to please feel free to make additions to this post for this Anon so that they aren't left hanging, I just feel as though it would be irresponsible of me to give them what they're asking for when I'm not in a position to have a right to anger at the Mormon church on as deeply personal a level that I think might be more respectful than my simple absolute loathing.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 13 ("A Tisket A Tasket") Part 5, I Give Up
Just for funsies here's Jess calling Dean an idiot and Idiot admitting it.
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Before I continued to slog through this absolutely mind numbing DALA (Dean and Lorelai Affair) episode, I uttered 6 words that I hope won't come back to bite me in the ass: "This can't possibly get any worse." Ahahahahahaha. There are 14 minutes left in the episode. I'm fucked. I've been on this one way too long and I'm determined to finish this. I'm just going to enjoy this Literati on a Bridge break. I'm going to my happy place where Dean doesn't exist and Rory is an orphan because Lorelai (and Chrisopher) don't exist and every episode is just 45 minutes of this.
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"I'm so much happier here." R: "Why were you screwing with Dean an hour ago but you're suddenly being nice to me?" J: "Well it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so I could be nice to you."
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Ugh he took the fucking Quarter On A String so now I have to suffer through that fucking Lost and Found episode. God damn it Mariano! Why are the pretty ones always so dumb?
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Did I mention that he is so pretty. I'm legally obligated to say that at least twice per Jess Episode. After Rory and Jess part ways, we cut to Rory returning home with a bag from the bookstore and Lorelai immediately shifts full gear into Weirdly Suspicious & Passive Aggressive Mode. When Rory admits she visited a bookstore and had a slice of pizza with Jess (oh the horror!) then goes to her room, Lorelai immediately shuffles her passive aggressive, suspicious little feet right in after her. 90% of the time that Lorelai and Rory meet to talk on their couch after Rory has just departed from the company of Dean or Jess, especially at night or at the end of the episode, it means Lorelai is about to dish out some horrible, horrible wisdom/life coaching. The Couch is where we have witnessed many classic mother-daughter bonding moments, such as the time Lorelai asked Rory to make sure Jess got his rabies shots before she slept with him. Ah, the couch.
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Mmmm yep. *collects money*
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SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH. Here we go. I think it was the great Michael Scott who once said, Why are you the way you are? Honestly, every time I try to enjoy something fun or exciting, you make it...not that. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
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Ya know, I stan Rory more and more lately with how she stands up for Jess. Sorry your mom's a bitch. How many more tmes I can rant into The Void about Lorelai's unhealthy grudge with Jess? How many more times can I point out that Lorelai has only had one prolonged interaction with Jess, while she's known Dean twice as long and he's been rude and used a condescending tone of voice with her many times, including the first time they met (on Willy Wonka night) and it literally just happened again moments ago. It's just mindblowing to me how she will not let this FUCKING GO and SIXTEEN years later in AYITL when she is married to his uncle she is STILL making digs at him over him being rude to her when he was 17, joking about how he should have a baseball thrown at his head.
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I honestly don't think I could love Rory Gilmore more at this point. Bless her rationality and sweet heart and cute rose sweater that looks like a swirl of that strawberry icing you squeeze over instant oatmeal. Are you witnessing a historical moment right now? The birth of a Rory Stan? Sort of. It won't last forever, but since I won't go past season 4 anymore, then yes.
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The "things she's seen and heard" are just her regurgitating what Dean told her 5 minutes ago. LOL. She just took this kid's word as gospel, without even questioning it. The DALA is so fucked up, man! Lorelai is way too concerned with the lives of teenage boys! If Dean told Lorelai to jump off a bridge would she do it?
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I really wish this were my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff titled The Hollow because I would have someone on this show actually acknowledge that Jess is honestly something of a miracle. His father abandoned him as a newborn, he had a tumultuous, negligent, inconsistent, possibly even abusive upbringing. His mother drank while she was pregnant with him. He grew up watching unsavory men in his mother's life circle in and out like a revolving door (according to Liz The Worst, one of them even died). Yet he doesn't turn to any real crime, drugs, alcohol, or even sex (okay, well bless his heart he tries there but people seem to cockblock him at every turn). HE SKIPS SCHOOL TO WORK AT WALMART. In real life kids like that are really lucky if the worst path they go down after that kind of chilhood merely involves them stealing loose change from an old fucknugget like Taylor Doose who deserves to be stolen from anyway. That bridge should have been fixed 10 years ago. Here's some of the train wreck. There were no survivors.
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If Dean needs someone to talk to that badly he can get a diary or a dog or a sock puppet or like, one fucking friend his own age. I think half of the issues of this show could be solved if these people had more friends. Can't Taylor Doose swing some kind of town wide Bid-A-Friend Auction? Or emotional support animals?
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Sure but like, did you ever stop to think that you and Dean are actually his only "enemies" and it's completely one sided because he couldn't care less about you, and also, your enemy is a 17 year old boy and you're a full grown adult lmao. Crazy lady. I wonder how Jess feels knowing he's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to a town full of boring nobodies who will go nowhere and do nothing while he will eventually makes millions of dollars from his best selling novels that get turned into blockbuster movies. Maybe someone will even make a movie about his life. I'm going to think about who could play Milo/Jess in a movie about himself while Lorelai yammers on and remains in denial about how insane she is. What do you think? Lorelai says Rory is "So young and naive, so nice and gives everyone a chance"; what she's really saying is "Jess doesn't deserve a chance, not even from you." I stoppped watching at this point and only skimmed a few more seconds. I saw that Rory stormed off, Lorelai and Rory fight over it at FND, Emily is confused, Lorelai says "I didn't like Dean at first because I didn't know him, I don't like Jess because I know him." You know what, there are times when this show starts to get my under my skin so much that I’m just not enjoying it and there’s no point in finishing the episode. In conclusion, Lorelai sucks and ruins everything and my number one Hill To Die On will continue being that Dean and Lorelai are sleeping together because there is no other logical explanation possible for why she talks about him like this. Goodnight!
Edit: guys, sorry that I was so enraged with Lorelai The Worst that I managed to gloss over the fact that Rory and Jess went on a Book Shopping and Pizza PRE-DATE 😍😍😍😍 THEIR FIRST ONE!
In my Gilmore Girls spinoff The Hollow we would see every minute of every Pizza and Book date and pre-date I promise you this 🥰 No skimping!
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amarumpersici · 1 year
My issues with Princess Peach's personality in the Super Mario Bros. Movie.
Not everyone will like this rant, I’m aware of it. I promise that I’ll accept any criticism of my writing, as long as it’s reasonable and in good faith and that I’ll respect your opinion, regardless if we agree or not. Before commenting, please, read it throughout it all or if you’re lazy, go directly to the TL;DR section.
Last month, like most of us, I saw the long awaited Mario Movie: it was generally a really enjoyable experience which made me smile during pretty much its entire length, from its reference and its lighthearted humor. If I have the chance, I wouldn’t mind rewatching it.
It had some flaws, many of which are generally recognized and I agree with: I wished that the movie would be a bit longer and I felt it was too childish for my tastes, as in general Mario games are enjoyable to all ages. Today, however, I want to focus on the aspect of the movie I generally found to be the weakest: Princess Peach’s personality.
There has been a lot of discourse in merit, some of which I contributed to with a previous rant I published in my other blog before the movie released, which luckily partially aged bad. I’m sorry if I sound angry or overly harsh: Princess Peach is a character I deeply connect with since I was a child and I’m not lying that her portrayal in the movie worried me ever since the first trailer she appeared, so it’s also kind of personal.
If you like Princess Peach in this movie, you're fine! But I also ask you to respect my positions as well.
Please don’t label me immediately as a misogynist who hates to see women have larger roles in movies (I mean, I’m a woman myself) or as a snobbish cinema critic who expected to see Citizen Kane from the Mario Movie. I’m just a huge Nintendo fan who loves the franchise but also likes good writing.
Before starting to write, this rant WON'T be:
A political commentary, so don't expect me to talk about culture war or whatever debate is occupying USA’s society at the moment (I'm not even American). So I won’t complain about how the Leftists or the Republicans ruined a children’s movie. I’ll also refuse to use terms like “problematic”, “girlboss”, “woke” or any words which are fashionable right now.
A judgment about Anya Taylor-Joy's performance, as I didn't watch the movie in English.
What I attempt to do, instead, is to judge Princess Peach’s character based on the writing and how well it adapts with her games’ counterpart.
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The criteria in which I’ll base myself
For my judgment of the Princess’ portrayal in this movie, I also need to make an important distinction, to clarify my point: the one between Role and Personality.
In brief, the Role is the placement that one character has in the story, its social placement, how it affects the plot (e.g. Protagonist, Antihero, Damsel in Distress, Princess). In general, while analyzing a piece of media it’s useful to recognize a role in a metatextual way, an abstract way to see the character’s dynamic.
Personality  is the combination of the psychological qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. On a broader side, this includes how the character’s interests or how they view the other characters along with them and the actions that would be made, based on their tendencies, hopes or fears. (e.g. optimistic, greedy, stylish, likes baseball or dislikes soda)
Sometimes both parameters influence each other but there are many others they do not, depending on the author’s writing styles, the plot or the development of those specific stories.
From these two theoretical traits, I’d like to add a third one, partially disconnected from these two: adaptation.An adaptation is a re-development of a piece of media, whether a book, a movie or a videogame into another. They usually base on the original plot but many others would rather use some elements to make another story, like it happened with the Mario Movie. Usually a good adaptation, regardless if it uses the original plot or not, either keeps the original’s feeling and morals or it coherently expands it. Here’s why this cinematic adaptation of the Mario games, as flawed as it is, is already regarded more fondly than the 1993’s movie.
With my criterias now made clear, let's start this rant.
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The positives
Of course, I like the role the writers got her in the movie: while I don’t mind her classic damsel in distress role, seeing Peach in a position in which she could constantly help Mario put a huge smile on my face. She constantly encourages him and her people as well, like an actual ruler would do and she would even sacrifice herself to save even one of her subjects. Her combative side was somewhat accurate to the Princess Peach from the games and her dynamic with Mario was rather interesting. Her not being kidnapped and being more experienced than the plumber also makes quite sense, since the movie is an origin story to the parable of Mario. I even say that switching Luigi and her role was actually a clever choice, since it gives a much stronger motivation for Mario to explore the Mushroom Kingdom and a reason for them to bond.. Many argue that this version of Peach was too perfect: I can see their point but at the same time I think that while the writers overblown her combat capability, Peach still needed some help to succeed, whether from Mario or the Kongs. She had some flaws, even though they only affected her relationship with the plumber that could easily be explored in the sequels. Not everything it’s perfect with this writing choice, mostly regarding the management of her role with her personality, but I’ll explain myself better in the next section.
Her backstory and fascination with humans could have potential as well, if we take the context of the movie as a separate universe from the games: it gave this Peach a sort of flavor that differentiates her from other similar characters in recent animated movies. Throughout the projection, there were a few moments in which her caring side from the games somewhat emerged, such in the scene in which she advises Mario to be more cautious against Donkey Kong or when she saved Toad multiple times, most notably by surrendering from Bowser. Unlike what the trailer made many of us believe, Princess Peach could have been managed way worse, but still this doesn't imply that I liked her personality, with which I still have a load of issues with.
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My criticisms Even though she could have been even dirtier, I still don’t like Peach’s personality in the movie, sorry. Let’s not confuse (negative) potential with the actual result: an idea, as good or bad as it sounds, it’s often not good enough to make a final product worthy of praise or loath. It also needs a deliberate narrative choice to make it shine. For these reasons tropes and cliches are constantly invoked even by non experts. As I mentioned in the section above, my issue with this version of Peach wasn’t the role she was attempting to do: it was nice to see Princess Peach in action and having a mentor role to Mario but I still feel her arc was managed poorly, which also affected the pacing of a good chunk of the movie. Even the positives I mentioned earlier seem to be afterthoughts put by Illumination, probably under Nintendo’s pressure. Whoever was in charge of the writing seems to have missed the point of what made Princess Peach unique in the first place, some common characteristics present both in the games and in the comics: her sweetness, well integrated with a bubbly side. In the games she seems defenseless, however here also resides her strength: she’s not always ready to combat but she always is to forgiveness and kindness, even to villains. Emotional strength is not always explored in recent narrative but in reality it’s just as important as combat capabilities. Even the times in which she decides to join the adventure she always sees the big picture, contributing to her party with her grace and femininity. Even though she was often kidnapped she wasn’t a complete pushover: even in difficult times, the Princess always tried to do everything she could to escape or to help Mario to find her. Among the main Mario characters, Peach is among the most developed ones, with Luigi, Rosalina and Bowser, especially in the RPGs, because she never fulfills a stereotype, whether being the damsel in distress or the competent warrior. Despite being pure by concept, she’s still a flawed character who pays her kindness and patience with naivety and dizziness. We’ve even seen her prideful and stubborn side from time to time!
In the movie, I barely saw any of these traits, especially in the first half: in general her dialogue, especially with Mario, is left vague, not in a way that felt mysterious but rather lazy. In general, Princess Peach may have had more agency, but at what cost? Compared to the other characters, who kept their loose but iconic characteristics, she didn’t feel like her game self but rather a toned down version of a generic action heroine like many others seen recently. With this I don’t want to imply that there mustn’t be a place for stoic and capable characters, I even love many of them, I just prefer to see new ones rather than an adaptation of a character who already had a developed and different personality. Luckily, she wasn’t as bad as other offenders: she seemed to support and cherish Mario and Toad throughout the movie but at the same time her tough mentoring style felt really forced and out-of-character. She felt really aggressive and condescending, both in her animation or small remarks, as by calling Mario “Mustache” or "unimportant" (this last one was a joke but it was in a rather poor taste) or even by even much bigger scenes, like in the infamous training level scene. She was almost never the center of a joke, even if the movie was filled with gags and it seemed that her role was just to remark how much she was capable of fighting. In general, Peach's character doesn't seem to evolve through the movie (if we leave the really quick moment in which she didn't trust Mario) nor is connected with a solid theme like Mario, Luigi (brotherly love and overcoming one's own fear), Bowser (the effect of an obsessive love) or Donkey Kong (feeling worthy of a parent's approval): even if the movie was not deep, the writers did attempt to attach some moral for the kids, even as trivial as it is, which is unfortunately missing from Peach's arc.
The more I think about her movie writing and more questions I ask myself. Aside from the vague defeating Bowser, does she have an objective which motivates her to do everything she does? Does she really appreciate the Toads’ company or just thinks that she’s superior to them, as it’s evident to her reasoning to bring the one who presented himself to Mario on an adventure? Does she have some other personality traits than being headstrong, smug, supportive and self sacrificing? 
Why does she often recur to action even if there may be a more diplomatic alternative to resolve a problem? For example, let’s talk about Peach’s first encounter with Mario: the situation may not have been the best but I was surprised that she, alone, could lay the plumber on the ground. If I were to write this part instead, I would have debuted the Princess by either being extremely confused and telling the guards to do anything or, alternatively, to tell the guards that she would take care of Mario, ever since he already tried to apologize to her and, later, to calm him down. Turning back to the movie, it’s fair to assume that the castle is pretty big but then, why hire some Toads, if she’s so strong as well as the first to admit that they’re weak creatures and therefore not the greatest option to even protect an eventual treasure she may hide? I may get a lot of hate for this but I also need to criticize the Ice flower scene that many seemed to love: at this point Peach was aware that Bowser liked her, she could have been way more cunning by at least attempting to convince him to not do any harm to his prisoners while Toad himself could have been using the ice flower in case Bowser misbehaved, therefore letting Peach to escape safely to search Mario, to reciprocate the sacrifice that the Princess did for him and let Toad to guide a riot with Bowser’s prisoners against him. In this quick idea, I also gave more purpose to Toad, which is only used in the movie as a way to introduce Mario to the Mushroom Kingdom and to make it even more evident that Peach was awesome, whether telling him or with the facts. I also gave the princess a moment of evident emotional vulnerability.
While I found her fascination with humans rather interesting in the very context of the movie, it still feels an arbitrary choice considering the extended Mario lore: in canon, it's implied that Rosalina is born in the Mushroom Kingdom and had a family there. If we also involve the spinoffs, how Princess Peach didn't know about Sarasaland, which is ruled by Daisy or even Diamond City, where many humans live? Peach’s backstory in general makes sense if you don't think too much about it: when you do, many canon discontinuities emerge, too many to be ignored. And even without caring about the games lore, this plot line goes nowhere: when she’s transported to Brooklyn, she seemingly doesn’t react to how her surroundings changed so drastically, not a single cue, dialogue or even a small animation to express at least awe or confusion. The only thing she does is to support Mario and Luigi and, lastly, to feed Bowser that mushroom which will be the final straw to his demise. 
In short, despite her popularity I don’t like Princess Peach’s personality in the Super Mario Movie at all, since it’s a rather cheap adaptation of the characterization that Nintendo and its affiliates were giving to her during the nearly forty years of her existence to give a characterization that is too similar to other characters in recent cinematic times. Even considering this Peach as her own character, her writing still comes out flat and inconcludent to the movie’s plot line.
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Movie Peach and Comic Peach: a comparison
Speaking about this portrayal of Peach, a lot of people and even Nintendo itself like to mention the Nintendo Power comics that were released in the 90s. I can definitely see where this connection may come from: she is indeed more proactive than in the games. However, she retained a dreamy and dainty side which is evident when she interacts with Mario. She directs her sarcasm and even violence towards Bowser and the Koopalings themselves. As a characteristic that also was brought up in the games, Peach was snarky, with those who annoyed her in the first place. It’s especially evident in the first three Paper Mario that she uses it when she’s fed up with everyone’s misbehaving.
In everything she did, Peach had a strong and personal purpose which it’s absent in the movie: to save Mario and herself and she was not above failing in her plans, as it's evident in the Bowser Marriage scene. Hence this is why I think that, even by Nintendo itself, the comic was just used as an excuse to justify the lazy writing for the Princess, since it was the closest example to what the authors wanted to do with her.
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TL;DR: Princess Peach’s role in the movie could have had a lot of potential and I’m glad to see her helping Mario in a more involved way but I’m disappointed in how the writers butchered her personality from the games just into a mellower version of a common Hollywood trope, especially since the essence of most other characters seemed to have been respected to the most part.
I’m even more disappointed that even Nintendo, after those first concept arts in which Peach retained her personality, could approve of a similar change, even because the others retained their characteristics. I think they tried to overcompensate the widespread (and, to be honest, unjustified) hatred for the Princess with a personality that has little to do with her character, and judging from the general consensus, they succeeded to make her liked. I may have an severe opinion regarding this topic but it’s fine to appreciate this version of Princess Peach, even prefer her to the games' one: everyone likes different kinds of characters and there’s nothing bad about it. 
I ask you to respect my opinion as I accept yours. Mario movie debates have been really exhausting, and I genuinely hope that this rant could lead a constructive dialogue from both sides, which wouldn’t use ad hominem/political party insults or to assume my political affiliation basing on this rant, let’s keep politics out of this rant.
In general, I strongly encourage you to correct me whenever I was wrong or if there's anything you'd like to add to my points!
I hope that you won’t hold a grudge against me and I hope to see you soon!
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3416 · 3 months
the sdpn has been talking about the possibility of sid leaving pittsburgh and then acting like all pittsburgh fans are annoying for both not liking the idea (emotional response) and being mean about it but also not thinking it's super likely right now even as the team gets older and more mid (logical response based on history) and once again making fun of the criticism of canadian hockey media lol and lmao
omfg have they really been...... KLFJSDKLFJDSLK.... first of all, sidney crosby is retiring a pittsburgh penguin so jot that down.
second of all, so many media ppl just truly enter sims mode in their mind when talking about these players, huh? like bro.... there IS an emotional attachment to sports whether you like it or not. there are people who feel attached to the places they've represented their whole careers and fans who only want to see them in those colors. this is so normal and it drives me nuts that anyone talks about it like it's not, lmfao. i think their 3 cups in the sidney crosby era gives them free fucking rein to hold onto that core for as long as they can. even if they DIDNT win 3 cups i'd think that bc of the caliber of players they still are too. i'm over the removed and fantasy land these ppl live in like... you literally have fantasy teams and video games where you can go invent the mashup roster of your dreams... you've gotten to see him play for team canada in the olympics and you will for the 4 nations. why do you demand so much more for your entertainment.
i saw a tweet saying that the nhl suffers bc it's not like basketball and their aren't big trades and i so disagree, lmao. THAT'S not even one of the top 3 reasons why the nhl can't grow a bigger audience.. please be so serious. if you're a hard core hockey fan, you have fun basically every free agency and trade deadline bc you know these guys are going back and forth regardless of their star status. nhlers don't make enough money for my empathy to just die, sorry fkldjsfl.. even the ones making 10mil a year. it's nothing compared to baseball and basketball. anyway sorry for the extra rant but i am genuinely so tired of men and their opinions its crazy jlfdslk
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gu6chan · 3 months
Aaaa I'm so happy you wanna hear the ramble! Fellow Caionard minds united,,,, here goes:
Leonard -> Caim "To love you is to sacrifice myself, to become the cage locking you in, to be the leash you pull on. If I can direct all of you into myself, no one else has to get hurt." Plus the belief of being unworthy of receiving any positive emotions, and Caim's love, no matter how twisted it is, is more than he feels he deserves, yet it also serves as a punishment for him for all his crimes (some sorta "you are a cruel but just punishment" thing's going on here)
Caim -> Leonard "You are weak, and pathetic, and naive and loving like a child. Like a naive child, a child I used to be before everything turned for the worst. I hate the reminder of who I could've been, of what I was before I was forced to change. A mirror into a happier alternate me. Weak, foolish, and stupid. And kinder than I have ever been. Kind enough not to push me away, even if it is your way to punish yourself. You would take my hand made of swords? You would embrace my bloody and tainted heart? Though it hurts you, the blood you bleed warms us both. Only for a moment, maybe, but it is warm nonetheless."
OKAY first of all anon i am so sorry its taken me a couple days to reply, for the longest time i had no idea HOW to really even begin because???? when you said ramblings I was EXPECTING peak but like i clearly was NOT fucking prepared for it BECAUSE?????? HOW DID YOU COOK SO HARD??????? literally im going to be thinking about this for the rest of my LIFE i havent stopped thinking about it since you sent it i told my bud about it in private when i first got it i was SO flabbergasted like??? and like even now i still dont really know how to respond in a way that like,,,, really encapsulates just how fucking FERAL this made me to the point i feel a bit bad about responding at a time im exhausted and can't think right kashfgksdhbjfj but hopefully these screenshots of me rambling about it to my friend help encapsulate just how INSANE this made us like
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so to break down:
anon, the caionard community (3-4 people including me and you) are obsessed with this and hope you have exactly what you need tomorrow
my buddy says they owe you their life and that they think you're the GOAT (this is true!!!!!!!!!!)
i really don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said other than that this HAS gotten me through work since the day you sent it in and it's getting me through work tomorrow and also definitely the day after that
you DID mention that you never got around to making art for this and im CERTIANLY not the strongest conceptual/metaphorical(??? i dont know how its called) artist, but like.... if you'd be okay with it and i admit i might never get to finishing it myself i would LOVE to do a doodle or so of or based around this concept like im insane im INSANE over this i love it so much........
anon by any chance if you write fanfic or so this alone would go hard as FUCK on AO3 i will be your biggest fan and make t-shirts and little caionard baseball caps with this whole rant on the brim written in your honour, i really wish i could say how much i love this and your writing.................... "the blood you bleed warms us both. only for a moment, maybe, but it is warm nonetheless" i hope you know im like a whole different person reading that i am NEVER going to get over that and have been cycling it around in my brain since the moment you sent that in............. im going to DIE
is there anything else i can say that i can reasonably put into words...... i think to cap off, the idea of leonard feeling undeserving of ANY love, even if it is as "punishment" coming from the hands of someone he is so inherently REPULSED by (I refrain from saying hates, i feel like that's part of it but oversimplifies it too much lmao) is such an interesting concept i haven't considered the psychology of and it INTRIGUES me ive also been spinning that concept around in my head since you mentioned it...... i havent drawn any strong "conclusions' or, again, any coherent lines of thought from that idea, but i am OBSESSED with it and will be sure to yap about it either via a reblog or its own separate post the SECOND i get anywhere further than "woagh.......... cool................................ :0" either way, thank you SO much for sharing this anon, your writing is fucking amazing and i havent been left this shell-shocked in a LONG while, this was so refreshing in a way i cant really describe but you are lifting the whole caionard community on your shoulders, and are ALWAYS welcome in my home <3 thank you so much again for choosing to share this with me, anon, it's an honour QwQ/"
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fishoutoflovebeach · 6 months
~~PINNED POST~~ [cause it's about time i made one]
HI !!! i'm fox [or ghost. i dont mind either]!! i use any pronouns, but mainly they/them
https://en.pronouns.page/@thatweirdoghost << here's my pronouns page [also if that link doesn't make it obvious: I AM A MINOR]
usually i will post things that i find interesting or of my special interests [progressive rock, entomology, sharks, and more [ask me!!! please!!!]], with a MAJORITY being prog bands such as rush, yes, genesis, emerson lake and palmer, ect. ect., so on and so forth.
how do i tag them all?? UH IDK??? i don't have a very organized way of tagging all of my posts, but i do sometimes [because tagging is boring, and either i'm busy or just being lazy] [or i forget].
here's some common tags on this blog:
#ghostposting - this is a catch-all tag for anything i post, whether it's something that happened irl and i wanted to share; it's a shitpost; or some secret third option [vanilla extract]
#ghost reblogs - a little self-explainitory [albeit a little under-used]. mostly used on polls or anything i was tagged in
#ghost rants - just a little unfiltered thing for something i'll probably delete later idk
#not prog - it's not prog rock related
#ghost scribbles - art post!!
[any other tags are mutually used around tumblr, unless i'm infodumping or flipping out [pos] about my blorbos.] [also i may add more tags. whenever that happens. we'll never know]
anything else??? uh, i'm a graphic designer [nationally certified in the US until 2025], i'm an amateur photographer, and i have a huge collection of bird feathers..? [idk i panicked a little bit]. uh...i sing sometimes, play the guitar sometimes [not well but i'm trying], and i'm beginning to learn bass guitar. [also i know a bit too much about baseball]
i also have a gimmick blog: @totally-official-goodwill !! it's just there!! and i also say things on there!!! [and a writing blog now!! @this-ghost-writes-things !!]
there isn't a DNI; just don't be an arse. or else you're banished to mordor
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princekirijo · 1 year
Thoughts on SEES's 1st tier personas? You can keep this short if you want, and don't forget Psyche!
WOOHOO Prince rants about personas round 2 electric boogaloo!
OK this time I'll focus a little more on the actual designs themselves and my thoughts on how they relate to the character + their stories. Read more because well... You know me...
MC/FeMC: So for Orpheus I think its a pretty fitting choice for the protagonists. The protagonists are on a Journey just like Orpheus journey out of the underworld (kinda on the nose lmao) and both of them have strong connections with music! There's probably some connection between the underworld journey and the fact the plot of the game is to stop death but I'm not sure how to word it if you get me. I also like how they really resemble the protagonists face and hair wise! The mechanical detailing is also a neat touch, I've always seen it as the protagonists being very closed off with their emotions (that's kinda of a trend with a lot of the P3 cast I feel, the inital personas are very stiff but then the 2nd tier have more human feel to them).
Junpei: I think Hermes is a really good choice for Junpei. They're both kinda tricksters and Hermes is often portrayed as being carefree (in media at least) which suits Junpei a lot. In terms of design I think its pretty good, I really like the over exaggerated wings on his feet (the iconic winged sandals Hermes usually rocks) and I like his helmet design. My favorite thing about him as I mentioned before though is actually his animations. The way he slides into the enemies reminds me of a baseball player sliding to a base when they're running between bases (Idk baseball that well I hope that makes sense). Very fitting for Junpei considering his choice of career in Arena and also how he uses his sword like a baseball bat!
Yukari: Io is an interesting one for me. I really like her design, I think the girl in the cow head is a very fitting look for Io (who was a woman who got transformed into a cow by Zeus. Io's story is very sad imo (classic Greek woman gets screwed over by Zeus story) but I'll be honest I've never been totally sure why they went with her for Yukari. I think it works don't get me wrong and I like the choice I just don't see why (I, as I'm sure you can tell, am very passionate about Persona designs and I do my best to understand the choices behind the character and design of the persona and how it relates to the user). It just got pointed out to me (shout out to you Rui) that the way the woman is chained to the cow is kinda symbolic of how Yukari is chained to her past and I think that's a really really cool detail!
Akihiko & Shinjiro: I have to combine these two for obvious reasons. Polydueces ugly design aside for a moment, man. This choice for Akihiko is so good because of its connection to Castor. Regardless of how you view Akihiko and Shinjiro's connection, the way they are so connected to each other and how interwoven they are as characters to the point their personas are literally twins?!! Absolutely amazing I don't think we've had as powerful a persona connection since. I really love how their designs reflect each other two, Polydueces with its lighter and more alive design versus Castor and his dark look and the sword that's embedded in his chest? Symbolizing that he's the mortal twin that dies in the legends? And then connect that with his story in the game? Blows my MIND conceptually the best personas in the series actually. I love them.
Fuuka: OK I love Lucia and how she interacts with Fuuka. Having that glass orb as her body and have Fuuka in there navigating for the team is really really cool! I really like the pose of the persona (there is something about it... blanking on why that is relevant to its design). I also love the detail of her eyes being covered as she is the Patron saint of the blind! A cool choice for a navigational persona. Something about her being considered a martyr is fitting for Fuuka too. I also like how different it is to the others (a lot of the others having Greek connections whereas this is a Catholic saint).
Mitsuru: Oh Penthesilea my absolute beloved. I've discussed her in detail before (mind you probably two years ago at this point) but like one of my favorite things about her is the weapons she uses. The sword, particularly a rapier is seen as an honest weapon. A good knight has a sword, a skilled duelist has a rapier. Mitsuru is a very strong and experienced Persona user (and ofc is a fencer herself). She's convinced everyone she's on this noble quest to fix the Kirijo Group's mistakes, which is partially true to be fair. But her other weapon? A dagger. Associated with dishonesty and treachery. I feel like this alludes to her being dishonest with SEES. I adore Mitsuru but even I can admit she was sneaky and kept important details from SEES (she had her reasons but still). And ofc the treachery I feel is less her and more Ikutski betraying her trust and her father's trust. Also her being dishonest about her own motivations! And then ofc the big details: the absence of red in Penthesilia's design and her face being fully covered by the mask! Showing the walls Mitsuru has built up around herself!!! Sorry I just love Penthesilia and will over analyze her a lot.
Koromaru: Honestly I don't have much to say here but that's not a bad thing! Cereberus is really true to the original myths, a three headed dog with a hellish looking design and that's what they've given us. It's a solid design and I love him!
Ken: OK my own thoughts about Nemesis aside, I think its a really well executed design. It's a very unnerving and angry looking design, perfect for the goddess of revenge. And obvs her being a goddess of revenge is very very suitable for Ken given his motivations up until October 4th! The color scheme really helps with this too. Just a very edgy design perfect for Ken.
Aigis: Palladion is really cool because it's not actually a person but rather an object! Specifically an object associated with protection very similar to aegis. Which well, is perfect for Aigis. A robot dedicated to protecting the protagonist. I can't quite put it into words but its just a really really cool design. I like the big metal spike going through it, very robotic and always reminds me of the front of a pirate ship, not sure if that was intentional tbh.
Metis: OK Psyche is tricky for me. As a design its really cool. I enjoy the butterfly motif a lot. I really like its dress too and I think it resembles Athena which makes a lot of sense given who Metis is! Why Psyche though? The only connection I can make is that Psyche was originally a mortal who was considered so beautiful people mistook her for Aphrodite. Which I guess ties into how Metis was mistaken for Aigis..? Idk there's def a connection here somewhere but I am not sure of what that is. It's still a cool design though.
And I think that's everyone? Hope I didn't forget anyone man this was fun to do. Congrats if you read it all LMAO
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Hello dear rhythm!! I’m glad that your rest was fruitful 💜 i do hope u get some more “me time” soon. I think i kinda have a lot to say but so little brain cells left so lemme just ramble 🥹 (sorry in advance cuz this is definitely not proofread)
First off, minotaur changbin 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’m mush with how he tries his best to communicate with little human even if his words are a bit broken 😭 gosh he’s something else indeed. Would love to learn more about him and their relationship!!
in connection to another anon, i agree that you’re like, one of the kindest writers here 🥹💜 for real, i still always feel giddy and kicking my feet whenever you interact with us even if we’re anonymous. I totally feel that you’re so genuine too, so ilysm 🥹
Random thoughts have brought me back to one older anon ask that i sent. i feel like i haven’t revealed it to you. It was about how you made me realize that i might actually be into monster fuckery HAHAHSHAHDHSH i’m coming clean now because i just wanna tell you that it’s definitely because of how you write (and other users that i follow!!). I think a recent anon said something about finding it rare to have stories with werewolves or vampires that are more on exploring how “human” they are. I would like to tell u that u are so awesome for writing that kind of stories :)) [again i am so sorry my brain is mush rn but i just wanted to tell u everything!!!! 😭]
in more personal news, i am at that time of uni where i am undergoing on the job training 🥲 and although i find the topics that i study really interesting, i am an extremely introverted person in an extroverted career choice 🥹 AKSBXJSBBDHDH my social battery is currently drained and i am now curled up in bed and ranting to u 😂
Am currently catching up on tumblr stuff like your recent posts so here i am!! Sending big hugs to u as always!! Head pats for Raven :)) kinda miss seeing the void, may i pls ask for a pic?
alsooo have u watched the baseball skz code?? WHAT IF wr!seungmin takes his s/o to teach them how to play 🥹 or that hybrid seungmin that u wrote about 👀 both breeds would definitely catch the ball 😂
ahh, thank you, dear berry💜 i hope i get more "me time" soon 😭 i need it desperately.
glad you liked minotaur!changbin 🥺 he's the gentlest giant.... there were some things i wanted to explore with them both, but idk i didn't feel like putting them in this fic. maybe one day i'll write a bit more for them💜 i may or may not be...... considering writing a story about that young man in the labyrinth 👀 but... we'll see
you're too kind💜 i genuinely like interacting with y'all~ so i'm happy you all find some entertainment in it, too hahah
exploring the human-like nature of monsters is my passion atp sdfhsujhfsdik it's so much fun, which is why i keep doing it (or try to, at least). i find pride in the fact that i've helped bring many of you to this side 👀👀👀
i haven't watched the baseball skz code!! i want to but i haven't found the time. don't worry, though.... baseball player wr!seungmin has been living in my mind for a while now👀 we'll see if he makes an appearence in the actual story.
hope it goes well with uni!! i'm sure you'll do great. here's a Raven pic to hopefully ease your soul:
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Close don't count in baseball 02
When Jack asks Dean what he thinks about baseball, he goes on mini rant on how it's the most boring game on the face of the earth. Jack passes on that intel, thinking Dean really hates it, and Mary quietly disinvites Dean from her planned outing to the Missouri Kansas City Royals.
Close don’t count in baseball 02
The first indication that something's up is his giddy giant of a brother, friggin' whistling as he picks fuzz from the dryer's lint trap. Like everyone else, Sam's been over the moon since The Big Jack Win, so it doesn't ping Dean's check-engine light right away.
Then, he recognizes the tune: "Take me out to the ballgame."
So, maybe Jack's getting hyperfixated on baseball now? Dean rolls his eyes, and Sam kicks the dryer shut before leaving.
Dean throws his dead guy robe and a few towels into the wash. Fact is, with all that's been going on, Dean hasn't had the energy to shower in days, verging on a whole week now. Maybe this'll motivate him to get his ass squeaky clean.
The next indication that something's goin' on comes when Sam is fixing up the car-cooler a few days later. He's frenetic and bubbly, like he's raring to crash a family park picnic. He hadn't said anything about a case, though.
Dean opens his mouth to ask what the Hell's going on but is interrupted by the appearance of Mary in the kitchen doorway. She's wearing a traditional white baseball button up with cursive, loopy letters: Royals.
"You almost ready?" she asks, and Jack trails in happily behind her, dressed in a deeper blue version of her jersey.
"Almost," Sam calls, gleeful like a trilling bird. "The Fiesta's already loaded up with most of our bags."
Dean blinks and then Mary's in his face, giving him an awkward one-armed hug, like the very act of giving hugs is a monumental effort for her. "We should be back tomorrow afternoon 'round lunch. You got plans, Honey?"
Dean reels. Back from where? Plans for what?
Mary takes in his silence and clicks her tongue, "You can research if you wanna, but Dean. I'd take a day or two if I were you, with, you know."
Michael ridin' his ass, then blowing town, she means.
"Where're you goin?" he croaks, feeling all sorts of knotted seasick as he eyes Mary's shoulder duffle and Sam's over-full cooler.
Mary and Sam share a look, and Jack squirms.
"You know. To Kauffman Stadium?" Mary says, looking at Dean like he's hit his head too hard. "Bobby's meeting us there."
Jack explains, "It's okay, Dean. Mary, Bobby, and Sam are taking me out this time, since you already took me 'on a cheap date' three weeks ago."
Dean swallows. Doesn't wanna talk about that. "Kauffman Stadium," he repeats, dizzy. "Missouri?"
Mary narrows her eyes. "Are you changing your mind? Jack invited you last week."
Jack invited him. Jack invited him? Dean wracks his brain and pulls up the baseball conversation from his rickety Dean-harddrive. It finally clicks.
"Y-you're going to see the Kansas City Royals. In Kauffman Stadium."
Sam looks uneasy, seeming to clock Dean's surprise. Dean can see the Sam-wheels turning behind his eyes, like he's figuring out how out of the loop Dean had been.
"I-It's okay, you know," Sam stammers, "if you changed your mind. We can get another ticket. I just thought you were going to take it easy, and that's a good thing, Dean. You don't have to force yourself to-"
"Nah, nah," Dean squeaks, breaking in. He groans and struggles to get his voice down to his normal gruffness. "Jack's right. Not a big fan of baseball here. No siree, Bob."
Now, Mary's peering at him, too--regret and confusion in her eyes.
"And I got big plans. I haven't showered in days. So, I'm gonna...do that. Maybe I'll help myself to that big ole soaker tub, you know?"
Jack's gray-blues find him, and there's regret in his eyes, too. Something about it rattles him.
"Go on and hit the road. That's a four and-a-half hour drive," he barks, trying to sound happy but instead sounding just this side of ornery.
When they leave, the sound of the door closing echoes like a thunderous earthquake, like Michael pounding a storage closet door.
Dean shakes it off and tries to psyche himself up for a homemade spa day.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
yeahh my parents have forgotten me too, same with teachers. My one teacher forgot me at school when the rest of the school (it was a school wide field trip) went to a local baseball game. There was a small group of kids left at the school and they put us all in the library, but it was really awkward waiting before a teacher found me and took me to the rest of the kids.
I've been left behind by teachers, I've been left in the hall, left in the car, left at the store. I've gotten good at directions so I could just walk home lol
My father even forgot my age and was telling people I was 2 years older than I was? Even though my parents forgot my birthday before so really they realistically they should have thought I was younger?
People be wild, but benefits of being forgotten is that people have, rarely when I was younger, forgot to ask me to pay for something, so I've gotten free stuff (I don't steal I promise, just when I was younger)
i wouldnt mind if you stole from businesses anyway, im not a fuckin cop. my little sister would wait for a nearby gas station to close up for the night and take home the extra/stale pizza leftovers. they gave it to her cause she was cute and really really good at manipulating people (I love her, shes so cool). i never saw her do it but I think she had a "Hungry Street Urchin" act going on. it wasn't even really an act though, its not like we got enough to eat from mom lmao.
i was terrified of being forgotten/left alone so i always stuck to the group unless i was upset, in which case I'd often intentionally stay behind to see if they remembered me (they usually didn't lol)
i have a very vague amalgamation of memories of waiting to be picked up from a lot of activities (that i usually didn't want to go to anyway) my mom was often late. and sometimes I'd be in the car when she went to pick up one of my siblings and she'd rant about how she was an hour late or something. it doesn't feel good to be the last one left with the coach/teacher or whatever. but i tried not to complain cause i felt guilty that mom was always busy with work.
ive got a very vivid memory of being on a field trip in some kind of waste or water treatment plant, and i was terrified of walking over the metal walkways high above these huge empty bowls where the water would go or something. i tried to follow the group, but just stepping on the see-through walkways made me panic. so instead i hid behind a door until they'd all gone so they couldn't make me. i don't remember who came to get me, but they walked me across the walkway holding my hand while i closed my eyes. i was terrified i'd fall and drown or break my neck or a million other horrific things. sometimes when my dreams get bad i have that same, vivid feeling of standing at the edge of something and knowing im not going to fall off, but feeling like i'm going to DIE if I move.
ANYWAY you're parents kinda sound like shit.
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
Y'all said you want some more me lore, so here we go!!
This will just be a tiny rant about someone in my life. I don't want any advice, and I won't be using their name for privacy reasons. Sit back and enjoy some tea about a crumbling friendship. <3
TL;DR: my best friend/ex sucks and I'm tired of his bullshit. I'm not saving this friendship anymore. I'm done.
So, I'm gonna preface this by saying that I'm gender fluid. I'm very open about it online and to my friends. I figured it out in 2021 or 2022 and I told my friends as soon as I was sure. One of my friends is a transmasc demiboy (B) and another is a cishet guy (D). Neither of them fully understands my gender but I think that's fine. I try to explain it as nonbinary but uses all pronouns as a simple way to remember. B understands this and uses all pronouns, masc titles and complements and everything and it makes me feel so affirmed and happy. D does not. He almost exclusively refers to me with feminine titles and things like that. It's not a horrible thing or anything, but I do like variety.
Now the main part: D and I have been friends for four (4) years this year and during that time we dated twice. I personally don't give people a third chance because this is life, not baseball. Despite me telling him that I don't want to date him, and I want to explore my sexuality and be gay and all of that, he still keeps asking me out. And then it's not even questions!! It's literally like "We should" rather than "Would you want to" or anything taking my opinion into account. He told asked me again today "You should be my girlfriend". So, I replied "Dude I'm barely a girl as is". I haven't really been feeling that fem as of late and I've been feeling mostly nonbinary in a masc way if that makes sense. Rather than talk to me like a rational adult about like "would you rather me say partner than girlfriend" or anything else he pretty much just goes "Oh. that's fine then." So, I asked him why it seemed like he only saw me as a girl. It was literally just asking, and I said that I was just curious, and he said that he had never really thought about it. That's valid. Then he way like "I didn't know you felt so strong about it, I'll leave you alone. ????? What the fuck do you even mean??
What are you talking about "feel so strong about it"? Asking why it seems like you're not acknowledging part of my literal identity? If I was feeling strong about it, I would have corrected you every time you called me something feminine. I would have asked you why you didn't once ask me if I was feeling masc or nonbinary or anything. Even if you didn't have the vocabulary, you still could have asked the "wrong way" so I could help you.
Honestly, I shouldn't even be surprised he has so little regard for me aside from when it benefits him. He didn't even tell me happy birthday when it was my birthday despite talking to me for a while that day. Why would the cishet man care about my queer identity? It's gotten to a point where I don't even want to salvage the friendship anymore. It doesn't feel genuine and it's making me feel like he doesn't even want friendship anymore. He just keeps me around in case I change my mind and date him again. That's not going to happen. Both times the relationship ended were because he ended it. The first time was literally because he said he "didn't feel the love anymore"??? What? Then I stupidly took him back. But then his reason for breaking up with me was having a lot on his plate and not being in the right mental space. That's completely valid, but I'm not giving you a third chance. We don't even want the same thing!
This has gotten way longer that I planned. It's a never-ending pit with this fucker and I'm over it. I guess if y'all want more of this kind of "lore" I have plenty or whatever. I fucking hate real men, dudes (gender neutrally ofc).
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January 29th, 2024
About me: I don't even know if I am using a consistent dating format. I sometimes, well... rather often get lonely, if I was just just alone in the world I think I would be fine. I would walk along the vastness of my town and for the first time it would look the same as I see it from my point of view, the illusion would end and everything that troubles me would fade. I want to go and visit great museums and galleries and get some desserts and take pictures with them with friends and go to the woods bordering the city like nature is trying to nurture what is no longer there with its palms. I want to be there having a picnic or maybe if its snow throw myself into it. Have a walk late at night at 2am with someone, stopping at the swings to try and grab a star so I could give it to them... But I feel awkward ? I don't know how I feel but I can tell when people don't enjoy my company and I'm not sure what to do. I tried to do what other people wanted of me but that just left me alone, tried acting how people wanted me to act but I guess its easy to see through the act and that just distances them away from me. I am at a point where if I do act like myself I think I would be rude, not overall but specifically to people I love the most. I would probably think ,, how could you love me so much and do this to me,, or something along those lines, so I distance myself from those who are closest to me in order not to hurt them or upset them and that distances me even more. I feel awkward. I can keep myself calm and I can keep my life peaceful and pleasant. I'm trying not to get into smoking too much, I don't know why I find it pleasant...uhmmm idk what else is new, I guess I just want a less boring life and I guess I started smoking because its just a new excitement at the moment. I feel awkward, I really want to start drawing again and pour myself into something , I will overflow , the tank will explode and I'm not sure that whatever pond is made out of it is a place where ducks could live. pee ass: riki was on my hand it was really hard to write any of this
Something cool: I think its a good idea to do a section above myself and another one where I get to nerd out about whatever I want. ill keep it short because I couldn't keep it so in the section above and I am getting tired so todays topic is going to be.... THIS NEW SECTION I JUST STARTED WOAHHHH :O where I could rant and write about whatever interest I have and there are plentyyy !!!! I stopped nerding out to friends and stuff they would prob tell my they don't mind it and like that about me but I'd just feel annoying so here it goes... ugm this is already plenty long and I started talking about myself again I utterly failed :< . Lets do fast waves of emo classifications , some left to my interpretation: Wave one would be the emocore scene with Rites of Spring being the 1st emo band of all time, its still closely related and basically still is post-hardcore, I probably like Moss Head the most out of them all. This wave started in the mid 80s and would continue to the start of the 90s with midwest emo starting the 2nd wave of emo. Bordering wave 1 and 2 I would put stuff like Sunny Day Real-Estate, Jawbreaker and Cap'n'Jazz ( the singer is the brother of the singer and guitarist of American Football and the drummer is him !!!) . I guess I would put Jimmy Eats world as the main influence of 3rd wave emo ( the 2000s yucky one that got popular ) with emo becoming more poppy with emo pop and genres like pop-punk being affiliated with it. My favourite from this era would probably be Johnny Foreigner. Wave 4 is emo revival with it mostly consisting of indie midwest emo acts with the main influence being Brave Little Abacus. Like shoegaze and slowcore the revival era mostly consists of a lot of boring music that doesent reinvent anything new, I personally dont like Modern Baseball at all, but there are a lot of good acts here that I like but I just wanted to shit on the popular normie one. Fifth Wave emo I named myself and I think I got the name the most accurate so far and I would call it bedroom emo as it consists of solo artists making emo from their room on their own, using a lot of digital software instead of real instrument and mixing genres like noise-pop and slacker rock with emo. Some of the acts from this era would be Weatherday and Parannoul but I feel too tired is 4:30 and I want to end the world.
"But I woke up this morning with a piece of past caught in my throat? And then I choked. "
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