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3416 · 21 days ago
FKLSDJFKLSD I JUST SAW IT GO FLYING but i didn't see that mitch specifically did that, only heard the announcers point it out, but i just went back and watched it and i'm ckjsdklfs
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girlslovee · 4 months ago
what do we think paige and azzi were for halloween?!?
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kavehpilled · 2 years ago
22: a song that moves you forward
tbh with all the shit about drag queens and trans rights being taken away lately i Really need a song that's like. fuck the system do whatever you want etc etc its beautiful
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umbralwaves · 2 months ago
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There’s a good docuseries on Hulu that centers Native women including Joy Harjo in remembering and fighting for justice for Annie Mae Aquash
I’d encourage everyone to watch it, especially those unfamiliar with AIM and some of the questions ppl still have about her murder.
Image ID: A movie poster featuring a Mi'kmaq woman with long black hair looking straight ahead with a red streak across her mouth. ONYX Collective's "Vow of Silence: The Assassination of Annie Mae" is in white text. All episodes now streaming on Hulu.
— ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ kinsale drake ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ (@KinsaleDrake) January 20, 2025
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tempenensis · 2 years ago
I like how Shoko's thoughts went like this
"I was in love with one of you....not"
Like bruh🤣 gege lmao, felt like a bait for the shippers only to slap them silly with it
wkwkwk, he actually admitted he doesn't feel any romance will be happening in the manga except for mechamiwa so it's not unexpected
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ma-chi1993 · 10 months ago
Assumption time!
You're a sweet person your friends can rely on!
(using assumptions time to compliment people: my jam)
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I try to be lol
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luciferfemme · 1 year ago
8, 9, 22, 28 :3
8. Describe your crush.
Weirdly no crush to be had tbh.
9. Describe your perfect mate.
me at me: Don't make an A/B/O joke... um... I mean I feel like soft dom butch who praises me a lot and we both enjoy each other and make each other better is a great place...
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Usually me.
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
EHHH?? Not to my knowledge. I've only had one real relationship. That one was poly however they didn't really communicate all that well when they started dating another person which I found incredibly frustrating. So like... officially no.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years ago
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On this day, 27 March 1945, First Nations activist Annie Mae Aquash (Naguset Eask in Mi'kmaq) was born in Nova Scotia, Canada (Miꞌkmaꞌki). Moving to the US in the 1960s, she became heavily involved in Native American activism. She once wrote to her sister: “The whole country changed with only a handful of raggedy-ass pilgrims that came over here in the 1500s. And it can take a handful of raggedy-ass Indians to do the same, and I intend to be one of those raggedy-ass Indians.” She joined the American Indian Movement (AIM) and took part in the armed occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973. On her first night there she was told by a male AIM leader that she was needed on kitchen duty. She replied “I didn’t come here to wash dishes. I came here to fight.” Aquash was found dead in early 1976. The first autopsy stated she "died from frost", then her hands were cut off and sent to the FBI for fingerprinting while her body was buried anonymously as a "Jane Doe". Soon after, however, AIM and her family arranged for a second autopsy which found a bullet in the back of her head. Decades later, a couple of AIM members admitted that she had been killed after being falsely labelled an FBI informant. The FBI had heavily infiltrated AIM as part of its COINTELPRO operation, and had sowed discontent and murder within radical organisations. More information and sources: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9932/annie-mae-aquash-born https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.1819457841572691/2238924509626020/?type=3
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coochiequeens · 2 months ago
With all the outrage over Trump pardoning the Jan 6 rioters let's not overlook that one of Bidens clemencys was complicit in the murder and cover up of a woman and the media brushes that crime under the rug.
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Annie Mae Aquash (Mi'kmaq name Naguset Eask) (March 27, 1945 – mid-December 1975 [1][2]) was a First Nations activist and Mi'kmaq tribal member from Nova Scotia, Canada. Aquash moved to Boston in the 1960s and joined other First Nations and Indigenous Americans focused on education, resistance, and police brutality against urban Indigenous peoples. She was a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and participated in several occupations with them. In December 1975, she was kidnapped and murdered in the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation by members of AIM. Her body was later found in February 1976. In the 2000s, several members of AIM were convicted of kidnapping and murdering her.
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js-a-writer · 2 years ago
Tewksbury x fem!Reader I honestly dont mind if this is an angst oneshot, its completely up to you. If you want some more structure lmk and ill come up with some💜
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Summary : *the request*
Warnings : just pure fluff
*not proofread*
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Tewksbury was taking a walk through the park he always go through, today he wasn't in any rush, as he had nothing iportnat he needed to do. He was sitting on a bench, just enjoying the scenery, when he noticed a girl, she had an easle in front of her and it appeared that she was painting something.
He saw other pieces of art scattered around her when he looked back at her, she quickly snapped her head back to the painting. He was curious but decided just to ignore it, seeing as he was a Lord now, and she might just be surprised so see him in the park around this time of day.
About an hour goes by, and Tewksbury noticed the girl staring at him more and more. She thought she was being sneeky, but much to her avail, she was not. He got suspicious, thinking 'what if she's going to kill me... maybe she's like the man in the brown bowler hat!' His suspicions were proved wrong when he snuck up behind the girl to see her painting him, sitting on the park bench.
She went to look over to the bench again, to see him not there. She looked at her surroundings, trying to find the young lord. Her long hair flowingas she did so. Tewksbury took notice of this and the way her face contorted into one of frustration and confusion as her eyes kept searching for him.
He hid behind he easle as she stood up to see if maybe he was coming back. But when she saw nothing, she sat back down and looked up to her easle, flinching and falling backwards off of her stool, as she screamed out in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just curious as to what you were painting." he said in a calming tone, trying to seem less intimidating. He truly didn't mean to scare her he just wanted to see how far she would go to find him again.
"No, it's fine. It's my fault honestly." she spoke softly, almost like a whisper, as he saw her cheeks heat up in embarrasment. "Don't be embarrassed, it looks really good, it's almost like staringat a refelction of myself." he spoke trying to reassure her everything was fine.
"It's not finshed, I haven't finished the face." she said softly. Tewksbury could see the panic fade from her features but saw it twist up into somthing he though tto be sadness? HE couldn't make her sad, not on their first encounter. He wanted to see eachother more, and if he made her sad there was no way she would want to see him again.
So he ran, all the way back to the bench he had previouslybeen sitting at, in the same position he was sat in just before he had terrifieed the poor girl. "What are you doing?" sh easked curious as to why he would run all the way over there and pose the same. "Letting you finish your painting, you said you didn't finish the face, so finish it. You can't leave a portrait undone now can you?" he told her, wantnig to make her happy again.
So she did, she finsihed the painting, only about 25 minutes later, she was finally done and called him over. "So, what do you think?" she asked quite giddily he noticed. "It's wonderful, I must have this hung up in my castle, if I can take it." he sent a quizical look her way. "I think I quite like this one, maybe I want to keep it..... I'm only joking ofcourse you can have it." she said teasing him. "Great, how much do I owe you for it?" he asked ready to pay full of whatever price you named. "It's free, you can have it. It is a painting of you ofcourse, and I didn't really ask befoe starting it." she told him. "Nonsense, I must pay you.... Well atleast let me take you somewhere, I would like to spend more time with you if you would like that too?" he said when she shook her head, as to say, 'you don't have to pay for it'.
Sh eofcourse said yes, and he helped pack up her painting supplies so they could go somehwre else, somewhere more private. They ended up going to a meadow and her drawing more sketches of him and the field, as he wathed her with admiration in his eyes. They asked questions about eachother trying to learn different things about one another.
"Well I live in a cottage with my mother,, we live right down that pathway," she stated as she pointed to a pathway leading out of the meadow. "we're not very rich, but we make the most of it. It's just my mother and I, it always has been, and she works at the bakery she owns in town."
A few minutes go by and she stops talking to draw the daisies in the field again, as he once again admires her and her beauty. "Can I see your sketch book?" he asked. She handed it to him, he flips through the pages seeing pictures of him from today, and scenery from all over London. He was astonished. He saw mor epictures of things like flowers, and what he guessed was her mother.
"These are extraordinary, you have to publish these somewhere.You could make a fortune off of these." he suggested fasinated by her artwork. "They're not that good. I probably wouldn't sell anything, and even if I did, I have no where to sell and no way to get the word out." she tried dissmissing the suggestion convinsing herslef it would never work.
"You could sell them in the park, I could help. Not with the painting ofcourse but everything else." she obliged sayikng sh ecould try in a few days.
He looked at her again, admiring her beauty and everything else about her. He thought of how much he liked her, possibly even loved her! That couldn't be he's only known her but less than 24 hours, but it feels right, he loves her!
Meanwhile she thinks about how she's gotten to know more about him these past few hours,she had a feeling towards him but she couldn't quite label it just yet. They were both admiring eachother for a few moments longer before he blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" in the softest most love-sick tone he could have mustered.
He hesitated before going to appologise. But before he could she responded, not with words but with a chaste kiss, full of love and admiration. That's what that feeling love, she finally figured out what it was, it was love!
"I love you!" they both said in unison, giggling and sealing it with another kiss, more passionate this time. Knowing how they both had felt.
I guess you could say, this was love at first sight.
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Thank you so kuch for this request @nix-rose I loved writing it and hope you love it just as kuch as I do.
Make sure to keep leaving requests and voting on polls. ⤵️
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3416 · 1 month ago
Connor and Mitch at the end of this video omggg
him with sid and nate too ohhhhhh how cutie. he is so beloved trulytjklfds who can resist
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scucharlie · 9 months ago
for th eask game. yellowe. we should fix this neow
[ask game]
walks at you really fast you're a jrwi and madkoka fan... I am squeezing you
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kavehpilled · 2 years ago
What’s the latest art project you’ve done? ‼️
it was actually a painting I did a while ago!!! its a portrait of my boyfriend I did while he very patiently modeled for me while he played a dinosaur game. I can show you if you'd like to see :3c
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anxsity · 1 year ago
when youve stopped digging and tried 593747492 differement ways to get out of the the hole and someone easks if youve tried leaving the holee yet
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jjcocker · 1 year ago
YOU becuas eask game. youre rainbow. your so rainbow. . youre rainb.ow. rainbow rainbow raingbqoinhasriiuwsrnuwsrnihsYOUARE. so rainb🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈ow. you🌈🌈re so rainbow toyuhe srainb🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈ow totur raivb🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈 rai🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈nb1🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🌈ow rainb🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈 raaiannbownwiunbieaajhbzwejbgwxdmbhgmsxbdhbdxha,!!!!!!! xwdkibuys dtgsydgxsjgjydgsygurss🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈 Slugs image that i jsut edited for this ask specifically
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youre so rainvow youre covered in rainbows youre a pink fluffy unicron. daincing on rainbows. do you get whar im sayi /silly /vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvpos🏳️‍🌈🏳️��🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷 d :33333 hheehee :33: v:÷:÷3:÷::÷
GAJAHSGWJHRJRJLEJEN i. waitomg is it the. thang from theWAAAAAA/VPOS/VPOS/V i am become fluffle puff bu AHQUGEHRKYKEJFK,
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madame-mongoose · 1 year ago
If i concot aenough whaetly easks in rapid enough fast enough i will give you a nosebleed
Oh my nose just does that sometimes
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