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dwollsadventures · 2 months ago
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House Spirit (Early Modern)
House spirits are a group of beings united by behavior rather than genealogy. While there are some supernatural creatures which will perform domestic duties for an incentive, house spirits are intrinsically tied to the property they live on or in. One could say that they are symbiotic with humans, but the truth is not so simple. House spirits are anything but servile. In their minds, the house they live in is theirs. The humans inhabiting it are merely tenants which they have to pick up after. Violations of the spirit's rules lead to an eviction, so to speak, where the spirit tries to force them out. Unlike mundane landlords, a house spirit is important to a home's health. They keep the house from aging, holding it together in a very real sense. Many inhabit farmsteads where the prosperity of the crops and animals is in no small part due to the house spirit's presence. As the farmers toil during the day, the spirit will do their own labor, vastly improving the health and conditions of the animals and plants. There are many varieties of house spirits. Specifics, like forms of appeasement, behavior, appearance, etc., depend on the species. Regardless of what breed you encounter, remember to show respect. 
-Habitat: Coterminous with human settlements, especially farmsteads. 
-Slayer Tips: Spread a fine material capable of catching invisible footprints, like flour or sugar. Just make sure not to leave it out for too long, or else the spirit will clean it all up. 
The first urban creatures of the bestiary! The brownie and nisse are based on less conventional descriptions; the brownie has no nose and a brown mantle (where the name "brownie" comes from), and the nisse has a single eye. The domovoy is based on a famous painting by Ivan Bilibin. The kobold is based on their supposed origin as the ghost of a child and their infrequent appearance as a pillar of flame. Finally, the portune and lubber fiend are here to demonstrate the size variation. Respectively they're the smallest and largest of the house spirits.
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loungeofthelost · 1 year ago
Today I discovered that Russian household spirits are called domovoi. As in Domovoi Butler. Is that mentioned in Artemis Fowl or did we all just breeze by that as a fandom?
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ceaseless-rambler · 1 year ago
Yeah I'm normal
Like so normal
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wellmaybetheresworms · 1 year ago
Have you listened to Domovoi? Because I have. And it’s given me Emotions.
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sixminutestoriesblog · 2 years ago
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Let's wander a bit away from superstition for a moment and head into folklore.
People the world over all seem to have the same idea. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done - and wouldn't it be nice if someone in this house would pitch in and help from time to time! And so, all over the world, you'll find household helpers. The Domovoy is the Slavic answer.
The Domovoy lives behind the stove or under the doorstep in a house and is rarely if ever seen. Which isn't to say that he doesn't make his presence known! This household guardian is responsible for all the quiet noises the house makes during the night, the creaks and groans of the wood floor settling are the sounds of the domovoy finishing off the household chores after everyone has gone to bed. He's a hearth guardian, watching over the banked coals all night long and keeping them alive until morning when they'll be needed. A pleased domovoy will watch after the children of a household and the animals as well, keeping them away from dangers - and keeping dangers away from them. The domovoy also plays a prophetic roll, aware of approaching death, disease or misfortune and warning the family with noises in the night. The domovoy, a creature centered more on family than building, also doesn't like to be left alone for too long and so there's a tradition of, just before you set off on a long journey, sitting quietly near the door for a few minutes in the hopes of tricking the domovoy into thinking you're not really leaving.
This is because the domovoy isn't always helpful or even protective. If it suspects the family is going on a long journey it may steal things and hide them, so the family has to stay to look for something they can't leave on their journey without. The domovoy is also easily angered with slothful house members or the use of foul language and will retaliate with terrifying noises in the night if you're lucky and burning your house down around you if you're not so lucky. A domovoy is best treated with respect then. He should always be referred to, not by name but rather as 'grandfather' or 'himself'. If a family is planning on moving, they should invite their domovoy to go with them and, when they move into the new house, leave the first slice of bread from the first meal the family eats in the house either under the stove or buried in the courtyard to welcome him in. In more extreme cases, its blood the domovoy requires, in the form of a rooster or a hen.
In appearance, domovoy are said to look like little old men, with big grey beards and flashing eyes, dressed either in red or grey. Domovoy can change shape at will as well, all the way from snakes to barnyard animals right up to the head of the family or a dead ancestor.
Speaking of which, tracing back to his early beginning roots, the domovoy was probably once a form of ancestor worship, the belief that a founding member of the family, after death, didn't pass on but rather stayed behind to watch over his progeny and share their joys and pains. He started as a small, personalized household god, one the family appeased and honored in exchange for his goodwill and support against outside forces. There's a female version called the domania as well but oftentimes the domovoy ruled the household alone.
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a Silesian domovoy statue. These statues were usually placed in niches near the door or hearth of a home.
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myth-lord · 3 months ago
All the house spirits in these AI pictures are too large, but for some reason they won't give them the proper size, but these creatures are the size of a human child, also ignore the limbs, they probably have 2 more toes, only one feet and so on, but that is AI for you lol, these are just good indications on how they look a bit in Mythika.
Blue = Domovoi, it is the standard house spirit and protects the home, unlike the kind Brownie it will ask for offerings, if not given it turns hostile and violent.
Red = Ovinnik, hostile red house spirit, it looks kinda demonic and cat-like in the face, it starts fires, small at first, but when it is bored with the house it will burn it to the ground if it isn't removed by force. They also are said to bring bad luck to the house as long as they are there.
Yellow = Bannik, strange yellow haired house spirit, it mostly resides in bathhouses and emerges from the water in lakes, wells and even from the water used in houses, it is tricky, sometimes it helps but mostly it just plays with the feelings and flesh (burning it with hot water) of it's playthings.
Green = Leshy, while they are of the house spirit family, and look pretty much like them, they are residing in the forest around the houses and are more often found in and around cabins in the woods, they are tricksters and love playing tricks, they also protect the forests and the cabins they choose to protect against any interloper, sometimes even being hostile to the residents visitors. The worst thing a Leshy can do is turn you into a plant.
Grey = Bodach, these evil house spirits are also half bogeymen, they first scare the younger residents of a home with scary nightly visits from the chimney, then after they get bored with their prey they will eventually kidnap them and feast on their flesh by turning it slowly into ash. These are even more hostile than the Ovinnik.
Pink = Albastor, these pink haired and skinned House Spirits are full of lust, they travel in the form of falling stars and mostly appear in bath houses and around inns to kidnap beautiful creatures for their sick amusement.
Brown = Brownie, the most kind of the House Spirits, they help the residents with all tasks in the house and protect it against all evil and other house spirits, fights between Brownies and Domovoi are legendary!
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thecraftwitchrachel · 5 months ago
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A domovoi, which can be spelled domovoj or domovoy, is a house spirit in pre-Christian Slavic mythology, a being who lives in the hearth or behind the stove of a Slavic home and protects the inhabitants from harm. Attested from the sixth century CE, the domovoi sometimes appears as an old man or woman, and sometimes as a pig, bird, calf, or cat.
In Slavic mythology, all peasant houses have a domovoi, who is the soul of one (or all) of the deceased members of the family, making the domovoi part of ancestor worship traditions. The domovoi lives in the hearth or behind the stove and householders took care to not disturb the smoldering remains of a fire to keep their ancestors from falling through the grate.
My personal practice includes working with my hearth spirit as I tend to dabble in Kitchen Witchery. I keep a small gnome figurine on my stove as a representation of my apartments Domovoi. I keep it secured with a bit of museum wax which is necessary for all over my apartment because my black cat, Vlad likes to knock things over.
Slavic Chronicles writes that "the domovoi tries to take good care of pets – if a cat gets too noisy during the night, that means it is playing with the home domovoy". I have two cats, Greta and Vlad and Greta's favorite spot is by the stove so I like to think she is keeping our Domovoy company or vice versa. I try to keep my apartment up to our Domovoy's standards but as someone who struggles with depression that leads to some executive dysfunction, chores often are the first thing to be ignored when I'm "down bad". So when my depression finally lessens, I do cleanings and cleansings along with giving my Domovoy an offering as an apology. I work with other ancestral energies, so I like to think that my spirits are understanding that keeping my home in this state isn't a sign of disrespect so they don't act out, which I am grateful for.
Britanica and Madame Pamita gave me the idea of when I moved into my new apartment to make sure I did something to invite my ancestral Domovoy from my previous apartment to my new one. So after getting my new keys and checking out the apartment, I did a smoke cleanse of mugwart and rosemary, said a small 'prayer' in my previous apartment inviting my Domovoy to my new apartment and when in my new apartment I cleaned my stove and brought my gnome figurine and put it on my stove and welcomed the spirit to it's new home.
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domovi · 2 years ago
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This is me! A free brownie that does not forget about here duties. ( My oc)
Это я! Вольный домовой, что не забывает про свои обязанности. (Моя ос)
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thechaosgods · 2 years ago
Has Anyone else read Domovoi? It was pivotal in my PacRim addiction, and I still think about it.
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jupiter-dromaeos · 2 years ago
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Ilmarinen and Domovoi DromaeOS
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whencyclopedes · 5 days ago
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En el folklore eslavo, la kikimora es un espíritu femenino del hogar cuya actitud puede oscilar entre la benevolencia y la hostilidad dependiendo de cómo se comporten los dueños de la casa. Según las distintas interpretaciones de sus leyendas, hay dos variantes del espíritu: una suele ser de ayuda y la otra dañina, ambas descritas como una figura femenina que a veces tiene un pico de gallina o de pato.
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connectparanormal · 2 months ago
Domovoi House Spirit
With centuries of history, the Domovoi is a revered and guardian house ghost with strong roots in Slavic culture. Domovoi is a Russian term that means home or house. According to popular belief, this spirit resides in the house and serves as its protector and guardian, maintaining peace and defending the family. The spirit is much more than a supernatural creature in Domovoi folklore since it combines spirituality, family values, and respect for ancestors. It serves as both a member of the family and a being that genuinely cares about their welfare. The existence of a Domovoi represented a strong bond with family and tradition, as Slavic families relied on the safety of their houses and the welfare of their tight-knit communities. Many people have anecdotes about their own personal experiences to tell.
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Ancient Slavic paganism, when people believed spirits and gods lived in every aspect of nature and the home, is where the Domovoi have their roots. Early Slavic cosmology infused souls into every element of life, including the home, rivers, and forests. This idea was said to be embodied by the Domovoi, a household spirit entrusted with guarding the house and family. The Domovoi became a major figure in household spirituality in the early medieval era, especially as families started to settle and construct more permanent homes, according to historical and archaeological data. The necessity for a spirit to protect and lead the family through the generations became critical as homes developed into enduring places for generations. This continuity was given by the Domovoi, who many believed embodied the soul of their ancestors, who were still keeping watch over their offspring. According to mythology, the Domovoi is a little, elderly person with a long beard who occasionally resembles a family ancestor. The apparition of the Domovoi strengthens the idea that it might actually be a family ancestor, offering its knowledge and experience to mentor the family. Some depictions strongly connect the spirit to family ancestry, even suggesting that the Domovoi resembles the head of the household. The Slavic belief that one's ancestors still had an impact on one's life, with their spirits dwelling in the home to provide support and direction, is reflected in this ancestry connection. As a result, the Domovoi served as both a guardian and a reminder of the family's origins, representing morals and teachings that had been handed down through the years. Folklore also describes the Domovoi's acute sense of devotion. It was common practice to invite the Domovoi to move in with a family when they moved. The Domovoi were seen as an essential component of family life; therefore, leaving the spirit behind was unfathomable. The degree to which the spirit was considered family was demonstrated by the fact that many Slavic households held little rituals to make sure the Domovoi would follow them. This custom highlighted the Domovoi's function as a true family, bound together by loyalty and respect, in addition to their responsibility as guardians of physical areas. Slavic communities frequently saw the Domovoi as a judge of proper behavior in the home. As a precaution, minor problems could result from the Domovoi's disapproval, while its favor was believed to bring peace and good fortune. The Domovoi family's reaction to the dynamics of the home was a potent motivator that promoted peace, order, and a solid moral base. Stories abound of the Domovoi giving the family subliminal clues about wrongdoing, such as moving objects or making noises. This trait is believed to uphold virtues that were highly valued in Slavic households, such as diligence, kindness, and honesty. Stories about the Domovoi's sharp eyes were recounted to children, especially, teaching them early on that maintaining the spirit's happiness required respect and regard.
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ceaseless-rambler · 1 year ago
I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. The domovoi sits by the oven unlit. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. The bluebells will ring in the song of the spring. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm just a spirit and spirits get tired. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I have grown weary and small. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. Do you think that if I'm just good enough they will come back. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. The winter is fading. The old ways they don't mean a thing. I'm normal about domovoi. I'm normal about domovoi. I will just be on my way. I'm normal about domovoi.
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whencyclopedfr · 3 months ago
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Une Kikimora est un esprit féminin de la maison de la tradition slave qui peut être bienveillante ou non selon le comportement du propriétaire de la maison. Dans les différentes versions de ses histoires, il existe deux types d'esprits, l'un généralement bienveillant et l'autre nuisible, tous deux représentés sous la forme d'une femme ayant parfois un bec de poulet ou un bec de canard.
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af-answers · 5 months ago
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